What causes uterine tone. How to increase the tone of the uterus: drugs, recipes, products. Uterine tone: what is it

From the very beginning of pregnancy, the concentration of progesterone in a woman's blood increases. This hormone acts in the interests of the fetus: it relieves the tone of the uterus and prevents its contractions, which is necessary to save the child. If symptoms of uterine tone appear during pregnancy, then the likelihood of having a baby prematurely increases. But there are treatments for this condition.

The tone of the uterus goes into the category of safe states when the moment of childbirth approaches. The uterus begins to increasingly come into a state of tension, sometimes resembling contractions. This is a workout that starts against the background of a gradual decrease in progesterone.

Symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy

Muscles form the basis of the uterus. Before pregnancy, its size is small: it is no larger than a chicken egg and does not even protrude due to the pubic articulation. During the development of the child, the uterus is repeatedly stretched. The muscles are arranged in three layers in three mutually perpendicular directions. This is necessary so that during labor during labor, the baby is pushed out. Each muscle fiber thickens four to five times and lengthens 10 to 12 times.

Under the influence of progesterone, the uterus is in a relaxed state. But sometimes there is its local or general tension. That is, the tone of the uterus during pregnancy is a temporary or permanent state of tension of the myometrium.

During pregnancy, subjective signs of uterine tone may differ, therefore, several degrees of tone are distinguished to determine medical tactics.

  • First degree. The pain in the lower abdomen is short, does not bring pronounced discomfort and anxiety. It goes away on its own at rest.
  • Second degree. Severe pain in the abdomen, pain can be given to the lower back, sacrum. The uterus comes into a state of high density.
  • Third degree. Small physical or mental stress leads to the appearance of tone. The uterus becomes "stony", does not relax well. This condition requires medical attention.

Hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy can occur at any time and periodically appear until the moment of delivery.

How does it manifest

Increased tone can be a dangerous symptom of the onset of preterm labor, so you need to listen to your body. You should consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear, regardless of the gestational age:

  • lower abdominal pain;
  • cramping pain in the uterus;
  • stony density of the uterus;
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract.

When can it develop

It is possible to independently determine the tone during a normal pregnancy when the uterus is clearly visible. Sometimes it "hardens" even when touching the stomach.

1 trimester

In the 1st trimester, uterine tension becomes a sign of a possible termination of pregnancy. It has been noticed that on ultrasound, the tone along the anterior wall of the uterus appears if the child has chromosomal pathologies. But many other reasons can affect the condition of the uterus:

  • sex;
  • physical exercise;
  • stress;
  • constipation;
  • pronounced toxicosis.

2 trimester

In the 2nd trimester, uterine tension may be more pronounced. The main reasons are the same conditions as at the beginning of gestation, but the rapid growth of the fetus is added to them. Other possible causes of uterine tone during pregnancy at this time:

  • polyhydramnios;
  • twin pregnancy;
  • myoma;
  • endometriosis;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • placenta previa;
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • pathology of the development of the uterus;
  • inflammatory processes in the genital organs.

High parity of births (frequent pregnancies with a short break between them) can also lead to increased tone.

For a pregnant woman, an additional increase in intra-abdominal pressure is dangerous, which occurs due to vomiting in case of poisoning, severe diarrhea, and flatulence. This can cause uterine contractions.

3rd trimester

In the 3rd trimester, the child is already quite large. But before the 35th week, the appearance of increased uterine tone is undesirable. There may be the following additional causes of this condition:

  • malposition;
  • preeclampsia;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • history of caesarean section;
  • miscarriage in the past.

The female body is influenced by external factors. Stress has an impact not only on mood, but also on sexual function, the ability to conceive and bear a child, and lactation. Constant emotional stress, lack of sleep also provoke the appearance of uterine tone. Some doctors refer this condition to psychosomatics.


The uterus in good shape does not always pass without a trace. In the early stages, this condition may end in abortion. An additional symptom in this case is bloody discharge from the genital tract.

In the later stages, the tone of the uterus is dangerous for the violation of blood flow in the placenta. In this case, a spasm of blood vessels appears, and then their relaxation. These processes can lead to detachment of a normally located placenta and fetal death.

If the tone occurs periodically, then the consequence is malnutrition of the fetus, intrauterine growth retardation.

Ways to influence the state

Diagnosis of uterine tone is not difficult. On examination, the doctor can determine a change in the shape of the abdomen, a hard uterus that hurts even more when touched. In the short term, the tone is diagnosed during ultrasound. Most often this is a local process along the anterior or posterior wall.

For a period after 27 weeks, the use of the CTG apparatus is informative. It has two sensors. One reflects the fetal heartbeat, and the second - uterine contractions. This allows you to evaluate not only the strength and duration of uterine contractions, but also the child's reaction to them. A pronounced decrease in heart rate, which takes a long time to return to normal, speaks of the suffering of the fetus.

Early dates

The cause of the pathological condition is often a lack of progesterone, and the consequence is the threat of interruption. Therefore, hormonal preparations are used for treatment that can compensate for the deficiency of the hormone. Most often, Duphaston is prescribed. But for some women, Utrozhestan is more suitable, which can be taken orally or vaginally. The vaginal form is indispensable for signs of toxicosis - severe vomiting in the morning.

Treatment is supplemented with antispasmodics. You can use tablets "No-Shpa" (similar to "Drotaverin"). With frequent vomiting, candles "Papaverine" are prescribed, which are best laid at night.

In a hospital setting, Vikasol and Dicinon may be prescribed to stop bleeding. You can calm your nerves with motherwort tincture. But you should not get carried away: it contains ethyl alcohol.

Treatment of uterine tone in early pregnancy involves a change in the patient's lifestyle. A woman is assigned sexual rest. In some cases, hospitalization. It is recommended to normalize the regime of work and rest, to sleep at night, but also to go to bed during the day to rest for an hour. Foods that promote gas formation, as well as coffee, strong tea, are removed from the diet. If you suffer from constipation, then you need a laxative diet.

Middle of gestation

Approaches to the elimination of tone in this period are different. In some women with progesterone deficiency, Duphaston continues to be taken until week 20 (followed by a gradual dose reduction). Helps in the treatment of antispasmodics. If necessary, they are used in the form of injections.

But the main drug for quickly reducing the local tone of the cervix and generalized spasm is a solution of magnesia. It is used in the form of drops. Magnesium sulfate helps to relax the muscles as well as calm the nervous system. The solution lowers blood pressure, improves diuresis, which is used for preeclampsia. Appointment is contraindicated for bradycardia, low baseline blood pressure and severe kidney disease.

The choice of other drugs depends on concomitant pathologies that could cause a deterioration in the condition.

After discharge from the hospital, women are prescribed Magnesium B6 in the form of a tablet medication. This is necessary to improve the condition of the fetoplacental complex. At home, a pregnant woman can perform breathing exercises that help to calm down in stressful situations. Some do yoga for pregnant women, but it should be easy asanas, excluding raising the arms and tightening the abdomen. Nutrition recommendations remain the same as in the previous trimester.

From 7 months

In this period, the uterus also responds to the introduction of magnesia. But it increases the number of receptors that can be influenced by the drug "Ginipral". It belongs to the group of sympathomimetics and is able to reduce the tone and contractility of the myometrium. Available in the form of tablets and solution. But most often the drug is used in hospitals for tocolysis - the removal of contractions during preterm labor or during complicated labor.

A slightly increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy is observed from the first days of conception. Processes are activated in the body, an increase in hormones is observed. Such physiological tension of the uterus is an absolute norm and will exist until the end of pregnancy, even for some time after childbirth.

Tone is a variable value and a subjective thing. In the process of gestation, doctors pay close attention to it. In fact, the tone itself does not pose a serious threat. Its intensity and duration are important.

The best gynecologists in our directory

The tone of the uterus is the degree of tension of its muscles. Like any muscle, it can be in two states: tension and relaxation.

The state of relaxation is the usual physiological state of a healthy non-pregnant uterus.

A state of light tension (tonus) - observed during menstruation, orgasm, pregnancy.

Increased uterine tone - normally appears in the second half of pregnancy in the form of spontaneous muscle tension (local or total) and is temporary (up to 1-2 minutes). The peak of tension is noted in childbirth and the postpartum period.

A pathological increase in the tone of the uterus or spontaneous premature contractile activity of the uterus is said to occur when muscle tension persists for a long time, captures the entire surface, is accompanied by bloody discharge and severe pain in the lower abdomen.

Normally, the tone of the uterus during pregnancy ranges from 8 to 12 mm Hg. It can be measured with a transducer on a vaginal ultrasound. After the ultrasound, the doctor is obliged to indicate these values ​​\u200b\u200bin the conclusion, only then it is possible to judge hypertonicity.

Uterine tone in the first trimester

Increased uterine tone at the beginning of pregnancy is an extremely rare phenomenon. During this period, she is under the strong influence of progesterone, which relaxes her muscles. Up to 12 weeks, a woman should practically not feel anything in her stomach: no pain, no tension - no discomfort.

Uterine tone in the second trimester

From the 20th week, the muscles of the uterus begin to train. Short-term cramping contractions and tension in her muscles occur quite often. Their sudden appearance is unpleasant, but they should not frighten a woman.

Pay attention to prolonged and painful muscle tension. The tone during this period (up to 22 weeks) is dangerous for spontaneous abortion. But do not rush to sound the alarm. You can talk about the true pathology after the examination. It is necessary to measure the value of the tone and compare them with the length of the cervix.

Uterine tone in the third trimester

It is from the 28th week that increased tone becomes a common occurrence. It is provoked by the child himself. Sharp movements of the arms and legs cause the muscles to tense up. The longer the period, the more sensitive the uterus to various stimuli: the rotation of the fetus, the touch of cold objects, hands or sensors on the abdomen or cervix, with nipple stimulation.

The uterus is preparing for childbirth, short preparatory contractions are increasingly occurring. The hormonal background is changing. It is during this period that doctors often expose false hypertonicity, when there is no cause for concern. Here, as in any period, a diagnostic examination is very important. Increased uterine activity in the period of 22-37 weeks may threaten premature birth.

Causes of increased uterine tone

Hormones. The level of progesterone has a powerful effect. Up to 10 weeks, it is actively synthesized and calms the contractile work of the uterus. With its deficiency, the uterus comes into a state of tension. A decrease in the hormone is observed in various diseases: endometriosis, genital infantilism, hyperprolactinemia and hyperandrogenism.

In addition, progesterone affects the intestines, constipation appears, which can provoke an increase in tone. Atony of the ureters causes stagnation of urine and the addition of infection - another undesirable cause.

Polyhydramnios. This phenomenon is typical for the third trimester. A significant amount of intrauterine water accumulates in the uterus, which puts pressure on its walls. When the muscles are overstretched, a persistent spasm occurs.

The state of the nervous system. Stress leads in 30% of cases to excitation of the sympathetic system and hypertonicity.

Infection. The leading role is played by odontogenic, urogenital infections. They cause increased uterine tone in 40% of cases.

Toxicosis. The danger is toxicosis with frequent vomiting. It increases intra-abdominal pressure and affects the muscle tone of the uterus.

Strong physical activity. Squats, running and lifting weights are undesirable for a woman during this period.

Clinical picture

With hypertonicity, the abdomen in the uterine region becomes "stone". The woman talks about the appearance of an unpleasant "coma" in the abdominal cavity. In addition, there are aching pains in the lower abdomen and in the lower back, very similar to pain before menstruation. Unlike pathologically increased tone, they do not increase in strength and duration, and are not accompanied by bloody discharge. Pass on their own after rest.



During the initial examination, the doctor is able to assess the tone of the uterus, the length of its neck, the position of the fetus. If there is a threat of miscarriage or early birth, the cervix is ​​shortened from three to one centimeter. If it is long and closed, the woman is not bothered by growing pains, there is no discharge, then there is no cause for concern.


A reliable method that determines the length of the cervix. Indicates her readiness for miscarriage or childbirth.


shows local or total thickening of the walls of the organ. The true dimensions of the cervix and the condition of the internal os are determined only by vaginal ultrasound.


A method that determines the exact value of the tone of the uterus. A special sensor is applied to the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity and driven into the projection of the organ.


The first and necessary condition is peace. Try to lie down, relieve nervous tension, relax. You can have a light massage. It is necessary to grab the stomach below with your palms, gently press and lift it up. Such movements create the effect of support, the load is removed. We continue until the hardness goes away and a feeling of relaxation of the abdomen appears.

Important: such manipulations are carried out only if the tension in the uterus is not accompanied by increasing pain and spotting.

All drugs have unwanted side effects. Therefore, before drinking them, you need to make sure that there is a threatening increase in the tone of the uterus. Conduct a study (vaginal ultrasound with measurement of the length of the cervix) and only then make a decision on treatment. In Europe and the USA, they do not attach much importance to increased tone.

Of the recommendations of evidence-based medicine, the main drugs are tocolytics - Hexoprenaline ("Ginipral"), which is unsafe for the mother and fetus. Its tolerability profile is still more favorable than that of Partusisten.

First, the drug is administered by drip into a vein. Then they switch to tablets of 5 mg 6 times a day for 2 weeks. In European guidelines, the tocolytic Atosiban is preferred in these cases.

In an acute state, a solution of Magnesia Sulphate is dripped with the transition to Nifedipine tablets.

If the cause of the tone was a decrease in the level of progesterone, then natural progesterone (Utrozhestan) is prescribed. It has two dosage forms: oral and intravaginal. The intravaginal route of administration is preferred.

The tone of the uterus during pregnancy is not a disease, but a symptom that may indicate a threat of miscarriage. The condition requires special treatment.

To prevent complications, it is important for a woman to know about the manifestations of hypertonicity, therapy and prevention methods.

The uterus is a hollow organ of 3 layers:

  • The endometrium is the mucous membrane that lines the inside of the uterus.
  • Myometrium is a smooth muscle tissue that is the middle layer of the organ wall.
  • The perimetrium is the outer mucosa.

The myometrium is normally in a relaxed state, which is considered the normal tone of the reproductive organ.

In some women, during the period of bearing a child, but before the onset of childbirth, uterine contractions occur. In this case, they talk about her hypertonicity or increased tone.

The process is natural or pathological, depending on a number of factors. A brief contraction of the uterus in a pregnant woman, without any discomfort, may be a natural condition.

The problem arises if the increased tone is observed for a long time. Constant tone is dangerous for the fetus and requires the preservation of pregnancy.

Uterine tone during pregnancy: symptoms

Symptoms of hypertension depend on the duration of pregnancy:

  • First trimester. Drawing pain in lower abdomen, perineum, lower back. Pain can be constant or periodically weaken and intensify. Nausea and dizziness are possible.
  • Second and third trimesters. All of the above symptoms, to which is added the so-called "fossil" of the abdomen. The tone and tension of the uterus is felt from the outside, if a palm is applied to the stomach.

Another sign of tone at any time is bloody discharge from the vagina. In this case, you must immediately contact the clinic.

From a pathologically increased tone, a state in the later stages should be distinguished, when the child becomes cramped in the uterus. It seems to stretch, the uterus tenses. A woman can feel not only the petrification of the abdomen, but also a change in its shape on the one hand, where the baby sticks out. This condition, similar to light contractions, lasts for several seconds and is not dangerous either for the child or for the expectant mother.

The reasons

Hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy occurs for various reasons and can occur even if the woman was completely healthy before conception.

The risk factors are as follows:

  • Postponed stressful situations.
  • Work all day sitting or standing.
  • Severe toxicosis in the 1st trimester.
  • Lack of progesterone.
  • Negative Rh factor - the body can reject the embryo.
  • Multiple pregnancies - there is an excessive load on the uterine walls.
  • Polyhydramnios.
  • Pathologies in the structure of the body.
  • The presence of sexually transmitted diseases - chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, etc.
  • Lots of pre-pregnancy abortions.
  • The presence of bad habits - smoking, alcoholic beverages.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - strong gas formation provokes an increased tone of the uterus.

What is dangerous?

What is the danger of increased uterine tone? This is, first of all, a risk for a child growing in the womb. In the absence of treatment, the consequences may be as follows.

In the 1st trimester:

  • miscarriage or detachment of the fetal egg;
  • fetal fading due to lack of oxygen and nutrients.

In the 1st and 3rd trimesters- discharge of amniotic fluid and premature birth due to the opening of the cervix.

The child survives in this case at a gestational age of 36 weeks.


To determine whether the tone of the uterus is increased during pregnancy, the doctor can in the following ways:

  • Palpation or probing of the uterus with fingers.
  • Ultrasound procedure.

The doctor can palpate the uterus in the 2nd trimester through the anterior wall of the abdomen. On examination, the woman is placed on her back and asked to bend her knees. This posture allows you to completely relax the muscles of the abdominal cavity and the uterus can be comfortably felt.

Ultrasound is more of an auxiliary diagnostic method. Allows you to determine the degree of threat, increased tone of the anterior or posterior wall of the uterus, the need for hospitalization of a pregnant woman.

On the video about uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy

How to withdraw?

What to do with uterine tone? Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, depending on the degree of hypertonicity and the causes of its occurrence. If the risk is not serious, therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis. Otherwise, a woman is hospitalized in a hospital for bed rest, where treatment is carried out under the supervision of doctors.

  • more rest;
  • complete renunciation of sexual activity;
  • taking medications.

What is prescribed for uterine tone:

  • Antispasmodics -, Drotaverine,.
  • Gestagens -.
  • Sedatives - valerian, motherwort.
  • Magne B6;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

The reasons for the development of hypertonicity are taken into account, for example, for problems with the intestines, drugs are prescribed to reduce gas formation. With spotting, Tranexam or Dicinon are prescribed.

With a strong tone and a suspicion of a lack of oxygen and nutrients for the fetus, Trental or is indicated.

How to warn?

Measures to prevent increased uterine tone are as follows:

  • Testing for sexually transmitted infections when planning pregnancy.
  • Refusal of cigarettes and alcohol at the planning stage.
  • Timely registration with a gynecologist after conception.
  • Full sleep - at least 8 hours a day.
  • Daily outdoor walks.
  • Light physical activity.
  • Refusal to lift heavy substances, especially in the third trimester.
  • Avoidance of stress.

Proper nutrition is important for a pregnant woman.

A balanced diet is required, in which magnesium-containing foods must be present:

  • Dairy products - natural yoghurts, cheeses.
  • Cereals - buckwheat, wheat, barley.
  • Greens and fresh vegetables - spinach, basil, cabbage.

Magnesium, supplied in sufficient quantities to the body, relaxes smooth muscle tissue and has a positive effect on the central nervous system.

The tone of the uterus during pregnancy is a diagnosis that more than half of pregnant women hear. Manifestations of pathology are pain in the abdomen, its fossil, bloody discharge from the vagina. The condition is dangerous for the fetus and requires immediate contact with a gynecologist and treatment on an outpatient basis or in a hospital.

Why is it dangerous for the fetus, what are the symptoms and treatment? Doctors diagnose uterine tone during pregnancy in 60% of cases.

What is uterine tone during pregnancy

Uterine tone- This is an indicator of the state of the muscles of the uterus, which expresses the degree of its tension. The tone of the uterus is measured in millimeters of mercury.

The following options for the state of the muscles of the uterus are possible:

  • Decreased tone of the uterus- a pathological condition that occurs in the early postpartum period, characterized by excessive relaxation of the uterine muscles. Decreased tone may be the cause of hypotonic uterine bleeding.
  • Normal uterine tone- the physiological state of the uterus, regardless of the presence of pregnancy, in which the muscles are at rest.
  • Increased uterine tone during pregnancy- the state of tension of the muscles of the uterus. It can be permanent and temporary (contractions during childbirth). The increased tone of the uterus can be complete (covers the uterus completely) or local (manifested in one specific place).
  • Uterine hypertonicity- pathology of labor activity, in which more than four contractions occur within 10 minutes. Often, both doctors and patients use the term "hypertonicity" to refer to the high tone of the uterus in pregnant women - this is not entirely correct, since hypertonicity manifests itself precisely in the process of childbirth.

Normal and pathological uterine tone

During pregnancy, the norm of tone are indicators within 8-12 mmHg st. A slight and short-term increase in these values ​​\u200b\u200bmay be normal and physiological if, for example, it occurs in response to fetal movements. But if such tension of the uterus is prolonged and accompanied by painful sensations, then this is a dangerous sign of an increased risk of premature birth and miscarriage. If uterine contractions become periodic and repeat at regular intervals, which leads to the opening of the cervix, these are alarming symptoms of incipient preterm labor (with a period of weeks) or spontaneous abortion (with a period of up to 22 weeks). This situation requires emergency hospitalization and medical intervention.

Causes of increased uterine tone

There are many reasons for increased uterine tone. Most often, these are infections in the mother's body, such as: infections of the oral cavity, urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases. An important role is played by socio-economic factors:

  • too young or, conversely, mature age (less than 18 and more than 35 years old);
  • bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drug use);
  • the presence of severe chronic diseases, especially such as obesity or arterial hypertension;
  • complex relationships in the family;
  • poor living conditions;
  • emotional overload;
  • difficult working conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome.

All these factors or their combination can adversely affect the development and course of pregnancy.

Also, an increase in the tone of the uterus can provoke complications of pregnancy:

  • incorrect position of the fetus (oblique or transverse);
  • various pathologies of the placenta (hypoplasia, placenta previa, premature aging);
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus (bicornuate or saddle shape, uterus with an incomplete septum);
  • and scars after its removal;
  • scars after a previous caesarean section;
  • a history of premature birth, miscarriage, abortion;
  • nephropathy;
  • the occurrence of fetal malformations, as a rule, incompatible with life.

Symptoms of increased uterine tone during pregnancy

How to determine the tone of the uterus during pregnancy yourself? Most often elevated tone during pregnancy manifested by pulling or aching pain in the lower abdomen, similar to menstrual pain. Periodically, there may be sensations that the uterus is "stiffening", a feeling of tension in the stomach, increased urge to urinate, and sometimes an increase in the motor activity of the fetus. In a more rare case, it can be observed from the genital tract, softening and shortening of the cervix.

  • Rare and painful movements of the fetus can signal that, due to tension in the muscles of the uterus, placental blood flow is disturbed, and the fetus experiences oxygen deficiency, which leads to hypoxia, developmental delay, and placental pathologies.

Diagnosis of uterine tone

Increased uterine tone is not a diagnosis as such, it is only the main symptom. To diagnose the tone of the uterus, sometimes palpation of the abdominal wall is quite enough, but it should be remembered that this assessment is not always objective. A more accurate diagnostic method is KTG(cardiotocography - registration of the fetal heartbeat and uterine contractions), which gives an objective assessment of the situation during uterine contractions and between them, which allows you to track the effectiveness of treatment and the dynamics of uterine activity.

Treatment of increased tone

If a uterus in good shape during pregnancy what to do? To prevent an unfavorable outcome of pregnancy (miscarriage or premature birth), increased uterine tone must be normalized. Since there is a real threat of abortion, it is necessary to seek medical help at the first sign of increased uterine tension.

The tone of the uterus impairs oxygen saturation and nutrition of the fetus, so treatment is necessary.

To reduce the activity of the uterus, prescribe the use of special drugs called tocolytics. This is a series of drugs that belong to different pharmacological groups, but have the same effect - they reduce the muscular activity of the uterus.

These include:

  • Ginipral, Partusisten, Salbutamol. Currently, the most effective and safe drug in this group is Ginipral. In extreme cases, drugs are prescribed in the form of intravenous injections, and as the condition improves, they switch to the form of tablets.
  • Nifedipine- the drug exists only in the form of tablets, it is prescribed in exceptional cases strictly under the supervision of a physician.
  • Magnesium sulfate as a solution for intravenous infusion. It is used only in the presence of objective contraindications to other drugs.
  • Indomethacin- is prescribed in the form of suppositories, as a rule, as maintenance therapy.

Predictions for increased tone

A favorable outcome depends on many factors: the duration of pregnancy, the condition of the fetus and its position in the uterus, the condition of the cervix, the integrity of the mucous membranes (rupture of the membranes), complications during pregnancy, the presence of concomitant diseases, the timeliness of contacting a doctor and, accordingly, the time of treatment started. . And, of course, it is very important to remain optimistic and not panic.


A very important and crucial stage is the planning of pregnancy and the preparation of the body for conception. It is advisable to go through a complex even before the onset of pregnancy, to cure possible foci of infection of the genitourinary system, oral cavity. You should pay close attention to the hygiene of work and rest, as well as strictly follow all the appointments and recommendations of your doctor.

The body needs a sufficient amount of magnesium. With the onset of pregnancy, the daily requirement for magnesium increases to 400 mg per day! Magnesium has a direct effect on the ability of the uterus to relax, and in addition, reduces nervous excitability, which is of great importance for a pregnant woman and an unborn child. Magnesium is found in nuts, green vegetables, bread, bran, buckwheat and oatmeal.

Hypertonicity can be defined as involuntary uterine movements that occur before the expected time of delivery. Often this phenomenon occurs in the initial stages of gestation. Usually, the tone of the uterus during pregnancy can be felt or diagnosed instrumentally. In the absence of adequate therapy, the tone threatens premature birth and loss of the child.

When does hypertension occur?

Uterine tone without pregnancy is rare and can be triggered by drugs or human activities. Several reasons can provoke the appearance of tone during pregnancy. But one should distinguish between a normal tone and an increased one, since the danger is only the second type.

The uterus has a three-layer structure, the middle level is represented by muscle muscles, which means it is able to contract. The fertilized egg is attached to its inner mucous layer. Normally, muscle fibers should not be tense. The tone of this type is called normal, or "normotonus".

Note. A pathological condition occurs when the fibrous layer of the uterus begins to contract intensively, being in a stressed state. In this case, we should talk about the high tone of the uterus. What nature of the tone of the uterus during pregnancy - in an increased or normal form - can be established by ultrasound.

It should be remembered that only uterine hypertonicity is dangerous, and with normal tone there is definitely no reason for concern.


You can talk about uterine hypertonicity if the muscles of the uterus involuntarily contract and move. There are various reasons for the development of this condition. The main ones include:

  1. an increase in the concentration of male sex hormones in the blood (if the first trimester);
  2. a decrease in the level of the hormone that supports pregnancy - progesterone;
  3. large size of the fetus;
  4. bad habits;
  5. multiple pregnancies;
  6. numerous abortions;
  7. wrong type of food;
  8. the age of the pregnant woman;
  9. abnormal structure of the female genital organs from birth;
  10. inflammatory processes;
  11. improper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  12. increased physical activity (second trimester and above);
  13. polyhydramnios (significantly increases the risks);
  14. diseases of the endocrine type;
  15. infantilism of the uterus (structure of the child type);
  16. the appearance of tumors;
  17. infectious diseases.

In some cases, we can talk about the development of hypertonicity due to nervous or psychological overstrain, lack of sufficient sleep, or complications during pregnancy. This condition can also be caused by impaired functioning of the kidneys, liver, or development. Also, the causes of hypertonicity are the appearance of benign or malignant neoplasms.

Each of these conditions and pathologies can provoke the appearance of symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy.

What foods can cause hypertension

Among the products that can cause an increase in uterine tone, we can distinguish:

  • coffee (due to the invigorating effect, the removal of fluid from the body, the increase in blood pressure and the deterioration of sleep; in some, cardiac activity increases);
  • black tea (strong).

Also among the unsafe foods to eat are moldy cheese (contains special types of fungi that can cause tone), raw, smoked, dried or uncooked meat. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of liver products, lard and pâtés.

Advice. Fish for pregnant women is allowed, with the exception of dishes where half-baked raw materials are used. It is better to replace wheat bread with rye bread, and give up alcohol completely.


The most obvious symptoms include the following signs of uterine tone during pregnancy:

  • nausea;
  • feeling of dizziness;
  • weighting of the lower abdomen;
  • bloody discharge;
  • palpable pain in the lower abdomen;
  • feeling that the pregnant belly is hard.

Advice. If at least one of the symptoms manifests itself, you should consult a doctor to decide what to do.

Diagnostic methods

There are several approaches to how to determine the tone of the uterus during pregnancy - diagnostics include finger palpation, ultrasound, tonusometry.

There are already three actively used methods for checking the tone of the uterus, and which one to choose - you decide on your own or on the recommendation of a doctor


During palpation, the specialist feels the uterus through the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity - while the pregnant woman lies with her legs bent at the knees. This position of the body allows you to eliminate the tone of the abdominal muscles, and, if there is a tone of the uterus, the doctor can feel the compaction of the muscles of the organ. Typically, this type of diagnosis is used in the second trimester based on the patient's history.

Ultrasound examination

Ultrasound is used as an additional way to study the condition of the muscles of the uterus. This method of determining tone helps to establish the degree of risk and the type of muscle tension.

The tone of the uterus during pregnancy in the 2nd or 3rd trimester can be general or local (located only in selective areas of the organ), posterior or anterior (depending on which wall tension is observed, the tone of the anterior wall of the uterus during pregnancy is more common). Only an ultrasound examination can accurately reflect these characteristics of the condition. On ultrasound, the doctor can also assess the degree of risk of complications, premature birth or miscarriage - this is what dangerous uterine tone during pregnancy is and what it can provoke. When ultrasound detects tone, hospitalization is usually prescribed.

Ultrasound gives a quick and clear answer, removing any errors


With tonusometry, special sensors can reflect the tension of the uterus. This method is rarely used compared to palpation and ultrasound.

How can you diagnose uterine tone at home

There are methods for determining the condition of the uterus during pregnancy, which are carried out independently. They can be used before a visit to the doctor, since only a specialist can confirm the diagnosis.

First of all, it is possible to assume the presence of hypertonicity if a feeling of tension, pulsation is manifested in the uterus. You may also feel numbness or stiffness in your abdomen. The pain when the tone of the posterior wall of the uterus is observed during pregnancy can be compared with the sensations that often appear during menstruation.

To diagnose the tone, you need to lie on your back. One of the hands is placed on the upper part of the femoral region, and the second on the lower abdomen, where the uterus is supposed to be located. If the hands feel the same tension on both parts of the body, there is no hypertonicity. But if increased toning of the uterus is present, the lower abdomen will appear firmer. If this condition is detected, you should visit a specialist and undergo an ultrasound to avoid complications. Uterine tone is common during pregnancy in the 1st trimester.

It is not difficult to determine the tone at home, but you should not panic ahead of time, because. a doctor with experience will give an accurate answer, unlike a patient who is not experienced in diagnosing

How to relieve the condition before visiting a doctor

If hypertonicity is suspected, it is advisable to ensure complete rest for the pregnant woman and bed rest before visiting a doctor. You can also take antispasmodics that are allowed for pregnant women. If there is a pulling sensation from behind, you should:

  • stop any activity;
  • kneel down, bend your back, while raising your head, and then slowly return to the starting position;
  • relieve the tension of the facial muscles and muscles of the whole body.

Note. Treatment of uterine tone during pregnancy usually includes a number of measures at once.


The first thing to do with the tone of the uterus is to ensure complete rest for the pregnant woman and stop vigorous activity. Sex is excluded.

Medical treatment

All drugs that help alleviate this condition should be prescribed by a doctor based on the patient's condition. Common means to combat tone are:

  1. sedative preparations of plant origin (motherwort, valerian);
  2. vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women;
  3. drug "Magne B6";
  4. antispasmodic drugs (Baralgin, Papaverine with uterine tone).

When choosing hormone therapy, doctors prefer products with progesterone - for example, Duphaston. If heavy bleeding is detected, the patient is hospitalized. In the hospital, hemostatic drugs such as Etamzilat and Dicinon can be used

In the 2nd trimester, the tone of the uterus during pregnancy can be eliminated by the appointment of diathermy, if hypertonicity is not a normal physiological phenomenon (in this case, it does not have a pronounced or prolonged character).

Tension in the uterine muscles can help relieve drugs such as:

  1. sulfate;
  2. antispasmodic drugs (No-Shpa);
  3. "Nifedipine";
  4. "Ginipral";
  5. "Hexoprenaline";
  6. "Verapamil".

In addition to the usual rest, specialized medications are used, the intake of which must be coordinated with your doctor.

Ways to eliminate tone at home

Uncomplicated forms of uterine hypertonicity can be eliminated at home, and therapy may not even include drug treatment.


In some cases, the tone of the uterus in early pregnancy can be helped to eliminate simple physical exercises - for example, "Cat". To perform it, you should get on all fours and alternately bend your back up and down a certain number of times - about 5-10. This will help relax the uterine muscles and relieve spasm. After performing the movements, it is useful to lie down for an hour (especially if it is the 3rd trimester).

You can also not perform any movements, but simply kneel with a short time of emphasis - the uterus in a position on all fours with an elbow rest is in a suspended state, which contributes to its relaxation. After performing, you should always rest in a supine position. This is important in how to remove uterine spasms.

Note. The tension of the muscles of the uterus may depend on the tension of the facial muscles. To reduce hypertonicity, sometimes it is enough to relax the facial muscles. To do this, tilt your head and completely relax the muscles of the face and neck. Breathing in this position is carried out through the mouth. This can help relieve symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester.

As an additional therapy for uterine tone, you can use specialized exercises that will only accelerate the effect of recovery.


You can supplement exercises at home by taking mild antispasmodics. In mild forms of hypertension, these measures may be sufficient. But if the discomfort or lack of benefit from exercise increases, you should undergo a medical examination.

It is important to eat right during pregnancy - the products must be natural. You need to eat more legumes, nuts, bran, green vegetables, cereals (especially buckwheat and oatmeal).

If a pregnant woman has it, it is necessary to get rid of this phenomenon using the means recommended by the doctor. If the increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy caused premature labor, doctors stop this process with medication by the 40th week of pregnancy.

Preventive measures

To reduce the risk of occurrence or remove the tone of the uterus, it is recommended to follow these tips:

  1. provide sleep for at least 8 hours a day;
  2. eat right (food should be non-aggressive);
  3. reduce physical and motor activity;
  4. limit the lifting of heavy objects (especially if there is uterine tone in the third trimester of pregnancy);
  5. limit sex;
  6. breathe fresh air, but give up long walks;
  7. minimize stress;
  8. stop using tobacco or alcohol;
  9. reduce the frequency of trips in the car or transport (in the second trimester).

All sexually transmitted infections, if present, should be treated before pregnancy. It is important, if the uterus is in good shape during pregnancy, to maintain a good psychological state and avoid stressful situations - natural soothing herbs and essential oils (for example, mint, chamomile or lotus) will help with this. Pregnant women should also undergo regular gynecological examinations to eliminate the risk of developing pathologies.

Prevention is always more effective than treatment, so after completing the course of taking medications, you can safely use the list of recommendations above.

Uterine tone during pregnancy is a rather dangerous condition during pregnancy if left untreated. The risk of developing this phenomenon can be significantly reduced by observing the right lifestyle and lack of stress. The tone is easily treatable, but it can not always be cured on its own. If you suspect the development of spasms of the muscles of the uterus, you should visit a doctor and accurately determine the severity of the condition in order to choose the right treatment. How to remove the tone of the uterus during pregnancy in a certain case and what to do, the specialist decides.