Perception of children. Features and games for the development of perception. Games for developing tactile sensations

Ilyina Anastasia

I want to introduce you to new games made by hand for development of tactile sensations... These games I use it to work with children of early and younger preschool age. Although, older children also enjoy playing them. Tactile sensations children use to explore the world around them. Therefore, it is so important to satisfy their desire to touch something, touch something. And what if not a game can help us with this? And the more diverse, brighter, more interesting it is, the better.

Tactile games develop in children, the perception of all kinds of objects through touch. The child learns to recognize them, compare, determine the differences between them. Doman spoke: "From birth, children develop only with constant stimulation feel own body and environment... " And indeed it is.

Hedgehogs - made of thick cardboard and pasted over with various sensory materials. Hedgehogs develop tactile sensationsintroduce children to the concepts "smooth", "rough", "soft", "hard"

Snake - they are knitted with yarns of various textures with the addition of beads. You can play with the snake, roll it in your palms, give it a light massage, examine the beads.

And we must not forget that development of tactile sensations has a beneficial effect on speech development.

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Designed by Miletskaya Oksana Nikolaevna

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Name of the game

Body parts

What kind of hair is it?

Home, family

Find the same house


Help the bear find the ball


Cooking salad with mom


Dry - wet


Arrange in order

Wild animals

Who lives in the house?

Christmas tree holiday

Feeling the Christmas tree decorations


Skating and skiing

Winter clothes

Pick up a blouse to your pants

Winter fun

Wonderful pouch


We go to visit

our mother

Feel and tell


The boat is sailing and the car is moving


Hot - cold


Lay out your shoes in pairs


Masha is drinking tea

Trees, flowers

Which tree has lost a leaf?

"What kind of hair is this?"
Purpose: to teach the child to recognize by touch the different texture of tactile tables, to find by touch the “same” plate. Enter the words “hair”, “head”, “hard”, “soft” into the child's active dictionary.
Equipment: two plates (one -with glued to ithard bristle, the other with soft threads), two identical dolls with hairfrom the same material that is on tactile plates (soft, hard).
Game progress . Invite the child to touch the plate with both hands, slide the child's palm downward over it, saying: Soft, soft. " After examining the plaque, ask the child (if he can speak): "What plaque does it feel?" (Soft.)
Then offer to feel the second plate - hard. Swipe it from top to bottom, first with the palm of the child's right hand, then with the left: "What plate?" (Tough.)
After the child learns two qualities (hard, soft), invite him to find this or that plate with his eyes closed (eyes can be blindfolded).
When the child learns to find tactile signs, offer him two identical dolls with different hair (one doll has hard hair and the other has soft hair). Ask your child to feel the hair of the first doll and name its quality (soft). If the child is not yet speaking, say, "Soft hair." If the child can speak, ask him: "What hair does the doll have?" When he answers, invite him to find the same (soft) plate. The second doll with hard hair is also examined.
Complicating the task. Let the child feel the hard plate; offer to feel two plates (soft and hard); find the same plate as you felt at the beginning (hard); to summarize: both plates are the same - hard.

"Find the same house"
purpose : teach the child to recognize the qualities of objects: smooth - rough. Expand the child's vocabulary (passive, active) through the words: "home", "smooth", "hard".
Equipment: two toy pigs, two teddy bears, four houses: two smooth, two rough.
Game progress. Tell your child that the piglets have decided to build houses.
“One decided to build a house of bricks - like this” (show a house with a rough texture). Examine the house - run the child's hand three times from above, each time saying: "Rough the walls, rough the walls." Carry out the survey with the right, then the left hand.
The second piglet decided to build a glass house. "The house turned out to be smooth - like this." Explore it like a rough house, saying, "Smooth walls, smooth walls."
A bear came running and asked the pig to find for him the same house with rough walls. " Blindfold the child and offer to find a house with rough walls (for feeling, suggest two houses - with rough and smooth walls). Also find a house with smooth walls for the second bear cub. If the child is already speaking, ask him to name the quality: "smooth", "rough".

"Help me find the ball"

Purpose: to teach a child to recognize and choose an object of the same size (large, small).

Equipment: teddy bear, four balls (two small, two large).
Game progress. Show the bear cub emerging from behind the screen. The bear is crying. Read the poem: Teddy bear walked through the forest, Bear lost the ball. Calm down and do not cry, We will find the same ball.
"Teddy bear, tell us what ball did you lose?" The bear shows a small ball and says: "My ball was just like this, small, like this squirrel ball." Tell them that you have a bag, and there are many toys in it that the kids have lost. Ask your child to help you find a small ball for the bear. First, suggest examining the squirrel's little ball. The child rolls it between his palms, saying: "Little ball, little ball."
Then ask your child to roll a large ball in their palms. When the baby is convinced that the ball does not fit in his palms, offer to roll it on the floor with you, saying: "Big ball, big ball." After the qualities of the balls (large, small) have been examined, ask the child to find one of them in the bag (indicate which one). If the child finds it difficult to do this, remind him that a small ball can be rolled in his palms, but a large one cannot. When the child finds a small ball, invite him to play with the teddy bear: roll the ball along the groove, roll it into the goal, give it to the teddy bear's paw, etc. You can also look for a big ball, and then play with it: roll it on the floor, throw a friend friend, etc.

"Cooking salad with mom"

Purpose: development of tactile perception (smooth tomato, rough cucumber);enrichment of the child's active and passive vocabulary: "cucumber", "tomato", "lettuce", "rough", "smooth", "cut", "cook".Equipment: vegetables (tomato, cucumber), a box with holes on the sides for right and left hands.

X od game . Tell us what you are going to make the salad. For this you need a tomato and a cucumber. “I have a tomato, but this is not enough for a salad, I need one more tomato. There is probably another tomato in the box, but the box is closed. Look: there is a small hole in it, through which you can get a tomato. In order not to be mistaken, let's touch this tomato - is it so smooth? " Pet the tomato and ask your child to do the same. Then ask him to find an “equally smooth” tomato in the box. Once this is done, place the tomato on the table and examine it again, repeating, "It's smooth." Also examine the cucumber (rough) with the child and ask to find it in the box. If it is difficult for the child to complete the task, invite him to touch the vegetables again, to determine their qualities. At the end of the game, ask your child to put the vegetables in a basket and take them to the kitchen to prepare the salad.
Complicating the task. Aims at teaching the child to perform tasks according to the instructions (“Find and arrange vegetables in this order: rough cucumber, smooth tomato,” etc.). You can suggest for the game:
- natural vegetables;
- dummies, toys;
- pictures of vegetables.

"Dry - wet"
purpose : activation of sensations, development of the ability to distinguish between wet and dry by touch.
Equipment : doll, two identical basins (empty and filled with water).Game progress. A doll appears, reports that it often rains in autumn, it is wet outside today, and invites you to listen to a poem:
Rain, rain
Cap and drop,
Wet paths.
I'll go for a walk anyway
Let your feet get wet.
Say, “The doll puts on her boots and goes for a walk. Our doll will come home and her legs will be wet, like this. "
Place two basins in front of the child - empty and filled with water. Dip his right hand into a bowl of water, take it out and say: "The hand is wet." Do the same with your left hand. Summarize: "Both hands are wet, the same as Masha's doll boots after the rain." Then ask the child to lower his right hand into a dry basin. When he takes out his hand, say, "Dry pen." The same is with the left hand. Summarize, say: "If you walk through puddles your boots will be wet, if you walk along a dry path, your boots will be dry."

Complicating the task. Give the child various objects and invite him to lower them one by one into the basin. fromwater and in an empty bowl, naming the property of the object: "Wet paper - dry paper", "Wet cloth - dry cloth", etc.

"Arrange in order"

purpose : activation of sensations, development of the ability to distinguish the texture of objects; activation of the dictionary: "fur coat", "jacket", "raincoat", "fluffy", "smooth", "rough".

Equipment : three tactile plates (with fur, satin and corduroy surfaces); doll clothes (fur coat, satin jacket, corduroy trousers - rough); toy furniture ("locker" for clothes - a box with two slots for hands on the right and left sides).

Game progress. Show the child the doll and inform that Masha doll loves to walk. She has a lot of clothes. All clothes are in the closet. The doll asks to help her get ready for a walk. She says that all the clothes for the walk are in the closet and asks first to get her pants, like this (let the child touch the corduroy plate. He feels it first with his right, then with his left hand). Summarize: "rough, corduroy pants." Have your child find pants in the closet. The child puts both hands in the "closet" and looks for the same rough pants. Do the same with the rest of the clothes (the fur coat is soft, the jacket is smooth).
When all the clothes are on the table in front of the child, ask him to put on the doll, naming the quality and type of the clothes that the child should now put on it: “Put on a soft fur coat. Put on a smooth jacket. Put on your rough pants. "
Complicating the task. Ask the child to put smooth fluffy objects (plates, circles, clothes) in order on the table. The alternation of clothing items can be any, and their number in three years can reach up to six.

"Who lives in the house?"
Purpose: development of tactile sensations, the ability to choose objects of the same texture, but of different sizes to the touch; activation of the dictionary: "bear - bear cub", "squirrel - squirrel", "fox - fox cub", "big - small", "den", "hollow", "burrow".
Equipment: toys of different sizes, but of the same texture, with complication - flat toys, different in size (mother and child) "hollow", "den", "hole".
Game progress . Show the child "hollow", "den", "hole". Say, “Look, the kids are upset that their mom is lost. Let's go look for their mothers. " Let the child pick up a mom for the cub and will name her. If he still does not know how to speak, name the mother and cub yourself: "Big bear and little bear cub", "Big mom-fox and little fox", "Mom-squirrel and little squirrel".
Say: “Take your mother-bear in the palm of your hand - she is so big, does not fit in her. Now take the teddy bear - it is small and fits on your palm. " Also study all mothers and babies, making it clear that the cubs are small and the mothers are big.
Ask each animal to be placed in its own house - put it on the desired picture. After putting the bear cub and the mother bear in the box, ask the child to get the little bear cub and name the toy.
Complicating the task. Perhaps by increasing the pairs of animals (for a three-year-old child - four pairs). Then the toy is replaced by its plane image (a picture cut along the contour).

"Feeling for Christmas tree decorations"
purpose : developing the child's ability to distinguish oblong toys (icicle, cone) and round (Christmas balls) by touch.
With the complication of the task (at three years old), the child's acquaintance with two signs: size (large, small) and shape (round, oblong - bump, icicle). Activation of the dictionary: Christmas tree toys "(introduction to the passive and active vocabulary of a generalizing word)," ball - ball "," bump - bump "," icicle - icicle "," hanging "," tree ".
Equipment: "Wonderful bag", a set of Christmas decorations, a toy tree, flat Christmas tree decorations, a Christmas tree made of thick cardboard, clothespins.
Game progress. Tell the child that Santa Claus came at night and left such a wonderful, beautiful bag. "I wonder what is in it?" Take out the Christmas tree toys in pairs and name them: "Ball - ball, cone - cone, icicle - icicle." Invite your child to feel the small ball, roll it between the palms, then feel and roll the large ball on the table. Put the cone (icicle) in the baby's palm: is it hidden in it or is it sticking out? If hiding, then it's a small bump, and if not, a big bump. After the examination, invite your child to feel for a particular Christmas tree toy (small Christmas ball, big cone, etc.).
Complicating the task. Perhaps by increasing the number of pairs of Christmas tree decorations (from one to three pairs in three years); Plane toys (cut out of cardboard along the contour) are offered for feeling.

"Skating and skiing"
Purpose: development of tactile sensations, the ability to identify rough and smooth surfaces without visual control; activation of the dictionary: "track", "ski track", "skates",« skiing", "Rough", "smooth", "ride", "children".
Equipment : a plot picture depicting a winter landscape with an oval of smooth foil glued on it ("ice rink") and two narrow strips of white velvet paper ("ski track"); cut-out images of skis and skates.
Game progress. When addressing the baby, say: “Look, what a beautiful picture. Why is it so sparkling? let's feel - it's ice. It's smooth, like that. " Ask the child four times from top to bottom to run the "roller" with the entire palm of his right hand, then do the same with his left hand.Summarize “The ice on the rink is smooth. Children will be skating. Look, these are the skates. " Let the child look at the skates cut out of cardboard, name all their parts. “Look what I have - skis. They are long. Where can you go skiing? Look hereski track (show « ski track » on the picture). The ski track was laid in the snow. The snow is coldbarbed . Here's one. " Swipe the child's two fingers (index and middle) along the "track", saying: "The snow on the track is thorny, the track is rough." “Petya took skis and decided to ride them. Find a ski track for Petya to ride. " Blindfold the child and ask him to find a rough ski track by touch. When the child completes the task, ask him to name what he found (rough track). Now ask him to find a smooth ice rink.
Complication tasks ... Ask your child to find a narrow and wide track, then a large and small ice rink. First, play the game with visual control, if it gets more complicated, blindfold the child.

"Pick a blouse to your pants"
Purpose: the development of the ability to pick up a similar object by touch (of a different shape, but the same texture); activation of the dictionary: "jacket", "pants", "suit", "knitted", "sewn".
Equipment : doll clothes - knitted pants and jacket, cloth pants and jacket; "Cabinet" (a box with holes cut from the sides for hands).
Game progress. Show the child two dolls and tell them that they are going for a walk, but that they are not dressed for the weather. “It's cold outside, frosty, and the doll Masha is going for a walk in tights. Her legs may freeze. She needs to wear something warmer. She has two suits: knitted, like this (let the child feel the blouse and pants), and woolen, like this (let the child feel the pants and blouse). Masha, our confused Masha, went to get dressed and lost her blouse from these panties. Help her find the same blouse - she is hers
put it in the closet. " When the child finds a pair, ask him to name the item and its quality (knitted pants, knitted jacket).
Complicating the task. Perhaps by increasing the number of suits (up to four for a three-year-old child), changing the texture of the fabric.

"Wonderful bag"
Purpose: development of tactile sensations, the ability to relate an object and a word denoting its quality (smooth, rough). Introduction to active speech of the preposition ("by"; activation of the dictionary: "path", "is coming", "rough", "stroke:" cat "," goat "," dog "," horse ").
Equipment : two tracks: smooth from satin ribbon and rough from velvet paper (the color of the "tracks" at the beginning of the game must be the same), two squares with the same surfaces; toys: cat, dog, goat, cow, horse; pictures of the same animals.
Game progress . Read the couplet: Fingers were friends with pets, fingers all went to visit the animals - and put “paths” in front of the child: smooth and rough. Run two fingers of the child (index and middle at the same time) along the smooth "path", saying: "Smooth path" (slide three times with the fingers of the right hand and three times with the fingers of the left hand). Do the same with the rough "path". Show the cat, hold it to your ear and listen to what it "says". Tell your child that the cat wants to visit the goat, but doesn't know which path to take. Place the goat at the end of the smooth path. Ask the child to run his fingers along the "path" and tell which path "(smooth) his fingers followed. So guide all the animals along the "path" (they visit each other), changing the combination of "hosts - guests". In this case, it is necessary to stipulate the quality of the "path" along which the child led the animal to visit.
If the child does not speak and cannot name the quality of the "path", you need to put two squares in front of him - rough and smooth (the same as the "paths") and ask the child to show on the square on which "path" he led his animal to visit ...
Complicating the task. Perhaps by increasing the number of "tracks" (soft, prickly); you can offer the child to follow the "path" with all fingers in turn: index, middle, nameless, etc .; you can ask the kid to lead the animal to the food that he loves, to lead the animal to his house.

"We visit"
purpose : development of the ability to distinguish the texture of objects by touch (to recognize rough and smooth "paths"); development of the ability to feel the "path" with two fingers of the leading hand; activation of the dictionary: “hare”, “fox”, “pond”, “food”, “rough”, “smooth”, “cold”, “juicy”, “cunning”, “dexterous”.
Equipment: a sheet of cardboard on which a picture with a picture of a hare is glued to the right, a picture with a picture of a fox under the hare; to the left of the hare is a strip of rough white paper (“snow path), at the end of which a carrot is drawn; to the left of the fox is glued a strip of smooth white paper ("ice path"), at the end of which a fish is drawn.
Game progress . Place a piece of cardboard in front of the child and ask them to name everything that is depicted on it. If the child finds it difficult to do this on his own, help him, name the items themselves that he could not name. Read the poem:
Once in the cold winter
Send the animals for food.
Bunny jumped deftly
For juicy carrots.

On a rough path
He jumped, froze the legs.
And a chanterelle, a red ponytail,
To the river, cunning, in a hurry,
Her tail slides over the ice.
“The fish swims in the pond,
I will eat it and go home. ”
Invite your child to slide the forefinger and middle finger along the fox's path. Ask: "Which path does it feel?" (Smooth.) If the child finds it difficult to name the quality of the track, name it yourself and sweat ask the child to repeat. Ask the child, "What did the fox find at the end of the path?" (Fish.) Suggest the child also examine the "path" of the hare (the "path" is smooth, at the end of the "path" is a carrot).
Complicating the task. Perhaps by increasing the number of animals and "paths" along which she will go looking for food.

"Feel and tell me "
purpose : development of the ability to recognize hard and soft texture by touch; developing the sensitivity of the child's fingertips; activation of the dictionary: "frame", portrait "," soft "," hard "," straight "," curly ".
Equipment: two portraits of mothers with glued-on hair drawn on a sheet of cardboard: one has coarse, curly hair, the other has straight, soft hair.
Game progress . Place a sheet of cardboard with portraits of mothers in front of the child. Read the poem:
In my frame
A portrait of my mum and mum Vann.
My mommy is redhead, curly,
Sometimes stubborn.
Vania's mom - with straight hair,
Admire for yourself.
My mom has curls
Hard as the wool of a lamb
And Vanina's -
Hair is soft like silk.
Invite the child to feel the hair of the first mother in the picture, name their quality (hard). Then invite him to feel the hair of the second mother (Vanina). Ask: "What hair does Vanya's mom have?" (Soft.)
Blindfold the child with a handkerchief, invite him to feel the mothers' hair in the picture and tell who it belongs to, how it feels.
Complicating the task. Perhaps by increasing the number of characters (adding a grandmother, sister, brother) with hair of different quality.

"The boat is sailing, but the car is moving"

purpose : development of the ability to recognize smooth and rough surfaces to the touch; developing the ability to touch an object simultaneously with two fingers (index and middle) of the right and left hands; activation of the dictionary: "ship", "truck", "sea", "waves", "hums", "rises", "descends".
Equipment : a sheet of cardboard on which the cargo is glueda machine (on right). From it to the left there is a straight strip of velvet paper depicting a road. The "road" ends with a house. A ship is glued under the lorry. From it to the left there is a strip of winding smooth paper ("sea waves"), which ends with a seaport.
Game progress. Ask your child to choose one of the "roads" and slide his index and middle fingers along it at the same time. Ask where, on what, on what "road" he was driving (or swam). While the child is leading his fingers along the "path", read a poem to him. If the child runs his fingers along the sea "path", read the first part of the rhyme, if on the car - the second part.

I . Among the storm, among the waves
Our boat is sailing.
He rises on a wave
And then it descends from the wave.

II . And along the sea along the road
The truck is going fast.
His motor hums.
He is in a hurry home, in a hurry.
Complicating the task. Perhaps by adding rails with sleepers along which a train with carriages will travel (stick them on the same sheet of cardboard).

Hot - cold "
Purpose: development of tactile sensations of the child; acquaintancewith properties water (hot, cold); activation of the dictionary: "water", "hot", "cold".

Equipment: two basins (one with cold (thawed), the second with hot water; the water temperature should be comfortable for the child - not very cold and not very hot), a hand towel.Game progress. Place two basins of water on the children's table in front of the child. Read the quatrain:
So spring has come to us,
Brought the sun to the people.
The sun shone bright
And the snow melted all over.
Place both hands of the child in a bowl of melted cold water. Ask: "What kind of water is in this basin, cold or hot?" If the child finds it difficult to answer your question, then answer it yourself: "The water in the basin is cold." Also examine the hot water in the second basin.
After the child learns to name the quality of water (cold or hot), ask him, blindfolded, to determine what kind of water is poured into the basin in which you put his hands.
Complicating the task. Perhaps by adding a bowl of warm water.

"Lay out your shoes in pairs"
Purpose: improving the sensitivity of the child's fingertips; the development of the ability to identify objects with different surfaces by touch and name its quality (hard, soft); activation of the dictionary: "shoes", "fur slippers", "soft", "hard".
Equipment: shoes cut along the contour (smooth paper is glued on top); sneaker cut along the contour (fur is glued on top); a box with holes for right and left hands; two circles, pasted over with the same material as contour shoes.
Game progress . Show your child the Masha doll, wearing one slipper. Pay attention to her shoes and invite the child to find a second slipper for the dollin box. Warn him that there are other shoes in the box, but you need to get the same sneakers as the doll. The box does not open, and you will have to look for the slippers by touch. Say: “Let's feel the slipper that is on the Machine's leg properly. Remove the slippers from the doll and, together with the child, run your hand over it several times: “The slipper is soft. Ask the child to repeat what kind of slipper it is,and find the same in the box. After he completes the task, put both sneakers in front of him. Swipe one of them with the child's palm and say: "Soft slipper". Do the same with the second slipper and say: “This slipper is just as soft. Both are soft. " Also play with the doll's shoes.
Complicating the task. Perhaps by increasing the number of pairs of shoes to four. Introduce your child to the various fabrics (corduroy, velvet, leather) in which shoes are sewn.

« Masha is drinking tea "
Purpose: development of finger sensitivity; familiarizing the child with the methods of examining objects of different shapes (square, round); activation of the dictionary: "refined", "candy", "cup", "saucer", "square", "round".
Equipment : "Wonderful bag"; three pieces of refined sugar, three round caramels without a wrapper; toy saucer and cup.
Game progress. Show your child the Masha doll. Say, “The doll is thirsty. She asks to pour her tea. Masha tasted the tea and said that it was tasteless because it was unsweetened. " Show your child a piece of sugar and candy. Invite him to take a piece of refined sugar and say: "This is sugar, he is like this - square, like a cube." Let the child hold the sugar in his hands and ask: "What lump of refined sugar?"
Examine the round candy as well. Now invite your child to feel for a piece of sugar or candy.
Complicating the task. Perhaps by adding sweets of different shapes.

“Which tree has lost a leaf? »
Purpose: further formation of the skill of examining surfaces and determining their quality; development of the child's tactile perception; activation of the dictionary: "leaf", "needle", "birch", "pine", "soft", "sticky", "prickly".
Equipment : two sheets of paper, on one of which a birch is drawn, on the other a pine (or Christmas tree); a saucer with four birch leaves and four pine (or spruce) needles; hand slotted box or pouch.
Game progress. Show your child the first picture. Say it has a birch on it. Consider the tree with your child, naming its parts: trunk, branches, leaves. Take a birch leaf from the saucer, feel it and say: "The leaf is soft, sticky." Invite your child to feel the piece of paper and tell what it is. Also examine the pine needle: it is prickly and tough. Invite your child to play. Hide the leaves and needles in the box, ask the child to put both hands in it, take the leaf and, without taking his hands out of the box, name what he took, then take out the leaf and put it on the tree in the picture from which he fell. Then ask them to do the same with a needle.
Complicating the task . Show your child a drawing in which the needles and leaves are arranged in a specific sequence. Ask him to find the same needles and leaves in the box and place them next to the drawing in the same sequence.

Topic of the article: "Development of tactile perception of preschoolers when using board games"

Perception is a holistic reflection of objects, situations, phenomena arising from the direct effect of physical stimuli on the receptor surfaces of the sense organs (Maklakov A.G.).
The process of perception takes place in connection with other mental processes of the personality.
Like any cognitive process, perception has certain properties.
Perception, like any mental process, has certain properties.
These properties are:

Integrity, i.e. perception is always an integral image of an object. For example, when we see a kettle in front of us, we look at it as if we perceive it as a whole, and at individual elements: the kettle itself, the lid, the spout.
Constancy of perception - thanks to it we perceive the surrounding objects as relatively constant in shape, color, size, etc.
Structurality of perception - perception is not a simple sum of sensations. For example, when listening to music, we perceive not individual sounds, but a melody, and we recognize it if it is performed by an orchestra, or one piano, or a human voice, although individual sound sensations are different.
The meaningfulness of perception - perception is closely related to thinking, with understanding the essence of objects.
Selectivity of perception - manifests itself in the predominant selection of some objects in comparison with others.
Thus, the process of perception depends on the activity of analyzers and has such properties as (integrity, constancy, structure, meaningfulness, selectivity).
Perception is classified for various reasons. Traditionally, five types of perception are distinguished in accordance with the leading analyzer involved in the construction of a perceptual image:
tactile (tactile),
There are also types of perception, depending on the object of perception. What kinds? for example, the perception of space, time, movement, speed; works of painting, music; the main phenomena of the social life of a person (another person, events of social life), etc.
In psychology, there is a division of types of perception, depending on the participation of other psychological formations in it: emotional perception (perception of the world, art); rational perception (perception subordinated to the thinking process), etc.
The main lines of sensory development of preschool children include:
1) assimilation of sensory standards.
What are sensory standards?
As L.A. Wenger, V.S. Mukhina, these are visual representations of the main samples of the external properties of objects.
Sensory color standards - colors of the spectrum and their shades, shapes - geometric shapes and their varieties, values \u200b\u200b- units of the metric system of linear measures, etc.
2) ways of perception. There are 2 ways of perception:
* external tests, which include such techniques as: applying a sample to an object, tracing the contour of the sample and the object with a finger. This method is typical for children of primary preschool age.
For children of younger preschool age, such techniques are characteristic (visual-active thinking)
* visual comparison, when children perceive an object by eye, they can compare, relate it to other objects without the help of external tests. Typical for older preschool children.
3) examination of objects, during which the child first, in the process of leading activity, examines the object, highlighting its color, shape, size, parts, and then, in the senior preschool age, Slovechno describes various properties of a particular object.
These are the main lines of development of perception in preschool children. Only through systematic and targeted training can it be possible to achieve high level sensory development of preschoolers
It is necessary to develop the child's perception and form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties of objects: their size, shape, smell, taste, color, position in space.
Tactile sensations, as well as olfactory, visual, gustatory and auditory, are most actively developed in preschoolers. It is important not to miss the moment and constantly organize a variety of activities for children, which can be easily carried out at home and while walking, using available tools.
The activity of sensory development depends on the amount of information that enters the brain and is converted into a vivid, holistic picture. Therefore, it is necessary to teach the child to compare the information he receives from different senses, and to combine it into a whole. For example, the image of a car should be associated in the mind of a child with the noise of a passing car. In other words, various sensory sensations should ultimately give the child a holistic idea of \u200b\u200ban object, an object. Therefore, classes for children aimed at sensory development should be carried out in a complex so that different abilities develop.
To classify objects, the child must learn to analyze the individual characteristics and properties of each of them (for example, shape, color, taste). And for this it is necessary to give the baby an idea of \u200b\u200bsensory standards, which are used as samples, measurements. For example, the colors of the rainbow are the standards of color, and the standards of shape are geometric shapes.
Various games will help to develop sensory abilities. Many of them are suitable for children of different ages. The older the child is, the more difficult the task can be.
The development of tactile perception during a walk naturally takes place in an ordinary sandbox. The process of pouring sand and building all kinds of "structures" is not just a game, but an educational game.
Some properties of objects can only be determined tactilely (for example, the difference between smooth and rough surfaces). These features of tactile perception are used in various activities. You can put two plates in front of the child - smooth and rough - and ask to determine with closed eyes which one is. Children who already know letters and numbers can play with letters and numbers made from rough and smooth paper.
It is also necessary to develop the tactile sensitivity of the baby's legs. A great opportunity for this is a walk along the sensory trail. This requires a carpet runner, on which "bumps" are fixed (cloth bags filled with shreds, foam rubber, pebbles, peas). "Bumps" can be made in the form of tracks. The main thing is that the fabric is thin but strong. The child goes to walk along the "path" in thin socks or barefoot.
Games for developing tactile perception
Sensory development of a child is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc.
The importance of sensory development in early and preschool childhood can hardly be overestimated. It is this age that is most favorable for the improvement of the activity of the sense organs, the accumulation of ideas about the world around.

A child's readiness for schooling largely depends on his sensory development. Research conducted by child psychologists has shown that a significant part of the difficulties faced by children during primary schooling (especially in grade 1) is associated with insufficient accuracy and flexibility of perception.

There are five sensory systems through which a person learns the world: sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste.

In the development of sensory abilities, an important role is played by the development of sensory standards - generally accepted samples of the properties of objects. For example, 7 colors of the rainbow and their shades, geometric shapes, metric units, etc.
There are various games and exercises for developing sensory abilities.

"Catch the pussy"
The teacher touches different parts of the child's body with a soft toy (pussy), and the child with closed eyes determines where the pussy is. By analogy, other objects can be used to touch: a wet fish, a prickly hedgehog, etc.

"Wonderful bag"
Objects of different shapes, sizes, textures (toys, geometric shapes and bodies, plastic letters and numbers, etc.) are placed in an opaque bag. The child is offered to touch, without looking into the bag, to find the desired item.

"Guess by touch what this item is made of"
The child is asked to feel by touch what various objects are made of: a glass cup, a wooden block, an iron spatula, a plastic bottle, a fluffy toy, leather gloves, a rubber ball, a clay vase, etc. By analogy, you can use objects and materials of various textures and determine, what they are: viscous, sticky, rough, velvety, smooth, fluffy, etc.

"Know the figure"
Geometric shapes are laid out on the table, the same as those in the bag. The teacher shows any figure and asks the child to get the same from the bag.

"Know the object by the contour"
The child is blindfolded and given a figure cut out of cardboard (it can be a bunny, a Christmas tree, a pyramid, a house, a fish, a bird). They ask what kind of object it is. They remove the figure, untie the eyes and ask to draw it from memory, compare the drawing with the outline, and circle the figure.

"Guess what the item is"
Various voluminous toys or small objects (rattle, ball, cube, comb, toothbrush, etc.) are laid out on the table, which are covered with a thin, but dense and opaque napkin. The child is asked to identify objects by touch through a napkin and name them.

Preschool age is a period of active growth and development of a child, striving to touch everything with his hands, consider, even taste. This proves that children experience the world sensually. Neurophysiologists have proven the interconnection of the speech, sensory and motor areas of the cerebral cortex.
To enrich the child's sensorimotor experience, correct movement disorders, improve memory, attention, activate compensatory mechanisms, and play with various objects will help.

The sensory tracks are soft and warm from grass yarn, smooth and cold from wrapping paper, ribbed from wooden straw.

Rough sponges - for massage of hands, tactile sensations, improvement of blood circulation, activation of muscle tone.

Pine and alder cones - for hand massage.

Balls - smooth plastic, rubber with and without thorns, tennis balls - for hand massage.

Long, hard bristle brushes - to improve blood circulation.

Clothespins - for massaging the fingers (they should not be too tight and painful).

Small toys from kinder surprise - for the development of fine differentiated movements of the fingers.

Toys for finger theater - for the development of isolated movements of the fingers, expressive speech, artistic abilities, the ability to convey the character and mood of the characters by voice.

Pyramids - for the development of precise coordinated movements, the ability to correlate details in size and color.

Cubes - for the development of visual perception, analytical and synthetic activity.

Set "Funny Beads" - for the development of fine coordinated movements of the fingers.

Buttons - to normalize muscle tone, sound and syllabic analysis of words.

Mosaic - for the development of coordinated movements of the fingers, consolidation of knowledge about color.

Material for manual labor - cereals, threads, dried leaves, straws, willow twigs, pine and spruce cones.

Laughing dolls - to form a positive emotional background.

Igor Yurievich Matyugin (teacher)
"Tactile memory", Moscow: 1991
I have a lot to do today:
We must kill the memory to the end,
It is necessary for the soul to turn to stone
We must learn to live again.

Behind these lines of Anna Akhmatova, the true psychological truth about the inner work of self-construction of the individual is revealed. Each of us is busy with one thing - doing ourselves.
You can order yourself to forget, you can kill your memory, you can finally master the art of memorization. The main thing is only to understand that true practical psychology is the science of building, designing, cultivating and designing the human world.
Tactile memory is the ability to remember the sensations of touching various objects.


Tactile (surface) sensitivity (sensation of touch, pressure, pain, heat, cold, etc.) is referred to the sense of touch.

To develop a child's tactile perception, play with a variety of natural materials and objects with different surface structures. Give your baby different toys: plastic, rubber, wooden, soft, fluffy. When bathing, you can use sponges and sponges of different hardness. Lubricate the child's body with cream, do various types of massage. Let your baby play with a brush, a knitted hat pom-pom, and a ribbed ball from a pet store. Colored washcloths are also of great interest! You can make an interesting tactile album yourself from scraps of fabric of different textures: burlap, wool, silk, fur. You can also add a sheet of polyethylene, flower wrapping paper, mosquito nets, velvet, corrugated and sandpaper, and much more.

Games with foil are interesting for the child. You can first crush it by making a ball out of it, then smooth it out again.

Play with cones, prickly chestnuts, ribbed walnuts, and smooth acorns. It is also useful to play with various cereals: put the pens in the box and look for the hidden little toy. You can advise playing with pebbles, dry and wet sand, clay, earth, plasticine, flour and salt dough.

Draw your child's attention to cold snow or juice from the refrigerator and hot tea, hot radiators, and fire on the stove. When bathing, draw the baby's attention to the temperature of the water in the tap and bath; you can pour warm water into one basin, cool water into another and alternately lower the arms or legs.

Since the general sensitivity of the skin is reduced, it is beneficial for the child to receive interesting sensations with the whole body. It is good to wrap it whole in a woolen blanket; you can wrap your baby in a terry towel, put it directly on your panties and a T-shirt - a fur coat, tie your back and stomach with a knitted scarf.

The sensations of gouache paint on the handles, stomach, back will be very interesting for the child. It is especially great if the bathroom has a mirror, and you can look at yourself from all sides.

The sensitivity of not only small arms, but also of the legs should be developed. Allow children to run barefoot on grass, sand, wet clay, river or sea pebbles as often as possible in summer. At home, you can walk on peas, beans, roll rubber ribbed balls with your feet.

Self-massage and mutual massage of hands, feet, back with the help of massage brushes, terry gloves, a wheel massager, a foot massage roller, etc. are useful.

Additional educational games:

"Catch the pussy"

The teacher touches different parts of the child's body with a soft toy (pussy), and the child with closed eyes determines where the pussy is. By analogy, other objects can be used to touch: a wet fish, a prickly hedgehog, etc.

"Wonderful bag"

Objects of different shapes, sizes, textures (toys, geometric shapes and bodies, plastic letters and numbers, etc.) are placed in an opaque bag. The child is offered to touch, without looking into the bag, to find the desired item.

"Handkerchief for a doll" (identification of objects by the texture of the material, in this case, determination of the type of fabric)

Children are offered three dolls in different shawls (silk, woolen, knitted). The children take turns examining and feeling all the handkerchiefs. Then the handkerchiefs are removed and put into a bag. Children feel in the bag for the right handkerchief for each doll.

"Guess by touch what this item is made of"

The child is asked to feel by touch what various objects are made of: a glass cup, a wooden block, an iron spatula, a plastic bottle, a fluffy toy, leather gloves, a rubber ball, a clay vase, etc.

By analogy, you can use objects and materials of different textures and determine what they are: viscous, sticky, rough, velvety, smooth, fluffy, etc.

Sensory development of children.

Games for developing tactile perception

The sensory development of a child is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc.

The importance of sensory development in early and preschool childhood can hardly be overestimated. It is this age that is most favorable for the improvement of the activity of the sense organs, the accumulation of ideas about the world around.
A child's readiness for schooling largely depends on his sensory development. Studies conducted by child psychologists have shown that a significant part of the difficulties faced by children during primary schooling (especially in grade 1) is associated with insufficient accuracy and flexibility of perception.
There are five sensory systems through which a person perceives the world:

Sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste.
In the development of sensory abilities, an important role is played by the development of sensory standards - generally accepted samples of the properties of objects. For example, 7 colors of the rainbow and their shades, geometric shapes.

There are various games and exercises for developing sensory abilities. In this article, we will take a step-by-step look at games for developing each of the five sensory systems.

Games for the development of touch (tactile perception)
Tactile (surface) sensitivity (sensation of touch, pressure, pain, heat, cold, etc.) is referred to the sense of touch.
To develop a child's tactile perception, play with a variety of natural materials and objects with different surface structures. Give your baby different toys: plastic, rubber, wooden, soft, fluffy. When bathing, you can use sponges and sponges of different hardness. Lubricate the child's body with cream, do various types of massage. Let your baby play with a brush, a knitted hat pom-pom, and a ribbed ball from a pet store. Colored washcloths are also of great interest! You can make an interesting tactile album yourself from scraps of fabric of different textures: burlap, wool, silk, fur. You can also add a sheet of polyethylene, flower wrapping paper, mosquito nets, velvet, corrugated and sandpaper, and much more.
Games with foil are interesting for the child. You can first crush it by making a ball out of it, then smooth it out again.
Play with cones, prickly chestnuts, ribbed walnuts, and smooth acorns. It is also useful to play with various cereals: put the pens in the box and look for the hidden little toy. You can advise playing with pebbles, dry and wet sand, with clay, potions, plasticine, flour and salt dough.
Draw your child's attention to cold snow or juice from the refrigerator and hot tea, hot radiators, and fire on the stove. When bathing, draw the baby's attention to the temperature of the water in the tap and bath; you can pour warm water into one basin, cool water into another and alternately lower the arms or legs.
Since the general sensitivity of the skin is reduced, it is beneficial for the child to receive interesting sensations with the whole body. It is good to wrap it whole in a woolen blanket; you can wrap your baby in a terry towel, put a fur coat on your panties and T-shirt, tie your back and stomach with a knitted scarf.
The sensations of gouache paint on the handles, stomach, back will be very interesting for the child. It is especially great if the bathroom has a mirror, and you can look at yourself from all sides.
The sensitivity of not only small arms, but also of the legs should be developed. Allow children to run barefoot on grass, sand, wet clay, river or sea pebbles as often as possible in summer. At home, you can walk on peas, beans, roll rubber ribbed balls with your feet.
Self-massage and mutual massage of hands, feet, back with the help of massage brushes, terry gloves, a wheel massager, a foot massage roller, etc. are useful.
Additional educational games:
"Catch the pussy"

The teacher touches different parts of the child's body with a soft toy (pussy), and the child with closed eyes determines where the pussy is. By analogy, other objects can be used to touch: a wet fish, a prickly hedgehog, etc.
"Wonderful bag"
Objects of different shapes, sizes, textures (toys, geometric shapes and bodies, plastic letters and numbers, etc.) are placed in an opaque bag. The child is offered to touch, without looking into the bag, to find the desired item.
"Handkerchief for a doll" (determination of objects by the texture of the material, in this case, determination of the type of fabric)
Children are offered three dolls in different shawls (silk, woolen, knitted). The children take turns examining and feeling all the handkerchiefs. Then the handkerchiefs are removed and put into a bag. Children feel in the bag for the right handkerchief for each doll.
"Guess by touch what this item is made of"
The child is asked to feel by touch what various objects are made of: a glass cup, a wooden block, an iron spatula, a plastic bottle, a fluffy toy, leather gloves, a rubber ball, a clay vase, etc.
By analogy, you can use objects and materials of different textures and determine what they are: viscous, sticky, rough, velvety, smooth, fluffy, etc.
"Know the figure"
Geometric shapes are laid out on the table, the same as those in the bag. The teacher shows any figure and asks the child to get the same from the bag.
"Know the object by the contour"
The child is blindfolded and given a figure cut out of cardboard (it can be a bunny, a Christmas tree, a pyramid, a house, a fish, a bird). They ask what kind of object it is. They remove the figure, untie the eyes and ask to draw it from memory, compare the drawing with the outline, and circle the figure.
"Guess what the item is"
Various voluminous toys or small objects (rattle, ball, cube, comb, toothbrush, etc.) are laid out on the table, which are covered with a thin, but dense and opaque napkin. The child is asked to identify objects by touch through a napkin and name them.
"Find a pair"
Material: plates covered with velvet, sandpaper, foil, corduroy, flannel.
The child is offered to find pairs of identical plates by touch, blindfolded.
"What is inside?"
The child is offered balloons containing various fillers inside: water, sand, flour and water, peas, beans, various cereals: semolina, rice, buckwheat, etc. You can use a funnel to fill the balloons. Balls with each filler must be paired. The child must find pairs with the same fillings by touch.
Additionally, you can place a small amount of each filler in plates. In this case, it will be necessary to correlate each pair with the corresponding filler, i.e. determine what is inside the balls.
"Guess the number" (letter)
On the back of the child, write a number (letter) with the back of a pencil (or finger). The child must determine what this symbol is.

Also very useful for preschoolers and primary school students (especially the first grade) are games with letters made of rough (velvet, emery, etc.) paper: "Determine by touch", "Find the desired letter", "Show the letter". The child repeatedly runs his hand over the letter, feels it and names it. At the same time, not only the form is remembered, but also the way of writing this letter, which are associated with its name. Children who want to write this letter right away should be given such an opportunity.
Games of this type are recommended to be carried out with a gradual complication: from teaching groping actions under the guidance of an adult to the student's independent completion of the task, moreover with closed eyes. By analogy, it is possible to use different numbers.
"What is it?"
The child closes his eyes. He is asked to touch the object with five fingers, but not to move them. By the texture, you need to determine the material (you can use cotton wool, fur, fabric, paper, leather, wood, plastic, metal).
"Collect Matryoshka"
Two players come up to the table. Close their eyes. In front of them are two disassembled nesting dolls. On command, both begin to collect their own matryoshka dolls - who is faster.
Children (2-5 people) sit down at the table. They are blindfolded. In front of each is a pile of seeds (peas, seeds, etc.). Within a limited time, the seeds should be disassembled into piles.
"Guess what's inside"
Two are playing. Each playing child has an opaque bag in his hands, filled with small objects: checkers, pen caps, buttons, erasers, coins, nuts, etc. The teacher names the object, the players must quickly find it by touch and reach it with one hand, while holding the bag with the other. Who will do it faster?