What to give your brother for his birthday. List of best birthday gifts for brother based on his age

Choosing a gift for a brother is a responsible matter. Usually in stores there is never anything suitable that he will actually like. Then it's time to remember that you can make a gift with your own hands. This a thing in which love, labor and time are invested, will be especially dear to a brother, regardless of his age, life aspirations and worldview. However, when it is already decided to make something with your own hands, you must definitely think about what exactly it will be. This thing should bring joy or become useful in life and at work.. This aspect is directly related to the age of a person.

Joy for brother

Of course, toys are given to the younger beloved brother. Here are some ideas for such wonderful homemade gifts.

And I'll be a pilot!

Made of paper, but able to fly, a bright aircraft is sure to please a younger student or kindergartener.

To make it, you need very simple materials that can be found in any home:

  • white thick paper or cardboard;
  • empty matchbox;
  • colored paper;
  • bright markers;
  • glue;
  • sharp scissors.

The basis of the aircraft and at the same time the cockpit for the pilot will be a box pasted over with white paper. Then you need to make the tail. To do this, cut a long (5-6 times longer than the box) strip of colored cardboard about 1.5 cm wide. If the cardboard is only white, you can use it, only then you need to either paint it or glue it on top with colored paper. Any color will do, you can take blue or green. This strip is folded in half, and both free ends are glued to the box across it from above and below (the box lies on the wide side). Then, for the base of the tail, we cut out two three-centimeter rectangles of the same color and slightly narrower than the tail strip, and slightly round their edges. One is glued right on the end of the tail section across. The second one must first be bent in half, then slightly bend its edges outward. It will turn out something like a three-dimensional letter "L" on the base. Here is the base and glue on the transverse part of the tail. Wings are made from two long cardboard strips. In width, they are equal to the "cabin", and in length - a little more than the tail. Their edges are also rounded, and colored paper is glued on top, it can be corrugated in a different color. For example, the tail is made blue, then the wings are green. These strips are attached to the top and bottom of the cab.

The last step is the screw. It is cut out of colored paper in the form of a four-petal figure and glued to the front of the cabin. To make the toy brighter, you can decorate it with stars on the wings and tail.

drawing cup

A wonderful little thing that will bring joy for a long time - a cup that can be used as a chalk board. The brother will be able to write messages to you or your mother on it, just draw. You will need:

  • a large white or light porcelain cup;
  • masking tape;
  • special paint for ceramics and porcelain in black or dark green.

Just one jar of paint is enough. You can use Porcelaine 150 from Pebeo - it fits perfectly. On 1.5–2 cm of the upper part of the cup - the rim - you need to stick masking tape. This strip of the cup will not be painted, and you can safely drink from it. On everything else (it is possible without a handle), paint is applied with an ordinary soft brush for drawing. If nothing needs to be adjusted, then the tape is removed, and the product is left to dry for a day. After that, for another half an hour or 35 minutes, the cup must be placed in an oven heated to 150 °. After cooling, the gift is completely ready.. On the "board" part, you can immediately write a short birthday greeting, and it is better to give it along with colored crayons.

A cool gift for a student brother or a young man

This brother needs give something amazing. Here are two interesting options - an auto table and a donation cup.


It will appeal to those who love cars and interesting unusual things. This is a gift from a man to a man.

You will need:

  • a block from a V-shaped eight- or six-cylinder engine without all the stuffing, which will be the basis;
  • three or four pairs of wheels, depending on the weight of the block;
  • four thin metal pins 20–22 cm each;
  • two aluminum tubes with a diameter of 1.5–2 cm;
  • plastic bushings;
  • supports and glue for glass;
  • oval glass, slightly larger than the block;
  • LED Strip Light.

First of all, you need thoroughly clean and sand the engine block itself. Wheels are evenly attached to its lower part, since the block itself is too heavy to simply be carried around the room. Then you need to secure the glass. To do this, in the upper part of the block, metal pins are evenly inserted into the existing holes, two on each side. They need to be well fixed so that they do not stagger. Aluminum tubes are firmly attached to each pair with the help of special plastic bushings. At their ends, you need to install plugs so that the product has a finished look. These tubes are installed exactly parallel to each other at the same height. You need to check this using the level - must be strictly horizontal. Further, plastic or silicone supports are placed on top of the tubes, on which the glass itself is firmly attached using special glue. Now the table is almost finished. It remains to glue the LED strip inside and attach it to the wire and plug. The tape can be taken one that changes color using the remote control. Then the table will be colorful and bright. If desired, you can install the speakers in the middle so that they are not visible. Then the table will be completely universal.

Right before presenting a gift, bottles with different drinks can be inserted into the holes for the cylinders.


This souvenir-sweet gift is suitable for literally everyone.. You will need:

  • two plastic bottles with a capacity of 1.5 and 2 liters;
  • ordinary foam or polystyrene foam (it is slightly denser);
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • metallized corrugated paper in gold or silver color;
  • wooden skewers;
  • a lot of sweets of two types (round and rectangular) in a metal wrapper;
  • ordinary cardboard;
  • small photo of brother;
  • thin ribbon;
  • small beads for decoration.

The bottom of about 5 cm is cut off from the larger bottle, and only the top of 5-6 cm is left on the smaller one. Two cones are cut out of the foam so that they sit tightly in the necks and do not fall out. These cones need to be greased with hot glue, let it cool a little and fix it in the blanks. Then, skewers are inserted into the foam in both bottles through the necks, which are then sharply cut at a distance of 3–4 cm from the neck. With their help, both bottles are firmly connected to each other, and the junction is additionally wrapped with tape. The short part will then become the base of the cup. Around the upper part we glue a pre-cut rectangle of corrugated cardboard in a circle so that it covers it almost to the very bottom. We do the same with the inside, cutting off a suitable rectangle of cardboard. At the bottom of the goblet of the same material we put and glue the base round. The entire structure (inside, too), first smeared with glue, wrapped with metallized corrugated paper. From cardboard and foam we prepare a small base in the form of a round small loaf, which we also drape with corrugated paper. On the leg, you can glue the braid and beads that match in color. In the same way, the lid for the goblet is made. Now we completely cover it with sweets: round on top, rectangular on the bottom. Inside, under the lid, you can put the same sweets or notes with wishes. The medal is made of cardboard. A photo of the birthday boy is glued to one of its sides, and an inscription-congratulation is placed on the second. For example, "To the best brother!" or something similar. A ribbon is attached to the medal and hung on the goblet.

Gift for older brother

An older, adult brother can be presented with a postcard of his own production and a wonderful cover for a tablet, large smartphone or other similar devices that he probably has.


Made using appliqué technique. A large rectangle is cut out of thick colored cardboard and folded in half, like a regular postcard. About a dozen circles about 2 cm in diameter are cut out of cardboard of different colors. They will play the role of balloons. You will also need thick threads, it is better to take yarn. For each ball, a base is prepared - a small strip of cardboard, bent in the form of a hat with fields. With these fields, the base is glued inside the postcard in different places. The bottom third is best left free. The balls themselves are glued to the base. In the center of the bottom, right on the fold, you need to fix another cardboard strip. We also bend it in the middle. When the card is closed and opened, the strip will not wrinkle. It can be very narrow - up to 1 cm. We stretch a thread from each ball to it. On the outside we make the inscription "Happy Birthday!".

Case or cover

You need an old leather bag, an awl, a strong thick thread, a button with two thick holes and a leather cord. Cut the old bag - you get a long rectangle. Its width should be slightly larger than the longest side of the tablet, and its length should be 2.5-3 times the opposite side of the device.

We wrap one end of the leather strip so that we get a pocket. Its size must exceed the dimensions of the electronic device. We make many holes on the sides with an awl and sew with a thick thread. In fact, the cover is ready, it remains only to make a fastener. To do this, insert the lace into the holes of the button so that two ends are free. Then we put this design on top of the cover, wrap the ends around the cover twice and tie around the same button. These gift ideas for brother can be used as independent and self-sufficient, or you can modify them in every possible way. In the next video you will learn how to make a gift for a sweet tooth brother - a candy cake: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYYaRTJDNGk

Brother's birthday is celebrated by the whole family and it doesn't really matter how old he is. In the family, he is the second man after his father and he needs men's gifts, so long before the holiday everyone thinks about what to give such a unique, unforgettable gift.

Although folk wisdom says that love is not a gift, but still, let's see what to give to both adults and adults.

On a well-deserved rest

The pensioner has a lot of free time, so he has the opportunity to pursue his hobbies. A reader can be given books, depending on his interests: detectives, military books, historical, bestsellers, classics, humorous stories.

A fisherman to present modern accessories for catching fish, a motorist - items for car care. For lovers of chess, billiards, card players, we choose depending on their hobbies.

For student

And if the sister and brother study? You can choose a budget gift or do it yourself.

You can give a belt, a men's bracelet, a T-shirt, a baseball cap, electronic gadgets, office supplies for study. You can make a postcard with your own hands; knit socks, scarf, hat; make a sweet gift. The photo shows a step-by-step example of making a postcard.


Our choice depends on how much younger the birthday person is. It is not difficult for a kid to please with a gift, and the student himself will tell about his expectations.

Teenagers like shopping in the store, they are not attracted to homemade things (see). It is better to buy with them, because only the boy himself knows what to buy, what brand, with what functions and what accessories he will still need.

Computer games, even if he has a lot of them; for outdoor games - scooters, roller skates, skateboards, bicycles, balls; items for his collection; books, if he does not like to read, buy an encyclopedia for boys, he will be interested.

Master class on making a postcard "Shirt with a tie"

What will be required:

  1. Rectangular sheet of paper;
  2. Cut blanks of parts;
  3. Tie stickers.
Action Description

Let's prepare all the details. Any colored pieces are suitable for decorating a tie, you can use colorful magazines, but stickers are most convenient.

We harmoniously distribute the stickers on the tie. Cut off the protruding pieces. Glue the tie knot.

Glue the tie onto a rectangular piece of paper. On this you can finish the production. Write congratulations on the other side.

If you wish, you can make the card a little more complicated. Take a double rectangular sheet of colored paper. Fold it in half, unfold it, on one side turn off the corners of the collar, glue the tie under them to match the pattern on paper.

Expanding. Inside you can glue a pocket made of paper, put a congratulation, money, photo in it.

Fold the postcard neatly.

In the corners of the collar, you can glue or sew shiny buttons.

Once you've made this simple postcard, try making the more complex ones in the photo below. With these cards you can congratulate your men on their birthday, on February 23, on the New Year. If you take these postcards as a basis, you will be able to come up with new and new options for men's postcards.

Video compilation

The video in this article is about gifts and recording the best song with congratulations.

It is believed that it is easier for women to choose a gift than for men. But if you give to your beloved brother, whom you have known all your adult life, then it is not so difficult to decide what to give to your brother. He will be glad to see his sister at his birthday, and the gift and its price are not so important to him, the main thing is that he is loved, appreciated and congratulated with good wishes for the future.

To give your brother an interesting unusual gift, you should take into account several factors, the first of which, of course, is the age of the birthday man. If the brother is already an adult, you need to know the character and hobbies of the hero of the occasion in order to choose a suitable present. The health status of the birthday person is also important to keep in mind. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of 60 unusual birthday gifts for your brother that can cause joy, a sense of gratitude. And, of course, such a present will demonstrate your love for your loved one for life.

Sisters and brothers are the closest and closest people, so they always try to please each other, even without any reason. And if your brother has a birthday, you need to make even more efforts to make the dear person happy. We have selected 100 birthday gift ideas for your brother that can please him and become a wonderful reminder of the holiday. These are gifts for different tastes and with completely different prices, so that everyone can find suitable options for themselves.

Is your brother's birthday coming soon? Looking for something special? Fine! Ahead of us are as many as 60 original birthday gifts for my brother. Really cool ideas! For a brother of any age. For a regular birthday or round date, anniversary. For any cost. What do you need? Then read on!

With each new anniversary, it becomes much more difficult to choose a gift for a loved one, because you don’t want to present something banal, for example, a bottle of alcohol and an envelope with money, and it’s quite difficult to surprise with an unusual and original surprise. What to give a brother for 50, 55, 60, 65 years to surprise him and at the same time give a really useful little thing, we will tell in this article.

Turning 30 is not just another birthday. This is a kind of milestone in a man's life. It is at this age that many of them are finally convinced that they are adults and seriously begin to consider themselves as such. Therefore, it is not easy to decide what to give your brother for 30 years. But, with a little effort and imagination, as well as using our useful tips, you will surely choose the best present for your dear brother.

A loved one always wants to present valuable, necessary and desirable things, but sometimes you need to leave your all-consuming care aside and find a cool birthday present for your brother. This will cause a surge of joy and almost childish happiness, no matter how old the birthday person is. Sometimes such moments are more expensive than the most useful and necessary things, so turn on your imagination and create!

Gift for brother for 46, 47, 48, 49 years

With the approach of the next birthday, each potential guest begins a difficult task - choosing a gift, especially when it comes to a really close person - a beloved brother. Our article will help you solve this task, which describes in detail what to give your brother for 46, 47, 48, 49 years to really please him, make him pleasant and, of course, effectively stand out among other guests and their presents.

Gift for brother for 41, 42, 43, 44 years

Surely, you and your brother have the warmest relationship. Therefore, for the solemn day in honor of your brother, you should prepare as carefully as possible and, of course, choose the most amazing gift that will bring a lot of positive emotions and pleasant impressions. But what if you have no idea what to give your brother for 41, 42, 43, 44 years? There is definitely a way out! And this way out is our article, useful in all respects.

Gift for brother for 14, 15 years

Teenage boys are not simple people, they have their own lives, hobbies and dreams, which they do not really like to talk about. Therefore, it can be difficult to choose a gift for a brother, and it may even seem that it is easier to give money: it will certainly come in handy for him. But if you want to surprise your brother, it is better to find something interesting for him, and we will try to help you with this. Choosing what to give your brother for 14, 15 years!

birthday gift for brother from sister

A brother is one of the dearest and closest people in the whole world. It often happens that the dearest people have the hardest time choosing gifts. I want to please my brother one hundred percent and please him, but there are so many options and it is very difficult to make a decision. To ease the pain of choosing, we will help you choose a birthday present for your brother from your sister and suggest the most successful ideas.

Is there anything nicer than gifting loved ones for their birthday? Certainly! This is handing out handmade surprises! Today we will discuss gifts for brothers, because you can’t give a man only flowers and sweets (there is a chance that they will be delighted with them, but only in the shower).

Practical personalities

Most men are very practical personalities, and therefore a birthday present should be usable, preferably permanent. It seems that it is not realistic to fulfill such a condition, but many different things can be done.
Out of competition here seamstresses and knitters. They open up endless spaces for improving the men's wardrobe: self-made trousers, breeches, shirts, hats, and for absolutely loving sisters - outerwear ... Similarly, vests, scarves, hats, gloves, mittens, socks, leggings knitted as a gift to their brother (no wonder, men also like to warm their legs) and much more!

The space surrounding the birthday boy is also a real generator of ideas: blankets, blankets, bed linen (and who else to give this for a birthday, if not a sister?), cases for a mobile phone or tablet, a laptop bag, bags, backpacks, and finally, a set of oven mitts and towels for the kitchen to a bachelor brother - he definitely won’t think about it himself!
For a longer memory, you can follow the modern fashion - make a commemorative inscription "To your beloved brother!", "On your birthday!" and other cute maxims, but it is better to take into account that a survey of compatriots available for communication indicates an extremely low love for such identification marks.


Alas, not everyone can boast of the ability to sew or knit. Fortunately, there are a huge number of simpler, but effective ideas! For example, it makes sense for a representative of the breed of sentimental romantics, melancholics or dreamers to give something not very necessary, but memorable, as a gift.

Male whim

And what to present to a lover of traditionally male pleasures?

There are so many ideas that it's hard to pick just one! The main thing is that everyone can make a gift, even with their own hands, because no one requires you to conquer unknown peaks, you can choose a technique that is closer or better. If the occasion is a birthday, there are as many as 365 days to think over the future handmade present. It is even easier to come up with a unique original surprise for a brother - there are few people whose dreams and desires we know better than those of our closest people.

How nice it is when you have a brother! You can get involved in something together, you can help each other in difficult times, consult and receive friendly support from a close and dear person of about the same age. Let you sometimes quarrel and be offended, but you will know that your brother will not wish bad and will always come to the rescue. Let's think about what to give your brother for his birthday, because on such a special day as a birthday, you want to especially please your brother.

What to get your little brother for his birthday

If the brother has not grown up yet, what gifts will he be happy with? A child of kindergarten age will appreciate the toy.

Give a sports student a ball, a bicycle or a skateboard. And any other child will like some kind of inventory for the computer. It could be a headset for online gaming, speakers, a joystick, a computer game disc, a backlit keyboard, a gamer's mouse, a new monitor, and many other original items from a computer store.

A teenager involved in sports himself may spare money to buy sports goods for himself at home. And this is a great chance for you to present your brother with dumbbells, a horizontal bar or other useful thing for strengthening muscles.

What to give an adult brother for his birthday

We’ll warn you right away that an adult man definitely shouldn’t be given souvenirs and trinkets, which will then gather dust on his closet. Many men appreciate useful and practical gifts.

  • Give a motorist a mug heated from the cigarette lighter. Such an original thing can be found in online gift shops. Warm tea on the road - what could be better in cold weather! Men with a car will definitely be delighted with a gift that will come in handy in the car.
  • For a young brother who loves noisy parties and the company of his friends, give cool games for fun meetings with friends. Do not be afraid to overdo it with humor, your brother will definitely understand! In addition, you can buy a poker set in a case. A lover of sitting in the evening with a glass of whiskey and a game of poker will be happy with such a gift.
  • A brother, like any other man, always needs to have tools at hand. Give him a stylish and high-quality set of tools for the home.
  • Provide your brother with an active and fun summer full of adventure. And it doesn’t even matter what time of year it is, give him a picnic set, a barbecue, a tent or a set of camping utensils. This also includes a soft blanket that will show all your care and love for your brother.
  • To the closest man in the world, brother, the sister wants to give something that would always remind him of her. But what if the souvenirs are trinkets on the shelf for a man? Give your brother a piece of jewelry, such as a gold chain that he can wear around his neck. If the brother wears business suits to work, you can choose cufflinks, a nice tie or a clip for him. Who better than you know the taste of your beloved brother? A girl can determine the size of clothes by eye, go to the store and pick up a stylish T-shirt, a cool jumper or fashionable glasses!