Wishing you a happy and speedy birth of your daughter. Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. Congratulations on the birth of your daughter to tears

The birth of a daughter is happiness not only for the mother, who sees the future beauty and assistant in all matters in the baby, but also for the father, who, according to statistics, love their daughters more. It is simply a sin not to congratulate your friends on the birth of your daughter, so you can choose a beautiful congratulation right now. When reading the congratulations, the newly-made parents will definitely feel better, hurry to please them! Among the congratulations you can find lines in poetry or prose. Help your parents with your support and sincere words. Do not skimp on words, because hundreds of ready-made congratulations are just waiting for you to send them immediately on such a happy occasion. Choose the one you like the most and please the young dad and mom.

May the savior angels
Keep your baby
And strict parents
They don't scold her too much.
Let grandparents
Without anyone's clue
To my beautiful girl
Tales are told.
And books and toys
Let the house be filled soon
cherished desires
Those who live in it will be fulfilled.

A bud swelled at the bush,
The bush comes out of sleep.
The two had a daughter
Spring has come to this house.
A rose will bloom from a bud,
Beckoning to yourself with beauty,
Eliminating the life of prose,
Wiping away the dullness of the day.
Mom and dad repetition
Life is a small sprout
Your daughter is amazing
And beautiful as a flower.
Let it bloom like a rose in May
Let all troubles go away.
I raise this toast
For parents and daughter.

The whole family shines in quiet admiration,
Surrounding the baby in a white bed.
We congratulate you on your daughter's birth!
The bright angel sleeps sweetly today!
May she dream of many gifts:
Balls and dolls, cats and bears!
And let the life of the baby be just as bright,
Like the pages of children's colorful books!

Another life has entered our mortal world,
baby was born to you - good,
We wish her good luck, love,
let success be woven into the hair - braids
May your daughter be the happiest!

Today is a special day
now everything will change for you without fail,
elastic bands, bows, umbrellas and dolls,
will come into your life and become everyday.
We wish the girl a newborn,
success, happiness, beauty,
let her troubles pass,
Let them always give her flowers!

Like a cherry orchard in May
Your soul blossomed.
So it only happens once
With the arrival of the baby.
I heartily congratulate
With replenishment dear,
I wish you joy, love
And health to you three!
With the addition to the family!
Not my mother today
And the father cries of happiness ...
For four kilograms
You are now richer.
They will tell you everything, indiscriminately
Everything is moving in this world:
Where four was - soon
There will be seventy-four!
So let's drink to all the people,
And we will glorify for centuries
What nature has done
And of course, mom and dad!

Not much time has passed
And you haven't gotten older.
The water seemed to have flown
Just a little - do not embellish!
But still around
Everything has changed a lot;
Everything somehow quickly, somehow suddenly
It filled with meaning.
All because you now
Not two, but three;
All because it was born
Human creation.
The Lord gave you happiness
With the birth of a baby.
And bless you with it
Be in love! Caress! cradle!

There were two of you and love
Young blood played
And from the merging of two hearts
The life-love crown was born!
Starting the clock in the coming century,
A new man has arrived
Embracing father and mother
And sparks of God's grace,
He came to our real world,
To continue life feast,
To fill this house
Fun, happiness and warmth,
Give meaning to earthly existence,
Give joy to those I love.

Angelic face, pink ribbon!
A lovely daughter was born to you!
Let your baby be cheerful, affectionate!
Pleases with a smile and shining eyes!
We wish the girl to be always healthy,
Kind and gentle, give warmth to everyone!
Well, for parents, a new life has come,
After all, with the birth of your daughter, happiness has come to you!

A miracle happened! The daughter was born!
The world has changed! Sunny flower!
The tender little one will take power over everyone,
Helpless and tiny lump!
And soon it will ring for your joy,
How her silver bell babbles!
Let your memory carefully keep
A childish smile, perky laughter and Twitter!
I want to congratulate my parents
Today is the girl's birthday!
The whole family is very happy with the baby
And sends the best toys as a gift!

With the birth of a long-awaited daughter
The world has become brighter and more beautiful for you!
With her, joy awaits you all the time,
The sorceress is your daughter!
Admiring the eyes of a baby
And her innocent face
I suspect the boys
Then they won't be able to pass
In order not to pull the pigtail,
Or don't take a sneak peek
For your little bird
What is sleeping sweetly in the stroller now ...
I wish you a cute princess
Grow like a mother, become beautiful,
And congratulations to the whole family
With the birth of a daughter - to everyone's wonder!

The house is full of happy laughter
Waiting for a miracle with bated breath
Appeared in it today
Funny girl - princess
Her playful gaze is beautiful
Kissing tiny cheeks
Let the girl grow up happy
What a bright, scarlet flower!

Everyone is in a new rank today:
Mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather!
And ready to shout a hundred times:
Daughter, granddaughter - all over the world!
May she grow beautifully
Glorious, sweet, mischievous,
A little flirtatious, maybe
Playful and funny!
Let perky and happy -
Laughter does not stop in the house!!
The girl will become beautiful
In a word, it will be the best!

God's Providence
Brought you a daughter
your repetition,
Mom-well, exactly.
The same lips, mouth,
Eyebrows and eyes
Your flesh of flesh...
Gotta tell you
What is a daughter
Rare as a diamond.
Would you like this night
Do it one more time
To children's laughter
Your house is full
To live with success
There are four of you here!
Let's drink to luck
And for life, like honey,
For you to live richer
To grow income!

I congratulate you on the birth of your daughter!
The stork has brought you replenishment!
Accept these lines as congratulations,
I wish you more laughter, less tears!
Let your baby grow up
Let life go smooth on the road,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart today
May your daughter be lucky in the future!

Another beautiful princess
Reappeared in this world
She looks at the world with interest,
And feels the love of parents.
I congratulate you and wish you
So that my daughter grows up beautiful!
To wake up, feeling happiness,
And most importantly, she was healthy!

A baby was born -
Arms and legs - everything is with her.
Two sisters are like mice
Suddenly they were silent at the door.
You have work ahead of you:
To raise her
So that further, as if by notes,
Your life went on.
God bless you, strength,
Money, houses - a full bowl.
So that your children are cute
All your dreams have come true.

With a newborn princess
We congratulate you.
Let the little daughter
Grows and flourishes.

Like a bright star
Let it shine with happiness
She is the warmth of her parents
Adds health.

We congratulate you with your daughter,
We wish her to be healthy
Grow in love, care, affection,
Far from crying so that the eyes!

So that the laughter of the baby is cordial,
For the child to grow up obedient.
So that mom and dad rejoice,
Loved your daughter!

Grow, rejoice, love,
Take care of your blood
Cherish, cherish, adore
Raise a worthy child!

Baby girl, star
came into your life.
May this daughter
Brought happiness.

To calmly, happily
You have always lived.
And sadness did not know that
Never in life.

To grow for your joy
Little daughter.
And live in peace
All of you, day and night.

And new hopes
We all wish you.
Be you happy
Congratulations on your daughter.

I want to congratulate you
With the birth of an angel.
May the family be happy
With the acquisition of a daughter.

I wish you fewer tears
More impressions.
And the sun, grass, bright stars,
Great love moments.

Let my daughter grow up healthy
She lives like in a fairy tale.
Let it be cute and fun
Nurture her with kindness.

Now a miracle day and night
Will delight the whole house -
Congratulations on your daughter
We live for children.

Let your princess grow
In kindness, in love, in comfort,
Let the days become more interesting
And happier - minutes!

Here is another flower.
Bloomed on your window
Daughter was born today
A man has come into the world!

The sun smiled happily
And she was blessed.
In the sky the star woke up
She lit the way for her life.

Let her days run
In joy, warmth and light,
And cheeks are full of health,
The world will greet with kindness!

Everything around has changed
You have a daughter.
Happiness came to the house with her
And spiritual warmth.

Sleeping so sweetly in a blanket
Happy dad, happy mom.
Grandmothers do not have a soul
Grandparents protect.

May fate smile on her
Everything is always easy
May the Lord keep her
From diseases and insults.

The princess came to life
A parent's dream come true!
At the moment when it first appeared,
A star lit up in the sky.

May it be kind, sweet, glorious,
You have a wonderful girl.
Let it give loved ones happiness, joy
And impressions every hour.

Happiness appeared in the house -
You have a girl born.
Your little miracle
Everyone in the world will be more beautiful.

We wish you to be happy
Smart, happy and sweet.
And parents - patience,
God's blessing.

A small tender lump
Today was born
With the cherished birth of a daughter
Your world has changed forever.

Let the cute baby grow
Healthy and very beautiful
Will be a little tricky
And the most happy in the world!

Daughter was born today
Like a scarlet flower
How cute -
Cheeks, lips, nails,
Just a pure angel.
The most beautiful!

You grow up big baby
We will give you a bear
He will be friends with you
And live in the corner of the crib.

Will protect your dream
And drive away sorrows.
So that you do not know worries
Bloomed for everyone's joy.

You have a daughter today
Good friend, born
Congrats on every line!
May there be great passion in the family

As before, flourishes
Today I wholeheartedly
I only wish the best
Your daughter is golden!

There is great joy in your family,
Your daughter is born!
And we have to congratulate you
And wish her the best!
Let life give the little one
Everything that is good…
Let her grow good
Obedient, smart, not sick.
To light up with a smile
More often a dear face ...
And everything in the world succeeded
Proud to be herself!

In a young family, a holiday -
There is a bowl of salad on the table.
And I raise my glass
For your girl. Wish:

So that parents always
They only said "yes"
To the wishes of a girl.
Mother, bake more buns!

And about this
Along the way, let the big
Your girl will pass
And may you find success in life!

Mommy's holiday today
The stork brought her daughter.
And kiss the girl on the nose.

Such rosy cheeks
I so want to touch again.
And fingers and nails
Kiss all day long!

Today is a holiday for all of us
A beautiful girl was born to you
Let it grow big and smart
Of course healthy and reasonable

She will give only joy
Even though it's a fragile little
When will he learn to walk
Helps clean and cook.

She will become a famous singer
Maybe the best model
All of this will still happen
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter.

A new man is born
Daughter, girl - that's joy!
Parents worries forever
And old people - happiness for old age.

Let your sun rise
Beautiful, smart, kind, honest.
Healthy, strong, interesting,
And life will be as sweet as honey.

Grow up - find a match for the groom.
Life loves, let everything work out
More often enjoys life and laughs.
And never let it give up!

In the nursery in the morning the cat washes -
The day begins with good omens.
The sun was rising - and the baby girl
She was born at seven forty-five!

May she live light in this world,
After all, according to signs, without unnecessary hassle
The morning girls succeed.
The cat purrs - the hostess is waiting!

A daughter appeared in the house,
Like a star lit up.
I assure you exactly
She was born for happiness.
You just help her
Knowing the best in life
Love her with all your heart
Learn to understand.

Today a baby was born
The one with her whole life ahead of her.
She still has a smile on her lips,
May it be easy for her on the path of life.
Let's raise a glass dear ones
And let's say two words, but with a pure soul:
Let her horizons be different in life
They will open, but with a great prospect!

Daughter is bows, skirts and ruffles,
Dolls and candy wrappers, bright toys.
Daughter is tenderness, mother's lipstick,
Female gloss in appearance and soul joy.
Let the daughter shine in your house with the sun,
Let adults and children admire her.
Let her be a helper, a good housewife,
Clever, beautiful, but not arrogant!

It's good that a man appeared
The one who does not judge in life.
The one who has his entire "Indian age"
Fit, hug, snuggle.
Your daughter is an unearthly happiness,
Thank God be you!
Let neither grief nor bad weather touch you,
May your cherished dreams come true!

How good is that!
You can immediately see - all in the father.
Wise mind from the beginning.
People tell the truth
Daughters - dads continued!
Accept congratulations.
You are now a father - a hero!
Angel next to you.
Let your daughter spread her wings
And rise above the ground.
Give her abundance
Open your heart to her.

In your little family
A miracle will come to our world -
In my native land now
Beauty will live!
You are a lot of guests
Every day surrounded by:
Everyone is touched by her -
Everyone is delighted with my daughter!

Noise around, fun, din, what happened here?
Then our dear daughter was born!
We carry congratulations on this lovely day,
Your house will light up with a wonderful face!
Let songs, screams, jokes sound in your house,
Let the baby love you every minute!
Let the rays of her love illuminate you,
Let smiles and kindness multiply!


Congratulations on the birth of a girl

The stork brought happiness to the house
Miracle in pink booties.
Millions of scarlet roses
To the legs of a small candy.

Let on the path of life
She is lucky.
And everything is always lucky.
Only in this way, and not otherwise.

Congratulations on the birth of a baby girl

Happy birth of daughter
I congratulate you!
You will become parents
The highest class!

Get ready to welcome
Sleepless nights with her
And lull, caress
Your little pooch!

Congratulations on the birth of a girl in verse

Your daughter was born -
Like a pure diamond!
And now awaits you
Happy starfall days!

Let her grow like a princess
Protects mom and dad
Let it get smarter, get better
Every happy year!

Beautiful congratulations on the birth of a girl

Another beautiful princess
Reappeared in this world
She looks at the world with interest,
And feels the love of parents.
I congratulate you and wish you
So that my daughter grows up beautiful!
To wake up, feeling happiness,
And most importantly, she was healthy!

Touching congratulations on the birth of a girl

The beautiful sun came out
You have a wonderful daughter!
I wish the best only happens
Let passion continue to reign in the relationship,

You give birth to more healthy children,
And let the best in life happen!
Everything will come true in your family, know this -
Let happiness flow over the edge!

Congratulation verse on the birth of a girl

Congratulations on the birth of a GIRL
And we wish happy parents
Be a good, caring mother
Best friend, father-patron!
Let the baby grow up surrounded
Endless love and attention!
Learn your best skills
Understanding life and knowledge!

Congratulations on the birth of a girl to tears

Life will change from now on
And spring will come to your house!
By the great power of God
The girl has come!

Let my daughter grow up healthy
In the house - peace and grace!
And with the birth of a sweet daughter
I will never stop congratulating you!

Beautiful verse-congratulations on the birth of a girl

Today in your house - happiness.
You've had a daughter.
And if mom has dresses,
No wonder she kept you!

And be very gentle to her,
And be sensitive to your daughter.
Then she once, for sure,
Wear heels for sure!

Happens more often let fun
In your apartment, day after day.
And there is no doubt about it!
You are with your daughter! We live happily!

Cool congratulations on the birth of a girl

Waiting for diapers, undershirts,
Your daughter was born!
He stretches his arms towards you,
Wants to eat right now!

Will grow up very soon
Marry, say, get out,
I am 3 years old - I can do everything,
I'm walking in heels!

Short congratulations on the birth of a girl

A tiny pen grabbed a finger
And the soul, like a bird rushed to the sky,
There is no happier moment in life
May your daughter grow up soon.

SMS congratulations on the birth of a girl

The fragrance of a new flower blossomed,
This little girl was born today.
Mom and dad - a feast for the eyes, a little sweetness,
Let it grow and let it bring only joy to your life!

Congratulations on the birth of a girl in prose

A wonderful girl has been born! And we congratulate her parents:
now they will never be bored. After all, the little princess will not give
they get bored. We wish parents that their family is strong, so as not to
neither they nor the little baby got in trouble! Let life
she will be long and happy, may she always please her relatives
beauty, mind, good character! May your wonderful family have everything
shaping up very well! Please accept our congratulations as a token of our sincere

Congratulations on the birth of a girl in your own words

Nine months flew by like one day and you can already safely
congratulate young parents on the replenishment, and the world - the appearance of a new
beauties. Let everything work out in the life of your princess, health
will be strong, and fate will be easy.

Parents with the birth of a daughter

Congratulations to parents on the birth of their daughter

The baby was born.
May happiness always be with her!
Parents dream come true
Another star has risen.

Let it grow, not knowing the troubles,
And joy in the house radiates,
And the pleasant light of angels
Protects her all her life.

Well, parents now
I wish you patience
Trouble pleasant because you have
There will be many, no doubt!

Congratulations on the birth of a daughter to parents

Young parents have an assistant growing.
In twelve months she will be exactly one year old.
She will learn everything - you only give time!
And it doesn’t matter that my daughter has a small sprout!

She is more beautiful for mom and dad than all children
And every minute it grows older.
We wish you, parents, not to rush the clock,
And in peace and harmony all this year to live!

Congratulations on the newborn daughter to parents

Closer there are no people in the world,
Than our own children!
Life without them is boring, dull,
It doesn't make sense, it's positive.

Let the house be filled
Children's laughter sparkles in it!
Congratulations to you and your daughter!
We share your joy!

Congratulations on the newborn daughter to parents

Birth is like a star
That lit up again in the night.
Beautiful, like a rose
The girl was born.

Let it grow healthy
Beautiful, simple.
And life suddenly becomes new.
And so fresh!

We give congratulations
We are so happy for you!
wonderful moments
Sometimes close at times!

Congratulations on the newborn to parents

Congratulations on the birth of a daughter to parents in verse

It became more for the princess
Here in your family.
Let her life be
A full, sweet bowl.

Let it always please
Only mom and dad.
Be smart and healthy
In general, the very best.

Congratulations on the birth of a daughter to parents in verse

Are you happy today
The world has become bigger, brighter and brighter,
And your family has grown by one man.
May your daughter grow up healthy
Pleases both mother and father,
Sweet as a little flower
Bring you endless joy!

Congratulation verse to parents on the birth of their daughter

Angelic face, pink ribbon!
A lovely daughter was born to you!
Let your baby be cheerful, affectionate!
Pleases with a smile and shining eyes!
We wish the girl to be always healthy,
Kind and gentle, give warmth to everyone!
Well, for parents, a new life has come,
After all, with the birth of your daughter, happiness has come to you!

Congratulation verse on the birth of a daughter to parents

little asterisk
Suddenly lit up in the sky
And you have today
The daughter was born.

It will be like a star
She shines on you
Make mom and dad happy
And give love.

Beautiful congratulations on the birth of a daughter to parents

How many days spent waiting!
How much anxiety there was - and now
Your daughter, your creation,
The third day, how in the world he lives!

And the stars from heaven smile at her,
And from the neighborhood all at night
Quietly angels flock to the house
Rock her cradle!

Beautiful congratulations on the birth of a daughter to parents

Fate gave you the opportunity
Become parents again!
Children are not a problem
Children give us love!

The second daughter was born!
We congratulate you on this!
Let the sisters live together!
What else is needed for happiness?

Congratulations on the light birth!
Your daughter has already been born!
Let the rain and trouble pass by.
Let the smile sparkle sometimes.

Congratulations, we are doing
Everything worked out well for her.
Let fate move her feet
So that the heart is friends with the soul.

We want our daughter to grow up
But the child in the soul to live.
And so that the bottomless heart sang,
So that the bright face of goodness wins!

Touching congratulations to parents on the birth of their daughter

There is a new addition to your family!
Tears, smiles, excitement.
Feelings are mixed, the heart is a lump.
Your daughter was born today!

Sweet and very exciting
The girl is so amazing!
Dresses, shoes, bright bows -
Everyone comes home with gifts.

Let the beautiful daughter grow
Does what she likes.
May her life path be bright.
The girl is a gift!

Funny congratulations to parents on the birth of a daughter

For the best young parents,
Who fulfilled his civic duty
Added inhabitants to the state,
Everything was done with high quality, on time.

Through the efforts of the jeweler dad,
I took beauty from my mother,
The daughter turned out to be famous,
Peace, happiness and kindness to you!

Funny congratulations to parents on the birth of a daughter

There is a holiday in the house, jubilation,
Pride - dad, joy - mom.
Who's sniffing in the corner there?
Newborn daughter!

I wish you good health!
Let the daughter grow stronger, prettier;
Angel standing at the head
Sleep keeps, care warms.

Tears often don't shed
Teeth are cut without pain;
All steps are easy.
And have more patience!

Short congratulations to parents on the birth of their daughter

We congratulate you on the birth of your daughter,
We envy you, maybe even we.
Now dolls, bows and just flowers
They will “tie” all of you hand and foot.

Short congratulations to parents on the birth of a daughter

There is a new addition to your family - a daughter!
There is no more tender, more beautiful flower!
May it only bloom with happiness,
It only smells of love!

SMS congratulations to parents on the birth of a daughter

Recently, your house lit up with happiness,
After all, it now sounds like a baby's laughter!
Let the daughter grow and have fun
And it will be a consolation for everyone!

SMS congratulations to parents on the birth of a daughter

With the birth of a child, with a new life
Solemnly I hasten to congratulate you,
Let your daughter grow up healthy
And let you be happy every hour!

Congratulations to parents on the birth of their daughter in prose

The breeze of love brought you a little angel, which means that someone
bless you in heaven. Your daughter is that beautiful little man,
which opened the doors to a new wonderful world of love and tenderness. This
the universe of the Princess from bright bows, fluffy dresses and sparkling
rhinestone will decorate your home in a way that real kings and queens will
just envy! We wish you a fabulous wealth of happiness in your dowry

Congratulations to parents on the birth of a daughter in prose

Your recipe for happiness was embodied in the spark of life of a little daughter.
You are excellent chefs who have managed to create a masterpiece from hot
love. Now you can season it with a bouquet of care, unique
aroma of attention, generously sprinkle with spices for gifts and add
a drop of the essence of education. Exquisite zest of mutual understanding will give
you the opportunity to always enjoy the unique taste of the holiday

Congratulations to parents on the birth of their daughter in their own words

This sweet baby won your souls with her smile, from day one
acquaintance. May she also easily conquer her happy life
the hearts of all the people she meets.

Congratulations to parents on the birth of a daughter in their own words

The birth of a child is the greatest miracle that can happen in
human life. Just think, a year ago you only dreamed
become parents, and today you can't imagine how you lived
without your precious little one! We wish you wisdom, strength and
patience, and your baby health, fewer tears and more smiles!

Congratulations on the birth of a daughter in verse for mom

I hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart:
Your princess has been born!
Let her grow healthy
He will take the best from mom and dad.
Let it be smart, kind and beautiful,
And let her life be happy.
May your daughter be the best
And makes mom and dad happy all the time.

Dad's princess, mom's joy!
There is nothing more to wish for in life.
Sweet palms, warm cheek ...
You have a little girl in your life!
Let it grow to the joy of mom and dad.
Let her put on shoes and a dress!
So that the sun shines over her all the time,
So that in this life everything is possible!
And now let mom and dad sleep at night,
So that you can relax a little yourself!
Rejoice, guys, every little step!
You have a little girl in your life! A star lit up in the sky
And flashing merrily.
Your daughter was born
Let her year after year
It's getting prettier.
Healthy, smart grows
And it will be your happiness. Daughter is a great happiness,
Sweet, bright, very dear.
I wish my parents happiness, success,
And my daughter has more joy and laughter.
Let it grow big and beautiful,
Kind, beautiful and sweet,
Healthy and happy
Successful and loved by all! Congratulations on your birth
Little princess.
Joy in a dress with lace
Settled in the heart.
At least there will be more work
Dad for outfits
Everything will pay off with love
In daughter's eyes.
Let a healthy baby grow
Everyone for a look.
And will always be by her side
Happiness and luck. Congratulations mom and dad
You are now rich!
In your house, like a bell,
A voice appeared.
Delicate little flower.
Warm, soft lump.
There is no more beautiful flower
What a lovely daughter!
May she grow beautiful.
Both healthy and happy.
Let it always please
Mom and dad and yourself! Small hands, chubby cheeks,
This cute angel is your daughter!
I want to congratulate you on your little sweetheart,
Wish you good health, beautiful girl.
Let the baby grow, only in love and affection,
Pamper your daughter and read fairy tales.
On this day, today, your angel was born,
And your life has meaning! Congratulations on your newborn daughter.
Let the beauty, healthy grow,
Let parents and loved ones touch
Every single day, year after year!
May fate keep her, baby,
May the stars bless her.
Mom and dad will have to sleep sensitively,
But they will be a hundred times happier.
There is a new man in your house,
You have more joy.
May this joy be eternal:
For the soul, for the heart and for the eyes. Little sun,
sweet candy,
Sweet baby
In tiny booties.
The joy of mom and dad
The meaning of life is the main
Be healthy, strong
Nice and funny.
May you be your angel
carefully stores,
And in a wonderful family
Let happiness reign! Congratulations on the addition!
We believe very much, with the advent
Clockwork such a girl
Every day of yours will be sonorous.
Joy - more than enough!
And let the daughter
Makes you happy and invigorates
Surprise a lot of people
Let it be beauty
... let her happiness come.
Is there a more beautiful princess?
Smile, it's yours! You have great happiness in your family -
Now you have a daughter!
Let bad weather pass by
Smiles will be countless.
Let the baby grow up to be a beauty
As a mother, it will be good.
And let, like dad, be brisk,
Let there be a good soul! Congratulations on the birth of your daughter
And from the bottom of my heart I want to say:
I wish her to be healthy
She does not know sadness in life.
Let your daughter be like a princess
Let beauty captivate the whole world.
Let her be happy. And point.
And let fate not know troubles. Congratulations on your new life!
You gave birth to your daughter today.
May you be healthy and happy
May the sun always shine on her.
Let the daughter give joy
In the house, let only laughter sound,
Every day let the baby surprise
May your appetite be good.
We wish warmth and light to our daughter,
Let the fire burn in her eyes.
We wish you not to wake up at night,
Gently squeezing your hand. With a newborn princess
We congratulate you
Let the little daughter
Grows and flourishes.
Like a bright star,
Shines with happiness
And the warmth of parents
Adds health. Today you have a princess
Unusual beauty, well, just heavenly!
She is your sunshine and your joy,
She is your pride, love, your weakness!
Let it be the most happy,
A healthy girl, loved by all.
Grows to your joy, in love and harmony,
I wish happiness to all your family! On your family, wonderful holiday
I'll write two lines for you.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Me with the birth of my daughter!
A lot of worries await you -
Nipples, undershirts!
Mom is happy, dad is proud -
A girl is born!
Let her grow healthy
Let it become happy!
A sea of ​​joyful moments
She will deliver to you! A small star lit up in the sky
Your little daughter was born.
Sweet creature, so gentle
May she grow up with you as a great smart girl!
Clever-reasonable, real beauty,
The star will be bright, bright and shiny.
Let him warm everyone with his light and warmth,
And the love in your family does not weaken! The birth of a child is happiness
The daughter is the comfort of the family.
Let her bad weather go around
And her life flows in love.
The baby has a long way to go:
Grow, grow more and more.
You are happy now, which means
You can give her happiness. Everything around has changed
You have a daughter.
Happiness came to the house with her
And spiritual warmth.
Sleeping so sweetly in a blanket
Happy dad, happy mom.
Grandmothers do not have a soul
Grandparents protect.
May fate smile on her
Everything is always easy
May the Lord keep her
From diseases and insults. I congratulate you on the appearance of a small miracle,
From now on, your nights will not be calm.
From now on, talk is about diapers, diapers.
I congratulate you on the birth of a girl.
Daughter is pride, daddy's smile.
A daughter is a compliment to her mother.
Daughter is the most priceless wealth,
The daughter is the herald of family changes.
After all, in your apartment - dolls and toys,
Balls, pictures, ribbons, flowers.
Dresses, socks, booties, undershirts
Everything for a newborn daughter-dream. With a long-awaited miracle,
heavenly joy,
a wish come true,
Adorable daughter!
magical tenderness,
incomprehensible mystery,
Beauty of the soul
The light is extraordinary.
Let the years fly
Merry crowd,
Happiness to your daughter
Live bright destiny! The main dream came true -
You have a daughter.
We hasten to rejoice with you,
Wish health to daughter, mother!
Life has a new meaning.
Don't let the optimism fade away
So that my daughter could see
Mom's happy eyes.
Here are some helpful tips for parents:
Make life as interesting as possible
Like in a fairy tale daughter to grow up.
She was a kind, sweet girl. Dolls, bows, flowers
You will soon become familiar
After all, your daughter was born -
An hour for extraterrestrial happiness!
Let the baby be healthy
Papa pleases, and mom,
Cry just a little
And let it become a beauty! We congratulate the family
Yours with addition!
And we want to be in love
Eternal without a doubt!
Let your daughter be
Healthy and cute.
Let it grow wiser from year to year
And you are always happy.
We wish you patience
Strength, warmth,
So that you can educate
A daughter of marvelous beauty. Dear Mom, Dad,
We heartily congratulate you.
And so that my daughter grows
Coloring, of course!
To be a princess
To be sweet to everyone
To daughters loud laughter
Gave you joy and success!
And a great mind
I achieved everything myself!
Let the girl be the best.
And pleases you: mom and dad! What a miracle, what a fairy tale
There is a wheelchair in the room.
She has a beautiful baby
And a dummy sticks out in the mouth.
Dad welcomes you
Mom, daughter congratulations.
I wish you a daughter
She was sweet and moderately brisk.
May her laughter always sound
The bell rings.
Be nicer in the world
Everyone is more beautiful and kinder!
I wish at this hour
To be an ornament for us.
Be happy and successful
Be as beautiful as the sun!
Be beautiful, sweet, gentle,
Be like daddy - diligent.
Be good like mommy
And always be pretty! Congratulations on a new life
And let the daughter grow
Sweet, kind and healthy
Every day, year after year.
When the big one grows
To be a beauty
And today we wish
So that you only bring joy. The girl is a delicate flower
Dad's pride and mom's joy
So let the world be not cruel to her,
To feel its sweetness!
Let the baby grow up fast
And neither in winter nor in summer do not get sick,
To save your beauty
At least this mortal world! Today is the best holiday
You finally waited
And a little bundle of happiness
My sister brought it to the room.
May everything be nice for you
Let a healthy daughter grow.
You will be the best mom
And we will try to help. Today you became a mother -
Your dreams have come true!
You hold your daughter in your arms
You see the world in small eyes!
Let it grow healthy
Love and happiness will find!
Give her tenderness and warmth
Great cleanliness! Daughter is happiness unreal,
Only real, literal.
Little, gentle princess,
So much love and interest in her!
I congratulate my mother today
I wish my daughter good health
So that you are always happy
So that loved ones love! You are the queen today!
All flowers at your feet!
Take it boldly
Congratulations hurricane!
All of them are rightfully yours
You became a mother today!
You gave birth to a daughter -
Gave new life! A new flower has blossomed on earth,
A new child has appeared in the family,
A pretty daughter was born
Mom is waiting for her baby!
I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart
To be always good with your daughter,
Wishing you lots of fun and happiness
There is great joy in life! I wish your daughter
Be beautiful like flowers.
Well, my mother is young
I will say this advice:
Don't spoil your child
Always be strict, though -
Hide a bag of sweets in the closet
And feed the kids!
Sing songs, looking at the night,
May your daughter sleep sweetly.
And let the white light know
There is no better mom than you! I congratulate you on the birth of your daughter!
You are the best in the world, you will become a kind mother!
The little princess is always warm,
So that she was calm, well!
She will stretch out her hands to you soon,
Attentively all fairy tales will listen!
Let heaven give her talent
And eternal faith in magical things! What a beauty you have given birth to!
The princesses are green with envy!
She, like Thumbelina, is small in stature,
But how much energy in a tiny body!
Already learned to blow bubbles
And even sleep in a crib.
And it seems to me - to her in three days
Fans will give away chocolates! My mommy!
The family has grown:
You gave birth to my sister -
And I wish you
In all matters of consent,
reciprocity, love,
And a lot of happiness
Be healthy! Mommy's holiday today
The stork brought her daughter.
Hurry with congratulations all at once,
And kiss the girl on the nose.
Such rosy cheeks
I so want to touch again.
And fingers and nails
Kiss all day long!

Touching congratulations on your daughter's birthday

There is nothing more joyful for me than this occupation -
Braid pigtails in bows vying,
Inhale your favorite gentle scent,
And dress up with silks of the best dresses!

I love you, daughter, here are my hugs!
Today the angel of your birth came
He messed up your hair,
And he brought my mother's kiss on the lips!

Let's dress up and have fun!
After all, this wonderful day does not happen without ...
fun games, gifts, cake and cherished
desires. Taste and fashion change, appear
new friends ... And you, as always, are full
exciting expectations ... After all, you are the whole year
was waiting for this day. Happy birthday!!!

Happy birthday, my daughter,
I heartily congratulate you!
May the road be easy
For life, my girl!
May every day be wonderful
And the sun shines for you
Bring good always to people
Live well, love life!

Happy birthday dear daughter.
Happy Valentine's Day, my girl.
Childhood ends like a line
On the page of the book of life.
You are now rarely with us,
You have joined the student lifestyle.
Without you, our house is like a cage,
From which the bird flew away.
And my heart breaks for you
I'm waiting for your calls in the evenings.
How do you live there, in the city
Without my hot cakes.
Kind, good, dear -
What do we want to wish you?
To go, not knowing the need for anything,
By study, life and destiny.
Believe in yourself - and that you are ignorant,
And once outside your window
Scarlet sail - a spark of hope
You will see in the icy sea.
Maybe not at the end of the world
Maybe close by, just take a look
Your long-awaited prince is walking somewhere,
And see you soon, just a little.

Our daughter, you are the most beautiful of all!
We say without exaggeration:
You win any race
Congratulations on your birthday!
You will conquer all with kindness
And you will warm with a bright smile.
You will create your own beautiful world.
You can do anything, daughter, you can do anything.
We want you to win
But - not by force, but by warmth and light.
Listen to dad, and of course - mother.
Win mental victories!

May our daughter always
Friends welcome you with joy!
And a guiding star
Leading towards the holidays!

Who was born on this day
All the more beautiful in the world?!
Let's say: - Daughter, it's you.
Joy, our happiness.

For you all over the earth
The sun shines brighter.
There is no better daughter, believe me
On the big planet.

Let everything go well always
The world is laughing at you
Everything you want
It succeeds quickly.

Happiness, joy, love,
Life without error.
Let everything bloom around
From your smile

My dear kitten, my daughter,
You are my blood, I love you!
And I want to congratulate you on the holiday now,
Today, dear, you were born with us!
May there be happiness and success in life,
We know, of course, you are the most beautiful of all!
You grow beautiful, and be loved,
And don't forget your mother, dear!

There are many children-daughters in the world,
But if you put it on the scales,
Only you are the only flower
Magical, unearthly beauty!
You are our life, you are our happiness,
Like the world, unique, daughter ...
You are late if you are an hour -
Flies in the excitement of the heart away!
Let it be just a wish
But we repeat again and again:
You have more happiness, light,
Warm, good. One Love
Keeps you warm!
And there is no higher happiness!

Our girl was born
Just the sun, shall we say.
There were snot and diapers
Running and mess.
So what? But what
Pleasure to know
What is this beauty
We have been able to educate.
Just a song, not a girl
Just gold and treasure!
And the birds sing about it
And the whole world is happy today
Because the birthday
She just arrived.
Well, daughter, congratulations,
Let everything be "class" in life!

Happy birthday, beautiful daughter!
Let your eyes shine with love
And let everything work out for you
Happiness to you and health!
I wish you success
May you always succeed!
And in my soul your every success
Will respond with joy!

Congratulations on mobile new!!!

(daughter) Happy birthday, sweet joy! - poetry

Happy birthday, daughter - poems

I sing in your ear: Happy birthday! - song

Happy birthday, sunshine!
My daughter
All that is good
I wish.

soft hairs,
Pink cheeks.
You grow to my joy
Little daughter.

Happiness and health,
A million toys.
And not necessarily
Be completely obedient.

Stretch my hands
And laugh out loud.
God! save you
My child.

We wish my daughter dear
Good health without measure,
All earthly blessings to you alone,
Great love, hope, faith!

Daughter, happy holiday to you!
Be forever as good
And make yourself fall in love
But never fall in love!

Live like a swallow.
Don't forget about mom
Today together we will celebrate -
Come on, daughter, pour!

Daughter, you are beautiful, reasonable,
And you deserve all the praise!
Congratulations come in the morning
They take the smile of your lips!

Oh, the willows bowed
Yes, over the fast river.
Looking into the reflection
Smiled at the clear water.

Smiled at the clear water,
Yes, congratulations
Happy birthday to my daughter
Much joy was desired.

Wished a lot of joy
So that there is health in life.
From adversity and misfortune,
To keep her fate.

To keep her fate
Gently embraced with silk.
No separation, no sorrow
On the way she did not meet.

On the way she did not meet
No enemies, no evil people
Only luck, yes wealth
Arrived at home soon.

Arrived at the house soon
Yes, they stayed there forever.
And random grievances
Forgotten instantly.

You are our sun, dear daughter.
Today you have become an adult, big.
We raised you with tenderness and affection,
So that life will remain a fairy tale tomorrow.
Remember the good, rejoice in the moments.
Happiness and health, we believe in you so much!

Joy, love, problems,
Buddy circle rules
Only at home, all topics are open,
Remember: Mom is your best friend.

If somewhere suddenly there is no understanding,
Lack of experience and words -
Use mine, I'm all ears
Ready to give you one.

I will always understand you, dear,
You are very much like me
I don't know your more important things,
Tell me, daughter, mother will help.

You are a year older
I want to get even closer
You and me, because there is no dearer of us,
You and I are pages of the same book.

Happy birthday, dear daughter!
Be even more beautiful than before!
I'm happy today, you know
Because you are my hope!

Congratulations on your daughter's birthday in prose

Happy birthday to daughter in prose

Our priceless treasure! On your birthday, we want you
wish: let your life be a beautiful fairy tale, let it be on the way
only truly worthy people come across, let everything work out and
everything comes out, let dreams become reality, let decisions always
will be right, actions are balanced, thoughts are pure, and victories
shiny! Our pride, our joy, our happiness, daughter, with
Happy Birthday!

My daughter, you have become quite an adult. look at you alone
pleasure - because you are beautiful! Your beauty is complemented by the most
high spiritual qualities. I wish all your girlish dreams come true
dreams and you will definitely meet your fairy prince! With day
Birth dear!

Happy birthday greetings to daughter in prose from mom

Dear daughter! I clearly remember the day when I was born
angel. I always knew that you would grow up beautiful, smart and
talented, that you have enough strength and diligence to find your
path in life, and that you will definitely be happy. On this day
birthday, I want to say that I wish you to become more year by year
more beautiful and happier, may sadness never look into your family,
and in the windows of your house, the sun always shines!

Happy birthday greetings to my daughter in prose from dad

Dear daughter, when you smile, my heart fills
light, and when you laugh, a bright light fills my soul, your
happiness will make my world beautiful and sparkling. Happiness to you, my
good, love and warmth in everything.

We congratulate you with your daughter,
We wish her to be healthy
Grow in love, care, affection,
Far from crying so that the eyes!

So that the laughter of the baby is cordial,
For the child to grow up obedient.
So that mom and dad rejoice,
Loved your daughter!

Grow, rejoice, love,
Take care of your blood
Cherish, cherish, adore
Raise a worthy child!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter

Let for a pretty girl
The stars are shining in the sky!
Happy this wonderful holiday
We congratulate you today!

Let my daughter grow up happy
Cute, slim, flexible!
Let her cheerful disposition
Brightens up your face with a smile!

Congratulations on the birth of a daughter's child

beauty girl
Was born to you!
Everyone admires her
All are happy for you!

Let the little princess
Lucky in life!
Smart and pretty
Let her grow!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter in verse

Your happiness was born today
Your joy, tenderness is your daughter.
Let her not be touched by all the bad weather in life,
All bad things will go away.

I wish your pretty little baby
Don't be sad, don't cry, don't get sick.
So that life is like a fairy tale from a book,
So that the soul can always sing with happiness.

Congratulations on the birth of a daughter in verse

Not enough sun for a day like this
On this day it should blind!
Dear little darling!
How happy I am to love you.
So look, and everyone in the world rejoice -
A girl as beautiful as a dream.
small, cute, sweet,
Congratulations flow in unison.
Birthday - what could be more wonderful?
Yeah, baby won't understand now
That she is not more beautiful in the world.
May she grow beautiful...

Beautiful congratulations on the birth of your daughter

Congratulations on a new life
And let the daughter grow
Sweet, kind and healthy
Every day, year after year.

When the big one grows
To be a beauty
And today we wish
So that you only bring joy.

Beautiful congratulations on the birth of a daughter

As if the sky lit up -
Your daughter was born.
Let it grow beautiful, bold
And a skilled hostess.

Let her beady eyes
They glow with happiness, like in a fairy tale:
Fairy plume once touched -
The world turned to her kindly.

Let her be friends with happiness
Famously everyone's heads are spinning.
And success comes to her
The most faithful of friends.

Touching congratulations on the birth of your daughter

Congratulations on the birth of a girl,
Oh, what an unearthly joy you have,
Let it grow healthy for your happiness,
And let it be the happiest in fate!

Let the angel give her a clean, bright mind,
To be the most beloved on the planet!
May the world always give only warmth,
So that the sun clear protects her!

Touching congratulations on the birth of a daughter

Daughter appeared in life
Gave you joy.
Stretched, smiled
read through the eyes
That she is very loved
Why do you want daughters so much!
Congratulations on your accomplishment!
And in a great mood
We also wish replenishment,
All your plans for the implementation,
For the girl to grow
Brought a lot of happiness!

Congratulation verse on the birth of a daughter

Today a baby was born
Your sweet girl
Beautiful emotions bright flash
Today it rages through the cells.

She is so beautiful, let her be healthy
She has a very long life.
And let fate not strictly judge her,
She's an innocent child.

Verse - congratulations on the birth of a daughter

I congratulate you on the birth of your daughter!
The stork has brought you replenishment!
Accept these lines as congratulations,
I wish you more laughter, less tears!

Let your baby grow up
Let life go smooth on the road,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart today
May your daughter be lucky in the future!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter to tears

Daughter is a great happiness,
Sweet, bright, very dear.
I wish my parents happiness, success,
And my daughter has more joy and laughter.

Let it grow big and beautiful,
Kind, beautiful and sweet,
Healthy and happy
Successful and loved by all!

Congratulations on the birth of a daughter to tears

appeared in your house
Little miracle - daughter!
Let her grow happy
And beautiful as a flower!
You became parents
Be happy together!
So that now I do not know sadness
Your cozy, warm home!

Beautiful-verse congratulations on the birth of your daughter

With all the warmth, with all the love,
I congratulate you on your newborn.
I wish her good health, of course,
Heavenly beauty and only happy eyes.

So that all her dreams come true soon,
With herself, she made everyone happy.
Wishes, thoughts, goals all come true,
And there was always one success waiting for her everywhere.

Beautiful-verse congratulations on the birth of a daughter

Let your girl
You will be rewarded!
Mom's helper
And joy to dad!

With the birth of a baby
We congratulate you!
Your happiness family
We wish you big!

Cool congratulations on the birth of your daughter

Everyone is in a new rank today:
Mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather!
And ready to shout a hundred times:
Daughter, granddaughter - all over the world!
May she grow beautifully
Glorious, sweet, mischievous,
A little flirtatious, maybe
Playful and funny!
Let perky and happy -
Laughter does not stop in the house!!
The girl will become beautiful
In a word, it will be the best!

Cool congratulations on the birth of a daughter

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
Dresses and bows are waiting for you now,
Butterflies, princesses and flowers,
And with the coloring you are now on "You"!

You will have to sleep only after the fairy tale,
buy pink skirts...
But for those gentle eyes,
You will be ready to give everything!

Short congratulations on the birth of your daughter

Joy in your house today
Forever going to settle:
The best couple
Daughter was born!
Let you adversity
And let the baby grow
Healthy, naughty!

Short congratulations on the birth of a daughter

Miracle in pink diapers -
Long awaited girl!
Let the baby be
In your life a bright flash,
Joy, happiness will bring
And less hassle!

SMS congratulations on the birth of a daughter

“The appearance of a child is a miracle!” —
You can't argue with the statement.
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter
Your reliable and faithful friends!

SMS congratulations on the birth of a daughter

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
After all, your daughter-princess was born!
To your baby with great love
We wish you good health!

Congratulations on the birth of a daughter in prose

Congratulations on the birth of your treasure - your daughter. Let her grow up beautiful and smart to the delight of the whole family. May you be healthy and happy. To you, parents, we wish you great patience, strength and energy in raising your princess.

Congratulations on the birth of a daughter in prose

Dear (name of parents), your most secret dream has come true - you have become the parents of the most charming girl. Let your cutie grow and please you always with her smile. Let her be beautiful like mom and brave like dad. Happiness and all the best to your strong family!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter in your own words

Congratulations on the newborn! May she become a beautiful star in your family sky and always warm you with the bright light of love and kindness. Let your daughter grow up healthy, every day pleases you with her successes and become your pride.

The most touching, long-awaited and happy event in the family is the birth of a child. Words cannot explain how young parents feel on this day. Now their family has become richer by one little princess. To congratulate newly-made parents, choose cute and positive congratulations. And if you go to visit a newborn, then do not forget to buy a symbolic gift.

Waiting for diapers, undershirts,
Your daughter was born!
He stretches his arms towards you,
Wants to eat right now!
Will grow up very soon
Marry, say, get out,
I am 3 years old - I can do everything,
I'm walking in heels!

You are a great family!
And here are the lines for you.
Congratulations, friends
We are with the birth of our third daughter!
Three beautiful sisters
Fill your life with meaning!
Stars, looking from above
All desires will be fulfilled!

Your sweet princess
Was born into the world!
Like an angel, lovely
Like a delicate flower!
New life is coming
Happiness will settle in the house!
Let my daughter grow up
Real beauty!

Great joy: children in the house,
Especially - such a miracle!
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter
And now I will wish you.

Let her grow beautiful
Like a ray of sunshine on a clear day
May her life flow happily
Worries will not touch even a shadow.

Let friends accompany
Her on the path of life.
And all the hardships and sorrows
They can get around together.

Congratulations! With daughter, father!
Your wife is smart! Well done!
Let the baby be like a mother,
And you will help her to become happy.

Your choice came to our liking,
And your daughter is already like a native.
Dude, we're happy! What to say...
By the way, do you know how to cook porridge?

May the guardian angels
Keep your baby
I wish you, mommy
Don't scold her too much!

Toys and laughter
Beloved house let it fill
cherished desires
Let yours be fulfilled!

I congratulate you on the birth of your daughter!
The stork has brought you replenishment!
Accept these lines as congratulations,
I wish you more laughter, less tears!
Let your baby grow up
Let life go smooth on the road,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart today
May your daughter be lucky in the future!

The baby has been born!
This event is priceless!
Live, we wish her a hundred years,
Happy years, by all means!

fairies of the meadow, fairies of the forest
Gathering for tea.
Our little princess
Celebrate birthday.

And over the cradle of the ray,
Rising in height
Fairies will bring gifts:
Kindness and beauty

And the love of kings and dukes.
And in everyday affairs
Golden heart to you
We wanted to wish.

A miracle happened! The daughter was born!
The world has changed! Sunny flower!
The tender little one will take power over everyone,
Helpless and tiny lump!
And soon it will ring for your joy,
How her silver bell babbles!
Let your memory carefully keep
A childish smile, perky laughter and Twitter!
I want to congratulate my parents
Today is the girl's birthday!
The whole family is very happy with the baby
And sends the best toys as a gift!

Tiny girl, little daughter
In a life novel, a chapter from a new line!
Let on the pages of this novel
Her life will begin with happiness without flaw!

congratulations on your birth
Miracle - a little crumb!
It will be a pleasure
Your turbulent era!

Look at the cute face:
Your child will grow up
And glorify the name
Your house will be more beautiful.

We wish mom again -
Be bright, be good
Send warmth, affection, love
On him - a baby!

Mom and dad in the joy of a baby girl,
She suits both a cap and a dummy!
Dad in admiration - happiness sleeps in the crib,
Like an angel, her dreams are so sweet!
Fairy tales to her beautiful, her best toys,
Bright gifts to her, a lot of girlfriends!
Let it grow fervent, sweet and beautiful,
Kind and sincere, smart and happy!

I congratulate you on the birth of your daughter!
You are the best in the world, you will become a kind mother!
The little princess is always warm,
So that she was calm, well!

She will stretch out her hands to you soon,
Attentively all fairy tales will listen!
Let heaven give her talent
And eternal faith in magical things!