How to dye your hair in different shades. Coloring in one tone. Fashion hair coloring techniques

Have you heard of ombre? Shatush? Booking? About fashionable types of hair coloring? The tendency to change one's own appearance beyond recognition remains relevant for many centuries in a row. It's scary to think what methods our great-grandmothers armed themselves with. Not all changes in appearance had only an aesthetic background.

Wanting to become more self-confident, ladies go to a beauty salon. Coming out of there, they understand how beautiful this bright and colorful world is. The best assistant for a spectacular transformation in the shortest possible time is considered to be hair coloring, which has countless fashion variations. Ombre, shatush, bronding, toning, highlighting ... How much in these words! Long, short, curly, straight, thick hair…


This way of giving the hair a new shade comes from Hollywood. Ombre has been popular for many seasons in a row, and no wonder: it is a universal technique that will suit brunettes, blondes, and “red beasts” with long or short hair. Ombre will look advantageous on curls of a wide variety of lengths.

Important advice from the editor!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

With an ombre, the hair acquires visual volume, achieved due to the smooth transition of color up to the ends of the hair. The darkest area is the area that starts at the roots and reaches the middle of the length of the hair. Courageous young ladies who want to add a drop of extreme to gray everyday life can prefer an ombre made in red, blue, green tones. Usually these are amazing variations of any combination. Ombre in traditional colors looks very natural.

Have you heard of such a name - "shatush"? Probably yes. This is a popular way to color hair. Paying attention to the photos of girls whose hair is dyed using the shatush technique, you are amazed. Hair is radiant and shiny. They seem to be light, like a feather. It's all the merit of the painting method. Being a more gentle procedure for the hair, shatush takes very little time. Alternating dark and light strands of hair, a virtuoso of his craft - a hairdresser - scrupulously shades the paint, creating the effect of burning out the hair - this is shatush. It is with such a request that girls often turn to miracle craftsmen. Often the impact of the shatush is barely perceptible. It may seem that the glare of the sun, lost in curls, play and shimmer. A similar staining method is the formation of an inconspicuous, as if inspired by nature itself, image. Shatush looks pretty gentle.


This method combines alternating the most diverse tones. The master selects a suitable range of colors individually based on:

  • Color type (winter, spring, summer, autumn);
  • face shapes;
  • curl lengths.

The hair of happy owners of clear, several “graphic” haircuts is carefully processed from the ends to the middle of the length. This is how the edging should come out, which does not have “jumps”, made with the help of smooth transitions imperceptible to the naked eye. If short hair is dyed, only the very tips are subjected to “magic”. The most popular among the fair sex, who regularly visit the salon, is paint made in Japan.


At the heart of fashionable hair coloring methods are the standard choices of girls. Booking is included in the list of "key requests". Today, preference is no longer given to dull white strands with an unhealthy yellowish tint, but to sparkling, shiny curls, full of health. This effect can be achieved thanks to the coloring, made in a single color palette. It's a combination of colors. In the literal sense of the word: alternate brown (brown) and light (blonde) curls. This is how the booking came about. It will play on both short and long hair.

Dark-haired ladies, who in their hearts cherish the dream of a soft image, can safely turn to their hairdresser, requiring booking. Beauties with dark curls should be patient. Bronding is done on all hair, and on some strands. You will have the opportunity to emphasize flowing healthy, shining curls. Bronding is suitable for any beauty.

Modern types of staining

They involve the use of a huge number of different shades and combinations that can satisfy the needs of even the most demanding clients. The most important advantage of all these methods in combination is the following: different coloring methods help to preserve the structure of the strands. By choosing one of them, you can make sure that the question of overgrown roots, playing in contrast with a neat haircut, has sunk into oblivion. In addition, you can forever forget about the curls that are rapidly leaving your head after the next salon staining procedure.

Owners of black hair can choose a classic ombre, which has a fringing made in chocolate, fiery or light colors. In addition, the lucky ones may also prefer to pair their hair color with a rich blue, pinkish tint, amazing emerald or juicy lilac. Modern coloring is a symbiosis of highlighting and toning. Only now the emphasis is not on the combination of blue-black with milky white, but on natural shades. Not clear, sharp transitions, but soft and almost imperceptible, forcing men to compliment you.

Popular modern techniques

  • Monochromatic coloring made in cold or warm colors. The classic remains relevant forever. Many opt for this technique of changing roles. As for monochromatic painting, unlike the aforementioned shatush, ombre or bronding, this method is suitable for any hair - long, short, wavy, straight. The space of fantasy.
  • Traditional highlighting, as well as toning. There is discoloration of some strands of hair. The method has a wide range of shades. The master chooses highlighting as the “base” moment of the process. When the structure of the hair is destroyed, a natural question should appear before you. No, not “what to do?” If this is a qualified master, but you don’t need to go to another. The problem is the need to fill in the gaps in the structure of brittle strands with ammonia-free paint. Hair at the end of the toning procedure will lie obediently.
  • Contrast highlighting usually performed on blond hair. This allows you to highlight some strands of black, coffee, chestnut.
  • Graphic strands. Bangs, curls or other accents are often present in styling and asymmetrical haircuts. Such a highlight is often distinguished by color. Sometimes girls allow themselves to make such an accent with pink, blue, orange flowers or preferring the “rainbow”.
  • "American color" involves the use of 2 or 3 shades of the same color. Each next one is different by one subtone. The hair will come to life, and the transitions will not be easy to notice “by eye”. Brown-haired women, as a rule, love warm colors - this is milk chocolate, honey. Blondes, on the contrary, prefer mother-of-pearl shades. Fiery devils choose copper, which plays beautifully on their hair.
  • "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes". Marilyn Monroe, for example, has remained in the memory of many sex divas. That is why many girls consciously or involuntarily strive to become like her, wanting to match the classics. The image of Monroe is not close to everyone, by no means. However, the magical effect of bleached hair still makes many ladies join the ranks of blonde beauties. As for the bleaching technique, it is carried out with the help of paint or powder - to the taste of the master and the client. A homemade or non-professional transformation looks terrifying. Turning to a wise master, you can get light strands shimmering in gold or cold silver (as you wish). Looks amazing on short hair.

So, we list the advantages of modern staining methods.

  • They give scope for imagination without spoiling the structure of the hair.
  • Not able to injure the roots.
  • Keep your hair full of health.
  • They make the hair thick, give the proper volume.

Ombre, shatush, highlighting, bronding, toning ... Modern types of hair coloring - for every taste, color and budget. The main thing is not to combine cold and warm shades. Remember that wearing gold and silver at the same time is bad manners? Same here. This combination looks artificial, and besides, it is irrelevant. A highly qualified guru helps to determine the color type, correctly selects the optimal technique that is right for you. In addition, individual characteristics and wishes are taken into account before staining. Do not forget to use masks designed for colored hair.

Discard the established canons, try to create a new fashionable image! Let this video inspire you, beauties!

How to choose color and dye

The topic - Hair coloring includes many methods and technologies. Lightening, toning, decapitation, highlighting, darkening the roots and covering gray hair. New color stretching methods - Balayage, Shatush and Ombre. You just have to choose.

When choosing a method and dye, the question often arises - is this color suitable? How to make a smooth transition from dark to light. Is it possible to stretch with paint. How to remove the redhead after lightening or how to paint over highlights. What's trendy this year. Let's talk in detail.

Fashionable coloring 2018 - stylish trends and novelties

In 2018, the blue-black color is no longer relevant. Hairdressers are advised to part with this way, choosing black with a purple or red undertone. Chestnut and blond are popular. Light colors are in fashion. It is important to consider that in 2018 the yellow undertone is already bad manners. In fashion, blond is light and clean, because with an admixture it looks untidy and cheap.

Gray toning is losing ground. This color visually adds age. Replaced with platinum blonde. Looks expensive and well-groomed. It is also acceptable to use a silver-ash tint. You can get a clean planina without loss only in the cabin, skill and experience are required. Owners of red hair are recommended to carry out a bleaching procedure up to level 10 at the initial stages. If you do not follow this algorithm, then yellowness will appear.

At the peak of popularity this season will be strawberry and sand blond. Such shades can make the appearance soft and at the same time bright. For blondes, hairdressers recommend using coloring. Cold shades are popular in 2018. Strands dyed pearl. Light lilac, platinum silver and strawberry shades will help to emphasize the image.

To follow the trends this spring and summer, choose golden red, ginger red, bronze, coffee glaze, frosty chestnut and dark cinnamon.

What color to dye your hair - a choice depending on the color type

Before coloring, it is better to consult a stylist or independently determine the type of appearance. Depending on the color of the eyes and facial features, a successful combination is selected. There are four types of appearance - Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

  • For Springs representatives of the fashion and beauty industry advise choosing a light color. Suitable for coloring - golden yellow, beige, linen. You can choose from light chestnut and caramel.
  • Color type Summer suggests cold shades. A light blond shade, an ash blond and an ash brown color are suitable here.
  • For Autumn characterized by warm tones. Hairdressers recommend coloring in red, chestnut, fiery copper and dark brown.
  • Winter- cold type of appearance. To change the look, choose gold, copper and red-brown.

Dark natural hair color, if it is changed to light, requires prior clarification. In this situation, it is better to consult a master in a beauty salon. Owners of light curls can safely experiment with shades without prior clarification. When choosing a style, it is better to focus on relevance in everyday and business life. Coloring individual strands in light and bright colors is not appropriate for women who attend many official events.

Ombre coloring - on dark and blond hair

Coloring in 2-3 colors at the same time is the trend of the season. As an option, coloring in the style of ombre. With this approach, the transition from one color to another is performed. Stretching the color helps smooth overgrown, dark roots to light ends.

For owners of dark curls, to perform the ombre technique, it is better to use warm colors. Chestnut, chocolate, gold, light brown color will play on curls when light hits. Brightening paste, without the use of tinting agents after, also creates a fashionable effect.

Girls with light curls, with the ombre technique, are suitable - pearl, ashen, strawberry. For bright blondes, colorists recommend using platinum shades.

Coloring Balayage

Balayage coloring is similar to the Ombre technique. The only difference is that the tone transition is created scrupulously, without clear boundaries. Balayazh is done on a natural color, and after toning in a fashionable shade.

Performing the Balayazh technique on dark curls introduces nuances. For brunettes, stylists recommend lightening the tips by 1-2 tones. Color chestnut or brown, are better suited than others. Thanks to coloring in light colors, the curls will receive additional volume and color depth.

In the Balayage technique for light brown, it is also worth choosing light colors, 1-2 levels higher than the natural color. If natural dark blond, choose medium or light blond with color nuances - ash, sandre, pink.

Coloring Shatush

Color stretching using the Shatush technique creates a safe transition. The master creates a bouffant in the root zone and applies a clarifier to it. The hair collected in the pile is not lightened evenly - without clear boundaries. The result is a smooth tone transition. The basis is the use of natural shades. Often the effect is created, as if the curls were burned out in the sun. Lightening mixtures are used for coloring. After they are tinted with paint on 1.5% oxides or with the help of tint balms.

When choosing a dye for dark hair, colorists recommend close tones to natural. Color nuances should smoothly move from one to another. The same applies to owners of light hair.

Complex staining

With complex coloring, 2-3 shades are used at the same time to change the image. So the color is revealed, the external beauty and the natural shade of the hair are emphasized. Among the complex toning techniques, tiger eye, pixel coloring, shatush, balayage and 3d coloring are popular.

Tiger eye techniques and 3D coloring will become popular this season. This is due to the novelty and sophisticated level of performance technology.

creative coloring

Creative technique uses non-standard ideas. Stylists create an unusual and vivid image. Such women turn around. Only brave ladies decide on creative changes. It is better to paint using this technique in beauty salons.

Suitable creative toning will be for owners of short haircuts. It is possible to create a masterpiece on long curls. This is a way to emphasize attractive features of the exterior. A competent hairdresser-colorist will mask brittle strands, remove split ends. Proper coloring gives the hair a visual volume, the curls become alive.

Thermo hair coloring - what is it

This technique uses paint that reacts to changes in temperature. Under the influence of hot air, the hair changes color. Developed such a dye company The Unseen. The basis of the dye consists of thermochromic pigments. The components are non-toxic, since the substances are in a special polymer matrix. The only disadvantage of thermal dyeing is that the coloring element is quickly washed out when washing the head. Therefore, after staining, curls are recommended to be washed in cool water.

Stretching color - on dark and light

To stretch a color means to make a smooth transition from one shade to another. There are many techniques.
The master decides which technique to choose after discussing the desired result with the client. The trend of recent seasons is the effect of burnt hair. Strands are highlighted along the edge line, at the face and at the ends.

How to dye your hair with henna: types of henna and contraindications

For those who love natural beauty products and home care, the use of henna is suitable. This is a natural substance. With proper use, the hair structure becomes stronger.

Henna is divided by purpose and by origin. In the first version - henna color, for toning. Colorless is used to strengthen the hair structure. Henna can come from Iran or India. It depends on the price category and quality.

To use henna, a mixture is prepared from it. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair. To obtain a bright shade, leave the mixture from 30 minutes to 1 hour. To maintain the original shade - 20 minutes. At the final stage, henna is washed off along with the addition of vinegar to the water.

Contraindications include the presence of allergic reactions. You should be careful when choosing a manufacturer - the cheaper the henna, the lower the quality.

Coloring the ends of the hair - fashion ideas

To change the color of only the tips, the ombre or balayage technique is suitable. The choice of color and technique is influenced by style. Natural color should be emphasized by lightening 1-2 tones lighter than natural.

Trends advise tinting the tips in a strawberry shade. The combination will look favorably on the owners of light and blond curls. For owners of dark hair, stylists advise adding a red or purple undertone to create a fashionable look.

3d hair coloring

The difference between the 3d technique is that, as a result of the procedure, glare appears on the hair when the sun's rays hit it. The hairstyle gets a healthy glowing look. This toning technique emphasizes the shade that nature has awarded the girls. The procedure is performed exclusively in beauty salons. Coloring is done by a master colorist. 3d technology is applicable for both dark and light curls. In two versions, highlights will be a beneficial addition to the hairstyle.

Double hair coloring

Coloring in two colors includes - shatush, balayage, mazhimesh, highlighting, partial or zonal painting. Double toning is used to create depth and visual volume.
Double coloring is often used by Hollywood stars. When performing coloring, the dye is applied to individual strands. The technique depends on what effect is required as a result of the procedure.

dark shades

The dark tone gives volume to the hairstyle. Stylists advise girls who are worried about insufficient volume of curls to paint in chestnut shades. Chestnut, brown or brunette go to the majority. An ashy or golden undertone of a dark color helps to match the color to the skin tone.
For a cold tone - ashy and natural shades. For warm skin - golden and with a red tint.

How to remove red hair from hair after dyeing

The wrong lightening technique, at home and without experience, reveals a redhead. Red or orange pigment is present in all hairs. The pigment is removed with a brightener. Pure blond or light brown is obtained only from a light base - clarified to level 9-10. It is bright yellow.

To correct the situation, use re-clarification, ashen, blue and purple corrector. If lightening is scary, the option is to paint it honey.

Previously bleached hair with a base at the roots of 7-8. Wella 7/89 and 8/81 dyes with 9% activator were chosen for toning.

How to remove yellowness from hair after dyeing

To remove yellowness after unsuccessful clarification or toning, tint shampoos and balms will help. Tonics are also used to support cold shades. To maintain the ashy effect, tinting products are used on a regular basis.

Another way is to contact the colorist in the salon for re-coloring. The strands are lightened and then re-dyed in the desired color.

Photo of dyed hair

How sometimes you want drastic changes, right? At least in appearance. The curls have already been cut - now you need to color them. Are you afraid that the options for dyeing short hair are very scarce? Your doubts are in vain.

On a short haircut, any shades of blond look great, from golden to ashy.

It is very difficult to get a uniform blond at home, so it is better to turn to a professional for the first time.

After the staining procedure, it is necessary to use means to maintain color. For example, to neutralize yellowness on cold ashy hair, you need to use “purple shampoos”.

Balayazh looks great on short curls and gives the effect of a smooth color transition. To obtain the most natural line, the lower strands are lightened. The dark strand alternates with the light.

Balayage looks best on fair hair, but is also suitable for dark hair. Women of any age and status can turn to the balayage technique, because the emphasis is on the smoothest, most natural transition. Balayazh does not harm the hair much, because the paint is not applied to the roots.

With the help of balayage, you can make your face thinner and hide your cheeks. Vertical light strands in the cheekbone area will help in this matter.

Another option for gradient coloring. Ombre is a transition from dark roots to light tips. Most often, ombre is done on dark hair so that the transition is noticeable. But keep in mind that the line does not turn out smooth, a part with a sharp change in shade is visible in the middle.

This is a contrast color that will definitely draw attention to your curls. Ombre looks like regrown tips, only it looks much more aesthetic and beautiful.

Ombre visually increases the volume of hair. Suitable for both straight and curly curls. Women of any age can apply this staining technique.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting that ammonia-free dyes are used to create an ombre, which are quickly washed out. To return the color, you will either have to go to the salon again, or use tint shampoos.

Ombre is of two types.


Smooth transition between two shades. Many media people choose this coloring option to create a unique image.


Turn on your imagination! With a multi-tone ombre, the hair is dyed not in one tone, but in two, three or more at once. The main thing is that all colors are combined with each other. The more shades, the more voluminous the curls are.

Before we had time to get used to the ombre, a new fashionable coloring appeared - sombre. The names are almost similar, but the technology and the result are different.

Unlike ombre, with sombra, coloring begins closer to the roots and the color transition stretches over the entire length of the hair. The sharp transition boundary is erased.

If you do not dare to dye the entire length of your hair, then start from the ends. Experiment with colors! You can use neutral tones or create a trendy look with bright hues. If you don't like it, you can always cut off the ends.

With such coloring, you definitely will not get lost in the crowd.

Another option for original girls. You can color only the ends of the bangs, or you can capture the entire volume.

Specialist in bright images Lady Gaga showed the world a new coloring option. The curls are divided into two parts and painted in two contrasting shades.

But there are other options as well. It is not necessary to divide the hair into left and right parts. Two colors can seamlessly intertwine with each other.

Coloring in black and red looks extravagant. Suitable for brave and self-sufficient women.

The combination of pink and blond will create a gentle and fashionable look.

Classic tones in a non-classical combination. Blonde and black look especially impressive with a pixie haircut.

Coloring is pretty fast. The hair is combed and the paint is applied. The master selectively darkens or brightens the strands, creating the effect of sun-bleached hair.

Shatush does not need a smooth transition. The curls are dyed in different places and at different heights, which makes the color natural.


This coloring refreshes the hair, makes the image refined and fashionable. There are many options for highlighting, so you are sure to choose your own.


For classic highlighting, natural tones are selected that are in harmony with each other. Such coloring does not focus too much attention on itself. The image is soft and feminine.

Bright strands

Feel free to choose this highlighting technique if you want to draw attention to curls and show the world your character. Catchy strands are added to the hair that cannot go unnoticed.

double tone

The master selects two matching colors that contrast with your natural hair tone. This highlighting technique increases the volume of hair, makes the image interesting and stylish.


An easy highlighting technique that can be done at home. Put on a special hat with holes and use a hook to pull out one strand and color it.


The name "veil" justifies itself. With this highlighting, only the upper strands are painted. The image looks fresh and trendy.

California (American) highlighting

Praise be to the American coast, where the fashion for such highlighting came from. This is the perfect way to color your curls without damaging your roots. It creates the effect of sun-bleached hair.

For California highlighting, a special paste with beeswax is used. Such highlighting delicately treats the hair and does not overdry them.


With majimesh, the hair is dyed in a light tone and individual strands are highlighted. The master uses paint with beeswax.

Painting at home

It is difficult to dye your hair using the ombre, sombre and balayage technique at home. But highlighting and shatush will be within your power.

Highlighting with foil

For classic highlighting, you will need foil, highlighter, two combs, a paint brush, gloves, a paint container and a cape on your shoulders.

    Separate at least 7 strands and secure them with a hairpin.

    From each strand, select a few hairs.

    Place foil under the selected strands.

    1. Put on a hat.

      Pull your hair through the holes.

      Apply paint with a flat brush.

      Without taking off your hat, wash off the paint.

      At the end of the procedure, use a regenerating balm or mustard mask (check out).

    For the effect of light highlighting, thread the hair through several holes, for medium - through one, for intense - through all.

    In 15 minutes, the paint will lighten the hair by 1 tone. For 40 minutes - 4-5 tones.

    Shatush at home

    You will need hairpins, a comb, paint, toning agent, a brush and a towel.

    Randomly separate several strands 2 cm thick and fix them.

      Comb the selected strand and apply paint with light strokes.

      Repeat the process with the rest of the curls.

      Wait 40 minutes.

      Wash your head.

      Apply a nourishing balm.

    As you can see, there are many hair color options. Based on these tips, experiment and look for a style that suits you.

The modern beauty industry offers women a variety of coloring options. Each technique is interesting in its own way and has its own characteristics.

Hair coloring is a great way to change your image or bring newness and freshness to your image. Coloring helps to hide age-related imperfections, such as protruding gray hair, as well as visually make a woman younger than her age.

Fashionable hair coloring 2019: hair trends

This season, the effect of burnt hair is more popular than ever. In order to achieve the desired result, it is enough to contact the salon. Usually, to obtain this effect, hairdressers use two newfangled techniques - shatush and California highlights.

In the new season, bright red color will be incredibly fashionable, as well as dark red color with burgundy tints, gold and copper shades. At the peak of popularity, the natural light brown color remains. Creative girls who want to show their individuality can safely choose a stencil. A colored ombre consisting of three colors or color highlighting looks very bright and juicy. For creative coloring, crazy color or anthocyanin paint is used.

Fashionable shades of hair 2019, photo

Trendy Gray Blonde 2019

Honey "baby" blond

Stylish Pink 2019

Popular hair coloring techniques

Now there are many new hair coloring techniques: balayage, highlighting, color coloring, ombre, hair strobing, etc. Some masters skillfully combine them with each other. It is conditionally possible to divide fashionable coloring into two types: classic coloring with the selection of individual strands and color hair coloring in bright and unconventional shades. Let's look at both types of hair coloring.

In balayage style

Dyed hair using this technique looks natural and beautiful. This technique is suitable for girls who do not want to radically change their natural hair color, but want to refresh their image. The work uses several tones that help achieve a smooth transition. This coloring is ideal for thin hair, because it gives visual splendor and volume.

Balage looks great on both long and medium hair. Suitable for young and mature women. On short hair, the balage also looks very impressive. The only point is that you will have to tint your hair more often.

Ombre style

This species is very popular among stars of various sizes. Among Russian pop stars, Yulia Kovalchuk, Nyusha, rap singer Christina Si, Anna Lorak decided to taste the charm of such hair coloring. This technique involves the use of colors close to natural. However, there are exceptions when contrasting colors are used. Alexa Chung, Ciara, Beons, Christina Aguilera, Katy Perry decided on such an experiment. The advantage of this staining is that in the case of regrowth of the roots, the overall plan will not be spoiled.

grunge style

Especially this coloring looks good on long hair. A distinctive feature of the technology is the use of bright colors. Common colors used are pink, purple, blue, red and yellow. Such bright tones can echo the natural shade of the hair or have an intensely cardinal palette. Grunge is performed differently. Strands can be dyed vertically, zigzag or horizontally. Sometimes only the ends of the hair and bangs are dyed.

Two-tone coloring

Another fashionable technique is hair dyeing in two colors. It allows not only to transform the image, but also to make it truly unique. Coloring in two colors has many names. One of them is coloring. Such coloring provides for a smooth transition from one color to another, or with an emphasis on contrast.

Hair dyeing at home using the ombre technique: a tutorial video

Fashionable hair coloring, photo

Fashionable hair coloring can not only refresh the image, but also visually rejuvenate. Beautiful transitions, natural colors attract attention and always delight others. Remember that well-groomed hair is out of fashion! Don't forget to update your color and don't be afraid to experiment!

Take it to your wall:

It is believed that burning dark-haired beauties look sexy and luxurious. But even those girls whom nature has awarded with brown, brown and black hair prefer to experiment by dyeing their hair in different colors. What color is most suitable for such persons and how to create a harmonious image? In our article, we will try to shed light on these and other questions, and also find out which dark hair coloring is at the peak of popularity this season.

Features of dark hair

It is very difficult to guess how light pigment will behave on dark curls. If you are dyeing in light colors, you simply cannot do without lightening your hair. Today, there are ready-made solutions on the market: a tube of paint that needs to be mixed with an oxidizing agent. Coloring dark hair in light tones should not immediately be carried out in very light shades of blond, as you risk getting a patchy color and dirty color. If you still decide to reincarnate as a blonde, lighten the curls gradually, each time four tones lighter.

In professional beauty salons, things are a little different. Masters independently, on the basis of the selected oxygen, color corrector and dye, knead the coloring emulsion. To lighten dark-haired girls, you will need 6, 9 or 12% clarifier. If they have too tight, dense and jet-black curls, choose the maximum. For brown-haired women with thin hair, 6% of the chemical will be enough.

Remember, during dyeing, it is forbidden to introduce cold and warm shades into one hairstyle, otherwise you will get complete disharmony. If you are going to paint using modern techniques, then choose shades that belong to the same color range - from dark to light. Since some hairstyles involve intertwining natural curls with artificially dyed ones, wash the hair (if it has been dyed).

Interesting fact. In ancient Rome, dark hair was not associated with femininity. It was believed that light curls are a symbol of innocence and purity. That is why those women whom nature endowed with chestnut and black curls tried with all their might to discolor them - they applied lemon, sat for hours in the sun with curls smeared in yogurt.

Staining rules

The basic recommendations for dyeing dark hair are almost the same as the advice for dyeing other colors. The only difference is to choose the right oxygen to lighten curls.

Staining rules:

  1. You need to knead the dye in a glass or ceramic container so that oxidation does not occur.
  2. Before painting, they lubricate the forehead in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hairline, neck and ears with petroleum jelly, so that if the dye gets in, it can be easily wiped off the skin.
  3. If you do not know whether this or that color will be taken, paint over just one strand.
  4. Hair coloring always starts from the back of the head, because it is there that the color is activated the longest. The strands at the temple do not have such a rigid structure, so they quickly adopt artificial pigment.
  5. For the convenience of coloring, it is recommended to divide the hair into zones according to the parting that you always wear.
  6. If you want to have the effect of burnt strands, then comb the curls and make light vertical strokes with a brush, without trying to carefully paint over each strand.
  7. Try to retreat a little from the roots so as not to damage the hair follicles with aggressive dyes. It should be noted that it is dark roots that are the trend of this season.
  8. You need to withstand the color for about 30-45 minutes, depending on the desired result.
  9. Be sure to wash off the paint when finished. Use shampoo and conditioner balm, which always comes with the selected dye.

Important point! To maintain color after staining, it is recommended to use a special tonic. If you want the pigment to stay in your hair for a long time, stop washing your hair every day.

How is the procedure carried out

The staining procedure depends entirely on the technique you choose. For a more saturated color, it is recommended to wrap the strands in foil. If you want to get a more washed out color and the effect of strands burnt out in the sun, then the curls should dry naturally. Most modern coloring techniques involve brushing and combing the hair before applying the coloring composition.

Full staining

It involves dyeing the hair in one color. Now in vogue:

  • purple dahlia;
  • topaz;
  • chestnut;
  • dark walnut;
  • wine shades;
  • blueberry;
  • ripe cherry.

It is not worth completely lightening the hair in a creamy blond or other colors, because you run the risk of not getting the right shade.

Carrying out monochrome staining is very simple. The coloring emulsion is first distributed on the roots of the hair, carefully smearing each area. Then the coloring composition is combed with a comb and sent under the cap for 35-50 minutes. Finally, the curls are washed.

Painting with henna and basma


Air Touch is a modern highlighting technique that provides "mixing" of your own and dyed hair. Some highlights of the selected light color are created on a dark base.


  1. The entire crown is conditionally divided into strands.
  2. The master chooses a separate strand (the thinner it is, the more spectacular the hair will look). The strand rises from the surface of the hair by 90 degrees.
  3. Cold air is blown so that individual short hairs come out.
  4. The remaining base is placed under the foil so that there are no stains on other hair.
  5. In a similar way, the entire hair is stained.

Thus, at the exit of the owners of dark hair, an amazing hairstyle awaits. Air touch is suitable for almost all haircuts, except for short ones.

For owners of short hairstyles and dark hair, contouring, balayage and Nirvana Blond are suitable, suggesting very dark roots and contrasting light ends.

The staining technique involves:

  1. Dividing curls into strands and tying them with elastic bands.
  2. The tips are stained with a specially diluted composition, which necessarily includes a clarifier. Then they are wrapped in foil.
  3. 15-20 minutes after staining, vertical strokes are carried out in the direction from bottom to top.
  4. They wait the same amount, and then wash off the paint.
  5. Be sure to use a conditioner balm that restores the structure of curls after staining.

The following photo shows how beautiful caramel balayage looks on dark hair.

At the peak of popularity this season, tiger eye coloring. It combines several colors: caramel and dark chocolate. Suitable for strong, purposeful and strong-willed women.


In most cases, ombre involves a contrasting transition between colors. The tips are dyed in bright or light colors, and the roots, as in the balayage technique, are left natural. Only the tips can be pigmented (approximately 10 cm). But in most cases, the masters apply the dye to the curls from the line of the ears.

The same colors are used as in balayage. For extravagant personalities who want to shock others, the fashion world offers:

  • rich plum;
  • pink gold;
  • coral.

Performance features:

  1. Since the transition line must be clear, tie the ponytails at the same level.
  2. The roots are dyed in a light color and wrapped in foil.
  3. Slightly above the foil (several centimeters), the areas are stained with paint, but without the use of foil material.
  4. After 40–45 minutes, the applied emulsion is washed off.

Interesting to know. Not all girls agree on an ombre, when the roots and tips are dyed in coffee color, and a light strip is created between them. But if you want to stand out from the background of standard painting techniques, you can try this ombre variation. Looks very original.


This new technique allows you to achieve the effect of burnt strands. Dark-haired girls can try to combine their color of curls with cognac, walnut, chocolate, dark beige and caramel. Colors should be selected 1-3 tones lighter than the base.

It is performed as follows:

  1. The hair is divided into zones.
  2. Individual strands are selected, which need to be combed a little.
  3. Dye is applied to them, making vertical strokes.
  4. After 30-45 minutes, the product is washed off.
  5. Balm is applied to the hair.

Similar staining looks great on shoulder-length curls or long hair. Since the natural color is taken as the basis, the regrown roots are completely unobtrusive.

Screen staining

Looks quite stylish and exclusive. Any drawings always look advantageous on dark curls. You can color individual sections through a stencil by creating:

  • sheets;
  • abstraction;
  • leopard print;
  • feather of a firebird or owl;
  • pixels;
  • and other drawings.

Such painting should be carried out in the salon by a professional master. At home, you are unlikely to be able to clearly draw lines. Screen staining is suitable only for owners of straight curls.


You have the right to choose unusual staining with bright colors. Emerald, purple, red, orange, blue, light blue, pink colors look cool on dark curls. If you have a cascading hairstyle, try combining, for example, blue, turquoise and purple, coloring only the lower strands of hair. Lightening, unfortunately, is not enough. Such non-standard coloring of dark hair is suitable for outrageous and self-confident individuals.

3D coloring

A new way to make your strands voluminous. The master uses several tones - a dark base color and a tone lighter. The result of staining is delayed for a long time. Visually, the hair acquires volume, and also shimmers beautifully in the sun. Read more about 3D and 7D hair coloring techniques on our website.

Coloring with crayons

This method will allow you to look outrageous for just a few days.. Perfect for photo shoots or parties. You need to purchase crayons or powder, run them through your hair several times, and then fix the result with varnish. Bright colors are suitable for brunettes and brown-haired women: red, raspberry, blue, lemon, turquoise.

neon coloring

Hit this season. First you need to bleach individual strands, and then apply a special gel on them, which allows you to dye them in various rainbow colors. Such creative coloring is delayed for a short time - about 8 washes. Suitable for cheerful women who want to stand out from the crowd.


A fairly popular procedure involves highlighting the color of curls due to absolutely harmless Elumen dyes. Suitable even for dry and brittle hair. Curls acquire additional volume and a beautiful natural shine.

Colored hair care

Since in most cases, dark-haired beauties have to lighten their hair to carry out complex fashionable dyeing, proper care and restoration of curls after the procedure is required.

  • immediately on the first day after dyeing, do not forget to use a special color fixative balm that neutralizes the alkaline environment on the hair;
  • wash your hair 1 time in 3 days, and use tinting agents to maintain color;
  • at least once a week, make a nourishing mask or apply a vitamin cocktail on curls;
  • eat right and balanced;
  • minimize the use of hair dryers and curling irons, and often do not use styling products for styling;
  • choose shampoos from the "For colored hair" series, do not forget to use a conditioner that will moisturize the curls;
  • always trim the thinned ends so that the hairstyle looks voluminous and the curls are not split;
  • for curls, choose a comb with real pile and stop combing your hair while still damp;
  • while in the sun, protect your hair with a hat;
  • full coloring from roots to tips is allowed no more than 2 times a year.

Thus, it is recommended to dye dark hair either in dark shades, or in light ones, but with a deviation from the base by 4 tones. Before performing the procedure, we recommend making a choice in the direction of modern painting techniques, when the roots retain their natural color, and along the length of the curls, it is stretched to a lighter one.

For painting, you can use ammonia and ammonia-free dyes, and in order to maintain color, it is advisable to resort to tinting once every few weeks. There is another alternative to chemical dyes - a combination of henna and basma.

Useful videos

Ombre technique for black hair.

How to dye your hair at home?