How to remove oil stain from white material. How to remove old grease stains from clothes. Ways to get rid of pollution from white things

Grease stains are considered one of the most difficult due to deep penetration into the tissue structure. Fresh ones are treated as soon as possible with salt, talc, starch, baby powder or tracing paper to collect excess fluid. To wash the rest, dishwashing detergents, shampoos, alcohol and laundry soap are used. Old dried stains are highly durable, they are treated with hot steam, saline and starch solutions, alcohol and glycerin, as well as active chemical solvents and stain removers. At the end of the stain treatment, the item is washed in the usual way, following the instructions on the tag.

Grease stains are very common and cause a lot of trouble due to their strength. The specialists of the Modern Housekeeping resource have compiled a list of both professional and household improvised tools that will help you quickly and safely remove a greasy stain on clothes.

Removing stains with stain removers

If a good stain remover is available, for example, Vanish, then they should immediately treat the contamination according to the instructions from the manufacturer.

You should not use products with a bleaching effect on dark fabrics - they are guaranteed to wash off greasy stains, but at the same time they will irreversibly spoil the appearance of the thing.

How to remove a fresh grease stain

If fat gets on clothes, it is important not to hesitate, but immediately process it using the methods described below. The faster and more competently “first aid” is provided, the more likely it is that in the future the stain will be washed off without problems.

Dishwashing liquid

Regardless of the type of fabric on which the soil has appeared, you can use dish detergent, for example, thick Fairy.

It contains components that effectively dissolve fat in warm water, while not harming the tissue itself.

The thing is soaked in a bowl or basin with a concentrated solution of detergent prepared in warm water. If the stain is punctate and very durable, soak it with warm water and rub the detergent with your finger. In this form, the thing is left for half an hour, after which it is washed in the usual way.

If it was not possible to clean the greasy stain the first time, the soaking procedure can be repeated.

Shampoo for oily hair

Similar to dishwashing detergent, shampoos contain similar aggressive ingredients. Due to the fact that the shampoo comes into contact with the hair and skin, the concentration and activity of fat-dissolving substances is much lower. High-quality thick shampoo can be applied pointwise to the most durable stains, after wetting them with hot water.

The method is so safe that it can be used to clean cotton, synthetics, knitwear, wool, silk and cotton fabrics.

Note! It is not the agent itself that has the greatest activity, but the foam that occurs during mechanical rubbing in warm water. Neither dishwashing detergent nor shampoo will dissolve grease unless lather is achieved.

food salt

Dry salt crystals have the ability to quickly absorb any liquid.

Regular kitchen salt is applied to a fresh stain, the sooner the better. Excess liquid will immediately be absorbed into the salt, which is then brushed off with a soft, clean cloth or brush. If the stain is very greasy, then sprinkle with salt several times.

Such manipulations will not completely clean the fabric, but it will be much easier to wash it afterwards.


Ammonia and ethyl alcohol perfectly remove greasy stains, both fresh and frozen, on any fabric, as well as or with.

It is convenient to apply them with a piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad, which must be soaked in liquid. Stains are cleaned by wiping from the edge to the center. The dirt will gradually dissolve and be absorbed into the cotton wool, which is changed to a new one as needed.

Even though alcohol won't clean the stain completely, it will damage the stain enough to be easily scrubbed off.

Advice : similar to alcohol, you can use vinegar, citric acid, lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide.


Toothpaste with a whitening effect contains substances that dissolve dirt well, including grease.

The stain is soaked in warm water, after which the paste is applied to the fat with an old toothbrush or finger until foam is formed.

In this form, the thing must be left until the foam completely disappears. After that, the fabric can be washed in the usual way.

Talc, starch and baby powder

These products have properties similar to salt - they also absorb excess moisture well, making subsequent washing much easier.

In some cases, their use can even be more effective than salt due to the complete absence of moisture in them and the convenient method of application.

Crumb rolls

An emergency measure when fat gets on any fabric is to quickly blot it with the crumb of a roll or bread to remove excess fat.

bread crumb

Timely use of this method helps in the further cleaning of delicate fabrics.

Before wiping a greasy stain from clothes, in any case, it is advisable to blot it with crumb or sprinkle it with salt.

Tracing paper

Thin paper, folded in many layers, also absorbs excess fat well. The tool is relatively effective, but has a drawback - not always such a specific material is at hand to quickly apply it.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap, prepared in different concentrations and used in various ways, perfectly gets rid of fresh and frozen fat on fabrics and jeans.

If the clothes need to be soaked, then a solution is prepared from one bar of laundry soap, which is rubbed on a coarse grater into a bowl of hot water. The final solution should have a slightly thick consistency - in this case it will be most effective. A spot stain can be treated by rubbing, in this form the thing can be left for several hours, then cleaned in the usual way. Before you wash the greasy stain with soap, it must be soaked in hot water or steam.

Advice : soap treatment can be repeated several times if the stain is deeply ingrained.

How to remove old grease stain

With long-standing dried dirt, the situation is more complicated - the fat managed to penetrate deep into the structure of the tissue and dry firmly, gluing other dirt and debris along the way. This will require more serious methods that will first soften and dissolve the stain as much as possible, and then completely remove it without damaging the thing.

Steam treatment

Hot steam moisturizes well and dissolves light to medium stains.

Even if it was not possible to completely remove the fat, the steam will prepare an excellent foundation for the further application of cleaning products.

Grease stains on dirty clothes can be treated in a water bath or with an iron in a special mode, wetting the stain with plenty of hot water. Immediately after steaming, the stain can be rubbed with laundry soap and left to dry completely.

hot starch

The starch solution is prepared on the basis of hot water. The solution should be slightly viscous.

In the prepared liquid, the thing is soaked until it cools completely, after which it is lightly squeezed out by hands and washed in the usual way.


By analogy with alcohol, glycerin is processed with a cotton swab or cotton pad, and a soft, clean cloth like gauze is also used.

The wiping method is similar to that described in the paragraph about alcohol. They can wash off oil and wax from shirts, sweaters, t-shirts, dresses, pants and trousers, as well as sheepskin coats, jeans and.

Gasoline and acetone

If the greasy stain is old and does not lend itself to folk remedies, it is necessary to use more effective methods. These include the use of chemical solvents such as acetone and high-purity gasoline Kalosh. White spirit paint thinners, 646 and the like are also suitable.

These aggressive liquids will deal with absolutely any greasy stains, regardless of their severity and age, as well as with, or. The flip side of the coin is that they can damage the color and structure of the fabric that needs to be cleaned.

Therefore, liquids are first applied to inconspicuous areas of clothing to test the stability of the material. If white spots appear or colored (black) fabric begins to stretch, then the treatment site is washed with a large amount of running water.

If the thing does not react in any way to contact with the solvent, then the stain can be treated with a cotton swab or cloth, avoiding prolonged contact of the liquid with the fabric.

Note! After cleaning the stain, the item must be washed well.

Turpentine and ammonia

These pungent odor liquids also have good dissolving properties and can be applied with a preliminary check on inconspicuous areas of the fabric. In addition to turpentine and ammonia, you can wash old greasy stains with purified kerosene.

If turpentine does not have a destructive effect on the fabric, then it can be rubbed into the oil stain and left for several hours until the fish oil is completely dissolved. Then the thing is washed with washing powder.

Hot brine

A salt solution prepared with hot water prepares the item for the next wash.

A small amount of salt is enough to disrupt the structure of the stain and significantly weaken it.

Processing is carried out by immersing the clothes in the prepared warm solution, the thing is left in it until the liquid has completely cooled. This method helps to remove an extraneous smell, for example, herring.

Below is a video that shows how to remove a greasy stain from various clothes at home.

Larisa , August 7, 2018 .

A greasy stain is one of the contaminants that gives the hostess a lot of trouble. During a feast or in the process of cooking, it’s easier than ever to “decorate” clothes with stains of fat, which are very difficult to get rid of later with regular washing. In stores selling household chemicals, you can buy a stain remover designed to remove grease stains. However, this tool is quite expensive and is not always suitable for the type of material from which the soiled clothing is made. If there is no special preparation at hand, you can use folk recipes that allow you to remove the most old fat blots with the help of products and other improvised means.

General rules for removing grease stains

As with any other contamination, greasy stains are best washed immediately after they appear. When the fat, along with dirt, penetrates deep into the fibers of the fabric, it will be much more difficult to get rid of it. In addition, one must remember and follow a few general rules for removing greasy stains, regardless of the type of fabric from which the clothing is made and the degree of old pollution:

  • Having found spots of fat on the fabric, it is necessary to separate this thing from the rest of the mass of dirty laundry and process it separately.
  • Shake out the product and clean the dry dirt with a clothes brush.
  • Prepare a cleaning mixture and the items necessary for work: cotton pads, a piece, a brush.
  • When choosing a cleaning agent, one should take into account the type of matter, the fastness of its color, and the age of pollution. At the beginning of work, a weak solution is used, the concentration of which is gradually increased depending on the resistance of the fabric.
  • Before starting treatment, test the cleaning solution on a small area in an inconspicuous area.
  • The product is laid out on a flat surface inside out. A piece of cotton fabric, preferably white, is laid under the stain.
  • With a cotton swab dipped in the prepared cleaning solution, lightly saturate the fabric at the site of contamination. So that the blot does not blur, movements must be directed from the edge to the center.

Once stains are removed, clothing can be machine washed or hand washed and hung to dry.

How to get a fresh stain out

Removing a fresh grease stain from clothes is not difficult. To do this, you can use ordinary laundry soap, salt or mustard, chalk and starch. The main thing is to carefully follow the cleaning sequence and carefully follow all the recommendations.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap against stains

Laundry soap has long been known as a hypoallergenic detergent that does an excellent job with the most difficult stains. This is due to natural fatty acids and sodium salt, which is part of its composition.

  • To remove a fresh greasy stain, you need to thoroughly lather the product and set it aside for several hours, then wash it.
  • If there is no time to wait, you can clean it in this way: soap the contaminated area, sprinkle with sugar, wait 15 minutes and start washing.

With the help of laundry soap, sweat and grease can be removed from the collar and cuffs of the shirt. To do this, it is enough to lather these quickly dirty parts of the clothes 2 hours before washing.


With the help of chalk, you can get rid of grease stains from products from or. To do this, grind a piece of chalk into powder, apply a bulk substance to the material and wait 2 hours until the fat is absorbed into the chalk. Then you can remove the remaining chalk with a damp sponge and wash the product.

paper napkins

This easy way to remove grease stains is applicable to both light and dark materials.

The soiled item is laid out on an ironing board, the contaminated area is covered with a paper towel and ironed with an iron heated to the highest possible temperature. As a result of this procedure, the fat is absorbed into the paper, and the fabric is cleaned.


Regular table salt will help remove grease stains. Pollution is sprinkled with salt and the crystals are rubbed into the fabric in a circular motion, after which the material is cleaned with a clothes brush.

To completely remove fat from the surface of the fabric, it is necessary to do the treatment several times in a row.

Grease stains can appear not only on clothes, but also on various objects. Especially often, housewives encounter the problem of removing greasy stains from tulle. If the tulle is soaked in salt water (100 g of salt per 10 liters of water) before the main wash, then the grease stains will disappear without a trace.


Ammonia in combination with salt and water will easily cope with fatty contaminants on natural and synthetic fabrics. To prepare a cleaning solution, you need 1 tbsp. l. dilute ammonia 3 tbsp. l. water and add a pinch of salt.

To remove a fresh greasy stain from silk or, you need to mix ammonia, water and glycerin, taken in an amount of 1 tbsp. l. and lower the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bclothes into the prepared mixture for half an hour.


Mustard powder is diluted with warm water so that a homogeneous mass is obtained that can be spread on the stain. They treat the pollution and after half an hour wash the product in the usual way.

Washing completes the stain removal process


Potato or corn starch is indispensable in cases where fat has got on a thing that is not intended for washing. To remove contamination, a little starch is rubbed into the stain, and after 15 minutes it is cleaned with a clothes brush. The procedure must be repeated until the complete disappearance of greasy stains.


Dishwashing detergent, known as Fairy, breaks down fat perfectly. If a greasy stain appears on a blouse or skirt, you need to pour soap on the area, wait until it penetrates the fabric, and wash the item in hot water.

Important! After removing greasy stains and subsequent washing, do not tumble dry the product. If the stain has not completely disappeared, dry hot air will fix it even more.

How to get rid of old grease stains

An old grease stain is much more difficult to remove than a fresh one. Fat penetrates into the fibers, practically growing together with them. To break this bond, aggressive substances such as gasoline or turpentine are used and processed several times in a row.


Gasoline for stains

With the help of refined gasoline, even the oldest greasy traces can be removed from clothes. Moreover, the color of the material does not matter - gasoline will cope with cleaning both light and dark fabrics. It is only necessary to soak a cotton pad in this substance and blot the greasy stain, then wash the product in the machine, setting the maximum possible temperature.

You can remove greasy marks from the carpet with sawdust moistened with gasoline. To do this, sawdust is scattered on dirty areas and after a while they are cleaned with a broom or brush.

Turpentine and ammonia

The combination of turpentine and ammonia is used in the preparation of an effective remedy for old grease stains. These two substances, taken in equal amounts, are mixed and applied to the contaminated area. After 3 hours, the product is washed in hot water - and the stains are gone.


A few drops of glycerin are applied to an old greasy stain. It will take half an hour to completely remove the stains, after which you can wipe this place with a piece of clean material.

There are many ways to remove grease stains from clothes and home textiles. Do not despair when you see this kind of pollution on your favorite dress or trousers, because there is always an inexpensive tool that will help restore the product to its original appearance.

A greasy stain can be a cause for serious disappointment, especially if it is put on a new dress or suit. But do not rush to frantically sprinkle the stain with the first remedy that comes across. The chances of cleaning clothes or permanently ruining a thing by choosing the wrong product are equally great. The earlier they took up the removal of the stain, the more likely it is to get rid of it without a trace. But from the numerous arsenal of available means, try to choose the one that will be most effective in your case.

Therefore, first accurately determine the type of fabric. Those products that are suitable for removing stains from natural fabrics are not always safe for synthetic ones, and vice versa.

If a greasy stain is placed on the clothes, you first need to “dry” it as much as possible from excess fat, and what remains of it should be further processed or washed. As soon as you find a greasy stain, blot it with a napkin folded in several layers. Change napkins until the next one is completely dry. This will mean that only the fat remains (a trace of sauce, mayonnaise, oil paint, cream, etc.) that has already penetrated into the fibers of the fabric and soaked them.

The napkin can be replaced with dry "powders". It can be salt, semolina, potato starch, talc. Sprinkle any of these products on the stain, stroking it lightly so that the fat is absorbed into them. Shake off the used “powder” several times, replacing with fresh one. With some fabrics, it is possible to completely remove fresh stains with salt if you start removing them immediately, as soon as they are discovered. But, in any case, having achieved that the salt or other agent used has become completely dry, gently go over the stain with a brush, making sure that excess fat is removed.

If the stain is not completely defeated, now you have the most difficult stage of work.

It can be quickly removed from woolen fabric with gasoline. Lay the soiled item on a hard surface, after placing a napkin soaked in gasoline under the stain. Dip a white cloth (bandage, cotton wool) in gasoline and gently rub the stain in a circular motion from the edges to the center. It is preferable to remove the stain from the wrong side - this will prevent the stain from spreading and the appearance of streaks on the front side. Change the paper towels you use to clean the stain more often. If the fabric is thick or very dense, and the stain has gone through, the procedure should be carried out on both sides, and then the resulting stains should be removed by washing the fabric or cleaning it with the addition of ordinary laundry detergents.

If the stain is old, it is cleaned in the same way, only first you need to put a cotton swab on it, abundantly moistened with gasoline for 5-10 minutes, so that the stain is completely saturated with it.

There is also a more aggressive and risky method of removing fat from the coat. After applying a cloth soaked in gasoline to a greasy stain, after 3-5 minutes, iron this place with an iron heated to 100-120 degrees. Why is the method risky? Because if there is a certain amount of synthetics in the composition of the wool, there is a high probability that the stain will not disappear.

If you are wondering how to remove a grease stain from silk clothes, try one of the following methods. Prepare a solution that will include glycerin, ammonia and water. The volume of liquid depends on the area of ​​​​contamination, but usually 1 tablespoon of each of the components is enough. Immerse the cloth at the site of contamination in a dish with a solution and leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm running water.

A fresh stain from thin light natural fabrics can be removed without a trace if you first gently blot them with a napkin that absorbs fat well, and then cover them with well-crushed chalk. In this state, the soiled fabric should be left for 3-5 hours so that the chalk absorbs all the remnants of fat well. After the specified time, the chalk is simply shaken off the fabric.

An oily stain placed on a thin synthetic fabric can be removed by covering it on the outer and inner sides with paper napkins folded in 4-6 layers and stroking with an iron heated to 100 degrees. Napkins will absorb the bulk of the fat, and the remaining stain can be removed with a pre-prepared solution of equal parts of ammonia and any washing powder or detergent diluted in water.

It is much more difficult to remove a greasy stain from clothes when it comes to leather, drape and any thick and hard fabrics. In this case, the same means are used, but the exposure time and the concentration of solutions can be slightly increased. Before you start removing the stain, especially if you decide to use acetone and turpentine as a cleaner, it is advisable to check the effect of the selected agent on the color and texture of the fabric. To do this, apply a small amount of product for half an hour or an hour on the inner seam or hem of the product. After complete drying, it will be clear to you whether the product will have a negative effect on the fabric and even then it can be used.

To remove grease from a leather jacket, vest, or raincoat, make a mixture of equal parts gasoline and potato starch. Spread a thin layer of the resulting slurry on the stain and let it dry, then wipe it with a napkin or soft brush to clean the dried starch. If the stain is not cleared the first time, repeat the procedure.

Shiny collars of new jackets and coats become a real problem when they are constantly in contact with the skin. To remove such a greasy stain, prepare a solution of a tablespoon of ammonia and half a teaspoon of table salt. After stirring it well, apply it for 1-2 minutes to the place of contamination, after which, with a clean cotton napkin, begin to gently wipe the stain in the direction from the edges to the center of contamination, constantly changing the napkins to clean ones and wetting them in the solution.

To clean many things made of natural and synthetic fabrics, a mixture of 2 tablespoons of ammonia, 1 teaspoon of table salt, 7 teaspoons of rubbing alcohol and one teaspoon of gasoline is suitable. This mixture is equally good for removing stains from outerwear and light clothing.

To cope with the problem of greasy marks on things, household items and interior, it is not necessary to run to the dry cleaners.

To remove traces of oil and fat is quite within the power of an ordinary housewife.

You just need to know what and how to apply to pollution.

How to remove greasy stains at home: popular remedies and methods

While the stain is fresh, it is fairly easy to remove from the fabric. Today there are so many detergents and delicate bleaching products that it is very easy to remove greasy stains at home. Yes, if they are fresh. The thing needs to be soaked for half an hour in a proven household chemical, and then washed thoroughly in any way.

Among the most popular remedies that help remove oily stains at home are:

Ammonia, aka ammonia;

Laundry soap;

Talc or baby powder;


Bread crumb;

Potato starch.

All of them do an excellent job with fresh traces of fat, and there is nothing complicated in processing the fabric. Many of these home helpers work on the principle of adsorption: they absorb fat, after which the stain is washed off very easily, leaving no residue.

How to remove oily stains at home with the help of such products?

Salt, starch or baby powder you need to wipe the stain, then shake off the powder and wash the thing. Salt is also good because it calmly copes with old greasy stains, as well as traces of coffee, juice, wine, sweat, blood.

Kopeechny ammonia is able to help out the hostess in different situations, including solving the problem of greasy traces on the fabric. A teaspoon of ammonia should be diluted in half a glass of water, applied to the stain with a cotton pad or a piece of cloth, rubbed hard and left for five to six hours. It remains to wash the product in a delicate mode or by hand. If the stain is not too large and has just been planted, you can try to get rid of it immediately after treatment. Lay the treated area on both sides with a cotton cloth and iron.

Normal laundry soap, an invaluable legacy of the Soviet era, can completely rid the fabric of the stain. The fabric should be well wetted, lathered properly and left for twelve hours (overnight). It remains to wash the thing, and then rinse thoroughly. Another way is to lather the dirty area, then sprinkle with a pinch of sugar and scrub with a brush. Leave for fifteen minutes and then wash.

Mustard Great for removing greasy stains at home. Mustard powder is diluted with water to a creamy state, applied to the contaminated surface in a dense layer. After half an hour, the stain can be successfully washed off.

If trouble happened at the table, quickly absorb fat a piece of bread will help. The crumb needs to be rolled over the stain, and then washed after that. This method works very well on velvet.

How to remove oily stains at home: unusual ways

You can remove oily stains at home with the help of unusual means, which are also always at hand.

For instance, dishwashing liquid has fat-dissolving properties. They can be used to combat traces of fat and oil. It's simple: apply the amount of the product needed to treat the stain on the fabric, wait twenty minutes, pour over with boiling water and wash. Rough cloth can be rubbed with a brush after applying the product.

Shaving foam- also a great way to wipe off a greasy stain. It is necessary to squeeze out a ball of foam, rub it into the dirty area on the clothes. The exposure time is ten minutes. After the foam bath, the product will only need to be washed with ordinary powder

To answer the question of how to remove greasy stains at home, is able and shampoo for oily hair. The method of processing the fabric is the same as for the dishware. The fat-soluble components of the product have a strong effect on the stain, helping to easily and simply wash it off.

Stroking a fresh oily stain through tracing paper is one of the easiest ways to treat this kind of stain. The iron must not be too hot. The optimum temperature is one hundred degrees. Simply place four or five layers of blotting paper under the stain and place the same layer on top of the stain. Iron until the fat is completely absorbed into the paper.

How to remove grease stains at home: a large area of ​​​​contamination

Individual stains on your favorite shirt or curtain are a nuisance. Numerous greasy traces on kitchen towels, tablecloths, garden household textiles - this is force majeure. During the period of autumn preparations, when oil is poured in liters in the kitchen, not a single housewife manages to avoid numerous traces of fat.

Easily and quickly wash and whiten affected tissues will help decades-old Soviet-era recipe. In the classic version, it requires the following components:

Ten liters of water;

Faceted glass of washing powder;

Two tablespoons of salt;

So much vegetable oil.

Water must be brought to a boil, add all the components to it, turn off the gas and immerse the contaminated products in a miraculous solution. Leave until the water has cooled completely, for twelve to fourteen hours. Then wash particularly resistant stains in the same solution, wring out and wash in the usual way.

Today, instead of the Soviet "Lotus", you can take any modern powder or bleach. Instead of ten liters, take one, three, five - depending on the number of things being processed. Reduce the proportions of the components accordingly. Removing grease stains at home using this method is a pleasure. The oil is easily washed off, the fabric is bleached. However, this method can only be used on dense natural fabrics.

How to remove oily stains at home: delicate fabrics

It's not just kitchen towels that suffer from grease stains. You can plant a disgusting stain on a silk blouse, and on your favorite sweater, and on a light cashmere coat.

It is very easy to completely spoil an already spoiled thing with an inept, wrong influence.

First rule: no chlorine bleaches. For delicate silk, wool, acrylic, angora, this is just death.

How to remove greasy stains at home on delicate fabrics?

If the oven is about silk, then you can try the following methods.

Salt plus ammonia. The composition in approximately equal proportions must be carefully applied to the stain, wait fifteen minutes, and then washed with warm water, preferably by hand.

Ammonium chloride, glycerin and water. Mix in equal amounts. Moisten the stain with plenty of composition, after five minutes wash by hand and rinse in warm water.

Silk products and fine wool respond equally well to baby powder or talc. These products help to gently and easily remove oily stains at home. If the stain is fresh, you just need to fill it with powder and leave it alone for a day. Important: you need to process a greasy trace from the edges to the center so as not to spread it outward. After 24 hours, shake off the talcum powder and iron the stain through a kitchen towel.

Works well on silk powder from ordinary chalk. If the product is light in color (this is a prerequisite, it is difficult to remove chalk from dark fibers), simply cover the stain with dry powder, and after two hours remove it with a damp cloth. Wash, rinse and dry the product. Chalk can be used on light linen or cotton.

Capricious wool well tolerates treatment with gasoline. What can be done:

Saturate the greasy stain with gasoline;

Leave for five minutes;

Lay bottom and top with folded tracing paper or dry kitchen towels;

Iron the stain on both sides with a heated iron;

If necessary, change the paper and repeat the procedure again.

The "gasoline method" will save the cashmere coat. The processing method is the same.

By the way, shampoo for oily hair works great on delicate fibers of chiffon, silk, wool. To remove grease stains at home or, for example, in a hotel, a bottle of such a product will help very well.

How to remove oily stains at home: old stains

Fighting old stains is difficult, but possible. How to remove greasy stains at home if they have been planted for a long time?

1. With salt. It is necessary to make a saturated saline solution by pouring a basin of hot water into half a glass of coarse table salt. Soak the product with an old stain for an hour and a half, and then wash it in the machine.

2. Using clean gasoline. The stain must be soaked with the substance, left for a few minutes to dissolve the fat, and then washed thoroughly. Wash separately from other items.

3. Dissolve an old speck of fat will help mixture of turpentine and ammonia taken in equal quantities. The composition is applied to the stain for two to three hours. Normal washing (also separate from other things) completes the process.

4. With the help of glycerin. You can buy this remedy at a pharmacy. Apply a small amount of glycerin for half an hour to the contaminated oily area. After the set time, wash off the mixture with water using a tampon, and wash the product in the usual way.

5. Using potato starch. If a dry powder is used on a fresh stain, then a hot composition should be prepared for old starch stains. Dilute a small amount of powder with hot water until a slurry is formed, rub the stain with it and leave for ten minutes. Clean off dried starch, wash the product. If traces of fat remain, the procedure can be repeated.

6. Using baking soda and washing powder. If you mix them in equal proportions, dilute them a little with water and apply them to the dirt, you get a fairly effective remedy for old grease stains. You need to keep the composition for fifteen minutes, then wash the whole thing. Dishwashing liquid can replace washing powder.

7. Vinegar. Having combined it with water in an equal amount, soak a fragment of the contaminated fabric for fifteen minutes, and then wash it.

There is a lot of information on how to remove greasy stains at home. Experienced housewives use several methods, focusing on the presence of one or another remedy in the house, the “age” of the stain and the type of fabric.

After the holiday, there were surprises in the form of greasy pollution? Don't know how to remove a grease stain? Use the tips that housewives have used for decades and let things delight you with their cleanliness.


Before you start working with cleansers, prepare everything you may need in the process:

  1. Contaminated clothing should be cleaned of dust and dirt, if possible. Use a brush for this.
  2. Prepare a cotton pad or a piece of cloth with which you will apply the product.
  3. Dilute the solution to remove impurities. It is recommended that you first try a weak solution, and if it does not work, make the concentration stronger.
  4. Be sure to test the fabric reaction on an inconspicuous area of ​​the garment. If the material is not deformed, the composition can be used.

Grease stains are removed faster if the treatment is carried out from the inside out. In this case, a sheet of paper or cotton cloth folded several times should be placed under the stain.

Spot treatment should be done from the edges to the center - then it will not blur.

fresh spot

Of course, it is easier to remove the stain, while the fat has not yet had time to soak into the fabric. Remember the most effective means for "ambulance".

Laundry soap

They can remove stains from almost any type of fabric. Such a tool works well only if the pollution has not had time to properly soak into the material. As soon as possible, you need to lather the thing with a bar of unrefined brown soap (at least 72%) and leave it for 12 hours (it is better to wrap it in cellophane). Then wash in the usual way.

Sugar and laundry soap

This express method requires only 15 minutes of waiting time. It is necessary to lather the stained area and sprinkle sugar on top, then rub with a brush. After a quarter of an hour, you can wash as usual. So you can remove dirt from cotton trousers or shirts.


This method has been widely used for a very long time on all materials, including knitwear. Immediately after the appearance of a stain of fat on clothes, you need to sprinkle it liberally with salt, rub it in a little and brush it off. If the contamination could not be removed, then repeat until it disappears completely. Wash and dry according to the type of fabric.

Chalk powder

With a light natural fabric (cotton, linen, silk, chiffon), it is not difficult to remove fat with this tool. It is enough to sprinkle the stained area with dry powder and set aside for 2-3 hours. Sweep away the remaining chalk with a damp cloth and wash the product.

Tooth powder, talcum powder, baking soda, baby powder

On light-colored woolen clothes, you can use toothpowder to remove grease at home:

  • put clothes on a flat surface (preferably on an ironing board);
  • sprinkle contamination with powder, put paper (blotting paper or tracing paper) on top;
  • iron with a warm iron, put oppression on top (several books will do);
  • leave it overnight, and in the morning remove the books, remove the paper and wash with the appropriate type of fabric.


Can be used on any fabric that can be ironed with a warm iron. Place blotting paper on the front and back of the garment in place of the stain, spread the resulting “sandwich” on a flat surface and run it several times with a non-hot iron. If the fat is not all left on the blotter, then repeat several times.

bread crumb

Attach a crumb of white bread to the contamination, wait until the fat is completely absorbed into it. Remove bread and wash in warm soapy water. So oily stains from velvet leave well.

Ammonia solution

Ammonia can remove many contaminants at home, including greasy stains. It works best on light fabrics of artificial origin. Pour a teaspoon of ammonia into a glass of water, treat the contaminated area with a swab, put a clean cloth on top and iron on medium heat. All fat should remain on the cotton.

mustard powder

You can remove fat from colored and dark linen tablecloths in this way. Add water to mustard powder until creamy. Cover the stained area with the mixture and soak for 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash with warm water.


If the stained product cannot be washed, then starch will help to remove the stain. Rub it into the area of ​​contamination and wait about 10 minutes, then sweep away the remaining powder. If the stain does not come off, repeat the steps.

Salt and alcohol

If the product cannot be washed (upholstery of upholstered furniture, for example), then table salt can be used. Sprinkle it on an oily stain and rub in, changing the salt periodically until it disappears. Moisten a cotton or gauze swab with alcohol and, after cleaning the contaminated area, dry the cloth.


So you can remove a greasy stain from any clothes (trousers, sweaters, blouses), regardless of the fabric. Apply undiluted product to the stained area, rub and wait a few minutes, pour boiling water over and wash the item.

Shaving foam

It will be easiest for bachelors to remove a greasy stain in the following way:

  • apply shaving foam to clothing;
  • rub a little
  • wait about 5 minutes and throw in the washing machine.

Shampoo for oily hair

Apply a little shampoo directly to the stained area, rub it into the fabric, wait about an hour, wash in warm water. The method is good for clothes made of wool, silk, chiffon.

How to remove old pollution

If you are dealing with old grease stains, then most likely you will have to use aggressive products. It is important to remember that acetone, turpentine, benzene, alcohol and gasoline are poisonous flammable substances. This also applies to store products that contain these substances.

Before you start working with such compositions, be sure to open the windows so that there is fresh air in the room.

Keep poisonous substances tightly closed and out of the reach of children.


To remove an old greasy stain, you need to soak a cloth or blotter with gasoline, put it under the soiled product, treat the contaminated area with a swab dipped in gasoline from the edges to the center from above. So you can clean knitwear, cotton, linen in dark colors.


Dissolve 150 ml of salt in a liter of hot water, dip the soiled product into the resulting solution, wait for the fabric to be cleaned (you can rub it a little) and wash it as usual. At home, this is a great way to clean fabric.

Turpentine and ammonia

Combine equal amounts of turpentine and ammonia, apply with a cotton swab to the old soiled area and soak for several hours. After removing the fat, wash the product as usual.


So you can remove old stains of fat, both from knitwear, and from silk and other delicate fabrics. Apply a couple of drops of the composition to the contaminated area, wait about half an hour, wipe the area with a clean cotton swab or gauze.


Soak the sawdust in gasoline until it is absorbed, then pour it directly onto the old stain and wait until the gasoline dries. Brush off the sawdust and wash the thing.


To remove an old greasy stain, you need to heat a solution of starch in water and apply to the stain, wait for the fat to absorb into it and sweep away the residue.

Baking soda and dishwashing liquid or powder and water

Mix the ingredients to the consistency of toothpaste, apply it to the old stained place, rub it with a brush (you can use a toothbrush), wait 10 minutes, rinse when washing.


Combine vinegar with water in equal proportions, soak clothes in the resulting solution for 15 minutes, wash.

Coca Cola

You can remove a greasy stain with a sweet soda like Sprite or Cok-Cola. Immerse the part of the clothes in need of cleaning, wait 2-3 hours, wash the item.

As you can see, getting rid of such contaminants is not difficult if you know how to use some improvised means. Remove stubborn stains easily.

Polish for hair

Surprisingly, this remedy works well. Spray the varnish on the contaminated area of ​​clothing and leave for 30 minutes to act. Then wash the item in the washing machine. If the stain is not completely removed the first time, repeat the procedure.


It is used to remove gasoline and engine oil stains from clothing. Apply to the grease stain, wait 30 minutes and wash the garment in cold water.

Aloe vera infusion

Immerse the clothes in a basin of cold water and pour the infusion over the contaminated area. Rub the stain with your hands for 3 minutes, and then wash the item in the usual way.

Means Lestoil

Works great on stubborn greasy and oily stains. Pour some onto the stain and leave to act for 30 minutes. After that, wash the product in cold water.