Project for children of senior pre-school "Russian folk toy. Folk toy

Anisa Guilfanova
The role of a folk toy in the education of the preschooler

The basis for the development of a small child - good health, the cheerfulness of favorite children's toys Move the kids to run, throw, throw, jump, catch - that is developing movements, satisfy the need for motor activity, communication. Toys With a surprise, sounding, crown - cause surprise, unexpected joy, mix and amuse, make the life of a child happier. Toy Along with the children's book - the first work of art, which enters the life of the kid. Well decorated toy It wakes up aesthetic experiences in it, instills an artistic taste. Recognizing great importance toys for the development of childrenAdults cultivate them, create, Mastery, produce in factories, contribute to the child. Toys became part of universal culture.

K. D. Ushinsky One of the first to pay attention to the fact that toy - This is a kind of school educating the feelings of the child. Child is sincerely tied to his toys., loves them hot. Favorite toys Take a child with kindness, empathy.

Toys - Specially made objects intended for games, providing game activity of children and adults. The main feature toys is somethingthat in her generalized form presented features, properties of the subject, depending on which the child playing plays Those or other actions.

Appearance toys In human society, scientists are associated with the development of labor activities of a primitive person. Since those ancient times are known toys In the form of labor instruments, weapons, household items. With the help of which many vital actions were mastered, ways of activity.

Archaeological research, literary sources reported to this day information about toys of the ancient world. Earlier toys made from wood, fabric. Personal figures of pets, dolls, balls. Ancient masters tried to revive toy, convey in it characteristic movements inherent in real subject: toy- Crocodil with a spinner, tiger - in a paw over the alleged victim and others. Some toys give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe social structure of ancient Egypt; Bodily punishment of slave or working slave.

In antique times in Greece, in Rome toys considered an important tool education. Preserved artistic ivory toys, amber, terracotta (These are dolls, animal figures) used -kell, wood, precious metals, craft production was developed toyswho became the subject of trade, in different countries for the development of force, the dexterity was made by balls, wipes, srso. According to the testimony of the Greek philosopher Plutarch toys of those times, were toys With clockwork mechanisms, which speaks of the high professionalism of the masters. In Eastern Europe ancient toysThey are found by archaeologists belong to the 2th century BC. These are riders and clay carts. During the excavations of the Slavic settlements of the average Dnieper, rattles were detected, clay figures.

Samples of ancient Russian toys(clay whistles, opener, birds, dolls) Found during the archaeological excavations of Moscow, Kolomna, St. Petersburg.

About toys Middle Ages can be judged by museum collections available in many countries of the world. Preserved toysintended for representatives of nobility and their children. Lot toys Military Content (horses in the growth of the child, helmets, shields, balls, armor). The obligatory attribute of each wealthy house was a doll, which was attached to a magical value as a keeper of a homely hearth. From those times, puppet houses are preserved with a complete setting made of expensive materials, often with decorated precious metals and stones. Puppet houses as well as the crown, were intended to decorate the interior, passionate guests. Such toys The master was usually done in a single copy. Many of them are real works of art. It is not surprising that they were stored as family values \u200b\u200bwere inherited.

Exist toys and children poorbut they did not reach our days due to the briefness of the material from which their masters (This straw, clay, bark trees, wood, fabrics).

In Russia toys had a serious meaning; from toys The skill was handed over inherited, they prepared children to life, developed physically and spiritually.

Meaning folk toys - develop, take, hang, please the child. First toys hung over the bridge. These were bells, pendants with noise, motley flap, ratchet. And then the child received balls, wipes, onions, twins, cabica, dolls, whistles.

Everyone has it people From time immemorial there are their own toyswhich reflected public entry, life, morals, customs, technical and artistic achievements. Toys in many nationsDespite their difference in many ways are similar in the constitution, form, decor. But it happened because toys were born in labor, and the famous master and a simple peasant studied at one master - nature. And in a luxurious palace and in a straw hut played a child only toys These were different - in some toy Served wooden chock, wrapped in a rag, other expensive intricate, made to order mechanical dolls.

The most ancient dolls are found during excavations in Egypt. Their age of more than 4 thousand years. They are cut out of wooden skulls, rectangular patterns, depicting clothes, decorated them. On the head - wigs hairstyles from clay or wooden beads.

Archaeologists on excavations find toys with utensils, life of life, which proves the ancient masters understood the appointment of children's toys - Fun baby, helping him to know the world. The earliest toys were primitive, summarized, were reduced images of surrounding things, toy tools, miniature utensils, rattles, whistles, horses Fish and birds. And today these finds are surprised by us - what did they do them? From the branches, fruits, bitch of wood, flowers, straw, clay, breadfall, that is, from the fact that gave the generous surrounding nature. These toys They lived not long - they quickly broke, so they did not reach this day. To make their more entertaining ancestors, our forced them to act; Do not make difficult movements, make sounds and noises, brightly and beautifully painted them. Important the role was assigned a dollSince the man saw himself. She was a symbol of continuing the genus and the game in the dolls in every way was encouraged by adults. There was even a sign - that if the children play a lot in the dolls, then in the family profits and wealth, and if carelessly belong to toys - Be trouble. Cradle baby put a doll "Obereg" Considering that she guards his peace and sleep.

The doll participated in adult rituals. In the old days at the wedding, she, elegantly dressed, with a scarlet ribbon in a spider decorated with a wedding table. Perhaps the echo of the tradition was the decoration of the car of the bride and the bride doll in the wedding dress.

Symbolic dolls accompanied other peasant holidays and rituals. A large straw doll carnival was accompanied, which at the end of the holiday was burned on a fire. By the holiday, the Trinity did seminar and seven branches from the branches, put their dances around them under the birch, and at the end of the rite was treated in the river. Only I do not understand why such a tragic end of these dolls?

Toys Masters made called "Total", that is, made on fun, for fun. These were funny horses, weapons (pistols, slingshots, cows, deer, soldiers, wooden dolls in full at the same time. But such dolls appeared 150 years ago. And much before the doll could become birch and the white bark of which became a lear of dolls. Further People came up with other materials - Dolls made of straw - pieces of fabric became clothes. Fantasy masters was infinite -oni-offend, apart from straw dolls Mastery of miniature birds, did toys Strugashushka - a similar rummy can be made of a washcloth, from branches or flaxed pacles, from the herbs of a family of cereals.

The very first toy The baby was a rattle, many researchers consider. Schliman found children's rattles in the Trojan excavations they were known to the Greeks, Romans. Toys These were called scarcunos, rattles, blatants, bryakushki, made from different material and different shapes, their spilled barks, in the form of a cube or a polyhedron, were pulled out in the form of a bowl, a keg of wood, sculpted from clay. Rattle relative ratchet - toytaken from life musical toy was - whistle. They could be in the form of birds, horses, dogs, cats, soldiers. A special more complex view of whistles was the so-called nightingale - small clay pots with a drilled nose. Water poured into such a pot and then at the blowing of air in the spout, funny sounds were obtained.

Favorite children's fun in the Tula Moscow and other provinces were harmonica. They differed from each other with their dimensions and sound. There were harmonica so-called Bayan, Chrome, Talian, Accordions. The most common toy Rustic children had a rag doll. The dolls of these bold - the girl grows, becomes mom and a doll transfers further his daughter. Being a mandatory childhood satellite, the subject of entertainment, experiences, fun - toy It is general educational importance, serves the purpose of the diverse development of the child. Wide circle educational the tasks of the child thanks to a variety toys in content, species, materials, use techniques, age appointment.

(Collective work)

Education area: "Artistic creativity."

Software tasks:

  1. Expand and consolidate knowledge about the characteristic features of the painting of the folk toy.
  2. To form the ability to create patterns on your own design, using a variety of hardware, modeling, appliqués.
  3. Develop creative abilities, aesthetic perception, a sense of rhythm, color.
  4. Relieve a sense of love and pride for your country and your city.
  5. Learning to work on subgroups.

Material:Toys (Dymkovskaya, Filimonovskaya, Gorodetskaya, Semenovskaya) painting, Rushniki; Plasticine, stamps, color. Paper, glue, matryoshka, clothes for matretory.

Travel course:

Children enter the hall to Russian folk music.

Hello people kind, guests are expensive!

Listen, listen, listen

As we had on the Holy Rus.

That was not fallaced,

Then the masters were going

The sun stood up

They came with work.

Well, the guys came to the guests. And it's time to reclaim them: songs, dats, toys.

Children Do you like to play with toys? Your toys are made of a variety of materials.

And once a long time ago, the children played with toys made of clay and wood.

Russia was famous for Miracle Masters. Tree and clay turned into a fairy tale.

The paints and brush beauty worked with their own art of young people.

In the high mountains, the blue seas there is a country of magical masters. IN

this country is very love to make toys. Do you want to get into this country?

We will eat there on the magical swings, the carousels.

Will babes in dance

Carousel cheerful waiting for us

(Game "Carousel".)

Children become a dance and are taken behind the ribbons.

Spruce, spruce, spruce, spruce crafts,

And then, then, then,

All run, run, run.

Quieter, do not hurry quiet

Carousel stop.

Once, two times, two. That ended the game.

Welcome to the country of magic masters.

Children take on the role of masters.

Long well known in the world

Art of Russian masters

In them the beauty of native nature

And the wisdom of the ancient centuries.

In this country, the masters love children. And therefore, only toys make and paint the beauty with the warmest colors.

Let's get acquainted with the masters, and listen that they will tell us about their toys.

Meet the master of the Dymkov toys.

Dymkovo village has been famous for many years with its clay toys. Figures from the beginning are pussed, then whiten, and then paint.

Smoke goes out of pipes post

Exactly in the haze is all around.

And the village is great

"Dymkovo" called.

They loved songs, dances,

There was a miracle - fairy tales

And looked there out of clay

All toys are not simple,

And the magic is painted.

Snow white like birch

Circles, cells, strips.

A simple seemingly pattern,

But it's unable to look out.

Thank you master of the Dymkov toys.

Meet the master of Gorodetskaya toys.

Predated Gorodetsky craftsmen made toys from a tree and so beautiful them

scribed, fabulous roses, batches, berries.

That no overseas woundings could be compared with them.

Kohl on the maiden girl

Il disposable well done

Miracle - Horse and Miracle - Bird

This means - a city.

Thank you master Gorodetskoy toys.

Meet the Master of Filimonovsky toys.

These toys are hard to confuse with other toys. They have an elongated shape and bright color. Make toys from clay.

Where did you come from to us

All simple, without cunning clauses.

With long neck, painted.

For playing and fun children.

Miracle - Toys

Multicolored animals

Do not want a bear roar,

Wishes whistling.

Thank you master Filimonovsky toys.

Children look, and in this workshop which is wonderful, painted. Guess what it is:

Scarlet, silk handkerchiefs bright sundress in a flower, rests his hand

In wooden sides,

And in the Nutria secrets there

Maybe three, and maybe six.

A little bit died

This is Russian - (Matryoshka).

Decorated with an outfit with flowers with shining petals and berries different,

ripe and red. In my workshop, Matryoshka from Half - Maidan,

town Semenova Sergeeva - Pasada.

Matryoshka - Russian Beauty.

In the dresses of different good

Stores secret and smiles,

Love, illuminating the hearts to us.

Miracles occur in the country of folk masters.

The children turned and turned into a dolls.

Blow in shoes, beat in spoons

Matryoshka came to visit you

Wooden spoons, mats rosy.

We are nurses sister

We are a bbw small

How let's go dance and sing

You do not have time for us.

Which of you merry nesting windows turned out. But one of your girlfriends is very sad.

Showing a big drawn dask.

The toy is not painted, although modest, but good. In this little matrychka. Miracle - Master of the Soul.

Let us turn into folk craftsmen and pick up a matryoshka.

I propose, guys, in the workshop you pass. Everything is ready for you, you can find everything here.

Each of you on the tables is a multicolored material for decorating clothes. You should think about how to decorate your clothes with this material and distribute work with each other. Which you will run.

Need to take you about it

Decorate the dolls of smelly

Choose any pattern

What would be pleased with him.

Children perform task (decorate). With the help of floating plasticine, the sleeves are decorated using the applique of the scarf, with the help of strapika apron. How work is ready to attach to the matryr.

You painted on Divo, very bright and beautiful. Matryoshka is famous everywhere. We really like it.

All parts of the clothes are attached to the matryr.

Matryoshka painted, and the girlfriends found?

We are fun sisters

Nomeners - Mittens

We start to dance.

(Mats Matryoshek.)

Children put on a nesting table on the handle and dance under the Russian folk dance.

Great Russia Russia

About Russia native crafts

On the whole world of rumor goes.

Quieter twin, quieter domra. Goodbye, good people.

The dominance of Spongebobs, Ninja Turtles and Barbie dolls pushed the folk toy into the background. At the same time, the folk toy in kindergarten is included in the mandatory list of educational benefits.

The acquisition of children to popular culture, the upbringing of pride and devotion to the native land is possible through familiarization with the fishing of their ancestors, with a folk toy. Scribed by decorative patterns, combining a certain rhythm, counting, symmetry, a folk toy in kindergarten develops elementary mathematical ideas in a child. Made completely from natural materials, it is an inseparable connection of man and nature. Nothing can compare with a distinctive folk toy. For fishers of folk craftsmen, a number of features are characterized, which allows you to make folk neposhki, squabbles, the catalky are easily recognizable.

Tutor note: specialized section People's toy in kindergarten in the store "Kindergarten" Here you can buy folk fishing items, Russian folk toys, musical instruments (see section Muses. Tools), painting benefits and much more!

Gorodetskaya wooden toy is rich in plots, characters. Live paints, simple ,kin to children's ornament, expressiveness, give the toy uniqueness.

Dymkovsky clay toy is a mix of clear forms, simplicity of the plot and a living painting.

Matryoshka is relevant at all times. It attracts not only bright painting and uniqueness of persons, but also a game element. Matryoshki Semenovskiy, Zagorskiy and Polhov-Maidan dressed in peasant fashion: scarf, painted sundress, healing, apron.

Gzhel products are made of white clay and painted with wide bluish-blue stars.

Khokhloma absorbed all the beauty and wealth of our nature.

A Bogorodskaya toy introduces a child with animals and different objects, transmitting an image for sure and realistic.

Exhibition folk toy in kindergarten

As part of the familiarity of children with Russian traditions, with the customs of their ancestors, an exhibition of a folk toy can be organized in kindergarten.

Goals of the exhibition:

  • Put love and careful attitude towards a folk toy.
  • Develop the aesthetic perception of samples of folk art.

The folk toy in kindergarten, at the exhibition, can be represented by toys from a tree (Bogorodsky, Gorodetsky, Semenovski), from clay (Dymkovsky, Filimonovsky, Kalininskiy, Kargopol, Matryoshki (Zagorski, Semenovskiy, Polhovsky Maidan). In addition, to introduce children to the tours on the history of toys will help photography, books about folk fishers, illustrations Y. Vasnetsov to "Dymkovsky" sayings and fairy tales.

The exhibition of folk toys in kindergarten is organized by the joint forces of children, teachers and parents.

Work with children

The teacher introduces children with the history of the region, trying to transfer through stories, the images of the environment in which a popular toy originated.

Special attention should be paid to the colors used for painting, as they carry a symbolic meaning, help to transmit the author's intention, the plot. The cargopol toy is indicative in this regard. Green means land and nature, blue - sky, white - truth and good, black - evil and grief, red - beauty and health.

Thematic classes in kindergarten include:

  • View video on the topic.
  • Teachers' stories.
  • Creative activity: Lrack and painting of voluminous toys from salt dough or clay based on Filimonovsky, Kargopol and Dymkovsky toys; Drawing folk ornaments on paper.
  • Games with moving Bogorodi toys, Gorodetsky and Semenovsky rental.
  • Didactic games by the type "Make the Pattern".
  • Execution of musical works with the help of folk toys-whistles.
  • Theatrical presentation.
  • Excursion to the toy factory.

Work with parents

Working with parents includes a workshop, on which children together with adults learn to sculpt from clay and paint the resulting products with ornaments characteristic of folk toys.

In addition, a seminar can be shown a film called "Treasury of Folk Art", "Tour Tour Tour" and others.

For parents in anticipation of the exhibition, it is recommended to hold a workshop workshop "People's Toy from Clay". During the seminar, parents together with children can cut toys from clay and paint them based on Dymkovskaya, Filimonovsky, Kargopol, Kalininsky toys.

At the seminar you can show the videos "Treasury of Folk Art", "People's Toy" and others.

Work with teachers

Teachers take part in thematic consultations, on which examples of using a folk toy in various types of pre-school activities are discussed: from, music, games and others.

The final stage can be a common handicraft - for example, a large panel of clay and a salt dough, which will subsequently decorate the interior of the kindergarten.

Material prepared Danilenko Maria.

MDOU "Kindergarten" Smile "

Educator: Gromova S.S.


Project "People's Toy"


the name of the project

Folk toy


Practical, group, short-term

Project participants

Teachers, children

Target group

Pupils 1 Junior Group

Terms of implementation

30.11 – 04.12.2015

Foundation for project development

Deepen knowledge of folk toys.


Acquaintance with folk creativity on the example of folk toys. Meeting with oral folk creativity (songs, sweat and dr.)

A task

1. Form the presentations of children about folk toys: Vanka-stand, Matryoshka.

2. Award the ability to find distinctive features of these toys, recognize them and correctly call

3. Doals children understand the semantic value of the content of flows and the song

4. To provide the development of arbitrary memory and selectivity when selecting drills to certain life situations

Expected results

1.In the ideas about Vanka -Vstanka, Matryushki.

2. Saving access to the surrounding subjects

3. Use of drills in certain life situations

Project on the topic "People's Toy"

Painting - "Decorate the nevosha", "Outfit for the Baryn"

Cognition (surrounding) - "Acquaintance with Matrychka"

Communication - "Our Matryshka fall asleep", "funny orchestra"

Fiction - memorizing Russian folk songs "Ai Du-do, sitting raven on oak", "Journey to the country, where everything is on the turn"

Lepak - "Neva"

Design- "Cot for Matryushka"


Conversation about musical toys: Dudge, rattle, rattle

Conversation "Favorite Toys"

Conversation "Who is a Vanka-stand"

Conversation "Folk Toys"

Got acquainted with Russian folk fun

Cockerel, Cockerel,
Golden scallop,

Oil head,
Silkova Borodka!

Bay-Bai, Bai-Bai

You are dogs not bark ...

Pussy stray, pussy stuck

Do not sit on the track ...

Do not sit on the track:

Our babade will go

Through pussy will fall! ... "

Cat to the stove went

Porch Porch found ...
On Kalachi ovens
Like fire hot.
Gingerbread bakes
The cat in the paws are not given.

Geese, geese ga-ga-ha ...

Do you want?
Yes Yes Yes!
Bread with butter?
No no no.
Why do you?
Well, fly, as you wish, only wings take care

Gray wolf under the mountain does not allow you home.

Solny-buryshko dreamed of!

Sun red, show!

Finger games

    There is a goat horns ...

Going goat cat

("Goat" with the right hand).

There is a goat Bodataya.

Another is in a hurry to her,

("Goat" with left hand).

The bell rings.


    Forty-Beloboka ...

Take a pen from the child and water the index finger along the palm and pronounce:
Forty - Beloboka,
Kashka cooked,
Kids fed,
(Finger bend, starting with the little finger):
This gave
This gave
This gave
This gave
(Showing on the thumb):
And this did not give:
(Stroking it, say):
He did not cut firewood,
Water did not wear
The stove did not rope
Kashka did not cook.
I did not receive anything!

Work with parents

1. Consultation "The Role of People's Games and Toys to Education of the Preschooler"

2. Consultation "Development of shallow fingertips of fingers using fun"

3. Consultation "Toys in the life of a child"

"The role of a toy in the life of a child"

The development of a rich emotional world of the child is unthinkable without toys. It is they who allow the child to express their feelings, explore the world around us, teach to communicate and know yourself. Remember your favorite toys!

How it is not possible to present a child outside the game, so almost no game costs without toys. It helps to clarify, comprehend the ideas of the child about the environment and contributes to the development of its plot. The game, as independent children's activity, is formed during the upbringing and training of a child, it contributes to the development of experience with human activity. The toy, in this case, acts as a kind of reference of those subjects, learn the purpose of which and master the various actions with which the child is applied. The game, as a form of organizing a children's life, is important what is the formation of the psyche of the child, his personality. The game and the toy are inseparable from each other. The toy can cause a game to life, and the game, sometimes requires a new toy for development. And it's not by chance that in games of children participate toys purchased in the store, but also made by educators, parents or children themselves. Each child should have such a toy that he can complain, which will praise and punish, will regret and comfort. It is she who will help him overcome him the fear of loneliness, when the parents leave somewhere, the fear of darkness, when the light turns off and fall asleep, but not alone, but with a girlfriend-toy.

Toys can be the most diverse, but they all have to answer certain pedagogical and artistic and aesthetic requirements. At each age, the child needs a different toy on their topics and destination: plot (dolls, animal figures, furniture, dishes), technical (transport, designers, etc.), toys of labor toys (hammer, screwdriver, sweeping brush, Rake, blade, other word toys, imitating the simplest equipment of adults), toys-fun: theatrical, musical. How to choose the desired toy? For its correct choice, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child, the level of its development, interests, desires, it is clear to imagine what benefit to the toy can bring him.
Very good, if, before going with a child to the store for buying, talk to him, what he needs for games. This conversation is useful in an educational attitude, he will undoubtedly affect the future hobbies of the child, well, and, of course, give him joy. But this does not mean that in choosing toys you need to go on the child. First of all, adults should be guided by pedagogical considerations.

With certain toys, you can, for example, improve the movement (balls, hoops, banking, jumping, kegli, srs and others). For the smallest good rattles, balls, suspensions, rubber sakes. When a child learn to walk, he needs toys that he could carry, pushing ahead of himself. Very helpful and give children a lot of joy. Collapsible toys with a liner: Matryoshki, Egg with chicken.

Bright, dynamic, beautiful toy pleases and amuses the child. A smile looks at the kids on a dancing bear, a jumping frog, a hagging bull, whose chickens, knocked up. All this creates a joyful mood.

Large toys, such as scooters, children's cars, tractors, large easily transforming designers for construction contribute to the fight against hypodynamines, teach a child movements and orientation in space. Sitting at the table, the child is more convenient to play with small toys, well visible from all sides. For games on the floor, you need larger toys, commensurate with the growth of the child in the sitting position and standing. Moving games in the yard require major toys, small do not fit. Selection of toys is closely related to the tasks of aesthetic, as well as the moral education of the child, with his desire for the game collective, in which he enjoys all toys together with all the children. Not all children have the opportunity to see live animals and birds. To get acquainted with them help books, toys, television. It is very important that in the selection of toys contribute to the formation of the correct ideas about the surrounding. It is desirable that the toys make an adult to the game. He interests the child with the plot of a joint game, asks him questions, encourages him to "communicate" with a new toy. "Doll woke up? Her coats with its compote. " A toy for a child is full of meaning. Children of the four-five years carry out game actions most often with the help of toys, but their gaming actions can be marked and a gesture and a word. At this age, those items that in practical pedagogy are called attributes are particularly important: all sorts of caps. Beads, aprons, bathrobes. During this period, toys are needed reflecting the specifics of a particular profession. For the captain, the ship is not so important, as it is important to have a pickle tube, binoculars, a cap. The doctor needs a bathrobe, a table for receiving, a wand-thermometer, a syringe, and certainly need patients, patiently demolishing the care of a doctor and nurses. These patients can be big dolls. Patients with "children" should have their own "moms" and "dads." The correct guidance of the game by adults makes it meaningful, truly leading in preschool age, significantly expands the horizontal horror. However, no abundance of toys, which seem to deploy the most scene games, will not replace the child comrades on the game. Forced to play one, sometimes, may result in the overexcitation of its nervous system. Playing one, the child is excited from the abundance of their roles. Naturally, after the game, it will be overlooking, irritable, "screaming." But the same game in the team of peers does not cause a similar reaction from a child.

Staying in the air, children use various natural materials: sand, snow, water, clay, twigs, acorns, pebbles. All this is a great material for the game. Thanks to creative fantasy, the child transforms in accordance with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe playing of the twigs - in pasta, leaves - in money, acorns - in sugar. The chairs can be a bus, ship or train car, etc. Such use in the game of items indicates a high level of intelligence of the child, the development of its fantasy. Unfortunately, not all adults understand it. It is necessary to enrich the game toys-homemakes, including from natural, outstanding material. The game develops and pleases the child, makes it happy.


« Developmentshallowmotors in children».

Scientists - neurobiologists and psychologists engaged in research in the brain and mental development of children, have long proved the connection between the shallow motility of the hands and the development of speech. Children who are better developed small hands, have a more developed brain, especially those departments that are responsible for speech. In other words, the better the thumbs are developed, the easier it will be to master the speech.

Therefore, it is very important from the earliest age to develop a small motorcy from the child. But just to do the baby exercises will be boring - you need to turn them into interesting and useful games.

Small Motoric Hands is a variety of fingers and palms. Large motor skills - movement with the whole hand and all body.

Along with the development of small motility, memory is developing, attention, as well as the vocabulary of your baby.

Today, most modern children have a common motor lag, especially in children of urban. Remember, now even in kindergartens, they are asked to bring shoes on velcro, so that caregivers do not take the trouble to teach the child to tie the laces. 20 years ago, parents, and with them and children, had to make more hands: to sort out the croup, wash the underwear, knit, embroider. Now there is a car for each occupation. The consequence of the weak development of the overall motility, and in particular - the hands, the overall unaware of the majority of modern children to writing or problems with speech development. The dependence between the development of fine movements of the hand and speech was noticed in the last century Maria Montessori, and before it - and semed, that is, it can be concluded that if it's not all right, it is probably a problem with the motorcy.

However, even if the child's speech is normal - this does not mean that the child is well managed with her own hands. If at the age of 4-5 years, the laundry raises causes difficulties in a child, and nothing from the plasticine, except for balls and sausages, does not matter if at 6 years old the sewing of a real buttons - it is impossible and dangerous task - it means that your child is not an exception.

Parents must understand: to interest the child and help him master new information, you need to turn learning to the game, not to retreat if the tasks will seem difficult, do not forget to praise the child.

Unfortunately, the problems with coordination of movements and shallow motility, most parents learn only before school. It turns into a forced load on the child: besides the assimilation of new information, it is still necessary to learn to hold in naughty fingers a pencil. What to do if there is no good development of fine motility? First, you need to gain patience and gradually, step by step, correct this flaw. And, secondly, to engage in the development of the hand not from time to time, but systematically, every day. Especially a lot about it speak recently, creating entire systems and benefits. But you can do everything much easier!

    Knead the dough, clay, plasticine, sculpt something.

    Turn the beads, buttons on the thread.

    Tie knots on thick and fine ropes, laces.

  • Wire alarm clock, toys with a key.

    Stroke, draw, paint with pencil, crayons, paints.

    Cut with scissors (preferably small).

    Design from paper ("origami"), sew, embroider, knit.

    Draw patterns on cells in the notebook.

    Engage in home projectiles where fingers capture (rings, crossbar).

    Clean your hands quietly, loudly, at different pace.

    Roll in turn by every finger small beads, pebbles, balls.

    Making a finger gymnastic

You can use ordinary child classes for this. See how the baby ishes and wipes his hands. Teach him thoroughly wash every finger, and then thoroughly wipe it with a towel, well massaging every phalanx.

If you have a cottage and a household plot, take advantage of this and attract the child to the collection of berries. When you cook, for example, dumplings or ravioli, albeit the child with you sculpts them, the benefits will be unconditional. It is very helpful to inhibit thread in needle - try, get from the first time, because the hole is so small, and the thread is so naughty!

Well, if a child learns to tie the laces on shoes, weave braids from hair (This, of course, is more suitable for girls), fasten and unbutton buttons, even the most tight. All this makes the fingers deftly act and very useful in the future.

Of course, there are special games and exercises for the development of fine motility hands. Some of them are known to you for a long time. Remember the game in the shade, when, building a combination of fingers, you can show various shadow figures - a dog, a bunny, a deer, a little man. This game is just what you need. Surely you remember another common game: a few small items are hiding on the table under the napkin, the child must determine what it is for the subject.

In children's magazines, you can now find a lot of entertainment and developing tasks, for example, when you want to connect points and see what the drawing it turns out. The tasks of the same type include various labyrinths, Dorivovka pictures, painting pictures, etc. It is important to teach a child to strive to do everything neatly. If he does not work well, it should not be scolded to rush it. On the contrary, it should be constantly encouraged and unauthorized confidence that everything will succeed. It is only necessary to try.

Hands - a thin tool, and "configure" they for a long time. Mosaic, appliqués, drawing with pencils, crayons, paints, and even fingers, as well as cutting out of paper are very helpful. In general, almost all actions requiring the work of the hands and fingers, contribute to the formation of a fine motility of hand.

"The role of popular games and toys in the education of preschoolers."

Children's folk games.

In children's houses there are its own traditions. One of them, the most alive, is borrowing games to children from each other, the younger generation from older. To such games, currently include: "Geese - Swans", "Korshun and Chickens" and others. Who came up with these games? When did they arise?

You can answer this question: they are created by the people just like songs, fairy tales. According to this sign, they are called people and are transmitted from generation to generation. As the practice of education shows, the traditional content of many people's games still satisfies the interests of children, responds to their life requests. Give these games in kindergarten, playing with each other, on the street, in squares, it is in those teams that are organized by them themselves.

Advanced pedagogical theory highly appreciates the importance of people's games, which is why they enter as composite material in the education program in kindergartens. Russian pedagogy considered folk children's games, as the necessary content of education not only in the infant and preschool period of the child's life, but also during the years of his school life.

P. F. Ligaph It is the people's games that put the basis of his physical education system, K. D. Ushinsky considered these games with the most accessible, understandable, for young children, due to the proximity of their images and plots by children's imagination, and also thanks to the public start, laid down in them. E. N. Waterozova and other pioneers of public pre-school education in Russia laid the beginning of the original, national education system, by entering Russian folk games, songs, fairy tales in the practice of a kindergarten. These traditions were continued in the works of L. I. Chulitskaya, E. I. Thayeva, N. S. Phortis.

Raising the beginning of the people's games

What valuable pedagogical properties contain folk children's games, what are their raising start? First of all, they serve as undoubted proof of pedagogical skills.

Not only a separate game is striking, but also how popular pedagogy perfectly determined the sequence of games from infant games to maturity.

While the child is still not enough, all the games are addressed individually to him, it is amused, entertained with simple games with sounding, noisy, colorful toys, games additives. Here and "Ladushka" and "forty-crow".

But the child learned to walk, run and the character of the games changes sharply - collective games appear in which a sense of responsibility is raised to the whole team. And at the same time, these games do not exit the independence of children. The child is experiencing many positive feelings that excites the game. It rejoices that the mouse did not catch the cat, sympathizes caught by, etc.

We can safely say that the folk games affect the raising mind, character, will, develop moral feelings, physically strengthen the child. Each game, if she forces a child puts it in such a position when his mind works alive and energetically, actions are organized.

Folk games are usually shaped. Therefore, they fond of predominantly children of preschool and younger school age. It is characteristic that the image in the game is not statical.

It happens because there is a case in the game, an event, it makes up the game, it is his child. In the game "Korshun and the zoom" KORSHUUS need to drain the chicken. In the game "Geese - Swans", the wolves need to catch a geese, run away from him. This sign relates to popular games with a creative children's game, where children often create such a case, an event, but there he quickly disappears under the influx of new impressions, in the games described by us, the events take a steady form.

Actions constituting the game are usually opposite to each other. Korshun catches - the zeal protects. He catches the bear - children run away. The game enclose an element of struggle, contests, and therefore, cause emotions of joy, fears, and encourage care and these are fascinated by children.

By this plan, the most popular folk games were built: "At the bear in Bor", "Geese - Swans", etc.

Educational significance of the folk toy.

The folk toy has long entered the life of children and has become so commonplace that it is necessary to specifically indicate it as a product of folk creativity. In fact, who distinguished among children's toys polished, bright coloring balls, pyramids, cylinders or entertaining bears - Kuznetsov, pins, woven doll furniture? Unless individual images leave for themselves the gaze of their unusual form, an amazing coloring house is Dymkovsky or Gorodetsky horses, whistles, familiar adults on the memoirs of their children's years. The folk toy is reflected a varied circle of children's interests: from dating with household items, she leads a child to the world of animals, people, in the world of fantasy.

Russian folk toy has its own story. confirming that it is not a random phenomenon, but a steadily developing branch of folk art having its traditions.

Approaching the folk toy from a pedagogical point of view, we see that it is based on a subtle knowledge of the child's psychology and a versatile affects the development of his feelings, mind and character.

A world of fairy tales and fabulous images are displayed in the story toy, as well as the circle of life phenomena with which the child faces in everyday life. Traditional women's figures, horse, rooster, a bear, presented, both in a toy, and in embroidery, thread, show organic communication toys with folk art. In it, as in the embroidery, these figures are interpreted in the conditional, fabulous plan.

In the People's Russian toy, the desire to please be pronounced brightly, hang a child. A fun toy is highlighted, pleasing children by a whistle, a peak, action. Toys are widely known: Vanka - stand, wipes, twins, whistles, clowns.

There are among these toys and this type of it, in which the informative moment is introduced clearly and clearly. However, the application of the cognitive principle in the folk toy is limited, which sharply separates it from the benefit, while in the factory toy this difference is often erased.

Consultation for parents of kindergarten "People's toy in the life of a preschooler"

This work will be interesting to teachers and parents for admission to the national applied culture through a toy using logical tasks for children, theoretical material for adults.
Purpose: The acquisition of parents to decorative - applied culture, through familiarization with a folk toy.
- To form interest and desire to folk traditions, to the culture of their people.
- bring up spiritual traditions in the life of your child.
- Develop a cognitive scope of a child through logical tasks.
Equipment:exhibition of folk toys, album with illustrations, baby fakes.
"Who does not know his past - he has no future" (Folk wisdom)
Rail a conscious citizen and Patriot means to form a complex of certain knowledge, personal qualities and character traits in the child:
- patriotic orientation, civil liability and courage,
- respect for parents, their pedigree, traditions and the history of the native people,
-discipline, hard work, creativity, care of nature and ecology of the native land;
- respectful attitude to culture, beliefs, traditions and customs of our people.
For children to become the creators of their fate, it is necessary that they firmly learned spirituality, the culture of the native people, deeply imbued with the national spirit, lifestyle and thinking. To do this, it is necessary to return to the moral traditions of the education of children: the desire for good and beauty, justice and truth. After all, the child is not born moral or immoral, it gradually becomes such depending on which environment, in what conditions it lives what kind of education gets. Christian pedagogy advises, as early as possible to learn to strive for truth and good, to avoid and be ashamed of evil and untrue, which means to bring up children on the principles of justice and mercy. To do this, adults need to show the beauty of nature, listen to spiritual music, read artistic literary works, acquaint with decorative and applied arts. Therefore, parents should become an example for kids, do good and send children to the same manifestations as politeness, compassion, mercy. Educating spiritual values \u200b\u200bfrom the first year of life. Children know everything through the game and toys.
TOY. Adults are accustomed to buying in stores and supermarkets, and before the manufacture of toys was a wonderful craft of needlewomen.
In the spring, children with special efforts made up of multi-haired whistles, decorating their artistic drawings.

Girls skillfully spawned wreaths, made grated dolls. Under the autumn, when vegetables were collected from the field, the children were making funny masks. They took out the pulp of the pumpkin, cut their eyes, nose and mouth, and inside the candle inserted. In the evening, as twilight slipped, went outside. In ancient times, the people's calendar took its beginning from spring. For a long time, people began to count the egg with a symbol of life, the arrival of spring. Therefore, our ancestors adored him, painted with different bright colors. So there was a wonderful art - pianci. In the sketching of eggs, children always took part.

In the pussy depicted various lines, points, symbolizing the infinity of the world. In each rural family, the parents are mastering for children dolls, wipes, wipes with spindles coil, rattles. The best hotel for children from the bazaar or fairs was colored candy or gingerbread in the form of cocks, fish, squirrels, larks.

Adults create the conditions for dating children with a folk game and toy.
The education of a young soul is a real art that was built on the ideas of good. And good, manifests with the first glimpses of consciousness, with the first ideas and thoughts of the world around. Sukhomlinsky wrote: "The game is a huge bright window, through which a lifeful stream of breakdowns is poured into the spiritual world of the child, concepts. The game is a spark, igniting the light of delusivity and curiosity. "
Approaching the folk toy from a pedagogical point of view, we see that it is based on a thin knowledge of the child's psychology and a versatile affects the development of his feelings, mind and character and intelligence.

Questionnaire for parents:
1. What do children do in their free hour? ___________________________
2. How do they play toys? _________________________________
3. What folk toys do you know? ________________
4. Do you have a folk toys at home? What kind? _______________
5. What folk holidays associated with folk toys? ____
6. What are the toys different? __________________
7. What masters do you know? _________________
8. What folk toys would you like to buy? _____________
9. What toy with children with natural material? With dough? With plasticine did together? ___
10. Is there a desire to take part in children's exhibitions? People's Holidays?
Tasks for children.
1. Avogi Bird to walk to the spikes.

2. How many toys painted an artist?

3. Differences on whistles.

4. Dorisuy pattern on the toy.

5. What is the toy here too much? What material is it made of?

6. Carefully look and count all the toys.

I suggest to see the exhibition of children's work.