How to sew a sundress: patterns and master classes. Pattern of a summer sundress - long and short models How to sew a sundress with an assembly

The difficulty level of the models is easy

Technical drawing of models:

When ordering a pattern, you receive a pdf file containing 1 sheet of patterns, which can be printed on several A4 sheets, after gluing which you will receive one large sheet with the outline of the patterns:

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The following designations are adopted on the pattern:

Cut details SARAFANA:

  1. Backrest - 2 children.
  2. Shelf - 2 children
  3. Burlap pocket - 4 children

Cut details TOPA *:

  1. Backrest - 2 children.
  2. Shelf - 2 children

* details of the shirt are limited on the pattern by a red dotted line

In addition, for both the sundress and the top, you will need to cut slanting inlays 2.4 cm wide (finished width - 0.8 cm) of the following length:

  • Back trimming trim - its finished length, taking into account the allowances, is indicated on the backrest details. This length also includes a looping allowance for attaching the webbing retainer rings.
  • Trim for turning the cutout of the shelf - its finished length, taking into account the allowances, is indicated on the shelf details. This trim goes into the straps, therefore the length indicated also includes the length of the straps, taking into account the allowance for adjusting their length. Due to its length, it is advisable to cut this inlay from 2 parts, which are sewn at an angle of 45 degrees to the width of the inlay.
  • Trim for turning the armhole of the back - its finished length is equal to the length of the section of the armhole of the back, shown by the red line on part 1 (or the blue line on part 4) in the figure with the list of parts, plus 1.5 cm.
  • Bake for turning the armhole of the shelf - its finished length is equal to the length of the section of the armhole of the shelf, shown by the red line on part 2 (or the blue line on part 5) in the figure with the list of parts, plus 1.5 cm.

When cutting, it is necessary to add allowances to the details: along the middle seam of the back and shelf 1 cm, along the bottom line - 2 cm.The allowances for the side seams for the sundress will be 1.5 cm, for the top - 0.7 cm. The allowances along the cut lines and armholes no need to add.

Average fabric consumption (with a width of 140 cm) for a sundress 280 cm, for a top 85 cm.

You will also need: 2 rings and 2 small buckles for attaching and adjusting the length of the straps.

Layout example sundress:

Top layout example:

Sewing sequence of SARAFAN:

TOPA sewing sequence:

  1. The overcasting was done along the middle seam line. Stitching did the shelves along the middle seam, ironing the allowances.
  2. The backs were overcast along the line of the middle seam. The backs were stitched along the middle seam, the allowances were ironed out.
  3. Press the prepared bias tape in half, then fold the edges inward and iron it again so that the finished tape is 0.8 cm wide.
  4. Treat the armhole lines on the shelf and on the back with oblique inlays.
  5. Process the shelf along the bottom line with a hem seam with a closed cut.
  6. Process the back along the bottom line with a hem seam with a closed cut.
  7. Stitch back and shelf details along side cuts, neaten allowances and iron towards the back.
  8. The cutout of the back is processed with an oblique inlay, spreading the back part in one line along this cut. In this case, at first, the inlay is marked, starting from the middle seam of the back in both directions, in such a way that the extensions of the inlay outside the part become straps that serve to fasten the rings.
  9. Neaten the ends of the straps for attaching the rings. Thread the rings, bend the free ends of the straps in half in half and secure with two short parallel stitches at the base. Thus, the length of the loops into which the rings are threaded should be approximately 2 cm.
  10. The cutout of the shelf is processed with an oblique inlay, spreading the part of the shelf in one line along this cut. At the same time, just as on the shelf, at first, the inlay is marked, starting from the middle seam in both directions, in such a way that the continuation of the inlay outside the part will become the straps of the sundress.
  11. Sweep the ends of the straps. Thread the straps into the buckle to adjust the length, fold the end of each strap inward, pull it through the buckle again from the inside and fasten on the folded side of the strap.

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Finally, our idea materialized! To get the last missing element of a high-quality article, the editors of the site "Old Believers Thought" turned to our parishioner Elena Sokolova, a professional designer of folk costumes, for advice.

Read, download and tell your friends: we have supplemented the note with illustrations from our archive, and the author can be contacted through our editorial office by e-mail [email protected], directly by e-mail [email protected], or find a direct contact in the project.

A selection of excellent quality literature - see below.

The history of the sundress in Russia

Oblique sundress - this is the shoulder clothing of the complex of Russian women's clothing of the northern provinces of Russia: Arkhangelsk, Novgorod, Pskov, Tver, Kostroma, Severodvinsk, as well as some central regions of Russia (Nizhny Novgorod, Smolensk, etc.).

Performance by the Old Believers Znamenny Singing Choir in the Rogozhskaya Sloboda in Moscow

The North Russian women's costume consisted of a homespun straight linen shirt, an oblique sundress, a soul warmer (short), a headdress (a girl's - a bandage and a scarf, a woman's - a kichka, a kokoshnik, a warrior, a scarf), shawls, leather shoes - boots (bast shoes were work shoes) ...

The name of the dress "sundress" contains the root "Sar" - "Tsar". These are clothes of a caftan type, long, majestic, often made of expensive rich fabrics - "royal", which were worn by princes and boyars.

For the first time, the term "sundress" was recorded in the Nikon Chronicle (1376). Much later, from the 16th century, a woman's type of clothing, similar to a trapezoidal dress without sleeves or with sleeves, as well as a flared skirt or a sun skirt with gathers with straps, began to be called a sundress. ...

In different regions of Russia, sundresses had a different name depending on their type, cut, type of fabric or method of dyeing it:

1) By cut method: lamoshnik, kosoklinny, klinik, etc.;
2) By the method of fabric dyeing: stuffer, madder, vat, etc .;
3) By type of fabric: sukman, shtofnik, kumashnik, satin, cashmere, chintz, pestryadny, etc.

The most ancient are considered oblique tunic-like sundresses, which are narrow (35-40 cm wide on the loom) fabric bent over the shoulders with a cutout for the neckline, into the side seams of which wedges are inserted (see diagrams 1,2) .

Pattern of an oblique tunic-like sundress for a homespun cut. Originals of schemes

Such a sundress resembles a closed dress with sleeves or without sleeves, without shoulder seams, with a round or square neckline with a small slit in the front, edged with a trim or braid with a loop and button fastening.

Winter sundresses were made of woolen homespun cloth, usually blue or red. Printed linen was used for the summer. An unbleached canvas was also suitable for everyday sundresses.

A non-staged family scene on Rogozhskoye during the annual feast of St. Myrrh-Bearing Women in 2013

The wealthy classes used imported and factory fabrics: brocade, silk, velvet. Sundresses were often trimmed with gold factory braid, embroidery, patchwork, cord, piping along the bottom, armholes and neckline.

Slanting sundresses were sewn swing (with fastening along the center line of the front) and deaf (not having a cut along the center line of the front). The through clasp was decorated with cord loops, buttons, braid, gold lace, which at the same time were the decoration of the front of the sundress. Sundresses of the 16-17th centuries always covered the chest.

In front, on the sides, and in the back, the entire back was laid in frequent assemblies under the trim. Sundresses, as a rule, were sewn on a lining of canvas, chintz; the bottom was hemmed with another fabric, because it wore out quickly.

Coins were often sewn into the bottom of a sundress to make it heavier and give it a sculptural monumentality. The metal fringe also served the same purpose.

Modern women of fashion lack not only a fringe with a belt, but a belt would sometimes come in handy ...

The front of the swing sundress consisted of two straight canvases, turning into one-piece straps. The back is made of one panel, to which wedges were attached; the straps were also one-cut and were sewn with the front straps along the shoulder seams.

A feature of the oblique swing sundress was that its wedges converged on the sides with a herringbone. The deaf sundress has longitudinal wedges (see diagrams 1.4), i.e. are not cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Sundresses - clinics could be very wide at the bottom and unfold in a full circle. Longitudinal wedges were obtained very simply: one rectangular cloth was divided diagonally and two identical wedges were obtained at once.

Pattern of a Russian oblique swing sarafan: wedges on the sides converge with a herringbone

The deaf kosoklinny sarafan (capercaillie, sukman, kostolan, shushun, shushka, nasov) existed in three versions: with long narrow sleeves that had holes for the arms; with fake sleeves, very narrow, sewn only from the back to the armholes. When working, these sleeves were tucked into the belt or tied at the back.

By type of cut, oblique sundresses are with oblique longitudinal wedges (see diagram 1), with wedges beveled at an angle of 45 degrees (see diagram 3.4). In general, the cut of all Russian sundresses is very functional and economical, since, as a rule, no pieces remain from the cutting.

Slanting sundress with oblique and beveled longitudinal wedges

The tunic-like kosoklinny sundress gradually replaced the poneva. She remained the main type of women's clothing in the southern provinces and some central regions of Russia. In these regions (Voronezh, Kursk, Tula, Ryazan), deaf tunic-like sundresses were girls' clothes, while women wore only ponyevs.

NOSTALGIA: shot from the annual Rogozh fair on the occasion of the granting of religious freedom to Old Believers. The holiday takes place two weeks after Easter

Shushuns (tunic-like sundresses), along with later types of sundresses (lyamoshniks), existed until the 20th century, but they were worn only by the elderly. For our time, a deaf oblique sundress has been preserved among the Old Believers, who respect and love the Russian national costume and do not part with it in their everyday life.

Modern Old Believer sundress

"If you want to destroy the Russian people, corrupt a woman" ... These words are attributed to Heinrich Himmler, one of the ideologists of the Third Reich. So he spoke of Russian women, famous for their chastity and high morality.

The modern Old Believer sundress is a magnificent example of real Russian women's clothing. It is comfortable, functional and beautiful. The sarafan with its bell shape saves the energy of the Earth, which is so necessary to maintain women's health (women wearing long dresses and trapezoidal sundresses have practically no female diseases).

Modern Old Believers in deaf oblique sundresses

The sundress transforms every woman who wears it, makes her majestically beautiful, slim, stately and young. Traditional women's outfit draws attention not to the figure, but to the face, eyes, the whole appearance, emphasizing the high spirituality.

Next to the woman in the correct noble Russian sarafan, arguments subside, men do not allow themselves to say "a harsh word" ...

When, slightly lifting the floor of a sundress with a long-forgotten gesture, such a woman gets off the bus or slowly walks up the stairs, people's faces brighten, the vanity of life is forgotten and it becomes clear: Russia is alive, and it has a great and bright future!

Rehearsal for the performance of the children's choir on the porch of the Intercession Church

Pattern of an oblique sundress

We offer all lovers of the Russian style of clothing and readers of the site "Old Believers Thought" a pattern-scheme of a modern Old Believer sundress, which will adorn any woman (see diagram 5).

Modern simple pattern for a single-seam oblique Old Believer sundress


Currently, fabrics are produced in widths of 80, 90, 150 cm, and even 160 and 180 cm.Therefore, if you want to sew a modern sundress like an oblique one, it is not at all necessary to collect it with wedges: after all, wedges were necessary when sewing from narrow homespun fabric 35-40 cm wide.

There is a simple way to sew a sundress with only one seam: even a novice dressmaker can handle such a cut, and an experienced one will sew it in two hours. This method of sewing a sundress is suitable for a woman of average height (this is 165 cm).

For higher stature, the length of the sundress will be shortened (not to the floor), or a different cut will need to be applied. For such a sundress, both light silk and heavy woolen fabrics and brocade are suitable, but the pattern of the fabric should not be longitudinal (not have a clear direction along the shared thread).

Cooking method

A sundress is an integral part of an Old Believer wedding

You need to take 3 meters of fabric with a width of 150 cm, fold the fabric in half so that you get two squares with a fold (one side shared). Put in the corner where the fold of the fabric is, the blank of the pattern for the top of the sundress, shallow off the armholes and the bottom line, smoothly rounding along the pattern. Cut out a sundress. There will be only one seam on it - in the center of the front, which needs to be stitched and decorated with braid, braid, lace, cord, buttons.

For growth over 165 cm, you need to take a fabric with a width of 160-180 cm or sew a frill to the bottom of a sundress, which additionally requires another 1 m of fabric. The armholes of the sundress are processed with an oblique inlay in the color of the sundress or contrasting. From the remaining triangular "kerchiefs", two front straps and a headdress (kerchief, warrior, etc.) are cut out.

Performance by the Old Believers Choir at the Moscow International House of Music in 2014

This modern Russian sarafan, simple in execution, was developed by the Old Believers on the basis of the old Nizhny Novgorod sarafan "magpie's tail". It is beautiful, suitable for any body size and is equally applicable both outdoors and in city life.

The author of the article will be happy to answer readers' questions and consult everyone if they have any questions. You can contact the editors of the project (e-mail [email protected]) or directly by e-mail [email protected]... The originals of patterns from Elena Sokolova, used as illustrations and explanations to the text, can be downloaded by this link .

In preparing the article, materials by V.A. Sokolova from the book “Russian Traditions. Folk costume. " SPB.: UNION OF ARTISTS, 2012

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The book Folk costume of the Voronezh province Ponomarev.
Book Poetry of folk costume Mertsalov M.N. 1988.pdf
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Book Bykov A.V. Folk costume of the Vologda region
The book of N.P. Grinkov. Folk costume of the Vologda region
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Book of Gubanov E.N., Ozhereleva O.V. Woman suit
Book Zelenin D.K. Russian folk rituals with old shoes (1913)
Book of Ivanov A. Northern Russian folk costume
Book of Games and Entertainment - 1955 book
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Book Stitching and Embroidery.Gumilevskaya M.N.pdf
Book Pictorial motives in Russian folk embroidery.
Book Folk embroidery of the Tver land Kalmykov L.E
Book Tverskaya embroidery in the collection of the Zagorsk Museum
The book by G.S. Maslov - Ornament of Russian folk embroidery
Book Embroidery Emelyanova T.D., Eremenko T.I., Shchetinin
Book Sewing, fabrics, lace.djvu
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Book Lace napkins. M. Panaite 1960.pdf
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The book Russian lace by Tretyakov E.I. 1995.pdf
Book Russian lace. Patterns and chips. Davydova S.A.pdf
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Book Folk painting on wood. Baradulin V.A. 1987.pdf
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Link to the author's illustrations to the article - patterns by Elena Sokolova

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They say prepare the sleigh in the summer, so today, on a frosty winter day, I will sew a sundress. The zest of this sundress will be the button fastening, dropped shoulders and fabric with embroidery along the edge. The off-the-shoulder trend is still at the forefront of fashion, and such a thing will look stylish this summer. I will show you how to build a pattern immediately on the fabric using just one measurement. If you are interested in how to sew a sundress with your own hands without a pattern quickly, welcome to my master class.

What did it take for me to sew a sundress with my own hands

  • cotton fabric coupon - 1.10 m.
  • single-colored staple fabric for the strap - 20 cm.
  • elastic band width 1.5 cm - 90 cm
  • Buttons Ø 1.3 cm. - 10 pcs.
  • adhesive fabric 20 cm.
  • threads in color - 3 spools
  • sewing tools: tailor's pins, safety pin, scissors, tape measure, chalk

The pattern is the simplest sundress size. 42 - 48

Before opening, I decorate the fabric so that after washing the thing does not become a couple of sizes smaller. This rule applies not only to fabrics of natural composition, but also to synthetic ones. Remember to iron the fabric with a steam iron.

The drawing is actually very simple and can be built directly on the fabric, the dimensions are given taking into account the allowances. The backrest differs from the front by 1 cm in height. My size is 42 Russian (Og - 84 cm). To make patterns for the rest of the sizes, you need to take off your chest circumference measurement, and substitute it in the formula in the figure.

Thus, in the drawing, only one number will change - the width of the shelf and back.

Details of the sundress patterns:

  • Bodice - front and back
  • Sleeves
  • Skirt - flounce
  • Clasp placket
  • Webbing

Since the sundress will be with a button fastener, I cut the shuttlecock and the front of the sundress in the middle to the bottom.

Electronic sewing patterns, how to download your size and use

Sew a sundress with your own hands without a pattern quickly step by step

1. I connect the shelf and the back along the side sections. If the shuttlecock is non-cut like mine, it also needs to be connected along the side cuts.

2. I connect the shuttlecock with the bodice. To do this, I collect the shuttlecock for assembly with this, until it is equal in length to the bottom line of the front and back.

3. I cut out a strip from a monochromatic fabric - a fastener for buttons, two pieces of 77 * 5 cm. I glue them with strips of adhesive fabric, I overcast one edge on an overlock.

4. I attach the bar with pins to the cut on the shelf to the bottom. I sew on a typewriter with an allowance along the edge for the width of the foot.

5. Iron the seam allowance on the side of the fastener strip.

6. Fold the bar in half, fix it with pins. I lay a line on the bar along the bottom line.

I twist and straighten the corner.

7. Sew the bar to the shelf on a typewriter, trying to get into the stitching seam.

8. I overlock the cuts of the neck of the shelf and back, armholes.

9. I bend the cut of the armhole inward by 1 cm, baste with hand stitches. I sew on a typewriter.

10. At the details of the sleeves, I overcast the side cuts on the overlock, bend them inward by 1 cm and sew them through on a typewriter.

11. Cut a neckline from a plain fabric. Cut 180 * 6 cm.

12. I put sleeves on the neckline: along the shelf at a distance of 7 cm, along the back - 9 cm from the armhole. I fix it with tailor's pins.

13. I take the prepared strap under the neck from item 11. I put it on top of the sleeves and fix it along the entire line of the neck and sleeves.

14. Sew on the bar on a typewriter, stepping back from the edge to the width of the foot.

15. I iron the allowance to the bar, as in item 5.

16. At the ends, I bend the bar in half on the front side of the sundress. I fix it with pins and put a line on the typewriter, where it is shown by the line in the photo. I cut off the excess, turn it inside out.

17. I bend the neckline in half on the seamy side of the sundress. I fix it with pins. I do not sew a 3 cm segment at the beginning of the plank, I will thread an elastic band through it.

18. Sew the bar to the shelf on a typewriter, trying to get into the stitching seam.

19. I punch the loops on the strap fastener every 5 cm.,.

20. I put on a safety pin at the end of the elastic, pass the elastic through the bar.

21. I tighten the elastic. I fix the ends of the elastic with a tailor's pin. I sew an elastic band on a typewriter on both sides of the plank.

To sew a beautiful dress for the summer, you do not need to have a specialized education or dressmaking skills. Also, old school marks obtained during drawing or mathematics lessons do not matter, because there are patterns for summer dresses and sundresses for beginners and with their help you can create beautiful clothes with your own hands. To do this, simply make some calculations and transfer the pattern to the fabric.

How to choose the most suitable cut?

Before creating a pattern for a summer dress or sundress, choose the most suitable style, taking into account:

  • features of the figure;
  • the desired silhouette of the outfit;
  • used material.

For example, skinny girls can afford to wear almost any dress: tight-fitting and free-form, regardless of the degree of stiffness of the fabric. In this case, when making sewing patterns, add a few centimeters to your hips and chest, especially if you are using stiff fabric. Thanks to these tricks, the dress will turn out to be quite loose, and the skirt will emphasize fragility and slenderness.

For owners of curvaceous forms, it is better to sew products from a hard fabric that does not drape well, and choose outfits of an adjacent style. If you add too much stiff fabric on the hips, the dress will look baggy and add even more volume. Such additions can only be done with a thin fabric that drapes well. Long outfits look great, slightly flared at the bottom.

For girls with pronounced shapes - large breasts and bulging buttocks, you can safely sew fitted knitted dresses. Such a product will be able to "sit down" correctly, emphasizing the beauty of the forms.

DIY summer dresses and sundresses: patterns

Necessary materials:

  • pencil with ruler;
  • tracing paper;
  • centimeter;
  • a thin piece of soap or chalk;
  • scissors;
  • the cloth;
  • ribbon or pretty rope;
  • pins;
  • paper or old wallpaper.
  1. First you need to draw a regular rectangle. Its size depends on the length of the outfit, as well as on how fitted the dress is. The back length should match the front of the product.
  2. Then you need to sew the seams located on the sides, decorating the upper part of the product as a drawstring.
  3. Inside the drawstring, it remains to insert a tape, which will then be tied on the shoulder.

These simple patterns for summer dresses and sundresses can be used to create a fitted outfit. To do this, you need to take a stretch fabric, since it fits the figure tightly. If there is no such fabric, then you can fit the dress by bending the line of the side seams at the waist (in the photo this is indicated by a blue dotted line). In this case, an invisible zipper must be sewn in at the waist.

  1. First, you need to cut off a rectangle, the length of which can be more than two meters. In this case, one must take into account their own dimensions, as well as the desired "density" of the folds. The planned length of the outfit affects the height of the rectangle.
  2. The dress only has one seam in the back.
  3. To get the neckline, you need to make a small incision in the very center (about 10 cm).
  4. The upper part of the fabric is decorated, as in the previous model, by stretching two ropes or ribbons into the drawstring. The ends of these tapes must be sewn in at the back, and at the front they must go out to the very center. It turns out that putting on a dress, you will tie them around your neck.
  5. You can use most of the ribbon as a belt by tying the dress just below your bust.

The main thing when creating this model is to choose the right material. The fabric should form soft folds and be fairly thin. Knitwear, satin, several types of crepe and silk have similar properties. It is enough to try the fabric by touch: when it flows, forming folds, as if flowing, then you can safely buy it.

  1. When sewing summer dresses and sundresses with your own hands, it is very easy to make patterns: you need to take a T-shirt of a suitable size, circle it on the back of the old wallpaper. Around the resulting contour, you can start drawing your outfit.
  2. If the left half is slightly different from the right half, it doesn't matter. You can draw one half at first, but to achieve symmetry on both sides, just bend it in the middle.
  3. Owners of large breasts or pregnant women should make the front of the product a little longer, because it will pull up a little in the front, which will make the dress look ugly. It's best to make the front section longer and trim off any excess during fitting if the outfit will fit well.
  4. Having drawn a pattern, you need to cut it out and transfer it to the fabric.
  5. The shoulder and side seams are first swept by hand for fitting: if the dress fits well, then you can sew them with a typewriter.
  6. It remains to process the armholes with the neckline. For this, the edges are beautifully folded inward. You can purchase a bias tape to use on the neckline.

You need to choose fabric for such an outfit according to the same principle as for the above-mentioned model. The material used must be thin enough. Choosing too hard fabric, you get a trapezoidal sundress, which will "stand with a stake."

Patterns of dresses and sundresses

Dear seamstresses! Sewing beginners! Today's post is for you. Since today we will consider the 4 lightest models of a summer sundress, and the best part is that a pattern for such a sundress is not needed)).

Initially, sewing any, even simple, thing involves several stages:

  • Building a specific model based on a pattern
  • Tailoring itself (tailoring includes knowledge of certain sewing technologies, depending on the choice of model)

This entire list, of course, will not be to the liking of a novice seamstress. But summer is in full swing, and I want a new thing right now! .. Therefore, today we will to sew a sundress without a pattern.

Let's start with a model with an elastic band ..

This model is based on a rectangle. As a rule, the width of the rectangle = the width of the fabric, which is usually 140-150 cm.

The height of the fabric rectangle depends on the desired length of the sundress. We measure the length from the level of the armpits on the figure.

The next step is to measure the area at the top of the fabric, which we will be stitching with an elastic band. Usually, either only the bodice area or the upper part of the sundress to the waist is sewn with an elastic band.

We will use an elastic thread for this process, and here we have two options:

  • sew the elastic thread in a zig-zag pattern, simply applying it to the seamy side of the fabric (in the process, be sure to stretch the elastic thread to create an assembly)
  • or insert a thread of elastic into the bobbin, then the process will be even more pleasant and automatic

Now you need to determine whether the horizontal assembly on a thread will fill the entire part of the sundress to the waist (then we sew this part of the fabric to the waist with an elastic band, the distance between the horizontal lines = 1 cm approximately):

If the elastic thread does not completely fill the upper part of the sundress (as in the photo below), then we sew four lines on top (for a tight fit, since one line will not give it), and we also sew four lines with an elastic band at the waist:

We will get a rectangle assembled with an elastic band. We sew both its sides - it will be either a side seam or a back middle seam of the back.

It remains only to process the lower cut of the sundress.

Tuck 1 cm of fabric onto the wrong side, sew it with a straight stitch, or iron it, then fold it another 1 cm and sew it from the front side of the fabric. This will result in processing the cut with a double hem.

The sundress is ready)).

Sundress without a pattern with a tie around the neck

Now let's look at another simple and interesting model.

it dress with a tie around the neck... What does it consist of? From two rectangles, sewn on the sides, and connected at the neck with a ribbon, the ribbon is tied to a bow.

What measurements do we need?

  • sundress length (measured from the level of the base of the neck on the front)
  • half-girth of the thighs
  • the distance from the point of the base of the neck (where the neck and shoulder join - I write in simple language, in more detail) and the point in the middle of the armpit (raise the hand and measure to the point where the side seam will begin).

We cut out two rectangles from the fabric with a length = length of a sundress + 4 cm for allowances and a width = half-girth of the hips + an increase in freedom (5-8 cm, for example).

We retreat from the upper horizontal on the sides 10 cm, from this point to the side we set aside the distance that we measured (from the neck to the armpit), cut off the resulting angle (as in the picture below on the left). We make a drawstring along the upper cut, bending the fabric to the wrong side.

This is how we process both rectangles.

Sew the rectangles on the sides.

We make a long ribbon and thread it into the drawstring. We sew the bottom of the product.

Sundress without straps (no pattern)

At the heart of this sundress is also a rectangle, the width of which is slightly larger than the girth of the hips. Length = the desired length of the sundress.

Sewing steps:

  1. Sew the side slices of the rectangle. The side seam will be one, or it will be the middle back seam.
  2. We measure the girth over the chest under the arms with an elastic band, cut off the desired length of the elastic.
  3. Sew an elastic band into the upper cut of the dress.
  4. We cut out a strip for a ruffle (assembly) with a height of 12 cm and a length = girth under the bust, multiply by 1.5.
  5. Sew the assembly evenly to the upper cut of the dress.
  6. If desired, sew the elastic to the waist.
  7. If desired, the sundress can be slightly fitted.
  8. We process the bottom cut with a hem.

The sundress is ready! We wear with a belt.

Sundress trapeze without pattern

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Cut out two squares with sides 75 cm.
  2. We put them in two layers.
  3. Narrow them down a little.
  4. We measure the distance between the points on the shoulders. Place a dot in the center of the fabric. Set aside half of the measured distance from the center. We put points A and A1.
  5. From point A, we postpone the shoulder width (5-7 cm). Set aside the shoulder width on the other side.
  6. Cut the neck of the desired depth (7-10 cm) between the shoulders.
  7. From points A and A1, cut off a corner on the fabric, drawing this line to the middle of the fabric. You should end up with an inverted trapezoid with the corners cut off, as in the picture below:

We sew these two parts along the dotted lines in the figure (along the side and shoulder seams).

We process the neck and bottom of the product.

We wear it with a belt))).