37 years of marriage what a wedding. Thirty-seven years of marriage. What an original gift to give friends for a muslin wedding anniversary

It's not thirty-five or forty. 37th wedding anniversary - muslin wedding. It got its name from the fabric of the same name - muslin. A beautiful and durable fabric made from natural fibres, cotton or silk. There is also woolen muslin, but we do not use it. The production of such a fabric is a long and painstaking work, just like a joint family life for 37 years.


It is not customary to celebrate such an anniversary magnificently, usually the celebration takes place in the family circle. The holiday can be arranged only for relatives and very close friends. And therefore, few people have heard and know about the traditions inherent in this anniversary about what a muslin wedding is. But if you wish, this holiday can be celebrated solemnly.


You can hold an event in a restaurant, in nature, in a country house, in general, where the "newlyweds" wish. If this will take place in a restaurant, then it should be decorated in delicate beige, white and pastel colors. Curtains are sewn from thin muslin. They can serve to give the hall an identical and festive look.

You will need beige linen tablecloths and white appliances. Light covers on chairs will give a special festive look to the hall. Bouquets of white field flowers are on the tables. You can also give preference to classic roses and white lilies. The design of the hall should not be bright and pretentious. It should be simple and elegant at the same time.

The cake should also match the color scheme of the event. It can be snow-white, with milky decor, gilding and beige flowers. From alcohol, preference should be given to white wine, champagne and martini.

Issue invitations for guests in envelopes decorated with delicate flowers in pastel colors.

What to give a married couple? How to please a husband and wife?

What do you get for a muslin wedding? Muslin is a thin and very durable fabric that was once invented in the Middle East. Relationships remain the same, despite everything experienced. That is why the name of this anniversary was “muslin wedding”. By tradition, it is customary to give products from the above-mentioned fabric. Muslin curtains are a great gift for young people. It can be a set of bed linen, a large beautiful tablecloth, a bedspread made of this material. It is customary for newlyweds to exchange gifts. The wife will give her husband pajamas made of cotton muslin, and the husband of his beloved will give a nightgown made of the same material. Silk muslin is used to make shirts, blouses and dresses. Spouses can choose this option. In a strong couple that has strengthened their relationship over the years, there is always romance. A husband can present his wife with a bouquet of his favorite flowers with a declaration of love and elegant jewelry.

In addition to muslin products, guests can give home appliances, dishes, souvenirs, various household items and decor to the anniversaries. If it is still difficult to decide on a present, you can present money in a beautiful envelope with wishes or in a muslin bag. Sometimes it’s just to ask in advance what gift or gifts the newlyweds would like to receive. A gift bought with the wishes in mind will be useful.

What to give for a muslin wedding? Since the Middle East is the birthplace of muslin, gifts can be with an oriental bias. These may be souvenirs from those countries. Oriental household items and decor are also suitable.

Muslin wedding: congratulations for the young

You can write wedding congratulations in prose and in verse on beautifully designed postcards with wedding symbols. Such messages after reading at the wedding to hand over to the anniversaries.

You can tell a little about the symbol of the wedding, muslin, by going on a short historical journey. Tell about how long the path from fibers to thin, but durable fabric. Carry out an allegory with love and long-term family relationships of the young. Relationships seem to be a very fragile substance, but if they are built on love, mutual understanding and respect, it is almost impossible to destroy them.

Congratulations can be written in poems about strong love, life wisdom, deep feelings of spouses, strengthened by thirty-seven years of marriage. Such touching words will be appreciated by the couple.

Entertainment for guests

Relatives, close friends, people who know the couple well will gather at such an event. For entertainment, thematic song and dance competitions, culinary competitions and comic games are suitable.
Let's take a look at some examples:

A muslin wedding is a celebration of two close and dear souls who have gone through life together, despite the obstacles. Two people, who became one, grew their love and tender feelings for each other.

What this holiday will be like depends only on them: whether only close relatives, parents, children, grandchildren, sisters, brothers will be invited, or whether it will be a big celebration with friends at home, at a round table or in a restaurant with an exquisite interior or in nature. Remember that a muslin wedding is a serious occasion for celebration.

Muslin was the symbol of the wedding,
So there are many reasons to be happy!
Sturdy, beautiful material.
He gave marriage both strength and gloss!

We hasten to congratulate you on your anniversary,
We wish you happiness, good wishes.
We believe, so you have it all,
Therefore, knowing your family is an honor!

37 long years ago
You have created your wonderful family.
Many lifetime awards
You received for your love -
Handsome children, even more beautiful - grandchildren,
Warm and loyal circle of friends,
Good people for honest merit.
And on this day wonderful and beautiful
May the intended happiness come true!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your muslin wedding, on your 37th anniversary of marriage. I wish you always a full bowl of love and prosperity, I wish you to become 3 times richer and more successful, I wish you always feel in the 7th heaven with happiness. May your future married life be as light and magnificent as muslin fabric, may every day be kind and sunny for your family.

Through the years, like a thread, your feelings have passed,
Not aging, not fading at all
Live for the glory of your native land,
Cherish love in your heart.

It's time for the muslin wedding
That silk covers the heart.
We wish you health, kindness,
Prosperity that decorates the house.

Intricately the threads of the pattern intertwined
And the feelings got stronger.
Both children and grandchildren have gathered
It's almost an anniversary.

With a muslin wedding soon
I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart,
After all, next to you, the soul is lighter,
You are so beautiful, you are so good.

Let love only get stronger
Well-being only grows.
Let affairs, worries be easier,
Let the family only bloom with happiness.

Many years of legal marriage
You lived as one family
Today we celebrate the holiday
Big family holiday.

Muslin wedding? So what?
It's been years, don't be sorry
After all, you value your love
And still managed to save it.

So please your family and friends,
Live without counting the days
After all, for this it was worth being born,
To be happy in life and in love.

37 years ago
You have created a wonderful family.
Today everyone is happy to congratulate you -
You saved your love!
We wish you peace and warmth in your home,
To make fate happy
To always be lucky in everything,
To love was beautiful!

37 years of marriage
You have already passed many ravines,
There were sorrows and joys
But you did not stop loving each other.

Thirty-seven seemed like a lot
But I would like to wish you
Health, happiness to you on earth,
But don't forget to fly.

And so that you fly higher
Didn't go aground
On the wings of joy, love,
Without them, we would not live together.

Don't forget to dream
During the dawn.
You are also thirty-seven together,
Or maybe two or three.

I want to congratulate you, my good ones, on your muslin wedding. It has already been 37 years since we shouted bitterly to you and raised our glasses for a young family. During this time, you got to know each other from different sides, but did not waste your warmth. So let the fire of your love not go out from the wind of petty quarrels and insults in the future.

Congratulations on your anniversary. A little more, and it's time to celebrate a beautiful date, but today we are happy to celebrate your thirty-seventh wedding anniversary. May your feelings, your love and joy shine brightly for many more years to come.

The longer the spouses are married, the stronger it is. Every big anniversary is celebrated on a grand scale, as it is now rare for a marriage to last 30, 35, 40 years. Everyone knows what these weddings are, because their names are widely known, but not everyone knows how to celebrate 37 years and what kind of wedding it is. Let's figure out what to give the "newlyweds" after such a long life together.

What is it called and why

At 37, the wedding is called muslin. As you know, all the names of such anniversaries and weddings were invented not just to make it all sound beautiful, they have solid arguments. Just like a muslin wedding.

What is muslin? This is a fabric that is very popular these days and was very expensive in the past.. Our ancestors highly valued this material, since its production required a lot of effort and labor. And only very wealthy people could afford to buy it. Muslin is a beautiful thin, but at the same time very strong fabric.

So we can draw an analogy between the wedding and its name - the couple made a lot of efforts in order to overcome all the difficulties encountered on their way and celebrate this 37th anniversary. Husband and wife are already convinced of each other's fidelity, that they are one. The wind love has been replaced by a deep and sincere feeling of love. Reliability, mutual assistance and habit began to reign in marriage. It has become as durable as the material chosen as the symbol of this date.

So we now know what a wedding is like after thirty-seven years of marriage. Do you know that in six months, another holiday awaits the couple? Oddly enough, but 37.5 years also have their own name - this is an aluminum wedding. This material is also durable, but at the same time quite flexible, like the relationship of the spouses after so many years of living together. This date is not an anniversary, and not even an anniversary, but it must be celebrated.

How to celebrate

37 years. What is a wedding without a festive table? All dates are worth celebrating, and this rule also applies to the thirty-seventh anniversary. So what traditions have the muslin wedding preserved for us?

Unfortunately, the 37th wedding anniversary did not bring us any special rituals.. Our grandparents rarely celebrated such a date. And customs are no longer needed, because what were they required for? In order to somehow check the feelings of the husband and wife for each other, give them hope that their future family life will be cloudless, so that they once again prove their love. And why should someone prove something and check something if you have been married for more than half a century?

It is best to celebrate this anniversary in the family circle, with close relatives, children and true friends. For big noisy holidays there will be more than one anniversary. At the festive table, you can remember all the pleasant moments that have happened over the course of thirty-seven years, remember the wedding day, and how the future husband looked after his beloved.

What to gift

We already know which wedding is after 37 years of marriage, which is after 37.5 years, what they are connected with and how to celebrate both of these dates. It remains only to figure out the main thing - how to congratulate and what to give.

When choosing a gift, start from the anniversary symbol. It is desirable that these be muslin products for 37 years of family life and aluminum products for 37.5. Curtains, tablecloths, napkins, pillows covered with muslin, souvenirs from the same fabric will be great gifts. With aluminum, you can think of anything you want, here the choice is not limited to anything: it can be dishes, teapots, mugs and even medals. It all depends on your imagination.

You can also make a gift that has nothing to do with the symbols of the holiday, it will be quite acceptable. Ideal for:

  • Appliances
  • services and cutlery sets
  • bed sets
  • paintings
The main thing is that the spouses like the gift and be made from the heart, and everything else is not so important.

The most important thing during the celebration is sincere congratulations that will sound from the heart. It can be poetry, or maybe beautiful prose, just put a piece of yourself into them and they will be pleasant to the “newlyweds”. This will make the atmosphere of the holiday warm and friendly, and will charge everyone present with positive energy for a long time to come.

After 37 years of marriage, the couple celebrate a muslin wedding. It’s like they just got married, but there are more than a dozen years behind them. During this time, the couple created their own family hearth, raised children, and overcame everyday troubles. The celebration of the anniversary will add color to everyday life, bring joy and tenderness to relationships. To make the holiday a success, you need to know its meaning, traditions and what to give to the heroes of the occasion.

What wedding

37 years of marriage is called a muslin wedding. Muslin was highly valued in the old days. Its production required a lot of time, effort and patience. In ancient times, only members of the royal family and representatives of noble families could afford muslin products.

An analogy can be drawn between purposeful painstaking efforts in the production of material and the relationship of spouses. Husband and wife have worked diligently for 37 years to create a lasting union. Everyone put a lot of effort to settle the disagreements and quarrels that arose.

Muslin is a beautiful, thin and at the same time durable fabric. The material symbolizes the beauty of marital ties, understanding and trust, as well as strong relationships and fidelity. In place of emotions, falling in love came deep sincere love.

As muslin is gradually created in the hands of a skilled weaver, so day by day marriage becomes stronger. The celebration of the muslin wedding focuses on the love, respect and mutual understanding reigning in the house.


There are no special traditions for celebrating 37 years of family life. On the day of the celebration, the spouses exchange symbolic gifts of muslin, spend time together or arrange family gatherings.

How to celebrate

Magnificently celebrating the 37th wedding anniversary is optional. This is a family holiday that can be spent alone or with close relatives and friends.

On the day of your muslin wedding, decorate your living room with pastel colored ribbons and balloons. Hang thin muslin curtains in light shades. Cover the table with a white tablecloth. If possible, use multi-colored muslin napkins.

For a muslin wedding, use white and light shades in the table setting.

gift for husband

On an anniversary, it is customary to exchange symbolic gifts. Give your husband a muslin shirt or T-shirt. Surprise your loved one with a napkin with embroidered initials, a wedding date or a declaration of love.

Universal gifts for a husband for 37 years of marriage:

  • Original pen, notebook, organizer. Suitable for a business person.
  • Electronic devices: video recorder, car radio.
  • Wrist watch with engraving, cufflinks, tie clip. Such stylish accessories look solid and emphasize the viability of a man. They will always remind you of your love.

Gift for wife

A husband can give his beloved wife the following gifts:

  • Muslin nightgown. The fabric is pleasant to the touch, attractive in appearance and durable.
  • Silk muslin blouse. An exquisite product will emphasize the beauty of a woman, serve as a festive outfit.
  • Jewelry: ring, pendant, earrings. Jewelry is always relevant. They emphasize the depth of feelings and devotion of the spouse.
  • Bouquet of favorite flowers. On the 37th anniversary, flowers are presented in delicate pastel colors: white lilies, pink roses.

On this day, surround your wife with attention and care. Give her compliments, thank her for her love, patience and children born.

What guests give

Gifts should bring joy and remind spouses of the next year lived in their family history.

The following muslin products will serve as a symbolic gift for a muslin wedding:

  • curtains;
  • tablecloth;
  • napkins;
  • bed sheets;
  • paired t-shirts or shirts;
  • decorative pillowcases, pillows;
  • kitchen or bath towels.

Muslin comes in two varieties: cotton and silk. When choosing clothes for spouses, give preference to silk fabric. Cotton muslin bed linen is better and more durable. You can order a print with a congratulation, surname or family photo.

As a gift for the holiday, dishes, a picture, a vase and small household appliances are always relevant: a toaster, a mixer, a combine. Spouses will be grateful for such a practical souvenir.

Caring children present a gift for health: a subscription to a spa, a ticket to a sanatorium, a massager, a blood pressure monitor, orthopedic shoes or a mattress.

You can also create a video that tells the story of the family from birth to today.

If you don’t know what spouses dream of, donate money. Put them in a beautiful envelope, write a congratulation, decorate with a bright ribbon. Such a gift is always appropriate.


In addition to gifts, a muslin wedding will be decorated with pleasant cheerful toasts, sincere sincere congratulations. Wife wish to always be a young and beloved husband, a good housewife. A man is praised for his reliability, they want to remain a support for his wife, children and grandchildren.

The following congratulations will not leave anyone indifferent:

Muslin wedding
Accidentally came -
How fast they flew
Happy years!
Thirty-seven years together
And yet, as then,
You are the groom and the bride
Like yesterday.
We wish you only happiness
We wish from the bottom of our hearts!
Don't count the years
There is no stronger love!

Take a cue from a beautiful couple
I will advise everyone.
You've been through a lot together.
Today is thirty-seven.
I wish you in a relationship
Trembling always keep
Help each other always
And be one.

Thirty-seven long years ago
You have created your wonderful family.
Many lifetime awards
You received for your love:
Handsome children, even more beautiful grandchildren,
Warm and loyal circle of friends,
Good people for honest merit.
And on this day wonderful and beautiful
May the intended happiness come true!

37 years of marriage is usually not celebrated on a grand scale. But this is a great occasion to spend time together or gather children and closest friends at the same table. A muslin wedding should take place in a warm, cozy atmosphere. Spouses can remember the pleasant moments of life together, assure each other of devotion and love. This will help you move forward on the path of life with joy.

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Liana Raymanova

Each wedding anniversary from the moment of registration of the marriage union is called by its own special name. Thirty-seven years of marriage - was no exception. Such a celebration sounds like "muslin anniversary". What original gifts to give spouses?

First you need to figure out what is the main symbolism of 37 years of marriage? It is not difficult to guess that the basis was an elegant and durable cotton fabric - muslin, the origins of which are associated with the East. The density of the fabric symbolizes the indestructible union of loving hearts, and the airiness and lightness of the material symbolizes the unconditional understanding of each other by the spouses and the achievement of absolute harmony in their union. Since ancient times, this fabric has been considered especially valuable and expensive, since it required a lot of physical effort to create it, which is why only wealthy people could afford to buy it.

Symbol of the 37th anniversary - muslin fabric

What an original gift to give friends for a muslin wedding anniversary

On this day, you can give a family not so much an original as a practical gift - textile products. These can be curtains, tablecloths, bedding, a blanket or napkins embroidered with lace. Such things will always be “in the subject”, because spouses at this age are often adherents of a cozy and comfortable family home. The original embodiment of the presentation will be muslin cushion filled with medicinal herbs with a pleasant aroma (mint, lavender, sage, etc.). In addition to the health benefits, the smell of herbs will take the couple back to a happy and carefree childhood associated with grass and hay.

Muslin pillow for a muslin wedding

If family friends are frequent guests and are familiar with the style of housing of anniversaries, it will not be difficult to choose decoration for windows from muslin. Such a window dress, according to old beliefs, protects the aura of the family from adversity and the evil eye and creates an atmosphere of warmth. Beautiful curtains have won the hearts of households since the 17th century. Curtains, decorated in accordance with the latest design trends, deserve admiring comments from guests.

Choosing garments, do not lose sight of hats and scarves, gloves and socks, shawls and sweaters.

Muslin of a woolen type, in contact with the body, does not cause discomfort and is endowed with high rates of heat transfer.

This is a rather expensive fabric, in the old days only aristocrats could afford it. The mature age of the spouses suggests solid gifts: a luxurious muslin scarf or a vintage coat can be handed to a woman, and a stylish neck scarf or tie to a man. Modern brands use muslin in the manufacture of shoes, so having prepared in advance, you can find the right pair of women's boots and men's sneakers for a pair. Warm homemade uggs and bathrobes will also be a cozy gift.

Although sticking to the muslin theme is not a prerequisite, try to comply with it nevertheless. Unusual souvenir will be doll in muslin dress- such an elegant and cute little thing will perfectly complement the interior of the apartment. Present a table lamp sheathed in muslin - such an element of the surroundings will keep the warmest memories of the celebration. In addition, there are many oriental-themed souvenirs: candlesticks, figurines or caskets.

Unrelated gifts may include household appliances, cutlery, vases or paintings

Maybe the spouse's coffee machine or vacuum cleaner has fallen into disrepair, and the purchase of new equipment is constantly being postponed for better times? A wedding anniversary is a great occasion for this.

A good gift idea for friends on their 37th wedding anniversary is T-shirts with a creative inscription or a joint photo of the spouses. Such couple t-shirts with the words "The best husband" and "Beloved wife" will reflect the nature of the relationship in a couple and demonstrate to others how strong and sensual their love is to this day. Since ancient times, philosophers have paid attention to the fact that lovers want to share their endless love with everyone.

If none of the presented ideas suits you, it comes to the rescue. a gift in the form of impressions - a universal surprise!

Listen to the wishes of the anniversaries. Perhaps their old dream was a photo session during a horseback ride or going to the movies. If the spouses are fans of music and art, it would be appropriate to present tickets for a jazz concert or a theatrical performance.

What can you give spouses to each other for 37 years of marriage

Spouses can please each other with jewelry or beautiful jewelry. For example, you can give your wife golden ring with diamonds, and to her husband - silver cufflinks with phianites. It is advisable to pack the gift in a muslin bag.

Silver cufflinks with cubic zirkonia, S&P(price link)

Knowing each other's tastes, spouses can present comfortable and elegant clothes to their partner. The lady is most likely to opt for a magnificent muslin dress, and the man will emphasize his image with a muslin shirt. To accurately guess with a gift, you can please your loved one gift certificate for the purchase of one or another thing, the choice of which he (she) will carry out independently.

What to give parents for their 37th muslin wedding anniversary

From the son to the mother will be a pleasant gift flowers - 37 delicate roses tied with muslin ribbon.

As a gift to a mother from her son for a muslin wedding, 37 roses

Floral arrangements of asters, lilies or orchids would also be appropriate. Father will be delighted to receive a wristwatch from his daughter hours or bracelet from genuine leather.

If the spouses spend considerable time outside the city at their own dacha, give them hammock or a deck chair - a pleasant and useful thing on vacation.

Children can present anniversaries trip abroad or travel within Russia. This is not only the opening of new horizons and unforgettable impressions, but also the restoration of physical and moral strength, which is very important at such a mature age.

Or order from the masters figurines of parents made from photographs - creative and memorable.

Original DIY gifts for the 37th muslin wedding anniversary

What to give a married couple for a handmade muslin wedding?

You can create a whole family tradition that will be repeated by your children, and later grandchildren. For example, sew muslin handkerchiefs with the couple's initials. A substitute for muslin can be cotton or silk.

Give a family photo album with commemorative photographs, the cover of which will be made using the scrapbooking technique with elements of muslin fabric. Such needlework motifs will help create a truly exclusive gift.

The next option is figurines handmade from fabric. For example, in the form of doves, miniature copies of the bride and groom, or a symbol of love - the heart. Choose the color scheme of gifts, based on the interior of the anniversaries, so that such homemade gizmos fit into the overall atmosphere. Moreover, these figurines can become a real a talisman of family happiness.

DIY gift for a muslin wedding: original figurines

In the early stages, love is so fragile and immature, but the work put into the relationship makes marriage a truly strong union. Walking hand in hand, through a million joyful and sad events, marriage bonds become indestructible and confirm the aphorism of eternal love. We hope that you will take note of gift ideas for relatives or friends for such a significant event. We wish you creative ideas and inspiration!

March 17, 2018, 11:50