What is a social pension. Social pension in old age

Social pension is a state payment provided for for unprotected and poor segments of the population: old people, children without a breadwinner, as well as disabled people. Cash is issued to these persons only if they do not have other sources of income. For example, if the pensioner receives monthly payments from the FIU on the basis of an employment experience, the social benefit does not rely on him.

Difference from other types of pensions

  • 200% - in certain areas of Yakutia and the Sakhalin region;
  • 180% - in some cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Murmansk region;
  • 170% - for living in the Magadan region;
  • 160% - for the population Vorkuta and the area adjacent to it, Kamchatka Territory, etc.;
  • 150% - for pensioners of the Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansiysk AO, etc.;
  • 140% - older people from individual districts of Karelia, Altai, Khabarovsk Territory;
  • 130% - in some cities of Buryatia, Amur region, etc.;
  • 120% - in the Arkhangelsk, Perm regions;
  • 115% - throughout Karelia.

It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the full text of the letter of Mintruda to find out what kind of allowance is relying to the pension in a specific region. For the most part, the regulatory act is aimed at resolving the accrual of insurance payments and wages, but the government decree No. 216 determined that these coefficients should be applied for social pensions. Because if suddenly an older person refused to accrue the allowance, then such a decision can be challenged.

Insurance and government payments will always be higher than social. According to statistics for 2017-2018, the latter are inferior to about 1.5 - 1.65 times. The state is ready to pay more only distinguished in labor or in the service of citizens. For the rest - the level of subsistence minimum.

In any society, at all times, there was a need to support his disabled fellow citizens. In former times, charity organizations, church, various mutual assistance societies, etc.

A look into the past

The radical fracture occurred on the outcome of the 19th century. For the first time in Germany, a law was adopted on compulsory insurance of hired workers by the state for diseases, disability, labor injuries and just old age. Then the same provisions were adopted in other European countries and in Russia.

Despite the narrow scope and meager amounts of payments, these laws laid the social security base at the state level. Over the past decades, it has expanded - increased both the scope and the amount of benefits and pensions, their new types appeared.

What now?

Modern Russian reality throws up all new circumstances in which people lose sources of income, turn out to be in difficult life circumstances and need state support.

If they do not use the advantages of social insurance, they are assisted in the form of benefits, pensions, various compensation and free services.

It is for this category that the Federal Law No. 166 of December 15, 2001 was adopted, which is called "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation". Pension is a social payment intended for supporting unprotected segments of the population.

Social pension is ...

This term denotes how it has already been said, one of the most important types of social assistance. The main difference of her from the labor is that the social pension does not replace lost earnings, the right to it and the amount of payments are not related to labor experience. Social pension is a certain solid amount paid from public funds.

Thus, under social pension means guaranteed minimum support from the authorities of unprotected categories of citizens, regardless of their employment experience and listed insurance premiums.

Who is her addressee?

The circle of such persons is not too wide. Article 11 of the above law establishes social pensions to ceremonies belonging to one of the following categories:

  • Disabled people who do not receive a labor pension with the restriction of the ability to work I, II and III degrees.
  • Disabled children.
  • Children under 18, who have lost their parents or one of them, and children of the dead mother of a single.
  • Representatives of the small peoples of the North who do not receive a labor pension (men older than 55 years old, women older than 50).
  • All other citizens (men and women, respectively, from 65 and 60 years), who also do not have legal right to work pension.

At the same time, the social pension is such assistance that is not paid to citizens during periods of paid work.

What is required for its purpose?

A citizen should apply to the PF of the Russian Federation (its territorial body) at its place of residence. Leaving the limits of Russia for permanent residence are submitted to PF of Russia (and not geographically).

The application is filed at any time after the onset of pension law. If a citizen at this point is in places of imprisonment, it has the right to submit it to the PF body through the administration of the institution.

The right to retire the incapable person or child is implemented by submitting a parent, guardian or legal representative. Including the institution where the specified person is ab.

Required documents:

  • those that make out the identity, date of birth, citizenship, place of residence;
  • testifying to belonging to the group of small peoples of the North;
  • establishing disability and its degree;
  • about the death of the breadwinner;
  • the fact that the deceased was a single mother.

In addition, in some cases, certificates of related relationships with the focused feeder are required; certifying the personality of the guardian or trustee; About the site of the actual stay of the applicant.

There may also be requested to confirm the connection of the offensive of the disability or death of the breadwinner with a criminal offense of a citizen or deliberately damage to their own health.

Application acceptance is possible and without a complete set of documents. Within three months, a citizen is obliged to assemble and provide missing evidence, and then the pension is appointed from the date of his filing.

Consider the main types of social pensions.

Pension by age

Only citizens living in the territory of the Russian Federation constantly have the right to it. The state social pension left for PMG abroad, and the already appointed is not paid for all the time of living abroad.

Such a pension is appointed only then (Art. 5 of FZ No. 173), when the person for certain reasons is deprived of the right to retire the labor.

The small peoples living in the north (these are peoples that preserved the lifestyle of the ancestors, traditional settlement, household and fishery), numbering less than 50,000 people, are prescribed according to the Unified List, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. In this case, the social pension is one of the state-level attempts to solve the problem of preserving the number of extinct peoples.

The representation of it is conducted by the authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Confirms belonging to the specified passport category (or another document) with the inscribed nationality. If there is no such record, it replaces the certificate issued by a community or local authority.

Size social pension

It is equal to 100% of the amount of the base part of the labor (that is, the usual old-age pension).

Social pension in Russia, appointed in old age, cannot be increased when limiting the ability to work or the presence of dependents. But for living in the districts of the North, amendment is made to the corresponding coefficient. Such an increase is valid only in the period of residence in places of heavy climatic conditions, when moving "North" is lost.

The amount of pension is indexed by the government according to the growth of inflation. During the execution of the elderly citizens of labor duties, this pension is not paid.

Social pension of disabled

It is appointed with disabilities living in the territory of the Russian Federation constantly if they do not receive a labor pension (as well as for other reasons).

For example, a labor pension will not be in the absence of any employment experience in the disabled person. Another case - when the disability arose due to the criminal offense themselves (intentionally) or intentional harming to their own health. Moreover, this fact must be established in court.

The accumulative part of the pension of the disabled person (if available) will be added to the social pension. But it is possible to count on this not earlier than the onset of the official retirement age.

Are with disabilities equal?

Exception - disabled childhood and some other categories. In particular, having a limitation of II and III degree (the accumulative part of them is paid regardless of age) and suffering from pituitary nanism (that is, Liliputs).

The deadlines for the appointment of pensions for these categories are as follows: men - no earlier than 45 years, but having experiences from 20 years, and women not earlier than 40 years old at the age of 15 years.

Who is doing this

Obtaining the status of persons with disabilities and the definition of the period and the degree of disability is through medical and social expertise. By law, disabled person is:

  1. Citizen with a persistent impairment of health due to diseases, injuries or defects.
  2. Having a limitation of vital activity in the form of loss (full or partial) ability to self-service, movement, communication, behavior control, work or training.
  3. Rehabilitation measures.

The presence of only one of the signs is not a reason for recognizing disabled.

Without a period of re-examination, "issued" disability in case of the impossibility of eliminating persistent irreversible defects and disorders of the functions of the body.

The cause of it can be a disease, labor injury, injury, disability from childhood and so on.

Social pension with disabilities is appointed in proportion to the magnitude of the base part of labor.

Pension (Social) with the loss of the breadwinner

Her recipients - children under 18, who have lost their parents or one of them, as well as the children of a single mother in the event of her death. Social pension them is laid if they are not entitled to the labor loss of the breadwinner. Children under 18, declared capable, are obliged to prove their dependence in the family of the deceased.

The size of such a pension is: with a loss of one parent - as the basic amount of old-age pension. We lost two parents (i.e. round orphans) - in the amount equal to the basic part of the disability pension.

Social pension for the loss of the breadwinner for accommodating it in areas of the Far North increases with a special local coefficient.

It is indexed in the same order as labor.

The concept of social surcharge

Social surcharge to pension "invented" in order for the amount obtained by a non-working pensioner, "reaching" to the size of the subsistence minimum adopted in this subject of the Russian Federation for pensioners. It appeared since 01.01 2010

The purpose of such additional payments is to "raise" the pension system to the civilized level.

If the total amount obtained by a pensioner does not reach the required value in the subject of the Russian Federation, he is appointed federal social surcharge to pension. It can also be regional.

Social pension in 2015

In the current year, the Government decided to raise pensions. The increase in social pensions is planned to be produced along with labor. Indexing is expected in 3 stages: 01.02.2015, 04/01/2015 and 12/01/2015

Social pension in 2015 will be raised from April 1. Indexing size will be about 12.3%. At the same time, the actual improvement in the standard of living, they will most likely not notice. The reason for this is the difficult position of the domestic economy due to Western sanctions, the deficit of the federal budget. Experts believe that the yield may consist of freezing pensions, which, taking into account inflation, means their decline, or in an increase in retirement age.

In 2015, it is planned to achieve the size of the lower threshold of the old age pension in the amount of 11,582 rubles. The minimum social pension on average in the country is obliged to exceed the threshold equal to 7595 rubles.

Many who have various payments from the state, questions arise. For example, what is a social pension and to whom it relies. This is a very important question, but not so complicated, as it seems initially. Unlike labor payments, it is not necessary to wait for a certain age and to work out the experience, but sufficiently approach to a certain group of persons. This payment can be three types:

  • in old age;
  • on the loss of the breadwinner;
  • for disability.

In order to get each of them, you must comply with several conditions that will be described in more detail below.

Obtaining an old age pension: conditions and features

Pensioners are allowed to pay a labor pension that is charged if there is a total experience of over 6 years. Women in it is made in the period of child care (at the moment, half a year for the first and second child, but with the transition to the scoring scheme, this provision will change), as well as accommodation in military towns (no more than 3 years), where there is no employment opportunity.

There is another manual - which is supposed to those who did not score the minimum experience. To obtain social payments, it is necessary to have a certain age: for men - 65 years, and for women - 60. If they are by nationality, they relate to the small peoples of the Far North, the beginning of payments comes before 10 years.

The peculiarities of the payment of old-age benefits are:

  • cancel when working to work;
  • as soon as the experience reaches a six-year limit, the social pension stops paying and the accrual of labor begins.

It is drawn up in the Pension Fund to achieve a certain age. The provision for accrual comes from the funds of the federal budget.

Currently, the mandatory experience is planning to increase to 15 years by 2025, which means that social pensions in old age will receive another large number of Russians after a certain number of years.

In some cases, social payments are carried out with labor:

  • for participants of the Second World War;
  • worked earlier at enterprises with a high degree of risk.

Disassemble the possibility of obtaining an additional payment in the separation of the Pension Fund when submitting documents. Specialists will advise you: is it possible to get this increase in labor pension?

Funds accrued by the loss of the breadwinner

This pension is appointed by all minors (up to 18 years) who have lost one or two parents. For example, if a lone mother died, her children will receive this manual from the state. During his studies in any institution (except those that give additional education), it is possible to extend the amount of pension accrual until 23 years. If the child goes to work, then the payment does not stop, but stops. At the end of employment, you can again take advantage of the right to obtain social security, but this concerns only minors or students.

By loss of the breadwinner, payments are held with the following features:

  • prescribed regardless of the availability of labor experience of the breadwinner;
  • it can be obtained by a child, the intentional actions of which entailed death or a crime, which caused it.

Obtaining a pension after 18 years perhaps, if a child is studying at the daily department. Commodably, such children are possible discounts on entering higher education institutions on the budget. However, there is no amendment in the law that students on a paid basis do not produce accruals.

Another point regarding the social benefit associated with the loss of the breadwinner, if the parent was working to death, the amount of accrued payout can be increased by means of insurance savings.

Social pension of disabled

Another type of social payments in Russia is laid by people, regardless of age. It is appointed by disability:

  • children with congenital or acquired disabilities;
  • adults with disabilities of any group.

The right to receive a pension occurs if the deterioration of health occurred due to a crime, intentional harm to his health, as well as in the absence of experience. Another feature is the independence of this social benefit from working work.

If the disability occurred as a result of service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, then payments are much higher than that of ordinary citizens. In this case, the size is calculated a little differently, and military surcharge is added to the social pension.

Sizes and indexing pension

It is impossible to say that social payments are large enough, and they really live on them without additional income. They are able to become good assistance that can be directed to receive medical care and other needs.

An increase in size due to inflation occurs every year and there is a traditional date of payment of payments - April 1. The news of federal channels, as a rule, report an estimated increase. Therefore, to keep abreast of changes, you must view the releases and Internet portals if possible.

Our legal authorities guarantees the provision of a pension after the onset of the relevant age. Those who do not have the right amount of spent years, no matter what reason is appointed social payment by age.

In which cases it is issued, and what documents it is necessary to submit, you need to carefully study and find out how much an old-age social pension is now.

Social pensions are disabled citizens are different, distinguishing the cause of appointment: as of health, by age, as well as on the loss of the breadwinner.

Who appoints a social pension? This old-age provision is appointed to achieve a certain age, which is 65 years old for men, and for women - 60 years.

What is important, age when leaving for rest with the required amount of spent years occurs before five years. This is the main difference.

Age may change only for small peoples of the North. It takes that the pensioner lives for a long time in the area and has relevant nationality, and also supported the tradition. For these groups of people, the minimum payment by age is scheduled ten years earlier. For men - in 55 years, for women - in 50 years.

Who is laid

Care for rest due to older age is prescribed when a person has reached these years, but does not have the necessary amount of spent years to appoint standard pension provision.

How much is a pension without work experience? In fact, it rarely happens more than the subsistence minimum in this part of the country.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, any citizen has the right to pension after the achievement of older age. In addition, the Legislative Base is the Federal Law "On Pension Provision". For this legislation, the following categories of people can receive social support:

  • people who are considered stateless persons;
  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • disabled;
  • foreign persons who live in our country from 15 years.

To the small peoples of the North, which receive social payments 10 years earlier, belong:

  1. Evenks.
  2. Chukchi.
  3. Nenets.
  4. Aleuts.
  5. Itelmen.

You can only get a social payment to achieve age only in the case when for some reason it is impossible to obtain standard support. Most often it happens when a person did not work officially during his life, and he does not have a confirmed employment experience.

A person in the process of labor makes deductions through who provided work, to a special foundation, from where and the calculation and calculation of payments in old age. A person who does not work and not receiving deductions cannot count on a full-fledged pension. But receiving social security to achieve a certain age is guaranteed in any case.

What documents are needed

We'll figure it out how to get a pension if there is no work experience. To decorate social security by age, you need to contact the full package of documents directly to the Pension Fund where a person constantly lives, or to a special multifunctional center of the State Service.

It can be done by yourself, as well as through the person you trust. The power of attorney should be subscribed to the notary office. A trustee must come to the pension fund strictly with this paper. There is another way to contact the desired organization - a valuable letter through the Russian Post, strictly with the description of the contents of this envelope.

To obtain a monthly social payment you need to collect some package of documents and provide them with a pension fund or MFC. These documents include:

  1. Passport.
  2. If a person who has the desire to get social security is part of the peoples of the Far North, you need to bring and show paper that will prove that a person lived there at least 15 years. In addition, a document is needed indicating nationality and place of birth.
  3. Statement.
  4. Labor book, if there are years of work.

After the documents are collected and provided to the Pension Fund, there is a consideration of the application within 10 days. In the case of a positive decision, the payment is charged from the moment the application is submitted.

A citizen who receives a manual can determine the place of its receipt. Options can be different: getting to a personal account, can bring home, as well as listed on the card. Payments may receive a trustee, but only after the Pension Fund will inform.

The date of acceptance of the application, which came by mail, certifies the stamp, delivered on the envelope; If the documents were submitted via MFC, the day when they accepted the application.

Now about sizes. Pensions and social benefits in 2017 are clearly calculated for individual parts of the country. At the same time, the number is recalculated on April 1. At the moment, retirement without insurance experience means payment of 5034 rubles every month to the death of a citizen. In addition, federal social population is guaranteed. It is paid in those areas where the cost of living below is less than everywhere. At the same time, the minimum social pension in Russia should be no less than the subsistence minimum in the region.


Pensions, benefits, compensation payments, social benefits are forms of state support for citizens who relate to socially unprotected segments of the population. Those who have no place for the years of work, the state still ensures that social benefits are received by age. True, it is appointed five years later, as well as its size no more than the subsistence minimum.

For registration you just need to contact the Pension Fund at the place of residence, write a statement, and can be expected to be a decision. In any case, the elderly citizens do not remain without the support of their country. This right is guaranteed by the Constitution.

No one can say what happens tomorrow, not to mention the long-term perspective, such as the achievement of a certain age. The circumstances are sometimes folded in such a way that in all her life, a person is entitled to the registration of insurance (labor) pension, and can not claim other payments. In order not to leave a citizen on the edge of a financial abyss, the state takes care of him, for which a social pension is provided for old-age, the main criterion for the design of which will be the achievement of a certain age boundary. Let's figure out what social payments by age exist, what are their minimal and maximum size, as well as how similar payments can be obtained.

Social old-age pension for FZ

To fully protect the country's disabled population in the Federal Law, number 166, definitions and norms regulating the design, appointment and accrual of social benefits for those who have not received the right to issue other types of payments were provided. The main goal of social security is the real provision from the state material (financial) support to any person, which fell into a predicary position.


The social pension in old age is a wide range of measures, including monetary (monthly) payments of a certain size in national currency aimed at providing poor, as well as disabled persons, which in view of the circumstances independent of them (old age), do not completely or have Insufficient means of existence. The social pension of old age is appointed to citizens who have reached 65 years old (men) and 60 years old (women), even if they have never been officially employed.

The concept of pension implies compensation for the lost opportunity to earn money, therefore actually replaces the income that a person could get if he worked. In the Russian Federation, several main species are provided, such as labor (insurance), state and social, which is in question. They differ from the source of the origin of funds.

For example, the labor should be accumulated by the citizen himself, making regular contributions to the PF of the Russian Federation, and the state is paid directly from the country's budget. When people on the circumstances independent of them cannot earn the rights to obtain a pension of these types, it is time for the state to take care of them and provide social. Pensions in old age, disability or loss of the breadwinner.

Who has a social old-age social pension

According to new changes in the legislation, which are entered with enviable regularity, the social pension can be framed and paid not only to persons having citizenship of our country. Today, the benefits of this type can be issued by citizens of other states, as well as people who have no citizenship.

However, understanding who is appointed by a social pension in old age, it should be understood that the person who claims it must necessarily live in Russia on an ongoing basis. Everyone, temporarily here, is not allowed to apply to payments, except in exceptional circumstances. To obtain social benefits, a person should treat any group:

  • Citizens who have reached certain age criteria (65 years old men and 55 years old women), which could not earn the right to receive labor (insurance) payments.
  • Disabled people of all groups, as well as childhood, who never worked anywhere, in view of limited physical abilities.
  • Juvenile children, students' students up to 23 years, widow, parents and other relatives, lost the only breadwinner who did not work, or his death occurred due to the wine of the dependent.
  • Families of military personnel who committed a crime, veterans of the Second World War, UBD, and other categories of citizens whose death occurred as a result of intentional causing damage to their own health.

The social pension in old age in Moscow is prescribed and paid on exactly the same grounds as in Samara or Tyumen, there will be no difference here, as this allowance has federal funding. There are even citizens that they have the right to get several types of payments, one of which is social. For example, such persons include the widows who died during the service of the service of soldiers or people affected by radiation and man-made disasters.

Legal base and regulatory justification

Since we are talking about those payments that are intended for the elderly people, let us concentrate on this aspect and will figure it out, on which regulatory justification all this is based and what is the social pension of old age, to accurately understand what can be expected in the future. All questions regarding the appointment of such benefits, its size, the terms of the accrual and timing of the payment are regulated by the following legislative acts:

  • An article number 7, as well as 39 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it states that everyone has the right to receive social benefits in old age and clearly delineates the conditions for its appointment.
  • The federal law under the number 173 is, in fact, a direct addition to the above-mentioned articles of the Constitution. It indicates those conditions that need to be observed that the social type pension has been paid.
  • The law of federal significance for the number 167 provides for all rules for social insurance of citizens of the country and designates the legal side of the issue.

In addition to all that is listed above, it is worth understanding that regional authorities can freely take a wide variety of registered acts, decisions and decisions. In such papers, it is most often meant for additional payments to socially not protected segments of the population, especially when it comes to the people of old age.

Features of social benefits

Expanding what a social pension in old age should consider some details and nuances to consider some details that will help find out what. To begin, it is necessary to understand that the social pension also consists of several main parts: basic, cumulative and insurance. However, all these amounts depend on the norms established by the state, and not on how fruitful and for a long time a person worked, as in the case of labor payments (insurance). The Government of the Russian Federation has already voiced plans that it is 2030-2035 to raise social benefits to make up at least three subsistence minima.

  • Absolutely no differences for the design of social benefits for men and women do not exist, except for the achievement of certain age criteria.
  • The financing of social benefits occurs exclusively from the state treasury (budget) and are laid by the government once a year.
  • For military personnel, social payments are provided only in two cases, when a person gets disability, as well as for the family of the employee with the loss of the breadwinner.
  • The purpose of such a manual with disabilities is possible, subject to the passage of the ITU Commission, which documented the impossibility of working as a state of health.
  • Residents of the Far North, as well as those regions that are equal to it, have the right to issue a social benefit earlier than everyone else, namely, men - in 60, and women in 55 years. However, for this, a person should not only live in difficult climatic conditions, but also belong to small peoples, engaged in fishing and crafts, inherent in them.

It becomes clear what it is, a social pension in old age, since how many years it can be appointed, and to whom it relies and what laws are regulated. It remains only to find out what amount can be obtained by issuing such assistance from the state.

Size of a social pension in old age

From everything that is said above, we can conclude that this type of allowance is very different from the insurance, and in fact it is a full-fledged benefit, no more. It can be issued by exclusive categories of citizens that they could not earn their employment payments for reasons that they did not depend on them. Such provision is established by the state, based on the amount of the subsistence minimum. If the pensioner has the right to receive an insurance pension or social, then he can dwell on what it seems to him the most profitable.

PMP and Social Payments

Every year, a new level of subsistence minimum of pensioners (PMP) is established in the Russian Federation, on the basis of which the pension provision of citizens is calculated. This indicator is calculated based on the consumer basket, as well as the cost of food and industrial goods necessary for survival.

For 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation established the amount of PMP in the Russian Federation in a total of 8 thousand 549 rubles, which differs significantly from the last reporting period in a smaller direction, due to economic growth. It is this amount that serves as the basis for federal social surcharge to pensions of any type.

Thus, even the most minimal size of a social pension in old age, can not be lower than the indicator of the PMP installed this year, that is, the specific amount specified above. However, if such accrual still occurred, then a surcharge is appointed to align the spread and bring the pension to a mandatory minimum. Such an increase is applicant, therefore it will be necessary to go to the nearest department of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation and write an application for appointment. Such additional payments are assigned to working people.

Indexation of social benefits

All pensions whatever they are subject to annual indexation, which increases their size to topical, due to inflation, growth of consumer prices and other indicators factors. No exception and social benefit. According to Article 25 of the Federal Law for the number 166 representatives of the state. The authorities are obliged to index social benefits every year, taking into account the growth of PMP indicators. Special coefficients for enhancement are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The main, basic task of such an indexation is to ensure the buying ability of citizens, due to inflation and rise in price of the product basket. In 2015, a moratorium was declared due to a serious financial and economic crisis and a deficit of the pension system, in view of which indexing of labor (insurance) payments was canceled, and people are accrued for five thousand one-time benefits.

Social pension, for example, for 2016 increased exactly by 4%, which in the monetary equivalent is equivalent to 160-470 rubles. Another, additional indexation was planned, but it was not done, and social retirees also received the payment of five thousand. At this stage, the moratorium has not yet been removed and when it happens, it is absolutely not clear, because people can only wait and hope for the best.

Video guide on the concept of social pension and its size

Even after reading the article, you have remained unresolved questions, it is worth looking below the video that will definitely help figure out what. You can learn from it with useful information about the social pension provision of our country and its current sizes.