Essential and basic oils. Properties of basic oils. Oil composition for handmade soap

by Notes of wild mistress

When using essential oils for daily skin care and during massage it is undesirable to use essential oils in pure form (undetected). They can be diluted with oil, which will be the foundation.

Oil basics are easily and evenly distributed over the skin and help healing essential oils are faster absorbed. A number of oils, especially suitable for mixing with essential oils, also have properties that are beneficial affecting a person (for example, containing vitamins A, D, E), especially if they are extracted by cold pressing. Cold pressure is a way to extract oils without the use of thermal processing or chemicals. Although the oils obtained in this way may be more expensive, but they maintain large nutrients than in oils produced by other methods.

In addition, these carrier oils can help in establishing a balance and stabilization of essential oil. Vitamin E in oil from wheat sprouts, for example, acts as an antidote and enhances the recovery effect of massage oil, if the extract is mixed with another vegetable oil.

The best carrier oils are almond, from grape bones, soybeans, wheat sprouts, peach and apricot nuclei, avocado, corn, sunflower seeds, calendula and castor. They are quite often used in.

Oil must have the ability to easily penetrate through the skin. Some love to use fragrant oils, such as coconut, sesame or olive, others prefer to use oil with a slight own odor. You have a big choice.

For example, almond oil Get from sweet almonds. It has nutrient and renewable properties and useful for dry wrinkled hands, with eczema and skin irritation. This is one of the best universal media, it can be applied even with babies massage.

Castor oil - more viscous, it can be mixed with other oils for better absorption in the skin, it also has a beneficial effect on the ecase and very dry skin.

Grape seed oil It has a water consistency and therefore easily absorbed. It has an astringent action, which is useful at acne.

Soybean oil Easily absorbed and knows its properties to lower blood cholesterol.

Wheat sprout oil Especially useful for skin diseases due to the high content of vitamin E, it is usually added to another main oil (literally 1-2 drops), as it is very rich and heavy.

Avocado oil Also is rich in the content of vitamin E and heavy.

Calendula oil It helps to remove inflammation, it can be used when problems in the blood, digestive, muscle and nervous systems, with impairment of the menstrual cycle, as well as at skin diseases. It is often mixed with other carrier oils, as it is quite expensive.

Apricot, peach oil Improve tissue regeneration.

When using essential oils for daily skin care as a basis, you can also use jojoba oil or almond (50 ml).

For fading and very dry skin, add 10% of wheat seedlings oil, for unclean, inflamed skin - 2-3 drops of tea tree oil. In the prepared foundation, add 15-20 drops of your selected essential oil and shake well. For children, 5 drops are enough, for babies - one.

Basic oils up to the will are universal, so when selecting oils, it is best to navigate on individual features and try each oil on yourself, it is ideal, but there are also certain recommendations for the selection that we will speak on.

Also, oil should not be divided by age aspect, unlike the creams of basic oils there are no such restrictions.

Oxidation of basic oils

In order to choose the right oil, you also need to know about the ability to oxidize some basic oils. The oxidation process is characterized by oils, which is a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, It is activated by sunlight and warmth. Oils are destroyed both inside the skin and on its surface, during destruction toxic substances are formed, due to which pigment spots appear, allergies, irritation on the skin. Therefore, easily oxidized oils are used more in cosmetics for night care, they can also be used in the composition of day cosmetics, but for this they need to be stabilized using basic lipids (for example, jojoba oil, fenco meadow, squalan).

Basic oils are divided into groups depending on their functions and features.

1. Stabilizing oils (group B0, can be from 20 to 50% of the mixture).

Do not oxidize, do not irritate the skin, low activity, are used in sunscreens.

  • Broccolly oil - plant replacement silicone. Contains a large amount of erukic acid, so it is rarely used in cosmetic products for the skin, more suitable for hair.
  • Jojoba oil is universal in use. Used and as the basis and as an additive in a mixture of oils. Very resistant to the oxidation, the effects of bacteria, has a long protective effect, does not create a feeling of fatty on the skin. The same properties possesses the oil of the meadow.
  • Squalane (vegetable) - produced from olive oil. Used mainly as the basis for the oil mixture, can be used as an additive. Very stable for oxidation.
  • Marula oil - sufficiently resistant to oxidation.
  • Caprilik triglycerides (Capril). They produce from palm and coconut oils, the base is a capricated or whimping acid. They have excellent spreadability, stable to oxidation, do not irritate the skin, as they are an emolent.

2. Careful basic oils (The group B1, B2 and B3 can be 50-70% of the mixture).

  • Oleic acid prevails. Stable to oxidation, lungs, possess protective and caring properties, leave a slight feeling of fatty on the skin. Effective in massage tools are used in sunscreens. Representatives - Macadamia oil, avocado, forest walnut, sunflower (highly olenic), apricot bones, almonds, camellia, olives.
  • B2 - Balance of polyunsaturated and mononaturated acids. You can apply without additives. Careful and protective properties. Representatives are rice bran oil, Argan, Sesame, Baobab.
  • B3 - Linoleic acid prevails. They have regenerating and strengthening properties, improve the barrier function of the skin, well moisturize, easily absorbed into the skin, without creating a fatty film. They are injected into the daily mixtures, as an additive, combined with the oils of groups B1, B2. Representatives are sunflower (usual), grape seed oil, safflower, soybean, amaranths, germ wheat, walnut, poppy seeds.

3. Active oils (W1, W2, W3, can be 5-10% for safety purposes).

  • W1 - oils with dominant alpha linolenic acid. Stimulate the operation of the cells of the epidermis, possess regenerating properties. Cannot be used in the sun. Representatives are hemp oil, sea buckthorn, roses Moscow, Inca-Inch, elderberry, cranberries (for day creams).
  • W2 - oils with dominant gamma-linolenic acid. Possess reignificant and anti-inflammatory properties. Cannot be used and the sun. Representatives - Borago Oil, Evening Primulla Oil, Black Currant.
  • W3 - oils containing rare acids. Stimulate the operation of the cells of the epidermis, they have regenerating and healing properties can not be used in the sun. Representatives - garnet seed oil, black cumin, sea buckthorn oil (1 drop of 10 gr. Mixtures).

4. Vegetable solid oils (Butter, group PF1, PF2).

  • PF1 is a large percentage of saturated (unlimited) fatty acids with long chains, due to which, at room temperature, they have a solid consistency. Principal protective properties are penetrated into the deep layers of the skin, leaving the trail. This is, for example, mango oil, she, cappuas, cocoa.
  • PF2 - triglycerides, high content of saturated acids with short and medium chains. Quickly absorbed the skin, almost no bold trail. When adding to emulsion mixtures, give a light, pleasant to the touch, texture. Representatives - coconut oil, Babass oil. Frequently used to create logges.

Combination rules for oils

1. From the group B0, we choose the stabilizing oil.

2. Select caring oils from groups B1-B3. You can choose one option, for this it is best to suit the balanced oils of the B2 group, or choose the mixture - B2 and B3, B1 and B3, B1 and B2. For daily or light summer mixtures, a combination of B1 and B2 will fit.

3. From the group of active, choose oil, depending on the necessary effect, the advantage is given to the oils of groups W1 and W2.

4. We also add batter from the PF1 group. It is found at a concentration of 10-30% of the fatty phase, or in a clean version of 10 -50%, diluted with other oils.

5. To improve the quality of the emulsion, oil from the PF2 group is added. Thanks to them, there is no sensation of stickiness. If you add a squalane, then there is no need to add other oils from this group.

Examples of combination of oils for different skin types

Oily leather - 1 version - black currant oil, apricot, grape seed, squalene; 2 Option - Apricot oil, hemp, Babass.

Dry leather - 1 option - Makadami, jojoba, Shi, evening primroses; 2 option - avocado, borago, squalene, amaranth.

Sensitive leather - 1 Option - Camellia Oil, Shea, Squalen, Poppy oil; 2 Option - Avelan Walnut, Mango, Triglycerides, Black Currant Oil.

Young leather - 1 option - grape seed oil, jojoba, mango, coconut; 2 option - apricot oil, hemp, squalene.

Mature skin - 1 option - avocado, rosehip, argan, shea, squalene; 2 option - argan, pomegranate, germs of wheat, Kupaussu, Marulla.

Selection of vegetable oil for different skin types

Oily skin

For this type, it is necessary to select easily absorbed, tightening pores that balance the production of skin saline, oil.

  • Grape seed oil - light by texture and absorption, tighteners, tones, shall suggest, does not leave fat on the skin. Suitable for all types of skin.
  • Forest oil - easily absorbed, tightens the pores, perfectly moisturizes. Suitable for all types of skin. Frequently used with acne.
  • Sweet almond oil - shall be presented, relieves inflammation, irritation, protects against ultropiolet. Suitable for all types of skin.
  • Jojoba oil - purifies the pores, balances the work of the sebaceous glands, therefore it is also suitable for dry skin, it restores the acid-core balance, has factories, effectively when the shrams are made.
  • Cannabis oil heals, relieves irritation, anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Oil of evening primroses - recovers epidermis, effectively at skin diseases (acne, dermatitis, acne scars), antioxidant action, perfectly moisturizes, is also suitable for dry skin.
  • Black currant oil - has regenerating properties, relieves skin inflammation, acne ripe, suitable for mature skin, but the overabundance can enhance the skin production.
  • Sasanka oil is lightweight, quickly absorbed without leaving a bold trace, moisturizes, gives skin silkiness.
  • Oil taman - anti-inflammatory, restoring, used in dermatitis, cooperose, echs.
  • Mosknaya rose oil - perfectly moisturizes, suitable for all skin types, with inflammation it is applied directly on acne.
  • Watermelon - has powerful anti-inflammatory and therapeutic and preventive properties.
  • Hypericum - has a powerful antioxidant, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect, anticurient effect.
  • Retributors - has anti-inflammatory properties, healing and regamizing, increases the elasticity of the skin, rejuvenates, suitable for all types of skin.
  • REPIA - anti-inflammatory, antioxidant action, cleans and tightened pores.
  • Black Cumin - a great humidifier for all skin types, good antioxidant, cleans the skin from toxins.
  • Apricot bones - perfectly moisturizes any skin type.
  • Strawberry seed oil - perfectly absorbed, moisturizes, nourishes, fills the skin of any type of skin, contributes to smoothing wrinkles, preventing premature aging and skin fading, regulates skin production.

Dry skin

Especially needs moisture. The perfect option is to apply on the cleaned skin tonic (it is best to use pink water) and after vegetable oils, thanks to this moisture is held inside and the nutrients easily penetrate deep into the skin.

  • Avocado oil - penetrates deep into the epidermis, increases elasticity, protects against ultrafiolet, suitable for all skin types.
  • Macadamia oil is most effectively for mature skin. Restores, moisturizes, tones, softens the skin.
  • Apricot bone oil - perfectly moisturizes any skin type.
  • Jojoba oil is balanced skin saline.
  • Wheat embryos oil - moisturizes, restores the skin, has antioxidant properties, gives an anti-cellulite effect, use well against postpartum stretch marks.
  • Sasanka oil - easily absorbed, penetrates deep layers of skin, perfectly moisturizes, gives skin silkiness.
  • Evening primrose oil - regenerates the skin, protects against premature aging, moisturizes.
  • Black Tine oil is an excellent humidifier for all skin types, good antioxidant, cleans the skin from toxins, restores the structure of dry skin.
  • Corn - possesses an emphasis, antioxidant and softening effect, significantly improves the complexion, has the ability to quickly regenerate the skin, as a soothing component can be used for the skin of all types.
  • Peach oil - easily absorbed, anti-inflammatory, reigning, anti-cellulite.
  • Rosehip oil - has exceptional moisturizing, smoothing, restoring properties, it can lighten pigment spots, stimulate the healing of skin microcracks.
  • Walnut Oil - Has a moisturizing, toning, regenerating and rejuvenating effect on the skin. The oil is suitable for the skin of all types.
  • Sea buckthorn oil - has exceptional regenerating and regenerating properties, contributes to the rapid healing of the skin after solar and radiation burns, helps to cope with freckles, pigment stains, dermatitis, skin cracks, acne, soften and nourishes dry and fading skin.
  • Green coffee oil - provides long-term moisturizing and skin toning, prevents the formation of stretch marks and contributes to the disappearance of the skin already appeared, smoothes the skin, contributes to the production of elastin skin.
  • Strawberry seed oil - perfectly absorbed, moisturizes, nourishes, fills the skin of any type, contributes to the smoothing of wrinkles, preventing premature aging and fading the skin.
  • Military oil - has anti-inflammatory properties, healing and reignificating, increases the elasticity of the skin, rejuvenates, suitable for all types of skin.
  • Sesame oil - is the perfect humidifier for the skin of all types, perfectly nourishes the skin, lines its relief and color, eliminates peelings and irritation, helps to eliminate microers after acne.
  • Coconut oil - anti-inflammatory, smoothes the skin, moisturizes.
  • Cuckoo - softens dry skin, increases its elasticity, contributes to the preservation of moisture in the skin, creating a film on its surface.
  • Cranberries - can feed, moisturize and regenerate any type of skin, easily penetrates into the skin, improving metabolic processes inside the cells, helps to hold moisture in the skin and protects the lipid barrier.
  • Blackberry oil - nourishes and moisturizes the skin, supplies it with all the necessary substances, quickly smoothes small wrinkles and restores damaged areas of the epidermis.
  • Blueberry oil - has tonic, knitting, antioxidant, moisturizing, restoring, softening, feeding, healing properties.

Mature skin

Requires intensive moistening and nutrition, restoration of elasticity, protection against ultropiolet and other external factors.

  • Avocado oil, jojoba oil, evening primrose oil (stops aging processes), rose oil Moscow, Sasanka oil.
  • Argan oil - rejuvenates, regenerates skin cover, nourishes perfectly, penetrates deeply.
  • Rice bran oil - due to the high content of vitamin E, this oil has strong antioxidant properties, contributes to the formation of collagen fibers, nourishes and rejuvenates.
  • Borago oil - restores skin elasticity, moisturizes, suitable for any skin type.

Normal leather

Combined leather

Cooking oil, peach, coconut, jojoba, watermelon, milk, strawberry seed oil, sesame, grape oil, apricot oil oil.

Problem skin (angry rash)

Sea buckthorn butter, black, raw oil, jojoba, hormour oil, grape seeds, Moscow roses.

For nursery skin

Jojoba oil, peach, apricot, almond, cranberry oil, cow oil, calendula oil, coconut oil.

From wrinkles

For smoothing - Shi, Rosehip, Moscow roses, green coffee butter, palm, dough, argan, blackberry, blueberries, almond, grape bones, peach.

To prevent - wheat germs oil, roses. Moscow, rosehip, sesame, argan, strawberry seed oil, olive, apricot.

For skin elasticity and cellulite

Green coffee butter, black coffee, peach, grape bones, apricot, jojoba, almond, black cumin, wheat germ.

Can be used in pure form

Avocado oil, apricot bone oil, milk thistle, peach, roses. Moscow, raspberry seed oil, watermelon, coconut.


For sunburn - Coconut, Hypericum, Jojoba, Burity (protects the skin from various damage and dehydration caused by UV irradiation, and also reduces skin sensitivity to ultraviolet).

After tanning - coconut, watermelon, cuisa oil, booze, sea buckthorn, forest and walnut.

For century

Avocado oil, forest walnut, watermelon, almond, cuisa, green coffee, coconut, cranberry oil, rosehip.

For nails

Military oil, rapid, almond, olive, sesame, Aragans.

Nutrient oils

Apricot bone oil, vanilla (moisturizing, softening, protective, nutritious, regenerative action, helps protect the skin from premature aging), jojoba, coconut, sesame, soybean, almond.

Moisturizing oils

Vanilla oil, apricot, peach, almond, avocado, sesame, grape bones.

At itching leather

Calendula oil, almond, olive, wheat germs.

For inflamed skin

Jojoba, olive, calendula, hormour, safflower, apricot bones.

In working with essential oils, it is not without the so-called basic oils. Whatever you want to do with essential oil, you need to remember that in a clean, undiluted form, they cannot be applied to the skin in any case, it is fraught with burns and allergies. Base oils are used to dissolve essential oils before use, thereby becoming possible to make their safe applying to the skin.

We will understand in terms

Why speak differently - vegetable oils, fixed oils, basic oils, carrier oils?

The term "carrier oils" is usually used only when they talk about aromatherapy. When it comes to the manufacture of skin care products, such terms as "vegetable oils", "fixed oils" and "basic oils" are used. Not all fixed and basic oils are vegetable. EMU Oil (it is obtained from fat deposits of Ostrich EMU) and fish oil are classified as fixed and base oils, but they, like any other oils of animal origin, are usually not used in aromatherapy.

We will use the term "basic oils", as the most neutral, and not to use it to oils not vegetable origin.

Basic oils are oils obtained from those parts of the plant that contain the greatest amount of fats - usually seeds, bones or nuts.

All carrier oils have different combinations of beneficial properties and other characteristics, from which the choice of oil depends. Natural lotions, creams, body oils, bath oil, lip balms and other nutritious and moisturizers for skin are produced using basic oils. From what etheric and base oils are part of the product, its useful properties, color, aroma and shelf life are dependent.

Essential oils, abs, extracts and other concentrated aromatic substances, if they apply them to the skin undeveloped, can cause severe irritation or, in some people, an allergic reaction. Very often, the reaction will be violent and will remain with you forever - that is, if you take advantage of the oil, which caused allergies, get a relapse. It is important to remember.

Essential and basic oils, what is the difference?

Essential oils are obtained, as a rule, by distillation and extraction from leaves, bark, colors, roots and other most fragrant parts of plants. Essential oils evaporate and have a concentrated aroma. Basic oils are obtained by pressing their seeds, nuts, bones; They are fat, they do not evaporate and have a significantly less severe fragrance. Over time, base oils, in contrast to essential, can become ruling. Essential oils over time or in violation of storage rules are oxidized and lose their beneficial properties.

The smell of basic oils

Some carrier oils do not smell at all, and most have a weak sweet, nut aroma. Strong, bitter fragrance at base oil is a faithful sign that it rank.

Some vegetable oils that are used in aromatherapy as basic carrier oils:

  • sweet almond oil
  • cukui oil
  • apricot bone oil
  • macadamia oil
  • avocado oil
  • oil from the cucumber seeds (Borago)
  • camellia oil
  • olive oil
  • peanut butter
  • cranberry seed oil
  • oil oil pecan
  • oil primory evening
  • granat seed oil
  • coconut oil
  • seed oil Shipovnika
  • grape seed oil
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil
  • forest oil
  • sesame oil
  • cannon oil
  • sunflower oil
  • jojoba oil
  • seed oil watermelon.

Properties of basic oils

  • Avocado oil: nourishes the skin and hair
  • Sweet Almond Oil: Natural Humidifier, Great for Massage
  • Hazelnut oil: penetrates well in the skin, suitable for oily skin
  • Jojoba oil: Contains anti-inflammatory components
  • Peanut butter: Useful for the treatment of arthritis
  • Pomegranate oil: has anti-inflammatory properties, richly antioxidants
  • Sunflower oil: available, universal
  • Watermelon seed oil: nutritious, well absorbed, useful for all skin types
  • Coconut oil: especially suitable for damaged hair, rich in vitamins and minerals
  • Grape seed oil: Used for massage, suitable for all skin types
  • Hemp oil: has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Solid vegetable oils

Solid vegetable oils (they are also called batters) - for example, cocoa oil and shea oil, can also be used in aromatherapy and are absolutely indispensable in the manufacture of home cosmetics. In terms of its properties, they are similar to ordinary carrier vegetable oils, but at room temperature they are solid. Butters most often in the production process take place various types of treatment, so buying them, it is especially important to check the extraction method. The most useful, of course, are solid cold spin oils.

In aromacosmetics it is important to find a good base for essential oils, because essential oils are highly concentrated vegetable essences, and require dilution. In a mixture with vegetable oils, essential oils are better perceived by the skin.

In proportion to the oil, the carrier requires only a few drops of essential oil, in a similar way in cooking for the preparation of a dish, it is only a pinch of herbs or spices. Vegetable vegetable oils obtained by cold seal methods are usually used as carrier carriers in aromatherapy and minerals. They literally "carry" essential oils into the body, lubricate the skin, allowing the aromatherapy handes easily slide along the massable body.

Oils obtained in the process of hot extraction, although much cheaper, but for aromatherapy are completely unsuitable due to poor quality. The carrier component of the base, oil must be crude and not treated with any chemicals. The stronger treatment with vegetable oils, the less vitamins remain in them. On the oil factories can add dyes and other components, which is also undesirable. For aromatherapy purposes, always use oils (we are talking about non-volatile oils, and not about the essential) crude, without any additives, prefer the oil of the first cold spin. It is unlikely to find such oils on the shelves of the nearest supermarket.

Mineral oils (purified, lungs derived from oil), for example, such as baby oil, should never be used in aromatherapy as bearing oil. Mineral oils tend to cloculate the pores, while some vegetable oil molecules are absorbed by passing through the skin. In mineral oils there are no nutritional components in vegetable: vitamins, minerals, fatty acids - they feed and improve the skin. Mineral oil is used in the cosmetic industry due to its ability not to deteriorate. But it remains on the skin like an oil film on the water and makes it difficult to skin breathing.

The shelf life of the carrier, base oil depends on the content of fatty acids and vitamin E. Vegetable oils with a high content of saturated fatty acids are preserved longer than those who have a high content of unsaturated fatty acids. The content of vitamin E also increases the shelf life of the carrier oil. Read more about the shelf life in .

If you have very sensitive skin, then you may have an allergic reaction to certain types of carrier oils, and you should be tested for skin testing to allergies.

Below is a list of basic oils that can be used for mixing with essential oils and a brief description of each oil.


For all skin types, including children. Effective for tired, flabby skin.
Light oil texture.

Satures the skin with vitamins A, B, C, E, F. Moisturizes, restores, tones, softens, nourishes the skin, increases its elasticity. Normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, prevents the power expansion, relieves inflammation. Slows the aging processes, contributes to the elimination of small wrinkles and increase skin elasticity. Fights with cellulite and coil skin. Indispensable in the event of a lack of nutrients, adverse effects of environmental factors, applied in burns, cracks. Useful for hair and nails. Perfectly treats diarmity and dermatitis in newborns.


For normal dry, peeling and fading skin.
Heavy oil, better mix with light oils.
Climbs pores.

Since avocado oil in its properties is very close to fat contained in human skin, it is very well perceived by it, without forming an unpleasant fatty film. This oil is rich in vitamins A, B, D, N and K. In addition, it contains chlorophyll, histidine and lecidin, has natural sunscreen properties. Avocado oil has an unusually delicate consistency, deeply penetrates into the skin and gives it a pleasant softness, a magnificent moisturizer. Protects from premature aging, increases elasticity and tone. Suitable for the treatment of burns and irritable skin. Removes symptoms of eczema, perfectly heal wounds. Is a natural antioxidant. One of the best oils for hair and nails, as well as areas around the eyes (smoothes wrinkles, protects and moisturizes this gentle skin).

Peanut (Earthwood)

For any type of skin, especially dry, fading, sensitive and children's.
Light oil texture.

Easily absorbed and moisturizes the skin. Richly vitamins and minerals. Ensure the rheumatism of the joints. Smoothes wrinkles, speeds up the process of updating skin cells, prevents the formation of free radicals. Contributing to improving skin quality, giving her elasticity and tone. It feeds the dehydrated skin, contributes to mitigating and intense moisturizing. Enhances the protective functions of the epidermis. Beneficially affects the strengthening of the walls of the capillaries and removes the vascular pattern. Helps with small rays, cuts and guns on the skin, showing its antiseptic properties.

Argan (Iron Tree)

For any type of skin, especially fading.
Light oil texture.
Can clog pores, you need to check individually.

Moisturizes and restores the skin, has a rejuvenating effect, it has a tightening effect, pulls the contour of the face, reduces wrinkles, stimulates blood circulation and the production of collagen. Enhances and maintains humidifier. Care about the vulnerable skin of the eyelid, reducing the mesh pattern around the eyes. Effective against stretch marks and cellulite. Strengthens the nail plate and hair bulbs. The natural UV filter, protects the skin and hair from the harmful effects of the environment, protects from drying out. Strengthens tan. It helps in the healing of neurodermatitis, psoriasis and eczema. Suitable for tender skin skin.


For any type of skin.
Light oil texture.
Does not clog pores.

It has strong moisturizing properties, increases elasticity and returns a healthy color, enhances protective skin function. It allows you to return the skin elasticity, silkiness and softness, prevent the appearance of mimic wrinkles. Its composition is similar to the skin composition. Suitable for children's skin.

Boranochik, Borago (cucumber medicinal)

For any type of skin, especially dry, dehydrated and fading.
Light oil texture.
Can clog pores, you need to check individually.

Promotes the regeneration of skin cells, increases its elasticity, restores the structure of the epidermis. Effectively in combating cellulite. Restores the barrier functions of the epidermis, protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the environment. Provides high-quality hair care, hairy bulbs and strengthening roots.

Grape bones

For any skin, especially fat and combined with inflammation. Suitable for children.
Light oil texture.
Can clog pores, you need to check individually.

Odorless, easily absorbed by the skin. Moisturizes, vitaminizes, regenerates the skin. It is a powerful antioxidant, increases skin elasticity, contributes to the elimination of wrinkles. Perfectly suitable for the neck and skin around the eyes. Adjusts the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands, narrows the pores, eliminates inflammation. Refreshes tired and fading skin, has a smoothing effect. Excellent remedy for weakened hair.

Vitamin E.

For dry, aging skin.
Heavy oil texture.
Can clog pores, you need to check individually.

Helps to heal wounds and cracks. Eliminates skin peeling, returns a healthy look and radiance. Slows the aging processes, returns the skin elasticity, warns the appearance of wrinkles. It is preferable to mix with other oils.

Pomegranate bones

For mature, aging, dry and peeling skin.
Light oil texture.
Can clog pores, you need to check individually.

Moisturizes, nourishes and restores irritated skin, improves its color. Soothes the skin after sunbathing. It helps the skin to produce collagen, increases the elasticity and tight of the skin, prevents the appearance of wrinkles.


For all skin types, especially sensitive and irritated.
Heavy oil texture.
Climbs pores .

Very quickly absorbed and makes skin silky. Excellent struggles with the main signs of skin aging, softens and nourishes, increases elasticity, relieves inflammation. Improves tan. It has a high wound healing indicator.


For any type of skin, especially dry and problem. Perfect for children's skin.
Thin oil texture, but it is better to mix with light oils.
Climbs pores.

This is not butter, but liquid wax. Nevertheless, it is very popular. Penetrating deep into the skin, this oil gives it a pleasant silkiness, nourishes and rejuvenates, not leaving fatty gloss. Normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands. It is used to bring the lips to the norm, after sunbathing. Jojoba oil has a strong anticipable and moisturizing effect, due to the fact that it actively holds moisture. Another advantage of this oil is a neutral smell and a long storage period, it remains fresh for a longer time than the remaining oils. Moisturizes hair, fights with dandruff and stimulates hair growth. It is used to care for nails and skin of the hands. Despite the thin texture it is better to mix it with lighter oil.


For unclean, problem, mixed, dehydrated and sensitive skin.
Light oil texture.
Does not clog pores.

Powerful antioxidant, restores the hydrolyphid layer. Accelerates the process of healing wounds, burns, scars and any inflammatory phenomena on the skin. Perfectly nourishes, regenerates and moisturizes the skin. Strengthens and strengthens hair growth. Do not use in a pure form or as basic.


For any skin, especially dry and fading. Ideal for children's skin.
Heavy oil texture.
Climbs pores.

Moisturizes, softens and rejuvenates the skin, smoothes wrinkles, goose paws disappear. Makes the skin more tender, elastic and smooth, support the tour and restore its hydrolyphid balance. It helps to eliminate stretch marks and small skin defects (small scars, consequences of acne rash).


For all skin types, especially dry, sensitive and children.
Heavy oil texture.
Does not clog pores.

Softens, moisturizes coarse, cracked skin, prevents the formation of scars, scars. It has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties, relieves inflammation, restores skin. Protects the skin from the effects of UV rays. It is used to care for fatty hair. Adjusts the selection of sebum, absorbs its excess and narrows the pores. When applied to the skin of the face as a cream, it is recommended to mix with other bases.


For any skin, especially dry, peeling. Suitable for children's skin.
Heavy oil texture.
Does not clog pores.

It is easy to apply, softens the skin, makes it smooth and smooth. Nourins and whitens the skin, removes pigment stains. Suitable for skin care around the eyes, fighting wrinkles. Improves the condition of hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. The oil removes the cystighs, warts, scars, and other springs on the skin. Excellent remedy with cracked skin. Eliminates dandruff. For cosmetic procedures, castor oil is diluted with other bases.

Cedar Out

For dry, fading skin.
Heavy oil texture.
Can clog pores, you need to check individually.

A unique source of natural vitamins and microelements; It is used for all skin diseases, as well as to strengthen hair and nails. Restores the protective properties of the skin. Natural UV filter.


For all skin types, especially dry, irritated and sensitive.
Heavy oil texture.
Climbs pores.

Easy and quickly absorbed skin and nourishes it. Protects, softens, smoothes, moisturizes, nourishes the skin, restores after sunbathing. Wonderful softener. Thanks to its complete digestibility, the skin becomes soft, gentle, is tight, small wrinkles disappear. Consistency oil is not fat, does not pollute the pores.


For any type of skin, especially fat and mixed.
Light oil texture.
Does not clog pores.

Enhances the regenerating functions of the skin, strengthens the walls of the capillaries, binds free radicals. It returns the softness and elasticity of the skin, effectively struggling with dehydration, due to its ability to hold moisture in the skin. It has a high penetrating ability, absorbed quickly and without oily shine, perfectly restores the skin texture. It has a good cosmetic effect on the condition of the hair: feeds the capillary fiber, improves the hair structure, gives them additional radiance, flexibility, volume and facilitates laying.

Coffee from beans (fried)

For any type of skin, especially dry, problematic.
Light oil texture.
Can clog pores, you need to check individually.

It has a powerful anti-aging effect on the skin, smoothes, softens and soothes. It has a tonic effect and gives the skin elasticity. Well absorbed without leaving oily shine. Acts as an ultraviolet filter, protecting against harmful solar exposure. It struggles with cellulite and skin problems, reduces and treat acne. Does not cause allergies.

Coffee and beans (green)

For any type of skin.
Light oil texture.
Does not clog pores.

It has an intense and long-term moisturizer. Improves the work of the sebaceous glands, the pores narrows, matches the skin and returns it a healthy color. Effective in case of irritation, wounds, acne, eczema, acne. Warns the appearance of wrinkles, increases the protective functions of the skin and elasticity of the skin. Suitable for care for gentle skin around the eyes. Stimulates fat burning and eliminates the effect of orange peel. Eliminates scars and stretching by preventing weakening tissues. Eliminates dryness and hair liability, returns them a healthy shine, nourishes and moisturizes. When rubbing in the cuticle stimulates the growth of nails, strengthens and heal.


For irritated, fading skin.
Heavy oil texture.
Climbs pores.

Due to the high content of vitamin A, it is indispensable for the regeneration of the skin, it eliminates the peeling, has a rejuvenating effect, increases the elasticity of the skin. Corn oil has a long shelf life.

Cumin (cumin) black

For any skin, especially problematic and fat.
Light oil texture.
Does not clog pores.

It has an antiseptic, antibacterial, absorbent, anticipable effect. Deeply cleanses the pores. It helps to stop and eliminate any inflammatory skin processes, and contributes to the acceleration of the regeneration of its damaged cells, increases the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. Improves the condition of hair and scalp, prevents the development of seborrhea and the associated disease is the appearance of dandruff, prevents the fallout, fragility and satellite hair.


For any skin, especially fat, dry, fading skin.
Heavy oil texture.
Climbs pores.

A good source of vitamin E. is useful for unhealthy skin and rheumatism. The advantage of sesame oil is that it does not miss ultraviolet rays, moisturizes and soothes the skin. Effective for care for gentle skin around the eyes. Softens, nourishes, reduces peeling and irritation, restores the protective functions of the epidermis. Normalizes the solidity, reduces and smoothes the pores, removes inflammation and stains. Suitable for care for all types of hair. Because of the heavy texture it is better to mix with other light oils.


For all skin types, especially dry.
Heavy oil texture.
Climbs pores.

Cares for sensitive, irritated skin, moisturizing and regenerating all the layers of the epidermis. Suitable for care for children's skin. Kupauas is an excellent emolent that gives smoothness and soft skin, restoring the humidity and natural elasticity of damaged and dry skin. Slowly penetrates the skin, providing a long biologically active impact. Restores painted hair, provides a better compound of hair scales and restores a lipid balance


For dry, greasy and problem skin.
Light oil texture.
Does not clog pores.

It has an antiseptic effect, it has a stimulating and tonic effect on the skin, restores the hydrolyphid layer of the skin, helps to restore dry and damaged skin. Strengthens hair, prevents dandruff. Ensures cellulite, anti-acne, stimulates blood circulation.

Flax from seeds

For any type of skin.
Heavy oil texture.
Climbs pores.

Soften the skin is not worse than cream, strengthens the skin and removes irritation. Rejuvenates and returns skin elasticity and elasticity. Contains UV filters. Used to treat eyelashes.

Forest nut (hazelnut)

For fading, sensitive, fat, combined with acne skin.
Light oil texture.
Can clog pores, you need to check individually.

Easily absorbed, softens and regenerates the skin. Suitable for skin care and delicate skin around the eyes. Promotes skin cleansing, the elimination of acne rash, tightens the pores, restores the water-lipid barrier, nourishes, softens the skin, soothes it after the tan, has a smoothing effect. He treats Naryavy and abscesses. Lines and pulls the skin.

Mac from seeds

For any type of skin, especially dry, dirling.
Light oil texture.
Can clog pores, you need to check individually.

Moisturizes, softens and regenerates the skin, smoothes small wrinkles. Restores the softness and elasticity of the skin, gives it special tenderness and silkiness. By providing a stimulating effect, effectively restores the skin tone, revitalizes tired and dery-skinned skin, increases its elasticity. It nourishes the scalp and gives hair glitter.


For dry, peeling, fading skin.
Light oil texture.
Can clog pores, you need to check individually.

Easily absorbed. It is a powerful antioxidant. Eliminates the irritation and peeling of the skin. Moisturizes and softens the skin, returns elasticity, making it beautiful and healthy. Promotes skin restoration after thermal burns. Restores the natural hair glitter, can be used to care for dry and damaged hair.


Any skin type, especially mature, dry.
Light oil texture.
Does not clog pores.

It has a strong moisturizing effect, fighting with pigment stains, smoothes and softens the skin. Rejuvenates the skin, eliminates wrinkles. Ideally moisturizes hair and cuticle. It can be used as a protective agent from UV rays.


For any skin, especially sensitive, children's, problem, dry.
Light oil texture.
Can clog pores, you need to check individually.

Easily absorbed. Gorgeous leather oil, with success can be used to care for the skin of children, including breasts. It has a soothing, smoothing and supply effect, reduces irritation, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands. Accelerates hair growth. However, has a small shelf life. In its pure form can score pores, it is better to mix with other oils.


For any skin, especially dry, peeling and irritated. Suitable for children.
Light oil texture, it is better to mix with other oils.
Can clog pores, you need to check individually.

It has good healing properties. The only drawback of olive oil is a peculiar smell to which you need to get used to. Good source of minerals and vitamins.

Nut Pekan.

For mature and dry skin.
Heavy oil texture.
Climbs pores.

Actively updates cells, refreshes and rejuvenates the skin, returns elasticity. Is a natural antioxidant. Forms a protective layer on the skin, providing protection against the harmful effects of the environment. Excellent remedy for protective creams.


For normal, dry, fading skin.
Heavy oil texture.
Climbs pores.

Intensively moisturizes the skin, eliminates dryness and peeling. It has rejuvenating properties and helps to smooth out the shallow wrinkles. It is an excellent natural skin tonic, returning to her vital energy. Clamps pigment stains caused by age-related changes or influence of ultraviolet. Softens the coarse skin on the hands, footsteps, elbows. Strengthens hair and nails.

Peach from the bones

For all types of skin and children's skin.
Light oil texture.
Can clog pores, you need to check individually.

Suitable for massage and daily skin care and body, has a softening effect, makes the skin velvety. Satures the skin with vitamins E, A, B15, increases the turgor and elasticity of the skin. Moisturizes, nourishes, cleans, regenerates the skin, relieves irritation. It helps overcome skin dehydration, increases elasticity and rejuvenates the skin, smoothing wrinkles. Used to purify and intensive care for dry and fading skin and neck. Suitable for skin care around the eyes and eyelashes. A mask of heated peach oil protects the skin from the appearance of wrinkles, helps to restore elasticity.


For any skin, especially fat and unclean. Suitable for children's skin.
Light oil texture.
Does not clog pores.

This oil is rich in vitamin V. improves blood circulation, enhances cell regeneration, eliminates peeling. Gives elasticity, smoothes mimic wrinkles. Cleans the pores and heals small wounds. Protects from UV rays.

Internal (Enotera) Primories

For dry, fading skin.
Light oil texture.
Can clog pores, you need to check individually.

Contains a lot of gamma-linolenic acid, the disadvantage of which in the body causes dryness and other pathological changes in the skin. It has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Beautiful tool for skin care around the eyes. Effective in the treatment of fresh scars and Striy. Rejuvenates and smoothes small wrinkles, increases skin elasticity, eliminates age and pigment spots, relieves inflammation.

Wheat germs

For dry, fading, wrinkled skin. Suitable for children's skin.
Heavy oil texture.
Climbs pores.

The unique natural source of vitamin E - vitamin youth, as well as vitamins B BB, RR, A. has a smoothing effect, rejuvenates, improves the complexion, removes toxins, eliminates dryness, restores skin relief. Promotes skin healing after burns and inflammation, reduction of generic stretch marks and scars, strengthening the walls of capillaries. It has natural sunscreen properties. It gives the hair strength and volume.

Rapeseed from seeds

For dry and mature skin.
Heavy oil texture.
Climbs pores.

Rejuvenates and activates skin breathing, normalizes the secretion of the skin glands. Increases skin elasticity, leveling her relief. Soothes sensitive skin, struggling with inflammatory processes and redness. Promotes the healing of small wounds on the surface of the skin and cracks on the lips, stimulating the regeneration of cells, accelerates the resorption of scars on the skin. Moisturizes the gentle skin of the lips. Used to care for eyelashes and eyebrows.


For any type of skin.
Light oil texture.
Does not clog pores.

Softens and soothes the scalp, strengthens the hair onions, feeds the roots and the structure of the hair, accelerates their growth. Cleans and tightens the pores.

Rice from Bran.

For dry, fading skin.
Light oil texture.
Does not clog pores.

Regenerates, increases elasticity, suitable for the skin around the eyes, warns the appearance of wrinkles. It has anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, restoring, softening effect. Improves hair condition. Suitable for children's skin. Can be used as a sunscreen. Easily absorbed and does not clog pores.


For any type of skin, especially unclean, problematic.
Light oil texture.
Does not clog pores.

Softens, nourishes and moisturizes dry, sensitive, depleted skin. Cleans the fatty skin, normalizes the metabolic processes and the operation of the sebaceous glands. Natural antiseptic, contributes to the rapid healing of inflammation, acne. Moisturizes the skin, relieves irritation, is a natural tool for preventing the appearance of wrinkles on the face, neck, around the eyes. Cares about sensitive skin, soothes, it takes itching and inflammation. Leaves skin, lightening pigment spots. Suitable for care for the delicate easy-minded baby skin. Strengthens hair and nails.


For all skin types. Suitable for children's skin.
Light oil texture.
Does not clog pores.

Good penetrating ability. Good source of minerals and vitamins. It has antioxidant, high moisture regulatory and wiring properties. Fights with Cooperoz.

Black currant

For dry, mature, fading skin.
Light oil texture.
Can clog pores, you need to check individually.

Restores, moisturizes, smoothes the skin, resumes the synthesis of collagen. Eliminates peeling, irritation and irritation. Reduces the external manifestations of acne, dermatitis and dermatosis. Cares hairs by returning brilliance and power.

Soybean from beans

For dry and normal skin, contraindicated for oily.
Light oil texture.
Climbs pores.

This oil is one of the most nutritious and oily oils in nature. It has rejuvenating properties, smoothes wrinkles, protects the skin from drying out. Cares haired.

Pumpkin of seeds

For any skin, especially dry, mature, problematic.
Light oil texture.
Can clog pores, you need to check individually.

Softens, moisturizes, restores, regenerates the skin. Rejuvenates, slows down the aging processes, reduces the existing wrinkles. Give a beautiful healthy color, velvety and elasticity. Promotes the healing of small wounds, cuts and scratches, demonstrating their anti-inflammatory properties. Protects the skin from ultraviolet, minimizing the risk of drying solar burns. Promotes restoration and speeds up the growth of nails and hair. It helps to get rid of acne, seborrhea and dandruff.


For fading skin.
Light oil texture.
Does not clog pores.

Natural antioxidant, rejuvenates, slows down the aging processes, reduces existing wrinkles. Toning, eliminates dryness and irritation. Brightening pigment stains and freckles, leveling the skin tone. Protects from frost and temptation. Is a natural UV filter. Strengthens hair and nails.

Cotton from seeds

For dry, mature skin.
Heavy oil texture.
Climbs pores.

Moisturizes, restores, regenerates the skin, improves its structure, increases protective functions.


For all skin types, especially problematic.
Light oil texture.
Does not clog pores.

Soothes irritated skin, has a cleansing, whitening effect. Promotes the removal of warts, corns, papillom. It helps to cope with acne, acne, stop inflammatory processes. Provides deep skin feeding, increasing its smoothness and elasticity. Fights with early wrinkles and cares for fading skin. Prevents hair fragility and improves their overall condition.

Shi (Carite)

For any type of skin and children's skin.
Light oil texture.
Does not clog pores.

It is a natural UV filter, actively protects, nourishes, softens, smoothes and moisturizes the skin. Fights with small wrinkles and other age-related changes. Restores the structure, improving the complexion, giving the skin noticeable elasticity and elasticity. It helps to eliminate acne and dermatitis.


For dry, sensitive skin, prone to irritation and problem.
Light oil texture.
Does not clog pores.

It nourishes, softens, moisturizes cracked, irritated and peeling skin. Prevents the formation of scars, scars. Enhances the regeneration of tissues, contributes to the resorption of stretch marks (Striy). Prevents premature aging of the skin, increases elasticity. Strengthens weak hair and nails.

Literature: 1. Ellison Ingland. "Aromatherapy for Mother and Child". 2. Anastasia Artyomova. "Fragrances and oils healing and rejuvenating". 3. Vladislav S. Brud, Ivon Coropatskaya. "Fascular pharmacy. The mysters of aromatherapy." 4. Denis Vichell Brown. "Aromatherapy". 5. Lavrenova Galina. "Inhaling the wonderful fragrance. Aromatherapy is a pleasant and easy way to treat." 6. Leonova N.S. "Aromatherapy for beginners". 7. Libun O.K., Ivanova E.P. "Healing oils". 8. Tatyana Litvinova. "Aromatherapy: professional leadership in the world of smells." 9. Novoselova Tatiana. "Aromatherapy". 10. Dmitrievskaya L. "Cheating age. Practices of rejuvenation." 11. Kedrov Maria. "Fragrances of beauty and health. Cleopatra secrets." 12. Nikolaevsky V.V. "Aromatherapy. Directory." 13. Semenova Anastasia. "Oil treatment". 14. Edited Zakharenkova V.I. "Encyclopedia of aromas". 15. Carol Mc Gilverie and Jimmy Reed. "Fundamentals of Aromatherapy". 16. Wolfgang Stims, Ulla Vaigshtorfer. "In the kingdom of smells." 17. Mirgorodskaya S.A., "Aromology: Quantum Satis". 18. Internet.

Hi, dear my readers!

I decided to make such a page where I will make links to all my posts about the best basic oils so that all those who need such information could find everything you need in it immediately, and not climb in search of the desired material throughout the blog.

First I want to give a small characteristic of basic oils and determine their properties and application.

From this article you will learn:

Basic oils - properties and application

Basic oils - It is natural vegetable fats obtained from plants by the method of hot and cold pressing, liquid extraction.

Types of basic oils

  • Basic oils are solid (batters) consist mainly of saturated fatty acids.
  • Liquid (fat), which consist of a large part of unsaturated fatty acids and due to the presence of double bonds in their molecules, they are quickly oxidized, sensitive to the action of microorganisms and heating.

What base oils are more useful?

The most useful for the skin are oils obtained by cold pressing.

The lowest-quality oils obtained by the extraction method and their use in cosmetics is undesirable.

Basic oils in cosmetology

Today, the basic oils added to cosmetics play the role not only the basics, but also biologically active components.

They not only ensure the penetration of other Bav in the skin, but also affect the physiological processes in the skin.

Especially valuable in this regard oil containing: Linoleic, alpha-linolenic and gamma linolen (omega3 and omega 6)

For the normal functioning of the skin, these acids should enter the body in the right ratio, the range 4: 1-1: 1.

With the lack of these acids, it begins to peel, it becomes dry and irritated.

The basic oils can also include such valuable components such as carateinoids, phytosterols, squalene, tocopherol.

Basic base oil functions

  1. Formation of the epidermal barrier (fats are necessary for the formation of lipid layers of the horn layer)
  2. Participation in the metabolism of biologically active molecules
  3. Increase the permeability of the horn layer for other active ingredients.

In addition to the fact that they can be used as full-fledged cosmetic products for the care of any parts of the body, given their properties, they serve as the basis for the preparation of home cosmetics and a variety of mixtures with.

What oils are basic?

Just go through them and read about the properties and apply the base oil you need. All specias are very detailed and understandable.