Crow's feet around the eyes how to remove. Crow's feet around the eyes: how to get rid of at home

Crow's feet in the corners of the eyes are the usual mimic wrinkles that occur on delicate skin with constant eyelid activity. It is impossible to completely get rid of them, since these are natural skin creases, but you can make them less noticeable and keep your skin in good condition through proper care, special gymnastics, massage and cosmetic procedures.

Proper eye care

Methods of dealing with crow's feet under the eyes can be divided into therapeutic and preventive. Proper skin care is one of the most important preventive measures:

  • avoid washing and bathing in hot water;
  • do not use soap when washing, only in exceptional cases of severe skin contamination;
  • do not expose your face to strong sunlight, and while tanning, wear glasses or use special creams;
  • When removing make-up, use products suitable for the skin around the eyes. In the process, you can not rub the area, stretch the skin, all movements must be careful;
  • do not use cosmetics of dubious or unknown quality;
  • regularly use light creams for the eye area;
  • For this area, apply special moisturizing masks at least once a week.

Lifting masks

Numerous effective folk remedies are available at home:

Types of masksPreparation and methods of application
Potato Raw peeled potatoes are crushed on a fine grater and the resulting mass is mixed with heavy cream. Apply to the problem area for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The tool smoothes fine wrinkles.
Honey Honey and crushed oatmeal are mixed in equal proportions, 1 tsp is added. strong tea and heat a little. The mixture can be applied to the area around the eyes, and to the entire face for 20 minutes. The mask removes wrinkles and moisturizes the skin.
Creamy Pure oil is driven in with light movements with the fingertips, leaving overnight.
oily To combat crow's feet, various fatty oils are suitable - olive, coconut, essential oils of peach and apricot kernel, almond, castor, etc. Daily compresses are made with oils - cotton pads soaked in oil are applied to the eyes;
From aloe juice It has a powerful anti-wrinkle effect, especially on sensitive skin. Juice in its pure form or with the addition of vitamins A and E (Aevit preparation) is applied to the problem area with light movements before going to bed, washing only in the morning.
Starchy A spoonful of starch is poured into 100 ml of cold water and mixed. At this time, on fire, it is necessary to heat 50 ml of pure water to a boil and add the diluted starch mass to the boiling water. Once the mixture begins to thicken, remove it from the heat. The resulting mass is enough for three procedures, and before applying it must be enriched with 1 tbsp. l. fat sour cream, 5 tsp. fresh carrot juice. The exposure time is at least 20 minutes, then wash with warm water and treat the skin with a nourishing cream.

Supplement the effect of masks by washing with a piece of ice from pure water or decoctions of chamomile, cornflower or green tea.

Gymnastics against crow's feet

Every day it is worth doing a series of exercises, repeating each 3-4 times:

  • close your eyes with tension of the eyelids, and then completely relax the muscles;
  • look from side to side;
  • eye rotation clockwise and counterclockwise;
  • raise your eyebrows, and at the same time try to close your eyes;
  • the skin of the lower eyelid is gently pulled down with the fingers, and at the same time the eyes are closed;
  • on the sheet you need to draw a green dot and place it at a distance of one and a half meters from the face. You need to carefully peer at the point for 10 seconds, after which, without turning your head, look away to another object closer.

Regular massage with fingertips

The main way to eliminate pronounced crow's feet is to conduct self-massage, since wrinkles can intensify due to muscle weakness. Home massage includes the following procedures:

  • with fingertips with light pressure, circle the eyes in a circle, crossing the line of the bridge of the nose;
  • light, frequent tapping with four fingers at once for five minutes. Along the line of the upper eyelids, movements should go from the inner corners to the outer ones, and along the line of the lower ones, vice versa;
  • the area is treated with a slight pinching.

Self-massage requires compliance with a number of rules:

  1. first you need to wash, remove all cosmetics from the face;
  2. hands should be clean, you can pre-lubricate them with a softening cream;
  3. before the main exercises, you need to lightly rub the area around the eyes with your fingertips.

Regular massage will relieve swelling, activate blood flow, strengthen muscles and improve metabolism.

Video lesson on massage with spoons

Salon procedures

The salon will offer a lot of procedures aimed at combating crow's feet, bags under the eyes and other problems.

  1. Biorevitalization or injections of hyaluronic acid. In the process, the wrinkle is filled, and the production of natural collagen in this area is activated. The method helps to correct skin pigmentation.
  2. Injections of drugs with botulinum toxin (Botox, Lantox, Dysport). Substances, when penetrating to the nerve endings, block them, relaxing, due to which the skin folds are smoothed out.
  3. Microcurrent therapy - an electric current is applied to the skin, which stimulates blood flow, metabolic processes and cell division to restore the area.

Causes of crow's feet

Although most women are sure that the "rays" around the eyes are a sign of aging skin, in fact this is not the case, wrinkles are also formed at a young age due to the characteristics of a particular area. The skin in this area is devoid of fat, which is why it is several times thinner than the epidermis in other parts of the face. Mimic muscles are located in a special way around the eyes, in the area there is a wrinkling of the skin, which forms small paws.

Wrinkles become more noticeable and deep in the presence of provocative factors:

  • dry type of skin;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • weakness of the eye muscles;
  • improper or insufficient facial care;
  • rich facial expressions;
  • unhealthy diet, bad habits and constant lack of sleep;
  • refusal of glasses or contact lenses, due to which a person with poor eyesight has to constantly squint;
  • violation of water-salt metabolism due to diseases of internal organs.

How to remove crow's feet around the eyes at home once and for all

"Crow's feet" - a thin network of small facial wrinkles that arise as a result of the manifestation of any emotions: anger, laughter, thoughtfulness. If you do not ignore them, then after a while they become deeper, and getting rid of this cosmetic problem will be much more difficult. To look young and fresh for as long as possible, you need to know how to remove crow's feet around the eyes.

What information will you learn:

Reasons for the appearance

The habit of squinting your eyes, frequent laughter lead to the fact that “rays” of tonic appear near the eyes.

As a rule, thin, and yet subtle wrinkles appear closer to thirty years. If you do not start timely care for the delicate skin around the eyes, they will soon become noticeable not only during laughter, but also with a calm facial expression.

The following factors influence the appearance of wrinkles called "crow's feet":

  • Insufficient sleep. Regular lack of sleep not in the best way affects not only the appearance, but also the body as a whole. In fact, this is a real stress that has negative consequences at the cellular level. It is not surprising that in the absence of proper sleep, the skin becomes flabby and dry over time, as a result, wrinkles appear.
  • Excessive facial expressions. The habit of squinting your eyes, frequent laughter lead to the fact that “rays” of tonic appear near the eyes. With young and elastic skin, after a few minutes they “are erased”, however, over time, such wrinkles become more noticeable and deep, and no longer disappear even after the manifestation of emotions.
  • Rigid diet. Wanting to put their figure in order and lose extra pounds, many of the fair sex stop good nutrition, which leads not only to weight loss, but also to sagging skin, which literally becomes flabby and wrinkled before our eyes.
  • Use of low-quality cosmetics. The abuse of cosmetics, especially of not the best quality, negatively affects the skin: over time, the pores become clogged, preventing cellular respiration and a full-fledged metabolism.
  • Lack of fluid in the body. The skin at the cellular level needs a sufficient amount of moisture. With its deficiency, the cells seem to wrinkle, which inevitably leads to the appearance of the first wrinkles.

Before you start caring for the delicate skin around the eyes, you should determine the reason why wrinkles began to appear and, if possible, eliminate it.

Preventive measures

In order to delay the appearance of mimic wrinkles for as long as possible, even at a young age, care should be taken to:

  • do not squint;
  • protect the skin around the eyes with a special cream, especially in the cold season;
  • When in the sun, be sure to use a sunscreen with a high degree of protection;
  • be attentive to the choice of cosmetics, both care and decorative (this is especially true for foundation or powder);
  • when removing makeup or applying cream, try not to stretch the skin, but act along the massage lines;
  • make it a habit to do a light massage of the area around the eyes daily with light patting movements with the fingertips.

How to deal with crow's feet at home

When wrinkles around the eyes have not yet acquired a frightening depth, they can be dealt with with the help of time-tested "grandmother's" recipes and handy tools.

It is only important to regularly take care of the delicate skin around the eyes, pampering it with all sorts of "usefulness", and then you can significantly reduce wrinkles, making them almost invisible.

In the fight for beautiful smooth skin will help:

  1. Cosmetic masks. Prepared on the basis of natural ingredients, they will quickly cope with the problem of "crow's feet". The basis of such masks are vegetable oils, decoctions of medicinal herbs, vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products. Due to the high content of vitamins and microelements, they have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the epidermis, significantly improving the appearance of the skin.
  2. Compresses. One of the effective remedies in the fight against fine wrinkles. In most cases, they are prepared with herbs.
  3. Massage. Not only effective, but also a pleasant method of getting rid of crow's feet. Having given the delicate zone just 10 minutes a day, you can forget about the first signs of skin aging for a long time. In addition, the technique of such a cosmetic massage is so simple and affordable that it can be used at home.

If you make it a rule to regularly make suitable compresses and masks for the skin around the eyes, massage daily, then after a month of such care, wrinkles will no longer annoy. In the future, it will be enough to maintain the result obtained and periodically carry out preventive measures.

Recipes for effective masks against wrinkles around the eyes

To create in different proportions, vitamins, vegetable oils, herbal decoctions and the most common foods are combined. It is very important to follow the recipe of the masks, otherwise you can harm the thin and delicate skin in the eye area.

Masks are applied in a course, no more than 1-2 times a week, and holding no more than 15 minutes - this time is enough for all the useful components of the mask to complete their mission.

Since the skin around is very sensitive, before the first use of the mask, an allergic reaction test should be carried out.

  • Oil mask

Oil concentrate, which can be purchased at the pharmacy

Mix equal parts unrefined olive oil, wheat germ oil and argan oil, add a few drops of vitamin E (an oil concentrate that can be purchased at a pharmacy).

  • Vitamin mask

Pure vitamins can also be used to make healthy masks. For the skin, tocopherol - vitamin E and retinol - vitamin A are best suited. They are sold in capsules filled with an oily liquid. It is necessary to take one capsule of each vitamin, pierce them, mix the liquid and lubricate the skin around the eyes with it daily. The result is an excellent anti-wrinkle product that can replace even the most expensive cream.

  • Herbal mask

Fresh parsley should be chopped, squeezed slightly to make juice appear, add a couple of drops of any vegetable oil. Mix everything and wrap the mixture in pieces of gauze, then apply to the skin under the eyes. This mask not only perfectly nourishes, but also brightens the skin around the eyelids, making it fresh and radiant.

  • Potato mask

Potatoes are characterized by high smoothing qualities

In any form (raw or boiled), high smoothing qualities are characteristic. Grate a small raw potato, add a little vegetable oil for a bunch and a couple of drops of vitamins A or E.

Massage as a means of combating "crow's feet"

Massage allows you to easily cope with minor wrinkles around the eyes, thanks to its properties:

  • activates blood supply, as a result of which the cells are better saturated with nutrients and oxygen;
  • metabolic processes improve, due to which collagen is produced in greater quantities;
  • strengthens muscles;
  • eliminates puffiness.

Such a complex effect leaves no chance for wrinkles. But how to do it, because improper observance of the technique can only exacerbate the problem!

Massage rules:

  • massage begins no later than an hour before bedtime, after thoroughly cleansing the skin of cosmetics and impurities;
  • hands should be clean, a suitable eye cream is applied to the fingertips;
  • you need to close your eyes and try to relax;
  • all movements are performed gently, without strong pressure, with only fingertips;
  • with tapping light movements move along the line of the upper eyelids, heading from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones;
  • a similar procedure must be done in the opposite direction - along the edge of the lower eyelid from the outer corners to the inner ones;
  • do the manipulations, but not by patting, but by light pinching.

On average, the massage takes about 10 minutes, but thanks to it, the next morning, the look will be rested and fresh, and after a while small wrinkles will disappear.

Massage is carried out in courses: daily for a week, then one week is skipped, and then the massage is resumed again. If you supplement the massage with masks against "crow's feet", then you can forget about this cosmetic flaw for a long time.

Video: Fitness course - remove crow's feet around the eyes

To consolidate the effect of the work done, it is important to carefully monitor your health and lifestyle: get enough sleep, eat healthy and vitamin-rich food, go outside more often and play sports. Thanks to these simple tips, the appearance will always be “on top”!

Mimic wrinkles, diverging like rays in the outer corners of the eyes, appear first on the skin of the face. The first thought that comes to women and even girls, with such skin changes, is "I'm starting to get old." There is a desire to get rid of the problem as soon as possible, which sometimes results in radical and wrong measures. How to remove "crow's feet" around the eyes, using adequate methods and means, is described in the article.

Why do "rays" appear in the corners of the eyes

The skin around the eyes is much thinner than on other parts of the face. It is practically devoid of subcutaneous lipid-fatty layer. At the same time, the expression of emotions (especially positive ones) leads to stretching of the dermis in this area, where its elasticity is not so great. The non-standard anatomy of the mimic muscles located here, which is attached to the circular eye muscle, also affects. All this leads to the fact that wrinkles begin to appear early in the outer corners of the closure of the eyelids.

Crow's feet around the eyes

It is characteristic that the time of appearance of "crow's feet" also depends on the shape of the cut of the eyes. You can often see mimic wrinkles around the eyes in representatives of a very young age with healthy, elastic skin.

In this case, the "rays" are nothing more than an anatomical feature, which in most cases does not spoil its owners at all. However, girls are impressionable. Therefore, many of them want to remove the "crow's feet" around the eyes at all costs.

Even if everything is fine with the anatomy, sooner or later mimic wrinkles begin to appear. Many factors can accelerate the appearance of "radiance" diverging from the corners of the eyes. Here are the main ones:

  • dry skin type;
  • tendency to develop an allergic rash;
  • kidney and heart diseases, accompanied by a violation of the water-salt balance;
  • rich facial expressions;
  • bad habits (alcoholism, smoking);
  • adverse external factors (ecology, frequent exposure to the sun and wind);
  • frequent stress, insufficient sleep to fully restore.

Causes of mimic wrinkles

Quitting bad habits is difficult, but possible. But constantly wearing sunglasses, stopping smiling, or completely eliminating environmental factors is unlikely to succeed. However, there should be no reason for frustration - there are many ways to keep the skin near the eyes normal. These methods differ in radicalness and speed of influence. Some of them are suitable for maintaining youthful skin, while others are able to correct serious cosmetic defects.

Methods for getting rid of "crow's feet"

There are enough ways to smooth the skin near the eyes, as well as measures aimed at ensuring that mimic defects appear as late as possible. So the methods can be divided into:

  • preventive;
  • medical.

If, by applying preventive measures, it is possible to delay as much as possible the moment of occurrence of the "radiance" of the skin near the eyes, then the therapeutic ones are aimed at restoring the elasticity of the dermis with already existing cosmetic defects. Let's look at both those and other measures of beneficial effects on the near-eye zone.

Preventive measures

Skin care and wrinkle prevention should be done from the late teens. You should start by eliminating bad habits from your life, getting enough rest and avoiding stress. To protect delicate skin from adverse external factors, the following available protection methods are used:

  • wearing sunglasses, especially with increased photosensitivity (if you have to squint in bright light);
  • avoid washing and bathing in hot water;
  • minimal use of soap when washing (only with severe skin contamination);
  • when removing makeup around the eyes, use tonics or decoctions of medicinal plants (chamomile or calendula), and do it delicately, without excessive stretching of the skin;
  • limit computer use, use safety glasses or screens.

If the eyes already have wrinkles, methods and means are used to get rid of them partially or completely.

Prevention of wrinkles on the face

Therapeutic cosmetic ways to get rid of "crow's feet"

To improve the elasticity of the skin of the periorbital zone at a young age, it is enough to regularly use some recipes based on natural ingredients at home. When the skin does not lend itself to such correction, two options remain:

  • beauty salon;
  • plastic surgeon services.

Even after the use of radical methods of getting rid of crow's feet, the use of products that improve the condition of the dermis is necessary to maintain the skin.

What to apply at home

With the help of available ingredients, you can prepare many products at home that moisturize the skin in problem areas and restore their elasticity.

How to get rid of crow's feet under the eyes?

Here are some recipes for preparing mixtures that smooth out wrinkles around the eyes:

  • Vegetable (essential) oils. Effective in the fight against mimic wrinkles are the pomace of some oily plants, including: cocoa, jojoba, peach and apricot pits, sea buckthorn, almonds. They can be used on their own, gently applied to the periorbital area daily in the evening for about 30 minutes, then patted with a soft cloth or paper towel. The smoothing effect is enhanced by the addition of vitamin E to oils (ampoule for 20 ml of vegetable pomace). After applying oil manipulation, it is useful to wash the skin with a chilled decoction of linden or chamomile. This will favorably affect not only the dermis, but also relieve fatigue of the eyeballs.
  • Aloe juice. This plant is famous for its medicinal properties. It will help in our case too. Aloe juice tones, moisturizes the skin of the eyelids, makes it supple and smooth. Freshly squeezed juice is applied to the problem area at night. It is not necessary to wash it off. On the contrary, it is recommended to leave it overnight.
  • Parsley root. Fresh rhizome is crushed and mixed with sour cream or olive oil in equal volume proportions. The resulting slurry after a 15-minute infusion is used as a mask with an exposure period of about an hour. After it is washed off with warm water.
  • Asparagus. The plant is crushed, after which the juice is squeezed out. Almond oil (proportion 1:1) is added to it and mixed thoroughly. The mixture is kept on the eyelids for half an hour.

Mask for the skin around the eyes at home

  • Honey egg mask. Liquid or liquefied honey (15 g) is mixed with egg white (one medium egg) and beaten. Wheat flour is added to the mixture to a paste-like state of the mass. The resulting mask is applied to problem areas and kept until dry.

What will be offered in the salon

If you need to cope with "crow's feet" quickly, significantly visually, it makes sense to turn to professional cosmetologists. What can they offer? Now injection techniques are used to combat wrinkles. Will be offered:

  • biorevitalization (hyaluronic acid injections);
  • injection of Botox or similar non-surgical tightening agents under the skin (Dysport, Lantox).

If the first method involves self-restoration of the skin due to the introduced enzyme that enhances the synthesis of elastin fibers and collagen, then the second partially blocks the mimic muscles and increases the volume of tissues from the inside, stretching the skin.

"Crow's feet", as well as "rays of kindness" and "chuckles" are popularly called the usual mimic wrinkles that form around the eyes. For some women, they look very pretty, give some charm and zest. But still, most of the fair sex consider the appearance of "crow's feet" harbingers of old age, and would prefer to get rid of them.

Causes of mimic wrinkles

Experts assure that such “rays” appear not only with age, often mimic wrinkles can also be observed in very young women with perfect skin. There are many reasons for their appearance.

The facial muscles located in the eye area are associated with the circular muscles of the eye, therefore, when the facial expressions move in this area, the upper layer of the skin “breaks down”. And since the skin in the eye area is several times thinner than in other parts of the face, because it does not have a fatty layer and a hydrolipid layer, wrinkles appear much faster here.

The owners of dry skin type are more prone to the appearance of mimic wrinkles. Other factors that increase the risk of crow's feet include:

  • sensitive, allergic-prone skin;
  • active facial expressions, emotional style of behavior;
  • poor quality or insufficient care;
  • diseases of internal organs that lead to a violation of water-salt metabolism;
  • maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle (bad habits, poor sleep, unbalanced diet, frequent stress);
  • constant squinting when refusing corrective or sunglasses;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions.

Cosmetologists offer many ways to get rid of "crow's feet", but no less effectively, and most importantly at a lower financial cost, procedures performed at home will help eliminate mimic wrinkles.

Home remedies for wrinkles around the eyes

On your own, following folk recipes, you can prepare creams, masks, solutions for compresses that will prevent the formation of mimic wrinkles, and make existing ones less pronounced. They are recommended for use at any age.

The composition of home cosmetics includes only natural ingredients that saturate the skin with essential nutrients, provide moisture, increase protective properties and stimulate the regeneration process.

Apply home cosmetics only on cleansed skin. It is applied with movements from the outer to the inner corner of the eye, driving in with your fingers or lightly rubbing.

Keep the masks for no longer than 15 minutes. During this time, the active ingredients penetrate the skin and act on the cells. The frequency of the procedures depends on the severity of the "crow's feet", on average, one or two times a week is enough.

  • Aloe juice

Fresh aloe juice well moisturizes and tones the skin of the eyelids, gives it elasticity and smoothness. It is applied every evening on clean skin from cosmetics. It doesn't need to be washed off.
For greater efficiency, you can use biostimulated juice. It is prepared from the leaves of the plant, which have spent at least 12 days in the refrigerator. Under such conditions, the vital processes of the plant die out, but it begins to produce biostimulants that can increase the vital activity of living cells.

  • Vitaminized mask based on yogurt and cucumber

The tool will provide complete care for the delicate and thin skin around the eyes.

A mask is prepared from half a peeled and seeded cucumber, a teaspoon of lemon juice, a dessert spoon of natural yogurt (without fillers), one capsule of vitamin A and vitamin E.

Grind the cucumber, add all the ingredients to it and stir well.

Apply the finished product for 10 minutes, then rinse with water.

  • Parsley juice compress

Fresh parsley will help to increase tone and smooth mimic wrinkles.

Soak cotton pads with freshly squeezed. Put them on closed eyelids. After 10-15 minutes, remove the discs and wash your face with cool water.

  • From raw potatoes

Peel and grate one potato on a medium grater. Separate a tablespoon of the prepared mass, mix it with a teaspoon of wheat flour and two teaspoons of milk. Wrap the resulting mass in a gauze napkin and apply to closed eyelids for 15 minutes.

  • Based on oil and vitamins

To one tablespoon add a drop of tocopherol (vitamin E) and retinol (vitamin A), half a teaspoon of honey. Lubricate the skin in the corners of the eyes with the prepared product.

Vitamins purchased at a pharmacy can be used in their pure form, treating the skin with them.

With daily use of retinol and tocopherol, wrinkles, if not completely gone, will noticeably decrease.

  • Oil based products

For skin care in the eye area, oils with a fine texture are suitable, which are quickly absorbed into the skin and do not weigh it down. These include peach, almond, apricot oil.

Before use, the oils are heated to match body temperature.

Apply them to a slightly damp skin with a thin layer. After 30 minutes, the remnants that have not been absorbed are removed with a soft paper towel.

In addition to these types of oils, avocado, jojoba, wheat germ and coconut oils can be used as part of the masks.

  • Mint decoction

Pour a tablespoon of mint leaves with a glass (200 ml) of boiling water. Put on a small fire and boil for 5-7 minutes. When the broth has cooled, it must be filtered.

Soak cotton pads in decoction and apply to closed eyelids for 10 minutes.

  • Protein mask with lemon juice

Beat one chicken protein a little. Carefully add the juice of half a lemon to it. Apply to skin for 15 minutes.

If the product is used not only in the eye area, then it should be borne in mind that it is better for owners of oily skin to use yolk, and for those who have dry skin - protein.

  • Flax seed decoction

Pour a tablespoon of flaxseeds with a glass of boiling water, boil over low heat until they boil to a thick mass.

Spread the prepared product into pre-prepared gauze or fabric bags, which are applied to the eyelids. After 20 minutes, the compress is removed, and the face is washed first with warm and then cold water.

Cosmetic Precautions

When using homemade, self-prepared cosmetics, you need to follow measures that will help to avoid undesirable consequences:

  1. Before the first procedure, carry out a standard test to exclude the risk of developing allergies. Apply a small amount of the prepared product to the inside of the elbow, wrist or area behind the ear. In the absence of any negative reaction on the skin, it can be safely used.
  2. Do not allow the product to come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye. If this happens, the eyes should be rinsed with water.
  3. Strictly observe the dosage of ingredients, monitor their quality and expiration date.

Prevention of "crow's feet"

Like any other cosmetic problem, the appearance of mimic wrinkles is easier to prevent than to eliminate. To avoid the development of "crow's feet" will help the recommendations drawn up by experts. They advise:

  • Correctly remove makeup using cosmetic preparations specially designed for the eyelids.
  • Take care of moisturizing the skin in the eye area, systematically use masks.
  • Protect skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Adhere to a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits.

The skin around the eyes is very delicate and therefore requires special care. You can provide it not only with expensive salon procedures, but also with affordable home-made products.