How to make your own shampoo. Home shampoos: recipes. How to make soap nut shampoo? Recipe with the introduction of laundry soap

Moreover, now there are many recipes by which you can create remedies for the loss of curls. As a basis, simple components that everyone has at home are taken. An egg composition is often prepared.

Even well-advertised funds are not an indicator of effectiveness. A simple shampoo that will be among the natural ones can be a magic remedy. You can choose recipes for a specific purpose, such as hair loss, as well as dandruff.

Negative properties of store shampoos

SLS is the basis of purchased shampoo. With the help of this component, dirt is washed off the hair. It contributes to the destruction of organic tissues, including the structure of proteins that are included in the hair and skin. The product is well washed off with dirt, but many particles get on the skin, and then into the blood. As a result, there are a lot of chemical elements in the body, and various ailments arise.

Almost all shampoos contain 80% chemicals, formalin preservatives and parabens. This can be found in the composition. If a cosmetic has a shelf life of more than 3 years, then it contains harmful preservatives. Their content causes negative consequences in the body. The shelf life of natural shampoos may be short, but such a remedy does no harm. It is much better to use egg-based masks.

The benefits of natural shampoos

In the creation of home hair products, only natural ingredients are used. Therefore, they will not harm humans and the environment. They lack chemistry, which brings an excellent effect on the hair. You can create a tinted shampoo at home. Egg composition through several procedures will bring positive results.

Only proven recipes are prepared at home. You can choose a remedy for your type of curls, as well as make cosmetics for dandruff and for strands to fall out. During the use of such a shampoo, the scalp and hair will be restored, resting from chemical elements. Weakened curls will become strong, beautiful. Many types of cosmetics are prepared on the basis of eggs.

No need to prepare a lot of homemade shampoos for several bottles. It will be enough to make a substance for one or two applications. Since it does not contain preservatives, it does not have a long shelf life. And the benefits may gradually decrease.

Recipes at home

How to make a shampoo with your own hands from simple products? You can make natural hair products at home. They can be from dandruff and against the loss of strands. First of all, you need to decide on the type of hair. For all types of curls, an egg-based mask is used.

To prepare dandruff shampoo, a simple recipe is used. Medical alcohol (1 tsp) is mixed with rose oil (1 drop) and sage essential oil (5 drops). The components need to be beaten and add 2 yolks there. It turned out to be an ideal remedy for dandruff and hair loss. For storage, you can use the capacity of ordinary bottles.

Raw beets are taken as the basis. It must be peeled, cut and placed in a jar of cold water. After the infusion, you need to wash your hair with a heated composition instead of ordinary water. You can make several bottles of this composition, only the shelf life of the product is short.

How to make your own dry shampoo?

At home, you can make a natural dry shampoo, including from the loss of curls. It will be required if it is not possible to use standard tools. It is used for different types of hair, including oily.

Violet root is used as the base of the soap. This component must be crushed to make a powder. The curls must be divided into strands, after which this powder must be rubbed into them. Then the strands must be carefully combed, combing out the powder. In addition to orris root, almond powder, oatmeal and potato starch are used.

This is one of the natural remedies for hair loss. Natural ingredients are used as the basis. With this tool, the hair will not be exposed to the harmful effects of chemicals. With conventional recipes, egg-based shampoos are prepared.

How to make your own solid shampoo

At home, you can make an excellent remedy for washing hair from hair loss. Since it will include herbs, oils, vitamins, it will be among the natural ones. First you need to create a decoction of herbs. These components are selected according to the desired effect. For example, for weak curls, chamomile, nettle and calendula will be required. A decoction with the addition of mint, burdock and thyme can cure fatty strands. For the normal type, it is better to choose sage and calendula. 2 tablespoons of herbs are poured into 1 cup of boiling water. The decoction should stand for about an hour. You can strain if you wish.

Then you need to take about 150 g of soap base. You can buy it at a cosmetic store. It is melted with a water bath. When the mass becomes liquid, a decoction of herbs and oily substances are poured into it. You can add vitamins E and A to the preparation. You can buy them at a pharmacy. If desired, aromatic agents are added, but this is not necessary. It can be citrus tincture, tea tree or walnut. All components must be mixed and pour the mixture into a container. When the mass reaches room temperature, it should be placed in the freezer. This simple remedy can always be done at home. It can be used instead of soap for curls.

How to make shampoo for dolls?

Handgum is a plasticine-like substance used to create various toys. With its help and on the basis of glue, you can create many different gizmos. Hendgam has the property of liquid and hardness. It can be stretched and torn. Some types of handgam can glow in the dark. It is with the help of such material and glue that you can create shampoo for dolls. Homemade toys can be used as bottles, and they will be attached using glue. With the help of glue and improvised materials, various products for dolls are created.

How to create a tinted shampoo?

At home, you can prepare a natural tint shampoo. This remedy is sometimes referred to as a balm. It is used as a standard shampoo for washing your hair. After washing it off, a shade remains on the curls, which is discreet and bright. The duration of its holding depends on how the tint shampoo is made. And since it does not contain substances that destroy the structure, the pigment is resistant. As a result, the effect lasts until the next shampoo, after which the tint shampoo is used again.

With fair hair, a dark shade will remain on them for a long time. To remove it, you will need to visit the salon. Before use, it is advisable to consult a master colorist. The specialist will help you choose the right tint shampoo according to the type of strands.

Simple ingredients are used as the basis of a natural remedy. To prepare a tinted shampoo, at home you need to mix onion broth with ordinary shampoo. Instead of onion broth, chamomile can be used. It takes about an hour to maintain the procedure. After that, the tint shampoo should be washed off. With the help of onions, the curls will acquire a reddish tone, and with chamomile - golden. This tinted shampoo is a great way to change your look. A few bottles of such cosmetics - and there will be medicinal cosmetics at home.

Laundry soap remedy

Recipes for the preparation of a cosmetic product based on laundry soap are different. As a base, you can take part of the usual soap. It must be grated and melted in a saucepan using a water bath. The soap solution should not boil. After dissolution, add 180 ml of water. Then the mass must cool. Then almond oil (1 tsp) is added there. After that, you need to add essential oil (30 drops). It can be orange, bergamot, lemon. Harmonious aromas should be used as the basis of soap.

The broth must be filtered and placed along with the shampoo. The composition is mixed. You can prepare several of these bottles, just keep them in the refrigerator. The shelf life of the product is 14 days. Cosmetics based on laundry soap - a drug against the loss of strands.

Cosmetic product with mummy

Mountain resin, or mummy, has a healing effect on the health of curls. Natural raw materials are taken as the basis, with the help of which cosmetics are prepared at home. It is necessary to mix ordinary natural shampoo (1 serving) with mummy (1 g). Get a mass of dark color. The composition with the mummy should be applied to the head and rinsed. Only unlike the standard procedure, you need to wait 10 minutes before washing off.

You need to perform procedures with mummy every week. Regular procedures will bring a firming effect. There is an easy way to make mummy with bread. You need to take the pulp of rye bread, knead it and soak it in water. Shilajit is diluted in water, and both compositions are mixed. The product should be infused for about 4 hours, after which it is ready for use. Cosmetics with mummy should be applied with massaging movements. The foam should remain on the head for about 10 minutes, after which it can be washed off. Shilajit is an excellent component for strengthening the structure of the strands. A few bottles of such a substance - and at home there will always be an excellent medicine. Another recipe is egg-based.

egg shampoo

Homemade egg-based cosmetics will make strands soft, voluminous and shiny. If natural egg shampoo is used constantly, they will acquire a natural healthy look.

For the preparation of cosmetics, in addition to eggs, you will need olive oil, as well as lemon juice, castile soap, and lavender essential oil. All products must be mixed in a blender or manually. Egg-based shampoo should be used as a remedy.

Natural remedies work better on hair. They need to be used regularly to get the desired effect.

Herbal hair shampoo.Treatment and restoration.- DIY natural cosmetics

Let's talk about cosmetics, without which we can not do a day - soap and shampoo. If, for example, we can If we don’t put on makeup for several days when we sit at home, or give the skin a rest from the cream for a day or two, then we wash our hands several times a day every day and our hair once every three to four days.
Why did I decide to talk about it? Just recently I watched a program on TV about these "detergents" and was horrified! It turned out that we are poisoning ourselves with these products.
Why do we poison? It's just that almost every such remedy contains a substance such as sodium lauryl sulfate. So what! - you say. But not at all, so what:

it is used in the production of most detergents, shampoos, toothpaste, cosmetics to form foam. Belongs to irritants, but not carcinogens.Sodium lauryl sulfate can seriously aggravate skin problems in patients with Atopic Dermatitis.
As a component of toothpaste, it can cause Stomatitis and the appearance of Aphtha. Using toothpastes without SLS can reduce ulcers.
It has been shown that sodium lauryl sulfate irritates the skin of the face only with prolonged exposure (more than an hour).
Also, this substance penetrates the skin and all internal organs, thereby worsening our health.

Is there a way out?

Of course have! Cook homemade soap and shampoo! At least you will know exactly what it consists of! Here are some soap recipes:
You will need:

Clear soap base or unscented baby soap
- glycerin
- base oil (olive, apricot, almond, peach, etc.)
- essential oils
- fillers (honey, coffee, dried flowers, etc.)
- soap molds


Soak a few sprigs of lavender or marigold flowers. Grate a piece of baby soap weighing 100 g. 3 teaspoons base oil and 1 tsp. Heat glycerine in a water bath, add grated soap and a little hot water, stirring constantly. The soapy mass should be the consistency of batter. Add a couple of drops of essential oil. Add the flower petals to the warm mass and stir. Pour into a mold and let dry for a few hours.


In a melted base of grated baby soap with olive oil, pour 1 tsp. ground coffee and a couple of drops of essential oil (bergamot, orange, or cinnamon). You can add 1-2 tbsp for flavor. spoons of milk with cinnamon (cook 1-2 tsp cinnamon in a glass of milk). Pour the soap into the mold and decorate with coffee beans on top. This soap is good as a scrub.


Cut a transparent soap base (100g) into cubes and heat in a water bath to a liquid state, stirring constantly. Attention! Soap should not boil! In a liquid soapy mass, add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of natural honey and 1 tsp. aqueous solution of propolis. You can add a drop of citrus essential oil. Pour the soap into the mold and let dry.

Soap making method:
soap mold 1. Grate baby soap.
2. Melt the resulting soap chips in a water bath, stirring and adding water, base oils and sugar.
3. After the soap mass becomes fluid, add natural dyes to it (if you plan to tint).
4. Remove the resulting homogeneous soap mass from the fire and add fillers and flavors.
5. Stir and pour the mass into molds. (Children's or other plastic molds are quite suitable).
6. Allow to cool, or dry if necessary. Sometimes soap dries for several days or even a couple of weeks, it all depends on the ingredients and proportions.

Homemade soap made from a special soap base

Soap from such a base is very effective. You can, for example, combine layers of transparent and opaque bases.
Large fillers (petals, etc.) look great in a transparent base, there are a lot of options.
Cooking method:
1. Melt the purchased soap base (which is a piece of neutral soap, odorless) in a microwave oven or in a water bath.
2. Add selected dyes and fillers, remove from heat, add essential oils.
3. Wait until a film appears on the surface of the base, remove this film.
4. Pour the soap mass into molds and allow to cool. To speed up the hardening process, you can put the forms in the freezer for 10 minutes.
5. Remove soap from molds.
The preparation time for this soap is from 30 minutes to an hour.

And shampoo recipes:
Universal Hair Shampoo Recipe .
A perfume-free shampoo base can be bought at pharmacies or perfume shops.
Ingredients: 50 ml olive, glycerine soap or shampoo base, 1 tsp. base oil (if the hair is oily, then reduce the amount of oil or not use at all, if the hair is dry - increase the amount of oil), 20-40 drops of essential oil, 1-2 tbsp. herbs for the preparation of the shampoo composition, 180 ml of water.
Preparation: prepare a decoction of herbs, cool, mix with the rest of the ingredients and mix. Shampoo shelf life - 1 week, with the addition of 1 tsp. vodka shelf life increases to 3-4 weeks.
If desired, you can add 1-2 tablespoons to this shampoo. additives: honey, yolk, glycerin, lecithin, apple juice or aloe juice.
Olive soap, glycerine soap or shampoo base can be replaced with soap grass root. The crushed root of soap grass 15 g is poured with the indicated amount of water (180 ml), brought to a boil, and then boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. After cooling, the liquid is filtered and poured into a plastic bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Oils are added to the contents of the bottle and shaken thoroughly.

Base oil to add to shampoo.

Normal hair: almond oil, grape seed oil.
For dry hair: jojoba oil, grape seed oil.
For oily hair: almond oil, grape seed oil.
To strengthen hair: jojoba oil, grape seed oil.
For dandruff: jojoba oils, castor oil or grape seed oil.

Herbs for the preparation of the composition of the shampoo
Normal hair: calendula, chamomile, nettle, sage.
For dry hair: calendula, coltsfoot, nettle, chamomile, lavender.
For oily hair: calendula, burdock, thyme, nettle, chamomile, mint.
To strengthen hair: basil, burdock, nettle, sage.
Against dandruff: calendula, chamomile, nettle, burdock.

Essential oils to add to shampoo.

Normal hair: bergamot, orange, rose, ylang-ylang, neroli, pine needles, tea tree, geranium, lemon.
For dry hair: orange, myrrh, jasmine, lavender, rose, neroli, ylang-ylang, rosemary, geranium.
For oily hair: basil, ylang ylang, cajuput, cypress, cedarwood, rosemary, peppermint, grapefruit, lemon, bergamot, lemon, tea tree oil.
To strengthen hair: bay leaves, petitgrain, eucalyptus, thyme, cedar, ylang-ylang, lavender, lemon, rosemary, clary sage.
Against dandruff with oily hair: rosemary, eucalyptus, tea tree.
Against dandruff with dry hair: lavender, chamomile, cedar, cypress.

Egg shampoo for dry hair.
Thoroughly mix 1 egg yolk, add 2 tablespoons of water, 10 drops of camphor oil. Wash your hair with this composition as you would with a regular shampoo, massaging the scalp thoroughly. Rinse off the shampoo with warm running water.

Egg shampoo for oily hair.
Thoroughly mix 1 egg yolk, add 2 tablespoons of water, 50 g of cognac. Wash your hair with this composition as you would with a regular shampoo, massaging the scalp thoroughly. Rinse off the shampoo with warm running water.

Egg-kefir shampoo for any type of hair.
Mix 1 yolk with 50 ml of kefir, add a whisper of soda. For dry hair, fatty kefir is used - 3.2%, for oily hair kefir - 1%. Apply to hair for 3 minutes, massage, rinse as usual.

Bread shampoo for all hair types.
Thinly slice rye bread and mix with kefir, then put this mixture for 3 hours in a warm place, then as much as possible, you can mix it all with a blender and wash your head with this mixture. For dry hair, fatty kefir is used - 3.2%, for oily hair kefir - 1%, in proportion for dry hair we add more bread, for oily hair - more kefir.

Mustard shampoo to stimulate hair growth.
Mix mustard powder to the consistency of liquid sour cream, add green or blue clay, apply to hair for 5 minutes, massage a little and rinse. Important! Pre-test this mixture on the elbow bend, this mixture should be used immediately, as the mustard will then burn more strongly. Shampoo is recommended for
hair loss.

Mask-shampoo for hair.
Stir 1 tbsp. honey add the yolk, 1 tsp. jojoba oil and 1 tsp. cognac, (cognac can be replaced with any alcohol-containing herbal tincture or, for example, Bitner's balm). Leave on for 15 minutes, rinse as usual.

W shampoo mask for dry hair .

Mix 1 tbsp. l. castor oil with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, 3 drops of lavender essential oil add 1 teaspoon of shampoo for dry hair. The mask is rubbed into the scalp, left for 2 hours, then washed off with warm water. After this mask, you can not use shampoo.
Shampoo with green clay. To improve oily hair, just before use, mix a whisper of green clay with 2 tsp. shampoo, add 2 k. lemon oil, 2 k. lavender oil. Mix all the ingredients, apply to the hair, massage and leave for three minutes. Rinse well after use.

Gelatin shampoo for normal to oily hair. Gives good volume to hair. Recipe: 1 tbsp. pour gelatin with water at room temperature, leave to swell by 40, heat it up in a water bath so that the gelatin dissolves well, then filter through a strainer so that there are no grains left, cool and add 1 yolk. Apply the resulting shampoo to the hair and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Gelatin shampoo for dry, damaged and brittle hair . Ingredients: 1 tbsp. l. gelatin, 70 ml of warm water, 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar, 2 k. essential oil of jasmine, 2 k. essential oil of clary sage, jasmine can be replaced with rosemary. As in the previous recipe, dissolve and leave to swell for 40 minutes. gelatin in water, then strain it, add apple cider vinegar and essential oil. Stir, rub into hair, leave in this state for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Dry head wash.
It is generally suitable for oily hair and is an alternative to hair washing when normal hair washing is not available, for example on a long trip. At home, you can use the following recipe: take finely chopped violet root (it has a good fat-absorbing ability). Divide your hair into strands and gently rub the powder into the hair roots, and then carefully comb your hair to comb the powder out of your hair. An alternative but less effective way is almond powder or oatmeal, you can also use white fuller's clay, but for many, the clay dulls the hair.

mustard shampoo

1 st. dilute a spoonful of mustard in two liters of warm water and wash your hair with this shampoo. Mustard is best for oily hair. It eliminates unpleasant greasy shine, hair does not get dirty so quickly.

Gelatin Shampoo
Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of any shampoo, 1 yolk and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of gelatin powder. Beat slowly so that there are no lumps, apply to damp hair and hold for 5-10 minutes, then rinse hair well with lukewarm water. This composition contains a lot of protein, the hair becomes beautiful and thick. For convenience, you can make a concentrated solution of gelatin (1 tablespoon of gelatin per 3 tablespoons of water). You can add 1 more yolk instead of shampoo.

Yolk shampoo
Rub the egg yolk into slightly damp hair and rinse thoroughly with warm water after 3-5 minutes.

Yolk oil shampoo
Mix the yolk with 1 teaspoon of castor and olive oil and wash your hair with the resulting solution. This mixture is especially suitable for dry hair.

Tansy Shampoo
1 st. pour a spoonful of tansy with two glasses of boiling water and leave for two hours. Rinse hair with strained infusion. For oily hair, wash your hair with this infusion every other day for a month. This remedy also helps with dandruff.

nettle shampoo
Pour 100 g of fresh or dry nettles into 1 liter of water, add 0.5 liters of vinegar. Boil the mixture over low heat for 30 minutes, then strain. Add 2-3 cups of the resulting broth to a basin of water. Wash your hair with this mixture.

Recipes for sour milk shampoos

1. You can use sour milk, kefir or yogurt to wash your hair. They create a fatty film that protects the hair from the harmful effects of the environment. You need to take, for example, yogurt, moisten your head with plenty of it and cover your hair with polyethylene, and on top with a terry towel. After half an hour, thoroughly rinse your hair with ordinary warm water, and then acidified with the juice of one lemon or a solution of vinegar (1 tablespoon of vinegar per 2 liters of water).

2. Dilute kefir with hot water and wash your hair with this composition.
Starch Shampoo If you need to wash your hair quickly, you can sprinkle dry hair with potato starch and beat them, as when washing. After 5-10 minutes, wipe with a dry towel. Remove starch residue with a brush or fine comb.

Rye shampoo

Take a piece of rye bread and knead in a small amount of hot water so that you get a thin gruel. You can give her some time to brew. Rub this gruel into your hair and hold for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with water. It should be borne in mind that bread crumbs are quite difficult to comb out, so it is better to wipe the gruel through a sieve. Your efforts will not be in vain: this shampoo-mask has a very beneficial effect on both hair growth and their condition: hair becomes voluminous, thick. This recipe is especially effective for oily hair.

herbal shampoo

Mix equally dry calendula flowers, birch leaves, burdock root, hop cones. Pour about 50 g of the mixture with a glass of hot light beer, let it brew. Strain, warm slightly and use instead of shampoo.

Egg Lemon Butter Shampoo

Mix with 3 tbsp. spoons of unscented shampoo 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and a few drops of essential oil (optional). Hair after washing gain shine and volume.
Natural homemade shampoo recipes for oily hair

birch shampoo
Prepare an infusion of warty or fluffy birch leaves (1:10) or an infusion of kidneys in the same proportion and wash your hair with it 2-3 times a week. The course of treatment is 12 (15) procedures. If necessary, repeat after 2-3 weeks.

pomegranate shampoo

Within two months, the hair must be washed every third day with a decoction of pomegranate peel (boil 3 tablespoons of the peel for 15 minutes in 1 liter of water). In the future, only supportive treatment should be used, rinsing the hair with this decoction after each hygienic washing (1-2 times a week).

oak shampoo
3 art. spoons of oak bark pour 1 liter of water, boil. Wash your hair with this decoction for two months. In the future, the hair should be rinsed with this decoction after each wash.

Chinese shampoo
Pour pea flour prepared with a coffee grinder with warm water and let it brew overnight. Then apply to hair for 30 minutes. Pea mixture will take all the dirt and grease from the hair. Wash off the shampoo-mask with warm water.

nettle shampoo

With oily scalp with dandruff, the head should be washed with nettle decoction (100 g per 0.5 l of 6% vinegar) without soap daily for 10 days.

Egg Camphor Shampoo

Mix 1 yolk, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of water, 1/2 teaspoon of camphor oil. Apply this mixture on your hair, hold for 5-7 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Recipes for homemade natural shampoos for dry hair

Yolk-vodka shampoos

1. Mix 2 egg yolks, 1/4 cup water, 1/2 cup vodka and 1 teaspoon ammonia. Apply to the scalp. Hold for 5 minutes and rinse with warm water.

2. Mix 1 egg yolk with 50 ml of vodka and 50 ml of water. Apply to the scalp. Hold for 5 minutes and rinse.

Yolk-oil-lemon shampoo

Mix 1 egg yolk, 20 ml of vegetable oil and lemon juice. Add 3 tbsp. spoons of carrot juice. Shake and pour in a drop of neutral shampoo. Apply to hair. Hold for 5 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Serum Shampoo

Moisten individual strands with serum heated to 35-37 ° C, put on a warming cap and rinse after a few minutes.

Personally, tomorrow I will try to cook both soap and shampoo - after all, beauty is beauty, but one should not forget about health!

Girls who have changed their shampoo to laundry soap do not cease to admire this way of washing their hair. Surprisingly, many of them have well-groomed and lush hair, what is the secret? To answer the question correctly, you need to know how to properly wash your hair with laundry soap and whether it is possible to achieve the desired result.

Composition of laundry soap

In household chemical stores, you can often find soap that does not have a wrapper and is sold to customers in plastic bags. We'll talk about him. The product is made in accordance with GOST, the soap smells bad and is produced in an unpleasant brown color. It does not include chemical additives, the product contains only natural ingredients. Soap for 60-72% consists of palmic, lauric, steric saturated fatty acids, which are extracted from raw materials of animal origin. Also, the product includes alkali, it is due to it that it has an excellent whitening effect.

Step-by-step instructions for washing your hair with laundry soap

  1. Give preference to products with a higher fat content, numbers from 60-72% should be stamped on the bar. Refuse to buy products that contain a coloring pigment or include flavored additives. Soap should be brown and nothing else.
  2. You can’t just take and start lathering the curls with a solid piece, first you need to prepare it to make a solution. For these purposes, take an ordinary food grater and grate a third of the bar on a large section. You can also dip it in boiling water and stir for 20 minutes to melt it a little. To wash your hair with laundry soap, you will need a cloudy decoction of a dirty yellow hue. After you get it, beat the solution with a mixer or whisk until foam forms.
  3. Wet your hair well with running water and wring it out a little. Next, apply the decoction to the curls, squeezing them into a fist. Do not rub the scalp in a circular motion, so as not to provoke an accelerated work of the sebaceous glands. Soap decoction should be kept on the hair for about 25 minutes to achieve the best result. It is convenient to carry out the procedure while taking a shower or bath.
  4. A negative feature of washing your hair with laundry soap is that it is very poorly washed out. Rinse the solution with running warm water for 5-7 minutes until the curls begin to “creak”. Next, squeeze the juice of 1 lemon into a container and mix it with 1.5 liters of boiled (not hot) water. This step is needed to neutralize the alkali from the hair structure.
  5. After rinsing with lemon comes the use of vinegar solution. Purchase sage, chamomile, oregano, burdock and string at the pharmacy. Brew medicinal herbs with 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. Add to the composition 40 ml. apple cider vinegar and rinse hair with decoction. After the procedure, wrap your head with a towel, but do not rub the curls between your palms. Wait for the water to soak into the fabric, then use a hair dryer or leave your hair to dry naturally.

  1. The fatty acids that make up laundry soap nourish and moisturize the hair, relieving them of dryness and split ends.
  2. The tool removes stubborn dust and dirt, it also brightens curls with unsuccessful staining.
  3. Laundry soap strengthens follicles and nourishes the scalp, as a result of which hair falls out less, dandruff disappears. To achieve the best effect, use a soapy solution once every 5 days, then rinse your head with a decoction of herbs and a lemon solution.
  4. If you wash your hair with laundry soap regularly for 3 weeks, your hair will become 2 times more voluminous and fuller, and styling will be done 2 times faster.
  5. Laundry soap has antibacterial properties, it heals wounds and inflammation on the scalp.
  6. Alkali is easily neutralized with lemon, due to which the hair is saturated only with natural ingredients.
  7. In addition to the above advantages, laundry soap protects the skin from viral inflammation, acne and fungal infections. It treats minor burns from the use of thermal appliances and reduces possible bumps on the head.

This is interesting

Researchers involved in the study of hair structure categorically do not recommend washing your hair with laundry soap. Their protest is caused by the content of a large amount of alkali, which negatively affects the structure of the hair. Doctors say that it dries the skin and leads to the formation of dandruff, but what about the fatty acids that make up 72%? Trichologists also talk about a violation of the acid-base balance, as a result of which, after prolonged use of soap, the curls will lose their color, shine and become dry.

Doctors unanimously shout that the hair will begin to fall out at an incredible rate, again, because of the alkali. However, girls who regularly use soapy water say exactly the opposite. They notice that the hair has become well-groomed and healthy, the hair has increased in volume and has become well combed. Whom to trust in such a situation? There is only one answer - my own experience. Follow all the recommendations to form your own opinion about this procedure.

Decided to change shampoo to laundry soap? Do not rub your hair with a bar, make a soapy decoction with hot water and a kitchen grater. Observe the exposure time, it should not exceed half an hour. Rinse the solution thoroughly, first with running water, then with lemon decoction to neutralize the alkali. Do not be lazy to make an infusion of vinegar and medicinal herbs to keep your hair shiny and healthy. After shampooing, wrap your hair in a soft towel and let the moisture soak in.

Video: laundry soap for hair

You will need

  • - 50 ml soap
  • - 1 tsp almond oil or grapeseed oil
  • - 30 drops of essential oil
  • - 2 tablespoons dry herbs
  • - 180 ml of water


Next came the turn of the herbal decoction. Strain it through a fine strainer or several times folded clean cheesecloth. Now add the decoction to the shampoo bowl. Gently mix everything and pour into a pre-selected bottle.


For oily hair, almond oil, essential oils of cypress, grapefruit, basil or bergamot and decoctions of calendula, burdock, thyme are suitable.
For dry - jojoba or grape seed oil, essential oils of lavender, orange, myrrh or jasmine and decoctions of coltsfoot, calendula, lavender.

Helpful advice

In order to avoid dry soap dust flying in different directions when rubbing soap on a grater, preheat the soap a little. For example, on a warm battery.

Today, there are many different homemade ways to prepare shampoo. As a rule, such recipes include only natural ingredients, without any chemicals, to make your hair healthy and beautiful.

Making shampoo or shower is pretty easy, you don't even have to heat the ingredients. The main ingredient in homemade shampoo is distilled or boiled rainwater. Distillation is carried out to remove various salts and minerals from the water, which can affect other components of the shampoo.

Some shampoos can turn out to be quite liquid, in which case you can use special thickeners. As such a thickener, table salt, xanthan and guar, which are pre-dissolved.

It is most convenient to measure the weight of components with scales, and not with measuring spoons. If there is no scale, you can use the method of measuring ingredients using volume or in milliliters, with the exception of glycerin and honey - they are heavier than water. Ingredients should always be weighed to avoid excess amounts in the shampoo. For example, if the mass of the ingredients is exactly 100 percent, in the manufacture of a liter of shampoo and surfactants with a mass of 40 percent, exactly 400 ml must be added. When adding additional components, simply subtract the required amount of water.

One simple recipe is the following for making shampoo:

  • 40% surfactant + 60% distilled water = 100%

If you want to add some honey, then the formula will look like this:

  • 40% Surfactant + 5% Honey + 55% Distilled Water = 100%

If you have an electronic scale, you can make shampoo in a common container. The mixing technology in this case consists of the following steps:

  1. The amount of water required. If you do not want to add plain water, you can use herbal decoction. In this case, you should add a little more water, because its amount may decrease during the filtering process.

  2. To moisturize the hair, you can use components such as glycerin, lactic acid or honey. The resulting mixture must be thoroughly mixed.

  3. It is necessary to weigh the surfactant, add water, and move well with a mixer or.

  4. Now you need to add the remaining water-soluble components - plant extracts or vitamin B.

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Beautiful healthy hair requires constant care, which begins with shampoo. Among the variety of shampoos, choosing the right one will be easier if you understand its composition and know your hair type.

Features of shampoos for different types of hair

Shampoo, selected according to the type of hair, is able to effectively cleanse the scalp and at the same time have a gentle effect.

If you wash your hair more than 2 times a week, then you have oily hair. Owners of this type often suffer from problems with dandruff and split ends. For such hair, a mild shampoo for sensitive scalp and volume that does not cause irritation is suitable. But in no case should you use nutritious and color-preserving shampoos, because. they contain a large amount of nutrients that oily hair will be superfluous.

If your hair needs to be washed no more than once a week and at the same time it is hard to the touch, brittle, dull, then it is of the dry type. Shampoo for dry hair should contain vitamins, fats, bioadditives, and cleansing agents should not have an aggressive effect.

Often there is a mixed type of hair. This is when the roots are fast, while the tips remain dry. Shampoo for this type of hair should cleanse and moisturize at the same time. The composition of this tool often contains additives such as egg yolk, nettle, seaweed.

And the rarest is the normal hair type. The head does not require frequent washing, while the hair looks clean, lush and healthy. It is important for owners of this type to choose a shampoo that contains detergents that do not destroy the natural lubrication of the hair.

Hair type is an important, but not the only criterion for choosing a shampoo. Its composition can tell a lot.

How to decipher the composition of the shampoo?

As a rule, the composition of the shampoo on the bottle is indicated in a certain sequence. The closer any ingredient is to the top of the list, the greater its concentration. This is important for people prone to allergic reactions.

Shampoo is based on various sulfates, which are surfactants known as surfactants. But sulfate to sulfate is different. The best are TEA laureth sulfate and TEA layril sulfate. But most often sodium laureth sulfate is used - more gentle and soft, and sodium lauryl sulfate - more aggressive, which can cause allergies. It is not recommended to buy shampoos that include low-quality ammonium laureth sulfate and ammonium lauryl sulfate.

Along with sulfates, mild surfactants are added to shampoos: disodium cocoamphodiacetate, PEG-7 glyceryl cocoate, sodium cocoyl sarcosinate, disodium alkyl sulfosuccinate, glycereth-2 cocoate, cocamidopropyl betaine, cocamide DEA, cocamide MEA. The greater the number, the softer the shampoo.

As part of the shampoo, you can find conditioning silicone additives, which have the word "dimeticone" in their name. They retain moisture in the hair, remove static electricity, protect the hair from thermal, chemical, mechanical effects.

It is very good if natural additives are included in the shampoo. Molecules of collagen, elastin and keratin are able to restore the structure of the hair. Jojoba, avocado, burdock, medicinal herbs and wheat germ oil, castor oil stimulate cell regeneration, retain moisture.

But not only natural, but also synthetic additives can have a beneficial effect on hair. For example, sorbitol, propylene glycol and glycerin actively transfer water molecules to the hair.

It should be noted that a quality shampoo contains from 15 to 40 components.

Picking up a shampoo is not always possible the first time. Watch what happens to your hair after washing. If you see that the head is clean, the hair combs well, shines, can be styled, has volume, and the scalp is not irritated, then the shampoo is right for you.

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Tip 4: How to make natural hair shampoo at home

Choosing a shampoo for an individual hair type can sometimes become a real problem. Means dry the scalp, the hair becomes dry and dull. To achieve the desired result, you have to try dozens of shampoos. Natural shampoo can also be made at home by choosing the ingredients that are right for you.

A strengthening shampoo for all hair types

Mix in one container 1/3 cup of basil, nettle leaves and dandelion, 50 ml of ordinary toilet soap, 50 drops of any essential and a few teaspoons of vegetable oil. From the resulting mixture, you need to make a tincture. A decoction can be made from similar ingredients, but the oil should be added to the already prepared herbal mass.

Apply the mixture to your hair. Wait 10-15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with warm water. You can use this natural shampoo several times a week.

Natural shampoo for oily hair

Make a decoction of St. John's wort, coltsfoot, dandelion, and plantain. For 1 liter of water, you will need several tablespoons of these ingredients. Separately, dilute two or three tablespoons of mustard powder in two liters of warm water. First, rinse your hair with mustard tincture, and then rinse with herbal decoction.

This method of strengthening hair is suitable for daily use. The only limitation is sensitive skin. Mustard tincture is not suitable for use if the skin is prone to irritation.

Bread mask

The simplest and one of the most effective methods for strengthening hair is to treat it with black bread gruel. This shampoo can be made within minutes. To do this, pour boiling water over a few slices of black bread and leave the workpiece overnight. Then grind the bread into a pulp and apply to your hair. Such a tool is washed off quickly and easily, and the result becomes noticeable almost instantly.

If you think that a lot of different hair products are sold in the store and making shampoo with your own hands is an empty whim, you are greatly mistaken. If you read carefully the composition of shampoos, shower gels, bath foam, you can find out that it is almost the same.

Today, in 99% of the products that we buy in the store, lauryl sulfate acts as a washing base, and the remaining substances are contained in vanishingly small amounts, so they are extremely doubtful for hair and skin. It is better to look for a homemade shampoo recipe that is right for you.

Here is an example of a homemade shampoo recipe that is recommended for normal and mixed hair types.

Recipe 1: finely grate or mash a medium-sized banana, add one egg yolk and two teaspoons of lemon juice. Everything must be thoroughly mixed and then applied to the hair. Distribute the mass on the scalp and hair, massage the head. The whole procedure should take at least five minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Recipe 2: pour a small amount of low-fat kefir into two or three pieces of rye bread, put it in a bowl of kefir-covered bread in a warm place for three hours. For dry hair, you need to take high-fat kefir. Then mix well and apply to your hair. Then rinse with a mixture of a tablespoon of apple or lemon juice per liter of water.

Attention: such homemade shampoos cannot be stored because they do not contain preservatives. Made it and used it right away.

Also, if you like regular shampoo, you can dilute them with herbal infusions. For example, for blondes, a decoction of chamomile is most often recommended.

Bathing is one of the most important items in the child care program. Water procedures not only have a beneficial effect on the health of the baby, strengthening his immunity and protecting him from various ailments, but also help the baby relax after a day full of bright events. To make bathing not only useful, but also pleasant for the child, the right baby shampoo will help.

Does baby need baby shampoo

Baby shampoo should be used no more than 1-2 times a week. Too active influence of the product on the protective layer of the baby's scalp can lead to its overdrying and the appearance of seborrheic scales.
Some mothers and fathers, especially those who became parents for the first time, are wondering: “Does a child need a special baby shampoo at all, and why can’t you use an ordinary adult product to bathe your baby?”. A very interesting fact can dispel the doubts of adults and convince them to buy a shampoo designed specifically for children. It turns out that the special acid film that forms on the head of the baby and is intended to protect his skin at an older age is not yet fully formed, and it is not difficult for harmful bacteria to get through it into the child's body. Children's shampoos, which, unlike adult products, aimed primarily at removing excess sebum, moisturize, nourish, protect the baby's delicate scalp, preventing inflammation and stimulating the proper development of hair follicles.

Good baby shampoo: selection rules

The variety of children's shampoos on the shelves of modern stores is so great that many parents who decide to buy this hygiene product for their baby are lost in such a rich assortment and choose the first bottle they find or like the most. You don’t need to do this, because in order to buy a really good baby shampoo, you should carefully study its composition and other information indicated on the package.

When choosing a shampoo for a child, always pay attention to the age group indicated on the bottle. If the shampoo bottle is marked "For children from birth", feel free to buy it for your crumbs. The absence of this inscription indicates that the product is intended for children over three years old.

When choosing a baby shampoo, give preference to well-known brands. Large manufacturers value their reputation and never use ingredients that are prohibited and unsafe for babies in the manufacture of their products.

Refuse to buy baby shampoo, which has a bright color and a pungent smell. And if you still want to surprise your baby with a pleasant aroma, choose a baby shampoo for him with the smell of lavender or chamomile, which, in addition to its main properties, also has a calming effect.

The most harmful components of children's shampoos are carcinogenic formaldehyde, sodium lauryl sulfate, 1,4-dioxane, triethanolamine and diethanolamine.
Be sure to read the composition of the baby shampoo you like. In addition to the components indicated in large print, pay attention to substances whose names are printed on the label in small letters. Perhaps one of them poses a potential danger to the health of your child.

Lastly, when choosing a baby shampoo, always give preference to products marked “no tears”. Such shampoos consist of mild detergents that do not irritate or sting children's eyes.

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Some consider dandruff to be just a cosmetic defect, while others consider it a symptom of a serious illness. In any case, dandruff is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon that you want to get rid of as soon as possible. At home, you can try to do this with a special shampoo.

The main components of dandruff treatment shampoo

Therapeutic shampoo must contain at least one of the following components: sulfur, salicylic acid, zinc, selenium or tar. The fact is that these substances are most effective in the fight against dandruff.

You should never choose a shampoo based on its smell or color. Often, a pleasant aroma is created with the help of chemicals that can contribute to dandruff. Some anti-dandruff shampoos don't smell great, but they are also likely to be the most effective. Sulfur, zinc and tar can give them an unpleasant smell, but it is they who fight dandruff most reliably.

Types of medicated shampoos

Medicated dandruff shampoos are divided into antifungal, exfoliating, antibacterial, and shampoos with herbal extracts. The best antifungal agents include Nizoral, Dermazol, Sebozol. Of the exfoliating shampoos, Vichy Dercos is the most preferred. One of the best antibacterial shampoos is Dandruff Control Shampoo. Especially for the treatment of dry dandruff, Klorane was developed with nasturtium. When choosing an anti-dandruff shampoo, you should also pay attention to what type of hair it is intended for.

Wash your hair with medicated shampoo no more than 1-2 times a week. If you need to wash your hair more often, you should alternate it with a cosmetic shampoo. The course of treatment of seborrhea with a special shampoo can last from one to one and a half months. After its completion, you can switch to cosmetic shampoos for dandruff. Perhaps the most preferred here is Head & Shoulders, as it is available for a wide variety of hair types.

However, if it suddenly turns out that not a single shampoo brings the desired result, you should seek help from a dermatologist.

The fight against dandruff is a rather lengthy process. But how happy and renewed the owner of beautiful and healthy hair will feel.

Do-it-yourself shampoos can be a good alternative to chemical liquids from beautiful bottles. Of course, you need to spend some amount of time on this, but what an effect from them!

I must say right away that I found the shampoo recipe on the Internet, I have not tested it myself yet. Actually, I'm not allergic to shampoos, but my mother has it - so I'll try to do it ....

Below, in fact, the recipe itself and its description from the author Vika Karpova

Allergy to shampoos
I have tried many different shampoos. The use of each bottle, whether it was an inexpensive shampoo from the nearest supermarket or an expensive shampoo with a super-natural composition brought from abroad, was accompanied by itching of the skin and redness around the scalp.

The situation was slightly improved by using baby bath foam instead of shampoo, but after using it, the hair became very naughty, and my body's reaction to balms and hair masks was the same as to shampoos.

I decided to try the shampoo. Found the right recipe online. There are a lot of them, but I chose a recipe with good reviews. I didn’t really want to risk my already exhausted hair :)

First experience
I chose a recipe for a flock of herbs. 2 tbsp chamomile poured a glass of boiling water, insisted for 20 minutes. While the broth was infused, I rubbed a bar of baby soap on a fine grater. I filled the soap shavings with ready-made broth, added 3 tbsp. dry mustard and mix very well to dissolve the soap.

To be honest, I was very afraid that after such a shampoo my hair would be badly combed. But no! They combed perfectly and, surprisingly, became very shiny and voluminous. The head did not itch, as after regular shampoos.

At first, I thought that the power of suggestion had worked, but I have been using this shampoo for a month now, and the usual itching has not yet been. After a while, I noticed that I began to wash my hair less often. Hair became lighter, they were much less polluted than before. If I had to wash my hair with regular shampoo every day or every other day at most, then with homemade shampoo I smoothly, without noticing it, began to wash my hair 1-2 times a week.

There are manyhomemade shampoo recipes. Some give strength, others shine, others nourish and saturate the hair with color and, most importantly, do not contain absolutely any harmful substances. When cooking, only natural ingredients are used: herbs, oils and some products that can be found in any housewife and in every home.

Let's look at some of them...

Natural shampoo recipe from natural soap

Homemade shampoo for all hair types. Its basis is natural soap.

We take 50 grams of such soap, rub it on a grater and dissolve them in 200 ml of warm water in a water bath.

Natural soaps usually contain essential oils, glycerin and castor oil. Make sure that these substances are present in the piece you have chosen. If you don’t have natural welded at home, buy baby soap, the composition of which is much healthier than ordinary cosmetic soap. Of course, this is not the same, but much better than cheap shampoo from the store.

In the finished mixture, drip 20 drops of your favorite essential oil and pour in a spoonful of cosmetic oil. It is best if you add tea tree oil or chamomile oil. Instead of warm water, you can use a decoction of medicinal herbs.

This universal shampoo can only be used for one week. We store it in the refrigerator. And you can wash your head with them as much as you want.

This is the only natural shampoo that removes the oil mask easily and easily.

Natural shampoo recipe from gelatin
If you use this shampoo at least a couple of times, you will notice the effect immediately. Hair will become more lush and thick. Take a tablespoon of gelatin and dissolve it in 1/3 of a glass of warm water. Leave to stand for 30 minutes. During this time, the gelatin should swell.
The resulting solution is heated in a water bath for five minutes. Leave for 10 minutes to cool down.

Then you need to add one egg yolk to the mixture. Beat it up beforehand.

We first wash the hair with gelatin shampoo, and then leave a small amount of the mixture on the hair for 15 minutes. It turns out such a kind of mask. Wash off with plenty of water.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I make gelatin shampoo a little differently...
I pour the chamomile pharmacy with boiling water (I take an ordinary cup and fill it with 3/4 boiling water and pour 1 tablespoon of chamomile there). We leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes, if there is time, then you can wait half an hour. After that, I filter the infusion on gauze and pour 0.5 tablespoons of gelatin there.
I mix it thoroughly so that there are no lumps, if it just doesn’t work out, I put this solution in a water bath to quickly dissolve the lumps.

Then add 1 tablespoon of shampoo to this substance, apply it on the hair, on the roots and let it stand for 5 minutes.

You can make it even easier: dilute 1/2 tsp of gelatin in 2 tbsp. tablespoons of water until completely dissolved, and then add a single portion of your usual shampoo (approximately 1 tsp) to the resulting mass. After repeated stirring, the shampoo is ready.

Natural homemade egg shampoo
Simply a great option for hair that is prone to dryness and brittleness. Eggs contain a fairly large amount of protein. It is this substance that strengthens the hair well.

This shampoo is very easy to prepare. Take two yolks and adding 1 tablespoon of water, beat them well in a blender. The foam should be quite thick. It is with her that we wash her hair for 5 minutes. Next, rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water. After applying the egg shampoo, rinse your hair with acidified lemon water. Such a trick will give them smoothness.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: perfectly washes hair. There is a significant difference in the use of store-bought and homemade eggs. Homemade ones work much better on hair :).

And this is how we separate the yolks from the protein and from the films, which tend to get tangled in the hair during the procedure :)..

Natural shampoo at home from mustard and clay
Washing your hair with mustard can save you from such an annoying problem for many as increased fat content.
This natural remedy will help not only strengthen your hair, but also accelerate their growth. We take a tablespoon of dry mustard and a tablespoon of blue clay.
Mix everything, add some water. You should get a mixture that will be similar to sour cream in consistency.

This mixture is applied to the hair for 20 minutes. Wash off. This shampoo should not be used on dry hair. But for fat and normal, it will fit just fine.