Amethyst for a man. Purple amethyst: jewelry. Physicochemical properties of amethyst


Natural amethyst (ancient Greek αμέθυστος, from α - "not" and μέθυσος - "drunk") is a blue, bluish-pink or red-purple variety of quartz. It has been known since antiquity and is the most valuable in the quartz group.
There are numerous legends about amethyst. The ancient Greeks believed that it got its name from the beautiful nymph Ametis, to whom the god of wine and joy Dionysus was kindled with passionate love. But the beautiful nymph loved the young shepherd Sirikos, so she rejected the love of Dionysus. The offended Dionysus in anger tried to seize the beauty by force, but he failed to dishonor the girl. The goddess Artemis, having heard a call for help, turned the nymph into a stone shimmering with lilac sheen. And in memory of the rejected God of wine and joy, the stone was given the power to keep from intoxication. Anyone who drank from a goblet decorated with amethyst, or wore a ring with this stone, could not be afraid that the drink would cloud his head or loosen his tongue. The ancient Romans, however, have a different story: the god of winemaking Bacchus, noticing that people began to neglect him, conceived revenge and, when a young peasant woman named Ametis went to the temple of Diana to worship, ordered the lions to tear the defenseless woman to pieces. However, the ruler of heaven, earth and the underworld, Diana, in order to save the unfortunate woman from suffering, turned her into a transparent clear crystal. Wanting to resurrect the girl, Bacchus sprinkled the stone with his wine, but the crystal only changed color, transforming into amethyst.

Natural amethyst is found in the form of elongated and scepter-shaped crystals, in twins and quads, druses, brushes, intergrowths and parallel-columnar aggregates. As a rule, the length of the crystals is from 5 to 100 mm. Quite large crystals are sometimes found. The National Collection of the USA contains a faceted Brazilian amethyst weighing 1,362 carats.

In the XVI century. in Russia, amethyst with a reddish tint was called "dumpling" or "amephis", and it was valued more than ruby. Amethyst is a favorite stone of church ministers. They were used to decorate icons, altars, pectoral crosses and panagias. The crown of the Russian queen Irina Godunova was decorated with huge deep purple amethysts, which alternated with sapphires.

Composition and physical properties of amethyst

Natural amethyst is the most beautiful type of quartz with the SiO 2 formula. The color of amethyst can vary greatly from purple with a bloody tint to blue-lilac, depending on iron impurities. The color in crystals is unevenly distributed: the growth pyramids of the faces of the positive rhombohedron are colored purple-violet, the negative one is colorless or weakly violet, and the hexagonal prism is colorless or smoky. This is due to the uneven population of the unit cell of quartz with centers of amethyst color and causes the phenomenon of anomalous pleochroism.

Natural amethyst can fade when exposed to sunlight. When heated to a temperature of 200 ° C, the amethyst stone discolors, but when cooled, the color appears again. When heated to 300-500 ° C, the mineral completely loses its color. However, it can be restored by ionizing radiation. When amethyst is calcined at a temperature of more than 500 ° C, a stable yellow color is formed and it turns into citrine, and at a temperature of more than 600 ° C, the color becomes cloudy milky, imitating a moonstone.

The current TU provides for the division of amethyst into two varieties. The gemstone amethyst of the first grade - crystals with a defect-free area yield from 75 to 100%, and the second grade - from 35 to 75%. The smallest crystal face size should be 6 mm. For the manufacture of cabochons, crystals with a mass of at least 2 g with a color of varying intensity are used, gas-liquid inclusions and cracks are allowed. Amethyst brushes and druses with an area of ​​6 cm 2 to 1 dm 2 belong to grade 2, and more than 1 dm 2 to grade 1. Hardness 7.0 on the Mohs scale, density 2.63-2.65 g / cm 3.

Amethyst deposits are associated with pegmatites, hydrothermal formations and placers. It is mined in the Polar Urals (Khasavarka), the Middle Urals (Murzinsky amethyst-bearing region - Vatikha mine, etc.), Central Asia, Yakutia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Eastern Siberia, Brazil, Uruguay, India, Sri Lanka, USA, Zimbabwe, Australia and etc.

Other names for amethyst

Stone of Bacchus, stone of the Apostle Matthew, bishop's stone, dumpling, amephis.

The healing properties of amethyst

First of all, this mineral helps in the normalization of the endocrine and nervous systems. It relieves nervous disorders, bad thoughts, seasonal depression. Natural amethyst has a beneficial effect on the intellectual component of a person, endowing its owner with clarity of thoughts. Harmonizes all levels of consciousness, contributes to the multifaceted development of personality.

It is believed that amethyst serves as an antidote for poisoning, protects its owner from skin diseases, protects from wounds. Amethyst has the ability to regulate blood formation and improve blood circulation. It also has antiseptic properties. For colds, an amethyst crystal is placed in a vessel with drinking water overnight. Infused water can be drunk in the morning. Such water cleans the capillaries, harmonizes the general tone of the body, increases the body's immunity and resistance to infections.

The magical properties of amethyst

Natural amethyst is a stone of sobriety. One of the main magical properties of the stone is the ability to rid a person of alcohol addiction. And if a person did drink, save him from intoxication. The extraordinary magical properties of this stone are mentioned by the Sumerian inscriptions on clay tablets, deciphered by the English archaeologist Bredis. One of the tablets bears a warning: amethyst is capable of evoking love for the giver, even if the person who received the gift was previously in love with the other. Amethyst has the power to "forget" old love and open the heart to new love. In ancient times, it was believed that amethyst smoothes wrinkles, reduces freckles. However, the power of the stone manifests itself if it is worn periodically, rather than constantly.

Conspiracy of stone

Amethyst conspiracy
You, cooling passions,
You who placate rage
You guardian of the truth.
You who give the gift of oblivion
Open the Vaults of Heaven,
For his power to enter the stone of Amet!
In the name of the Triune God. Amen. Amen. Amen.
This conspiracy is read exactly 9 times. Amethyst is spoken for the water and earth signs of the Zodiac when the Sun goes over Pisces on the growing Moon on Thursday, in the first hour after sunset; for the air and fire signs of the Zodiac - under Sagittarius on the waning moon immediately after the sunrise.

Conspiracy of protection
You are the Joy of life
You are the guide of fate
You are the Destroyer of lies!
From deception, illusion and drunkenness
Protect my life (your name)!
Read 18 times.

Mantra of stone
Kiue low emeto hen
Read 18 times.
To the east - gives protection in social activities and in relations with other people, protects against accidents on the water. South (considered an unfavorable direction) - used only when you are in serious trouble and you want this stone to soften their effect. To the west - protects against drunkenness, deception, illusion, poisoning. Gives protection to higher Powers. The north is only used to enhance the healing power of the stone.

Soul of stone
Amethyst is a stone very sensitive to cosmic energies. Therefore, in order to awaken his power, it is only necessary to open around himself and him a pure Cosmic current, the strength of which will be fixed in the stone with the help of the following conspiracy:
By the power of the nine spheres of you,
Forces of Heaven, I call,
I revive your Power in the stone (name of the stone),
For the embodiment of the Binding Powers,
To prevent insanity!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
Be my word!
This conspiracy is read exactly 9 times.

Sometimes, to enhance the power of the stone, it is read for 9 days in a row at the same time. Then the stone is wrapped in a light lilac or turquoise cloth and placed on the windowsill for 9 days so that the sun and moon rays fall on this cloth. Then this amethyst can be used.

Influence on chakras

Amethyst affects the Third Eye chakra () and the crown chakra (). The mineral not only cleanses the chakras, but also makes the colors of the aura clearer, promotes inner vision.

Energy of amethyst

Amethyst possesses. Strengthens the connection between you and your mentor spirit, your higher self.

Relationship with names

Arseny, Arkady, Andrey, Eugene, Leonid, Maxim, Roman, Antonina, Violetta, Elizabeth, Marina.

Zodiac signs

Amethyst is the stone of February and is most auspicious for those born under the zodiac sign Pisces and Aquarius. From the point of view of astrologers, amethyst helps Aquarius in February in business and sports, prevents nervous breakdowns, and endows Pisces with subtle intuition.


Amethyst belongs to the element of Air.

Communication with planets

Saturn, Neptune.

Relationship with tarot cards

Amethyst belongs to the card of the Major Arcana - Temperance.

Amethyst products

In ancient times, amethyst crystals were used to make engraved seals, as well as round-shaped ornaments (like a cabochon). Currently, jewelry amethyst is used as a material for cutting, inserts for rings, earrings, and beads. Bracelets and various souvenirs are made from it. Brushes of small crystals of amethyst, geodes and almonds are used as a souvenir and ornamental stone.

Imitation and fake

In 1980, in the United States, prices at the wholesale level were for amethysts from purple-red to purple-brown, weighing 5-10 carats - 4-10 dollars / ct, weighing 10-15 carats - 10-25 dollars. / ct. In recent decades, a technology has been mastered (for the first time at the FIAN Institute in Aleksandrov) of artificial growing of large (up to 20-30 cm) crystals of amethyst. Artificial amethyst is used in large quantities in the form of cut stones for inserts into jewelry, they enter the trade network and in some cases are passed off as natural. In this regard, the prices for natural and artificial amethyst are currently about the same.
But how to distinguish natural from artificial amethyst? Only in appearance it can be difficult to do this even for a sophisticated connoisseur or specialist. Depending on the intensity and shade of color, amethyst can also be confused with corundum, spinel, fluorite, kunzite, topaz. Its identification is carried out by its physical properties, the presence of liquid and gas-liquid inclusions that form "moire patterns", uneven color.
Natural amethyst, like a type of natural quartz, is always cold to the touch. Natural amethyst has a lower thermal conductivity than synthetics. Therefore, the artificial amethyst will heat up quickly enough. You can also dip the stone into the water. The edges of natural amethyst will be noticeably discolored.

People's appeal to nature with requests for help did not go unanswered. The creator of the surrounding world generously endowed humanity with everything necessary for a happy existence.

Amethyst is an underground gift that gives the inhabitants of the planet energy, knowledge and the ability to cope with the opponents of the human race, evil forces and vices.

History and origins

Ancestors about the formation of a wonderful crystal composed legends. The story of the heady passion of the ancient Greek god Dionysus for the nymph Ametis, which led to the death of the unfortunate one, is most famous among fans of myths.

The ancient Roman interpretation of the story of the origin of the gem sounds somewhat different, but the essence remains the same. The god of winemaking, deciding to punish people for not showing proper worship, set fierce beasts against the laity. The predators, having stumbled upon a nymph petrified with fear, ran away.

With the help of wine, Bacchus tried to revive the girl, but did not get any result. The stone, into which Ametis turned, turned a strong drink into the purest water. In the old days, thanks to legends, people could learn a lot. The myth of the petrified nymph gave humanity the knowledge that a magic crystal helps to get rid of drunkenness and aggression.

The mineral is formed among crystalline rock formations. Amethyst druses or brushes are found in cracks in volcanic rocks, inside agate ores. There are stones with inclusions and Goethite. The natural mixture of amethyst and is widely known, called.

Place of Birth

South American mines are famous for their deposits of high-grade gems. In a deposit located in Mexico, high-quality precious crystals of a dark purple color are mined. Gems are supplied to the world market from Asia and Africa.

However, the gems mined on the hot continent are not as numerous as other locations. Unique specimens of gems are mined in Russia. The loud name "deep Siberian" was given to a purple pebble from this region. Jewelry amethyst, mined in the mines of the Urals, has a high collection value.

Physical properties

The semi-precious stone is transparent, with a glassy pearlescent luster. Due to the physical characteristics of the stone, amethyst is widely used in jewelry making, as it is processed and cut. Hard and durable colored crystals are highly prized as an ornamental material.

FormulaSiO2 (silica)
ImpuritiesFe² +, Fe³ +
Density2.63 - 2.65 g / cm³
Refractive index1,543 - 1,554
BreakCrusty, rather fragile.
ShineGlass, mother-of-pearl.
ColourViolet to pale reddish purple, black, pink.

Healing properties

The ability of amethyst to cure any ailments is known from ancient times. The Egyptians, Romans and Greeks believed in the healing power of the stone and knew in which cases the properties of the gem were most effective.

The mineral, sacred in those days, helped to overcome any harmful addiction. In modern times, you can also cope with addictions with the help of amethyst. The constant wearing of a crystal, framed in silver, acts on the mind as a way to weaken the craving for a bad habit.

In addition to the main healing properties of freeing from addiction, the gem helps the body to cope with the following problems:

  • eliminates disturbances in the endocrine system, normalizes the production of hormones;
  • gives a calming effect, relieves muscle tension, restores the emotional state;
  • favorably affects the mental state, eliminates nervousness, stabilizes the work of the nervous system;
  • improves blood circulation, promotes blood saturation with useful substances;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system, helps to normalize blood pressure;
  • helps to stabilize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, helps to heal diseases of the stomach, pancreas;
  • promotes the restoration of the liver, relieves the body of toxins, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin;
  • promotes the improvement of the genitourinary system, relieves kidney disease, reduces swelling;
  • improves vision and hearing;
  • gives an analgesic effect, relieves migraine;
  • favorably affects sleep, helps to get rid of nightmares.

In the old days, the luminaries of medicine used amethyst in the treatment of people with a shattered psyche. Tinctures with the mineral were used in the treatment of apathy and depression.

Important! A healing stone is not a medicine, but a battery charged with positive energy that enhances the effect of drugs and accelerates the absorption of nutrients. By the force of vibrations, the crystal "forces" the body to accumulate vital energy, which gives a speedy recovery.

Magical properties

In the distant past, due to its miraculous properties, amethyst was called the "apostolic stone". The gem is the personification of purity of spirit, devotional feelings and bright thoughts.

The sacred crystal gives peace, drives away anxious feelings, helps to sort out premonitions. The benevolent energy of the mineral protects from adversity, protects from negative influences.

As a magic stone, amethyst is very picky in choosing a ward whom he will be supportive to. Selflessness and honesty are the qualities that the owner of the amulet should be endowed with.

For a person with a similar set of traits, the gem helps to embark on a happy path, gain health, prosperity, get rid of evil influences with the help of black magic, damage and the evil eye. If the owner of the talisman has bad character traits, the energy of the stone is unlikely to cope with the tasks set.

A magical artifact affects the state of mind, harmonizes the inner world. Protects the owner of the stone from "bad" thoughts, conflicting moods, helps to cope with attacks of aggression.

Once in the epicenter of a quarrel or impending scandal, you have to remove jewelry with a stone, since the gem is not able to quickly transform a negative charge and this stream rushes to the owner of the amulet. After the event has occurred, the crystal requires cleaning from the negative.

It is not in vain that one of the varieties has a purple color, as is the ajna chakra. The crystal promotes the disclosure of superpowers, the development of clairvoyance.

For those who do not intend to reveal hidden psychic talents, the gem helps to avoid lies and insincerity, to expose unkind intentions. Anxiety and anxiety develop suspicion and irritability. The amethyst talisman helps to clearly contemplate the events taking place, which helps to dispel all doubts and relieve tension.

Natural stone helps to build relationships in the family and work collective. The amulet protects its owner from pretense and flattery, which makes communication open and truthful. The use of a gem for communication helps to see through the interlocutor.

Empathy wakes up in the owner of the amulet, which contributes not only to empathy, but makes it possible to get to know the person better. The highest spiritual quality helps to understand the people around, set the tone for communication.

For family relationships, amethyst has a special purpose, the settlement of relationships. This is the case if the partners have a common outlook on life, if they have common tasks.

When a couple does not have unity, if there is violence or aggression in the relationship, then this union should not exist, the gem can accelerate the breakup. If a stone looks like a heart, this is the best protector of sincere feelings. The talisman becomes a reliable protector of lovers.

What matters for a person living in a modern hectic world is his predisposition to art, sports, and maybe science. For whom amethyst can be suitable as a magical artifact, it is recommended to use it to reveal natural talents, artistic or musical taste or craving for knowledge.

Important! In some cases, amethyst jewelry is used to attract a loved one. A charmed item can be gifted as a love spell artifact. The ritual will take effect, however, the result is unlikely to satisfy. Such actions do not give happiness, but the bitterness of disappointment. All the more so for minerals, like the apostolic stone.

Jewelry with Amethyst

Amethyst is popular with jewelry lovers and those who enjoy the healing and magical properties of the stone. The gem is used as a precious, semi-precious and ornamental mineral.

Rare collectible items are in private collections, but many unique items are put up for sale. The compatibility of the mineral with other gems contributes to the implementation of jewelry masterpieces. The crystal is combined with various types of precious and inexpensive metals, which greatly affects the cost of the product.

  • Brazilian amethyst for a keyring costs only $ 3;
  • a fragment of a crystal from Kazakhstan, 1.5x2 cm in size, costs $ 3;
  • crystal (tumbling) of the highest grade, from Zambia, measuring 1.5 × 2 cm costs $ 5;
  • earrings made of jewelry alloy with amethyst beads, diameter 10 mm cost $ 5.5;
  • a Brazilian mineral pendant costs $ 6;
  • a heart-shaped pendant, Brazil, costs $ 7;
  • a dowsing pendulum made of amethyst and cupronickel costs $ 8-10 $;
  • pendant in the form of a drop of crystal, from Namibia costs $ 11;
  • cupronickel pendulum, a gem from Botswana costs $ 13;
  • faceted jewelry amethyst, weighing 0.5 carats, Zambia deposit, costs $ 15;
  • druse 7x8 cm, lavender, Uruguay, costs $ 30.

From the above statistics, it can be seen that the price maneuvers depending on the size of the stone, its deposit and the quality of the mineral. Judging by the list presented, anyone who wishes can buy a natural gem.


It is known that the colors of gems depend on what kind of impurities they contain. The most popular variety of amethyst is considered to be the one that has a purple hue. However, the stone is found in other tones and this is of considerable interest among jewelers and collectors.

How to distinguish a fake?

Many people know about artificially grown minerals. To distinguish a natural crystal from a fake, it is proposed to test the stone.

  • The first is a careful examination of the gem for the presence of inclusions, microcracks. A perfect stone that is free from defects is probably forged.
  • the second test is the study of appearance, color. Too bright a crystal that does not have inaccurate lines in the pattern casts doubt on its originality.
  • the third way is immersion in water. Natural gem on the edges will appear much lighter, which does not say about a fake.

Important! Hard and durable stone is difficult to scratch. If the point of a needle is drawn over a natural crystal, it is unlikely that a trace will remain on it.

Care of stone products

With proper care, the jewelry adorns its owner for a long time, and in the future they pass into the possession of descendants. In order for the amethyst to serve as a decoration or amulet as long as possible, there are certain rules of care for this.

  • Do not use chemicals to cleanse contamination. Can be cleaned with soapy water and running water.
  • Do not dry in the sun or near heating devices. Can be dried in a dark place at room temperature or with a moisture-wicking cloth.
  • You cannot save a magic stone together with other decorations. Can be stored in a separate case or box.

Compatible with names and zodiac signs

Anyone interested in the magical, healing properties of the mineral will be curious to know what astrological properties amethyst has, and which zodiac sign will receive great support from the crystal.

("++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - can be worn, "-" - absolutely contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion-
  • Aries - These representatives of the zodiacal circle receive protection and support from purple and lavender crystals. The gem gives control over emotions, promotes the right choice, and helps in resolving conflicts.
  • Capricorns, Aquarius, Libra, Gemini get help from the pink variety. The gem works to improve health, family and work relationships.
  • Virgos, Scorpions, the best amulets will be black amethyst. The gem gets rid of negativity and bad thoughts. Adjusts to the positive and gives a favorable solution to the problem.
  • For Cancer and Pisces, the effect of the lilac crystal is favorable. Mineral protects family ties, helps in the implementation of plans.

Names that harmonize with amethyst:

  • Alexander refuses excessive alcohol consumption with the help of a stone.
  • Alexey reveals his creative potential.
  • Ivan is helped by an amulet on the path of enlightenment.
  • Daria ceases to be ashamed of her own judgments.
  • Elena limits herself from bad habits leading to poor health.
  • Taisiya receives a beneficial energy boost that strengthens her health.

The correct choice of amulet is based on purely personal preferences and inner feelings.


The properties of a gem as a magical attribute require additional care. The ability to absorb an energy charge from many sources forces the crystal to be “loaded” from an overabundance of information.

To do this, it is enough to hold the gem under running water. In cases, for example, the owner of the talisman experiences stress, then the crystal is immersed in a saline solution, and after a while rinsed with running water. Then the amethyst is ready for use again.

Amethyst is an ancient protector for a young family

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This article will focus on a purple crystal with unusual properties - amethyst. The main feature of this mineral is that, being in the light for a long time, its color fades, and in the shade it gradually returns to its rich purple color.

Amethyst is also known for its magical properties, the effects of which were noted many centuries ago. People who could afford jewelry with this amazing crystal noticed positive changes both in their talents and in their life situation in general.

When choosing a stone for decoration, it is worth focusing on amethyst. It looks spectacular with any outfit and accessories because of its unique color and properties among precious stones. From our article, you will learn many interesting facts about amethyst, as well as how to choose the right jewelry and how to distinguish fakes.

A bit of history

Amethyst has been known to mankind since ancient times. This is evidenced by numerous archaeological finds in the sites of the Neolithic tribes of Europe. Spiritual and magical properties have made the gem a popular material for beads and amulets in many cultures.
Later, the mineral became known as the "royal stone" - it was used to decorate crowns, scepters and jewelry. For example, the crown of Queen Irina Godunova was decorated with very large dark purple amethysts.

  • In Egypt, the so-called "heart scarabs" were carved from amethyst, which were inserted into the chest of the deceased before burial.
  • In addition, the Egyptians used amethyst as a healing stone to remove fear and guilt. It was also considered a powerful charm when traveling.
    Translated from Greek, the word "amethystos" meant "not drunk."
  • Therefore, the ancient Romans and Greeks drank wine from amethyst goblets. It was believed that this would help avoid the harmful effects of alcohol on the body and mind. In the east, for the same purpose, the crystal was placed in a bowl of wine.
  • It was also believed that wearing amethyst in the navel area under clothes would not only protect against drunkenness, but also make a person a more ardent and passionate lover.
    Tibetan monks considered amethyst to be the Buddha stone.
  • They believed that this crystal helps to achieve enlightenment, and they carved a rosary from it.

Amethyst is described in the Bible. There he is mentioned as the ninth stone in the efudah of the high priest Aaron. It was the amethyst that symbolized the Spirit of God in this breast shield, which was decorated with 12 stones. And also this very stone, according to Holy Scripture, is the twelfth stone at the base of Heavenly Jerusalem.

In Christianity, amethyst was of great importance. It has traditionally been considered an "episcopal" (in Catholicism) or "bishop" (in Orthodoxy) stone. The rings with him on the right hand on the fourth finger were worn by cardinals. Such a ring was handed over to the clergyman upon elevation to the rank.

It was believed that the gem would be able to save the priest from "intoxication" with power and would not allow him to cloud his mind with temptations. Also, this gem was widely used, and is still used today, when decorating accessories for church services.
In some historical periods, amethyst crystals were valued on a par with diamonds or rubies.

Varieties and colors

Amethyst is one of the most expensive and beautiful varieties of quartz. Its color can vary from pale purple to dark purple and even almost black. Amethyst crystals can be either completely transparent or practically not translucent in the sun.

Recently, the so-called "green amethysts" can be found on the gemstone market. These are crystals of a delicate golden-green color. Amethyst acquires a similar color as a result of baking a lilac crystal of a stone at a temperature of about 500 degrees. The fact is that the mineral changes its own color from the influence of sunlight or very high temperatures.

But not every amethyst can be exposed to this effect to obtain a green crystal. For this, only gems from the Montezuma deposit, located in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, are suitable. The rest of the "green amethysts" are simply artificially grown crystals. They are much brighter and richer than those obtained in the traditional way.

How to check authenticity

Amethyst is a very popular stone, both for jewelry and for various crafts. Therefore, it is also popular with counterfeiters.

  • Determining whether you are offered a real stone or glass is quite easy. You will need a knife with a steel blade.
  • Natural crystals of amethyst have a higher hardness than this metal. This means that if you try to damage the stone with a knife, nothing will come of it. But on a glass fake, scratches will certainly be noticeable.
  • The situation with artificially grown stones is more complicated. Synthetic amethyst has characteristics that are identical to natural ones.
  • Therefore, it can be difficult to identify a fake. True, artificial amethyst, like most synthetic stones, looks much brighter and more transparent than the original.
  • In addition, all natural stones have an uneven color, as well as natural inclusions and cracks that can be seen through a magnifying glass.

If you put a real amethyst in water, then its edges will appear somewhat paler than the rest of the crystal. Artificial stone will not change its color. But under ultraviolet light, synthetic amethysts, on the contrary, will become "spotty", while natural crystals will brighten evenly.

Magical properties

The Peruvians were convinced that if the names of the sun and moon were engraved on amethyst and worn around their necks along with baboon hair or swallow feathers, it would act as a witchcraft. The ancient philosopher Pliny the Elder claimed that this gemstone with the engraved figures of the Sun and the Moon gives a person immunity to poisons. And if you wear it on a dog hair cord, it will protect you from snake bites.

The bear, carved into the amethyst, had the ability to put demons to flight and protect the wearer from drunkenness.

This crystal was highly valued among travelers, because if it began to change its color, it foreshadowed a storm (this characteristic is due to the layered structure of the crystal). It was also believed that the mineral has power over the winds.

Amethyst is considered the ideal crystal for meditation. It easily helps to free the mind from unnecessary thoughts and achieve crystal clarity of consciousness. As a rule, during meditation, this stone is placed in the area of ​​the "third eye" and lies on the back. The stone helps a person move to a higher stage of spiritual development. It gives the wearer wisdom and understanding.

Amethyst is a stone of spiritual protection and purification.

He is able to create an energy field around a person, which will reflect negative influences on both the physical and spiritual levels. It acts as a barrier against low energies, psychic attacks, geopathogenic factors and harmful living conditions. It is a valuable protection for people doing mental work. It is also a necessary talisman for those whose work requires a well-developed intuition.

But the most striking magical properties attributed to amethyst are certainly associated with love. This stone is considered to be the main love talisman.

  1. There is a belief that if you tell an amethyst about your love for a person, and then give him this stone, then love will surely become mutual. Moreover, the stone will evoke a feeling of love, even if a person's heart is already occupied by someone else.
  2. It is also useful to wear the gem for those who think that no one appreciates or loves them. Since the mineral gives its owner clarity of thoughts and protects against unnecessary disturbances, this sensation will pass.
    Amethyst is considered the stone of eternal love.
  3. If a person lost his soul mate, but wanted to preserve the memory of her, he put on a piece of jewelry with amethyst. Such jewelry was worn without removing, so that others could understand that nothing would make a person betray his love. For this, the crystal received its second name - "widow's stone".

True, in some ancient cultures it was believed that amethyst, on the contrary, can help open a person's heart to new feelings if his beloved is not alive.
The love that this crystal gives is pure and noble. This is a high and light feeling, full of sincerity, devotion, desire to improve for the sake of a loved one.
The magical properties of the stone manifest themselves only if it is worn from time to time. And to increase its strength, it is recommended to wear amethyst in pairs or combine it with rock crystal or rose quartz.

Medicinal properties

Amethyst promotes the production of hormones, stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and endocrine glands. It saturates the blood with oxygen, and also helps in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, stomach and skin. It can be used to massage the face to smooth out wrinkles and improve skin tone.

The water in which the crystal lay overnight was drunk to cleanse the blood vessels, liver or kidneys. Colds were treated with the same water.

The mineral strengthens the immune system. Its properties include the ability to reduce bruising, pain and swelling. Good results in treating arthritis can also be achieved using this stone.
Amethyst is used to ease symptoms associated with hearing impairment. This crystal has been proven to be very useful in the treatment of insomnia, especially when it is caused by nervous overexcitation. Its energy reduces headaches and migraines. To do this, the stone must be warmed in the hands and placed on the forehead or temples.

Insomnia and nightmares

This crystal also helps with nightmares. In order for it to show its properties in this case, it is placed under the pillow.

  1. In addition, it is able to reduce stress and nervous tension.
  2. Sometimes this stone can be used to treat mental disorders and correct brain imbalances.
  3. But it cannot be used and worn by people suffering from paranoia or schizophrenia.

Amethyst has proven to be excellent in overcoming drug addiction and the effects of the negative effects of drugs and alcohol on brain function. A person who wears amethyst begins to lose interest in alcohol and sooner or later stops drinking altogether.
In order for the stone to be of greatest benefit, it must be worn in direct contact with the skin. In jewelry, silver will be the best setting for amethyst.

Mineral and astrology

The horoscope claims that amethyst is the perfect talisman for those born in February. Therefore, it will be an excellent amulet for Aquarius and Pisces. Also, this crystal will bring good luck to Aries and Scorpio. He will save the latter from the excessive selfishness that is inherent in this sign.


Mohs hardness: 7. Trigonal crystal structure. Crystalline quartz, commonly referred to as amethyst, ranges in color from pale lilac to deep purple. The light colors are sometimes referred to as the Rosa de France and can be seen in Victorian inlaid jewelry. Deep colors are most valuable, especially rich purples with pink flares.

Amethyst is mined in Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia and Argentina, as well as in Zambia, Namibia and other African countries. Generally, amethyst from South America is larger than African amethyst, but crystals from Africa have a reputation for richer, better color, despite their small size. A very dark amethyst, also found in small sizes in Australia.

Amethyst stone, magical properties:

The stone of inspiration and contentment, has a calming and relaxing effect on people, promotes healthy sleep, which they place on the body or under a pillow.

  • Amethyst promotes discernment in business, bestows victory, and aids the mind in controlling negative thoughts.
  • Since the stone has transmutation energy, the intensity in the opening of portals and the transformation of spiritual experiences increases, and also protects the wearer from black magic.
  • Known as a crystal of change, amethyst can lead to all kinds of changes in life and our minds. It also interrupts old emotional thought processes and helps to find the psychological earthly path.

Amethyst was said to attract justice and protect against thieves and robbers. Also protects against danger and violent death.

Medicinal properties:

Amethyst is a crystal that is a must for almost all healers. A single one brings many benefits, but druses are even more powerful. So powerful that a group of amethysts are able to cleanse other stones. When worn, relieves migraines. Headaches caused by nerves can be cured by placing amethyst or drusen in the room. Also used and helps in improving concentration.

It soothes mental disorders, purifies the blood, strengthens the immune system and ensures that all chakras are balanced and cleaned. People who constantly wear amethyst necklaces supposedly fascinate others with their personality and charisma.

Amethyst increases the activity of the right hemisphere, passes through illusions and helps develop psychic abilities. It strengthens and develops intuition, inspiration.

Keep a small piece of amethyst in tarot cards or runes to keep your powers high, these are divination tools.

Who is suitable for the zodiac sign, horoscope:

Jupiter, Neptune. Traditionally, the birth of the stone is in the month of February. Stone of Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius and Capricorn. Amethyst brings clarity of mind and subconsciousness.

Chakra classification

Placed on the seventh chakra (or crown) during meditation, amethyst increases concentration and increases confidence in life. It is considered the 7th chakra (crown) stone. It has almost the same properties as pure quartz.

Many people keep amethyst with other stones and crystals to enhance their effectiveness. There is an opinion that it helps with insomnia if you put it under your pillow at night.

Description of the stone

Amethyst is a type of quartz and belongs to silicas. It contains impurities of elements such as iron, manganese, cobalt.

Most often, the mineral grows in rocks on an opaque gray substrate. In nature, the stone is found in the form of separate crystalline transparent or translucent formations with an elongated diamond shape.

  1. The main attraction of the stone is its vibrant purple color. In terms of color saturation, the mineral is found from very pale to dark, almost black. Color reveals most effectively in natural light, which emphasizes both the depth of the shade and the brilliance.
  2. Mineralogists explain the origin of the unique purple color of Amethyst in different ways. It is believed that cobalt, manganese and iron contained in the stone give the violet.
  3. Others see it as organic coloring pigments. Some are inclined that the reason for the color lies in violations of the crystal base of the gem and in the presence of iron ions.

Under the influence of the sun's color, the mineral burns out and loses its color intensity. If the stone is heated to 200 degrees, then it begins to change its color from yellow to greenish and completely colorless. As it cools, Amethyst regains its original color. During every 25 years of its life, the mineral loses about 20% in color intensity.
The mineral has a significant hardness, which is estimated at 7 units. according to the Mohs rating table and a density of 2.6 g per cubic centimeter.

Mineral deposits

Deposits of Amethyst are located in South America, on the African continent, in Asia and in Russia. According to their characteristics, the mined stones differ depending on the depth of the deposit. In Asia, very high quality nuggets are being developed, but their number is insignificant.

There is a large deposit in Brazil, but the stones from it do not differ in quality. The most valuable stones in terms of beauty and value are mined in a deposit developed in the Urals. The rating of the Ural amethysts is the highest. According to the name of the place of development, they were named "deep Siberian".

The healing properties of the stone

Lithotherapists, specialists in healing with minerals, claim that Amethyst enhances the production of various hormones, helps to normalize the functioning of the endocrine glands and strengthens the nervous system. The mineral makes it possible to saturate the blood with oxygen more. Amethyst helps patients with diseases of the stomach and intestines, heart disease, it is used for skin diseases. It is believed that if you massage the skin on the face with the mineral, you can reduce the sharpness of wrinkles and improve the complexion.

  1. Water with Amethyst placed in it at night is drunk to cleanse the vascular system, liver and kidneys, to get rid of colds. The stone helps to relieve puffiness and bruising. It also helps with joint diseases.
  2. Specialists use the mineral for hearing impairments. The stone helps well for the treatment of night insomnia, migraines and various headaches.
  3. To do this, it is enough to warm the Amethyst in your palms and apply it to the forehead or temples. If you put a stone under your pillow, your sleep will be strong even without nightmares.
  4. The mineral has properties to reduce nervous tension and stress arousal. In some cases, it is used to treat some mental disorders, but not paranoia or schizophrenia.

A person who carries Amethyst with him can defeat drug addiction and drunkenness, and subsequently completely lose interest in alcohol. To enhance the healing properties of the stone, it must have direct contact with the skin, and silver can serve as the best frame for it.

The magical properties of Amethyst

The stone in its meaning embodies such concepts as spiritual purity, devotion to ideals and purity of thoughts. He is able to drive away bad feelings, strengthen sleep, preserve memory and protect from the vice of drunkenness and drug addiction. If the owner of the gem is honest and unselfish, then the stone will bring him health, a happy life, protect him from the evil eye, black magic.

It is believed that the stone is a symbol of harmony and relaxation, therefore it brings protection to its owner from conflicts and quarrels, evil thoughts. But in case of conflicts, the stone can readjust to negative energy. Therefore, at the time of quarrels, it is better to remove the jewelry with amethyst, and after the conflict, hold it for some time under a running stream of water.

Youth and beauty

The violet color personifies the "third eye", and the stone of this shade is able to give its owner the possibility of omniscience, open up to him the highest wisdom and understanding of other spheres.

  1. The mineral will save the owner from the insincerity of the environment and promote peacefulness. In addition, it has long been believed that Amethyst is able to preserve youth and beauty for many years.
  2. If you constantly carry a gem with you, then anxiety and mental pain, evil thoughts, aggression, hot temper will go away, calmness, prudence and kindness of mental impulses will come.
  3. For the family, the stone has an ambiguous magical meaning. The presented Amethyst in the shape of a heart can bring love and understanding with the family.

However, the stone can also bring discord, parting, especially if it is presented as a gift to one of the family members for the purpose of reciprocity with the donor. The stone will probably destroy a strong marriage, but it will not bring happiness to the destroyer.

The gem not only affects love spheres. It helps its owner in revealing talents and creative possibilities.
It has been noticed that amethyst changes its color hue depending on changes in the weather. This was used by sailors and took him on long voyages.

Signs of the zodiac

The mineral belongs to the element of Air and personifies the planets Saturn and Neptune.

People born under the zodiac sign Aries and Leo are very fond of the attention of others, they always strive to be in the center of events. Amethyst, which has violet and lilac shades, is very suitable for them. The purple stone will help them make important decisions and help take into account the interests of those around them. Leos and Aries, having a heightened emotional background, are not always able to cope with their emotions. The stone will help calm down, relieve stress and ward off negativity.

  • Amethyst, which has a very rare pink color, suits Aquarius, Gemini, Libra and Capricorn.
  • The stone of this shade personifies tender and deep love feelings.
  • For these signs, the mineral will help improve heart function, strengthen nerves and relieve stress.
  • For children of these signs, pink amethyst activates additional energy centers and enhances opportunities for creative development.

Who suits

Black King - Amethyst of rare black color is suitable for people born under the sign of Virgo and Scorpio. This stone will bring peace of mind, good luck, drive away black thoughts, humble the selfishness inherent in these signs. The mineral will help its owner to deeper open the inner world and magical abilities given to these signs by nature.

For Cancers and Pisces, lilac Amethyst is very suitable. He will help in the development of business and partnerships. The stone will extinguish angry feelings, envy, help in internal transformations and bring peace of mind.

It is believed that Amethyst is the main stone for Aquarius, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces. The stone is a "trinity" mineral, that is, but it enhances its effect on those who have the numbers 3, 12, 21 and 30 in their date of birth. It is better for Taurus to refuse to own this gem.

Amethyst - talisman

As an amulet or talisman, Amethyst can be worn by those people who need protection from the dislike of their superiors, the anger of others, those who have the vices of alcoholism or drug addiction.

  • If a person wears a ring with Amethyst as a talisman, then it is best to put it on the ring finger of the left hand for women and the right one for men.
  • The setting for the stone is also of great importance. Amethyst in silver keeps friendship, contributes to a positive decision in business negotiations.
  • For women suffering from infertility, an amulet with Amethyst can give a long-awaited child, and for men, it can improve family relationships.

If the mineral is set in gold, then such an amulet is able to restore and maintain a person's energy.

Care and storage

In order for Amethyst to retain its brightness and shine for a long time, it should be protected from prolonged exposure to sunlight and overheating, and the stone should be protected from scratches and impacts.

From time to time, the stone needs cleaning. To do this, briefly put Amethyst in a soapy water solution, then rinse thoroughly under running water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

Amethyst is a very beautiful, expensive and spectacular stone. He is loved by jewelers. Jewelry with Amethyst can not only adorn its owner, but also serve as a talisman, amulet and magical protector.

Features of amethyst

Until recently, it was a popular belief that, as a result of the presence of manganese in the chemical composition of amethyst, the stone has a purple color. But scientific research has determined that the stone contains iron which gives color. The color change of the mineral occurs under the influence of sunlight, which changes the reflection of the crystal lattice.

  • When heated to high temperatures, the stone completely loses its color. In order for it to recover over time, you need to cool the specimen. The most rapid appearance of the lost color occurs under the influence of X-rays.
  • Under water, the amethyst does not completely change color; the color disappears only along the contour of the stone.
  • The color of amethyst will look different in a dark room and in natural street lighting. If amethyst is mined in areas where there are deposits of crystal, then it will staunchly resist the discoloration of the sun's rays. Minerals collected in sedimentary rocks fade much faster.
  • Amethyst is formed on a quartz layer. Its crystals by nature have an elongated tetrahedral shape with the formation of a pyramid at the end. Some amethysts are found in groups.
  • Amethysts come in shades of blue and pink, some are colored crimson, sometimes almost black. The mineral can be of the original striped color, which is achieved by filling the longitudinal containers in the crystal with solidified liquids.

Mineral properties

Amethyst stone in magic

Therapeutic manifestation of abilities

In order for the mineral to be useful to a person in the fight against diseases, it is necessary to ensure contact with the body. As such an effect, infusions of a stone on water, constant wearing of pendants, beads, earrings are used. It is used as a treatment for long-term application of amethyst to sore spots.

Massage with amethyst crystals is very effective. To further enhance the effect on the body, use crystal, as its properties allow you to concentrate the flow of healing effects.

Amethyst and the signs of the zodiac

It is the signs of the element of air that will receive the greatest support from amethyst on the path of life, the stone will help make them successful and prosperous.

  • Aries who love to pile up a large number of plans, will receive opportunities for their early implementation. For women of this sign, help will come in finding the joy of motherhood.
  • The brilliant mind of Taurus will allow the stone to be applied in real life situations, will not allow a dull mood and discouragement. Taurus will receive substantial business assistance.
  • The Gemini, constantly changing attachments and the environment around them, will feel the onset of harmonization within their sharp mind, which will allow them to start and finish many things. Waves of inspiration will sweep over this sign.
  • Cancers will feel the healing effect of the stone and will be able to improve their failing health. Recommended for this sign for the appearance of new acquaintances and fans.
  • The Leo sign has such a strong energy that amethyst cannot bring practically any changes to the life of the people of this sign. It doesn't matter to Lviv.
  • Virgos, attached to traditional, well-established values, will receive strength of character with the help of the stone and increase their strength to overcome life's difficulties. They need to wear the stone on a chain in the form of a pendant.
  • Multilaterally developed Libra with the help of a stone will be able to strengthen abilities and develop themselves as a person, achieve many successes. Stone owners will get a lot of interest from the opposite sex in their direction.
  • For Scorpios, amethyst will give a softening of character traits, will serve as a reliable talisman against harmful magical effects.
  • Sagittarius will be able to improve relationships with family and friends, achieve harmony with loved ones. The stone will allow them to show peace and honesty.
  • Capricorns will be able to improve the course of their life by removing many of the obstacles that previously hindered it. This will help you devote more time to spiritual experiences and lofty thoughts. For women of this sign, wearing a stone will help make their appearance more harmonious.
  • Versatile Aquarius, with the help of enhanced intuition, will be able to find the most correct solutions for difficult life situations. This will allow them to make a brilliant career and get luck at all stages of their travel companions.
  • For Pisces, wearing a stone will help to endure difficulties from parting with a loved one, sharpen natural intuition, and help gain confidence in life's difficulties.

Magic stone in different countries

In Russia, since ancient times, the stone was highly valued for its purity, transparency and unusual shades. Famous royalty and their wives and children proudly wore amethyst-adorned clothing and crowns. Such naiads were considered expensive and majestic.

In ancient times, monks collected and mined amethyst crystals on the coast of the White Sea. Products and jewelry were successfully used in religion. Church utensils inlaid with amethyst are still present in the everyday life of some cathedrals. They used bright minerals to decorate the frames of the icons. The priests' clothes were adorned with purple and crimson amethysts. From such a wide use of minerals by religious leaders, amethyst received the name of the cardinal or episcopal stone.

Church speakers expressed the idea that the amethyst resembles the religious and devoted to the Lord Apostle Matthew, who became famous for fiery speeches for the glory of God and a desire to serve him forever.

In Greece, legends are made about a beautiful young nymph who was in love with a simple shepherd, asking for help from the goddess Artemis. But the god of winemaking Dionysus also wanted to conquer and subjugate the beautiful nymph. Artemis turned the young lady into a beautiful purple stone, forever saving her from the encroachments of Dionysus.

Since those events, the Greeks have presented the help of the stone in the form of a powerful remedy for the effects of intoxication. Greek healers successfully use the mineral to restore youth to their patients, reduce the appearance of wrinkles. It is recommended that you place a stone under your pillow to enhance your night's sleep and get complete rest.

Italians' opinion

Italians also consider amethyst to be the times of drunkenness and intoxication. They often put a stone in a glass during a stormy feast, this allows a person to drink a lot and not get drunk.

In Egypt, the stone is considered a talisman of wisdom and peace. The owner of the stone is endowed with such qualities as: calmness, poise, observation, purity of thoughts. Egyptian weather forecasters use color change for their forecasts.

In China, a magical mineral is used as a talisman for the owner of war against injury and death. The purple color of the stone promotes serenity, peace of mind and pure thoughts.

Amethyst jewelry is available to a wide range of people, they are worn with pleasure, considering the stone to be a spectacular decoration, a high-quality amulet and a strong talisman.

Properties of amethyst

"Blessed" or "apostolic" as it was called in the Middle Ages, the stone is silicon dioxide with iron impurities.

The characteristic properties of amethyst are its hardness, which corresponds to 7 on the Mohs scale, a violet hue in color and transparency with a glass or pearlescent sheen. Tubules with liquids or gases are found as inclusions in amethyst crystals, less often gray hematite plates or brownish goethite needles are found.

Amethyst color

The main color of amethyst is purple in many shades. Modern researchers believe that this wonderful color is a consequence of the action of organic substances, and not of ferrous impurities, as was previously thought. The shade range of natural amethysts has a wide range - from pale purple to deep blue-red colors.

The intensity of the color increases with short-term heating of the crystals. But prolonged calcination leads to a change in color towards green or complete discoloration. Green amethyst is called prasiolite and is extremely rare in nature.

The opportunity to obtain such a shade artificially enriches the world of jewelry with new images.

Jewelry with amethyst

Amethyst jewelry is said to help you fall asleep when placed under your pillow at night. But this fine piece of jewelry deserves a better lot. They must be worn to enjoy themselves and to allow others to enjoy their beauty. Earrings, rings or other jewelry with amethyst look decent with the most sophisticated outfits.

Amethyst price and storage conditions

The beautiful purple hue is the reason that the price of amethyst is higher than that of many other quartz. The level of color stability depends on the characteristics of the deposit.

  1. Amethyst crystals that have been surrounded by crystal are very difficult to discolor.
  2. Those that have formed among sedimentary rocks can become significantly paler when exposed to sunlight.
  3. Therefore, the main condition for their storage is any dark place.

In this case, the color intensity is guaranteed to remain unchanged.

Deposits of amethyst

The most interesting deposit of amethysts is located on the Kola Peninsula. Crystals mined there have an even dark purple color. Brazil, North America and the Urals are rich in amethysts. There are small deposits of this mineral in Germany, Ceylon, Madagascar and Armenia.

Amethyst stone meaning

Amethyst is called the stone of harmony and relaxation, considering that it is of great importance for those who want to settle conflicts. Amethyst is also credited with the ability to free people from negative thoughts and generate omniscience. This is primarily due to the purple color, which is the symbol of the "third eye".

Whose zodiac stone is amethyst

The various lists of gems matching the zodiac signs differ slightly, but most of them believe that amethyst is perfect for Aquarius and is also supportive of all air signs.

Some horoscopes suggest that Leo, Pisces, Taurus and Capricorns, who have strong character traits related to their signs, should beware of wearing products with amethyst. But some lists compiled in ancient times by the astrologers of Europe, on the contrary, suggest that Capricorns wear this stone.

The healing properties of amethyst

Lithotherapists (those who treat stones) claim that one of the most valuable properties of amethyst is the regulation of metabolism in the body. It is also believed that, in addition to the ability to calm, this mineral facilitates the manifestation of diseases that have arisen on the nervous system, relieves migraine attacks.

The magical properties of amethyst

In cases where a combination of knowledge and intuition is important, the magical properties of amethyst will come in handy. For high-ranking people, it helps people go beyond standard thought patterns and encourages wide-ranging thinking in situations that go beyond normal.

The energy and violet color of the stone is also believed to be able to cleanse the space of accumulated negativity. It is worth considering that amethyst belongs to those stones that cannot be worn all the time, it must be taken off for a while.

The magical power of the gem

The amethyst stone has extraordinary magical properties. It is a powerful accumulator of information and a transformer of space: "absorbing" the negative, it relieves of sadness, makes the atmosphere in the house more benevolent.

The Romans called amethyst "blessed." The ancients believed that a jewel brings good luck, is able to reconcile enemies, restores peace and calms the nerves. This is probably why the first Christians began to wear rings with this mineral, and later the higher clergy fell in love with the same jewelry, and the stone was called episcopal or pastoral in Catholic countries, and in Russia - bishop.

  • It has a beneficial effect on intellectual abilities, fully revealing the mental potential of the owner;
  • Invincible soldiers preferred to wear copies of dark tones for self-courage and prevention of rash actions;
  • The properties of the gem are also appreciated by merchants. The stone brings good luck in business and protects property;
  • The mineral is ideal for purifying the space and soul of a person: amethyst druse (pictured above) or untreated crystals can cleanse the aura of objects that are touched;
  • As a talisman, the gem helps to win the favor of the authorities, makes a person more prudent;
  • Images of the moon and sun, applied to the surface of the crystal, make it perhaps the most powerful amulet against black magic.

Love magic

The value of the amethyst stone for love magic can hardly be underestimated. It nourishes love, kindles passion, protects from evil fate, helps to forget unrequited love. Even the Sumerian sages warned that if a lover is given an amethyst, he will forget about his feelings and fall in love with the one who presented him with this extraordinary decoration.

Those who lost their spouses prematurely - both widows and widowers - wore jewelry made from this "widow's stone" as a symbol of eternal love for their deceased lovers. Therefore, its main meaning is a symbol of endless and devoted love. And to those who are in love, the pebble bestows the loyalty of the beloved.
Store it in your bedroom if you want:

  • return a spouse;
  • reach an understanding with a loved one;
  • loyalty;
  • revive old feelings.

Magic rituals for health

In ancient Greek, amethyst has a meaning - "drunk". The gem absorbs wine vapors, saving the owner from intoxication and preserving its color, remaining "sober", serene purple.

In order to direct the magical properties of this jewel to the fight against drunkenness, you need:

  1. give the patient to drink water infused with it;
  2. wear it at the level of the solar plexus.

For those who are on a diet, magical properties will help to cope with the feeling of hunger.

The water in which the gem lay at night, regardless of which zodiac sign the patient belongs to, is suitable for:

  • victory over colds;
  • liver and kidney treatment;
  • cleansing the capillaries;
  • information acne.

Magical properties contribute to:

  1. strengthening memory;
  2. fight against skin diseases;
  3. getting rid of temptations and insomnia (you just need to put the jewel under your pillow all night long);
  4. relief of headaches, if you put a stone on your forehead.

A cup inlaid with this purple crystal is able to neutralize the effects of poisons.

Jewel and zodiac signs

The magical properties of amethyst are so strong that the stone is able to "improve" any sign, enhancing its positive features. This gem is suitable for all representatives of the zodiacal circle, and for most of them it helps to strengthen and develop intuition. However, it is difficult to say which zodiac sign is most suitable for amethyst.

  • Aries from the gem will become more judicious and careful, even restrained.
  • If a Taurus is born before May 1, then quartz will help this sign overcome melancholy, activate intellectual abilities.
  • Gemini will relieve insomnia and nervousness, inspire and push towards self-improvement.
  • The zodiac sign Cancer is highly favored by the jewel. It helps to improve the lives of its wards, has a beneficial effect on diseases of the digestive system, impaired kidney function, and strengthens the immune system.
  • Quartz will give the sign of Lviv peace of mind.
  • Neat and accurate Virgo needs this mineral to concentrate mental and physical strength in the fight against troubles. It is desirable for this sign to wear a gem in the form of a pendant on a chain with small links.
  • For the zodiac sign Libra, quartz will help improve magical abilities and strengthen intuition. A Libra girl who will wear a green amethyst will be in demand among men.
  • Purple quartz is just perfect for the sign of Scorpio, moreover, it becomes a powerful talisman for this person, the magical properties of which create reliable protection against black magic.
  • Sincere and peaceful Sagittarius, under the auspices of this violet miracle, will find harmony and mutual understanding in life.
  • The jewel has a beneficial effect on the spiritual essence of Capricorns, helping them get rid of negative energy.
  • Zodiac sign Aquarius and quartz is one of the happiest combinations. If a person of this zodiac sign wears such a jewel, it will help relieve nervous overexcitement, strengthen intuition.
  • Zodiac sign Pisces quartz bestows good luck.

Determine the authenticity of the mineral

Amethyst has certain properties inherent only to it, which are used to determine its authenticity:

  1. the main color is purple and all its shades (note how a real amethyst stone looks in the photo), the richer it is, the more expensive;
  2. the hardness is higher than that of steel - if a steel knife is drawn over the surface of the test specimen, then there will be no scratches.

But this is true for both natural and artificially grown minerals. The differences between a synthetic sample and a natural one are presented in the table.

  • Dip the sample into a glass of water
  • It will seem that the edges of the stone have lost their color
  • The sample will render well around the edges.

How to wear this extraordinary mineral

You need to know how to wear amethyst correctly:

  • silver combines harmoniously with it - the metal enhances the magical properties of quartz;
  • gold neutralizes the supernatural capabilities of the gem, but if other jewelry is used in the jewelry (zircon, aquamarine, rock crystal, diamond or aventurine), then this effect is leveled, moreover, such a pendant will give peace of mind;
  • you cannot wear the stone constantly, as it accumulates the negative energy of the owner;
  • amethyst should be worn with clothes of cold colors, but not with bright things;
  • men wear rings with him on the ring finger of their right hand, women - on the same finger on their left. If you want to increase vital energy, put it on your middle finger, but this can only be done periodically.

In the photo there is a pendant and crystals of natural amethyst. Only natural minerals have real mystical qualities, which were mentioned above.

Gem care

Quartz is of natural origin therefore:

  1. protect it from direct sunlight, store it wrapped in a soft cloth;
  2. protect from high temperatures;
  3. rinse it a couple of times a month under running water - you need to wash off the negative, which it easily absorbs.

If the stone has become tarnished, either contact a jeweler (they will clean it with ultraviolet light), or rinse it in soapy water using a soft brush.

Amethyst was named after a Greek nymph. This transparent purple mineral is very beautiful, therefore it is often used in jewelry making. It is believed that Amethyst is the most powerful talisman against evil doom. Since ancient times, it has been used to get rid of unhappy love, opening the doors to a new life for its owner.

The magical power of Amethyst

Amethyst is also called a "non-drunk" stone. In ancient times, cups were decorated with this mineral, believing that it protects against poisoning with poisons and alcohol. Also, amethyst is a church stone, since an amethyst ring was handed over to cardinals. The choice fell on this purple mineral for a reason: it expresses the severity and purity that a church minister should be characterized by.

The magical properties of the stone Amethyst determined by its value. It symbolizes spirituality, integrity and devotion. This mineral is really able to protect from drug addiction and alcoholism, as well as get rid of bad intentions. By his influence, he can motivate a person to do good deeds. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, relieving temper and aggression.

Amethyst is a stone of rest and harmony, as it is able to neutralize any negative feelings. He becomes an assistant in resolving conflicts. In addition, he reveals the inner abilities of a person and can develop the gift of foresight.

This unique mineral is able to save its owner from melancholy and disturbing thoughts. It is good for dealing with insomnia if kept under a pillow.

At the same time, Amethyst is considered the stone of loneliness. You can give jewelry with Amethyst only to a person whose reciprocity is expected by the donor. Thus, this stone can destroy a couple or even a family. Therefore, amethyst gifts should be accepted with extreme caution.

For representatives of creative professions, the magical properties of the Amethyst stone allow them to reveal their potential. This mineral is able to enhance the talent given by nature.

The healing properties of the stone

The magical properties of the stone Amethyst have been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. It has a calming effect, therefore it copes well with diseases of the nervous system and mental disorders. Amethyst relieves headaches, nightmares and anxiety.

The purple mineral has been used in many countries to treat kidney and liver diseases, skin conditions, and to cleanse the circulatory system. Lithotherapists claim that long-term observation of the stone will relieve nervous tension and achieve a state of balance.

The healing properties of Amethyst have a beneficial effect on the metabolism. There is a regulation of the digestive and endocrine systems. In modern cosmetology, Amethyst is used to improve the condition of the skin. It relieves freckles and excessive pigmentation.

Uses for the signs of the zodiac

The Amethyst stone, the magical properties of which are undeniable, must be worn constantly. However, it should be borne in mind that the mineral can change mood. When a conflict occurs, Amethyst absorbs negative energy in order to protect the owner. However, later this energy must find a way out, and the mineral sometimes charges the owner with negative emotions. In order to "calm down" the stone, you need to hold it under running water for several minutes.

Astrologers claim that Amethyst is the stone of the air signs of the Zodiac, first of all, and. Amethyst will relieve the former from stubbornness, and the latter will bring peace. The purple mineral will help Aries to pacify their selfishness, and Aquarius will make them more discerning.

Also, Amethyst is indicated for constant wear. The mineral brings happiness and well-being to this sign.

If a ring is decorated with amethyst, it should be worn on the ring finger. For women - the left hand, for men - with the right. The setting of the stone is also of great importance. If silver becomes a companion of Amethyst, he will help in establishing business and friendly contacts. Amethyst, set in gold, will restore the owner's energy balance.

Amethyst is an incredibly beautiful stone, which is a kind of quartz. It usually has a bluish pink or reddish purple hue. Not only is it used to make jewelry, it is also credited with magical properties. And now we will talk about them.

Ancient greek legend

Translated from the ancient Greek, the name means "not intoxicated." According to one famous myth, the god of fun and wine Dionysus fell in love with a beautiful nymph named Ametis. But the girl had feelings for a simple shepherd, and therefore rejected him. This Dionysus offended to the depths of his soul, and he chased after the beauty.

The girl was exhausted, and in despair she appealed to Artemis, the goddess of chastity, fertility and the patroness of all life on earth. As soon as Dionysus tried to touch the exhausted nymph, the goddess turned her into a beautiful lilac stone.

This is how the amethyst appeared. In memory of the rejected god of fun and wine, he was endowed with a unique ability - to protect the one who owns him from drunkenness.

Properties of stone that were believed in before

All peoples had their own beliefs associated with amethyst. The properties of the stone were attributed to the most different. Here are some interesting facts related to this, you should pay attention to:

  • In ancient China, it was believed that this type of quartz is actually the frozen saliva of a lilac dragon. He was very much appreciated and small boxes and bottles were made from this stone.
  • In ancient Rome, small jewelry, seals and gems - jewelry stones with images - were made from amethyst.
  • The priests chose this stone as a talisman. Therefore, the amethyst was nicknamed episcopal. According to legends, this type of quartz possessed occult properties, cleansed the soul from sin. That is why pectoral crosses, altars and icons were often decorated with amethyst.
  • When a person was ordained, the Pope gave him a ring with this stone.
  • Another interesting property of the amethyst stone is the ability to change the human soul. Therefore, it was used in the decoration of religious objects. Even books decorated with amethyst existed. One of the real examples is the Morozov Gospel, kept in the Moscow Armory.

But perhaps the most famous property of the amethyst stone is its ability to endow its owner with power over other people. This explains its use also in royal regalia. It was he who decorated the crown of Irina Godunova, the wife of Tsar Fyodor I Ioannovich.

Healing properties

It will not be superfluous to mention them. The healing properties of the amethyst stone, the photo of which is presented above, has long been determined by lithotherapists - specialists in treatment with minerals.

If you believe the existing information, then this type of quartz enhances the production of hormones, normalizes the work of the endocrine glands and the nervous system, and contributes to the saturation of blood with oxygen. Also, products made from this stone are recommended to be worn by people suffering from diseases of the intestines, stomach, heart.

It is also believed that if you massage your face with amethyst, then its color will improve over time, and wrinkles and other defects will become much less noticeable.

People who want to cleanse the kidneys, liver and vascular system are advised to drink water in which this infusion stone was placed overnight. You can also wash your face with it - this way you will be able to remove bruises and puffiness.

Also, the stone heals headaches, migraines, insomnia. By placing it under your pillow or just next to you, you can ensure a sound sleep without nightmares.

And of course, it helps to cope with drunkenness (a reference to the aforementioned legend). Lithotherapists recommend ensuring direct contact with the skin, and it is better if the amethyst is in a silver frame.

Magical properties

Amethyst has enough of them. This stone is considered the personification of concepts such as purity, devotion and spiritual purity. It strengthens sleep, drives away improves memory. And to a person who is disinterested and honest, it brings happiness and health, protects against black magic and the evil eye.

The magical properties of amethyst stone are associated with its color. Violet is the personification of the "third eye", therefore it is believed that the mineral endows the owner with the possibility of omniscience. And he also protects against insincerity.

Also, many believe that amethyst helps to reveal creativity and talents.

A stone of loneliness or a symbol of loyalty?

Interestingly, amethyst is often called the "widow's stone". This colloquial name was given to him because the rings decorated by him were previously worn by women who had lost their loved ones. But the context here is a little different.

The fact is that women put on these jewelry after the incident. Amethyst was a symbol of their loyalty to their departed loved ones. So they let those around them know about their grief and that they had no desire for any more love relationships.

Love symbol

Talking about the meaning and properties of the amethyst stone, it should be noted that it is also a symbol of love. If a person received it as a gift, then it is no coincidence. The donor clearly has strong sympathy. And it is generally accepted that if a person accepts him, then mutual feelings will warm up in his soul.

Therefore, people who believe in the properties of a stone recommend being careful. The gift was presented by someone with whom you already have a romantic relationship? Then you can rejoice, the stone will bring more understanding and love to them. But an amethyst, handed by someone already in a relationship to a person, will bring discord. Of course, what happened will not bring happiness to the donor, but few people think about it.

Zodiac meaning: fire signs

And now it's worth talking about who suits the amethyst stone. The properties of this type of quartz are truly interesting, and this is what effect the mineral has on the fire signs of the zodiac:

  • Aries. Amethyst is able to moderate the aggressiveness, irascibility, selfishness and ardor of these people, which are peculiar to them by their nature. It also gives you the ability to make informed decisions.
  • A lion. These people are recommended to have a talisman made of amethyst with them, as it helps to overcome fatigue and bouts of melancholy, adds even more energy. And the gem also helps to pacify unhealthy ambitions and focus on thoughts.
  • Sagittarius. If the properties of the amethyst stone are suitable for any sign of the zodiac, it is for him. The mineral endows Sagittarius with optimism, peacefulness, sincerity, calmness, balance. In simple terms, it enhances its best qualities.

Jewelry made of amethyst with silver in the case of all signs will contribute to the establishment of harmony in life. And gold jewelry will enhance its basic properties.

Air signs

Now it's worth talking about them in continuation of the topic regarding who is suitable for the sign of the properties of amethyst. The stone is suitable for all air representatives, and this is what its effect is:

  • Twins. Everyone knows that the representatives of this sign are distinguished by some anxiety and imbalance. Amethyst talismans help them cope with insomnia and nervousness, as well as establish harmony in relationships with loved ones and family, give sincerity and purity.
  • Scales. Amethyst helps the representatives of this sign to become even more attractive, perfect and charming, as well as improve their intuition. Libra girls are advised to pay attention to the greenish mineral.
  • Aquarius. Amethyst can make people of this sign more discerning and strong in spirit, as well as less stubborn.

If you want to enhance the influence of the stone, then you should study the tint palette of the mineral and choose the option of such a color, which is the most successful and happy for the zodiac sign.

Water signs

For representatives of this element, a colored mineral means the following:

  • Cancer. For people of this sign, amethyst is a stone with the properties they need. He endows them with sincerity and harmony, normalizes digestion, improves kidney function and immunity, with which they usually have problems.
  • Scorpion. For representatives of this sign, amethyst is a powerful talisman and a secret talisman. He gives self-confidence and wisdom, bestows health, love, happiness and friendship. In general, amethyst awakens in Scorpios all the best that lies in their souls.
  • Fishes. For people born under the auspices of this sign, amethyst brings good luck, calms the nerves, eases the state of mind in case of troubles and problems, and restores vitality. If it is also combined with gold, it enhances intuition and gives wisdom.

For water signs, by the way, the best are products made of amethyst, the shade of which is closer to red, purple or orange.

Earth signs

  • Taurus. The stone helps people of this sign to get rid of melancholy, and also helps to activate mental abilities. They are encouraged to wear Brazilian amethyst combined with silver.
  • Virgo. Everyone who was born under the auspices of this sign, under the influence of amethyst, especially if it is combined with gold, begins to more easily overcome troubles and melancholy. The stone strengthens the spiritual strength of Virgo, expels fatigue, adds cheerfulness. It is just not recommended to wear rings with this gem. It is believed that this jewelry upsets the emotional balance.
  • Capricorn. For the people of this sign, amethyst helps to preserve the purity of the body and spirit, prolong youth, expel from the soul all the negative energy and negativity that they often accumulate over the years. As a result, Capricorns become calmer and more peaceful.

By the way, since earth signs are distantly related to fertility, they should opt for green amethyst, which is quite rare.