Children who grew up with animals. Shocking true stories of feral children raised among animals. Scientific explanation of the phenomenon of "wild children"

Stories about Mowgli children amaze the imagination of any person. It is difficult to imagine how a child who was adopted and raised by animals can, in principle, return to a normal life. Some succeed, and some stories have a tragic ending.

Perhaps one of the most impressive cases of Mowgli children is Ng Chaidi. She disappeared into the jungle at the age of 4 and was only discovered 38 years later, in 2012. Locals have heard about the lost girl for years, but they thought it was just gossip. She went missing in India and was later found in Myanmar, where she lived in a cemetery.

Most notably, as someone who has lived most of her adult life in the jungle, Chaidi doesn't seem all that wild. She speaks elementary phrases, learns and perceives new words, is not afraid to contact people. Since the woman's family did not allow her to receive medical or psychological assistance, there is no information about her exact condition.

Ivan Mishukov, born in 1992, at the age of 4, by the will of fate, ended up on the street. According to one version, his parents abandoned him, according to another, he himself ran away from his alcoholic mother and her aggressive roommate. On the street, he made friends with a pack of dogs and even became a leader. The boy brought food to the animals, and they saved him from the cold, warming him with their warmth and scaring away strangers from him. Three times Ivan was caught by the police, and three times he escaped with the help of a flock. So the boy lived for 2 years, until he was finally detained by law enforcement agencies. He quickly learned the human language and became a full-fledged member of society.

Marcos at the age of 7, his father sold to a local shepherd, who took him to live in the mountains. After 4 years, the shepherd died, and the boy was left alone with his evil stepmother. Tired of enduring constant humiliation and beatings, the child went to the mountains and settled in the forest. Marcos' story is very special, not only because he lived 12 years in the wild with wolves and other animals, but also because he spent a lot of time trying to integrate back into society (today he is 68 years old), but only partially succeeded. .

“Animals told me what to eat. I ate everything they ate,” the man recalls. “For example, wild boars ate tubers buried underground. They smelled food and began to dig the ground. Then I threw a stone at them, and when the animals ran away, I took their prey.”

Marcos has a particularly warm relationship with wolves. “One day I went into a cave and started playing with the cubs that lived there, and accidentally fell asleep,” Marcos says. Later, my mother brought them food, I woke up. She saw me, gave me a glare, and then began to tear the meat into pieces. I tried to steal food from a wolf cub that was next to me, because I was very hungry. Then the mother wolf laid her paw on me, and I was forced to retreat. When she fed the babies, she threw me a piece of meat. I did not want to touch it, because I thought that the predator would attack me, but she pushed the meat with her nose in my direction. I took it, ate it and thought that she would bite me, but the she-wolf stuck out her tongue and began to lick me. After that, I became one of the members of the pack.”

Marcos had many animals as friends: a snake, a deer, a fox. The man still knows how to perfectly reproduce the sounds of animals. He also gives lectures to children in schools, where he talks about the habits of forest animals and birds.

In 1987, a 5-year-old boy was discovered in South America, who lived for a year surrounded by monkeys. Surprisingly, at the age of 17, he still behaved like a primate: he did not talk at all, walked like a monkey, refused to eat cooked food, never played with other children, stole raw meat and went outside through the window. The fate of the feral young man was tragic: in 2005 he died in a fire.

The story of Marina Chapman is so amazing that at first, well-known publishers refused to publish her autobiographical book, because they thought it was just fiction. If you do not know the nightmarish past of a woman, we can assume that until now she lived the life of an ordinary person. In fact, Marina went through real circles of hell.

At the age of 4, the girl was kidnapped by unknown persons for the purpose of further ransom, but subsequently abandoned in the jungles of South America. For the next 5 long years, the baby lived in a society of primates. Capuchin monkeys taught her how to catch birds and rabbits with her bare hands, skillfully climb trees, move on all fours. Soon the girl was accidentally discovered by hunters. Since Marina could not speak, the "saviors" took advantage of her helplessness and sold her to one of the Colombian brothels. After some time, she escaped from there and lived on the street for some time, until she fell into slavery in a family of famous mafiosi.

The girl managed to enlist the help and support of one of the neighbors, who secretly took her to England. There she got a job as a nanny, successfully married and had children.

Chapman's story is so amazing that scientists have long doubted its veracity. Colombian professor Carlos Conde fully confirmed the woman's story based on the results of the tests. X-rays clearly show the presence of Harris lines, which indicate that Marina suffered from severe malnutrition in childhood. Most likely, this was during the period when she lived with capuchins and the diet was very poor and limited. However, it is to the monkeys that the woman owes her miraculous salvation.

Everyone knows stories about children raised by animals. I bring to your attention a few of these stories.

1. Wild Boy Peter

In 1724, a naked hairy boy who walked on all fours was found in a forest near the city of Hameln in Germany. When he was tricked, he behaved like a wild animal, preferring to eat birds and vegetables raw and unable to speak. After he was transported to England, he was given the name of the wild boy Peter. And despite never learning to speak, he supposedly loved music, was taught to do simple jobs, and lived to a ripe old age.

2. Victor of Aveyron

He was perhaps one of the most famous Mowgli children. The story of Victor of Aveyron became widely known thanks to the movie "Wild Child". Although his origins are a mystery, it is believed that Victor lived his entire childhood alone in the forest before he was discovered in 1797. After several more disappearances, he appeared in the vicinity of France in 1800. Victor has been the subject of study by many philosophers and scientists who have thought about the origin of language and human behavior, although little has been achieved in its development due to mental retardation.

3. Lobo, the wolf girl from the Devil's River

In 1845, a mysterious girl was seen running on all fours among wolves, attacking a herd of goats near San Felipe, Mexico. The story was confirmed a year later, when the girl was seen again, this time greedily eating a dead goat. The alarmed villagers began searching for the girl, and soon the wild girl was caught. It is believed that she constantly howled like a wolf at night, attracting packs of wolves that broke into the village to save her. In the end, she broke free and escaped from her confinement.
The girl was not seen until 1854, when she was accidentally spotted with two wolf cubs near the river. She grabbed the cubs and ran into the forest and since then no one has seen her again.

4. Amala and Kamala

These two girls, aged 8 years (Kamala) and 18 months (Amala), were found in a wolf den in 1920 at Midnapore in India. Their history is controversial. Since the girls had a big age difference, experts believe that they were not sisters. It is possible that they came to the wolves at different times. Both girls had all the habits of animals: they walked on all fours, howled at night, opened their mouths and stuck out their tongues like wolves. Like the other Mowgli children, they wanted to return to their old lives and felt unhappy trying to get comfortable in the civilized world. After the younger girl died, Kamala cried for the first time. The older girl managed to partially socialize.

5 Uganda Monkey Baby

In 1988, 4-year-old John Ssebunya fled into the jungle after his father killed his mother in front of him, 4-year-old John Ssebunya fled into the jungle, where, presumably, he was raised by green monkeys. Time passed, but John never left the forest and the villagers began to believe that the boy was dead.
In 1991, one of the local peasant women, having gone into the jungle to get firewood, suddenly saw in a flock of vervets, pygmy green monkeys, a strange creature, in which she recognized with some difficulty a little boy. According to her, the boy's behavior was not much different from monkeys - he deftly moved on all fours and easily communicated with his "company".
As with other Mowgli children, he resisted the villagers who tried to capture him, and received help from his monkey relatives, who threw sticks at people. Later, having learned to speak, John said that the monkeys taught him everything necessary for life in the jungle - climbing trees, searching for food, in addition, he mastered their "language". The last thing that became known about him was that he was touring with the children's choir of the Pearl of Africa.

6. Chita girl who grew up among dogs

A few years ago, this story appeared on the front pages of Russian and foreign newspapers - a 5-year-old girl Natasha was found in Chita, who moved like a dog, lapped water from a bowl and instead of articulate speech made only barks, which is not surprising, because, as it turned out later, the girl spent almost her whole life in a locked room, in the company of cats and dogs.
The child's parents did not live together and set out different versions of what happened - the mother (I really want to put this word in quotation marks), 25-year-old Yana Mikhailova claimed that her father had stolen the girl from her long ago, after which she did not raise her. The father, 27-year-old Viktor Lozhkin, in turn, stated that the mother did not pay Natasha due attention even before he took the baby to him at the request of her mother-in-law.
Later it was established that the family could not be called prosperous in any way, in the apartment where, in addition to the girl, her father, grandparents lived, there was terrifying unsanitary conditions, there was no water, heat and gas.
When they found her, the girl behaved like a real dog - she rushed at people and barked. Having taken Natasha away from her parents, the employees of the guardianship and guardianship authorities placed her in a rehabilitation center so that the girl could adapt to life in human society, her "loving" father and mother were arrested.

7. Volgograd Prisoner of the Birdcage

The story of the Volgograd boy in 2008 shocked the entire Russian public. His own mother kept him locked up in a 2-room apartment inhabited by many birds.
For unknown reasons, the mother did not raise the child, giving him food, but not communicating with him at all. As a result, the boy, up to seven years old, spent all his time with birds, when law enforcement officers found him, in response to their questions, he only “chirped” and flapped his “wings”.
The room where he lived was full of bird cages and just overflowing with droppings. According to eyewitnesses, the boy's mother clearly suffered from a mental disorder - she fed street birds, took birds home and lay on the bed all day long, listening to their chirping. She did not pay attention to her son at all, apparently considering him one of her pets.
When the "bird boy" became known to the relevant authorities, he was sent to a psychological rehabilitation center, and his 31-year-old mother was deprived of parental rights.

Source 8The little Argentinean rescued by stray cats

In 2008, the police in the Argentine province of Misiones found a homeless baby of one year old, who was in the company of wild cats. Apparently, the boy was in the company of cats for at least a few days - the animals took care of him as best they could: they licked the dried mud from his skin, brought him food and warmed him on frosty winter nights.
A little later, they managed to get to the boy's father, who led a vagrant lifestyle - he told the police that he had lost his son a few days ago when he was collecting waste paper. Dad told the officers that wild cats had always protected his son.

9. Kaluga Mowgli

2007, Kaluga region, Russia. Residents of one of the villages noticed a boy who appeared to be about 10 years old in a nearby forest. The child was in a pack of wolves, who, apparently, considered him "their" - together with them he got food, running on half-bent legs.
Later, law enforcement officers raided the "Kaluga Mowgli" and found him in a wolf's lair, after which he was sent to one of the Moscow clinics.
The surprise of the doctors knew no bounds - after examining the boy, they concluded that although he looked like a 10-year-old, in fact he should have been about 20 years old. From life in a wolf pack, the guy's toenails turned almost into claws, his teeth resembled fangs, his behavior copied the habits of wolves in everything.
The young man did not know how to speak, did not understand Russian and did not respond to the name Lyosha given to him during the capture, reacting only when he was called “kis-kis-kis”.
Unfortunately, the specialists failed to return the boy to normal life - just a day after he was placed in the clinic, "Lyosha" escaped. His further fate is unknown.

10. Pupil of Rostov goats

In 2012, the employees of the guardianship authorities of the Rostov region, having come with a check to one of the families, saw a terrible picture - 40-year-old Marina T. kept her 2-year-old son Sasha in a goat pen, practically not caring about him, while, when the child was found, the mother was not at home.
The boy spent all his time with animals, played and slept with them, as a result, by the age of two he could not learn to speak and eat normally. Needless to say, the sanitary conditions in the two-by-three-meter room he shared with his horned "friends" not only left a lot to be desired - they were appalling. Sasha was emaciated from malnutrition when he was examined by doctors, it turned out that he weighed about a third less than healthy children his age.
The boy was sent to rehabilitation, and then to an orphanage. At first, when they tried to return him to human society, Sasha was very afraid of adults and refused to sleep in bed, trying to get under it. A criminal case was opened against Marina T. under the article “Improper performance of parental duties”, a lawsuit was filed with the court to deprive her of parental rights.

11. Adopted son of a Siberian dog

In one of the provincial regions of the Altai Territory in 2004, a 7-year-old boy was discovered who was raised by a dog. The mother left little Andrei three months after his birth, entrusting the care of her son to an alcoholic father. Soon after, the parent also left the house where they lived, apparently without even remembering the child.
The guard dog, who fed Andrei and raised him in his own way, became the father and mother for the boy. When he was found by social workers, the boy could not speak, moved only like a dog and was wary of people. He bit and carefully sniffed the food that was offered to him.
For a long time, the child could not be weaned from dog habits - in the orphanage, he continued to behave aggressively, rushing at his peers. However, gradually, the specialists managed to instill in him the skills of communicating with gestures, Andrey learned to walk like a human and use cutlery while eating.
The pupil of the guard dog was also accustomed to sleeping in bed and playing with the ball, attacks of aggression happened to him less and less and gradually faded away.

12. Ukrainian dog girl

Left in a kennel by her negligent parents at the age of 3 to 8, Oksana Malaya grew up surrounded by other dogs. When she was found in 1991, she was unable to speak, choosing dog barking over speech and running around on all fours. Now in her twenties, Oksana has been taught to speak, but is left with mental retardation. Now she takes care of the cows that are on a farm near the boarding school where she lives.

13 Cambodian Jungle Girl

Rochom P'ngieng got lost and mysteriously disappeared at the age of 8 when she was herding a buffalo in the jungles of Cambodia. 18 years later, in 2007, a villager saw a naked woman sneaking up to his house in an attempt to steal rice. After Once the woman was identified as the lost girl Rocham Piengeng by the distinctive scar on her back, it turned out that the girl miraculously survived in the dense jungle.
The girl was unable to learn the language and adapt to the local culture and disappeared again in May 2010. Much conflicting information about her whereabouts has since surfaced, including a report that in June 2010 she was seen in a pit of a dug-out toilet near the house.

14. Madina

The tragic story of Madina is similar to the story of Oksana Malaya. Madina lived with dogs on her own before she was discovered at the age of 3. When they found her, she knew only two words - yes and no, although she preferred to bark like a dog. Fortunately, Madina was declared mentally and physically healthy immediately upon discovery. Although her development has been retarded, she is at an age where hope is not completely lost and those who care for her believe that she will be able to lead a normal life when she grows up.

Some predatory animals rescued children and took care of them for many years as if they were their own babies. Dr. Dear Barrett, a psychologist at Harvard Medical School, described all known cases of children living among animals from 1900 to 2004 in her book Supernatural Impulses. She counted 31 children with such a fate.

Here are six such stories.

1 Girls raised by wolves in India

In 1920, 8-year-old Kamala and 18-month-old Amala were found in a wolf den in Midinipur, India. The incident was documented by Christian missionary J. L. Singh, who found them.

“These children were more ferocious than the cubs. Long matted hair hung from their shoulders, their jaws had a strange wolf bite, and their teeth were angular and sharp. They didn't eat vegetables and could smell raw meat from a distance,” writes Dr. Abraham Sperling in his book Psychology for Millions.

After a year spent in an orphanage, Amala died. When this happened, her sister showed human emotions for the first time. Kamala lived for another 8 years. During this time, she learned to walk on two legs and speak a few words. True, when in a hurry, she ran on all fours.

The doctor who took care of them says they only ate milk and meat and didn't sleep at night, Sperling writes.

Their foster wolf mother resisted fiercely when they wanted to take the girls from her as if they were her puppies, writes Barrett. She had to be shot. Other wolves from the pack came to the village and howled.

2The Boy Adopted By Monkeys After His Mother Was Murdered

John Ssebunya from Uganda was 2 or 3 years old when he witnessed his father kill his mother. He fled to the jungle, where he was cared for by monkeys for a year. When a local resident went into the depths of the jungle in search of firewood, he was amazed to see a child among a group of monkeys.

Britons Paul and Molly Vasswa later adopted a child. Journalist Evan Fergusson met him 10 years later in 1999. Fergusson, who described the meeting in an article in The Guardian, says that Ssebunya could only speak Swahili and stuttered a lot. Although the boy's mannerisms, including short responses and avoidance of eye contact, were very different, his responses were logical and meaningful.

For example, when Fergusson asked him about the bad treatment of some children in human society, Ssebunya replied through an interpreter: “They were just interested. I don't want to think badly of them because of this. I was different." He could vaguely remember the first time the monkeys had cautiously approached him when he had been alone in the jungle for several days. He remembers that he was not comfortable sleeping in the trees, and how the monkeys taught him to move through the trees in search of food.

According to Barrett, the monkeys threw sticks and stones at the villagers who tried to take Ssebunya. She writes: “When children are found living among animals, their adoptive parents always resist fiercely when they are taken away.”

3. Ostrich boy from North Africa?

Sidi Mohammed was found at the age of 15 in 1945 in North Africa. He told anthropologist Jean-Claude Armin that he had lived with ostriches since he was five years old. This story appeared in Notes Africaines on April 26, 1945. This incident was also described in the book Unexplained Phenomena by Bob Rickard.

The boy told Armen that when he was five years old he found an ostrich's nest and the birds took care of him. He stayed there, eating grass with them, learning to run at great speed and sleeping under their wings at night. He was found by hunters and returned to his parents, but all the time he yearned for a life with birds. This story is entirely based on the boy's words, and it is not clear if Armen did any research to verify these facts.

4. Chicken coop boy in Fiji

Unlike the children mentioned above, Sujit Kumar was not adopted by animals in the true sense of the word. He was just locked up with the animals and spent so much time with them that he adopted their behavior. For several years he interacted more with chickens than with people who simply came to feed him and occasionally hose him down to wash him.

When he was a child, his father was killed and his mother committed suicide. Kumar was taken in by his grandparents, but he showed visible signs of mental distress. They locked him in a chicken coop because they couldn't handle him, his cousin says.

In a 2011 interview with ABC, Australian businesswoman Elizabeth Clayton, after learning about Kumar's history in Fiji, decided to take custody of him. By this time, he was already a grown man. He was found at the age of 12 in 1984, after which he was kept tied up in a mental hospital for almost 20 years, where, like in a chicken coop, he practically did not communicate with anyone. It still eats chicken food and attacks people trying to peck at them.

At the time of this interview, Clayton Kumar was in his 30s and still clucking and unable to speak. Clayton tries to teach him to communicate, she believes it is necessary to find another guardian when she dies. She is over 60 and Kumar is in his 30s so she is worried about his future. She says that if he does not learn to communicate, then it will be problematic for him to find a guardian.

5. South African boy raised by monkeys

Mthiyane from South Africa lived for a year among the monkeys after his mother left him. He was found when he was 5 years old and sent to an orphanage, but only by the age of 15 did he learn to walk upright on two legs.

Even 10 years later, he still has not learned to speak, refuses to eat cooked food. Mthiyane's story is briefly mentioned in Child and Adolescent Development: An Integrated Approach by David F. Bjorklund and Carlos Hernandez Blasi.

6. A boy raised by wolves in Central Asia

In 1962, geologists discovered Juma running with a pack of wolves in a desert in Central Asia. They caught him with a net, but with great difficulty - all the wolves had to be killed. The boy was seven years old and spent the next 30 years in a hospital in Turkmenistan, writes Adriana S. Bendzaken in Encounters with Wild Children.

He started talking four years later and told scientists that he rode on the back of his wolf mother, and then she taught him to ride on the back of the rest of the wolves in the pack.

Vanzina E., Nikishina Yu., Shkunova A..

The purpose of this work-determine what constitutes human nature ? Find out whether a person is endowed with the signs of a person from birth, or acquires them as a result of communication with his own kind?





Zavodskoy district of the city of Saratov



Yulia Nikishina,

Shkunova Anna,

Vanzina Elena

students of 8 "B" class


Emelyanova Valentina Nikolaevna,

biology teacher - chemistry

MOU "OOSH No. 78",

highest qualification category


year 2013

1. Introduction_______________________________________________3

2. Who are they - "children of Mowgli"? __________________________4

3. "Children of Mowgli" among us____________________________5

4. Signs of "Mowgli's syndrome" _______________________7

5. Is the process of human recovery possible?_________8

6. Conclusion _____________________________________________ 11

7. List of used literature _____________________12

8. Appendices__________________________________________13


Fear was watching me from the TV screen. Jumping on all fours, a fifteen-year-old girl with a frantic bark rushed to the TV camera. Then she stopped, breathed heavily, sticking out her tongue like a dog, and continued to rush along the green meadow. This girl was diagnosed with the rarest diagnosis in the world - "Mowgli's syndrome".

We all read "Mowgli" in childhood, and hundreds of boys played "Tarzan". In Kipling's fairy tale about the human cub Mowgli, a child raised by animals learned from them kindness, decency and, one might say, humanity.(slide number 2)

I had a question: Can this happen in real life? Can this girl, who grew up in a dog house, abandoned to the mercy of fate by her own parents, acquire the same qualities, become a full-fledged person?

In the entire observable history of the human race, a little more than a hundred cases have been recorded, documented or oral, when children grew up away from people, alone or in the company of animals whose habits they adopted. Unfortunately, there are now more and more reports of such children in the media.

The purpose of this project-determine what constitutes human nature? (slide number 3)


  1. Find out whether a person is endowed with the signs of a person from birth, or acquires them as a result of communication with his own kind?
  2. What is the role of congenital and acquired in human development?
  3. Who are the "children of Mowgli"?
  4. Is human recovery possible?

Who are they - "children of Mowgli"?

Carl Linnaeus, who created the classification of plants and animals, in 1758 introduced the term Homo ferens into scientific use, which meant "a creature completely covered with thick hair and not having the gift of speech."

As an example, Linnaeus described several Homo ferens, among them a Lithuanian "bear boy", an Irish "sheep boy", two Pyrenean hairy boys and a savage girl from Champagne.

Researchers have collected a huge amount of material about several dozen "wild children" who grew up among animals:(slide number 4)

The first "wolf boy" was discovered in 1344 in Hesse (Germany).

Until the age of 4, he lived in a hole, ate raw food and was protected by wolves.

In 1731, a 10-year-old girl was found in France, whose thumbs were elongated, allowing her to easily fly from tree to tree.

Mauga's children are people deprived of human society, children who went missing many years ago. There were cases when a child was born with some kind of abnormality, and the mother, fearing that she would be accused of having connections with evil spirits, secretly took the child into the forest, into caves, into the mountains, and left it there to certain death. It happened differently: left without parental care, the baby got lost and the animals accepted him into their family. Sometimes it happened that the females of the animals themselves captured the babies - these are the females who lost their cubs. Not only those children who got lost become feral, but also those who were specially kept in an isolated room, never being released outside.

(slide number 5)

Unfortunately, more and more children - Mowgli began to be found not in the forest and not in the jungle, but next to us, in cities and villages, in our time. They live very close, sometimes in neighboring apartments or houses, but most often they are found by pure chance, and often only when irreversible changes in their physical development and psyche have already occurred.

"Children of Mowgli" among us.

It turns out that people who grew up among animals are found almost every year. And their fate is not at all like in a fairy tale ...(slide number 6)

(slide number 7)

Cat boy. In the fall of 2003, 3-year-old Anton Adamov was found in one of the houses in the village of Goritsy, Ivanovo Region. The kid behaved like a real cat: meowing, scratching, hissing, moving on all fours, rubbing his back against the legs of people. Throughout the short life of the boy, only a cat communicated with him, with whom the 28-year-old parent locked the child - so as not to distract him from drinking.

(slide number 8)

Podolsky dog ​​boy. In the city of Podolsk near Moscow in 2008, a seven-year-old child was discovered who lived in an apartment with his mother, and, nevertheless, suffered from "Mowgli's syndrome". In fact, he was raised by a dog: Vitya Kozlovtsev was fluent in all dog habits. He ran beautifully on all fours, barked, lapped from a bowl and curled up comfortably on the rug. After the boy was found, his mother was deprived of parental rights. Vitya himself was transferred to the "House of Mercy" Lilit and Alexander Gorelov.

(slide number 9)

Boy from Reutovwho became the leader of the dogs. In 1996, 4-year-old Vanya ran away from his drinking mother and her boyfriend, an alcoholic. Having replenished the two millionth army of homeless children of the Russian Federation. He tried to beg food from passers-by on the outskirts of Moscow, climbed into a dumpster and met a pack of stray dogs, with whom he shared the edible garbage he found. They began to wander together. The dogs protected Vanya and warmed him up on winter nights, they chose him as the leader of the pack. So two years passed, until Mishukov was detained by the police, luring him to the back entrance to the restaurant kitchen. The boy was sent to an orphanage.

(slide number 10)

Skipping on all fours, a fifteen-year-old girl from Ukraine, Oksana Malaya, grew up in a doghouse, abandoned to the mercy of fate by her own parents, and miraculously survived, eating the milk of mongrels. In the orphanage, where she was finally taken, the dog girl does not like it. She strives with all her might to return to her former life - she mixes all the dishes in one plate and laps from there like a dog, and at the first opportunity she begins to move on all fours.

The most famous are the Indian girls Kamala and Amala, found in the jungle in 1920. Until the trustee of the orphanage in Midnapore, Dr. Singh, caught the sisters, the locals who met the girls in the forest believed them to be werewolves. The sisters lived in a pack of wolves and moved either on their knees and elbows (when walking slowly) or on their hands and feet (when running fast). They didn't like daylight. The girls ate raw meat and self-caught chickens. In order to take the girls from the wolf lair, people had to shoot their "mother" she-wolf. At that time, the baby, who was later named Amala, was about one and a half years old, and the one who was given the name Kamala was about eight years old. Amala, less than a year after beginning life among humans, died of nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys). Kamala lived in civilization for about nine years. She adapted very poorly to human life: she learned only a few words and could not get rid of the habit of getting on all fours.

In China in 1996, a two-year-old boy was caught living with pandas. He crawled on the ground on all fours and ate bamboo. The child's body was completely covered with hair due to a genetic anomaly. Perhaps it was because of this that superstitious parents once took the baby to the forest and left him there.

In 2001, a boy was caught in Chile who, at the age of 7, ran away from a shelter with a pack of dogs. For two years, the child wandered along the street with the dogs, running away from the policemen who were trying to grab him.

Many other examples are known:

Volgograd bird boy.

Ufa dog girl.

Vyazemsky girl-Mowgli.

Dog girl from Chita and many others.

(slide number 11)

Children raised by animals sufferdisease - "Mowgli's syndrome".

(slide number 12)

Signs of "Mowgli's syndrome".

According to the candidate of psychological sciences, teacher of the department of "Special and Clinical Psychology" Galina Alekseevna Panina, "Mowgli's syndrome" is a set of syndromes that a child who has grown up outside the social environment demonstrates.

Among the general signs of "Mowgli's syndrome" are speech disorders or inability to speak, inability to walk upright, desocialization, lack of skills in using cutlery, fear of people. At the same time, they often have excellent health and much more stable immunity than people living in society. Psychologists often noted that a person who has spent quite a long time among animals begins to identify himself with his "brothers".

The terrible diagnosis "Mowgli's Syndrome" - the irreversibility of defects in mental development - is one of the rarest in medicine, but doctors will have to make it until society learns to take care of unfortunate children deprived of the attention of their relatives, until it stops shifting to animal paws what is its prerogative until he realizes that he is losing a person in the most horrifying way - the loss of his soul.

Is the process of human recovery possible?

(slide number 13)

Social isolation in the first months and years of a person's life can lead to severe emotional instability and mental retardation, including the so-called "Mowgli syndrome". Lack of communication in a child leads to an abnormal formation of cells that isolate neurons and slows communication between different areas of the brain.

American neurophysiologists from Harvard Medical School in Boston conducted a study. One group of newborn mice was isolated from relatives, and the second was left to develop in a normal environment. After two weeks, the researchers compared the brains of the rodents from these groups. As it turned out, in isolated mice there was a malfunction of the cells that produce the substance myelin, which is responsible for the sheath of nerve fibers. Myelin protects neurons from mechanical and electrical damage. Violation of the production of this substance is the cause of diseases such as multiple sclerosis.

According to the results of the study, in the brains of mice that were in isolation, significantly less myelin was produced than in the brains of their socialized counterparts. Scientists do not exclude that a similar relationship exists in humans. It is quite possible that the same processes occur during the development of the so-called Mowgli children.

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To the question whether the process of human recovery is possible after a long stay outside the human environment in society, experts do not give an unequivocal answer: everything is too individual. In the event that a person does not develop any of the functions in time, it is almost impossible to replenish them later. According to experts, after the 12-13 year old threshold of an undeveloped person, it is only possible to "train" or, in some cases, minimally adapt to the social environment, but whether it is possible to socialize him as a person is a big question. If a child enters the animal community before he has formed the skill of upright walking, then moving on all fours will become the only possible way for life - it will be impossible to retrain.

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Yuri Levchenko, candidate of psychological sciences, says that in the period up to five years, the child develops elements of communication and psychosomatic functions(Appendix No. 1).Children in isolation do not have psychosomatic stability, and the elements of communication will not be developed in its complete absence. First of all, the child must communicate with his own kind. It is difficult to cure a child who before this age had no contact with people.

Two sisters taken from a pack of wolves, both dead; the youngest - almost immediately, and the eldest - a few years later, without having learned to speak

Podolsky dog ​​boy, Vitya Kozlovtsev, learned to walk, talk, use a spoon and fork, play and laugh in a year.

Oksana Malaya has been humanized for many years. Taught to scribble on a typewriter, embroider, count to twenty. But she couldn't be left unattended. The grown-up girl was transferred to a boarding school for adults, where she is allowed to communicate with her best friends - yard dogs. And help take care of the cows. Already matured, the dog girl is gradually degrading. Despite all the efforts of educators and teachers, she cannot read and write, although she could a year ago. With difficulty, he stands on two legs, to the question: “What do you like to do most of all?” answers: “Swing on the grass and bark”, and to the question: “Who are you? Are you human?", the girl, baring her teeth, gives a heartbreaking answer: "No, I'm an animal, I'm a dog."

(slide number 16)

There are cases when the "children of Mowgli" managed to survive among people. A ten-year-old boy lived with monkeys for three years, but was able to

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Mowgli children - human children who lived out of contact with people from an early age and practically did not experience care and love from another person, had no experience of social behavior and communication. Such children, abandoned by their parents, are raised by animals or live in isolation. Children raised by animals exhibit (within the limits of human physical capabilities) the behavior characteristic of their adoptive parents, for example, fear of a person.

Most often, wolves, dogs, monkeys, sometimes bears, goats, and also cases of upbringing by lions, gazelles, and pigs have been recorded as “adoptive parents” of Mowgli children.

There are a number of factors that scientists need to ascertain Homo ferus (that is, Mowgli children). Its typical representative is devoid of many human traits: love, ordinary emotions, and especially laughter; he is silent, except for those moments when he growls, snorts or howls; he walks on all fours like a real quadruped; he is not able to live among people and must lead an existence characteristic of animals, and most importantly, he can live without any human help.

For many millennia of human history, the "Mowgli phenomenon" has been repeated a huge number of times on all continents of the Earth.

Here are some cases of raising children by animals:

1. Everyone knows the legend of the creation of Rome. Legend has it that Romulus and Remus, the twin founders of Rome, were abandoned as children, and the children were nursed by a she-wolf until they were found by a wandering shepherd. In the end, they founded a city on Palatine Hill, the very place where the she-wolf took care of them. Perhaps this is all just a myth, but there are many real cases in history related to children who were raised by animals.

2. Ukrainian dog girl

Left in a kennel by her negligent parents at the age of 3 to 8, Oksana Malaya grew up surrounded by other dogs. When she was found in 1991, she was unable to speak, choosing dog barking over speech and running around on all fours. Now in her twenties, Oksana has been taught to speak, but is left with mental retardation. Now she takes care of the cows that are on a farm near the boarding school where she lives.

3 Ugandan Monkey Baby

After his father killed his mother in front of him, 4-year-old John Ssebunya fled into the jungle where he was supposedly raised by green monkeys until he was found in 1991. As with other Mowgli children, he resisted the villagers who tried to capture him, and received help from his monkey relatives, who threw sticks at people. After he was caught, John was taught to talk and sing. The last thing that became known about him was that he was touring with the children's choir of the Pearl of Africa.

4. Bird boy

A Russian boy abandoned by his mother who communicates by chirping has been discovered by social workers in Volgograd. When found, the 6-year-old boy was unable to speak and instead chirped, just like his parrot friends. Despite not being physically harmed in any way, he is unable to enter into normal human contact. He expresses his emotions by waving his arms like a bird's wings. He was transferred to a psychological assistance center, where specialists are trying to rehabilitate him.

5. Chinese woman Wang Xianfeng was raised by pigs. At the age of 9, when she was found, she did not have the intelligence of even a 3-year-old child. The poor girl was sent to an orphanage. After two years, she stopped grunting and learned to eat with chopsticks. After the orphanage, she even got a job, became a cleaner in the Shanghai menagerie.

6. With such children, even physical changes occur. So, in the 60s in Uganda, a 4-year-old baby was found in the jungle, almost from birth he lived with monkeys. The baby's body was covered with thick hair. Two years later, she fell out, but the child never got rid of monkey habits. Several times he tried to escape from the orphanage into the jungle. At the age of 8 he succeeded. What happened to him after that is unknown to anyone.

7. In 1887, a nine-year-old Arab girl Kama, who lived in a family of lions, came to people. She ate raw meat, did not understand human language, saw in the dark and had incredibly strong hands with sharp long nails. Unfortunately, Kama could not adapt to people, she soon fell ill and died.

8. In October 2001, a baby aged 1 year and 4 months was lost in northern Iran. A week later, he was found in a bear den. He played with three cubs. The mother bear licked the boy's face and fed him her milk. Fortunately, the boy did not have time to run wild and, returning to his father's house, quickly forgot his experience of living with animals.

9. There were cases when lost children were brought up by such exotic animals as gazelles. In 1960, the French anthropologist Jean-Claude Auger saw a herd of white gazelles in the Spanish Sahara, among which a naked child was jumping merrily. Physically, he was excellently developed, his calf muscles were especially strong. The Spaniards decided to find out how fast the boy runs, they chased him in a jeep. Then they claimed that at times he reached a speed of 54 km per hour and easily jumped four meters in length.

The fate of animal pupils among people, as a rule, is sad. Separated from the wild, Mowgli children die very quickly. The fate of those who survive is unenviable. The wards of psychiatric hospitals become home for the matured tarzans.

Rehabilitation process:

If children had some social behavior skills before isolation from society, the process of their rehabilitation is much easier. Those who lived in animal society for the first 5-6 years of their lives practically cannot master the human language, walk upright, communicate meaningfully with other people, despite the years they later spent in human society, where they received enough care. This once again shows how important the first years of his life are for the development of the child.

Psychologists often noted that a person who has spent quite a long time among animals begins to identify himself with his "brothers"; so an eighteen-year-old girl who was raised by dogs, having learned to speak, still insisted that she was a dog. However, in this case, there are already mental deviations, which are also inevitable.

The chances of becoming a normal person in "Mowgli" depend both on genetically inherent qualities, and on the period and duration of stay outside of society. In the process of human development, there is a certain age limit, a threshold in which this or that function is laid: for example, the ability to speak, upright walking skills. In addition, there is a transitional period, on average, 12-13 years: before this age, the child's brain is quite plastic, and by the age of 12-13, the human brain is gaining intellectual potential. In the event that a person has not formed any of the functions, then it is almost impossible to replenish them later.

As the specialist notes, after the 12-13 year old threshold of an undeveloped person, it is only possible to “train” it. True, if the child was returned to people before the “adolescent threshold” of 12-13 years old, he can still be adapted to society, but mental deviations will remain with him until the end of life.

Many experts have a question: what makes animals take human children to raise? There is no single answer to this question. Many believe that this is the instinct of motherhood, which is triggered when a "mother wolf", or other animal (having its cubs) meets a human child.

Others believe that the insecurity of the child is perceived by animals as the absence of any threat on his part and in response to this they show "loyalty" (tolerance) to him.

Often, Mowgli children have excellent health and much more stable immunity than people living in society. It happens that absolutely healthy "Mowgli" in the familiar animal environment die, having got into human society - for them this is not only a physiological, but also a deep cultural shock.

A person - a real person, and not a creature that has human physiology - can only be brought up in society, in a society, in a group of people. Nature, genes in a person have some signs that must be expressed in development, and a person cannot develop outside of society. It is society, society, the community of people that makes a person not just a two-legged upright mammal, but a true Homo sapiens - a reasonable person.

Description of work

Mowgli children - human children who lived out of contact with people from an early age and practically did not experience care and love from another person, had no experience of social behavior and communication. Such children, abandoned by their parents, are raised by animals or live in isolation. Children brought up by animals exhibit (within the limits of the physical capabilities of a person) the behavior characteristic of their children.