To love means to stop comparing essays. Quotes. Love is heard in the voice before it is guessed in the look. Honore de Balzac

To love means to find in the happiness of another, your own happiness. (Gottfried Leibniz)

Only those who have a warm heart can experience boundless happiness and eternal love. Hong Zicheng

Love is the only passion that cannot bear the past or the future. (Honore de Balzac)

He who truly loves is not jealous. (Anna Steel)

“In love, there must be mutual admiration, as a result of which, someone will consider himself smart, and someone beautiful.”

"One look can kill love, one look can resurrect it."

In this world, many are unhappy, but only because of the inability to love, to love another being. Eduard Limonov

If it seems that the one you have loved is like two drops of water like you and wants everything that you want, then in reality you will not love her, but only yourself. Margarita Valois

One look can kill love, one look can resurrect it.

Nothing strengthens love like insurmountable obstacles. (Lope de Vega)

Love never asks, it always gives. (Swami Vivekananda)

To love means to stop comparing. (Bernard Grasset)

Love is nothing but the desire for happiness for another ...

Love sees a person as God “suggested” him when he was created.

Love is my god, everything lives through love; how happy would be a man who would live in love always.

For the one who loves, love increases the fullness of perception, envelops the world with additional values.

Love is the indispensability of the replaceable.
Arkady Davidovich

To love means to stop comparing.

The whole sea needs the whole sky, The whole heart needs the whole God.
Tsvetaeva M. I.

The person you love in me is certainly better than me: I'm not like that.
But you love, and I will try to be better than myself ....

To love ardently is certainly beautiful, but to love selflessly is even better ....
They truly love those whom they love even in their weaknesses and misfortunes.
Anatole France

Happiness is only where they love us, where they believe us.

Beautiful love story

The king announced that the husband of the princess would be the one who would love her all his life.
On the appointed day, hundreds of suitors gathered in the palace. Everyone wants to prove
that he will love the princess forever. The girl looked at the dressed up young men and thought.
Then she called her teacher and had a long conversation with him. - I won't talk today.
with the suitors, - announced the princess. - Divide them into groups. Let the first group come tomorrow
in the evening. During the day I will study with the teacher. “Daughter, you have already graduated from school,” the queen was surprised. -
It's never too late to learn," the princess replied. The teacher's house was near the road. When I passed by
the first suitor, a noble knight on a horse, he saw a beautiful beggar woman with a basket of flowers by the road. Seeing
knight, she asked: - Buy a bouquet, young man. “Get out of the way, beggar,” the knight shouted and galloped away.
So did all the young men who hurried to the palace that day. In the evening, the sad princess received
suitors. Having said a few words, she immediately sent them away. The same thing happened on the second day and on the third. - Daughter,
why are you chasing everyone? the queen asked anxiously. - They are not able to see beauty, mother. Passed
month. All the suitors of the last group gathered in the palace, there was not only one suitor and the princess herself. They are
appeared together, and the princess announced that she had found her betrothed. Then she told the queen: - My teacher
said to me: "The love of that will live until the end of his life, who loves you in rags." Every day I changed
in old clothes and waited for suitors near the road. Only this young man stopped and bought a bouquet from me. He told me,
that I'm beautiful.

Other beautiful parables can be read on the site.

"We are all geniuses. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is a fool."
(c) Albert Einstein

"To love means to stop comparing", - said one French publisher, Bernard Grasset. And although the author is not so famous, his saying, on the contrary, can be called well-known.

Only I would like to look at this thought not from the point of view of love for another person, but from the point of view of love for myself. More and more people began to ask the question: "How to love yourself?". How many people - so many opinions, but my answer is: stop comparing. That, at least, should be the first step.

The main reason for self-dislike is the habit of comparing. We look at ourselves and appreciate that we are not as beautiful, not as smart, not as strong as someone else. But in the world there will always be someone who is more beautiful, smarter and stronger. As surely there will be those who are worse than you in every respect. Agree, it’s stupid to change your opinion about yourself every time, depending on who is next to you, regarding whom to look at.

Comparisons give rise not only to self-dislike, but also to dependency and jealousy. You envy one person, he is envious of another at this time. As a result, people are not pursuing their own goals, they are chasing what they absolutely do not need, what is unnatural for them. In such conditions, a person loses himself, becomes empty and false. Isn't it stupid to dispose of the uniqueness given to us so mediocrely? After all, it is much more pleasant to be yourself, the one and only, and not someone else's failed copy. You just understand that you are you. Without superiority and humiliation. You are unique without any comparison.

You just look around. See how organically everything fits together in nature. Everything is necessary. Everything is of equal importance to the universe - a small bush or a tall tree, a delicate daisy or a prickly cactus. A thin blade of grass under your feet or a huge unattainable star - it doesn't matter. Without a blade of grass, the world will be poorer than it is. It would be foolish if the plants were jealous of each other - the oak would be jealous of the bamboo, because it has an empty trunk, and the bamboo to the oak - because it is larger and its leaves change color in autumn.

Silly, but for some reason people do it all the time. Because they are people, and unlike plants, they can think? If this is your explanation, then you might also think that all people have their own opinions and their own tastes. And the thing that for one person seems the ugliest in the world, for another may be the most beautiful. The same goes for people. We don't all want the same person. Not all men like skinny girls, not everyone likes girls with big breasts, not everyone wants a cleaning lady or a successful career woman. Some women are excited by a pumped-up body, others by eyes or dimples on their cheeks, others by intelligence or a sense of humor, and others by "golden hands". Whatever you are - you are a unique person, with your own unique set of qualities that someone else only dreams of. Someone dreams of being like you. And someone wants to be close to someone like you.

Ernest Hemingway said very wise words: "There is nothing great in surpassing another person. True greatness is in surpassing yourself." Realize your unique nature, love yourself and work on yourself. If you don't like something about yourself that you can fix, fix it. Improve yourself. And if something cannot be fixed, let go, forget about it, work on something else. Let what you consider your shortcoming cease to be noticeable in the shadow of your virtues. And always remember the Leaning Tower of Pisa - without its deviation from the norm, it would never have become a legend.

Everyone has flaws without exception. Someone who is more beautiful or stronger than you may be stupider; someone who is more successful than you at work may be a bad family man. There are a lot of options. You never know all aspects of another person or their life. All ideals you create yourself, in your head. And, by the way, it is completely incomprehensible why. So stop comparing. And start loving YOURSELF.