Why black silver decorations on the body. Why does silver change his own color in the process of his socks on the body? The reasons why silver darkens

Silver is an inert metal that is slowly oxidized, but in its pure form it is not used for the manufacture of jewelry. Jewels are made of alloy, diluting silver copper and other metals. So why does silver yellow and how to avoid the formation of a plaque?

If a raid was formed on the surface of the decoration, there may be several reasons for it:

  1. Low quality alloy.
  2. Contact product with man body.
  3. The effect of aggressive substances.

Yellowed silver ring

If the silver is yellowed immediately after the purchase, then, most likely, the reason lies as an ornament. When cooking alloy, a large amount of copper or other non-precious metals added to it. As a result, the decoration began to yellow, since copper and other metals are not inert, like silver.

Often silver changes color when contacting the body, this process passes faster if a person has excessive sweating or health problems. Decorations on the body of pregnant women are also yellow faster.

A raid may appear after contacting the decoration with aggressive substances, household chemicals, cosmetics.

A yellowness may appear on its surface if the product is often in contact with the following chemicals:

  • gray;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • iodine;
  • bromom.

Carbon dioxide acts on silver slowly, the metal is covered with a film, but it happens throughout a certain time.

Iodine can damage a thin film that covers the product. In this case, silver changes the color, stains appear on it, get rid of which it will be difficult.


Silver shade may change over time. Silver decorations are often covered with film: Rhodium prevents color change - but over time, the film is erased.

Rhodium is a metal that is added to white gold, it is quite expensive, so they cover decorations from pure silver, which are not suiced.

Over the years, the film becomes all thinner, rhodium is erased, and the decoration is oxidized. Under the influence of the external environment, a film is formed on its surface, it happens yellow, gray, and then the flare turns into a dense black film. Clear the product from such a plaque is difficult.

Therefore, if an expensive product unexpectedly changed the color after long years of operation, it is necessary to handle it carefully, since the film that covered the decorations, erased or thinned.

How to remove the fall?

Understand why yellowes silver is easy, the decoration can change the color during operation. There are several ways to help return the jewel in the original appearance and avoid changing its color:

  1. Silver needs to be stored in a special box.
  2. Bear from exposure to external factors.
  3. Remove jewels to cosmetic procedures.
  4. Regularly clean products with special means.

Cleaning a silver ring

Jewels are removed in front of the evening toilet. It is necessary to take them from the effects of moisture and hot air (pair). It is not recommended to wear products in a paired or pool. As part of water, a lot of chlorine, which aggressively affects the alloy.

Jewels are stored in a box, wrapping into a dense felt fabric, it reduces the likelihood of changes in the color of the product.

Products need cleaning if the decoration is expensive, it is better to give it to a jeweler, he will hold all the procedures and return the jewel color and shine.

In addition, the jeweler will determine the quality of the alloy. This procedure lasts long, the specialist will write a conclusion and will give care recommendations. For the examination will have to pay, but the buyer will have an accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthe quality of the alloy and the strength of the product.

Jewelry by nature of their capricious, so require care. You can clean them with domestic tools or use special pastes that will help to remove the flare. If the jewel darkens rapidly, while it is not possible to remove the flare from her surface with a paste, it is better to take the product to the pawnshop or pass it on the guarantee in the store.

Silver is plastic and generous metal. It is clear to people from the old days and is intensively used to produce different jewelry, coins and the rest. Most of the ladies and guys love to decorate themselves, using beautiful silver products, but from time to time they disappoint one thing - changing the color of the beloved rings, chains or earrings. Then a legitarious question appears: why in the body on the body jewelry scenery from silver black? Usually there is no visible circumstances, but the color configurations will still occur regardless of the presence of the product or cleaning it.

All-prolonged signs and beliefs

Because the population of the Earth has already found enough to find out about the different properties of silver, it is often used in religious rituals. It is clear that the metal ions destroy the bacteria, that's why silver cutlery is very valued.

In most cases, the question of why this generous metal gives a darkest on the body, the folk wisdom gives one legitrarior answer - damage. In other words, if, for example, a darkened ring on the finger at the lady or a young maiden means, on her the crown of celibacy. Change the color of the earrings, put in the ears, - there was a strong evil eye. Suddenly darkened the crucifier on the body - even terribly thought about it.

Silver often use snow-white and dark sorcerers in their own rituals. Products from it are the best tool in order to recognize witches, versolphs and vampires. According to beliefs, if silver touches the skin of these creatures, then strong burns will remain on it.

In the East, it is believed that the scenery of silver in humans darkened at certain points when he was safely avoided to avoid strong problems.

The generous metal is a massive guard from evil spirits and vile people, and it will be black that is able to absorb all the negative impact of the world around us.

In most cases, the color of the product is changed, which have the type of closed contours: bracelets, rings, chains or pendants with pointed elements. This is justified by the fact that such decorations close the channels connecting the human energy field with the energy of a narrow world.

It is completely natural that many people believe in similar interpretations and have a full right to it, but there is a more severe, scientifically substantiated explanation of why silver color changes.

Chem reactions

In fact, all the silver scenery that people are used to wear on the body contain copper. Under the action of sweat, wet air and other outdoor reasons, copper begins to oxidize, despite the fact that silver itself is a generous metal.

Water or wet air also contributes to the appearance of the decoration of the plaque, which is evenly compacted, which leads to its darity.

The internal processes occurring in the body are capable of providing a significant impact, in particular, this concerns those people who wear silver products at all.

On how the generous metal is rapidly capable, outdoor backgrounds can affect. These include the change of weather criteria, an increase in air humidity, hitting the scenery of different chemical substances.

Configurations in the body

If a person does not draw all the scenery, but only some, it means that it is not only in the external factors, but in the very body. Accordingly, the circumstances, why silver changes its own color, there can be quite a lot. But it is not necessary to immediately be alarming, it is better to listen to your own physical condition and send attention to what specifically darkened the scenery.

The largest number of sebaceous glands is on a human breast, therefore, with long-term contact with the body, the pendants and chains are first black. This process is caused by an overestimated sweating. The darkening of such jewelry is usually caused by hormonal changes in the body. For example, in pregnant women and in the period of ripening in adolescents, jewelry scenery is quite rapidly losing their own initial color. With all this configurations are capable of happening very rapidly, for almost some days.

Even for reasons, silver darkening include strong sensual loads, stress or experiences. All these states affect the work of the sebaceous glands, therefore the sweating increases, and silver - darkens. Also, the prerequisite may be a drug intake, which contains sulfur compounds.

Violation of the internal organs

There is another version that explains the change in the color of silver products - incorrect liver work or kidneys. On this business may indicate the tall of the metal. In this case, together with later, nitrogen-containing substances are distinguished, which are able to give shine silver. The difficulties of the nervous system are also able to affect and lead to the fact that the scenery will darken. If the jewelry products change the color at certain parts of the body, this indicates configurations in the work of the endocrine system.

There are more ordinary explanations of the color configurations of silver jewelry: heat, physical exertion, the impact of certain chemical connections. Therefore, it is better not to engage in sports and do not go to the bath in products from this generous metal, which will help you to keep their initial look. In this case, if these measures do not help and silver still darkened, special attention should be paid to the state of their own health.

It happens that the favorite silver decoration suddenly begins to black. As a rule, there are no special visible reasons, and silver still draws. And this happens, no matter how long the decoration was purchased or cleaned. The country of Soviets decided to figure out why black silver on the human body.

About the various properties of silver, humanity knew for a long time. Everyone knows that silver ions contribute to the death of bacteria, That is why silver cutlery are very valued, and silver things are used in religious rites.

To the question why blacks silver, folk wisdom found quite explained by the answer - damage. Like, you darkened the ring with you, it means that you are a crown of celibacy on you, the seelings are a strong evil eye, and if you darkened a native cross, I don't even want to think about it.

Of course, you can believe in such a interpretation, but there is more scientific, and accordingly more serious explanation why black is silver.

The fact is that the decorations of silver, which we are accustomed to wear, contain copper. Under the action of wet air, sweat and other external factors copper is oxidized. Silver itself refers to noble metals. Under the influence of the same external factors (water, wet air) on the surface of the silver product is formed by tax Sulfide of silver, gradually it is compacted, and the silver decoration darkens.

The speed with which on silver products is formed by tax may be associated with both external reasons To which the climate change can be attributed, increased air humidity, frequent contacts with water, hitting a product of certain substances, so with internal processes organism. Especially if you wear silver decorations constantly.

If you don't get darkened by all the silver jewelry that you wear, but only some, it means that it is not in external factors, but in your body. Reasons why darkens the silver chain on the neck, can be a lot, But you should not immediately beat the alarm. Listen to your physical condition and pay attention to what kind of decorations are darkened.

Most of all silent glasses in a person is on the chest. That's why black and foremost chains and native crosses. And it is connected with an increased sweating, and not with a slogony and spool. Darkening decorations on the chest most likely indicates hormonal changes in the body. For example, during pregnancy. In this case, the chain can darken very quickly, in just a few days.

In addition, the reason may be strong stress, emotional loads or experiences. All this is also reflected in the work of sebaceous glands, and accordingly increases the sweating, which is silver and darkest. Perhaps silver darkened due to the reception of any drug The composition of which includes sulfur compounds.

There is a version that silver darkening indicates on the wrong work of the kidneys or liver. It can also indicate the adhesiveness of silver, as in this case, substances containing nitrogen are distinguished from then, and it gives silver shine. In addition, the change in silver color may indicate problems with the nervous system. And the darkening of silver products at certain parts of the body can tell about local failures in the work of the endocrine system.

There is I. more prosaic explanation, Why darkens silver on human body: physical exertion, heat, contact with some chemical compounds.

Try do not play sports, do not go to the bath and do not swim in silver ornaments. This will help protect them from darkening. And if in this case silver still draws, you should pay attention to your health.

Silver products have always been extremely popular. But unfortunately, this alloy has a property with time to change its color. According to the scientific version, the cause of silver darkening is the chemical effect of air on the sulfide contained in it. But in the people from ancient times it was believed that the ground metal was a sign of the evil eye, damage, severe illness and negative influence.

There are several versions explaining why black silver on the human body, many of which are associated with folk superstitions. With antiquity it was believed that the alloy possesses the miraculous force and protects against negative impact, and silver things used in religious rites.

Science explains the reason for the darkening of the alloy by the presence of sulfur that comes into contact with silver. Medicine, in turn, believes that the cause of metal sweating lies in a state of health, since interaction with bacteria by a certain chemical process occurs.

Impact of dark forces

Silver since ancient times is considered a symbol of spiritual beauty and purity, so church attributes were made of it. If you believe legends, you can deal with the unclean power using a noble metal. Even today it is believed that this unique alloy is a natural guard against negative energy and protects against damage, lifting spell, evil eye, evil and envious people.

Signs and superstition

Our ancestors believed that silver products have a unique ability to absorb negative, thereby protecting their owner from the effects of unclean power. If the silver decoration darkened, it means that the owner managed to avoid serious trouble.

Damage or evil eye

According to the magicians, indifferent attitude towards the world around the world, malaise, lack of appetite, annoyance says that a person is under the influence of dark power. The effect of black magic can be determined by silver decoration:

  • Ring. Speaks about big failures on the love front. The girl does this mean a crown of celibacy, a man - a love spell.
  • Earrings. Specifies to the evil eye.
  • Chain. Powering.
  • Cross. Strong curse, sometimes even "for death."
  • Dishes. The presence in the house of unclean strength may have been made by damage.

Thus, the darkened silver seems to suggest that he assumed a negative blow and defended its owner from evil spell.

Health problems

According to physicians, silver can darken in disabilities of the endocrine system, it happens, first of all, due to increased sweating. The sweat contains a large amount
Hydrogen sulfide, during contact with which a chemical reaction occurs in the alloy, and the metal begins to change its color. If the sweating is normal, the oxidation occurs unnoticed and the dark field appears gradually.

Increased sweating does not always speak of any disease. The reason for the selection of sweat can also be exercise and active sports. But if silver quickly acquired a dark shade, better, of course, refer to the specialists.

According to science, there is no mysticism in the metal darkening. Oxygen, interacting with sulfur compounds, enters a complex reaction. There is oxidation due to this, therefore the color of the alloy changes.

What strengthens silver oxidation?

Such cosmetics such as shampoos, soap, creams, falling on the skin in places of contact with decorations, accelerate the process of silver oxidation. This usually happens slowly, and its color alloy gradually changes, but there are factors that enhance this action.

Stress, Sport and Bath

Physical exertion, stress, nerve overvoltage, hike in the bath increases the work of the sebaceous glands, which contributes to an increased sweating. With a reinforced process, the content of sulphide concentrate increases, which means that the oxidation process occurs much faster, the result - the decoration loses its original appearance and darkens.

Low sample and impurities

Premature change in silver products may occur due to the large content of impurities, which are added to the alloy. Natural silver itself is too soft so that the product is more durable, other noble metals are added to it. If some component is added more than it is supposed, the alloy will get low quality, which means it will quickly get dark.

For decorations, silver 925 samples are usually used with a small addition of copper. It is less prone to the darkening, but copper in contact with then interacts with sulfur salts, forming a black-made flare on the surface of the alloy.

Increased air humidity

Too high air humidity can have a big impact on the appearance of a silver product. With elevated humidity, the process of evaporation of sweat slows down, and the concentration of sulfur salts increases. When entering them into a complex reaction, silver sulfide is oxidized, and the decoration quickly begins to darken.

Interestingly, the sweat can also cause clarification of products, since it includes nitric acid. When entering into interaction with silver sulphide, it destroys it, that is, changes the color of the alloy with dark to a light shade.

How to avoid silver darkening?

To avoid darkening of silver jewelry, you need to stick to simple recommendations:

  • do not wear them in a bath or sauna;
  • do not wear products during illness;
  • remove silver at home cleaning;
  • store jewelry separately from others.

How and what to clean?

Silver without difficulty can be cleaned independently, with the help of special tools that are sold in a household chemical store. But if the decoration with expensive stones, then it is better to attribute it to the jewelry workshop in order not to spoil accidentally.

Tools for cleaning

Before cleaning the product, it is necessary to rinse under a thin jet of warm water, to dry and polish with a wool tissue or a special napkin. With stronger pollution, you should soak the decoration in warm water with the addition of economic soap for several hours, then slip, dry and carefully polish.

Folk recipes

An effective tool for cleaning silver jewelry is tooth powder. Its in small quantities are applied to a slightly moistened soft fabric and very careful movements, so as not to scratch, clean the products.

It helps to save silver from the blackness of the ammonia alcohol. A little economic soap and a tablespoon of the ammonia is added to the half-liter container with warm water. The product is lowered for 20 minutes, is rinsed, then dryly wipes the napkin.

Unfortunately, it is so arranged by nature that it is impossible to save silver forever from a dark fly. It is very important after cleaning to properly care for silver jewelry, in order to prevent darkness as long as possible.

If you believe that silver darkening is connected with a damage or a declamation, it is advised to go to church. And if there are health problems, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Dammed silver products need to be easy to clean, and the correct care will help save their proper look for a long time.

Silver is considered a noble metal. If you often wear it for a long time, the material will retain its gentle-lunar gloss.

After a long time, silver becomes incredibly beautiful. It has effective properties. The ancient Egyptians of this metal treated wound soldiers.

They covered the skin with thin films of silver, and the wound soon heatured. In India, silver is the first precious decoration. It is transmitted from the kind to the genus.

Quite often, silver lovers complain about changing his color. It can refund a month or a year after the acquisition. It happens that the blackening only decorates the products, giving the effect of platinum.

Such a phenomenon can be noticed on embossed areas, between pebbles, or on the product pattern. So why is this noble metal gets dark color? This fact is given many explanations.

Metal is copper, which is strongly oxidized under the influence of clean air. The product may fall from sulfide crystals, which is systematically compacted. The rate of accumulation of the taxation is diverse.

It depends on climate change, air condition and on the amount of water use. The more the raid, the darker it seems silver product. The tax may appear when ozone dissolves on the surface of the silver.

Metal also has antibacterial substances - ions. That is why cutlery makes from it.

Ions protect our body, and when there are many bacteria in the air, the product is drawling, trying to fight with them.

Some put a silver coin into milk to extend its freshness. Quite often, with the help of this metal, the Japanese purify air.

Advanced for oxidation is sweat. In addition to salts, there are amino acids in it, which contains sulfur. Under the influence of sulfur-containing merges, metal and black. With an increased sweating, a person darkens all the decorations.

This may be associated with long and excessive loads. When silver is black in one place, there may be local disorders in the endocrine system. Excessive selection of sweat causes hormonal changes.

Many sebaceous glands accumulate in the chest. Therefore, when the chains are black, "hormonal storms" (often in pregnant women) occur in the body. The work of the sebaceous glands is intensified in some diseases.

Skin acidity is capable of changing after emotional stresses and experiences. Negative substances are distinguished from the body from then that it causes sweating of the metal.

The reasons for silver darkening are the quality and sample of the decoration, the humidity of the location and the chemical structure of the air. It always contains hydrogen sulfide.

New cream, cosmetics change, drug use also affect the state of the metal. May affect and nutrition. When a person eats foods, poorly affecting his health, silver throws the "beacon".

This metal can determine the chemical compilation of localities. It occurs its interaction with hydrogen sulfide, which causes outline.

When you see that the decoration is black or brighten, follow your own self-consistency. This is due to the disorder of the kidneys, since substances accommodate nitrogen are distinguished.

They react with silver and add shine. The function of the liver and nervous system can also be broken.

Due to any disease in the body, the composition of the blood is changing. It is blood that ensures the performance of any organ.

When you are in the disease and continue to wear a decoration, it affects blood, which in turn affects the pH balance of the skin. Therefore, you need to remove all the decorations.

The decoration does not always black completely - very often only one of his face. Practice has shown that the silver cross draws it from the outside. Its inner side is flat, which helps to fit into clothes and prevent oxygen penetration.

Only a relief, not closed side will be oxidized. When silver touches clothes constantly, it also darkens.
Silver worms even when it is not worn. This affects the oxidation and disadvantage of the necessary elements of air.

First of all, the products of the lowest sample are dull. For this reason, you need to buy high-dignity decorations. Then it will succumb to oxidation longer.

Many believe that silver is a source of energy accumulation, and especially negative. It seems to take a blow when the damage or the evil eye is hovering. So, when smoking the serges, they will tell you that damage were brought.

When the ring cholemko, which you wear daily is a sign of celibacy. It concerns only superstitious people.

To clean the metal, you can purchase special substances in the jewelry store. Can . At home you can use a toothbrush with pasta, soda or salt. It will help tick silver.

Some use ashes, ash, or a solution of ammonic alcohol with a warm soap liquid. Someone tried to throw metal into the water remaining from boiled potatoes.

You can pump silver in a solution of ash with soapy water and ammonia alcohol. Throw the product to the resulting mixture for half an hour. Low sample decoration can be cleaned, diluting water with citric acid.

Place the darkened item in this mixture by a quarter of an hour. Then you need to remove and rub any cloth. Some boil decoration in water with a spoonful of soda.

If the decoration consists of stones, the folk methods are not recommended. To clean such a product it is necessary to use special substances. You can dip the jewel in soapy water and lamely wipe with a napkin.

For a brilliant look, the products are covered with a thin layer of rhodium. This is a very bright substance that merges well with silver.
Do not panic ahead of time, but better take care of your decoration. Travelers for its changes.

After cleaning, do not wear it when visiting the pool, saunas, bath or gym. When the product will be darker further, go through the system examination.