All benefits for single mothers. Lump sum for the birth of a child. The minimum payout is

Federal level child benefits for single mom practically do not differ from payments for children brought up in a complete family - neither by the list of types, nor by their size. Special benefits that could take into account and increase the material status of a family without a second parent, federal laws not provided... This also applies to the period of pregnancy of a single woman, and life with a baby after childbirth, and his upbringing until the onset of adulthood.

The only exception is monthly child allowance, which is formally federal, but its size is appointed by the decision of the leadership of the regions. For single mothers, this benefit is higher than the established baseline.

In general, child benefits for a single mother depend on the following factors:

  • the fact that the mother is employed;
  • the number of children a woman has;
  • per capita income of a single parent family.

In some regions, with rare exceptions, additional targeted social benefits are also provided specifically for single women whose child does not have a father according to documents (or it is recorded in the birth certificate according to the mother).

How much does a single mother receive from the state for the maintenance of a child

In general, a single mother can count on the same benefits from the state as a mother from a complete family. Child payments depend on the number of children she has, employment and material wealth. Moreover, as a rule, they do not depend at all on the official one.

A single mother will receive the same amount for children as a family with two parents. That's why there is no point in applying for loner status just for the sake of welfare benefits. The list and amount of payments at the state level is established by Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995, "On State Benefits to Citizens with Children."

The only federal payment that single mothers can expect to receive an increased amount is simply called child allowance... It is assigned, and the amount varies depending on the region (most often, it is very modest).

Regions are also allowed to independently establish targeted or categorical payments to citizens at their own discretion. for single mothers there are additional regional manuals... A single mother should first of all find out if there are any special payments that she is entitled to in her region of residence.

How much does a single mom get for her first child

The state's care for the mother and the baby begins even before the baby is born. At the state level, single mothers are entitled to payments, starting with pregnancy (but only if the woman works) and ending with the achievement of 3 years. All benefits are divided into monthly and one-time.

Listed below first child benefits and their sizes for a single mom.

  • This list of social benefits is relevant for officially, for which the employer pays insurance premiums, as well as military or student.
  • Benefits are issued at the place of work, study or service, paid through social insurance.

Single Mom First Child Benefit Table

Benefits for a single mother with two or more children

An employed single mother who has a second newborn can expect to receive the same benefits as after. They are credited after birth every child... However, the minimum monthly social allowance for caring for a second baby up to 1.5 years old increases and the right to maternity capital for a single mother appears.

Table of additional allowances for a single mother for a second child

In the event of a lonely woman third baby, she is also guaranteed the following benefits:

Other payments that can be counted on:

  • (monthly or quarterly - the size is set at the regional level;
  • from the state in the amount of 453,026.00 rubles. - the certificate is issued regardless of employment;
  • regional capital for the 3rd child (size varies);
  • in case of needy.

Formally, women in the military are also not considered working, but they are still entitled to maternity benefits. in a fixed size(equal to the amount of the scholarship or allowance).

Lump sum for the birth of a child

The fact of payment of this benefit and its amount does not depend on any external conditions and factors (wealth, salary, job or husband). The state guaranteed a payment in the amount of RUB 16,350.33(as of 2017) to the mother of every child born in the Russian Federation.

When two or more children are born at a time (twins, triplets, etc.) for each of them... A woman must apply for payment within six months after the baby is born.

  • Since this allowance is formally entitled to any of the child's parents, it is necessary to provide it at the place of receipt for its registration in a complete family (and if one of them works, then only the working parent can receive the payment).
  • In this regard, the procedure for issuing a payment for a single mother is somewhat simplified: for a single mother do not need to provide at the place of receipt of the certificate from the second parent.

Obtaining such a certificate can be significantly complicated if the child officially has a father, but they do not live together with the mother and are generally on bad terms. Then obtaining the coveted certificate can be significantly complicated due to the unwillingness of the second spouse to provide it.

Childcare allowance for a child under 1.5 years old in 2019

Non-working single moms will be able to receive in the minimum amount, namely:

  • RUB 3,065.69 - for the first baby;
  • RUB 6,131.37 -.

Moreover, if they receive unemployment benefits, then it will be possible to choose only one of the payments - for unemployment from the SZN or for care. Both types of social assistance are not assigned at the same time!

As you can see, non-working women find themselves in a more losing position. Indeed, in the case of employment, they could count not only on a minimum wage of up to 1.5 years, but also on the following list of payments:

  • in the amount of 100% of the salary and payment of 613.14 rubles. when registering a pregnant woman up to 12 weeks;
  • Monthly care allowance up to 1.5 years(which is higher than the minimum amount if the average earnings exceed the minimum wage);
  • until the child is 3 years old - it is paid by the employer and formally must compensate the woman for the temporary inability to earn money (although she has not done this for a long time due to the small size).

Benefits for Poor Single Mothers

Due to the fact that single mothers often do not have a formal job before childbirth, as well as for other reasons, they are often. Such women are entitled to two additional benefits. They are paid regardless of the woman's employment, however, taking into account need criterion.

Table of Benefits for Poor Single Mothers

Benefit title Regulatory document Which child of a single mom is paid for The size Grounds for obtaining
Art. 16 of Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995;

regional statutes

For everyone up to 16 (18) years oldInstalled at the regional levelIf the average per capita income per family member is below the regional subsistence minimum (RM)
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 606 of 05/07/2012, regional documentsFor the 3rd and every next child under 3 years old born after 01.01.2013The size of the children's PM for the quarter in which the appeal took placeAverage per capita income is lower than the amount established for the region. Paid only for children with Russian citizenship

The size of both payments depend on the region of residence women and are established according to regional laws.

It is worth submitting documents on income for months that did not include the month of receipt. Otherwise, incomes may turn out to be overestimated, and benefits will not be assigned to the poor.

  1. exists in every region of the Russian Federation regardless of the order in which the child is born. If the need criterion is met, single mothers are paid in an increased amount compared to the regular (usually one and a half, two or three times).
    • It is worth recalling that a woman is legally considered a single mother in relation to a child who has father not specified(or indicated from her words), and was not submitted.
    • If a woman just divorced from husband(also if the widow is a widow or if the child's father is deprived of parental rights), she is not considered a single mother and will be entitled to the normal benefit.
  2. valid only in 50 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and only on the 3rd baby (and subsequent children). Every year the list of regions for which the payment is relevant is adjusted.
    • These benefits are issued at the local body of social protection... Also, documents can be submitted through the MFC.
    • It makes sense to apply for them while the baby under 6 months, since it will not be possible to return the unpaid amount for a longer period.

The compulsory allowance for poor single women for each child is valid in all regions of the Russian Federation. It is established at the state level, but the size is regulated regionally. Usually it does not exceed 500 rubles, although there are exceptions. For example, it is for each child of a single mother:

  • , - 362-368 rubles;
  • - 472 rubles;
  • - 540 rubles.
  • - 540.94 rubles. (for the first) and 676.18 rubles. (second and next);
  • and - 1596 rubles;
  • - 3 298 rubles. and 3 768 rubles. (for the first and second up to 1.5 years), 848 rubles. (1.5-7 years old), 787 rubles. (7-16 years old).

The amount for different regions is also very different. For example, as of the 2nd quarter of 2016 in the Belgorod Region, a single mother for the 3rd child will receive 8,150 rubles, and in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 21,076 rubles.

How much do single mothers pay in the regions

Also in the regions (far from all) there are various additional payments single mothers.

  • In order to receive special payments, a woman must submit to the Social Security the necessary package of documents, which includes confirming the status of a single mother.
  • Permanent residence in the specified region is required.

The list and amount of benefits intended specifically for this category of the population is regulated by local legislation. Even for neighboring subjects of the Russian Federation, it can differ significantly.

Examples of regional payments to single mothers

This table shows only payments established by local laws. the poor, which is mandatory for all regions, was not specified. Single mothers are also entitled to all those social benefits that a full family can count on in the region.

If a single mom marries but her husband does not adopt a child, the woman may still be eligible for special single benefits for that particular child. When calculating income, the husband's salary will not be taken into account. However, this should be clarified in advance with the Social Security authorities.

Payments in case of adoption of a child by one parent

The legislation does not prohibit adoption by a single woman or a man (that is, a person who is not officially married). In this case, the child only has one (only) adoptive parent... At the same time, the child can be of any age, but it is necessary that the requirements for the minimum age difference and other factors taken into account when adopting are met.

Depending on whether a woman wishing to adopt a child is working and in which region of the Russian Federation she lives, she will be entitled to all relevant federal and regional payments. Their list can be adjusted if the adoptive parent gets married and his partner also adopts the child.

Lonely employed adoptive parent the following allowances are laid:

It must be remembered that, according to Russian law, adopted children equal in rights to relatives... A single adoptive parent can count on the same benefits as if the adopted child was his own.

Now the situation in the country is developing in such a way that many women are forced to take shape as single mothers. And not even because there is no man nearby, but simply in order to receive at least some additional penny for the maintenance of the baby.

Single mother benefits

Not all mothers are eligible for this status. The thing is that the legislation of the Russian Federation at the moment is very strict about any social benefits, the issue of single mothers is especially acute. Why:

Many mothers do not formalize their common-law husbands as fathers, living with them. All this is done, of course, for additional assistance from the state. But in this case, do not forget that there are executive services that have the right to check your status. And if you live with a man, have an income from him, and neighbors or relatives can confirm this, your status as a single mother will "hang" in the air.

If a mother does register someone as a father (even a father or grandfather, an uncle or a brother), this is no longer considered the status of a single mother. The law is set in such a way that if the child has a father inscribed in the certificate, it means that he has a full-fledged family and no matter how they live and what kind of relationship they are.

Also, the status of a single mother is not granted, when the child does have an official father. That is, if a woman divorced, being pregnant, but the father does not deny his participation in conception, then she can simply claim the alimony set by the state, and the mother has the right to bring the father in court to raise the baby. But here it is already a voluntary matter for the mother herself.

According to article 48 of the Family Code, the father is the one who is entered in the baby's birth certificate. This registration can only be challenged in court, and the mother, biological father or the child himself has the right to this, but already, being of legal age.

Sometimes a woman can get the status of a single mother even when she is married. In this case, a dash is simply put on the birth certificate. And even if she remarries, this status is not reset. He ceases to act when the lady's husband adopts the child.

Who is or is not eligible for single mother status

Eligible for status

If the child was born out of wedlock, paternity is not indicated by the mother and she is raising him alone.

If within three hundred days the child was born, and the marriage was dissolved, and paternity was challenged in court.

If the child was taken into foster care (adopted) by a single woman.

Not eligible for status

If the marriage was dissolved with the father of the child, who is entered in the birth certificate, but the father still does not pay alimony.

If the father of the child is established in the court order, even if he does not live with the mother of the child.

If the official father of the child is dead, there is a death certificate or is deprived of parental rights. In this case, the woman is also not entitled to the status of a single mother.

Single mother allowance and benefits

  1. First, do not forget that there is no such thing as a "single mother" in Russian legislation. But, nevertheless, all the same, the system of the Russian Federation, which acts in the interests of the mother and child, provides the regions to independently solve preferential problems and accruals for single mothers and fathers as well. So, what is the preferential system for a single mother under Federal law:
  2. If a woman is registered for pregnancy before 12 weeks, she is entitled to a one-time benefit payment (after giving birth and without registering her father).
  3. A single mother is also entitled to an allowance for childbirth and pregnancy, if it is established by social services that the child does not have a father, and the mother will give birth alone and raise him also alone.
  4. One-time cash payment after childbirth for a single mother.
  5. Up to one and a half years of age, a single mother will receive monthly payments from the State.

In many regions of Russia there is support for single mothers exclusively by the local management committee, which provides for payments:

  • Up to three years of age, a child brought up by one mother.
  • Payment to single mothers with many children whose youngest child is under three years old.
  • If a single mother has proven her status in court or socially, she is eligible to receive child support until the age of 18.

Benefits for a single mother and her child

  • Linen (diapers, sheets, pillowcases, etc.) after childbirth.
  • Nutrition for the newborn. It is provided free of charge.
  • Massage of the newborn (if necessary).
  • When the child goes to school, he is provided with meals in the cafeteria.
  • Stationery is also free one-time use.
  • Education in various additional schools with a special direction (humanitarian or technical) will be -30%.
  • When registering a child for school, a single mother will have the right to do this out of turn and plus another 50% discount she is entitled to.
  • Vouchers for sanatorium rest within the country.

Labor legislation to protect single mothers

Naturally, the Labor Code protects a single mother and it is not so easy to deprive her of her job, even if she is really, let's say, "sabotaging". A lot is provided here. So what does the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provide:
  1. It is forbidden to fire a single mother within the framework of the Labor Code (only if she herself writes a statement of her own free will), even if the enterprise where the woman worked was liquidated, for whatever reason, the owner is obliged to employ the single mother in another enterprise under personal control.
  2. Work on holidays or other after-hours can only be done if the single mother gives written consent to do so.
  3. Business trips for a single mother are also solely by her agreement.
  4. If a single mother goes on sick leave, she is paid the minimum monthly rate.
  5. If a woman has a child who is less than 14 years old, she can work part-time, but the rate is charged to her as for all working hours.
  6. If a single mom tries to get a job and is refused, this refusal must be very deeply motivated, set out in writing and justified. Otherwise, the employer may receive a court fine.

Single mother housing

If a single mother has not yet reached the age of 35 and lives with a child (children) in a rented apartment, she is entitled to compensation in the amount of 6400 rubles. Provided that the rented accommodation was registered under a lease agreement and certified by a notary. Also, a single mother has the right to register to get a place in the queue for free housing. But it is worth remembering that benefits for a single mother are given only if her status is proven "in need" and "large", while the executive service checks the proper examination of children and the mother's condition (alcohol, drugs, dissolute lifestyle).

Benefits for regions

  1. The legislation of the Russian Federation has very clearly established the procedure for regional benefits for single mothers. It depends on some factors and the accrual of funds also depends on these indicators:
  2. Single mother employment.
  3. Amount of children.
  4. The size of the minimum wage for a single mother.
  5. In which region does she live (each region is provided with an independent calculation of payments and their establishment).

What to indicate in documents to confirm the status of a single mother

  1. Absence of the father on the birth certificate.
  2. The official refusal of the father from the child.
  3. Official confirmation that the biological father will not take part in the upbringing of the child and has no claims against the mother.
In any case, it is easier for a mother to draw up the documents right away and receive everything required from the country and the Law than just to fight the authorities when the baby is already growing up.

The state of the Russian Federation protects the rights of all single mothers. For this purpose, many regulations have been enacted. On their basis, benefits are introduced, including in the sphere of labor.

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When concluding an employment contract, it is necessary to indicate that there is a minor child. Also the woman must provide. The employer is obliged to indicate what benefits the employee is entitled to.

If this norm is not observed, and single mothers do not present themselves at work, then the employer faces an administrative penalty in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Highlights of preferential treatment for single moms:

  • limited work can be assigned at night and only with the consent of the employee herself;
  • business trips, overtime work, work on weekends, holidays should be limited;
  • leave is provided on demand;
  • if necessary, the employee may require the observance of part-time work;
  • additional weekends may be provided.

If the parents are divorced, then the woman is not recognized as a single mother. Legally, the father is recorded in the certificate, which means he must pay alimony. In this case, benefits are not eligible.


The procedure for the admission and dismissal of a single mother is fully regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. For violation, administrative responsibility is threatened.

All rules are spelled out in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Labor Code

Regulatory legal acts regulating the provision of preferential treatment for a special category of citizens are provided in the table:

Art 96 Regulates the issue of restrictions on work activities at night
Section 259 Regulates the procedure for sending on business trips, extending the working day, attracting an employee to work on weekends and holidays
Section 263 Regulates the procedure for issuing additional leave
Section 93 Establishes preferential treatment - part-time work
Section 262 Regulates the provision of days off for childcare
Section 261 Defines the process for firing a single mother
Article 81 Explains for what reasons an employee can be fired.

What is required?

Single mothers are entitled to preferential conditions in the implementation of labor activities. To begin with, the recruitment procedure.

The presence of a child cannot be a reason for refusal.

The process of work itself can also be somewhat facilitated. For example, if necessary, a woman can work on a special schedule - part-time.

Benefits for Single Mothers at Work

What rights a single mother has at work is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The employer is obliged to act in accordance with the regulations of the Labor Code.

Labor at night

It is possible to attract single mothers raising children under the age of 5 to work at night only under the following conditions:

  • if there is a written consent of the employee;
  • if the work is not contraindicated according to the conclusion of the medical board.

However, the employee's refusal is not a disciplinary offense. The employer must explain in writing to the subordinate the right to refuse the night shift.

Business travel and overtime

An employee who has a child under the age of 5 may be involved in business trips and be loaded with additional working hours only with her written consent.

According to the conclusion of the medical board, the employee should not have health problems, which are a contraindication to overtime work. The employer must warn about the possibility of refusing overtime work.

If a woman has a child under 3 years old, then the procedure for familiarization with the refusal regulations must be carried out in writing.

Weekends and holidays

If a production need arises, the employer can involve the employee in the performance of her duties on weekends and holidays. But, this process has its own subtleties in the case of a single mother.

Such an employee has the right to refuse, and no disciplinary action can be imposed on her.

Part day

An employee with a child under the age of 14 has the right to demand part-time work.

If a disabled child is dependent, then the age criterion is up to 18 years. In this case, a schedule with part-time working days can be established at the conclusion of the contract and in the course of its validity.

As for the timing, then the legislation does not limit the single mother - you can specify the period of validity of the schedule, but you can make it indefinite.

At the same time, employees can annually rest on equal terms with other colleagues. And in the seniority, labor activity is counted as a full-time job.

The labor market does not display a part-time schedule. Bonuses are paid according to the hours worked.

Additional vacation

Single mothers can be granted extraordinary leave for up to 14 days without payment. The employee must draw up a statement. A vacation can be attached to the main one, or you can use it separately.

According to article 263 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is impossible to postpone vacation to the next year. But, an employee can demand this leave only if it is provided for by the collective agreement.

Can they be fired?

An employer does not have the right to fire a single mother on his own initiative.

The following cases are exceptional:

  • liquidation of the organization;
  • disciplinary violations and inconsistency with the position held;
  • violation of labor obligations;
  • loss of trust;
  • provision of forged documents;
  • if the teacher has applied physical education measures;
  • in case of expiration of the employment contract.


According to Part 3 of Art. 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employment contract with a single mother who has a child under 14 years of age in her care can be terminated only in the above cases.

Raising a child on your own is difficult not only from a moral point of view, but also from a material point of view. It is all the more difficult to do this in Moscow, since the capital is traditionally distinguished by high prices for basic and related groups of goods for children. To facilitate the task of single women, the state provides various benefits and benefits. In 2018, some points of these social programs will remain unchanged, and some will be revised and changed.

In the fall of 2017, the Moscow government supported the initiative to increase certain types of benefits for this category of women. In addition, the social authorities are constantly conducting explanatory work as to which of the women is entitled to receive such payments, since the legal concept of “single person” differs from the generally accepted one.

Muscovites who raise children without fathers can count on 2 types of payments and benefits:

  • paid to all Russian citizens who fall into the category of single mothers;
  • provided only by the regional Moscow social program.

The grounds for obtaining them are the same.

Women who are eligible for benefits and benefits as single mothers:

  • those whose child is born out of wedlock and the mother is independently engaged in upbringing;
  • those who independently raise a foster child and are not married at the same time;
  • women whose baby was born in marriage or within 300 days after the termination of the marriage, but official paternity was contested.

Women who do not have the rights of single mothers:

  • are divorced but do not receive alimony from their father;
  • gave birth to a man whose paternity was officially established, but the marriage was not formalized;
  • gave birth to a man who died or was deprived of parental rights;
  • gave birth within 9 months after the divorce or the marriage was declared invalid.


For 2018, there are no plans to revise the size of financial payments to single mothers at the federal level. For this reason, they will remain at the 2017 level.

List of payments provided until the moment of birth, as follows:

  • for women registered for pregnancy before 12 weeks - 613.14 rubles monthly (this type of assistance is issued regardless of the outcome of childbirth);
  • payment for pregnancy and childbirth to officially employed - 100% of the average monthly earnings (calculated for the period from the 30th week of pregnancy to the 70th day after the birth of the child);
  • payment for pregnancy and childbirth to students - 100% of the scholarship;
  • payment for pregnancy and childbirth to the unemployed - 581 rubles;
  • payment for pregnancy and childbirth to military personnel or those working in the defense sector - the amount of 1 cash allowance.

After the baby is born a woman has the right to the following types of material assistance:

  • at a time - 16 350.33 rubles;
  • if childbirth is recognized as difficult, 16 days of sick leave are additionally paid.

In the case of the adoption of two children at the same time, who are related to each other, an additional 118.5 thousand

During maternity leave before the baby is 18 months old, a single mother is entitled to the following benefits:

  • for women with a permanent official place of work - 40% of the average monthly salary during the last 180 days before childbirth (the employer must pay the allowance);
  • for women dismissed during pregnancy due to the liquidation of an enterprise - 2.908 thousand (the allowance is paid by the social fund);
  • for the unemployed - 3.0 thousand (for one child) or 5.817 thousand (for two or more babies).

A special situation arises if a single woman was employed before the decree, but immediately after the first decree she goes to the second. The allowance paid by the employer to such single mothers up to 1.5 years is doubled and amounts to 80% of their average monthly salary.

For residents of Moscow

Muscovites are entitled to an additional list of payments. In October 2017, the mayor of Moscow came up with an initiative to raise some types of benefits. The adopted program also applies to single mothers.

Throughout 2018, single mothers who are Muscovites will be eligible for the following types of monthly financial assistance:

  • before the onset of 3 years - 15 thousand;
  • compensation for regional price increases - 750 rubles. for the poor and 300 rubles. for everyone else;
  • compensation for regional growth in prices for baby food - 650 rubles. (until the baby reaches the age of three).

If a single mother living and registered in Moscow gave birth to a third or more child, she can additionally receive 18.7 thousand monthly until the onset of three years for each of the children.

All regional supplements and benefits provided to single mothers in Moscow are multilevel. This means that if a woman falls simultaneously into 2 categories for which payments are provided (for example, a single mother and a woman with many children), she has the right to receive all such benefits in full, without any restrictions.


Single mothers living in Moscow in 2018 will be able to take advantage of not only special payments, but also preferential programs. Their list includes:

  • natural help;
  • privileges;
  • additional rights;
  • labor privileges.

Natural help:

  • free clothes for newborns;
  • sets of underwear for babies;
  • free baby food for dairy cuisine up to 2 years old;
  • essential medicine kits;
  • a massage course in a children's clinic;
  • two meals a day at school;
  • provision of vouchers to health institutions for preschoolers and schoolchildren.


  • extraordinary admission to the selected preschool educational institution;
  • a 50% discount on payment for educational and upbringing services in preschool educational institutions;
  • preferential cost of education in schools;
  • preferential participation in the "Housing" program for solving housing problems;
  • discount on payment for services provided by housing and communal enterprises.

In addition to all of the above, single mothers in 2018 will be able to take advantage of the following labor privileges:

  • until the youngest child turns 14, the employer does not have the right to fire a woman, even in the event of inadequacy for the position held;
  • in case of liquidation of the enterprise, the employer is obliged to provide another place of work with a salary level not lower than the previous one;
  • at any time of the year, a single mother has the right to unscheduled unpaid leave for no more than 14 days;
  • exemption from night work, business trips, overtime work, as well as going to work on holidays or weekends (in the event that the woman provides an official refusal in writing);
  • additional sick leave benefit, which depends on the length of service (the first 14 calendar days of sick leave - 100%, the next days - 50% of the salary);
  • sick leave until the child's seven years of age is paid in full, regardless of its duration;
  • the opportunity to work on a daily reduced schedule until the child turns 14;
  • when applying for a job, the status of a single mother cannot be considered a sufficient reason for refusal, therefore, in case of refusal, the employer is obliged to provide an explanation of the reasons in written or electronic form.

In addition, a single mother has the right to a reduction in the amount of the payment of income tax. Its size will depend on the number of children and the woman's salary.

The whole range of national and regional payments, grants and benefits to single mothers is aimed at ensuring that with the help of the state, a woman can provide a decent level of organization of life and upbringing for her children.

Single mothers will be raised "children": video

A single mother is a woman who has given birth to a child without being officially married. A baby who is born has a dash in the column that contains data about the father, or the data in the indicated column is written in from the mother's words. A young mother can obtain this status by submitting the necessary package of documents to the relevant state structures. In case of a positive decision on this issue, the woman is given a certificate of the established form.

Who is eligible for single mother status?

First of all, you need to understand an important point. In the event that you gave birth to a child and, at the same time, are not in an officially registered marriage, the father of the child has not been established in court and the potential father has not received an official statement on the recognition of paternity - in accordance with current legislation, you have the right to claim the status in question. It enables you to receive certain government benefits paid by the relevant government agencies.

Considering this issue, one more nuance must be taken into account. Namely: the owner of this status is recognized not only by a woman who gave birth to a child, but also who adopted a baby without being officially married at the time of adoption.

When documenting the fact of the birth of a child in the registry office, you need to get a certificate of form No. 25 in your hands. Then present this document to the social protection authorities, in addition, you will be required to have a child's birth certificate, a document proving your identity and your written application for status single mothers.

In addition to the documents mentioned earlier, you need to have a certificate of income of the 2-NDFL form, a certificate with information about the composition of the family, extracts from the house book and personal account, if there is the latter. The employer from whom you went on maternity leave must provide you with a certificate of income. If you did not officially work before pregnancy, you must provide a certificate issued by the employment service, or if you were not registered with this structure, provide your work book with the necessary marks. Make photocopies of these documents and attach them to the originals of the collected documents.

The package of documents provided by you at its meeting will be examined by the commission, which operates as part of virtually every district administration. Within a month, the result of the consideration of your application must be communicated to you. In case of a positive decision, you will be presented with a corresponding certificate. And you will have the right to enjoy a number of government benefits for single mothers.

It must be admitted that not all women who gave birth to a child without being married issue this certificate. The thing is that cash benefits are paid by the department of social protection of the population, and for this department it is quite enough to provide a package of the above documents.

There are also a number of nuances in the issue of recognizing a woman as a single mother. So, for example, if she officially divorced her spouse, does not run a joint household with the baby's father, or the parent is deprived of parental rights by a court decision, she cannot claim the status in question. At the same time, if a woman officially tied the knot, but her legal spouse did not express a desire to adopt a child, she retains her existing status. If the new husband has legally formalized the adoption, then the status of a single mother is removed, along with all the benefits accompanying this status.

Can a single mother get housing?

A single mother, who is one of the most socially vulnerable categories of persons who, in accordance with the law, are provided with a fairly wide range of benefits and payments, has the right to receive housing. And, based on the fact that today in our country in general, the housing issue is quite relevant, young mothers should know how to get housing in 2016 and in subsequent years.

The relevant articles of the Housing Code guarantee the support of all citizens belonging to the category of the poor, as well as who, for one reason or another, do not have housing, or they have it, but with insufficient dimensions for living, or have inappropriate living conditions. But since 2016, all of the above reasons are considered in a general queue, without any privileges for single mothers.

Thus, in accordance with the changes in legislation adopted in 2005 and 2016, a single mother has the right to be put on the waiting list for housing. But her material and living conditions must meet the above requirements. In 2018, no changes in the legislation regarding this issue are provided.

Getting a Queue for a Single Mother's Housing

In order to exercise their right to housing for women belonging to the category we are considering, it is required to collect a package of documents and send it with an appropriate application to the housing commission functioning in the district administration at the place of residence. This package of documents includes:

  • passport;
  • a certificate confirming the status of a single mother;
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • certificate of income of all family members and the value of taxable property;
  • registration certificate for 10 years;
  • the act of inspection of the living space for 5 years.

In certain cases or to clarify the individual circumstances of the case, the specialists of the district administration have the right to require the applicant to provide additional documents.

So, the issue of providing housing to a single mother is based on the aforementioned set of documents, on the basis of which a woman is documented as poor and in need of better housing conditions. To confirm this fact, you need to obtain income certificates from all family members living with you in the appropriate structures. Unfortunately, today the situation is such that persons eligible for housing have to wait in line for years.

Here are some practical tips to help women get the paperwork they need:

Recently, more and more cases have begun to appear when a single mother makes an alternative decision and starts processing mortgage documents. It should be noted that this social group of the population has the right to receive a housing loan under a preferential program.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the procedure for obtaining housing for a single mother is quite long and complicated, but quite feasible. If a woman does not have the opportunity to deal with this issue on her own, she can use the services of a lawyer who will promptly and competently prepare the necessary documents and assist the woman in realizing her right to housing.

If you still have unresolved questions about the right of single mothers to housing, then our online lawyer is ready to advise you free of charge and promptly and clarify all unclear points.