High temperature: to shoot down or not? Rubbing or pills? How to quickly reduce the body temperature in a child at home Bring down the temperature in a child with water

Any parent periodically asks himself: how to bring down the temperature of his child? You can hardly find a child who has never had a similar symptom. A caring loving mother begins to worry as soon as she sees a red mark on the thermometer at +37. However, pediatricians around the world recommend not to bring down this temperature. After all, the child's body must independently overcome the attacking disease.

However, if the thermometer mark is rapidly creeping up and shows a disappointing result of +38.5 degrees, urgent action must be taken. This is where a lot of questions arise. How to bring down the temperature in a child? What methods should be preferred? Give the baby medication antipyretic drugs or turn to folk remedies?

High fever in a newborn

If we are talking about a baby, this symptom does not always characterize an infectious disease. Be very careful. Babies are born with an unformed thermoregulation system. Therefore, during the first months it is very difficult for them to maintain normal body temperature. In pediatrics, there is such a thing - transient fever. It is characterized by an increase in temperature (+38-39 o C). As a rule, such a condition occurs as a result of the baby leaving the mother's womb - the environment familiar to the child. Therefore, before deciding how to bring down the temperature, consult your doctor. Perhaps this is not necessary. Often, transient fever lasts no more than one week.

Possible reasons

As a rule, a high temperature really indicates the presence of an infectious disease in the body. The disease, it must be said, seriously progresses if the baby has a fever. However, before bringing down the temperature in a child, external factors should be excluded, which sometimes provoke the onset of a symptom.

If you notice even the slightest deviation of the mark on the thermometer from the cherished +36.6 ° C, be sure to exclude the following factors:

  • Baby is too warm. This can interfere with thermoregulation. Remove all warm clothes from the child. He will not be cold in light clothes.
  • Heat in the room. If the ambient temperature exceeds +22 ° C, then the thermoregulation mechanism can provoke a sharp jump in the indicator.
  • Overexcitation. An excessively played child, as a rule, does not feel unwell. But the thermometer can stubbornly creep up. When the baby calms down, this indicator will return to normal. Sometimes similar symptoms can be observed in a child who has undergone a stressful situation.
  • Teething. No one will ever be able to say with accuracy how this process will take place in the baby. Some children do not even feel the appearance of teeth in their mouths. But for others, it becomes a real test with the advent of high temperatures.

In the latter case, if the thermometer indicator exceeds +38.5 ° C, measures must also be taken.

How to measure the temperature correctly?

It is very important to determine the exact indicator. And only after making sure that it is high, ask yourself: how to bring down the child's high temperature?

Remember that the thermometer is laid only in a dry armpit. If you find sweat there, be sure to wipe it off. After all, it can underestimate the readings of the thermometer. In infants and newborns, pediatricians are advised to measure the temperature in the inguinal fold. Be sure to inspect the place where the thermometer will be placed. Any redness or swelling indicates an inflammatory process. And this, as a rule, overestimates the readings of the thermometer.

It is very important to take the temperature of breastfeeding mothers correctly. The thermometer is recommended to be placed in the cubital fossa. Indeed, next to the armpit is a lactating gland, which will certainly overestimate the indicator.

If the child's body temperature is measured, it is better to prefer an electronic thermometer. The baby at this time should sit quietly or lie down for ten minutes.

The choice of antipyretic

Pediatricians recommend the use of candles in case of high temperature. They are effective, fast-acting and do not cause stomach irritation at all. Yes, and the baby does not need to be persuaded to drink medicine. That is why it is better to use candles than to bring down the temperature with pills.

However, older children are quite negative about this method. Therefore, sweet syrups specially developed by pharmacists are perfect for them. Today there is a wide variety of antipyretics. Sometimes it is quite difficult to understand the best way to bring down the temperature of a child. Almost all medicines contain paracetamol. This is the main active ingredient. Moreover, each drug, regardless of the similarity of the composition, affects the body in different ways.

For some children, some drugs may not work at all, while drugs similar in composition can easily lower the temperature. Therefore, if the chosen remedy did not bring positive results, it should be replaced with another one.

The most effective antipyretic drugs are recognized:

  • "Ibufen" - this suspension effectively reduces the temperature, has an analgesic effect;
  • "Panadol";
  • "Paracetamol";
  • "Efferalgan" - the suspension is recommended for older children, and candles are allowed to be used from the age of three months;
  • "NICE" - this suspension perfectly brings down the temperature, but has a bad effect on the functioning of the liver;
  • "Tsefekon" (candles are allowed for use from 3 months).

Remember: before bringing down the high temperature, be sure to consult your doctor about the use of the selected drug. If consultation is needed immediately, pediatricians from the ambulance station will always help by telephone.

High temperature during pregnancy

Of course, no one is immune from the heat. But it is children and pregnant women, whose thermometer shows high rates, that cause the greatest concern. At the same time, the presence of +37.8 ° C is already quite dangerous for the latter. And if the thermometer shows +38 ° C, then this temperature can negatively affect the future baby, and even affect his mental abilities. Therefore, such an increase should not be allowed in any case.

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy? It is necessary to immediately exclude drugs that cannot be used. It's aspirin. It is completely contraindicated in pregnant women. In the early stages, the drug can provoke a threat of miscarriage, and in the later stages it can cause heavy bleeding and complicate childbirth. In the course of research, it was confirmed that aspirin can be a source of development of the most dangerous defects in the fetus.

Excluding harmful drugs, consider how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy. If necessary, you can take a drug based on paracetamol.

  • "Panadol";
  • "Efferalgan";
  • "Paracet";
  • "Tylenol";
  • "Indomethacin";
  • "Metindol";
  • "Vramed".

The main thing to remember is that it is necessary to resort to antipyretic drugs only as a last resort, and pregnant women are advised to use half the dose.

Already today there are reliable facts that excessive use of paracetamol can cause serious dysfunction of the liver and kidneys. That is why it is desirable to limit yourself to a single dose of half the dose. And of course, contact your doctor to clarify the treatment regimen.

Some pregnant women, thinking about the best way to bring down the temperature, generally refuse to use drugs. They use folk remedies. It should be noted that in this case, the doctors themselves advocate the use of ancient effective methods of dealing with high temperatures.

Providing coolness

Simple home remedies for dealing with fever have long been handed down. Grandmothers also knew how to bring down the temperature of a child and an adult. So why not use such simple and effective methods?

It should be remembered that warming a patient with a high temperature is not at all safe. You should not wrap either the baby or the adult with warm blankets, turn on the heaters. These measures can cause heatstroke in a patient if the temperature heated by "caring hands" reaches a critical value.

Instead, undress your child if possible. In this case, excess heat will freely leave. The temperature in the room should not exceed 21 ° C. You can achieve the required indicator with a fan or air conditioner. Just do not direct cold air masses at the patient.

Plentiful drink

In pursuit of an answer to the question "How to bring down the temperature of +39 ° C?" It is important not to forget about the need for fluid intake. After all, the body is very dehydrated from the heat. Maintaining a normal water balance is extremely important. Therefore, the patient should drink plenty of plain water. Avoid liquids containing sugar. Plain or mineral water will perfectly protect against dehydration. In addition, it is such a liquid that compensates for electrolytes in the body.

Cooling bath

What can bring down the heat? Cool bath. Dip the patient waist-deep in lukewarm water. It is important that initially the water is pleasant for the body. This procedure can cause chills, which provokes an increase in body temperature. While bathing, carefully massage the patient with a washcloth. This will improve blood circulation and cause an increase in heat transfer. After 20 minutes, this method will reduce the temperature by two degrees.

After the bath, lightly pat your skin dry with a towel, leaving some moisture to continue cooling. If after an hour the thermometer starts to rise again, the procedure should be repeated.

This method is recognized as quite effective for angina. It is only important to remember that temperatures up to +38 ° C should not be brought down. After all, it characterizes the struggle of the body with the disease. But if the indicator is much higher, then the above method will help. As a rule, doctors give a lot of recommendations than to bring down the temperature with angina. And the main one with such an ailment is gargling. After all, the temperature lasts until the time when there is pus in the tonsils.

Rubbing with vinegar

Mix vinegar with warm water. The proportion of the composition is as follows - 1:5. Wet the sponge liberally and gently wipe the skin of a child or adult. You should start from the back, smoothly moving to the stomach. Then wipe your hands and feet. After that, take care of your palms and feet. This procedure is quite effective. But it should be repeated every two, sometimes three hours.

Cool wraps

Sometimes the temperature can reach very high numbers. In such a situation, it is quite easy to get confused. Therefore, you should remember what helps bring down the temperature. These are cooling wraps.

To do this, take a cotton towel or piece of fabric. Soak it in plain water or a specially prepared yarrow decoction. Wrap them around the patient.

Preparing a decoction will not cause great difficulties. Pour a couple of spoons of grass with water in a glass or porcelain bowl. Put the mixture in a water bath. The solution should warm up for about 15 minutes. It must be constantly stirred. After cooling the liquid a little, do not forget to strain it. The decoction for wrapping is ready.

Cool compresses

Prepare a mint decoction. Soak a washcloth in it. Be sure to squeeze thoroughly. The wipes should be slightly damp. These compresses should be applied to the forehead, temples, inguinal folds, wrist area. Change napkins every ten minutes. A fairly effective way to reduce the temperature at home.

last resort

If none of the above methods helped, and the question "How to bring down the temperature?" remains open, do not despair. Now you need to give the child an injection. Only initially consult with a pediatrician about the required dose. Remember that this is an extreme measure, but quite effective. An intramuscular injection will work in five to ten minutes.

The so-called lytic mixture is introduced. It is very important to correctly calculate the necessary components. That is why, if you do not have a medical education, it is better to leave this procedure to professional doctors. The composition of the mixture is in full proportion to the age of the patient. For every full year of a child's life, 0.1 ml of drugs is taken.

Be sure to test the baby if this procedure is used for the first time. After all, you cannot know for sure that the lytic mixture will not provoke an allergy. Only after making sure that there are no unpleasant reactions, go directly to the injection.

Components of the lytic mixture:

  • papaverine;
  • analgin;
  • dimedrol.

The medicine is made in the following proportion - 1:1:1. For example, if the temperature should be brought down in a five-year-old baby, draw 0.5 ml of each ingredient into the syringe. A total of 1.5 ml of lytic mixture will be obtained.

Remember, if you can’t cope with a high temperature on your own, and at this time the child’s condition is rapidly deteriorating, immediately call an ambulance! Do not try to find a more effective remedy, trust the professionals.


A sick baby is the most serious reason for excitement. However, even before the doctor's visit, you should know how to bring down the temperature of your child. Remember, fear and excitement are not your best allies. So, you should get together, calm down and start acting. Your child should feel that he is in reliable mother's hands. After all, the baby trusts her unconditionally. This is probably why the warmth and love of the mother enhances the effect of any chosen treatment methods.

Colds and infectious diseases are always accompanied by fever. This is a protective reaction of the body to foreign bodies of a protein nature. Temperatures up to 38 - 38.5 degrees, doctors do not recommend knocking down, so as not to interfere with the immune system to produce antibodies. However, some children can hardly tolerate even a slight increase in body temperature - 37.5 degrees. Every mother should know how to bring down the temperature of a child at 7 years old, 9 years old and at a younger age. Consider what medicines can reduce the heat in the body, than alleviate the condition of a child of any age.

Methods for reducing heat in the body

A high temperature in a child is a sign of the immune system fighting bacteria and viruses. Parents should carefully monitor the condition of the baby and not try to immediately bring down the temperature of the child so that he does not suffer. In some cases, with a weakened immune system and intolerance to heat in the body, it is necessary to immediately give antipyretics. However, strong children are not threatened by a rise in temperature, and some of them try to play with toys even at 38.5 degrees.

Assistance to the child should include:

  • Ensure sufficient humidity in the room, hang wet towels.
  • Make sure that the room thermometer does not rise above +20.
  • Offer your child boiled water at room temperature more often; if you refuse to drink from a cup, offer water in a spoon.
  • Wipe the body with wet wipes, but you can’t completely undress the baby.
  • Remove excess clothing, leaving only a T-shirt and light pants.
  • If the above methods did not help bring down the child's temperature, give an antipyretic.

Important! Children need to be given only two types of antipyretic drugs - based on paracetamol or ibuprofen.

Ibuprofen has a longer effect, so at high temperatures it is preferable to paracetamol. How to bring down the temperature of 39 in a child? Give ibuprofen syrup or rectally. If the baby is vomiting, it is better to put a candle. Suppositories bring down the heat more slowly, but act for a longer time. Candles are also preferable if the baby is allergic to the components of the medicines.

Medicines should be given in the following cases:

  • if the child has difficulty breathing, he suffocates;
  • with diarrhea and frequent vomiting;
  • when the child refuses to drink water;
  • if the baby is difficult to tolerate heat;
  • with hysterical behavior of the child;
  • if you have previously had convulsions with heat;
  • at 39 on the thermometer.

In all these cases, antipyretic medicine is simply necessary. Sometimes a child needs to be given paracetamol already at a temperature of 37.2 if he feels very ill. Each case is individual, so be guided by the well-being of the baby.

Features of temperature with a cold

Fever can be different in the manifestation of symptoms - "white" or "red". White fever is called fever, accompanied by pallor of the face with a hot forehead and cold extremities. Red fever is characterized by reddening of the skin: the child is “burning”.

Methods of helping a baby with white and red fever are different. Paleness of the face and cold extremities indicate a vasospasm, and in this case it is impossible to put a cold compress on the forehead and rub the extremities. In red fever, on the contrary, a cool compress on the forehead is recommended.

Methods of rubbing the skin with vinegar and vodka are simply unacceptable, especially for a one-year-old baby or baby at 8 months old. This method of lowering the temperature can cause severe skin burns, and alcohol and acetic fumes can poison the blood. These methods are well suited for adults, but not for children.

When the body is hot, you can not give the child raspberry broth and wrap it in a blanket: this method is suitable for moderate body temperature. It is especially impossible to give small children water with raspberries: babies quickly lose moisture in the heat, and raspberries will speed up the process of sweating through the pores of the skin.

If you give your child raspberry tea, first provide the body with enough moisture - it should sweat with something. Therefore, when soldering with raspberries, follow the rule: first water, then raspberry infusion.

Steady heat

What to do if the fever does not go down? This condition is especially dangerous for young children - urgently call the doctor at home. If a child at the age of 10 or 11 has a persistent temperature for more than five days, an ambulance must also be called.

Sustained fever may indicate the occurrence of internal inflammatory processes, for example, the onset of pneumonia or other serious illness. Persistent temperature is also characteristic of pyelonephritis, however, a pediatrician should establish the diagnosis.

How to reduce the temperature, which does not go astray in the summer? Some parents try the "home-grown method" of dipping their child in cool water to quickly relieve the fever. It should be noted that in this way you can only cool the skin, but not the temperature in the body.

This method is very dangerous for children, since the internal heat remains with the external coolness of the skin. This condition can lead to unpredictable consequences. Why does the skin get cold? This is due to vasospasm, but not due to a decrease in temperature.

Contraindicated medicines

Some antipyretics are contraindicated in children, as they can cause dangerous consequences. These include:

  1. aspirin;
  2. analgin.

These medicines can be taken by adults, as the body can cope with the negative effects. Analgin is banned in some countries due to dangerous complications. The active substances of analgin have a bad effect on the liver, blood and brain. This drug can be used only in a critical situation, when other means do not help - but only by doctors.

Note! It is impossible to treat a child with analgin on its own.

Aspirin is one of the most common antipyretics in our country. In nature, aspirin is found in the fruits and twigs of raspberries. Recently, however, doctors have discovered the negative effect of aspirin on the liver of a child. It is better not to use this remedy, although it is several times more effective than ibuprofen and paracetamol. For adults over 18 years of age, aspirin is not dangerous.


A fever in a child is not always an alarming symptom, sometimes it speaks of the fight of the immune system against viruses. Parents should observe the behavior of the baby during fever: if he feels normal, paracetamol or panadol should not be given. However, with inadequate behavior of the child, antipyretic drugs are given at a temperature of 37.5.

A person's body temperature rises when the body is attacked by various pathogenic microorganisms. When the thermometer readings reach 37.5-38 degrees, then most viruses and infections die. High temperature is dangerous for the body, so it must be artificially reduced with the help of various drugs. If in adults the temperature should be brought down when the thermometer readings are over 38.5-39 degrees, then in children this should be done much earlier. It all depends on factors such as the age of the child. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Why does temperature occur

Fever is not a disease, but a symptom that indicates that the body has been attacked by pathogenic microbes. The main reason for the increase in temperature are various diseases, which can be divided into 2 types:

  1. Infectious, which develop through the ingestion of various viruses, bacteria and infections.
  2. Non-infectious. These are such types of diseases as neuroses, excessive physical and emotional activity, endocrine diseases, diseases of internal organs and others.

It is important to highlight the fact that fever in children can occur as a negative reaction to vaccination. Often, the temperature does not last long and disappears the next day. If, after vaccination, the child's temperature rises to readings above 38 degrees, then it is necessary to give him an antipyretic.

In children over the age of three months, teething may be the cause of a high fever. If the child has a subfebrile temperature of up to 38 degrees for a long time, then the local doctor should be informed about this.

High temperature is one of the most effective means of fighting viruses and bacteria. The disadvantage of high thermometer indicators is the development of serious complications on vital organs and human systems. If you do not bring down the temperature, then reaching its critical indicators above 41 degrees causes death.

When to reduce the temperature of a child at 2 years old

It is necessary to bring down the temperature in children at any age when it causes inconvenience and suffering. High readings on the thermometer only indicate that the baby has signs of the disease. Children aged two years should take measures to reduce the temperature when the mercury column exceeds the limits of 38-38.5 degrees. But here it is also important to emphasize the fact that if the baby feels quite comfortable at 38.5 degrees, then you should not rush to stuff him with medicines for fever.

  1. If the thermometer reading is over 39 degrees. Such indicators occur with a bacterial, viral and fungal disease, when the immune system is unable to overcome the influx of infections. If the thermometer readings rise rapidly, then already at 38 degrees you can start giving the child antipyretic drugs at 2 years old. If the temperature rises slowly and barely reaches 38.5 degrees, and the child does not feel discomfort, then you can wait a little with antipyretics. The most important condition for parents is to control the condition of the baby.
  2. If a child at the age of 2 has readings on a thermometer up to 38 degrees, but at the same time he is prone to febrile convulsions, then you should immediately give him an antipyretic and consult a neurologist. Febrile seizures are an individual process of heat intolerance. Such reactions may occur in children under 6 years of age. The occurrence of seizures is a very dangerous phenomenon, as a result of which the formation of serious complications is not excluded.
  3. If a child aged 2 years at an elevated temperature has difficulty breathing, then appropriate measures must be taken immediately. With difficulty breathing through the nose, the child begins to breathe through the mouth, which leads to the drying of the mucous membrane and the rapid spread of the virus. If a child has such a process during intense heat, then the infections spread much more intensively. Children under the age of three are at risk of developing complications such as hypoxia.
  4. The thermometer can show a high temperature due to exposure to the body of allergens. In this case, not only the temperature rises, but also symptoms such as rash, fever, swelling, nasal congestion, etc. In case of allergies, it is necessary to immediately show the child to a doctor who will determine the cause and administer an anti-allergic vaccine.

When parents should sound the alarm!

Having figured out what temperature should be brought down in a child at the age of 2 years, it is necessary to pay attention to the issue of serious consequences. There are a number of signs, upon detection of which parents need to immediately call an ambulance, a doctor or go to a hospital. These signs include:

  1. Preconvulsive condition, which can be detected by the limbs. If the hands and feet of the child are cold, and the thermometer shows 38-39 degrees, then you need to urgently call an ambulance.
  2. Change in skin color, the baby becomes pale and lethargic.
  3. The thermometer reads over 40 degrees.
  4. Significant fluid loss from the body.
  5. Persistent symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting.
  6. Fever in the febrile range, the symptoms of which do not subside for more than 3 days.

At the first sign of the above symptoms, you need to call a doctor.

How to lower body temperature

The first and most important action of parents with a high value on the thermometer is to reduce it with the help of antipyretic drugs. For children, it is recommended to use such basic types of antipyretic drugs as Nurofen and Paracetamol. In addition to antipyretic drugs, the temperature can be brought down in the following ways:

  1. First you need to remove all clothes from the baby and replace them with clean and dry ones. Children under the age of 2 years must be provided with a comfortable condition at a temperature.
  2. Use a damp cloth that can be used to wipe the baby's body.
  3. Give as much liquid as possible. It is recommended to give water, compotes, juices, milk, but on condition that these types of liquids are warm. When drinking fluids, the likelihood of developing dehydration is excluded, and the likelihood of an early removal of the virus from the body increases.
  4. Do not give your child aspirin. This drug is strictly prohibited for children, as it contributes to the development of serious complications and consequences.
  5. At night, it is necessary to measure the temperature of the baby every 2-3 hours. If a child has a fever, he will definitely sweat, so it is necessary to replace wet linen and clothes with dry and clean ones. The temperature can rise even during sleep, so parents need to periodically measure it.
  6. Provide comfortable conditions in the room. To do this, the room should have a temperature in the range of 20-22 degrees, as well as humidity at the level of 65%. Ventilate the room more often, but exclude the presence of a draft.

It is important to know! You can put a thermometer to a child in a dream, which will allow you to get the most accurate readings.

You can bring down the temperature in a child by the following methods:

  • the use of medicines (candles, syrups);
  • physical methods of cooling;
  • folk remedies.

The World Health Organization recommends lowering the temperature above 39 degrees, as this is the body's reaction to a foreign agent. Viruses die only at this temperature. Nevertheless, one should take into account the fact that if the child has convulsive readiness, it should be reduced already at 38 degrees and no longer wait.

Children are at risk if they are newborns or have:

  • neurological pathology;
  • chronic diseases of the heart, lungs;
  • in history.

Such babies should bring down the temperature from 38 degrees.

Types of hyperthermia

It is dangerous to the life and health of the child.

So, white fever can be suspected if you notice in a baby:

  • cold feet, hands, but the body is hot;
  • lips and skin of legs with a shade of blue;
  • the skin is pale, with a marbled pattern;
  • the child is drowsy and lethargic;
  • temperature over 39 degrees.

This condition rarely occurs.

red hyperthermia

Most common in children.

It is characterized by the following features:

  • hot skin, including hands and feet;
  • red skin color;
  • the child can be active.

How to reduce high temperature?

Help for white fever consists of the following steps:

  • warm your feet - put on warm socks;
  • drink plenty of water;
  • with white, a sharp vasospasm occurs, so it is necessary to give a vasodilator (Papaverine or Drotaverine) and an antipyretic (they will be discussed below);
  • If it occurs, an ambulance needs to be called immediately.

How to bring down the temperature in an infant with medication?

Antipyretic drugs are a whole class of drugs.

Ibuprofen series:

  • Nurofen (candles, syrup);
  • Ibuprofen.

Paracetamol range:

  • Panadol;
  • Kalpol;
  • Efferalgan;
  • Cefekon.

Rules for taking antipyretics

  1. No more than 4 times a day. There is a danger of overdose and the risk of missing the infection.
  2. No more than 5 days.

Antipyretic drugs have been used since 1971, when for the first time the work of J. Wayne proved their effect on an enzyme that is activated against inflammation and provokes fever.

Does not affect the gastric mucosa and respiratory center, does not disturb the acid-base balance.

Its action occurs in 30 - 60 minutes, lasts up to four hours.

WHO recommends paracetamol as the first choice for children with fever. The dosage of Paracetamol is calculated from the ratio of 10 - 15 mg / kg. A single dose is also calculated for any drug containing paracetamol.

Ibuprofen preparations

  • Nurofen in suppositories or suspensions. Valid up to eight hours;
  • Ibufen D. Suspension containing 5 milliliters, 100 milligrams of ibuprofen. Has a convenient dosing syringe;
  • Ibuprofen in suppositories. It has a dosage of 60 mg. It is used in children from 3 months.

Combined drugs

  • Ibuklin. Combination of paracetamol and ibuprofen. It is used in children from the age of one.

Nevertheless, about 50% of parents do not know these facts, and these drugs are still widely used in pediatric practice as antipyretics.

How to bring down the temperature in a child at home?

Physical cooling methods

Aimed at the processes of thermoregulation of the body. They are used to improve heat transfer and, as a result, reduce temperature.

Not to be used in white fever.

  • rubdown. Take a terry towel, moisten it with warm water and wipe the child's body.

If the water is cold, then, firstly, you will frighten the child and provoke crying. Secondly, the receptors located in the skin, when cooled, will send a signal to the brain, namely to the thermoregulatory center. The blood flow in the skin will decrease, but not the body temperature itself;

  • wrapping in wet sheets or towels. The skin should be dry, the temperature in the room is about 25 degrees. The procedure should not cause discomfort to the child;
  • Applying a heating pad with ice to the projection of large vessels.

You can find in sources to reduce the temperature the use of an enema with chilled water. I consider this a barbaric method, since it will cause a sharply negative reaction and crying in the child, against the background of this, the temperature rise will be even greater;

  • room ventilation. Fresh cool air up to 25 degrees will help;
  • air humidification. You can purchase a special one or put containers with cool water.

What and how to drink with a fever?

When a child receives an adequate amount of water during an illness, then, firstly, it reduces the intoxication syndrome, removing the metabolic products of bacteria and viruses. Secondly, it promotes heat transfer due to the fact that the baby begins to sweat and urinate more intensively.

It is necessary to drink boiled water without gas every 15-20 minutes for 2-3 teaspoons or in sips. Also compotes from dried fruits or cherries are not forbidden, but not too sweet.

Signs of dehydration:

  1. Dry lips.
  2. Decreased turgor (elasticity) of the skin.
  3. The child is lethargic and sleepy.
  4. Urine is concentrated, has a bright yellow-brown color.

If you notice these symptoms in your baby, then inpatient treatment is necessary.

In general, I want to say that this is just a symptom of a disease. If a febrile temperature persists for more than 3 days, it is better to consult a doctor.

An elevated temperature in a child becomes a cause of wild excitement for any mother, but not in all cases the situation requires immediate medical intervention. The fact is that high temperature means the body's active fight against infection and its peculiar reaction to a foreign agent.

But what temperature is needed and can be knocked down? When is it worth doing this with antipyretics, and when is it better to use folk remedies? Finally, what medicines best help bring down the temperature?

We will try to give you detailed answers to these and other questions.

What is high temperature?

A high temperature in a child is a loose concept. For some, this is 37.5 on a thermometer, and for some, the temperature is above 39 ºС. What do doctors think about this?

In fact, high temperature, fever or, as this condition is popularly called, fever, can be considered any body temperature if it exceeds 37 ºС.

What is fever in babies?

Childhood fever is:

  • subfebrile or "pink": the baby turns red and radiates heat (temperature up to 38 ºС);
  • febrile, "pale", when the body seems cold, but the thermometer shows above 38ºС.

Febrile fever, in turn, is divided into:

  • moderate (up to 39 ºС);
  • high (up to 41 ºС);
  • hyperpyretic (above 41 ºС).

Why is the temperature rising?

Before you start to bring down the temperature, you need to understand why it has risen. Quite often, the reason for this is excessive parental care: mom or dad wrap the baby like cabbage, as a result of which overheating occurs.

However, most often the body temperature rises due to the presence of infections in the child's body, which are:

  • viral;
  • bacterial.

Viral infections most often go away on their own, while bacterial infections require drug intervention. In addition, bacterial infections are usually accompanied by pronounced symptoms: for example, with otitis, the baby has an earache, and with a sore throat, the throat hurts.

Three Rules for Temperature Measurement

Even such a simple thing as measuring temperature must be clearly verified and carried out in accordance with all the rules.

  1. Personal thermometer. The baby should have his own thermometer, which must be wiped with alcohol before use.
  2. The state of rest. You need to measure the temperature at rest, and not when the baby is playing or crying.
  3. Three times a day. This should be done 3 times a day, and the results obtained must be written down in a notebook.

What temperature should go down?

Even when the temperature ranges from 38 to 38.5 ºС, it is not always necessary to bring it down. Exceptions are children suffering from neurological diseases (convulsions), as well as babies with poor heredity.

The temperature of 39 and above must be brought down without fail, even if the baby plays enthusiastically and does not notice poor health.

We bring down the temperature with folk remedies

It is not necessary to immediately stuff the child with pills or put him antipyretic candles. Sometimes it is worth trying to lower the temperature with proven folk remedies.


This is an old and easy way to quickly bring down the temperature at home. Rubdowns are done either with vodka or vinegar.


It is necessary to dilute vodka with lukewarm water (1: 1), moisten a towel in it and wipe the child with it, paying special attention to the armpit area and feet.


For wiping with vinegar, take diluted vinegar (but not the essence), dilute it again in water (warm) and wipe the baby. Be careful not to drop the solution into the child's eyes. After the procedure, leave the baby naked for 1 minute, and then wrap it well.


Undress the baby, leaving him in light clothing so that the body gets rid of excess heat. The temperature in the room should not exceed 20°C. Pampers would also be better to remove.


If the baby is shivering, wrap him up well and drink warm tea. As soon as he sweats, take off your wet clothes and put on dry and clean ones.

warm drink

At high temperatures, the baby loses a lot of fluid, so it must be soldered with breast milk or water. Older children can drink fruit drinks from cranberries, currants or viburnum.

Brings down the temperature and lingonberry juice, which at the same time has antimicrobial properties.


To prevent toxins from being absorbed through the intestines, it is necessary to cleanse it with enemas, but without drugs. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute a teaspoon of salt or soda in a glass of water.

Dosage of the composition

  • from six months to a year: enema 30-50 milliliters;
  • from one to two years: 70-100 ml;
  • from two years and older: 250 ml of solution.

Remember that at first glance, a “harmless” enema can be given to a child only with the permission of the doctor.

What can not be done?

  • forcefully lay the child down;
  • allow him to rage or run, so as not to provoke a new increase in temperature;
  • do an enema without the doctor's permission;
  • to wrap and cover the baby with hundreds of blankets;
  • cover the child with a wet towel - this prevents the body from giving off excess heat;
  • take the temperature forcibly when the baby cries and is afraid of a thermometer.

Bring down the temperature with medication

If all the available folk ways to lower the high temperature are used, but it continues to rise, it is worth trying to bring it down with medication.

Moreover, in some cases it is impossible to lower the temperature with folk remedies categorically.

When should the temperature be brought down immediately with medication?

Such cases include:

  • hyperthermia (a sharp jump in body temperature up to 40ºС);
  • fever in children suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system or prone to seizures;
  • age up to 2 months.

For children at risk, it is highly discouraged to bring down the temperature with folk methods (for example, wiping with vinegar or vodka), since the skin absorbs volatile substances especially strongly when heated.

It is also necessary to bring down the temperature with antipyretic infants up to 2 months old, since overheating can be fatal for them.

Safety above all!

Any remedy you choose must first of all be safe, therefore, according to WHO recommendations, only paracetamol and ibuprofen can be them.

In most cases, paracetamol is the active ingredient in antipyretic drugs, but each drug works differently.

Paracetamol-based preparations

These include Panadol, Cefekon and Efferalgan. They have a pronounced antipyretic effect and help relieve pain. Drugs rarely cause complications from the gastrointestinal tract, hematopoietic and nervous systems, and they are taken no more than 4 times a day.

Nurofen-based products

The basis of "Ibuprofen" is an active substance called Nurofen. The dosage is calculated according to the age of the child, but not more than 30 milligrams per kilogram of weight. The medicine helps to quickly reduce the temperature, and the effect obtained lasts for a long time.

Ibuprofen has an anti-inflammatory effect and is an excellent pain reliever. Take the drug no more than 3-4 times a day.

Interferon based preparations

Candles Viferon or Genferon are made on the basis of interferon. For newborns, they are the best option for bringing down the temperature, as they simultaneously fight viruses and increase immunity.

The effectiveness of these drugs has been proven by a number of clinical trials.

lytic mixture

In rare cases, you can give the child an injection with a lytic mixture. It is done intramuscularly. The composition includes "Analgin", "Dimedrol" and "Papaverine".

Features of taking the drug

  1. The action of the miraculous injection begins in 10 minutes.
  2. It is mandatory to test the baby for allergies before the injection.
  3. The dosage is prescribed according to age (the year of the child's life is 0.1 milliliters of the mixture), all components are collected in the same proportions.

Rules for taking medications


Antipyretic is always given to the baby first orally. If the temperature does not drop, but an hour has passed, you can repeat the drug or make a candle for the child.

bide your time

If after 40 minutes after this the temperature has not dropped, the baby is injected intramuscularly with a lytic mixture.

Duration of admission

Long-term medication negatively worsens the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and often causes diathesis.

Fighting disease

Remember that by lowering the temperature, you will eliminate a single symptom of the disease, but will not cure it completely.


If the child’s temperature does not drop in any way, and the condition worsens, do not self-medicate and urgently call an ambulance!

Summing up

An increase in temperature in a baby is always accompanied by the feelings of parents and their indescribable fear for the state of his health. Therefore, when choosing an antipyretic, remember not only its advantages, but also its disadvantages, expressed in possible side effects.

To bring down the temperature in a child, try different options, carefully observing his reaction. And most importantly: consult a doctor about taking medications, and not with neighbors on the porch or Internet forums.

Be healthy and don't get sick!