Summary of the lesson in the younger group: "My beloved family." Summary of the lesson "my family"

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with others and the development of speech for middle-aged children, the topic "My Family"

The purpose of the lesson:

Help children understand family relationships.


1. Educational: to form the idea of ​​children about family members and those who live in it.
2. Developing: the development of fine motor skills, vocabulary work: little finger, nameless, middle, index, big, daddy, daddy, Uglich people.
3. Educational: foster interest and respect for family members and the city.

Preliminary work:

We looked at photographs of the family, learned to call all members of our family by name and kinship (who belongs to whom). Children with their parents drew pictures on the theme "My family". The children made blanks (a layer of plasticine was applied to the cardboard). Reading fiction about the family.

Materials and equipment:

Flannelegraph, images of houses, "palms-trees", cardboard blanks with a layer of plasticine, peas, photographs (faces) of mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother and child.



Today we will go on a journey with you. What can you travel on? (by car, plane, rocket, boat, ship)


And we will not fly, we will not go and we will not sail, but we will gallop. They rode on one leg.


Look, we rode into the city with you. Stand on the path, trim your legs.


What a miracle, miracles (show palms)
One hand and two hands.
Here is the right palm,
Here is the left palm.
And I will tell you without melting
Everybody needs hands with friends.
Kind hands will pet the dog
Clever hands can sculpt
Sensitive hands know how to be friends.

In our city they also know how to be friends.


(on the flannelgraph there are one-story and multi-story houses, palm-shaped trees)
- What is in our city? (houses, trees)
- What houses? (multi-storey, single-storey)
- What else is there in the city? (trees)
- What do trees look like? (on the palms)
- Take a tree, whatever you like, and sit down at the tables.


Let's play with our fingers. We clenched the fist.

This finger is a grandfather.
This finger is a grandmother.
This finger is daddy.
This finger is mommy.
This finger is me.
That's my whole family.

What did we talk about when we played? (about family)
- Do you have a family?
- Who is the youngest in your family? (I am)
- How affectionately are you called in the family?
- Find your photo and put it on your little finger.


Mom and I made cutlets
And outside the window it was raining
Mom and I were thinking at the same time
How good it is for us to be together.

Who is this poem about? (about mom)
- Are you good with your mom?
- How is your mother's name?
- And for an adult? (patronymic)
- Find your mom's photo and put it on your ring finger. Mom is next to you.


My dad can't stand idleness and boredom
Dad has skillful strong hands.
And if anyone needs help
My dad is always willing to work.

Who is this poem about? (about dad)
- And what daddy? (strong, brave, kind)
- How affectionately can you call your dad? (daddy, daddy)
- Find your dad's photo and put it on your middle finger. Dad next to mom.

Physical education "Okay, okay"


Get up, we will rest a little, play with our palms.

Okay, okay, where were my grandmother (claps)
And grandmother's palms are all wrinkled (palms up)
And grandmother has kind, kind palms (we stroke palms)
Everyone worked their palms for long years (knock on the palms with our fist)
Good palms smell of cabbage soup, pies (palms to the face and sniffed)
Kind palms will stroke your curls (we stroke ourselves)
And they will cope with any sadness, kind palms (we bring it to our face and blow)
Okay, okay, where were my grandma (clap)

Have a rest? Sit down in your seats.


What can your grandmother do? (knit, bake pies)
- Find your grandmother's photo and put it on your index finger.
- We have one finger left - a big one. Who is this? (grandfather)
Listen to what poem I know about my grandfather.

I have a grandfather
Like a gray winter
I have a grandfather
With a white beard.
My grandfather is all for me
Can give an answer
And my grandfather is not old
At least he is a hundred years old.

Does grandfather help grandmother at home?
- How does he care about you?
- Find your grandfather's photo and put it on your thumb.


Look, you have got a big friendly family in your palm. Everyone in the family loves, cares and helps each other. Let's make a gift with you. Think for a minute who you want to give a gift to and what kind (there are blanks on the table - cardboard and plasticine, peas in plates). Children make gifts.


Done, put the gift on the finger to whom you want to give your gift. (We look to whom the child gave the gift).
- Take your "palm trees" and place them in our city wherever you want.
Move away, look, all our families in the city. It is big, beautiful, everyone is friendly in it.


So our journey is over. Did you like it? What do you remember the most?

About everything in the world:

In 1930, The Rogue Song, a film about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the heroes ...

Section materials

Lessons for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

Synopsis of the thematic lesson "My family"

Goals: to form in children a sense of family cohesion based on ideas about the family, its composition, relationships; to develop an interest in the history of your family and the need to please your loved ones with good deeds and a caring attitude towards them; help the child in realizing himself as a full, beloved family member.

Equipment: prepared presentation with family photos (children bring photos in advance); selected riddles, presentation for the task "Family responsibilities"; worksheets "My family tree" (by number of children); colour pencils; computer, video projector, screen, music center; mp3 file a song about a family.

Course of the lesson:

Educator. Hello children.

Conversation "Family photography".Today we will talk about family. But first of all, let's agree on what a family is and see how it differs from other groups of people. How could you answer the question: what is a family? (children's answers).

Psychologist's resume: Family is the most important thing in life for each of us - these are close and dear people, those whom we love, with whom we take an example, who we care about, whom we wish good and happiness. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect.

Educator. When you were born, each of you was surrounded by the care of your family members, they gave you a first and last name. Families are created in order to educate children, to help them become strong and independent. All family members are very close people. They live and farm together. They help each other both in difficult times and in ordinary matters. Each family member is associated with other special relationships, which are designated by a special word. But with what word, we will now guess with you!(The teacher makes riddles)

"Riddles about the family"

Who is serious, not joking

Will the nail teach us how to hammer?

Who will teach the courage to be?

Having fallen from a great, do not whine,

And scratching my knee,

Don't cry, of course ... .. (dad)

Who is the most tender in the world?

Who's making us lunch?

And who do children love so much?

And who is not more beautiful?

Who reads books at night?

Raking the mountains of the temple

Without scolding me and my brother.

Who is this? Our mother)

Fragrant jam,

Treat pies

Delicious pancakes

At the beloved ... (grandmother)

He did not work out of boredom,

He has calluses in his hands

And now he is old and gray

My dear, beloved ... (grandfather)

Educator. And then there are such words: there is a daughter and ... (son), there are brothers and ... (sisters).(Children continue)

Educator. Guys, listen to the poem.

Any family album is in the house.

As in a mirror, we are reflected in it.

Even if we are not always beautiful

But these photos are true.

The album is kept in our house, And the pictures are kept in the album.

There are many of them - both old and new -

With us, with the family ...! (N. Gol, G. Grigoriev)

Educator. I suggest that you take a close look at the family photo ... (one of the children is named or the child is called himself. The teacher asks the child questions:

Who is shown in the photo?

Where are you? Where is your mom, dad?

What are you doing?

What's your mood?

The teacher invites several children.

Family Responsibilities

Each family, as an individual, has its own needs. If these needs are not met, life becomes impossible. Well, for example, how long can you go without food? But the food itself does not appear on your plate, and the plates themselves cannot be washed. And yet, you live in peace. This means that someone cares about you. And this “someone” is your family. Now we will talk about this.

I will name the duties in order, and you think about who performs them in your family (children's answers). (The teacher shows the presentation "Family Responsibilities").

For the time being, these duties are performed by the senior members of your family. But as you grow up, you will learn how to do it all on your own.

Educator. Now let’s rest a little. Everyone stood up, listened carefully to the question, answered it and performed a head movement.

Drawing "My family tree"

(The teacher shows a drawing that depicts a family tree).

A drawing in which a person depicts how he is related to his ancestors is called a family tree. It really looks like a tree. There are cells on this tree. You need to fill in the cells of this tree according to the rules:

  1. Find a cell at the top of the tree. Draw yourself.
  2. In the cells that are on the right and left, draw your parents.
  3. Your parents also had parents who loved them, brought up and taught them wisdom, you call them grandparents.

(Assignment by children)

Educator. I want to end our meeting with a poem

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is a summer trip to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
Having children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family is a lot of homework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive grievances and quarrels away,
I want friends to talk about us:
What a good family you are!



Summary of the lesson "My family" in the preparatory group

Purpose: To form children's ideas about family as people who live together.

1. Clarify and enrich children's knowledge about family... To summarize the view: family is everything who lives with the child.

2. To develop the ability to reason, compare, draw conclusions, develop memory, imagination, logical thinking.

3. Improve the ability to write a short story about your family.

4. Foster a sense of love and caring attitude towards members families.

Methodological techniques:

Conversation, artistic word, questions, using photographs, games. Org. moment (In a circle)

Q. All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly.

And we will smile at each other.

I will look at your faces, who would I be friends with here? I am Natalia Viktorovna and who are you? Tell me what is your affectionate name (Alyoshenka, Egorushka).

Hello, dear children, you are the most beautiful in the world. Here are such good, handsome, I invite to the chairs.

Q. - Tell me, guys, please, where are you in a hurry in the evening after kindergarten? (home)... That's right, home. And why? (waiting family) ... Yes, yours is waiting for you family!

V. - Today we will talk about family.

V. - My family is my wealth

Love, protection, tenderness, brotherhood.

Here they value tenderness and comfort,

They will never give it here.

All together celebrate the holidays,

And they don't miss weekdays either.

And I firmly know, friends,

What is the main thing in life - family!

Q: How do you understand the word « family» ? And what is it - family? Who lives in families?

- family is dad, mom, I;

- family- these are close and dear people;

- family is where everyone loves you;

- family is the most precious thing what a person has.

Right, family- these are people close to us: mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, who are always with us, live in the same house, pay attention, love each other, take care of each other, help, regret, sympathize, relate to each other to each other respectfully, speak to each other affectionately.

Guys, I have photos, tell me, what unites all these photos? Who is shown in these photos? (Families) .

Why did you decide that the photographs show families? They're so different, aren't they? (The photographs show parents and children: mothers and fathers, daughters, sons. There is a photograph of grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and children.)

Q: We will massage the active points on our fingers. And to make it more fun, we will pronounce the words of the nursery rhyme:

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother

This finger is a daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me!

That's all mine family

Let's take a look at your family album.

Invite the children to choose their photo and tell about it: give the names and patronymics of relatives, place of work, what kind of housework they do.

Please tell us what the parents are called, where they work (looking at family photos)... Tells about what in the main thing for the family to have peace, respect, love for each other. Asks how they are affectionately called in family what they can tell about mom (gentle, affectionate, kind, about dad (strong, brave, kind, asks what grandmother can do (knit, bake pies, grandfather helps grandmother at home.

It's so good that you all have family! You are the happiest children in the world, because in your families love each other, they all live together cheerfully and amicably.

The main thing is that in family has always been at peace, friendship, respect, love for each other. Family maybe small - for example, a mother and a child, but if they love each other, this is real family... It's good if big family... And who lives in your families?

Each has its own family... Tell me if families are the same? Or maybe they are different? What is the difference? ( Families all different - there are big and small. People from different families differ in surnames, names, appearance, they live in different houses, in different apartments).

Game "What would you like to wish your family" (children's wishes)

Q: what to do to family everyone was in a happy mood (do not quarrel, help, do not offend, work hard, get good grades, etc.)

Game "What is your family"

Children tell stories (big, friendly, small, good, caring, strong, happy, cheerful, hardworking, etc.)

Family unites relatives: parents and children, grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers and sisters. These are our relatives, relatives, relatives. Now, I want to introduce you to the poem by Ya. Akim "My relatives".

Mom and Dad are my relatives.

I have no relatives more dear to me.

And sister, relatives, and brother

And a lop-eared puppy Tishka.

I love my relatives very much,

Soon I will buy gifts for everyone.

Dad will have a motor boat

Mom in the kitchen - a magic brush,

A real hammer for a brother,

The ball - to the little sister, the candy - to Tishka.

And I also have a friend,

My friend Seryozhka is also related to me.

I run to him in the morning,

Without him, the game is not a game for me.

I tell him all the secrets

I will give him everything in the world.

Do you think all the characters, heroes of this poem are members of one families? Are they all relatives, relatives? (Not everyone is a member of the same families... Mom, dad, brother, sister are relatives. Friend Seryozha is not a member family and not a relative, he is friend. Tishka puppy can be considered a member of families, but he is not a man, but an animal, therefore he is not related to the hero of the poem.)

Q: Didactic game "Who belongs to whom".

Children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center. The teacher throws a ball to one of the children and asks a question, the child throws the ball back to the teacher and answers.

1. To your dad (to mom) he is dad, what about you?

2. Your dad's wife, what about you?

3. He is a brother to Dad, but to you?

4. She is my mother's sister, but what about you?

5. Who are you for grandma?

6. Who are grandparents?

7. Who are you to your dad?

8. Who are you to your brother?

9. Who are you to your sister?

Q: Well done, guys. This is how well you know your relatives!

Popular wisdom says: “Treasure is not needed when family alright» ... How do you understand it? In which family treasure? And in what way? What's happened "Fret"? (The ability to get along with oneself and with people is the most valuable quality in a person.)

Q. There are many proverbs about family.

"V family where is the way, happiness does not forget the road ".

"V family and porridge is thicker» .

"Closely together, but thicker apart".

"There are relatives, there is fuss".

« The family is strong when there is only one roof above it ".

"All family together and the soul is in place ".

"A Russian person does not live without relatives".

"Gold, silver does not age, father and mother have no price"

"There is no such friend as dear mother".

« The family is full of » .

"It's warm in the sun, good in the mother's presence".

Guys, what did we talk about today? (O family, about relatives).

All of you are great! Listening to your stories, your voices, I felt with what love and tenderness you treat your relatives.

Family is important!

Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

I want friends to talk about us:

How good is your family.

Svetlana Kovalenko
Synopsis of the individual speech therapy lesson "My family"

Target classes: to systematize ideas about family, family and relationship; cultivate good feelings and love for your members families, take care of them.


Strengthen the ability to form plural nouns by subject: "My family» .

Enriching the child's vocabulary by subject: "My family» .

Automation of the correct pronunciation of all delivered sounds in spontaneous speech;

Work on syllabic structure of speech;

Development of phonemic perception;

Coherent speech and grammatical structure;

Develop fine motor skills of the hands;


Formation of mutual understanding, responsiveness, love for family;

Fostering a respectful attitude towards the mother, family values, respectful attitude towards others;

Equipment: Whatman paper with a tree silhouette; ball; record player; CD with music by P.I.Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers";

Course of the lesson:

Organizing time:

Hello, I’m glad to see you today on our occupations.

“We all got together in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's take hold of our hands.

And we will smile at each other.

I will look at your faces, with whom you can make friends here? "

Development of fine motor skills

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy,

This finger is me

That's all mine family.

Uvula exercises

Mom baked pancakes. Put "wide" tongue on the lower lip so that it touches the edges of the mouth. Keep him in a calm, relaxed state (up to "Five to ten"

Mom baked pies with different fillings. The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Put "wide" tongue on the lower lip. Raise and roll your tongue into a tube - "Cabbage pie"... Raise the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth - "Lingonberry pie".

Teasers. Lips in a smile, "wide" tongue on the lower lip. Pronounce: "Fah-five-five, bya-bya-bya"

Grandma climbs the stairs, she hard: “Oh-oh-oh-oh-! Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo! "

We teach our little brother to speak syllables: "Ka-ha, ka-ha, ku-gu. Who - kty -, kta - ktu ".

Speech charging

Say the sentence "Mom, dad (brother) and I (inhale)- that's all mine family

Physical education:

Speech outdoor game: "You clap and drown"

The child simultaneously claps and stomps on each syllable of the called word.

(on the topic under study).

Well done, so we rested.

Have families like a tree, it also has roots, trunk, branches and branches. Roots families- this is a great-grandfather and great-grandmother. Please take photos of great-grandfather and great-grandmother and, together with mom and dad, glue the photos to the roots of the tree. Yours begins from them family.

Well done. The tree has a strong and high trunk, and branches extend from it to the left and right, your mom and dad, aunt and uncle are located on them.

And at the top of the tree, on its youngest branches, you are.

Here is a tree where all your relatives are depicted, all family, is called genealogical.

I have an interesting one for you the game: "One - many" let's stand with you in a circle. I will throw a ball to each of you and call the members families, and you will throw the ball back to me and call the members of your families if there are a lot of them. for instance: mom-mum, dad-….

Didactic game "Pick a sign"(agreement of nouns with adjectives): Mother (which)... grandmother (which)-,grandfather (which)... ,dad (which7) -…

Repeat nursery rhyme "I have big family»

I have big family yes funny

Two are standing by the shop,

Two want to learn

Two Stepans are overeating at sour cream

Two Dashki are eating at the porridge,

Two Ulks at the cradle swing

Outcome classes... List all members families? What games did you like the most?


1.E.A. Pozhilenko Articulation gymnastics

2. Z. E. Agranovich Collection of homework to help speech therapists and parents

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Lesson summary

on the topic: "My family»

in the association "Teremok"

1st year of study, 5-7 years

Additional education teacher:

Vera M. Grigoryan

Kavkazsky district

2015 year

Target: fostering love and respect for family and friends, knowledge of one's last name, first name and patronymic of parents, kind and pedigree.



To activate the children's vocabulary based on deepening knowledge about their family;

Improve dialogic and monologue speech;

Continue to develop the ability to conduct a dialogue between the teacher and the child;


To consolidate knowledge about the relationship of words;


Raise in children love and respect for their family members, a desire to express their feelings to loved ones.

Form an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe family as people who live together;

foster a desire to take care of loved ones, develop a sense of pride in their family.

Preliminary work: viewing family photo albums; photo conversation; children's stories about their family members; learning individual poems; preparation of planar images of trees and photographs of family members; working together with parents to compile a family tree; reading fiction.

Lesson plan

I. Organizational moment. (2 minutes).

II. Main part. (10 min).

  1. Conversation.

2. Physics "Family exercise".

III. The practical part. (15 minutes).

  1. Didactic game "Pick up the signs".
  2. The game "Compare who is older and who is younger."

IV. The result of the lesson. (3 min).

Course of the lesson

  1. Organizing time.

“The flower itself is me, and also my sister,
Mom and dad are my leaves,
Granny and grandpa are my roots.
Our flower flaunts in the green of the meadow,
We all love each other in our family. "

Guys, have you guessed what we are going to talk about today and what is the topic of our lesson?(Children explain)

II. Main part.

  1. Conversation.

Today we are all gathered together as one big friendly family.

What is family?
Father, mother and me,
And my little sister
That's our whole family:
- Well, what about grandma?
- Well, what about grandfather?
What is family?
Father, mother and me,
Baba Zoya, Baba Zina, grandfather Egor, Vasily
And my little sister
That's our whole family.

How to call these people in one word: dad, mom, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather?

What do you guys think is family?

A family is a union of two people; who fell in love with each other and decided to run a joint household and live together. Once married, they become husband and wife. Then children are born in the family, and the spouses become dad and mom.

- It's so good that you all have a family! You are the happiest children in the world, because in your families they love each other, they all live happily and amicably together. The main thing is that the family always has peace, friendship, respect, love for each other. A family can be small - for example, a mother and a child, but if they love each other - this is a real family. It's good if the family is big. Who lives in your families?

Sometimes a person's family is called "relatives". Choose words that are close in meaning to the word "relatives", that is, related words - parents, relatives, relatives. Relatives are mom and dad, grandmother and grandfather, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts.

2. Physical minutes.

“I love my mother, I will always help her.
I wash, rinse, shake the water from the pens,
I'll sweep the floor clean and put wood on it.
Mom needs to rest, mom wants to sleep.
I walk on tiptoe, I won't say a word. "

  1. The practical part.

1. Didactic game "Pick up the signs".

And what are they, dear and dear to us people?

Find as many words as possible that will tell you about mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, etc.

Mom (what kind?) - kind, beautiful, patient, affectionate, gentle, smart, demanding.

Dad is strict, smart, strong.

Grandmother is old, kind, sympathetic, affectionate, benevolent, gray-haired.

Grandpa is old, wise, gray-haired.

Sister - cheerful, perky, restless, older, younger, small, big.

Brother - strong, weak, small, big, older, younger, mobile.

  1. Game “Compare - who is older? Who is younger? "

Dad - grandfather: / Grandfather is older, and dad is younger /;
Mom - grandmother: / Grandma is older, and mom is younger /;
Grandpa is a grandson; / The grandfather is older and the grandson is younger /;
Grandmother is a granddaughter; / The grandmother is older, and the granddaughter is younger /;
Brother is a sister; / The brother is older, and the sister is younger /.

  1. Ball game "How does anyone work in your family?"

/ to finish: dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, me / goes to work - sews - makes money - checks homework - goes to the store - teaches lessons - prepares food - looks after flowers - wipes the dust - washes dishes - cleans the house - strokes - plays - erases - reads - makes crafts -

IV. The result of the lesson.

Guys, what would you like to wish your family?

And what should you do to make everyone in your family have a joyful mood?(do not offend, do not quarrel, help, give gifts, get good grades, work hard, love each other, relax together ...)

Our class is over, goodbye.

It's time to return to your group.

Children say goodbye.