Approximate diet for a child at 10 months. How should a ten month old baby eat?

Perhaps from 10-11 months, a new, extremely exciting period begins in the life of a child who is still breastfed: at this time he is more and more aware of himself in the role of a full member of the family, learns to control his emotions, actions ... and adults.

At this stage, the baby's mother does not have to be bored either: along with the usual chores of caring for the child, new worries appear - the baby is actively moving (albeit crawling for now), grabs various objects, tries to taste everything.

But, no matter how busy a woman is, she always wants to pamper her fidget with delicious dishes and diversify his menu as much as possible: at the age of 10 and 11 months, the baby confidently sits at the children's table, while feeding, he tries to grab a spoon and bring it to his mouth on his own, has your idea of ​​taste - you must admit that it is very pleasant when a child devours the most delicate meat pâté with appetite, actively pulling up his hand holding a spoon with the food he likes. And how offensive it can be if the kid does not like the dish: it is very difficult to force a small fussy to eat even a tiny part of the food intended for him, when he considers the dish tasteless - in this case, all available means are used to protest in this case, from indignant cries to active ones. movements of the head, arms, and even legs.

Feeding tactics

Do not rush to despair if you did not manage to peacefully convince the child to eat, and do not rush to start open hostilities to feed him - in your arsenal there are always more peaceful ways to resolve the conflict of tastes. You need to remember just a few rules:

  • There are no irreplaceable products - there will always be food products that are similar in composition, but different in taste, allowing you to keep the right amount of nutrients in the child's menu;
  • "A drop wears away a stone" is another tactical technique that allows you to accustom a stubborn person to an unloved dish. Its essence lies in the child's gradual addiction to the taste and smell of food that causes disgust - it should be added to the baby's favorite dishes in scanty portions, gradually replacing the ingredients. Of course, you should take care of the compatibility of these food products;
  • "Golden Parachute" - breastfeeding. Do not be discouraged if your baby, being overly carried away by resistance, became capricious and flatly refused food during one of the feedings - you have a wonderful way to calm him down, and at the same time feed him: a baby at the age of 10 - 11 months may well get enough breast milk, since it fully meets its nutrient requirements. It is likely that the baby's mood will change by the next feeding, and he will eat the dish declared in the menu with excellent appetite.

Variety of dishes worthy of an Infanta

The menu of a child who has reached the age of 10 and 11 months should be nutritious and varied, the amount of food should be commensurate with the baby's appetite and needs, and the dishes themselves should arouse the child's interest and desire to try them. Of course, such requirements (especially the last one) are not mandatory, but it is advisable to adhere to them. In addition, it should be remembered that the diet of a 10-11 month old child should not include:

  • Salt, sugar, honey, nuts;
  • Seasonings and spices that are too rich in taste and aroma (onions and garlic are allowed in boiled and steamed form);
  • Dishes prepared by the method of frying and smoking (including grilled dishes);
  • Products that cause an allergic reaction and persistent disgust in a child;

By the way, at 10-11 months, it is already possible to introduce pasta from durum wheat into the children's menu: milk soups with "stars", "shells", "bows" and other figures, or meat soup with noodles - all this will significantly expand the range favorite dishes of the baby.

As you can see, the baby's diet has expanded significantly since the introduction of the first complementary foods, and practically does not differ from the menu of an adult - therefore, any woman can easily use the menu for the whole family as a basis for organizing nutrition for a child of 10-11 months of age (albeit with the listed above restrictions).

As for the consistency of baby food, it is advisable to gradually reduce the degree of chopping of food, without finally giving up various mashed potatoes, pates, mousses: these dishes, as a rule, are liked not only by children, but also by adults - and therefore their presence on the menu brings useful diversity.

Making a menu for an almost one-year-old child is an exciting activity, even if foods that cause allergies are excluded from his diet: after all, at least 10 dishes can be prepared from only one type of cereal - there would be a desire and a little time, as well as the desire to create and fantasize. Maybe you should start thinking about the "royal" menu for your favorite infant right now?

Criteria for compiling a menu for a 7-month-old breastfed baby

The following options for ready-made menus will definitely help you to successfully "start" at a distance, under the motto "Useful and varied dishes for baby food" - all that remains is to wish you successful achievement of your goals, as well as bon appetite to your baby!

Your baby is happy with life, energetic and inquisitive, he already has teeth, and he happily chews on cookies or bagels. You are already free in the choice of dishes for your 10-month-old baby, his children's menu is becoming more and more varied and does not cause your alarm. The crumb already has its favorite foods, their recipe is quickly approaching "adult", but do not rush to transfer it to the common table.

Babies 10 months old still receive breast milk or formula in the first and last feedings. As a rule, at this age, even evening (before bedtime) feeding is replaced by a vegetable dish or milk porridge. By this age, the children's menu is already very diverse, and there are almost no unexplored natural products left. Only their combinations and serving sizes have changed.

Compared to the nutrition of a 9-month-old baby, meals for a 10-month-old baby are no longer pureed, but finely chopped. The food is cooked more dense so that the baby already learns to chew it before swallowing, developing a chewing skill.

Very important changes concern the heat treatment of vegetables and fruits. More dishes are already being added to the menu that are not boiled or stewed. A child of 10 months needs to cook salads from fresh carrots and apples more often, enrich them with finely chopped herbs. Try to give fruits and berries fresh too, just start with very small portions. Avoid highly acidic berries and citrus fruits.

Let's take a look at the main meals for a 10 month old baby menu that you can combine to create a meal plan for your little one.

Dishes for babies 10 months

Dairy dishes

Milk porridge is best offered in the first half of the day. It is better to cook them with milk obtained from infant formula for children under 12 months of age. It is not recommended to include cow's milk in the diet of a child under 1 year old! If there is no other way out, then cow's milk should be diluted 1: 1 with water.

From cereals, you can take buckwheat, millet, rice, oatmeal, sometimes semolina or wheat. You can already try to cook baby vermicelli. You don't need to sweeten porridge!

We give cottage cheese for an afternoon snack, prepare it from fat-free kefir. Serving - no more than 50 g. You can add a slice of banana to the curd.

Vegetable dishes

Puréed vegetables can be replaced with finely chopped vegetable stews. Also, the menu already includes salads from fresh carrots - with the addition of pears or apples.

Vegetables: potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kohlrabi, stalked celery, spinach, courgettes and onions. Wait for a while with white cabbage.

Puddings and casseroles

At 10 months old, it's time for your child to try casseroles and puddings. You can make cottage cheese casseroles with fruit and berries, meat and fish (with white meat).

Mix 200 g of grated cottage cheese with 1 egg yolk, 1 grated apple and bake. Instead of an apple, you can use a pumpkin, carrot, banana. Put in a mold, sprinkle with butter (1 tsp) and steam.

Meat pudding

Scroll chicken or veal twice (200 g), add 1 yolk, 2 tbsp. semolina and 3 tbsp. milk. We carefully combine all the ingredients and, at the end, stir in the beaten egg white. Put the pudding in a mold and bake for a couple of 50 minutes.

If your baby is not yet familiar with egg white, then the first intake of this dish should not exceed 20 g.

Using the same recipe, you can make fish pudding - hake, pollock or cod.

Meat dishes

Meat purees can already confidently be replaced with meatballs and cutlets. Meatball soup is a favorite of many kids! You can use chicken, turkey, beef or veal, and lean pork. Fish meatballs are also very tender.

Add a little white bread, a piece of onion and yolk to the twice ground meat (if there is no allergy). We form small balls and cook either on steam or in slightly salted water. A good solution is to simply add a few meat (or fish) balls when making the soup.


  • Fruit, berry or vegetable juices.
  • Compotes from apples, pears, berries.
  • Milk and berry kissels. In the winter season, you can use frozen berries.

How to cook jelly?
Boil fruits and berries, filter, and pass the pulp through a sieve into a separate bowl. Cool the broth and stir the starch in it (1 tsp per 100 ml of broth), put on fire and, stirring, bring to a boil. Add the pulp and bring to a boil again. Ready! We do not add sugar.

  • Children's kefir or skim milk bifidok (adult) - very fresh!

Meals for a 10 month old are less strictly regulated. Many mothers are already transferring children of 10 months to a common table, although this is not true. However, sweet and savory foods should be limited in the children's menu. The baby's metabolism is still unstable and his body does not process these flavoring additives qualitatively. Exercise Conscious Caution

At 10 months. the baby's nervous system is already sufficiently developed so that he can make the following movements when feeding:

  1. make lateral movements with the tongue;
  2. cleanse a spoon with your lips;
  3. bite off and chew food;
  4. move food to your teeth with your tongue.

Based on these features, doctors have developed recommendations for the transition of children from breast milk to common meals.

The World Health Organization advises to include in the sample menu for a week for a child at 10 months. dishes in chopped or pureed form.

At each feeding (according to the child's regimen), you can and should give food that is convenient to eat with your hands: cubes of vegetables and fruits, slices of potatoes and cheese, pieces of meat and bread.

Different rice balls, meatballs, bread crusts can work great.

  1. liver, meat (it is required to boil thoroughly, then passing through a meat grinder);
  2. boiled vegetables and fruits (you must first grind);
  3. raw vegetables and fruits (banana, melon, tomato, etc.);
  4. cereals (in cereals - wheat, oats);
  5. bread.

The baby should be fed in a variety of ways, alternating in the menu different types of cereals for cereals, fruits and vegetables.

The answer to the question "How to feed a baby at 10 months?" can be found in the guidelines No. 99/225 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on the organization of nutrition for infants in the first year of life. The compilers propose the following composition of an approximate diet for children aged 10 months. (with breastfeeding):

  1. fruits (puree, juice) - 90-100 ml;
  2. vegetables (puree) - 200 g;
  3. porridge in milk - 200 g;
  4. cottage cheese - 50 g;
  5. yolk - 0.5 pcs.;
  6. meat (mashed potatoes) - 60-70 g;
  7. fish (puree) - 30-60 g;
  8. fermented milk products (kefir, etc.) - 400-500 ml;
  9. whole milk - 200 ml;
  10. crackers and biscuits - 10-15 g;
  11. bread (wheat, premium) - 10 g;
  12. butter (vegetable, butter) - 6 g each

The diet of complementary foods recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for babies 10 months old who are on mixed or artificial feeding differs from the one given in that it additionally contains 200-400 g of adapted milk formulas (or subsequent ones).

The diet includes three main meals and two light snacks - you can offer the crumbs yogurt, kefir, an apple, bread with butter or jam, etc.

Pediatricians advise, on the basis of the above recommendations, to draw up an approximate menu for a week and then use it, making the necessary adjustments. The calorie content of the dishes included in this list can be viewed in special tables.

Requirements for dishes

Cooking meals for babies at 10 months will not differ in great variety. But there are general rules for them.

  • Raw fruits and vegetables are cut immediately before serving, after peeling them off.
  • The fruit is stewed along with the skin, which is then removed.
  • To boil vegetables, they are washed, cut into small cubes, and a little water is added.
  • Fish and meat are boiled in large portions, then part is cut off for the child and mashed or simply chopped into small pieces.
  • For the preparation of complementary foods, you can use only high-quality vegetable oil: corn, sunflower, olive.
  • If you want to enhance the taste of food, then instead of spices and salt, it is better to use a little butter, lemon or cranberry juice in small quantities.

Healthy drinks

At 10 months. you should continue to breastfeed so that the baby's energy is constantly renewed. But at the same time, WHO recommends introducing crumbs and other liquids into the diet, including unmodified cow's milk, and all drinks should be offered only from a cup.

It is best to squeeze juices for complementary foods on your own, so they better retain their beneficial properties. The consumption of such a liquid should be strictly dosed, as excessive use interferes with the consumption of breast milk. The sugars in fruit drinks can cause tooth decay and erosion of emerging teeth due to their acidity.

Kissel, compote or fruit drink from various berries (currants, cranberries, raspberries) are an excellent alternative to juices. To prevent seeds or grains from getting into the drink, first squeeze the juice, and then boil compote or liquid jelly. They perfectly quench thirst, increase appetite, while being a source of vitamins. Cranberry juice is most often used for fruit drinks, diluted with boiled water.

Tea is drunk in almost every family, but a child at 10 months should not be given it. This is due to the fact that the drink contains tannins, which prevent the full absorption of iron and minerals from food. By adding sugar to tea, you can reduce your appetite and contribute to the development of dental disease.

To quench your thirst, it is better to give mineral water without gas, tea from fennel, rose hips, dried fruit compote without sugar.

What is forbidden to give to a child

  1. spices, salt, sugar;
  2. spicy dishes;
  3. raw fruit or vegetable salads;
  4. whole kernels of nuts;
  5. smoked food (meat, sausage, fish, cheese);
  6. unripe fruits, fruits with a rough peel (you must first peel them), in which there are seeds;
  7. wholemeal bread, which contains whole grains.

When buying any products in stores, carefully read their composition: they may contain additives harmful to children.

Sample menu

Members of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Speransky G.N. and Arkhangelsky B.A. in their writings, they suggest feeding infants according to an approximate menu for a child at 10 months, observing the following regimen:

  1. early breakfast (6 hours) - 200 ml of formula or breast milk;
  2. breakfast (10 hours) - 180 g of porridge, 50 g of fruit puree, 0.5 yolk;
  3. lunch (14 hours) - 180 g of mashed soup or vegetable puree, 50 g of meat puree or 1 fish / meat cutlet, 1 piece. of bread;
  4. dinner (18 hours) - 50 cottage cheese, 50 g of fruit puree, 100 g of kefir, 1 cookie or 1 piece. of bread;
  5. late dinner (22 hours) - 200 ml of breast milk or formula.

When you go to 10 months. the new feeding regimen should gradually replace breast milk with solid food.


According to WHO, the concept of "good nutrition" includes four main aspects:

  1. the way of feeding should be maximally adapted to the psychomotor capabilities of the baby: he is able to hold a spoon, can he fully chew, drink from a cup;
  2. persons who feed the child should be attentive, encourage his willingness to eat, offer a supplement;
  3. giving complementary foods, you should interact with the baby, showing attention, tenderness and affection;
  4. feeding should always be clearly organized, while maintaining cleanliness, regularity, supervising the safety of the toddler while eating.

Compliance with the feeding regimen, good mood of the child, communication with parents are very important in order for him to eat with pleasure, while receiving the entire set of substances necessary for development at 10 months.

The kid is almost a year old. At this age, some children already gobble up everything that is bad, others are still breastfed with a little complementary food. The peculiarities of the development of the digestion of the crumbs at this age already allow him to eat a lot, but not all. And the state of his health depends on how the parents make up the daily diet of the toddler. The well-known doctor and author of books and articles on children's health Yevgeny Komarovsky tells how and what to properly feed a child aged 10 to 12 months.

Age features

At the age of 10-11 months, children already, as a rule, have several teeth, and therefore the mother now does not need to thoroughly grind everything and turn it into puree. An apple cut into small pieces or a pear grated on a coarse grater will do much more good than swallowing a smooth smoothie from these fruits quickly.

At this age, according to Evgeny Komarovsky, the baby should be given the opportunity to actively develop the chewing reflex. This is very important for the digestive system to function properly. It is also important to give the baby a spoon and a glass, he should already learn to use these devices, try to eat on his own, get used to a large adult table.

There is no longer any biological need to feed by the hour, but the mother should work to ensure that the baby wakes up at 7-8 in the morning, and therefore during the day she must distribute meals in such a way that the child can eat up and sleep well until the morning.

While feeding on "normal" food still has to alternate with the mother's usual baby breast or adapted milk formulas if the baby is artificially fed, but every month before the first anniversary, the baby's biological need for breast milk is rapidly decreasing. Komarovsky believes that after 12 months breastfeeding should be stopped, bottle feeding should also be gradually abandoned, although you can safely feed up to one and a half to two years with special mixtures with age marking 12+. The main thing to remember is that at this age neither milk nor mixtures fully satisfy all the needs of a growing organism.

10 months

In the diet of the crumbs at this age, there should already be such products as fish, meat, cottage cheese, fruits, chicken or quail yolks (no more than one and a half chicken yolks per week), clean drinking water and juices are desirable from drinks, but only exclusively homemade, without dyes and preservatives (no more than 100 ml per day). It is good to cook compotes, jelly for a child, make fruit drinks.

  • 7.00 - the child has just woken up and until his body is tuned in to the intake of complex food. Therefore, it is best to give your baby his usual breast milk or an adapted formula.
  • 10.00-11.00 - low-fat kefir (about 120-150 ml) and cottage cheese (no more than 30 grams).
  • 14.00 - 15.00 - vegetable soup or vegetable puree in meat broth (about 200 gr).
  • 18.00 - breast milk or formula.
  • 22.00 - milk cereal porridge in a volume of up to 200 ml. Porridge should be satisfying so that the child can be satisfied and sleep better.

A baby at the age of 10 months does not need night feeding.

11 months

In terms of the set of products, it differs little from the menu for a 10-month-old baby, unless, at this age, it is recommended to introduce vegetable oil into the diet (no more than 1 teaspoon per day), adding to various foods. All dishes are best cooked, stewed or steamed. Meat and fish in soup or mashed potatoes no longer need to be wiped, it is enough to chop finely or split into fibers.

You can add pasta to the soup (in a small amount), you can boil baby vermicelli for the crumb. Eugene Komarovsky recommends the diet to be the same as a month earlier.

12 months

At the age of one, the diet should be slightly adjusted, the last meal should be “shifted” and carried out a little earlier (not at 22-23 hours, but at 20.00, in extreme cases at 21 hours). It is not necessary to introduce whole cow's milk, it is still too early for this. But it is already possible and necessary to add soups with fish broth, as well as a small slice of bread for dinner.

You need to be careful with bread - it is better not to give fresh yeast, it is more difficult to digest. A piece that has lain in a bread bin for 1-2 days is perfect.

When introducing a new product for a child, observe it carefully. Start with small portions, literally 1-2 teaspoons. In case of an inadequate reaction of the body to a new delicacy, the new dish should be removed from the diet.

Keep a diary of complementary foods, write down what and when the child ate for the first time, in the future this will help to quickly understand which product is allergic.

Children under one year old should not be given food that is not usual for their latitudinal strip (if a child lives in Siberia, then oranges are not needed, and residents of the south of the country should hardly feed their baby with Far Eastern fish).

All the most interesting about the introduction of baby foods can be seen in the next video of Dr. Komarovsky.

Recipes for a baby from 10 to 12 months

Oatmeal with dried apricots

Cook regular oatmeal in water with a little baby milk or an adapted formula. Add butter on the tip of a knife and close the lid. Finely chop the well-washed dried apricots into the prepared porridge.

Meatball soup

In broth (from lean meat), boil finely chopped potato pieces, zucchini, grated carrots without adding spices and bay leaves. Roll a few small meatballs out of the minced meat (beef) and put them into the cooking soup 15 minutes before the end of cooking.

Buckwheat porridge with apple

Cook milk buckwheat porridge, each grain should be boiled. Add a little butter to the porridge. Grate a green apple on a coarse grater, add to warm porridge before serving to preserve maximum vitamins.

Vegetable mix

In meat or fish broth, boil pieces of potatoes, cabbage, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin. When all the vegetables are done, drain the broth, add a little butter and smooth into a smooth puree with a blender. Add boiled lean meat, cut into small pieces, to the finished puree.

Cauliflower puree

Boil pieces of cauliflower in salted water, drain, add a little butter and half boiled chicken yolk and pass through a blender. Before serving in mashed potatoes, you can add some finely chopped meat or fish.

Cottage cheese

Mix cottage cheese with a spoonful of sour cream, a little sugar and a grated apple. Add half the raw chicken yolk. Form small pancakes from the resulting mass and bake them on baking paper in the oven until tender. You can check the stage of readiness with a toothpick (if it remains dry, everything is ready). This dish is perfect as a hearty and healthy afternoon snack.

Steam cutlets

Salt the minced meat from low-fat meats or fish, add half the raw chicken yolk, shape into patties and cook in a double boiler for about 40 minutes.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you about the variety of baby food in the next video.

The older the child becomes, the more "adult" food products are included in his diet. But this does not mean that at 10 months, a baby can eat absolutely all products and dishes of adults. In addition, feeding should be maintained at this age.

In addition to the first morning and last (before bedtime) breastfeeding for, which may already be decreasing, you can apply the baby to the breast during the day. Night feedings are no longer needed, and if the mother has not yet had time to wean the child from them, then this should be done in the 11th month of life.

The nutrition of the baby and the artificial does not differ. When drawing up a menu at this age, the baby's food preferences should be taken into account. It is not only the range of products that matters, but also the amount of food consumed.

True, there are no universal norms for feeding a child at the 11th month. For a calmer baby, a small serving is enough for satiety. An active fidget, who has more energy costs, needs more portions to replenish them. The approach should be individualized.

A correctly composed, balanced menu must necessarily include:

  • porridge;
  • meat;
  • egg yolk;
  • dairy products;
  • fruit;
  • and butter.

Such nutrition will provide the child's body not only with nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats), but also with essential minerals and vitamins.

As before, the baby should be fed 5 times a day. It is important to adhere to the daily routine, feed the baby at about the same time. At this age, the baby sleeps twice during the day: after lunch and after lunch. The approximate duration of sleep is 1.5 hours each.

It is important to observe the daily regimen in order to prevent overwork, to ensure sufficient rest, as this will create a calm psycho-emotional mood in the baby. A child accustomed to the daily routine is easier to adapt later in kindergarten.

Food volume

Ideally, the size of a single serving of complementary foods for a 10 month old baby should be close to 250 mg.

It is not difficult to calculate the amount of food for both a day and one feeding. Servings depend on body weight: it should be divided by 9 - this will be the daily volume. On average, a child needs 1000-1250 g of food per day.

If you divide this volume by the number of feedings, then you can get the amount of food for 1 feeding, that is, approximately 250 g. Breast milk or should be no more than a quarter of the daily volume, that is, 25%. It is not recommended to overestimate the amount of servings - this can cause indigestion, and the load on the internal organs will also increase.

Foods for a baby's diet at 10 months

A 11-month-old baby's menu should include a variety of dishes. It is best to put the baby on a special chair at the table with adults and teach him how to eat on his own, even if not everything works out.

The diet should include:

  1. dairy and dairy-free. It is cereals that serve as a source of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Cereals for their preparation are used previously familiar to the child: corn, buckwheat.

New cereals are also being introduced - barley, pearl barley,. There is no need to rush to introduce the baby to semolina porridge, especially if the child has a tendency to, anemia or.

  1. Vegetables are an indispensable component of the children's menu, as they not only supply the body with vitamins and minerals, but also contain essential for normal digestion and intestinal motility.

They are used to prepare borscht and soups for the child, they are stewed as a side dish for meat dishes and fish. Only you cannot use the broth in which it was cooked: it releases toxic substances into it. Some kids like vegetable purees mixed with porridge.

The child is already familiar with these vegetables:

  • potato;
  • cauliflower;
  • broccoli;
  • carrot;
  • green pea;
  • beet;

It's time to introduce white cabbage, boiled green beans into the diet. Vegetable purees can be prepared both mono-component and multicomponent. It is only important that the baby is already familiar with each vegetable. Greens will help to complement and improve the taste of soup or borscht. But it's too early to give fresh green vegetables.

  1. Meat dishes must be included in the daily menu. In addition to the previously used rabbit, chicken, veal, the child can cook lean beef.

Allowed to eat and offal (heart,), cook the first course in meat broth. Meat can be given to the child with the first course, with porridge, with vegetables. The meat dish can be cutlets, soufflé, pate, meatballs, meatballs.

  1. Fish should not be given on the same day as meat. With good tolerance of the previously introduced cod, hake, pollock, pike perch, flounder, you can introduce the child to other types of fish: river bass, carp, catfish, trout. The kid only needs to cook fresh, not frozen fish. You can cook soup from it, cook steamed cutlets, soufflé.
  1. Berries and fruits must be included in the daily diet of the baby, because they are a source of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, and healthy fiber. Up to 10 months, the child could already use:
  • bananas;
  • apples of green varieties;
  • peaches;
  • apricots;
  • all varieties of currants;

Now you can gradually introduce cherry plum, raspberry, watermelon, one by one. You need to carefully monitor the reaction to each new fruit or berry, as they can cause allergies.

It is important to thoroughly wash the fruit with running water and rinse it with boiling water before preparing the fruit and berry puree. It can be given as a separate snack or added to a casserole, porridge, or fermented milk products.

It is not recommended to exceed the serving size of mashed potatoes, as this can lead to indigestion and bloating. Juices from berries and fruits, according to the recommendations of the WHO (World Health Organization), should not be given for up to a year. From fresh fruits or dried fruits, you can cook jelly and compotes.

  1. Dairy products will serve as a source of calcium for your baby. You can cook porridge in cow's milk. Whole boiled milk is permissible for the child to drink. It is imperative to include fermented milk products in the diet - cottage cheese, kefir. They can only be purchased from baby food departments. Drink and yoghurt should be offered from a cup.

Fermented milk products intended for adults should not be given to children. It is optimal for mom to cook it herself, for which a yogurt maker is successfully used; you can buy starter cultures at pharmacies. Fermented milk products in combination with various fruits acquire an original taste.

  1. Hard-boiled yolks, containing important minerals and vitamins, should continue to be given to the child with porridge or vegetables, 1 piece three times a week or ½ daily.
  1. Butter and vegetable oil is added to cereals, soups or vegetable dishes in the same dosage - 5 g. From vegetable oils you can take sunflower, linseed, olive (the most useful option).
  1. Wheat products in the form of biscuits, bread, homemade crackers are also included in the child's diet. In addition, you can cook pasta as a side dish for meatballs or in the form of milk soups.
  1. As drinks, in addition to water (purified or boiled), the baby can be given jelly, compote, herbal tea. The drinking regime is very important for the child, especially during the hot season. Compote and jelly are prepared from natural fruits, frozen or dry.

You can diversify the menu with cottage cheese casseroles with fruit additives, puddings, fruit desserts. But it is advisable to cook them without sugar.

Cooking methods

To teach a child to chew, you should sometimes offer him solid foods - a crouton, a slice of apple, cookies.

All meals should be given to the baby only freshly prepared. You should not feed your child the same dish twice a day. Vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed and peeled. Gradually, it is recommended to abandon chopping foods to a puree consistency and teach your child to chew. The kid himself is trying to bite hard foods with his grown teeth: cookies, bread, a slice of apple, crackers. This promotes the development of the chewing muscles.

Products can be baked, steamed, boiled, stewed. A steamer or a multicooker can make cooking easier. During cooking, some of the vitamins are lost due to thermal exposure.

Frying as a way of preparing meals for a child is unacceptable: eating fried foods can provoke diseases of the digestive organs. It is not recommended to use salt, sugar, various spices (except bay leaves). In extreme cases, it is permissible to add a pinch of salt to borsch / soup or vegetable puree.

Menu for the day

  • 6:00 - breastfeeding or an adapted formula.
  • 10:00 - milk or dairy-free porridge (200 g) with butter (5 g) and fruit puree (50 g).
  • 14:00 - vegetable soup or puree (200 g); vegetable oil (5 g); half an egg yolk; meat (or fish once a week) puree or steam cutlet (80 g); bread (10 g); compote (up to 100 ml).
  • 18:00 - cottage cheese (50 g) with fruit puree (50 g); kefir or yogurt (up to 200 g); 2 croutons.
  • 22:00 - breast milk or formula.

The well-known pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky, who is trusted by his parents, advises:

  • in the morning, from 6 to 7 o'clock, attach the baby to the breast or feed with a mixture;
  • at 10 o'clock give the baby dairy products (cottage cheese and kefir);
  • for lunch, offer your child vegetable soup and a meat dish;
  • at 18:00 - breastfeeding or formula feeding;
  • give milk hearty porridge before bedtime.

Dish recipes

Since a ten-month-old baby is already familiar with almost all natural products, there can be a huge number of options for dishes. Now you can combine products, prepare multi-component dishes, which allows you to diversify the menu for your baby.

The following recipes can help mom in culinary delights:

Meat soup


  1. Wash and cut into small pieces 50 g of meat (chicken breast, veal or turkey).
  2. Place the meat in a saucepan, pour 0.5 liters of water and cook over medium heat for half an hour.
  3. Wash, peel and seed half a small zucchini, cut it into small slices. Wash and cut 5 sorrel leaves and in another bowl with a little water cook it with zucchini for 10 minutes (until tender).
  4. Extract all the ingredients, grind to the desired consistency, add 1 tsp. olive oil, mix, dilute with broth, add chopped dill when serving.

Vegetable soup with chicken and rice

Cooking steps:

  • wash the chicken (or quail) breast and remove the skin from it;
  • pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, add a pinch of salt, bay leaf and boil chicken fillet in it;
  • remove the meat from the broth and leave it on a plate to cool, and remove the bay leaf;
  • rinse to clean water with 1 tbsp. l. rice, add it to the broth and cook for 10 minutes;
  • wash, peel and cut into small cubes 2 medium potatoes, 1 small onion; peel and grate a little;
  • add vegetables to broth and cook for 15 minutes;
  • cut the meat into small pieces and add to the soup;
  • after boiling, remove from heat.

Liver with vegetables


  • wash and cut into small pieces 100 g of chicken liver;
  • peel, wash, finely chop a small onion;
  • wash, peel and chop small carrots with a fine grater;
  • stew onions with carrots in a slow cooker (or in a pan) with 1 tsp. olive oil;
  • add liver to vegetables, 1 tbsp. l. , a little water and simmer over low heat for half an hour.

Puree with meat


  • wash the chicken breast and remove the skin from it;
  • cut into small pieces 100 g chicken fillet;
  • wash, peel and cut into small cubes 150 g of potatoes and 150 g of carrots;
  • add meat and vegetables to the multicooker bowl, pour a glass of milk and simmer for about half an hour (in the absence of a multicooker, simmer the products in a saucepan over low heat);
  • if necessary, milk can be topped up;
  • after the components are ready, grind them to a puree state.

Curd and carrot casserole

Curd-carrot casserole is a tasty and healthy dish for a child.


  • wash, peel and boil 80 g of carrots;
  • after cooling, chop the carrots with a blender (or using a fine grater);
  • add 50 g, 5 g of butter, chicken egg yolk and 20 g of white bread pulp (pre-soaked) to the carrots; to stir thoroughly;
  • put the resulting mass in a mold greased with butter;
  • bake the casserole in the oven at 160 0 C for about half an hour or steam it.

Instead of carrots, you can use grated apple, mashed banana, chopped boiled pumpkin.

Fish soufflé


  • boil fillet of sea fish (pollock, hake) and grind with a blender or scroll 2 times with a meat grinder;
  • add 5 g of butter and 1 yolk of a raw egg to the minced fish, mix everything;
  • grease the form with oil and put the resulting mixture into it;
  • cook the soufflé steamed or in the oven at 160 0 C.

Turkey cutlets


  • scroll 200 g of turkey fillet through a meat grinder;
  • add 1 tbsp to the minced meat. l. rice flour, stir;
  • form patties and steam them or sauté with half a glass of water in a skillet.

Minced meat can be prepared from a combination of different types of meat.

Buckwheat porridge with milk


  • sort out, rinse with water half a glass (preferably unroasted) cereals and place it in a saucepan;
  • pour 1.5 cups of water into it, bring to a boil and cook the porridge over low heat under the lid for 15 minutes;
  • remove the porridge from the heat, wrap it with a towel and leave for 10 minutes;
  • add 5 g butter and a glass of boiled milk to the dish.

Liver pudding with carrots


  • boil a small (about 20 g) carrots and chop them with a blender (or using a grater);
  • crush a small crouton of wheat bread with a meat grinder;
  • grind 80 g of chicken liver with a blender (or meat grinder);
  • mix the liver with carrots, add 5 g of butter, egg yolk, chopped croutons;
  • beat the mixture well;
  • grease the mold with oil, put the resulting mass into it;
  • cook for about half an hour for steam or bake in the oven at 160 0 C.

Apple pudding


  • wash, peel 250 g of green apples and cut into small cubes;
  • place the apples in a suitable dish with a lid in the microwave for 3 minutes;
  • Bring milk (50 ml) to a boil over low heat and carefully add 1 tsp into it while stirring. flour, that is, make custard;
  • mix cream with apples, add 1 tsp. semolina and beaten 1 chicken egg;
  • grease the mold with oil and place the resulting mixture in it;
  • steam the pudding or in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 0 C.

Curd dessert


  • beat 100 g of cottage cheese until smooth;
  • finely crumble 2 pieces of baby biscuits and add them to the curd;
  • peel banana (100 g), cut into circles and add to the blender bowl;
  • beat the resulting mass and put on a plate.

Resume for parents

There are practically no unfamiliar "adult" products left for a 10-month-old baby. These products can be combined for him, to prepare already multi-component dishes. Serving volumes are also increased.

Dishes no longer need to be chopped to a puree-like consistency; it is better to knead them with a regular fork, which will help your baby learn to chew. Feedings at 10 months should be 5, of which 2 - breast milk or an adapted formula.

Nutritionist S.G. Makarova talks about the nutrition of a child at 9-12 months: