A 14-year-old girl sweats a lot. Problems in the work of the endocrine system. Viruses and infections

The activity of internal organs and skeletal muscles generates heat, which needs to go outside, getting rid of excess heat occurs through the surface of the body, mainly by evaporation of sweat.

Sweating is a way of regulating body temperature. A person sweats constantly, even at 18-20 degrees of heat, about 0.5-0.6 liters of liquid per day evaporate from the surface of the body. And in hot weather, especially in combination with physical work, this figure can reach 10 liters.

Sweating is a healthy and necessary phenomenon associated with the work of the excretory system, which removes toxins and metabolic products from the human body through sweat. This, in particular, is the basis for the therapeutic effect of the steam room and the bath.

Increased sweating can be a consequence of endocrine system disease (for example, Graves' disease), chronic infectious disease (for example, tuberculosis), weakening of cardiac activity, obesity, can be observed with liver and kidney diseases, with nervous diseases, colds, with the use of certain medications, with neuro-emotional stress, with physical stress. Certain gastrointestinal disorders can cause this nuisance as well. Sweating of the hands and feet signals increased emotional stress or vegetative vascular dystonia. In diabetes, for example, sweat smells strongly of acetone.

Sweating is especially increased in girls at puberty and in women at menopause. Fat people also sweat a lot. Sweating increases while driving, when the ambient temperature rises, from hot food and drink, in hot and humid climates.

Sweating can be general and local. General sweating is observed in obese people and in some internal diseases. Local sweating is observed on certain parts of the body: armpits, soles of the feet, palms of the hands.

Normally, sweat is odorless, but when mixed with fatty secretions and microbes on the surface of the skin, it acquires a very unpleasant odor, and sometimes it is accompanied by the formation of a rash. Therefore, it is quite enough for a healthy person to simply wash more often and use deodorant. But if enhanced hygiene measures do not help, you need to look deeper into the cause.

Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) does not cause much harm, but creates a lot of inconvenience due to uncontrolled profuse sweating. The causes of hyperhidrosis, in addition to the above, can be genetic.

The color of sweat in the armpits can be very different: yellow, reddish, bluish, greenish. The reason for staining is the presence of bacteria and dyes obtained during metabolic disorders associated with taking medications or the presence of other toxic products.

Which increases sweating.

- Synthetic clothing - they are moisture resistant. It is advisable to wear clothes made from natural fabrics - cotton, silk and wool.

- Alcohol - stimulates blood flow. On a hot, humid day, it is best to drink cool soft drinks.

- Caffeine - makes the heart work hard, which causes sweating.

- Hot and spicy foods - spices cause increased sweating, so it is best to limit their use.

- Excess weight - increases the physical stress on the heart, thereby making it difficult for blood to circulate.

- Anxiety, fear - even a little stress can disrupt the work of the sweat glands.

- The lifestyle that a person leads can cause profuse sweating. We are talking about a banal physical form, neglecting which, the body gains excess weight.

- Sweating of the feet often occurs due to poorly fitted shoes and negligence towards them, when basic hygiene standards are not observed: drying and airing.

- Suddenly emerging sweat on the face or sweaty palms can be triggered by psychological stress. The increased activity of the nervous system as a protective reaction is reflected in other processes, for example, it provokes intense sweating.

Today, you can get rid of the unpleasant odor of sweat in several ways: by using an alcohol-based deodorant and antiperspirant cream, an antiperspirant gel, an antiperspirant spray, and also using a dry (solid) antiperspirant.

Deodorants by themselves do not interfere with sweat production, their main task is to kill bacteria and sweat odor. Deodorants are absolutely not suitable for those who suffer from excessive sweating. In addition, deodorants are contraindicated for people with sensitive skin, as they contain alcohol. They are not recommended to be applied immediately before going out into the open sun in hot summer weather. The sun's rays can cause dark age spots on your skin where you have applied the deodorant.

Antiperspirants can help prevent sweating. They should be applied to clean, dry skin in the evening, when the activity of the glands is minimal. During 6-8 hours of sleep, the active ingredient forms "plugs" that provide protection from sweat the next day.

The most radical method of preventing sweating is considered to be surgery. This method is characterized by scraping the sweat glands using special instruments. However, hyperhidrosis may develop in a different area of ​​the body to replace the removed glands. In addition, the operation will have to be repeated over time, since the damaged skin is restored and normal heat regulation resumes.

Botox injections are also possible. This really has a visible effect, but the injection will have to be repeated more than once.

You can use folk methods using various infusions, decoctions, herbal ointments, but the course of treatment itself will last for months.

So the best option today to combat perspiration is to use antiperspirants.

Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, usually appears during adolescence and gradually goes away. However, about 3% of the world's population suffers from this disease throughout their lives. In this case, hyperhidrosis can accompany such diseases as diabetes, tuberculosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, oncological diseases, etc.

It should be remembered that sweating is a necessary function of our body, indicating normal thermoregulation and metabolism. It is sweating that helps rid the body of harmful substances, water and salts. It is impossible to get rid of perspiration, because in this case, the human body will overheat and the body will die.

The reasons for increased sweating can be hormonal changes in the body (during pregnancy, adolescence, during menopause, etc.), stressful situations, medication, excessive exercise and poor nutrition.

Here are some simple tips to help you get rid of underarm sweating.

Compliance with daily hygiene measures

Take a shower 2-3 times a day. A contrast shower helps to strengthen blood vessels and cope with sweating. If you take a shower more than 2 times a day, then you can not use the shower gel, but just stand under the stream of refreshing water. After taking a bath, be sure to wipe your skin dry.

Using antiperspirant deodorants

After showering or bathing, be sure to use antiperspirant deodorants, which will clog your sweat glands and reduce the amount of sweat you produce.

Underarm skin care

In the event that you have excessive sweating, then you need to get rid of hair growth in the armpits. To do this, you can use shaving or a salon depilation procedure. If you are sensitive, prone to irritation, then it is better to choose the depilation method.


Sweating and sweat odor are directly related to what you eat. Avoid alcoholic beverages and spicy foods. Be sure to include fruits, vegetables, dairy products in your menu. Remember that dieting and being overweight are signs of excessive sweating.

Water or tea?

Avoid hot tea as it has a diaphoretic effect and stimulates perspiration. Give preference to green tea, which can remove toxins from the body.

The amount of drinking water consumed should be moderate. Drink water at room temperature as cold water will only increase your body temperature.

Rejection of bad habits

Alcohol, tobacco smoking act on the body in much the same way as playing sports, provoking excessive sweating of the armpits.

Taking sedatives

Valerian, motherwort, mint, St. John's wort help prevent sweating. Brew these herbs and drink the infusion 30-40 minutes before meals.


Try to choose clothes made from natural fabrics, for example, cotton, linen, because they will allow your skin to breathe. Wear clothes for the weather. Try not to overcool.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies help very well with armpit sweating.

Mix the lemon juice with a little baking soda and rub it over your armpits.

You can use apple cider vinegar.

Lubricate your underarms with peanut butter daily.

Broths of sage, oak bark, pine needles, oats are effective for sweating.

Go to a sauna to help you get rid of toxins.


Learn not to be nervous about trifles, not to worry and be able to relax. Before an important event, so as not to be nervous and not provoke increased sweating, take a walk and calm down.

It is generally accepted that only adults suffer from severe sweating. Unfortunately, this is not so. For example, excessive sweating in a 10-year-old child is not uncommon. You can read about what causes this pathology and how to cope with it in this article.

Unlike adults, sweating of a child is much more often explained by physiological, that is, natural, reasons. First, the number of sweat glands on children's skin is the same as that of their parents. That is, with the same amount of sweat, it will always seem that your offspring is sweating more. Moreover, it is by the age of ten that hormonal changes begin to occur in the child's body. So, the girl produces noticeably more estrogens, the boys - testosterone. This is laid down at the biological level for the correct, in accordance with the sex, the formation of bone and muscle tissue.

All these processes are accompanied by increased sweating, and there is nothing "criminal" in this. If your child is enrolled in some kind of sports section at this age, simply teach him how to properly use dermatologist-approved deodorants and provide him with enough change of clothes. For particularly heavy sweating, you can use talcum powder or burnt alum. They effectively adsorb both sweat and unpleasant odors. However, children rarely suffer from the latter, so you only need to deal with the sweat itself.

Another important circumstance should also be mentioned. The system of thermoregulation of the child's body at this age becomes much more perfect when compared with that of an infant, but it is still far from complete normalization.

Remember! The body of adolescents reacts much more sharply to temperature changes, to heat and stuffiness, responding with a significant increase in sweating. It is these reasons that most often lead to hyperhidrosis at such a young age, and therefore parents, as a rule, have nothing to worry about.

Medical indicators

How to understand that a child has something wrong with the intensity of sweating? After all, it may turn out that everything is in order with his health, and the increased secretion of sweat glands is caused by physiological factors ... Hyperhidrosis in this case can be detected on the basis of a medical examination performed by an experienced pediatrician and dermatologist.

Important! Blood tests, urine tests, sweat tests and some additional diagnostic tests are needed. Their importance lies in identifying some primary diseases in which increased sweating may develop.

Interesting that sweat must be checked for the percentage of salt... This is due to the fact that patients with cystic fibrosis of the lungs not only sweat heavily and constantly, but also have very acrid, extremely salty sweat. In addition, the secretion of the sweat glands may contain some other substances (nitrogenous compounds, for example) that accurately indicate a disease of a particular internal organ.

Read also: Severe sweating of the head in a child: possible causes and methods for eliminating the disease

It can be very useful Minor test(iodine-starch test). It is very simple to carry out. In the morning, while the degree of perspiration is minimal, an aqueous solution of Lugol is applied to the armpit. It is necessary to wait until it is completely dry, and only then put on clothes on the child. After a few minutes (during which time the person may be allowed to move vigorously), starch powder is applied to the treated area. The latter, when interacting with iodine, which is part of Lugol's solution, acquires a bright blue color.

The size and shape of the stained area can be used to accurately determine the degree of sweating. If the "blue" spot is more than seven or eight centimeters in diameter, we can talk about hyperhidrosis. The Minor test is most often carried out repeatedly, since it can be used to easily assess the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

Hygiene rules

Since increased sweating in children is most often not associated with something really serious (especially in a boy who is intensively engaged in the sports section), with age, it spontaneously decreases to normal values.

At this time, you just need to observe basic hygiene standards so that the child does not feel like a black sheep among peers. We have already said that it is important to provide children with a sufficient amount of changeable clothes. It is necessary to dwell on this issue in a little more detail.

All wearable underwear linen should be only natural, from cotton fabrics or something similar. At this age, wearing synthetics is extremely undesirable, since it interferes with the normal gas exchange of the body with the external environment, as a result of which sweating instantly increases. Finally, all practicing pediatricians agree that wearing synthetic underwear significantly increases the risk of skin irritation and even inflammation. The same goes for bed linen.

It should be exclusively natural, dyes - only safe for health. If a pillowcase or sheet sheds during washing or, even more so, leave pronounced traces of paint on the skin, a child (and an adult too) should never sleep like that. Every day before going to bed, the nursery needs to be well ventilate... This is done about 30-45 minutes before going to bed. When your child goes to bed, there should be a slight coolness in the room, not bone-chilling frost!

Valeria Petrova | 5.03.2015 | 877

Valeria Petrova 03/05/2015 877

Sweat stains on clothes and an unpleasant smell can poison the life of a teenager. What is the cause of the problem and how can parents help solve it?

All people sweat, but most often adolescents are faced with the problem of excessive sweating during adolescence, when hormonal changes in the body take place. Also, profuse sweating can be a signal of some diseases.

What is hyperhidrosis, and how is it dangerous?

Sweating is called hyperhidrosis... This condition occurs quite often in children aged 12-17 years. It causes discomfort in a teenager who is terribly embarrassed by an unpleasant smell, traces of sweat on clothes, cold wet hands.

Being in a constant stress mode, he can become withdrawn, find many complexes and even stop communicating with peers. Especially if they tease him with "wet armpits."

If a child has a problem of increased sweating, the solution should start by looking for the root cause. To do this, you should contact a specialist who will prescribe a number of tests for examination.

Possible Causes of Excessive Sweating

  1. Development of the endocrine system. During puberty, the endocrine system continues to develop. There is a possibility that a teenager reacts too emotionally to external stimuli: upcoming exams, conflicts with peers, etc. And, as you know, sweat is a kind of assistant to the body in adapting to external conditions. By evaporating, sweat helps to cool the body.
  2. Disorders in the thyroid gland. In case of problems with the thyroid gland, excessive amounts of hormones can be released into the bloodstream, which provokes excessive sweating, as well as a rapid heartbeat.
  3. Diabetes. This is a very serious condition, the first signs of which are constant thirst and increased sweating.

Having found unpleasant symptoms in a child, you should immediately consult a specialist. If the increased sweating is caused by dangerous diseases, the doctor will prescribe treatment. But, if the sweat pouring down in a river is just an unpleasant manifestation of adolescence, you can greatly facilitate the life of your child by applying our advice.

How can you help your child cope with heavy sweating?

So, the following actions can significantly alleviate the child's condition:

  • The use of special antiperspirants that contain aluminum chloride. Antiperspirants prevent the growth of bacteria and eliminate unpleasant odors.
  • Using folk remedies... One of the most effective ways to reduce excessive sweating are baths of oak bark, chamomile, a series with the addition of sea salt. If the child reacts too emotionally to the slightest stress, it is worth giving him a decoction of chamomile and mint at night to strengthen the nervous system.
  • Physiotherapy. Reduces sweating in the feet and palms. For these purposes, iontophoresis is used.
  • Special attention to personal hygiene... The child needs to take a shower regularly, keep underwear and bed linen clean, and wear clothes made from natural materials. Morning exercises and sports will help strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to stressful situations.
  • Correct diet. It is very important to limit the consumption of salty, spicy and fried foods.

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Sweating in a little girl is considered normal when it occurs at an elevated temperature in the room, when the child is not dressed for the weather or is exercising. All mothers also know that babies can sweat with colds when their body temperature is elevated.

How to fight?

The physiology of a child is significantly different from that of an adult, including the work of the sweat glands. They are not yet fully developed, and with profuse sweating, there is no unpleasant smell of sweat, as is the case in a mature organism. Therefore, experts categorically do not recommend using any antiperspirant for hyperhidrosis for girls under 8 years old. Even the safest! An exception may be homemade deodorant on a harmless basis. Parents can help a little girl with sweating by observing some rules:

  • Buy clothes made from natural materials that will allow air to pass through well.
  • Do not overheat the children's room, ventilate it daily.
  • When buying shoes, you need to give preference to natural leather and suede. Don't buy too tight shoes.
  • To create the most comfortable place for a girl to sleep, bed linen should always be clean and preferably made of natural fabric.
  • From childhood, it is necessary to teach the girl to observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Put baby wipes in the backpack, explain how and when to use them.

Solid home herbal antiperspirant

Young ladies who have reached the age of 14 can prepare an antiperspirant at home on their own. Mom can also be involved in this process. To prepare a solid home antiperspirant for sweating, you need to take:

  • Empty plastic container.
  • Coconut oil, if there is no such at home, can be replaced with cocoa butter.
  • Starch, corn or potato (both will do).
  • Vitamin E capsules. For our product, you need to take 4 capsules.
  • Aromatic oil to your taste (what you have at home).

First you need to mix the oil and baking soda, then heat the resulting mixture a little in a water bath (do not boil!). Add vitamin E (by opening each capsule and pouring out the oil from it) and drip two to three drops of your favorite aromatic oil. Leave the mixture to cool and pour into a bottle prepared in advance.