Why married men are getting lovers. What do you think? Why are you really male with mistresses? Why a married partner has a married lady

A significant part of the female population fully refutes the possibility of Rendezvous with a married man, considering such relations initially deadly for the soul and their own pride. But there is a considerable amount of ladies not only to make such a development of events, but also purposefully seeking to exactly such a scenario. Throwing back the hypocris and intake pride, you can figure it out in the very essence of the phenomenon.

Description of the problem

The psychology of a married lover is favorably different from the behavior of a launched bachelor or a conscientious family man, therefore it is a full-fledged analysis from the sober-minded lady. Most wives who have experienced the problem of triangular peripetias on their own experience, the main reason for the wrongness of the husband is considered the polygamy laid in them (the people referred to the "with fat"). In fact, the root of the problem may be hidden behind the common psychological disorders.

Problems - Keeping Root

The common primary cause of treason is the problematic relations of parents:

  • A child can constantly be a member of the parental swear, during which the most unpleasant cases are revealed from their private life. The result of such a "happy" childhood will be the inability to perceive family conflicts. In its own family, an adult man at the moments of acute situations will be subconsciously looking for refuge, where it is taken from the entire basket of bad habits and flaws. Skillful mistresses arrange their own behavior on this foundation - than the demanding of the spouse, the longer the passion from the side.
  • Parents engaged in public and labor activity, forget to disclose the soul in front of their chad. The lack of respect, sharp changes of the family climate and not explained acts instill in the rapid child's mind of artificial concept. Married loyalty does not get clear faces and any difficulties loose and so unstable family of the family.
  • Unsuccessful first sexual experience. Many do not allow the option that the psychology of a married lover directly depends on the behavior of the first woman. In the case of when the girl openly expressed discontent, especially in the form of mockery, the subconscious of the man is constantly in a state of finding confirmation of your own status. Lovers are often more talkative in bed, after analyzing the possible needs of a married Uhager, clearly build the line of rewards and chanting with the successful case of his male potential.
  • The child absorbed an example of a weak father. There are often cases when the boy was brought up under the clear control of the Mother, which clearly paved the line of the matriarch. An adult man is no longer able to move away from oppressive relationship, so the mistress protrudes rather as a sex psychologist. By finding around your own turmoil and the futility of a married life with a beautiful woman, a married lover supports all the conclusions with rich lovers, which allows and further humiliate in the circle of his own family.

Model of behavior

The psychology of a married lover in relation to his mistress pays a behavior model gradually. The first experience of the forbidden connection programms a man to constantly follow the speech, movements and places of the possible dislocation of the mistress. The city in which the married hero lives with his mistress, the day after day turns into a map with minefields. A man tries from all his might not to get to her hand with his wife's eyes on his passion and the opposite. For individual guys of this kind of situations, positive results are given in some part: the brain calculates the moves in advance, attentiveness increases several times.

Model of the behavior of the "flying" married partner

There is a more common type of incorrect men - "warehouse" young married lover. His psychology of treason is quite simple - the wife put before the fact of their own pregnancy, and the marriage was formed around the existing heir or the heir. The fortress of such bonds is pretty doubtful. A man, filled to the wall of the tummy, sees in the faithful rather than the warden than the right half. Therefore, the appearance of light and cheerful outstands on the side is quite an adequate reaction.

Many girls who came to swimming on the River "Marriage" precisely on such rights, often pin all responsibility for the appearance of the baby on the spouse. But the pressure in the form of sores or jokes only leads to the desire to get an equilibrium, the girls on the side in this case are the means to get the missing domination. The psychology of a married man having a mistress is distinguished by its stable fortune. The disadvantaged individual, finally having the ability to remove bursts at without concomitant morals or blackmail, notes improvement in well-being, tide of energy and aspirations, as well as influx of physical forces.

Changes in a married lover

A man seeks to match the worshiped mistress. Favorite feudal pies will mark aside, and the baked meat is only welcome. Such is the psychology of married people have a very significant difference from wives - they have their own, they have a separate circle of communication, unfamiliar affairs and successes. The spouse is always under your feet, the bakes about the family and the kids, grumbling about the mother-in-law and colleagues. You can always press or redeeper the mistress at any moment may rescue in vital affairs. The moment of lack of influence gives any man a feeling of fervent thirst, attracting all the stronger.

If both partners are married ...

There is also an option when married lovers and mistresses are found. The psychology of these relationships goes beyond simple thrust to novelty. A married lady is not just lowered to the Adultra, she gives a part of his own soul to the lover, taking her away from the family.

Why does a married partner have a married lady?

For women, the bonds are not empty words, even in the case of a fictitious union (by calculation or contract). Decide on a prohibited connection, a girl can make several factors:

  • Dissatisfaction of your own libido. Often safe seemingly family couples hide a deep conflict of sexual temperaments. If a woman has a more active position and striving for regular sex life and does not receive a response from the spouse, the thoughts of an additional place of intimate unloading are gradually growing in her psyche.
  • Sexy her husband's coercion also lead to a search for a more suitable partner. In a situation where the spouse with Nati is promotes its own hidden fantasies, not worrying about the emotional peace of mind with its faithful, it is encountered on the wall not only misunderstanding, but already hysterical dangle. The best solution most women determine the presence of a married lover. After all, the existence of a spouse fully exempts from any obligations to the worker.
  • Lack of qualitative attention on the part of the beloved. Without having an emotional dialogue with his spouse, women most often closed in their own complexes and resentment, attention from someone else's man feeds their ego.

What is the relationship?

The psychology of a married lover in relation to married mistress is built on quite tangible supports. The main one is the complete adaptation of the new passion to his own fate. A married lady, in fact, a universal cocktail, giving pleasure and confidence in the mooring opportunities, and at the same time does not show a detrimental passion to Okolz. The pleasant bonus is full of harmony in terms of dusting in time. Free Pasia over time will be tougher demanding attention to himself, and married comes to the question more thoughtfully, calculating all possible options.

The complete absence of trivial promises and swirls qualitatively saturates the relationship of married lovers. The psychology of both parties is such that wild delight and the desire to suppress partner are absent.

Why choose married in mistress?

Thanks to the favorable harmony, communication with a married woman is complemented and purely external factors. Such a lady completely rejects the exits into crowded places, does not require pathos parties, frisky races or spa resorts. The list of embezzlement of a married man is qualitatively reduced and easily fits into especially if the legitimate spouse checkeredly controls it. Also, men have and freezing married mistresses.

Animal interest in forbidden ripens on both sides, giving an intimate relationship "delicious" sharpness. The psychology of a married lover is built on all the same classical laws - when his own faithful constantly talks about age (both in public matters and in bed), the ego requires the satisfaction of the most ambiguous desires.

For both partners, the perfect option

In some situations for single mothers, a married lover becomes a rescue circle. Over the years, loneliness puts forward a whole list of positive sides of this phenomenon. Legal husbands often disappoint their tyranny towards the spouse or child, so a married lover will not show educational initiatives towards Chad, and will not tighten the atmosphere in the house. Also tempting, rare visits look - the lonely mother is not so often possible to allocate an hour for himself, so such a partner will not put an ultimatum.

Help in material plan, women say, it can be a married lover. The psychology of a man who has known the difficulty of life is that it is easier to compromise, he needs to ask him less frequently, a casual abandoned phrase or sigh causes a partner to reflex, developed in living together with his wife.

Married lover: Psychology, divorce

The last three decades have a different tendency of such relations. Many girls dream of finding a well-equipped man, a married lover is most often suitable for the role of the rid. They plan to conquer such a partner, to conquer him. As a result, it will give a divorce with his faithful. Thus, young and not moderately ambitious ladies wish to get not just winnings, and the Universal Jack Pope.

The emergence of a young or more experienced woman in the life of a spouse in most cases testifies to a stagnant couple. Psychologists advise to understand the core of the problem before proceeding with radical measures and sanctions. Family life is not just a time-consuming and painstaking, as well as omnipresent. Any man needs frequent bursts of raging passions that would allow to balance the emotional world with external.

The content of the article:

Family is a durable ship. A man is a captain of a huge ship swimming through the ocean of life, a woman is a multidisciplinary crew. Family life is not only a fabulous cruise into a happy future. Responsibility, obligations, an established system of values, life. Holding hard by holding hands, they easily overcome all obstacles. Mchat your ship forward, in a bright future. At high speed, the woman does not notice how the bottom gives to flow.

For her - betrayal, meanness, end of the world. Rare cute people respond to the adventures of their faithful calmly. For men, this is not always something significant, fateful. Often - a small island of joy and fresh air in the endless ocean of family life.

Several main reasons:

  1. Care from reality. Fatigue, pressing problems, banal monotony;
  2. "Character such". It sounds justification, but there is a category of men, in commonness "womanists". Loving people, loving. Charming, cute, consume - for all female species. Do not notice this feature of the lava is difficult. As a rule, the wife is subconsciously, ready to treason;
  3. Age. Young people are susceptible to conquer new territories, self-realization, improving self-esteem. We need to approve friends of friends. It is in young years that guys seem to be infidelity - it is fashionable. There is another extreme - adult men, forty. They held in a quarry, they have prosperity and, it seems, life lives. There are an unrestrained desire of novelty: feelings, emotions, sensations. Young mistress - delivers gray and creates the illusion of a new youth;
  4. Independent state. A man falls into the circumstances of deep stress, the loss of a loved one or other misfortune. It seems to him that no one will understand his pain. There is a random girlfriend, capable of dividing suffering;
  5. Alcohol (or other). It's not a secret to anyone that alcoholic beverages provoke on the feats of any person. But this is only a "wishes amplifier." The reasons for sure, much deeper.

Why does a man get a permanent mistress?

Infidelity is a single one, and sometimes a man prefers the same, constant mistress. Regular lie, dodging becomes lifestyle. The reason for this is simple - reluctance to change the durable, stable reality. The presence of children, joint business, an extensive circle of common friends. It is more convenient to keep a double game, enjoyable, except for sexual jeads, also from risk.

Why do men have mistresses? Psychology of a married man

Psychologists argue, treason comes from a lack of proximity between a man and a woman. Spiritual or physical. Loss of trust, lack of common interests, leisure. People live in inertia, each in a separate Mirka. The spouse dissolves in children, concerns. Husband is aimed at earnings money. Stability, confidence in tomorrow. But communication, there is no contact between them for a long time. A pretty colleague on work or a random fellow traveler on a way to a business trip: Young, beautiful, without daily claims, problems. Hears, will understand, prige.

The reasons for the infidelity of the man are taking deep childhood. Little boy family model plays a huge role. There are several options for developing events:

  • Mother - leader. Son has a strong attachment. The so-called "Mamienkin Son" was used to care, round-the-clock participation of the mother in his life. He is subconscious moms. Then, on the side - rests from its own choice;
  • Father - Wall. Son since childhood observes the "feats" of his older relative and unconsciously copies him, for him such behavior is the only true;
  • Mother - loner. A child growing without his father is often a "loved one" grandmother and mom. Feels the center of the Universe. For such a man of love is not enough and he will be checked by compensation on the side.

Strong Paul in nature conqueror. Marrying, he tries himself to limit. I achieved, conquered, assigned. Rudeless love, a fiery passion over the years cools. Dry and dusty life comes to replace the flaming feelings. Work, the same evenings on weekdays, predictable weekends. Children, lessons, cleaning, rent, insurance. Life lost paint, it became similar to a brought old film. The mistress in this case is a bright ray of light, a sweet piece of dessert, a new conquest object. Men are looking for mistresses to compensate for the missing new emotions, experiences. This is, in the end, a variety.

Why are men who have mistresses?

Changing mistresses like gloves, a man increases self-esteem. He seemed to prove himself that he had one number. For such a male, the next medal on the chest, the string in the notebook. This man will never leave the family. It happens that the husband has many mistresses from a feeling of insult, jealousy. He suspects a spouse in deception and unable to change the situation, takes her.

Why do men love mistresses?

Men love eyes. She is beautiful, young, light - the complete opposite of the beloved. Lovel tender, passionate, other. Criminal connection is forbidden. The feeling of danger is inciting the fire of love. And break out of the sappling flame is very difficult. This is the mystery of two - fascinates, the ookolds, delays. And it seems, here it is true love.

Whatever the causes of treason, for a woman it is always pain. Betrayal, hopelessness, shot in the back. In the current situation, choosing it: to forgive or leave. Will she take for the steering wheel of the ship, will it be able to bypass all the obstacles by saving the family? Or will throw a lifeburning circle overboard? It is important to remember that when a man finds his mistress, both to blame. Husband and wife should be best friends, passionate lovers and beautiful parents. Then their lucky ship will never give to flow.

See also:

Orthodox calendar

Monday, March 18, 2019(March 5, Art.)
Sedmian 2nd Great Post
MCH. Conona Isavria (I)
Finding the relics of BLGV. Princes of Theodore Smolensky and Chad His David and Konstantin, Yaroslavl Wonderworkers (1463)
Holy Memory Day:
MCH. Onions (I). MCH. Keonon Graduate (III). PS Mark Postnote (V). PS Isicia postnote (approx. 790). Prmch. Adriana Poshekhonsky, Yaroslavsky (1550). MC. Iradays. MCH. Energia, in Palestine. MCH. Evlampia. The acquisition of the relics of SVT. Luki isp., Archipe. Simferopolsky (1996).
Day of the memory of the confessors and new martyrs of the Church of the Russian:
Schishmch. Nikolai Pokrovsky Prester (1919); schishmch. John the Mini Homemaker Presbytera and PRMCH. Mardaria Isaev and Feofan Grafova (1938).
Day of reverence Icons of the Mother of God:
The icons of the Mother of God, called "Education".
Great post.
The brain is not committed in the continuation of the Great Post.
Reading a day
Gospel and Apostle:
At verse: -Genesis.3: 21-4: 7; Proverbs 3: 34-4: 22 On the 6th hour: -IS.4: 2-5: 7
On the morning: -PS.24-31; PS.32-36; PS.37-45 At verse: -PS.119-133

Frame from the TV series "Secret Diary of the Call Girls"

The problems of modern men are that they are all short-flush. Well, or almost everything. The fact that the woman quickly agrees to sex does not even at all that she then gives a man's pleasure. Because there is often sex in their bed and does not smell.

I have sex from 17 years old. Now I am - 29. I have never been married and never - not the day of my life - did not work. I live in the center of Kiev in a fairly good apartment. I have a car and courage to admit: I am a mistress. I meet with married men for sex, and he is in return - contain me. The longest novel in my life lasted a year and a half. The shortest is two months. One day, everything can change, but now I do not plan to change anything.

Men need mistresses.Just because they do not suffer monotony. For example. Sometimes a man wants to fill the face to his boss, but it is clear that for a number of reasons, can not do this. He needs to urgently sublimate it in sex. And he goes to sleep with me. Why with me? Because then he dresses, tie up on his neck this stupid tie, as if the loop delays, and through his teeth sentenced, as he hates it to some Ivan Petrovich. And I quietly nod and answer: "Come tomorrow, I will cook duck, and then I will make a blowjob." And he comes, because he needs to relax. Feel the meaningful and win time to understand how to do. And the wife as I cannot say: she has children, a house, a junior son's teacher - a fool, powder ended, and the eldest daughter wants to piercing in his young nose. And if she agrees for sex, then only in the pose of the charter log. She is generally spitting on his boss. For her - compared to daughter's piercing is not a problem at all. I also do not care about this chief, but do not care differently, and I have time and strength to pretend that it is not. Here is a man and makes a mistress. And nothing personal! Only sex.

It so happened that women are much larger egoists than men. How to explain it ... We need everything immediately, but - from one man; Men also need it all right away, but from different women.

In 90% of cases, I choose married men. All because they know how to truly appreciate the time spent with me: sometimes we have only one hour. Bachelors in this regard are scary spoiled, they need to conquer. Well, you know, jump over them with a rattle in your hands and hope that they want to play with you. With married all otherwise. Yes, and in sex, they, as a rule, agree to experiments with a large excitement: the monotony of family life pushes them to risk. And they are more generous. The family teaches them to share. Especially well, if he has children: they make a man sentimental, and he can easily take his mistress in Paris, only in order to drink champagne with her in an expensive hotel, from the window of which is visible with tens of dozen lights Eiffel Tower or opens a luxurious view On Montmartre - once the passion of the famous artist Modigliani broke out here, and now he seduces his mistress. What could be puffy and more sex? By the way, oddly enough I have a higher education, and I really know who moduliani is.

I had a lot of married men. Some of them loved me more than their wives; Others - thought they would love me more than their wives. But the majority - still loved their wives more than me. And therefore I can accurately say that sex for sex - exists.

All men are different. Someone needs to be changed twice in the entire history of family life, someone needs it regularly. From the sincerity of their feelings for his wife it does not depend. Libido and nothing more. Once I had a lover - the company owner of the company for the manufacture of armor, an impressive, dear man - so, it adored to tell me about his wife and how he respects her. Then, in fairness, I was angry: how can you respect and fuck on the other? I needed for several years to realize: The mistress for many men is the same as expensive car in the garage.He periodically hurts with her, boasts her before his friends, sometimes leaves her vacation. But if suddenly the house will burn, he will first save his wife and children. And they burn it - the car. Yes, and throwing the family for the sake of the car it will not.

Not all men change. Some are afraid. Others are lazy. Third - really do not want, such too.

My girlfriends, those who know about how and what I live, say that I have a male view of the world. I call it just "the world in which I live." Is it a shame that many men who sleep with me do not like me - this is a topic for a separate post. One thing I know for sure: you can not take the fact that your man started his mistress, but to understand what he did it, it is quite possible.

One of the problems of family relationship is that quite often the men will harf up their mistress. Why is this happening? What is not afraid of them? It has become a fairly common phenomenon. Men are hardened both disposable and long-term relationships on the side. This, in turn, already almost no one is surprised, as it is found to be completely different. But every woman sincerely wants her family the problem does not touch.

The most common opinion, both men and women, is that mostly a man turns his mistress in the case when his wife does not turn out. Nowadays, it is only part, one of many reasons.

The reasons for which a man is ready to go left, a lot, it can and the desire to diversify their lives, and the loss of sexual interest, and ordinary curiosity. The reason for treason can be a desire to prove something to someone, for example, friends who lovers go to the left. This desire may arise from a man as a result of poor education, or an incorrect behavior model that was inherited from her father, who changed his mother. A man can also be just a womanizer who is ready to drag out for every skirt, and here, too, the reason lies in the upbringing, environment, etc. Conventional alcohol can provoke treason if there is a favorable soil. Including its influence and bad influence of society, since in our time the level of responsibility falls, but the level of egoism and worn is becoming higher and higher. Among other things, do not forget about the impact of the Internet, television and other media.

Article Article:

  • How does treason originate?

    It is worth noting that today the emphasized slight attitude towards treason has already been traditionally. Lovers for us today are the heroes of numerous jokes, sayings, and because, as everyone knows, it is in the head that betrayals are born, in the consciousness of man.

    A man, that is, in our case, a man, quite consciously collapses all the obstacles and principles and goes on treason. And as an excuse, begins to blame alcohol, wife, life, and so on.

    Do not forget that a person is still a reasonable creature, and if he went to betray, he is and responsible for this act.

    Dry statistics says that in Russia, in the ratio of incorrect husbands and wives is approximately 60 per 40, and this is much higher than the statistics of betrayal in the West.

    Possible reasons

    How it happened that social role Men are much different from female. For example, we can often hear the following, men do not cry, a man - the breadwinner, a man should be strong, a man must be supporting and supporting for his family, etc. All this is true, and men are aware. But they fully understand their social role most often when marrying. This is directly related to the fact that family relationships implies responsibility not only for themselves, but also for their family, wife and children. Thus, a man has many new responsibilities.

    As a result, many men subconsciously feel the entire burden of responsibility, which presses on them, and even to some extent fear of this, but it does not justify them.

    Over time, a man reaches a mature age and more and less feels like young, strong and perky. This is a completely normal change of life stage. Thus, more mature principles, values \u200b\u200band priorities come to replace the young lady. A man appears in a family, social and material stability, serious work, its level of intelligence increases, a man becomes much more stable from an emotional point of view and so on. But then, when a man, looking back, understands that he even i will not boast, And he did not achieve anything in his life, that he regrets a lot, then in this case, it is much more difficult to survive this stage. When a man sees his missed opportunities and lost in vain, work that simply opposed and so on, then problems may begin. The man in such a state begins to seem to seem that he did not take place as a person, did not take place as a man that the best times had already passed, and he did not have time to do anything.

    For the sake of justice, it is also worth noting that the relationship between women's and is not the same. The wrong wife is of course fallen woman and the like, but the man is just the same on the contrary, Macho, Casanova, Walker, for some reason they are identified by all the epithets that emphasize the force, masculinity and smooth the average loser. Still, it looks more to the idea that the man who makes himself a mistress, is rather a loser than Kazanova.

    Men are also most often hardened their mistresses in the period middle-aged crisis - 30-40 years old. As for young men, about 25 years, inclined to treason, then they best give preference to short-term communication.

    The reason to go left maybe sex for image. Some men will plant their mistress, under the influence of their social status. If you formulate it in a different way, the status obliges men to go to such actions. The mistress is in turn a natural concomitant real boss. She is part of his image. Such men do not even care that the wife does not know about his adventures, how much about the appearance of their mistress. Since it must be a fashion model, you need it all as a demonstration of your position and taste.

    Mistresses are rewritten and in order to remind and show everyone that the man is still in the heyday, accordingly, also compensate for one or another lack of other qualities and achievements. In such cases, the wrong husband feels much more confident and younger, incent and more attractive. It is worth noting here that the younger will be the mistress, the higher the man self-esteem.

    In such cases, a man is experiencing new, thrill. And this is not only emotional sensations, but also sexual. For him, this is like a game, adventure. This man once again strive to prove that he is still sexually strong and has a bunch of different opportunities.

    A man can make a mistress because of some prof.For example, in order to get a new position. For a man, self-realization is also important strong as for a woman. But only there is differences in this, the woman implements itself partially, getting a beloved man. But the man is completely given to his career. He can easily use all his spells in order to achieve the necessary patronage. In such cases, it is possible that the case does not end with one sexual service, and the husband fulfills his married duties not with his wife, but with his mistress. It also happens that men experience dins of conscience and disappointment.

    Do not deny the fact that in the face of mistresses Men find attentive listener. She is always ready to support him, she can tell her about his feelings, emotions and she will not condemn.

    Another impetus for the search for mistress is tense relations at home, life begins to affect and home problems. An incorrect husband often seems to not understand him, often screaming, quit, etc. But the mistress for a man is a kind of holiday. She is always ready to listen and support, she is always tender and loving.

    The most common cause of male treason is thirst novelty. Treason is a husband - this is how in turn escape from the monotony, the desire to feel a holiday in his soul again. On the one hand, you can understand the act of a man, as the cause more is a wife, or what it turned into. As for directly married life, it should not resemble the train, which moves only directly and cannot deviate from the course. Holidays are quite the normal desire of every person, it is just a need.

    Can happen and so that the husband is just forest his wifeNo matter how regrettable, but it happens. In this situation, the most honest act will be easy to part, even if there are children in the family.

    The child will be very difficult to live in a family in which parents will love him, and hate each other, it is better to live separately, otherwise the child can grow unbalanced.

    Maybe a man is just foremented womanizerIn this case, the humpback is only the grave corrected. He and his wife can be a beautiful and clever, and he will all asserted on the side.

    How to live on?

    Pretty rarely mistress is considered a man as a future wife, even despite the fact that his real marriage will be in a very shaky position. And very often happens that the marriage is broken, and it would seem, happiness is it, but a man throws not only his wife, but also a mistress. Since in his mind the mistress, too, as it were, was some part of his marriage.

    In this case, you should not count on a favorable outcome. And to tie to yourself a man with a child, not the best and most reliable step. Women who come in this way come around themselves on constant scandals and trouble. Not depending on the fact that the man was glad and agrees. It happens that man, living in marriage for 15 years, meets his true love, the main meaning of his life. But it does not guarantee that he will go with her to the registry office, quite often the usual habit just does not give it all and radically change life. Do not also forget about the third side of the love triangle.

    Just no one will be released from the family of her husband and the father of children. Many women are ready to forgive her husband's treason, the main thing is that the family does not remain without the head of the family. This is at first glance to quit the family, children and equipped everyday life so simple, in fact it is not. Therefore, it is often in such situations that young and not completely experienced girls fall, for whom the ideal men seem adults and already taken by men. Few thinking about the fact that their wives were made.

    In order to live with a person in harmony and the world, it is necessary to go through the difficult path of growing and becoming the formation of a person, to go through with characters. Some women believe that men are from birth. How every person will build his life - this is a purely individual business. But on someone else's happiness, you will not build. It happens that men hide their marital status from his mistresses. And even if the woman finds out this pretty late, still the best way out will be destroyed by this love triangle.

    In the event that a woman wants to keep his happy family, she must understand her husband, reckon with his interests, opinions, feelings. At the same time, it is necessary to remain an attractive woman and an interesting person. A fairly large role in marriage is played by a full-fledged sex life and interesting joint leisure.

    No one says life is easy. Situations are the most diverse nature. But after all, men probably not in vain called the strong floor, it means that their behavior should be stable and courageous, actions weighted. When some problems appear in the family, they need to be solved, and not run from them if the problems do not disappear, but only adds, it is possible to think about whether everything is done correctly, maybe something is missing, maybe it is worth something That change, can divorce.

    At the very least, it will be much more honest than running from my wife's wife, and constantly invent someone justification. Of course, everyone comes, as it considers it necessary, but you should not make people who loving you. You can forgive much, that's just forget it is hardly possible, but to live with a sediment in the soul not every can.

So, what are the advantages of such a situation?

    Woman anything is obliged to anyone. Agree, at least once in my life you dreamed of easy relationships in which no one presses you. You are absolutely optionally to give your man all your free time. If you wish, you can have a relationship with several young people. And you do not have to feel guilty to the permanent partner (of course, if you do not have a spouse).

    Excellent experience in relationships. Communication with the opposite sex allows us to be better learning to understand people. Any relationship is a valuable experience that helps us work on your own errors.

    Good time. Contrary to popular belief, a married lover can give you not only enchanting sex, but also an exciting communication. Many couples are happy to visit theaters, exhibitions, make small trips. A new person in your life can help you find a stimulus for self-development and self-improvement.

    Distractability from life. Unfortunately, it is life that causes the cooling of feelings in many married couples. There are often quarrels and misunderstandings on this basis. With a married lover, you can forget about all these problems. Meetings with him is a holiday of romance.

    Fresh emotions. How often there is not enough new feelings in life, which make us look at the world. The wise lover of a married man is enjoyed from secret dates, finding some kind of special highlight and piquancy. If you are looking for just such sensations, then you will have to change the lover periodically.

    Material support. Having become a mistress of a secured man, you can receive pleasant gifts from him who could not afford earlier. There is nothing slosieled in this: you give him positive emotions, and he pampers you with luxurious surprises.

Lover can provide material support

Why a man's mistress?

Speaking about the rules of behavior for a married man's mistress, you should first figure out why men are solved on treason to their spouses. What really representatives of strong sex want from girls? Here are the main reasons for Aduilter:

    Mature man wants to re-feel like young and reckless. To do this, he chooses young and pretty girls who are ready to give him his own time.

    A man gets tired of permanent relationships that are filled with scandals and quarrels. He is looking for the opportunity to pour out the soul and tell about his own problems. The man expects from a mistress of understanding and moral support. This is not a spouse who saw him almost every second.

    Having lived a few years in marriage, a man realizes that he lacks fresh emotions. At home, he is met by the same woman, dressed in the same home bathrobe. He knows every centimeter of her body, thoroughly learned that he brings her pleasure in bed. He remembers the name of her favorite spirits and serials. He simply lacks a variety not only in sex, but also in a relationship.

Sometimes a man wants new emotions

    Problems in bed. Intimate relations in the family are often gradually going to no. Unfortunately, the spouses who cease to monitor their own figure and appearance in this. There are also women who are practically indifferent to sex. Here is a man and have to look for satisfaction on the side.

    Revenge. Suspending or discerning his spouse in treason, not every man is solved for divorce. Some husbands simply give up mistresses who help them enhance self-esteem.

Thus, in the mistress, the man is primarily looking for what he lacks in his own family. And this is the things that once accompanied the beginning of the relationship with his current spouse.

A man never decides on treason to make a new family. From this follows the first rule of the behavior of the mistress of married: Never and under any circumstances should be expected to continue the relationship. Allowing yourself to think about the fact that one day he to throw a spouse and comes to you, you are concerned about suffering. Do you need it?

    Do not try to bind a man to yourself with some gifts and cute surprises. Ties, lighters, perfume set aside for a permanent partner, with which you will associate a serious relationship. The best gift for the lover is you. In beautiful underwear, neat outfit, with good styling and natural make-up. Do not turn into a caring mammy.

    Do not climb into the personal life of your lover. Asking him about the family, you most likely not hear any truth. Most often, men tell mistresses that they live with spouses, like neighbors, there are no intimate relationship between them, and indeed they sleep on different beds. Naive girls believe in this nonsense and ... invent their feelings from the man. At the same time, the hero-lover himself perfectly spends time with you, and with his wife.

The lover should have a personal life

    Realize that the spouse will be for a man in the first place. Let the feelings fade, let them really have problems with sex, but they are associated with many years of living together and, possibly, common children. In addition, according to numerous polls, a small percentage of men is ready to sacrifice the usual comfortable living conditions for the sake of a new adventure. And enjoy your society, he will go home, where he is waiting for dinner, cooked by his wife. And it's not worth arranging from this tragedy too.

    Do not try to become his second wife. If it happened so that you really fell in love with a lover, do not seek to lead it from the family, making his shirts or balusa with his delicious delicacies. With this situation, his interest in you will gradually fade, because there will be no intrigue.

    Do not introduce a man with relatives. Most likely, the proposal about such a meeting will simply push the lover who will decide that you have some kinds on it. This rule does not apply to friends and acquaintances.

    Are you waiting for the lover of gifts and notable surprises? In this case, from the very beginning you must behave like a real lady. When you first visit the restaurant, you should not get from the purse's handbag and try to pay for yourself. Also teach a man to come to visit you not with empty hands. At least a bouquet of daisies must be present. Be a weak and welcome girl for him.

    Do not devote a man to your personal life. You have a complete right to communicate with other male representatives. Let him understand that your relationship will continue exactly as much as you want, and not he.

    Directly tell him that you are not satisfied with your relationship. For example, being at your home, he switches the TV to the sports channel. Or he is constantly late for meetings without a good reason. Do not silent and do not build yourself to suffer. A man should know that in front of him is self-sufficient and confident girl. You do not have to play according to its rules.

    Be busy with some kind of affairs. In addition to work, you should find an interesting hobby. Visit the gym, Chinese courses, a literary circle, go to theaters, etc. A rich schedule of life will not only make your life brighter, but also will show the lover that it is for you - not the center of the universe. Let a man independently adjusts to the rhythm of your life and finds time for dates.

You must always be a bit busy with your affairs

    A smart girl uses many ways to take up a man, and a wise woman does it in such a way that the man is confident that everything happens solely on his initiative. In no case should he decide that you achieve it, and not he.

    Do not be hysterical. If a man once canceled the meeting or could not appear for a holiday because of his spouse, do not arrange a scandal. Pretend that you just did not notice this or found what happened for the trifle. Otherwise, very soon your relationship will simply come to no.

Recommendations Married women who have a married lover

The relationship between non-free people is the most convenient version of the relationship on the side, because with such a situation you both understand that no obligations are kept. However, in this situation, a woman has a serious problem: she needs to make every effort to ensure that the side of the side will not recognize her spouse. To do this, you will need to follow such advice:

    Never choose a man as a lover who is familiar with your spouse. Often the object of sympathy of girls become the best friends of husbands. But this option should immediately refuse. Sooner or later, the secret will become apparent.

    What does a woman look like that got a lover? New emotions overwhelm it. She smiles and flies on the wings of passion. In the eyes of the girl it is noticeable that pleasant changes have happened in her life. Many ladies begin to pay high attention to their appearance. Attentive husband will immediately notice that something is wrong with you. Immediately descend from the skies to the ground and stop making combat makeup from the morning. Try to make your face not express anything superfluous.

Glitter in the eyes can issue a lover

  1. A married lady, who started a lover, begins to come after work much later. Naturally, she reports that she has a lot of cases, papers that need to be issued, meetings, etc. To paint the true cause of this behavior is quite simple. Use an alternative method.

Get yourself a girlfriend with which you supposedly visit various events in the city. It is worth even inviting a friend to tea drinking to your home. 1-2 times a week you can justify your lack of meetings with it. If you wish to meet with the lover you can even on weekends. To do this, inform your husband in advance about what you go with Masha / Katya / Light to some fashionable exhibition, which is clearly not interested. You can even invite your husband for this event. Obviously, he would prefer to watch football or go fishing with friends.

    A good lover from time to time will give you some gifts. If you have new jewelry or expensive dresses, come up with a plausible story about the death of a rich long relative of Mom or Aunt. Remember: All labels from things must be immediately disposed. If the husband will suspect something wrong, he can take a walk where the goods were purchased. He will easily find out when the purchase was accounted for and how they were paid.

    What if the lover invites you on a little journey for a few days? A business trip is a reasonable option. It is desirable that the end destination is not known to your spouse. Naturally, this option is dangerous if your husband is familiar with your bosses or employees.

    Any correspondence with the lover must be conducted on the service computer. Home Laptop Use exclusively for other needs. Otherwise, you risk one day to forget to get out of the social network, and the whole dialogue will be successfully read by the jealous.

    Try not to communicate with the lover by phone at the time when the husband is at home. If the urgent need arose to call the object of passion, come up with that you need to urgently go for bread to the nearest store. Another time, go out the garbage or walk your favorite dog.

    After a passionate evening with a lover, do not hurry to go to the bathroom. The observant spouse might think that you strive to quickly wash off the traces of the vicious connection.

    Do not forget that you need to perform marital debt in bed. If you begin to constantly deny her husband in intimate intimacy, he immediately understand what's the matter. Try not to change intimate behavior and do not demonstrate the spouse new skills.

    Do not allow the lover to leave the traces of your sex games on the body. Scratches, snaps - direct evidence of your extramarital connection. Any arguments are powerless against such evidence.

The husband can learn about the lover, finding the tracks of love games on the body

    Be connected at any time. Being out of the house, never turn off the phone. Take the phone, even being in bed with a lover. Conference can be easily explained by the fact that you are in the fitness room, hurry to the meeting, late for the last bus, etc. In this case, the risk of suspicion of the spouse will be minimized.

    Try to make the lover there was no evidence of your relationship. We are talking about joint photos or even video ... There are such situations when a woman, having decided to throw a lover, is subjected to blackmail on his side. Confine yourself in advance, because you can never predict that you can expect.

    Purify your spouse with delicious dinners, give a sufficient amount of time to your children. Remember that the lover is a temporary phenomenon. And the family requires full attention on your part.

    Do not tell about the lover literally to anyone. Even the best girlfriend may be rare bone. Be prudent. You can only trust such serious secrets. Of course, in no case should not make a personal diary.

    Never give yourself to the temptation to admit my husband in treason. Even if he somehow finds out that it is rumored that you have a lover. Even if the lover himself decides to pump you and call the spouse (and it happens)! In the most regrettable situation, you can depict a sacrifice from yourself and declare that the lover slandered you due to the fact that you refused to enter into an intimate relationship with him.

    Do not carry condoms with you in my purse, if you and your husband do not use this means of contraception. It is better to acquire the condoms directly before date.

    Under no circumstances give a lover to his home. Even if the spouse is in a long business trip, you may notice "benevolent" neighbors who will gladly tell the spouse about what is happening. The ideal option is to meet the neutral territory.

How to hover a lover from the family?

Unfortunately, romantic women are not always possible to maintain composure. Many ladies are hopelessly falling in love with married lovers. What to do in that situation if you feel really strong feelings for this man? According to statistics, no more than 5-7 percent of the wrong spouses goes to mistresses. But there is always a chance. The main thing is to follow the wise advice:

    Remember that if a man did not leave the family after a year of your relationship, he will never do it. Therefore, you need to act much earlier.

    Try to explore your lover well. It is likely that he will constantly tell you about himself, problems in a relationship with his wife. Learn his habits and character features.

    Let him know that he can trust you. Be a careful listener and interlocutor. Keep all its secrets and problems in strict secrecy. Do not deny the help and support to it, if you are able to do something for him.

    Remember that a man will throw his wife only for the sake of a mistress who will be much better than her. Therefore, you need to devote the time of your appearance, visit the gym and always look as neat as possible.

    Take care of intellectual enrichment. Men love women who can support a smart conversation for any vital topics. At the same time, you should not try to show your superiority.

    Try not to disturb the man with your own problems. He should not see your tears and hysterics. With you, he must constantly feel warm and joy.

    If the object of your passion is more than 40 years old, it is worth showing maximum caution. You need to determine what this man actually wants. Accustomed to many years of marriage, he will be able to leave only to the mistress that will be able to provide him as a comfortable living conditions.

    Explore various sex technicians. You must become a real master in this matter. Returning home, a man should feel that he is missing something.

    Try not to concern the financial issue. If you need to find out the level of income of the lover, do it indirectly.

- Never interest the future of your relationship. Otherwise, the man will immediately understand that you are very in love with him. And, it means that the game will be lost.

  • If a man has children, try to show sincere interest in this issue. Surely he will be happy to talk about his babies. Even if a man sobbed his wife, he would never give up his children. Your questions will show the lover that, in the event of your reunion, you will gladly take his daughter or son. And there are no problems like "a new wife does not allow to see children from the first marriage" will not arise.

How to part with a married lover?

If you understand that your relationship is unpromising, and over time you are tied to a man more and more, think about how to break this painful connection for you. First of all, you need to understand that your care is a conscious choice that will allow you to start a new life without the same pain. Deciding to part, do not change your decision. Do not wait for a married lover to catch up and leave the family. Most likely, after a while he will just find a new mistress. Remember that the youth of the girl passes very quickly. If you do not imagine your life without a full-fledged family, once and forever give up married lovers.

For the first few weeks after parting with a married lover, try to spend people in the company. You may have to change the phone number (in case it will call). A good way out of the situation will be a short trip to another city or country. There you can dispel and disappear.

It should not be closed in yourself and think that your former man is the best person in the world, and you no longer find it. Understand that your love would not have tormented you. If you are lonely, let yourself get a new novel with a free young man. Even if he won't be your husband, you are guaranteed to get a positive energy charge.

We hope that this article helped you get rid of many problems faced by lovers of married men. In any case, you should start referring to what is happening a bit easier. You yourself - the Creator of his fate!