Cream for dry skin. Day nourishing face cream. Which day face cream to choose

Dry and sensitive facial skin requires special attention and care. To choose the right remedy, it is recommended to pay attention to its composition: in creams intended for dry skin, the following components must be present: moisturizing oil, herbal extracts, vitamins. Such cosmetic brands as Natura Siberica, Aisida, Pure Line, Doliva, Libriderm, Black Pearl, Meishoku Organic Rose, Nivea, Green Mama are very popular.

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How to choose the right face cream?

Cream for sensitive and dry skin is significantly different from all others. It should contain hypoallergenic components. In most cases, such products contain extracts from various medicinal plants. The most common are extracts from calendula flowers, chamomile, succession, St. John's wort. Also a mandatory component of such creams is moisturizing oil (olive / essential oils). A good indicator if the composition contains vitamins A and E.

Composition of moisturizers

The composition of creams includes the following components:

  • Ceramides. Included in most cosmetic products, they form a water-lipid barrier, protecting the skin from external influences, improve skin elasticity and remove peeling.
  • Vitamins. Promote intensive nutrition and boost immunity.
  • Antioxidants. They have a regenerating and rejuvenating effect.
  • Keratin. It has a moisturizing effect, is able to restore damaged collagen fibers.
  • Hyaluronic acid. It has a moisturizing effect, rejuvenates.
  • Panthenol. Enhances regeneration, has anti-inflammatory, healing, soothing, regenerating effect.
  • Collagen. Actively fights against the processes of wilting and aging.
  • Potassium. Repairs damaged cells.
  • Natural oils. Saturate cells with acids and vitamins, moisturize.

When choosing a daily product, you need to pay attention to the texture - the product should be easily absorbed without leaving marks. In the spring and summer, it is recommended to use a day cream with a high degree of UV protection. It should be applied 30 minutes before going outside.

The composition of the night cream should contain nutrients and regenerating substances. These products have a denser and oily texture and are applied to the skin 30 minutes before bedtime.

To ensure good skin condition, cosmetologists recommend that people adhere to proper nutrition, walk more in the fresh air and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Top 9 Best Creams for Dry and Sensitive Skin

To combat dry skin, cosmetologists offer a wide range of products, including face creams.

If the skin is dry and sensitive, then it is better to use such cosmetics for the face:

  • "Natura Siberica";
  • "Aisida";
  • "Clean Line" with aloe vera and wheat germ;
  • "topping";
  • "Libriderm Night hydrobalance";
  • "Black pearl BIO-cream";
  • Meishoku;
  • Nivea;
  • Night cream Green Mama "Peony and Chaga".

"Natura Siberica"

The Russian series of creams of this company is developed using the latest technologies. They include components of natural herbs grown in Siberia, as well as other substances:

  • Extract of wild-growing Manchurian aralia. It will allow you to achieve elasticity and smoothness of the skin, improve blood circulation, increase tone.
  • Siberian cedar oil. Restores water balance, eliminates peeling and itching, has a regenerating effect.
  • SPF-20. Protects the skin from UV exposure, irritation and redness.
  • Complex of vegetable ceramides. Normalize metabolic processes.
  • Hyaluronic acid. Maintains a high level of moisture in the cells, prevents premature aging.
  • Vitamin E. Nourishes and protects the skin.

With regular use of the cosmetic, peeling and a feeling of tightness disappear, and the presence of antioxidants prevents early cell aging.


Aisida cream-gel, a Russian manufacturer specializing in cosmetics for problem skin, effectively fights dry and sensitive skin types.

  • with dry skin prone to allergic reactions;
  • with itching, redness and irritation;
  • after cosmetic procedures.

The composition contains natural ingredients that have a moisturizing, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect, as well as anti-aging and antioxidant:

  • Olive oil, burdock, cocoa. Helps smooth fine wrinkles, relieves irritation, tightens the skin of the face, nourishes and maintains natural elasticity.
  • Dorogov's antiseptic stimulator (ASD). This is a product of animal origin, which has a powerful antiseptic effect, accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues.
  • Linden oil extract. Improves complexion, promotes cell renewal, tones.
  • Glycerol. It has a moisturizing effect on dry skin, creating a moist film on the surface.
  • Lipofolk. Helps to preserve the smoothness and youthfulness of the skin, has a long-lasting moisturizing effect.
  • Essential oils of lavender and Chinese lemongrass. Eliminate wrinkles, relieve inflammation, improve the appearance of facial skin.
  • Coenzyme Q10. Regulates metabolic processes, has a tonic, cleansing and moisturizing effect.

The cream does not leave a greasy sheen, it does not contain hormones, preservatives and dyes.

"Clean Line" with aloe vera and wheat germ

Night cream Ukrainian manufacturer for dry skin from the series "Phytotherapy".

Thanks to this cream, the skin is actively nourished and moisturized all night, becoming smooth and elastic, without peeling and redness, fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

The composition includes the main natural components:

  • Aloe Vera. Promotes hydration, nutrition and protects the skin from negative environmental factors, removes irritation and redness, regenerates the growth of new cells.
  • Wheat germ oil. Rich in vitamins E, A, B, D, PP, polyunsaturated fatty acids, lecithin, it has a softening and nourishing effect, eliminates dryness and flaking, the skin becomes supple and fresh.

The texture of the cosmetic medium density, absorbed quickly. It is recommended to apply the cream 1 hour before bedtime so that it is completely absorbed. Excess cream can be removed with a napkin.


"Doliva" is a cream for dry and very dry skin from a German manufacturer. The product is intended for the care of skin prone to wilting, irritation and dryness.

Regular use helps to improve complexion, acquire a well-groomed and healthy appearance, and regenerate the skin. The skin becomes silky, elastic, the water-lipid balance is normalized. The cream provides deep nourishment and protection against chapping.

The composition includes:

  • Olive oil. Nourishes, relieves inflammation, eliminates dryness and flaking.
  • Jojoba oil. Helps fight acne, improves blood circulation of cells, restores elasticity.
  • Shea tree oil. It has protective and regenerating abilities, heals cracks, softens.
  • Panthenol. Protects from sunburn, irritation.
  • Vitamins A and E. Rejuvenate and nourish, have an antioxidant effect.

Suitable for dry, sensitive, irritated and aging skin. When applied, it is instantly absorbed, leaving no residue, suitable for makeup.


Cream from the company "Libriderm" from the series "Night hydrobalance" is designed to restore dehydrated skin. The composition contains low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, a form of glutamic acid and argan oil, which maintain water balance at the cellular level and continuously renew the skin.

With daily use, dryness disappears, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and the elasticity of the skin improves.

The composition includes components:

  • Shea Butter. Restores the structure, eliminates peeling and inflammation, nourishes.
  • Argan oil. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Hyaluronic acid. It has a lifting and rejuvenating effect, moisturizing occurs at the cellular level.
  • Vitamin E. Accelerates the production of collagen, activates protective functions.
  • Glutamic acid. Stimulates the growth of new cells.

These substances have a beneficial effect on the skin, nourish and moisturize it, thus it acquires a beautiful and healthy appearance. Apply to cleansed face, neck and décolleté at night 1.5 hours before bedtime. It has a soft, thick, loose texture.

"Black pearl daily BIO"

Black pearl BIO

Due to intensive hydration and nutrition of the epidermis, the product protects the skin from early aging and wilting. The skin after applying the cosmetic product becomes silky, elastic, smooth, dryness disappears.

The composition includes components:

  • White lotus extract. It has a softening and moisturizing effect, improves blood circulation.
  • Peach oil. It has a rejuvenating effect, relieves inflammation and irritation.
  • Sunflower oil. It is used as a moisturizing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Shea butter. Promotes deep hydration and nourishment.
  • Vitamin A. Prevents early aging, helps to get rid of age spots.

The BIO-program of the Black Pearl cream is designed specifically to stimulate the natural processes of skin regeneration. The product is well absorbed and has a light texture.

Meishoku Organic Rose

Japanese manufacturer's moisturizing cream with damask rose extract effectively fights dry skin problems, restores the protective barrier and creates an invisible film. The skin becomes firm and elastic.

The composition contains the following components:

  • Damascus rose extract. It has a refreshing and tonic effect, saturates with vitamins.
  • Barley extract. Provides moisture retention.
  • Shea Butter. It is a protective barrier and significantly softens the face.

The cosmetic product has an unobtrusive smell of a rose. Lightweight texture goes well with foundation. The product is applied to the cleansed skin of the face with patting movements of the hands until completely absorbed. You can use the product in the morning and evening.


Nivea has specially developed a series of products for daily care at home for sensitive and dry skin. This series includes cleansing milk for removing makeup, cream-gel and mousse for washing, tonic, ointment for protection against UV rays. Able to protect against dehydration, moisturize, reducing peeling.

  • Almond oil. Helps soften, nourish and protect.
  • Hydra-IQ technology. Forms water channels responsible for the exchange of moisture between cells.

The cosmetic product is able to maintain a deep level of moisture, so that the skin looks smooth and velvety. The cream has an SPF15 sun protection factor. The consistency is thick and oily.

Night Cream Green Mama "Peony and Chaga"

The night cream contains natural extracts of peony and chaga, thanks to which sensitive skin becomes softer and more hydrated. Herbal ingredients nourish the skin of the face at night and help retain moisture. With daily use of the cream, the skin looks fresh, healthy, moisturized.

The active ingredients are:

  • Sesame oil. Able to heal and restore the skin, due to its high fat content, it has a lifting effect.
  • Almond oil. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves elasticity and hydration.
  • Peony extract. Activates metabolic processes.
  • Chaga extract. Provides water-fat balance.
  • Vitamin E. Nourishes and moisturizes.
  • xanthan gum. Xanthan is produced by bacteria to protect against drying out and is used as a thickener in creams.
  • Shea butter. Protects the skin from the sun, removes peeling.

The texture of the cosmetic product is light, medium density and density. Floral aroma. Apply at night with massage movements.

Any modern woman wants to be beautiful, well-groomed and eye-catching. This largely depends on the condition of the skin of the face, which daily takes on an invisible blow from external and internal factors: poor ecology, stress, overwork, malnutrition containing excess fats and preservatives, etc. Dry and sensitive type of skin is especially affected. To protect it and maintain youth, complex care is needed: deep cleansing, restoration of damaged areas, intensive nutrition and hydration of the deepest layers of the dermis.

To solve these problems, cosmetologists offer a huge range of different products, including a face cream designed specifically to solve a whole range of problems specific to this skin type.

Features of the skin

Beauticians and dermatologists divide the skin into several types and subspecies. One of the most in need of care and protection is dry sensitive skin, which reacts sharply to external stimuli (water with impurities, cold air, snow and wind) and to internal changes (stress, poor-quality food, hormonal surge, etc.). This is due to a disturbed hydrobalance in all layers of the skin, as a result of which the cells lose a large amount of moisture and cease to function normally. Also, such a skin has improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, which destroys the natural protective barrier. The consequences can be the most unpredictable: from excessive dryness and flaky epidermis to incessant itching.

Thin sensitive skin prone to redness, irritation, swelling and excessive dryness is usually found in women of the winter color type with a fair complexion and requires increased attention in the form of nourishing and moisturizing creams and masks.

Causes of dryness

Sensitive skin can be the result of one or a symbiosis of factors. Consider the most common:

  • aggressive weather conditions (excessive dryness or humidity, low and high temperatures, wind, snow);
  • insufficient water intake;
  • negative impact of UV rays;
  • side effects of taking medications;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • the state of beriberi - a lack of vitamins is typical for many regions of our country;
  • skin-friendly cosmetic procedures (cryotherapy, peeling, scrub, etc.);
  • allergic reactions;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • "unhealthy" food in the form of semi-finished products and fast food;
  • hormonal age or periodic changes in the body.

Due to these reasons, inflammatory reactions begin in the skin in the form of redness, rash, itching or swelling. The skin capillaries increase along with the thinning of the walls, so the network of subcutaneous vessels becomes visible (rosacea). The natural protective barrier ceases to function normally, so the skin becomes more vulnerable to external stimuli. Transepidermal water loss increases, as a result of which all layers of the integument become withering, dry and prematurely mature.

What should be in the funds

Shop windows and pharmacies are full of offers of various cosmetics, including creams from world-famous and not-so-famous brands. To choose the best cream for dry and sensitive skin, you need to carefully read the composition. A tool designed to solve cosmetic problems will contain the following ingredients:

  • hyaluronic acid- this substance is famous for its moisturizing, rejuvenating and tightening properties;
  • collagen- a component for the active fight against the processes of withering and aging: activates metabolic processes, has antioxidant properties, improves blood circulation;
  • glycerol- famous for its moisturizing effect. Since ancient times, our grandmothers have used this substance to combat dry skin;
  • panthenol- restores, soothes, heals, relieves inflammation and protects against excessive evaporation;
  • various extracts and extracts of useful plants, which penetrate into the deepest layers of the epidermis, saturate the cells with various acids and nutrients, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, make the skin soft, but elastic, elastic and velvety.
  • vitamins- are necessary to activate the local immune system and intensive nutrition.

A cream for dry skin should not contain overly aggressive chemicals that can aggravate the negative impact of irritating factors:

  • alcohol;
  • salicylic acid;
  • silicone;
  • matting agents, etc.

How to choose cosmetics

Owners of dry and sensitive skin need to follow some recommendations when choosing cosmetics.

  • Follow the golden rule about shelf life: "the less, the better." Products with a large amount of natural substances are not subject to long-term storage, but are optimal for dehydrated skin.
  • If possible, use testers. This is a good way to test the body for an allergic reaction and compatibility with this cream.
  • Do not buy a cream that contains beeswax, as it can cause an allergic reaction on sensitive skin in the form of many unpleasant symptoms.
  • It is better to choose a hypoallergenic cream of a popular brand that has been tested by time, experience and has many positive reviews.
  • When choosing, it is necessary to read the instructions or instructions on the package, where a certain type of skin is prescribed, for which this cosmetic product is intended.
  • It would be optimal to purchase a cream for hypersensitive skin in a pharmacy kiosk, where the products undergo dermatological control.
  • The texture of a day cream applied under make-up should be quickly absorbed and not leave a greasy or sticky feeling.
  • As part of a nourishing night cream with a denser oily structure, there should be various nourishing, caring and regenerating substances.
  • An excessive amount of flavors can cause an allergic reaction, so preference should be given to products that have a delicate, subtle aroma.
  • During the period of excessive sun activity (spring and summer), it is necessary to choose a cream with high UV protection (SPF factor must be at least 8).

Rating of the best brands

As a result of extensive monitoring of reviews from grateful users and recommendations from dermatologists and cosmetologists, a rating of the best brands of creams for sensitive and dry skin was compiled. Let's take a closer look at some of the tools.


Aqualan is a line of Finnish-made creams developed by scientists for sensitive, dry, psoriasis and dermatitis skin. These creams are very popular among the population of the whole world and are suitable for consumers of any age, including newborns. Sold exclusively in pharmacies.

The composition of these funds does not contain fragrances, flavors and dyes, but is rich in moisturizing ingredients. The cream is easily absorbed, does not leave greasy marks and a sticky film on the surface of the skin. Depending on the type of skin (oily, sensitive or dry), the manufacturer recommends different compositions of this cream.

  • Aqualan Plus Designed for dry and very dry skin, it is instantly absorbed, actively moisturizing the deepest layers of the dermis, restoring after phototherapy procedures for those suffering from psoriasis and protecting the epidermis from UV rays.
  • "Aqualan L" recommended for dry and sensitive skin, contains up to 65% water. Natural ingredients nourish, restore and normalize intercellular metabolism and hydrobalance in all layers of the skin.

Natura Siberica

The products of the domestic brand Natura Siberica quickly won the trust of Russian users and continues to gain popularity already in the consumer market of the CIS countries and Europe. The creams of this company are developed with the help of trendy and latest technologies using components of natural herbs growing in Siberia.

Cream for application to dry skin during the day "Nutrition and Moisturizing" contains an extract of Manchurian aralia and does not include harmful parabens, silicones, fragrances and mineral oils.

Hyaluronic acid and vitamin E moisturize, nourish and fight signs of premature aging of the skin, making it supple and firm. SPF 20 creates an effective barrier against solar radiation. Herbal ingredients retain moisture, normalizing metabolic processes.


Physiogel cosmetic products contain a "smart" formula that restores the protective barrier with the help of a lipid layer on the skin, retaining moisture inside and activating the process of self-hydration in cells. The composition contains ceramide3, squalene, glycerin, shea butter and other useful substances.

The light consistency is quickly absorbed without clogging pores and moisturizes for a long time, giving a charge of vivacity and good mood.


Cream-gel "Aisida" of a Russian company specializing in the production of cosmetics for problem skin, effectively affects the dry and sensitive type, helps to get rid of many obsessive problems of the epidermis. The non-hormonal remedy consists of natural ingredients and has an anti-allergic, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. It also helps to increase metabolic processes, rejuvenates and has antioxidant and antiseptic effects.

Nutritic Intense

Nutritic Intense Nourishing Cream contains La Roche-Posay Thermal Waters and lipids, which have a beneficial effect, moisturize and restore even the most dry and sensitive skin. The tool fights against the unpleasant sensations of tightness, burning, itching and the feeling of "dry shell". Works great as a daily make-up product.


"Losterin" is a non-irritating cream that fights skin diseases and improves the condition of the epidermis. It does not contain hormonal substances, fragrances and dyes, therefore it is suitable for the most sensitive skin. Natural ingredients moisturize, nourish, restore and improve complexion.

Already after a single application, positive changes can be noted: the skin becomes smoother, toned, radiant with health and vitality.

For an overview of creams for very dry skin, see the following video.

homemade recipes

Currently, various products that care for dry and sensitive facial skin, made independently at home, are considered trendy. Let's get acquainted with the most popular homemade cream recipes.


It is necessary to pour dry chamomile flowers with boiling water (a spoon for half a glass) and insist for an hour. Combine the strained infusion with a spoonful of glycerin, melted butter, castor oil and a few drops of orange or geranium ether.

This tool is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. Leaves skin incredibly soft and radiant from within.


Mix a spoonful of butter with a small amount of grated apple and a teaspoon of honey heated in a water bath. It is stored for only a few days, but it has an amazing effect: the face becomes moisturized and velvety. The product is applied to cleansed facial skin for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Dryness on the skin of the face and body gives women a lot of uncomfortable sensations, such as itching, tightness, peeling. Excessively dry skin undergoes aging earlier and is overly sensitive to external stimuli. However, with proper daily care for dryness and flaking, there will be no trace left, and a healthy appearance of the skin will resume.

Dry skin is the result of a decrease in the efficiency of the sebaceous glands. This happens due to disruption of the functioning of metabolic processes, changes in hormonal levels, lack of vitamins and trace elements.

To remove dryness and peeling, you must first figure out how to moisturize very dry skin.

With dryness and peeling of the skin, you should take a closer look at your environment and your own body. Adverse factors affecting the skin can be contained in some cosmetic products, or be the result of excessively dry indoor air.

How to choose the right cosmetics for facial skin?

Important! In order to use only the best face moisturizers without harmful effects, before purchasing, you need to familiarize yourself with the constituent components on which the healthy look of your skin depends.

Active components of cosmetics that have a positive effect:

  • acids: hyaluronic 1%, glycolic 15%, salicylic 2%, ascorbic;
  • glycerol;
  • animal fats;
  • zinc;
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • herbal supplements (calendula, chamomile, celandine and others);
  • SPF (ultraviolet protection);
  • collagen and elastin (to smooth wrinkles)

But also, in addition to useful properties, some substances in the composition of cosmetics have an extremely negative effect on dry skin type.

These include:

  • alcohol additives;
  • seaweed;
  • mint;
  • lavender;
  • tea tree;
  • triethanolamine;
  • mineral oils.

A careful study of the constituent elements of various cosmetics will help to avoid the harmful effects on dry skin type.

What pharmaceutical products will help moisturize the skin?

To moisturize the skin of the face, some pharmacy products are used that effectively cope with dryness and are quite affordable in price categories. The most popular are:

  • aevit: contains vitamin components - retinol palmitate and tocopherol acetate, which interact with the oil base; capsules are able to smooth the skin, have a rejuvenating effect, the product nourishes well and is a good moisturizing component for dry skin; capsules are used as follows - squeeze a small amount of the contents onto the fingertips and rub into the skin with massage movements; let it soak in and after half an hour the face should be blotted with a napkin to remove excess oil;
  • various herbal-based creams with moisturizing ingredients are considered quite popular pharmaceutical products for dry skin of the face; one of these is Boro Plus; the tool will help to cope with peeling and will please with its affordable price;
  • Dardia cream: belongs to the more expensive category, but it has a quick moisturizing effect, is well absorbed, leaving no greasy marks and stickiness.

Pharmaceutical products will help get rid of dry skin and maintain healthy skin. It remains only to choose the most suitable and not be lazy to take care of the skin daily.

How to prepare remedies for dry skin at home?

Today, the use of various recipes in the composition with natural ingredients is very popular. Facial skin products based on folk recipes well relieve dryness and flaking, giving a healthy look and dullness. In addition, there are no chemicals found in purchased cosmetics in the composition of masks, scrubs and decoctions for washing.

For washing, herbal products for dry skin are suitable. They will relieve inflammation, they can be used at night before applying the cream. It can be a decoction of chamomile flowers, calendula and other herbs.

Natural scrubs for dry and sensitive skin

For gentle cleansing of the skin of the face, scrubs from the remnants of drunk coffee, as well as based on oatmeal, are perfect:

  • honey scrub: ¼ cup of oatmeal, pre-crushed in a blender, 30 g of May honey and olive oil; thoroughly grind all the components in a bowl until a homogeneous mass is obtained, then apply the mixture on the face with a thick layer and make massage movements for one minute, leave the scrub for 5-8 minutes, then rinse the face with water;
  • coffee-based scrub: apply 30 g of coffee sediment (after drinking coffee) to the skin of the face with massaging movements, rinse with warm purified water.

If you are still worried about the question of what helps with peeling skin on the face, we can say with full confidence that homemade scrubs will remove the top dry flaky layer and improve blood circulation.

The main rule is to apply a moisturizer after cleansing the face with a scrub, so that the cleansed pores can fully open to moisturize and retain moisture.

Nourishing face masks for dry skin

How to moisturize the skin of the face instead of a cream? This is often of interest to proponents of natural recipes. Existing masks based on natural ingredients are an excellent tool that can moisturize the skin of the face better than creams.

Butter mask

To make a mask, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. butter 73%, liquid honey - 1 tsp, lemon juice - ¼ part tsp. The butter should be soft, at room temperature; after pouring into a bowl, it should be softened and add the rest of the ingredients. Having thoroughly mixed everything to the desired consistency, you can begin to apply the mask on your face. It is necessary to hold the mask on the face for 20 minutes to saturate the skin with beneficial substances, then rinse with slightly warm water.

All products prepared with butter are good for moisturizing the skin of the face.

How to prepare an olive oil mask?

To obtain a homogeneous mass, the following ingredients will be needed: olive oil -5 g, May honey -5 g, chicken yolk - 1 pc. Combine and stir everything, use a cotton pad to distribute over the face, avoiding areas near the eyes. The mask is applied in a thick layer and allowed to soak for 15 minutes, washed off with warm mineral water. Such a natural mask is something that can moisturize the skin of the face from the first application, relieve the state of tightness.

Compress for dry and flaky skin

What will help get rid of peeling skin on the face during the winter frosts and cold weather? Compresses with hot boiled water work quite effectively.

Soak a clean towel in hot water and apply to the face until it cools. This will greatly improve blood circulation, remove impurities and help relax the facial muscles.

Having figured out how to moisturize dry skin on the face, you just have to listen to the tips and use them to improve skin health, and, accordingly, appearance.

Dry skin is the most vulnerable. It does not have a sufficient amount of sebum, which would limit the influence of an unfavorable external environment. That is why dry skin dries out even more in hot, cold or windy weather. Due to the insufficient upper protective layer, such skins lose moisture very quickly. This can lead to flaking and even inflammation. The face in such cases is sometimes covered with red or pink scaly patches. It not only looks ugly, but also causes inconvenience. The face appears tight and dry. In the presence of peeling and inflammation, itching or pain may also be felt.

To prevent all this, it is necessary to properly moisturize the face. The best creams for dry skin are those that, without clogging the pores, can retain moisture in the deep layers. For more information on what quality cream should be for very dry skin, read the next section.

Photo from the site: Motor Media Review

What should be a cream for dry skin?

From each cosmetic product, we expect some kind of result. What should be the cream for dry skin, so that it acts on the direction and meets the expectations of consumers? He must:

  • moisturize well;
  • remove particles of dead cells;
  • nourish with vitamins;
  • create a film to prevent moisture loss.

It is worth noting that in this list, the most important is hydration, as well as the retention of moisture in the skin. If this is done well, dry skin will return to normal functioning.

It is worth noting that fragrances, fragrances, preservatives and pigments are not added to a good cream for very dry skin. All of these can lead to allergies. Such reactions with dry skin are very common.

Cream for dry skin can be purchased at a pharmacy or at a regular beauty store. It is better, of course, that it was not just a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic agent.

Photo from the site:

Best face cream for dry skin: rating

In this section, we will post a face cream for dry skin rating. It will include a group of the most successful creams designed to care for dry skin. They were approved by specialists, as well as by women who have already used them once.

Cream for dry skin comfort cream for the face "Shea" from L'Occitane

This moisturizer for dry skin is quite oily. It doesn't even absorb right away. True, and lingers on the skin for a short time. This cream moisturizes the skin very well. It also nourishes its deep layers and stimulates regeneration.

This is a rich face cream for dry skin. It instantly hides peeling. The feeling of this is very pleasant. The moisturizing effect is enough for about a day. But if you use the product daily, then you can soon completely forget about peeling.

This cream has a downside. It is strongly felt on the face. Seems a little heavy. Therefore, it is better to use it at night.

Photo from the site:

Fibrogene by Darphin

This is a face cream for dry and sensitive skin. It not only moisturizes, but also nourishes the skin. The texture of the product is similar to a soufflé. The cream is not very greasy, while its moisturizing effect does not become less than that of other cosmetic products.

This cream is to some extent rejuvenating, as it restores the firmness and elasticity of overdried skin, hides wrinkles, if any.

The tool does a great job with peeling. Absorption is fast. After application, there is no oily sheen or sticky mask effect on the face.

User reviews indicate that the cream does its job well. It is beneficial for dry skin.

The smell of Fibrogene from Darphin is mild. It is slightly herbaceous, but contains cosmetic notes as well.

Photo from the site: tinycattin

Amazing 30 Creme by Aroma Naturals

This is an organic face cream for dry skin. It contains natural, not synthetic components, which is an important circumstance for many women. In the composition you can find many natural plant extracts and substances that nourish the skin with useful vitamins. This makes tissues healthier, their functionality is restored.

The product is placed in a bottle with a dispenser, which makes it very convenient to use this cream.

The cream is very oily in texture. It is very pleasant to apply it on the face. If you use the cream regularly, the skin will begin to change from dry to normal. This is positive.

Photo from the site:

Exomega by Ducray

Many consider Ducray's Exomega to be the best cream for dry skin. The tool can be used without any age restrictions. It is suitable for both babies and adults. This is possible thanks to the natural components of the cream. It moisturizes very dry skin that is prone to flaking and itching. All these negative symptoms are very quickly removed by Exomega from Ducray. The cream has a calming effect on the skin. It moisturizes and nourishes them with natural substances present in its composition.

The cream is very dense, it is even difficult to squeeze out. But that doesn't stop it from spreading evenly. The absorbency is also good. The cream can be used as a make-up base. So dry skin will receive additional protection.

This cream has no scent.

Photo from the site: Farmacia Aldedra

"Bayu Bai" from Organic kitchen

This cream is considered to be restorative. It is better to apply it at night before going to bed. Until the morning, the skin will have time to properly absorb the beneficial components, as well as relax.

This cream is lightweight yet very hydrating. After application, there is no greasy residue, the product is quickly absorbed. The skin after that seems matte.

"Bayu-Bai" does not clog pores. The skin continues to breathe.

Another advantage of this cream is its low cost.

Photo from the site: IRecommend

Polygonum by Moraz

It is a natural cream prepared with oils and herbal extracts. He is moderately oily. This allows him to nourish the skin well, but at the same time not leave a greasy film on it.

Since the oiliness of the cream is moderate, it can be applied several times a day. First mandatory application in the morning. This is the basic protection for dry skin. Then, as it dries, you can add more cream.

Photo from the site: eBay

Clinique Smart Night Custom-Repair Moisturizer Very Dry To Dry

The manufacturer called this moisturizer intelligent. It moisturizes flaky skin well. Such a tool is especially useful in the winter season, when dry skin suffers the most. After such a cream, a protective barrier is formed on the surface of the face, which lasts for a long time.

The smell of this cream is very weak. It is almost not felt.

The consistency of the product is dense. When applied to the skin for 20 minutes, an oily sheen is kept. But over time, it disappears, as the cream is absorbed. If you spread it at night, then in the morning the skin will be matte and well hydrated. You will not find any traces of fat.

After applying the cream, the skin becomes fresher. She gains elasticity, lightens a little. To the touch, the face becomes velvety and pleasant.

Which cream is best for dry skin, decide for yourself. You can try all the products listed in the list to stop at the highest quality. You can also focus on the cost of creams when choosing.

Today it is not easy to choose the right cosmetics. Many different companies offer customers their products. How not to get confused in it and make the right choice? There are two types of cosmetics - caring and decorative. Lotions, masks, face and body scrubs - all this makes the skin not only silky and soft, but also healthy.

Different tasks day and night

Cream is one of the main components of caring cosmetics. It happens day and night. Our skin has different tasks at different times of the day. At night, she rests and gains strength, and during the day she actively “works”. Therefore, cosmetic “feeding” is also needed differently.

What should be a face cream for dry skin? Moisturizing and nourishing. Before you start choosing a cream, you need to accurately determine the type of facial skin. There are four varieties: dry, oily, normal and combination. The structure of the skin in all people is approximately the same. Only the speed and strength of the sebaceous glands differ.

Dry or not?

The most balanced skin type is normal. This one is almost perfect. Normal skin is neither shiny nor pimple-prone. Wrinkles appear relatively late on it. There are no vascular "stars" on such skin and pores are almost invisible. She reacts poorly to a sudden change in the weather. Such skin needs minimal care. The main thing is not to disturb its natural balance.

Dry skin also rarely causes problems for its mistress, especially at a young age. The exception is winter. At this time of the year, dry skin needs intense hydration and nourishment. Otherwise, wind and frost will make it unhealthy and faded. Therefore, you need to choose the right face cream for dry skin. With age, more intensive care is required. The fact is that dry skin is covered with wrinkles early. Therefore, she needs anti-aging programs.

Combined or not?

Oily skin causes problems for its mistresses already in adolescence. Excess sebum is what causes acne. This is a real grief for girls. In summer, oily skin instantly sweats and begins to shine. Excess moisture clogs the pores, which form ugly black rods. But oily skin rarely dries up and flakes off in winter. And wrinkles are formed on it relatively late.

Combination skin has signs of oily, dry and normal. The facial areas can produce a sebaceous secret with varying degrees of intensity. For example, the forehead, nose and chin sweat and become covered with black dots, and the cheeks are flaky. And all this at the same time! Signs of different skin types can appear sequentially. For example, in summer the skin sweats intensely, shines and even becomes covered with acne, and in winter it flakes and turns red from irritation.

Take the test

Each girl can determine her skin type depending on the degree of shine and the presence of enlarged pores. If in doubt, take a short test. Cleanse the skin of impurities and cosmetics and give it a little rest. Blot different parts of your face with a tissue. If there are no wet marks left on it, your skin is dry. The spots appeared on the site of the forehead, nose, chin and cheeks - an excess of sebaceous secretion is produced. If your cheeks are dry, then your skin is combination. Wet marks are distinguishable only in two places, for example, in the forehead and nose - you have normal skin. This is the best option.

Dry skin often hurts after washing. And sometimes it turns red and peels off. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right face cream for dry skin. The absence of a greasy layer looks good, but can be a problem. The fact is that the sebaceous secret has a protective function. It not only eliminates the negative impact of the external environment, but also prevents the evaporation of moisture. Dry skin dehydrates very quickly. And then there are wrinkles.

Causes and consequences

Dry skin sometimes indicates a lack of vitamins in the body. Such a problem may be the result of a passion for tanning. Sometimes the skin dries out the wind or frost. Problems threaten and lovers of cleanliness. The skin becomes dry due to frequent washing. The fat layer also destroys the use of scrubs. Contact with chlorinated water negatively affects the skin. But the main reason is heredity.

For women, it is simply necessary to use a face cream for dry skin. From youth, you need to start taking care of constant hydration and nutrition. You need to choose a cream specifically for dry skin. This is usually indicated on the tube. You need to buy a product for your age. Today, all well-known brands offer product lines for women over 25, 35, 45, 55 and 65 years old. For young people, there is also a large selection of various cosmetics. Moisturizing cream for dry skin should contain:

  • salicylic and hyaluronic acids;
  • elastin;
  • collagen;
  • retinol;
  • vitamin D

Additional remedies can be plant extracts, oils and beeswax. These substances make the skin smooth and silky.

Texture and safety

Consider the thickness of the cream. In winter, it is better to use products that are rich in nutrients. These creams are quite thick and oily. In summer, choose products with a light texture. In the hot season, it is advisable to use cosmetics that protect against ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Is your skin not only flaky and red after washing, but also itchy? She needs special care. Cream for dry and sensitive skin should be delicate and hypoallergenic. Such a tool, in addition to the required components, may contain thermal water and panthenol. These substances have an anti-inflammatory effect. Don't forget to test the tool. Especially if you suffer from allergies.

What to avoid

In addition to a special cream for dry skin, you will need: gel, lotion, serum or cleansing milk. They must not contain alcohol. Night cream can be quite oily regardless of the time of year. In summer, it is better to use a light day remedy.

Girls with dry skin should avoid:

  • sunburn;
  • swimming pool;
  • frost and wind;
  • alcohol-containing cosmetics;
  • rough scrubs.

Useful procedures are offered by beauty salons. Owners of very dry and capricious skin can be advised warm compresses, collagen masks and gentle peeling. It is better to use tonal products with a caring effect.

Don't skimp on beauty

The best face cream for dry skin includes active ingredients and tonic ingredients. It should be thick and dense, but well absorbed. Owners of combination skin can also use this cream. But it should be applied only on dry areas. The more useful substances the product contains, the more expensive it is. But if you have too dry skin, you need to use a cream that is rich in plant extracts, as well as fatty acids and essential oils. It is good if the product contains additional useful substances. Give preference to products with reflective particles or pearl proteins.

Therapeutic drugs with lipids

Cream for very dry skin of the face not only nourishes, but also provides natural moisture retention. It usually includes hydrolipids. Selenium has a good effect. It also soothes the skin and relieves redness. There are emergency remedies that can quickly restore the appearance of the skin. However, it is not recommended to use them often.

If you are very worried about dry skin, and the usual cream does not help, visit a beautician. He will advise you to purchase a special remedy. In the pharmacy you can buy a cream with lipids. They form a special film that does not allow the natural moisture to evaporate and at the same time allows the skin to breathe. Such a tool protects against the harmful effects of frost, wind, sun and pollution. Waterproof film lasts all day. She is invisible and imperceptible.

Typically, a lipid product is a day cream for the face. Dry skin needs constant nourishment. But strong remedies are best used only on the recommendation of a beautician. Sometimes creams contain an antiseptic that relieves inflammation and prevents infection from entering through microscopic skin lesions.

Often, cosmetologists advise using products intended for children. This is emergency help. Baby creams intensively moisturize the skin. In addition, they contain agents that instantly soothe discomfort and relieve inflammation. Often the composition of baby creams includes panthenol. Such products are hypoallergenic and absolutely safe. They absorb quickly.

How to choose the right cream for dry skin? Reviews of cosmetologists indicate that it is desirable to give preference to products of well-known brands that have proven themselves in the cosmetics market. Here are some more professional tips.

  1. Before using the product, be sure to test for an allergic reaction.
  2. Choose creams with a high content of nutrients and herbal extracts.
  3. Give preference to products with additional protective and aesthetic functions.

It is good if the cream contains thermal water. Be healthy and beautiful!