Jadeite stone has magical properties of the zodiac sign. The healing properties of jadeite. Price of stone and jewelry made from it

Jadeite is a mysterious and mystical stone that has been well-deserved admiration and veneration of mankind for thousands of years.
The name most likely came from the Spanish word "jad" - "side" or "kidney" (in appearance it often resembled a kidney, and it was believed that it cures lumbar pain and renal colic).

Mineral jadeite or the iconic stone of China

The mineral is most revered in China. There, more than 5 thousand years ago, various household items for members of the imperial family were made from it: dishes, lining in steam rooms and much more.

The fact that since ancient times the gem was treated with reverence in China is evidenced by the custom to add the word "jadeite" to the names of children (which is not accidentally different from the hieroglyph "emperor" by just one dot). For girls, the names were: Red Jadeite or Jadeite Snow, and for boys: Pi (a disk made of jadeite - evidence of power), Pu (raw jadeite of great value).
The campaigns of the ancient Chinese rulers were often aimed at annexing the territories where the "stone of heaven" was mined.

White jade

According to Chinese legend, in the battle of the two leaders for dominance over the Middle Empire, one of the four columns of the sky was damaged and part of the sky collapsed. Then the winner asked to bring her the best stones, and when they were delivered, it seemed to her that they were not beautiful enough. She spent many days perfecting the stones until they became like the sky. After the firmament was repaired, the ruler scattered stones throughout the empire ...

The color "imperial yellow" was especially appreciated in China (in honor of the legendary Yellow Emperor 2698 - 2598 BC, who initiated the greatness of China).

In ancient times, jadeite was understood as other similar green stones: jade and jasper, but then, of course, their separation appeared.

The stone was in demand in other countries as well.

In America and India, the stone was prized and used for cult rituals and healing.
The mineral was used by the Aztecs, Mayans and Toltecs. Bowls, vases, bracelets and other products from it were found in the territory of the Ancient East. A gem flute made in India in the 16th and 17th centuries is kept in Berlin.
In Europe, the "stone of heaven" came into vogue in the 19th century, when products from it were exported from China and other countries and appreciated at their true worth.

Jadeite jewelry fascinates with its beauty.

Physicochemical characteristics

The mineral is unique in its composition. It is a silicate with admixtures of magnesia, manganese, iron, calcium and sodium. It belongs to the group of rocks, like asbestos, but it is so hard that it is impossible to split it with any sledgehammer.
There is not only green, but also colorless, white, pink, purple, black, purple and blue colors of the mineral. If it is exposed to prolonged weathering, it becomes yellow or red.

Raw jadeite

The stone has a soft luster.

Jadeite types

In the jewelry world, there are five main types of "heavenly stone":

  • Imperial or "imperial jade" - jewelry jadeite of bright green color, with a fine-grained structure. Comparable in price with emeralds, and maybe even more expensive. So, at the auction in 1980, a gem of this type weighing 350 carats was sold for $ 2 million.
  • Utility is an inexpensive type of gem, as it is opaque, blue in color and heterogeneous in color. Can be matte white or glossy black. Used as ornamental.
  • The "commercial" includes opaque green minerals with transparent veins. Some can be used in jewelry, but mainly such minerals are used as decorative finishing materials.
  • Chloromelanite - this type includes minerals of black or dark green color due to impurities of iron and aluminum with sodium silicate.
  • Albite - differs from other species in bright green color with internal embossing of dots and veins.

Where is the cost obtained

It is a rare mineral, less than two dozen of its deposits are known all over the world.
Almost transparent noble "imperial" is mined in Burma. Rare in color - blue jadeite is mined in Guatemala. Deposits are also developed in China, India, Kazakhstan, the USA and Mexico.
In Russia, the famous deposits are the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Borusskoe) and the Polar Ural (Pusierka).

Its price varies greatly depending on the species. The most expensive is the "imperial jade", the cost of which is comparable to an emerald. The cheapest are chipped utilities used for decoration.

The healing properties of jadeite

The gem has yin energy and is used in Tibetan and Chinese medicine to stabilize bioenergy, normalize blood pressure and emotional charge. The mineral is also believed to help heal infertility. It helps pregnant women to easily bear and give birth to a healthy baby.
It is worth remembering for a long time the used property of the mineral to heal the kidneys. In addition, the talisman will enhance the effect of medications taken in the treatment of kidneys. Jadeite products - beads and bracelets - help people with hypertension.

Jadeite bracelet

In order for the healing properties of the mineral to be fully manifested, jewelry should be worn with it constantly.
The use of ornamental types of jadeite for decorating baths and steam rooms is very popular.

The magical properties of jadeite stone

Green jadeite, like jade, protects against troubles and misfortunes.


Jewelry with a "heavenly stone" makes a person happy, gives harmony and prosperity.
It is especially recommended to wear jewelry with jadeite for emotionally unbalanced people - it will remove aggression and anger.
People with low self-esteem will also benefit from the mineral because its energy can make them more confident.
Since ancient times, a piece of gem was kept in a fist to conclude a profitable trade deal. The talisman will also help preserve property, protect it from envious people and ill-wishers.
As an amulet, it can be used to protect against fraud and theft.
In family life, the use of the magical properties of jadeite is especially noticeable in the relationship between parents and children. It helps to show mutual understanding, trust and reduces negative emotions.
It is believed that the stone will not suit dishonest people; it sets its owner on mercy and goodwill.
In ancient times, it was used to make or stop rain. In our time, he continues to be considered a talisman of productivity.

Jadeite and zodiac sign

The gem has a strong energy, and therefore it will not suit all signs of the zodiac. Most of all, on the recommendation of astrologers, Leo can count on its strength. He will give them calmness, relieve aggression and nervousness. The mineral and Libra are well suited, making them stronger in achieving their goals and reducing negative character traits.
Least of all, the mineral is suitable for Capricorns. It is believed that he will make them overly dreamy and even less intelligent due to distraction.
Also, this stone should be worn with caution by representatives of the Water element. Scorpios and Cancers, under the influence of his energy, can fall into apathy or depression.
The rest of the zodiac signs can safely wear jewelry and talismans with a stone, it will make them more tolerant of others.

You can distinguish a fake by carefully examining the product, knowing the characteristics of the mineral. For jewelry purposes, three types are used: imperial, commercial and utilities. For jadeite, stones such as serpentine, prenite, aventurine quartz, grossular garnet, chrysoprase and a number of others can be given out. Using a 10x magnifying glass in natural jadeite, you can see the smallest inclusions: felt-like, grainy, asbestos-like. If layers are visible, it means that most likely, it was "double" or "slim", that is, glued from several pieces.
In addition, a real gem is somewhat heavier than it looks, this is due to its high density. It is very hard and scratches glass and other surfaces with ease.
So that over time a product with a mineral does not lose its beauty, it requires you to follow simple rules for caring for it. Do not leave in direct sunlight, do not keep in a dusty or humid place, clean every six months with water and simple soap.

How highly prized is jadeite stone for 5 thousand years! For one "heavenly stone" in ancient China, you could buy a whole city!

Even the most ancient Indian tribes knew about the meaning of jadeite - an amazingly beautiful stone that has a large number of color incarnations. Initially, tools and household utensils were made from jadeite, using them as much as possible in the economy and ennobling their homes with it. As they developed, having learned and discovered the healing and esoteric abilities, they began to make talismans and amulets from stone, decorate temples and use them in sacred rituals associated with the cult of the Sun.

Jadeite was especially revered and prized in ancient China. In the 6th century BC, the Chinese scholar Kwang Chang wrote about the mineral as follows: "The soft luster of this stone corresponds to kindness; its polished surface is fraught with knowledge and education; its strength is reminiscent of justice, hardness means patience."

The ancient thinker and philosophers Confucius especially appreciated the properties of jadeite and reflected his attitude to the stone in the "Book of Rites", which says: "In ancient times, man discovered that jade is the model of all excellent qualities."

In the East, jadeite is a symbol of longevity. In many burials found by archaeologists on the territory of the former Chinese Empire, mummies in the so-called jadeite clothes were found: it was believed that the stone was able to preserve the body after death.

In the relationship between a man and a woman in ancient times, the mineral was a symbol of love and fidelity, a talisman of the union of the feminine and masculine. The girl, announcing her consent to the engagement, brought jadeite to her chosen one, and the day before the wedding she received a gift from her future spouse in the form of stone jewelry. These actions helped the newlyweds take the first step towards creating home comfort, building a long and happy life. The stone maintains warm relations in the family and does not allow tender feelings to fade away. In addition, jadeite softens the behavior of people in marriage, makes people more tolerant of each other, for which it received the name "stone-peacemaker".

In the vastness of the Japanese and Chinese Empires, jadeite not only enjoyed immense popularity as jewelry, but was also widely used in everyday life. They made dishes from it, carved sculptures of gods, framed dwellings, used it to make furniture, and even made jadeite pillows. It was believed that the presence of a stone near a person has a very beneficial effect on a person's aura, on the eventfulness of his life. And they give health and longevity to their owner, improving processes in the body and removing various diseases from it.

It is known that jadeite is so loyal to a person that it is able to save his life, giving his own in return. On this occasion, there are legends that the stone deflects the blow from its owner, taking it upon itself. In such a situation, the stone may even crack.

In the countries of the rising sun, jadeite is valued as a standard of beauty. Wealthy people always wear rings with a cabochon stone. This mineral is not engraved, but only polished and cut. It is believed that only in its true form, a stone can become a magic talisman.

Jadeite was also revered by the Indians of Central America. The tribes of New Zealand adore and value jadeite more than gold. When Cortez conquered the Aztec empire, stealing gold, silver and emeralds from them, the leader of the Montezuma tribe said: "Thank God they don't know about jadeite."

It is a belief among itinerant traders that if you take a jadeite rosary in your right hand when concluding a deal, it will take place and moreover, the success and fulfillment of the terms of the agreement is guaranteed. The stone is also loyal to gambling people. Decorations with it bring good luck in the game, help to seize luck, for example, at horse races.

The mineral has a varied color palette. Jadeite of all shades of green, white, yellow, red, black and brown is found in nature.

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The color of jadeite depends on the place of occurrence, as well as on the impurities that make up its composition. The inclusion of chromium in the composition of the stone gives a bright green color, and iron - a dull green. Red, burgundy and yellow colors appear in jadeite after prolonged weathering on the surface of the earth. The presence of magnetite in the composition is black, opaque jadeite. The stone found on the rocks and on the crevices of the mountains, mainly has light colors (white, pink).

Jewelers especially appreciate jadeite with different shades of green. The most interesting is considered to be a transparent emerald green stone, which is used to make inserts in earrings, rings and other jewelry. The most common in jewelry are 3 types of jadeite:

  • imperial. A stone of uniform color with an emerald green translucent structure. This type of jadeite is often compared to emerald, but it has slight differences in color, which are expressed in a warmer yellow shade. In China, this form of jadeite is called "fei tsui", which means "kingfisher feathers";
  • commercial. This name has an opaque jadeite with veins and translucent spots of emerald green;
  • utilities - deep green opaque jadeite. In Russia, it is practiced to color a gray and white mineral in a bright green color, which makes it possible to use non-graded types of stones in jewelry.

Due to its unique qualities, easy pliability of mirror polish, the stone is considered an excellent high-class raw material in jewelry and handicrafts. Using a viscous structure, very delicate jewelry is made of jadeite, using fine carvings.

Place of Birth

The most famous jadeite deposit has been known since the second half of the 19th century and is located in the state of Southeast Asia called Burmania. The stone brought from Northern Burma and Myanmar is very popular among jewelers. There are found stones of the most varied and most revered shades.

Jadeite mining sites are located in many parts of the world. Deposits rich in stone are found in Japan, Mexico, USA, China, Guatemala. In the vastness of Russia, the mineral is mined in the Polar Urals in places such as Pusierka, Karovoe, Levy Kepchel.

A large field is located in Kazakhstan in the Northern Balkhash region - Itmurundy. Geologists discovered the fact that it was here and in the Sayan Mountains that the ancient Chinese mined jadeite.

Healing properties
Jadeite is famous not only for its beauty, but also since ancient times has been valuable for its medicinal properties. If you plunge into the composition of the stone, you can find almost all the elements from the periodic table. Manuscripts in China tell about the miraculous effect of the stone on the human body: "Jade, crushed into granules, the size of a grain of rice, strengthens the lungs, heart, voice organs, prolongs life and is more effective if gold and silver are added to its powder."

History has carried through the centuries to our times the legend of the glory of a magic drink made from jadeite powder in combination with dew and rice decoction, which was intended to “strengthen muscles, give them flexibility, strengthen bones, calm thoughts, nourish the flesh and purify blood. Those who took this drink on a long journey suffered less from heat or cold, as well as from hunger and thirst. "

In China, jadeite was used as a powerful tonic and tonic. Ground to a powder, the stone was mixed with fruit juice, and the resulting mixture was an excellent medicine against diabetes, asthma and other diseases.

Due to the variety of colors, the stone has a huge list of properties that have a beneficial effect on certain organs in the human body.

  • Jewelry with a green stone helps to eliminate the ailment in the kidney area. They have a beneficial effect on reproductive function in women and potency in men.
  • White jadeite strengthens and restores the protective functions of the body. The stone is especially favorable for people with meteosensitivity, because it blocks sensitivity to changes in weather phenomena, normalizes blood pressure.
  • Bracelets and beads made of pink, lilac and purple jadeite work with heart problems.

Small cracks and pores in the mineral are filled with zeolite and analcime, therefore, jewelry made from the mineral, in contact with the skin, has a very beneficial effect on the rejuvenation and healing of the body as a whole. The energy of the stone comes into contact with the energy of every cell of the body, thereby supporting the basic functions of the internal processes taking place in the body.

Jadeite has a particularly strong healing effect when heated, therefore it is used as a facing tile for saunas. It has been scientifically proven that in this way the stone becomes a source of infrared radiation, which, when interacting with water, has a healing effect on the skin. Heating jadeite also promotes the formation of sodium ions and other useful microelements, which penetrate into the body and have a healing effect on the vegetative-vascular system.

The very name of the stone tells about its medicinal properties. Scientists disagreed about the roots of its formation: some believed that jade comes from the Greek word "sciatica" ("pain in the hip"), which was healed with the help of jadeite, while others are convinced that the mineral originated from the Spanish "piedro de jade" ("Kidney stone, stone from colic").

Magical properties
will become a talisman that helps in all life situations, giving energy support to the owner. The stone gives a person self-confidence, poise and calmness. Jadeite supports and develops very high energies in a person, which are embodied in the nobility and sublimity of his actions. It helps in difficult moments of life to gain clarity of thought, not to deviate from the right path, to behave wisely and correctly in all kinds of conflict situations, to choose the right tactics of behavior for a peaceful resolution of the situation.

Jadeite will become an amulet in your personal life. With its energy, the stone will help stabilize relationships within the family, protect the owner from jealousy and mistrust on the part of the other half.

For people who work with children, and just for parents, the stone will help to understand what aspects the correct upbringing of a child is based on, it is easy to find a common language with children and to better understand their complex behavior during adolescence.

As a talisman, jadeite protects its owner from negative external influences, both from bad people (liars, swindlers and thieves) and from evil spirits.

Jadeite was used to influence the weather. In case of drought, it was used to cause rain, and during heavy downpours, it was stopped. The stone also served as a talisman for protection from lightning.

People attributed to jadeite the ability to increase the fertility of the land, thereby improving productivity. To implement the plan, jadeite was buried along the entire perimeter of the site.

From the point of view of astrology, jadeite favors people born under the signs of Virgo and Libra. It is not harmless for Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer to wear a stone, as it makes people born under these signs apathetic and pessimistic. Jadeite is especially unfavorable to Capricorns, as it can inhibit their mental processes.

Jadeite stone belongs to the silicate group. Its color is most often dominated by the green spectrum, but there are stones of various colors: black, green, purple, yellow and transparent. There is even white jadeite and a lilac variety. Like many other ornamental and semi-precious minerals, jadeite is quite common in jewelry.

Jadeite has certain magical properties and is deservedly considered one of the most mystical and mysterious stones.


This mineral has been used by people for many millennia in a row - there is a description of this stone in the chronicles. For example, in China, the semi-precious stone jadeite has been revered for more than five thousand years - it was from it that the dishes for the imperial family were made, as well as the facing of the imperial baths. It was also customary to add its name to the names of children. By the way, the hieroglyph "jade" differs from the hieroglyph "emperor" by only one point. Surely this is no coincidence! The yellow color of the mineral was most appreciated in China. In jade, the Chinese saw a sacred gem.

But not only in the Celestial Empire, jadeite was in demand - in India and America, this stone was used for rituals and healing. Maya, Aztecs and Toltecs used it in their cult rites and called it a kidney stone. It was not immediately distinguished from jade, for a long time these stones were considered one and the same fossil - outwardly, it looks almost like jade.

The mineral, which was called the "stone of heaven", appeared in Europe in the 19th century - it was then that products from it were brought there from China and India. And now jewelers do not argue about its meaning.

Physicochemical characteristics

The properties of jadeite are determined by its structure and composition. As mentioned above, it is a mineral from the family of silicates, alkaline pyroxenes with additions of manganese, magnesia, calcium, sodium and iron. This is the same group of rocks as asbestos, but, unlike the latter, natural jadeite is so hard that it can only be broken with the help of special equipment. The origin of the mineral is volcanic.

In nature, you can find samples of different colors, it even happens purple. Most often, green stones are found, yellow and red jadeite can be obtained only with prolonged weathering of the stone. Jadeite has its color due to the admixtures of iron and sodium.

Jadeite stone has a soft glassy luster, a clear absorption line, incomplete cleavage and no dispersion. Its transparency can be very different - from its absence to complete transparency. The density of the stone is 3.25–3.36 g / cm³.

Place of Birth

Jadeite deposits are not widespread in the world - in total, about twenty places are known. Therefore, it is considered a rare mineral.

In Burma, translucent jadeite "imperial" is mined. Blue jadeite, a very rare fossil, is found in Guatemala. There are also deposits in China, India, Kazakhstan, America, Mexico and Japan. The largest in Russia - Borusskoe jadeite deposit - is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory between the Yenisei and Kantegir rivers. The second Russian place of extraction of this stone is the Polar part of the Ural Mountains, the so-called Pusierka. The deposits are also located in Indochina, where jewelry samples of this stone are mined.


"Imperial", or imperial jadeite, is the most valuable and noble type of jewelry. It is he who is inserted into jewelry - rings and earrings. It has a bright green color and a rather high price, often more expensive than emeralds. Jewelry imperial jadeite is rare in nature. Other types of mineral are much cheaper than "imperial".

Utility is the cheapest type, it is opaque and uneven in color. May be interspersed with matte white and glossy black. This species found itself as an ornamental material and in baths. Jadeite "utility" has two varieties according to the method of processing - tumbling and chipped jade. Tumbling refers to the grinding process. Utility is the most suitable stone for steam rooms and saunas.

Commercial - jadeite is completely opaque, but the stones have transparent veins. Sometimes it is used in jewelry, but most often it is used to decorate the interior.

Chloromelanite has strong admixtures of iron and aluminum with sodium silicate. Its color is dark green or black.

Albite has a bright green color and internal veins and dots.

Original and fake

The question often arises of how to distinguish jadeite from fake. There are several ways:

  • Natural mineral is cold to the touch and heavier than it looks. On close inspection, you will not see bubbles in it. This knowledge will help distinguish a stone from a synthetic fake.
  • If you run a real stone over the glass, the latter will be scratched. It is difficult to damage the greed itself.
  • Chrysoprase is often passed off as jadeite. It is not difficult to distinguish one from the other: under a magnifying glass, the structure of a real jade looks grainy, fibrous, has felt and asbestos-like weaves. Chrysoprase is homogeneous.

Jadeite and zodiac signs

Let's figure out who jadeite suits the zodiac sign. There are many views on this issue - astrologers disagree. Someone advises this mineral to Cancers, and someone, on the contrary, says that it is categorically contraindicated for them.

The opinions of many astrologers only agree on one thing - products made of this mineral should in no case be worn by Capricorns. It aggravates their laziness, apathy and excessive absent-mindedness, and also badly affects the vitality of their mind - Capricorns become rigid in their reasoning.

Scorpios are also not advised to use this stone - it inspires them with negative thoughts and affects their mood for the worse. But the zodiac signs Libra and Leo can use this mineral as their talisman - they have excellent compatibility with jadeite. Such jewelry helps these signs to change life for the better and suppresses negative emotions.

For the rest of the zodiac signs, jadeite will instill confidence in their abilities.

Magical properties

The magical properties of the stone are quite diverse. It is difficult to doubt its significance for magical practices. The use of the "heavenly stone" gives a person happiness, harmony and well-being.
Aggression and anger are easily removed by using this gem, and indeed any emotional instability is corrected by it.

People with low self-esteem can use the energy of this stone to gain confidence. The gem amulet can be used to curb attempts at theft and fraud.

Healing properties

Jadeite also has medicinal properties. This stone carries Yin energy, which makes its characteristics healing and allows it to be used in alternative oriental medicine. Basically, with the help of it, they stabilize the energy, try to effectively reduce blood pressure and treat infertility.

The pink form corrects the work of the heart, and the white form improves immunity. Also, jewelry made from this mineral has a positive effect on vision, removes fatigue and stabilizes kidney function.

In order for the stone to begin to exert its healing effect, it must be worn constantly, and not worn from time to time.

Product care

Such jewelry should be stored separately from the rest, preferably on a soft surface. Chemical and mechanical influences, direct sunlight and high humidity are categorically contraindicated to the stone. It is necessary to clean jewelry with this mineral twice a year using warm water and soap. After processing, the stone should be wiped dry.

Jadeite is a rare stone, the unique physical properties and beauty of which have been appreciated by different peoples for several millennia.

Stone history

Jadeite was first used in China 5000 years ago. True, then this beautiful green stone was intended exclusively for members of the imperial family. Only for the first persons of the country, dishes and bedding were made from jadeite, and in addition, the mineral was used for facing the imperial steam rooms.

On the American continent, jadeite deposits were discovered in 2000 BC. The Maya and Aztecs used this mineral to make ritual figurines and necklaces.

Pliny the Elder, Theophrastus, Dioscorides, and even Confucius described the healing properties of jadeite in their scientific works.

In the 6th century, jadeite was actively used in Chinese medicine. Powder from this stone was prescribed for heartburn, asthma and even diabetes.

In the Middle Ages, jadeite depreciated slightly and became available not only for the emperor, but also for the wealthy Chinese. At that time there was a saying: "If you allowed yourself to leave the house without jadeite, then you have no right to call yourself a decent person."

In the 19th century, jadeite gained popularity in Russia thanks to K. Faberge, who made various jewels from jadeite for the royal court.

Description of the mineral

Outwardly, jadeite is very similar to jade - it is a dense solid opaque or translucent stone with a greasy or glassy sheen. But the composition of jadeite is completely different, moreover, unlike jade, the color range of jadeite is diverse. Although it is generally accepted that jadeite has an exclusively green color, minerals of white, yellow, red and even blue hues are found in nature. True, the most highly valued are the transparent green specimens.

It is believed that the name of the stone "jadeite" comes from the Spanish phrase "piedra de jad", which means "side stone", because until the 19th century, lumbar pain was treated with jadeite. The stone got its final name thanks to the French scientist A. Demur, who in 1863 introduced the term "jadeite" in his works.

In China, the stone is called "Hi-sui", however, in the world such a name is not widespread.


Jadeite is quite common in nature. There are the following types of gem:

  • Chloromelanite - differs in rich dark green or black color. It contains sodium, aluminum and iron silicate.
  • Imperial - delicate emerald green color. The stone is translucent and has a fine-grained structure. One of the most expensive varieties of jade.
  • Utilities - bright green. The mineral is opaque. Occasionally there are white matte and shiny black specimens of this variety of jadeite.
  • Commercial - has a matte green color and is distinguished by the presence of transparent veins and spots.
  • Albite jadeite - has a rich bright green color. A distinctive feature of this type of mineral is the unique black pattern of dots and veins.

Chemical composition and physical properties

According to its species, jadeite is a sodium and aluminum silicate.

In nature, jadeite forms under conditions of high pressure and low temperature. Under the influence of these factors, a granular monomineral rock is formed.

There are three theories of jadeite formation: metamorphic (formation under the conditions of the mesozone), magmatic, and hydrothermal-metasomatic.

Chemical formula of the mineral: NaAlSi2O6. The main chemical composition of jadeite includes:

  • SiO2 (silicon dioxide) - 54-60%
  • Al2O3 (aluminum oxide) - 16-27%
  • Na2O (sodium oxide) - 9-16%
  • FeO (ferrous oxide) - up to 6%
  • CaO (calcium oxide) - 0.4-13%
  • MgO (magnesium oxide) - 0.3-8%

In addition to these compounds, in its chemical composition, the mineral combines more than 60 chemical elements. However, its main impurities are: calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn) and chromium (Cr). It is these chemical elements that determine the color gamut of the stone, which can include purple, gray, blue, pink, brown, white, black, yellow, and red shades.

This natural mineral has a cryptocrystalline structure and a splintered (fibrous) fracture.

In nature, jadeite aggregates have a glassy or oily sheen. In addition, the mineral has a granular monomineral rock. The hardness of the stone is 6-7 units on the Mohs scale, and the density is 3-3.5 g / cm3.

Place of Birth

The main jadeite deposits are located in China, Japan, Mexico, Guatemala, USA and Kazakhstan.

In Russia, this mineral is mined in Khakassia, Western Sayan and the Polar Urals.

The healing properties of the mineral

The unique mineral is striking in its healing properties.

Jadeite jewelry helps with:

  • headache;
  • toothache;
  • insomnia;
  • asthma;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • cough;
  • liver diseases.

The uncut mineral is a good catalyst. It also stabilizes blood pressure and cures infertility in women.

Magical properties

In ancient China, with the help of jadeite, diseases and even death were predicted. So, if the stone lost its original luster, then soon the illness of its owner was expected, and a crack in the stone served as an omen of death.

Contemporaries believe that this natural stone allows you to find peace of mind and peace.

Jadeite also acts as a reliable shield against life's troubles and problems. The owner of jadeite always finds the right solution to even the most difficult problems.

Stone figurines serve as a reliable talisman of the hearth. It prevents family quarrels and even helps to calm young children. Families who have jadeite in their homes notice that relations with relatives have improved, and quarrels and misunderstandings have become much less.

Jadeite and zodiac signs

But for Cancers, Sagittarius and Capricorns, the stone will bring some misfortune. He will make them lazy, less sympathetic and less painful.

Gem application

Due to its unique properties, jadeite has found application in many areas:

  1. In construction and interior design. Jadeite has incredible strength and increased thermal stability, therefore, since ancient times, it has served as decoration in baths and saunas.
  2. In stone therapy. In the modern world, the mineral is actively used both in cosmetology and in massage parlors for a unique face and body massage.
  3. In jewelry. Jewelers use this gem not only for making various rings, bracelets and earrings, but also as a material for making vases, caskets and candlesticks.
  • In China, there is a belief that jadeite is the stone of the gods and the predecessor of all precious stones in the world.
  • The Indians used jadeite as a talisman for all diseases. For this they made jade belts and used them daily.
  • There is a legend that when Cortez made his way through the Aztec empire, he and his team took everything: emeralds, silver and even gold, but they missed the most important thing, namely, jadeite. Then the leader Montezuma said: "Thank God that they do not know about jadeite", because this gem was valued much more than any gold and silver. The Aztecs worshiped the stone and believed in its divine origin.
  • In China, geologists discovered a specimen of a gem, the total weight of which was 160 tons. This jadeite was bright green in color with cream, blue and red inclusions. It is the largest raw jadeite in the world.
  • Of the processed jadeites, the largest stone is considered to be 750 carats. Its cost is $ 2 million.

How to distinguish natural jadeite from fake

Jadeite is one of the most expensive and rare stones on the planet, so when buying a stone, in order to distinguish a natural mineral from a fake, you must remember the following:

  1. Polished jadeite has a special microstructure that somewhat resembles an orange peel.
  2. After processing, the stone acquires a noticeable glass luster.
  3. Particularly distrustful buyers may be advised to use a refractometer. The refractive index of jadeite is 1.65-1.66 units.
  4. Natural stone rarely has a uniform color; it often contains various inclusions.


  1. Jadeite items should be stored in a soft cloth and in a separate case.
  2. Avoid strong mechanical shocks.
  3. The stone should be protected from direct sunlight, excessive moisture and dust.
  4. The stone can be cleaned twice a year without the use of chemicals. It is best produced with warm water and soap. After the procedure, be sure to wipe the stone dry.


R it will be about a very interesting, mysterious mineral Jadeite and its use in sauna stoves. Back in the not too distant Soviet years in Russia, only a very narrow circle of "initiates" related to the geology of ore materials knew about jadeite and had an idea of \u200b\u200bit. Now the Internet and supermarket shelves in the "Products for the Bath" section are full of offers for the sale of "miraculous" semi-precious stone. Times have changed .. Buying a jadeite stone is not a problem ... Let's try to figure out what Jadeite is, what properties and characteristics it has. First, let's take a short excursion into history ...

Jadeite has been used by mankind for a very long time, especially the American Indians who succeeded in this, who made ritual products, jewelry from this stone, and also used this stone to heal the kidneys, heating the stone and applying it to the sore spot like a heating pad. For the property of keeping warm for a very long time, they gave the name to Jadeite "piedra de hijada" ("kidney stone")

On this topic, you can see a photo gallery of jadeite items, objects of worship and jewelry from the times of "pre-Columbian" America.

In China, jadeite and products made from it were also valued and revered with the only difference that until 1863 Jadeite and Jade did not distinguish between them and called the common name Jade. Jade and Jadeite look very similar!

Jadeite is aluminum and sodium silicate belongs to the class of silicates, that is, minerals whose base is Silicon, more often oxide or silicon dioxide expressed in the form of quartz. The formula for jadeite is Na Al Si2O6.

Full Jadeite Passport :

Class: Silicates

Subclass: Inosilicates ( Chain Belt Silicates)

Family: Pyroxenes

Subfamily: Clinopyroxenes.

More about the origin of pyroxenes

The basis of this mineral is silicon dioxide, the ore component of jadeite is represented by the metals Aluminum and Sodium. The presence of metals gives the mineral a high hardness and heat capacity. In addition, the composition of Jadeite as an impurity includes a number rare earth elements , which presumably also affects its medicinal qualities with the correct use of giving strength, health and immunity to the body. If we consider jade as a medicine, then it is purely " for outdoor use". The reason for this, as mentioned above, is the presence in the composition of the mineral, as impurities rare earth elements... See chemical analysis table.

After reading, the desire to "purify" the water with jadeite immediately disappears (especially if it is drinking ... Jadeite is a mineral, the effect of which on the human body is carried out through the radiation of heat waves when heated. This is the main property of jade! As a stone for a sauna stove, jadeite has two uses: First of all, this mineral is able to withstand temperature changes (heating and sudden cooling) for a long time without cracking or collapsing, as well as releasing a large amount of heat for a long time. Jadeite is a real heat accumulator ! "

How to choose Jadeite for a bath? Having no experience with this stone. And is what you are offered with Jadeite, and not some other stone? Let's try to figure it out ..

Let's start with the fact that jadeite is a semi-precious ornamental and even gemstone. and is divided into three varieties (according to the international category):

1. Imperial - looks like green bottle glass (lighter or darker). This is jadeite in its pure form, without impurities. It is extremely rare! The cost of one gram (5 carats) of jewelry jadeite can go up to $ 50,000. Mainly mined in Burma. The volume of production is from one kilogram per hundred tons! A cube of such a stone 1x1 cm should be transparent. This is a gem! Such jadeite is especially appreciated by Chinese stone-cutting workshops !!

Read more (article in English)

2. Commercial is a semi-precious ornamental stone with a range of color shades from white to dark green. It is a valuable stone-cutting material. The mineral jadeite is used as a raw material for the manufacture of various jewelry, cabochons, inlays, dishes and other stone products. The grace of jadeite brings beauty and harmony to the home, especially revered in China and Southeast Asia. Carving of jadeite and jade in China is considered the highest point of professionalism in stone carving and is very highly valued.

3. Utility is the most widespread variety of jadeite used both as raw materials of the second category in handicrafts and for technical purposes, in particular for a bath.

Therefore, when purchasing a stone under the Jadeite brand, you should take into account the fact that you are dealing with a semi-precious stone for which the aesthetic component matters. That is, a stone on a chip or on a cut should have a beautiful, noble structure, and not look like a gray paving slab ... The whole "essence" of the structure of a stone in its "wild" form is exposed if moistened with water!

Hardness. And this quality is important for jadeite! It is equal to 7 on the ten-point scale of Mohs and a stone with a sharp corner of a chip should leave a scratch on the glass. Jadeite has a high density, viscosity, which is noticeable when cutting a stone. If you hit a stone with a hammer, it emits a characteristic "clanging" (ringing) sound, as a result of its very high density and hardness. When polishing, an experienced craftsman can bring the jadeite surface to a glassy luster (as opposed to a matte coil).

Crystallization of jadeite: grains of different sizes, distinguishable by the naked eye, teeth, petals. Jadeite crystals are extremely rare in nature!

Most proposals to buy jadeite for a bath are presented in the form of coarse crushed gravel packaged in plastic buckets with a beautiful label.

Jadeite - "skalnik" is mined industrially using explosives, a jackhammer and heavy machinery in order to crush a vein in the rock. This leads to its microfracturing, and in the future can affect the physical properties. Therefore, it is better to purchase a stone for a bath either tumbling or sawn. But both one and the other are much more expensive because of the complexity. Alternatively, it is a river jadeite pellet. Both in the tumbling stone and in the river pellet all soft impurities are mechanically washed out with water. The stone rimmed by the river has a thin, hard weathering crust a bit reminiscent of a white "plaque." ). TOthe men will not crumble when heated and cooled. But on an industrial scale, jadeite pellets are not mined due to the rarity and insignificance of the deposits. In any case, cut, tumbled, or river-rounded jadeite will serve much more durable than chipped! It is worth focusing on this. The ideal fraction size is 5-10 cm (plus or minus)

Using jadeite in the oven... Jadeite melts at 1200 degrees Celsius, and therefore it needs contactless heating... The fire transfers heat to the walls of the furnace, and the stone itself heats up from the walls, emitting heat waves. Jadeite has a very high heat capacity and retains heat for a long time. This is one of its main properties when using jadeite as a stone for baths and saunas. In addition, react trace elements of rare earths in small quantities with a tonic effect. Jadeite in baths and saunas can be used not only as a stone for bath stoves. Jadeite can be used to lay out individual elements of the steam room that are in close contact with the human body. It all depends on the design features of the steam room. The main thing is to follow one simple principle: " The more jadeite and the closer it is to the body in a heated state, the better. "When heated and cooled, jadeite darkens, acquiring a dark green, turning into a brown color. Civilization has not yet come up with a better stone for a bath, only jade can compete with it, and then it is questionable ...

The number of jadeite deposits on the earth is relatively small, moreover, most of them are located in hard-to-reach areas, the volume of reserves is very limited. In turn, the number of offers for the sale of this stone in Russia is disproportionate to the reserves and production volumes, which leads to very bad thoughts about the amateurism of the sellers ...

Varieties by color... Traditionally, jadeite is white to dark green in color. The bright green emerald color of jadeite is due to chromium, and the turbid and yellowish green color is due to iron, which has replaced aluminum in the crystal lattice of the mineral. The chromium content in the transparent emerald-green variety does not exceed hundredths of a percent, and in the opaque, so-called chromium-jadeite (chlormelanite), it can reach 7% or more. Color palette jadeite is well shown.

Chlormelanite, one of the varieties of jadeite, has a dark green structure with the inclusion of large granules, grains, and spots of dark green chromites (chromium spinelloids). It has a high chromium content. Chromium gives jadeite a "dense" dark green saturated color.

Jadeite saunas have gained great popularity abroad. The most fashionable and prestigious bath complexes consider it their duty to equip their saunas with jadeite, including "Lux" Sandunovsky Baths in Moscow. Cost of one hour stay in the jadeite sauna Juvinex in New York(on 32nd Street, between 5th Avenue and Broadway) costs $ 100.

Photo:: Jadeite Sauna in New York at 32nd Street.

In the photo: an example of finishing a steam room with jadeite for even distribution of heat inside the room.

Photo: 12 kg river jadeite pellet on a cut. The color of the texture shows the presence of a large amount of chromites (chromium spinelides). This type of jadeite is called Chlormelanite (Chloromelanite) and is one of the hardest types of jadeite !!!

Jadeite (Chloromelanite) river pellet in the alluvium of a mountain river (pictured)

Pictured: The world's largest 102 tonne monolithic block of jadeite. The boulder is mostly white jadeite with green and blue spots. Located in a private museum.

We hope you enjoyed this article. All material is based on scientific experience and historical facts.

P&C "Stone Flower" 2014