Road rules for children of preschoolers. Recommendations for traffic rules for children Road rules for children of preschoolers

Scenario Open

intellectual Entertainment Games "Transport. Opening. Security ยป.

Objective: Continue to form knowledge of children about the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads;


Educational: consolidate knowledge about the rules of transition of pedestrians across the road, knowledge of traffic signals, road signs, pedestrian crossing, sidewalk;

intensify, enrich the vocabulary on the topic;

Developing: to develop interest in learning traffic rules;

Educational: bring up the skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads.

Equipment: envelope with letter, red, yellow and green mugs of thick paper, set of "Cars" cards, toy steering wheel, tape recorder, records of "Bibika" song, "Traffic light".

Inspector traffic police : Hello children! How to invent - who am I?

I am the Inspector of the traffic police, who carefully monitors the movement on the roads, so that the movement of transport and pedestrians is safe.

I came to you not with empty hands, but with the parcel. What do you think in it? Answers children

In the parcel there are envelopes with tasks for you. I want to make sure that in your kindergarten there are no such children who violate the rules of the road, playing the roadway, go the street to a red traffic light, do not know how to behave in public transport.

1 Envelope with riddles . TRANSPORT

- Guys, what city do you live in? What is it called?

Do you like to travel around the city with my mother or dad?

And where do you most often happen? (Answers of children: in the park, circus ...)

Our city is very beautiful: city streets are green, high houses, shops, wide roads, for which different cars, buses, trams, trolley buses, taxis.

Now we will check how you know our city transport.

1. What a miracle - rides a house

The windows are glowing around

Wears rubber shoes

And feeds gasoline.(Bus)

2 . Amazing car!

Judge himself

Rails in the air, and he

Holds them with hands.(Trolleybus.)

3. Does the rain happen

Four wheels

Tell me what is called

Such wonders? (Watering machine)

4. House Wonderful - Runner

On her eight legs.

Day day on the road

Running allest

By steel two snakes.(Tram.)

5. Brothers to visit gear

Machion hooked

And rushed into the path far

Only left smoke.(Train, wagons.)

6. On rubber go

All roads go

I'm on construction fit

I'm not afraid of work

All the ways are open to me

You are not on the way with me!(A car.)

How can you call all the words of the bend in one word?

- Correct transport.

And what types of transport do you know?

Children: -Air, sea, terrestrial, underground.

"And in any bad weather

Very fast per hour any

Conduct you underground "subway

Guys, have you ever traveled to the subway? What did you like most there? (Children's responses.)

The subway is an underground transport type, because it is underground. The subway is very fast transport, since there are no other machines under the ground, pedestrians, no road signs and traffic lights. Metro is very beautiful. Traveling in the subway, you must comply with the rules of behavior in public transport.

Guys, what are the rules of behavior in the subway you know? (Responses of children:hold on the handrails, do not talk loudly, listen carefully to the driver when he announces a stop, travel in transport only with adults.) That's right , guys.

When you come to the stop you need, the doors of the car are opened, the ladder-self-propeller awaits you ahead.("In the city of the staircase calls, everyone stands - she goes") . The staircase - self-propeller will help rise from under the ground to the city(Being on her, remember: you need to hold onto the railing and by the hand of an adult.) Traveling around the city, everyone can easily find the subway. Where there is a subway, there is a road sign (a person is depicted, which goes on the stairs down). This sign "Underground transition" (shows a sign).

Well done with this task you coped


"Rides, floats, flies."

The educator calls the type of transport, and the children performing movement, show how it moves.

2 envelope. TRAFFIC LIGHT

Guys, guess the riddle and you will learn who is the main assistant inspector traffic police

He is polite, and strict,

He is known for the whole world.

He is wide on the street

The most important commander.(Traffic light)

"Three multicolored circles

Flashing with each other.

Shine blink

People help "

Name their color.

Children:Red yellow green
Do you know what they indicate these 3 colors?Red - Leave Yellow - Wait, and green light - go.
(Traffic lights pronounced with children)

Traffic light: And now let's play. (Children stand in a rank in groups ) When I show the green light signal, everything is marched in place when yellow - clap your hands, and when red - stand motionless. He who confuses signal.Signals must change unexpectedly, after different intervals. The team wins, who will remain on the place of the participants to the end of the game.

3 envelope. Drivers and pedestrians

Inspector : - Guys, tell me, and who are pedestrians?Children: - These are people who turn the road. This is us.

Inspector : - That's right, this is me with you. After all, we all go through the streets: to school, to work, just walk. And road rules for whom exist?Children: - For cars.

Inspector : - not only for transport, but also for pedestrians and cyclists. There are rules and laws of behavior on the street and the road that you need to strictly observe. Of course, parents have already told you a lot about the duties of a pedestrian. Today we will talk about them and check your knowledge and even play. You are waiting for interesting tasks. What are you starting?

Where can I go through the road?Find and show the "Pedestrian Transition" sign

See what is your interesting track. What do you see?(Stripes)

- What color are they? (White)

- See what I have in my hands?Shows the children zebra-toy

- This is such a horse. On it, the strips are white and black, like on our track. This little horse with stripes is called Zebra. Repeat the name of the horse? (Children repeat)

- Our walkway in the same stripes as Zebra's horse, so it is also called Zebra. By such a track, you can go around the street when the traffic lights the green eye burns.

And what if there is no pedestrian crossing?

Inspector: - Then you need to look at both sides of the road to see if the cars are not moving. First we look left and, reaching the middle, we look right. The driving part should be well visible. If there are no cars or they are very far away, then you can go. And you only need to go straight.

Guys, you know many types of transport. And tell me which special purpose machines you know.Fire Machine, Ambulance, Police, Machines Translated Gasoline, Bread and others

Some of these machines are equipped with special sound signals "sirens". Drinking to the destination, the driver turns on the beacon and serves a beep.

Is it possible to move the street if the fire truck is quickly approaching, ambulance or other machine with lilac included and blinking blue - a red bearing on the roof?Inspector: - It is impossible, you must first give them the way to pass freely. After all, they hurry to help and at high speed.

And who do we call drivers?They manage cars.

True, drivers drive cars, they go along the big road.

Which of the standing cars are more dangerous than others? - Showing a car, bus, truck.

the one that is higher and longer: bus, truck, truck crane, etc. - They close the overview more and interfere with the approaching car

I was recently in a fabulous country of small little men, there cars ride the sidewalks, and pedestrians go on the road. How do you think it is right?

no, pedestrians should walk by sidewalks, and cars ride on roads

You lost a glove right on the middle of the road. What will you do?

you can not immediately lean and raise items.

What is the name of the intersection of two roads?Perekrestok

Why can not appear suddenly in front of closely going transport?Vehicles cannot immediately stop

Who should first get out of the bus - adult or you? From any vehicle, the first always comes out adult, then the child.

How do you need to go around the bus, in front or from behind?We must wait until he leaves

The game "Without which car does not happen?"

Children, two teams, become in a circle. The teacher holds a rod in his hand to regulate the road. He gives the child a rod and asks a question "Without which the car does not happen?". The child calls part of the car and transmits a rod to another child, etc. Loses the team, whose representative could not name the part of the car and did not pass the rod.

"Crossroads" game

4 envelope.The game "This is me, that's me, it's all my friends!"

I will read questions and if you agree with the statement, then speak the phrase together"This is me, it's me, it's all my friends ! ", And if you do not agree, silent. And now I will check you:

Which of you go ahead only where a pedestrian?

Who is Vatago cheer every day walks in kindergarten?

Who always goes forward, widespread mouth?

Who passes the car, MDD keeps everything?

Who walks without parsing to traffic lights?

Who is always in the tram closely inferior to the eldest place?

Who will go through the road only where the transition?

Who kicks the ball cheerful on the road in front of the house?

To ventilate in trolleybones,

Who and the head and the torso stumbled into the window?

Does anyone know that the red light is not the stroke?

Who runs forward so soon that he does not see the traffic light?

Does anyone know that the light green means the path is open?

Who near the roadway have fun chasing the ball?

Who drives the traffic police, does it seek about the order?

Can you play for children near the road?

Game "Perekrestok

For sale, children give you instruction:

Observe exactly the rules of movement,

So that parents are not worried every day,

So that drivers were calm.

Outdoor be attentive, children!

And firmly remember these rules!


The child learns the laws of roads, taking an example from family members and other adults. Especially the example of Pope and Mom teaches disciplined behavior on the road not only your child, but other parents.

Take care of the child!

Start with yourself.

Training rules of road traffic begins not when the child takes the first steps. Already much earlier, he remembers how his loved ones behave (as well as a positive and negative behavior). Therefore, the study of the rules of behavior on the road begins with how adults behave in similar situations - you yourself, your husband, grandfather and grandmother, brothers and sisters, and all, with whom your child can somehow come into contact. Before you first with a child in your hands or in a stroller cross the roadway, learn to behave outside the street as you would like to make your child.

Remember these simple rules rules:

* On the sidewalk should go as far as possible from the roadway;

* Moving the street, you should stop at the roadway and look left, then right and quickly left again;

* Start moving the street only with the green light of the traffic light;

* Street, go through the possibilities in safe places - at the traffic light, on the designated "zebra" transition or at least at the crossroads - drivers cars are more attentive here.;

* Never rush to the traffic thread of the head.

Best of all you will overcome your "inner breaking," if you, your relatives, friends and neighbors will mutually control each other. It is not necessary to refer to the first experience of mastering the rules of the road. Without this basis, you can not move on at all. Talk also with everyone who surrounds your child, how many responsibility today they can take on their behavior on the street. Specific hint: Whenever "caught" yourself for violation of the rules of movement, understand clearly, what a tiny gain in time you brought it.

In the younger preschool age, the child must learn:

* Traffic Laws;

* Road elements (road, driving part, sidewalk, sidebar, pedestrian crossing, crossroads);

* Vehicles (tram, bus, trolleybus, passenger car, truck, motorcycle, bike);

* road control means;

* Red, yellow and green traffic lights;

* Rules of movement on the roads and sidewalks;

* Rules for the transition of the roadway;

* Without adults, it is impossible to go on the road;

* Rules for landing, behavior and landing in public transport.

For this you need:

1. To acquaint with the rules only in the amount necessary for assimilation;

2. To get acquainted to use road situations when walking in the yard, on the road;

3. Explain what happens on the road, what vehicles he sees;

4. When and wherever you can move the roadway when and where it is impossible;

5. Point to violators of the rules, both pedestrians and drivers;

6. Teach the child with a bike ride rules (where you can drive, and where it is impossible, how to give signals about turning and stopped);

7. When you drive with a child on a bike, hold the back to control the child and celebrate its mistakes;

8. Fix the visual memory (where the vehicle, the elements of the road, shops, schools, kindergartens, pharmacies, pedestrian crossings, traffic lights, ways to safe and dangerous movement in kindergarten);

9. Develop a spatial representation (close, far away, on the left, right, in the course of the movement, rear);

10. Develop an idea of \u200b\u200bthe speed of movement of pedestrians (quickly rides, slowly turns);

11. Do not intimidate the child Street: the fear of transport is no less harmful than carelessness and inattention;

When leaving home

If the entrance of the house is possible to move, immediately pay attention to the child, there is no approaching transport. If the entrance has vehicles or trees are growing, suspend your movement and look around - there is no danger.

When driving on the sidewalk

Stick in the right side. Adult must be on the side of the carriageway. If the sidewalk is located next to the road, parents must keep the child by the hand. Teach the child, going on the sidewalk, carefully observe the departure of the cars from the courtyard. Do not teach children to go out on the roadway, strollers and sledges are only on the sidewalk.

Taking advantage of moving road

Stay, inspect the driving part. Develop an observation in the child for expensive. Stress your movements: turn the head for the inspection of the road. Stop for inspection of the road, stop for car pass. Teach the child to peer into the distance, distinguish the approaching machines. Do not stand with a child on the edge of the sidewalk. Pay attention to the child to the vehicle that is ready for turning, tell us about the signals of the rotation signs in the machines. Show how the vehicle stops at the transition, as it moves by inertia.

When moving the roadway

Go the road only on a pedestrian crossing or at the crossroads. Go only on a green traffic light signal, even if there are no cars. Going to the roadway, stop talking. Do not hurry, do not run, go through the road measured. Do not move the street at an angle, explain to the child that you can see the road so worse. Do not go to the roadway with the child because of transport or bushes, without examining the street. Do not hurry to go through the road, if on the other side you saw friends, the right bus, teach a child that it is dangerous. When switching to an unregulated crossroad, learn the child carefully follow the start of traffic. Explain to the child that even on the road, where there are few cars, it is necessary to go carefully, since the car can go from the yard, from the alley.

When landing and disembarking from transport

Get out the first, ahead of the child, otherwise the child may fall, run on the roadway. Come to the landing to the door only after a complete stop. Do not sit in transport at the last moment (can pinch the doors). Teach the child to be attentive in the stop zone is a dangerous place (a bad road overview, passengers can push the child to the road).

When waiting for transport

Stand only on the landing site, on the sidewalk or sidelines.

Skill of switching to the street: Going to the road, stop, inspect the street in both directions.

Skill of calm, confident behavior on the street: leaving home, do not be late, go out in advance so that with a calm walking to have a reserve of time.

Switching skill to self-control: The ability to monitor your behavior is formed daily under the guidance of parents.

Hazardize skill: The child must see with his own eyes, that for different objects on the street often hides the danger.

It is important that parents be an example for children in compliance with the rules of the road!

Do not rush, go through the road measured step!

Going to the roadway, stop the talkative of the child should get used to the way that you need to concentrate when moving the road.

Do not go through the road to a red or yellow traffic light signal.

Go through the road only in places marked by the "Pedestrian Transition" road sign.

From the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxis leave the first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run on the roadway.

Attract the child to participate in your observations on the situation on the road: Show it those cars that are preparing to turn, go at high speed, etc.

Do not go out with the child because of the car, bushes, without inspection of the road, is a typical error, and it is impossible to allow her children to repeat it.

Dedote a separate walk to the transition rules across the road. Check if your child correctly understands them, is able to use these knowledge in real road situations. To do this, practice together to move along the pedestrian crossing through the roadway with one-sided and double-sided movement, through the adjustable and unregulated intersection.

During the holidays, it does not matter whether your child will remain in the city or leave, it is necessary to use any opportunity to remind him of the rules of the road. Do not leave children unattended on the street, do not allow them to play close to the roadway.

Teach children from an early age to follow the rules of the road. And do not forget that a personal example is the most accuracy form of training.

Children's road traffic injuries is one of the most painful problems of modern society. Every year, tens of thousands of traffic accidents are committed on the roads of Russia with the participation of children and adolescents. Knowledge and observance of road rules will help form the safe behavior of children on the roads.

Objective of the project: give primary knowledge about the rules of behavior on the road; To acquaint with traffic lights and a pedestrian crossing.

Project tasks:
- create conditions for conscious study by children of traffic rules;
- to introduce children with the meaning of road signs, promote the ability of children to understand a schematic image for the right orientation on the streets and roads;
- to produce preschoolers a habit of correctly behaving on the roads;
- form a healthy lifestyle, prevention of road traffic injuries;
- develop the ability to practically apply the knowledge gained in the road transport environment;
- to educate in children of competent pedestrians;
- Intensify work on promoting road rules and a safe lifestyle among parents.

Project type: long-term, group, information-oriented.

Project participants: children of junior preschool age, parents of children, teachers.

Estimated result:
- conscious attitude to personal security and security issues;
- manifestation of discipline, excerpts, independence in compliance with the rules of conduct;
- the ability to foresee a possible danger, find ways to avoid it;
- Knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the roads of the city.
- to bring up a competent pedestrian;

Product of project activities:
- manufacture and purchase of attributes for games and benefits;

Stages of the project:

Stage 1 - Preparatory
- selection of material according to the rules of the road;
- viewing drawings, photos about road situations;
- view video;
- acquaintance with literary works;
- making didactic games on traffic rules;
- Use of didactic, table, print, movable, plot-role-playing games.

2 Stage - Creative:
- carrying out measures for the rules of the road;
- Foaming of didactic and moving games on traffic rules;
- solving game situations;
- training and educational games;
- reading fiction;
- modeling of the road situation;
- viewing illustrations, posters, visual benefits;
- watching television programs, videos, cartoons, theatrical representations on traffic rules;
- observation, target walks, excursions.

Tasks for training preschool children road rules:

I Junior Group

To form in children a spatial orientation.
To acquaint children with vehicles: truck and passenger cars, public transport.
Training distinguishing red and green colors.

Development Indicators:
Children distinguish, can call red and green.
There are bus, car and cargo machine.

II junior group
Improve orientation in the surrounding space.
Fasten the ability to distinguish red, yellow, green colors.
Continue to acquaint and recognize some types of transport.
Learning to determine and call out of which parts are cars (cab, wheels, windows, doors).
To acquaint children with the concepts: "Street", "Road", "sidewalk", "driving part"; with traffic light.
To acquaint children with the rules of behavior in public transport.

An abstract classes in 2 youngest group

Topic: "Acquaintance with Street"
Software content.
Clarify and expand the ideas of children about the street, road, sidewalk; about cargo and passenger cars; Give elementary knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street. Develop observation, children's activity in motion activities.

Structure occupation

Pooh "My Street"

Here at any time
Duty dexterous
He runs at once,
Who in front of him on the pavement.

No one can so
One movement of hand
Stop the flow of passersby
And skip trucks.

S. Mikhalkov

Familiar children with Street educator says: Look, what our street is wide, beautiful. There are many houses on it. There are a lot of cars on the road. Machines are different.
- What cars do you see?
(freight, passenger)
- What cars are called freight?
(Those who carry loads)
- Where are the cars going?
(On the way to)
The place where people walk are called the sidewalk. We are going on the sidewalk. Who remember.
- What is the name of the place where people go?

Now we know that cars go on the road, people walk on the sidewalk. "
The teacher offers children to look around and tell you what else they see on the street.
Draws attention to the guys for individual objects (at home, cars, etc.)

At the end of the class movable game "Sparobushki and car"

An abstract classes in 1 youngest group

Topic: "Magic lights"
Software content:
Teach children to distinguish colors: red, yellow, green.
To acquaint children: a) with traffic light; b) with road rules.
Teach children to move the road correctly.
Educate in children a sense of responsibility and obedience
Preliminary work:
1. Consider illustrations in books about traffic rules.
2. Reading poems and stories about traffic rules.
3. Show toy traffic light and examination of it.
4. Scene-role-playing game "Machine".
Three colors (red, yellow, green), three-color balls (red, yellow, green), toy-traffic light, doll, cat toy.

Structure occupation

Before children on the tables of a mug of three colors: red, green, yellow.

The educator proposes to take children to one mug: "Choose any. Who has what? "

Children take one mug and call it color. The tutor checks whether the children call the color of the mug. If a child is mistaken, then the teacher offers children to clarify the color of the mug chosen by the child.

Thus, the color of three circles is specified: red, yellow, green.

- Meow meow meow! - Murka's cat comes and brings multicolored balls in a basket.
- Balls are good!
Choose anyone who has what!

She asks to call children color balls.

Children take balls from the basket and call what color they are. If the children call the ball color correctly, then the dog is barking. And if they are mistaken, then the cat meows. (Exercise is repeated 2-3 times)

Mugs and balls Cat collects in the basket.

There is a knock at the door. The teacher with Murka offers children to see who it came. The children saw a doll Masha. She began to tell children as she was in a hurry to kindergarten, but could not go across the road, because there were a lot of cars on the road. Masha's doll asks the tutor and children to teach her to move the road.

The educator offers all children to sit on chairs. The doll Masha and the cat is also planted with children. Gives and shows a toy - traffic light and says:

- This is a traffic light. It helps adults and children to move the road. Remember who saw a traffic light on the road. (Children answer)

The tutor shows and tells that the traffic lights have lights: red, yellow, green.

- When the red light lights up - no, it is impossible to go, stand. Children and adults stand, and cars ride. Then yellow light lights up - you need to cook and watch when the green light comes on. And the green light lights up, you can move the road and adults, and children. But small children must necessarily hold on her mother's hand and not to let her go until the road go. And it is impossible to go cars. They stand and pass pedestrians.

The educator clarifies 2-3 times the purpose of the lights of the traffic lights.

- Listen to the poem about the traffic light:

So that you help the way to go dangerous
Light and day and night-green, yellow, red.
Our house traffic light. We are three native brothers.
We light up on the road to all the guys.
The most strict red light.
If it burns -stop! There are no roads further
The path for everyone is closed.
If yellow tanned, then you cook.
Soon you will need to go the road -
Be careful.
The kindest is the green light.
If it burns - go the road.
The path for everyone is open!

The educator invites children to play in The game "Going the road!"

A linen track spreads to the floor. Machines are placed on it, and the traffic lights are put. Cat Murka plant a traffic light. The teacher in turn closes the traffic lights, leaving one and invites children to answer you can move the road or not. If children respond correctly - the educator allows you to go. Children along with doll are moving the road. And if children are mistaken - the pussy is loudly meowing and the educator offers children to correct the error.

Kids are playing. Doll Masha turns to children: "Thank you, you all! Now I know how to move the road, where there are a lot of cars. For the fact that you are so well done and taught me, I brought you treats. (Distribute treats)


Consultation for parents.

Your child goes to kindergarten
How to use the movement of parents by hand with a child in a kindergarten for learning his safety?

In some countries, such as England, Japan and Finland, the school's school education has gradually moved into the background. It became clear, the child should be taught primarily in the family and kindergarten. In Finland, for example, parents whose children go to kindergarten, they are collected, they show the slides of the right and wrong behavior of children on the road and are asked for another month to work out with children while driving along the street, which is necessary for the road, habit. For example, one of the most important things - be sure to pause before step from the sidewalk on the roadway or always move from running to step and move the way only measured step, etc.

The road with a child in kindergarten and back is the perfect way not only to give knowledge, but, first of all, to form in children the skills of safe behavior on the street. Unfortunately, many are characteristic of a misconception, as if the child should be learning a safe behavior on the streets of about six to six, with the approach of time, when the child goes into the first class. So think dangerous! After all, the child has a whole range of habits (not noticeable for him and for us) arises from the earliest childhood, and some of them, quite suitable for staying in the house and near him, are mortally dangerous on the carriageway of the street. That is why the time of movement with a child on the street, starting literally from 1.5-2 years, it is necessary to use for training a set of "transport" habits.

So, you leave the house with the child, holding it by the hand. Often, on the way to kindergarten, parents hurry in order not to be late for work. Therefore, it should be distinguished by learning a child on the way to a kindergarten and from kindergarten home when we hurry nowhere.

Each child has a habit of negligent, "irresponsible" observation. This means that the child observes as if between the case, allows himself, for example, to send, i.e. Make a step back, without looking, or rush, where the eyes look, not looking back. And what is the most dangerous, "boldly" to go out or run out due to different items that interfere with the review: due to bushes, trees, fences, corners of houses that are standing.

First of all, on the way home you need to get used to "fix" the stop before going to the roadway: in some countries it is called "Stopping". We must repeat many times with the child, this "Stopping", explaining the need for stopping specifically for observation. Constantly demonstrate the transition from a quick step or even running on a measured (although not slow) step when moving the street. At the same time, explain to the child that when a person runs, he does not look around. Rotate the head on the run for inspection and difficult, and just dangerous, you can fall. And when driving a step, having a support on both legs, a person can easily turn his head and right, and left.

The most dangerous habit of children is a runaway or exit, without looking, because of the objects interfering with the review! On the street is a standing car - any. But, first of all, a truck, bus or trolleybus. According to my 20-year observations, every third child from the number of victims ran out on the road because of the standing car! Most cases with the bus. Each seventh baby fell under the car, changing the front of the bus, every 20th - fueling on the road behind the standing bus (without seeing the car approaching the right).

Recommendation used in some books - Proverb: "Combate the tram in front, and the bark bus is a gross mistake. Repeating these words, we just push the child under the car. The path with the child to the kindergarten and back should be - at the same time - daily ability to "see" the child's ability to "see" a standing car as an object that can hide the danger. The child should see the standing bus himself, as the "object hiding", and traveling from him. The same observation lessons (from the sidewalk!) Should be repeated tens of times near standing machines, bushes, trees, pedestrian groups. The child himself must understand the very serious danger of the standing machine and in general any items that interfere with the survey of the roadway of the street.

Street for a little man is a complex, cunning, deceptive world, full of hidden dangers. And the main task is to teach a child to live safely in this world.

Consultation for parents

"It's not terrible to the road who is attentive from the threshold!"

Respect for road rules, the habit of strictly observed them must instill their parents. At least once a week for 10-15 minutes, with your child, a conversation, the game according to the rules of the road, so that he looked at the situation with other eyes. Such a child in the future will be able to navigate in the difficult setting on the loaded urban streets.

Younger's child does not represent a car as a danger that can bring injury or deprive of life, on the contrary, with a car, his pleasant impressions are connected. Nothing is going on the baby as the car be it toy or real. Child needs to be learned to perform all road safety requirements. It is necessary to inspire that the driving part is intended exclusively for vehicles, and not for games. You need to teach children even before they go to school, the ability to navigate in the transport environment, predict different situations, correctly determine the place where you can move the road, and before the transition to be quite patient and always look around before getting off the sidewalk. Patience and perseverance that we need to stock at least for the sake of saving the life and health of your own children.

You can avoid these hazards by way of relevant upbringing and learning a child.

It often happens that it is the parents that parents give a bad example to their children: go through the roadway in places where it is forbidden, planting children undergoing 12 years, on the front seats of their cars. All this leads to an increase in child road traffic injuries.

Another common mistake of parents is the action on the principle of "with me can be". If you show a child on your own example how to run on red, be sure, remaining alone, he will try to repeat this trick.

The basic rules that the child should know are:

  1. The main terms and concepts of rules;
  2. Pedestrian duties;
  3. Duties of passengers;
  4. Regulation of the road;
  5. Traffic light and adjustment signals;
  6. Warning signals;
  7. Movement through railway tracks;
  8. Movement in residential areas and transportation of people;
  9. Features of motion by bike.

Remember! The child learns the laws of roads, taking an example from family members and other adults. Do not comprehend time to teach children behavior on the road.

Formation of parents in children behavior skills on the streets:

  1. Approaching the road, stop, inspect the street in both directions.
  2. Leaving the house, do not be late, go out in advance so that with a calm walk with the child have a reserve of time.
  3. Show an example of a skill daily follow your behavior to form it from your chad.
  4. The child must learn to see with his own eyes, which for different items on the street often hides the danger.

If the child is well understood in the rules of the road, parents can be calm for him.

Consultation for parents

"Safety of children on the roads"

The speed of movement, the density of transport flows on the streets and roads of our country is rapidly growing and will be progressing in the future. Therefore, ensuring the safety of motion is becoming increasingly a state challenge. Of particular importance in solving this problem is the advance and correct preparation of the smallest pedestrians - children who, already at the gate of the house, wait for serious difficulties and dangers and live with which at the incomparably greater intensity of the automotive movement.

The cause of road traffic accidents is most often the children themselves. Masks to this, ignorance of the elementary foundations of the traffic rules, an indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the roadway. The children granted to themselves, especially younger age, are little considered with real dangers on the road. It is explained by the fact that they are not able to correctly determine the distance to the approaching machine and its speed and overestimate their own capabilities, consider themselves fast and clever. They have not yet developed the ability to foresee the possibility of danger in a rapidly changing road atmosphere. Therefore, they immediately run on the road before the machine stopped and suddenly appear on the way. They consider it quite natural to go to the roadway on a children's bike or to start a fun game here.

Unfortunately, many parents are interested in delusion that the child should learn safe behavior on the streets closer to the time he goes to kindergarten or school. But it is dangerous to think so! After all, children have a whole complex of habits (unnoticed for him and for us) develops from early childhood. Including manner of behavior. Therefore, before teachers of the preschool institution, it is worth a concern for information not only to children, but also their parents in such a way that they have developed a vital habit of abiding the rules of the road and teach their children. It is not easy to solve this task, but necessary.

You can avoid these hazards, you can only by appropriate education and learning a child from an early age.

Work on the prevention of child traffic injuries will be the most spectacular if it leads to three directions: work with children, teachers, parents.

Memo for parents by road rules

Memo for parents for teaching children road rules

* Do not rush, go through the road measured step.
* Going to the roadway of the road, stop the talkative - the child should get used to that when moving the road, you need to focus.
* Do not cross the road to a red or yellow light signal.
* Go on the road only in places marked by the "Pedestrian Transition" road sign.
* From the bus, trolley buses, you are first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run on the roadway.
* Attract the child to participate in your observations for the situation on the road: Show it those cars that are preparing to turn, go at high speed, etc.
* Do not go out with the child because of the car, bushes, without inspection of the road, is a typical error, and it is impossible to allow the children to repeat it.
* Do not allow children to play near the roads and on the roadway of the street.

Your child is a passenger


- Always fasten the safety belts yourself and explain the child for which it needs to be done if this rule is automatically executed by you, it will contribute to the formation of a child's habit of fastening the safety belt or sit in a children's holding device (car seat)

- Children up to twelve years should be in the car's cabin in a children's holding device (car seat, corresponding to their age, weight and growth. If a child's complex makes it difficult to place it in a car seat, you can apply (partial holding device) (an additional pillow, which is used in Combined with a regular safety belt, passing around the body of a child, while the diagonal branch of the belt should pass through the shoulder and the chest, not slipping into the neck.

- Teach the child to the right out of the car - through the right door, which is located on the part of the sidewalk

Consultations for parents

Running across the road - the enemy especially in winter
We will solve future tasks today!

The children are stubbornly run through the roadway. Why? The most common answer is: "So faster!" Think about. Nevertheless, the kid fears the road, the places where cars are passing, and wants to overcome it faster. So to speak, "a mistake with good intentions." And often to blame for this error. We, adults, stalling the child: "What are you digging? Faster!".

The usual state of children is to move, run. Moreover, next to adults. The child has a step in short - he barely sleeps after mom or dad. So the fastest habit is produced! How many hundreds of kilometers have already runting your child in the house? Near the house? For walks? In principle, useful for the development of a child, this habit is harmful on the road!

Dear Parents! Returning home, ask your child the question: "What is dangerous running through the roadway?" What will they tell you? Often, children give the strangest and unexpected, illogical responses like "The driver can come down." This is not entirely true. Closer to the truth "you can stumble (in summer), slip (in autumn and winter) and fall." But this is not the main answer. "You can not notice the car." This is the most important thing.

Ask your son or daughter the following question: "How does the one who runs through the road observes? Can he look around? " Can not. This is all about it!

Therefore, it is so important to develop in children a steady skill when switching to continue to watch the road in both directions, at first there is more left, then more right.

Not "first look to the left. Having reached the middle - see right, "namely" Watch in both sides "! After all, the street is continuously changing! The car could go, slowly rushing - speed up the movement. Following directly - suddenly turn. Hidden after another standing car or around the corner - to nap. Observation must be duplicated! How to do when running? In no way!

Here you have the main answer: the one who runs, look forward forward and practically can not look around. It is almost like blind. But this is not enough, let's get to the bottom. What is, actually running? What does he differ from walking? When a person goes, then at every step there is a moment when both legs are on Earth at the same time. The benefit from the transition step is stability when driving, you can rotate the head and left, and right as many times as you need to atmight and in the width of the street. On the street the most important and the most difficult thing is to observe and notice. Knowledge is. Understanding is the limit. But the habit of "sits", and firmly. And the man does not think on the street, but is familiar to. And in order to build the right actions of your child when moving the street into the rank of habits, work with him - in the courtyard, in the park, at home - simple exercise: road transition, watching. Train movements in stages. Initially, you show the child, how to act: Stop at the edge of the sidewalk, to look left, then right and left again. Only after that you can start moving, not stopping observing (with a turn of the head!). Before the middle of the roadway, more attention is paid to the surveillance to the left, after the middle - observation to the right. The next step is to work out these actions together with the child: bringing these actions to automatism. Final step - the child passes the "road" on its own by fixing the skills gained.

In winter, running across the road is doubly! Snow rugging, ice, even just wet asphalt, watered or sprinkled with antifungal reagents, repeatedly increase the braking path. Stop the moving car becomes more complicated! From a sharp braking, the car can also apply or it will go in use (when the wheels are blocked, and it becomes unmanaged). And then the trajectory of his movement becomes at all unpredictable.

Only a calm transition, only step, only extreme attention road and movement on it! Trained to automatism. Habit will help your child safely move the road to one, with a friend, with skates or skis in your hands. She will just become his security guide on the road.

Questionnaire for parents
"Rules and safety of the road"

Dear adults!
Pope and Moms, Grandparents!

Education of the competent participant in the road - the component of the education of a new type of man. And so far, adults will become accustomed to the fact that compliance with the rules of the road (traffic rules) is not only the requirement of legislation, but first of all, the norm of behavior in society, the growth of road traffic injury is impossible. You can restore the lost instinct of self-preservation in society only together.

We ask you to seriously think about this problem and answer the following questions. Your sincere answers will help us in further work with children.

1. Do you consider important this problem for you and your loved ones?
1. Yes.
2. No.
3. I find it difficult to answer.

2. Do you know traffic rules?
1. Yes.
2. Partially.
3. No.

3. Do you comply with the rules of safe behavior on the road?
1. Always.
2. Partially.
3. No.

4. Do you happen to disrupt traffic rules in the presence of your children?
1. Never.
2. Sometimes.
3. Always.

5. Why are you violating traffic rules?
1. Very rushing.
2. There is not enough patience to wait for the allowing traffic signal.
3. Very large transport stream.
4. I do not assume that violates traffic rules.
5. Act as everything.

6. Do you often have to warn the violation of traffic rules by children.
1. Often.
2. Rarely.
3. Never.

7. Your reaction to violation of PDD parents with children?
1. Trying to warn violation.
2. Make a remark.
3. Internally condemn the behavior of adults.
4. I did not notice anything like that.

8. Do you have it possible to independently enter the preschooler road?
1. Yes.
2. It is possible sometimes.
3. No.

9. What do you think, what is the percentage of children from the total number of children who died for various reasons, make up children affected by an accident?

10. Who do you think is most often to blame for an accident?
1. Drivers.
2. Pedestrians.
3. Himself the violator.
4. Road traffic.

11. What do you need to take to reduce the number of accidents with the participation of children?

12. Name what difficulties you are experiencing on the area unknown to you in the village and how you need to change the organization of the road.

Consultation for parents

If you are really interested in your child to own the skills of safe behavior on the road, then do not reduce the learning process for an empty and useless phrase: "Be careful on the road." She does not explain the child, which one actually needs to be afraid. Where can a hazard be tied up? Further use movement to kindergarten and back to work out behavior skills on the road.

Large danger to children are not regulated pedestrian crossings. Here the child is important to make sure that the distance to the vehicles on both sides will allow him to move the road without stopping in the middle of the roadway. On the adjustable pedestrian crossing, explain the child that the red and yellow traffic light signal is prohibiting. It is especially dangerous to go on the road with a yellow signal, because some machines are completed by the passage of the crossroads and at the same time increase the speed. The green signal is allowing, but it does not guarantee a pedestrian safe transition, so before you go to the road to look left and right and make sure that all cars stopped, there is no danger.

Big danger to children represent objects that are blown overview (fences, standing cars, winter - drifts, in summer - shrubs, trees). It is better to move away from them, and go through the road where it is safe. If your child comes soon goes to the first class, then repeatedly pass with him a route from home to school and back, drawing attention to the baby not all the dangers that can meet him on the way. Practice in advance that in a difficult situation it is necessary to contact adults. Give the opportunity to go through this route yourself, watching him from the side. Then, analyze all its actions with it in detail.

Safety tips on the road.

Several safety tips on the road for your children:

  1. In the city, children should walk only in the sidewalk, and not by roadway. If there is no sidewalk, then you need to go on the left side of the street, that is, towards moving.
  2. The street must be moved by a pedestrian crossing (Zebra). First, stop at the edge of the sidewalk and watch the movement. If the road is regulated by the traffic light, you need to wait for green light for pedestrians, then make sure that all the cars stopped and only then move the street.
  3. Explain to children that it is dangerous to stand behind the vehicle that drives off the parking lot or parked. The driver may not notice the child because of his little growth. In addition, it is impossible to move the street before, or behind the bus stop by bus, trolleybus, tram: the driver may not notice a pedestrian because of the transport. You need to wait until the bus goes out and only then start moving.
  4. In no case can you go with the sidewalk on the roadway, even if other pedestrians interfere with passing.
  5. Before the child goes to ride a bike or on the rollers, make sure that it is put on the means of protection and the pieces of reflective material are attached to his clothes, if it is dark on the street.
  6. Teach the child to distinguish sounds that notify the danger from ordinary sounds, distributing around.

Several safety tips on the road for you:

  1. Even if you are traveling on a familiar road for a short distance, make sure that all passengers in the car, in the front and rear seat are fastened by seat belts.
  2. A child under 12 should be in a car in a special children's seat, adjusted according to its growth and complex.
  3. Remember that the high-speed mode on the road depends not only on the speed limit, but also on the density of the car stream. Always keep the distance with the vehicle ahead to avoid collisions in emergency braking.
  4. You need to choose - either drink or drive the car. Each fifth incident on the roads of Russia is associated with the management of the vehicle in a state of intoxication.
  5. Check the condition of your car in front of the road. Lessed tires can be caused by accidents on the road.

Do not neglect these tips. Following them could save more than 3.000 lives annually!

Dear moms and dads!
The best way to keep your life and the life of your child on the roads is to follow the rules of the road!

A question may arise: why explain the child's rules for the child!

This article is dedicated to a very important issue of children of children of safe behavior skills on the streets of the city. Question may arise: why to explain to children the features of traffic movement, the rules of the street transition, if the kids go to the kids only by holding the hand of an adult? Perhaps you shouldn't beat them with these rules, while they do not go on their own on the streets, do not use urban transport ? But we must always remember that the formation of conscious behavior is a long process. This is today the child goes everywhere with a handle with her mother, and tomorrow, he will become an independent pedestrian and a passenger of urban transport. But we should always remember that the formation of conscious behavior is a long process. This is today a child everywhere goes for a handle with my mother, and tomorrow he becomes an independent pedestrian and a passenger of urban transport.

Work on children's learning rules for competent and safe behavior on the streets of the city, in city transport must be systematic. In order for it to bring results, not one lesson or conversation with children. And one more important requirement: children are not enough theoretical knowledge, they should apply them in practice.

In kindergarten we spend conversations, classes, games, entertainment, exhibitions on this topic. But this is not enough - the practical application of these knowledge is entirely on your shoulders. The unity of our and your children's claims is the conditions of the security of our children!

Dear Parents!

You are a sample of behavior for children. You are the object of love and imitation for the child. It must always be remembered and especially when you make a step on the roadway along with the baby.

So that the child does not get into trouble, bring up with him respect for the rules of the road patiently, daily, unobtrusively.

The child should play only in the yard under your supervision. He should know: it is impossible to go on the road.

Do not intimidate the child, and watch with him and use the situation on the road, the courtyard, the street; Explain what is happening with transport, pedestrians.

Develop the child with visual memory, attention. To do this, create playing situations at home.

Let your kid himself lead you to kindergarten and from kindergarten home.

Your child should know:

  • It is impossible to go on the road;
  • The road can be passed only with adults, keeping the hand of an adult;
  • It is necessary to move the road in the transition a calm step;
  • Pedestrians are people who walk down the street;
  • In order to be ordering on the road so that there were no accidents so that the pedestrian does not hit the car, it is necessary to submit a traffic light: red light - no movement, yellow light - attention, and green says: "Come goes open";
  • Cars are different (freight, passenger); This is transport. Machines drive drivers. For transport, the highway is intended (road). When we are going in transport, we are called passengers. During ride in transport you can not be littered from the window.

Consultation for parents

Safety of children in the car.

Almost daily in road traffic accidents are dying and injured by children. In the overwhelming majority of cases, these tragedies at the conscience of adults, and often the closest people are parents.

Children and adolescents are the most vulnerable parties to the road. A child in the cabin of the car entirely depends on the man sitting at the wheel. It is the negligence of parents, close people who neglect elementary safety measures not only for themselves, but also for a child, become the perpetrators of such tragedies.

Since the beginning of this year, 15,548 accidents involving minors occurred on the streets and roads of our country, as a result of which 696 children died and 16,240 were injured. More than half of them are passenger children. And in one degree or another, the cause of these tragedies was the criminal carelessness of adults, which exceeded the speed, overestimated their strength and opportunities, finally, simply did not take care of the safety of their child.

For young passengers, the main and most effective means of protection is the children's holding device - the so-called car seat, designed with all the features of the children's body, individually selected to the growth and weight of the child and finally installed in the car. Rules of the Rules of the Russian Federation oblige drivers to use special retaining devices when transporting children in the cabin under the age of 12 - even on trips to the lowest distances.

And this is not a whim of legislators, but a vital condition. Many mistakenly believe that they will be able to keep the child in their arms. This is not true. When a collision, sharp braking or impact at a speed of 50 km / hour, the weight of the passenger increases by about 30 times. So, if the weight of the child is 10 kg, then at the time of the strike it will weigh about 300 kg, and keep it from a sharp blow about the front chair or the windshield is almost impossible. That is why the transportation of a child in arms is considered the most dangerous.

For the same reason, it is impossible to be fastened with one strap with a child - when a collision, you simply dispel it with your weight.

In addition to overall irresponsibility, one of the main reasons why parents drivers refuse children's chairs, is allegedly highly expensive. But today the price range of children's seats is quite wide, and if you wish, you can still choose an acceptable option. And, for example, a special program in the Republic of Tatarstan and at all: a children's chair can be rented for, directly say, symbolic money.

Yes, there are no such conditions in every region of Russia, but, if desired, the exit can always be found. For example, take a used chair from acquaintances - those who have already grown and switched to another "weight category". True, in this case there is one fundamental condition: if you decide to take a used car seat, you must be 100% sure that it has not been in a traffic accident. The fact is that when an accident, as a rule, damage is formed in the chair. And even if they are not visible to the naked eye, these damage will be given themselves to know in case of an accident: the use of such a chair will not only save the child, but, on the contrary, it may cause serious injuries or even a deadly outcome.
Be that as it may, humanity has not yet invented a simpler and reliable protection for a child when entering an accident than a car chair. Today, manufacturers offer a number of models of children's retaining devices, and despite the seeming simplicity, to understand the variety of structures, adjustments and fastenings of children's car seats without consulting a qualified specialist not easy.

So if you firmly decided not to save on the life and health of the child, the only right advice is to visit a specialized store and understand the variety of options. Sharing for such a purchase, take with you and your baby to, so to speak, "try" a child to a specific model.
It is also necessary to ask what material the skeleton of the seat and its upholstery is made. Many specialists in this area are inclined to the fact that the frame should be steel, and not plastic, and the upholstery material is natural.
Another important detail is the way to install children's car seats in the car. Again, many experts agree that the child of the first year of life should travel be sure to the road (i.e. lying or half a walk) and always face against the direction of movement. The fact is that if you put an infant face forward, then even with a slight braking, the fragile neck will not be able to keep the hard head. You can take the chair in the course of the movement already, as a rule, by one and a half or two years of the child's life, when the muscles have risen enough. At the same time, the children's chair can be placed both in the front and backseat. But be sure to remember that the airbag must be disabled!

Children's car seat is no cheaper, but vital. But, probably, it is still better to save on infinitely breaking toys than on the safety of your own child.

Consultation on Road Rules

Is it easy to teach a child to behave on the road?

At first glance it is easy. It is only necessary to introduce it with the basic requirements of the rules of the road and no problems.

In fact, it is very difficult. After all, we, parents, every day in front of their native Chad break these the most notorious rules, and we do not think that we put an imbreakable task before the child: how is it right? What do they say or how do?

When the child goes into the road accident, everything is guilty: the driver, kindergarten, school, traffic police. Why not taught, did not show, did not save? Forgetting that, first of all, parents should teach and protect their beliefs.

If you are really interested in your child to own the skills of safe behavior on the road, then do not reduce the learning process for an empty and useless phrase: "Be careful on the road." She does not explain the child, which one actually needs to be afraid. Where can a hazard be tied up? Better use movement to kindergarten and back to test the skills of behavior on the road.

The child must know that the road can be passed only in the installed places: at a pedestrian crossing and on the intersection. But in this case, no one can guarantee its safety. Therefore, before going to the road, stop with the child at a distance of 50 cm - 1 meter from the edge of the carriageway, pay attention. What to see left and right is necessary with a turn of the head, and if there are no transport of the danger from both sides, you can go on the roadway. It is necessary to move the road with a calm measured step and in no case run.

Large danger to children are not regulated pedestrian crossings. Here the child is important to make sure that the distance to the vehicles on both sides will allow him to move the road without stopping in the middle of the roadway.

On the adjustable pedestrian crossing, explain the child that the red and yellow traffic light signal is prohibiting. It is especially dangerous to go on the road with a yellow signal, because some machines are completed by the passage of the crossroads and at the same time increase the speed. The green signal is allowing, but it does not guarantee a pedestrian safe transition, so before you go to the road to look left and right and make sure that all cars stopped, there is no danger.

Often, the guys are under transport wheels, when, coming out of the bus or trolleybus, try to move onto the other side of the road. Explain the child that in this case it is dangerous to bypass the vehicle both in front and rear, because it is not visible big and because of it. We must wait until the bus or trolleybus will leave.

Big danger to children represent objects that are blown overview (fences, standing cars, winter - drifts, in summer - shrubs, trees). It is better to move away from them, and go through the road where it is safe.

If your child comes soon goes to the first class, then repeatedly pass with him a route from home to school and back, drawing attention to the baby not all the dangers that can meet him on the way. Practice in advance that in a difficult situation it is necessary to contact adults. Give the opportunity to go through this route yourself, watching him from the side. Then, analyze all its actions with it in detail.

Consultation for parents
Rules of behavior in public transport

(Tell about this children)

- At the entrance to urban transport, do not sweep all the elbows, skip women, older people and girls (if you are a boy), help them climb the salon.

- Do not stop at the entrance (if you do not go out at the next stop), and pass to the middle of the cabin.

- A brought up man is inferior to the elderly, babies, women with heavy bags.

- In public transport, snow or raindrops do not shake, do not eat, do not enter the ice cream in their hands and, of course, do not smoke.

- In the cabin are not combed, do not clean nails, do not pick up in the nose, teeth, ears ...

- the newspaper is read in folded form, not unfolding; Do not look into the book or the neighbor's newspaper. And the eyes will tell you "Thank you!", If you even refuse to read the habit while driving.

- Do not look at the stop of passengers, do not rely on them with all the body.

- Entering transport, you need to remove the backpacks and the bag bags, so as not to touch (sometimes even blur) people.

- If you are hard to keep a cake or flowers when you're standing standing, you can politely ask for sitting to hold them.

- Being in the cabin, you should not loudly laugh and talk, discuss your problems, arguing into all sorts with friends. Especially in disabilities to insult people who have made you a remark.

- Parents must ensure that children do not burst with the legs of the surrounding and seats.

- Do not hold space for passengers with luggage or packages, large things are better to transport not in the peak hours. And bulky sharp objects (for example, skis) are transported well packaged.

- Hosts of animals: cats, birds, small rodents are desirable to transport in special cells; Dogs - be sure to muzzle.

- It is necessary to prepare for the exit in advance (especially if there are many passengers). Ask standing ahead: "Do you go out at the next stop?" Do not push silently by making yourself the road, but, apologous, ask for permission to pass.

"If a woman (girl) rides with a man (a young man), he passes the first to come to the exit and the first comes out, helping to get away the companion.

In any way of transport, be attentive and preventing such words as "be kind", "Thank you" will give you confidence in any situation and create an opinion about you like a person who is brought up and friendly.

Consultation for parents
Road rules for preschoolers

"Red little man - stand, green man - go." In most families with this phrase, parents begin to explain the rules of the road to their children. On modern streets, the number of cars increases every day, and accordingly, the number of accidents. Therefore, today this question has become even more relevant and acute. So, the child must maximize the rules for preschoolers as efficiently as possible for its age. The first assistants are in this, of course, parents and educators of preschool educational institutions.

What should learn a little man to give up the skills of proper behavior on the street? There are many factors here. Children must learn to understand what is a participant in the road, which there are elements of the road (road, driving part, sidewalk, pedestrian crossing, roadblock, intersection). Very well, if the kids are able to distinguish the types of vehicles (bus, tram, trolleybus, passenger and cargo, bicycle, motorcycle). Also kids need to tell about the means of controlling the movement and color of traffic lights. Small pedestrians should know the rules of movement in sidewalks and the roadbrames and the rules for transition of the roadway. Important in the process of learning traffic rules for preschoolers is and studying rules of behavior, landing and landing in public transport. And most importantly, the kids must remember and understand - this is what they do not have to go for a walk without adults.

In the case when parents are engaged in the parents of the baby, the optimal will be the option of unobtrusive stories in the process of walking, clearly using road situations. It is necessary for your child in your own words about the rules of the road and only in those volumes that he is able to assimilate. Going down the street with the baby should be told with him about the types of vehicles that at this point are nearby, explain their features. Moving the street should be mentioned how and where you can correctly move the driving part, remember both and where it is impossible to do this. Effectively on the process of perceiving the child information on the rules of movement will influence the guidance on pedestrians or drivers who have violated these rules.

A very important point in teaching preschoolers, the rules of road traffic are and the development of the spatial representation and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe speed of movement. The child must learn to navigate the space, understanding such concepts as close, far away, on the left, right, behind, in the course of the movement. Also, the baby needs to be correctly perceived and the speed of movement, both transport and pedestrians: quickly, slowly rotates, stops.

In the learning process, it is very important not to scare a child with street and transport. After all, such fear is also dangerous for the baby as carelessness or inattention. The opposite is needed to develop attention, collens, responsibility, confidence and caution. A very effective method of teaching children road rules is also reading poems, mysteries, children's travel security books.

The task of learning preschoolers by the rules of the road lies also on teachers of preschool educational institutions. It is to provide basic knowledge and qualitative training of children to school, because very often first-graders have to go to school on their own. Road rules for preschoolers should be presented to children on a system, which includes classes, walks, excursions and observations. All knowledge should be reported to children, taking into account their age and surrounding conditions. Gradually, they must be complemented, complicated and refined. In order to consolidate the knowledge gained, the game activity of children should be organized, in the course of which they learn to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

When teaching children in preschool educational institutions, various methodological materials must be present. This is children's artistic and methodical literature, abstracts of classes, paintings, posters, diameters, movies, benefits for games and classes.

Very well, if special autosports are equipped at the sections of kindergartens, which are a reduced copy of the roads with multiple types of intersections. With the help of gaming vehicles (bicycles, machines with pedals) at such sites, children receive practical knowledge about the rules of movement and road signs.

There are road traffic rules for preschoolers also for group trips or transportation of children accompanied by educators. With hiking movements, children are usually built in two rows, go only on the sidewalk or sideways. It is necessary to move the road only in the placed places, while the caregiver should stand on the middle of the road to keep the red checkbox until all children go to the other side. Transportation of groups of children is carried out only by special buses under the management of qualified drivers. The number of children transported must correspond to the number of seats. Both with hiking and for the transport of children, the group must accompany two adults.

Whoever teach children road rules, whether parents or teachers of preschool educational institutions, it is important to remember that the most influence on the formation of the child's behavior on the street has the appropriate behavior of adults. After all, it is not enough just to read, tell, teach a child, you need to show it to him as you need to behave in the street. Otherwise, any purposeful learning loses meaning.

Where there is noisy intersection,
Where cars do not count,
Go not so easy
If the rules do not know.
Let them remember firmly children:
That comes true
Who only under the green light
Through the street goes!
N. Sorokin

Work on traffic rules with parents in Dow

Insufficient level of culture of adult behavior on the street, in public transport, violation of the rules of the road leads to the same phenomena in children.

Before parents with information about the status and causes of children's road traffic injuries in the area, the city must be played by the city of traffic police.

Educators are recommended to maintain a systematic section in the "Corner of Security"
- "We bring up a pedestrian," where materials will be placed on learning children by the rules of behavior on the street, in public transport (mobile folders, shirma).
- "Adults! You imitate! "
- "On the meaning of training of traffic rules".
- "Discipline on the street is a pledge security pedestrian."
- "How to behave adults, while on the street with a child":
- child in hand;
- child on sledding;
- landing on the bus, trolleybus;
- Ride on the bus, trolleybus;
- exit from the bus, trolley buses by hand with a child;
- Your child wears glasses, etc.

The educator should advise, conduct a conversation, organize a survey on the topic.

Approximate list of conversations and consultations

- "On the meaning of learning children of preschool age rules of the road."
- "On behavior in public transport."
- "How to teach a child to safe behavior on the street?"
- An example of parents is one of the main factors of successful education in children of skills of safe behavior on the street. "
- "Pedestrian to be - Science!"
- "That could not happen."
- "What you need to know children and parents about traffic rules."
- "Street requires respect."
- "Do you know the features of the location of the kindergarten?" and etc.

It is necessary to systematically organize exhibitions of children's crafts, applications, drawing on the topic of study by preschoolers of traffic rules. They must orient parents to constantly solve problems with the child's problem situations on the road, persistently and patiently explain to him the rules of a pedestrian and passenger and be in this example himself.
Compliance with the children of the Pedestrian rules involuntarily disciplines and parents. They are more active in the process of education and child learning, work together with educators, help in the manufacture of attributes, didactic games.

Situations for analysis

We offer educators to pay attention to these situations and offer them to parents at the parent meeting or during the conversation, analyze the possible implications.

- Mom comes with her son from a kindergarten in the sidewalk. The boy runs ahead of her and prevents pedestrians. Mom does not respond to it.

- Mom and son goes down the street. On the opposite side, the boy sees dad and rushes towards him across the road.
Question: How did you have to do mom?

- Mom and son goes down the street. Near the kiosk a lot of people. Mom lets the child's hand and approaches the kiosk.
Question: How to do mom?

- Dad goes with a child in the sidewalk. The baby has a ball in hand. The ball falls on the road. The child runs behind him.

Question: How to do dad?

Teaching children road rules, it is necessary to use all available forms and methods of work.

Consultation for parents

Early on the roads of Russia children die as a result of road traffic accidents. This is due to ignorance or conscious non-compliance with the children of the traffic rules (traffic rules), the undisciplining on the roads provoked by a negative example of adults neglecting the rules. Often the culprits of the accident are the children who play near the roads, go around the street in the wrong places, incorrectly enter the vehicles and come out of them.

According to doctors, psychologists, children under 8 years old are still poorly recognize sound sources: they hear only those sounds that they are interesting. Focus on the way they are much more difficult than adults. When children run, they look only forward, in the direction of the run. Ophthalmologists argue that the field of view of children is 15-20% less than in an adult. In children under 7 years old, as a rule, there is no reliable orientation (left, right), they have scattered attention. The reaction of the child is more slowed than in an adult, and time to respond to danger, he needs much more. Such a delay may be dangerous at a critical moment. It is necessary to keep in mind also the fact that a child has little height, and the driver may not notice him on the road.

That is why from the very early age it is necessary to teach children the rules of the road. Not only preschool institutions, school, but also their parents should take part in this.

We instill the skills of safe behavior on the road, just arguing about caution, it is impossible. The child's safe behavior and rules should be learned from the moment when he began to walk on his own. Talking with children should be seriously as with adults, without diminutive words - they are dangerous on the road there are cars, not cars! The main task is to bring up a competent pedestrian.

In the younger age you need to acquaint children with the street, dear, sidewalk. At an older age, observe with the child behind the work of the traffic light, pay attention to the connection between the colors on the traffic light and the movement of cars and pedestrians. Conducting target walks with a child through the streets at different times of the year, observe how pedestrians and transport are interacting. Always emphasize the attention of the child at such important moments for the safety of movement, like lighting, weather conditions, the condition of the road, the number of pedestrians, their motor activity (walk or hurry, move the road or calmly go on the transition). For example, on a cloudy day you need to draw the attention of the child to the fact that the danger increases the smiling due to the fact that the road is poorly visible and pedestrians and drivers. Due to lack of lighting, pedestrians do not see, it is worth the car or moves, while the driver also sees the pedestrians poorly, the lights of the traffic lights are not very well visible.

In winter, pay attention to the slippery road: you can slip and fall; The driver is hard to stop the car (even after it clicks on the brakes, the car slides and drives a few more meters). You can show the brake path of the machine.

Recommended, especially young parents, to draw up a yard scheme indicating dangerous places. It helps children faster oriented and avoid accidents. According to these schemes, you can suggest children to tell how they will play in the yard: where to safely ride a bike, play the ball and other games. Conversely, children must tell where they are forbidden to play: this is parking cars, garages, garbage boxes, various buildings.

All this disciplines children, they faster understand that it is possible, and what can not be done.

The child learns the laws of the road primarily on the example of adults. The example of the elders should contribute to developing a child habit to behave in accordance with the rules of the road. This is the main factor in the education of disciplined behavior on the street. In other words, the success of the prevention of child trauma depends largely on consciousness, personal culture and discipline of the parents themselves.

Perhaps the remark made by your child in time the outstretched hand hand will prevent possible trouble.

Memo for parents

1. Causes of child road traffic injuries.

  • Inability to observe.
  • Inattention.
  • Insufficient adult supervision for the behavior of children.

2. Recommendations for learning children traffic rules.
When leaving home.
If the house's entrance is possible, immediately pay attention to the child, there is no approaching transport. If the entrance has vehicles or grow trees, suspend and look back - there is no danger.

When driving on the sidewalk.
1. Adhere to the right side.
2. The adult must be on the side of the carriageway.
3. If the sidewalk is located next to the road, hold the child tightly by the hand.
4. Teach the child, going on the sidewalk, carefully observe the departure of the cars from the courtyard.
5. Explain the children that throwing glass, it is impossible to throw the stones on the road. This can lead to trouble.
6. Do not accustomed to go to the roadway, strollers and sledges by the sidewalk.

When moving the roadway.
1. Stop, inspect the roadway.
2. Develop an observation from the child.
3. Adjust your movements: stop for road inspection, head turn for road inspection, stop for car pass.
4. Teach the child to peer into the distance, distinguish between the approaching machines.
5. Do not stand with a child on the edge of the sidewalk.
6. Pay attention to the child on the vehicle that is ready for turning, tell us about the signals of the rotation pointers in the machines.
7. Show how the vehicle stops at the transition, as it moves by inertia.
8. Go on the road only by pedestrian transitions or on intersections.
9. Go only on a green signal, even if there are no cars.
10. Leaving the roadway, stop talking.
11. Do not hurry and do not run, go through the road measured.
12. Do not cross the road at an angle, explain the child that the road is so worse.
13. Do not go to the roadway with the child because of the transport or because of the bushes, without examining the street.
14. Do not hurry to go through the road, if you saw friends on the other side, the baby needs, the child should know that it is dangerous.
15. When switching to an unregulated crossroad, learn the child carefully follow the start of traffic.
16. Explain the child that even on the roads, where there are few cars, it is necessary to move the road, the car can go from the courtyard, from the alley.

When landing and disembarking from transport.
- Get out the first, ahead of the child, otherwise the child can fall, run on the roadway.
- Come to the landing to the door only after a complete transport stop.
- Do not sit in transport at the last moment.
- tame a child to be attentive in the stop zone - this is a dangerous place (poor road overview, passengers can push the child to the road).
- Waiting for transport, stand only on the landing site, on the sidewalk or on the side of the road.

Recommendations for the formation of behavior skills on the streets.
1. Skill switching to the street: Going to the road, stop, inspect the street in both directions.
2. Skill of quiet, confident behavior on the street: leaving the house, go out in advance to have a reserve of time, not hurry and not run.
3. The skill switched to self-control: the ability to monitor your behavior is formed daily under the guidance of parents.
4. Skill of prediction of danger: the child should see with his own eyes, which is often hidden by different objects on the street.

Games on traffic rules for children of primary preschool age

2 Junior Group

Purpose: teach children to distinguish the roadway of the street and sidewalk; form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe appointment of green and red traffic lights; to develop an unconscious habit of playing in a strictly defined place, understanding that it is impossible to go on the road; to give the concept that cars are transport that transport is different; Explain why the traffic light is needed.

Didactic game "Designer"

Purpose: Develop imagination; To form the ability to fold the image from the details of the geometric constructor-mosaic, combining various figures, changing their position on the plane of the table; develop the memory, the speech of children, to educate their creative activity; Develop logical thinking, the ability to make parts of the whole.


a) From the proposed geometric figures, lay out any vehicle.

b) Take geometric shapes and impose on the proposed figures. After building, count how much the figures took each species (for older).

Didactic game "Traffic light - Designer"

Purpose: Develop imagination; form the ability to fold the image from the details of the geometric constructor-mosaic; develop the memory, the speech of children, to educate their creative activity; Develop logical thinking, the ability to make parts of the whole.


Take geometric shapes and impose on the proposed figures.

Didactic game "4th extra"

Purpose: Fasten the ability to classify objects.


Show the card, ask to find the "extra" subject. Explain why he is "superfluous."

Didactic game "Red, Yellow, Green"

Purpose: development of attention, memory.


Educator: I will show you the circles of different colors: the green circle - everything is chloride together in your hands; Yellow circle - raise hands up; Red - silent.

Didactic game "Traffic light" (younger and middle groups)


  1. Secure the presentation of children about the purpose of the traffic light, about its signals.
  2. Secure the presentation of children about color (red, yellow, green), painted it correctly, by template.

Outdoor games

  1. "Colored cars" (junior group)

At the edges of the site there are children with colored circles in their hands - these are steered. Educator in the center with color flags. He raises the checkbox of some color. Children with a circle of the same color run around the site in any direction, buzz, turning the circle as the steering wheel. When the checkbox is lowered, everyone is returned to the places. The teacher then raises the other color check box, other children run. You can raise two or three flag at the same time, and then all cars go.

  1. "Machines" (Junior Group)

Each child gets the hoop. Children run around the site, turning the hoops - the steering wheel to the right and left, trying not to interfere with each other.

  1. "Sparrow and car" (younger group)

Purpose: To defeat children to run in different directions, not running around at each other, start moving and change it across the tutor signal, find their place.

  1. "Tram" (junior age)

Purpose: Teach children move in pairs, coordinating their movements with the movements of other players; Learning them to recognize colors and in accordance with them change the movement.

Didactic game "Road Lotto"

Develop and strengthen in children knowledge about transport, traffic lights.
Development of speech, attention.

Game Material:
The game consists of 4 cards, additional cards with the image of transport, traffic light.

Ekaterina Kolienin

With the development of technology in our country, as well as around the world, the number of road traffic accidents increases: according to statistics, the child becomes in them in their tenth victim. More often associated with non-fulfillment of traffic rules:after all, the child is difficult to understand what is a braking path, the time of the driver's reaction or transport stream. Children often suffer from the misunderstanding of the danger, which is a car.

It is known that habits enshrined in childhood remain for life, so one of the important problems in ensuring road safety is the prevention of children's road injuries in preschool institutions. The study of the rules of the road is one of the main tasks today, because it is in preschool age that the foundation of life orientation in the surrounding, and all that the child feels in kindergarten will remain firmly.

Given the special significance of the work in this direction, and the fact that the kindergarten is the very first step in the system of continuous education, in our kindergarten and the group is constantly working on the topic: "The safety of children through familiarization with the rules of the road".

Teach children by the rules of safe conduct on the roads try through didactic games and exercises, mobile games, plotting - role-playing programs on traffic rules, entertainment, excursions, creativity.

I express great gratitude to the creators of the portal Maam for the opportunity to share their ideas and developments. Also talented colleagues for their fantasy and creativity. All this have enormous help in work.

Some moments of work on this topic I want to present to your attention, and first of all present to your attention "Collect traffic lights"which appeared thanks to the portal Maam.

On the tables of the guys circles: red, yellow and green - they are made of old plastic napkins and are placed by the adhesive film itself, which makes them flexible and easily machining. With their help, you can solve didactic tasks and organize a moving game.

Movable game "Collect Lightfor" - Raises in children attention, concentration, observation, forms orientation in space, teaching to act in a signal, develops dexterity.

Game traffic: Circles are unfolded on the table (rug, children are moving freely throughout the site, depicting transport, the "Lights" signal, quickly take circles and make up a traffic light. Children can be set to install, who has a red circle, raising the circle up, the rest are completing the traffic light. (Options for the game can be diversified)

Studying Road Signs With Didactic Game

Layout of the city on a veranda that helps children through game to explore the rules of the road

This wonderful traffic police inspector came to our kindergarten for sports entertainment, which organized our wonderful colleagues - Phys. Head of Lukjanenko Elena Ivanovna; Music leaders Oleinik Tatiana Aleksandrovna and Zalika Victoria Viktorovna

The group also created a layout of the city, it is easily transformed and not only boys, but also girls playing there

Explore this topic greatly help city tours

Fix the knowledge gained through creativity

Actors Theater "Smile"which were invited by the administration of our garden, showed the guys a wonderful performance: "Well, traffic lights wait!"

The wolf in practice showed what braking path is!

And what happens to those who do not observe road traffic

Publications on the topic:

"Leisure activities as a means of effective assistance in learning road rules" road, transportation - realities of today's life.

Travel Rules Tournament State budgetary institution of the Samara region Secondary school number 14 of the name of the full cavalier.

Leisure "Connoisseurs of Road Rules" Leisure on traffic rules in a compensation group: "Connoisseurs of road rules" Objective: To form in children the basics of security.

Purpose: - consolidate the knowledge and presentation of children about road safety; - Continue to acquaint children with road rules;.

On the streets of our movements so much, everywhere there are so many cars, but you are not lost, do not be afraid of the road, but the rules to learn to hurry.

The manual is made with their own hands from the old table and a wooden town designer. We use it in classes, in circle work, in self.

Riddles in verses on traffic rules for kindergarten.

Riddles for preschool children by road rules.

1. Do not take this tape
And you do not need to the pigtail.
On earth she lies
Transport along it runs. (Road)

2. Never sleep,
I look at the road.
I will tell you when standing,
When movement start. (Traffic light)

3. Here the car will not go.
The main here is a pedestrian.
That do not interfere with each other
You need to keep the right way to right. (Sidewalk)

4. What kind of transport is such
What is lucky home.
He runs there and here
Relieving in the wires. (Trolleybus)

5. Under the legs of the earrings
Striped track.
Boldly he goes on it,
And behind him and all the people. (Zebra)

6. The roads are standing
Silently talking to us.
Everyone is ready to help.
The main thing is to understand them. (Road signs)

7. Two roads for a long time
And each other came to his boyfriend.
Did not quarrel
Crossed and flew further.
What kind of place is it,
We are interested in all. (Crossroads)

8. Our bus was driving,
And to the area drove up.
And the people bored on it,
Silently transport expects. (Stop)

9. Two wheels grabs him,
And the motor does not pick up.
You only need to start -
And happy way! (Motorcycle)

10. What is this shop?
Sold in it gasoline.
Here the car drives up
Full tank pours them.
I started and ran.
So that another approached. (Gas station)

11. Builders in honor
This smart truck.
He is almost always in work,
He is not used to relax.
Brings and unload himself
Crushed stone, gravel and sand,
And then rushing back
No matter how far there is far away. (Dump truck)

12. Arriving with the highway lies
According to it, transport does not run.
Well, if you suddenly trouble,
All come here. (Sideline)

Riddles for children (kindergarten).

1. Guess the riddles:

We are going to taxi and taxi,
In the bus and train. (Passengers)

Driving i'm sitting
I look at the road. (Driver)

Man walks for me.
I call me Zebra. (Crosswalk)

2. What words are missing?

A new bus in the city is coming.
To ... drives up (stops)
Quickly ... opens (doors)
... Releases. (passengers)

Riddles for schoolchildren 1- 4 grade

3. Blitz - poll.

- How are the words "driver" and "passenger" are connected?
- What qualities is the driver of public transport?
- Easy or difficult to work the driver of public transport? Why?
- Does the driver have duty before the passenger? What kind?
- Does the passenger have duties before the driver, in front of other passengers.
- A polite driver is ....
- A polite passenger is ... ..
- Can the driver and a passenger communicate? In which cases? What should be their communication?
- When about man say that he is "hare"?

4. Collessment of scenes situations.

a) In the moving bus, the passenger asks the driver to sell him a passage for travel. The driver refuses to do it. Does he come correctly?
b) the passenger saw that behind the wheel of the bus was his neighbor. The passenger began to talk to the driver, ask him questions about work, about the family. Such a polite passenger. But does he behave correctly?
c) did not like the passenger that the driver sharply touches the bus from meta and stops sharply. He began to dispel the driver while driving about this. Lee is the passenger. How should the driver behave?

5. Correct errors.

- Try to drive in transport for free.
- Order passengers to post your ticket.
- Do not hold on to the handrail.
- Never give way to anyone.
- Do not get ready in advance to the exit.
- jump, not expecting a complete stop of transport.
- Type more food and dive her all of her until you go.
- Talk loudly, laugh.
- Close your ears and do not listen to the driver when it declares the stop.
- Do not be afraid to drive your stop.

6. The game "Road alphabet".

For each letter of the alphabet to come up with a word associated with the rules of the road. (Children get leaflets with alphabet letters and add words or lead calls the letter, and children shout out words)

a - BUS B - Ticket B - bike, etc.

7. The result. - What passengers will you?