Energy vampirism: phenomenon or deviation. Energy vampire - signs and ways to recognize

What do vampires look like? This question worries everyone who wants to meet with this evil spirits or turn into it. If you want, then you need to know what it looks like.

In the article:

What does a vampire look like - the main signs

If you decide or calculate it, then you need to know the main features that distinguish a monster from an ordinary person. There are many myths about what a real vampire should look like.

The monster must be thin and tall - myth. There are many beliefs that vampires, like witches, weighed very little, were tall and thin. Perhaps this description fit those creatures that lived in antiquity. But today the complexion of a vampire can be different. There are tall and thin specimens. Or vice versa, stocky, squat and plump.

Absolute pallor. Regarding this factor opinions differ. Yes, a vampire can be identified by very pale skin, almost like a dead person. But it's not always that color. Some eyewitnesses claim that after a vampire drinks blood, his cheeks turn pink, and his pale lips turn scarlet.

Protruding fangs. Regarding this point also cannot give a definite answer. Some tend to think that the eye teeth of vampires always protrude, and even when their mouth is closed, they stick out a little above the lip. But there is an opinion that the increase in fangs occurs in evil spirits only when she sees the victim, feels the blood and is ready to attack. Then, from thirst, the eye teeth become larger.

Fear of the Light - myth. It is widely believed that, it is enough for a vampire to be under the direct rays of sunlight, he immediately begins to hiss, his skin peels off and the bloodsucker can turn into dust.

Perhaps this description was suitable for the ancestors of modern evil spirits, but its modern representatives have already adapted and do not react to light in a similar way. But they still do not like to appear under the scorching sun and willingly spend the hot season indoors in a cool room.

What do vampires look like in our time - is it easy to distinguish from a person?

Finding out if there is a vampire among your acquaintances is not always easy. After all, these creatures are not one hundred years old, they have learned to adapt.

Many vampires live for more than one hundred years, and they, like the heroes of Sheridan Le Fanu, Theophile Gauthier, John William Polidori and Bram Stoker, have retained a touch of sophistication, aristocracy and look like idealized egoists.

Indeed, pay attention to those people who, with their cold and indifferent appearance, attract others. Oddly enough, but the vampire will never pounce on the first victim, even if he is very hungry. The older the vampire, the more pleasure he gets from the process of hunting.

But what does it look like vampire hunt"? This is not just tracking down the victim, but charming her. Vampires are not content with blood that was obtained by force. The greatest pleasure for them is when the victim is voluntarily ready for anything.

Vampires love to take care of themselves. After all, their appearance is the weapon they use to hunt. Monsters behave very restrained, mysterious and at the same time like to be in the spotlight.

If you have a friend who has pale skin, always looks perfect, is restrained, smart, seductive, and every time he appears in the company of people, he looks for a new victim, then it is quite possible that he is a vampire.

Watch the habits of the suspected vampire. He will shun those who wear a cross, use amulets to protect against evil spirits and have strong energy. But the older and more experienced the creature, the freer it behaves in society, and the more difficult it will be to detect.

A monster can be given out by its negative energy. If a creature has not yet learned to control its energy and information flows, then it can be recognized by tuning in to the energy of the people present. If a person is a strong source of negativity, then, quite possibly, he is a vampire.

Determination by date of birth - test

In fact, it is impossible to determine whether a person is a real vampire by date of birth. It is realistic to conduct a test that will show, but this test does not apply to blood-drinking evil spirits.

You can identify a vampire by date of birth only if you know his real data. If this person was born many years ago, but looks great and young, then it is quite possible that he is a vampire, and remains young only due to the fact that he drinks the blood of others.

But you can conduct another test that will show how likely it is that your friend is. The test consists of 9 questions. For each answer you can get from 0 to 2 points. With it, you can check the person you suspect:

  • Do you have pale skin and do not tan (skin does not change color)?

    Yes (2).
    - No (0).

  • Do you often feel the need to bite someone?

    Yes, very often (2).
    - Never happens (0).
    - Very rare (1).

  • Do you think that the current generation is very corrupted and would rather travel a few centuries into the past?

    Yes 1).
    - No, everything suits me and I have no craving for the past (0).

  • Do you prefer short-term, but stormy romances, and gentle romantic long-term relationships do not interest you?

    Absolute truth (1).
    - It's not about me (0).

  • Your eye teeth are unnaturally enlarged.

    Yes 1).
    - No (0).

  • If you were offered to taste the blood (human or animal), would you refuse?

    Of course this is unacceptable! (0).
    - Probably wouldn't refuse (1).

  • Do you have photophobia?

    Yes (2).
    - No (0).

  • Do you go to church? If yes, how do you feel in the temple?

    I never go. I feel very bad there (2).
    I don't go there unnecessarily. Places like this make me sad (1).
    - Yes, I feel very good there (0).

  • How do you feel about burial places?

    I like the energy of these places, it fills me with strength (2).
    - Neutral (0).
    - I don't feel comfortable there (0).

Test results

If a person has taken until 6 points, this suggests that he is unlikely to be a vampire. Similar habits and behavior may be due simply to the nature of the person.

If it worked out 7 to 9 points, then this suggests that it is worth taking a closer look at this person. He may be a vampire, but it's not worth judging him prematurely. Therefore, just arm yourself with a talisman (a crucifix made of aspen) for confidence and always wear it on yourself.

If the result 10 to 14 points, then most likely this person is a vampire. Try to protect yourself from him and if he behaves very suspiciously, try to stop communicating with him, and do not forget to wear a talisman.

Remember, if your friend is a real vampire, and not, then you need to escape from him right away. If a

How to identify a real energy vampire? The answer to this question lies on the surface. There are people approaching whom you lose your vitality. Today, such negative people are quite common. There are people who give energy and there are those who take it away. Without talking, it is impossible to understand how strong he is energetically. An energy entity can be a person who feels good when others feel bad. Or a person who complains about life, illness, fatigue. Listening to his stories about yourself, you yourself become sick. And there is a kind of people who bring out emotions: anger, quarrel, fight ... And there are many such examples. There are people who may have a different worldview and it is difficult to communicate with them, but this does not mean that you have an energy vampire in front of you. To correctly distinguish one from the other, you need to know what vampires can be. And how to protect yourself from them?

How to identify an energy vampire?

Determining that an energy vampire is near you is easy enough.

  • You do not want to communicate with this person. Subconsciously, you try to avoid any contact with him.
  • After interacting with a vampire, your health worsens - a headache begins, your hands get cold or tremble.
  • You get out of a state of peace of mind - you experience irritation and anger, or, conversely, you fall into apathy.

It is believed that the more negative feelings the victim experiences, the more energy the vampire will receive. For example, if you just feel a slight annoyance, it won't be enough to "feed" the vampire. Therefore, he will try to bring you to hysterics, screams or fits of rage. Now he will be satisfied, and the victim will feel exhausted, like a squeezed lemon.

Contact with energy vampires can lead to unpleasant consequences:

  • sleep disturbance and bad mood;
  • deterioration of well-being;
  • a state of depression and apathy;
  • nervous tension and irritability.

The main types of vampires

Types of vampires are often found in this way: talker, sobbing, walking trouble and accuser.

Type of vampire "sobbing" manifested by tears and hysteria, when there are a lot of emotions.

Energy type "chatterbox", most often it is just a yard gossip or a gossip who takes dirty linen out of any hut.

Energy type "accuser" often a leader and always in power, bullying his subordinates.

Energy type "eternal misfortune" often likes to draw attention to their problems and difficulties, but without emotions. Such a whiner. The vampire tries to capture your attention, demands your support and takes advantage of your defenselessness. When you are open, relaxed and sympathize with troubles to the core, this is where energy vampirism manifests itself. The vampire himself is not endowed with either your optimism or his own energy, so he has to feed on people.

To identify a vampire, it is enough just to look at how interested he is in your problems, your life and the information you are talking about. Does he have patience, empathy and tact? Is he interested in the topic of conversation? How does he behave during a conversation with you?

The people that fate sends you can not always be attributed to vampires. Often such difficult relationships contribute to the personal growth of a person. In order to continue to live in harmony with yourself and in harmony with the world around you, you need to perceive such people as a life lesson or test. No need to ask God "why"? And it is necessary to put the question in a different way "for what"?

Energy vampires are people who by nature have an underestimated energy potential and therefore are accustomed to consuming other people's energy. To do this, they use different methods: scandals, humiliations, complaints and other psychological manipulations, the main purpose of which is to provoke you to emotions.

In this article, we will tell you how to calculate an energy vampire by date of birth using a simple test.

Pythagoras, who lived more than two and a half thousand years ago, wrote about the patterns of the influence of numbers on human destiny. The knowledge he collected was appreciated during his lifetime (the so-called School of Pythagoreans was created), and continues to be actively used to this day.

According to this doctrine, all people are represented by the following types:

  • vampires;
  • donors;
  • neutrals;
  • white magicians;
  • black magicians.

And to find out which of the categories you personally belong to, we suggest you resort to a simple calculation. You should add up all the numbers of your date of birth. If you get a two-digit number as a result, you will need to add the received values ​​\u200b\u200bagain to end up with a single-digit number.

Let's look at this with a specific example:

Date of birth - 05/25/1994.

2+5+5+1+9+9+4 =35.

Based on the resulting value, and we can conclude what kind of person you are in terms of energy. Next, we will consider which numbers correspond to which category of people.

Energy Vampires: Ones and Twos

But one should not immediately try to accuse such a person of all mortal sins, because for the most part a vampire takes away the energy of those around him completely unconsciously, because such is his essence and he is not able to change it. If it so happens that your close relative acts as an energy vampire, whom you cannot communicate with, talk about this topic and, preferably, offer alternative energy sources.

For example, a pet would be an excellent donor. In addition, nature, sports, good music will fill you with energy.

Energy donors: fives and sevens

You are lucky if, as a result of mathematical manipulations, such numbers are obtained. They characterize the typical donor. But you can recognize him not only by calculations - you need to find the most cheerful, noisy person, near whom life is always in full swing - this is the standard donor.

And if you look even more closely, then next to the donor you will always find a couple of "bloodsuckers" who, like fish-sticks, do not want to leave the walking storehouse of energy and are fed by life force from it.

But if the donor is strong, he may well cope with several energy pumps, the main thing is that their number does not exceed all permissible limits.

Neutrals: threes, sixes, eights

In some cases, neutrals can be fueled by the energy of others, but this is more of an exception to the rule. It turns out that neutrals refer to ordinary people, who are now the most.

White magicians: representatives of the number nine

It should be noted that nine is a rather rare number in the date of birth. In terms of its energy potential, it is stronger than even the most powerful donor, because in this case, not a single vampire will be able to take your energy without obtaining your consent.

It is also noteworthy that the representatives of white magicians themselves generously give away their vitality to others. It is the “nines” who become psychics, healers, brilliant doctors, these are all white magicians who managed to reach their full potential.

Black magicians: four

And the last category of people is a group of black magicians who have the number four in their date of birth. Along with their white opponents, they also control energy flows, so they never experience a lack of energy. But if the black magician wants to suck strength out of someone, he will not need to resort to any specific methods - scandal, complain or talk a lot - just come up, take as much energy as you need and leave.

Note that black magicians are not a very common category, and those who were able to fully develop this potential in themselves can be easily counted on the fingers.

Energy vampire signs by date of birth

There is another method for calculating an energy vampire by date of birth. The amount of one's own energy is a constantly changing indicator, which depends on many factors (state of health, emotions experienced, and so on).

Next, we offer you a second way to interpret the meaning of your personal number. Its calculation is carried out in exactly the same way as in the first case - just sum up all the numbers of your date of birth and reduce it to a single digit.

And then we turn to this interpretation:

  • if the final result is less than five, the person has low energy, he constantly needs energy replenishment;
  • if the final number varies from five to seven - your energy is normal, you do not need to vampire others in order to take their energy;
  • and if the final result exceeds seven, you have so much energy that you can share it with others without loss for yourself.

Which of the described ways to believe is up to you. And we offer you effective recommendations on how to restore your energy after communicating with a vampire.

Ways to replenish your energy

If you yourself are an energy vampire or have suffered from the actions of such a person, you need to restore the disturbed energy balance as soon as possible.

  1. Spending time in nature will help a lot: walk barefoot on the grass more often, lean against tree trunks, bask in the sun and feel that the forces of nature fill every cell of your body with vital energy.
  2. Contact more often with animals or plants - they also bestow vitality.
  3. Turn on your favorite musical compositions, with their help you will eliminate the source of irritation and negative thoughts.
  4. Shown to take a shower. Water perfectly eliminates all negative energy.
  5. Fill yourself with joyful emotions and positive experiences as much as possible - for this, communicate with friends, have fun and concentrate on the positive.

Now you know how to recognize an energy vampire by date of birth and how to restore energy after communicating with him. Finally, watch the informative video

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

The belief that there is no clear boundary between this world and the other has probably always existed. Even in the most ancient times, almost all peoples had beliefs according to which the deceased can sometimes return to the world of the living or, in general, having settled near relatives and friends, periodically visit them, as a rule, causing some harm. consciousness could merge with such representatives of lower mythology as water mermaids, goblin, northern trolls. Moreover, according to some beliefs, all evil spirits are "previously" (former) people who never got into the Other World. However, it is still not worth identifying them: a water man and a drowned man wandering at night are not quite the same thing.

The attitude towards these two categories of man’s eternal neighbors is also different: if the water, goblin or brownie were the masters of their possessions and they needed to be respected and appeased (they could not only harm, but also help), then no one will ever do anything good from a dead man wandering at night. didn't wait. And he did the right thing. Among some peoples, the so-called vidergengers (from the German verb "to return") usually frightened people by their very appearance, or occasionally tried to lure them to a cemetery and tear them apart or suffocate them. But for others, the dead men rising from the graves at night had a terrifying appearance and, in addition to the usual “jokes” and traditional losses of livestock and food supplies, they sucked blood from people, which naturally caused them to die. These are the dead and were called vampires. Lying in the grave, they did not decompose, retained a pink complexion, their hair grew, but instead of fallen nails and teeth, long claws and fangs grew. Feeding on blood, vampires grew stronger and after some time began to appear during the day. Only at dusk and dawn did they hide in a secluded place, usually in their own grave.

Names and behavior of vampires.

Among different peoples, the names of "returnees", as well as the manner of their behavior, varied. Even the ancient Greeks believed that young girls who died before marriage and did not know love become lamia demons and suck blood from young men. Dead men sucking blood were also known to practically all Turkic and Volga peoples. The Kazan Tatars called them ubyrs, and the West Siberian Tatars called them myaks. Similar dead people were called among the Chuvans vupars, among the Karachays - oburmi, and among the Eastern Slavs - ghouls. These bloodsuckers abducted unborn babies from the mother's womb and even drank water from the clouds, which caused drought. So, back in 1867, the newspaper "Odessa Vestnik" said that in a village near Akkerman, the corpse of a recently buried old man, who was considered a ghoul, was dug out of a grave. Believing that it was he who was the cause of the lack of rain, the peasants poured abundant water on the corpse. The word “vampire” is of Serbian origin, although among the Slavs living in the Balkans the name wolf-dlak or vyrkodlak is more common: it was believed that those who during their lifetime were a sorcerer and knew how to turn into a wolf become vampires (the word “ghoul” was coined by Pushkin). It is those places - the Balkans, the Carpathians, Western Ukraine - that are rightfully considered the birthplace of vampires.

Literary vampire.

The 18th century was a turning point in the development of European culture: it discovered for itself the beauty of folk superstitions. Oral traditions began to be actively recorded and published. Stories about vampires appeared not only in collections of folk tales, but also in newspaper news and official reports. For example, in 1732, among the soldiers of the Austrian army, who were in the region of present-day Serbia, a letter was distributed, which reported on the increasing cases of vampirism and gave recommendations on security measures. At the same time, the top authorities received a report about Gaiduk named Pavle, who lived not far from Kosovo. Died suddenly, he began to appear near the house where the widow lived, attacked people and cattle and sucked blood. As it is written in the report, “when the body of the indicated Pavle was removed from the earth on the third month after the burial, the said body was untouched by corruption, while the face of the deceased was distinguished by unnatural beauty. By decision of the village headman, the indicated Pavle was pierced with a stake, and his head was cut off ... ". The troubles did not end there, because the widow Pavle, and his other relatives, and even those who happened to eat the meat of the cattle “spoiled” by him, became vampires in their turn. The purpose of the report was to get permission from the authorities to leave the village, which was unsafe for the Austrian soldiers. Thus, the image of a literary vampire was formed, which is quite different from a folklore vampire.

How to become a vampire.

So, who can become a vampire according to Slavic folk ideas? It turns out, not very many. Vampires are children born "in a shirt", the fifth sons in families where there are only boys, and also children who were born already with teeth. The nature and way of life of a person could also lead to the fact that after death he did not lie quietly in the grave: angry and irritable people became vampires, constantly preoccupied with something, not repaying debts and not fulfilling the promise. But the main danger was hidden in the circumstances of death and the conditions of burial. A vampire could be one who died at night, who laid hands on himself or froze in the field. The victim often becomes a vampire, as well as the killer. And, of course, the one who died from the bite of a vampire. If the deceased was a good person and died peacefully in his bed, he could still become a vampire if a cat jumped over his corpse or a chicken flew over it, if the coffin accidentally touched the door frame, if raindrops or hail fell on the coffin. But even a dead man buried in accordance with all the rules could turn into a vampire if his relatives grieved too much for him, called him by name, that is, they called him.

Vampire identification.

So the question of whether a person becomes a vampire after death or not is not too complicated. The problem arose only when a stranger appeared in the village. Is he a vampire or not? This is where the following information comes in handy. First, the vampire always refuses a treat. The sight of salt and the smell of garlic disgust him. Secondly, it does not cast shadows and is not reflected in the mirror. Thirdly, the vampire will not touch "sacred" objects: crosses, icons, holy books. In addition, people born on Saturday immediately understand that they have a vampire in front of them.

Means of collective and individual protection.

Measures against vampires can be divided into preventive and cardinal. The first includes "reprimanding", that is, reading aloud the Holy Scripture near the tomb of the deceased for three nights after death. In addition, the heels of the deceased could be cut and a needle or other sharp object put under the skin to make it difficult for him to walk on the ground. The road from the cemetery to the house was often strewn with poppy seeds: the vampire will begin to collect it, and then the roosters will crow. Garlic, hawthorn, wild rose, lampada fire, Iron knife, bell and, of course, the cross and Holy Scripture were used as personal protective equipment against vampires. But if this did not help, it remained only to dig up the grave, and pierce the heart of the vampire with an aspen stake and cut off his head.

Scientists argue.

Where did the belief in vampires come from? Probably from the combination of such essentially different factors as “energy vampirism” (a phenomenon noted by psychologists of the ability of one person to seem to take the energy of another) and individual cases of mental disorders when a killer maniac really drinks the blood of his victim. On the other hand, fear of the dark, insomnia, hallucinations could cause faith in vampires. The belief that the tendency to vampirism is transmitted through a bite could also cause very real cases of rabies in people and animals. However, all these completely rational reasons do not explain why the belief in vampires was spread precisely in the Balkans and the Carpathians. It remains to be assumed that for some reason they really were found there.

It is worth noting that in both literary and folklore legends, the time of "wakefulness" of vampires falls at night. Thus, people with the opposite biological rhythm to "larks", the so-called "owls", fully meet these criteria. They have a pale appearance, as they are rarely in the sun and do not get the right dose of vitamin D. Naturally, “owls” are cheerful and full of energy just after sunset, which causes general bewilderment among those who get up at dawn and fall asleep after dark.

On the other hand, perhaps vampirism became an explanation for such a phenomenon as "sleepwalking". Not all sleepwalkers can wake up immediately. In addition, there are cases when people caused damage to themselves and those who were nearby, actually being in the "embraces of Morpheus." In this case, the pale appearance of the "vampire" can be timed to coincide with the moonlight falling on his face.

To date, there is no consensus on whether vampires existed or whether this was purely fiction. However, it can be assumed that if the vampire race has survived to this day, then they have high intelligence, so reliable evidence of their presence has not been found. On the other hand, good advice for your safety is not to walk at night along empty streets and leave the house only in the light of the sun.

Energy vampires exist, feeding on our feelings, emotions and spiritual impulses. Psychologists sometimes have to sweat, bringing to life their unfortunate victims - leftovers. Let's learn to put up protection and recognize the eaters of other people's energy.

At first glance, it is difficult to calculate an energy vampire - an ordinary person. But it is worth talking with him a little, and you will notice that your head starts to ache, somehow your soul becomes restless. At the same time, the vampire cheers up before his eyes, his shoulders even straighten out. There is a violent gesticulation. And the worse it gets for you, the better for the vampire.

A sign of strong vampirism can also be sudden health problems up to surgery. After all, some vampires specialize in different things: some for health, others for personal life or wealth, etc. Therefore, if health problems have begun to fall on you or even an operation threatens, initially reconsider your environment. It is not uncommon for husbands or wives to leave their partners after surgery. Perhaps the energy of an operated person is no longer suitable for a vampire. And they go to other "healthy" victims.

How to recognize an energy vampire:

  • Vampire people love to share all sorts of troubles with others, dumping them on the interlocutor to the very bottom.
  • They love to ask for advice, but they never use it. In fact, they do not need advice: the main thing for them is your participation and involvement.
  • They love to drive someone into debt. When meeting, even if no one asks them, try to provide a person with some kind of service, support, and persistently, in order to suck energy from the “debtor”.
  • They are very curious and love to get into people's souls, trying to get closer and erase the distance as soon as possible.
  • They love to give completely useless and unnecessary advice themselves, and they behave very intrusively at the same time.
  • Energy vampires are very practical. When they do not need a person, they easily stop communicating with him. That's why they don't have old friends.
  • It is absolutely impossible to pity them or make someone sympathize. On the contrary, someone else's joy can cause such a person to become angry or depressed.
  • They are terrible gossips and often talk nasty things about people behind their backs.
  • They get sick every day and love to find any disease in themselves. With pleasure, they savor about their poor health, complaining to you about how they have a headache or leg, etc.
  • They do not like animals, although sometimes they have cats or small vicious dogs at home. They are aggressive towards other people's pets.
  • Most often, these are people of low class and deprived of nobility (once they were called smerds and isolated).
  • Or just people with a lower fullness of the energy vessel. Upon contact with a person whose energy vessel is filled less than yours. His vessel on the energy level is automatically located below yours, i.e. Whose vessel is more filled with energy flows into a more empty vessel. And there is a pumping out of energy and good luck. Especially low-filled vessel in defective, unfortunate and often ill people. By the way, after the "pumping out of energy" it is very difficult to fill the tank again. Because at the energy level, after communicating with such a person, “holes” remain in your vessel through which pumping took place, which prevent it from being filled again. And with systematic communication with a vampire, a person may begin to pursue failures.

Who is Vampiric?

In general, energy vampires are unfortunate people who suffer from their own callousness and selfishness. Yes, if you look, they are not so guilty. Not everyone can become their victim:

  • People with a strong sense of duty. As soon as you become addicted and become indebted to the vampire, the pumping of energy begins.
  • People are overly open and emotional, ready for the formal question “how are you?” respond with a detailed account of their achievements.
  • Bouncer - the most delicious prey for an energy vampire.
  • An insecure person with low self-esteem. He is always embarrassed to interrupt the interlocutor, to end an empty or unpleasant conversation.
  • People who constantly experience guilt. There is hardly a person who takes pleasure in feeling like a scoundrel. That is why we do not brush aside an annoying friend like a fly who wants to spoil our mood. The feeling of guilt that we experience and from which we strive to get rid of at any cost is something like a bait for an energy vampire.

Protection against vampirism:

Not every interlocutor, after meeting with whom your mood has deteriorated, is an energy vampire. In order not to blame a person in vain, first of all analyze your feelings. Maybe during the conversation you had some kind of unpleasant thought, association, memory, and the person has nothing to do with it at all. For example, a person who is associated with a negative past may not be a vampire. Perhaps, communicating with a person and remembering something unpleasant, you yourself will feel the loss of energy in a natural way.

However, if it is a vampire in front of you, in order to protect yourself, it is quite enough to do the following:

  • Cross your arms and connect the soles of your feet.
  • During a pause in the conversation - do not warm up the conversation.
  • Suppress the feeling of guilt in yourself: you do not owe anything to anyone. If you're in a hurry, busy, or just don't want to talk to anyone, just say so and go on your way.
  • Do not tell anything personal about yourself, keep a distance in communication, do not let them into your house, do not give reasons for gossip. Emotional coldness is the best defense against an energy vampire.
  • Don't let yourself be manipulated. Learn to say “no” when the other person is expecting a “yes” from you. Stop getting upset and thinking about how you will look from the outside. Your interests should always come first.
  • Fill your speech with energy. The words “probably”, “it seems”, “maybe”, etc. reduce the overall power of speech, making you available to energy guzzlers. Say “I believe”, “I am sure”, “I know”.
  • Avoid contact with flawed and dissatisfied people. Limit contact even with close people if you feel a loss of energy while communicating with them.
  • Avoid communicating with people who constantly "load" you with their problems.

But if you still have to
communicate with an energy vampire:

And the most important thing:

  • Get rid of aggressiveness, envy, irritability and selfishness - getting rid of you will become much stronger.
  • Be kind
  • Energy as food cannot be stored for the rest of your life. Replenish it regularly, through recreational sports or practices.
  • Self-confidence, self-confidence, high self-esteem, self-love (but just don't compare yourself to anyone) - gives a huge surge of energy.

Protection against energy loss in public places:

  • In public transport, try not to sit, but to ride standing up. It will be harder for vampires to get close to you.
  • Avoid large gatherings of people (demonstrations, rallies, markets, etc.) in such places there is a special pumping out of energy in favor of sick and poor people.

Loss of energy naturally.