What children can do at 6 months. Neuropsychic development of the baby. Cooking vegetable puree

The beloved baby passed the first stage of his development and celebrated the first "anniversary". During this time, he got stronger, grew up, acquired many skills and knowledge. The development of a child at 6 months will bring new achievements.

The baby's muscles get stronger, allowing him to sit up on his own and prepare to crawl. The intelligence of the crumbs is rapidly developing. He learns to speak and overcomes new logical problems.


By the age of six months, the baby doubles its body weight in comparison with its weight at birth and grows by an average of 15 cm. The shoulder width should ideally be ¼ of the length of the body itself. Indicators of height, weight, head volume depend on many factors, but heredity plays the main role.

However, there is a norm that pediatricians and parents are guided by. Below is a table with data developed by WHO. It shows that the physical development of a girl at 6 months is slightly different from that of a boy. Indicators for both sexes correspond to the norm if the data for height, weight, head volume are in the range from "below average" to "above average" inclusive.

Height, weight, head circumference of a six month old baby



Head circumference, cm

Head circumference, cm

Very low

Below the average

Above the average

Very tall

How to assess the correctness of development?

It is important for every mother that the baby grows up healthy. You can assess the physical development of a 6-month-old child on your own by conducting several tests. You should know that observations should be carried out when the baby is well-fed and rested. Tests to verify:

  1. If you put the baby on the tummy, then he, firmly leaning on outstretched arms, raises the body and head at an angle of 45-90 ° to the plane.
  2. In the supine position, you need to let the baby grip its thumbs tightly and pull it a little towards you. The development of a child at 6 months, unlike a younger age, will allow him to happily make an attempt to rise. At the same time, the baby has good head control, and can also touch the chest with the chin.
  3. By putting the baby on his feet and supporting him under the armpits, you can see a new skill that the baby has learned at 6 months. Development will allow him to keep his body weight on his legs for a couple of seconds, while straightening his feet.
  4. If you offer a child a beautiful toy, then a six-month-old baby will be able not only to hold it, but also to transfer it from hand to hand.
  5. It is necessary to interest the baby with a bright new object on the table, then, as soon as the child reaches out to him, start stirring it and throw it on the floor. Interaction with the outside world is a skill that a baby 6 months old has already mastered. Development at the age of six months is characterized by the fact that the baby will follow the object that interested him until he disappears from the field of vision.

Changes in behavior

A six-month-old baby begins to realize what emotions are. He manifests them in accordance with the situation and subtly feels the mood of loved ones. If the parents have fun talking and joking, then the baby also smiles and happily revives. But an angry tone in communication spoils his mood. The baby frowns, is alarmed and may even cry.

Laughter, joy, animation, tears, gestures, changes in facial expressions are a normal reaction to the outside world that a 6-month-old baby can show. The development of a six-month-old child, in contrast to an earlier age, has another striking feature - he can clearly distinguish strangers and loved ones in the environment and reacts to them differently. If children at 3-4 months go to everyone's hands indiscriminately, then at the age of six months they perceive strangers with caution. At the sight of a stranger, the baby freezes, carefully studies the new person, and then reacts with a smile, animation or crying. The appearance of loved ones, and especially mom, he always meets with delight and babble.


The baby begins to understand the meaning of human emotions and to look at the world consciously. The development of a child at 6 months is characterized by the fact that the baby knows the name of him, his brother (sister) and everyone else from the close environment. Along with this comes an understanding of simple words ("on", "give", "no", "bye") and expressions ("let's go eat", "let's go for a walk", "it's time to swim"). It recognizes objects that are used daily or found in the same place, such as a pacifier, a bottle, a clock on the wall. At this age, a passive vocabulary is formed. Over time, after repeated study, hearing the repeated pronouncement of the name of the object, the baby will look at it. Receptive speech skills come before the very ability to pronounce words, so communication and classes with a baby are extremely important.


Starting from the age of six months, a new period in the development of speech begins in a child. At this time, he is already trying to take part in communication with loved ones. The baby does not just babble, but begins to train intonation. He raises or lowers his voice in response to the reaction of the interlocutor. The development of speech at 6 months allows the baby to consciously pronounce the first sound formations. He gets different syllables, consisting of vowels and consonants. The combinations "me-me", "yes-de", "ne-pa", "ge-he" and other similar formations make up the sound "repertoire" that the baby pronounces at 6 months.

The development of correct speech at the age of six months is not the presence of all the vowels and consonants listed above, but a changing pitch and tone, as well as stress in sound formations.

Development problems

All parents want their baby to develop correctly. But, unfortunately, there are some deviations that require correction and the attention of a specialist. For example, if a baby at six months cannot pronounce any vowel sounds, this is a reason for consulting a pediatrician. Parents should be alerted by the following results of monitoring the baby:

  • his humming and babbling stopped;
  • the baby does not react at all to the facial expressions of others, does not look in the face when communicating with him;
  • a constant negative reaction to physical contact: the baby does not just reject loved ones when he is dissatisfied, but always does it;
  • the child does not show emotions: there is no smile, gestures, animation;
  • lack of reaction to different intonations of the mother's voice or inadequate perception of them.

Features in the development of a girl

In an upright position, the baby opens up the world in new colors. Sitting is one of the main skills that accompanies the development of a 6 month old baby. The girl differs in her physiology from the boys, so the parents of the daughters ask the specialists a completely natural and timely question: "When can you sit down the baby with a support?"

According to pediatricians, healthy six-month-old girls with normal development can sit with the support or support of a parent, and by the age of seven months they are already able to do this on their own. In no case should a baby be artificially planted up to 6 months. If at the age of five months her muscles have become stronger, and she will independently take a half-sitting position, there is no point in putting the crumb back in a horizontal position. The baby will still take the position in which she is interested. Leaving your daughter for a short time half-sitting, then you can distract her with something interesting, put her on her tummy or pick her up. It is necessary to observe that a girl at this age does not sit for more than an hour a day.

Baby 6 months: development, nutrition and first feeding

At the age of six months, the first teeth may appear in the baby. Most often, the lower incisors grow first. Of course, it happens that the teeth are late, but a striking feature in the development of the baby is his interest in the food that the whole family eats.

So the moment of the first feeding has come. According to research, pediatricians today recommend first introducing a one-component puree of white or green vegetables into the child's menu. Zucchini, broccoli or cauliflower are perfect for dating. You can choose a special finished product or make a puree yourself. The new dish can only be offered to a healthy baby in a good mood. It is best to do this in the morning. You need to start with one teaspoon, gradually bringing the portion to 180 g and replacing one milk feeding. When meeting with any new product, it is imperative to control the reaction of the body (the nature of the stool and the condition of the skin).

Problems with introducing complementary foods

The crumb does not always accept new food with joy. He may get upset and spit out the puree.

What should mom do? There are many tips, but every kid is different. You can offer another vegetable the next day, for example, instead of not liking broccoli, give zucchini for a sample. Some mothers add a little breast milk to the puree to make the taste of the dish seem familiar to the baby. If this does not help, then it is better to postpone the introduction of complementary foods for a few days and then try again. The most important thing is not to scold or force-feed the baby. The staple food for a six-month-old baby is breast milk or formula, so it is wiser to postpone the introduction of new food for a while than to rush and cause negative emotions in the baby. After 3-4 weeks after the successful introduction of vegetables, you can try porridge.

Entertainment and activities

The correct development of a child at 6 months is influenced not only by balanced nutrition, quality care and sleep, but also by activities in a playful way aimed at improving movements and developing intelligence. It is very important during this period and constant communication with loved ones. You can sing a little song, read funny children's poems, watch picture books and just talk about everything, highlighting key words. For example, a bus has passed, you need to indicate: “Look, bus. Where is the bus? " During communication, a passive speech reserve develops.

At the age of six months, the baby will be interested in floating figures for swimming, closing boxes with contents, dense picture books, balls, whirligig, pyramid, soft animals with sound effect, plastic mirror, chewing toys. Do not give small objects to the baby's hands. Any toy purchased for him must be safe and must be certified.


The first half of the year in a baby's life is a hectic and difficult period. By its end, the six-month-old baby has achieved a lot:

  • freely controls the head and body;
  • can turn in any direction;
  • with precise and coordinated movement of the handle takes the toy you like;
  • easily turns over from the abdomen to the back, and vice versa;
  • knows his name;
  • sits confidently with support or support;
  • he has teeth;
  • for the first time he pronounces conscious sound formations, including consonants;
  • receives the first food for adults;
  • demonstrates his mood and emotions;
  • matches objects and their names.

All of these skills are inherent in a healthy child of 6 months. The development, nutrition, care and love of parents have played a major role in all the achievements of the baby. The care and support of mom and dad will help the baby overcome all difficulties and grow up as a healthy and smart child.

For the sixth month, the child gains an average of 650 grams of weight and grows by 2 cm.Thus, the weight of a six-month-old baby is about 7100 - 7400 g, and the height is 66-70 cm.

It's okay if a child is gaining weight faster or slower (up to six months, weight gain can be up to 2 kg per month), but be wary if there is a sharp change in the centile corridor of weight or height (for more details, see centile tables for boys or girls). The norms of physical development are described in more detail in the centile tables: for boys, for girls.

What a 6 month old baby can do

  • For a long time he is engaged in toys, loves to knock them, swing them, throw them;
  • transfers toys from one hand to another;
  • throws what is grabbed, can quickly pull the toy by the string;
  • transfers items from one container to another;
  • babbles and imitates audible sounds;
  • listens carefully to speech;
  • finds with a glance the objects you are talking about;
  • maintains a certain distance with strangers;
  • starts to crawl
  • creeps up to a toy lying at a distance of 10-20 cm from an outstretched arm;
  • learns to stand up, holding onto the support.

Baby development test at 6 months

1. The child distinguishes a thing from the environment by moving his gaze. Keep the rattle 25 cm away from the baby. He looks at the rattle, then at the surroundings, clearly distinguishing the rattle with his eyes.

2. If you offer a child a horn and a doll, then his reactions will be different: the child opens his mouth to the horn, makes sucking movements, and responds to the doll with joyful reactions of revival.

3. The child is in a supine position. You bring the ringing bell closer to it, and then move it away. The child will rise and with the help of an adult who holds his fingers, he will be able to sit up.

4. When talking with your child, try changing the expression on his face - from affectionate to angry. The child reacts to these changes in different ways: wrinkles his forehead, smiles, gulps, etc.

5. The child will resist if the adult tries to take the toy from his hands, which he holds for several minutes. Outwardly, this can be expressed in reactions of displeasure.

6. Reactions to your own and someone else's name are different. The child reacts to his name with a complex of “revitalization”.

7. The child can crawl slightly and grab the toy with his hands, can roll over from his stomach to his back.

8. The first signs of babbling appear - the baby can even pronounce individual syllables.

9. The child can already eat from the spoon. Begins to drink from a cup.

10. Laughs loudly in response to emotional speech addressing him, reaches for a mirror image.

How much does a child sleep at 6 months

Babies from 6 to 9 months need about 14-15 hours of sleep per night, and they can sleep for about 7 hours in a row. If your child sleeps for more than seven hours, he probably wakes up briefly, but knows how to fall asleep again on his own - a great sign. This means that you are growing a great sleepyhead.

How much does a child eat at 6 months

5 feedings after 4 hours. You can start gradually introducing complementary foods if you haven't done so before. According to the WHO recommendations, it is advisable to introduce complementary foods no later than 6 months, since otherwise there may be problems with chewing, and with providing the baby's body with vitamins and microelements in the required quantities.

Regime and daily routine of the child at 6 months

The daily regimen depends on the number of feedings and the baby's biorhythms (someone gets up earlier in the morning, someone later, someone sleeps more during the day) and, often, differs in all children of the same age. Adjust to the baby, but try to feed and put your baby to bed at the same time every day, so he will have less digestive and sleep problems. The approximate daily routine of the baby.

This mode is far from a clock guide to the life of a mother and baby, but only an example by which one can imagine what the duration of sleep and wakefulness, breaks between meals, can be.

Baby health at 6 months

At 6 months, the first teeth begin to erupt, you can notice them when feeding with a spoon - the spoon will tinkle on the gums. The gums swell and itch, which makes the child uncomfortable.

Educational activities and games for a 6 month old baby

At 6 months, the baby is already sitting and his hands are free to operate with a variety of objects. We will help him develop fine motor skills of the hands, this is very important for the subsequent development of speech. In addition to musical toys at this age, the baby loves to play with objects that fold into each other - molds of different sizes, nesting dolls, pyramids. We start playing Ladushki. First, take the baby's hands in yours and clap, saying: okay, okay, where were grandma's, what they ate - porridge, what they drank - mash (milk), drank and ate - they flew, they sat on the head (hands on the head).

Music games that imitate the voices of animals when you press a button are also suitable for the kid.

Six months is the first serious milestone, the first "jubilee" in a child's life, because in the second half of the year, a helpless baby turns into a small whirlwind that begins to actively explore the world around him, first on all fours, and then on two legs. At 6 months, the baby first sits down on his own, begins to eat "adult" food and learn to manipulate with both hands. At this age, it is already possible to start developing activities with the child, but for this you need to know what a child should be able to do at 6 months and what aspects of his development should be paid attention to.

Physical development of the child at 6 months

In the sixth month of life, the child gains about 500-600 grams in weight, his height increases by 1.5-2 cm, on average children at this age weigh from 7 to 9 kg, and their height is 65-70 cm.

At the sixth month of life, the child already knows how to confidently roll over from back to stomach and back and constantly improve his skills, managing to roll from place to place and even fall out of bed or sofa, now the baby can be left alone in his crib or playpen.

Many babies by the end of the sixth month already know how to sit on their own, and those who still cannot do it, sit down, holding on and pulling up on something with their hands. But at this age, the child's spine cannot withstand the weight of his body for a long time, therefore, you cannot put the child for more than 15-20 minutes at a time, as well as use a walker, sitting swing or vertical "kangaroo".

At 6 months, the child begins to actively use two hands, now he can hold, twist and twirl toys not with one hand, but with two, and also transfer them from hand to hand.

At the same age, children, lying on their stomachs, raise the upper body, leaning on one hand, and with the other they try to reach or grab something. By the end of the 6th month, some babies may be holding onto a support or crawling. Those children who are not yet able to crawl begin to master other ways of moving in space - they turn over on their sides, push off vertical surfaces with their legs, pull themselves up with their arms or spin around their axis. It is very important to give the child enough freedom for such physical activity - this will help strengthen the muscles of the back, arms and legs and the child will begin to crawl and walk earlier. To do this, you need to put the baby on a blanket on the floor or on the bed every day, several times a day, undress him and give him the opportunity to move around for pleasure.

By six months in most children the first teeth begin to cut through, during this period, the child can become capricious, lethargic, refuse food and toys. It is quite simple to notice the growth of teeth - the child's gums turn red, swell, he pulls any objects into his mouth, holds a finger in his mouth or gnaws at a nipple, and also he is drooling.

Neuropsychic development

At the age of 6 months, early childhood development classes can already be started. The kid already knows how to focus his gaze on small objects, for example, in pictures in books, distinguishes well the emotions of others and happily copies the sounds and movements of adults. At this age, he begins to identify himself - he turns his head if he hears his name, rejoices when he is praised or starts crying if he hears an angry voice.

At 6 months, the baby already recognizes his toys, loves to play "peek-a-boo" and listen to various nursery rhymes, accompanied by simple movements, at this age the child actively develops speech - he pronounces various syllables, vowels, sings and "talks" even when he remains one.

So half a year is a great time for the first developmental activities, now, when the child has sat down, his hands are freed and various toys for the development of fine motor skills of hands will be very useful during this period. The main thing is not to give him small objects or toys that can be easily broken, as children continue to explore the world "to taste" and will definitely try to chew on a new toy. Most of all, children at this age like toys consisting of large parts, on a string or elastic band, which can be moved and pulled, as well as a variety of pyramids, pasches and other toys that are inserted into one another or strung on a rod. It is no less useful for the development of the child to give him as many materials to the touch as possible, different in texture, it can be special soft toys made from different fabrics and stuffed with different fillers or homemade balls, stripes and other toys with sand, rice, peas, beans, etc. etc.

By the age of 6 months, a difference in the character and pace of development of the child becomes noticeable, calm children at this age are more busy mastering their hands, little "energizers" prefer physical activity and can chant all day. Starting from 6 months, it becomes more difficult to assess the development of a child, since skills are acquired by him gradually and depend only on the pace of individual development. For example, children begin to crawl from 6-7 months to a year, and someone does not crawl at all, but immediately walks and all this is a variant of the norm. Therefore, parents should not be upset if their baby does not do what his peers are already able to do, the main thing is that his development meets standard norms. So at 6 months, a child should be able to.

The baby reached the age of six months, during which time he turned from a helpless baby into an active and intelligent baby who already knows a lot. In addition, the baby grew a lot and gained weight, he could even acquire the first tooth. What parents should know about a six month old baby?

By this age, the baby has already learned a lot, he has grown and strengthened, has certain skills, actively learns the world, develops all the senses. The development of a child at 6 months, whether a boy or a girl, is about the same. Although there are tendencies to outstrip in height and weight among boys, girls develop emotionally faster. Now there are many new successes in the physical development of a child at 6 months:

  • The kid can actively turn on the side and back, and he can also turn over in the opposite direction
  • The baby actively plays with his hands and feet, due to his flexibility, he can easily suck not only the fingers, but also the feet. He actively raises his head to his feet to grab them with his handles.
  • A child can take a toy from the hands of adults, as well as from any surfaces, while he firmly holds it in his hands, knocks or waves it, throws it and picks it up again
  • Can be played simultaneously with two rattles in two hands, striking them against each other or on surfaces
  • Flexes the back, leaning on the legs and back of the head like a "bridge"
  • Tries to get on all fours, swinging to the sides and squatting on the ass, tries to crawl lying on his stomach behind objects, or makes forward movements on all fours
  • Learns to sit with handles
  • Tries to pull up in crib
  • He reaches for the toys suspended in front of him, grabs them.

The mental development of children under 6 months does not lag behind the physical as well. Learning the world, the child pulls everything into his mouth, thus stimulating the receptors not only of taste, but also of touch, determining the density, shape of the object. Until the moment the baby speaks, he can pull everything into his mouth, thus developing. Now the child should be occupied with toys and objects that adults "play" with (telephone, remote control, laptop). They reach out to them, touch them, try to play them. In communication, babbling appears with different intonations, the baby clearly distinguishes between the emotions of adults, positive and negative, and reacts to them. Also, at the request of relatives, the baby can look for familiar objects, distinguish between relatives and strangers, and may be frightened. The baby is already establishing connections between the action and its consequences, reacts to sounds - newer and more familiar, will study a new toy with interest.

What does a baby look like at 6 months

A six-month-old baby looks like a chubby. His cheeks, arms and legs have become significantly rounded, cute constrictions are formed on them. The hair on the head can change its color, as well as the color of the eyes; in many children, the first vellus hair gradually falls out and the head can be covered with short new hairs. The main parameters of a child at 6 months are his height and weight indicators, as well as the circumference of the chest and head, which the doctor measures monthly at appointments. Often parents are also interested in the question of what should be the size of a child's feet at 6 months. it is determined by the length of the foot, by this time they can be 9.5-10.5 cm or it is 16-18 shoe sizes. It is important to know so that you can take the first shoes to the baby with a margin, the legs grow very quickly. But before your first steps, it is not necessary to buy sandals, the baby can be in socks or booties.

How much should a child weigh at 6 months

Now one of the main indicators of development will be the average weight of a child at 6 months. it is, on average, 6500-7800g with fluctuations that depend on the initial weight at birth. you should not be guided in assessing the increments on the standard weight norms of a child at 6 months. If a baby was born with a weight of 2000 or 4500 g, by six months they will have their own norms and dynamics of weight gain. On average, it is permissible for a baby to gain from 500 to 1000g per month in the first half of the year. It is worth remembering about gender differences, there is a difference in how much a girl should weigh at 6 months or a boy. Boys usually weigh 200-400 g more, since they usually weigh more at birth.
If a child is gaining weight poorly at 6 months while breastfeeding or formula, this may be the first signal that it is time to introduce complementary foods, he no longer has enough calories. If the weight tends to decrease, it is worth driving the more high-calorie cereals first. But usually poor weight gain is associated with digestive disorders, allergies and other health problems. It is worthwhile to consult a pediatrician once again.

The six-month-old baby has already left behind the first, most difficult part of his infancy, and the parents have learned to recognize the mood and desires of the child, have arranged their life and have established a regime that is comfortable for all family members.

A six-month-old baby begins to actively learn about the environment, in this he is helped by the development of his body. From the age of 6 months, the child moves more freely - he controls both arms, turns over on his stomach, then sits down and begins to crawl on all fours. He learns the taste not only of breast milk or formula, but also of older food.

From the age of six months, one can already develop both the physiological mechanisms of the child's skills and his mental abilities, the perception of beauty. So that your efforts are directed in the right direction, we will figure out what a six-month-old baby can do.

Physical development of a six-month-old baby: norms and features

It should be noted that each person, including a baby, is an individual, therefore, any norms for the development of an organism are estimated only approximately. As adults vary in weight, height and temperament, so children can be thin or plump, short or tall, but healthy. They are usually worried about serious deviations, due to which a person lives inadequately and does not join society.

By the 6th month of life, a boy or girl gains, respectively, 500-600 g to their birth weight, and their height increases by two centimeters. On average, the weight of a six-month-old baby reaches 9 kg, and the height can range from 65 cm to 70 cm.

  • By the 7th month, he should be calm roll from tummy to back and back... Your child is much more mobile, he can fall from an ordinary bed to the floor, if you do not look after him - you can leave one baby only in the arena with protection.
  • At the age of 6-7 months, some children already sit on their own or pull themselves upholding on to something or someone with your hands. At this age, the child's spine has not yet matured, it does not support the child's weight for a long time, so your baby should sit no more than 15-20 minutes at a time. It is not yet time to purchase walkers, sit-up slings and swings (we recommend reading :).
  • At 6 months, the child is active starts using both pens... Twirls toys in them, can reach for a spoon during feeding, transfers objects from one handle to another.
  • After reaching six months, many babies begin to crawl, and some even stand, holding on to the support (we recommend reading :)... If the child still does not know how to do this, then he usually uses other funny ways of moving - he can roll from side to side, reach out, grab all the arms and pull himself up, lift the upper body while lying on his tummy, try to grab something.
  • During this period, it is important not to limit the physical activity of the baby: try to often leave him free of clothes on the changing table, lay him on the bed or on a blanket on the floor so that the child can move as much as he wants.

The active use of both pens is a distinctive skill of this period, which indicates the correct development of the baby's motor skills and psyche.

Another important process that is activated in a child at six months is teething. If the baby is actively pulling pens, toys and foreign objects into his mouth, has become capricious or lethargic, refuses food and favorite entertainment, the first tooth will soon appear.

Neuropsychic and emotional development of the child

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The ability to perceive the world around us in a new way, more fully, contributes to the fact that a child in six months already shows more emotions, reveals his temperament and shows character. He clearly focuses his gaze on objects and people, deliberately smiles, copies sounds, understands when he is praised or scolded. She cries less often, and the reason for crying is becoming increasingly clear to adults. Most importantly, many babies already identify themselves, react when others say their name.

Komarovsky, one of the most popular pediatricians of our time, believes that it is from 6 months that you can start developing activities with your son or daughter in a playful way. Highlight a few toys that the child pays the most attention to, tell simple stories, read small tales and poems - the child will hear the correct speech and his own will develop faster.

Use the new physiological capabilities of your baby, develop these skills. Buy toys to improve motor skills, bricks, balls, large puzzles and sorters (we recommend reading :). You can play with peas and beans, pasta, but make sure that the child himself does not come into contact with small objects, does not accidentally swallow anything, because it is from this age that the little ones pull foreign objects into their mouths because of disturbing gums, the desire to taste everything.

Buy teethers, toys made from different fabrics - let him familiarize himself with the texture of things. Kinetic sand and plasticine dough, pyramids and pies, wooden toys, picture books and musical instruments for the little ones are useful. You can also include short educational videos.

What should a little fidget be able to at this age?

Six months is the age when a child begins to show his temperament. Calm kids are more busy contemplating the world around them and studying their pens, while active kids sleep less, are in motion all the time, like to walk and play. The development of children from 6 months proceeds in different ways: one crawls for a long time and is in no hurry to walk with his fragile legs, the other immediately starts running. Parents should not look for illnesses and signs of lag in their child.

Standard points of satisfactory physiological and neuropsychic development of a six-month-old baby according to Dr. Komarovsky:

  • the child independently rolls over from the back to the tummy;
  • likes to do jumps on his knees and booty;
  • sits down if pulled by the hands (we recommend reading :);
  • takes toys with both hands;
  • hums, groans and laughs;
  • emotionally reacts to the appeal, notes the arrival of parents, strangers;
  • tries to imitate sounds, such as the meow of a cat;
  • drinks from a bottle and eats from a spoon.

The kid becomes a doer: he seeks cooperation with adults, actively interacts with objects - no longer just pats on toys, but skillfully manipulates them - examines, pulls out, shakes, transfers from hand to hand, throws. Parents really have reason to worry and consult a doctor if, after reaching 6 months of age, the child is monotonous in motor activity, does not respond to treatment, is not interested in what is happening around him.

We determine the level of development of a six-month-old baby using tests

  • Determine the development of attention: pick up a toy and hold it at a distance of 20-30 cm from the baby. He will focus on her.
  • Give your baby a bottle of milk or juice, then suggest a favorite toy. By 7 months, the baby's reaction should already be uneven. At the sight of an entertaining toy - animation, interest, an attempt to grab an object. At the sight of food - sucking movements, open mouth.
  • When your baby is lying down, ring a bell directly above him or turn on a musical toy, and then slowly move it away. The child himself or with a little help from an adult will rise, trying to pick up the toy.
  • Talk privately with your son or daughter, eye contact, emotionally, and facial expressions. The toddler should repeat at least a little after you.
  • Try to take away from your child a favorite toy that he is now holding tightly in the handle and intends to play. The kid must stubbornly hold the object, resist, express his discontent, even cry.
  • If you and your family often refer to the child by name, then at the age of six months the toddler should already revive and react to him with facial expressions, humming.

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