Beautiful congratulations on the International Day of the Family. Congratulations on Family Day in verse - short, beautiful SMS. Congratulations on Family Day to your brother: poetry and prose

Interesting congratulations on the day of family, love and fidelity in verse

How do you get it -
To live in a permanent world
Joyfully, in love, in council
And value each other?
I am sending you today
Doxology own
And I heartily congratulate
Happy Family Day to you guys!

Family Day is a special holiday:
He gives goodness and happiness,
Relief from pain
From anxiety, from troubles and grief.

After all, saving your home is not difficult -
You can add a little love
Frankness, concern,
Work done together.

So we will survive together -
Just need to try
Unite all together
To enjoy the family!

There is nothing more beautiful than family
In which an endless stream
Permeated with good, love days,
And a warm light shines in the night from the windows!

I hasten to congratulate you on Family Day,
Let the hearth of the soul not fade away,
Let there be a strong and big family,
And may joy, loyalty, happiness reign in it!

Love is born in the family
And the bonds of marriage grow stronger,
Everything happens - happiness and pain,
Such is the fee in our life
For the feelings that give us life.
I wish you on family day
Live all your life, learn all your life
And may your family grow stronger!

There is nothing more precious than a family
The family loves it, they always help.
Family - it gives warmth and comfort,
The family is waiting in grief and joy!
So let everything be smooth in your family,
So that tomorrow does not seem like a mystery.
So that only your relatives smile,
I wish you on the holiday of the Family!

Spring ... Blooming fragrance,
The air is filled with subtle tones,
Today, on Family Day, I'm incredibly happy
Spend the whole day with you.
Family for everyone is the most reliable rear,
Love unites us from birth.
Let's forgive all the insults
Let's celebrate Family Day with inspiration.

There would be more such holidays -
Cozy, sunny, pleasant.
Family is the most precious thing for us:
Happy laughter of neat children,
Love in the eyes of relatives and friends,
And the joy of being with them.
I congratulate you on Family Day -
happy and young
I wish you to stay
And never part!

For a woman, the best happiness in the world -
This is a family, a beloved husband and children!
For a husband, a wife is the most important gift,
The light of love is very persistent and bright!

And there is a wonderful May family day,
In which relatives can throw a holiday!
Get together, chat and laugh,
Seriously enjoy the company of a friendly!

I hasten to congratulate you on such a wonderful day,
Let the soul burn only with joyful fire,
Let there be fidelity in feelings and in deeds,
And happiness is long and love in the eyes.

On family day, I want to especially wish
Take care of her, as God's grace,
To always warm your soul in it,
Let grief not break the idyll of the family.

Today is family day. Let's get together
At the festive table. Let's smile at each other.
And let's say that we love each other very, very much.
And we will never quit, and we will not even condemn.
The family will always help, the family will always support.
Enveloped with care, return hope again.
Keep your families and appreciate every moment!
And thank fate for this every day.

Very soon, the citizens of Russia will celebrate a special holiday - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Russians have been celebrating this unusual day since 2008 and it happens every year, on July 8 (June 25 according to the Julian calendar).

The holiday of family, love and fidelity is dedicated to the day of Peter and Fevronia of Murom. This day is the day of remembrance of these holy spouses, because it was they who in Rus' became the special patrons of happiness in the family, as well as the keepers of the bonds of marriage.

Today we have prepared for you congratulations on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in prose (in our own words) and in verse, very beautiful, sincere and original. These congratulations are universal, they are suitable for both your family and loved ones, as well as for friends or colleagues.

Congratulations on the Day of family, love and fidelity in prose (in your own words)

On this wonderful and very warm holiday, Family Day, I would very much like to wish you wisdom and patience in order not only to preserve what you already have, but also to increase it, making your family even happier. Let well-being, prosperity and health be very frequent guests in your home, where the door will always be open for them. Love each other and keep this light and your warmth in your hearts.

Day of family, love and fidelity is an unusual holiday. He gives each couple something that strengthens and unites it. So let this day become a symbol of your strong feelings, care and mutual understanding for your family. Treasure each other and always be there!

I hasten to congratulate you on the most important and such a magical holiday as the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity! May love always and everywhere illuminate your path, and may loyalty never allow you to commit sometimes stupid and unnecessary acts! I wish that mutual understanding, happiness, faith always reign in your family, and that you always support each other, no matter what! I wish you that your family hearth is always filled with warmth, comfort and true love!

Family is the most important thing in every person's life. No values ​​and wealth can replace the family for which everyone lives. But the family is a fragile creature that requires constant replenishment. And nourishment can give love and fidelity. Love each other and respect, trust each other and be happy. After all, there is only one life, and it must be lived in a happy marriage so that in old age you can remember how great it was for you together.

I congratulate you, my dear, on the Day of family and fidelity! I want to wish you long years of married life, let the bonds of marriage grow stronger, passion boils without fading, and the years fly by, leaving warm memories of what happened in your heart and help you believe that the best is yet to come!

The day of family, love and fidelity is the day of the foundations of our life, the day of the brightest and most sincere feelings. Congratulations! Take care of your family, love each other, believe. May peace, goodness, joy and happiness reign in your home!

Happy Family Day! May her well-being become more significant day by day, just as a honey pear fills with ripeness in the rays of the gentle sun! Stay close to each other and everything will be fine!

On this beautiful day, the Day of Family and Fidelity, I would like to congratulate you on the holiday! I wish you to keep your hearth and not let it go out. Love and mutual understanding, patience and good luck, happiness and prosperity, kindness and smiles! Keep family comfort and warmth, love each other and give tenderness!

Today, on Family Day, I want to wish you health and happiness. May your family hearth always burn and give warmth. Mutual understanding and support, patience, strength, love and prosperous days.

On the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, please accept my best wishes: incurable, chronic happiness, ruthless and stubborn wealth, omnipresent joy, trump luck, enchanting mood, a large supply of strength for intra-family everyday exploits! And, of course, love!

Congratulations on Family Day in verse - short, beautiful SMS

I wish to live in love and tenderness
Not only on the Day of family and fidelity.
May today and always
A star will light your way.
So that you are always friendly
Would never quarrel!

On a family holiday, the Day of love and fidelity,
I want to keep your valuables.
Don't Forget Parents
Visit them more often.
Show care, attention,
Patience and understanding.
To love and be affectionate
And forgive them all the insults!

The family reliably protects us from all worries,
And love gently covers with its wing.
So keep the hearth that is given to you from above.
After all, native people are dearer and closer to us all!

Let there be a strong family
And so that no one in the world,
I didn't dare to destroy it.
And for the children to laugh.
And so that happiness over the edge
Splashed across the world.
So that there is paradise on earth for you,
And everything came true for you!

Families let a strong cell
Get tighter and tighter.
You will become closer to each other
Even more expensive and dearer.
Heart will sparkle with love
And the soul will be trembling.
You should be proud of loyalty
Without betraying, without sinning!

You can congratulate your loved ones, dear ones and loved ones on Family Day twice: May 15 When is the International Day of the Family and July 8 when the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is celebrated. Previously, according to the old calendar, it fell on June 25 and was called the Day of Peter and Fevronia - in honor of the patrons of family and love. The symbol of this holiday is chamomile.
Here you will find beautiful postcards, original congratulations, good wishes in verse and prose, toasts.

The whole family is together - and the soul is in place!

Love, family and loyalty
Three values ​​in destiny...
Let jealousy disappear instantly
Let peace reign in the family!
Let everything be fine
Let them shine happily
Children's eyes with happiness:
Boys and girls!

Family, in love and fidelity,
Live from year to year:
And in sorrow, and in joy,
And not afraid of adversity!
Let there be happiness in the family
Always in everything - luck!
And happy holiday
Accept congratulations!

Love! And value happiness!
It is born in the family.
What could be more precious
In this fabulous land!

Are you in a hurry to celebrate Family Day?
And our wishes to accept:
So that there are children, a house, a hearth, warmth,
In all endeavors, be lucky!

I am all my friends without exception

Let your mood be bright!
I wish you happiness, peace and love!

On the International Day of the Family
Nightingales chirping louder
Because the nightingale
It also has its own family.
And we are with you, like nightingales,
We live in the harmony of love.
We've been a family for many years...
Let fate keep her from troubles!
Let there be happiness in our house,
Let the blizzard not cool your heart!
Thank you family for everything
I give her love and loyalty!

May the house be strong
Hearth - will be bright,
Love will be stronger than the wall!
The bed will be soft
And passion is constant
Let there be no winter in your soul!

We have been growing up in a family circle since childhood.

In the family circle - all your roots,
And in life you come out of your own family.
In the family circle, we create life.
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

The family is one of the masterpieces of our Creator!

I congratulate you on the Day of family, love and fidelity. I wish that you are always together. What a simple word: "together", and what a deep meaning it has! For you, being together means living on a breath, appreciating and respecting each other, cherishing your happiness to be together. Love and appreciate this happiness! Family for you is also the responsibility of loving people, constant mutual care and support. Chamomile is considered a symbol of the holiday: simple and modest. If you decide to tell fortunes on it, then there will be only one answer - loves. He loves and cherishes, you can't do otherwise. I am sure that the Murom saints Peter and Fevronia, in whose honor this day appeared, will always keep and protect your love and family happiness.

Family, Love and Loyalty are important for everyone!
Family is a home, a reliable rear!
Enemies let your house be like a fortress,
And for friends - hospitable and pleasantly sweet!

On the International Day of the Family
Congratulations to you!
In a strong union and in love
We wish you to live long!

The main thing in life is family.
Your career isn't waiting for you at home
money won't wipe your tears
and glory will not embrace you at night.

Happy Family, Love and Fidelity Day
We send congratulations today!
The aroma of marvelous tenderness
May your home be filled!
Let the words of recognition sound
And there will be no end to them!
May wishes come true
Hearts beat in unison!

Raising this cup high,
On Family Day, I drink standing up today
For the basis of our glorious life -
Strong and friendly family!

Family is our support and protection,
Native beacon on the path of life!
Let all the bad things be forgotten
And only happiness awaits us ahead!

Big family - big joy!

Stay faithful no matter what
Don't give in to the sweet temptation!
Never hurt your loved ones
Don't hurt them!
And on this holiday congratulations words
Let them sound for those who are close to you.
And let your head spin again with happiness -
It doesn't take much to do this!

You managed to create such a family,
What an example for all of us.
You always love your own wife,
Let the kids delight and adore you!

Saving a family is the most important science,
Bring your warmth to your native hearts!
May there never be any quarrel or separation
They will not divorce you to different shores!

Family is the warmest place on earth!

Family! How much of this word!
After all, this is friendship and love!
Everything is in half: both laughter and grief ...
And the blood boils again!
I congratulate you today
I am with this Holiday of the family!
I wish you love and happiness!
Take care of your family!

Take care of each other
And do not offend in vain!
Happiness in the house and love to you,
Always a happy day!

When your own heart is near
You don't need a golden lock.
And in life you don't need more
What a joy to be with family!

The family is the place where the beauty of human life is realized!

Family is what will hold us in the storm
After all, she is not afraid of splashes of life waves,
Shelter from the cold and protect in the rain.
The family is our fortress and our true shield.
The family is children and marriage.
What could be stronger than such strong bonds?
Here everyone is understandable and very loved,
Expensive and indispensable in its own way.
We wish you to be a real family,
It's great if relatives are with you!
We wish unity always and in everything,
Let happiness fill your friendly home!

Family, love and loyalty - three in one.
What could be more reliable in this world?
On a solid foundation - your home,
As long as you don't forget about it.
Appreciate what you have today
Let your union grow stronger over the years!
Let the light of happy eyes not go out,
And tenderness will remain between you!

Family is the basis of every life,
Love is the foundation of all foundations,
And loyalty is above all whims,
Everything together is better than any dreams!
Let them live in every house
Love and loyalty and family!
After all, everyone in the world knows for sure
That only the house will save me!

The family is the kingdom of the father, the world is the mother and the paradise is the child!

Let everything be fine in the family
And in the soul - it is always gratifying!
May it always accompany
Love, smile, kindness!
May the sky be clear above you
May life be kindly bright!
Live surrounded by friends
And all the best to you, health and warmth!

Happy Family Day! Happy Loyalty and Happiness Day!
Let misfortunes pass you by,
And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,
It always leads to good, in an accessible way!

The family is the basis of the state,
A place of care and love!
No kingdom can stand
Without a strong, friendly family!

Everyone's family is the wings of his soul!

On Family Day I wish peace to the bird
Settle in your skies
To have a comfortable apartment
Good - a smile on your lips!
So that children's laughter rushes alive,
Reflected by sparks of stars,
And health filled the veins,
Illuminating your blood with happiness!
So that luck often visits
So that money flows to you like a river,
So that sadness does not know the way to you,
So that peace reigns in the family of love!

I am all my friends without exception
Today I congratulate you on Family Day!
May your mood be bright
I wish you happiness, peace and love!

The greatest value -
This is a complete family.
And the family, like a jewel,
We keep - and you and I.

You are love, warmth, peace
Accept wishes.
May happiness be with you
Happy family day!

international family day
We celebrate every evening
When at dinner, without candles
We sit down to eat and not alone.

Families are big when there is a mother
Grandma, grandfather, father...
Another family, where maybe not enough,
Or maybe one young man.

Family is support and support.
Family is everything for us.
Living without friends is, of course, bad.
Living without a family is not the same.

Family is the dearest
What we have, but not everyone has.
I wish that everyone
With a family there would be a man.

Happy International Family Day,
Source of comfort and care
Where light and affection were born,
Where there is no place for sadness or adversity.

Let them temper and grow stronger every day
Family, sacred those ties,
Let the feelings in her burn with fire
And let it be fun and friendly!

Happy International Family Day!
She helps us a lot.
Make the days brighter and brighter
With her in the heart of joy blooms,

Soul seems to sing
All around is nice, pretty.
May your family be lucky
And let things go great!

The most important thing in life is family.
They know everything from A to Z.
You need to be able to create comfort in the house.
And each other to know all the fads
For everyone to live happily together.
So that you never have to be apart!

I hasten to congratulate my
Very friendly family!
I wish us all good luck
Because she means so much!
Let happiness reign in the heart,
Away with sorrow, trouble, sadness!
We will always live in peace
In our cozy apartment!
Remember, my family
That I love you very much!

Happy international family day
I want to congratulate you
I wish you family today
Put on a pedestal.

I wish you understanding
Patience, great love,
To support and care
The days flowed steadily.

Let the hearth burn brightly
Let kindness rule the ball
May you be happy together
Let warmth live in the souls.

The family is the cell of society without dispute,
Family - the main value is not found,
We wish each other to be a support,
From life only gifts to receive.

So that children obey, love, help
And so that everything was “with a bang” in business,
So that financial difficulties do not know
And life was easy and fun.

Family comes first
Pearl in a setting
And who agrees with this
I congratulate him.

And let it be in the house
Only happiness and love
And it will be restless
From children's voices.

There is nothing more precious than a family
So let's embrace relatives,
We are so similar to each other
Fathers and sons, sisters, brothers!

Together we are strength and pressure,
Calm and joy
Hearts silent conversation
God-allowed weakness!

Native blood is the warmth of the pier,
The smiles of the most important people
They are everywhere, always, first
Family knows no boundaries!