How to tell your husband about pregnancy in an original way? How and when to tell your husband and parents about pregnancy. How to inform your husband in an original way that a stork will visit you soon

How to act in such a way that as soon as possible and in the most original way to tell your husband about the pregnancy, while not impersonating lengthy preparations?

Rules for preparing a surprise for your beloved husband

In order for the event to be remembered forever bright and joyful, it is recommended that the expectant mother take into account several nuances:

  • If you decide to beat a pregnancy test with a positive result in the message, then you must be sure that your husband knows what it is and what the 2 strips on it say.
  • Your event should not coincide with the responsible and exciting moments of your husband's life. You should not please him on the day of important meetings, negotiations, conferences, competitions or reports. He will be completely absorbed in the fulfillment of a responsible task and will not be able to sincerely, with interest, surrender to such a significant event for the two of you.
  • Before choosing a way to inform your husband about pregnancy, carefully look at him through the eyes of a stranger. This will help to objectively assess what form of information presentation will really please him. Humor or tender romance, a casual phrase or an announcement among close people - what will be an unforgettable surprise for your loved one?

16 Great Ways to Tell Your Husband You're Pregnant in an Unusual Way

1. Make a collage from their own joint favorite photographs and magazine pictures. Pictures will help to depict the near future of your couple - a stork or a baby in a cabbage - as you like. A collage can be made in 1-2 evenings, while your loved one is at work. When your love story in pictures is ready, place it on the wall of the room where you plan to tell your loved one the good news.

2. Create an electronic presentation. With the help of your favorite video frames, you can make a story of your acquaintance, significant moments that led you to a wonderful result - expecting a baby. The final frame is recommended to put a photo of the test with two cherished stripes and the caption: “Congratulations! You will soon be a DAD!" If you are an advanced user of special programs, you can accompany the presentation with your favorite tunes. Choose the location for viewing the presentation according to the format of your relationship. Perhaps you are inspired by the idea of ​​sending it to your loved one by e-mail or transfer it on an electronic disk when he is at work? At this point, you can also secretly be present in the office and ask colleagues to film the moment your husband views your work. At the moment of the final frames, you will appear in front of your husband with the words “This is not a stork yet, but its messenger!”

3. Buy a pair of chameleon mugs. When heated, the inscriptions "Dad" and "Mom" will appear on them. At home tea drinking with their help, you will reveal a secret to your beloved.

4. Husband with a sweet tooth order a cake with creative embellishment and slogan “To Future Dad” or “Congratulations! You'll be a dad soon!" Hand over at a casual party of friends, supposedly gathered spontaneously. The moment of delivery of the cake should be filmed.

5. For board game lovers phrase puzzle: “In 9 months we will be THREE!!!” You can fold the puzzle together or with a familiar company.

6. Buy a T-shirt with a slogan“Very soon you will become a DAD!” and in the morning invite him to put it on as if by chance.

7. In the company of family and friends, prepare for Photo. Instead of the word "Cheeez" it's cool to say "I'm pregnant!" or hand over a sign with this inscription.

8. If you have already determined the approximate date of birth, then you can play this sketch. In a calm voice, inform your unsuspecting husband: “Darling, mark on your calendar ... (date of birth). On this day you will be very busy” - “What will I be busy with?” - “You will meet our baby in this world! I am pregnant!"

9. If the topic draws close to you, then this option is yours. In a calm voice, tell your relaxed husband: “Dear, I have 2 news - bad and good. I'll start with the bad. I will soon stop wearing a wedding ring ... ”The husband starts a quiet panic. “But it will happen because my fingers will swell because I am pregnant!” Of course, there should be intriguing theatrical pauses between sentences of this phrase.

10 . Ultrasound snapshot attach to a street thermometer and ask your husband to look at the temperature outside. When he asks you in bewilderment "What is this?" answer: "Oh! Our thermometer already knows we're having a baby! Now you know it too! Congratulations!"

11. Propose to husband romantic dinner in a restaurant. Arrange in advance with the waiter so that instead of dessert, he would serve booties, a pacifier, a postcard “Congratulations!” (Prepare gifts in advance, give to the waiter before dinner). Arrange with the administrator of the restaurant so that he shoots an unexpected moment for her husband.

12. Buy package of cabbage seeds. Open the package and put the ultrasound image in it. Invite the man to open the bag and say at the same time: “Beloved! We urgently need to grow cabbage, ”to his surprise, pull out a picture and say“ Your seed has already sprouted, in 7 months it’s already harvesting!

13. into beautiful gift box put positive pregnancy test pink and blue baby socks. After congratulations, invite him to tell fortunes on the gender of the child. Let him close his eyes and choose his socks. Pink - a girl will be born, blue - a boy.

14. To a guy who loves computer games, offer to find on the Internet "Dictionary of female and male names". To his question, why is this necessary, to announce that it is time to choose a name for a son or daughter, you will soon become parents.

15. Make the house small quest with hints. In the last note, write: “You have passed all the tests and you can become the best DAD in the world!”

16. Do baby gender test(from the 9th week can be determined). Hand over to your beloved husband with the words: “Hey, guy! In 7 months, you will be the father of a daughter/father of a son.”

Choose your favorite scenario. Remember that in a couple of years you may have a chance to arrange the same family celebration again.

Let there be many such creative, unforgettable, warm and sincere family holidays in your family history!

Many girls want to please their husband by learning about the long-awaited pregnancy. Very soon, a man and a woman will become newly-made parents. However, before looking ahead, the wife must inform her husband that he will soon become a father. Some girls prefer to say a hackneyed phrase like: "Honey, I'm pregnant!" or "Honey, you're going to be a dad!" Others wish to break the news in a more informal setting, presenting the pregnancy as a surprise. Consider the most interesting ways, highlight the main aspects.

Method number 1. Quest

An interesting way to report pregnancy is the organization of a mini-quest for a spouse. Start in the morning, send a message to your husband on the phone: "Come home, we are waiting for a note ...". When a loved one returns from work and reads the message, it should say “Look in the chest of drawers!”.

The husband looks into the drawer and finds a message on the sheet: "Something interesting is waiting for you under the pillow ...". You can continue endlessly, the essence is the same - intrigue your partner with messages, but do not drag out the quest so that the man does not get bored.

Particular attention should be paid to the last note with the words "Darling, I'm pregnant!". The main thing is to make sure that the spouse does not find her before the rest. You can have the end message point to the linen closet that holds the baby booties. The cherished words are attached to them.

Method number 2. Gift for the New Year

If you found out about the pregnancy on the eve of the New Year, you can tell your husband about it with a gift under the tree. Choose and pack a present for your spouse, pick up a postcard with the words "I love you!", Write your news inside. Attach a message to the top of the gift. The method is suitable not only for the New Year, but also for birthdays, as well as for any other holiday.

Matryoshka dolls (5-7 pieces) can become the second gift option. Write on a thin strip "Honey, I'm pregnant!", Then place the leaf in the smallest nesting doll. Pack it in a box, attach the test, put it under the tree.

Method number 3. Reaction to the photo

The option of such presentation of information is suitable for couples for whom the birth of a child was desired. Capture the most joyful news on your camera. The reaction to the picture cannot be called fake, since the photo will be taken at the time of its occurrence. To start the manipulation, invite relatives and close friends to visit. Ask them to sit or stand next to their spouse for a group photo.

Since you will be the photographer, get ready to shoot. At this time, say "I'm pregnant!" instead of the usual "Smile!". Literally after 1 second, press the camera button, take one or more pictures. After the time has passed, you will laugh for a long time, considering the surprised and joyful facial expressions on the faces of the guests.

Method number 4. Improvisation

The method is suitable for couples who have an excellent sense of humor and at the same time really want a child. Come up with an eccentricity for yourself to be funny. You can create a “paradise” in the room by wrapping yourself in a sheet or wearing a swimsuit. Take 1 kg. ice cream, put a plate with smoked herring (preferably bitten) next to it. Install an umbrella, a kind of deck chair or hammock, wait for the husband to appear.

When the faithful cross the threshold of the room and say with surprise: “What are you doing?”, Answer him in a nonchalant tone: “You know, my love, I am pregnant! And pregnant women, as they say, have their own quirks! If the spouse has a sense of humor, the situation will come out funny and touching at the same time.

Method number 5. Shopping

Agree with your husband that you will carve out one day for shopping. State that you want to update your wardrobe, but do not say exactly what things you are going for. When you arrive at the mall, head straight for maternity wear.

Then pull the man by the hand, start looking with lust for dresses, sundresses and underwear for ladies in position. With a serious face, ask your spouse how he likes this or that style, whether this jacket suits you, etc. At the same time, observe the reaction of the faithful to your actions. Stay in the store for so long until what is happening reaches the betrothed.

Method number 6. Pregnancy test

What could be clearer than two stripes on a test? The question is rhetorical, but such a gift must be presented correctly. Give your spouse a present for a birthday, February 14, New Year or any other holiday. You can purchase a jewelry box, then place the test in it and tie it with a beautiful ribbon. Funny but simple.

Of course, such gifts should only be made if the faithful are aware of what a pregnancy test looks like. For example, if before that you tried to get pregnant for a long time, and then each time you waited for two strips with trepidation, while being next to your spouse.

Method number 7. romantic dinner

Call your spouse while he is at work. Let them know that you will have dinner with an important person tonight, so the man needs to be fully armed. When setting the table, place three pairs of cutlery and crockery. Next, choose one of two options for how to tell your husband about the pregnancy.

The first thing you can do is write a note saying "Daddy, I'll be late, I'll fly back in 7-8-9 months!" (depending on the term). Next, place the message in an envelope and put it on a plate for the third guest. Especially creative young ladies are advised to draw this phrase with gouache on their stomach, but do not use markers or felt-tip pens.

After you sit down at the table, the spouse will begin to wonder who the third mysterious guest is. Do not rush to reveal your cards, warm up his curiosity every minute, answer evasively. When you see that the man can't take it anymore, lift up your t-shirt or let your husband open the envelope meant for the late guest.

Method number 8. ice cream free

Ice cream can be a dessert or any other dish of your choice. The event scenario is as follows: go with your spouse to your favorite restaurant or cafe, let him order (this is the main condition!). Make sure the husband has ordered the dishes, then immediately go to the ladies' room.

On the way, catch the waiter, arrange with him that the employee bring a delicious cake or ice cream to your table. Naturally, the spouse will begin to resent, claiming that he did not order this.

The waiter should make it clear that today the institution is running a promotion for future parents who are provided with a delicious dessert for free. After that, the man will be dumbfounded, but pleasantly surprised. Of course, you will pay for the treat later, the moment itself is important.

A few more ideas...

  1. Photo album. The method is suitable for those ladies who have already done an ultrasound scan and can boast of a picture. Create an album with photos for your husband, print out the most memorable images. Anything will do: your wedding, a joint vacation, buying a car, walking with pets, etc. Put all the pictures in an album, it is important that there are about 25-30 photos. This will make viewing more interesting. In the middle or at the end of the album, insert an image with an ultrasound, follow the reaction.
  2. A message from a stork. Make sure that the man gets a message from the stork himself. While the faithful will sleep (night, late evening), take his smartphone, rename your name to "Stork". After that, lie down to rest, and in the morning send a message from your phone with the following content: “I flew out! I will be in 7-8 months, wait!
  3. Sexual undertones. Put on stockings and garters, do your hair, makeup, go for a manicure and pedicure. Light candles, arrange a bed, order dinner from your favorite restaurant. Start seducing your beloved with erotic dances, set a rule that says - “Do not touch with your hands!”. After the husband is very aroused, gently tell him that you are pregnant. If the child is long-awaited, amazing sex is provided for both of you.
  4. "Kinder Surprise". Get a Kinder Surprise egg, carefully remove the wrapper from it. Wet the knife in boiling water so that the blade is well heated. Now cut the chocolate along the seam, remove the toy. Put a test or a note with the words "Darling, I'm pregnant!" in the yellow box. Then fold the two halves into one whole as follows: heat the knife again, heat the edges, then immediately connect the chocolate together. Wait until it sticks together, wrap.
  5. Recording under the window. Buy a stencil or get ready to write by hand. Take care of a spray can or a can of paint, a brush, and gloves in advance. Write under your windows “You will soon become a dad!”, while be sure to specify the name of your husband so that he understands who the message is addressed to. In the morning, go down to the yard, stand next to the inscription, call your spouse and ask to look out the window. He will be pleasantly surprised if the inscription is clearly visible.

It is easy to tell your husband about pregnancy, if you show ingenuity and patience. Make a gift for him for the New Year, come up with a quest with notes, create a family photo with surprised faces. Improvise, go shopping for expectant mothers together, present a pregnancy test in a beautiful package. Arrange a romantic dinner for three, ask the waiter to bring "free" ice cream.

Video: how to talk about pregnancy

Many women who have recently learned about their "interesting" situation find it difficult to tell this news even to their closest people. How to tell parents about pregnancy, because their reaction to such a statement may not always be unambiguously enthusiastic. In most cases, pregnancy is a joyful moment in the life of expectant mothers and fathers, and for other relatives, this also becomes a pleasant surprise. And how future grandparents are waiting for their grandchildren! But not everyone and not always everything goes well. Therefore, the reaction of the older generation to such a statement on the part of a daughter or son can be the most unpredictable. You can report that in the near future you expect replenishment in the family in different ways, the main thing is to know the character traits of your parents and anticipate their reaction, and you also need to take into account those life circumstances that preceded conception.

Traditional ways

The easiest way is when pregnancy is long-awaited and planned, and you are sure that the news about it will incredibly please all relatives and friends. In this case, you should not be shy, worry, but you need to say this directly, without any hints.

You choose the place and time yourself. You can do this at home in a narrow family circle. And you can call all your relatives and friends to a dinner party, and then, in the course of the conversation, solemnly declare to everyone that a little one will soon appear in your family. And, of course, offer to celebrate such a significant event together.

Traditional methods always work. If you don't like to be ordinary in your actions - it's time to show your imagination! It is the effectively presented news that will certainly make an incredible impression on future grandparents.

Treat your parents to sweets designed with meaning

original ways

Themed dinner party

Prepare a delicious lunch for your family and friends. Invite your guests ahead of time so everyone can attend. You can hint at the imminent birth of a baby using baking in the form of a baby envelope, or you can use the dishes themselves and how they are served - various vegetable and fruit purees, children's cutlery, children's bright and colorful serving. Pay attention to how the guests reacted and whether they understood the hint.

Small souvenirs will not leave anyone indifferent - boxes with baby accessories, key rings with rattles, etc. And when one of the guests offers you a drink, culturally refuse, arguing that alcohol is contraindicated for expectant mothers.

Give your dinner party souvenirs suggestive of pregnancy


If you have already been to ultrasound diagnostics and you have pictures on hand, you can arrange them beautifully and place them in a frame, and write next to them: “We will soon have replenishment.” Give this collage as a surprise gift to your parents for a cup of tea, or at a festive dinner when it comes to its logical conclusion.

You can also announce your news at another family event, the main thing is that everyone is assembled. Invite your family to take a family photo. And when you take pictures, instead of saying, as is customary, "Cheese!", Say "I'm pregnant!" (you can choose another phrase). The most curious thing is that in the photo you can capture the emotions of your loved ones, and this is priceless.

Make interesting collages about pregnancy

T-shirts with slogans

You can order customized T-shirts online. Order them for yourself and your spouse. You can, for example, make a drawing of a toddler on them with the caption "I'll be a mother soon" or "This is what the future dad looks like." Come to a meeting with your family in these T-shirts - such a hint is unlikely to go unnoticed.

Come visit your parents in a t-shirt with a design hinting at your pregnancy

At a family holiday

If the stars are so aligned that your mom or dad will have a birthday soon, you can hint at pregnancy with the help of congratulations. For example, give a beautiful card that says “Congratulations to the future grandfather”, “Expect your gift in nine months”, etc.

Give Mom (Dad) an appropriate card for her birthday

letter by mail

Make a copy of the ultrasound image, put it in a beautiful envelope. It is advisable to first wrap the picture in a piece of soft cloth resembling a baby diaper. Or you can write a message from the unborn child.

Send a telegram on behalf of the future grandson (granddaughter)

Video: parents' reaction to the news of their daughter's pregnancy

Unfortunately, pregnancy is not always good news for everyone. It also happens that she does not fit into the plans of the future mother or the family as a whole. How to proceed in such a case?

There are no specific methods or patterns here. But psychologists give a number of recommendations that should be taken into account. With their help, you can present your news calmly and without causing a storm of emotions from your opponent.

Pregnancy is not a life drama of universal proportions, but the most important event in the life of every woman. Even if the conception did not happen as planned, do not rush to cut from the shoulder and abandon the child, because life passes quickly, and the most dear and closest person will always be with you.

Notifying your parents about this event is not so scary, it is important that they feel your sincerity. Don't be afraid to trust them. Their advice and support is incredibly important to you right now.

  • First of all, you need to be sure that you really want to have a baby, only then will the parents believe it;
  • Choose the right time to talk. Such news is not delivered in haste;
  • No need to hide something from your dad and mom - be frank;
  • It is necessary to prepare for the conversation in advance, think through all possible details and circumstances;
  • There is no need to be afraid of anything, tune in to positive emotions;
  • Parents are the closest people, so you can and should consult with them;
  • You must make decisions under such circumstances in an adult way, your parents must see in them the position of an independent person who is aware of his actions;
  • In no case should you show negative emotions - burst into tears, scream, throw tantrums, and even more so reproach your loved ones for something. This will only make the situation worse. The conversation should be calm, the speech should be confident;
  • You can call on a reputable lawyer to help you. Let your chosen one play his role, or his mom-dad, or your other relative (grandmother, aunt, sister), who can smooth out sharp corners and at the right time direct the conversation in the right direction.


It is very difficult to tell parents about your pregnancy to a future mother, who herself has not yet become an adult. We're talking about teenage girls. But even here, not everything is as scary as it seems at first glance.

Naturally, the relationship between you and your parents will play the most important role in this. You should not be of the opinion that the "ancestors" will immediately begin to scold you, they will not understand your position. It is impossible to hide pregnancy, and even more so from them.

Remember the immutable truth: your parents love you very much. This is what should be dealt with in the first place.

If you get along better with your dad than with your mom, let him know, and vice versa. Mom and dad are the closest and dearest people to you, so they will always be with you, under any circumstances, and will certainly help in the fight against life's difficulties.

Serious conversation with parents

Peace, only peace! No need to give in to emotions, be as restrained as possible, because with all your appearance you must show that you are an adult independent person who is responsible for his actions and is ready to accept any reaction of his loved ones. After you announce the pregnancy, give them some time to recover from the shock. All parents want to be grandparents. Yours just needs to get used to the idea that they will have grandchildren so soon.

Ask a sister or brother for help

If your relationship with your brother or sister is very warm and trusting, you should tell them this news. You can ask them for moral support when talking with your parents.


If you do not have the courage to have a serious conversation with your parents, try subtly hinting to them that you are having some difficulties. Spend a lot of time in your room, all behavior should speak of what you are experiencing. And when they notice such strange behavior, then it will be the right time to inform them that you will soon have a baby.


When it is difficult to decide on a conversation, you can notify relatives about pregnancy in writing. The main idea that should be reflected in the note is your experiences and a further plan of action. When the parents read the note, it will take some time before the dialogue takes place between you, but it will be calmer.

Call your young man for a conversation

If your young man fully supports your position to keep the pregnancy and is ready to help in the future, it would be a completely rational step to invite him to a conversation with his parents. With him you will feel much more confident, because you will feel his support. It is in your interaction that the success of passing through all the difficulties associated with pregnancy in adolescence lies.

Video: how to inform parents about pregnancy if the expectant mother is a teenager

Regardless of whether you are married or single, regardless of your age - mature or teenage, all parents and always overwhelmed with joy when their children tell them that their family will soon be replenished. But not all parents have this reaction immediately - some need time. So give them that time. And do not worry yourself, in your position it is strictly contraindicated for you to do this. Everything will work out for you and everything will work out, no matter how you inform your relatives about your new status. Most importantly, love the little man who lives there, inside, and your loved ones will love him just as they love you ....

The day I found out I was pregnant was the happiest day of my life. I just got married and vacationed with my husband and friends in Altai, where I took place. It was a warm September morning, and we had to raft down the river. It was safe, so I climbed into the raft and settled in the middle - the only one without a paddle - my friends looked at me, but did not say anything.

I didn't say anything either. I wanted to be alone with my feelings. I just watched the sun-drenched hills, dark green taiga and shining granite cliffs rush past me along the banks of the Biya, oh what a pleasure it was!

But by evening, I felt an irresistible desire to tell my husband... I packed the cherished test in craft paper and decorated it with taiga flowers - just like that) I was completely unable to invent something, but I also left this moment completely without creativity could not!

How do you plan to announce your pregnancy? If you want to come up with something more unusual than me, below you will find a large selection of ideas of varying degrees of originality and complexity. In addition, it is very different in style. I included in it only what I would do myself (and maybe still do, if God willing). And at the end there will be a list of what I personally do not like. So let's go!

How to tell your husband


A test, a printout from an ultrasound, or some kind of children's little thing as a gift. Of the little things, beautiful booties, socks, boots or a bodysuit are most often used. The little thing should be concise and neutral in color, white or beige, if the gender of the child is unknown.

By the way, you can put small shoes near the door when your husband returns home, where you usually have shoes) If they risk going unnoticed, tie a helium balloon to them.

If you chose a bodysuit as a little thing, then you can make some funny inscription on it:

The gift can be both wrapped and laid out in a conspicuous place where the husband stumbles upon it. As for the packaging, it should be restrained. I believe that something buried in butterflies and roses can cause bewilderment in a man.

Young father's set

All the same gift, only expanded from symbolic things to practical things. Somewhat unusual. Having received such a large box, a man will definitely not suspect a dirty trick, and the surprise will be sustained to the end!

By the way, the set can be supplied with playful instructions. Like "To celebrate with this bottle the birth of an heir in a purely male company." I would put a tutorial on foot massage in such a box ... I wonder what you would put?))

Hooray, we are waiting for the beans

It's a small gift with something that is usually compared to the size of the fetus by weeks of development.

We are celebrating the launch of a new... heart!

If you did not know that a small heart begins to beat already in the first trimester, I recommend that you read about the stages of intrauterine development.

Dinner for three

How do you like this idea? A table is laid for three, but who is the third is a surprise. The guest lingers and sends a card with a message. The waiter gives the card to her husband, and there is an inscription: “Sorry, I will only be in 9 months”)) If this is too much for you, here are a few more ideas for you:

Do you want completely without pathos? Order a pizza and stick a note on the back of the lid!

cute postcard

This can be easily done by yourself, it's just a matter of designer cardboard. Kraft or watercolor paper is also suitable.

Hooligan postcard

For those who want to have a little fun)

As for the two stripes. It is not uncommon for women to be surprised to find that their men are not aware of the concept of two stripes! It may seem unbelievable to you, but it is common for men not to know the basic things of the female world.

How to inform relatives

In Western countries, it is a common custom to send small gifts or greeting cards on this occasion. You can use the same ideas for them, or you can organize a special photo shoot. Here are some ideas for you:

cute little things

Now only self-irony will save us

The main weapon of young parents in the fight against what awaits them after the birth of a small sweet backgnaber)

Take an accomplice older baby

If you are an insta mom

then you are probably good at flatleys, right?))

How to inform a child

In my opinion, the baby needs to be informed about this as accessible as possible and without any surprises. You can use special books or cartoons, explaining that something similar will happen in his life. Pay attention to mothers with two children on the street, tell how it happens. Explain that the older baby also lived in the stomach before, and was very small at first, and then grew so big and smart.

How to inform colleagues about pregnancy

It is customary for the general public to report pregnancy when the belly begins to be noticeable (for everyone at different times - from about the third to the sixth month). Well, have they already started whispering at work? So it's time!

At this point, I personally did not work, but if I did, I would bring cute little cupcakes or cookies to the office, like these:

Why not cake? I would not want to look like something related to my child is poked with a knife) And you?

Unfortunately, many women have absolutely no time for cupcakes ... Cases when a pregnant woman is threatened with dismissal are very common. If you work in such a company, then act strictly according to the law and do not succumb to provocations. In such a situation, celebrating in the office, of course, is inappropriate. But no one will forbid you to celebrate somewhere separately in a cafe, inviting only employees who are pleasant to you, and you don’t even have to invent any beauties.

Ideas for the new year

Top Bad Ideas

in my version, of course:

Photoshoot surprise

This is when the husband is told the news on camera in order to take a picture of his stunned face. Why is the idea bad? Firstly, because a man can react painfully to being made a fool of. And in general, not everyone likes to be objects of practical jokes.

Secondly, you will probably see in the pictures not delight, as expected, but a mixture of mourning with panic. And what? The first reaction may not be symmetrical about the cause)

But if you are a family where such a format of communication is the norm, then this method will suit you perfectly.

Message as if from a baby

At the stage of entry into parenthood, people often begin to mess with pronouns. This “we pooped” appears, women begin to talk about themselves in the third person or voice what the child allegedly “says”. I urge you to pay attention to such things and not to forget who is who.

It is better to make a message "from the Stork." I read a funny story on one forum, how a wife renamed her number on her husband’s phone to “Aist” at night, and in the morning sent a text message “I’m flying out, I’ll be in April, wait.”

Lettering on the belly

It seems to be a good idea, but it always looks miserable. True, I do not exclude that someone can turn out cool)

The pacifier as a symbol of the baby

What I love is when a pacifier or a bottle is used as the baby symbol! I take this opportunity to inform you that these items are not at all indispensable companions of the baby. It is important to know that they can harm the child, as they prevent the establishment of the most important basis for the health and successful development of the child.

T-shirt for future dad

It is appropriate only in the "future father's set", since there it only serves as a symbol, and does not imply mandatory wearing. Men tend to be more restrained and not always ready to show their enthusiasm for fatherhood to the whole world.

T-shirts for expectant mothers also seem extremely inappropriate to me, although I did find one cool copy!

Did you like the pictures? Pin it on your wall Vkontakte, so as not to lose it!

Stocking up on ultrasound scans

This method was amazingly played up by the heroine of the film "Taxi-3", who decorated the walls with ultrasound images interspersed with images of cabbage and storks. And although such hints did not tell her lover about anything, this does not mean that all other men will be immune to this method of conveying information.

So, a bedside table with booties placed on it and an ultrasound scan, or a tray with traditional coffee served to the spouse in bed, will look eloquent. By the way, this can also become a kind of message that in the near future it will be your husband who will take care of you in this way.

Does your loved one have a birthday? We give a test

This Suitable for couples who are having trouble conceiving a child. If some kind of holiday is approaching or even better, the birthday of the future dad, you can give him the test itself, on which two long-awaited stripes are clearly visible. For such an expensive gift, it is better to choose beautiful packaging and a ribbon. The husband will immediately understand when he sees the test, because he has already had to wait for the second strip to appear many times. This option will be more original if the gift is delivered by courier. You can add a bodysuit, booties to the test.

Free bonus from the institution

Here is another way if you are thinking about how to inform your husband about pregnancy in an original way. You need to warn him in advance about the upcoming trip to your favorite restaurant (it is quite possible to replace it with a nearby cafe). In the institution, give him the opportunity to place an order. Then, with peace of mind, go in search of the ladies' room. And most importantly, do not forget to ask the waiter to bring some kind of treat (ice cream or cake) to the table a little later. To the surprised spouse, the waiter must explain that the restaurant is holding a promotion and all future parents receive a treat for free. Of course, the costs will have to be reimbursed, but that's not the point.

For those women who are interested in how to tell their husband about pregnancy in an original way, the restaurant option can be beaten in another way. To do this, lunch / dinner at the institution is ordered for three persons. The waitress comes over with a note from a late guest: “Sorry. You can't get through the sky because of traffic jams. See you in eight months." And the obligatory signature at the end: "Your stork."

We organize a quest

The beginning of the conceived quest can be a sent SMS message with an approximate text: “You will see a surprise at home, look for a note on the table.” The husband who came home in the found note will find another indication: "Now look under the pillow." After completing this task, he will receive the following message. Women's imagination is limitless. He will find the most cherished phrase in the last message: "Honey, we are expecting a baby."

Another option, may be an indication in the last note of the place where a pre-purchased T-shirt with the text is hidden: “For the future father”, “For the best dad in the world”.

Let cinema art help: how to tell your husband about pregnancy in an original way

Romantic and sensual natures who prefer to arrange their story about pregnancy beautifully can resort to this method. It is enough to ask your spouse to watch a movie together in the evening. Such a romantic melodrama is chosen in advance, in which there is an episode where the heroine confronts her beloved with the fact of her own pregnancy. The main thing is to react in time and at this moment take your beloved by the hand and put it on your stomach. If at the same time you meaningfully look into his eyes, then he will certainly understand everything ...

Pregnant women are weird

In this case, the fantasy should not even be stopped, and complete improvisation will come in handy. You can wrap yourself in a sheet or change into a swimsuit (regardless of the time of year), hoist a beach umbrella over your favorite chair and arrange an indicative eating of ice cream or fruit (based on your finances and taste preferences). To the question of the faithful who entered the room: “What is happening to you?” - as nonchalant as possible to answer: "Didn't you know about the quirks of pregnant women?".

Ordering a cake

How to tell your husband about pregnancy in an original way if he has a sweet tooth? There is only one way out - to go to the pastry chefs and order a real culinary creation with an inscription like "We are happy parents" or "Now you are dad." You can decorate the cake with the figures of both parents, the baby. The product can be made in the form of one of the items of children's use.

Go shopping and malls

Let your loved one accompany you supposedly to choose new clothes. Just do not need to specify in advance what kind of store it will be. Come with him to the place where they sell clothes and goods for pregnant women. Purposefully approach any clothes for pregnant women, examining them carefully and seriously, contact your husband for advice: what suits you best, what looks better on you. At the same time, pay attention to his reaction.

Kinder surprise help

How to tell your husband about pregnancy in an original way with the help of Kinder Surprise? From the purchased egg, you need to remove the wrapper and divide it into two parts. Then carefully remove the toy from the container, fold the dough and fasten the egg again. Instead of a test, you can attach a note.

You can also combine the idea of ​​how to inform your husband about pregnancy in an original way, with cleaning the closet and emptying the shelves. This is done exclusively with the spouse. To his puzzled question about unplanned cleaning, you need to report that you are preparing a place for children's things. As a variation of this method, you can use a note left on the husband's shelf in the closet: "Dad, prepare a place for my things."

Poetic variant

Any woman can tell her husband about pregnancy in an original way in verse. It is enough to recall your previous poetic experience. If there is none at all, you can turn to friends or, in extreme cases, copywriters for help.

SMS from a stork

While the faithful have their own affairs, you can do a little magic on his mobile. By going to the contact list, you can change your name / nickname to the word "Stork". The rest is a matter of technique. You will only have to send SMS to the husband who went to the office: "Wait for me."

Choosing the right moment

So, we talked about how to tell your husband about pregnancy in an original way. In conclusion, here are some tips:

  1. The news of the upcoming event should be reported without haste, only in this way the husband will understand how important it is for a woman and a joint marriage.
  2. A woman must take control of this news into her own hands. The disadvantage of other options is that for the future father they can be perceived as an expression of distrust on the part of the wife, her unwillingness to discuss the most intimate with him. This offends the man, causes a negative attitude towards the event on his part.
  3. Having decided to give your husband a pregnancy test, you need to be sure that he is familiar with this subject firsthand.
  4. You should be more careful about choosing a day for such a message: if a spouse has an important work event planned that day, then he will not be able to experience real joy, but you may not encounter the reaction you expect.
  5. Despite the abundance of technical means, this is not the best way to deliver a message. Calling, sending SMS, e-mail - this means depriving yourself of the opportunity to see a direct response to the joy communicated, how the expression of the eyes changes, which are not able to deceive.
  6. You should not choose the moment when a man is driving: after all, he can react unexpectedly: from an impulse to hug and kiss to an attempt to brake sharply.
  7. Each woman is better than others familiar with the character of her man, and therefore she will choose the approach to the message taking into account him: after all, someone is delighted with humor, someone likes a more serious attitude.

The most important thing to remember is that, no matter under what conditions the husband hears about his new status, he will remember this day forever.