How to whiten jeans at home. How can you lighten dark jeans at home (whiteness, soda, hydrogen peroxide)

Using "Whiteness" or bleach, you can whiten jeans by soaking or boiling. For a more gentle bleaching of denim, use peroxide, lemon juice, "Domestos", ammonia or potassium permanganate. To get an interesting design, different techniques are used: for a gradient - reducing the concentration of a whitening agent, for scuffs - whitening individual areas, for an interesting pattern - twisting, clamps, stencils or sprayers.

Fashionistas are well aware of how changeable trends are. And, unfortunately, not everyone has enough funds to keep up with fashion. Even the always demanded denim was worn yesterday in the form of classic models, and today with scuffs or military. And there is no guarantee that stains on jeans or "boiled water" will not return to the trend tomorrow. You can create an interesting design on jeans yourself, giving a second life to old trousers, breeches or shorts. And full, partial or designer whitening will help with this. The whitening method is applicable in housekeeping, not only to remove grayness, stains or yellowness from white things, but also to create an interesting decor. How to whiten jeans at home using classic bleach or improvised means, let's take a closer look.

Instructions for whitening jeans "Whiteness"

Lemon juice or acid

Dissolve lemon or fresh lemon juice in water.

Proportions: for 1 liter of water, 1 teaspoon of acid or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of juice. Soak the product for 60 minutes or more. After an hour has passed, periodically pull and inspect the item. If the result is unsatisfactory, prolong the exposure time.

Please note that after drying, the item will be lighter than wet.


The active ingredients contained in are quite capable of lightening denim.

What to do:

  1. Dissolve 200 ml of the composition in 6 liters of water.
  2. Leave the product in the solution for exposure.
  3. When desired, rinse your jeans thoroughly using fabric softener to get rid of the pungent odor.
  4. Air dry.

Sodium permanganate

Potassium permanganate is also able to whiten a thing.

Prepare a solution: dissolve manganese in water, based on the proportions of 30 g per 1 kg of things, and add a couple of pinches of citric acid.

Soak trousers in the prepared liquid for about half an hour, then remove, rinse, dry.


The process is similar to digestion in "Whiteness".

The bleaching process with chlorine is similar to the application of White

What to do:

  1. Prepare an enamel container.
  2. Fill it with water.
  3. Dissolve the bleach tablets. The more pills, the better the result, but try not to overdo it with their number.
  4. Dissolve the drug, stirring the liquid thoroughly, immerse the thing in it.
  5. Place a saucepan or bucket on fire and bring to a boil.
  6. Boil for about a quarter of an hour, stirring occasionally.
  7. Take out your pants and rinse.


Prepare a solution: water + turpentine + ammonia. Leave things in it to work for a few hours. When you achieve the desired result, take them out and rinse.


Dissolve 3 tablets of hydroperite in a small container, soak the trousers in it for a short time, then wash them in the same water, rinse thoroughly.

Special cases

When you want something new and full whitening isn't going to work, there are some tricks and tricks you can use to give your old jeans a fresh, unique look.

Extraordinary design

The gradient looks spectacular and unusual on jeans, i.e. a smooth transition of color from dark to light from top to bottom or vice versa.

To do this, you need to use chlorine solutions of different concentrations. Apply them with a dampened sponge as intended.

Important! Wear gloves to avoid damaging your skin.


You can use sandpaper, pumice stone, or a piece of brick to lighten denim and give it a scuffed effect.

Simply rub one of the suggested jeans materials on the desired areas. But use this method only on thick fabrics.

Original divorces and drawings

Little weaklings will help you create a custom design on your own:


To obtain them, leave the clips on the fabric using wooden clothespins before boiling. Colored plastics, when exposed to high temperatures, can shed and leave streaks on the product.


Thick stripes will be obtained with strong twisting of the thing, thin - with weak. Secure the rolled-up jeans with a white or beige rope.

Drawing by template

Simple but interesting drawings can be done using citric acid. After picking up the stencil, attach it to the fabric and paint with a brush dipped in lemon solution.

Note! Place a thick cloth or cardboard in the leg to prevent the pattern from being printed on the reverse side.

An interesting result can be obtained using a spray. Pour the solution inside the spray bottle and treat the desired areas.

You can lighten the thing in parts. For example, highlight the belt and top of one leg and the bottom of the other, or just one half.

To do this, cook only the desired area of ​​the product, the rest of the surface should be outside the container and remain dry throughout the entire process.

The best result can be achieved by boiling jeans in classic light blue, light blue. Only blue pants can be used to get white jeans. In other cases, only an approximate result can be achieved.

Stretch and overly thin products are not suitable for digestion.

Don't bleach colored jeans. It is not known how the pigments and dyes contained in the fabric will react to the treatment. But if the urge is irresistible, try treating a small, inconspicuous area first and evaluate the result.

Another interesting way to whiten jeans with the creation of an original pattern in the video:

Larisa, 28 October 2018.

Jeans will always be in fashion. We all love our jeans, jackets and shorts. And how sometimes you do not want to part with them, even when they do not look as beautiful as when you buy. Now is autumn and the time has come to wear your favorite denim jacket, but its appearance is not happy. What to do with it? Shove it deeper into the closet and go buy a new one? But after all, she is beloved, and so many memories are associated with her.

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Photo Gallery: How to Whiten a Denim Jacket

Perhaps there is an option for how to fix everything. You don't have to throw out your jacket. Today we can give our jacket a new lease of life, why don't we lighten our denim jacket?

Bleaching a denim jacket

It would seem that there is so much difficulty in whitening a jacket? We added chlorine and that's it. But not everything is so simple. After all, we can ruin denim, and then our favorite thing will come to an end, and it will definitely have to be sent to the trash can. Therefore, we will gradually and carefully sort out the methods that can be used to whiten denim.

Quality powder

The simplest, but also less effective method is washing at a high temperature. Just pour in a large amount of good and expensive powder and set the washing mode to 59 degrees. This will help wash the jacket well and lighten it a little. Because at high temperatures, the paint is washed off from jeans. For this reason, jeans are usually washed at 30 degrees.


It is an alternative to hot washing. Not everyone has the opportunity to wash their jacket in the washing machine. But everyone can boil it. Only the procedure must be carried out using powder and bleach. We do not regret it, we throw more. Bleach will do the job well.

For the procedure, we boil a bucket of water or a large 10-liter pot. When the water boils, we put our jacket in a container with water and add bleach there. Now we cook the jacket over low heat for 20 minutes. The jeans will become much lighter.

Chlorine bleach

Do not forget that almost all bleaches contain chlorine. But lightening a denim jacket with this tool will not be difficult. After this procedure, the fabric will become very thin and you will have to be more careful with a jersey. Because it can be easily torn by simply catching on from the nails.

So, we put our jacket in the bathtub and pour the bleach over the jacket. Better yet, if we put the jeans into some container for convenience, or we wear gloves, take a sponge and begin to completely wipe the jacket with liquid. The longer we leave the jacket in the bleach, the lighter it will become. After the procedure, we put the jacket in the washing machine and wash it in cold water. She needs to wash well to remove the bleach. If the color does not suit you, then the procedure should be repeated.

Soda wash

If you regularly add soda to the powder when washing, then very soon you can bleach your denim thing. Baking soda is excellent at softening water, so the powder does a good job of bleaching the jacket. It is only necessary to wash with a powder for white clothes with a bleaching agent. So the effect will be better. Soda is taken at the rate of 1 tsp per 1 liter of water. If the wash is not done by hand, then 3 tablespoons are added to the drum of the washing machine. soda.

Hydrogen peroxide

Probably many already know about the excellent property of peroxide. This substance perfectly whitens hair, tissue and even teeth. So it's no surprise that hydrogen peroxide can be used to whiten a denim jacket. This miracle tool can help you make a great jacket color with ease.

To do this, add 2 tbsp. peroxide solution in powder during washing. If washing is done in a washing machine, you can add liquid to the main compartment. The peroxide will not harm the washer. Perhaps the first time it will brighten by only one tone, in this case you will have to repeat the procedure until you achieve the desired effect.

"Domestos" to help

Many have already tried this excellent Domestos gel, which housewives use to wash toilets. As it turned out, it is useful not only for washing. It is based on hypochlorite, which is a powerful bleach.

To whiten your denim jacket, you need to dilute the Domestos with an introduction or a basin. We take about ½ glass to 3 liters of water. put our jacket on and start dipping it. Do everything with rubber gloves so as not to damage your skin. You can even take a brush and rub your jeans thoroughly. We sweat the jacket with water and hang it up to dry. If you don't like the result, the top procedure should be repeated.

Lemon juice

It turns out that you can bleach jeans with lemon juice. If you don't have lemons at hand, you can always replace the juice with citric acid. The effect will be the same. Now the main thing is to figure out the proportions.

If you take lemon juice, then you need 1 tbsp. for 1 liter of water, but 1 tsp of citric acid in powder is taken. per liter. It is best to soak the jacket with powder and add citric acid to it. Let it lie down for a couple of hours.

Manganese solution

Potassium permanganate is a great bleach for denim items. She copes with her task no worse than hydrogen peroxide. It's just that it's not so easy to buy potassium permanganate today. So whoever has stocks left can afford to bleach the jacket with potassium permanganate.

For strong bleaching, you need 30 g per 1 kg of fabric. The jacket weighs approximately 0.8 kg. So we take approximately 24 g, and 20 g is possible. We dissolve the potassium permanganate in the input, for a greater effect we add acid to it. Bleach fabric for about 30 minutes.

It must be remembered that if you regularly add oxygen bleach during washing, you will be able to see the result very soon. So you can whiten your denim jacket using various methods, the main desire is. If you really don't want to bother with it, then you can dry-clean your denim jacket. Now they can do anything for money. So already the next day you will become the owner of a light jacket.

Even the most comfortable and beloved jeans can lose their appeal over time. And it's a pity to throw it away, and you don't want to wear it anymore. What to do? There is an exit. Any denim clothing can be turned into a fashionable new thing, as you can even whiten jeans with home remedies. This can be done in several ways.

Clarification with citric acid

Scented lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent given by nature. On its basis, masks, face creams, brightening agents for nails are prepared. The same property applies to changing the color of denim. For bleaching, the juice of one lemon is mixed with a liter of water. In this solution, you need to soak your clothes. If there are no fresh citrus fruits in the refrigerator, you can replace them with citric acid. The mixture is prepared from 1 teaspoon of powder and 1 liter of water.

Leave for at least 1 hour, depending on the desired result. For a slight effect, citric acid is poured into the compartment of the washing machine along with the powder. Don't be afraid of damage! On the contrary, the acid will clean the inside of the machine from deposits.

Bleaching with soda

Baking soda powder is the easiest bleaching method. This method is also well suited for processing delicate or stretch fabrics. Soda is mixed with powder or other detergent. The resulting mixture is foamed in warm water. The jeans are immersed in soapy water and held for approximately 3 hours.

Then the clothes are washed by hand. The use of a washing machine is not recommended as the baking soda will damage the drum surface. It is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve a significant result after one procedure. Because the bleaching of jeans in several tones is achieved only by repeated soaking. This method is quite laborious, but it is absolutely safe for human health.

Domestos - inappropriate use

Toilet bowl cleaning chemicals contain active ingredients that can also make jeans much lighter. Half a glass of concentrated liquid is diluted in 3 liters of water. The resulting solution is moistened with trousers and left for bleaching. When the fabric becomes lighter, things should be rinsed thoroughly. But this method also has a drawback. Bleached jeans smell unpleasant with disinfectant. The fragrance disappears only after a few washes.

Gentle bleaching with hydrogen peroxide

For some types of denim, the use of harsh bleaches is not recommended. In this case, hydrogen peroxide will come to the rescue. This method will not lighten dark clothes, but will allow you to quickly get rid of yellow spots without damaging the structure of the fabric.

To whiten jeans, you need to prepare a liquid mixture of 6 liters of water and 6 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Get your clothes wet. After a few hours, wash with soap or powder.

Whiteness: aggressive but effective!

The most popular and affordable method is to lighten things with chlorine bleach. To do this, pour water into a bowl and add the required amount of the product to it. The proportions are usually indicated on the packaging, therefore, the instructions must be carefully read before the procedure. After dipping the trousers in the liquid, it is advisable to periodically stir them with a plastic stick. If after half an hour the fabric still does not start to lighten, then you can add a little more bleach, after diluting it in water. When the clothes have the desired shade, they must be rinsed in cool water and then washed.

To create trendy stains on jeans, they are twisted and then dipped in a weak solution of whiteness. The more the fabric is curled, the thinner the blur will be. To obtain the maximum effect, the places of the twists are fixed with clothespins or dense elastic bands.

Bleach is quite aggressive on fabrics as it contains chlorine. It can bleach clothes very strongly. However, one should be careful and careful when using whiteness. Excessive action destroys the fibers of the material, the fabric becomes thinner, and holes form.

Despite the fact that this method gives a quick and noticeable result, it is important to adhere to safety rules. Whitening should be done in a well-ventilated area. It is forbidden to mix whiteness with other chemicals (ammonia, vinegar). Brightening should be carried out in special rubber gloves.

How to "boil" denim?

In the past, "dumplings" were so popular that craftsmen learned to create similar trousers at home. For whitening, you will need the following components:

  • Whiteness - 250 ml;
  • Water - 7 l;
  • Large bucket;
  • Plastic or wooden stick;
  • Protective gloves.

Pour whiteness into a bucket of water and place on the stove. When the liquid boils, slowly dip your jeans into it. To prevent the clothes from rising to the surface, they must be held with a pre-prepared stick. If after 10 minutes the fabric does not begin to change its color, then it is worth pouring in a little more whiteness.

Cook for at least ten minutes. Stir the clothes constantly to avoid streaks. As soon as the jeans have lightened, they are removed from the container and rinsed thoroughly. It is better to dry them in the fresh air in order to completely get rid of the pungent smell of bleach.

When bleaching, you need to take into account the color of the threads on the seams. They do not always lighten with the fabric and, after processing, may contrast with the overall shade of the jeans.

If the jeans fade a lot, then getting rid of the paint will be even easier. You only need to scroll them in the washing machine several times. The water temperature must be at least 60 ° C. As a result, things will not only stop fading, but also brighten noticeably.

It is important to remember that after bleaching the jeans become softer and thinner. In this regard, it is not recommended to lighten trousers made of thin and delicate denim.

Dark blue jeans bleach perfectly, gradually losing pigment. But when lightening black things, you need to be extremely careful. Sometimes the result does not meet expectations completely. Pants may bleach unevenly and get unsightly pink, red, or orange spots.

Old jeans in a new way

It is not necessary to completely lighten the garment. An interesting coloring can be done in a variety of ways:

  • Apply the bleach with a sponge or brush.
  • Create a small spray effect with a brush or spray gun.
  • Make white spots with an old eyedropper.
  • To obtain a "spilled" effect, simply pour the solution onto the clothes.
  • Draw stars, stripes, drawings using a special bleach pen. It is sold in hardware stores.
  • Create stylish fading. For this, the selected areas are easily rubbed with fine-grained emery paper or pumice stone.
  • Make a smooth color transition or change the shade of only the lower part. The essence of this process is to gradually remove things from the bleaching solution.

If possible, it is advisable to try each product on old jeans. You can also buy a pair of cheap trousers just to experiment.

Denim clothing is always in trend. Every year the design of models, color, decor changes, but it does not go out of fashion.

A variety of models allows you to choose a thing of the desired design, which will emphasize the figure, complement the created image. However, fashion is changing rapidly, and it is a pity to part with your favorite clothes. Original ways will help to lighten jeans and change their design to white.

Preparatory stage

Before the process, you need to think about the desired result you want - just change the shade of the thing or create an unusual abstract drawing. At home, the following substances will help to restore attractiveness and originality with the help of digestion and clarification:

  • bleach is the most effective way;
  • soda - effective for jeans made of thin fabric;
  • hydrogen peroxide - used to lighten light-colored denim;
  • lemon juice - suitable for creating exclusive designs.

The choice depends on the desired result: lighten the item a little or whiten it completely. It is also influenced by the quality of the material, its density. Bleach destroys fabric, especially from prolonged contact with it, so if the jeans are thin, then a less aggressive substance should be chosen to change the color.

Whiteness lightening

Chlorine bleaches are best suited for this purpose. Products based on active oxygen are not able to drastically change the color of the tissue.

Whiteness is suitable as a bleach. It has a strong whitening effect and is applied only to things made of thick denim, since thin denim can simply dissolve.

  1. With this method, the thing will cook. Therefore, to start the process, you need to take a metal bucket or pan half filled with water, pour in one glass of whiteness, mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula, stick (large ladle, spoon) and put on medium heat. It is best to work with thick rubber gloves.
  2. After that, dip the prepared jeans into boiling water. They must be dry and clean. For the appearance of stains, they must be twisted, tied or intertwined. For this you need laces and clothespins. It is better to take the laces in white so that they do not shed on the thing when boiled.... With the help of these devices, jeans are twisted, tied. To obtain vertical streaks - the pants should be rolled up along and fastened, for horizontal ones - across. For the effect of stars, make the clips with wooden clothespins.
  3. To prevent the jeans from floating, you can press them down with some kind of weight (lid or ladle).
  4. After 10 minutes, the denim will noticeably fade. If this is not the result you want, boil the jeans for another 10-20 minutes. If the lightening effect is not noticeable, increase the concentration of the bleach. But keep in mind that bleach is corrosive to fabric.
  5. After the desired result is achieved, take the dyed item into the wash basin, remove all laces and clips. Rinse the jeans well under running cold water and leave to dry. The achieved effect will be clearly visible on a completely dried item.

Perhaps, for exclusivity, you will want to lighten only one leg or create “splashes” on the fabric. To lighten a jacket, jeans or a shirt, you first need to think over their modified design: where it is easy to lighten, and where you can do it with patterns, where to achieve a whiter color, and where just slightly change the shade.

Using soda

If you want to bleach clothes from thin jeans, then it is better not to use aggressive bleach - whiteness, but to use baking soda.

Baking soda has a slight bleaching effect, but it can be adjusted by the number of washes carried out with it.

  1. You will need a bleaching powder for hand washing, soda, gloves, a spacious basin.
  2. To lighten a denim item, mix soda and powder in a 1: 2 ratio in a measuring cup. Pour half of the solution into a bowl of warm water and soak jeans in it for 30 minutes.
  3. The next step is hand wash. Wash jeans by adding the other half of the solution. Rinse, dry and assess the result.

Do not expect a great effect immediately, in addition, it will depend on the degree of intensity of the fabric to be bleached. But the method is good in that it allows you to adjust the tone of lightening, achieve the desired shade and make the whitening uniform throughout the fabric.

Hydrogen peroxide as a denim brightener

Two to three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide are poured into the tank of the washing machine along with detergent for automatic washing. The number of tablespoons of peroxide depends on the desired clarification result.

The peroxide will also help whiten your jeans from the yellowness that has developed over time.

Bleach - lemon juice

You can try bleaching a denim item such as a pants or jacket with a natural bleach such as lemon juice or acid.

  1. Prepare a solution based on 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or 1 teaspoon of citric acid for 1 liter of water.
  2. Soak the item in the prepared solution for about 1 hour. If the effect is not achieved, you can increase the soaking time. Then rinse the jeans and dry them.

Please note that it is possible that the tone will appear slightly darker on wet pants, and after drying the jeans, the final result may be slightly different.


If you want to partially lighten the jeans, then the sponge is moistened in bleach and held in places that want to lighten the base color. Use a spray bottle to create splashes. Then the jeans are left to lie down for 5 minutes (no more) to achieve the lightening effect. When the fabric is discolored, jeans must be washed well under running water, washed and dried.

For an unusual and interesting design at home, jeans can be painted. You can draw the same pattern with a regular paint brush dipped in water with the addition of citric acid.

Thus, it is not always possible to lighten things, it must be boiled, in some cases it is enough just to apply the necessary substance.

With any method of lightening, it must be remembered that the more often the fabric is exposed to bleach, the faster it will wear out, so you should not resort to chemistry unnecessarily.

Lightening jeans at home is a creative process that requires imagination, imagination, and just a desire for change. The resulting items can become a highlight of the image, attract attention with their style and exclusivity.

Today, light-colored jeans are becoming more and more popular. They look stylish and harmonious. Their significant advantage is that they are harmoniously combined with almost any other clothing, emphasizing the created image favorably.

There are several ways to bleach denim.

If you want to have such pants in your wardrobe, but only dark models are hanging or lying there, you do not need to immediately run to the store and buy a new product, which, as you know, has a fairly high price. With the help of simple methods and the use of improvised means, any, even the most black jeans, can be lightened almost to whiteness.

At the moment, the most relevant means that are present in almost every home, and which are well suited for solving such a specific issue as bleaching dyed denim, are:

  • Plain baking soda
  • lemon juice;

All of the above substances are known to have a pronounced whitening effect. However, they must be used wisely. Some products are suitable for removing yellowing from the structure of the fabric, others help to whiten it, and others are used exclusively for thin materials.

Whitening needs to be handled wisely

Therefore, you need to understand that before you make your jeans lighter, you definitely need to familiarize yourself in detail with the peculiarities of using a particular bleaching agent. Otherwise, you risk ruining the thing. It will be possible to return the lost shade only with the help of special staining, and this is already an extra waste of money. If the structure of the fabric is damaged, then such pants will have to be thrown away altogether.

Whitening methods

Let's consider the options for using each of the above means separately.

Perhaps the most common way to make jeans a lot lighter. Whiteness is a special type of household chemicals that has not only good efficiency, but is also ubiquitous and also attractively priced. With its help, you can get a snow-white thing with a minimum investment of time and effort. It should be understood that this tool is developed on the basis of chlorine-containing components, that is, there is always a risk that the tissue may be damaged. To avoid this, it is strongly recommended to follow the instructions:

  • Prepare a metal bucket of sufficient capacity to fit jeans;
  • put on unnecessary clothing or a medical gown, gloves, a respirator or a regular mask, as well as safety glasses - do not forget that Whiteness is a chemical;
  • pour about 7-8 liters of water into a bucket (depending on its volume) and heat it on the stove to a temperature of 80 degrees (you do not need to boil yet);
  • then a bleaching agent is added to the heated water - about 350 grams. It is necessary to carefully place it with a wooden spatula, and make sure that there are no undiluted particles left on the bottom or walls;
  • after that, you need to bring the water to a boil and leave in this state for about 5-7 minutes;
  • the next step is to immerse your pants in a bucket of boiling water. This should be done not with bare hands, but with the help of the same scapula or forceps of sufficient length. If the legs rise, they need to be pressed into the water, and make sure that not a single piece of fabric remains above the surface of the water;
  • jeans are boiled for a quarter of an hour. After that, the pants can be removed from the bucket using tongs.

How to whiten jeans with whiteness, if one cooking did not help? This, by the way, happens quite often, especially if the pants were very dark. It's okay - you need to add about 50 g of Whiteness to the water and send the thing to boil again. This procedure can be repeated until the level of lightness of the product satisfies the owner.

Pouring whiteness

After completing all the activities, the pants must be placed in a previously prepared clean basin, and filled with warm running water. Then a small amount of liquid detergent or shampoo is added. Don't wash it yet - just leave your pants in this solution for 10-15 minutes. And only then the item is subjected to intensive washing with a very high-quality rinse.

Drying is the final and very important stage.

It is forbidden to hang bleached jeans in the sun, as this will lead to the appearance of the characteristic yellow spots and streaks.

Do not dry your processed jeans in the sun

You can hang your pants indoors, but so that they do not get UV rays. The optimum temperature for drying is at room temperature.

A common product like baking soda can also be used to bleach jeans. It should only be remembered that this method is relevant mainly for pants made of thin fabric, for which the use of chlorine bleaches (the same Whiteness) is not appropriate.

What do we have to do:

  • take about 200 g of baking soda and mix it with regular washing powder in equal proportions - this is the mixture that will give the best result;
  • stir the resulting mass in a bowl of warm water using a suitable tool, for example, the same wooden spatula. All crystals must dissolve;
  • after that, jeans are immersed in the basin, which are previously turned inside out;
  • keep your pants in the solution for at least an hour. Next, you will need to wash them thoroughly and rinse them more than once;
  • drying consists in hanging the product in the fresh air, but without direct sunlight.

This procedure can be repeated several times. Each time you wash it with baking soda, the tint of the pants will lighten. It is also very important to monitor the temperature of the water in the basin - it should not be cold or too hot. The optimum temperature is about 30-40 degrees. To find out what the temperature of the water is, you can lower a regular thermometer into it.

Another fairly effective way. Lemon is known for its bleaching properties. Its juice is actively used not only in the food, but also in the cosmetic industry. To whiten jeans with this substance, you need to prepare an appropriate solution based on it.

To do this, take about 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, which is stirred in one liter of water. If you need, for example, 4-5 liters to soak your pants, then the appropriate amount of lemon juice is taken. Next, the thing is immersed in a solution poured into a basin and kept there for several hours.

Then everything is standard - wash and rinse thoroughly in running water. The event ends with drying, avoiding direct sunlight on the clothes.

This product is not only a high-quality antiseptic, but also a good bleach. Today, this is perhaps the cheapest way to make jeans a lot lighter. This activity can be carried out as follows:

  • the pants fit into the washing machine. It is not necessary to turn them inside out;
  • two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide are added to the compartment for detergents;
  • the delicate mode and rinsing are turned on;
  • not too intensive spinning is allowed.

Once removed, there is no need to rewash the product. It can be dried indoors, but it is preferable to hang it out in the fresh air. Of course, ultraviolet rays should not fall on the structure of the bleached fabric.

How to whiten jeans at home so as not to damage them? When working with chlorine bleaches, remember that violation of the time limits for cooking pants can lead to irreversible consequences. Otherwise, the fibers will begin to dissolve, and this will lead to the fact that the thing will elementarily become leaky.

Wear protective gloves when bleaching.

If you want to bleach only the outer or back of your trousers, you can take a foam rubber sponge, moisten it abundantly in Whiteness and wipe the fabric. After five minutes, the pants will need to be thoroughly rinsed and dried as described above.

A similar method can be used to make stains on the surface of the pants - for this it is recommended to use a conventional spray bottle, with which the bleach is sprayed on the right places.

If you are bleaching jeans with baking soda, then you need to remember that it must be mixed with washing powder. In modern washing machines, there are several compartments in the tray at once. The decision to load powder into one and soda in the other is wrong. The fact is that soda is an active chemical with an abrasive structure. That is, it can damage the internal elements of expensive household appliances, and significantly reduce its operational life.

Incidentally, this warning does not apply to hydrogen peroxide. It is completely safe for the washing machine and the things themselves - this is a very important advantage.

If there is no fresh lemon at hand, from which you can squeeze juice, then it is recommended to replace it with concentrated citric acid. But instead of one tablespoon in this case, you will have to use 1 teaspoon.