How to decorate the office for Halloween? Halloween corporate party script Halloween in the office

We create a festive mood in the office without interruption from work

To make Halloween a real holiday, you do not need to make a lot of effort - just give it an hour. Here are some tips from IGate on how to create a festive atmosphere without distracting from the work process.

Quickly decorate the office

If there is no time to decorate the premises, do not despair. An artificial web will help to make an ancient crypt out of a cozy office in just 10-15 minutes. On holidays, online stores will deliver it in a couple of hours.

Complete with a web, you can order special garlands of bats or witches. But if you don’t want to spend money on disposable tinsel, you can print several bats on a printer and hang them yourself. And with the help of napkins, adhesive tape or ribbons - create a swarm of little ghosts. Creating one such ghost will take only one minute.

Agree, half an hour of preparation is worth two days of joy. After all, Halloween officially ends on the night of October 31st to November 1st.

Set the festive table

The traditional symbol of Halloween is Joe's pumpkin. But carving a "smiling friend" from a pumpkin is long and inconvenient. Therefore, we recommend arming yourself with a permanent marker and creating several dozen of his friends from ordinary tangerines. We checked that it takes no more than 10 seconds to create one face. And you can buy fruit or even order with delivery directly to the office at the nearest store.

In addition to tangerines, “bloody cupcakes” can be served to the Halloween table. Firstly, it's stylish, secondly, it's delicious, and thirdly, it doesn't take much time to prepare. You can order cupcakes in the same store. And if you add a jar of condensed milk and a bag of food coloring to them and mix them in the right proportion, the blood turns out to be quite impressive.

In autumn, instead of cold cocktails, you want warm tea. And on Halloween, this drink will also decorate the table. If you make tea from lemon, ginger and ordinary basil, you get a very tasty and aromatic drink. By varying the amount of basil in tea, you can achieve not only pink, but also blue and even dark purple color of the drink.

Festive mood without effort

If a decorated office and a festive table are not enough for you, you can arrange a holiday for your employees by ordering a make-up artist. This service will cost from 200 to 500 hryvnia per hour, while, on average, the master will spend from seven to ten minutes on one image.

Do you have an artist in your team? Amazing! You can order face painting online for 80-100 UAH with delivery.

If you do not want to disperse in the evening, arrange contests. You can try to carve the most creative pumpkin head with the joint efforts of the departments. Or, at speed, eat an apple hanging on a rope without touching it with your hands.

What can be found on the Internet

The group of Ukrainian marketplaces EVO showed how you can create a Halloween image from the goods and services presented in the network.

By the way, before leaving home, you can arrange a surprise for colleagues. To do this, just take a pack of eye stickers and “revive” all the equipment in the office. A sea of ​​emotions on Monday morning is guaranteed to you.

And this is how Halloween is celebrated in Ukrainian IT companies

Startup Incubator "1991 Open Data Incubator".

To have fun with colleagues, you should let the spirit of the holiday into the workplace. Keep in mind that if everything is conservative at your work, before organizing any activity, let your HR manager know about your ideas and make sure that they are approved. And only after that proceed with the following points:

Decorate your desktop

You and those around you will definitely get into a festive mood if you decorate your workplace with decorative cobwebs, rubber or plastic spiders, pumpkins and other themed decor.

Prepare a holiday meal

Bright and tasty cupcakes or other pastries for Halloween will please your eye and your colleagues will definitely like it. You can buy it yourself, order from a team, or arrange a competition among colleagues for the best dish prepared for Halloween.

Host a costume contest

Another way to have fun at work on Halloween is to have a costume contest. Even if this is not encouraged during working hours, you can bring your own costumes and change after the working day is over. We are sure that you will be curious to look at colleagues whom you are used to seeing in formal suits, in new images: bright, bold and a little crazy outfits. To keep the competition fair, the winner can be chosen by secret ballot.

Organize entertainment

It seems like everyone in the US is thinking about Halloween right now. For most people, he centers around his children and annual celebrations or pleasures. However, for a growing number of Americans, Halloween is also celebrated in the office. This is good for business as well as employees. Here's a plan you can start today that will allow you and your employees to reap the benefits of Halloween in the office.

It seems like everyone in the US is thinking about Halloween right now. For most people, he centers around his children and annual celebrations or pleasures. However, for a growing number of Americans, Halloween is also celebrated in the office. This is good for business as well as employees. Here's a plan you can start today that will allow you and your employees to reap the benefits of Halloween in the office.

Why should you worry

You can use Halloween in the office to boost morale and teamwork. At the same time, it can help you bring out creative and talented talents among your employees. Your people have some fun in the office, which builds morale. Teams of employees work together on fun projects, which helps build collaboration. Employees from different departments share a common activity that improves communication and interagency collaboration. You can identify people in your organization with hidden talents such as creativity, team leadership and collaboration in a non-hierarchical setting.

Start today

Even if you haven't started yet, it's not too late. Find or assign a volunteer to coordinate activities. Human resources and communications are good places to look for this personality type, but it could be anyone.

Determine what the event will include, when and where it will take place, and set a budget for the event.

Then say the word.

Use any methods of communication with employees that you have to announce Halloween at an Office event. Submit it to message boards and company intranets. Send a message about the explosion. Use the communication tools you have so people have enough time to get their part ready.

What's included?

Choose from this list those things that will work for your company.

Be aware of the company's culture, its industry, and its location.

  • Halloween Party: This usually works best during lunch. Set it up in the company canteen or dining room if you have one. Get decorations for jewelry that you can purchase. Make sure everything is fireproof. A party can be as simple or as extensive as time permits and your budget allows, from buffets to punch and cookies. Having a party increases the amount of time employees from different departments will interact and provides a place to judge a costume contest if you have one. It also gives employees who are unable or unwilling to enter the costume contest the opportunity to interact with those employees who do.
  • Costume Contest: Customize and publish contest rules, including categories. You can have separate competitions for teams and individuals. Prizes for the best, most original, scariest, lame, etc. You can even give a prize to the individual who most closely resembles a corporate performer or best embodies the spirit of the company.
  • Finishing facilities: The start of the morning event allows employees to decorate their group areas in a Halloween-inspired way. They may want to create a haunted house or graveyard. What they came up with tells you something about the people in the group. How well they do it says a lot about their team spirit. Watch for opinion leaders that emerge during the process that you could develop further.
  • Other games and contests: If it suits your company, consider an apple tug or a pumpkin carve or whatever your event leader has encountered.

Events like Halloween in the office can be a great way to promote employee morale, teamwork, and interdepartmental collaboration. They can also help you identify creativity, innovation, and leadership talents among your employees that you can develop for business purposes. In addition to being good for business, it can be interesting. Try it.

Costume suggestions

Some humble employees feel unable to fully participate in group activities in the office. They worry about appearing stupid or embarrassed. Halloween may provide a good opportunity for these employees to join in. A great time for shy people to show off their talents in the office by hiding behind a suit.

Here are some good costume options for employees who are unsure about attending the office. Halloween:

Full or full head masks

  • ex-presidents
  • Movie Stars, Then or Now > Creatures and Monsters
  • Suits with hoods


  • Dementor
  • Monk
  • Easily removable suits

Big glasses with funny nose and fake mustache

  • Sunglasses and black fedora hat like blues brothers
  • Invalid Office Suits

Remember that while this is an office party, it is more of an office than a party. Choosing the right costume means excluding anything that might make fun of or embarrass your colleagues. What suits are acceptable will vary from company to company depending on location, industry, and company policy, for example. Here are some costumes that don't fit, no matter the setting:

Exaggerated body parts of the opposite sex

  • Costumes like the brand name sexual innuendo face box
  • Costumes that are too revealing (sexuality may be acceptable, almost nude is not)
  • Costumes that have flown or lost parts (such as feathers) that may have entered the collective area
  • Overly elaborate or expensive costumes
  • Minimal suits that scream "I couldn't be bothered"
  • Matching Office Suits

Good choices for office Halloween party costumes include those that showcase your creativity, those that display a sense of humor in business, or those that display your talents in an auspicious light. These may include:

An intricate costume you made yourself that showcases your skill as an artist or your ability to sew

  • A costume that demonstrates your ability to select common items and mix them into a costume, such as large rubber balls, hooked together to make you look like a bunch of grapes
  • Donald Trump mask, shabby suit and a sign that says "fired" but "you" was scratched and replaced with "I've been"
  • Or something as simple as a programmer who replaced his standard Dockers(r) and T-shirt with a handsome tailor, an expensive business suit and a full face mask so no one knew who he was.

Halloween script for a corporate party in the office

The Halloween holiday originates from Celtic legends.

The Celts believed that on New Year's Eve the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead dissolves, and the dead visit the earth. In order not to get caught dead, people dressed up as scarily as possible. With this, they wanted to scare away ghosts and other evil spirits. For the spirits, all kinds of treats were taken out into the street. Thus, people wanted to calm the evil spirits.

But how do they celebrate it in the offices?

The funniest thing about this holiday is the masquerade. If you are organizing a corporate holiday, then a masquerade should become a prerequisite for your corporate party. If among the employees there are only girls (and this happens), then all of them will then be able to dress up in witch costumes. You can choose the most charming witch.

A little background at the beginning of the holiday can also turn into a competition. To do this, you just need to read it out loud to everyone present at the very beginning, and then ask questions, for example:

  • Which tribes originated Halloween?
  • On the eve of which Celtic holiday did the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead disappear?
  • Why do people dress up in scary costumes?
  • What did the Celts do on this holiday?
  • How is the name of this holiday translated?

You can organize a variety of competitions and entertainment.

First, arrange a real fortune-telling.

Any methods are suitable for him: on maps, on water, on coffee grounds. We offer you the option of drawing lots.

For him, you will need as many balloons as you have invited guests. Balls should preferably be blue, black or light blue. You write predictions on slips of paper, then put those predictions into balloons. Employees need to choose a ball and, having burst it, read the prediction.

For example:

You, witch, are not a miss,
And everyone knows it
In winter, your wedding awaits you.

If you are dressed as a witch today,
Then your happiness will find you in the summer.

You are the smartest witch of all
But there's something you don't know
After all, this fortune-telling was created by a man,
Why then are you wondering?

Whoever chose this note must know and remember one thing. Never trust fortune telling again.

Guessing is a complete lie.
And your fate is immediately visible and immediately read:
Let the snow melt, let the ice melt
And soon happiness will find you.

Close your eyes, make a wish
And exactly twelve days later
Wait for the call and you will receive a sign
About how your fate pleases.

You can arrange several competitions.

For the first, use various proverbs about evil spirits.

The following proverbs and sayings are suitable for this competition:

  • The evil one was with the evil one, but both fell into the pit;
  • You won't save yourself for every hour;
  • Fear is worse than death;
  • Frighten the one who does not understand anything;
  • Fear of strength takes away;
  • Fear has big eyes;
  • The devil is not so terrible as he is painted;
  • Look into the eyes of fear, do not blink, but if you blink, you will be lost;
  • Fear is the first helper to the enemy;
  • At the devil in the middle of nowhere;
  • Like hell in the bosom;
  • Sell ​​your soul to the devil;
  • The devil was in him.

These proverbs and sayings can be useful for different games. You can divide each into parts in order to distribute guests into groups, or you can also arrange theater competition. Each participant pulls a piece of paper, on the back of which one or another saying is written. Then the players must draw it, and the rest need to guess and say this proverb or saying aloud.

Then you can also talk about the pumpkin, how it appeared in the history of this holiday.

One Irish legend tells of a man who was a great swindler and drunkard. Once, on Halloween, this man, and his name was Jack, invited the devil to his place in order to drink with him. A little later, the devil and Jack made a bet that the devil couldn't get into the tree. The devil did this without difficulty, and Jack immediately drew a cross on the tree so that the devil could not get out of this tree.

Jack offered the devil this deal: "I will take off the cross, and you will never tempt me again."

After his death, Jack could not go to heaven, because he sinned a lot during his lifetime, but the devil did not let him go to hell either. The devil only gave him a hot coal, which Jack put in an onion. On the eve of All Saints' Day, according to legend, Jack wanders the world with a glowing onion in his hands. But later in America, instead of an onion, they began to use a pumpkin for convenience.

Thus, the luminous pumpkin is an essential element of this holiday.

Therefore, be sure to organize games related to it.

We suggest you stock up on a few pumpkins and organize competition for the most beautiful pumpkin. To do this, provide each participant with a pumpkin, markers and a knife. As an additional option, ask the participants to make it glow. To do this, give them a large knife so that the participants can get rid of its "insides", and then you need to cut out the pumpkin's eyes, and put a candle or put a flashlight inside, so the pumpkin's eyes will burn like fire.

Also during this holiday you can build competition for the best dance with a broom.

To do this, you need to call one participant to the impromptu stage in turn and turn on some moving music. The winner is chosen by voting.

With the same broom, you can arrange another game.

All participants stand in a circle in pairs. One person stands in the center of the circle, but instead of a partner, he hugs a broom (you can replace it with a mop). Then the music turns on, and all the participants begin to dance. Suddenly, the music abruptly turns off and all couples must quickly switch partners. At this moment, the participant dancing with a broom should quickly stand up to someone in a pair, and the one who remains completely without a pair now stands in the middle and dances with a broom.

This game is basically endless. It is usually played until it gets boring.

play a funny game comic game "Believe in the Spirit".

For her, you need to choose one from a private trader who believes in spirits and spiritualism. Then the host and this participant sit down at the table. The lights go out in the room, and only one candle is lit on the table between them. There are two plates on the table. One is opposite the participant, the other is opposite the leader.

The facilitator says that if the player is very focused and completely copies all the actions of the facilitator, then he (i.e., the participant himself) will be able to move the coin, which is in the facilitator's plate, into his own plate.

So, the leader begins to wave his arms, to make all sorts of wave-like movements. This happens within 2-3 minutes. Then the facilitator says that the participant did not succeed because he was not focused enough.

In fact, the meaning of this game lies in the fact that during all kinds of gestures, the presenter kept running his hand over the plate, and then over his face. Accordingly, the participant repeated. But the player's plate was smoked in advance, so he himself, without noticing, smeared his face harder and harder. In this game, it is important that everyone else, that is, watching, does not give out a joke with their laughter.

If your office is spacious enough, you can organize competition "Find the bones".

For this, you'll need cardboard cutout bones that hang on the walls throughout the office. The task of the players is to find as many of these bones as possible.

Well, now let's talk about the main props of this holiday - about the costumes. In order for you to turn into real evil spirits, you will need a lot of white paint, white shadows or makeup of the same color. You can also add blue to make your eyes look as scary as possible. As for the hairstyle, the best option, suitable for almost all costumes, will be an ordinary bouffant.

If you have no idea how to make a costume yourself, then we can offer several options.

1. Ghost costume.
It's very easy to do. For it you will need a piece of sheet or a whole sheet, preferably one that you will no longer use for its intended purpose. You can hang it on your head, cutout in the eyes. You can wind it around your shoulders so that it covers the whole body, but the head will remain outside and therefore you will need to decorate your face a lot and make an appropriate hairstyle.

You can hide a small flashlight under the sheet and turn it on at certain times. It will look like you are glowing in the dark.

2. Witch costume make it very easy.
Wear any black skirt, preferably long. If she does not cover her legs, put on black nylon tights, carefully pierced in advance, and in some places inaccurately sewn with colored threads. Sew a lot of patches on the skirt. If you are sure that there is no black skirt in your wardrobe, then use a colored skirt by wearing it upside down.

The jacket can be of any style, a black jacket with a hood, which depicts a web, is perfect. Surely one of your friends will have one, since such sweaters were in fashion at one time.

A black scarf or hat with large brim and a sharp end will look great on your head. Make a wig out of old videotape tape. You can attach such a wig to a hat or to a scarf.

3. Dead man's suit.
For him, you will need, as for the ghost costume, a white piece of matter. Draw several bloody wounds on the face. If you are a hanged man, then do not forget about the rope that should hang around your neck. If you are a drowned person, then put on greens like algae.

As for the menu, so it is practically absent on this holiday. But since the Russian soul, despite the foreign origin of this holiday, still strives to treat all the invited evil spirits, so we offer you serve the following dishes.

First, you can treat those present with wine, or red flower soda, after warning everyone that they will enjoy the blood of the first victim. Then, you can offer guests a sweet roll or other similarly shaped treat.

The roll will serve as the "insides" of that very first victim. According to this scheme, you can treat your guests with whatever you want, but with one condition: the dish must have a “terrible legend”.

Now we can talk about office decoration.

This part of preparing for Halloween is also not so simple, it needs to be carefully considered. To design an office, you need to use all the ways to “intimidate” it. Start by thinking about office lighting. It should be fairly subdued. If your fixtures do not allow this, then use only candles for lighting.

Windows are best curtained with dark pieces of fabric. On the sofas and armchairs - dark rugs. Forget the pumpkin. It's better if it glows.

A homemade web hung in the corners of your office looks quite original.

Well, armed with all our tips, you can celebrate Halloween in a big way. Don't forget to take photos.

Scenario Halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween halloween, scenario helloween, hellowen, haloween, halloween