Aquamarine combined with metal. The impact of stones on health. Light agate, alabaster, white pearl, turquoise, blue sapphire, coral, lapis lazuli, carnelian

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Not only people have the opportunity to be friends, to be at enmity or to take a neutral position towards each other. This largely applies to stones with metals. When a person wears jewelry with a certain amount of different minerals and metals, he certainly becomes a participant in their relationship. And such relationships are due to the energy-information field of substances.

A bit of history

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Our history is rich in examples in which the results of the interaction of stones and metals are very shown. Crowned persons wore their crowns with a variety of stones as a sign of greatness and power, but were not spared from murders, serious illnesses and personal dramas. I wonder what is the reason?
For example, let's take a palette with many stunningly beautiful colors. If you mix them, you get a far from attractive dirty brown color. A similar effect occurs when several stones coexist on the human body at once. Thus, you can even get a harmful effect on the body. From an astrological point of view, the combination of stones is based on the possibility of combining the elements and planets: their friendship or enmity.
Friendly planets can be called those whose functions can be combined. If their activities cancel each other out, then these planets are hostile.
Since ancient times, people have noticed signs of relationships between stones, so the doctrine of the compatibility of minerals has ancient roots. In the old days, Indian craftsmen, when making jewelry, adhered to the established rules for combining crystals. There is even such a direction - a decoration of nine different gems called "Navarta". The idea is that each of the stones contained in the decoration belonged to one or another planet of the solar system. Together, the stones radiated a very powerful energy that attracted all sorts of human benefits.
There are many rules for combining stones in jewelry: by belonging to the zodiac constellation, by the days of the lunar calendar, and even by feng shui. At the same time, the theory of the correspondence of minerals and planets, which was developed by ancient Indian scientists, remains dominant.

Planets and their minerals

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In the 16th century, the German researcher Agrippa von Nettesheim, who is also an alchemist and an adherent of the occult sciences, revealed that there is a connection between gems and the zodiac constellations, and interdependence with planets and elements. He considered that the stones are connected, like the signs of the Zodiac, with the planets, therefore they are their representatives on Earth. Each planet has several minerals:

  • All golden stones and minerals of red shades belong to the Sun - amber, hyacinth, ruby, colored diamond;
  • Opal, pearl, rock-crystal, coral, aquamarine, moonstone, beryl and all transparent, bluish and white stones belong to the Moon;
  • Mercury owns topaz, agate, amethyst, turquoise, chrysolite, in a word, all precious stones of lilac and violet shades;
  • The stones of Venus are emerald, sapphire, malachite, belomorite, amazonite, green pearls and other green stones;
  • The power of Jupiter is possessed by blue minerals: sapphire, topaz, turquoise and lapis lazuli;
  • Mars patronizes all minerals with brown hues: jasper, ruby, bloodstone, garnet, diamond, carnelian;
  • The stones of Saturn are black or very dark: agate, onyx, morion;
  • Neptune owns minerals with green-blue hues: rock crystal, aquamarine, moonstone;
  • The most interesting stones were taken by Uranus: these are gems with the effect of iridescence and opalescence. The former emit color highlights on their surface in bright light, the latter seem to contain a piece of the rainbow;
  • Pluto's minerals are transparent rauchtopaz and variegated jasper.

The list of stones is not definitively defined and is not limited to strict limits once and for all, because the correspondence of planets and stones should be revealed through the prism of the properties of minerals: composition, transparency and shade. It turns out that even recently discovered gems may well add to some list of correspondences.

As can be seen from the list above, there are such stones that may belong to more than one planet. This is explained very simply: usually a mineral contains several basic elements that belong to different celestial bodies. For example, recently it turned out that the composition of diamond includes impurities of various elements, and even metals in very small quantities.

Astromineralogical Compatibility Standards for Minerals:

  • It is forbidden to wear on one hand and, especially, in one piece of jewelry, stones belonging to different signs of the Zodiac and opposite elements. For example: Water and its signs - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, plus Fire with the signs of the Zodiac - Aries, Sagittarius, Leo;
  • If the stones belong to friendly elements, then their combination is permissible. Fire and Air (yang), as well as Earth and Water (yin) do not compete with each other;
  • If a person knows his element, it is better to select stones that correspond to it;
  • There are such gems in which two or more elements are already initially laid. It is undesirable if these are warring elements.

Friendly and hostile celestial bodies

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When choosing jewelry in accordance with the doctrine of astromineralogical compatibility, one must take into account the features of the planets that patronize the stones contained in the product. The theory says that it is impossible to combine stones belonging to warring planets in one piece of jewelry..

  • The sun is at enmity with Saturn, Pluto, Mars, it also does not get along with the Moon and Mercury;
  • Mars and Pluto do not favor the Moon;
  • Mercury is at enmity with the Moon, Mars and Pluto;
  • Does not like Saturn Venus;
  • Mars is at enmity with Uranus and Mercury;
  • Jupiter does not welcome Saturn, Pluto and Mars;
  • Saturn is a very harmful planet, he is friends only with Mercury and the Moon;
  • Uranus can endure Venus, Neptune and Mercury;
  • Neptune likes the Sun, Venus, Moon and Jupiter;
  • Mars, Pluto and Venus form a commonwealth.

Gem Incompatibility

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If you combine the elements of Fire and Earth, then the fiery energy will suppress the earthly. At best, the stone simply will not manifest itself, but it can also do harm. Fire and Water tend to destroy each other. If you combine Air with Water, then unpleasant energy will be reborn. With any choice of mineral, the element is very important. Each mineral contains the power of all three signs of its own element.
The stones are combined with each other due to their properties: translucent and transparent, iridescent changeable and opaque monochromatic.

P.P. Globa claims that due to the planetary and informational discrepancy, such minerals do not combine with each other:

  • emerald and amethyst in any jewelry;
  • topaz diamond;
  • sapphire pearls (with the exception of silver jewelry);
  • morion-zircon;
  • carnelian and chrysoprase;
  • onyx-citrine;
  • jasper and jade;
  • zircon and rhodonite;
  • amber - hematite;
  • hematite and carnelian;
  • pomegranate with tourmaline;
  • ruby and amber;
  • obsidian and ruby;
  • topaz and rock crystal.

Ideal setting for stones

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The planets are accustomed to influencing people not only through minerals. They also have another agent - metal. It is metals that are used for the production of frames for jewelry. The rules for selecting the optimal frame are similar to those based on the compatibility of gems due to the elements, friendship or opposition of the planets. Let's find out which setting is suitable for a particular stone.

Frames made of gold and silver are in the greatest demand and prevalence. Due to the fact that the Moon and the Sun patronize many stones, silver and gold are considered the most harmonious metals for making frames.


Gold is controlled by the most important celestial body of our system - the Sun. It is not friendly only with Pluto, Saturn and Mars. Therefore, stones ruled by these planets cannot be set into gold. Otherwise, an energy struggle will begin, during which a person will be struck. He will have to endure hardships in the form of illness and failure. With a weak energy conflict, strained relationships arise in business and personal life.
If stones belonging to the Sun are framed in gold, their properties will only increase. By matching the stone to gold perfectly, the jeweler gives a person the opportunity to experience a huge share of luck.
The wrong combination will introduce violations into new cases, will in every possible way hinder any undertakings. But it also has pluses: it is liked by those who do not tolerate any changes.

Gold is at enmity with bloodstone, garnet, hematite and red jasper, pink topazes and corals. This beautiful metal conflicts with malachite, ruby, jade, beryl and all black stones that are difficult to grind. In a contrasting relationship with gold are moonstone, aquamarine, rock crystal, opal and all minerals of a milky, white hue.

Gold retains neutrality to agate, onyx, golden topaz and emerald. Also, neither a positive effect nor a negative impact will occur if any light glass mineral is set in gold.
Turquoise, sapphire, amethyst, blue topaz, bull's eye, lapis lazuli and coral are on friendly terms with gold.

The ideal combination would be a combination of gold with diamond, aventurine, yellow sapphire, chrysoprase, heliotrope, hyacinth, chrysolite, red or green amber and carbuncle.


Silver is ruled by the Moon. Its energy is opposite to the Sun. The Moon is hostile to Pluto and Mars, cold to Uranus and Mercury, and friendly to other planets. You cannot wear silver and gold jewelry on the same body at the same time.
Ruby, diamond, blue and blue turquoise, red spinel are not compatible with silver. Silver is in conflict with zircon, obsidian, sardonyx, beryl, red coral. The contrast is blue sapphire, amber, pyrope, garnet, heliodor, aventurine and carnelian. In a neutral relationship with this light precious metal, jadeite, tiger's eye, malachite, purple sapphire, purple amethyst, chrysolite and malachite.
Onyx, pearls, topaz, rock crystal, agate, malachite, jet, cat's eye, amazonite, aquamarine, beryl, lapis lazuli and all stones of a white milky shade are friendly with silver. The best combination with silver is amethyst, opal, jade, morion and moonstone..

Thanks to astrological research, you can find amazing combinations of mineral and metal in jewelry and enjoy a magnificent jewelry all your life.
Mercury stones can also belong to other planets at the same time, because Mercury is surprisingly friendly. All metals of Uranus are suitable for its gems: titanium, aluminum and their alloys, silver-copper alloys, platinum, gold alloys containing zinc and cadmium.
Minerals ruled by Venus turn into gold, silver and copper alloys. Gems of Mars must be sent to cupronickel. Jupiter stones prefer gold. For the minerals of Saturn, Neptune and the Moon, a frame made of silver and titanium alloys is suitable. Gems under the auspices of Pluto feel great in cupronickel and nickel alloys.
If the gem will be used in magical rites, then the metal for it must strictly correspond to the planet (the stones of Mars - only in an iron frame). To weaken the influence of a hostile planet, it is necessary to choose a metal that has the opposite sign. For example, if the Moon is angry, then its stone recovers into the metal of Saturn - titanium.

Copper does not accept rock crystal, topaz, morion, heliotrope, hyacinth, rauchtopaz.

There are people whose cosmogram is mixed. Lucky ones! They can choose any frame.

It is obvious that modern people do not pay attention to which planet the stone or setting they like belongs to. On the one hand, this is correct, because the decoration should be chosen according to your own preferences, and not written recommendations. And if it is selected taking into account all astrological conventions, but does not cause interest, it is better not to buy it - such a thing will definitely not bring happiness.

From time immemorial, people have been attracted by the dazzling brilliance and bewitching beauty of precious stones, gems and minerals. Fairy tales and legends were dedicated to them, they were ready to give their lives for them. It is known that jewelry with stones often had not only aesthetic value, but also served as a talisman, an assistant for the person wearing them.

The modern age of high technology, with its pragmatism and skepticism, has not turned away from the passion for minerals. Lithotherapy and astromineralogy are closely involved in the study of the phenomenon of the impact of minerals on the human body from the outside and from the inside.

The magical properties of stones are a real phenomenon. But any witchcraft energy needs knowledge to be used for good: before acquiring a piece of jewelry with a pleasing pebble, it carefully studies its properties, otherwise it will negatively affect the life and fate of the owner.

There is a group of gems that do not tolerate loneliness. Worn on the body in a single copy, they do not carry anything positive and can even play a fatal role in the life of the owner or members of his family.

A variety of chrysoberyl, first found in the caves of the Urals in the middle of the 19th century, instantly attracted the attention of the public: the unique ability of the stone to change shades depending on the time of day is simply amazing. In the morning, its facets shimmer with shades of green, and in the evening, in artificial light, the stone sparkles with deep reds and purples. The gem of unusual beauty was honored with a royal name: it was named after Emperor Alexander II.

The magical properties of alexandrite

Since ancient times, alexandrite has been attributed magical and healing properties. It is believed that it cleanses the blood and has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, strengthens the nervous system and normalizes blood pressure.

Alexandrite is worn by overly emotional people and those who are subject to constant stress. The stone can protect its owner from the destructive effects of overvoltage, make the psyche and emotional background more stable. In addition, alexandrite can warn of impending danger by changing its color regardless of the time of day.

How to wear alexandrite

It is believed that only a widow is allowed to wear a single alexandrite, for the rest, one such stone in the ring will become a real magnet for misfortunes: a person will begin to attract illness and even the death of relatives and friends.

The selection of additional jewelry with the same pebble will help level the negative program of alexandrite: the more alexandrites a person wears, the stronger the positive effect of the mineral. It is interesting that there can be an odd number of stones, it is permissible to wear 2, 3, and 5 alexandrites.

They believe that alexandrite will best reveal its properties on representatives of the sign of Scorpio, it is also allowed to be worn by Aquarius, Leo and Gemini. Women pair ring and pendant, while men look great in alexandrite-encrusted cufflinks and tie clip.


Mother-of-pearl peas, extracted from the shells of sea mollusks, have been highly valued from time immemorial. Cleopatra herself adored pearls, considering them one of the secrets of her many years of attractiveness. Every day she drank a glass of wine with a dissolved pearl in order to continue to sparkle with her rare beauty. Pearls claimed many lives of divers: brave young men and women who wanted to get a couple of precious spheres died in the depths of the waters. Today they are grown on special farms, but this is no less appreciated.

The magical properties of pearls

Pearl products help with diseases of the kidneys and liver, normalize digestive processes. In ancient China, it was recommended to be worn by people who are losing their sight, as it can restore their eyes to their original health. It is also indicated for weak memory and nervous disorders.

In many countries of the world, pearls are a symbol of longevity: contemplation of perfect mother-of-pearl spheres can bring harmony and peace, setting in a positive mood, which is an indispensable guarantee of a long happy life. Pearls protect the owner's heart from the torments of unrequited love and are able to warn of an imminent illness: if the jewelry has lost its luster, this is a serious reason to take care of health.

How to wear pearls

Pearls are strictly a paired stone, the number of pearls on a person must be a multiple of 2. They are calmly worn as an independent decoration of earrings, since they will contain two pearls.

Jewelry with one large pearl looks very impressive - it is not necessary to complement it with something else if the owner of the jewelry is already married. But only those striving to go down the aisle, one pearl will interfere with the realization of a dream, giving rise to the loneliness of the owner.

Pisces, Aquarius, Crayfish and Gemini can wear pearls as a powerful amulet, a talisman that brings good luck and courage. But in the best way, the useful properties of the jewelry will be revealed when wearing a set of jewelry, for example, a pendant and a ring or just paired earrings.


Luxurious semi-precious variety of quartz was known in ancient Egypt: powerful pharaohs decorated their clothes and headdresses with them. The Romans called the translucent purple stone a blessed stone, and the Christians proudly called it apostolic or episcopal, as it was often seen in the vestments of the high priests.

The magical properties of amethyst

Amethyst helps people overcome addictions: it is an ideal companion in the fight against alcoholism and drug addiction. In ancient Rome, not a single fun feast was complete without amethysts: it was assumed that it reduces the percentage of alcohol in the blood and sobers up, allowing guests to have fun longer than usual.

Amethyst - a symbol of balance and inner peace, allows a person to realize his potential, eliminating unnecessary spiritual doubts and anxieties, conveying confidence that is easily read by people around him.

How to wear an amethyst

In no case should amethyst be worn as a single piece of jewelry: this leads to loneliness and mental anxieties. He does not like amethyst and neighborhoods with other gems, in which case the consequences are the most unexpected.

The ideal tandem is earrings and a ring with amethysts in a silver frame (it is also possible to use gold, but such sets are very rare). Amethysts are best suited for Scorpions, Pisces and Aquarius.


A variety of beryl, the description of which is found in the monuments of the ancient Roman era. Pliny the Elder gave a beautiful name to the gem, comparing the color of the stone with the pure color of sea water: lat. aqua - water, mare - sea. Icy transparency and a pure cold blue hue have made the stone one of the most popular jewelry inserts: it is often complemented with diamonds and black onyx, emphasizing the bewitching beauty of the gem.

The magical properties of aquamarine

In lithotherapy, aquamarine is used for the health of the thyroid gland and the stabilization of the psycho-emotional sphere. Contemplation of pure aquamarine relieves phobias and fights stress, it can even pacify seasickness.

Aquamarine is a conductor of positive energy, which will fill the entire existence of the owner. It is a stone of truth and justice, protects marriage unions from infidelity, strengthens the spirituality and sanity of the owner.

How to wear aquamarine

Wearing an aquamarine without a pair is a big mistake, for which you will have to pay dearly. First of all, the state of mind of a person will suffer, he will begin to be overcome by anxieties and anxieties from scratch.

But a set of several jewelry with aquamarine, for example, from earrings and a ring, on the contrary, will make the owner more wise and strong. Surprisingly, a couple of aquamarines are separated: keep one stone with you, and give the second to your beloved. The magic of the talisman will help strengthen the intimate connection of loving hearts and make the union stronger.

The stone is recommended for water signs of the zodiac: Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios, it's time to buy a pair of jewelry with aquamarine. It also has a good effect on the life of Aquarius, but for Gemini and Sagittarius it is better not to buy such jewelry at all - even in pairs.

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Stones in jewelry are the best friends of not only women, but also men. Such popularity is caused not only because of their beauty, but also the magical properties that they possess. It is a mistake to believe that wearing several stones at once is useful. It turns out that many of them do not tolerate neighborhood.

Stone Compatibility Rules

Due to the fact that all gems have magical properties, it is unacceptable to wear jewelry with the first stones that caught your eye. First you need to find out what specific stones can be combined with. A properly selected stone will bring good luck, provided that nothing interferes with it.

Most often, stones are selected by color. And only those who believe in the magical power of natural gifts give special attention to the choice. First of all, they give preference to options that are worn according to the sign of the zodiac, name, element. At the same time, they miss an important point - the combination of minerals in relation to each other.

It happens that, according to all indicators, several minerals are suitable for a girl at once. As a result, she makes a purchase of jewelry with different stones in the same cut. It would seem that fortune should favor, but in reality everything turns out differently. The reason for this may be their incorrect correspondence in a pair.

Agate, amethyst, natural pearls are harmoniously combined with turquoise, azure, carnelian. Emerald stones and sapphires can also be worn in a pair. These stones will not tolerate proximity to aquamarine, rock crystal, garnet, moonlight, opal, scarlet rubies, jasper. Their proximity in a pair is in doubt.

Aventurine, aquamarine and precious diamond will be an excellent pair for amethyst, beryl, heliotrope. Hyacinth, rock crystal, natural garnet, opal, ruby, chrysoprase will complement one another. In a duet with them, there is no place for gems opposite in energy - dark topaz, amber.

Onyx and black agate respond positively to emeralds, topazes, multi-colored agates. Their magic will perfectly coexist if there are no rubies and chrysolites nearby in a pair. Representatives of different elements will not show themselves in any way if they are worn together, and they can harm a person.

Due to the planetary incompatibility of patronizing stars, it is strictly contraindicated to wear in pairs:

A dubious combination of stones should be alarming. Complementing each other in a pair, opaque hard rocks minerals strengthen human health and give confidence.

Stones of two elements interact favorably on human energy - tourmaline with zircon, hematite with amber, coral with shungite.

Why can't some stones be paired?

The energy of one stone can overwhelm the power of another mineral. As long as they remain paired, their purpose will not be revealed. The most dangerous thing is that hostility between them can affect human health.

The elements will help to trace their discrepancy:

According to experts, the element is always important. A specially compiled table of the correct compatibility of stones will help dispel doubts about the choice. Specialists from various fields of science worked on its creation - gemologists, astrologers and jewelers. Thanks to the work done, the magical characteristics and features of minerals were studied.

Wearing the stones together aims to ensure that each crystal can manifest its magic. Contacting with the skin of a person and his energy, inappropriate minerals will interfere with the disclosure of each other's strength. Simply put, they will interfere with the interaction of chakras and energy channels.

In modern man, the combination of minerals is dictated by considerations somewhat different from those of ancestors. Previously, when choosing them, they took into account the benefits, but now - financial opportunities and fashionable preferences. Paired wearing helps to increase their strength. Which stones have magic and healing power:

In order for the stones to be a happy amulet, and not a source of misunderstanding, you need to combine them correctly. The above material will be useful to those who believe in the magic of natural minerals and like to use several stones at the same time. The union of harmonious talismans will create a favorable environment for a person to achieve goals.

In order for wearing stones to bring pleasure and benefit, check their compatibility. Not all stones work together, so it's useful to know which ones work well and which ones clash.

The table below shows some of the most famous stones and how friendly or hostile they are to each other.

The compatibility table of stones and minerals is compiled on the basis of the relationship of the planets with which they have a connection.

Aventurine, diamond, zircon, ruby, chrysolite, chrysoprase

Agate, amethyst, white pearl, beryl, turquoise, emerald, coral, lapis lazuli, sapphire, carnelian

Malachite, onyx, obsidian, sardonyx

Aquamarine, garnet, rose quartz, heliotrope, moonstone, opal, jasper

Aquamarine, beryl, rose quartz, coral, moonstone, opal

Amethyst, turquoise, pearl, labradorite, lapis lazuli, onyx, sapphire

Agate, garnet, heliodor, heliotrope, malachite, ruby, carnelian, jasper

Aventurine, diamond, zircon, emerald, topaz, chrysolite

Garnet, hematite, jasper

Agate, emerald, heliotrope, sapphire

Aventurine, aquamarine, diamond, beryl, turquoise, heliodor, zircon, pearl, moonstone, lapis lazuli, ruby, chrysolite, chrysoprase

Malachite, onyx, black agate

Carnelian, moss agate

Onyx, sardonyx, dark agate

Golden topaz, emerald, carnelian, moss agate

Aventurine, diamond, heliodor, zircon, ruby, chrysolite, chrysoprase

coral, moonstone

Turquoise, blue sapphire, pearl, lapis lazuli, blue agate

Aventurine, aquamarine, diamond, amethyst, turquoise, heliodor, zircon, garnet, emerald, rose quartz, heliotrope, moonstone, opal, ruby, chrysoprase, jasper

Beryl, Malachite, Sardonyx

Moss agate, jade

Which stones do not combine with each other: the view of an astrologer

In the Lapidarium, a medieval treatise by the Castilian king Alphonse X the Wise, the basics of gemmoastrology (selection of stones according to the postulates of astrology) are given and the correspondence of stones to the degrees of the Zodiac is given. The lapidarium was created in the 13th century, but the knowledge contained in it dates back to even more ancient times. The book is a translation from the "Chaldean" language, as stated in the preface. The Chaldeans lived in the south of Mesopotamia from the 10th to the 4th centuries. BC. Where did the knowledge about the selection of stones for them come from, history is silent.

Fortunately, this treatise has survived to this day. Modern astrologers have restored most of the list of stars and stones contained in the Lapidaria. Then they made amendments to the list taking into account the precession, updated the coordinates corresponding to one or another stone in our days. And so, we have a working table, with gems scattered on a 360-degree scale.

There are many subtleties and nuances in choosing minerals for long-term wear. If you choose them correctly, they will become true friends and helpers to a person. But stones can also do harm, provoking unpleasant situations. The choice of a stone as a talisman is best entrusted to a professional astrologer who has the proper level of training. Read more about this in the article How the right stones can improve your life.

However, there are universal selection rules that will suit everyone. In particular, if you remember that the Zodiac is a circle divided into 360 sectors, then you can easily determine which sectors are opposite each other, automatically forming an aspect of opposition in relation to each other. Opposition is an aspect of destruction, conflict, confrontation. This means that stones lying in sectors opposing each other (i.e., in opposite degrees) will also conflict with each other.

They cannot be worn for a long time in one piece of jewelry or put on different pieces of jewelry with these minerals in the same period, you should not store them as collectible crystals or interior decoration together, next to each other. Stones are living beings, they have their own world, their own energy. Conflicting stones will be “nervous”, lose strength, hurt. And if you want your lucky charms to retain their power, it's best not to stress them.

Below I have compiled a small table for you, in which I listed in the left column the most familiar and popular minerals in alphabetical order. The right column indicates those stones with which they should not be worn together. This information will be especially relevant for craftswomen who collect jewelry from different stones by hand.


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Compatibility of stones with metal and among themselves

Compatibility of stones with metal and among themselves
It is very important what metal the ring or earrings are set in.

The metal in which the mineral is set must be in harmony with the beginning of this mineral in order to help, and not hinder, its manifestation.
Transparent stones of the Yang beginning should be set in active metals - gold, iron, tin
Opaque stones. The Yin beginning is set in passive metals - silver, copper, titanium.

It is impossible to set amethyst, emerald in gold. chrysoprase, morion, jade. They only go with silver.
In addition to this general rule for some minerals, there are clear restrictions on metal frames.

You cannot set a diamond, ruby, spinel, blue turquoise in silver. They are set only in gold.

It is impossible to send heliotrope, hyacinth, morion, smoky quartz (rauchtopaz), topaz, rock crystal into copper and its alloys.

The only metal that does not suppress, but enhances the power of any stone is cupronickel (an alloy of copper and nickel)

Not all minerals are compatible in wearing with each other.

List of incompatible minerals

Agate -
Variegated agate - aquamarine, beryl, coral, moonstone, opal
Light agate - beryl, malachite, sardonyx
Black agate - aventurine, diamond, heliotrope, hyacinth, ruby, chrysolite, chrysoprase
Aquamarine - agate, heliotrope, garnet, hematite, malachite, ruby, carnelian, jasper
Amethyst - diamond, ruby, chrysoprase
Beryl - agate, heliotrope, garnet, hematite, malachite, ruby, carnelian jasper
Turquoise - beryl, malachite, sardonyx
Diamond - malachite, onyx, sardonyx, obsidian
Heliotrope - malachite, onyx, sardonyx, obsidian
Hematite - aventurine, aquamarine, diamond, beryl, turquoise, heliotrope, hyacinth, pearl, moonstone, lapis lazuli, ruby, chrysolite, chrysoprase
Hyacinth - malachite, onyx, sardonyx, obsidian
Rock crystal - agate, heliotrope, garnet, hematite, malachite, ruby, carnelian, jasper
Garnet - aventurine, aquamarine, diamond, beryl, turquoise, heliotrope, hematite, pearl, moonstone, ruby, chrysolite, chrysoprase
Pearls - beryl, malachite, sardonyx
Coral - agate, heliotrope, garnet, malachite, ruby, carnelian, jasper
Lapis lazuli - beryl, malachite, sardonyx
Jade - diamond, ruby, chrysoprase
Onyx - aventurine, diamond, heliotrope, hyacinth, ruby, chrysolite, chrysoprase
Sapphire - beryl, malachite, sardonyx
Sardonyx - aventurine, diamond, heliotrope, hyacinth, ruby, chrysolite, chrysoprase
Carnelian - beryl, malachite, sardonyx
Topaz - diamond, ruby, chrysoprase
Chrysolite - malachite, onyx, sardonyx, obsidian
Chrysoprase - malachite, onyx, sardonyx, obsidian
Amber - diamond, ruby, chrysoprase
Jasper - aventurine, aquamarine, diamond, beryl, turquoise, heliotrope, hyacinth, pearl, moonstone, lapis lazuli, ruby, chrysolite, chrysoprase
Stones of Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - all bright expensive transparent stones - diamond, emerald, ruby, sapphire, etc.

Stones of the Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - all opaque semi-precious stones - jasper, agate, jadeite, turquoise, malachite, etc.

Air Stones - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - all translucent semi-precious stones - carnelian, obsidian, amethyst, chrysoprase, jade, etc.

Water stones - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - all stones that are similar in color to the sea, night, river stones that have a strange brilliant changing color - moonstone, pearl, opal, aquamarine, hematite, especially alexandrite (a very magical stone that changes color!)
how the energies of stone and metal are combined!
Aries, Scorpio, Mars - iron, steel
Taurus, Libra, Venus - copper, bronze, cupronickel
Gemini, Mercury - aluminum
Cancer, Moon - silver
Leo, Sun - gold
Sagittarius, Pisces - tin
Capricorn - lead
Aquarius - Titan

This does not mean that all Aquarians or Capricorns urgently need to make a lead ring and barely carry it, of course not. The main ornamental metals in which stones are set are gold and silver, less often copper and iron alloys.

Gold gives strength, gives self-confidence, gives happiness, love and wealth. Strengthens health. It is a metal that gives, accumulates energy and expresses it into outer life. If you want to become more energetic and bright, wear gold jewelry.

Silver cleanses the person wearing it, takes away bad energy, endows with sensuality and emotionality. It is advisable not to wear silver for a long time, as it requires cleaning. It is a metal that takes away, introducing a person into a state of relaxation and comfort. If you feel an overabundance of energy or emotions, then wear jewelry made of silver or in silver.

Only natural, natural stones are considered, artificially grown ones belong to a completely different category of stones, and cannot claim the role of talismans, it is advisable to use them only as jewelry. Since not everyone can buy precious stones, and it is not safe to wear them all the time, here are tables of not only precious, but also semi-precious and ornamental stones, so that everyone can choose the right jewelry for themselves.

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At first glance, the more stones on a person, the better for him: each brings its magical contribution to the protective and activating aura of the owner. The crowns of rulers were usually decorated with many stones.

History shows, however. that none of these crowns saved the monarch from a sad end, if any.

His famous staff, studded with jewels, did not help at all to soften the character of Ivan the Terrible. According to the Englishman Horsey. close to the person of the king, the dying Ivan the Terrible ordered to carry himself around the treasury. where, sorting through the stones. he tried to know his fate. Once, taking several turquoise stones in his hand, he turned to Horsey: “You see. as she changes color, she turns pale. This means that I was poisoned. It portends death to me. Look at this diamond - it is the best and most precious of all the stones of the East. But I never appreciated it. Diamond calms anger and drives voluptuousness. It gives a person power over himself and chastity. Bad for me. Get me out of here. We will come another time. ".

Similar to. mixing randomly bright colors, we get a lot of unpleasant dirty gray, right. piled on a bunch of jewelry stones. we will create something unacceptable for the body.

Mineralogical astrology recommends using the general rules of astrological compatibility when selecting combinations of stones. So, it is not recommended to connect stones of opposite signs of the Zodiac on one hand. The stones of the signs of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) do not harmonize with each other. In the combination of stones of the cardinal signs of the Zodiac (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) and fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), it is desirable to include stones of the mutable group of signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) with the exclusion from this set of the opposite Fire - Water.

Jewelry stones are painted with astrology in accordance with the planets. the conductors of the properties of which they are allegedly. On the basis of the so-called "friendship" and "enmity" planets, that is, a harmonious or dissonant combination of the functions they model, it is possible to determine harmonious and inharmonious combinations of jewelry stones.

Another way to select a combination of jewelry stones is logical. You need to have a head on your shoulders and common sense. Choosing a combination of jewelry is a creative act. Analyze the possible combinations of the magical properties of jewelry stones, think about how they interact with each other and with your character, which features of your personality can be strengthened and which can be weakened, and if the expected result suits you, then wear the chosen combination of stones for health and happiness!

Aventurine, diamond, heliotrope, hyacinth, carbuncle, ruby, chrysolite, chrysoprase.

Harmonious combination. agate, alabaster, amethyst, white pearl, beryl, turquoise, emerald, coral, lapis lazuli, sapphire, carnelian.

Inharmonious combination. malachite, marcasite, onyx, sardonyx, obsidian.

Doubtful combination. aquamarine, rock crystal, garnet, bloodstone, moonstone, opal, ruby, jasper.

Neutral combination. golden topaz, carnelian.

Aquamarine, beryl, rock crystal, coral, moonstone, opal.

Harmonious combination. alabaster, amethyst, white pearls, beryl, turquoise, blue and blue sapphire, coral, labradorite, lapis lazuli, onyx.

Inharmonious combination. agate, heliotrope, garnet, carnelian, bloodstone, malachite, ruby, carnelian, chalcedony, jasper.

Doubtful combination. aventurine, emerald, diamond, hyacinth, topaz, chrysolite.

Neutral combination. obsidian, amber.

Golden topaz, motley agate, emerald, carnelian.

Harmonious combination. agate, alabaster, white pearls, turquoise, blue and dark sapphire, emerald, lapis lazuli, lapis lazuli, sardonyx, light topaz, chalcedony, amber, jasper.

Inharmonious combination. aquamarine, beryl, coral, moonstone, opal.

Doubtful combination. aventurine, amethyst, diamond, heliotrope, hyacinth, dark topaz, ruby, chrysolite, chrysoprase.

Neutral combination. rock crystal, labradorite, obsidian.

Light agate, alabaster, white pearls, turquoise, blue sapphire, coral, lapis lazuli, carnelian.

Harmonious combination. aventurine, aquamarine, diamond, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, heliotrope, hyacinth, rock crystal, garnet, emerald, bloodstone, moonstone, opal, ruby, chrysoprase, jasper.

Inharmonious combination. beryl, malachite, marcasite, sardonyx.

Doubtful combination. motley agate, carnelian, jade.

Neutral combination. dark topaz, amber.

Red garnet, hematite, jasper.

Harmonious combination. agate. alabaster, emerald, bloodstone, sapphire.

Inharmonious combination. aventurine, aquamarine, diamond, beryl, turquoise, heliotrope, hyacinth, pearl, moonstone, lapis lazuli, ruby, chrysoprase, chrysolite.

Doubtful combination. malachite, onyx, black agate.

Neutral combination. carnelian, mottled agate.

Onyx, sardonyx, black agate.

Harmonious combination. emerald, golden topaz, carnelian, mottled agate.

Inharmonious combination. aventurine, diamond, heliotrope, hyacinth, carbuncle, ruby, chrysolite, chrysoprase.

Doubtful combination. aquamarine, beryl, turquoise, pearl, coral, moonstone.

Light amethyst, jade, topaz, amber.

Harmonious combination. rhinestone. labradorite, opalescent moonstone, golden topaz, emerald.

Inharmonious combination. diamond, ruby, chrysoprase.

Doubtful combination. aquamarine. beryl, moonstone.


In our journey through the country of jewelry stones, we go further and further into the wilds of the unknown. The paved highway of scientific data is long gone.

At first glance, the more types of jewelry stones a person wears, the better he/she is: each brings its magical contribution to the protective and activating aura of the owner. Obviously, this consideration was guided by John the Theologian in the Apocalypse; decorating the city of the future that appeared before his mental gaze with twelve jewelry stones - a full circle of the mineral Zodiac. The crowns of rulers were usually decorated with many stones. History shows, however, that none of these crowns saved the monarch from a sad end, if any.

His famous staff, studded with jewels, did not help at all to soften the character of Ivan the Terrible. According to the testimony of the Englishman Horsey, who was close to the person of the tsar, the dying Ivan the Terrible ordered himself to be carried around the treasury, where, sorting through stones, he tried to find out his fate. Once, taking several turquoise stones in his hand, he turned to Horsey: “You see how she changes color, she is paler. This means that I was poisoned. It portends death to me. Look at this diamond - it is the best and most precious of all the stones of the East. But I never appreciated it. Diamond calms anger and drives voluptuousness. He gives a person power over himself and chastity. Bad for me. Get me out of here. We will come another time. "

Just as, by mixing randomly bright colors, we get a lot of unpleasant dirty gray color, so by heaping a bunch of jewelry stones on ourselves, we will create something unacceptable for the body.

Mineralogical astrology recommends using the general rules of astrological compatibility when selecting combinations of stones. So, it is not recommended to connect stones of opposite signs of the Zodiac on one hand. The stones of the signs of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) do not harmonize with each other. In the combination of stones of the cardinal signs of the Zodiac (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) and fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), it is desirable to include stones of the mutable group of signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) with the exception of this set of opposites Fire - Water.

Jewelry stones are painted with astrology in accordance with the planets, the conductors of the properties of which they are supposedly. On the basis of the so-called "friendship" and "enmity" of the planets, i.e. harmonious or dissonant combination of the functions they model, you can make a table of harmonious and inharmonious combinations of jewelry stones.

Another way to select a combination of jewelry stones is logical. Let us remember that we are moving through unexplored terrain, guided by the compass of mineralogical astrology. What if just below us is an anomaly like the Kursk or Perm Triangle. In no science, natural or unnatural, can one rely solely on the readings of instruments. You need to have a head on your shoulders and common sense. Choosing a combination of jewelry is a creative act. Analyze the possible combinations of the magical properties of jewelry stones, think about how they interact with each other and with your character, which features of your personality can be strengthened and which can be weakened, and if the expected result suits you, then wear the chosen combination of stones for health and happiness!

Aventurine, diamond, heliotrope, hyacinth, carbuncle, ruby, chrysolite, chrysoprase -

Harmoniously combined - agate, alabaster, amethyst, white pearls, beryl, turquoise, emerald, coral, lapis lazuli, sapphire, carnelian

Negapronic - malachite, marcasite, onyx, sardonyx, obsidian

Doubtful - aquamarine, rock crystal, garnet, bloodstone, moonstone, opal, ruby, jasper.

Neutral - golden topaz, carnelian.

Aquamarine, beryl, rock crystal, coral, moonstone, opal -

Harmonious combination - alabaster, amethyst, white pearls, beryl, turquoise, blue and blue sapphire, coral, labradorite, lapis lazuli, onyx.

Inharmonious combination - agate, heliotrope, garnet, carnelian, bloodstone, malachite, ruby, carnelian, chalcedony, jasper

Dubious combination - aventurine, emerald, diamond, hyacinth, topaz, chrysolite

Neutral combination - obsidian, amber

Stone - golden topaz, motley agate, emerald, carnelian -

Harmonious combination - agate, alabaster, white pearls, turquoise, blue and dark sapphire, emerald, lapis lazuli, lapis lazuli, sardonyx, light topaz, chalcedony, amber, jasper

Inharmonious combination - aquamarine, beryl, coral, moonstone, opal

Dubious combination - aventurine, amethyst, diamond, heliotrope, hyacinth, dark topaz, ruby, chrysolite, chrysoprase

Neutral combination - rock crystal, labradorite, obsidian.

Light agate, alabaster, white pearl, turquoise, blue sapphire, coral, lapis lazuli, carnelian

Harmonious combination - aventurine, aquamarine, diamond, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, heliotrope, hyacinth, rock crystal, garnet, emerald, bloodstone, moonstone, opal, ruby, chrysoprase, jasper

Inharmonious combination - beryl, malachite, marcasite, sardonyx

Dubious combination - motley agate, carnelian, jade

Neutral combination - dark topaz, amber

Red garnet, hematite, jasper

Harmonious combination - agate, alabaster, emerald, bloodstone, sapphire

Inharmonious combination - aventurine, aquamarine, diamond, beryl, turquoise, heliotrope, hyacinth, pearl, moonstone, lapis lazuli, ruby, chrysoprase, chrysolite

Dubious combination - malachite, onyx, black agate

Neutral combination - carnelian, motley agate

Onyx, sardonyx, black agate,

Harmonious combination of emerald, golden topaz, carnelian, variegated agate

Inharmonious combination - aventurine, diamond, heliotrope, hyacinth, carbuncle, ruby, chrysolite, chrysoprase

Dubious combination - aquamarine, beryl, turquoise, pearls, coral, moonstone

Light amethyst, jade, topaz, amber

Harmonious combination - rock crystal, labradorite, opalescent moonstone, golden topaz, emerald

Inharmonious combination - diamond, ruby, chrysoprase

Dubious combination - aquamarine, beryl, moonstone

Why did the stones decorating the crowns of royalty not save them from illness or violent death?
If you take the artist's palette and randomly mix all the colors on the canvas, you get an ugly dirty gray color.
The same thing happens if a person randomly hangs a bunch of stones on himself.
The combination of stones is based on the position of the compatibility of the elements.
Stones are friendly if their functions are harmoniously combined and at enmity, if their functions, when combined, extinguish each other or generate beats. Beats - a sharp increase in amplitude when two functions are superimposed, having close periods. Beats are destructive to the system in which they occur.
General rules for the astro-mineralogical compatibility of stones with each other and with the signs of the zodiac:
1. You cannot combine stones of opposite elements.
2. The element of man must be combined with the element of stone
3. If the element of a person does not coincide with the element of stone, a person can wear a stone of a friendly element: a person of Fire can wear stones of Air, a person of Earth can wear stones of Water.
4. Stones belonging to the signs of the same element can be combined, as they complement each other and enhance the effect.
5. Sometimes the minerals themselves combine the forces of different elements. It is bad when these elements are antagonists.
Incompatible stones:
Fire is Earth. The energy of Fire suppresses the energy of the earth mineral. The stone of the earth element will either not manifest itself, or will begin to harm.
Water - Fire. They mutually destroy each other.
Air - Water together create unpleasant vibrations.
According to the research of P. Globa, the following gems are categorically contraindicated to each other due to informational and planetary incompatibility:
amethyst with emerald,
topaz with diamond
pearl with sapphire
zircon with morion,
chrysoprase with carnelian,
onyx with citrine,
jade with jasper,
rhodonite with zircon,
hematite with amber,
hematite with carnelian,
tourmaline with pomegranate,
ruby with amber
ruby with obsidian
rock crystal with topaz.
Elements and their stones:
fire element stones
These are mostly transparent and clean stones. Fire minerals raise the general tone, inspire optimism, give impetus to action, recharge the body with energy. Stones of the fire element include diamond, ruby, pyrope, almandine, grossular, heliodor, coral, pyrite, heliolite.
Air Element Stones
Translucent stones are associated with the element of Air, which have some heterogeneity, impurities, fog or haze.
Air minerals change the direction of thinking, accelerate any processes in the body, affect mobility, contact, relieve conservatism, force change. Air element stones: demantoid, uvarovite, hyacinth, hessanite, rock crystal, emerald, smoky quartz, chrysoprase, citrine, amethyst, rose quartz, tourmaline, topaz, golden beryl, sparrowite, chrysolite, rhodonite, fluorite, lapis lazuli, blue chalcedony, sardonyx , amazonite.
Earth element stones
The earth element is associated with opaque, hard stones. Earth minerals call for constancy, help build a platform, balance, promote health, and give confidence. Stones of the earth element: Chalcedony, jade, agate, lapis lazuli, malachite, turquoise, onyx, sarder, crocodile, heliotrope, plasma, jet, cacholong, jadeite, jasper, rhodochrosite, rauchtopaz, lairador, morion.
Water element stones
The stones of the water element include: emerald, opal, moonstone, aquamarine, topaz, pearls, alexandrite, hashenite, olivine-chrysolite, heliotrope, euclase.
Stones that include two elements:
Sapphire (Water+Air)
Carnelian, hematite, amber, charoite, spinel (Air + Fire)
Chrysoberyl (Air + Earth)
Aventurine, melanite, labradorite, tourmaline, zircon, serpentine (Earth+Water)
Combination of three elements (Fire-Water-Earth)-coral
Stones that include 4 elements:
eye quartz, shungite.

In our journey through the country of jewelry stones, we go further and further into the wilds of the unknown. The paved highway of scientific data has long since passed...

At first glance, the more types of jewelry stones a person wears, the better he/she is: each brings its magical contribution to the protective and activating aura of the owner. Obviously, this consideration was guided by John the Theologian in the Apocalypse; decorating the city of the future that appeared before his mental gaze with twelve jewelry stones - a full circle of the mineral Zodiac. The crowns of rulers were usually decorated with many stones. History shows, however, that none of these crowns saved the monarch from a sad end, if any.

His famous staff, studded with jewels, did not help at all to soften the character of Ivan the Terrible. According to the testimony of the Englishman Horsey, who was close to the person of the tsar, the dying Ivan the Terrible ordered himself to be carried around the treasury, where, sorting through stones, he tried to find out his fate. Once, taking several turquoise stones in his hand, he turned to Horsey: “You see how it changes color, it is paler. This means that I was poisoned. This portends death to me. Look at this diamond - this is the best and most precious of all the stones of the East "But I never appreciated it at its true worth. A diamond calms anger and drives away voluptuousness. It gives a person power over himself and chastity... It's bad for me... Take me away from here... We'll come another time..."

Just as, by mixing randomly bright colors, we get a lot of unpleasant dirty gray color, so by heaping a bunch of jewelry stones on ourselves, we will create something unacceptable for the body.

Mineralogical astrology recommends using the general rules of astrological compatibility when selecting combinations of stones. So, it is not recommended to connect stones of opposite signs of the Zodiac on one hand. The stones of the signs of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) do not harmonize with each other. In the combination of stones of the cardinal signs of the Zodiac (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) and fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), it is desirable to include stones of the mutable group of signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) with the exception of this set of opposites Fire - Water.

Jewelry stones are painted with astrology in accordance with the planets, the conductors of the properties of which they are supposedly. Based on the so-called "friendship" and "enmity" of the planets, i.e. harmonious or dissonant combination of the functions they model, you can make a table of harmonious and inharmonious combinations of jewelry stones.

Another way to select a combination of jewelry stones is logical. Let us remember that we are moving through unexplored terrain, guided by the compass of mineralogical astrology. What if just below us is an anomaly like the Kursk or Perm Triangle. In no science, natural or unnatural, can one rely solely on the readings of instruments. You need to have a head on your shoulders and common sense. Choosing a combination of jewelry is a creative act. Analyze the possible combinations of the magical properties of jewelry stones, think about how they interact with each other and with your character, which features of your personality can be strengthened and which can be weakened, and if the expected result suits you, then wear the chosen combination of stones for health and happiness!

Aventurine, diamond, heliotrope, hyacinth, carbuncle, ruby, chrysolite, chrysoprase -

Harmoniously combined - agate, alabaster, amethyst, white pearls, beryl, turquoise, emerald, coral, lapis lazuli, sapphire, carnelian

Negative - malachite, marcasite, onyx, sardonyx, obsidian

Doubtful - aquamarine, rock crystal, garnet, bloodstone, moonstone, opal, ruby, jasper.

Neutral - golden topaz, carnelian.

Aquamarine, beryl, rock crystal, coral, moonstone, opal -

A harmonious combination - alabaster, amethyst, white pearls, beryl, turquoise, blue and blue sapphire, coral, labradorite, lapis lazuli, onyx.

Inharmonious combination - agate, heliotrope, garnet, carnelian, bloodstone, malachite, ruby, carnelian, chalcedony, jasper

Doubtful combination - aventurine, emerald, diamond, hyacinth, topaz, chrysolite

Neutral combination - obsidian, amber

Stone - golden topaz, motley agate, emerald, carnelian -

Harmonious combination - agate, alabaster, white pearls, turquoise, blue and dark sapphire, emerald, lapis lazuli, lapis lazuli, sardonyx, light topaz, chalcedony, amber, jasper

Inharmonious combination - aquamarine, beryl, coral, moonstone, opal

Dubious combination - aventurine, amethyst, diamond, heliotrope, hyacinth, dark topaz, ruby, chrysolite, chrysoprase

Neutral combination - rock crystal, labradorite, obsidian.

Light agate, alabaster, white pearl, turquoise, blue sapphire, coral, lapis lazuli, carnelian

Harmonious combination - aventurine, aquamarine, diamond, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, heliotrope, hyacinth, rock crystal, garnet, emerald, bloodstone, moonstone, opal, ruby, chrysoprase, jasper

Inharmonious combination - beryl, malachite, marcasite, sardonyx

Dubious combination - motley agate, carnelian, jade

Neutral combination - dark topaz, amber

Red garnet, hematite, jasper

Harmonious combination - agate, alabaster, emerald, bloodstone, sapphire

Inharmonious combination - aventurine, aquamarine, diamond, beryl, turquoise, heliotrope, hyacinth, pearl, moonstone, lapis lazuli, ruby, chrysoprase, chrysolite

Doubtful combination - malachite, onyx, black agate

Neutral combination - carnelian, motley agate

Onyx, sardonyx, black agate,

Harmonious combination of emerald, golden topaz, carnelian, variegated agate

Inharmonious combination - aventurine, diamond, heliotrope, hyacinth, carbuncle, ruby, chrysolite, chrysoprase

Dubious combination - aquamarine, beryl, turquoise, pearls, coral, moonstone

Light amethyst, jade, topaz, amber

Harmonious combination - rock crystal, labradorite, opalescent moonstone, golden topaz, emerald

Inharmonious combination - diamond, ruby, chrysoprase

Dubious combination - aquamarine, beryl, moonstone