Paper cacti are colorful and evergreen. How to make a paper cactus with your own hands

You can make beautiful cacti out of paper. Such "funny" flowers will look great on your windowsills.

We will need:

  • corrugated paper of different colors;
  • plasticine;
  • toothpick;
  • toy eyes;

Before you get started, you need to decide what color your cactus will be. Then you will need to choose the paper of the desired color, for the cactus, for the flower and for the pot. You will also need plasticine, the most suitable color for the paper you need. From plasticine you need to fashion a pot. Its size is up to you. Then you need to sculpt the base for your cactus. The base may have a round or elongated shape. Next, you need to cut the corrugated paper into ribbons. Then twist the flagella from paper ribbons and wrap them around a plasticine pot. Now you need to firmly fix the base for the cactus in the pot. To do this, take a toothpick and string the base on it, then insert it into the pot. In order to make the cactus itself, you will need green squares, with a side of about 15 - 18 millimeters, and any thin stick, such as a skewer or a ballpoint pen. Place the tool in the middle of the paper square and close it so that the corner is facing the corner. Then crumple the paper around the tool and roll it between your fingers until it forms a tube. This technique is called "paper trimming". Without removing the paper tube from the tool, you need to stick it horizontally into the plasticine base. You need to start trimming from the very bottom of the future cactus. Facing should be done in rows, gradually rising up. Now make your cactus eyes. In order for them to be at the same level, place one plasticine ball under them. Now around the eyes, continue trimming. Choose a place on the cactus where the flower will be. Attach to that place a flat ball of yellow plasticine. The rest of the surface of the base, you need to fill with paper tubes. We make a flower. To create a flower, you need yellow paper. Cut a strip from it, its size should be 3 * 10 centimeters, then fold the strip several times. Now cut out the petals in the shape you want. Lay the tool along one petal, about 2/3 of its length. Then squeeze the petal around the tool. Now you need to stick a petal from the very edge of the plasticine flat ball. The petals must be placed in a circle, and the core must be filled with tubes twisted from squares, the side of which is 15 millimeters. Your cheerful cactus is ready. The master class is over. Using a method like paper trimming, you can make a large number of flowers, different in shape and size.

Interesting paper cactus craft. To complete it, you only need green cardboard and some kind of lid that imitates a flower pot. Optionally, cacti should be thorny, tall, you can simply draw a similar silhouette and make a 3D voluminous craft. The cactus model is simple and suitable for children's play, for decorating a miniature playground or dollhouse. From this article you will learn how to make a paper cactus with your own hands.

What you need to prepare to create a cactus with your own hands:

  • green cardboard;
  • silver gel pen
  • an empty cap of any color (round or square);
  • a little brown (if the color of the cap does not suit you) paper and corrugated paper or fabric;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

How to make paper cactus step by step

1. Take the necessary materials for work. If your cardboard is one-sided, then you can glue the sheets together to get green material on both sides. Although cacti in nature are multi-colored, we are still used to the fact that they should be green, so this color is most often used for such crafts.

2. First consider what cactus models are. Usually they are round, like balloons or oblong. Such indoor flowers do not require special care, they can not be watered for a long time, so cacti are often grown indoors. Draw the first blank on cardboard with a simple pencil. The trunk of the cactus should be oblong, rounded at the top, 2 curved branches can be attached to the sides (not necessarily at the same level). Make one branch below the second. Cut out the first piece with scissors.

3. Also draw a second oval shape on the cardboard. In length and width, it should approximately correspond to the dimensions of the previous part.

4. In order not to make thorns, with a silver pen, draw longitudinal stripes on both parts on both sides.

5. Prepare a lid that will become a convenient flower pot. If you are not satisfied with the color of the cap, then you can use colored paper of any color to seal the plastic on top. For example, if your lid is white and you want to make it brown, cut off a strip of brown paper to decorate the piece.

6. Seal the sides of the lid with brown paper on top.

7. To make a three-dimensional model of a cactus, two green parts were prepared. In the first part with two branches in the center of the trunk, make an incision with scissors from top to bottom. Do not reach the bottom edge, leave about 1 cm. Next, you will need to assemble a simple constructor.

In the spring, everyone has a lot to do - it's warm outside, I want to take a walk with the children, go out of town for a picnic or go fishing with friends. During this active time, home flowers, which delighted us all winter and reminded us of summer, may be left without the usual attention.

Some even forget to water them on time. Of course, even unpretentious cacti cannot be trusted with them! For such busy subjects, decorative flowers or, for example, cardboard cacti are suitable. Beautiful, green and do not require watering! Even a novice florist will cope.

We'll need colored double-sided cardboard in green shades or thick green paper, which for sufficient density will have to be glued in 2 layers.

You will also need felt-tip pens, paints and a brush, scissors, PVA glue or gun glue, a flower pot or an unnecessary jar, pebbles (pebbles or glass decorative ones).

Let's choose a template and draw the outlines of a cactus on the cardboard. We apply relief lines with paint, after drying we cut out the flower.

Our cactus will be three-dimensional, and we will make it from two elements located perpendicularly. This rule for creating three-dimensional figures is suitable for large and small flowers of any shape and size.

We cut the main part from above and insert the second part into this cut, fixing it with glue. The width of the cut should be equal to the thickness of the cardboard, otherwise the cactus will turn out wrinkled or the second part will not hold in place.

Let's make 3-D blanks of different shapes and sizes. It will be interesting to look at individual parts of a cactus made of paper of a different color, pattern or texture. Let some cacti bloom - make flowers from red or pink paper napkins.

We insert the blanks into pots, fix them with large stones (you can fix the elements with a glue gun), fill the empty holes with pebbles of a smaller fraction.

You can choose the form you like on the proposed template or find it yourself on the Internet.

Here are a few more ideas - more complex cacti from several identical elements, with thorns and flowers, from paper strips folded into a tube and a cone, cacti from cardboard cylinders and complex origami cacti.

You can make as many such cacti as you like, decorate not only your home, but also your office, give and collect a whole collection of paper, and then fresh flowers.

Good afternoon. Today I want to invite you to make an ever-blooming cactus with your own hands from salt dough and improvised materials.
For this we need:
- Flour.
- Water.
- Salt.
- Dyes or gouache (brown, red, black, green).
- Potty.
- A glass of yogurt.
- Skalka.
- Board.
- Knife or stack.
- Brush.
- Toothpicks.

First you need to knead the dough. There are many recipes for salt dough, I took the simplest one. 2 cups flour, 1 cup salt (fine) and ¾ cup cold water. Based on this calculation, knead the dough. It should be thick, like dumplings. Take salt, fill it with water, add the dye of the desired color. Mix everything, add flour and knead the dough. You can add a little vegetable oil to the dough. I immediately kneaded the brown, red, green, black, white dough and put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

After the dough is ready, take the brown dough and roll it out to a thickness of 0.5 cm.

Take a pot and wrap it with dough. From above, we bend the edges inward. The bottom also needs to be covered with dough.

Now take the red dough and roll it out. Using a knife or stack, cut out 5 petals. This will be a flower. We take a brush, slightly moisten it with water, and grease one side of the petal, press it to the pot. We do the same with the rest of the leaves. We roll a ball of white dough and press it to the middle of the flower.

We roll out two bundles from green dough and make branches for our flower.

Again we take the green dough, roll it out and cut out 4 leaves. We press them to the branches.

The pot is ready. Now let's take a look at the cactus. We roll out the green dough and wrap it around a glass of yogurt. The principle of operation is the same as with a pot.

Now you need to make small ledges, from which we will then “grow” needles. Making them is very easy. Pinch the dough with your fingers from top to bottom. As a result, we should have a vertical relief. It is not necessary to make it straight, you can make it slightly in a spiral. We make protrusions through the same distance throughout the cactus.

We plant a cactus in a pot. My cactus fit perfectly in the pot. If your pot turned out to be much larger than a cactus, then just put the dough that is left in it and boldly plant your plant in a pot.

Roll out a flagellum from black dough and close the distance between the cactus and the pot with it. Thus simulating the earth.

Take toothpicks and use a knife or scissors to cut each of them into small pieces. Then paint the sticks green. These will be the needles for the cactus.

For now, leave the toothpicks aside and make a flower. Roll out the red dough. We cut out 12 petals from it and glue them in three rows with water and a brush to the top of the cactus. First glue 5 petals, 4 petals on top, and then 3 petals.

After we brought you, you simply cannot have any doubts that you also need one at home. And not even one. Good news - you don't have to run to a flower shop: a real cactus can be replaced with cardboard. We have collected 15 cool ideas on how to make a cactus with your own hands.

We already told you, it's time to talk about separations. Try making these cute 3D paper and cardboard cacti with your kids. Such paper cacti will decorate any interior. Also it is excellent or grandmother's favorite.

15 DIY Paper and Cardboard Cactus Ideas

If you don’t know how to make cacti out of paper or cardboard with your own hands, you can download and print a template for cactus details from the link. You just have to cut them out, fold and glue them. Even a child can handle it!

How to make a paper cactus with your own hands (Video)

You can get even more pleasure from working on this paper craft if, in addition to cacti, you also try to make interesting pots for them. Flowerpots can be made from ordinary tin cans by simply painting them or pasting them with multi-colored tape. In addition to the fact that you will have new pots for paper cacti, you will also teach children, which means that they will also take care of nature.