How paper airplanes fly. How to make a paper airplane that flies for a long time: model options, step-by-step diagrams, photos and videos

Paper planes are easy to make, and most importantly, they do fly. This process is so interesting that any adult will be happy to make lightweight paper designs and, to the delight of children, send them flying. Well, older children themselves will be able to do aircraft construction.

You can master the manufacture of paper airplanes by studying the video tutorials we offer. Each of them provides step-by-step instructions with a video, and it is impossible to make a mistake: you just need to carefully repeat the actions of the narrator, so that in the end you have a real flying model in your hands.

In order to make a simple airplane capable of flying far, up to 100 meters, you need:

  • take a sheet of ordinary writing paper and bend it in half along the long side, which will give us a marking of the axis of the structure;
  • then we unfold the sheet and apply its two corners to the center line;
  • then bend the corners twice to the side of the resulting triangle;
  • lay out the sheet and, using the resulting lines as markings, bend the corners to the middle;
  • fold the sheet at the bend points and open it again.

This completes the marking of the bend lines. Using the markup, bend the corners, following the video instructions.

Video lesson:

To make a model aircraft reminiscent of the famous F15 fighter jet, the sheet of paper is folded several times to obtain marking lines of inflection, after which the model can be made. The video tutorial tells in detail how to make a paper airplane, you just have to carefully monitor the actions of the person demonstrating the manufacturing process.

The instruction is quite complicated and requires increased attention, otherwise the model will turn out to be sloppy or not work at all. If done correctly, you will end up with a neat model that can be placed on the table using a paper clip leg.

Video lesson:

This model of an airplane, made from a sheet of paper, is capable of flying long and far. To begin with, several bends of a sheet of paper are made, which will serve as a markup for further actions, all bends must be done very carefully and carefully so that the airplane turns out to be strictly symmetrical and can fly confidently.

Some bends result in pockets that are turned inside out and laid out in a different plane. The aircraft has a strong fuselage and wide swept wings with high lift. The ends of the wings are bent upward, these bent elements provide straightness of flight.

Video lesson:

This is a model of the beautiful F15 Strike Eagle aircraft. To make it, you need a sheet of writing paper, which is folded several times in accordance with the instructions of the narrator. All bends, including the smallest ones, must be performed very accurately and carefully to make the model beautiful. You can simply put the finished airplane on the table as a decoration, or you can send it flying - the wings are quite capable of lifting it into the air.

Such a good paper airplane will appeal to everyone, both children and adults, because it is beautiful and can fly. These are its main advantages.

Video lesson:

A sheet of paper is folded across along the short side, then along the long one, along the resulting fold lines, the corners are bent to the center, the ends are folded inward. Several more folds of the paper sheet are performed, which must be done with great accuracy.

The plane must be strictly symmetrical, then it will be able to keep well in the air. All folds must be neatly ironed. The finished airplane has a fast look and good balance to allow it to fly with confidence.

The straightness of the movement is ensured by the bent rudders, there is a special protrusion at the bottom, for which it is convenient to hold the model before launching.

Video lesson:

Such a model plane flies really well, and you can arrange a competition, whose plane will fly on. The work begins with several folds of the paper sheet, as a result of which the marking lines are formed. All further bends of the paper offer an easy way to create a paper airplane.

The plane has two small delta wings and a neat tail that allows flight in a given direction. Obtaining a tail is associated with cutting off a certain part of the paper, and the finished model can be glued together so that its halves do not fall apart and the airplane is confidently kept in flight.

Video lesson:

The master class talks about how to make airplanes from a sheet of paper that can fly long distances:

  • the sheet is folded in half lengthwise;
  • the tips of the sheet are bent to the middle;
  • then another fold follows, giving the structure an arrow-shaped shape;
  • another longitudinal addition forms wings, narrow but long.

The body of the airplane is pierced with a paper clip, which prevents the wings from falling apart to the sides. The resulting airplane is simpler than all other designs, but it is capable of flying far and smoothly. The direction of flight can be corrected by bending the tips of the wings slightly upward.

Video lesson:

In childhood, we all made various crafts out of paper: frogs that jumped, boats that were then sent to swim in a stream, and, of course, airplanes. Now that most of us have our children, it would be nice to remember the basics and show them how to make a paper airplane that flies far and stays in the air for a long time.

How to make a paper plane: the easiest way

Let's start with the simplest option to remember the basics. Under the description there will be a diagram, with its help it will be very easy to understand the process of creating an aircraft.

Take an A4 album sheet and fold it in half vertically. Unfold the sheet back. Now bend the upper corner to the fold line, do the same with the second corner. Now in the same place at the top, fold both sides towards the center, as shown in the picture. Fold the paper in half along the fold line. Bend the corners as shown in the diagram and unfold the paper.

Method 2

The next option. Also take a scrapbook paper and fold it in half vertically. Unfold the sheet again and fold the top two corners towards the center. Now fold the paper halfway down on both sides. Make the folds again as shown in the diagram, spread the wings. The plane is ready.

Method 3

The third option is classic. Take a sheet, fold it in half vertically, then unfold it. Fold the top corners towards the center. Then fold the corners to form an inverted triangle. Now direct the top left and right corners to the center, as in the picture. Bend the tongue that formed under the corners up so that it secures the corners just folded. Fold the blank in half so the wings are on both sides. Now you need to fold the wings so that their widest part is perpendicular to the base of the aircraft. Spread your wings, that's it, the fighter is ready. This model is notable for the fact that it flies almost like a boomerang.

How to make a paper plane with good aerodynamics

To make such a plane with your own hands, you need step-by-step instructions. We will do everything in stages.

Take a scrapbook paper and fold it in half horizontally.

Bend the corners to the fold line.

Fold the paper towards the center again.

Now the resulting triangle needs to be bent down.

Turn the workpiece over. Bend the corners as shown in the illustration.

Bend the corners again, as in the photo, and then pull out the large corner from the back.

Fold the workpiece in half. Bend the wings along the lines.

That's it, the paper fighter is ready.

The plane that flies for a long time

When you make a paper airplane, you undoubtedly want to fly well, with the help of this tutorial we will try to make such a craft.

Take an A4 sheet and fold it in half. Fold the corners towards the center.

Now bend the nose of the plane down to form an inverted triangle.

Bend the corners towards the center again, and then unfold them back.

Fold the new corners along the fold lines you just created.

Bend the corners again, and bend the triangle that has formed upward.

We bend the workpiece in half. Take a pencil and a ruler and measure 2 cm on the nose of the plane, and also at the back, make marks. At the rear of the plane, measure 2 cm from the bottom and 3 cm from the top and draw a line. We look at the photo. Do the same at the ends of the wings.

A long time ago, when we were all small, we made paper airplanes and launched them into flight. It was fun and exciting to play with the paper toy. It would seem that this is an ordinary flying piece of paper. But no, to design an airplane that will last a long time and please with long flight distances is a whole science.

The main thing in the article

What do you need for a paper airplane with your own hands?

To design a paper airplane with your own hands, you will need:

  • 5 minutes. time,
  • a sheet of A4 or A3 paper;
  • diagram with step-by-step instructions.

If you want to give the airplane individuality and originality, prepare paints, brushes, felt-tip pens and pencils.

Previously, a newspaper sheet was used as the main material. It had a rectangular shape and was suitable for creating a paper toy.

Make a paper airplane with your child, and at the same time remember your childhood. Your child will love not only launching it, but also the process of modeling the aircraft itself. In the process of work, children develop accuracy, concentration, hand motor skills, perseverance and imagination.

How to make a regular paper airplane: step-by-step instructions for beginners

The easiest and easiest way to paper airplane

In order for the airplane to float in the air longer, it is enough to make the ends of its wings “look” upwards. The dotted lines in the figure indicate the areas that need to be folded.

How to make a flying airplane out of paper: instructions with a photo

  1. Face the wide side of the sheet towards you and fold in half for a clear midline.
  2. Fold the top left corner to the middle of the fold, and do the same for the top right corner.
  3. Bend the "nose" of the airplane across so that its end matches the edge of the sheet.
  4. Step back 1.5 cm from the top fold line and bend the nasal region upward.
  5. Next, fold the structure in half lengthwise.
  6. Make the wings with the nose to the left of the hand and the tail to the right. Bend the top to keep the bow from breaking, as shown in the diagram.
  7. Make folds at the side edges of the wings so that they point up. This will give the aircraft aerodynamics and stabilization.

What is needed for a paper airplane to fly far?

  • To make the paper airplane fly far, design narrow and long models. This design gives the aircraft rigidity, and the center of gravity, shifted towards the nose, will increase the flight length.
  • Choose spacious rooms so that the plane has a place to fly. If you run it outdoors, it is better in calm weather.
  • When launching your toy, try to do it gently.
  • The nose should be pointing up, otherwise the plane will fall very quickly.
  • The weight of the paper also plays an important role. The thicker the paper, the stronger and more durable the airplane.
  • The folds should be straight and perfectly symmetrical.
  • For making a far-flying "device" take clean and smooth paper.

How to make a paper airplane with your own hands: 10 different ways with step-by-step diagrams

Show your imagination and give the planes a colorful look, then they will look interesting and bright.

How to make a cool paper airplane

Behind are simple instructions for constructing paper toys. Each of them has a unique airplane. But how do you make a cool paper airplane? Each person has his own parameters, which correspond to the coolness. Therefore, we offer one of the coolest aircraft models.

Reconnaissance aircraft model

  1. Place the piece of paper in front of you with the wide side facing you.
  2. Fold the top-right corner, then the top-left corner. The result is an isosceles triangle.
  3. Fold it in half, guiding the top corner towards the bottom of the shape.
  4. Measure 1.5 cm and bend the nose of the airplane up.
  5. Fold the structure along the mid-fold line.
  6. Make the wings, guiding the top corner towards the bottom fold line. Flip over and make a second wing.
  7. A paper airplane is ready for maneuverable flights.

Military paper airplane

Now try to make a more complex version of the paper airplane. You will need:

  1. Place the sheet with the narrow side facing you. Draw lines on the sheet according to the first point of the diagram.
  2. Bend the resulting corners inward. You will get a triangle.
  3. Flip the structure over so that the bow is on the left hand.
  4. Find the middle in the triangular section of the airplane. Fold the remaining corner inward. You should have a hexagonal shape, as in the diagram in paragraph 6 .
  5. Fold in half, bending the bottom towards the top. Try to keep all the lines aligned.
  6. Take a pencil and redraw the dotted lines with 7 diagram point to your aircraft model.
  7. Use scissors to cut along the dotted line.
  8. Make wings focusing on 9 point of the diagram. Bend the wing down along the dotted line.
  9. Step back a distance equal to the width of the main body of the plane and bend the wing to the top.
  10. Bend the wing down again.
  11. Points 12 , 13 and 14 show exactly how to bend the wing.
  12. Bend the top corner first, and then the entire wing down. Flip the structure over and make a second wing.
  13. Bend the tail along the dotted line as in paragraph 15 .
  14. The military plane is ready to launch.

To make a military paper airplane fly far, launch it with the greatest force straight or up.

Airplane with paper propeller

For an airplane with a propeller you will need:

  1. Take a square piece of paper, fold it diagonally, then unfold it. Fold diagonally at a different angle.
  2. Cut a sheet of paper from four corners, but not completely. Leave the middle untouched.
  3. Fold each corner towards the center of the sheet.
  4. Secure with a needle.
  5. Attach the finished propeller to the tail of the plane and launch.

Make an airplane out of a sheet of paper: video master class

Every child grows up to actively explore DIY flying devices. What interests the young researcher first is how to make a paper airplane that can fly for a long time: 100, or better, 1,000,000,000,000 meters? Sound familiar? Then you are at the right place: you will find many different variations that inspire a child to design their own project. Age and gender are not important: it is important that you have to teach the little person the basics of paper aircraft construction.

Today your baby is taking the first, albeit inept, but steps towards her future profession. Immediately advice: do not leave your child alone with the schemes. at a young age, it is very important to warm up the interest of the child. You need to build, paint, invent and play and compete together, otherwise the child will quickly get bored with any game. By playing the kid learns the world. Even such an ordinary thing as assembling a simple airliner from a green leaf can remain in a child's heart as a happy memory for life.

Step-by-step instructions for a simple model

This is the simplest airplane model possible. It does tricks, hovers easily and can be improved if desired. Instructions on how to make a paper plane for the smallest curious pilots:

  • fold the sheet in half lengthwise and crosswise to outline the median lines;
  • fold the upper square in half again and connect the corners with the resulting line;
  • turn the product over to the back side;
  • fold the model again from top to bottom in the center of the sheet;
  • fold the nose of the plane;
  • bend the sheet lengthwise and in half with your fingernail;
  • shape the nose again and repeat the bend again, but with a slight slope;
  • bend the wings and paint the plane together (you can take pencils and paints, but they will need to be dried before the first test run).

Ready! The method is one of the simplest and deserves to be the first in today's review of cool paper airplanes. It is easy for such an aircraft to set any motion vector, and wide, well-formed wings allow it to be in flight for a long time.

How to make an airplane out of paper that flies 100 meters

This paper airplane is loved by a hundred children out of a hundred: it will fly not just long and far, but very much! Although the complexity of construction is already quite higher than that of others. The time spent on this plane will pay off a hundredfold: the cries of happiness are guaranteed.

  1. We need a sheet of A4 paper. It is better to take colored, thick paper (sold for printing, children's paper will not work). Fold the sheet in half lengthwise, unfold it and lay it in front of you vertically. You will need to bend the corners to each other, the bent places of the folds as much as possible, but the paper cannot be crumpled. Make sure that the lines are symmetrical and even, otherwise the idea will fail.
  2. The resulting free corners must be bent in half again so that the outer lines converge as in the figure. Our future long-flying plane is taking its first contours.
  3. The last two points should be repeated again. The result will be a kind of accordion, as in the picture.
  4. Train the lines carefully. This is necessary for future, already rough folds of paper, therefore, it is better not to skip these steps when trying to build an airplane on the fly. Then unfold the accordion and fold the sheet along the lines towards the center. Do the operation on both sides.
  5. Fold the sheet in half where the straight sheet meets the corner (see the picture). Carefully press the line with your fingernail: check if it is clearly marked or poorly visible.
  6. Expand the entire structure again. Now let's move on to making our super fast plane. We bend the upper corners along the very first line. It is easier to make a paper airplane that flies for a long time than it seems at first glance: just follow the instructions step by step.
  7. Bend it towards the center horizontal line.
  8. The resulting acute angle should "look" strictly in the center.
  9. Bend it as shown in the figure again.
  10. Flip the structure over to the other side (back side up) and start bending the top corners towards the center. The whole structure will begin to gather in a bunch: everything is fine, you are doing great!
  11. Gently push through the paper with your fingers, making the folds sharpened even.
  12. We are approaching the finish line, there is very little left: do the same on the other side. Even out the folds very carefully. /
  13. Place the halves together. The outlines of this coolest paper airplane are already clearly visible. Surely the child is already bouncing impatiently in place.
  14. It remains only to bend the wings in half and make them stabilizers, bending the tips by 1-1.5 centimeters. The aircraft is ready for a test launch.

How to make a paper airplane that flies far and is easy to do

Another plane that flies long and far: Avengers Needle.

This model is made much simpler than the previous one, but it is no less interesting for children. The step-by-step instructions in the figure are simple and straightforward. To diversify the game, we recommend taking paper of different colors and letting the child come up with a name for each model made and run them in turn, measuring which one will fly the farthest.

From a4 sheet

We called another do-it-yourself paper airplane Batmalet for its striking resemblance to a superhero's transport. Practice shows that this variety is inferior in flight range to many other models, but the appearance deserves 10 points out of 10 and provokes enthusiastic exclamations of children throughout the district.

The scheme is extremely simple, but in the end we get a very beautiful transport for real heroes. A child can also fold such a model on his own: hold a master class, let the baby repeat every movement after you. We assure you that there will be no limit to happiness.

How to make a paper plane with your own hands for children

Another fairly easy option. Despite the simplicity of execution, the plane flies smoothly, does not fall on its sides, does not "bite" its nose. The child can upgrade the wings with additional folds and track the behavior of the aircraft in the air. Over time, complicate the task for your child: if the child used to repeat the movements behind you, now switch roles and ask him to teach you how to fold an airplane out of paper.

All schemes for creating an airplane from paper

This species with wide wings soars smoothly and high above the ground. The variant is somewhat reminiscent of a kite. By attaching a small paper clip to the long nose of the paper creation, you can balance the front and back of the airplane (it will take several tries). By the way, this little secret works with all overweight airplanes.

Another species has a blunt nose and is highly resistant to collisions with walls, furniture, and other aircraft. Both of these species fly very smoothly. It is important not to forget to carefully rub the paper with your fingers. Ask your child to do this with their fingers or roll a pencil with their palm (the ribbed sides will massage their hands at the same time). Combining play with finger exercises is both fun and rewarding at the same time.

Origami paper: airplane

Designing an origami paper plane is fun, especially if your little helper is around. The model is simple, done quickly and is perfect for the first attempts at learning origami. Let's try?

Another not difficult type of origami airplane in the video below. Try to build such an airplane the first time without mistakes, competing with your child. You can give in and give up the victory to the child.

Airplane Eaglet: how to make paper

This model is familiar to everyone from youth, childhood. The simplest model, it is easy to modify and improve, following the trail of fantasy. How to make a paper plane in the simplest way:

  • take an A4 sheet (if a small customer wants a large plane, newspaper sheets, whatman paper will come in handy);
  • put the sheet on the table and bend the corners towards each other, as shown in the diagram under number 1;
  • carefully squeeze all the folds and fold the resulting structure in half (image No. 2), then bend the right and left corners towards each other again, leaving a distance, that is, connecting only the ends (Figure No. 3);
  • we are almost finished: we fix the connected corners with a tail that sticks out under them (picture No. 4) and fold the whole structure in half (for fidelity, you can even glue the tail with a glue stick) as in picture No. 5;
  • it remains only to arrange the wings for the paper airplane, bending them in half (Figure 6) and the first tests can be carried out.

You can decorate the plane together with color: turn the toy into a military fighter with real parachutists or glue the New Year's rain to please your daughter who loves sparkles.

Tip: If the plane has a heavy nose and does not fly far (as if it is sticking down), bend its nose down a little, scissors shape the tail and some kind of wing stabilizers. The picture below shows several options for how you can use little tricks to extend the flight of a new flying friend for your child.

Do-it-yourself paper airplane Swift made of paper

It takes some skill and practice to figure out how to make a good paper airplane called Swift. Step-by-step instructions to build another perfect, but complex enough super airplane.

Putting together this medium model was a little tricky, right? We have already collected some awesome models that your child will love, prepare some more paper for experiments. By the end of this article, your little one should be ready to attack the enemy troops with their own air force.


We hope that the children's battle with combat aircraft took place today. No, not even a whole army of warplanes! Each of the models is interesting and unique in its own way. You have already met something, tried something for the first time. The main thing is that attention was paid to their small, but already pilots. For experienced and hard-core creators, we offer you to cope with a difficult task. The video provides detailed instructions on how to make a real powerful F-15 fighter from a sheet of paper. But, this plane already belongs to a high level of complexity and only a patient and skillful student can cope with the task. Let's try together?

If you know how to make a paper airplane, then you were once small. If you knew, but forgot, then it's time for you to remember that life is amazing and beautiful, and many miracles are hidden in it. And if you still do not know how to make a paper airplane, then this must be corrected immediately. After all, creating your own "fighter" with your own hands, and then testing it multiple times Is the best anti-stress activity... Have a good rest!

Even a child can make a simple plane out of paper. However, there are a few tricks with which your creation will get even better and will learn to fly very long and high.

  1. We take a regular sheet of A4 paper.
  2. Bend the top edges of the sheet to the middle.
  3. Bend the blank and get a kind of "envelope".
  4. Bend the edges into the middle again.
  5. Fold the corner up.
  6. Fold the piece of paper in half.
  7. We form the wing of the plane. Bend the top corners to spread the wings.

Congratulations, a new paper airplane has appeared at your personal airfield... And so that you can understand even better, we have prepared a video that describes in detail the entire process of creating an airplane.

How to make a paper plane to fly far and soar high

Of course, both adults and children dream of an airplane flying 100 meters. Impossible, you say? Did you know that American Ken Blackburn set a world record in 1983 by making a paper airplane, able to hold out in the air for 27.6 seconds... And in France, on the Cote d'Azur, there is a man who creates pictures from paper boats. His work is estimated at tens of thousands of euros. Do you still think paper airplanes are naive creativity? Then let's try to put together an airplane that flies far and is easy to do - perhaps you will start a new record.

You can see the diagrams of this legendary plane of Can Blackburn in front of you - this is very convenient, especially if you want to create a real aircraft that can fly over 1,000,000 meters (this is certainly a joke).

Making an airplane flying at a distance of 100 meters

We will make crafts from A4 sheet - everything is standard, in principle. However, there are a couple of secrets that will keep your airplane flying very far. Unlike the previous model, we will fold the sheet of paper lengthwise, not widthwise.

If you are passionate about origami technique, we offer you some more interesting schemes. The step-by-step instructions presented in the figure will tell you in detail what to fold and what to unfold. Try new ideas. By the way, you can also use cardboard as a material. This makes the model even more reliable.