How to increase your own energy. How to increase your energy and vitality

Friends, have you ever felt a lack of energy in your body?

There is something that gives us energy.
There is something that robs us of energy.

Let's get to know our enemies and friends by sight - let's clearly define which of them gives us energy, and who takes it away. We will also find out how to increase your own energy. Let's go!

How to increase your energy? The principle of increasing energy is quite simple and obvious.

1) We need to do what gives us energy.
2) It is necessary to limit or completely eliminate what takes energy.

It should be noted that most of the ways to increase energy offered by the Healthy Lifestyle have a complex effect. That is, you will not only increase your energy level, but also pump your health. Moreover, you will become happier. Nice bonus, right? That's what we think.

So, how to increase the energy of a person?

1) Eat - and you will be filled with the energy of nature. This is one of the most effective ways to increase energy. And the effect begins to be felt pretty soon. Live food is food that has not been cooked. It preserves to the maximum all the useful goodies that Mother Nature generously shares with us. Living foods include fruits and vegetables, berries and herbs, nuts and seeds. That is, everything that can be plucked from a tree, bush or garden bed - and immediately eaten. The higher the percentage of live food in your diet, the higher your energy level will be.

️ 2) Find . When you find something you like, you will be surprised by the amount of free energy that has fallen on you from nowhere. You don't have to force yourself to do it. Even if you are squeezed like a lemon, there is a very high probability that there will still be energy to do what you love.

3) This is a very effective way to increase your energy.

⛷ 4) Move. If a person sits still, then the body is simply lazy to generate energy. And vice versa, when we move, we clean and expand the energy channels of our body. This allows more energy to pass through us and therefore more energy can be used by us.

☠ 5) Get rid of bad habits. Bad habits are exactly what you should first get rid of to increase energy. Analyze your life - and you will understand what can be thrown out of it for the benefit of you. If you just can’t throw it away, then use it, that is, replace the bad habit with a good one. , news - there are thousands of bad habits, and they all suck energy from us. Now you know the enemy by sight and can easily deal with him.

6) Do exercises. helps to finally wake up and go into a vigorous state. In addition, in these simple movements you are energized. No wonder it's called - CHARGING!

7) You can spend your whole life but resentment - but what's the point? That's right, none. In this world, not everything is fair, but this is not a reason to finish off insults. Resentments drain energy from us and poison our lives. If you want to increase your energy level, then the habit of being offended should be disposed of first. After all, no one has to live up to our expectations!

8) This is a simple but effective way to quickly cheer up in the morning and recharge your batteries for the whole day. Try it and you will see it for yourself.

9) Do energy gymnastics. For example, . Performing this set of exercises will significantly increase your energy level.

✅ 10) Finding a goal means gaining a clear understanding of where and why to go. Such an understanding is already half the battle. If the goal is really yours, then it will constantly feed you with energy and give strength to achieve it. In fact, you will work for the goal, and it will work for you. In such a tandem, you will have no time to remember the lack of energy. It's enough - rest assured!

11) Live. Having got rid of self-poisoning with poisons, we unload the body. He no longer needs to work hard, getting rid of the consequences of drinking. Now the freed up resources will be used for what is really important - for the implementation of our insidious plans to take over the world.

12) Sprout wheat. is an amazing product. Eat them for at least a month or two - and you yourself will understand everything. This living food greatly increases a person's energy.

13) Get rid of bad thoughts. Bad thoughts poison our lives, distracting us from the main thing - from life itself. Learning to think positively is like finding an extra battery. Now, no matter what happens, nothing can unsettle us. From now on, we are able to accumulate energy and use it when necessary. Positive in spite of everything is a terrible weapon!

14) Ventilate the room. If you do not ventilate the room, then it is quickly filled with carbon dioxide. And carbon dioxide directly affects our performance: in case of poisoning, our brains do not cook and we do not want to move. Breathing fresh air, by default we get energy at our disposal.

✨ 15) This is the key rule of success. but act, act, act. You have just learned many ways to increase energy. Pick up some of them and just go for it. Don't let this information become a useless load in your knowledge base. Now or never! You have the best chance to change your life. So do it! Do it to spite everyone, including yourself! Make a reality what used to exist only in your dreams!

Ecology of life: Life energy is such a strange thing that no one sees, but can easily feel. When you have a lot of it, the mood splashes over the edge, and you understand that you can turn the mountain without being out of breath

Life energy is such a strange thing that no one sees, but can easily feel. When you have a lot of it, then the mood splashes over the edge, and you understand that you can turn the mountain without being out of breath. And, on the contrary, when the energy ends, thoughts and movements become lethargic, you feel tired, and gradually realize that you have only two urgent needs: where to sleep, and how to make sure that no one interferes with this.

The Chinese call it "Qi", and even created the whole Chinese medicine Qigong, which translates as "control of Qi". But, perhaps, today I don’t have enough Qi to write an article about Qigong, and I’ll just tell you about several ways available to everyone to pump their life energy.

Exercise every day

Regular exercise is the easiest way to increase vitality. Exercise increases breathing and blood flow, which means that every cell in your body receives more oxygen and nutrients than at rest. And the better your cells feel, the better you feel, and the more energy you have.

If you are not a sports fan and your goal is only to increase energy, then you do not need to stick to the system. Do any exercise that puts a strain on your muscles, but do it regularly. Do morning exercises, run, jump rope, swim, ride a bike - any activity is good.

healthy eating

Your life energy is directly related to what you eat. Stuff your mouth with junk food and your energy level will drop. If you regularly eat unhealthy and artificial food, then depending on your attitude towards religion, your energy will either be deposited in the fat compartments of the body, or flow out through a special point in the middle of the forehead.

In products that have gone through a long and complex cycle of industrial processing, there cannot be many vitamins, minerals and other useful substances that are so necessary for the body. If they can be there at all. And that is why you should pay attention to the most natural and healthy food. If you want meat - take raw chicken breasts and cook instead of buying sausage or sausages. If you want milk - take ordinary cottage cheese instead of the beautifully packaged “Miracle Curd”. And, of course, your biggest friends should be fruits and vegetables. They will increase your vital energy.


Our body has two states: hungry and full. In a hungry state, the body supplies energy to all systems and organs harmoniously and evenly, while cleansing and removing toxins. In a full state, almost all the energy goes into the stomach, and this explains the sleepy and dull state of satiety after a hearty meal. Intermittent systemic fasting will allow you to better cleanse the body, and not spend most of the energy on digesting food (especially the harmful ones from point 2). I didn’t just say systemic - you need to starve according to your mind, and not at random, and this is a topic for a completely different article.

drink water

It would be logical to write “drink coffee” at this place, since coffee is a well-known and simple energy drink. However, I am opposed to increasing some parameters of the body at the expense of the deterioration of others, and coffee in this regard is a very controversial drink. Therefore, I can call ordinary drinking water the best drink to increase vitality. Water helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, water is a source of oxygen and nutrients, after all, our body is largely made up of water. Therefore, to increase energy, instead of alcohol and coffee, drink plain water, and at least a liter and a half a day.

normal sleep

This is another prerequisite for maintaining a high level of energy. The body of a person who does not get enough sleep does not have time to properly cleanse, recover and prepare for a new day, and as a result, every such day is given more and more difficult. The presence of a computer, the Internet, and a lot of entertainment in it, like games and social networks, gives many temptations to stay up. It even comes to information addiction - this is when you are sitting at the computer, you have done everything, you seem to get up and go to bed, but you cannot tear yourself away from the screen and climb to read or watch at least something else. In this case, weak vital energy is provided to you - and not only due to lack of sleep.

Multitasking exception

All sorts of energy gurus are often silent about this, but I’m not a guru and I’ll say it. An obscene amount of energy is consumed by our multitasking when we take on several things at once. Therefore, if such situations often occur to you, think about how this can be avoided. Perhaps some time management techniques and organization of work activities will help. In general, do things in order, do not start the second case without finishing the first, and you will be happy.

The tips above are just the beginning. Choose what is most convenient for you, and soon your energy will increase. But if you do not know where to start, I will offer you something that has helped me a lot - follow a normal sleep pattern, point 5. Perhaps sleep provides the most significant influx of energy. published

Often people find it difficult to perform the easiest tasks and the only thing they want to do is go to bed and lie there for several days.

Some try to cope with this fatigue with the help of various energy drinks and coffee, or with the help of almost round-the-clock sleep on weekends. Nothing but harm, such methods will not bring you.

It's time to think about such a thing as vital energy. Some attribute this concept to esotericism and mysticism, snorting contemptuously and not believing in its existence. However, there is in each of us, and sometimes it is necessary to restore its reserves, because without it we will not be able to function normally. Let's take a closer look at what it is, why this resource may not be enough and how to raise vital energy.

The reasons for the decline of vitality are closely related to the following points.

Resentment and feelings

Any stress leads to leakage of vital energy from the body. Negative emotions destroy us, take away energy and at the same time grow more and more. Any of your resentment, vindictiveness, inability to forgive a person lead to the fact that your life energy gradually dries up.

Varieties of grievances

  • Simple - when a person, for example, did not keep a promise. You can get rid of such resentment with a simple reminder to fulfill a promise. Vital energy leaves even under such, it would seem, not so significant circumstances.
  • Complex - accumulated grievances, claims against a person, and so on. A serious heart-to-heart conversation is enough, and you will not only get rid of resentment, but also fix your relationship with the person.
  • Resentments from the past are the most difficult type of resentment. They can go from childhood itself, most often associated with some kind of mental trauma or severe breaks.

Vital energy and physical health

All experiences are formed from resentment. At the same time, almost everything changes in a person: posture, voice, facial expressions and gestures. Each emotion leads to different changes in the body and stimulates different muscle groups in different parts of the body.

The cause of various tumors, including malignant ones, are long and strong grievances that we could not overcome. Someone believes that cancer is always the cause of some kind of conflict that has grown since childhood or adolescence.

As soon as we stop being offended, the strength of vital energy will rapidly increase.

Flexibility of views is necessary, because people who do not know how to change their minds and stand their ground all the time, and also forcing others to believe in their opinion, suffer from arthritis and arthrosis. The inflexibility of their views, in the end, leads to the inflexibility of the body itself.

The whole organism seems to start talking about the persistence of its owner: joints grow together and become inflamed, arms and legs move poorly, flexibility and mobility are lost.

Illness is the need to reconsider one's behavior, one's views and feelings. Every illness is trying to tell you something, and you need to be able to hear what your own body is telling you. They point you to your shortcomings, which you need to pay attention to. The restoration of vital energy begins with the forgiveness of insults.

If you are faced with resentment, then it is better to immediately express your opinion on this matter. This will help you avoid the accumulation of resentment, especially since sometimes what seems insignificant to us, in the end, transforms into a strong resentment just because we did not solve the problem in time and worked ourselves up more and more.

Unnecessary words

From meaningless conversations, vital energy goes nowhere. You get nothing from this conversation, only lose invaluable power and time, which we all do not have much. Therefore, if you feel like the conversation is losing any meaning, then it is better to end it immediately. Some sages claim that the level of vital energy rises at a time when a person is silent and his thoughts are serene.

Internal dialogue takes energy

The same goes for it, and we lead it 99% of the time, so we spend a lot of energy on it. Especially in those moments when we wind ourselves up in our heads and think over and over again some negative thoughts. Either learn to think positively, or don't think at all.

During a conversation or an argument with oneself, consciousness is reprogrammed, some pluses and minuses shift, some thoughts are exaggerated, and an opinion may change to the completely opposite. Therefore, one should not think about what has not yet happened and will only happen soon. Also, don't talk or think about what's going on in your life right now.

In general, you should not waste time talking to someone with whom the conversation will not bring any benefit in the form of new information or useful skills. Communication with yourself in the form of endless meaningless monologues must also be stopped.

Physical factors

The power of vital energy is weakening because your body lacks energy. If you sleep for several hours a day, do not get enough sleep, then spend the whole day on your feet and in turmoil, not allowing yourself to rest, then where will the strength come from? Failure of biorhythms will lead to the fact that the body will not understand when it should rest and accumulate energy, and in general will be perplexed about the sudden change in the usual daily routine. In this regard, after some time, he will go on strike.

The lack of physical activity will lead to muscle atrophy, the overall tone of the body decreases, the immune system is weakened and this can lead to a large number of health problems. To avoid them, stick to a constant regime, try to force yourself to get up and go to bed at the same time, do physical exercises every day, even if they are not very heavy. How to increase vital energy and be filled with positive emotions?

with nature

Nature, trees, animals, and so on feed your life energy, and a bustling city sucks it out. And this is not even to mention the fact that life in the city in itself is exhausting and makes you always run and rush somewhere. We spend too much time at work or at home, so we feel an acute shortage even in the fresh air.

In nature, we can escape from everything, relax our souls, enjoy the silence and thus restore vital energy. After a walk in the fresh air, you can feel how the energy begins to almost gush out of you. Perhaps this is the simplest and most enjoyable method of managing life energy.

Therefore, it is extremely important to go to a park or forest a couple of times a week to get a boost of energy and vigor. If you have such an opportunity, then go to the village and there already feel it all completely. After two days alone with nature, you will feel as good as you have not felt for a long time.

The source of vital energy is our family

The most important thing in your life is your roots. Never forget your parents and you will feel how the energy begins to flow through you in a strong stream. So that we do not try to think of ourselves, without parents, we are nobody.

If you sincerely try to reconnect with your parents, you will soon feel how your life will change.

As difficult as it may be, start taking the first steps to reconnect with them.

Even if they have made some mistakes, forgive them. They are people like everyone else, they tend to make mistakes just like everyone else.

Do not demand anything from them, but do not forget to be grateful to them for giving you life.

Your life will become more solid if you call them every day, come, ask about their well-being. The main thing is to do everything sincerely, and not feignedly, because otherwise there will be little sense.

Take care of their calmness, tell them everything honestly, but do not burden them with your problems. You will always feel their support, in any situation, but since they experience all your problems as their own, you should not abuse this.

If your parents are no longer alive, then remember the happy moments for which you love them and forgive them and yourself. If you blame yourself every day for not paying enough attention to them, for not visiting all the time, or for offending something in a conversation, then let it all go. You cannot carry this load all your life.

How you build your relationship with your parents will affect your relationship with your children. You will be the same source of energy for them, so think about what energy you can transfer to them?

Change yourself, change yourself internally, and you will notice how your life becomes happier and more successful. Use energy practices that will help you, but do not think that they are a universal solution to all your problems.

Practical ways to increase energy

The activation of vital energy will subsequently lead to a complete transformation of a person's character. In order to get more, you must want to change yourself for the better. Most people already know how to increase their energy levels, but do not do it because of their unwillingness to change their habits and principles, or banal laziness. If you want to become more energetic, then you must also have a great desire to change your life.

So, what are the ways to increase energy?

Get rid of bad habits. They are the main enemies of your life energy. Smoking, alcohol and drug addiction drag you down and because they take away your energy, you no longer have the strength to fight them.

All of them are addictive, and until a person takes the next dose, his performance is greatly reduced, and he cannot concentrate on business. After taking a dose, performance increases, but not for long, as soon the person again feels the need for it. All your bad habits destroy your body and lead to many diseases and increased irritability, which leads to resentment, one's own and others. If you can get rid of them, you will immediately feel the change in yourself. Some cope with this on their own, someone turns to specialists. It doesn't really matter, because the main thing is the result. If you can do that and get on the road to changing your life, then you can do the rest.

  1. A proper rest is necessary for the body. He cannot work 24 hours a day, he needs to restore energy. If you feel that you are working at the limit of your strength, but you still can’t do the job well, then it’s better to take a break. From such processing, the vital energy of a woman especially dries up. After the rest, you will be able to finish this work much faster and better. If you feel that you are full of energy in the middle of the night, then do not waste it and go to work, but be prepared for the fact that in the morning your body will not appreciate this and you will again have no strength for anything.
  2. Find your purpose in life. People who have it, send all their energy to achieve it and do not waste it. In contrast, people who do not know what they want to achieve waste their energy and cannot achieve anything for this reason.
  3. Hang out with positive people. People full of negativity will project that negativity onto you. You yourself will not notice how after communicating with such a person your thoughts will become depressive. They feed on such thoughts, typical "energy vampires". The same goes for positive people. They will charge you with their energy, and you will feel the strength to do some things. With such people, you can even just be silent and still feel how they infect you with a good mood.
  4. Do what you enjoy. If you do not like what you are doing, then you are unlikely to spend all your energy on it. If you are doing what you love, then you yourself are infected with enthusiasm and are ready to move mountains for the sake of this business, and at the same time it will not bother you at all.
  5. An active lifestyle is your assistant. Physical exercise will fill you with energy and vigor, if only you do not overdo it.
  6. Vitamins are essential for every person. Eat more vegetables, fruits, greens. The natural vitamins contained in them will cleanse your body, give energy for your affairs. Get vitamins only from natural products, you should not drink pills, as many of them have side effects, and they will not bring the necessary energy.
  7. There are foods that fill us with energy. And no, we are not talking about energy drinks or coffee, but about, for example, citrus fruits or pineapples. A large amount of vitamin C in them invigorates. Nuts such as peanuts, almonds or cashews have a color therapeutic effect. Fish is rich in magnesium, which is necessary if a person feels sluggish or gets tired quickly, it also contains Omega-3, which has a positive effect on brain function and improves mood.
  8. Get out in nature as often as possible. It will cleanse you of negative thoughts and negative energy, help you get distracted from work and just relax.
  9. Water procedures are more than useful. Take baths with aromatic oils and feel how fatigue disappears and all the stress accumulated during the day is removed. Allow yourself such pleasure.

If you are suffering from an energy crisis, another cup of coffee will not save you. Headstand, orange goggles are just some of the weird but effective ways to quickly boost your energy.

Ear massage

When you massage your ears, you stimulate acupressure points that give energy to the whole body and improve blood circulation. You don't need to use any specific methods. As soon as you feel tired, massage your earlobes and then the top of your ear.

Wear orange lenses

If you're used to watching TV before bed, the blue light that your monitor emits can interfere with the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. To combat blue light and protect your sleep, try watching TV with orange lenses to help you relax and forget about tiredness.

Take a cold shower

A hot shower in the morning is a good idea, but a cold shower will give you a huge boost of energy. The flow of cold water will improve the rate of breathing, this is a kind of response to shock, increase oxygen consumption, increase the heart rate as your body works to keep warm.

Eat two kiwis

This fruit is fortified with vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C and potassium that boost energy. Research shows that eating two kiwis a day is enough to relieve fatigue and depressive symptoms and boost energy.

bee pollen

Bee pollen is simply chock-full of essential nutrients that have been proven to increase stamina and focus. Great product.

Do a headstand

Your colleagues may think you're crazy if you do this in your office, but inversion therapy is a quick way to improve your mental performance. This exercise improves brain health by increasing blood flow. If blood flow to the brain increases, then more oxygen and glucose will enter it.

Mow the lawn

Just the thought of having to mow your lawn can fill you with dread. But research shows that the smell of freshly cut grass can quell bad moods and promote feelings of joy, calmness, and well-being.

Keep a journal

Writing down everything you're grateful for can help you feel rested and happy, as well as improve your sleep. This is an efficient way.

Listen to loud music

If you have a long commute to work, grab your headphones and download your favorite playlist to your phone. Loud music has been known to increase energy and improve your mental state. Also, cheerful music evokes positive memories.

Don't forget to have breakfast

It doesn't matter if you consider breakfast an important meal or not, many scientists are, so to speak, on his side. They have proven that those who don't skip breakfast feel much better, are less stressed and more resilient throughout the day than those who skip breakfast.

wash your face

Need a quick boost of energy? Instead of brewing a pot of coffee, try washing your face with cold water and you'll feel energized much faster than if you had a cup of coffee.

Pay your loans on time

Financial matters are always stressful, sometimes it is impossible to escape from it. Credit debt affects our mood and lowers our energy levels. Try to pay all bills on time.

Eat eggs


Sedentary work can drain your energy and leave you depressed. However, not too long a walk can make you a little happier and more energetic.

Eat yogurt

Yogurt is enriched with complex carbohydrates, protein and fiber. And these components provide a steady burst of energy.

Smell rosemary sprigs

This aromatic herb has been proven to improve physical well-being and relieve mental fatigue. Rosemary is believed to improve memory and soothe headaches.

Try to get as much magnesium as possible

If you constantly feel tired, then the body does not have enough magnesium. When a person doesn't get enough magnesium, the body works harder to regulate the heart rate and convert glucose into energy. As a result, you feel exhausted. Nuts, whole grains, and fish are all good sources of magnesium.

Consume Chia Seeds

Add two tablespoons of chia seeds to a cup of unsweetened almond milk, then refrigerate. Sprinkle some cinnamon on top for a delicious appetizer.

Give up alcohol

A glass of wine before bed can ruin your rest and slow down your energy levels. While alcohol may initially make you sleepy, it also increases the production of stress hormones that will lead to insomnia.

Mint chewing gum

Such an elastic band will give not only fresh breath, but also make you feel cheerful. Peppermint is known to increase alertness just as effectively as cold water.

Orange juice

It's not as stupid as it seems. Research shows that people who drink orange juice for breakfast are less tired and generally feel more alert.

Eat Indian food

Many Asian dishes contain spices that have medicinal properties, improve blood circulation, and mood. They also increase energy.

Stress can drain your energy and this can affect your mood. Some researchers consider laughter to be the best medicine. So take the time to watch all those funny animal videos that your friends throw at you on social media, and you will see how a good laugh can help you get rid of your lethargy.

Tea with cinnamon

Instead of running for another can of Red Bull, the next time you feel sleepy, make yourself a cup of cinnamon tea. The aroma of the spice improves memory and attention.

Take vitamins

Vitamin B is essential for energy production, but about 40 percent of people don't get enough energy. A B12 deficiency can lead to fatigue, mood swings and dementia.

Have a Mental Health Day

If you are constantly stressed at work, you may feel tired, cranky, and exhausted. To restore energy, take a short break and take a day off. Mental Health Day will allow you to leave your office work and focus on your happiness, which will restore energy. Be sure to plan your day so you don't start doing household chores. Instead, spend some time reading, walking, or anything that makes you feel upbeat and energized.

Drink more water

Humans are 60 percent water, and even moderate dehydration can lead to an energy crisis. To keep your body functioning properly, try to drink eight to ten cups of water a day.

Get moving

A sedentary lifestyle leads to health problems, including cancer, depression and diabetes. It can also cause feelings of lethargy. To boost your energy and protect your heart, try getting up from your desk more often and doing some stretching. This will increase your heart rate and energy levels, while reducing your risk of serious health problems.


Trampolining is known to improve mental clarity and generate positive energy that lasts all day. You will definitely like it.

Eat blueberries

When the tide of fatigue hits you, fight it out with sweet, delicious blueberries. The berry is known to boost energy and promote brain function due to its rich concentration of phytonutrients and antioxidants that improve brain function and memory.

In this article, I will share with you seven ways to increase vitality without performing esoteric rituals and without buying red bottles.

Life energy is such a strange thing that no one sees, but can easily feel. When you have a lot of it, then the mood splashes over the edge, and you understand that you can turn the mountain without being out of breath. And, on the contrary, when the energy ends, thoughts and movements become lethargic, you feel tired, and gradually realize that you have only two urgent needs: where to sleep, and how to make sure that no one interferes with this.

The Chinese call it qi”, and even created an entire Chinese medicine Qigong, which translates as “Qi management”. But, perhaps, today I don’t have enough Qi to write an article about Qigong, and I’ll just tell you about a few ways available to everyone how to increase vital energy.

Exercise every day

Regular exercise is the easiest way to increase vitality. Exercise increases breathing and blood flow, which means that every cell in your body receives more oxygen and nutrients than at rest. And the better your cells feel, the better you feel, and the more energy you have.

If you are not a sports fan and your goal is only to increase energy, then you do not need to stick to the system. Do any exercise that puts a strain on your muscles, but do it regularly. Do morning exercises, run, jump rope, swim, ride a bike - any activity is good. How to increase vitality? Train!

healthy eating

Your life energy directly depends on what you eat. Fill your mouth with junk food and your energy level will drop. If you regularly eat unhealthy and artificial food, then depending on your attitude towards religion, your energy will either be deposited in the fat compartments of the body, or flow out through a special point in the middle of the forehead.

In products that have gone through a long and complex cycle of industrial processing, there cannot be many vitamins, minerals and other useful substances that are so necessary for the body. If they can be there at all. And that is why you should pay attention to the most natural and healthy food. If you want meat - take raw chicken breasts and cook instead of buying sausage or sausages. If you want milk - take ordinary cottage cheese instead of the beautifully packaged “Miracle Curd”. And, of course, your biggest friends should be fruits and vegetables. How to increase vitality? Eat more fruits and vegetables.


Our body has two states: hungry and full. In a hungry state, the body supplies energy to all systems and organs harmoniously and evenly, while cleansing and removing toxins. In a full state, almost all the energy goes into the stomach, and this explains the sleepy and dull state of satiety after a hearty meal. will allow you to better cleanse the body, and not spend most of the energy on digesting food.

How to increase vitality? Starve (no matter how paradoxical it may sound).

drink water

It would be logical to write “drink coffee” at this place, since coffee is a well-known and simple energy drink. However, I am opposed to increasing some parameters of the body at the expense of the deterioration of others, and coffee in this regard is a very controversial drink. Therefore, I can call ordinary drinking water the best drink to increase vitality. Water helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, water is a source of oxygen and nutrients, after all, our body is largely made up of water. Therefore, to increase energy instead of alcohol and coffee, and at least two liters per day.

How to increase vitality? Observe the drinking regime!

normal sleep

This is another prerequisite for maintaining a high level of energy. The body of a person who does not get enough sleep does not have time to properly cleanse, recover and prepare for a new day, and as a result, every such day is given more and more difficult. The presence of a computer, the Internet, and a lot of entertainment in it, such as games and social networks, gives many temptations.

It even comes to information addiction - this is when you are sitting at the computer, you have done everything, you seem to get up and go to bed, but you cannot tear yourself away from the screen and climb to read or watch at least something else. In this case, weak vital energy is provided to you - and not only due to lack of sleep.

Multitasking exception

All sorts of energy gurus are often silent about this, but I’m not a guru and I’ll say it. An obscene amount of energy is consumed by our multitasking when we take on several things at once. Therefore, if such situations often occur to you, think about how this can be avoided. Perhaps some time management techniques and organization of work activities will help. In general, do things in order, do not start the second case without finishing the first, and you will be happy.

The tips above are just the beginning. Choose what is most convenient for you, and soon your energy will increase. But if you do not know where to start, I will offer you something that has helped me a lot - follow a normal sleep pattern, point 5.

Also, meditate. This is the best, in my opinion, way to increase vitality.