Is it possible for pregnant women to raise their hands high. Increased tone of the uterus. Why pregnant women should not cut or dye their hair

While expecting a child, a woman should carefully monitor her health. And one of the most frequent recommendations of a gynecologist for pregnant women is not to raise their hands. Should this rule be followed and why?

Why shouldn't pregnant women raise their hands?

The position with arms raised up becomes unfavorable for the expectant mother and baby from the second trimester of pregnancy. However, the danger exists only if you make too sharp movements or keep your hands up for a long time.

In order not to harm the baby, pregnant women should not raise their hands for a long time.

This situation is unsafe for the following reasons:

  • Lack of oxygen. In this position, the woman's brain receives less oxygen, which leads to dizziness and fainting. Its entry into the blood also decreases, and this leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus.
  • Premature birth. In the later stages, a long stay in a position with raised arms can cause a sudden discharge of amniotic fluid and an untimely birth of a child.
  • Fall risk. It is difficult for a pregnant woman to maintain balance due to a shift in the center of gravity, therefore, in this position, there is a high probability of an accidental fall.
  • Change in fetal position. If you raise your hands up too often, the baby may take the wrong position in the uterus - turn head up.

There is an opinion that such a position creates a risk of suffocation of the child with the umbilical cord, but this has not been officially confirmed. The position with arms raised up does not in any way affect the entanglement of the baby in the umbilical cord.

Can you do the exercises with your arms raised?

Special exercises and moderate physical activity are a prerequisite for a normal pregnancy. The expectant mother may well afford some activities where you need to raise your hands up:

  • easy charging;
  • yoga, gymnastics or Pilates classes for pregnant women;
  • swimming in the pool;
  • low-effort housework.

When doing the exercises, make sure that they do not cause excessive fatigue. Only in this case, physical activity will not harm, but will be beneficial - it will strengthen the heart, tone the muscles and improve blood circulation.

Usually, the expectant mother herself feels what loads she can do, and does not make movements dangerous for the fetus. Classes where you need to raise your hands should not be afraid either. Let us explain why: pregnant women should not raise their hands up only for a long time, that is, be in a tense static position.

Moderate physical activity will not harm, but on the contrary, will be beneficial. And if for them you need to raise your hands up for a few seconds, do not be afraid. But if doubts persist, check with the doctor who monitors your pregnancy.

Waiting for a baby brings different restrictions to the life of a woman and her family. Especially the lifestyle changes in the third trimester. At the same time, pregnant women are ready to endure any restrictions, so as not to harm the future baby.

But which of the prohibitions are justified, and which ones have no scientific basis? This article will discuss why you should not raise your hands up during pregnancy. Does this activity really harm the child so much, and why?

One of the most typical answers to the question of why you shouldn't raise your hands during pregnancy sounds like this: the space inside the uterus becomes larger, therefore, taking this opportunity, the baby can turn over, taking the wrong position, or twine around the umbilical cord and suffocate.

Another unusual belief is that raising the arms up will cause birthmarks on the baby's neck.

If raising your arms up is so dangerous, is it possible to correct your hair, stretch, hold on to the top handrail in the tram, hang clothes, take things from the top shelf? What can and cannot be done by pregnant women, according to doctors?

Opinion of doctors

According to medical observations, the umbilical cord is wrapped around too active babies who move a lot inside the uterus. The risk is also increased with a long umbilical cord, but this factor is genetically determined. Another reason for entanglement is hypoxia. When the baby does not have enough oxygen, he begins to actively move, which means that the risk of entanglement in the umbilical cord increases. The stressful state of the mother also leads to high activity, in which the level of adrenaline in the blood rises.

In fact, pregnant women should not stand with their arms raised up for a long time, not because the baby is wrapped in the umbilical cord, and not in order to avoid birthmarks, but for other reasons:

  • If a woman is in this position for a long time, then this leads to a deterioration in uterine circulation and, accordingly, a lack of oxygen in the fetus.
  • Due to the fact that blood flows from the upper extremities and the flow of oxygen to the brain decreases, the pregnant woman herself may feel bad, even fainting.
  • If you sharply raise your hands up for a long time, then this carries the risk of rupture of the amniotic fluid and drainage of water.

A sharp raise of hands is fraught with the threat of falling. This can happen because the center of gravity in pregnant women shifts. And if the expectant mother stood on her toes and pulled up sharply, this can lead to imbalance.

This does not mean that pregnant women should not, for example, hang clothes or take something from the top shelf. Ordinary household loads do not pose any threat to either the mother or the unborn child. But it is better not to lift heavy wet linen (duvet covers, blankets): let someone at home hang it.

Important! All the doctors' restrictions on raising the hands of pregnant women at different times apply only to sudden movements or to stay in a static position for a long time.

Can you raise your arms up during pregnancy? Doctors are convinced that it is possible, if you do it calmly, and not be in such an uncomfortable position for a long time. For example, it includes different types of exercises. But all movements are done smoothly and calmly, and therefore only benefit, improving blood circulation and well-being of the expectant mother.

But another opinion, that pregnant women should not sleep on their backs, has a basis. From the second trimester, the uterus increases significantly, and in the supine position it presses on the inferior vena cava. The blood flow to the mother's heart is disrupted, the pressure drops, and the baby suffers from a lack of oxygen. Therefore, it is better for pregnant women to rest on their sides.

In what cases are restrictions introduced?

Various restrictions are introduced if there are any irregularities in a woman's health or the course of pregnancy itself. Although no one has proven a clear connection between raising limbs and harm to the baby, in contrast, for example, doctors still advise to be careful in such cases:

  • with hypertonicity of the uterus, when any physical activity can provoke agitation and spasm;
  • with the threat of premature discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • in the last weeks before childbirth, when the baby has already taken the correct position in the uterus, abrupt movements of the mother increase the risk of reverse reversal;
  • care must be taken with such a pathology as placenta previa.

Gymnastics instructors for pregnant women believe that if a woman condemns herself to inactivity throughout the entire period, is afraid of habitual activity, tries to spend most of her time lying down, then even a simple raising of her arms up will become a serious burden for her.

The habits and lifestyle of the expectant mother, of course, must change compared to what they were before the conception of the child. However, doctors never tire of reminding that pregnancy is not a disease, but a normal physiological state of the female body. Therefore, most of the restrictions relate to excesses or bad habits:

  • do not sunbathe for more than 20 minutes. Yes, and these 20 minutes should not be spent in the direct rays of the bright sun;
  • high heels are not recommended;
  • it is worthwhile to postpone a visit to the bathhouse or sauna for the time being;
  • you can not lift weights more than 3-4 kg, and these kilograms cannot be lifted abruptly or from the wrong position;
  • you need to watch out for overeating.

Doctors today are loyal even in such a matter as allowing a woman to cheer up with a natural drink, albeit in limited quantities.

What can you

If you cannot sharply reach up or stand in this position for a long time, then what activity is allowed for pregnant women? In order to give birth to a child normally, the mother's body must be hardy, tolerate physical activity well. In preparation for childbirth, special exercises, aqua gymnastics and other types of physical education for pregnant women will help.

A light warm-up can be done at home. It includes: walking in place, half-squats, smooth bends to the right and left, with arms sliding along the body. Talk to your doctor about the appropriate physical activity in your particular case, and systematically train your body.

Respiratory gymnastics is also allowed: chest and abdominal breathing, shallow rapid inhalation and exhalation. The ability to control breathing and breathe correctly helps to supply the fetus with oxygen during pregnancy and the birth itself.

If doctors even allow gymnastics to pregnant women, then all the more there is no need to give up housework and walks. A woman can cook food, wash dishes, sew, wash, lift light objects. That is, when asked whether pregnant women can raise their hands up, doctors firmly answer that it is possible. The main thing is that the woman does not strain too much and feel good.

There are a lot of myths around pregnancy. Watch the video in which the obstetrician-gynecologist talks about the most common misconceptions.

Although pregnancy is not a disease, any physical activity should be moderate. Abrupt movements and movement of weights must be excluded, and the rest should be guided by the advice of your doctor and common sense. What do you think?

While waiting for a child, women are advised to take care of themselves, limit physical activity and stress. There is also an opinion that raising hands upward for expectant mothers is highly undesirable. Is it really dangerous? Consider the facts and myths regarding why pregnant women should not raise their hands in the air.

To understand whether such loads are permissible in your situation, a list of possible complications and the conditions under which they arise will help. Even expectant mothers involved in sports should take into account the new position and the restrictions imposed by it.

Pregnant women sometimes hear this prohibition from their mothers and grandmothers. The older generation explains it by the fact that if the expectant mother raises her hands, the baby can twine around the umbilical cord and suffocate in utero, or during childbirth.

You shouldn't take this information to heart. From a scientific point of view, the connection between these events is not substantiated by anything. The likelihood of such complications depends on the length of the umbilical cord, which is a hereditary feature, the quality of prenatal ultrasound diagnostics and the qualifications of the obstetrician taking delivery. But there are also quite real negative consequences.

If a pregnant woman in a later period (starting from the 2nd trimester) raises her arms sharply, complications are possible, namely:

  • Abortion. Excessive loads on the press during prolonged holding of the arms above the head or their sharp rise can provoke the outflow of amniotic fluid and premature birth.
  • Placental abruption. The risk of such an outcome exists if a woman has placenta previa.
  • Fetal hypoxia. In a standing position with raised arms, the blood supply to the uterus is impaired. Accordingly, the child at this moment receives less oxygen and nutrients. Long-term consequences - intrauterine growth retardation, mental and mental abnormalities after birth.
  • Dizziness or fainting. Since raising the hands reduces the blood flow to the brain, a long stay in this position can cause the listed symptoms and may end in a fall, which is very dangerous for a pregnant woman.
  • Changes in the position of the fetus in the uterus at a later date. Since when the pregnant woman raises her arms, there is more space in the uterus, the baby in the head presentation may turn over. The wrong posture of the fetus on the eve of the PDD can complicate the process of childbirth.

Considering the possible consequences, gynecologists do not recommend that expectant mothers raise their hands up in the later stages. The restriction applies to sudden movements and prolonged stay in this position (hanging curtains, gluing wallpaper, painting walls, etc.). Even if you are in good physical shape, it is better to delegate these household activities to relatives.

Also, do not raise your hands up at any time when diagnosing a threat of miscarriage or premature birth. A woman should be especially careful on the days when she had menstruation earlier.

In what cases is it possible?

Restriction on raising your arms up during pregnancy will not be superfluous. But this does not mean that this should not be done at all. Sharp movements and prolonged holding of a static position are dangerous, but a short-term raising of hands during warm-up will not do harm.

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, there is no threat of miscarriage, and the woman's health is normal, there is no reason to completely exclude the load. In such a situation, you can do simple physical exercises with raising your arms and do light household chores, such as hanging clothes. It will not hurt either the mother or the baby.

What physical activity is acceptable during pregnancy?

Having figured out why pregnant women cannot raise their hands up sharply or hold them for such a long time, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the permissible loads. Consider the types of physical activity allowed for expectant mothers point by point.

Strengthening exercises

For an easy birth of a child, a woman needs to be able to control her body, maintain normal muscle tone, and be enduring. Allowed sports - yoga and for pregnant women - will help to solve these problems.

In addition to group activities, the expectant mother can do a light warm-up at home. It includes:

  • Walk in place for a minute.
  • Half squats. For a start, 10 times is enough, if it is difficult to maintain balance, you can hold on to the back of a chair or other support.
  • Smooth tilts to the right and left, accompanied by sliding the arms down and up along the body, according to the direction of movement. It is performed 10-12 times.
  • Stretching the muscles while sitting on the floor. The left leg is bent at the knee and placed so that the foot touches the right leg extended in front of you. Further, the body is tilted forward and maintain this position for 20 seconds. The action is repeated 6 times for each leg.
  • Exercises for endurance. Lying on your back near the wall, press your buttocks to it and, bending your knees, step up. Having reached the top point, spread your straight legs to the sides and hold them in this position for 30 seconds.

All of these exercises are allowed only if you feel normal and have no complications during pregnancy. If in doubt, you should consult with your gynecologist.

If you wish, you can choose a complex that trains other muscle groups. For the prevention of tears in childbirth, pregnant women are advised to pay attention to strengthening the muscles of the perineum. For this, those performed daily are suitable.

Those who were engaged in fitness before conception need to reduce the load. But if there is no threat of termination of pregnancy, a complete rejection of training is not required.

Breathing exercises

The ability to control breathing is useful both during and before childbirth, for the full supply of oxygen to the fetus.

Respiratory exercises for pregnant women include:

  • Chest breathing - measured inhalation through the nose and exhalation through the mouth. To feel the air fill your lungs, place your hands on your ribs.
  • Abdominal breathing - deep breathing, combined with the movement of the abdominal wall in time with it. For control, hands are placed on the stomach.
  • Breathing like a dog - quick shallow breaths in and out.

Such exercises are performed no more than 10 minutes daily, in the supine position. There should be enough fresh air in the room during exercise. Singing is beneficial in addition to breathing exercises. This strengthens the muscles of the diaphragm.

Household chores

A normal pregnancy is not a reason to give up all household chores. The woman can continue to engage in:

  • cooking;
  • cleaning (without fanaticism and as much as possible);
  • washing dishes;
  • hanging and ironing linen;
  • sewing.

With a reasonable approach, household chores will only benefit, helping the expectant mother to keep fit. But it is important to avoid sudden movements, working with harsh chemicals and lifting heavy objects.


Walking at a calm pace is not prohibited and even recommended for pregnant women. Every day, the expectant mother should spend at least 1.5 hours walking in the fresh air. In the cold season, they can be reduced to 30-40 minutes.

Shoes are suitable only for comfortable and stable shoes, with a heel of no more than 3-4 cm or on a flat sole. When a feeling of fatigue appears, you cannot go through the force, you need to rest on the bench for 5-10 minutes.

Any physical activity during pregnancy, be it exercise or household chores, should be moderate. Sharp raising of hands up, moving heavy weights are prohibited, otherwise one should be guided by common sense and doctor's recommendations.

Useful video on physical activity during pregnancy

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Pregnancy is not only a happy, but also quite an exciting and responsible period in life. Expectant mothers should take care of themselves and avoid excessive physical exertion. This is necessary for the baby to develop normally and be born on time.

There are many more prohibitions for women in an interesting position. Pregnant women should not go to the sauna or wear high heels. And it is also believed that pregnant women should not raise their hands up. This article will help you figure out if this is so and whether raising your hands can threaten the health of your unborn baby.

Limiting activity during pregnancy

Women in a position should be extremely careful and radically change your lifestyle... One should give up not only bad habits, but also sports. However, this does not mean at all that a woman should completely eliminate physical activity during this period.

Is it possible to play sports during pregnancy? There are several answers to this question. For example, there are types of physical activity which are not contraindicated during pregnancy. Here is some of them:

Exercises that are prohibited during pregnancy

When performing various exercises, a woman should not overexert herself. During pregnancy the following sports should be excluded:

  • running and jumping;
  • classes in the gym;
  • fitness;
  • lifting heavy objects.

There is a lot of discussion around this ban. This is explained by the taboo that the baby can change its position and wrap around the umbilical cord.

This mainly applies to the second and third trimester.... In the last stages of pregnancy, raising your arms up can provoke the discharge of amniotic fluid. And accordingly, because of this, childbirth may begin prematurely.

To the question "why shouldn't pregnant women raise their hands?" there are other answers as well. For example, with a sharp raising of hands up, the following complications may occur:

  1. Dizziness. When you raise your hands up, not enough blood enters the brain of a pregnant woman. This can make you feel dizzy. And also fainting and, accordingly, falling may occur, which can carry sad consequences.
  2. Fetal hypoxia. This position, in which a woman raises her arms upwards, contributes to the deterioration of the blood supply to the uterus. At the moment of raising his hands, the baby does not receive oxygen and other necessary substances in the required degree. Prolonged hypoxia can lead to mental retardation, as well as mental abnormalities in a child who is born.
  3. Detachment of the placenta. This can happen if a pregnant woman has placenta previa.
  4. Hypertonicity of the uterus. If pregnant women have problems with the tone of the uterus, then they are not allowed to exercise.
  5. The position of the fetus may change. Why is this happening? When raising his hands up, the baby has more space and he can change position. If this happens on the eve of the expected date of birth, it can significantly complicate their process.
  6. Abortion. Heavy physical activity, which is accompanied by raising the arms upwards, can provoke premature birth.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that physical activity is not prohibited during pregnancy. However, all exercises are worth doing. as carefully as possible... Before performing them, you should consult with the doctor leading the pregnancy.

In the event that a pregnant woman does not feel well or the pregnancy proceeds with various kinds of complications, it is worth giving up vigorous activity. Exercise should not be done in the later stages.

During pregnancy, there is no need to think about why you should not raise your hands up. You should listen carefully to your body, to refuse from bad habits, less nervous and overstrained. It is also recommended to monitor your diet and eat only high-quality and fortified foods.

While waiting for a child, a woman is surrounded by prohibitions; the expectant mother needs to take care of herself and the fetus, for this to exclude part of the food from the diet, to limit physical activity and physical activity. Where there is logic, and where is a simple reassurance, it is not immediately clear. It has long been believed that it is dangerous for pregnant women to raise their hands up; knowing this, many women follow the prohibition literally. Whether they are right - let us consider in more detail.

What happens when a mom-to-be pulls her hands up

From generation to generation, from mothers to daughters awaiting childbirth, the command was passed: in no case raise your hands, otherwise there will be trouble. The baby will become entangled in the umbilical cord and suffocate - either in the womb or during delivery. It is unlikely that anyone from the older generation was able to clearly explain why this is possible: either there is more space in the abdomen and the fetus begins to actively spin, or the umbilical cord is lengthened. They were lost in conjectures, but considered it their duty to warn the youth.

In the old days, women from poor families were forced to do hard housework even during pregnancy - in particular, after a tiring "big wash", it took a long time to hang wet clothes on the ropes. Excessive physical activity led to miscarriages or premature birth - this is how the belief arose that standing with raised arms is risky, you can lose your child.

The unscientific hypothesis has existed for centuries and is still alive. However, medical studies have not confirmed the dependence of such a violation as an umbilical cord entanglement on the vertical position of the hands of the expectant mother.

The truth about the umbilical cord

The fetus is wrapped with an umbilical cord for reasons that, unfortunately, are not always possible to prevent:

  • hereditary features; an overly long umbilical cord (more than 70 cm) is a genetic developmental anomaly that is passed down from generation to generation;
  • increased fetal activity; the unborn child makes chaotic movements, because of which he risks getting entangled in the umbilical cord.
The fetus is wrapped around the umbilical cord, not because the expectant mother pulls her arms up, but for other reasons

In turn, excessive fetal movement is explained by the following factors:

  • hypoxia - a deficiency of oxygen supplied to the child;
  • strong excitement, stress in mom; the nervous systems of the mother and the fetus are connected through a special channel;
  • polyhydramnios - an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid; pathology leads to the fact that the fetus has more "room for maneuvers" than the future baby uses.

When an umbilical cord entanglement is detected on time by an ultrasound scan, and a competent obstetrician takes delivery, everything ends happily for the mother and child.

What to watch out for

If the expectant mother gently raises her hand in greeting or waves her hand goodbye, there will be no harm. Gymnastics for pregnant women also includes exercises with soft upward movements of the arms - nothing, women then give birth without complications.

However, despite the fact that science has disproved the myth of the umbilical cord entwining the fetus when raising hands, the position of "hands up" is generally unsafe for a pregnant woman. It turns out that the warnings of mothers and grandmothers were justified, only the elders drew the wrong conclusions.

Starting from the 2nd trimester, it is contraindicated to sharply raise your hands, and if there is a threat of miscarriage, the prohibition applies to the early stages; with the approach of childbirth, a woman risks the life of a child when she holds her hands upright for a long time. Medical practice records dire consequences for those who neglected the recommendations of doctors.

Impaired blood flow in the uterus

Such a complication threatens a pregnant woman when she holds her arms upright for a long time - 20-30 minutes. Let's say she glues wallpaper or hangs curtains in the rooms. The situation is, of course, atypical, but which does not happen. From a number of exceptional and egregious - cases in public transport, where the expectant mother does not give way and she is forced to stand, holding on to the upper handrails.

With the blood, oxygen is supplied to the fetus through the umbilical cord, which is necessary for breathing. When blood circulation in the pelvic organs is impaired, the amount of gas supplied is reduced; the baby begins to experience hypoxia (oxygen starvation). This is a dangerous condition that causes:

To protect yourself from such a development of events, ask your family to help you with the housework; do not take on difficult work, especially when you need to stand for a long time with your hands up.

Outpouring of amniotic fluid

Premature rupture of the membrane of the amniotic fluid occurs from 22 to 37 weeks of gestation; when amniotic fluid flows out after 37 weeks, the fetus is considered full-term and the process will not harm him.

If a woman holds her arms above her head for a long time, the load on the press increases. Such a load provokes a rupture or leakage of the bubble. There are several options for the development of events:

  • with partial leakage, the expectant mother is placed in a hospital in order to try to maintain the pregnancy until at least 37 weeks; if complications do not occur, the baby will be able to develop normally in the womb;
  • if there is a threat to the life of the mother or child, they resort to early delivery; a premature baby is placed in a pressure chamber for enhanced care;
  • if the amniotic fluid departed in the 2nd trimester and it is impossible to maintain the pregnancy, there are high risks of fetal death as a result of premature birth.

It happens that the expectant mother is postponing the fetus and, wishing to provoke childbirth, exposes the body to increased stress - for example, diligently hangs curtains on the windows. They say it helps.

Hypertonicity of the uterus

Excessive physical activity - in particular, on the abdominal press - provokes an increase in the tone of the uterus. Premature contractions of an organ are considered pathological; hypertonicity directly threatens the life and health of the fetus.

Possible consequences include:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • miscarriage or premature birth;
  • death of the fetus in the womb.

However, if medical assistance is provided to the expectant mother on time, serious consequences can be avoided and the pregnancy is preserved. In general, hypertonicity is one of the most common diagnoses in pregnant women.

Placental abruption

An uncomfortable position, when the expectant mother pulls her arms up, threatens with detachment of the "child's place" - but only if the woman has been diagnosed with placenta previa. This is an abnormality in which the placenta attaches in the lower part of the uterus and effectively blocks the birth canal. In such a situation, the risk of detachment is already high, and physical activity increases it even more.
If the placenta (a temporary pellet-like organ) obstructs the birth canal, the woman should refrain from raising her arms so as not to provoke an organ detachment.

When the placenta is prematurely separated from the lining of the uterine wall, the function of the temporary organ is impaired. The fetus has a malfunction of the heart - a sign of hypoxia. The risk of losing a baby depends on the size of the detachment:

  • a quarter of the entire area of ​​the placenta has departed - the fetus shows signs of suffering;
  • a third has left - the baby is experiencing a severe lack of oxygen;
  • half left - the fetus dies.

If the detachment area is insignificant and there is no bleeding, the expectant mother has a chance to carry the baby - but only under the supervision of doctors, in a hospital.

Change in fetal position

From the 33rd week of pregnancy, the unborn child, as a rule, remains in the chosen position and prepares to go out into the world. In 95% of women in labor, the correct presentation of the fetus is observed - with the head at the entrance to the small pelvis.

In the later stages, when the expectant mother raises her arms up, it becomes more spacious inside the uterus. A baby who has taken the correct position (cephalic presentation) is able to roll over.

This is an unpleasant surprise on the eve of childbirth. The result of active movements of the baby may be pelvic, transverse or oblique presentation; in all cases, childbirth will be more difficult, caesarean section is not excluded.
In the 3rd trimester, pulling your arms up for a long time is especially dangerous - the child can change position and childbirth will be complicated

Injuries to the expectant mother

According to a number of medical scientists, raising hands leads to a violation of blood flow in the brain of a pregnant woman. In other words, blood flow to the brain is reduced. This condition can lead to dizziness and sometimes fainting.

Falling is in any case risky for the expectant mother and fetus. And if a woman, having lost consciousness, also fell from a dais, the injury threatens with fatal consequences for the child. In principle, the amniotic fluid absorbs the blow - nature has provided for the protection of the baby - but, for example, falling on the stomach leads to rupture of the amniotic fluid, placental abruption, and in some cases - to premature birth.

The longer the pregnancy, the more dangerous it is for the expectant mother to get injured.

What should not be feared

All the negative consequences of the “hands up” position occur when the pregnant woman makes sudden movements or holds her arms up for a long time (a static load is obtained). Those who recommend the expectant mother to avoid stretching the upper limbs to the sky are wrong. Under dynamic load, when the raising of hands is short-lived - for example, a woman throws a washed item on a clothesline or hangs up a shower in the bathroom - there will be no harm to the baby's health.

In order for the childbirth to go well and the expectant mother to experience a minimum of suffering, during gestation, it is required to strengthen the muscles with the help of special exercises for pregnant women. Complexes of exercises also include the vertical position of the arms - there is nothing terrible in this if the movements are smooth and the coach does not force him to stretch up for a long time.
Short-term raising of hands during warm-up is harmless for the unborn child.

Doctors are unanimous: with a normal pregnancy, moderate exercise is beneficial. A light warm-up in the morning, light housework and will cheer you up, and your health will improve. In addition, physical inactivity - the scourge of our time - is contraindicated for pregnant women; constantly lying on her side, the expectant mother will get the following problems:

  • violation of cardiovascular activity;
  • placental insufficiency and, as a consequence, fetal hypoxia;
  • slowing down the metabolism;
  • stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs;
  • lethargy of the muscles;
  • excess weight;
  • weakness of labor.

So move, flutter - pregnancy will be a joy and your belly will seem weightless. Only after 30 weeks, limit physical activity and try not to pull your arms up too often.

What physical activity will not harm the expectant mother

If the woman is healthy and the doctor has no objection to playing sports, you can enroll in groups where pregnant women are taught yoga or water aerobics. An experienced instructor will teach you how to control the body, be enduring. The right exercise will strengthen the muscles that are used during delivery.
Yoga is extremely popular with expectant mothers - only you need to exclude asanas that squeeze the internal organs

Respiratory gymnastics will show how you need to breathe during contractions in order to reduce pain and increase the force of pushing.

"Fortifying, encouraging in the morning"

In addition to classes in groups for pregnant women, a light home warm-up is recommended for the expectant mother. For example, something like this:

  1. March in place for one minute.
  2. Do 10 half squats; it is not forbidden to hold onto the table or the back of a chair.
  3. Perform bends to the right and left 10-12 times, keeping your arms along your body.
  4. Sit on the mat, stretch your legs; bend your right leg at the knee and lay so that the foot is on the left leg. Tilt your body forward slightly and sit in this position for 20 seconds. Repeat the exercise for the other leg. A total of 6 times - for each leg.
  5. Lie on your back perpendicular to the wall with your buttocks pressed against it. With your knees bent, step up the wall. Then spread your straight legs to the sides, hold in this position for half a minute.

You should not bring yourself to exhaustion; tired - take a break. Try again the next day - you can probably do it.
Daily home gymnastics will strengthen the health of the expectant mother, prepare for childbirth

To avoid a lot of tears during childbirth, Kegel exercises are suitable - to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. True, such "gymnastics for the perineum" is quite difficult and in some cases painful, so be careful. In addition, there are contraindications, so the advice of the attending physician is necessary.

In the 3rd trimester, when the expectant mother needs to reduce physical activity, it is time for a fitball, or a gymnastic ball. Exercises on fitball are not fatiguing, comfortable for a pregnant woman, and the benefits from them are no less than from a regular warm-up.
Exercise with fitball normalizes blood pressure, improves heart function and improves mood

For lovers of active fitness while waiting for a child, it is better to reduce the load, train according to the "lightweight" version.

We breathe correctly

Respiratory gymnastics is useful for the upcoming childbirth, and for the normal course of pregnancy - so that the unborn child receives enough oxygen.

We lie on our back and do this:

  • inhale the air measuredly through the nose, and exhale through the mouth; inhalation is short, exhalation is longer; put your palms on the ribs above your chest - so you will feel how the lungs are filled with air;
  • we breathe deeply, now our palms are on our stomach; to the beat of breathing, we work with the muscles of the press; you should not overstrain - the stomach seems to be massaging the internal organs;
  • breathe quickly and superficially - inhale-exhale - with the upper part of the chest, nose and mouth at the same time; this technique is called "breathing like a dog" - in this way they relieve pain during labor; for some of the expectant mothers, the "doggy" during delivery helped to do without painkillers.

10 minutes a day of breathing exercises is enough. Also, to strengthen the muscles of the diaphragm, sing - even if there is no hearing; pets will understand that this is not entertainment, but training.

We swim

At sea, in a river, in a pool, subject to safety measures - just not on your back. Many doctors believe that swimming is the best sport for pregnant women.

The benefits are obvious:

  • improves blood flow in organs and tissues;
  • strengthen the muscles of the chest, abdomen, legs;
  • edema disappears;
  • immunity increases;
  • the skin improves;
  • the mood rises.

Water is an excellent shock absorber, it allows you to properly distribute physical activity. In the pools with groups of pregnant women, water aerobics classes are held - expectant mothers "trained" in the water give birth easier.
Water aerobics is the safest sport for pregnant women: no sudden movements, no risk of injury

We walk

Of course, walk away from businesses and roads - in parks, squares. If there is a suburban area, go there whenever possible.
In cold weather, walking is not very comfortable, but the expectant mother needs fresh air

Pay attention to shoes: go out into the street in shoes or boots with 3-4 cm heels - no more; boots, sneakers, flat sandals are suitable.

In the later stages, long walks tire the expectant mother. There is no need to overcome your weaknesses: sit on a bench, rest - and slowly move on.

Shopping in malls is not considered a walk.

We work at home

If pregnancy is not accompanied by pathologies or deterioration of well-being, the expectant mother, as a healthy person, is able to do certain housework. Welcomed:

  • cooking food;
  • washing dishes;
  • cleaning (not general, as much as possible) - wiping dust, sweeping the floor, and so on;
  • ironing things (within reasonable limits);
  • sewing, embroidery.

Temporarily shift washing, hanging curtains and other difficult types of work to your loved ones - you have the right.

Taking care of yourself, your beloved, is also not canceled: you will inevitably raise your hands when you start washing your hair, blow-drying your hair or combing your hair. If you do not feel discomfort, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Carefully avoid:

  • lifting weights;
  • the use of harsh chemicals;
  • sharp movements.

Photo gallery: homework that is allowed for pregnant women

The expectant mother is quite capable of preparing simple dishes When cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, you do not need to bend low, which is dangerous for pregnant women Washing windows is not the most suitable job for pregnant women, but you can lightly wipe the glass