How to remove resin from jeans at home. How to wipe the resin: an overview of effective means. Features of processing different fabrics

Sticky spots from spruce resin are an actual problem in the summer. People love spending time outdoors with their families and friends, cooking meat over charcoal and just having a good time. Not surprisingly, when you come home, you can find a stain from tree resin on a jacket or jeans, which instantly spoils the impression of a walk. No one is immune from unpleasant surprises, so you should not despair. There are many ways to remove tar from clothes.

How to wash pine resin: step-by-step preparation for cleaning

Having found a stain from coniferous resin on the fabric, the first thing to do is to stop panicking. By following the presented step-by-step instructions, you can easily deal with the problem.

  1. With a scissors blade or a small knife, large pieces of resin are carefully removed from clothing. It is necessary to act very carefully so as not to damage the fibers of the fabric.
  2. If the damaged item is thin trousers, a blouse or a dress, the item is placed in the freezer until it hardens. After that, the thing is taken out of the freezer, the area with the stain is kneaded. The resin particles should fall off on their own.
  3. The next step is to dissolve the remaining gluten. To do this, you can use a hair dryer or, for example, an iron. The thing is placed on a flat surface, the stain is covered with a piece of paper napkin. It is necessary to carefully hold the iron from above, the resin will gradually be absorbed into the napkin. As they get dirty, they change.
  4. After all the manipulations described above, jeans or a dress are washed with ordinary powder. It is advisable to cover the stain with laundry soap before placing the item in the washing machine.

If the above method does not help, there are other methods than rubbing resin from clothes. Very often turpentine, acetone or gasoline (purified) is used. This is a "rough" method, the listed substances are allowed to be applied only to clothes made of dense fabric and with a stable color. For delicate items, a solvent is suitable.

How to remove pine resin from clothes: other effective methods

  1. A combination of alcohol and turpentine. Initially, the stain must be moistened with turpentine and allowed to soften for 30 minutes. After that, a cotton swab is taken, dipped in alcohol. They wipe the contaminated area. To avoid an unpleasant smell of fabric, the thing is washed with ordinary powder and rinse aid, and dried in the fresh air.
  2. Coca Cola. It is known that this drink is harmful to the human body. However, it can be used to clean a bathtub or toilet bowl to a shine, remove rust. Few people know that Coca-Cola is excellent at removing tar stains. You need to soak jeans, a jacket or any other clothing in a carbonated drink and leave for 30-40 minutes. After this time, the stain will be easy to wipe off. Fanta and Sprite are also suitable for this procedure, however they cope with the resin a little worse and can leave stains on the surface of the clothes.
  3. Fairy dishwashing liquid is in the arsenal of any housewife. The resin stain is first well moistened with sunflower oil, left for 20 minutes, then carefully processed with a cotton swab. It is important to note that only Fairy is suitable for the procedure - other dishwashing liquids will not be as effective.
  4. Not everyone knows how to remove pine resin from leather clothes. It turns out that this can be done with ordinary vegetable oil. It is applied to the contaminated area for 30 minutes, then washed off with soapy water.
  5. If the house does not have any of the above products, you can use acetone (nail polish remover). A gauze cloth is wetted and the stain is thoroughly rubbed with it. Of course, the resin will not go away immediately, but after such a treatment, there are no traces or streaks left on the clothes.
  6. Refined gasoline. Only a special one, which is sold in a store, is suitable - it copes with resin stains. In no case should you take liquid from a car tank - it not only leaves stains on the fabric, but can also corrode it. After such a “processing”, the thing will only be thrown away.

How to wash the resin at home in a folk way

In addition to the listed funds, you can use an effective folk method to get rid of the tar stain.

The following ingredients are mixed in a convenient container:

  • ammonia (4 drops);
  • turpentine (4 drops);
  • potato starch (1 teaspoon).

Everything is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. The resulting mixture is applied to the fabric. Next, you will need to wait until it dries well. With the help of a hard brush, the contamination is thoroughly cleaned. If, after the procedure, several sections of clothing retained resin residues, you can repeat everything again.

In order to achieve perfect purity, all of the above methods can be combined. It is important not to forget that at the first stage the clothes are prepared for cleaning, only after that you can use gasoline, Fairy and other solvents.

Attention! It is important to understand that not all "aggressive" solvents can be used on all fabrics. For example, in no case should gasoline be automobile, otherwise the hostess risks ruining clothes.

Consequences of using "aggressive" solvents:

  1. Alcohol and acid can destroy colored delicate fabrics.
  2. Acetic acid should not be used to remove tar stains from silk garments.
  3. Alkaline solvents and bleaches are allowed to be used only for white items.
  4. Turpentine and gasoline can severely damage the fabric, so it can only be used for thick clothes. For example, for denim jackets or trousers.

How to remove resin from a tree from clothes: a note to housewives

  1. Sometimes, in the process of removing contamination from the resin, the stain can “spread” over the entire surface of the fabric. However, this can be avoided if the area around the stain is moistened with plain water in advance.
  2. You can also avoid washing out the resin beyond the stained area by sprinkling the area around with starch or ordinary talc.
  3. If the contamination is small, it is best to treat it with a cotton swab previously moistened with a cleaning compound.
  4. Resin is always removed from the wrong side of the garment.
  5. To process a place stained with resin, you need to start from the edges and move towards the middle.

Each hostess chooses her own way of how to remove resin from clothes, depending on the degree of contamination and damaged fabric. In any case, soiled items must first be prepared, and after treatment with a solvent, washed in a washing machine and soaked in rinse aid. This will avoid unpleasant odors.

There are really many ways to remove tree resin from clothes. Now an unpleasant spot after a walk in nature will not be a problem for the hostess. Knowing the above rules and "little secrets", she will be able to get rid of pollution quickly, as if by a wave of a magic wand.

You can get dirty in pine or spruce sap while relaxing in the forest or walking in the park, or while preparing for the New Year holidays. However, you should not be upset, because it is not easy to remove tar from clothes, but it is possible. To solve such problems, there are various effective methods and means. All that remains for the hostess is to choose the appropriate option, taking into account the fabric and correctly apply it at home. How to do this - the tips and recommendations from the article will help.

Is it possible to remove resin from wood from clothes?

Resin stains are cunning. But, despite the complexity of pollution, it is quite possible to cope with it on your own. To achieve the desired result, you should follow the basic rules when removing stains from pine or spruce. If the resin is in a liquid state and has just appeared on the clothes, then it is not recommended to rub the stain. Initially, you should prepare the product by wrapping it in a plastic bag and leaving it for a 2-hour period in the freezer. If the thing is large, then instead of a freezer, you can use ice, putting it on a contaminated place for half an hour. When the resin from the pine tree freezes, it can be easily scraped off the fabric with a knife. When working with a fresh stain, the effect will be maximum.

If the resin from the pine has got on a thing made of thin and delicate fabric, then the method with freezing and scraping will not work. For the sake of preserving the quality and appearance of the product, it will have to be washed in a different way.

How to remove resin from clothes using improvised means?

After completing the first step to remove the sticky substance from the surface of the fabric, you can proceed to the main steps. To remove the resin from the fabric, you should resort to the help of various means. To begin with, it is worth trying improvised solutions and powders that are actively used in the household. To make the fight against pine resin as effective as possible, experienced housewives recommend combining various folk methods of cleaning and washing.

  • Before using any improvised means, it must be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric.

How to remove resin from clothes with solvents?

Most experienced housewives use the following solvents when removing resin from clothes:

  • gasoline;
  • Acetone
  • Nail polish remover;
  • turpentine;
  • Alcohol.
If the product is made from a material such as acetate silk, then solvents containing acetone can ruin it.

How to remove resin from clothes with solvents? This procedure is simple: you need to treat the area with contamination from pine with a cotton pad or a piece of cloth, after wetting it in the solution.

Such a solvent as gasoline can remove not only the sap from trees, but also other persistent contaminants from the product. The powerful action of gasoline is able to withstand the most dense and hardy tissues.

White spirit or acetone can be used instead of gasoline. The principle of action of these solvents and the method of application is the same. After the substance acts and dissolves the contamination from the sap of the tree, the product must be washed in the washing machine in the usual way.

If there were no solvents such as gasoline and acetone at home, then nail polish remover will come to the rescue. You can achieve the expected effect if this product contains acetone. After treating the stain with a disc moistened with liquid, wait for its action and then send the item to the wash.

To solve the problem of how to remove resin from wood from clothes, many housewives recommend using a combined method. Its essence lies in the alternate application of such means as turpentine and alcohol. To quickly and easily remove stains from pine or spruce, you should follow a number of rules:

  • To begin with, the place with pollution must be soaked in turpentine. At the same time, it is impossible to rub the resin stain, but it is better to gently blot it with a solvent;
  • After half an hour, after the turpentine has evaporated, alcohol is applied to the pine stain. Before it evaporates, it is not recommended to rub the trace of the resin strongly;
  • After the alcohol is reapplied, the resin substance will gradually dissolve. At the moment, the stain is allowed to be rubbed, which will speed up the process of resin discharge;
  • In conclusion, the product must be washed with a washing machine and suitable detergents.

And how to remove resin from a tree from a product made of delicate fabric and old stains? In this case, a mixture prepared from the same amount of starch, ammonia and turpentine (about 4 drops) will help. The resulting composition should be treated with a resin stain from the tree and left to act for a while. After the mixture dries, the area with contamination must be rubbed with a brush. The best result can be achieved after a second procedure and subsequent washing of the product.

When dealing with a resin stain from a tree, you can use alcohol in its pure form. In this way, you can easily remove the resin from the tree, but the procedure will take at least half an hour. First, you need to moisten the stain from pine sap with alcohol with a cotton swab, and then leave the thing to be exposed to the solution. After 30 minutes, nothing will remain of the resin trace.

How to remove odor from solvents?

After cleaning the product from traces of resin with solvents, a number of problems may arise. The first is associated with the appearance of stains on the fabric, and the second is associated with the persistent and unpleasant smell of acetone. To solve these problems, things must be washed in a washing machine, adding dishwashing detergent or stain remover to the powder tray.

Another agent that enhances the effect is a washing gel. An excellent addition to the main detergents will be a conditioner-rinser. Its powerful action is aimed at removing even the most persistent and unpleasant odors, like from acetone. After using the conditioner, the smell of acetone or gasoline will completely disappear, and a pleasant floral or fresh scent will come from the clothes.

How to remove resin from pine from clothes in other ways?

Since a terrible smell remains after solvents containing acetone, many housewives prefer to refrain from using such products. Especially when it comes to removing resin from products made from woolen, velor or velvet fabric. Such materials, like leather, tend to actively absorb and store odors for a long time.

So how to remove pine resin from clothes that are not suitable for solvent? In this situation, vegetable oil will come to the rescue. To remove the sticky pine sap with oil, you will need to perform a series of manipulations. First, the oil must be applied to the resin stain from the tree. After half an hour, if necessary, the procedure should be repeated. The final step will be to remove the oil from the fabric by washing in soapy water.

In order to remove the resin mark from clothes without the use of solvents, you can use an iron. The use of a conventional iron is permissible when working with products made of delicate fabrics. With the help of an iron, you can easily remove not only pollution from the resin of the tree, but also other greasy stains. The procedure for cleaning products with an iron includes the following steps:

  • Under both sides of the fabric you need to put white napkins or towels;
  • When turning on the iron, select the mode with the minimum temperature;
  • Next, you need to process the area stained with resin. Bedding should be changed as needed;
  • After the resin has melted and absorbed into the napkins, the product must be washed in a washing machine at a suitable mode.

In addition to the iron, the method of getting rid of tree sap using Coca-Cola has gained no less popularity. The essence of the method is to soak clothes in this drink. After the product softens, you can easily remove an unnecessary stain from it with a brush. Machine wash will help keep things perfectly clean.

If you do not trust improvised means and folk methods, then special factory stain removers, such as Vanish, will help in removing the tar stain from clothes. Before buying a liquid gel, you should study its purpose and make sure that there are recommendations for use.

Before choosing a method of how to remove the resin mark from a tree from your favorite thing, you should pay attention to the type of fabric.

  • If the stain is found on a product made of delicate fabric, then it is better to wash it off with oil or dishwashing liquid;
  • When working with fur and suede material, it is recommended to use alcohol;
  • Wool products stained with resin can be washed with turpentine, but if they are of a light shade, then alcohol and soap will be the best option;
  • When processing fabrics such as velvet, velor, acetate and silk, alcohol or a starch composition should be used;
  • For synthetic clothing, gasoline is not recommended;
  • You can apply bleach or alkali only on white products.

In this article, we discuss how to remove tar from clothes if they are fresh and if the stain has dried up. You will learn how to quickly remove a trace of tree resin, what products should not be used and what to do if a tar stain has formed on your clothes.

Rules for removing tar stains from clothes

Resin stains appear on clothes not only after a walk in the forest among pines and spruces. You can find contamination if you simply take out the Christmas tree after the holiday or hang clothes to dry next to the poplar.

The easiest way to remove resin from clothing is by heating the cloth, placing a towel under it.

Before removing resin from clothes, remember that the methods for removing contamination are chosen depending on the texture and quality of the fabric:

  • it is undesirable to treat colored clothes with alcohol and acids, as they destroy some types of paints;
  • lye and bleach are only suitable for white material;
  • acetone and acetic acid corrode silk clothes;
  • gasoline should not be used on synthetic fabrics.

General rules for removing resin from clothes:

  1. Prepare clothes for processing - brush off dirt and dust so that smudges and new dirt do not form in the future.
  2. Work with dirt on the most even surface. To do this, wrap a plate with a cloth and place it under the stained cloth.
  3. To prevent the stain from spreading further when cleaning clothes, dampen clean areas of the fabric with water and sprinkle them with starch or talc.
  4. Test the product on a small area of ​​clothing from the wrong side.
  5. Start treating the stain from its edge and move towards the middle.
  6. If the soiling is small, apply homemade stain remover dotted with a cotton swab or pipette.

Before you wash the resin, remember the following recommendations:

  • Do not wash tar-contaminated clothing with other items. Most likely, you will stain them too, while the stain will remain.
  • Do not rub the resin, otherwise it will soak deep into the structure of the fabric.
  • Do not cut off resin residue with a blade as you risk damaging the fabric.

How to remove fresh resin from clothes

If the resin has just appeared on the clothes, the contamination can be removed mechanically.

How to wipe resin from clothes mechanically:

  • Take a spoon and a dull knife.
  • Scrape off as much resin as possible.
  • If a part of the fabric does not lend itself, rub petroleum jelly into it.
  • Repeat the treatment after 2-3 minutes.
  • Do not stretch the fabric.

Sometimes such mechanical cleaning is enough for the stain to completely disappear. But most often there is a trace that cannot be removed with water. There are several ways to remove tar stains from clothes at home:

  • heating and freezing of the product;
  • oiling the fabric;
  • alcohol-containing liquids;
  • organic solvents.

Heating clothes with tar stains

Heating is the easiest method to remove resin from fabric.. It will help if the trace of resin is small and fresh. Delicate fabrics are heated with an iron. If you are looking for how to remove tree resin from jeans, use a hair dryer.

How to remove a tar stain with an iron:

  • Cover the soiled fabric on both sides with paper or a napkin.
  • Heat up the iron and iron the garment over the top sheet.
  • When some of the resin is printed on the paper, remove it and lay down a blank sheet.
  • Repeat the treatment until the stain disappears.
  • Wash clothes by hand with laundry soap.
  • After 15-20 minutes, send to the washing machine.

How to remove resin from denim pants and jacket:

  • Turn on the hair dryer and direct hot air at the resin stain.
  • When it starts to melt, blot the rest with a rag or napkin.
  • Continue until there are no marks left on the napkin.

Freezing resin pieces

If a whole lump of resin is stuck to the shirt, try the freezing method.

How to remove tree resin from clothes when it is frozen:

  • Fill a plastic bag with ice cubes or remove frozen vegetables from the freezer.
  • Apply ice to the resin cloth and wait until it hardens.
  • Scrape off the resin with a dull knife or spoon.
  • Remove residue with a clothes brush.

Freezing will help in cases where you have soiled jeans with tree resin.

How to remove resin from jeans at home in the freezer:

  • Fold your jeans carefully into a plastic bag. Try not to let the resin touch the surface of the bag.
  • Put the item in the freezer for 2 hours.
  • Wrinkle the jeans where they are soiled.
  • Remove the broken pieces of resin with a knife.

Do not use this method to remove tree sap from delicate fabrics. Freezing can damage thin material.

Oiling from thin streaks of resin

Any oil-based product will handle a thin layer of resin.. Popular oily remedies than to wash tar from clothes are vegetable oil, pork fat, lard, petroleum jelly and cold oil. The method is also effective for leather products and in cases where it was not possible to remove the resin after freezing clothes.

How to remove resin from clothes at home with oil:

  • Apply an oily product to the stain.
  • After 20 minutes, when the resin has dissolved, wipe it off with a paper towel.
  • Rinse the item in soapy water.

Medical alcohol from fresh resin

Rubbing alcohol can help remove tar stains from clothes

If the tar stain is large, heat, freezing, or oil may not work. In this case, treat the contamination with medical alcohol.

How to remove pine resin from clothes with alcohol liquid:

  • Soak a Q-tip, cotton pad, or clean rag in alcohol.
  • Apply to the stain for 20-30 minutes.
  • When the dirt has dissolved, wash the product in the washing machine.

If you have soiled a product made of silk, acetate, velvet or velor, you will need a more gentle remedy than removing pine resin from clothes. Use a paste of medical alcohol and starch for processing:

  • Mix alcohol and potato starch in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Apply the paste to the tar stain and leave overnight.
  • In the morning, clean the area with a brush.
  • Wash clothes with laundry soap.

Refined gasoline from resin

A popular remedy for removing tar from wood from clothes at home is refined gasoline, which is sold in hardware and hardware stores. Wear gloves when using it. Handle dirt outdoors or on a balcony as gasoline has a strong odor.

If the clothes are made of cotton or leather, pure gasoline is sufficient. If the fabric is delicate, such as linen or silk, prepare diluted gasoline.

How to get wood tar stains out of clothes with gasoline:

  • Dip a cotton swab in the organic solvent.
  • Swipe several times over the site of contamination.
  • Wipe off the dissolved resin with a paper towel.
  • Wash clothes 2-3 times.

How to remove tree resin from fabric - silk or linen:

  • Mix gasoline and laundry soap in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Dip a cotton swab in the gasoline mixture and apply to the tar stain.
  • Wait 60 minutes.
  • Rinse the garment under running water and launder as usual.

In both cases, after processing the clothes, a strong smell of gasoline may remain. To get rid of it, add conditioner to washing.

White spirit for synthetic fabrics

When processing synthetic fabrics, replace gasoline with another organic solvent - white spirit. It is also sold in hardware stores.

How to wash linden from clothes at home with white spirit:

  • Soak a cotton swab in the solvent.
  • Blot the tar stain and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse the item under running water and wash with powder.
  • Dry the product in the fresh air.

How to remove dried resin from clothes

If the resin stain has hardened, the most effective remedy than to remove the resin from the tree from the clothes is turpentine. It penetrates deep into the fibers of the fabric, binds the particles of ingrained resin and extracts it. Turpentine will also help if you are looking for a way to remove poplar resin from sneakers. In this case, the processing technology of the product is the same as with clothing.

You can use turpentine in its pure form or mixed with starch and clay.

Turpentine for dried tar stains

Before removing Christmas tree resin from clothes with turpentine, pre-treatment of the product is necessary. Apply butter or vegetable oil to the dried stain and leave for 3 hours. Once the resin has softened, scrape off the top layer with a sharp knife. Put on gloves before using turpentine.

How to remove resin from trousers or the knitted part of sneakers with turpentine:

  • Soak a cotton pad in turpentine and apply to the stain.
  • After a few minutes, blot the resin with a clean cotton pad.
  • Dampen the sponge in warm soapy water and wash the treated area of ​​the product. So you prevent the appearance of greasy stains from turpentine.
  • Wash the item 2 times with laundry soap.

If the resin has stained white clothes, the turpentine will leave yellow marks. These stains can be easily removed with regular bleach.

Starch and white clay from resin

Experienced housewives remove dried resin with a starch-clay mixture. 2-3 treatments are enough and the stain disappears. The effectiveness of the method is based on the use of two strong solvents at once - medical alcohol and turpentine.

How to quickly remove a dried tar stain from clothes:

  • Mix white clay, starch and turpentine in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Add 2-3 drops of alcohol to the resulting gruel.
  • Apply the mixture to the stain.
  • When the mixture has hardened, remove the residue with a brush.
  • Rinse the product and wash by hand or in the washing machine.

How to remove black tar (tar) from clothes

Tar is a man-made black resin that is added to asphalt pavement or used to repair roofs.

Liquid tar cleaner

A tar stain can be easily removed with vegetable oil, and a greasy trace from it with an enzyme dish detergent. This method also helps in cases where wood or black resin has got on clothes made of fur and wool.

How to remove tar from clothes with oil and detergent:

  • Soak a cotton pad in vegetable oil.
  • Apply to the tar stain for 15 minutes.
  • Carefully remove the dissolved black resin residue.
  • Pour dish detergent over the remaining greasy trace of oil.
  • Apply a paper towel to the stained area.
  • After 20 minutes, wash the product as usual.

For more information on how to remove tar stains from clothes, see the video:

What to remember

  1. Resin on clothes should not be rubbed and removed with a blade, and the product itself should not be mixed with other things when washing.
  2. To prevent the stain from spreading, dampen clean areas of the fabric with water and sprinkle with a little starch.
  3. Remove the resin stain from the wrong side.
  4. Fresh stains lend themselves well to mechanical cleaning, freezing, heating and oiling the product. Alcohol, gasoline and white spirit also help.
  5. If the resin is dry, treat it with turpentine.
  6. The tar is removed with vegetable oil and dish detergent.

What does it take to remove tar from clothes? To begin with, you need to suppress the inner panic in yourself - nothing terrible has happened. Pine or spruce resin adhering to clothes is washed off quite easily. Another thing is that modern washing powders are unlikely to provide any help, so we will rely on improvised preparations and remedies that will certainly be found in every home.

In addition to the classic methods for removing tar from clothes, we will consider rather unusual experimental methods. They are no less effective, but it is up to you to decide whether to use them or not.

Resin on clothes most often turns out after walking through coniferous forests. It is often brought on their clothes by children playing near trees and not particularly perceiving the danger of staining their shirt or trousers on the resin protruding from the bark of trees. Be that as it may, but with these stains we urgently need to do something.

If the resin lumps are large enough, you should arm yourself with a sharp clerical knife and scrape off the remnants of the resin from the surface of the fabric– the more we remove, the less we have to launder later. Once the excess resin has been removed, you can start working with solvents, alcohol and other means. The same rule applies if you want to remove paint from clothes.

We can also remove excess resin by freezing it. To do this, we put the soiled clothes in a clean plastic bag and send them to the freezer for several hours. During this time, the resin will become stoney and brittle enough that we can remove most of it with simple friction. By the way, the same technique is used to remove sticky chewing gum from clothes.

So, we removed the strong traces of resin - it remains to deal with the resin that has soaked directly into the fabric. To do this, we will use turpentine, acetone or nail polish remover. But with the use of these products, care must be taken - they are not suitable for cleaning delicate fabrics. This is especially true for acetone and acetate silk.

How to use solvents? We apply nail polish remover, acetone or turpentine on a cotton pad and try to wipe off the resin. If necessary, apply these products directly to the spots and leave for 30-40 minutes. During this time, the resin should completely dissolve. Next, we send the clothes to the wash with ordinary washing powder - this will help neutralize the unpleasant odor and completely get rid of any traces of tar and solvents.

Refined gasoline is an excellent tool for removing tar from clothes. Here we can take the most common gasoline for refueling lighters. As for the gasoline from the gas tank of the car, you can forget about it - most often it spoils things. We soak the soiled area, leave it for 50-60 minutes, after which we send it to the wash. Gasoline does an excellent job not only with tar, but also cleans oil well.

Ordinary medical alcohol will also help to remove pine resin from clothes. We apply it on a cotton pad, three spots of resin from the edge to the center. If the spots are strong, soak the stain in alcohol and leave for 40-50 minutes. Next, we send the item to the laundry.

In addition to strong solvents, we can use the most common vegetable oil to remove resin from clothes. We apply it to the resin and leave it for about an hour. In order to prevent the oil from spreading throughout the clothes, we treat the part of the fabric surrounding the resin with water. After the vegetable oil softens the tar stain, wash the clothes with dish detergent - it will remove the oil from the clothes. The next step is washing in the washing machine.

In order to remove resin from jeans, we can use any of the above methods. But here you should definitely check the fabric dye for durability - apply the selected product to an invisible area and wait 10-15 minutes. If the fabric does not change its color, you can safely proceed to remove the resin.

Interesting results are obtained by using napkins and an iron. The process is very simple:

  • We heat the iron;
  • We put a paper towel under the stain;
  • We lay another napkin on the stain itself;
  • Iron the stained area with an iron.

Under the influence of heat, the resin will begin to evaporate and will be absorbed into paper napkins. Whether to use this method or not is up to you. But sometimes the technique doesn't work.(depending on the fabric and degree of soiling).

Another way to remove tar stains from clothes is to use Coca-Cola. The high content of phosphoric acid will dissolve the remaining resin, after which the clothes will only have to be washed. But you need to remember that this drink contains dyes that can leave their marks on many fabrics.

Keeping clothes clean requires regular work: washing, removing stains, ironing, drying. At the same time, many stains are easily reduced in the first wash, and some have to be tinkered with. We have already talked about what difficulties may arise, and today we want to talk about tree resin.

In this article, we will try to tell you in as much detail as possible how to remove a tar stain from clothes, which methods are most effective and simple.

Classic wood resin look

Preparatory activities

A walk in the forest can result in unpleasant traces of resin on clothes, in those places where you came into contact with the bark of a tree, pine or spruce. Of course, such stains and stains look terrible, but in fact they can be easily removed from most materials, the main thing is to know how.

However, before proceeding with the direct removal of tar stains from clothing, preparatory measures should be taken:

  1. At the first stage, you should try to clean the top layer of resin using blunt, durable objects, such as a knife. Usually the top layer is easily scraped off.
  2. To remove even more tar from clothing, freeze it. This method should be used for ordinary things, it is not suitable for delicate, thin fabrics. It is enough to load things into the freezer of the refrigerator for several hours for the resin stain to freeze. After extraction, by shaking the cloth in the place of contamination, it will be possible to remove particles of hardened resin.

Carrying out these simple manipulations will remove most of the contamination, and therefore facilitate further procedures.

Solvent stain removal

Using folk methods, you can easily remove various kinds of dirt from clothes, and traces of pine, spruce or other tree resin are no exception. However, having chosen a cleaning composition for yourself, you need to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing. This will avoid accidental damage to things, especially if we want to use solvents.

When wondering how to remove resin from your clothes, the first thing that comes to mind is the possibility of using solvents. Indeed, resin stains can be removed using acetone or liquids based on it, pure gasoline, turpentine.

Turpentine can be bought at any hardware store

Note that silk things made of acetate material will not tolerate such processing, so choose a different composition for them.

For ordinary things, processing will not be difficult. But if you choose gasoline, you should buy it at a hardware store, and not drain it from the car tank, along with additives of a different nature.

To remove stains, it will be necessary to moisten a cotton pad or cloth in the solvent and gently wipe them. At the same time, it is necessary to move from the edges of the stain to the middle, so as not to leave behind unnecessary stains. After you have managed to remove the contamination, wash the clothes in the usual way for her.

An excellent method involves the alternate use of turpentine and alcohol. You can clean resin stains with these products as follows:

  • First, soak the place stained with resin in turpentine. It is not necessary to wipe the stain, just apply a solvent to it.
  • After half an hour, when the turpentine has already evaporated, the stain is soaked in alcohol, and again, until the alcohol evaporates, it is not recommended to immediately use mechanical effects.
  • After another application of alcohol, you will see how the resin begins to come off. Now you can lightly treat the stained area, and then wash the garment as usual.

In principle, you can use one alcohol, medical or technical, it doesn’t matter. But in order for it to dissolve the resin stain, it is necessary to soak things in the composition for at least half an hour. A rag or cotton pad will help to do this, which should be soaked in alcohol and applied to the soiled area.

For durable synthetic fabrics, classic solvents 646 and white spirit may be suitable for some types of jeans. Processing with these compounds will remove stains with a regular cotton pad. These substances have a characteristic unpleasant odor that can be removed by washing clothes with powder.

other methods

There are other methods on how to remove the resin without the participation of solvents. For example, to work with delicate fabrics like silk or chiffon, a regular iron will help us. The technique is quite simple and hackneyed, often used, for example, from the same jeans:

Iron helps remove grease stains

  1. We cover the fabric on both sides with white paper towels or napkins.
  2. We set the minimum temperature on the iron.
  3. We process the place of contamination by regularly changing paper napkins. This melts the resin and soaks into the paper substrates.
  4. After ironing, be sure to wash in accordance with the requirements of this fabric.

An interesting way to get rid of tree resin from clothes was invented by modern housewives. To clean this kind of pollution, you need to soak clothes in a bowl of Coca-Cola for several hours. After soaking things in this lemonade for a long time, the resin will become soft and pliable, which means it can be easily cleaned off with a soft brush. Further washing of clothes will allow her to return to her everyday cleanliness.

Since wood resin stains on clothes appear regularly, especially in the summer, when we go to the forest for mushrooms or berries, there are a lot of ways to remove them. The following techniques may help you:

  • For woolen clothes, such a stain is very unpleasant, but there is a way out. First, the contamination is soaked in vegetable oil for 10-15 minutes, and then gently washed with dishwashing liquid. It will be most convenient to use a small white cloth. After you have managed to remove traces of resin, do not forget to wash the item.
  • In principle, vegetable oil is also suitable for many other fabrics. Soak the stained area in it for 10-15 minutes, and then, using a normal soapy solution, wash the dirty area on clothes or on the surface of jeans.
  • You can prepare a special cleaning composition that will effectively remove the resin. This will require one tablespoon of starch, a couple of drops of ammonia and a couple of drops of turpentine. The composition must be applied to the resin stain and left to dry completely, and then brush off all contaminants with a brush. If it was not possible to completely remove the stain, but it is clear that the product has worked, you can repeat the treatment a couple of times.
  • Household chemicals may also be appropriate, it is enough to choose the right bleach or stain remover. This composition must be applied to the fabric for a while, and then washed clothes. The technology is described in detail on the product packaging, where you will also find recommendations on the types of fabrics.

A drop of tree resin

Which method and which product you choose is up to you, but before using a cleaning compound, do not forget to check it. Suddenly it spoils your fabric.

To ensure that the removal of such contaminants is as safe as possible for you and your clothes, we have prepared a number of recommendations that allow you to do everything right.

The following tips will help you deal with tar stains:

  • It is not acceptable to use vinegar or acetone to clean dirt from acetate silk, as they will easily burn a hole in it.
  • Be careful when using solvents, alcohols, as they can remove paint from many things, such as shirts, jackets, jeans.
  • Bleach is used exclusively for white things.
  • To prevent the stain from blurring during cleaning, you can moisten the cloth around it with water or sprinkle the material with starch, baby powder, or talcum powder.
  • For small spots, it is convenient to apply the cleaning composition pointwise with a pipette or cotton swab.
  • Removing the stain is always done from the edges to the middle. It is best to do this on the wrong side of the garment as well.
  • During the cleaning procedures, you can put a white paper towel under the wrong side of the fabric.

As you can see, there are a variety of ways to help clean your clothes efficiently and painlessly. Stick to simple rules, and removing a drop of resin from your clothes will not turn into a big problem.