What phrases can humiliate a man. How to culturally send a person, calling witty words. What to say to a man

Ask any man what can offend him? Most likely, you will get the answer that real men are not offended under any circumstances. Of course, this is not really the case. No one doubts the strength and courage of men, but such a character trait as adherence to principles, which to one degree or another is inherent in every member of the stronger sex, very often leads to resentment.

So what are men so offended by and how to avoid unwanted insults? Let's try to figure it out. By the way, it is worth noting that women are more perceptive in terms of reading emotions. Recently, psychologists conducted an interesting experiment. The men and women who participated looked at photographs of people, trying to understand their mood. Most of the women were right, while the men were not only more likely to be wrong, but also spent much more time looking at the photos. So even if a man looks offended, any woman who shows even a little insight and ingenuity will be able to understand the true reason for the offense.

What can a man be offended by

There can be several reasons why a man is strongly offended. Let's discuss each of these reasons in more detail in order to avoid ridiculous offenses in the future.

  • Resentment of a man in a relationship. When a man starts a serious relationship with a woman, he can be very offended by a partner’s not particularly flattering review of their sex life. Men regard such conversations as a blow below the belt, so they are even ready to leave if they hear something like this from their chosen one, especially at the initial stage of the relationship.
  • The second thing a man can be offended by is insufficient manifestation of feelings from a partner. Despite the fact that women are inherently more subtle and sentimental natures, men also need their chosen ones to show their love for them.
  • Resentment of men in friendship. First of all, we are talking about those cases when a woman speaks negatively about her partner's friends, to the point that it begins to prevent them from communicating with him and spending time together. Such behavior of a woman can deeply offend a man, although he may not show it right away.

If a man often guards his friends like the apple of his eye, then the girlfriends of the chosen one are a completely different matter. It is the friendship of the bride or wife with other women that often causes disagreements. Men do their best to prevent the so-called bachelorette parties, while they themselves would not exchange gatherings with their friends for anything.

  • Resentment of a man in the family. Very often, disagreements between the chosen one and his family become the cause of male insults. It is especially frustrating for a man if the other half does not get along with his mother, which is a common thing. It should be understood that the most important women for each representative of the stronger sex are his mother and wife. If they constantly swear, the wife, of course, as a rule, turns out to be guilty, since not a single person is able to think something bad about his mother.
  • Resentment of a man because of hobbies and hobbies. If a woman really loves her partner and wants to continue a relationship with him, she should by no means be indifferent or even more negatively related to his hobbies and hobbies. Otherwise, constant resentment and disagreement cannot be avoided. Even if hunting, fishing or computer games seem completely ridiculous to you, in no case should you show your true attitude, but, on the contrary, be interested in and praise the achievements of your chosen one.
  • Resentment of a man because of gifts. Whatever gift a man gives, in no case should you immediately show your dissatisfaction, even if it is. Even if this gift is not entirely appropriate, it is necessary not only to accept it with joy, but also sometimes use it. And only with time can you subtly hint that you would like something else. Thus, it will be possible to avoid big offenses and receive new gifts in the future.

How offended men behave

First you need to understand that the male character is fundamentally different from the female. So if your man is cold for several days, talks little, is in a bad mood, it is quite possible that he is offended by something. If the day before a woman uttered barbs to her partner or did something wrong, there is no doubt that he was offended.

Offended women, as a rule, cry, throw tantrums, complain to their friends. If a man is offended, he completely withdraws into himself, becomes withdrawn, gloomy and concentrated.

A woman, having cried and discharged, usually forgives the offense. The man behaves completely differently. He may continue to frown for a very long time, so you need to be patient, especially if you are really to blame.

When a man "pouts" for a long time, a woman begins to panic, thinking that love has passed, he has another, and so on. In this state, there is a risk of doing a lot of stupid things, further aggravating the situation. So what is the right way to behave if the chosen one is seriously offended?

If the quarrel has long exhausted itself, and the man continues to frown, be rude or generally silent, there is no need to panic. Many men withdraw into themselves or grumble after scandals. If the partner continues to be offended, in no case should you sort things out with him. It is better to spend this time shopping with girlfriends or go to a beauty salon. At the same time, you do not need to fill your head with thoughts that the chosen one is going to leave you. Just a man after a quarrel wants to be alone and put everything in its place.

When the partner is finally ready for reconciliation, you need to meet him with a joyful smile, and not try to make him feel guilty for the time during which he refused to pay attention to you.

So what to do if a man is offended? It is necessary to be able to distract from his resentment and take care of yourself instead of constantly pulling a man, throwing tantrums and begging for his love. At the same time, a woman should be sensitive enough to catch the moment when the representative of the stronger sex is ready to get out of her shell. You also need to be able to distinguish real resentment from problems and stress, as a result of which men also close in on themselves, but in fact they need warmth and affection, and simply do not know how to say this so as not to show their weakness.

What words can humiliate a man?

    I remember how a neighbor, in the heat of a quarrel (which took place in the summer with open windows, so the whole yard heard it) shouted to her husband that he is a disposable syringequot ;. A man in a stupor and binge spent two weeks ...

    I think the most offensive words for a man are an indication of his failure in bed. But if you tell him this at least once, then you will no longer have intimate relationships - a man is unlikely to forgive this.

    Most of all, men are offended by talk about their manhood. If you inadvertently notice that the size and shape matter, but not in his case, the offense will be for life. And if he also doubts (they all react a little uncertainly in this matter) - victory is on your side. Offended to the grave, even stop saying hello.

    100% proven method!

    It seems to me that a man can only be humiliated if you are no longer going to have anything to do with him. You can tell him what does not suit you, and if you want to humiliate him, then, I think, it's time to leave.

    Women are amazing creatures: whims, accusations, tantrums are replaced by tenderness, affectionate words, an ostentatious demonstration of defenselessness. Further, if the actions did not achieve their goal, pathos and a desire to offend more forcefully follow. How? Thoughts wander, get confused, try to get to the surface, but... drown again. Literally go into corkscrew to the bottom of common sense. And, when it already seems that there is no solution, the phrase pops up from the female lips by itself: Let's just be friends...

    Guys will understand...

    I want to ask myself: I called the guy a coward and a scoundrel, I wrote in an SMS that I was sorry for the time spent on him. And the boy seems to be not bad, now I’m thinking whether it’s worth apologizing, not to continue the relationship, but to remove sin from the soul

    The thing that makes a man shudder, it seems to me, is the news from his wife that all the children are from a neighbor, and not from him, here he definitely won’t even be able to talk, he’ll go into himself for many years, well, of course, I think it’s not worth joking. .) but there are such cases, and in earnest .. This will offend a man, so for a man, offspring, his offspring, this is what they stand for, and here .. everything collapses in an instant.

    My answer will stand in opposition to Jenny's answer, I wanted to write a comment, but it was too voluminous.

    Here is Jenny personally for me, of all the things you have listed, only financial viability would hurt me, everything else for a smart man is complete nonsense:

    1 Physical data. A man may not be Apollo, but since something already connected him with this woman, it means that SHE has already made a choice in his favor.

    2 Giftedness. In the overwhelming majority of cases, a man will not care that he is compared with some sort of Lermontov. Not everyone should have such talents. He might as well say that Lermontov is a loser in his personal life, or that his carriage was not fashionable.

    4 Pipisnaya theme. If a man knows that women are fine with him, that he is not impotent, then he will not bother, what a single woman tells him.

    5 Mama's boy? Well, if a man is really like that, then such an accusation should be said in a timely manner, and not in moments of vengeful resentment. The coward is the same, you need to blame it after the fact.

    So dear Jenny, only grandmas remain 🙂 A man who does not know how to earn them, who cannot provide for himself and his loved ones - deserves, if not contempt, then reproach.

    If you are looking for an answer to the question: What words can humiliate a man or a guy? quot ;, then most likely he offended you with something. Do not be like this person - spit and forget. Revenge won't do you any good. And if in essence, then the best insults are connected with his manhood and finances.

    People, what are you?)

    Do you really have such a narrow fantasy?))

    Everyone strives to hide their shortcomings.

    And items of pride - put on display.

    But you can and pride to turn into shortcomings, into a laughingstock.

    Every man, one way or another, is proud of the fact that he is already an adult)

    But you can always show the opposite.

    Does he have many girls? - The baby is looking for a mommy and has not yet decided!)

    Does he defend his opinion? - He was naughty, how, uti-way))

    Independent? Silently decides everything himself? - Behave like a three-year-old who has not yet learned to speak!)))

    Do you agree with women? - Hiding behind women's skirts, Zayubun!))

    Let the snot podotrt.

    And let him behave like an obedient boy.

    Personally, my mother got me all this. Damn, I'll remember for the rest of my life.

    I think it will work for other men too.

    Well, if you humiliate women, then this will not work. They are better compared to old women.

    But that's me by the way)

    Something like this 😉

    PS: True, humiliation has a drawback. They can even begin to humiliate in response. Do you need it?

    Show complete indifference towards him. He wanted to hook you, humiliate you, cause anger, annoyance. And you show that he is zero, no one - this will be the best revenge. The best action is inaction.

    many times underestimate the size of his dignity and say that he never satisfied you. and loser

    Well, it seems to me that the most offensive words will sound - Impotent, you are not capable of anything in bed! quot ;, and then, such words as a goat, p ... st, gigolo. from the word fool in shock, and some and p ... st as a reward. So, everything depends on the character, how his male pride will react.

    I cannot but agree with Diesil users. Why create such questions? it's just not pretty. if you decide to take revenge - take revenge, but do not stoop to insults. although what insults, what revenge is so low.

    Men, for the most part, are very sensitive to any criticism addressed to them, so it’s easy to offend them:

    1. physical data. You don’t even need to criticize, it’s enough to praise another man with good muscles with a word or a look
    2. Giftedness. The phrase But Lermontov at your age was already a recognized genius - and your interlocutor is guaranteed to get some kind of depression.
    3. Financial viability. A very painful question for men. You can even not say anything directly, but he is already in hysterics: well, what can you do, happiness is not in money, it’s just given to someone to earn good money, and not to throw the rest into a landfill.
    4. Peep topic. Any man can be told that it happens more and better. But this can only be said to someone with whom you are definitely not going to communicate anymore.
    5. and the coward is also a good hit

    If you really need it

    in my opinion, the most humiliating thing is my mother's pussy

    But seriously, it is very difficult to humiliate a man with words. Personally, I don't care what anyone says about me.

    Especially, oddly enough, the gender approach is important here.

    I don’t perceive what women say about me at all, because I understand that this can be said from evil or jealousy.

    What men say, I perceive as healthy, constructive criticism, and if it is in my power I try to correct it. If not, then I say I can't. No, there is no judgment. Humiliate me as you like on this issue, I don't care, because I know that there are no ideal people in nature. Each in his own piercedquot ;.

    Revenge is not the best human quality, you should not stoop to his level. But still, if you really need it, then repay him with the same coin, you just need to clean the coin.

    You can humiliate, but is it necessary?

    If you decide to finally break up with him, tell him with your head held high: - You are very good and handsome, I don’t deserve you, I need better and more attractive, I’m sorry that I realized this too late!

    Wish you luck and leave without slamming the door.

    Having offended you, he waits for the psycho to cover and rejoice in this. Deprive him of this pleasure, control yourself and completely calmly, without emotions, carry on a conversation. From this, the psycho will cover him.

    Can I answer about a real man

    A real man is not offended by empty accusations, and he reacts to comments on the case accordingly, draws conclusions and moves on.

    If we talk about children who want to seem like men, then here, of course, in the first place in terms of grievances:

    • money theme,
    • sex theme,
    • mind theme.

    But if there is a man nearby who wants to say hurtful words in order to take revenge, then it is better to let him go (thank him for showing himself) and live on without him.

Offending a man, it turns out, is not so difficult. According to the data, men are offended twice as much as women. However, the stronger sex often hides its grievances, suppresses and accumulates them in itself. This is a kind of defensive reaction, turn away, shut up, withdraw into yourself, so as not to show your offended state. Thus, it becomes more difficult for a woman to understand a man and his negativity towards her.

As a rule, a man is offended in the circle of his family. In family life, this happens as if by itself, sometimes a woman herself, without wanting it, does not even notice how she offends her spouse. However, a beloved woman will always be able to notice the depressed mood and condition of a man.

What hurts our strong male sex so much, most of all?

There can be many reasons for resentment. Of course, it all depends on the upbringing of a man, on his character, outlook on life.

If a man is a very impressionable and subtle person, he will always pay attention to various little things and perceive everything very sharply. If a man is brought up as the best in the world, with the idea that everyone should respect and appreciate him, in this case it is worth understanding that the self-esteem of such a person is quite high. Therefore, he will not tolerate jokes and rudeness in his address, both in the family circle and at work.

In family life, on the part of loved ones, a man may be offended by the following points:

Distrust of him, or betrayal by a woman

Of course, the most serious offense for a young man will be the betrayal of his girlfriend. This is a betrayal, humiliation and a blow to his ego for a man. Even if he steps over his pride and forgives, he is unlikely to be able to forget the fact itself. It is distrust and resentment in this case that can ruin your relationship.

In turn, women often do not trust their men and do not believe in their stories. Many young people are offended to realize that his beloved does not trust him or doubts his sincerity. It’s a shame for a man to see distrust of his words and doubts about his sincerity.

To criticism and comments addressed to him

Do not criticize your partner and do not accuse him of making any mistakes, this belittles his self-esteem. Every person can make mistakes. Do not constantly point out to a man his mistakes. Sometimes the fact that he made a mistake, the man knows and understands himself, and he will perceive and react painfully to criticism and any comments.

Making decisions without his knowledge

The most common mistake women make is to take on men's responsibility. We seem to be trying to help them, but as a result, this is regarded by the young man as disbelief in his strength. In addition, constant advice and recommendations can make a man feel inept, insecure. The husband should feel like the head of the family, so do not question his dominant position in the family, do not put pressure on him.

In addition, men do not like to be constantly advised and controlled. For them, the woman’s belief that he will cope with any issue on his own is important, and most importantly, that he is better than others.

No praise

A man wants not only to realize, but also to hear that a woman is proud of him. He wants to understand that he is valued, loved and needed. This is a necessity for him, for his male self-esteem. Pay attention to what he does and let him know that you notice and appreciate it.

Not enough attention

Not receiving due attention from a woman, a man will accumulate resentment. It is important for a man to know that we value our relationship with him. Otherwise, inattention to him, to his actions and deeds, will be regarded as indifference. He may feel unwanted. But on the contrary, in order to move forward and develop, a man must believe in himself. Only a woman, and her attention and care can give the support that a man needs and direct him in the right direction.

Sexual relations play an important role

When a woman refuses to have sex with a man, she thereby rejects him as a person. Withdrawal from intimacy can make a man feel less loved and can push him away. Even not responding to male touches, intimate caresses, can greatly upset and offend a man.

In addition, a strong offense can be inflicted on a young man by pointing out any problems in bed. Any criticism in this case for a man is a low blow, because in this area he must be at his best. Any remark and dissatisfaction with him on your part will cause serious dissatisfaction in a man. No man will tolerate remarks about his manhood.

Comparison with other men

It will be unpleasant for any man to compare him with other young people, even with friends. Comparing, we thereby hurt the male sense of dignity, while usually not noticing it. It often turns out that women do not want to offend their lover at all, but want to encourage him to act. But it turns out that with these words and comparison, a woman devalues ​​the merits and capabilities of her man, saying that others are better.

When what a man does for a woman is not appreciated

Let it concern any trifle, daily help, going to the cinema, an insignificant gift, in any case, a man expects gratitude in return. Learn to enjoy any of his attention, a small gift, and keep the comments to yourself or express them later, another time.

Showing disrespect to his parents and loved ones

Disagreements between his family and wife, as well as simply negative statements towards his family and friends, can ignite conflict and leave resentment in the soul.

Unwillingness to share his interests and hobbies with him

If a man is passionate about something, he strives to share his joy of passion with his beloved. However, if a woman is not ready to share this joy with him, a man becomes disappointed. A negative attitude towards a man’s hobbies and hobbies on the part of a woman contributes to the formation of resentment towards her.

The reason for the resentment of a man can also be his lack of self-sufficiency, failure. This can sit inside a man for a long time and thereby causing resentment to the whole world. Any person needs help to get rid of grievances, one cannot cope alone. Getting rid of resentment contributes to communication, conversations and society. If a man has a good job, stability, respect, while he develops and succeeds, many of his grievances will decrease.

The solution to any problem within the family should come from each side, mutually, respecting each other. In a family, a man expects from a woman essentially the same thing that a woman expects from a man. If you feel that your husband is offended by you, clarify the situation and solve the problem right away. This will help you constructive dialogue with each other in a calm tone. After all, it is during an emotional outburst that we often unconsciously offend the people closest to us, and can, thus, further aggravate the situation. It is a word that can hurt much more painfully than force, especially a man.

In any case, try to feel your man. At some point, you need to leave him alone, calm down, think. In another case, on the contrary, support and a frank conversation are required.

Dear girls, I want to dedicate this article to you, dear smart girls!

The main message of all my subsequent letters will be as follows: let's say humiliating phrases and destroying words to our men as often as possible. Let's make rags out of them!

Or, perhaps, among you there are young ladies who are against it?) Do you think that? Okay, read to the end anyway and think about how well you behave with your husband, boyfriend.

How to morally humiliate your loved one: magical degrading phrases

Humiliating words... Crazy power lies in them. So I want to use it. I want to put the man in his place. I want to? Confess. Modern strong women know perfectly well how to humiliate morally. They need power so badly: power over their weaknesses, power over their spouse, power over the world.

So let's get started! Let's start, perhaps, with self-esteem (if HE still has it, of course). Let's hit it right.

O ugly degrading phrases for men: set number 1.

  • Yes, you are a mother's boy!
  • All in an unlucky mother / unlucky father.
  • You are the real coward.
  • Are you responsible? Yes, you spineless creature!
  • Floor cloth! Smudge!
  • Do you have an opinion? Throw him away, pseudo-smart.
  • You can't even provide for your wife, your girlfriend, loser!
  • What kind of a man are you? One name!

Now you know how to morally humiliate your man. So tell me what you think of him. Why be silent?)

So, let's move on to his irresistible masculine strength, sexuality. Here you need to try to remember all the incidents that happened in your intimate life, it would be nice to tell him about how gorgeous your previous lovers were. Let him know the truth! Yes, an important point: having decided to humiliate the morally narrowed, try to do it with friends. The effect is better.

Gorgeous Degrading Phrases for Men: Set #2.

  • M-d-ah, you're not up to par, not up to par.
  • Well, ok, this time you were a little better in bed than yesterday.
  • Eh, you are so far from Vaska. Here he was a lover!

Beat your darling below the belt. There will be less!

So, we almost forgot about the appearance. Use the degrading words that you will find below - and you are guaranteed to be able to humiliate HIM morally.

Smart degrading phrases for men: set number 3.

  • Oh, Mishka, you are so beautiful, not like my fool!
  • Well, you've eaten like a boar.
  • Have you seen what muscles our neighbor pumped up?
  • You are as clumsy as an elephant
  • No, friends, he is not sick, he always looks like that.

They said - look at the reaction.

Then you can move on to his talent and mind.

Good derogatory phrases for men: set #4.

  • Your talent died in the bud.
  • What kind of fool are you?
  • Why are you so dumb?
  • If there is nothing to think about, then at least connect the bone marrow.
  • But... (here it is worth remembering a star, a famous actor, some idol) Well, he's smart. Take an example from him.
  • Why do all husbands / guys are smart, but I got this one?

So you know how to humiliate a morally dear person.

You can compose your own humiliating phrases for a man. After all, we haven’t touched on HIS hobbies yet, we haven’t reminded him what disgusting and unworthy friends he has, etc. If you are going to humiliate morally, then do it comprehensively. And most importantly - use humiliating phrases as often as possible, dear girls!

Believe me, by deciding to humiliate your moral partner in life, you can achieve the impossible and incredible:

  1. You definitely will not feel better by telling your loved one about what he is. But you can experience a lot of wonderful sorrowful feelings, you can enjoy self-flagellation to the fullest.
  2. If you're lucky, you might experience fear. You don’t have to spend money on dangerous rides, because you can bring your loved one in such a way that he will give a chic adrenaline rush.
  3. Having dumped the negative outward, you can cook in unpleasant emotions for a long time. Rest assured, you will be able to destroy a boring relationship.
  4. Using humiliating phrases, you will never (hey, NEVER) get affection, love, respect from your beloved. And you don't need them. It's true?)
  5. Get to know your new "friends" - Loneliness and Indifference. You will never be bored with them!
Good luck, dear readers of KUL. Please appreciate your men.

P.S. It's so easy to humiliate a morally nice person. But are you ready to take responsibility for your “dirty” mouth, which sometimes is so eager to utter humiliating words?

Some relationships at a certain moment enter a phase when it is no longer possible to save them, and most importantly, there is no desire. Sometimes the guy is so disappointed or offended that it becomes difficult to calm the bitterness and calm the anger. In this state, sometimes there is an irresistible desire to inflict no less suffering on him. In this case, you can use words, because, as you know, this is the most powerful weapon that can even kill.

What to say

This primarily depends on what kind of relationship you had with the guy. Suppose close. So, quite a lot is known about its weaknesses and shortcomings. It is advisable to direct your efforts to these places. If you wish, you can even use its advantages for your own purposes. For example, he is outwardly attractive, knows about it and is very proud of his appearance. You can condescendingly say: “Strange. Usually girls are proud of a pretty face, in men, in real ones, that is, other qualities in price. I understand that you have nothing more to boast about, but you don’t advertise like that, otherwise the rest will know about it. ” Or: “You are so happy with your appearance, as if you were going to make money on it. Or is there something I don't know about you?!" Or like this: “Even a prettier guy will make you sick if he is so dumb. You'd rather read something, eh?"

A win-win option for any guy you've been in a close relationship with is expressing joy over the end of it. You can say, “Well, better late than never! Finally at least meet a man. The phrase said with enthusiasm is also touching: “Yeah ... I lost a lot of time with you, I need to catch up!” Usually the guy in this case is trying to say something offensive, like “who needs you” or “you are intimately zero.” To this one can exclaim with amazement: “What was it that made you go crazy? Now I’ll find someone really worthwhile, at least I’ll finally experience pleasure. ” Or: “Didn’t you think, maybe I didn’t always notice your participation at all?”

Any guy who is not even too close can say a lot of humiliating phrases, for example: “Excuse me, there is too much difference between us - they were engaged in my upbringing.” Or: "Just in case, move away from me a little, otherwise they will think that we are together." You can say something like: “I ask you one thing, if a miracle happens and you find a girl, the main thing is always to protect yourself! People like you can't breed." The phrase said with participation can still be quite hurt: “Only one thing can save you: make a mysterious face and be silent, you can sometimes smirk thoughtfully, just don’t open your mouth - you’ll ruin everything!”

Special attention should be paid to public insults. If there are spectators, humiliation with words can be turned into a subtle mockery. However, here you need to be especially careful not to lose your dominant position. To do this, you can use several methods prepared in advance. A universal way to repel a sudden attack from a guy is to exclaim with surprise, even approval, you can applaud at the same time: “Not bad, not bad! Even great for you! Answered directly almost on an equal footing! So maybe you've been pretending to be a fool so far? Come on, give me something else? After that, despite what he will say, without hesitation to answer in a disappointed tone: “No, I didn’t pretend, everything is true, it’s a pity.”

Being with a guy in the presence of third parties, you can have a lively conversation with everyone except the guy; suddenly turn to him and try to explain the meaning of a word that one of the interlocutors or you yourself just said. This should be done as naturally as possible, as if this explanation is dictated by concern for the mentally retarded young man, and not by the intention to offend him. You can also turn to him after the told anecdote with words full of sad tenderness: “Everyone laughs, and you laugh, poor thing? Let me explain to you the meaning of the joke?

If the situation is not conducive to long-term communication, for example, the guy will try to retreat as quickly as possible, you can use short sharp phrases without a background. As a rule, they relate to the appearance of the guy. You can exclaim in surprise in front of everyone: “What is wrong with you? Did your mother dress you again? Or: “Why are you dressed so lightly? Look - you'll catch a cold! And everything is so bad, and in five years you can’t do anything at all. ” If at first glance there is nothing to complain about, you can say something like: “Why do you look like that, did you decide to put pressure on pity? Well, in general, maybe you are right, at least someone will pick it up. However, the most important thing is not what, but how to say it: in order to hurt more painfully.

How to behave

First of all, never get angry. It is best to pretend that you are in a great mood, or, in any case, a completely calm state of mind. The power of words spoken in anger is halved; in addition, a person who is out of balance loses his dominant position. Thus, it is necessary to tune in to a complacent, calm way and maintain this appearance no matter what.

The possibility of force majeure should be taken into account. The situation can turn in the most unexpected way, besides, the guy will not necessarily be silent; perhaps he will try to respond with a barb or hit with a response word in a sore spot. You have to be prepared for this and take a hit. In this case, you must at all costs continue to remain calm or even pretend that this attack of his has sincerely amused you.

If you can’t quickly find the right words, you can resort to the method of distracting attention to appearance. This technique involves suddenly paying attention to some detail or change in the guy himself. For example, his insulting speech can be suddenly interrupted by the words: “What is wrong with you ?! You're all stained! No need to strain your modest mental faculties like that! Calm down, you can also live with this, ”while depicting almost concern for his condition, pity for him. Without letting you come to your senses, seize the initiative with the words: “Well, okay, okay, you gather your thoughts, come up with something original, consult with someone smart, then speak again.”

If additional background is needed as support or to create the illusion of immediacy and ease, you can start a correspondence with someone by phone. And it doesn't matter if it's a friend, mom, or even a total stranger. You can pretend that this correspondence is much more important than the presence of this guy. When you receive each message, you can smile, sometimes laugh, answer briefly, but with a sense of joy, each time being distracted again by the guy with words like: “So what am I talking about? Oh yes. Well, so…”, and then continue verbal humiliation, interrupting each time for a new message with the words: “now, just a minute…”.

It is best to avoid such words as "idiot", "goat", "bastard", etc. They are not as humiliating as they might seem, but they significantly lower the status and sense of worthy dominance of the humiliating person, more like a tantrum. You can interrupt the conversation at any time, as if suddenly drawing attention to the guy again, while saying: “How, are you still here?” or: "You can go, you're free for today." If he tries to argue or add something else, interrupt him and say in a “confiding” tone something like: “Honestly, I would have chatted with you more, but I already wasted a lot of time. Understand: there are people who are worth this time much more. At this point, you can turn around with dignity and leave.