Mint quartz. Chemical composition and physical properties. Who Shouldn't Wear Quartz

All minerals have a special energy that affects a person. Since ancient times, people have noticed that stones have healing and magical properties. The most powerful of them were valued and used by sorcerers and healers. One of the minerals known to man since ancient times - The properties of the stone were used by all peoples for magical and ritual purposes.

Experts believe that over the millions of years of their existence, minerals have accumulated a lot of energy, which is now generously shared with people. The vibrations emitted by the crystals are very similar to the vibrations of the human body. Therefore, stones are successfully used for medicinal and magical purposes. They protect a person from negative external influences, soothe and treat many diseases.

One of the most powerful minerals is quartz. now widely used not only by psychics. It is resistant to many factors, it is not affected by alkalis and acids, so it is used in many industries. Now they even learned how to make artificial quartz. It almost does not differ from natural, but does not have a magical effect.

The oldest and most common mineral - it depends on its variety. There are many types of quartz. The most famous is transparent, which is called Other types are often confused with other precious stones, for example, yellow quartz - citrine - is very similar to topaz. There are also pink, green, smoky and even rainbow minerals.

All types of quartz were used for magical rituals. Since ancient times, crystals have been considered an intermediary between the earth and space. Rock crystal was used for meditation and in rituals for foreseeing the future. It was believed that it conducts energy well, so it can be programmed for any purpose.

It has an interesting effect - which is soft and most of all connected with the world of feelings. It helps to attract love and make new friends, calms and charges with optimism, and also strengthens family ties and gives longevity.

Since ancient times, blue quartz has been used for magical purposes - a stone whose properties are that it calms and eliminates fear. In many regions, it was called the stone of joy, because it is able to cheer up. Blue quartz, or chalcedony, can relieve outbursts of anger and melancholy, and also gives self-confidence.

Many healers also used quartz to treat diseases. The properties of the stone are based on its antiseptic actions. Water infused with it is able to treat diseases of the respiratory system and inflammation. All types of quartz regulate the activity of the cardiovascular system, help with diseases of the pancreas and can even treat diabetes.

But the main healing properties of quartz are in its mental impact. It calms, relieves stress and boosts self-confidence. It is believed that quartz supports creativity and gives inspiration.

It is not recommended to wear quartz for a long time. This is a stone of illusion. It is believed that he can lead a person away from reality. Only strong sorcerers and magicians can use this mineral for mystical purposes without consequences.

History of the mineral

Quartz is one of the most common minerals on earth. It forms one of the largest families of jewelry stones. Translated from German, the meaning of quartz stone is “solid”. Such amazing stones as agate, hairy, morion, chalcedony, cat's eye, aventurine, amethyst and prase belong to this family. Basically, quartz is considered an ornamental stone, but semi-precious minerals are also found among its types.

Since ancient times, people have believed that many types of quartz have healing properties. And balls made of rock crystal are still the main attribute for magicians who predict the future today. These days, jewelry fashion has paid closer attention to quartz, as it comes in a wide variety of colors.

The high strength of quartz is the main property that allows the mineral to be used in the glass industry. In addition, large items such as ashtrays and vases are made from it.

Deposits of this stone are rich in Australia, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and the United States of America. Basically, quartz can be found in the form of individual grains in rocks or in the form of granular solid masses, having a milky white color.

Varieties and colors

Differing from other stones in great variety, this mineral is quite highly demanded. It is inserted into jewelry, used to make talismans and amulets, and is often used in magic. This mineral has many fans among young people.

Morion is a black stone. It can be discolored by heating up to 400 degrees, and the color can be restored by irradiation with X-rays. Slow heating to 300 degrees will give the morion a golden color, reminiscent of tea topaz. Some consider it a magical stone.

Rock crystal - colorless quartz crystals. In another way, they are called "cellars" or "spoons", since their deposits are mainly located in the caves of hydrothermal veins.

Citrine is lemon-yellow crystals of the stone. This color is given to citrine by an admixture of ferric iron.

Prazem is a stone that has a green color due to the presence of small green fibers of actinolite crystals or other minerals. Prasem is sometimes confused with prasiolite, an artificial green stone.

Chalcedony - translucent or may be translucent. Has color from white to light yellow. This cryptocrystalline variety of quartz has many subspecies that differ in color, texture and structure. This species includes carnelian, sapphirine, agate, flywheel and jasper.

Amethyst is a variety of rock crystal that has purple, violet-pink and lilac-red colors. Refers to gems.

Aventurine is a fragile and opaque mountain quartz rock. It has a shimmering effect due to evenly scattered scaly inclusions. Most often it has a yellowish, red, cherry color. Much less often you can find a bluish or green stone. Nowadays, natural aventurine can be confused with an artificial stone made of glass.

Ametrine - this stone is a fairly rare variety of quartz. It has undistributed areas of purple-lilac and yellow.

Rose quartz is a semi-precious stone that has a delicate pink color.

Sapphire quartz is a coarse-grained quartz with a bluish color.

Medicinal properties

Quartz has a positive effect on the respiratory system. If you keep a stone with you during a cold, this will greatly facilitate the course of the disease. Fans of traditional medicine often use quartz water prepared at home. It is believed that quartz water has healing properties and has a positive effect on the entire body.

Using water infused with a mineral, compresses and lotions are made for inflammation of the skin, cuts, burns and bruises. People who use quartz water protect themselves from all kinds of diseases. And with regular washing, you can get smooth, supple and elastic skin. In addition, when used in cosmetic procedures, fine wrinkles are smoothed out and inflamed acne disappears.

magical properties

Modern magic considers quartz to be a "stone of illusion." It can only be used for magical purposes by experienced magicians and fortune-tellers. It will be difficult for an ordinary person to make out anything in the various pictures that his imagination draws, and he can even go crazy. From ancient times to this day, in order to find out the past and predict the future, they use a pure crystal from which magic balls are made.

It is believed that the magical properties of amethyst provide strong protection against all evil spirits. Citrine influences oratory, trade and travel. This mineral improves business qualities and promotes speed of thinking. Aventurine will bring good luck in the game and help in a risky situation. That is why it should be worn by people who are not afraid of drastic changes in life.

Morion - has strong magical properties. It should not be used for selfish purposes, as it is believed that he can take revenge on his owner. Rose quartz is a favorite of the female. He emphasizes the attractiveness of his mistress, while attracting great and true love. The mineral helps in the fight against stress, increases self-esteem and enhances the talents gifted by nature.

Talismans and amulets

When making magical amulets, quartz is most often set in silver. Perfectly combined with this particular metal, it will help to attract material well-being, success and love. Lawyers, businessmen and bankers are advised to wear a citrine pendant or ring as an amulet. It is believed that this amulet will help not only preserve, but also increase the existing state.

A talisman from morion will help to influence the behavior of people, it will bring respect to a person who has a large number of subordinates. Aventurine amulet will help to make a good impression on others. But, at the same time, vulnerable and sensitive people should not carry this mineral with them, as it will not reveal its power to them. The strongest amulet against damage and the evil eye is rose quartz.

Quartz rock is the basis of most of the minerals found in the bowels of our planet. The lion's share of ornamental and semi-precious gems is nothing more than a variety of quartz. Speaking about the magical or healing properties of this nugget, one cannot mean quartz as such in its pure form. Each of its varieties has an independent name, as well as a completely distinct appearance, properties and features.

History and origins

Quartz is a unique creation of nature, which is the parent rock for the minerals of our planet. This nugget is found everywhere and everywhere, occupying 60% of the Earth's lithosphere. It is not surprising that all ancient nations knew about the existence of this stone, from the western peoples of the Saxons and Celts, ending with the Hindus and Japanese far in the East.

Of course, without modern chemical research, ancient people could not find out that most of the gems found belonged to the quartz family. Therefore, any kind of mineral was rightfully considered an independent stone. People considered quartz only colorless or pale-colored translucent nuggets. The mineral was highly valued by alchemists and magicians, who carefully studied the properties of every known variety.

Later, when science reached the highest stage of development, scientists discovered new valuable qualities of quartz. Having studied the physical properties of the mineral, people began to use the stone to create optical elements of technology, as well as a generator of electromagnetic and sound waves in piezoelectric devices. Quartz is used to make fire-resistant refractory materials and is used in the manufacture of glass.

In the 20th century, artificial production of quartz crystals became available to science. The new method of mineral synthesis made it possible to obtain a stone of the desired shape, size, symmetry, which is very important when creating high-precision instruments. Of course, a synthetic stone has not bypassed jewelry, because the artificial cultivation of a mineral makes it possible to obtain shades that are not characteristic of a natural nugget.

Place of Birth

Quartz rock is found on all continents of the globe. Many states are mining various types of minerals. Development is carried out in a quarry way or manually. Quartz occurs in limestones, placers of rocks. The location of the mineral is different - mountains, plains, seashores, river deltas. Quartz monomineral sand is of great value for industry.

Large-scale deposits of valuable industrial and jewelry gems are famous for:

  • Brazil.
  • Ukraine.
  • Kazakhstan.
  • Uruguay.
  • Mexico.
  • Sri Lanka.
  • Madagascar.

Several large quartzite mining zones are dispersed on the territory of Russia: Yakutia, the Urals, Chukotka, and the Caucasus. There is a mineral in the Moscow region, as well as in the Ochi region.

Physical properties

The chemical basis of quartz is silicon oxide. However, part of the pure mineral in the bowels of the earth is only 12%. The remaining nuggets contain impurities that cause a variety of shades. Quartz transmits light through itself, but there are a number of opaque varieties of this mineral. In terms of hardness, quartz is second only to or.

Density2.6-2.65 g/cm³
Refractive index1,544
ShineGlassy in solid masses, sometimes greasy.
TransparencyTransparent or opaque.
ColorColorless, pink, white, purple, grey, yellow, brown and black.

Varieties of the mineral

The variety of varieties of quartz is due to the ability to come into contact with all nearby elements, regardless of their origin. The union with manganese, calcium, iron, nickel, chromium and other chemical components gives the newly formed miners a characteristic color, as well as a different appearance. Thus, the "brainchildren" of quartz become independent subspecies with their own names:

  • . Considered a semi-precious mineral. The stone is transparent, endowed with a yellow color of various shades.
  • . Gem of rich pink color, highly valued by jewelers.
  • . A group of minerals, in turn, numbering many individual varieties. The bulk of the subspecies are opaque minerals, characterized by a characteristic pattern due to various inclusions (sardonyx,).
  • . This is pure quartz. The mineral is a transparent colorless crystals, the only ones of the family that belong to the category of precious stones.
  • . The crystal has small crystalline inclusions, has a golden tint and a delicate sheen. Another name for a stone with rutile crystals is rutile quartz.
  • . A semi-precious mineral of lilac or violet color, which acts as a material for decorating jewelry, as well as a collector's item.
  • . First-class ornamental and semi-precious stone of dark brown or black color, endowed with a matte luster.
  • . Shimmering yellow or brown-red quartzite. There are also specimens of gray and blue colors. The mineral is opaque, and its surface is strewn with silvery or golden dots, which makes the stone look like a starry sky.
  • . A translucent nugget of light shades of gray or brown. The stone is endowed with a light haze, for which you get your name.
  • . A gem of blue-green or green color with bright red patches, for which the mineral was called blood jasper. There are samples interspersed with yellow.
  • Sapphire quartz. Transparent gem with a bluish tint.
  • . A translucent mineral with a variety of shades (pink, white, gray) and a characteristic vertical line in the form of a cat's pupil.
  • and . "Eye" gems, fellow cat's eyes. They differ from the latter in their opacity and color palette - the hawk eye is blue-blue, and the tiger eye is endowed with a golden brown or reddish color.
  • Prase. A rare green mineral with a variety of shades - there are stones of gray-green, grassy, ​​emerald color. The amount of impurities determines the transparency of the nugget.

With all the variety of shades, nature has not created transparent blue quartz, and similar stones of a green or blue palette are very rare and unique.

Healing properties

It is impossible to generalize the medicinal properties of so many varieties. Each of the stones of quartz origin is special, differing from the others not only in appearance, but also in its effect on the human body. Therefore, when describing the healing capabilities of quartz, we are talking about transparent minerals of light shades or colorless stones. These subspecies are considered the closest to "pure" quartz.

The main areas of action of the mineral are the respiratory organs, the nervous system, and the skin. It is interesting that water infused with quartz has the maximum therapeutic effect. In this case, the gem is placed in a container with liquid for a period of 24 hours, after which this “infusion” is filtered. The resulting product is used both externally and internally.

External use is effective for dermatitis, various inflammations. Also, quartz water perfectly fights acne and acne, improves the general condition of the skin. Some cosmetology centers use such water as a means for rejuvenation.

Compresses with quartz "tincture" promote rapid regeneration, healing wounds, cuts, abrasions, resolving hematomas and bruises. The internal use of quartz water helps to treat colds.

Did you know that one of the varieties of stone slows down aging and promotes longevity. Pink gem has a positive effect on all body functions, making a person immune to disease. In addition, the stone heals mental wounds, improves the psycho-emotional state, and normalizes sleep. Due to the combination of effects on the body, the mineral becomes a source of a long and healthy life.

Gems of green shades calm the nerves, help overcome depression, relieve stress. To do this, it is recommended to wear jewelry made of such stones in the head or wrist area.

Mineral Magic

The magical properties of quartz, along with healing abilities, are different for each type of stone. It is impossible to generalize the influence of this or that nugget on human life. Therefore, when it comes to the abilities of a nugget, the most “pure” varieties of it are meant - transparent or translucent stones of light shades or colorless minerals (rock crystal). The remaining subspecies in mineralogy and esotericism act as independent stones, so each of them is carefully studied and described separately.

First of all, the magic of quartz manifests itself in the field of clairvoyance and divination. Rose quartz, together with rock crystal, are guides to the other world, so it is from these nuggets that magic balls are made. In addition, the pink mineral attracts good luck on the love front. Such a stone, in particular, like red, is used to make love potions.

Rauchtopaz, also known as smoky quartz, is an amulet for merchants. This mineral makes the owner a strategist, helping to make important right decisions. But milky crystals are an attribute of meditation. Such a stone helps a person to relax, concentrate on internal sensations, immerse himself in his world.

Amethyst is a stone of truth. The lilac mineral literally unties a person's tongue, even if it is contrary to his own will. In addition, amethyst reveals a poisoned drink - a gem immersed in a poisoned liquid immediately becomes cloudy.

It is interesting! From ancient times, noble nobles decorated their dishes with amethyst, so as not to become a victim of insidious poisoning with poisons. Today, lithotherapists have revealed the positive effect of amethyst on alcohol and drug addicts - the stone helps them get rid of addictions.

Green quartzites are suitable for diplomats. With such a talisman, a person in any situation will feel confident in his own abilities.

Many minerals from the quartz family are relatives. However, most of them belong to different elements, characterized by distinguishable properties from each other. Amulets from different nuggets act differently on a person. Some are able to attract good luck, while others, on the contrary, bring misfortune. Therefore, when choosing a quartz talisman for yourself, you should carefully study the influence of each of its subspecies, choosing the most suitable one for yourself.

Compatibility with other minerals

Talking about the combination of quartz with other stones is as difficult as talking about the magical or healing properties of this mineral. Since the name "quartz" implies a whole group of related, but completely different stones in terms of energy, it is difficult to find a "friendly company" for it. Indeed, even some quartz "brothers" are completely incompatible with each other, like citrine with morion.

The compatibility of minerals is considered based on the belonging of the stones to a particular element. The vast majority of quartz are stones of the Earth and Air.

These elements are neutral to each other. Earth gems include agate, morion, chalcedony, prase and onyx, these varieties are friendly with each other:

Air quartzites include rauchtopaz, citrine, rock crystal, as well as rose quartz. These minerals favorably relate to fiery stones, are neutral with the Earth, but cannot stand the representatives of Water. Among the compatible minerals (in addition to the quartz "brothers" of the earth group):

  • Heliolite;

Jewelry with a mineral

Quartz is widely used in the manufacture of magical attributes, amulets, talismans. Some of the most beautiful varieties of quartz are used by jewelers to create jewelry. For example, citrine and amethyst are used as an insert in silver products. The cost of jewelry is not prohibitive, since quartz is not an expensive mineral:

  • Amethyst beads cost an average of 1000 rubles. If the lilac quartz is accompanied by a pink mineral, rock crystal and citrine, then such a tandem decoration will cost about 2000-3000 rubles.
  • The bracelet varies in the range of 600-900 rubles.
  • Alloy earrings start from 500 rubles, if the item is made of silver, then the cost will reach 3000 rubles.
  • Rings with amethyst in silver will cost an average of 1500-2000 rubles.
  • Silver pendants with quartz start at a price of 1000 rubles.

In addition, online stores offer a wide range of quartz beads, cabochons for needlework. Therefore, every skilled handmaker will be able to independently make an author's jewelry from this gem.

How to distinguish a fake

Faking quartz is impractical due to its low cost. However, sometimes there is still a risk of stumbling upon a lime mineral. Especially when it comes to blue quartz, which simply does not exist in nature. It is also worth remembering that transparent green or blue quartz is a very rare natural phenomenon.

The most common counterfeit material is glass. You can check the imitation using another glass or metal object, trying to scratch the gem with them. A natural nugget or an artificially grown mineral (which is not considered a fake) will remain without the slightest scratch.

How to care and wear

Quartz is an unpretentious stone in care and wearing. You can buy products with a mineral in any weather, lunar phase, with any solar activity. And also the stone does not succumb to the destructive effects of alkalis and acids, so household chemicals are not afraid of gems. However, deliberately exposing jewelry to such an influence is still not worth it. You can clean quartz with soapy water and a soft sponge or cloth.

Zodiac Compatibility

Since most quartzites belong to the elements of Water and Earth, then the favorites of these stones will be people born under the signs of these elements. Astrological affiliation means quartz stones of white or pink color. Each of the other subspecies of the mineral appears in astrology independently.

(“+++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is categorically contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

Rose quartz is a positive, peaceful mineral. Therefore, no one has contraindications to wearing this stone. Each of the constellations will give a stone something of its own, however, the pink gem has perfect compatibility with Libra and. The talisman will bring good luck, happiness, love to these people, while protecting them from negativity.

In the case of rock crystal, things are a little more complicated. This mineral acts as a strong magical and energy source, therefore it is not suitable for all signs. Rock crystal is suitable for such constellations:

  • Libra, Aquarius, Gemini. With them, the stone has perfect compatibility. The talisman will direct energy to the powerful protection of the owner from negativity, bring good luck, and reveal talents.
  • For Scorpions, Pisces and Cancer, the nugget promises happiness. Rock crystal will give such people self-confidence, help them achieve their goals, overcoming all obstacles.

Capricorns and Virgos can also wear rock crystal, with the exception of the smoky variety (rauchtopaz). Smoky quartz can only be worn by those representatives of Virgo and Capricorn who suffer from harmful addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking). For them, the mineral will become a lifeline, helping to overcome bad habits. And here are Sagittarius - unwanted owners for any type of rock crystal.

Name Compatibility

Each of the varieties of quartz patronizes certain names. Therefore, any woman, like a man, can choose for themselves a talisman that is ideally suited in all respects to a particular person. Some transparent varieties of the mineral fit these names:

  • Alina. Her talisman is rose quartz. The stone will give Alina everything that a girl needs - love, tenderness, kindness, peace of mind. The pink mineral will be an excellent talisman for her family happiness.
  • Amethyst will help Andrei overcome the tendency to illusions, nervous strain. The amulet will bring good luck to his life, and harmony to his consciousness.
  • Angela will calm and cleanse the energy of citrine.
  • Victor will be protected from everyday difficulties by rauchtopaz. The stone will protect Victor from addictions, increase quick wit.
  • Evgenia. A woman with a strong name will suit no less strong rock crystal. The amulet will attract people's sympathy, prosperity and good luck to her, will give spiritual comfort.
  • And Evgeny suits amethyst. The stone will protect from bad thoughts, temptations and evil.
  • Daria will find balance, cleanse energy and enhance intuition along with citrine.
  • George. Citrine will help to improve the qualities of a leader, strengthen logical thinking, as well as intuition.
  • Smoky quartz is suitable for Catherine, if she is a creative person. The stone will help such a girl to reveal her fantasy.
  • Leonid will find inner harmony with amethyst. Also, the stone will act as a barrier to temptations, relieve emotional stress.
  • Amethyst will protect Lydia from malice and temptation. With such an amulet, the girl will gain confidence in her own actions.
  • Mark. The amethyst will become the guardian of family peace for Mark. The talisman will help to find balance, establish contacts, pacify the storm of passions.
  • Hope fit quartz-hairy. This stone will act as an arrow of Cupid, as well as a source of the gift of clairvoyance, driving away sadness from the owner.
  • Peter does not hurt to shake off jealousy, resentment and pride. Smoky quartz will help him dispel emotions, protect himself from negativity from the outside.
  • Amethyst will give Mary peace, help get rid of the consequences of nervous disorders.
  • Rodion. Rock crystal will attract good luck to him, human sympathy, give peace of mind.
  • Nina will pacify pride, get rid of resentment, cope with depression along with rauchtopaz.
  • For Roman, amethyst will become a symbol of optimism, prosperity, security and peace. Lilac stone will help a man make only informed decisions.
  • Sophia will be energized by rose quartz. The talisman will give her confidence, help her get along better with people.
  • Tatyana needs to overcome the barrier of misunderstanding and irritability. Smoky quartz will help her with this.
  • Quartz is the basis of the minerals of the Earth5 (100%) 1 vote

Despite its wide distribution, this mineral is considered one of the most unusual stones. There are a huge number of varieties and forms of this mineral. But let's figure out what quartz really is.

In its original form, it is a transparent and colorless stone, widely distributed in the bowels of the earth and lava mountains. rocks. The admixture of other minerals creates this color variety to which we are accustomed. Quartz is ideal for making crafts and souvenirs. There are also species of it. The most common and well-known types of quartz are: rock crystal, and many others.

It is precisely because of its original purity that ancient people compared it to crystal clear ice. They mistook rock crystal for ice, which had lost its ability to melt. But due to the combination with other stones and chemical elements, quartz takes on the most amazing shapes and colors.

Varieties of stone

There are many types of quartz, which differ in their color, shape and energy properties. The most common are:

Hairy or rutile quartz

  • Morion, also known as black quartz. This is a resin-like semi-transparent or not transparent stone. After firing, it acquires a yellow color. It is this form that is used in jewelry.
  • Prazem, or green quartz. This is a green stone that is widely used for making jewelry. Prazem relieves fatigue and calms the nerves.
  • Milk quartz is able to release ozone when the temperature changes. This property has a positive effect on the lungs. It is often used in baths, as it is able to keep heat for a long time.
  • Amethyst is also known as purple quartz. The mineral, which has many purple hues, belongs to semi-precious stones. However, the cost of such a stone is not high, this is due to its large number of deposits. It is recommended for men to restore potency and women for the treatment of infertility.
  • Rutile quartz, or silicon dioxide, is considered the most expensive type of this mineral. The reason for this was its unusual transparent color with thin golden streaks. It is a good talisman for creative people.

History of the stone

Often the description of the mineral is found in the works of archaeologists who discovered quartz jewelry and weapons at the sites of primitive people. The ancient Greeks and Romans were also impressed by quartz, they were sure that it was solid ice created by the ancient gods. This erroneous opinion existed until the 14th century. The very first description of the stone can be found in the work of the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus.

In India, Egypt and China, the mineral was admired. Despite its strength, local craftsmen created masterpieces from rock crystal. It was used to make jewelry, glasses, vases and even seals. In the Middle Ages, quartz was used to create church utensils and many sculptures and jewelry found in royal treasuries.

In the 16th century, crystal vessels of various shapes became especially popular in Europe. They were encrusted with luxurious rubies and decorated with gilding.

On the territory of Russia, the locations of quartz were discovered only in the 18th century in the Urals. Necklaces made of crystal beads have gained particular popularity. The stone was also used to make jewelry and seals.

The healing properties of the stone

The healing properties of quartz directly depend on its variety. But there are general healing possibilities for all types of mineral. According to lithotherapists, quartz has a beneficial effect on the respiratory organs. For this reason, when you have a cold, you should keep it near you or wear quartz pendants.

But, in their opinion, water infused with quartz is of particular value. It has a positive effect on the entire body, has antiseptic properties and is a good prevention of many diseases. Also, this water can be used for cosmetic purposes and to prevent inflammatory processes. Daily washing before going to bed will increase the tone and elasticity of the skin, get rid of acne and activate the rejuvenation process. To improve the condition of the skin on the hands, you can use baths with quartz water.

The magical properties of the stone

Since ancient times, quartz has been especially valued for its supernatural properties. It was used to create balls and lenses, with which they lit the sacrificial fire in temples. With the help of quartz crystals, the priests made their predictions of the future.

The most popular type of quartz in magic is rock crystal. This is due to its strongest energy conductivity, which helps to establish a connection with other worlds. Traditionally, a crystal ball is used to predict the future and reveal past secrets. Milk quartz helps to clear the mind of thoughts, therefore it is widely used in meditation. Smoky mineral helps to make the right decisions and is often used as a talisman by businessmen.

All varieties of this stone are able to neutralize negative energy, save its owner from anxious thoughts and depressions. If quartz is placed in a silver frame, then it becomes the strongest talisman that will attract good luck and financial well-being. Quartz jewelry helps its owner to improve speech, fantasy and memory.

Application of the mineral

For many centuries, all types of this stone have been actively used for use in various industries. The most popular was and remains the manufacture of jewelry and ornaments from quartz. However, it is also used to make tableware, crystal and ceramic products, water purification filters, and optical devices.

Quartz is a common natural mineral that is transparent and colorless in its pure form. Single crystals have a hexagonal shape, pointed at the top. Due to impurities, structural features, as well as a wide range of colors and shades, quartz has a large group of minerals.

According to the chemical composition, it is silicon dioxide, which may include impurities of aluminum and iron. Quartz is a hard mineral second only to corundum, diamonds and topaz in this property. Pure quartz () has a high thermal conductivity, due to which it is cool to the touch. It is resistant to chemicals and strong acids, so it only dissolves in alkali or hydrofluoric acid. The melting temperature of quartz is 1700°C.

The history of quartz goes back to ancient times BC. Primitive people made objects of labor and weapons from it, and the age of the first jewelry found during excavations is 7000 years. The properties and features of the mineral are mentioned in the scientific treatises of ancient philosophers.

Varieties of quartz

Quartz is a mineral that has many varieties that are different in structure, color and energy.

Mineral deposits

Given the prevalence of the mineral, and the large number of varieties of quartz, its deposits are concentrated throughout the world. Despite the fact that gem stones are much rarer than ornamental ones, proper samples are mined in Australia, the USA, Brazil, Sri Lanka and Madagascar.

Pink minerals are rich in Karelia and the eastern regions of Ukraine. Deposits of rauchtopaz and morion are found in Volyn, in the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine and in the Urals. Rock crystal is mined in the northern part of Ukraine, the Eastern Carpathians, the Pamirs, the Caucasus, Siberia, the Urals and the Pamirs.

The most famous and ancient deposits of amethyst are found in Brazil, Sri Lanka and Uruguay. Today, this mineral is mined in the Caucasus, Kamchatka, the Kola Peninsula, Yakutia and Chukotka. Central Asia is rich in amethyst deposits.

Quartz and its magical properties

Quartz has been famous for its magical properties since ancient times. Balls and lenses were made from it in order to light the sacrificial fire in the temple with their help. Using crystals, the priests predicted the future.

The most popular in magic is rhinestone, which is easily programmed for actions and goals, and is the strongest energy conductor. Milk Quartz is used in meditation, and helps to release thoughts in order to know oneself. Carnelian favors fidelity in feelings, while chrysoprase and amethyst have a calming effect. The smoky mineral directs to making the right decisions in important matters, therefore it is recommended as a talisman for people doing business.

Almost all types of quartz will relieve its owner from anxious thoughts, fear and depression, as well as neutralize negative energy. A talisman with quartz in a silver frame has a powerful force, which attracts good luck and material well-being, and acts as a talisman of love. Jewelry with this unique mineral helps a person develop memory, fantasy, speech, activating brain processes.

Medicinal properties

Quartz minerals are rich in beneficial properties and are used in folk medicine. Lithotherapists and healers actively practice quartz water, which can be prepared at home. To do this, water is insisted on quartz, or it is passed through a filter, which contains a mixture of several types of mineral.

Quartz water has a beneficial effect on the body, it is recommended to use it for respiratory diseases. The rejuvenating effect of water infused with quartz has been seen in cosmetology and dermatology. It cures acne and dermatitis, the skin after washing becomes smooth, elastic and toned. Lotions and compresses with quartz water promote healing of wounds from burns and cuts, and also relieve inflammation in bruises and bruises.

Quartz crystal pendants affect the human immune system, relieve colds, and are recommended for people with a delicate nervous system.

Application of quartz

Quartz is a valuable mineral raw material and is used in many industries. It is used in the manufacture of optical instruments, in radio receivers and telephone equipment and ultrasonic generators. Rock crystal and quartz sand are used in the glass and ceramic industries. The mineral is an indispensable component in the manufacture of silica refractories and quartz glass.

The stone is widely used in jewelry. Depending on the varieties, quartz is used to make beads, bracelets, as inserts in brooches, pendants, earrings and rings. Unusual souvenirs and home interior items are obtained from ornamental stones.

Zodiac signs

A large number of varieties of the mineral, differing from each other in properties and energy, does not allow a clear definition of which of the signs of the zodiac quartz is more favorable to. It is necessary to consider the influence of a particular type of stone on a person, depending on the date of his birth.

Rock crystal is suitable as a personal amulet for Lions, Taurus, Pisces and Libra. To the rest of the signs, the stone is neutral, it will not do harm.

Libra, Taurus, Cancer and Aquarius need to wear rose quartz beads or a pendant. Being near the heart, the mineral will help increase self-esteem, the appearance of confidence and romantic mood.

Not all signs of the zodiac are suitable for smoky quartz - rauchtopaz. He helps Scorpios to cope with the negative manifestations of their own character, and to reveal their magical abilities. Choosing rauchtopaz as a talisman, Capricorns will be able to know their destiny, and Libra will find peace of mind and balance.

Gemini, Virgo and Libra will bring good luck, sharpen intuition, and also help improve the financial well-being of citrine.

Cubic Zirconia is a synthetic gemstone imitation.
Calcite is a mineral of hundreds of forms Moonstone (Adular) and its properties