What questions can you ask a guy by correspondence. Guy questions. questions to ask a guy

You just met and you don't know how to dilute a boring conversation at all? Every girl in her arsenal should have interesting and funny questions, to some extent with a trick, in order to test his ingenuity as best as possible, which will not let a single guy get bored (perhaps even vulgar ones). We present a whole list of questions, for all occasions, with which you can 100% forget about uncomfortable silent pauses in communication with guys.

This block of questions will allow not only to hook the interlocutor for further communication, but also to find out all his sides, which of course will give rise to certain conclusions. As a rule, these are questions of a general nature that are very flattering to a guy, because in spite of the stereotype of the talkativeness of all women, men simply love to talk about themselves. First of all, ask the guy about his hobbies and preferences. These questions will be relevant to everyone, without exception, both men and women. Think about what question you would be happy to answer and ask it without any hesitation. For example:

  • What music can you imagine your life without?
  • What is the most recent movie you watched?
  • Do you like camping?
  • What food do you hate?
  • How do you feel about religion? Do you believe in God?
  • What is your favorite dessert?
  • Are you afraid of spiders?
  • Do you like to go to discos? Have you been to costume parties?
  • What is your zodiac sign? Do you believe in horoscope?
  • Did they tell you by hand?
  • Do you have a best friend? How did you meet?
  • What do you like more - receiving or giving gifts?
  • What fears did you have as a child?
  • What can throw you off balance?
  • What can't you forgive?
  • What can not be done at the first communication?
  • What is the funniest incident in your life?
  • Do you believe in ghosts?
  • Tell me about your first love. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • What is the first memory in your life?
  • Imagine that you won a million dollars, what will you spend them on?
  • Have you ever fought?
  • What words did you say incorrectly as a child?
  • What thing do you use every day and consider indispensable?
  • Did you have prophetic dreams?

Looking for first date questions?


These unpretentious topics will allow not only to find a common interest and discuss joint taste preferences, but also to discover new styles of music, movie genres and other useful information. But, in any case, you should not criticize him. As they say, how many people have so many opinions. Try to initially tune in to listen, let the interlocutor open up and do not impose. At such moments, it is important to feel whether the given topic appeals to the young person. Ask more clarifying questions on the topics given, thereby showing genuine interest in the conversation.

cool questions

This block of questions will be useful to you if you decide to defuse the situation after some serious conversation, or you don’t want to talk about serious topics at all. Particularly interesting and funny are the answers to questions like “what would you do if…” or “what would you do…”:

  • If you were sent to a desert island for a whole year and you could take 2 people with you, who would you invite with you?
  • If you were to stay overnight in a hypermarket, what would you do?
  • Would you like to act in a porn film and what genre will this film be?
  • How would you react if suddenly everyone's clothes were gone?
  • Would you like to be a woman for one day and what would you do first?
  • Have you ever wanted to change your appearance forever with someone and what would you never change?
  • What superpower would you like to have and why?
  • Who do you think you were in a past life?
  • Ever woke up in an unfamiliar place?
  • Imagine that you were given the opportunity to commit any crime with impunity, would you commit it and what kind?
  • What is better, a fat girl, but with big breasts, or a thin girl, but with a ugly neckline?
  • When will we submit an application to the registry office?
  • Would you take your future wife's last name?
  • Let's do it right now, ready?
  • You have the opportunity to make any wish within 30 seconds. Tell me quickly!
  • If you knew that the world would end tomorrow, how would you live your last day?
  • Did you go on a blind date and did you like the girl? What would you do if she wasn't your type at all?
  • Imagine that you have a time machine, what time will you go?

It is very important not to cross the line of flirtatious humor. It is such a simple dialogue that will help him relax and open up as much as possible. Try to make jokes about branching topics, without touching on family, friendship, religion, or his salary, so as not to embarrass the person.

Trick questions

Each girl tries to find out as much as possible all the "skeletons in the closet" from the opposite sex. But how to do it so that the guy does not even suspect about it? Very easy too! It is worth asking a couple of tricky questions, and he will give himself up.

  • Can you openly tell a person about his shortcomings?
  • Were there cases of theft on your part?
  • Should a wife report to her husband about her purchases?
  • Would you lend money to someone you barely know?
  • How do you feel about cheating? How many times did you change?
  • Slept with ex-girlfriends?
  • Able to trust your email or social media password to your girlfriend?
  • Are you a jealous person?
  • What would you say if a girl approached you on the street and offered to have sex?
  • What incident in your life would you like to forget?
  • Imagine the situation, you were invited to the wedding of an ex-girlfriend, will you take your current one with you?
  • How do you cut loved ones out of your life?
  • Have you ever felt like you love two girls at the same time? How did you do?
  • What are the three things you can't imagine the perfect girl without?
  • What parts of the body are the first things men pay attention to?
  • What was the most expensive gift you gave to your loved one?
  • What would be your reaction if your best friend confessed that he was gay?

These topics are quite delicate, especially for males. Some moments in life people prefer not to discuss, the main thing is not to make a mistake and not step on this “mine”. Be vigilant, learn to feel the subtle threads of the dialogue so as not to accidentally cut them off. Don't push for answers unless the person is obviously in the mood to discuss them. Also, you should not expect 100% truth, the answers of men on such topics very rarely coincide with reality. Avoid personal questions (related specifically to you) - they are useless. You run the risk of hearing unpleasant things or obvious lies. Be content with the fact that he communicates with you, and this is obviously a good sign!

vulgar questions

What to do when you have known each other for a long time and it's time to move on to "spicy topics"? Then these questions will definitely come in handy for you.

  • Do you like to watch 18+ films and what kind?
  • What size is your penis?
  • What was your first sex like? Describe your first sexual partner.
  • Funniest incident during lovemaking
  • Have you ever been caught by your parents for self-satisfaction?
  • How often do you satisfy yourself?
  • Kissed a man?
  • Tell me about your most extreme sexual experience.
  • Did you have a threesome, and if not, did you want to try?
  • Did you use the services of a prostitute?
  • Have you tried phone sex?
  • What is your favorite position?
  • Do you give girls oral sex in the bikini area?
  • Had sex with a complete stranger?
  • What was the longest break in sexual terms?
  • Have you ever had nocturnal dreams?

Do not even try to ask these questions at the first communication! In any case, this is a sign of bad upbringing. Communicating in this spirit, you can safely forget about the search for a gentleman who with valor will seek his hand and heart. And remember that not all guys are equally liberated in matters of this nature. Try to find an individual approach to everyone. Good luck!

Do you want to get to know your soulmate better, to reveal all his/her habits, shortcomings and phobias? I have a list of questions with which you can not only pass a boring evening, a long trip, have fun, but also find out exactly what kind of ....

So, 55 easy questions that will help you get to know each other better.

1. What was your first mobile phone?

2. What was the biggest prank you did as a child and how were you punished for it?

3. What is the worst job you have ever done?

4. What famous person have you met?

5. What is the strangest and ugliest thing you have eaten?

6. Is there any food you wouldn't share?

7. What is more difficult for you to give up: coffee or alcohol?

8. If you could change your country of residence, where would you go?

9. Would you dare to rob a bank if you knew that you would not be caught?

10. If you performed in a circus, who would you be?

12. What insect do you dislike the most?

13. What was your first favorite song?

14. If the same melody would start playing every time you enter the room, what would you choose?

15. Has anyone ever saved your life? And you?

16. What is personal hell and heaven for you?

17. Which horror movie character do you think is the scariest?

18. If your distant relative was a king, would you be proud of it?

19. What country would you like to visit?

20. If you were offered to be on the cover of any magazine, which one would you choose?

21. Which Disney princess is the prettiest?

22. How many liters of beer can you drink at one time?

23. In which book would you change the ending?

24. What song would you sing on X Factor?

25. Describe your invisible day.

26. What past in history would you like to change?

27. If you were offered to become president for a day, what would you change?

28. What is the funniest comedy you know?

29. What country would you never live in?

30. Where did you have the most unforgettable sex?

31. What would be the last dinner you would have ordered before the death penalty?

32. On a scale of 1 to 10, what pain did you experience?

33. Do you have scars, and how did they appear?

34. What animal would you like to be and why?

35. For what crime could you go to jail?

36. Do you think anyone will survive in Game of Thrones?

37. If you could bring a fictional character to life, who would it be?

38. If you won a million, what would you buy first?

39. What is your favorite sport at the Olympics?

40. If you ended up on a desert island, could you survive?

41. What is your least favorite smell?

42. Do you believe in the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot?

43. What was the last book you read?

44. If you could break a world record, what would it be?

45. Would you be able to live on Mars if it were possible?

46. ​​What historical figure would you destroy and why?

47. What is the strangest dream you have ever had?

48. If you were offered to choose an instrument and learn how to play it, what would you choose?

49. Would you like to have a harem? If yes, then who am I?

50. If you had to give up one of the five senses, what would you choose?

51. If you were offered to stay at the same age forever, what would you choose?

52. Would you like to be immortal?

53. What is your favorite cartoon?

54. How many children would you like to have?

55. Do you love me?

Live cheerfully, communicate, find common heroes and defeat evil together. The main thing is TOGETHER and FOREVER.

People get to know each other in the process of communication, which is the most important way to build harmonious relationships (friendship, love, family, work). Often, many problems between people arise due to the fact that they do not know each other well enough or they have formed a wrong idea about a partner, friend, boyfriend.

The fair sex often thinks about what questions you can ask a guy to get to know him better. After all, well-chosen questions can show all the most important and valuable in a person, reveal many of his innermost secrets, and bare his soul. Various unpleasant consequences can be avoided if you communicate with the guy correctly. This is especially important when a girl is thinking about a serious relationship.

People are often not who they pretend to be. Someone hides true feelings, intentions, thoughts, afraid to show himself real, considering it too risky. Such behavior is the result of serious psychological traumas that prevent a person from fully communicating with people, expressing thoughts, ideas, emotions. Such people are usually closed in themselves and hide true feelings. But you can find an approach to them in the process of communication. Having picked up the right key to the heart, showing the guy that he has nothing to be afraid of, you can open the whole Universe in him, which he diligently hid in himself.

Someone hides himself and his inner world, pursuing his own, far from noble goals. Such a person can hurt, betray, turn his back at the most exciting moment in life. That is why it is so important to get to know the guy as best as possible in time. And correctly formulated questions of a different nature will help in this.

Do not be afraid to ask a guy, be interested in his life, tastes, views, habits. It is best to learn about all the "pitfalls" before you tie the knot with a person or become attached to him. People open up in non-standard situations, when the mind loses control over behavior for a while. Bold, interesting questions will also help to reveal the guy.

You can ask a guy general questions that will initially form the right idea about him. Below is a list that will come in handy for every girl who wants to get to know a guy better.

  1. How do you imagine the future? Where will you be in 10-15 years? What will you do? What to do? How to look?
  2. What is the main task in your life?
  3. What book is your favorite? Which writer do you like the most and why?
  4. What 3 adjectives would you use to describe yourself?
  5. List 3 of your weaknesses?
  6. What moment or period in your life influenced you and how did you change after that?
  7. What decisions did you make that negatively impacted your life?
  8. What kind of people do you dislike? Who dislikes you and why?
  9. What are your goals in life? What do you expect from the future?
  10. What does the phrase "no smoke without fire" mean?
  11. Tell us about your idol, the person you sincerely admire and respect?
  12. What is most important to you in life?
  13. What would you like to ask me?
  14. Tell us about your attitude to politics?
  15. What movie do you remember the most and why?
  16. If you had the opportunity to make 5 wishes that will certainly come true, what wishes would you make?
  17. What song do you like to listen to alone? What songs make you happy? What kind of music do you like best?
  18. What is your favorite activity, what do you like to do in your free time?
  19. Which would you rather watch a movie or read a book?
  20. Do you like to dance? Did you go to dance clubs as a child?
  21. What celebrity would you like to meet?
  22. If you could travel back in time, what time would you be in and what would you do?

Thoughtful, tricky questions relating to various areas of life will bring clarity to the relationship. They will show the masculine nature and reveal the inner world of the guy. Questions to a guy with a trick are good because they require maximum concentration and instantly reveal the slightest insincerity. In addition, such an interesting and useful pastime will bring new feelings and sensations into the relationship, diversify them. Many cool, interesting questions from the list can be asked while communicating on social networks.

  1. Do you love hugging people? When do you do it and how often?
  2. Who should take the lead in a relationship between a man and a woman, and why?
  3. What would you like to do if you suddenly found yourself in a female body or became invisible?
  4. If there is a fire in your house, what is the first thing you will take out of there?
  5. Do you have difficulty communicating with the opposite sex?
  6. If you suddenly had the opportunity to commit a crime for which you would not have to pay, what crime would you commit?
  7. What is more important in a man: intelligence or beauty?
  8. Who would you like to send to a psychiatric hospital?
  9. What do you value more in a girl: external data or inner beauty?
  10. How many times a week should people bathe?
  11. How often do you need to change linen?
  12. Can you calmly treat a person who has bad breath, dirty clothes? Should I talk to him about this?
  13. Do you tolerate burping or gas?

Complex financial matters

It is important to know in advance the attitude of a man to finances. This topic becomes especially relevant during marriage or cohabitation. After all, often many problems in families arise on financial grounds. To avoid them, you need to learn about how the guy distributes funds, spends them and earns. This information will tell a lot about the essence of a loved one.

  1. Should there be a common cash desk in the family, or does each spouse keep personally earned money and manage it independently?
  2. If a woman wants to buy some thing (household appliances, dishes, clothes), does she need to get her husband's approval? Does she own the money she managed to save?
  3. Should a wife report to her husband after shopping?
  4. To whom should real estate be registered when acquiring in marriage?
  5. Could you trust me with your finances?
  6. If you had a large sum of money, how would you spend it?
  7. Is it necessary in a marriage to be honest about the amount of money you earn?
  8. How do you feel about husbands who pay wages to their wives?
  9. Should a husband have a personal, secret piggy bank, or should all funds be invested in the family?

Questions about bosses, friendships, and careers

Tricky questions for a guy include those that show his attitude to work, career, colleagues and superiors. You can reveal the character of a person, his habits, by listening to how he speaks about other people, speaks about them.

  1. Describe your boss. What is he? What is your relationship with him?
  2. Do you spend a lot of time on work and friends?
  3. What are you willing to do for the good of the family? Will you be able to quit your job or reduce the number of meetings with friends?
  4. If your spouse expressed a desire to move to another city to get a well-paid job, what would be your reaction?
  5. How do you feel about my girlfriends?
  6. Will you allow your wife to meet her friends often or bring them home? Can you spend time with your wife and her friends?
  7. What would you choose between an evening with friends or a romantic dinner with a girl?

Relationship Questions

Questions about love, relationships are of particular interest to the fair sex. Set questions for boyfriend preferably in a pleasant, romantic atmosphere and do it unobtrusively, in the course of a conversation. A man who has warm feelings for a woman will gladly respond to them.

  1. How do you perceive the emancipation of women?
  2. Are you ready to deceive your girlfriend if you know that your deception will never be revealed?
  3. Dancing in a nightclub with guys while you're away - is it cheating or not?
  4. If an ex-girlfriend unexpectedly shows up and offers to try again, how will you react to this?
  5. Do you think a girl should tell a guy about her past relationship?
  6. Is it possible to read letters in the email of a loved one without his permission?
  7. Do you like my clothing style? What do you think I should look like? What would you like to see me every day?
  8. Who should yield if there is disagreement?
  9. Do you ever want to be alone without me?
  10. How would you react to the partner's words that it is better to postpone the wedding for a while?
  11. How will you behave if your relatives forbid you from marrying your beloved girl and threaten you with disinheritance?
  12. Do I need to compliment my soulmate and how often should I do it?
  13. Are you a jealous person? How do you feel about men complimenting your wife?
  14. Does a girl have the right to read your correspondence in chats, SMS in phones and study your contact list?
  15. Can you openly tell a girl what her flaws are?
  16. Are you ready to give up your religion to marry a girl?

Relationship questions for a guy can be tricky, bold and even uncomfortable. They are the least expected and take by surprise, so they show the mindset of a loved one and his worldview.

  1. What is your reaction to the news of your wife about her infertility? Will infertility interfere with marriage?
  2. How do you feel about maternity leave? How long should a woman be on parental leave?
  3. Do you think separate holidays are right, or should husband and wife rest together? Are you ready to let your wife and friends go to the sea?
  4. How do you feel about family life with your wife's parents? Are you ready to see your mother-in-law every day?
  5. Do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman? Will you allow a wife to maintain friendly relations with a man?
  6. If the parents become seriously ill and cannot take care of themselves, what will you do? Will you hire a nurse, give it to a boarding school, or do it yourself?
  7. Are you ready to adopt a child if your wife expresses such a desire?
  8. If you notice that your words and behavior irritate the woman you love, will you break off relations with her?
  9. What is your reaction to someone raising a hand against your son or daughter?
  10. Should a father attend parent-teacher conferences?
  11. Being married, will you refuse financial assistance to your parents?
  12. What will you do if you notice that your spouse no longer wants intimacy with you?
  13. Who is dearer to you, wife, child or mother?
  14. How do you feel about prenuptial agreements? Are you ready to conclude a contract if the bride wants?
  15. Will you call your mother-in-law mom, father-in-law?
  16. If a girl wants to keep her maiden name, how would you behave?
  17. Do you like my family? How do you feel about my parents?

If a girl thinks about what question to ask a guy, with whom she only recently began a relationship, she should pay attention to the advice of psychologists. They do not recommend asking tricky questions at first. At the beginning of a relationship, it is advisable to choose easy, simple questions, and it is better to postpone unusual ones, since the reaction to them can be the most unexpected. The guy can be offended, embarrassed, angry. Each person has his own temperament and character, so the reaction is purely individual. Questions for guys communication with whom only recently started should be of a general nature and not touch on deeply personal, intimate topics.

You need to ask and learn new things gradually in the process of communication, avoiding complex and ambiguous topics until the guy starts to trust and himself shows interest, a desire to learn more about the girl. If a person refused to answer a particular question, one should not categorically find out the answer to it. Psychologists recommend in such situations to postpone this topic and make a note to yourself in order to return to the discussion in the future and understand the guy's reaction. It is important to know, What questions can you ask a guy but you also need to know how to set them correctly. An interrogation arranged by a girl can scare away. You can ask in a playful and flirtatious way, without drawing attention. This will defuse the situation and help the guy to relax.

How to ask intimate questions

A stranger or unfamiliar guy should not ask vulgar questions. In order not to be considered vulgar, you need to ask very carefully. Dirty questions for a guy with whom the girl has strong, trusting ties, will add a special charm and sensuality to the relationship.

  1. Have you seen how other people make love?
  2. Among the different types of sex, list the ones that you managed to try?
  3. What celebrity would you like to see in your bed?
  4. How often do you watch porn? When was the last time you did this?
  5. Should a man shave his private hair? Do you do that?
  6. How do you feel about group sex?
  7. Are you turned on by women's breasts?
  8. Do you dream about sex with a strange woman?
  9. How do you feel about foreplay. What caresses do you prefer?
  10. What are you categorically negative about sex?
  11. Have you had sex with a woman of easy virtue?
  12. Do you masturbate?
  13. Have you ever tried drugs?
  14. In what unusual places have you had sex?
  15. Do you want to sleep with a member of your gender?
  16. Are you turned on by lesbians?
  17. What is your favorite position in sex?
  18. How long can you go without sex?
  19. At what age did you first make love and with whom?

Questions about eternal values

Questions for men can also relate to eternal values, such as loyalty, respect, hope, kindness, justice. They will help you find out how your loved one will behave in extreme situations, can you count on him, trust him?

  1. Can you sacrifice your life for the one you love?
  2. What is love?
  3. Is love perfect?
  4. Will you support your loved one, even if you know that he is wrong?
  5. What will you do for your family?
  6. What will you never forgive the woman you love?
  7. Do perfect people exist?
  8. Do you believe that every person has a soul mate?
  9. Can betrayal be forgiven?
  10. Can you trust the person who has already let you down?

Difficult questions that make you think

In addition to general questions that affect all the most interesting, the guy should also be asked difficult questions. They will make him reflect and know himself more. They will help to look deep into the soul of a loved one and find out the most secret thoughts.

  1. What is the most valuable thing in life for you?
  2. Tell me about your dreams?
  3. Do you want eternal life?
  4. Have you ever done something in your life that you are embarrassed to remember?
  5. When was the last time you cried?
  6. How often do you lie? What are your most common reasons for cheating?
  7. Do you have a hard time dealing with the death of loved ones?
  8. Have you ever thought about suicide?
  9. Would you be able to donate a kidney to a loved one if it were necessary?
  10. Can you raise your hand to your wife?
  11. How do you feel about divorce?
  12. Do you welcome long distance relationships?
  13. Are you afraid of death?
  14. Are you a vindictive person?
  15. Are you a believer?
  16. Have you ever contacted psychics?
  17. Is it possible to give a person a second chance?
  18. What does happiness mean to you?
  19. Is it okay to lie for good?
  20. Does one learn from the mistakes of others?
  21. Is it better to achieve a high position through bed or be poor, but honest?
  22. Will you cover for a child who committed a crime?

Funny, uplifting questions

Ingoda is useful to defuse the situation, add laughter to communication. Funny, crazy questions asked to the guys will help to do this. cool questions will certainly be appreciated by a person with a good sense of humor.

  1. Are you taking revenge on the alarm clock that woke you up early?
  2. What color are aliens?
  3. What weather are you?
  4. Did you go to work or somewhere in slippers?
  5. Are you talking to yourself?
  6. What tree are you?
  7. Do you like to play with film bubbles?
  8. Do you watch cartoons?
  9. What flower would you turn into if you could?
  10. Where do your socks usually go?
  11. Are you talking to the car?
  12. You are mischievous?
  13. Which letter do you like the most?
  14. Are you mothering in front of your parents?
  15. Have you ever copied someone else's behavior or mannerisms?

Many girls who want to impress their soul mate or get close to the person they like think about what an interesting question to ask a guy. Indeed, sometimes it happens that it is difficult to maintain a conversation, to find topics that can be easily developed. In such cases, communication does not cause pleasant emotions and does not last long. To avoid communication difficulties, ask interesting questions, which are listed below. Interesting questions for a guy may cover a wide variety of topics. They will help you find out what topics are pleasant and easy to discuss with a guy, which ones arouse his interest.

  1. What would you take with you to a desert island if you were only allowed to take 3 things?
  2. How do you communicate with your parents? Do you visit them often?
  3. Why do people like to start new business on Monday?
  4. Do you think pets understand people?
  5. Why do all healthy foods lag behind harmful ones in taste?
  6. Do plants get hurt?
  7. Why are asphalts black and not colored?
  8. Why does the boomerang always come back?
  9. Have you served in the army?
  10. Do you like to fix things?
  11. Do you like to remember your childhood?
  12. Tell me about the last movie you watched?
  13. Do you love hiking? Did you go hiking with your parents as a child?
  14. What don't you like to eat?
  15. What dessert do you order most often?
  16. How do you feel about spiders?
  17. What are your favorite wild animals?
  18. What animal would you like to be reincarnated as and why?
  19. What language would you like to speak fluently?
  20. Do you believe in divination?
  21. What words did you pronounce wrong as a child?
  22. Do you have prophetic dreams? Do you believe in dreams?
  23. What thing do you think is indispensable?
  24. What were you afraid of as a child?
  25. How did you meet your best friend?
  26. What do you like more, mountains or the sea?

Most interesting question- this is the one that helps the guy feel relaxed and liberated, open to communication. You should not criticize the answers of a loved one, you need to respect his preferences and choices, listen with interest so that the interlocutor wants to continue the conversation. If a girl clarifies some points from the guy's answers, thereby showing him that she is interested in him and his words, she will be able to count on continuing communication and relationships.

Simple Questions

What to ask a guy to defuse the situation after an unpleasant conversation? To get rid of the reigning tension will help unpretentious , funny questions for a guy, listed below.

  1. What omens do you believe in?
  2. Who would you like to be in your next life?
  3. Do you give your car affectionate names?
  4. What is your favorite holiday?
  5. Is the glass half empty or full?
  6. Do you like to walk?
  7. What is your attitude towards alcohol?
  8. What social network do you spend the most time on?
  9. What time of the year do you like the most?
  10. Where are you most often invited?
  11. Do you exercise in the morning?
  12. Are you talking to your reflection in the mirror?
  13. What pet would you like to have?
  14. Would you like to be in a film?
  15. Do you eat in the shower?
  16. Joking at school with classmates and teachers?
  17. What is your nickname?
  18. Have you ever ridden a bike?
  19. What Christmas costumes did you buy as a child?
  20. What fruit most resembles you?
  21. What unusual power would you like to have?
  22. What superhero could you be?
  23. What joke do you like the most?
  24. What cartoon character would you like to be?

provocative questions

Among the most interesting questions that can show character, surprise and laugh, guys especially remember those that can provoke certain actions. Provocative questions for a guy leave vivid memories and emotions, but they should also be treated with caution. Do not ask them to a stranger, a stranger.

  1. Do you want to kiss me?
  2. What color underwear am I wearing now?
  3. Will you do a striptease for me?
  4. Will you commit crime for the girl you love?
  5. Have you ever been arrested by the police?
  6. Do you like giving gifts to girls?
  7. Are you capable of crazy things?
  8. Can you lose the last thing in poker?
  9. How do you feel about same-sex marriages?
  10. Ask me a question you're embarrassed to ask?

Questions about hobbies

Men, contrary to popular belief, love to talk about themselves. They are happy to answer unique, funny questions with a joke, talk about their interests, hobbies, favorite things.

  1. Do you like traveling?
  2. Do you often read books?
  3. Do you play computer games?
  4. What kind of sport appeals to you the most?
  5. What is your favorite pet and why?
  6. Do you like to sing?
  7. Have you ever written poetry?
  8. Do you play any musical instrument?
  9. What series do you watch?
  10. Do you like skiing?
  11. How do you feel about extreme sports?
  12. Have you skydived?
  13. Can you ride a horse?
  14. Are you tech savvy?
  15. Do you like cooking?

If you ask questions correctly, you can learn a lot of useful information about a guy and sort out the relationship with him. Questions for friends can also be varied and interesting. A person always feels a sincere attitude and genuine interest in his person, therefore, correctly selected questions for a loved one, relatives and friends will fix damaged relationships, add warmth, tenderness and trust to them.

Interaction between people is not always easy, and this is especially true for the communication of girls with boys. It is easy to scare off a young man he likes with an unsuccessful or inopportune question.

And if you change the topic in a timely and correct way, you can improve relationships and learn more about a person. Questions also allow you to move the interaction in the right direction and declare your intentions.

Therefore, it is worth knowing what you can ask guys, depending on the characteristics of the relationship with him.

When dating, it is very important to impress and be remembered. To do this, you should use original questions, showing imagination and humor. For example:

  1. Tell me, is your mother not looking for a daughter-in-law?
  2. Your face seems familiar to me. I think I saw you in my dream last night. Take a closer look, maybe you saw me too?
  3. I think my parents will like you. Don't want to check it out?
  4. You look like the man of my dreams. Can you help me verify this?
  5. I wanted to meet you as soon as I saw you. What do you think about that?
  6. I really liked you, but I'm in a hurry now. Could you leave me a phone number so I can call and meet later?

This may scare some guys away, but it allows you to "weed out" those who are too shy and boring. Although, if a girl prefers modest guys, then she should focus on her target category and not ask too spicy questions.

To get to know them, a simpler and more direct manner of communication is suitable. You can simply offer to get acquainted, saying about your sympathy.

In any case, you need to speak kindly and with a smile, and not be afraid of rejection.

If something doesn't work out, it's not scary. The young man he met is not the last on the planet.

To arouse interest

You can interest a young man with the help of provocative questions. This allows you to get to know him better and at the same time draw attention to the appearance or personal qualities of the girl. Options:

  1. Do you like my eyes (hair/figure)?
  2. Do you think I look good?
  3. Have you already heard that this haircut (moustache / color of clothes) really suits you?
  4. I think we have a lot in common. Let's check?
  5. I would like to fall in love with you. How do you like this idea?
  6. Are you a good kisser?
  7. Do you go on dates often?

In order to captivate a guy, it is worth paying attention to his life, interests and hobbies. This will allow you to get to know him better and reveal his attractive features to him.

In this case, its nature must be taken into account. Modest guys are frightened off by frank formulations, liberated ones are attracted.

When texting

Now such communication is very popular, so you need to be able to competently build it. Some people generally find it easier to communicate via text. At the same time, they manage to get to know each other and get closer. Suitable for conversation:

  1. What are your plans for the evening?
  2. What are you doing now?
  3. How was the day?
  4. Have you seen the movie (insert name) / read this book (name)?
  5. I would like to update the playlist. Can you recommend some good tracks?
  6. I would like to spend an unusual evening. Maybe you have some ideas?
  7. I haven't been to the cinema for a long time. Will you keep me company?
  8. We haven't seen each other for a long time, let's fix this?

Choosing a topic for conversation, you should focus on the information that is already there. You can discuss the guy's hobbies, lifestyle, work, daily activities, etc.

While talking on the phone

During a telephone conversation, you can communicate on various topics. It is worth showing interest in a man’s life, work, affairs, hobbies. You can ask about plans for the evening or weekend and offer to organize something together. It is advisable to clearly understand what to say and ask so that the pauses do not drag on.

You also need to take into account the mood of the interlocutor and immediately make sure that the conversation does not distract him.

Regular communication with a guy

After the acquaintance has taken place, and there is a certain interest on the part of the man, you can talk on various topics. This will help to identify common hobbies, learn more about life and character. Therefore, it is worth discussing different things, for example:

  • favorite season;
  • clothing styles;
  • attitude towards alcohol and cigarettes;
  • sport;
  • rest;
  • books;
  • movies;
  • food preferences;
  • dreams;
  • work, etc.

It is important to observe the reaction of the interlocutor. Some topics can be unpleasant, and, having noticed this, it is better to talk about something else so as not to offend the person and not destroy the emerging understanding.

What to ask on a first date

Poorly chosen topic for conversation during the first date can lead to the fact that there will be no more meetings. Therefore, it is very important to know what to ask about. Good options:

  1. What do you prefer to do in your free time?
  2. What activities bring you joy?
  3. What do you think a girl should do?
  4. Do you travel often? Where did you last visit?
  5. What can surprise or shock you?
  6. Do you like to read? What books do you prefer?
  7. Can you tell us about the brightest moment of your childhood?

On the first date, you should not talk about too personal. It should be used in order to get to know the guy as a person and evaluate your feelings during the interaction.

How to find out more information about the chosen one

To build a relationship with a person, you need to learn more about him. This can be done during the first date as well. Questions such as:

  1. What time of day do you like more?
  2. Do you have pets?
  3. You're a night owl or an early bird?
  4. Do you like sport? What kind do you prefer?
  5. What relationship do you have with your parents?
  6. Do you like your work?

Such information will give an impression of the life of a man and his habits. Owning it, you can build harmonious communication further.

How to know if he likes you?

Women often need to find out how a man treats them. You can find out by asking directly, but sometimes it is not easy to decide on this. For such cases, leading questions are suitable.

It is worth asking if the guy thinks the girl is attractive, if he likes her figure, eyes or hairstyle.

You can give a compliment by commenting approvingly on the appearance or demeanor. A sympathizing man will respond in kind.

But you can't rely on words alone. People have certain forms of politeness that make it difficult for a young person to say anything negative. So behavior needs to be evaluated.

If a guy likes what to ask?

In this case, it is important not to scare away excessive activity. But at the same time, it is worth demonstrating interest in him by asking questions about life, hobbies, habits and tastes.

The answers should be listened to carefully in order to be able to use the information received in the future. Young people are flattered by the interest in them, as well as the fact that the girl remembered his story.

tricky questions

They are suitable to intrigue the guy and show him the ambiguity of his personality. They should not be asked at the first meeting, but after communication is established, they can be used to spice up the interaction.

With a catch

Such questions should be asked if the guy has a developed sense of humor. He can appreciate them. It will also allow you to learn more about him. You can ask about:

  • school nicknames;
  • funny occasions;
  • children's fears;
  • bad habits;
  • features of his character;
  • secret desires, etc.

It must be understood that such a conversation should be two-way. Probably, a man in response may be interested in similar things regarding a girl, and you need to be prepared for this.

What will confuse

Questions that require active mental activity and frankness are suitable for communication between well-known people. If communication does not last long, then it is better to stay closer to safe topics. But with the formed sympathy, such conversations add spice. These include:

  1. Do you think we could be a good couple?
  2. Do you find me attractive?
  3. Do you think we're sexually compatible?
  4. Can you imagine me as your wife?
  5. What are the flaws in my character?

These and similar questions are not always answered with the truth - usually people prefer to laugh it off. But even in this case, conclusions can be drawn from the conversation, as well as frankness can be added to it.

Questions for male friends

In friendship, everything is very simple. You can ask guys from among your friends any questions, ask for help, ask for advice. The only thing to remember is that intrusive invasion of personal space is unpleasant, and tact should be exercised. With friends you can talk about:

  • affairs;
  • work;
  • study;
  • sports;
  • music;
  • movie;
  • books;
  • religion;
  • politics;
  • dreams;
  • relationships with the opposite sex, etc.

The more familiar people are, the more frank communication can be.

To talk to your boyfriend

In the presence of a good relationship with a young man, extreme frankness is allowed. You can discuss any topic with him, almost like with a friend.

But still, it must be borne in mind that excessive frankness destroys romance, so sometimes communication should be built in the form of flirting.

romantic questions

With their help, you can understand how a man relates to romance and what he associates it with. Worth asking about:

  • pleasant gifts and surprises for him;
  • ideas about the perfect date;
  • romantic deeds;
  • love at first sight;
  • fidelity, etc.

Young people tend to hide the romantic nature of their nature, so you have to wait for the right opportunity for such conversations.

About love and relationships

In order for relationships to develop, you need to know what the participants want from them. This can be found out by asking questions about:

  • children;
  • ideas about family life;
  • distribution of responsibilities;
  • betrayal;
  • habits and attitudes, etc.

Thanks to this, it will be possible to understand how seriously a man takes family relationships, whether he wants them with this girl, and whether their views are similar to this area.

candid questions

Sex is one of the key areas of interaction between a man and a woman. For harmony in this area, you need to know about each other's preferences and desires.


Most men enjoy talking about intimate relationships. And from them you can learn more about the features of the chosen one. Therefore, there is no need to be shy.

When convenient, you can ask a young man about his sexual experience, the most vivid erotic impressions, fantasies and unexpected actions.


This type of questions requires caution, as they are not always evaluated unambiguously. But in the presence of sexual relations between people, they should be asked in order to better understand each other.

It is advisable to find out the guy's attitude to a variety of sexual practices, role-playing games, erotic lingerie, contacts in unexpected places, etc.


With such conversations, you can reveal the secret inclinations of a loved one. Therefore, it makes sense to ask about the features of his first sexual experience, fantasies, attitudes towards adult films, erotic experiments.

You can also find out which women a young man finds sexually attractive, which actions he likes and which repels him.

Unusual questions for a guy

These are questions that force you to open up from an unexpected side and show non-standard thinking. These include talking about:

  • ideals;
  • sexual minorities;
  • travel;
  • mysticism;
  • unrequited feelings, etc.

In these cases, care must be taken not to offend the man. But for rapprochement, it is necessary to discuss topics that require frankness and sincerity.

Questions on social media

  • hobbies;
  • the places he has been;
  • films;
  • books;
  • attitude to online dating and experience in this area.

The subject can be varied, depending on whether the guy is set up for interaction. With a successful combination of circumstances in a social network, you can communicate on all the topics mentioned above.

Helpful information

Communication will be more successful if you follow certain rules:

  1. Adhere to etiquette.
  2. Don't be pushy.
  3. Avoid harsh language.
  4. Change the topic of conversation if it is unpleasant to the interlocutor.
  5. Use a sense of humor.

Communication is an unpredictable process, making clear recommendations difficult to provide. It is necessary to take into account the behavior of a man and adapt to it so that the acquaintance takes place and develops further. With some people it works, with others it doesn't. If it didn’t work out with someone, you don’t have to get upset and look for a problem in yourself.

4.7 / 5 ( 30 votes)

To interest a guy by correspondence and ask him some original and provocative questions - that's what worries a modern girl. The most relevant form of communication at this moment can be called correspondence on the Internet. This is due to the active development of social networks, which allow people from different parts of the world to get to know each other.

To attract the attention of an interlocutor who has never seen or heard his opponent, you need to be able to set the right tone for the conversation.

What to ask when meeting

At the first communication, they usually ask something banal.

Questions for a man to get to know him better:

  • Does he have a hobby?
  • The most preferred type of recreation: active or passive?
  • Who is the guy according to the horoscope?
  • What are your favorite musical directions? Performers
  • Favorite movie? And the book?
  • The main qualities that a guy appreciates in people?
  • Does the guy love animals?
  • Playing computer games?
  • He smokes?
  • Preferred style of clothing?
  • Names of cities the guy has visited?
  • Is the guy superstitious? Do you believe in omens?
  • Drinks alcohol?
  • Does the guy prefer tea or coffee?
  • Does the guy like taking pictures?
  • Does the guy like to spend time outside the house?
  • What can surprise a guy?
  • A color that inspires admiration?
  • What does the guy eat for breakfast?
  • Favourite drink?
  • Does he have a pet?
  • Does the guy live in the city or in the countryside?
  • Have you been to the capital?
  • Does the guy often go to the theater? To concerts? For exhibitions?

In order for the guy to be convinced of the originality of his interlocutor and want to continue the dialogue, it is better to immediately turn the conversation in the right direction.

At the very beginning of the acquaintance, you can ask about the following things:

  • What's the most incredible thing he's done in the last year?
  • Thought about the existence of alternative universes?
  • Did the guy think about life after death?
  • How does the guy feel about literature and cinema? Favorite works?
  • What would a guy do if he won a million in the lottery?
  • Did the guy bungee jump off the bridge? Did you water ski? Made a parachute jump?
  • In his opinion, who is stronger, a shark or a bear?

Questions for a pen pal

If a girl has been talking with a guy for a long time and can confidently call him a pen pal, the questions for the conversation may be different.

The dialogue can start with the phrases:

  • How was the day? Did significant events happen?
  • The guy heard the latest news that happened in the world / in the music field / in the stellar environment.?
  • How was your last weekend?
  • What has the guy read or watched lately? Did it make an impression on him?
  • What happened at work/school?

Questions for a guy to get to know him better

  • Can you tell us your most vivid childhood memory?
  • Imagine that you can go back in time and change it. Where would you start?
  • Imagine that now you can go to any place on the planet. Which place will it be and why?
  • If you could only have 5 things, what would they be?
  • What person has influenced you the most and why?
  • Have you ever thought about what will be written on your tombstone?
  • Have there been turning points in your life?

Provocative questions to communicate with a guy

When a pen pal is no longer just a distant virtual personality, but a good friend, conversations become more open.

Dialogues can be frank, which means that a girl can ask a guy provocative questions:

  • Did the guy get into ridiculous or funny situations in front of a large number of people?
  • Did he have a nickname given in childhood by friends or classmates?
  • What did the guy dream about as a child?
  • What did the guy fear most in the world when he was little?
  • For what act is he ashamed and funny at the same time?
  • Is there a day that a guy would like to live over again?
  • Has the guy tried alcohol? If so, when did it first happen?
  • Is a guy able to tell a man the whole truth to his face?
  • What would be the guy's reaction if a childhood friend told him about his non-traditional orientation?
  • Does the guy believe in the existence of friendship between a man and a woman?
  • The most cherished dream?
  • When was the last time a guy cried?
  • Likes to take care of?
  • Does the guy get up early? How many hours sleep?
  • How often does he update his wardrobe? Likes to go shopping?
  • Does a guy wake up in the morning in a good or bad mood?
  • Clothing style: rigor and elegance or brightness and negligence?
  • Can swim?
  • Did the guy have an imaginary friend as a child?
  • Is the guy allergic to cats? For fruits? For flowering?

Dirty questions to ask

It also happens that long-term communication and friendship by correspondence in VK is rapidly gaining momentum. And now, the one who until recently was just a friend becomes a guy - a person with whom the girl is connected not just by everyday communication, but by love feelings.

You can ask a guy by correspondence vulgar questions:

  • The sexiest part of the body of the interlocutor in his opinion?
  • At what age did he have sex for the first time?
  • What does a guy not welcome in sex?
  • What would he like to do with the interlocutor now?
  • Has the guy tried poses from the Kamasutra? Would you like to?
  • Did he have sex in unusual places?
  • Does the guy dream of making love in interesting places?
  • Often engages in self-satisfaction? When was the last time this happened?
  • Did the guy have virtual sex? If not, would you like to try?
  • Did he have a one-night stand with a girl he didn't know?
  • Does the guy watch porn movies? If yes, how often?
  • Is the guy excited at this moment?
  • Have you tried a threesome? I would like to try?
  • Did the guy use the intimate services of call girls? Under what circumstances?
  • Become an unwitting witness to how others have sex? What did the guy experience?
  • What does a guy like most about foreplay?
  • Has he had sex with a girl who is older than him?
  • Does a guy smoke after sex?
  • How long does intercourse last?

Tricky questions for a pen pal

Tricky questions can be asked only if you are completely sure that they will not offend the interlocutor in any way and will not affect his feelings.

About family and family budget

A list of provocative questions is suitable for those who are in a serious relationship with their interlocutor.

  • Are there things a guy is not ready to tolerate in marriage?
  • Should each ruble earned by spouses go to the general budget or will family members spend their money only on themselves?
  • Would you let your wife go to the seaside with her friends?
  • Does the man want children? If yes, how much?
  • If there was a quarrel in the family, who should take the first step towards reconciliation?
  • How long can a wife be on maternity leave?
  • How does a man feel about living with his parents after marriage?
  • Will he be jealous of his wife for male friends and colleagues?
  • The guy is ready to adopt a child?
  • How does one feel about surrogate motherhood?
  • Will the guy strive to save the marriage to the last in case of serious conflicts?

About work and friends

  • Could you choose an evening with a friend and a bottle of beer instead of a romantic dinner with the woman you love?
  • Would the guy support the desire of his beloved to leave to work in another city or on a long business trip?
  • Does he often listen to the opinion of his friends and how important is it to him?
  • Does the guy tell his friends a lot?

About sex

  • Does a guy prefer women with or without experience in bed?
  • How about oral sex?
  • How experienced is the guy in oral sex?
  • Likes when a woman takes the lead?
  • Does he have perverted sexual fantasies?
  • How does a guy feel about BDSM?
  • Does he have sex toys at home?
  • Have you had sex in public places?
  • Does the guy like to dominate?

Ask questions

The top 100 questions for an ask is a choice between two (often opposite) things that can say a lot about a person.

You can find out from a guy:

  1. Sea / mountains?
  2. Tea coffee?
  3. Morning / night?
  4. Alcohol / sports?
  5. Chocolate: bitter / milk?
  6. Poems / prose?
  7. White black?
  8. Rap/rock?
  9. Sweet / bitter?
  10. Autumn / spring?
  11. Cola / sprite?
  12. Books/movies?
  13. Village / city?
  14. Shoes / sneakers?
  15. Jacket / sweatshirt?
  16. The bow tie?
  17. Bear / shark?
  18. Football / hockey?
  19. Car / bike?
  20. Club / hike?
  21. Chess / checkers?
  22. Computer / books?
  23. Meat / vegetables?
  24. Bicycle / roller skates?
  25. Lake/ocean?
  26. Dog Cat?
  27. Computer / laptop?
  28. Music: sad / happy?
  29. Pen-pencil?
  30. Crowded place / desert island?
  31. Agility / intelligence?
  32. Entertainment / work?
  33. Pizza / pie?
  34. Chicken / fish?
  35. Pineapple / coconut?
  36. Türkiye Egypt?
  37. Rice / buckwheat?
  38. Airplane / steamship?
  39. adidas/nike?
  40. Cold / hot?
  41. Cigarettes / alcohol?
  42. Book: electronic / printed?
  43. Sun moon?
  44. Vkontakte / classmates?
  45. Cartoons / movies?
  46. Brother / sister?
  47. android/ios?
  48. Chips / crackers?
  49. Vodka / beer?
  50. Soda / juice?
  51. Milkshake / hot chocolate?
  52. Cutlets / sausages?
  53. Ice cream / cupcake?
  54. Fun / sad?
  55. Knife / gun?
  56. Mandarin / orange?
  57. Hair: long/short?
  58. moon / mars?
  59. Dirol / Orbit?
  60. Noise / silence?
  61. Fried eggs / scrambled eggs?
  62. Yogurt / kefir?
  63. Book / comic?
  64. Salad / soup?
  65. Blonde / brunette?
  66. Bread / loaf?
  67. Paris / Berlin?
  68. Sea ocean?
  69. Art exhibition/museum?
  70. Restaurant / cafe?
  71. Checkered / striped?
  72. Honor / honesty?
  73. Pushkin / Lermontov?
  74. Tolstoy / Dostoevsky?
  75. Borscht / semolina?
  76. Opera/Chrome?
  77. War / peace?
  78. Study, work?
  79. Waffles/biscuits?
  80. Order / mess?
  81. Cinema?
  82. Motorcycle / car?
  83. Bag backpack?
  84. Snow / rain?
  85. Scream/whisper?
  86. Fire water?
  87. Human / robot?
  88. Waltz/hip-hop?
  89. Forest / steppe?
  90. Comedy/horror?
  91. Heaven/earth?
  92. Brightness / fading?
  93. Clay/clay?
  94. Optimism/pessimism?
  95. Laugh/cry?
  96. Career/family?
  97. Mind/soul?
  98. Soul/body?
  99. Banana/apple?
  100. Juice / compote?

Unusual questions for conversation in VK

If a girl wants to add a “zest” to the conversation, she can ask the guy interesting and unusual questions:

  1. What does he mean by "love" and "happiness"?
  2. Why does it happen that people do stupid things and then regret them?
  3. Does he have solid life principles?
  4. If a movie were made about his life, what would it be called?
  5. Does he have phobias?
  6. Does he fight often?
  7. Did you do charity work?
  8. Did you feel out of place among people?
  9. Does he have piercings or tattoos?
  10. Does he have bad habits?
  11. What does he do perfectly?
  12. Does he have collections?
  13. Which of the heroes of books or films do you associate yourself with?
  14. What does he usually read before bed?
  15. Did he have a favorite toy?
  16. Experiencing change?
  17. Disappointed in people?
  18. Disappointed others?
  19. Became a member of television shows or radio programs?
  20. Would you like to visit a desert island? To take with you?
  21. In a fire, what would you take out of the house first?
  22. Would you like to fly into space?
  23. Have you ever used cosmetics?
  24. Running from the police?
  25. Did nice things to strangers?
  26. Have you met real crazy people?
  27. Did you fly by plane?
  28. Skydiving?
  29. Coming down on the sheets from the balcony?
  30. Stole a car?
  31. Likes logic games?
  32. Have you ever worn women's clothes?
  33. Did you play anything for stripping?
  34. Have you ever eaten cat food?
  35. Have you witnessed an unusual phenomenon?
  36. Did you take academic leave while studying?
  37. Knows how to show tricks?
  38. Running naked down the street?
  39. Did you draw graffiti on the walls?
  40. Suffering from depression?
  41. Have you been to the Maldives?
  42. Did you have chicken pox?
  43. Breaking someone's favorite vase?
  44. Sticking chewing gum under the desk?
  45. Ever waxed a chalkboard as a child?
  46. Does he play games on his phone?
  47. Cooking Italian pasta?
  48. Does he eat mushrooms?
  49. Did you see the sunset on the lake?
  50. Parent wrote letters to strangers?
  51. Jumped over a fire?
  52. Fancy yourself as Superman?
  53. Tried to commit suicide?
  54. Tried drugs?
  55. Did you work as a loader?
  56. Selling ice cream?
  57. Traveled in your car?
  58. Smoked weed?
  59. Sang songs in the street at the top of his lungs?
  60. Threw water bombs from the roof of the house?
  61. Blow up firecrackers, scaring passers-by?
  62. Broke your spine?
  63. Fell off the carousel?
  64. Did you make a hut in the apartment? And on the street?
  65. Blow up a lighter on the asphalt?
  66. Beat the windows with a soccer ball?
  67. Can one eat a whole pizza?
  68. Would you donate a kidney to save a man?
  69. Would you like to have a cow on the balcony?
  70. Tormented homeless kittens?
  71. Poisoned by low-quality alcohol?
  72. Did you join a sect?
  73. Did you preach on the streets?
  74. Believe in the end of color?
  75. Would you like to swim across the sea or the ocean?
  76. Escaped from the hospital?
  77. Smoked a pack of cigarettes in a few hours?
  78. Catching crayfish with your hands?
  79. Riding an elephant?
  80. Can he whistle with 2 fingers in his mouth?
  81. Could you play a role in the film?
  82. Flying in a dream?
  83. Eating oranges with peel? What about watermelons?
  84. Does he open his eyes underwater when he bathes?
  85. Did you do martial arts?
  86. Does he sing well?
  87. Performing tricks on a skateboard?
  88. Snowboarding?
  89. Favorite cartoon character?
  90. In his opinion, is Batman a superhero or a negative character?
  91. Have you ever fallen into a coma?
  92. How would he sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo?
  93. Would you be friends with your doppelgänger?
  94. Can you make a fire? Pitch a tent?
  95. Does he have real friends? And the enemies?
  96. Does he believe in Santa Claus?
  97. Patriarchy or matriarchy? Why?
  98. Have you seen a coral reef?
  99. Did you eat lobster?
  100. Pierced your leg with a nail?

What else can you ask a guy

  • Eating unwashed fruit? Berries straight from the garden?
  • Would you draw your own cartoon?
  • Does he sleep on his side, on his stomach or on his back?
  • Have you been to the trampoline center?
  • Have you visited the zoo? Dolphinarium?
  • Would you like to become president?
  • Can you take criticism?
  • Would you call yourself crazy?
  • Would you like to change your last name?
  • Did you eat a crust of bread as a child on your way home from the store?
  • Does he have a deer sweater?
  • Is he afraid of the dark?
  • Do you enjoy riding the rides?
  • Riding roller coasters?
  • Have you been to Disneyland?
  • Did you smash your laptop screen with your fist?
  • Has he ever broken his collarbone or a rib?
  • Which of the great people would you meet in the ring?
  • Start your own fight club?
  • Planning to write a book?
  • Believes in prophetic dreams from Thursday to Friday?
  • Did you have to open the wine with improvised means?
  • Typing on a typewriter?
  • Does he eat apples and pears with pits?
  • Do you believe in the possibility of utopia?
  • Often plays VK applications?
  • Celebrating a birthday?
  • Would you like to live in Indian times?
  • Would you like to visit the far north?
  • Cutting down a tree by hand?
  • Pushing the car long distances?
  • Could you do hanging on hooks?
  • Poke a cheek with a needle?
  • Do something crazy for a bet?
  • Pick up a cat from a tall tree?
  • Jump into the sea from a cliff?
  • Did you cross stitch?
  • Picked up homeless animals?
  • Would you like a glass of sunflower oil?
  • Digging potatoes?
  • Played golf?
  • Bathed in a thermal spring?
  • Does he visit the library often? Reading room?
  • Did you happen to see an earthquake, hurricane or tornado?
  • Would he travel around the world?
  • Did he spend his youth with those?
  • Which is lighter, a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron?
  • Would you like to climb Everest?
  • Visiting beauty salons?
  • Can you play the balalaika?
  • Likes shawarma?
  • Does a guy have deja vu?
  • How often have you lost your keys?
  • Likes to play bowling? What about billiards?
  • Has a driver's license?
  • Likes to burst pimples on the film?
  • Biting nails?
  • Has he ever shaved his legs?
  • Does it count calories? Are you monitoring your diet?
  • Did he fall off his chair?
  • Have you been to Cuba?
  • Did you do capoeira?
  • Watching anime?
  • Have you been to the Color Festival?
  • Can you eat a lemon without wincing?
  • Able to drink a glass of vodka in one gulp?
  • Did you steal flowers from city flower beds?
  • Have you been to the cemetery at night?
  • Experienced the paranormal?
  • Believes in the existence of brownies?
  • Did you swim in the hole in the winter?
  • Have you played mafia?
  • Did you live in a student residence?
  • Did you cook rice mixed with buckwheat?
  • Did you go ice fishing?
  • Eating "happy" bus tickets?
  • Are you embarrassed to buy condoms?
  • Could buy pads or tampons for a girl?
  • Ever dreamed of becoming a gynecologist?
  • Going to a beautician?
  • Do you like sushi or rolls?
  • Can you play the harmonica?
  • Does he have a hat?
  • Do you have dental fillings?
  • Is he interested in ancient Greek culture?
  • Likes to read historical novels?
  • Licked metal in the cold?
  • Eating cat food?
  • Did you give the cat valerian?
  • Pasted wallpaper at least once?
  • Have you been to themed parties?
  • Did you let the jellyfish dry in the sun?
  • Have you ever slept for more than 12 hours in a row?
  • Licked ants?
  • Did you inflate the frogs?
  • Flying in a hot air balloon?
  • Did you set fire to poplar fluff?
  • Riding a reindeer sleigh?
  • Did you spend the night in a tent in the mountains?
  • Riding in a convertible?
  • Likes to eat burgers?
  • Could you live 3 days on 100 rubles?
  • Have you ever bought sports nutrition?
  • Forgot to take off your shoe covers before going outside?
  • Does he believe in the limitlessness of human possibilities?
  • Did you catch a pigeon with your hands?
  • Jumped from the second floor?
  • Stuck in an elevator for hours?
  • Likes mind games?
  • Knows how to sew up socks?
  • Would you like to be a pimp?
  • Would you go on foot across Russia?

It’s not scary if the fantasy of questions has dried up, and a pen pal does not take the initiative into his own hands. The saving anchor will be the phrase: “Do you remember.”. You can remember funny stories that are associated with the first acquaintance or just from life. The guy will gladly pick up the conversation, which will grow further on its own. The main thing is not to lose a positive attitude, and then any communication will be doomed to success.