Conspiracies to raise wages. Effective conspiracies to get promoted at work

To raise wages

A conspiracy for good luck at work and increased income:

Have mercy on us, for now, for centuries, for all bright times.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In the garden of Adam there is a tree, under that tree the grass grows,

It blooms once in a thousand years.

Come closer, bow down to her.

I did not give birth to you, I did not baptize you with your name,

I didn’t water you, I didn’t praise you.

The earth gave birth to you, rain and dew watered you.

I beg you, I beg you, I glorify you.

Help me, God's servant (name).

Let everything go well around me, do not jinx the evil eye.

Defeat the wicked people

I would be in high esteem at my work. "

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen "(After the Amen, be sure to cross yourself).

A conspiracy to get your child to get a good job

So there would be denyuzhki in it,

The servant of God (name of the child) came in handy.

To go to the servant of God (name of the child)

From the house by door-gates,

Come to a reserved place,

Visible from four sides.

And in the middle of that place there is a money barn,

And a terrible chain dog is guarding him.

And the servant of God (name of the child) would be in that barn,

Jesus Christ, help,

Slave svavo (child's name) be wise,

Instruct smart people.

As said, this will happen:

The servant of God (name of the child) will find himself service and friendship,

There will be denyuzhki in the bag

There will be little thoughts in my head.

I lock it with a key

Yes, I command from others.

How to get promoted

"My word is strong, this word is firm. What I rightfully want, I will receive in justice. May it be so!"

Strong conspiracies to raise wages

A pay rise conspiracy is ideal for those people who believe they deserve more in this life. In particular, situations are often encountered when a person works very hard, but he is not paid extra for it. Agree that in the modern world it is very difficult to live on the lowest wage. Therefore, people very often resort to the help of magic in order to at least slightly improve their financial situation. Especially if the person has children who need to be lifted to their feet. It is best to carry out a magic ritual on the growing moon.

Strong conspiracies to raise wages

How to have a beneficial effect on bosses

Quite often there are situations when the boss has a very negative attitude towards his employee. Moreover, it is very strange that he does not even hide his negative attitude. At such moments, you can immediately forget about getting a small increase or a bonus for quality work done. Here only in magic there is a method that allows you to have a very beneficial effect on the boss and to establish relations with him. It is easy to do it yourself at home. In order to carry out this simple ceremony, it is necessary to prepare several very important attributes.

  1. Dark honey. You won't need much of it. Just 1 tablespoon.
  2. A small amount of basil leaves, which must first be chopped.
  3. If you do not have the opportunity to use the leaves, then you can use basil essential oil. A few drops are enough.

All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and put on fire. Some experts believe that even a microwave oven will do. When taking a bath, the mixture should be added to the water.

“Some holy people love the Most Holy Theotokos for a very long time. He is constantly next to her and cannot take his eyes off this Holy woman. So let my boss, the servant of God (name) burn to me with the purest and most sincere feelings. I want to make him respect me. And I am ready to do everything for this, because it is very important that the team has excellent relations. I really want my boss to see me as a good specialist and, at least a little, but raise my first salary. I really want to come home and make my wife proud of me. I am a man and have to support my family. That's just because my boss and I don't have a very pleasant relationship, the money doesn't stay in my wallet for a very long time. I ask you to make me pay and increase it. The wife no longer treats me as her husband. Let the higher powers hear the words of this prayer and help me get a pay rise in the office. And so that she would not be detained. Amen".

How to get promoted using magic

You can get a good job

There are situations when one very good position is vacated. And now several people begin to apply for it. In order for you to get this place one hundred percent, you should carry out a simple, but very effective ritual. Write on a piece of paper the name of the person who is your strongest competitor. Remember that the name must be spelled exactly 9 times. After that, each name must be crossed out three times. Place paper with utensils and cover with vinegar. Now you need to go outside and choose a place where the least number of people go.

Then turn your back to the sunrise and read the following words:

“May the servant of God (name) not be able to get the job that I have dreamed of for so long. May his thoughts and actions not be so beautiful. The boss will see that this person is not suitable for this job and will give the place to me. For a very long time I wanted to get a raise in my job and, accordingly, a rise in wages. I am reading this conspiracy to increase salaries and I want to achieve my goal. I hope that the words of this prayer will help me very much. I want a normal first salary. Whoever wants to get my place will still fail. I want to be given money and I will repay the debt. I do not want to be in the status of a debtor. Returns are very important to me. Amen".

The dishes need to be thrown over your shoulder and, without turning around, go home. Remember that it is forbidden to talk to anyone.

How to get a high-paying job

Sometimes there are situations when a person cannot find a job for a long time, because he wants the salary to be such that he can help his family. Employers do not always agree to take a new person into the team and immediately pay him a high rate. At such moments, a person can easily use magic and achieve his desire.

To carry out the ceremony, you should take a handkerchief and read the conspiracy to find a job and a conspiracy for a salary on it:

“As soon as I, the servant of God (name), go in search of a well-paid job, I will immediately be offered many options. I am a person who loves my job very much and will always do it efficiently and on time. I will complete the first task without any problems. As soon as I am given any task, I will immediately complete it. I want to be respected in the workplace and always given me quality work. I am an expert in my field and studied very well. I really want to get a high salary so that I never have to need anything again. My wife really wants me to bring a normal amount of money. Moreover, we have a child who needs a lot of everything. May the Lord hear my words of prayer and help me get what I want. I want my employer to raise me and pay all the money. I am ready to do a lot for this. I am ready for anything, if only they paid the money and gave me my payment. For a good pay and an amazing return. Amen".

As soon as you need to go to an interview, you need to take a handkerchief with you and open the door for them. Remember that the charmed object is intended only for these purposes. Never use it in your everyday life. He is able to help you only in the work area.

To be constantly lucky at work

If you want to quickly and efficiently do all the things, then you need to attract luck. Specialists in the field of magic are convinced that only luck can help to get a raise in salary.

Every day, before going to work, the following conspiracy should be read:

“May the Lord protect me today and drive me away from me as an enemy. As soon as the enemy or ill-wisher decides to spoil my payments, so immediately the higher powers will put him in his place. I want them to give out the whole patch and pay the money. I look forward to participating in the receipt of the banknotes today. The addition of money will not hurt me, and the former boss is gone. Now I will receive the normal amount of money. The help left a residue on my soul. A person is always looking for good news. Good luck today for my boss to raise me and pay me an advance. Amen".

How can you use magic to raise your salary?

You can be classified among the majority of office workers if you find it difficult to answer when was the last time you received a raise. But do not be sad, the situation can be corrected using magic, or rather, special conspiracies to raise wages at work. We will talk about them today.

If, despite your efforts, experience and one hundred percent dedication to the cause, the management is in no hurry to encourage you by raising your salary, simple rituals will help. The rituals that promote the increase, attract money and return the location to the bosses can be carried out independently, having previously studied all the features.

Nuances of magic rituals

As a rule, rituals to increase monthly wages should be performed with the waxing moon. During this period, energy flows best contribute to the implementation of the plan. You can also read a conspiracy to raise the salary, and during the new moon.

In addition, there are other requirements for conducting magical rituals that cause an increase in wages. These include:

  • carrying out magical actions alone;
  • observance of confidentiality, both before and after the ceremony.

Having familiarized yourself with the nuances that help to make the rite correctly and read the promotion conspiracy at the most appropriate time, you can begin to realize what you want. Below we offer several popular conspiracies, with the help of which, within a short period of time, you increased the size of the accrued amount.

Rite of passage with the cleaning of the workplace

This conspiracy is read three times for two days in a row. The magic words of this conspiracy will help clean up the workplace and attract money to yourself. It is necessary to read them in the early days of the full moon.

Before embarking on a ceremony and attracting a wage increase, prepare a bag of herbal collection. It is worth putting in the bag:

Be one of the first to come to work on the first day. Hide the bag in the workplace so that no one can see it. Work it out as expected, and in the evening, after returning home, utter the words of the conspiracy. In this case, it is advisable to open a window and look at the full circle of the moon. The conspiracy text should sound like this:

“All living things listen to the full moon: earth, flowers and animals. So I, the servant of God (my own name), ask for light, harmony and material prosperity on the full moon. May my salary be as round as the heavenly body. As the moon grows, so it will increase, and as the moon begins to decrease, so it will stabilize. The lunar shining is clear, the month is round, and my purse is full and golden. "

Pronounce the conspiracy three times in a row, and then go to bed. Go to work early in the morning. Having arrived first, open the window and, while no one of the employees is present, say the following words:

"I let out shortages and failures, but let in the light."

Now you can start your immediate duties at the workplace. The conspiracy will begin to act immediately. The effect of the influence of magic words can be seen already in the first two weeks.

Rite of passage with a coin

Magic will come to the rescue even when the boss deliberately does not increase the salary of a diligent and responsible employee. To change the attitude of the leadership and get the long-awaited promotion, you can use the charmed coin.

For the ritual, you will need a penny of any denomination, but always yellow. During the waxing moon above the coin, you should say:

“As fish in the sea-ocean cannot be counted, as there are many stars in the night sky, as there are many grasses in the fields and meadows, so even if I, the servant of God (my own name), always have money: in my wallet and in my house. Let the boss see my work and increase my salary, add a lot of money to me. My words are strong and strong, like the mighty stone Alatyr. I will seal my speeches in the ground, so that from now on and forever it will be so. Amen".

After reading the words of the conspiracy three times, put the coin on the desktop. It must be at the right hand. Within three days, a penny should be in a secret place. After this period, the coin must be removed and taken to the store. There, get any sweetness by paying with a coin that is conspired to raise wages. Give this sweetness to a child or treat a friend. After that, the conspiracy will take effect. The effect can be seen only after 1-1.5 months.

Rite of passage in the workplace

When you come to work, before starting your own duties, clasp the index fingers of both hands, imperceptibly for the rest. Whisper magic words at the same time:

“Jesus Christ and the Apostle Andrew were fishing on the Sea of ​​Galilee. He spoke with the Lord, asked for help: “Send the catch to me, the servant of God (your name), so that I might be rich, and shovel money with a shovel. Let my boss not deprive me of, offend me, he will not bypass me, he will appreciate my work and pay the salary according to his conscience. Amen".

After that, you can begin to carry out your immediate duties. This conspiracy should start working within a month. Be patient and expect an increase.

Raising wages by conspiracies

When was the last time your salary was raised? Find it difficult to answer? Well, you are from the majority ... After all, quite often, despite your diligence and hard work, skill and experience, the authorities are in no hurry to raise your salary. And if even your direct request did not bring the desired result, you can do a magic rite.

Features of the ritual

The ceremony, after which you will receive a salary increase, has its own rules. And if you follow them clearly, then soon you will definitely get the results you need:

  • Any person can make a conspiracy, regardless of gender, position and salary;
  • You should not perform the ritual if you are sick, on Sunday, or on church holidays.;
  • The most effective conspiracy is considered, which is carried out on the full moon, or in the phase of the waxing moon. A ritual carried out in the waning moon phase can have the opposite effect, so on such days it is better to refuse it;
  • The best days for a conspiracy for money are Thursday and Saturday.

By following these simple rules, you can make a really effective conspiracy. Its action begins literally immediately, and you will feel the first noticeable results after a month and a half.

3-stage ritual

In order for you to increase your salary, you can apply this rite. It is done in stages:
  1. The workplace needs to be cleaned. If possible, it would be good fumigate your workspace with a mixture of calendula and mint herbs... If this cannot be done, then in some place inaccessible to others you need to hide a bag of these herbs for a week.
  2. Conspiracy. It needs to be read 3 times at home on a full moon:

“Flowers all bloom at the full moon, they listen to the round moon, And I am a servant of God (name) ask the moon for a clear light, full consent. So that my salary is round, as you are now, And with your growth it will increase, And as you decrease, so it will stabilize. Long light, full month, my wallet is golden "

  1. Carrying out the morning ritual already at the workplace. You need to come to work before everyone else and, having opened the window, repeat the following words 3 times:

"Letting in the light, letting out failures!"

After that, you can start performing your duties. The action of the ceremony can be felt literally immediately, and you will see real results in a couple of weeks.

If the work of a talented and diligent employee is not noticed or encouraged, then magic can come to the rescue. In order to raise wages, there is a special conspiracy. To make it you need any yellow coin. The following magical text should be read on it:

“As in the blue sea, the mighty ocean, there are fish, but they are not translated, As in the blue sky, the huge sky, the stars shine, you cannot count them, As in a spacious field, a wide field of grass spikes, do not break everything, So it is with me, the servant of God ( name) money was always found. My words are as strong as the mighty Alatyr stone, I seal them with an iron sword in my mother earth. Let my boss increase my salary, add money, see my talents. To keep it this way forever. Amen!"

This conspiracy must be read three times. After that, you need to put a coin on the right side at your workplace. She must stay there for 3 days. After this period, it must be spent on the purchase of some thing that can be donated to someone. For example, it can be a chocolate bar that you treat to a child. You can feel the result of this ceremony in a month.

How to draw a pay rise

In order to carry out this ceremony to raise wages, you need a sheet of paper and a new pencil. Before starting the ritual, it is recommended to read a prayer to Spyridon of Trimyphus. You need to draw your boss. Don't be embarrassed if you don't have a talent for drawing.

Try to keep the drawing good and your boss smiling. The most important thing is that when drawing, you imagine exactly your boss. Then you need to draw that he is giving you money, and be sure to write the desired amount on the "money". Above this figure, you need to read the following plot:

“Lord, as you turn your gaze on me, the servant of God (your name), so may my boss, the servant of God (the name of the boss), turn his gaze on me and appreciate my merits. How are you. The Heavenly King is generous, so let the servant of God (the name of the chief) be generous. Amen"

Then the leaf with the drawing must be folded and carried with you to work. When you meet with your boss, you need to imperceptibly touch this sheet with your hand and think about the amount of the coveted salary. Soon your wish will come true.

To be paid on time

Nowadays, it often happens that for one reason or another, salaries are delayed. In order to give the salary on time, there is such a conspiracy:

“I ask Jesus Christ and the grieving Mother of God

Take my servant (name) from the servant of God and give it to my hands.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen"

It is pronounced while standing in front of your place of work, while you need to clasp the little fingers of your hands. Do not hesitate, very soon you will receive your earned money.

  • List item
December 20, 2017 3 lunar day - Young moon. Time to bring good things into life.

Anyone wants to live better and get more money for their work. This desire is quite natural and especially relevant in conditions of economic instability. Prices rise daily, and most office workers and employees in the Russian Federation no longer remember when their salary was last increased.

Salary increase ceremonies will be useful to those who, despite their efforts, experience and professional skills, do not receive the proper financial reward. These magical tricks will cause money energy to flow in your direction and attract the attention of superiors to you.

Features of performing ceremonies for salary

Implementation related to improving the financial situation must obey strict rules. This will increase the effectiveness of conspiracies and speed up their duration. The basic rules are as follows:

  • Rituals to increase monthly payments for work done are carried out on the growing moon or in the new moon phase;
  • Perform rituals alone;
  • Recommended days of the week - Thursday, Saturday;
  • It is not advisable to perform rituals on church weekends and holidays.

Having chosen the most favorable day, try to cleanse yourself of negative emotions and tune in to a calm and peaceful mood. Belief in the effectiveness of magic will give strength to any conspiracy. If on the day of the ceremony you feel weak or tired, it is better to postpone the procedure until a better time. Like any energetic action, a ritual to increase your financial status will require an investment of spiritual and partly physical strength.

Two powerful magic salary rites

Of the many conspiracies I know to improve material well-being, I chose the most effective and simple to execute.

The first rite

A very powerful magic technique, which is carried out in several stages. At the initial stage, the procedure for cleaning the office or place is carried out. To do this, fumigate the room with mint or calendula.

This procedure is not always possible - you can simply leave a bag of dry herbs in a drawer or other secret place for 7 days. The second stage is the conspiracy itself. It is read on a growing or full moon. It is not necessary to memorize all the words exactly - the message and the feeling with which you pronounce them play a role: “Let my salary become as round as this month. And let it grow like the moon, and let my wallet be filled! Amen". Repeat the plot three times, then go to bed.

The third stage is carried out in the morning. Come early to work, open the window and say: "I let the light in, but I drive out the darkness!" The rite begins to work when the time comes for the next paycheck.

Second rite

Another strong conspiracy, this time with the use of a coin. Any yellow metal coin will do. The words of the conspiracy are read on it:

“As there are no number of stars in the sky and drops in the ocean, so let my money be innumerable: both in my wallet and in my house. Amen".

The words themselves do not have a defining meaning, the main thing is the attitude and belief in a positive result.

But simple rituals are not always enough: some situations require the professional help of a magician. If you need the support of a strong practicing magician, please contact me directly: I guarantee the result and qualified assistance.

It is very offensive when the boss does not value the experience and qualifications of an employee and pays an unfair salary.

To finally achieve a salary increase, bonus payment and other bonuses, each time, before starting work, clasp the index fingers of both hands and repeat the conspiracy three times, closing your eyes:

“The Apostle Andrew was fishing in the sea of ​​Galilee, he spoke with Jesus Christ our Lord. Lord Jesus Christ, send me a rich catch, to row money with a shovel. Let the boss (s) of God (s) (your name) not forget, not bypass, give good, feed, give water. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Open your eyes, unhook your fingers and get to work.

Rite of passage with the cleaning of the workplace

This conspiracy is read three times for two days in a row. The magic words of this conspiracy will help clean up the workplace and attract money to yourself. It is necessary to read them in the early days of the full moon. Before embarking on a ceremony and attracting a wage increase, prepare a bag of herbal collection. It is worth putting in a bag: a handful of dried calendula; a handful of mint.

Be one of the first to come to work on the first day. Hide the bag in the workplace so that no one can see it. Work it out as expected, and in the evening, after returning home, utter the words of the conspiracy. In this case, it is advisable to open a window and look at the full circle of the moon.

Conspiracy text
“All living things listen to the full moon: earth, flowers and animals. So I, the servant of God (my own name), ask for light, harmony and material prosperity on the full moon. May my salary be as round as the heavenly body. As the moon grows, so it will increase, and as the moon begins to decrease, so it will stabilize. The lunar shining is clear, the month is round, and my purse is full and golden. "

Pronounce the conspiracy three times in a row, and then go to bed. Go to work early in the morning. Having arrived first, open the window and, while no one of the employees is present, say the following words: "I let out shortages and failures, but let in the light."

Now you can start your immediate duties at the workplace. The conspiracy will begin to act immediately. The effect of the influence of magic words can be seen already in the first two weeks.

Rite of passage with a coin

Magic will come to the rescue even when the boss deliberately does not increase the salary of a diligent and responsible employee. To change the attitude of the leadership and get the long-awaited promotion, you can use the charmed coin. For the ritual, you will need a penny of any denomination, but always yellow. During the waxing moon above the coin, you should say:

“As fish in the sea-ocean cannot be counted, as there are many stars in the night sky, as there are many grasses in the fields and meadows, so even if I, the servant of God (my own name), always have money: in my wallet and in my house.

Let the boss see my work and increase my salary, add a lot of money to me. My words are strong and strong, like the mighty stone Alatyr. I will seal my speeches in the ground, so that from now on and forever it will be so. Amen".

After reading the words of the conspiracy three times, put the coin on the desktop. It must be at the right hand. Within three days, a penny should be in a secret place. After this period, the coin must be removed and taken to the store. There, get any sweetness by paying with a coin that is conspired to raise wages. Give this sweetness to a child or treat a friend. After that, the conspiracy will take effect. The effect can be seen only after 1-1.5 months.

Money conspiracy from poverty

If money is constantly not enough, you need to get a cow horn, a hoof or a bone from a leg.

Store-bought beef leg is fine, only the bone must be well cleaned of meat. Put the bone in cold water and leave for a day. Then drain the water and put the bone in the sun.

When the bone is dry, utter a conspiracy from poverty:
I will go out, blessed, I will go, crossing myself, to meet me seven angels, seven archangels, seven saints, seven of my patrons. "Angels, archangels, patron saints, where have you been, what have you seen?" “We were on the holy mountains, we saw a white ox, that white ox ran across the mountains, carrying misfortune, poverty across the sea.

Running across the sea, there is a white stone alatyr. He threw that misfortune-misery on the alatyr-stone, began to butt her horns, trample with his feet. He hammered, trampled, and threw him to the bottom of the sea, to the yellow sands, where the wind does not blow, the sun does not warm, it does not rain ”. Lie down, misery, poverty, do not rise either yesterday or tomorrow, but this day I closed you with a key, and drowned the key in the well. My word is as strong as God's truth. Amen.

After reading the conspiracy, you need to wrap the bone in a white scarf and hide it at the doorstep. In the near future, the lack of money will cease to bother you.

Money conspiracy

Performed on the waxing moon. You need to light a green candle and concentrate on the flame.

Repeat the conspiracy three to nine times to feel its power: “I wish the healing and harmonious energy of this candle to become mine. Let the magic of money flow through my life.

A conspiracy to increase wages is a magical rite that affects not the person performing it, but the environment and other people around the employee. Such a ritual does not only so as to increase income, but also resolves possible conflicts with the authorities.

The ceremony for raising wages, like any other conspiracy, has its own characteristics.

Having studied the rules for performing the ritual and performing it correctly, it will turn out to be effective and efficient, bringing the necessary results in the very near future:

  1. the conspiracy can be read by both men and women, regardless of the position held and the level of salary;
  2. the most effective ceremonies are obtained during the waxing moon or full moon. It is not recommended to read a conspiracy for a waning month, as it can have the opposite effect;
  3. it is not advisable to carry out a ceremony to raise wages on church holidays, Sunday or on days when a person does not feel well;
  4. money conspiracies are most powerful if carried out on Thursday or Saturday.
Having studied these simple rules, you can make the conspiracy effective, and get the result in the shortest possible time.

It is believed that the rite begins to work immediately after completion, and the first results can be seen within a month and a half.

Ritual in several stages

This rite is considered very effective, and it must be carried out in several stages.

The first step is to clean up the workplace. If possible, the workroom is fumigated with calendula and mint grass. If this is not possible, then a rag bag of herbs should be left in one of the drawers of the table or in another secret place for a week.

The second stage is the conspiracy. A conspiracy is read on the full moon:

“Flowers all bloom at the full moon, they listen to the round moon,
And I am a servant of God (name) ask the moon for clear light, full consent.
To keep my salary as round as you are now
And with your growth it grew,
And as you decrease, so it will stabilize.
The light is long, the month is full, my wallet is golden.
My chief boss will listen to the moon and decide my affairs.

The conspiracy is repeated three times, and after reading it, you should go to bed.

The third stage is the morning ritual at work. In the morning after reading the magic words, you need to come first to work, open the window and say the conspiracy:

The conspiracy is repeated three times, after which you can proceed to your usual duties. The ritual for raising wages begins to operate immediately, and the first results can be enjoyed in a few weeks.

Coin ritual

When a talented and diligent employee does everything to be noticed and encouraged, but the boss does not, magic comes to the rescue. A special conspiracy for a coin will help make an employee's salary increase. To complete it, you will need a coin of any denomination, yellow.

The magic words are read on it:

“As in a blue sea, a mighty ocean, fish are found but not translated,
As in the blue sky, in the huge sky, the stars shine, you cannot count them,
As in a spacious field, a wide field of grasses spike, do not break everything,
So it is with me, the servant of God (name), money has always been found.
My words are as strong as the mighty Alatyr stone,
I seal them with an iron sword in my mother earth.
Let my boss increase my salary,
He will add money, he will see my talents.
To keep it this way forever.

The words are read three times, after which the coin should be put in the workplace to the right of you. The coin must lie there for three days. When three days have passed, you need to buy something for it. Only this is bought not for himself, but for someone else. Let's say a purchased piece of candy given to a child will do. At this, the ceremony is considered complete. Results can be expected in a month.

You can make it so that wages increase with the help of magical effects. A special ceremony will help the boss to notice the talents of his subordinate and, accordingly, encourage him financially.

A simple conspiracy to attract money

This conspiracy is done within three days. To hold it, you will need to buy three simple candles of any size and color from the church. The conspiracy is done in the morning. Light one candle and repeat the following words seven times:

“As one girl went for some water, so she left and did not return, and then money began to come for her, and they paid for her and paid, but they did not pay everything, and left for my life. Give the servant of God (your name) strength such that money rushes to me, but does not pass me by. Amen".

As you make a conspiracy for three days, so money will be attracted to you and will begin. This conspiracy is popularly called "the conspiracy against Martha the drowned woman."

Fast money conspiracy

For a conspiracy, you need to buy one of the largest church candles. At home, put a candle on a ten-ruble coin, light it and say the conspiracy three times:

“As the saint's fire burns out on this money, so I will begin to grow rich, and grow in money. Amen, amen, amen. "

After the candle has completely burned out, remove the wax from the coin and put it in your wallet, it will immediately begin to attract money.

Wealth conspiracy

Buy three long candles (church), twist them together. After midnight, light the candles (so that they all burn together) and say the following thirty-three times:

“Burn need and poverty with triple fire. As the candles burn out, so the wealth will go to me. "

Then let the candles burn out completely, and throw whatever remains of them into the toilet. The conspiracy does not need to be repeated, it usually takes effect exactly thirty-three days later.

Prayer for the attraction of money

“As Jesus lived honestly, so he lived right. And if this is correct, then let my life be honest and secure. May my path be easy, but strewn with money. And I will go along the path of good, secure and happy. Amen".

Repeat the prayer three times.

Prayer for wealth

This prayer helps you get rich. You need to pray every day, in the morning, until you understand that you already have enough money. The prayer is pronounced in a whisper so that no one can hear it. You can also pray silently. Prayer text:

“Holy angels, I am coming to you with a request. As the monk who walked from church to church, but did not receive an answer anywhere, so I go through life, but nowhere will I rejoice. Have mercy on me, a servant of God (your name), help me become rich, and live this life in luxury. May I never again know poverty and grief. With a request to you and with respect. Amen".

The prayer is said three times.

Income growth conspiracy

For this conspiracy, you need to take three coins of the smallest denomination - a penny. Place pennies in the palm of your left hand and whisper to them:

“Let the penny for the penny stretch, and the big money will hurry after them, but everyone comes to visit me and I calm down. Amen".

Repeat the plot three times. After that, put the said pennies into your wallet and let them always be there, but your income will increase.

Money conspiracy

This conspiracy requires any coin and one candle that is bought in the church.

At night, put a candle on a coin, light a candle and say:

“Gai-nai, don't pass by, come to me. I will be light and dry, quiet and comfortable. Your kids. Gai-nai, oh, how good it will be for me, I will start saving them, and multiply them. Let them come to me, ask them. "

Repeat three times, let the candle burn out, and after that always carry the coin with you and rub it with your hand every evening.

Financial conspiracy

With the help of this conspiracy, you can ensure your financial well-being for many years. A conspiracy is done once. For it you need three candles and three coins (of any denomination).

Late at night, put candles on coins, light them and say once:

“As heaven is without God, so is life without money. Let the money find me, come to me and not leave me. For a happy and rich life, but a long one. I pray so loudly to all the saints that others turn around and help me. Amen".

Carry coins with you afterwards, they are now a guarantee of your financial well-being. And do not lose them, otherwise you will be completely ruined and you will go around the world.

3-stage ritual

In order for you to increase your salary, you can apply this rite. It is done in stages:

  1. The workplace needs to be cleaned. If possible, it is a good idea to fumigate your work area with a mixture of calendula and mint herbs. If this cannot be done, then in some place inaccessible to others you need to hide a bag of these herbs for a week.
  2. Conspiracy. It needs to be read 3 times at home on a full moon:

“Flowers all bloom at the full moon, they listen to the round moon, And I am a servant of God (name) ask the moon for a clear light, full consent. So that my salary is round, as you are now, And with your growth it will increase, And as you decrease, so it will stabilize. Long light, full month, my wallet is golden "

  1. Carrying out the morning ritual already at the workplace. You need to come to work before everyone else and, having opened the window, repeat the following words 3 times:

"Letting in the light, letting out failures!"

After that, you can start performing your duties. The action of the ceremony can be felt literally immediately, and you will see real results in a couple of weeks.

On a coin

If the work of a talented and diligent employee is not noticed or encouraged, then magic can come to the rescue. In order to raise wages, there is a special conspiracy. To make it you need any yellow coin. The following magical text should be read on it:

“As in the blue sea, the mighty ocean, there are fish, but they are not translated, As in the blue sky, the huge sky, the stars shine, you cannot count them, As in a spacious field, a wide field of grass spikes, do not break everything, So it is with me, the servant of God ( name) money was always found. My words are as strong as the mighty Alatyr stone, I seal them with an iron sword in my mother earth. Let my boss increase my salary, add money, see my talents. To keep it this way forever. Amen!"

This conspiracy must be read three times. After that, you need to put a coin on the right side at your workplace. She must stay there for 3 days. After this period, it must be spent on the purchase of some thing that can be donated to someone. For example, it can be a chocolate bar that you treat to a child. You can feel the result of this ceremony in a month.

How to draw a pay rise

In order to carry out this ceremony to raise wages, you need a sheet of paper and a new pencil. Before starting the ritual, it is recommended to read a prayer to Spyridon of Trimyphus. You need to draw your boss. Don't be embarrassed if you don't have a talent for drawing.

Try to keep the drawing good and your boss smiling. The most important thing is that when drawing, you imagine exactly your boss. Then you need to draw that he is giving you money, and be sure to write the desired amount on the "money".

“Lord, as you turn your gaze on me, the servant of God (your name), so may my boss, the servant of God (the name of the boss), turn his gaze on me and appreciate my merits. How are you. The Heavenly King is generous, so let the servant of God (the name of the chief) be generous. Amen"

Then the leaf with the drawing must be folded and carried with you to work. When you meet with your boss, you need to imperceptibly touch this sheet with your hand and think about the amount of the coveted salary. Soon your wish will come true.

To be paid on time

Nowadays, it often happens that for one reason or another, salaries are delayed. In order to give the salary on time, there is such a conspiracy:

“I ask Jesus Christ and the grieving Mother of God
Take my servant (name) from the servant of God and give it to my hands.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen"

It is pronounced while standing in front of your place of work, while you need to clasp the little fingers of your hands. Do not hesitate, very soon you will receive your earned money.

This conspiracy in the old days was read by merchants over the keys with which they locked their shops. At the present time, a conspiracy for a salary increase can be read over the keys to any premises where you work and make money. Then your income will increase many times over.

Angels-Archangels, with the blessing of the Lord, go, Holy Angels, to the blue sea with golden keys, unlock and shake the blue sea, open submarine-underground treasures and gold, excite, roll gold, silver and copper money to me in a net; gold for God, silver for children, copper for poor orphans. To you, holy Angels, as if we resort to warm intercessors and our intercessors with love and humbly pray: pray to the Lord God, yes with your favorable prayers, with His love for mankind grant us (names) a quiet and pious life in this whole life, may he save us from the temptations and temptations of the evil devil and from troubles and misfortunes, and from all evil; at His Last Judgment, may the heirs of His Kingdom of Heaven grant us worthy standing and heirs of His Kingdom of Heaven, as if blessed be the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from competitors at work

Many people do not believe, but there are envious people who specially go to sorcerers in order to destroy their competitors. They do not disdain anything, the most terrible damage is directed: to death, and to illness, and to ruin. Read this salary conspiracy if you know that you have strong envious competitors. You need to read the conspiracy on all business papers that you sign. If it is difficult to do this (for example, someone is nearby), then you need to talk a conspiracy on the pen with which you sign these papers. Slander on the pen every day, in the morning.

Lord Jesus Christ, Most Holy Theotokos, Angelic and Archangelic powers, I pray, protect, defend from the corruption of the sorcerer. I take the holy cross, I disown, I dissuade myself from a sorcerer and a sorceress, from black and red, from white and fair-haired, from a simple-haired girl, from a hand-rolled woman, from any witch-doctor. With the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, with the prayers of the holy saint of God Diodorus, Lord, save and protect me. About Venerable and Most Blessed Diodorus, our Father! Help us, servants of God (names), walk the path of life of salvation: enlighten our darkened souls with the dawn of God-given grace, reject passion, weaken from sinful chains, deliver us from the imminent sorrow and from all evil and grant us salvation, so that we call all the salvation : Rejoice, reverend Diodora, our father; Rejoice, strong adamant and fearful demon perverter and conqueror; Rejoice, our coming (home), bright kindness. Grant us all joy and the Heavenly Kingdom to be partakers, now and ever and forever and ever.

Conspiracy for good luck at work

Previously, this conspiracy was read over the keys to the pantries, so that they were always full of goodness. The same conspiracy to raise salaries can be read over the keys to safes, jewelry boxes, and even just over a wallet. Take the keys (wallet), throw them in the middle of the room and say:

I will get up, blessing, go, cross myself, go out of the bedroom into the maid, throw the keys in the middle of the maid, turn around to the holy icons, worship Christ our Savior, pray for a good meal, for a golden execution, for all kindness, for my soul. Lord Jesus Christ, our God, the God of all mercy and generosity, His mercy is immeasurable, and love for mankind is an unsearchable abyss: falling to Your Majesty, with fear and trembling, as if a servant unworthy of thanksgiving to Your benevolence about Your good deeds on Your servants who were, now as if we glorify the Lord, Vladyka, and the Benefactor, praise, sing and magnify, and gratefully thank the packs, Your immeasurable and ineffable mercy humbly prays. Yes, as now, accept the prayers of Thy servants, and mercifully fulfill Thou, and beforehand in Thy and sincere love and in all the virtues of those who are ripening. Receive your good deeds from all your faithful, your holy church, and this city (or all this), rescuing all evil of the situation, and thus granting peace and serenity to you with your beginningless Father, and the Most Holy, and good, and your Consubstantial Spirit , in one being to the glorified God, always bring thanksgiving, and praise and praise and praise. Glory to Thee God, our Benefactor, forever and ever. Amen.

After you read the salary conspiracy, pick up the keys (wallet), drop it again, and read the conspiracy again. Do this three times.