Electronic enrollment in kindergarten. Instructions for enrolling a child in a preschool educational institution. What services is this life hack useful for?

For a child to be enrolled in kindergarten, you first need to get on the line. This can be done from birth until the age of 7. Moreover, he must have a temporary or permanent registration in the Moscow region. For the record, parents or legal representatives of a child registered in the Moscow region can apply through the portal of state and municipal services (RPGU) of the Moscow region.

Procedure and terms of service provision

Source: Main Directorate of State Construction Supervision of the Moscow Region The service for accepting applications, registering and enrolling children in preschool educational institutions is provided to the parents (legal representatives) of the child. The maximum term for the provision of the service is 7 working days. Registration of an application and a set of documents is carried out in 1 working day.

After receiving a referral for enrolling a child in a kindergarten, you need to go to the proposed kindergarten with the original documents to complete the contract. Enrollment is carried out within three days after signing it.

Preferential enrollment

Source: Ministry of the Construction Complex of the Moscow Region The queue for kindergartens is formed by the date of enrollment from the list of children on preferential and general grounds. If the family has a preferential status, which gives the right to extraordinary or priority enrollment in kindergarten, the parent or legal representative of the child must, in the year of admission to kindergarten, before starting recruitment for the new school year, apply to the municipal government with a set of documents confirming the benefit education.

There are certain benefits for extraordinary or priority admission to kindergarten, the right to which the following categories of citizens have:

  • children of investigators and prosecutors;
  • children, whose parents were injured in the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • children of military personnel;
  • children of police officers;
  • children from large families;
  • children with disabilities (for them there are special kindergartens: general health care and for certain diseases);
  • children in whose families one of the parents has a disability.

Children living in the territory assigned to the kindergarten also enjoy the right of preferential enrollment.

Required documents

Source: Photobank of the Moscow Region, Boris Chubatyuk To receive the service, you will have to collect the following documents:

  • an application for registration in a kindergarten (it is necessary to indicate the full name of the head of the municipal education authority, the full name of the applicant, the address of the place of residence (registration), the full name of the child, the series and number of the child's identity document, SNILS of the applicant and the child (if any) , the date of the desired enrollment, as well as contact information. In addition, a mark is made about the need to provide a place in a specialized kindergarten);
  • an identity document of one of the parents (legal representatives);
  • child's birth certificate;
  • identity document of the applicant's representative;
  • documents confirming the right to preferential enrollment of a child in a kindergarten;
  • document on the registration of the child at the place of residence or at the place of stay (the absence of this document is not a reason for refusing to provide the service).

How to find out where in the queue

Every young couple with a baby is faced with the problem of registering him in kindergarten. A similar problem is relevant from the very first days of a child's life, even though it is still three years before kindergarten. Mothers who have already sent their child to kindergarten know firsthand what a long and painful process of registering a baby in kindergarten is. But time does not stand still, and registration of a child in a kindergarten has become easier thanks to the State Services website. Now you can queue up for kindergarten without leaving your home and without being distracted from the process of raising your child. All you need is access to the Internet and, in fact, the documents to complete the application.

To use the services of the portal of State Services, you must go through the process of confirmed registration. Information on registration on the State Services portal can be found in this article.

A package of documents for applying for registration in a kindergarten on the State Services website

To get on the line for kindergarten online, you need documents not only for the child, but also for one of the parents:

  • Parent's passport, which is registered on the site;
  • If custody is established over the child, then the guardian (or representative of the child) must provide the appropriate document;
  • SNILS of one of the parents, and SNILS of the baby, if any;
  • Child's birth certificate;
  • Documents for benefits. Such documents are provided by parents if they have benefits allowing them to get a place in the kindergarten out of turn;
  • If the child has health problems, then you must provide them. Such documents will allow the baby to be registered in specialized groups.

Get on the line for kindergarten: instructions on the State Services website

The above portal has a varied number of social services that can be performed remotely. To get on the queue for the kindergarten, you must:

Go to the official website of the State Services of the Russian Federation www.gosuslugi.ru.

Go to Service Catalog

Select the "Education" section and follow the link "Kindergarten enrollment".

After you have chosen "Fill in the service", you will be offered an electronic service and a personal visit. We choose the electronic option for filling out the application.
This option will take less time and will take place in several stages: filling out information about the parent and entering information about the baby.

Instructions for filling out the application:

Entering personal data about the parent provides for the provision of information about the parent who is registered on the site:

  • date of birth,
  • sNILS number,
  • email and contact phone number;

Passport data. This information must be entered strictly according to the document:

  • series and number of the passport,
  • date of issue,
  • department code and by whom the document was issued;

Choose who you match the child: mother, father or otherwise. In the latter case, the child's guardian or representative is meant. In this case, it is necessary not only to fill in the passport data, but also to provide a document confirming custody of the child;

Birth certificate details:

  • series and number of the certificate,
  • date of issue,
  • act record number,
  • who issued the place of birth.

It is important at this stage to indicate in which country the certificate was issued. You will be provided with 2 options: a certificate of the sample of the Russian Federation and a sample of another state;

Indicate the address of the baby's registration. This refers to the place of registration;

Confirm the fact of the coincidence of the place of residence and place of registration of the baby. If this is not the case, then choose the option "no";

Choose a kindergarten for your baby. Three kindergartens are selected to visit this institution. But it is necessary to indicate the kindergarten that is in priority. If you have a priority kindergarten, then choose the function of choosing another kindergarten. In this case, kindergartens are offered that are closest to home;

At the next stage, you need to enter the enrollment parameters:

  • the desired date of enrollment (in this case, it is the year in which the child begins to attend kindergarten that is important);
  • the specifics of the group (meaning, groups that distribute children for health reasons. Not all kindergartens have such an opportunity, therefore, it is necessary to decide in advance on a suitable kindergarten);
  • the availability of benefits will allow you to quickly arrange a child in kindergarten.

Upload copies of required documents. That is, all the documents that were used when filling out the application. These documents are uploaded in jpg format - a document scanned onto a computer in the form of a picture;

It is important to double-check all the information entered once again;

Only after checking the data, click on "Send".

The advantages of filling out the application are obvious - the minimum investment of time, effort and nerves. Moreover, this service is absolutely free. It is important that your application is accepted on the day of its registration. And after acceptance or refusal, you will receive a notification by e-mail that you specified.

In accordance with the order of the Moscow Department of Education dated 11.02.2011 No. 126 in Moscow there is a new procedure for enrolling children in kindergarten via the Internet without leaving home. At the same time, the parent (legal representative) is given the opportunity to independently track the progress of his child in the electronic queue for kindergarten according to the individual application code.

According to the Department of Education of Moscow, from 15.09.2012 the AIS system "Enrollment in preschool educational institutions" has been updated. Now parents will be able to register their children and view the queue for kindergartens only on the website pgu.mos.ru/ru/ The website of the Electronic Commission ec.mosedu.ru has ceased to function.

The procedure for registering children in the electronic register

To register a child in the electronic register, the applicant (parent or legal representative of a child under the age of 7) fills out an application in the established form:

  • independently on the website "Electronic Commission" using the Internet;
  • in the district methodological (resource) center if there is no possibility to independently register the child in the electronic register through the website "Electronic Commission" using the Internet.

Step-by-step instructions for enrolling a child in kindergarten.

The applicant can apply to the district methodological (resource) center located in any administrative district of the city of Moscow, regardless of place of residence.

After sending the application, the applicant receives a message about the acceptance of the application for consideration, indicating the assigned individual code.

The district information support service within 10 working days processes the received application and sends to the applicant's email or postal address:

  • confirmation of the registration of the child in the electronic register and information on the timing of the decision on the issue of providing the child with a place in the institution;
  • refusal to register a child in the electronic register. The reasons for refusing to register a child in the electronic register are: lack of the necessary information in the application; incorrectly executed application.
  • request for confirmation of the claimed benefit.

Applications received during the period from 1 to 31 July processed by the staff of the district information support service within 10 working days from August 1 current year.

During the period from February 1 to April 15 the current year, changes in the data of the application for children registered in the unified electronic register of the AIS "Acquisition of preschool educational institutions" with the desired date of admission for the next academic year (in part: the desired institution) are not produced.

Working hours of the district methodological (resource) centers

Employees of the district methodological (resource) centers register children in the electronic register on weekdays from 9.00 to 18.00, lunch break from 13.00 to 14.00, based on the applicant's personal request upon presentation of the original documents:

  • applicant's passport,
  • birth certificate of a child,
  • if there are benefits - a document confirming them.

District methodological (resource) centers are organized so that parents who do not have access to the Internet can register their child in a single electronic register.

The main functions of the district information support services

  1. Process the data of applications for registration of a child in the electronic register.
  2. They make changes to the electronic register based on personal requests from applicants or requests by e-mail.
  3. Inform the applicants about the registration or refusal to register the child in the electronic register.
  4. At least once a quarter, applicants whose children are not provided with places in institutions in the current year are informed about the time frame for resolving the issue of providing a place in the institution.
  5. Carry out the correlation of information on benefits for enrolling children in institutions specified in the applications received, with the data submitted by the applicants of the original documents.
  6. The applicants are informed about the provision of the child with a place in the institution, the time frame for processing the child's personal file with the head of the institution and the list of documents required for this.
  7. Provide information support to the population on the acquisition of institutions, including on the organization and functioning of new forms of preschool education.
  8. Applicants are informed about the acquisition of institutions mainly using e-mail. Applicants who do not have e-mail are informed using telephone or postal means.
  9. If it is impossible to contact the applicant within 6 months, the data about the child registered in the unified electronic register of the AIS "Acquisition of preschool educational institutions" are transferred to the archive records.
  10. District information support staff are required to respond to requests from applicants within 10 business days.
  11. At the request of the employees of the district information support service, applicants must submit documents confirming the information specified in the application. If these documents are not provided, information about the child is transferred to archive records.

The procedure for enrolling children in kindergartens

The admission of children to the institution is carried out on the basis of a list approved by a specialist of the district education department (appointed by order of the head of the district education department). The recruitment list is formed in accordance with the electronic register and taking into account the confirmed benefits, that is, upon a written application from the parents.

The formation of lists of future pupils of groups of compensatory or health-improving orientation is carried out by district education departments on the basis of conclusions issued by psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions in accordance with the data of the electronic register.

Documents for the child's admission.

  • Applicant's passport.
  • Written statement from parents.
  • Child's medical card (form No. 026 / y-2000).
  • Vaccination card (form 63).
  • Child's medical insurance policy (copy).
  • Child's birth certificate (copy).
  • Birth certificates of all children in the family.
  • Documents for obtaining benefits (if any).
  • A copy of the 1st page of the passbook (to receive monetary compensation in the amount of 20 to 75%).

The head of the institution is responsible for the staffing of the institution, the registration of personal files of the inmates of the institution and the prompt (on the 1st day of each month) transfer to the district education department of information on the availability of vacancies in the institution.

The number of places in an institution provided for children for admission to an institution may not exceed the number of places in an institution provided for children who do not have such rights.

As of September 1 of each year, the head of the institution issues an order on the enrollment of newly admitted children and approves the quantitative composition of the formed groups. When a child enters an institution, an order is issued for his admission within a year.

Obligatory documentation for the staffing of the institution is the lists of children by groups, which are approved by the head of the institution.

The expulsion of children from the institution is formalized by order.

When a child is admitted to an institution, an agreement is mandatory with the parents (legal representatives) of the pupils in 2 copies with the issuance of one copy of the agreement to the parents (legal representatives).

When admitting a child to an institution, managers are required to familiarize parents (legal representatives) with the institution's charter and other documents regulating the organization of the educational process in the institution.

Parents must within 30 calendar days from the date of informing by their district information support service about sending the child to kindergarten, come to the institution for registration with the head of the institution of the child's personal file, which includes:

  • statement of the parent (legal representative);
  • copy of the child's birth certificate;
  • agreement between the institution and the parent (legal representative).

Parents (legal representatives) are responsible for the timely submission of the necessary documents to the institution. If the parents fail to appear at the institution within the specified period, the child is excluded from the lists.

When the turn has already come, it's time to draw up a medical record. It is given by the local pediatrician. He also writes a calendar of vaccinations into the card, gives directions for the necessary tests, notes the specialists whose examination the child must pass, taking into account the age. After examination and testing, the chief physician of the polyclinic signs the card and puts a stamp on it. Along with the medical card, parents are also issued a vaccination card.

It is no secret that sometimes parents are faced with an unlawful refusal to issue a medical card or to admit a child to a preschool institution due to the lack of vaccinations or insufficient number of them.

It is worth recalling that in accordance with the Federal Law “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases”, preventive vaccinations are carried out with the consent of citizens, parents or other legal representatives of minors and citizens recognized as incapacitated in the manner established by the Russian Federation. Lack of vaccinations in a child can be a reason for a temporary refusal of admission to educational and health institutions only in the event of massive infectious diseases or the threat of epidemics.

The sooner the parents register the child, the better. In this case, it is easier for the district education department to predict the number of places in kindergartens that will be needed in the coming years.

Sending children for a specified period

Children can be sent to an institution for a specific period specified in the list of the district education department in the following cases:

  • if it is impossible to provide the child with a place in the desired institution;
  • when providing a child with a place in a group of compensatory or health-improving orientation on the basis of the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;
  • when providing the child with a place in the group of short-term stay of the institution and other forms of preschool education.

Transfer of children from one kindergarten to another

The transfer of children from one institution to another is carried out on the basis of the order of the district education department in the following cases:

  • at the time of overhaul of the institution;
  • during construction at the site of the demolition of the institution;
  • for the summer period.

Data on children previously registered in the unified electronic register of the AIS "Acquisition of preschool educational institutions" and settled in institutions, but due to the change of residence of those in need of a device in another institution, are restored in the unified electronic register of the AIS "Acquisition of preschool educational institutions" with the original registration date.

The first question that each parent must answer on their own is whether the baby is ready to attend classes in a preschool.

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This is one of the main conditions, rather than the willingness to provide him with a place.


You can register in a kindergarten both in person at the department of state authorities and remotely via the Internet.

Any parent has the right to submit supporting documents for benefits. If there is one, then the child will be enrolled in a preschool institution as a matter of priority or extraordinary.

Such actions are regulated by regional and other legal acts.

In order to use them, you should prepare a package of documents in advance.

At what age?

You can apply for admission to kindergarten at any time, starting from one and a half years of age.

At this age, some babies are already ready to visit a government institution, and mothers can safely go to work. Attending kindergarten allows parents to take a break from the child's endless games and tantrums.

Statistics show that a child is more ready to attend a preschool institution at the age of 3-4 years. It is during this period that it is better to queue.

To improve the quality of service to the population, portals were created where you can independently put a child on the queue. The main thing is to have the necessary.

If the parents are firmly decided to send their baby to a state organization for education, then the question arises, how to put it on the line? First you need to collect a package of documents for registration of a baby in kindergarten. And you need to do this as early as possible.

Formally, each parent has the right to apply at the beginning of the year, and by the middle the baby should be enrolled.

But the likelihood of such an outcome of events is small. Therefore, this issue should be addressed in advance, that is, 1-2 before the planned date of enrollment.

How to get in line for kindergarten?

Many parents are wondering where to get on the queue for kindergarten? It is possible to join the queue both in the department and. This can be done through the multifunctional center, in the administration of education,.

All of these methods have their own characteristics and nuances. Therefore, before taking an action, you must familiarize yourself with everything.


You can put on the queue through the portal of the multifunctional center both personally, having come with a package of documents, and remotely, by registering on the portal.

To register you will need:

  • parent's passport details;
  • birth certificate.

After filling in all the necessary fields, a form with various services will become available to the person.

You must select "Education" - "Kindergartens". Then go to the "Queuing" tab.

In the administration

To register a child and put him in line through the administration, you must come to the department on the day of admission (they are different in all regions) and submit documents.

At the same time, it is worth providing supporting documents of this fact, as well as, if there is a benefit, a package of documents for their purchase.

Via the Internet (online)

You can also put a child on the queue remotely. To do this, you need to go either to the State Services portal, or to the website of the Administration for Education, or to the official website of the multifunctional center.


  • go through a small registration, where to indicate contact information;
  • fill in the required fields in the submitted form;
  • agree to the terms of service;
  • go to the corresponding tab;
  • choose several preschool institutions;
  • choose a child (if several children are registered);
  • queue with one mouse click.

Public services

It is possible to queue through the State Services portal only if you have an access code. You can get it only after passed registration, confirmation of contact information and your person in the state authority. For example, at the Russian Post.

For staging by this method, you need to go to the official resource, go to the tab "Kindergartens" - "Choice of d / s" - "Put the child in line". Select the required organizations and add them to the queue with one click of the mouse.

Pros and cons of an electronic queue

The advantage of this method is the following:

  • no queues;
  • saving time;
  • you can put a child on the line at any time, even while at the workplace;
  • you only need the simplest registration and a few documents.

The disadvantages are:

  • in any case, you will have to confirm your action with a personal arrival with documents;
  • there are often technical problems;
  • enrollment is not always displayed on the Internet.

Application submission

You can submit documents both in person at the department and remotely via the Internet. Recently, the latter method has been in demand.

Required documents

It is necessary to collect the necessary package of documents in a timely manner, so that later you do not have to collect them in a hurry.

The main list of documents here becomes:

  • written statement from one of the parents;
  • a document proving the identity of a citizen;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • in addition - a medical policy, a certificate from the place of registration, a certificate of the child's physical health.

Then in kindergarten you will need the following documents:

  • child's medical record with vaccinations;
  • certificate from the place of work;
  • bank details for further payment compensation;
  • documents confirming the availability of benefits;
  • individual taxpayer number.

Main and additional list

The main list is all children who are registered at the place of stay at the place of service of the kindergarten. All those who are nearby are automatically enrolled in the main team.

If you are registering your child for a kindergarten in Moscow, use the mos.ru website - this service is not available for Moscow on State Services. The portal itself will redirect you to the mos.ru website if you try to apply.

  1. Register on the mos.ru website. Log into your Personal Account.
  2. Go to the section "Services".
  3. Select a category "Education" - "Preschool" - "Enrollment (transfer) to kindergarten".
  4. Click the button Get a service.
  5. Enter the personal data of the child.
  6. Fill in the details of the birth certificate. Click the button "To find".You can save data about the child in your personal account.
  7. Indicate who you are in relation to the child.
  8. Check your automatically filled in personal data, fill in the missing ones. Click the button "Proceed".
  9. Select the desired year of enrollment. Check the box if you would like to send your child to a short stay group. Indicate the year your child was enrolled in this group.
  10. Indicate the type of registration of the child: at the place of residence or at the place of stay.
  11. Enter your child's registration address.
  12. Choose one priority and two additional educational institutions. Click the button "Proceed".
    Please note that when choosing an educational organization from the proposed ones (which are assigned to the child's registration address), the application will be considered in the main queue. If you have chosen another educational organization, the application will be considered in an additional queue.
  13. If applicable, indicate your child's priority enrollment benefit. Click on "Proceed".

The information specified in the application will be verified. If they are not confirmed, it is necessary to confirm them with relevant documents within 20 days by attaching them in your personal account. After that, you will be notified of the child being placed in the queue for enrollment in an educational institution.

Can I see the queue for kindergarten?

The following functions will be available to you in your personal account:

  • make changes to the application;
  • attach a document confirming the address / benefit;
  • refuse a place;
  • withdraw the application.

After the application has been processed, the child will be put on the queue for admission to an educational institution. Since the queue is always shifting, you will need to keep track of the sequence number of your queue. This can be done on Gosuslugi (see instructions on how).