How to correctly measure basal temperature with a mercury thermometer. Basal temperature chart is normal. Is it worth measuring BT

Basal temperature reflects changes in the internal genital organs of a woman, which regularly occur under the influence of certain hormones. So it allows you to establish the exact period of ovulation, to find out whether the delay in menstruation is a consequence of pregnancy or any problems in the genital area, to determine the days you want to have sex and days of abstinence. According to many obstetricians and gynecologists, knowing how to do and measure basal temperature is extremely important for a woman's health.

How to measure basal temperature

The best time to measure basal temperature is in the morning, immediately after waking up. This must be done at the same time, since the temperature inside the body can change during the day. Stick to the following rules.

  • Start measuring on the first day of your menstrual cycle.
  • Do not get out of bed before taking a measurement.
  • The duration of sleep affects the accuracy of the result. Ideally, you should sleep for six hours before measuring.
  • Use the same thermometer. It is desirable that it be mercury, since the nose of an electronic thermometer is too small and does not come into contact with the body tightly.
  • Refrain from drinking alcohol, as it affects the indications.
  • If you are taking hormonal and contraceptive pills, you will not be able to get accurate data.

Always stick to one way to measure basal temperature. He can be:

  • oral - put a thermometer on your tongue and close your lips;
  • vaginal - insert the thermometer into the vagina half the length;
  • rectal - insert a thermometer into the anus.

Record your measurements daily. If you drank alcohol or slept less than usual the day before, write this down on your notes. At the end of your period (on the first day of your next period), make a schedule. The most accurate information can be obtained from the results of several menstrual cycles.

Analysis of the basal temperature graph

It is important not only to know how to measure basal temperature, but also how to “read” the results correctly.

After ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the ovary), the hormone progesterone is produced in the woman's body. It allows the internal temperature to rise by 0.4-0.6 ºC. This indicator is recorded within two days after ovulation and is always observed in the middle of the cycle. He also divides the cycle into the first and second phases.

Such a graph of basal temperature is considered normal.

  • In the first phase, the temperature is usually lower than in the second.
  • 12-24 hours before ovulation, the temperature drops sharply.
  • After ovulation (in the second phase), the temperature rises by 0.2-0.6 ºC and averages 37.1-37.5 ºC. The second phase lasts 12-14 days.
  • Before the onset of menstruation, the temperature drops by 0.3 ºC.

Features of basal temperature

  • A high probability of conception exists on the day of ovulation and two to three days before it.
  • The absence of changes in basal temperature during the cycle (flat graph) may indicate the absence of ovulation and female infertility.
  • Regardless of the duration of the cycle, the second phase should last 12-14 days, and the first can be shortened (cycle less than 28 days) or increase (cycle more than 28 days).
  • With high basal temperature in the first phase (relative to the indicators of the second phase), one can suspect a low content of the hormone estrogen in the body and consult a doctor for prescribing corrective medications.
  • At a low temperature in the second phase (relative to the indicators of the first), one should suspect a low content of the hormone progesterone and also consult a doctor.

Basal temperature charts during pregnancy

If you know how to measure basal temperature, you will be able to monitor your condition during pregnancy. One of the sure evidence of its onset is the preservation of an elevated basal temperature for more than 18 days at the level of 37.1-37.3 ºC, which will be observed until the very birth.

If at 12-14 weeks the temperature suddenly dropped sharply, be sure to rush to the doctor: this may indicate a threat of miscarriage. A decrease in temperature after the fifth month is also an alarm signal: the basal temperature during a frozen pregnancy will be below 37 ºC.

A high temperature (above 37.8 ºC) signals inflammation in the genitourinary system. It is important to see a doctor as early as possible in order to prevent health problems for the child.

As you can see, by measuring the basal temperature, you can identify many health disorders of the body and take timely measures to eliminate them!

How to measure basal temperature: video

This is the easiest way to diagnose hormonal changes in the female body. Measuring basal temperature to determine pregnancy is a long-term practice of identifying a favorable period when planning conception.

The principle of the method lies in the analysis of rectal BT parameters in different periods of the menstrual cycle (MC). According to the compiled basal temperature schedule, you can accurately determine the day of ovulation, determine the degree of fertility and the state of the woman's reproductive system.

The menstrual cycle is divided into two periods.

  1. Follicular phase - characterized by increased production of progesterone. It begins after the release of the egg, lasts until the onset of menstruation.
  2. Luteal phase - is counted from the last day of menstruation until the onset of ovulation.

It is important to do this procedure

Increased progesterone levels are accompanied by a rise in temperature. Rectal (or vaginal) indicators rise to an average of 37.3–37.7 °.

A short-term decrease in BT is observed on the eve of menstruation. During menstruation, there is a persistence of moderately elevated temperature values.

What is the essence of the BT measurement technique for determining a successful conception?

The first weeks of pregnancy are characterized by a stable increase in rectal temperature. The condition is due to the increased production of progesterone by the corpus luteum, formed at the time of conception in the ovary.

The release of a large amount of the hormone is necessary to maintain the viability of the embryo. A characteristic feature of progesterone is the stimulation of metabolic processes with a simultaneous increase in basal temperature.

An increase in blood flow to the genitals and activation of nutritional functions create favorable "warm" conditions for the normal development of the embryo.

Increasing the appearance of progesterone has a dual effect. In parallel, the hormone affects the uterus, preventing the rejection of the endometrium (inner layer) and relaxing the muscles of the organ.

Thanks to this effect, serious changes occur in the form of the absence of menstruation. This helps in the normal bearing of the fetus.

How to correctly measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

We need indicators obtained rectally, that is, through the rectum. Due to individual nuances, it is allowed to measure BT by the vaginal method or in the mouth.

Basal temperature determination rules.

  1. In the evening, put a thermometer on the nightstand next to the bed, since all actions are performed without getting out of bed. Violation of the recommendation will lead to data corruption.
  2. The night's sleep should be at least 6 hours.
  3. Each temperature measurement is carried out in the morning, it is advisable to set the alarm clock to daily operation so that the signal sounds at a certain hour.
  4. The thermometer is inserted 2–3 cm inside the anus and held for 5 minutes. The action is performed in a state of complete rest.
  5. After waking up, no movements are allowed (getting up, spinning, turning), even the thermometer must be shaken in advance.
  6. Temperature measurement is carried out at 5-7 o'clock in the morning, regardless of the further duration of the rest. This is due to the production of hormones of the adrenal glands and hypothalamus, the daily biorhythms of which correspond to a given period of time.
  7. Actions taken later or in the afternoon are not counted in the analysis.
  8. To correctly measure the basal temperature, prepare a digital or mercury thermometer in advance. The thermometer must not be changed while the entire schedule is being drawn up.
  9. Select the measurement method in the same way - rectal, vaginal or oral. The first option is preferable.
  10. Temperature readings are immediately noted in the graph. Each menstrual cycle is drawn up on a separate chart.
  11. It will take at least 3-4 months to compile a basal temperature calendar when planning a pregnancy.
  12. Each measurement must be accompanied by comments. These are profuse bleeding during menstruation, pain in the chest or abdomen, overwork, physical overload, stress, poor sleep, colds, drank alcohol the day before, etc.

Don't miss a day

How to determine pregnancy by basal temperature

What is a BT schedule? These are the lowest rectal scores recorded at home while maximizing body rest.

Only if all the measurement rules are observed can we talk about a reliable determination of pregnancy using the temperature graph.

How the BT card is drawn up.

  1. Draw two axes on a notebook sheet, each cell of which will be taken as 0.1 ° C.
  2. X - horizontal lines to indicate the day of the cycle and the date of the month.
  3. Y is the vertical axis on which you set the marks from 36 to 38 ° C.
  4. The intersection of X and Y is your basal temperature.
  5. Leave some space at the bottom of the sheet to indicate the profusion of bleeding during menstruation and additional commentary.


Basal temperature chart phases

The first sign of natural conception is that rectal temperature indicators are kept above 37.3 °, without dropping before menstruation.

Calendar example:

This is an auxiliary diagnosis

After the IVF procedure, it is a common occurrence when the embryo transfer is accompanied by an increase in basal and total body temperature in the subsequent phase of the cycle.

After replanting a viable egg, the woman is prescribed hormonal drugs to increase the release of progesterone. For example, capsules "Utrozhestan" or "Duphaston".

The increase in temperature during IVF is, for the most part, confirmation of correct therapy during the luteal phase. The accuracy of the conclusions is not considered sufficient when compared with natural conception.

However, the temperature graph is an important auxiliary diagnostic tool, even in artificial insemination. With it, you can identify both a successful conception and a manifestation of pathology.

Measurement of basal temperature to determine a missed pregnancy

Anembryonia (death of the embryo) returns rectal indicators to the level of the first phase, that is, for the period before conception, accompanied by a decrease in temperature.

Sometimes, with the death of the fetus, BT can increase, which is usually caused by inflammation of the endometrium on the basis of the decomposition of the embryo. Any change in basal temperature indicators in the early stages of pregnancy can be assessed as a pathology.

There may be problems here

The data obtained is often erroneous. The reason for this is non-observance of the rules for measuring temperature, an outbreak of a chronic illness, severe stress, overload, sex, which is not recommended during the experiment.

In addition to fluctuations in rectal temperature, there are other signs that clearly indicate the arrest of fetal development.

  1. All manifestations of toxicosis, if any, disappear sharply.
  2. The chest is soft, tension and high sensitivity disappear inside.
  3. The dark pigmentation of the nipples changes to a normal color.
  4. There are nagging pains in the abdomen, reminiscent of contractions.
  5. Sometimes there is a bloody or brown discharge, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

A frozen pregnancy is a very dangerous phenomenon for a woman's life and health. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm any suspicions by a timely visit to a doctor who will prescribe a diagnostic examination.

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Basal temperature chart. Why is this needed?

Basal temperature measurement and scheduling is recommended in gynecology in the following cases:

    If you have been trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant for a year

If you suspect yourself or your partner infertility

If your gynecologist suspects you have hormonal disorders

In addition to the above cases, when scheduling is recommended by a gynecologist, you can measure basal temperature:

    If you want to increase your chances of pregnancy

If you are experimenting with the method of planning the sex of the child

If you want to observe your body and understand the processes taking place in it (this can help you in communicating with specialists)

The basal temperature graph, drawn up according to all the measurement rules, can show the presence of ovulation in the cycle or its absence. An accurate assessment of your schedule can only be given by a specialist gynecologist... You must measure the temperature for at least 3 cycles, so that the information accumulated during this time allows you to make accurate predictions about the expected date. ovulation and the most favorable time of conception, as well as conclusions about hormonal disorders.

How does this method work?

Right after ovulation(the most favorable time for conception) a hormone is released in a woman's body. This hormone contributes to a rise in body temperature by 0.4 - 0.6 degrees and occurs within two days after ovulation. Ovulation occurs around the middle of the cycle and thus divides the cycle into two phases - the first and the second. In the first phase, before ovulation, your body temperature is usually lower than in the second phase, when ovulation has already occurred. With sufficient production of the hormone progesterone, starting from the middle of the cycle, an increase in body temperature occurs, which is a fairly reliable sign of ovulation. The second phase of the cycle normally lasts 13-14 days and before the onset of menstruation, the temperature usually drops again by 0.3 degrees. If the basal temperature remains at the same level throughout the cycle, there are no ups and downs on the graph, then we can talk about the absence of ovulation, and as a result, female infertility.

Why are we talking about basal temperature, and not about simple body temperature? The fact is that during the day, a person's body temperature changes all the time. You are hot - the temperature is rising, cold - the temperature is falling. It depends on physical activity, food or drink, stress, clothes, etc. Thus, it is very difficult to "catch" the optimal time to measure body temperature during the day. Therefore, the basal temperature is measured - the body temperature at rest and after at least 6 hours of sleep.

Basal temperature measurement rules

When measuring basal temperature, you must observe the following rules:

    You can start measuring basal temperature on any day of your cycle, but it is better if you start measuring at the beginning of your cycle (on the first day of your period).

Always measure the temperature in the same place. You can choose the oral, vaginal or rectal method. Measurement under the armpit is not accurate. It does not matter which measuring method you choose: it is important not to change it during one cycle.

With the oral method, you put the thermometer under the tongue and with your mouth closed, measure for 5 minutes.

With the vaginal or rectal method, the measurement time is reduced to 3 minutes.

Take your temperature in the morning, right after waking up and before getting out of bed.

Continuous sleep before measurement should be at least 6 hours.

The temperature is measured strictly at the same time. If the measurement time differs from the usual by more than 30 minutes, then this temperature is considered not indicative.

You can use either a digital or a mercury thermometer to measure. It is important not to change the thermometer during one cycle.

If you use a mercury thermometer, shake it off before falling asleep. The force you apply to shake off the thermometer just before measuring can affect the temperature.

Record your basal temperature values ​​each day in a notebook or use our website to keep charts.

Business trips, travel and flights can significantly affect basal temperature.

In case of diseases accompanied by an increased body temperature, your basal temperature will not be indicative and you can stop taking measurements for the duration of the illness.

Basal temperature can be affected by various medications, such as sleeping pills, sedatives and hormonal drugs.

Measurement of basal temperature and the simultaneous use of contraception does not make any sense.

After taking a lot of alcohol, the temperature will not be indicative.

Recognition of the method in gynecology

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes basal body temperature measurement as one of two main methods of tracking fertility (for details, see the WHO Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use on page 117). Making a basal temperature chart can help the doctor gynecologist identify abnormalities in the cycle and assume the absence of ovulation. At the same time, setting gynecologist the diagnosis only and exclusively by the type of graph without additional analyzes and examinations most often indicates a medical lack of professionalism.

Video. basal temperature during ovulation

Adhering to the rules for measuring basal temperature is important if you want to get a reliable picture and determine ovulation or the reasons for its absence. Before you start drawing up a schedule, you need to find out where it is better to measure the basal temperature, how long to keep the thermometer, under what conditions to carry out the procedure.

Measuring resting temperature or basal temperature is the easiest and most affordable way to determine the optimal days for conceiving a child. According to the testimony of BT during the menstrual cycle, it is possible to identify problems due to which pregnancy does not occur. If the long-awaited moment of the birth of a new life comes, then in the early stages the basal temperature will also notify about it.

You can find out how to check your basal temperature at the antenatal clinic. If deviations from the norm are recorded in your BT schedule, it should be shown to the doctor.

Where is it better to measure basal temperature

There are several ways to measure basal temperature, on the question of where it is best to do this, doctors are unanimous - in the rectum. The indications obtained using rectal measurement are the most accurate, which plays a key role in determining ovulation. How to measure basal temperature in the rectum? This is not difficult. The thermometer is inserted into the anus, held there for several minutes, and then the thermometer is taken out and the data is read. To display an accurate picture, you need to use a mercury thermometer, it minimally distorts the real temperature. The use of a mercury thermometer rectally should be as careful as possible, you must first learn how to measure basal temperature in this way: how to insert a thermometer and how to remove it.

Is it possible to measure basal temperature in other ways: in the vagina, in the mouth? Of course it is possible, but these methods are not as common as the rectal method. This is explained by the fact that BT readings obtained orally or vaginally have small errors. The vaginal measurement method assumes that the thermometer is inserted halfway into the vagina. Incorrect data can be obtained if the thermometer is entered incorrectly or if it is overexposed.

Having learned whether it is possible to measure the exact basal temperature in the mouth, many women choose this method as the most comfortable of all. How to measure basal temperature orally, that is, in the mouth? To do this, you need to put a thermometer on your tongue, and then close your lips. Measurements in the mouth, as well as in the vagina, can give a slight error in basal temperature.

Thinking about where to measure their basal temperature, women often try all methods in one cycle, and then choose the most comfortable one. This approach is wrong: measurements must always be carried out in the same way, otherwise it will not be possible to build a reliable graph.

How long to measure basal temperature

How many minutes does it take to measure the basal temperature to get the data that corresponds to reality? If BT is measured with a mercury thermometer, then it must be kept for five to seven minutes. When taking out the thermometer, it is important not to shake it, as this can distort the data.

Electronic thermometers are also used for BT measurements, although when they are used, the error is one degree. This is a very large indicator for BT. This nuance should be taken into account when abandoning a mercury thermometer in favor of an electronic one. You need to measure the basal temperature with an electronic thermometer as long as the specific model of the thermometer suggests, that is, before the sound signal.

How and when to measure basal temperature

How to check your basal temperature at home? This is very easy to do. It is necessary to purchase a thermometer and print a graph in which the marks will be entered. To avoid mistakes, you need to learn how to measure basal temperature correctly, and how wrong. The resting temperature should always be measured at the same time (plus / minus half an hour). You need to fix BT in the morning, before any activity, so you should put the thermometer on the bedside table next to your bed in advance. BT is influenced by various factors: taking alcohol or drugs the day before, colds, stress, insomnia. The data received in non-standard situations are considered incorrect. The schedule should indicate the factors that could affect BT. To find out how to measure your basal temperature to obtain reliable data, you need to decide on the method of fixing, and then look for information on a specific type of measurement.

Ovulation is a key event in a woman's menstrual cycle. If you accurately determine the day when it occurs, it is possible not only to plan conception, but also to slightly affect the gender of the unborn baby.

Various methods can be used to obtain information about when the egg leaves the ovary: an ultrasound scan of the ovaries or the determination of the concentration of sex hormones several times during the cycle. But the simplest and most free method that every woman can carry out at home was and remains a basal thermometry. A careful analysis of how the basal temperature changes daily will make it possible to study the work of the ovaries, to understand whether ovulation occurs or not, to determine pregnancy before the test can show it.

The essence of the basal thermometry method

Sex hormones play a key role in the management of the female body: progesterone and estrogen, prolactin, gonadotropic hormones of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The balance between them is reflected in many processes, including body temperature, which is called basal.

Basal temperature is the lowest temperature indicator, indicating the actual temperature of the internal organs. It is determined immediately after rest (usually after a night's sleep), before the start of any physical activity that will create an error in the measurements. To establish it, only the departments that have communication with the cavities of the body are suitable. This is the vagina (it is connected to the uterus), the rectum (it is directly connected to the large intestine) and the oral cavity, which passes into the oropharynx.

Estrogen and progesterone hormones set the basal level. They "dictate" what basal temperature a woman should have during ovulation.

The normal amount of estrogen by itself does not affect the temperature reading. The task of this hormone is to prevent progesterone from affecting the thermoregulatory center located in the hypothalamus (this is the area associated with the brain).

In the first half of the cycle, estrogen dominates. It does not allow the basal temperature to rise above 37 ° C. During ovulation, when initially an increased amount of estrogen enters the bloodstream, there is a decrease in temperature by about 0.3 ° C. When the egg leaves the follicle, and a corpus luteum appears in its place, producing progesterone, the thermometer reads 37 ° C or more. At the same time, the basal thermometry graph becomes like a bird with spread wings, whose beak symbolizes the day of ovulation.

Further, when the corpus luteum dies off (if conception has not occurred) and the amount of progesterone decreases, the temperature drops. During menstruation, the indicator is kept at 37 ° C, then it decreases and everything is repeated from the beginning.

If pregnancy occurs, progesterone is normally produced more and more, so the temperature does not decrease, as before menstruation, but, on the contrary, rises.

What will determine the day of ovulation

Knowing on what day the oocyte leaves the follicle, a woman can:

  • planning a pregnancy: after 3-4 months of charting, you can practice sexual intercourse not "approximately", counting 14 days from the expected start of the next menstruation, but knowing exactly the day of ovulation;
  • planning the sex of the unborn baby (not a 100% method). If you want a boy to be born, then it is better to schedule sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation (on this day, the basal temperature decreases and vaginal leucorrhoea acquire the color and consistency of raw chicken protein). If the dream is to give birth to a girl, it is better to have sex 2-3 days before the expected ovulation;
  • knowing when ovulation occurs, you can, on the contrary, avoid conception, since a few days before it, the day the egg is released and the day after are the most "dangerous" days;
  • the graph will show if there are hormonal problems, inflammation of the reproductive organs or lack of ovulation (), which is why conception does not occur.

In addition, drawing a basal thermometry graph in some cases will allow you to determine pregnancy without buying a test. And if you continue to lead it and the first time after conception, you can see the threat of miscarriage in time and take the necessary measures.

How to carry out basal thermometry correctly

It is very important to know how to measure basal temperature correctly to determine ovulation. After all, a woman's body is extremely sensitive to minimal changes in external conditions, and the units of measurement in which the graph is kept are tenths of a degree (this is where a fluctuation of 0.1-0.05 ° C may be important).

Here are the basic rules, subject to which the temperature schedule will become as informative as possible:

  1. Measurements are carried out either in the rectum (optimally), or vaginally, or in the mouth (this requires a special thermometer).
  2. The thermometer must be inserted 2-3 cm and lie quietly, taking measurements, for 5 minutes.
  3. Before taking measurements, you cannot sit, spin, get up, walk, or eat. Even shaking the thermometer can produce a false result.
  4. Choose a quality thermometer (preferably a mercury one), with which you will measure the temperature daily for 3-4 months.
  5. Put on the table (shelf) near the bed, which you can reach in the morning without getting up, 3 things: a thermometer, a notebook and a pen. Even if you start keeping your schedule on a computer - in online or offline programs, it is best, after reading the thermometer readings, to immediately write it down with the number.
  6. Take measurements every morning at the same time. Plus or minus 30 minutes.
  7. Be sure to sleep for at least 6 hours before taking measurements. If you got up at night, take measurements later so that 6 hours have passed.
  8. Thermometry should be done at 5-7 am, even if you can sleep until noon. This is due to the daily biorhythms of adrenal and hypothalamic hormones, which affect basal temperature.
  9. The accuracy of measurements is influenced by travel, alcohol intake, physical activity, and sexual intercourse. Therefore, try to avoid these situations as much as possible during basal thermometry, but if they happen, mark them on the schedule. And if you get sick and develop a fever, all measurements for the next 2 weeks will be completely uninformative.

When to start measuring basal temperature?

From the very first day, menstruation, that is, from the first day of the cycle.

How to keep a schedule?

You can do this on checkered paper by drawing 2 lines: mark the day of the month on the horizontal line (on the abscissa), and draw the vertical (on the ordinate) so that each cell represents 0.1 ° C. Every morning, put a dot at the intersection of the thermometry indicator and the desired date, connect the dots to each other. You do not need to measure the temperature in the evening. Leave a space under the horizontal line where you will take daily notes of any discharge and events that may have affected the performance. Draw a horizontal line over your measurements from day 6 to day 12. It is called overlapping and serves for the convenience of the gynecologist's decoding of the schedule.

We also suggest using a ready-made template for the basal temperature chart below, saving it to your computer and printing it out. To do this, hover the cursor over the image and save the image through the right-click menu.

Note! If you are on contraception, you do not need to have a thermometry. These drugs specifically turn off ovulation, which makes them contraceptive.

Read also about other methods for determining ovulation in ours.

What does the basal temperature graph look like during ovulation (that is, with a normal ovulatory cycle):

  • in the first three days of menstruation, the temperature is about 37 ° C;
  • by the end of the month, temperature indicators fall, amounting to 36.4-36.6 ° C;
  • further, within 1-1.5 weeks (depending on the length of the cycle), thermometry shows the same figures - 36.4-36.6 ° C (may be lower or higher, depending on the metabolic processes in the body). It should not be the same every day, but fluctuate a little (that is, not a straight line is drawn, but zigzags). The 6 readings connected by the overhead line must be followed by three days when the temperature rises by 0.1 ° C or higher, and on one of these days it rises above 0.2 ° C. Then after 1-2 days you can wait for ovulation;
  • just before ovulation, the thermometer shows the basal temperature lower by 0.5-0.6 ° C, after which it rises sharply;
  • during ovulation, the basal temperature is in the range of 36.4-37 ° C (according to other sources, it is above 37 ° C). It should be 0.25-0.5 (on average, 0.3 ° C) higher than at the beginning of the menstrual cycle;
  • what the basal temperature should be after ovulation depends on whether conception has occurred or not. If pregnancy does not occur, the numbers gradually decrease, for a total of about 0.3 ° C. The highest temperature is observed 8-9 days after the release of a mature oocyte. It is on this day that the fertilized oocyte is implanted into the inner uterine membrane.

Between the average figures of the two halves of the cycle - before and after ovulation - the temperature difference should be 0.4-0.8 ° C.

How long is the basal temperature after ovulation?

Before your period. Usually it is 14-16 days. If 16-17 days have passed, and the temperature indicator is still higher than 37 ° C, this most likely indicates the onset of pregnancy. During this period, you can do a test (the main thing is that after ovulation 10-12 days have already passed), you can determine hCG in the blood. Ultrasound and examination by a gynecologist are still not informative.

These are indicators of the normal basal temperature during ovulation, as well as before and after it. But the menstrual cycle does not always look so perfect. Usually, the numbers and the shape of the curve raises many questions for women.

High numbers in the first phase of the cycle

If, after menstruation, the basal thermometry figures are above 37 ° C, this indicates an insufficient amount of estrogen in the blood. In this case, anovulatory cycle is usually observed. And if we subtract 14 days from the next menstruation, that is, look at phase 2 (otherwise it is not visualized), then there are sharp jumps in temperature indicators, without their gradual increase.

The syndrome is accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms: hot flashes, headaches, heart rhythm disturbances, increased sweating. This type of temperature curve, together with the determination of low levels of estrogen in the blood, requires the doctor to prescribe drugs - synthetic estrogens.

Progesterone and estrogen-progesterone deficiency

If, after ovulation, the basal temperature does not rise, this indicates progesterone deficiency. This situation is a common cause of endocrine infertility. And if conception does occur, then there is a danger of early miscarriage, until the placenta is formed and takes over the function of producing progesterone.

The insufficient work of the corpus luteum (a gland formed at the site of the opened follicle) is indicated by a decrease in temperature indicators already 2-10 days after ovulation. If the length of phase 1 of the cycle can still vary, then the second phase should be the same and average 14 days.

Progesterone deficiency can be assumed even with an increase in the numbers to only 0.3 ° C.

If you already have 2-3 cycles after ovulation - a low basal temperature, contact your gynecologist with this schedule. He will say on which days of the cycle you need to donate blood to determine progesterone and other hormones in it, and based on this analysis, he will prescribe treatment. Usually, the appointment of synthetic progesterones is effective, and as a result, the woman is able to become pregnant and bear the child.

Estrogen-progesterone deficiency

This condition, when the ovaries do not produce sufficient amounts of both hormones, is evidenced by a temperature graph that does not have significant fluctuations (there are large areas with straight lines, not zigzags). This condition is also indicated by an increase in temperature indicators of only 0.3 ° C after ovulation.

Anovulatory cycle

If it is already 16 days of the menstrual cycle, and there is no characteristic decrease, and then an increase in temperature, most likely there was no ovulation. The older a woman is, the more such cycles she has.

Based on the foregoing, basal thermometry is a simple and budgetary method for determining the optimal days for conception, as well as the reasons why pregnancy may not occur. It only takes 5-10 minutes in the morning. Whatever indicators you see in yourself, this is not a reason for panic or self-medication. Contact your gynecologist with your schedules for several cycles, and you will be prescribed a diagnosis and treatment.