A working program for non-traditional drawing techniques. The program of the circle of non-traditional drawing techniques "Aquarelle" for children of senior and preparatory age for school

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Sun"

The work program of the mug

Unconventional drawing techniques in the middle and senior group

"Magic Brush"

The head of the circle is the educator Polyanskaya O.S.

village Kokorino

2017 Nov.


Explanatory note ……………………………………………………… 3

Diagnostic card …………………………………………………… ..11

Perspective lesson plan middle group ……………………………… .12

A promising lesson plan for the senior group ……………………………… .20

List of used literature ………………………………………… .29

Explanatory note

Fine art is one of the most ancient areas of art. Every child is born an artist. You just need to help him awaken his creative abilities, open his heart to goodness and beauty, help him realize his place and purpose in this beautiful world.

The main goal of the modern system of additional education is the upbringing and development of the child's personality. Achievement of this goal is impossible without the implementation of the tasks facing the educational area "Artistic Creativity", a component of which is the fine arts. The visual arts have a variety of materials and techniques. Often, the child does not have enough familiar, traditional ways and means to express their fantasies. After analyzing the author's developments, various materials, as well as the advanced experience of working with children, accumulated at the present stage by domestic and foreign practicing teachers, I became interested in the possibility of using non-traditional methods of artistic activity in working with preschoolers to develop imagination, creative thinking and creative activity. Unconventional painting techniques showcase unusual combinations of materials and tools. The formation of an artistic image among preschoolers occurs on the basis of practical interest in developing activities. Classes under the "Rainbow of Colors" program are aimed at the implementation of the basic tasks of the artistic and creative development of children.Drawing with unusual materials, original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. Non-traditional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals new possibilities of using objects that are well known to them as art materials, and surprises with its unpredictability. Original drawing without a brush and pencil relaxes the child, allows you to feel the colors, their character, mood. Unbeknownst to themselves, children learn to observe, think, fantasize.

The teacher must awaken in every child faith in his creativity, individuality, uniqueness, the belief that he came into this world to do good and beauty, to bring people joy.

Relevance the program is due to the fact that there is a convergence of the content of the program with the requirements of life. Currently, there is a need for new approaches to the teaching of aesthetic arts, capable of solving modern problems of creative perception and development of the individual as a whole. In the system of aesthetic, creative education of the younger generation, a special role belongs to the fine arts. The ability to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding world, contributes to the upbringing of a culture of feelings, the development of artistic and aesthetic taste, labor and creative activity, fosters purposefulness, perseverance, a sense of mutual assistance, makes it possible for the creative self-realization of the individual. The program is aimed at introducing children to creativity through art. Children get acquainted with a variety of non-traditional ways of drawing, their features, the variety of materials used in drawing, learn to create their own drawings on the basis of the knowledge gained. Thus, a creative personality develops, capable of applying their knowledge and skills in various situations.

The practical significance of the program

An unconventional approach to the implementation of the image gives an impetus to the development of children's intelligence, pushes the child's creative activity, teaches to think outside the box. New ideas arise related to combinations of different materials, the child begins to experiment, create.
Drawing in unconventional ways is a fun, mesmerizing activity. This is a great opportunity for children to think, try, search, experiment, and most importantly, express themselves.

Non-traditional drawing techniques are a real flame of creativity, this is an impetus to the development of imagination, the manifestation of independence, initiative, expression of individuality

The path to creativity has many roads for them, known and still unknown. Creativity for children is a reflection of mental work. Feelings, mind, eyes and hands are instruments of the soul. The creative process is a real miracle. "There is no right path in creativity, there is no wrong path, there is only your own path."

Pedagogical expediency

From many years of experience working with children on the development of artistic and creative abilities in drawing, it became clear that standard sets of visual materials and methods of transferring information are not enough for modern children, since the level of mental development and the potential of the new generation has become much higher. In this regard, non-traditional drawing techniques give an impetus to the development of children's intelligence, activate the creative activity of children, teach them to think outside the box.

An important condition for the development of a child is not only an original task, but also the use of non-traditional waste material and non-standard isotechnologies.

All classes in the program developed by me are of a creative nature.

Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques for this program:

Develops self-confidence. Helps relieve children's fears. Teaches children to freely express their ideas. Encourages children to creative searches and solutions. Teaches children to work with a variety of artistic, natural and waste materials. Develops fine motor skills of the hands. Develops creativity, imagination and flight of fantasy. While working, children get aesthetic pleasure. Confidence in their creative abilities is fostered through the use of various isotechniques.

The novelty and distinctive feature of the program "Magic Brush"on non-traditional drawing techniques is that it is innovative. The system of work uses non-traditional methods and ways of developing children's artistic creativity. Used homemade tools, natural and junk for unconventional painting. Non-traditional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals the possibility of using well-known household items as original art materials, and surprises with its unpredictability.


To develop children's creativity, by means of non-traditional drawing.


To acquaint with various ways and techniques of non-traditional drawing techniques using various visual materials.

To instill interest and love for the fine arts as a means of expressing feelings, relationships, familiarizing with the world of beauty.

Track the dynamics of the development of creative abilities and the development of the child's visual skills.

Create all the necessary conditions for the implementation of the goal.

Types and techniques of non-traditional drawing.

Taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers, mastering different skills at different age stages, it is recommended to use special techniques and techniques for non-traditional drawing.

So, for childrenyounger preschool age when drawing it is appropriate to usetechnique "drawing with hands" (palm, edge of the palm, fist, fingers), stamp with potato stamps, poke with a hard, semi-dry brush.

Childrenmiddle preschool age :

poke with a hard semi-dry brush, printing with foam rubber; cork printing; wax crayons + watercolor; candle + watercolor; leaf prints; hand drawings; drawing with cotton swabs; magic ropes (nitkography).

And insenior preschool age children can learn even more difficult methods and techniques:

    drawing with sand;

    drawing with soap bubbles;

    drawing with crumpled paper;

    blotography with a straw;

    stencil printing;

    subject monotype;

    blotography is common;


Lesson methods :

Verbal (conversation, artistic word, riddles, reminder of the sequence of work, advice);




Methods used

make it possible to feel the multicolored image of objects, which affects the completeness of the perception of the surrounding world;

form an emotionally - positive attitude towards the drawing process itself;

contribute to the more effective development of imagination, perception and, as a result, cognitive abilities.

When organizing classes in non-traditional drawing, it is important to remember that for the successful mastering of skills and abilities by children, it is necessary to take into account the age and individual characteristics of children, their desires and interests. With the age of the child, the content expands, the elements become more complex, the shape of the paper, new means of expression are allocated.

Occupation mode:

Middle group - number of lessons per week1 , per month4 classes are held per year36 classes.Duration of a lesson in the middle group -20 minutes

Senior group - number of lessons per week1, per month4 classes. Per year held36 classes.Duration of the lesson in the older group-25 minutes

Form of classes - thematic joint activity of a teacher and a child in the form of a circle work

Forms of summing up the results at the end of the year of the implementation of the additional educational program :

Holding exhibitions of children's works

Holding an open event

Conducting a master class among teachers

Expected Result

through this program, the teacher will be able to more effectively solve the problems of education and training of preschool children. Since the presented material contributes to:

The development of fine motor skills of the hands;

Aggravation of tactile perception;

Improving color perception;

Concentration of attention;

Improving the level of imagination and self-esteem.

Expanding and enriching the artistic experience.

Formation of prerequisites for educational activities (self-control, self-esteem, generalized methods of action) and the ability to interact with each other.

Work skills will be formed

- activity and independence of children in activity;

Ability to find new ways for artistic portrayal;

- The ability to convey their feelings in works using various means of expression.

The implementation of the program will help preschool children to be creative in the vision of the world they are portraying, and to use any available means for self-expression.

Diagnostic card

according to the methodology "Diagnostics of visual activity" G.А. Uruntaeva

/ n



technical skills

Accuracy of movements

Expressive means (color, shape, etc.)

Having a plan

Expression of independence

Attitude to drawing

Speech while drawing

the outcome

N. - the beginning of the year

K. - end of the year

A promising lesson plan for the Magic Brush circle

in the middle group


N p / p

Lesson topic


Software content



Decorate the handkerchief

Cork imprint. Finger painting

Learn to decorate a handkerchief with a simple pattern using typing, finger painting, and mopping. Develop a sense of composition, rhythm.

To educate children to work individually.

Autumn tree

Eraser stamping

To acquaint with the reception of printing with seals.

Autumn bouquet

Leaf printing

Introduce the technique of printing with leaves. Raise an artistic taste in a child


N p / p

Lesson topic


Software content

Harvesting for the winter "Apple compote"

Apple signet print

To acquaint with the technique of printing with an apple, a foam rubber swab. Show reception of receiving a print. Learn to draw apples and berries in a jar. You can use finger painting if you like. Develop a sense of composition. To educate the child's artistic taste.


Drawing with wax crayons, salt

Introduce the technique of combining watercolors and wax crayons. Teach children to draw with crayon on a contour, teach to paint in parts, carefully work with salt. To educate children to work individually.

Mushrooms in a basket

Signet imprint (cardboard hat), finger drawing

Exercise in drawing oval-shaped objects, printing with seals. Develop a sense of composition.

To educate the child's artistic taste.


Drawing with Rice, cotton swabs

Teach children to apply glue to a separate area, generously sprinkle cereals on a separate area, carefully paint the rice, "revitalize" the work with a cotton swab. To educate children to work individually.

Two cockerels

Hand drawing

Improve the ability to make palm prints and paint them to a certain image (cockerels). Develop imagination, creativity. To educate the child's artistic taste.


N p / p

Lesson topic


Software content


Finger painting

Learn to draw berries (with fingers) and leaves (by wetting) on ​​a branch. To consolidate these drawing skills. Develop a sense of composition. To educate the child's artistic taste.

My favorite fish

Hand drawing

To improve the ability to make palm prints and paint them to a certain image. (Fish) To educate children in the ability to work individually.

First snow

Imprint with seals from a napkin

Strengthen the ability to draw trees large and small, depict a snowball using typing techniques or drawing with fingers. Develop a sense of composition. To educate the child's artistic taste.


Gouache, cotton pads, sticks

Teach children to glue cotton pads, teach them how to accurately paint cotton pads, "animate" the picture with the help of cotton swabs. To educate children to work individually.


N p / p

Lesson topic


Software content

Winter forest

Stencil printing, finger painting

Exercise stencil printing. Strengthen the ability to draw with your fingers. Develop a sense of composition. To educate the child's artistic taste.

My mittens

Signet printing finger drawing

Exercise in the printing technique. To consolidate the ability to decorate an object, applying a drawing as evenly as possible over the entire surface. To educate children to work individually.



Bristle brush, napkin, finger painting

Learn to tint a sheet, blot it with a napkin (depicting clouds, wool), teach children the technique of drawing with a poke with a semi-dry brush. Strengthen the ability to draw with your fingers. To educate the child's artistic taste.


N p / p

Lesson topic


Software content

Fir-tree fluffy, elegant

Pointing with a hard, semi-dry brush, drawing with your fingers

Exercise in the technique of drawing with a poke, with a semi-dry hard brush. Continue to learn to use such a means of expression as texture. To consolidate the ability to decorate a drawing using finger painting. To educate children to work individually.


Candle drawing, watercolor

Introduce the technique of drawing with a candle, tint the background. To educate the child's artistic taste.


Crumpled paper (rolling)

Strengthen the skills of drawing with gouache, the ability to combine rolling, crumpling of paper and drawing in work. Learn to finish drawing a picture with a snowman (broom, Christmas tree, fence, etc.). Develop a sense of composition.

To educate the child's artistic taste.


N p / p

Lesson topic


Software content

A cup

Stamping, stencil printing, cotton swabs

Exercise in the technique of drawing with a poke, printing with seals. Develop a sense of composition. Learn to finish painting the subject. To educate children to work individually.

Flower for dad

Potato seal stamp

Practice drawing with seals. To consolidate the ability to draw stems and leaves in semi-open flowers. Develop a sense of composition. Raise an artistic taste in a child

Berries and fruits

Teddy bear

Foam rubber (2 pcs.), Thin brush, gouache

To help children master a new way of image - drawing with a foam rubber sponge, which allows the most vividly convey the depicted object, the characteristic texture of its appearance, continue to draw large, arrange the image in accordance with the size of the sheet. To educate the child's artistic taste.


N p / p

Lesson topic


Software content

Mimosa for mom

Finger painting

Exercise in drawing with your fingers, rolling balls from napkins. Develop a sense of composition. To educate the child's artistic taste.


Hand drawing

Strengthen the typing technique with your palms. Learn to apply paint quickly and make prints - rays for the sun. Develop color perception. To educate children to work individually.

Animals (rooster, bird, elephant, deer, bear)

Drawing with fingers, pencil or brush, felt-tip pen

Learn to draw the simplest figures, consisting of many fingerprints, to use the entire multi-colored range of paint.

To educate the child's artistic taste.


Watercolor, wax crayons

Learn to draw snowdrops with wax crayons, pay attention to the bowed head of flowers. To teach with the help of watercolors to convey the spring flavor. Develop color perception. To educate children to work individually.


N p / p

Lesson topic


Software content


Tassel, buttons of various shapes

Learn to draw with seals (buttons) of various shapes. Fix the primary colors: red, yellow, blue. To educate the child's artistic taste.

Magic pictures (magic rain)

Candle painting

To consolidate the technique of drawing with a candle (magic rain). Carefully paint over the sheet with liquid paint. Learn to draw a cloud with a wax crayon. To educate the child's artistic taste.

Gift for cat Murka

Cotton swabs, a ready-made image of a cat (from geometric shapes: a head - a circle, ears are small triangles, a body is a large triangle, paws, a tail - ovals), paints of different colors, for each child a set of geometric shapes for laying out an image of a cat, PVA glue.

Exercise children in laying out and pasting images from geometric shapes; fix the names of the shapes; improve the ability to draw balls with cotton swabs; bring up accuracy when working with glue and paints, a desire to help a friend.

Insects (butterfly, spider, ladybug, caterpillar)

Drawing with fingers, pencil

Learn to draw the simplest figures, consisting of many fingerprints, to use the entire multi-colored range of paint. To educate children to work individually.


N p / p

Lesson topic


Software content

Bird cherry

Drawing with cotton swabs, fingers

Continue to introduce children to poke techniques. Form a sense of composition and rhythm. To educate children to work individually.


Watercolor or gouache, wax crayons

Strengthening the skill of drawing with watercolors or gouache, learn to draw fireworks using wax crayons. To educate the child's artistic taste.


Poke with a semi-dry hard brush, kitten stencil

To consolidate the skill of printing with a brush on a stencil. To educate children to work individually.

How I love dandelions

Tear off, wax crayons, poke around.

To improve the aesthetic perception of natural phenomena and techniques for their image - cutting and poking and others; to develop a sense of composition and color by using different materials to create an expressive image of a dandelion in a landscape.

To educate the child's artistic taste.

A promising lesson plan for the "Magic Brush" circle in the senior group


A week

Lesson topic

Unconventional techniques

Software content





Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with the materials necessary to work in non-traditional visual techniques.

Kazakova R.G.


(free experimentation with materials)


Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with the materials necessary to work in non-traditional visual techniques. Strengthen the ability to choose your own technique and topic.

Kazakova R.G.

Drawing with preschool children.


"Plants in our group"

Foam rubber stamp

Learn to press the foam rubber to the ink pad and apply an impression on the paper.

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. p.77


"Mushrooms in a basket"

Hand drawings

Expand children's knowledge of mushrooms; learn to draw mushrooms using the palm of your hand

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten.

Page 25



"My favorite tree in autumn"

Blotography with a straw, drawing with fingers

To acquaint children with a new drawing technique - blotography with a straw. Develop imagination.

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. page 37


"Autumn at the edge of the paint"

Leaf print

To acquaint with a new type of graphic technique - "plant printing". Develop a sense of composition, color perception.

Davydova G.N. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Part 1. page 5

Drawing "Why does a man need an umbrella"

Working with a stencil.

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers, visual-motor coordination.

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. p. 27


"My favorite sweater"

Printing with seals, drawing with erasers

To consolidate the ability to decorate a sweater or dress with a simple pattern, using large and small elements

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten.

Page 31


Drawing "Fly South"


To acquaint children with the rules for applying blots on glass and putting paper on top.

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. P. 29

"Unusual dishes"

Exercise in combining different techniques; develop a sense of composition, color, imaginative ideas about objects.

Kazakova R.G.

Drawing with preschool children. pp. 120, 122


"Wallpaper in my room"

Imprint with seals + foam rubber

Improve skills in artistic techniques of printing and drawing. Strengthen the ability to make simple patterns.

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. page 51


"First snow"

Monotype, finger drawing

Learn to draw a tree without leaves, depict snow with your fingers.

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. page 39



Drawing "Winter tunes"


Develop children's interest in visual activities, continue to acquaint them with various techniques and materials.

Davydova G.N. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Part 2 page 5



"Dymkovo toy" (horse)

Imprint with seals

To consolidate the ability to decorate a simple figurine with a Dymkovo pattern. Develop the ability to convey the color of the pattern.

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten pp. 45



"Elegant herringbone"

Drawing with fingers, impression with foam rubber

Strengthen the ability to portray Christmas tree decorations.

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Page 47


Drawing with salt

"Father Frost"

Gouache + salt

To teach a new technique of image design: sprinkling with salt on wet paint to create a three-dimensional image.

Davydova G.N. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Part 2. page 38




"Musical drawing"


Develop a sense of color through music and painting. Stimulate children's creativity to improvise with a color spot.

Davydova G.N. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Part 2. page 30



"Winter forest"

Drawings from the palm

Teach you to put your palm on the sheet and trace with a simple pencil. Each finger is a tree trunk.

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. P. 49



"Frosty pattern"

Wax crayons + watercolor

To develop visual observation, the ability to notice the unusual in the surrounding world and the desire to reflect what he saw in his work.

Davydova G.N. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Part 1. page 43


Pattern on a plate - Gorodets painting "Dishes"

A poke with a semi-dry hard brush

Learn to create the image of an owl using the poke and charcoal technique

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Page 55




"Unusual cars"

Cork and seal print, black marker + watercolor, "familiar shape - new image"

Exercise in combining different techniques; develop a sense of composition, rhythm, creativity, imagination.

Kazakova R.G.

Drawing with preschool children. p.124



"Tie for dad"

Cork imprint, eraser seals, stencil printing, "familiar shape - new image."

To consolidate the ability to decorate a tie with a simple pattern, using large and small elements.

Davydova G.N. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Part 1. page 73



"Winter tunes"


Introduce a new way of depicting snow - "splashes". Enrich speech with aesthetic terms.

Davydova G.N. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Part 2. page 5



"Semyonovskie nesting dolls"

Imprint with seals

Introduce Semyonov nesting dolls. Develop color perception.

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten page 65



Card for mom

"March 8"

Stencil printing, air markers.

Learn to decorate a card for mom with flowers. Strengthen the ability to use familiar techniques.

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten p. 63


Drawing + applique

"My family"


To teach independence in the choice of the plot and technique of performance.

Kazakova R.G.

Drawing with preschool children.



"Merry Men"

Magic ropes

Introduce children to a new drawing method using colored strings. Convey the silhouette of a man in motion.

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. page 35



"Early spring"

Landscape monotype

To teach how to fold a sheet in half, draw a landscape on one side, and receive its reflection in the lake on the other. Wipe half of the sheet with a sponge.




"Space landscape"


To teach a new way of obtaining an image - scratchboard.



"The Rooks Have Arrived"

Eraser printing

Teach children to depict a flock of migratory birds with rubber seals.

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. p.79


Drawing in gouache with semolina


Gouache + semolina

Exercise in mixing and diluting gouache with semolina, expanding ideas about the shape, size and color of objects. Develop visual skills and abilities.




Drawings from the palm

Learn to outline the spread fingers with a simple pencil, draw the necessary details.

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. p.75




"Festive fireworks over the city"

Wax crayons + watercolor

To consolidate the properties of different materials used in the work: watercolors and wax crayons. Develop compositional skills.

Davydova G.N. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Part 1. page 48

Drawing "Fireworks"

Air markers

Continue to learn to draw with felt-tip pens, distribute colored splashes on the sheet.

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. p. 81



"Beautiful landscape"

Sand painting

To acquaint with the method of drawing a landscape, to teach to place objects correctly.

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. p. 87



Dandelions in the Grass

A jab with a hard semi-dry brush + semolina

Continue to acquaint children with the method of poking with a hard, semi-dry brush, exercise in working with semolina, develop fine skills and abilities.



Subject monotype

Teach children to observe symmetry, draw on one half of the sheet, then fold the sheet

Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. p. 85

List of used literature

    Akunenok T.S. The use of non-traditional drawing techniques in preschool educational institutions // Preschool education. - 2010. - No. 18

    Davydova G.N. Unconventional drawing techniques Part 1.- M.: Scriptorium Publishing House 2003,2013.

    Davydova G.N. Unconventional drawing techniques Part 2.- M.: Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", 2013.

    Kazakova R.G. Drawing with preschool children: non-traditional techniques, planning, class notes. - M., 2007

    Komarova T.S. Visual activity: Teaching children technical skills and abilities. // Preschool education, 1991, №2.

    Lykova I.A.Picture activity in kindergarten. - Moscow. 2007.

    Lebedeva E.N. Using non-traditional techniques [Electronic resource]:

    Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Planning, class notes: A guide for educators and interested parents.-SPb .: KARO, 2010.

    Tskvitaria T.A. Unconventional drawing techniques. Integrated classes in preschool educational institutions. - M .: TC Sphere, 2011.

    Shvaiko G.S. Classes in fine arts in kindergarten.- Moscow. 2003.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution -

kindergarten "Alyonushka"

Approved at the meeting

pedagogical council

(date, protocol number)

I approve:

Head: Tymko E.V.

Additional work program of the circle work


Developer: Demina I.A.

2016 Nov.


1. Target section.

1.1 Explanatory note.

1.2 Relevance

1.3 Pedagogical expediency.

1.4 Goals and objectives of the program.

2. Planned results.

4. Academic-thematic plan

4.1 Curriculum for the first year of study

4.2 Curriculum for the second year of study

6. Application (long-term planning: 1 year of study)

(long-term planning: 2 years of study)

7 card library of games and exercises

8. Organization of work with parents

9.List of literature.

1.Target section

1.1 Explanatory note

The working program "Magic Drop" was developed by the teacher of the MADOU-kindergarten "Alyonushka" Irina A. Demina.based on the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO), reviewed and approved by the Council of Educators

The program has an artistic and aesthetic orientation and was developed on the basis of the program of artistic education, training and development of children 2-7 years old "Colored palms" I.A. Lykova, manuals "Drawing with preschool children: non-traditional techniques, planning, class notes" edited by R.G. Kazakova - M .: TC Sphere, 2009.

The duration of the program is 2 years. The content of the circle program is compiled taking into account age characteristics and in accordance withSanPiN

(requirements for the organization of the daily routine and training sessions), is intended for children 4-6 years old, it is implemented through circle work and exhibitions.

Classes are held once a week, the duration is 20 minutes for children 4-5 years old, and 5-6 years old - 25 minutes.

This program was developed in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

RF Law "On Education";

Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989);

Preschool education concept;

- SanPiN

The formation of a child's creative personality is one of the most important tasks of pedagogical science at the present stage. The most effective means for this is visual activity. Visual activity contributes to active knowledge of the world around, fostering the ability to creatively reflect their impressions in graphic and plastic form. In addition, the visual arts are a source of special joy, contributing to the upbringing of a sense of pride in the child and satisfaction with the results of work.

The novelty and distinctive feature of the programThe "magic drop" in non-traditional drawing techniques is that it has an innovative character,since the system of work uses non-traditional methods and ways of developing children's creativity: blotting, scratching, splattering, monotyping, drawing with a handprint, fingers, drawing using various materials, batik, tamponing, etc.Used homemade tools, natural and junk materials for unconventional painting. Non-traditional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals the possibility of using well-known household items as original art materials, and surprises with its unpredictability.

Drawing with unusual materials and original techniques allows children to feel unforgettable positive emotions, to show imagination, creativity

Drawing with the use of non-traditional image techniques does not tire children, but, on the contrary, makes them want to do such an interesting thing. They are interested in the process of doing the work itself.

1.2 Relevance.

Socio-economic transformations in society dictate the need to form a creatively active personality with the ability to effectively and outside the box solve new life problems. School education requires a sufficiently formed level of imagination. By the first grade, the child should be able to navigate in situations in which various transformations of objects, images, signs take place, and be ready to anticipate possible changes.

Imagination is a prerequisite for the effective assimilation of new knowledge by children; no kind of creative activity can do without imagination.Classes in the circle allow children to develop not only artistic abilities, but also communication skills in the process of drawing.

The relevance of the program is due to the fact that there is a convergence of the content of the program with the requirements of life. Currently, there is a need for new approaches to the teaching of aesthetic arts, capable of solving modern problems of creative perception and development of the individual as a whole. In the system of aesthetic, creative education of the younger generation, a special role belongs to the fine arts.

The ability to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding world, contributes to the upbringing of a culture of feelings, the development of artistic and aesthetic taste, labor and creative activity, fosters purposefulness, perseverance, a sense of mutual assistance, makes it possible for the creative self-realization of the individual. The program is aimed at introducing children to creativity through art.

1.3. Pedagogical expediency.

Classes based on the use of a variety of non-traditional, artistic techniques in drawing classes contribute to the development of children's artistic giftedness, creative imagination, artistic thinking and the development of creative potential.

Non-traditional techniques allow the little artist, moving away from the subject image, to express their feelings and emotions in the drawing, give freedom of imagination and instill confidence in their strengths. Possessing different skills and ways of depicting objects or the reality of the surrounding world, the child gets the opportunity to choose, which, in turn, provides the activity with a creative character.

The use of non-traditional techniques and techniques in drawing contributes to the development of cognitive activity and creative activity. Acquiring the appropriate experience of drawing in non-traditional techniques, the child thereby overcomes further creativity, which in the future will only give him pleasure.

Work experience shows: drawing with unusual materials and original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. Emotions, as you know, are both a process and a result of artistic creation.

In various studies, the issues of the development of artistic and creative abilities were considered in drawing in connection with the mastering by children of some patterns of drawing, pictorial and expressive features of drawing in different techniques. Consequently, mastering the technique of drawing, the graphic side of drawing is an important condition that provides a creative solution to the visual problem, the development of artistic and creative abilities.

The use of non-traditional techniques in drawing and their gradual mastering by children (according to the principle from simple to complex) will help in solving a number of issues: mastering graphic, technical skills and abilities, developing color perception, presentation, compositional skills and emotional and artistic perception, creative imagination, increasing intellectual activity. A child develops by combining several non-traditional and traditional techniques of visual activity in one drawing, and he can only master this experience with the help of an adult: a teacher, a parent. Provided that non-traditional techniques are interconnected, the logic of the development of each of them is not violated. Their combination, on the contrary, significantly expands the possibilities of visual activity. Search situations are placed in the conditions of choosing one or another technique of non-traditional drawing.

The above about the use of non-traditional techniques of visual activity in the pedagogical process allows us to be convinced of the need to create and apply pedagogical technology, in which non-traditional drawing techniques can be the optimal condition for the development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children.

1.4 Goals and objectives of the program.

Purpose of the program:

Development of artistic and creative abilities in children through non-traditional drawing techniques and the formation of an emotional and sensual inner world.Introduce children in a fun way with various means and methods of image, the development of their creativity, fantasy, imagination

Objectives of the program:

    Arouse interest in various visual materials and a desire to act with them.

    Encourage children to portray with the means of expression available to them what is interesting or emotionally significant to them.

    Teach non-traditional drawing techniques and image techniques using various materials.

    Create conditions for free experimentation with non-traditional art materials and tools.

    To contribute to the appearance in the child of the feeling that the product of his activity - the drawing is interesting to others (teacher, children, parents, kindergarten staff), to make him feel the joy of creativity and aesthetic pleasure.

    Develop the imagination of children, supporting the manifestation of their imagination, courage in expressing their own ideas.

    To improve and activate the knowledge, abilities and skills that children acquire in the classroom for visual activities.

    To teach techniques and methods of non-traditional drawing using various isomaterials.

    To cultivate an artistic taste in the ability to choose beautiful color combinations.

    Develop creative imagination, imagination, thinking of preschoolers through classes on the development of non-traditional drawing techniques;

    To develop in children the skills of introspection necessary to evaluate their own work.

    To involve parents in cooperation in the development of children's creativity.

1.5 Principles, methods and techniques.


    consistency - classes are held in the system throughout the entire educational process;

    sequences - to give knowledge gradually, without overload, with an increasing amount of information;

    the principle of creativity - the program contains inexhaustible opportunities for the upbringing and development of the creative abilities of children;

    scientific principle - children are informed about the form, color, composition, etc .;

    the principle of accessibility - taking into account age and individual characteristics;

    the principle of comparisons and selection - a variety of options for a given topic, methods

and ways of depicting, a variety of material.

Methods and techniques:

1. Visual: observation, consideration of pedagogical sketches, illustrations, work with visual material, games, practical exercises to practice the necessary skills.

2. Verbal: reading, story, conversation, explanation, explanation, verbal instruction.

In the course of work, the integration of all educational areas is ensured:

Cognition : To develop perception, the ability to highlight the various properties and relationships of objects (color, shape, size, location in space, etc.), including different senses: vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste. Continue to develop the ability to compare objects, to establish their similarities and differences. Continue to acquaint with the colors of the spectrum. Continue to develop the ability to distinguish colors by lightness and saturation, to name them correctly. Improve the eye. Create conditions for children to implement projects of three types: research, creative and normative. Usegames for art, games - experimentation.

Reading fiction: Continue to develop children's interest in fiction and educational literature. Encourage people to talk about their perception of a specific act of a literary character. Help children understand the hidden motives of the behavior of the heroes of the work. To cultivate sensitivity to the artistic word; to read passages with the most vivid, memorable descriptions, comparisons, epithets. Continue to acquaint with books. To draw the attention of children to the design of the book, in the illustration. Compare illustrations by different artists to the same piece.

Socialization: solving problem situations, fostering friendly relationshipsContinue to develop the ability to coordinate your actions with those of your partners.Create an atmosphere of creativity and trust, giving each child the opportunity to realize their vision. Encourage improvisation, develop the ability to feel free in using objects when drawing.

Communication: development of the ability to maintain a conversation, generalize, draw conclusions, express your point of view.Encourage efforts to share a variety of experiences with the educator and other children.

Health: physical education, games of low mobility.Introduce the basics of safety when working with glue, scissors and rules of conduct in organized activities.

Music: Continue to develop interest and love for music, musical responsiveness to it. To form a musical culture based on familiarity with classical, folk and modern music.

Work : foster a desire to participate in joint labor activities, a respect for materials and tools.To develop the ability to bring the work started to the end. Develop creativity and initiative when performing various types of work. To acquaint with the most economical methods of work.To acquaint children with the work of people of creative professions: artists, writers, composers, masters of folk arts and crafts. Show the results of their work: paintings, books, sheet music, decorative art objects.

2. Planned results.

By the end of the first year of schooling, the child can:

distinguish between ways of non-traditional drawing;

independently create individual artistic images, using various methods of drawing and means of expression known to him (line, color, composition, coloring, etc.);

independently transfer the plot composition;

give a motivated assessment of the results of their activities;

By the end of the second year of study, the child can:

distinguish and name methods of non-traditional drawing;

know various techniques of working with a pencil, ink, watercolors, gouache.

to convey in the work not only the mood, but also your own attitude to the depicted object

be able to apply the knowledge gained in practice;

know the basics of color science;

developed the ability to work in a team, the ability to give self-esteem.

Intermediate results of mastering the program

Middle preschool


Traditional materials you can paint with

Non-traditional methods and materials: fingers, palms, cork and potato prints, cotton swabs, sponge;

Colors and shades (red, yellow, blue, green, white, black, brown, orange, blue, gray).

The properties of watercolors and their differences from gouache paints;

Characteristic and distinctive features of household items and animals.

Correctly work with a pencil, felt-tip pen, brush; change the position of the hand depending on drawing techniques;

Possess non-traditional visual techniques: drawing with fingers, palm, printing with various seals, poking with a semi-dry hard brush, drawing with cotton swabs, tamponing a candle reserve with a sponge in combination with watercolors, imprinting with various seals and crumpled paper, subject monotype, wet watercolor;

To navigate in terms of: shape, color, quantity, size of objects;

Use a variety of colors, mix paints on the palette to get the desired shade;

Combine different methods of image and isomaterials;

Depict individual objects, as well as plots that are simple in composition;

Own the technique of tearing paper and the technique of paper plastic (crumpling of napkins, rolling them into balls);

Create the simplest patterns from elements of the same shape alternating in color;

Create in co-creation with the teacher and children.

5-7 years

Types of fine arts (still life, landscape, graphics);

Warm and cold shades of the spectrum;

Features of the appearance of plants, animals, the structure of buildings.

Distinguish the types of iso-art;

Possess skills in non-traditional image techniques (printmaking, batik, blotting, engraving, scratching, raw watercolor, drawing using a stencil and template, splattering, drawing with strokes, "mosaic" drawing, plasticine graphics);

Mix paints to obtain new shades;

Convey the features of the appearance of plants, animals, the structure of buildings;

Combine various types of art and materials;

Draw yourself;

Create collective collages in collaboration with peers and educator.

Expected Result:

    A significant increase in the level of development of creative abilities.

    Expanding and enriching the artistic experience.

    Formation of prerequisites for educational activities.

    Mastering the simplest operations.

    Work skills will be formed.

    The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

3. Forms of summing up the results of the program implementation

Organization of monthly exhibitions of children's works for parents.

Thematic exhibitions at the preschool educational institution.

Participation in exhibitions and competitions throughout the year.

Designing an aesthetic developmental environment in a group, etc.

4. Educational and thematic planning

4.1 Curriculum - thematic plan of the first year of study.

p / p

Topic name

Number of hours

Game: "Acquaintance with the miracle - helpers"

"Drawing with fingers"

"We draw with palms"

"We draw with cotton swabs"

"We draw with seals"


"Unusual paper", draw on paper.


Subject monotype


Getting to know the landscape - painting on wet.


Poking with a semi-dry hard brush.


Experimenting with objects.


4.2 Curriculum - thematic plan of the second year of study.

p / p

Topic name

Number of hours

Acquaintance with still life. drawing using stencil and template

"Acquaintance with blotography"


"We draw with plasticine"


Blowing landscape

Soap bubbles

"Magic Drawings"

Wax crayons + watercolor

"Magic Drawings"

Candle + watercolor




Crystal effect, paint with salt.


Sand drawing.


Magic ropes.


Games - Experimenting with different drawing materials.


5. Logistics support.

Study room: group room.

Artistic corner in the group;

Technical means: multimedia presentations.CDand audio material

Tools and devices: watercolors, gouache; wax crayons, candle;

cotton swabs; foam rubber seals; toothpicks, sticks, or old scratching sticks; cocktail tubes; napkins; natural and waste material; glasses for water; brush stands; brushes.

Visual material: presentations andillustrations for the interactive whiteboard; didactic games, pedagogical sketches.

6. Application.

Long-term planning:

1 year of study


    Game-conversation "Magic Drop"

Purpose: to acquaint children with the possibilities of water, paint, paper.

    Game: "Acquaintance with the miracle - helpers."

Technique: Experimenting with painting materials.

Target:Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with the materials necessary to work in non-traditional visual techniques.

    Game - experimenting "Create without a brush".

Technique: draw with palms, draw with fingers (games - drawings)

Target:Exercise in drawing with your fingers, palms. Educate neatness.

    Experimental work with various illustrative material "Different colors"

Target:to acquaint children with the possibilities of various drawing materials and water.

    Methods for toning paper. Drawing with tampons.

Target:Introduce the technique of toning paper to create a background.


    Topic: "Sunflowers"

Technique: finger painting.

Purpose: to practice drawing with your fingers. Strengthen your gouache painting skills. Learn to draw the stem and leaves of a sunflower. Develop a sense of composition.

    Topic: "Decorate a handkerchief."

Technique: cork impression, finger painting.

Purpose: to teach how to decorate a scarf with a simple pattern, using typing, drawing with your fingers. Develop a sense of composition and rhythm.

    Theme: "Autumn tree".

Technique: stamping with eraser seals.

Purpose: to acquaint with the techniques of printing with seals.

    Topic: "Cockerel"

Technique: printing with autumn leaves.

Purpose: To teach children to work with fragile material - leaves. Develop a strong interest in drawing, imagination. Educate neatness.


    Topic: "Fish".

Technique: drawing with cotton swabs.

Purpose: practice drawing with cotton swabs.

    Topic: "My toys"

Technique: impression with corks, seals, finger painting.

Purpose: exercise in drawing rounded objects (tumbler, ball). Reinforce the skill of decorating objects using typing and drawing with your finger.

    Topic: "Clouds were running across the sky, birds were sent on a long journey"

Technique: drawing with crumpled paper.

Purpose: To teach a new way of drawing, to foster interest in artistic experimentation, to develop fine motor skills. Develop a sense of composition.

    Topic: "Fish in the aquarium".

Technique: wax crayons and watercolors.

Purpose: to practice drawing oval-shaped objects. Introduce the technique of combining wax crayons and watercolors. Learn to tint the sheet with different colors with watercolors. Develop color perception.


    Topic: "First Snow".

Technique: Napkin stamping

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to draw trees large and small, to depict a snowball with help. Typing or drawing with your fingers. Develop a sense of composition.

    Topic: ""The Christmas tree is fluffy, elegant."

Technics:Pointing with a hard, semi-dry brush, drawing with your fingers

Target:Exercise in the technique of drawing with a poke, with a semi-dry hard brush. Continue to learn to use such a means of expression as texture. To consolidate the ability to decorate a drawing using finger painting. To educate children to work individually.

    Topic: "Two cockerels quarreled"

Technique: hand drawing.

Purpose: to improve the ability to make palm prints and paint them to a certain image. Develop a sense of composition.

    Topic: "Decorate the Christmas tree with beads"

Technique: Plasticineography.

Purpose: Plasticine mosaic. Learn to tear off small pieces from a large piece of plasticine, roll small balls from them between your fingers, lay out the finished Christmas tree shape drawn on light cardboard with balls.


    Topic: "Christmas toys".

Technique: wax crayon and watercolor, cork print.

Purpose: to practice drawing Christmas decorations with wax crayons. Strengthen the ability to tint a drawing with watercolors, print with a cork.

    Theme: "Snowman"

Technique: crumpling the paper (rolling).

Purpose: to consolidate the skills of drawing with gouache, the ability to combine rolling, crumpling of paper and drawing in work. Learn to finish drawing a picture with a snowman (Christmas tree, broom, fence) Develop a sense of composition.

    Topic: “Multicolored butterflies”.

Technique: Monotype, palm and fist tracing.

Purpose: To acquaint with the technique of monotype, to consolidate the ability to use the technique of monotype “old form new content” (palm with closed fingers - large wing, fist - small). Introduce children to symmetry, using the example of a butterfly.

    Topic: "A twig of spruce. "

Technique: Drawing with a fine comb.

Purpose: To acquaint with the technique of drawing with scrap materials. Continue to work on the concept of symmetry.


    Topic: "Winter Landscape".

Technique: stencil printing,

Purpose: To develop imagination and creativity in painting a winter landscape; continue to teach stencil printing.

    Topic: "Decorate a scarf."

Technique: stencil printing.

Purpose: to acquaint with the technique of "stencil printing". Learn to decorate a strip with a simple pattern. Develop a sense of rhythm and composition.

    Topic: "Kitten"

Technique: jabbing with a hard, semi-dry brush.

Purpose: to acquaint with the technique of drawing with a poke with a semi-dry hard brush - to teach to imitate the hair of an animal, i.e. using the poke-created texture as a means of expressiveness. Learn to apply a drawing over the entire surface of the paper.

    Topic: "What does it look like?"

Techniques: Monotype Technique

Target:Introduce symmetry to children. Develop imagination. Continue to develop an interest in drawing.


    Topic: "Flower vase".

Techniques: "familiar form - new image"; imprint with seals.

Purpose: To improve children's ability to use familiar imaging techniques. Develop imagination, a sense of composition, rhythm.

    Topic: "Mimosa for Mom".

Technique: drawing with paper napkins.

Purpose: exercise in drawing with your fingers, rolling balls from napkins. Develop a sense of composition. Reinforce sticking skills.

    Topic: "Merry Sun"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to draw in the technique of typing with a palm, the skills of collective activity. Learn to mix paints with a brush directly on the palm of your hand.

    Topic: "Spring bouquet" (collective work)

Technique: hand drawing.

Purpose: Transfer of the image of a tulip bud. Continue to improve technique


    Topic: What color is spring?

Techniques: monotype.

Purpose: To enrich and expand the artistic experience of children in working with watercolors, painting on wet paper, mixing paints

    Topic: "Rockets in Space".

Technique: stencil printing.

Objective: to continue teaching how to mix different colors (blue, purple, black) right on a piece of paper. Strengthen the ability to print on a stencil. Learn to draw a rocket, flying saucers.

    Topic: "Chickens".

Techniques: wax crayons, paper wrinkling or tearing.

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to create an image from a crumpled napkin or to cut them off and make chickens, adding details (grass, flowers) and parts of the image (beak, eyes, legs). Develop a sense of composition.

    Topic: "Riverbank"

Technique: wet painting.

Objective: To consolidate the ability to paint on a damp background, mix paints right on

sheet, develop creativity, imagination.


    Topic: "Dandelions".

Technique: jabbing with a hard, semi-dry brush

Purpose: to consolidate the children's ability to draw in these techniques. Learn to create an expressive image of flowers. Develop desire to create teamwork (collage)

    Topic: "Owl is an owl."

Techniques: plasticineography.

Purpose: To learn to apply a thin layer of plasticine on the base, to draw the contour of an owl with seals, to learn to draw an owl with the help of strokes, to exercise in conveying the expressiveness of the image of a bird, through drawing strokes (eyes look to the side, up, down.

    Topic: "Fireworks".

Technique: Watercolor, wax crayons

Purpose: Strengthening the skill of drawing with watercolors or gouache, learn to draw fireworks using wax crayons.

Exhibition of children's drawings.

Long-term planning: 2 years of study.


    Theme: "Summer Meadow"

Technique: wax crayons + watercolor, stencil printing

Purpose: to consolidate skills according to previously mastered techniques. Develop

imagination, promote the most expressive reflection

impressions of the summer.

    Theme: "Decorate a flower vase."

Technique: plasticine

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to make simple patterns using the technique

plasticineography. Acquaintance with the method of twisting a flagellum,

making flowers from plasticine. Develop a sense of composition.

3. Topic:"Trees in autumn»

Technics:Leaves, cotton buds print.

Target:Learn to draw trees using a leaf print; sky fallen

foliage - with cotton buds. Develop a sense of composition, color.

4. Theme: Tumbler "

Technique: Stencil Button Printing

Target:Learn to draw with seals (buttons) of various shapes.


    Topic: "Hedgehogs".

Technique: jab with a hard, semi-dry brush, impression with crumpled paper.

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to use the techniques "poking with a hard semi-dry brush", "printing with crumpled paper." Learn to supplement the image with suitable details, including dry leaves.

    Topic: "Web"

Technics:Drawing with a painted ball.

Target:Introduce balloon drawing. Develop imagination, creativity.

    Theme: "Autumn Leaves".

Technique: embossing.

Purpose: to acquaint with the technique of embossing. Learn to trace the leaves in a simple shape, emboss them.

    Theme: "Colors of Autumn"

Technique: padding, stencil, wax crayons.

Target: Contribute to the most expressive reflection of impressions of autumn colors.

    Topic: "Alien Animals".

Technics: Blotography.

Purpose: To acquaint with the unconventional technique of blotting. Learn to work in this technique. Develop imagination, creativity, in painting objects.

    Topic: "I walk on a carpet of autumn leaves."

Technique: leaf printing, printing or stenciling.

Purpose: to acquaint with the technique of printing with leaves. To consolidate the ability to work with the technique of stencil printing. Develop color perception. Learn to mix paints directly on the leaves or with a swab when printing.

    Topic: "Riddle"


Target:Develop imagination, associative thinking, fine motor skills, hand coordination.

    Topic: "Blue Evening".

Technics: Linocut

Target: Develop artistic perception, imagination, coordination

hand movements.

    Topic: "First Snow".

Technics:Candle + watercolor

Purpose: to teach to draw using the candle + watercolor technique. Strengthen the ability to portray snow using a candle. Develop a sense of composition.

    Topic: "Mouse".

Technique: thread drawing.

Purpose: To acquaint children with the technique of making patterns from threads. Teach evenly, smear small areas of the image and sprinkle them with finely cut threads by the teacher, the color corresponding to the area of ​​the image. To consolidate the ability to work in the "familiar form - new image" technique.

    Topic: "Fir-tree".

Technique: finger painting, watercolor + wax crayons.

Purpose: to teach how to make flat Christmas tree decorations (using the watercolor technique + wax crayons) for decorating a Christmas tree (collective work done by cutting off). To consolidate the ability to decorate various geometric shapes with patterns, like on a Christmas tree toy. Exercise in the ability to decorate the tree with beads (finger drawing).

    Topic:« Stained-glass windows for windows in the hut of Zimushka-Zima "

Technics: Stained glass technique.

Target:To acquaint children with the word "stained glass" and the technique of its implementation.

    Theme: "Winter Night".

Technique: black and white scratchboard.

Purpose: to acquaint with non-traditional visual technique black and white scratchboard. Learn to convey the mood of a quiet winter night using graphics. Exercise in the use of such means of expression as line, stroke.

    Topic: "Safari Park".

Technique: wax crayons, watercolor, stencil.

Purpose: to improve the skill in the technique of working with a stencil, wax crayons and watercolors. Develop color perception, a sense of rhythm.

    Topic: "Patterns on Glass".

Technique: Crystal Effect, Salt Painting

Purpose: to teach how to create an expressive image using the technique of drawing with salt. Develop the ability to use means of expressive graphics.

    Theme: Snowflake is a ballerina.

Technique: stenciled padding, spraying.

Target:To develop in children the skill of tamponing with a sponge on a stencil, familiarity with the spraying technique. Develop sensitivity to the perception of the beauty of winter phenomena.

    Topic: "Snowstorm".

Technique: "Spray"

Purpose: to acquaint with the technique of "spraying". Develop imagination, a sense of composition.

    Topic: "Snowflakes"

Technique: printing, spraying.

Purpose: to continue teaching how to convey the image of the subject using printing. Teach yourself to make up a collective work.

    Topic: "Underwater Kingdom".

Technics:soap bubbles.

Purpose: to acquaint with the new technique of drawing with soap bubbles,

continue to teach to analyze nature, to define and convey shape and size in a drawing. Develop a sense of composition.

    Topic:Magic paper (mirror)

Technique: "engraving" or "chasing".

Target:Acquaintance with foil and with the technique of drawing on it by extruding a picture ("engraving", or "chasing"). Decoration with a pattern of a mirror frame. Development of a sense of rhythm, aesthetic taste.

    Topic: "Flowers in a vase"

Technique: stencil drawing, wax pencils, plastic forks.

Purpose: to teach how to draw flowers with unusual materials. Reinforce the ability to use familiar techniques to create an image. Learn to place images on a sheet.

    Topic: "Fruit on a platter" (from nature).

Technique: wax crayons = watercolor.

Purpose: to teach how to make a still life of fruits, to determine the shape, size, color and location of various parts, to display these signs in the drawing. Exercise in the ability to carefully paint over fruits with wax crayons, create a consonant tone using watercolors.

    Topic: Poppies.

Technique: Bell pepper printing.

Purpose: to teach how to create a general composition based on the printing technique.

    Theme: "Early Spring"

Technique: landscape monotype

Purpose: To teach you how to fold a sheet in half, draw a landscape on one side, and get it reflected in the lake on the other. Wipe half of the sheet with a sponge.

    Topic: "Starry Sky".

Technique: spraying, printing with foam rubber on a stencil.

Purpose: to teach how to create an image of the starry sky using mixing paints, spraying and stencil printing. Develop color perception.

    Topic: "We are wizards."

Technics:Blowing landscape.

Purpose: to acquaint with the technique of blowing a picture, to develop imagination, the desire to finish drawing the resulting image. Develop a sense of composition.

    Topic: "Apples on a platter."

Technique: scratching.

Purpose: to acquaint with the technique of scratching on a gouache base, to teach how to make a collective work.

    Topic: "Dress for Spring".

Technics:Drawing with glass.

Purpose: to acquaint with the techniquepainting by blurring paint on

glass and glass imprint on a sheet of paper.

    Topic:"Dahlias for Mom"

Technics:Cabbage print

Purpose: to continue to introduce children to the new drawing technique. Develop a sense of composition.

    Topic: "Evening"

Technics:Black and white scratchboard

Target:To acquaint with the unconventional visual technique of black and white printing. Learn to convey the mood of a quiet evening using graphics. Exercise in the use of expressive means such as line, stroke

    Topic: "Teddy bear".

Technique: sand painting

Purpose: to improve the skills of children in this technique. Learn to display the image most expressively, use unusual materials to create the image.

    Topic: "Birch Grove".

Technique: candle and watercolor painting.

Purpose: to acquaint children with creating an image with a new technique. Learn to create an expressive image of a birch grove. Develop a sense of composition.

Exhibition of children's drawings.

Purpose: to teach to consider the drawings. Encourage emotional manifestations and statements, exercise in choosing the pictures you like.

7. Card library of games and exercises.

The games of preschool children differ in content, characteristic features, in what place they occupy in the child's life, in his upbringing and teaching

And if we consider that play and drawing are the most beloved activities of children, then we can conclude that play contributes to the development of an integral personality. It becomes clear that there are no contradictions between playing and drawing.

Play is a type of activity, the motive of which is not the result, but in the process itself, and in drawing the child learns to set and define a goal and achieve specific results.

It is not worth distinguishing between play and children's drawing, especially in non-traditional techniques, they complement each other. Vygorsky L.S. wrote: “In play, a child is always higher than his age, higher than his usual everyday behavior, he is in play, as it were, head and shoulders above himself. The game in a condensed form contains ... all developmental tendencies, the child in the game is trying to make a jump above the level of his usual behavior "

Scratchboard - the essence of this technique, which has long been used in Russia and was called drawing on a wax pad, is scratching.

Description of the technique:

We begin to use this technique only from an older age.

- First, we apply a colored background with watercolor and dry the paper.

- Next, completely wipe the entire background with wax.

- Pour black gouache into the socket and add a little shampoo, mix thoroughly.

- Then we will cover the paraffin sheet with this mixture.

- Now let's take a sharpened stick and start scratching the drawing.

What is not an engraving!

It must be borne in mind that this technique can be mastered only when the child has a sufficiently well developed eye and coordination of movements.


“On Christmas night” We carefully scratch the bright stars and a thin month.

"What kind of stars are these ..." We scratch the snowflakes. No snowflake is alike.

"Night moth" The bright lantern seemed to the night moth like the sun.

"Napkin for mom" It can be of various shapes and with any pattern.

"Magic Glade" Someone evil painted over the entire clearing with black paint. Nothing wrong. Here is a butterfly, and here is a flower.

"Palace for the Snow Maiden" Night. And suddenly the fabulous tower in which the Snow Maiden lives.

"Flight into space" Astronauts are greeted by cold stars, unfamiliar planets.

"Evening City" How beautiful it is when the lights in the windows of houses and street lamps are lit!

"The wind walks on the sea" The boat flies in full sail on the water surface.

Monotype - this technique that develops children's imagination, fantasy, a sense of color, shape.

Description of the technique:

We propose to practice this technique for children from the middle group.

For work, you will need gouache of different colors and a sheet of paper folded in half.

- Draw half a circle on the right side of the folded sheet, then press the left half of the sheet to the right and smooth out the folded sheet in this way. Let's open it and see what happened. Ball? Or maybe the sun? Then draw the rays.

- Apply bright spots on one half of a sheet of paper, press the other. What happened?


"In the Land of the Looking Glass" An unusual country, nothing happens in it one by one.

Children are invited to draw whatever they want on one half of the sheet, and then ...

"What I saw butterflies" Various colored spots are applied to the paper. And then the paper can be folded in different directions.

"Autumn Park" We will draw the road and the sky using the monotype technique, folding the sheet along the "horizon line". And then clouds of different shapes will fly across the sky, and on the road we will see puddles and fallen leaves.

"Me and my portrait" Let's draw ourselves and laugh.

"City on the river" Let's draw a city, fold the paper along the "horizon line". Let's wet the second half of the paper and press it against the first - the city will be reflected in the water.

"White steamer" Let us bend a sheet of paper along the "horizon line". Let's draw a drawing at the top of the sheet, and then, wet the bottom, fold the sheet. The steamer is reflected in the waves of the sea.

"Gnomes - twins" Let's draw one gnome. Fold the sheet in half, smooth it out. Here is my brother.

Signet a technique that allows you to repeatedly depict the same object, making different compositions from its prints.

Description of the technique:

First you need to make a "signet". It is not difficult to make the seals ourselves: you need to take an eraser, draw a drawing on the end and cut off everything unnecessary. "Signet" is ready!

We press it to the pad of paint, and then to the sheet of paper. The result is an even and clear print. Compose any composition!


For children of the younger group, you can offer to draw: flowers for a bee; butterflies fluttering over the meadow; mushrooms in the meadow; vegetables in a basket; fruit in a vase, etc.

In the middle group, children can use "seals" with a geometric pattern and change them in the process of work: postcards; invitation cards; scarves; napkins

In older groups, we use the technique of completing the missing details of objects for ready-made “seals”, composing compositions from different “seals” a bouquet of flowers; bookmarks; a bouquet of rowan branches.

Drawing on raw paper - a kind of drawing technique.

Description of the technique :

You can begin to master this technique already in the younger groups. To draw in this technology, we need a damp cloth and a container of water. We will wet the paper and place it on a damp cloth (so that the paper does not dry out).

Let's take a watercolor crayon or a brush with watercolor paint and start painting.


Middle group.

"Clouds float across the sky" Let's draw a smooth line and it will magically turn into ... And what are our clouds like?

"Aquarium fish" Two arcs met ... And it turned out to be a fish. Let's paint her eyes, mouth, scales. And now let's draw vertical lines - algae fluttered in the water.

"Hares in the meadow" We drew a short line and saw a gray, fluffy fur coat of a fidget.

Senior group.

"Summer rain" Wet paths, trees glistening with drops, someone's umbrella flickers.

"Little Sparrows in Winter" It's cold to the birds, they have ruffled, they have dismissed the feathers. Spring is coming soon!

“When I’m Offended” How does the world seem to us then? Everything is blurry with tears, it becomes sad and gray. Draw so that we grieve together.

"My Furry Little Friend" I love him. He understands everything and is happy when I play with him. And how nice it is to snuggle up to his fluffy face!

Preparatory group.

"At the bottom of the sea" Let's show how the sea changes depending on the weather.

"The last leaf" Late autumn. A piercing wind drives withered leaves along the ground, tends to the trunks of trees, and only one leaf still flutters on the branch. But then the wind blew again. And the last leaf flies down ...

"Into a blizzard" A gust of wind, one more, another ... The snow hurts the face. he twirls like a snake, then flies up like a fan, then rushes in a frantic round dance, turning you into invisibility.

"In a submarine" What do you see through the thickness of the water? Algae, sun rays, small fish, big fish ...

"Rainbow - arc" The colors are arranged in a certain sequence, do not mix it up. Wet paper allows you to achieve the result of a smooth transition from one color to another.

Blotography - games with blots help to develop an eye, coordination and strength of movements, fantasy and imagination.

Description of the technique :

We use blotography as games and entertainment.

- Let's put a big, bright blot. Take a cocktail tube and carefully blow a drop ..., she ran upward, leaving a trail behind her. Turn the leaf and blow again.

- And you can make another blot, but of a different color. Let them meet.

And what do their footprints look like?


"Magic Glade" Put multicolored drops on a sheet and blow them in different directions. Draw the stems and leaves.

"Bouquet of flowers" Let's draw a vase, stems, leaves. And we will make flowers from blots. Here are the asters.

"Magic Lamp" Let's draw a fairy lamp. Let's drop a blot - the light came on in the lamp. And so that all kind people shine brightly and shine, let’s blow up the drop.

Splashing - not an easy technique.

Description of the technique :

Its essence is in spraying drops with the help of a toothbrush and a wooden spatula (stack) adapted for this. Holding a toothbrush in our left hand, pick up a little paint, and with a stack we will run along the surface of the brush - with quick movements towards ourselves. The splashes will hit the paper. That's all. It is better to master this technique on a walk in the summer, since at first the drops of paint fly not only on the paper.


"Napkins" Let's spray with different colors and admire the effect.

"Snowfall" Spray with white paint according to the color tone.

White snowflakes whirl in a dance.

"Spun the golden autumn" Spray the foliage with colored paint (gold). With a brush, draw tree trunks, bushes branches. It turns out a beautiful autumn forest.

Hand print - very interesting technique.

Description of the technique:

Dip the whole palm or part of it in paint and leave a print on the paper.

You can paint the palm in different colors and leave a print on the paper. In this case, we not only see the paint, but also feel it.

One or more fingerprints can be added to palm prints in different combinations.


Invite the children to imagine:

“We lost our gloves on the way, kittens ...” Let's paint our left hand and put it on a piece of paper - one glove was found! Now let's paint the right hand (let's learn how to draw with the left) and attach the print next to it. Both gloves were found!

"Whose face?" The print of one palm without fingers looks like someone's face. Maybe the little housewife Kuzya came to visit us? Or a Dwarf? It remains to take a brush and add the necessary details.

“Our Birds” A handprint can turn into a duck, a swan, any magical bird, an important turkey, a cocky rooster, an ugly duckling.

"Flowers" A print of the whole palm attached to a painted flower pot can be a cactus or some other flower.

"Animals" Using this technique, you can also depict frightened animals, whose fur stood on end.

"Hedgehogs" A beautiful hedgehog family can go out for a walk if you apply prints of different sized handprints.

8. Organization of work with parents.

The following forms of work have been chosen for cooperation with the family:

    Making a visual campaign for parents

    Conducting conversations


    Parents' meetings, with the aim of parents mastering certain knowledge, skills, helping them in resolving problematic issues

    Joint events

    Joint creativity of parents and children

Target: to acquaint parents with an interesting and useful type of creativity. The work carried out not only gives parents knowledge about children's artistic activities, methods and techniques of working in non-traditional techniques, but also strengthens the relationship between parents and children.Forms of work with parents for development

constructive-model activity of children



and polls

Planning work with parents

Revealing the degree of involvement of families in the educational process: a questionnaire for parents, defining their attitude to the patriotic upbringing of children



Round table

Exchange of views on the development of the child, discussion of the nature, degree and possible causes of problems

"A patriot is raised from childhood"

"Walking around the city with children"


Doors open days

Familiarization of parents with the content, organizational forms and methods of development of constructive-model activities of children

Parental Participation in Family Heirlooms Group Lessons


Thematic consultations

Creation of conditions conducive to overcoming difficulties in the interaction of teachers and parents

"Raising a young patriot in the family"

"How to teach children to protect nature"

"We watch TV programs about our hometown together with the child"


Parent meetings

Mutual communication between teachers and parents on topical issues of artistic and aesthetic development of children, expanding the pedagogical horizons of parents

"Raising patriotic feelings in preschoolers"


Parent readings

Familiarization of parents with the peculiarities of the age and psychological development of children, effective methods and techniques of artistic and aesthetic development of children

"What is children's giftedness?"



parents to participate in the activities of the group

A special form of work with parents in order to draw attention to urgent problems of the development of children.


"History of the hometown"

"Memorable places in the city of Lyubertsy"

"Our army is dear"

Meeting interesting people:

- a policeman;

- pilot, soldier;

- veterans of war.

Participation in the organization of exhibitions "Glory to Heroes!"

"Gift to the veteran"


Project activities

Such a form of joint activity as projects is gaining more and more relevance. They change the role of upbringing adults in kindergarten management, in the development of partnerships, help them learn to work in a “team”, master the methods of collective mental activity; master the algorithm for creating a project, starting from the needs of the child; to achieve positive openness in relation to colleagues, pupils and parents, to their personality; unite the efforts of teachers, parents and children in order to implement the project

"Design projects" City of the Future "

"The city I live in"



Pedagogical education, exchange of experience in family education of preschoolers. Involvement of parents in active understanding of the development of interests in children in the family and taking into account individual needs

« Development of the child's creative potential, creation of conditions for his self-realization ”.



pedagogical information

Pedagogical education of parents

Notes for parents

"Famous people about fostering love for the Motherland"

"Raising love for the hometown in the family and kindergarten"

"How to tell children about the Great Patriotic War"


Family assembly

The family assembly is a form of leisure that unites families of pupils and teachers of educational, cultural and artistic institutions in order to get to know each other, immerse themselves in a variety of joint activities that are attractive for both children and adults.

Participation in GCD, joint activities with children, in joint holidays, competitions

9.List of literature.

General educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" N.Ye. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.
R.G. Kazakova "Drawing with preschool children". Unconventional techniques.
K. K. Utrobina, G. F. Utrobin "Fascinating drawing by poking with children" 3-7 years old.
Lykova I.A. "The program of artistic education, training and development of children 2 - 7 years old" Colored palms
Lykova I.A. "Methodological recommendations in questions and answers to the program of art education in kindergarten" Colored palms ".
I.A. Lykova, V. A. Shipunova "Mysteries of the Ladybug" integration of cognitive and artistic development
Doronova T.N., Yakobson S.G. "Teaching children 2 - 4 years old to draw in the game", Moscow, Education, 1992

TS Komarova "Classes in fine arts" middle group.

AV Nikitina "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten".

TATskvitaria "Non-traditional drawing techniques" Integrated classes in preschool educational institutions.

3.7. Monitoring achievement

children of the planned results of mastering the program

This monitoring is used exclusively for solving the following educational tasks:

1) individualization of education (including support for a child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of the characteristics of his development);

2) optimization of work with a group of children.

If necessary, psychological diagnostics of the development of children is used (identification and study of the individual psychological characteristics of children), which is carried out by qualified specialists (educational psychologists, psychologists).

The participation of a child in psychological diagnostics is allowed only with the consent of his parents (legal representatives).

Basic methods of collecting information about the child

    Systematic observation;

    Preservation of products of children's activities;

    Drawing up an observation map that lists skills and abilities (key competencies);

    Conversations with parents, questionnaires, questionnaires;

    Communication with specialists (psychologist, doctor, speech therapist);

    Conversations and interviews with a child using open-ended questions, receiving answers from children;

    Children's stories;


    Audio and video recordings,

    Portfolio, or "Folders of achievements"

    Case Descriptions and Episode Records - short descriptions of specific cases;

    Diary notes. These are brief descriptions of specific cases, statements, behavior of children, which the teacher drew attention to while observing the children. These notes provide factual information about what happened, when and where, under what circumstances, and indicate the successes, achievements and problems of children, a subgroup or a group as a whole. Teachers can make diary entries in special notebooks, on forms and cards.

The teacher begins by collecting information about the development of the child, his interests, inclinations, hobbies, communication and thinking styles, etc. To get a complete and objective assessment of the development and current state of the child, you must use

    different methods of collecting information;

    various sources of information;

    different situations for repeating the information gathering procedure.

Educators use different methods and techniques to collect information about a child.

Intermediate results of the development of the Program


Family and immediate surroundings






History of the city of Tily






The nature of the Tula region






Tula crafts






Tula toys






Attractions of the city






Famous people






Symbols of the country and the city





Costume history



Note: development mark ("+" / "=" / "-")

High level ("+")

Knows his name, surname, city, country, address; names and recognizes (by illustration) sights, green areas of the city, streets, squares; knows and recognizes the flag, coat of arms, anthem of Russia; coat of arms of the city; names folk holidays, toys, household items; names the natural resources of Russia, knows the natural and climatic zones, landscapes; takes care of the surrounding nature, loved ones, helps, shows friendliness, takes into account the interests of comrades, knows how to negotiate with peers, analyzes actions. Has an idea of ​​family members and immediate relatives.

Average level ("=")

Knows his name, surname, country, city, address; flag, coat of arms, anthem of Russia, coat of arms of the city; finds it difficult to name sights, green areas, streets, city squares (he does this after the explanations of an adult); finds it difficult to name national holidays, toys; with the help of an adult, names the natural resources of Russia, natural and climatic zones; takes care of loved ones, shows friendliness, but does not take into account the interests of comrades, does not know how to come to an agreement with them, does not provide assistance; analyzes actions with the help of an adult.
Low level ("-")

Doesn't know the name of the country, city. His address, but recognizes the flag, coat of arms, anthem; there is no knowledge about the sights of the hometown; does not know street names well. Prospectuses; cannot name folk holidays, toys; natural resources of Russia, natural and climatic zones; does not care about others, does not show friendliness, does not take into account the interests of comrades, does not know how to come to an agreement with them, does not provide assistance, cannot analyze actions.

Diagnostic methods: observation, conversations with the child

The data of the individual card are the basis for planning individual work with a specific child.

3.2. Monitoring the development of program material

children of preschool age for visual activities

(author I.A.Lykova).


Reveal the level of ability to create images of various objects using paper of different textures and methods of cutting and tearing.


Children are invited to make a paper craft of different textures on their own. For the sample, ready-made applications with the image of various objects are offered.

Rating scale

High level:

the child independently performs the application, uses additional details, enriches the background.

Average level:

the child works independently, occasionally asks an adult for help. Does not use additional details, is mistaken in the scale of the composition.

Low level: the child refuses to do the craft on his own, requires the help of an adult. Does the work not accurately, in a hurry.

3.3. Requirements for the level of training of pupils:

By the end of the school year, children will have:

1. Expanded ideas of children about the creative activity of a person in various types of art, about the importance of creative activity of a person in life;

2. Knowledge of sensory standards is consolidated, the development of artistic perception, thinking, memory, enrichment of the vocabulary continues.

4. Control over the implementation of the program.

Additional educational general developmental program of artistic orientation for children 5-6 years old

Children age 5 - 6 years
Implementation period: 1 year

Explanatory note

The additional general educational general developmental program of artistic orientation "Rainbow" was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 "On education in the Russian Federation", taking into account the provisions of the Concept for the development of additional education for children dated September 4, 2014 No. 1726- r and other regulatory legal documents.
This program is aimed at developing the artistic and creative abilities of children through teaching non-traditional drawing techniques.
In the process of drawing, the child improves observation and aesthetic perception, artistic taste and creativity. While drawing, the child forms and develops certain abilities in himself: visual assessment of the form, orientation in space, a sense of color. Special skills and abilities are also developed: eye-hand coordination, hand control.
The relevance of the program is due to the fact that there is a convergence of the content of the program with the requirements of life. Currently, there is a need for new approaches to the teaching of aesthetic arts, capable of solving modern problems of creative perception and development of the individual as a whole. In the system of aesthetic, creative education of the younger generation, a special role belongs to the fine arts. The ability to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding world, contributes to the upbringing of a culture of feelings, the development of artistic and aesthetic taste, labor and creative activity, fosters purposefulness, perseverance, a sense of mutual assistance, makes it possible for the creative self-realization of the individual.
The novelty and distinctive feature of the "Iris" program for non-traditional drawing techniques is that it has an innovative character. The system of work uses non-traditional methods and ways of developing children's artistic creativity. Used homemade tools, natural and junk for unconventional painting. Non-traditional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals the possibility of using well-known household items as original art materials, and surprises with its unpredictability.
The program is intended for older preschool children (5 - 6 years old). The term for the implementation of the program is 1 year. The course is designed for 15 hours. The content is compiled taking into account age characteristics and in accordance with SanPiN (requirements for the organization of the daily routine and training sessions).
Occupation mode:
Senior group - the number of lessons per week 1, 4 lessons per month. 36 classes are held per year. The duration of the lesson in the older group is 25 minutes.
Form of organization of the educational process: group with an individual approach.
Conditions for the recruitment of children: all comers are accepted.
The Rainbow program was developed in accordance with the State Educational Standard.
In the course of work, the integration of all educational areas is ensured:
Cognitive development: art games.
Artistic and aesthetic development: listening to musical works.
Social and communicative development: solving problem situations, fostering friendly relationships, the desire to participate in joint labor activities, respect for materials and tools; development of the ability to maintain a conversation, generalize, draw conclusions, express your point of view.
Speech development: reading poetry and stories.
Physical development: physical education.
Purpose of the Program:
To form an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality based on familiarization with non-traditional drawing techniques.
Expand understanding of the variety of non-traditional drawing techniques.
Improve technical and drawing skills
Based on an integrated approach, to promote the development of initiative, invention and creativity of children in an atmosphere of aesthetic experiences and enthusiasm, joint creativity of an adult and a child, through various types of visual and applied activities.
- To form creative thinking, sustained interest in artistic activity;
-Develop artistic taste, fantasy, ingenuity, spatial imagination.
- To form the skills and abilities necessary to create creative works.
- Develop a desire to experiment, showing vivid cognitive feelings: surprise, doubt, joy of learning new things.
- To consolidate and enrich children's knowledge about different types of artistic creativity.
- To acquaint children with various types of visual activities, a variety of artistic materials and methods of working with them, consolidate the acquired skills and abilities and show children the breadth of their possible application.
- To cultivate diligence and the desire to achieve success by their own labor.
- To educate attention, accuracy, dedication, creative
The basic principles underlying creative work:
- The principle of creativity (the program contains inexhaustible opportunities for the upbringing and development of the creative abilities of children);
- The principle of scientific character (children are informed about the form, color, composition, etc.);
- The principle of accessibility (taking into account age and individual characteristics);
- The principle of phasing (sequence, starting the next stage, you cannot bypass the previous one);
- The principle of dynamism (from the simplest to the most complex);
- The principle of comparisons (a variety of options for a given topic, methods and ways of depicting, a variety of material);
- The principle of choice (decisions on the topic, materials and methods without restrictions);
- The principle of continuity (taking into account the tasks and neoplasms of the next age period);
- The principle of integrativeness (synthesis of arts).
The pedagogical expediency lies in the fact that all classes are aimed at the development of children's intelligence, activate the creative activity of children, teach them to think outside the box.
Expected Result
As a result of passing the program material
Children should know:
- about the variety of non-traditional drawing techniques
- about the properties and qualities of various materials;
- about safety during work.
Children should be able to:
- plan your work;
- to negotiate with each other when performing collective work;
- analyze, determine the conformity of shapes, sizes, colors, locations of parts;
- create individual works;
- use various techniques and methods of creating drawings;
- use materials carefully and economically.

Pedagogical diagnostics

Pedagogical diagnostics is carried out 3 times a year (primary in September, intermediate in January, final in May).
The purpose of the diagnosis:
1. Reveal the level of artistic development of children
2. To reveal the possibilities of the child's free choice of the type and nature of the activity, materials, design, methods of depiction
The nature of the diagnosis: natural pedagogical.
The survey is carried out in the following areas:
1. Color perception: the child sees the brightness and elegance of color and its shades

2. Object drawing: the child depicts objects by creating distinct shapes, choosing colors, accurately painting, using familiar materials and tools
3. Plot drawing: the child conveys a simple plot, combining several objects in the drawing, using familiar non-traditional techniques
4. Decorative drawing: the child decorates the silhouette of an object using familiar non-traditional techniques
Equipped with a place for a subgroup lesson with children
Various materials and tools are placed on the table for children to freely choose.
Invite the children to name everything they see, tell how it can be used, and choose what they will use in their work to realize their idea.
On the way, fix: the child's choice, the external manifestations of his reaction to the situation, the sequence of the development of the idea, the combination of types of techniques, comments during the course of actions, the game and speech development of the artistic image.
For the analysis, a system of indicators was developed, tabulated for the convenience of recording observations.
Levels of mastery of skills in drawing using non-traditional techniques
Short(1 point)
interest in the perception of the features of objects is unstable, poorly expressed
emotional response occurs only with the active prompting of an adult
the child sees general signs of objects, some of their characteristic features
recognizes and enjoys familiar images in the drawing
the main property for recognition is the shape, and only then - the color
the child draws only with the active help of an adult
knows visual materials and tools, but lacks the ability to use them
not mastered enough technical skills and abilities
Average(2 points)
the child has an interest in the perception of the aesthetic in the environment
he highlights the main features of objects, seasonal changes, external signs of emotional states
knows how to depict certain objects and phenomena
uses materials and tools correctly
owns simple unconventional techniques with partial help from an adult
shows interest in learning new techniques
shows independence
High(3 points)
the child sees the means of expression: the brightness and elegance of color, some of its shades
quickly learns the techniques of work in new non-traditional techniques
possesses basic visual and technical drawing skills
conveys in the drawings some similarity with the real object
enriches the image with expressive details, color, using knowledge of non-traditional techniques
knows how to create a bright elegant pattern
can independently choose the topic of drawing and get the result using non-traditional techniques
can objectively assess their own and others' work (for older preschool children)

Non-traditional art techniques used in the "Rainbow" program:
- Wax crayons + watercolor, candle + watercolor - the child draws with a candle on paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolors in one or more colors.
- Drawing with fingers, palm - the child puts a finger or palm in gouache and applies patterns and prints on paper.
- Impression - applied by various objects (cork, cardboard, crumpled paper and napkins, potatoes)
-Monotype is one print. To make it, you need polyethylene or paper as a basis for applying watercolor or gouache stains on them, then a blank sheet of paper is applied on top of the drawing, gently ironed on top by hand and removed. It turns out a print, which, like blotography, can be completed.
-Jap with a hard, semi-dry brush - the child lowers the brush into the gouache and hits the paper with it, holding the brush vertically. When working, the brush does not sink into the water. This fills the entire sheet, outline or template. It turns out an imitation of a fluffy or prickly surface.
-Drawing on wet - a sheet of paper with a sponge or a brush is moistened with water until the sheet is dry and the drawing is applied.
-Blossography - the child scoops up the gouache with a plastic spoon and pours it onto the paper. The result is random spots. Then the sheet is covered with another sheet and pressed (you can bend the sheet in half, drop ink on one half, and cover it with the other.) Then the top sheet is removed, the image is examined: it is determined what it looks like. The missing details are being drawn.
-Spray - the child picks up paint on a brush and hits the brush against the cardboard he holds over the paper. Paint splashes onto the paper.
-Blowing - the child scoops up the paint with a plastic spoon, pours it onto the sheet, makes a small spot (droplet). Then blows on this spot from the tube so that its end does not touch either the spot or the paper. The procedure is repeated if necessary. The missing details are being drawn.
-Drawing with salt - first you need to make sketches on paper, moisten it with water with a brush, sprinkle with salt, wait until it absorbs water, pour excess salt. When everything dries up, draw the missing elements and color.
-Pointillism - the drawing is created using separate dots of different colors.

Conditions for the implementation of the program

Material and technical base:
- group room (study board, tables).
- albums with samples and diagrams
- working material.
External conditions:
- organization of exhibitions.

List of used working material:
- colored cardboard;
- napkins;
- wax crayons;
- paints, gouache, brushes;
- sketchbooks;
- candles;
- colored pencils;
- tubes for cocktails;
- cotton swabs.

A promising lesson plan for the "Rainbow" circle


1 Diagnostics Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with the materials necessary to work in non-traditional visual techniques.
2 Early autumn. Spider. (Cork imprint) Development of cognitive interests and intellectual activity in children.
3 Apple tree with golden apples. (Drawing with foam rubber pokes) Learn to create a fabulous image, draw spreading trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees
Strengthen the ability to draw with non-traditional drawing methods (drawing with foam rubber pokes). Learn to beautifully arrange the image on the sheet.
4 Flowers in a vase. (Printing with natural material) Introduce an unconventional technique. Printing (applying ink on small sheets of paper and printing). Develop artistic and creative abilities. To develop the ability to select paints according to colors. The development of fine motor skills of the hands. To cultivate love and respect for loved ones, the desire to bring joy with your work. Form compositional skills.

5 Autumn tree. (Blotography and splattering) To teach to convey in a drawing the structure of a tree - a trunk (with a brush, branches of different lengths (by an unconventional technique: using a straw from a juice). To consolidate the skills of drawing foliage with a toothbrush and stacks (an unconventional drawing technique - spraying). Technical skills Develop imagination Creative thinking Foster a positive attitude and desire to take care of nature Elicit an emotional response to new ways of drawing.

6 Asters. (Drawing with a plastic fork) Continue teaching children to draw from nature.
To learn to see the beauty of the combination of warm colors of the bouquet, to understand the aesthetic value.
Develop a sense of rhythm, aesthetic taste, creative imagination.
To consolidate the ability to convey the beauty of the bouquet by means of densely diluted gouache, using an unconventional drawing method - a plastic fork, the technique of scrolling the bone when drawing the middle.

7 Fruit trees. (Printing with natural materials, drawing with fingers) To form the ability to independently choose a color scheme, develop color perception, develop the ability to use non-traditional drawings, improve the development of fine motor skills of fingers and hands, evoke a positive response to the results of their work.
8 Nature is reflected in the water. (Monotype, drawing on a wet sheet.) Improve the technique of painting with watercolors. To expand the possibilities of the wet painting method with obtaining prints as an expressive and pictorial means in children's painting. Teach children to make a harmonious color composition. To consolidate the technique of drawing trees. Develop creative imagination. Develop an interest in nature and the display of representations in visual arts.

10 Autumn landscape. (Toning paper, poking with foam rubber) To consolidate children's knowledge of drawing techniques. Encourage children to convey the characteristics of autumn trees, achieving expressiveness through color. Improve fine motor skills of hands. Continue to work on enriching vocabulary, to consolidate the concept of "landscape". To foster emotional responsiveness to the beauty of autumn.

11 Rainy late autumn. (Drawing with a candle, toning the paper) Develop the idea that through the selection of colors it is possible to convey in the drawing a certain weather and mood characteristic of a rainy late autumn.
Introduce children to a new way of expressing late fall color using wax candle painting.
To develop the skills of wet toning of paper with watercolors, as well as printing dried leaves painted with paint.
Develop emotional and aesthetic feelings, imagination and creative activity
Foster interest in landscape painting and in the drawing process itself.
12 Fairyland - an underwater kingdom. (Drawing on a wet sheet) Teach children to draw in an unconventional way "on a wet" sheet. To develop multidirectional, continuous, smooth hand movements, visual control over them. Learn to convey the composition in the plot drawing. Foster imagination and creativity.

13 Hedgehog in the meadow. (Splatter) Encourage children to develop the desire to paint a picture with the help of splashes, to get satisfaction from doing the work.
Evoke an emotional response to a new way of painting.
Develop creative thinking and imagination.
To consolidate the knowledge of children about the appearance of a hedgehog, to clarify the concept of "wild animal";
To develop skills in children to embody the characteristic features of a hedgehog in a drawing.

13 Bullfinch. (Wax crayons + watercolors) Develop children's creativity, imagination. To consolidate the ability to work with a brush and paints, carefully paint over a white sheet of paper. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards birds, to take care and feed them.
14 Cactus. (Blotography) To consolidate the ability to use the "blottography" image technique; develop creativity, interest in the surrounding world.

15 Frosty patterns. (Monotype) Exercise in using the "monotype" image technique using cellophane. Arouse children's interest in visual activities. Develop creativity. To cultivate perseverance, accuracy.

16 Santa Claus. (Drawing with salt) To teach a new technique of image decoration: sprinkling with salt on wet paint to create a three-dimensional image. To consolidate the ability to draw the figure of the depicted character, conveying the shape of the parts, their location, and relative size. Develop imagination, creativity. To bring up accuracy, the desire to bring the work started to the end.

17 Snowstorm. (Splashing) To develop the ability to build a composition of a drawing, to establish a connection between music and painting in order to express their feelings in the drawing. Use the tip of the brush to strengthen your drawing skills on oblique tree branches. Encourage children to be independent, creative, emotional response, develop aesthetic feelings (joy, delight).

18 Crystal Castle of the Snow Queen. (Drawing with salt) To consolidate the ability to position the pattern in accordance with the given shape, to come up with the details of the drawing at will; improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with materials.
19 Let's give each other joy. (Colored foam, foam impression, cotton swabs) Develop the ability to correctly express your emotions and feelings through facial expressions, pantomime; stress relief, development of communication skills.
Creation of conditions for mastering non-traditional drawing techniques: colored foam, foam impression, cotton swabs.
20 Fluffy kittens. (Pointing with a hard, semi-dry brush) Strengthen the ability to hold a brush, deepen ideas about color and geometric shapes, form the ability to independently choose a color scheme; developing: develop color perception, fine motor skills of the hands; educational: foster compassion and love for animals.

21 Wind pattern. (Blowing) To teach drawing an unconventional drawing technique: drawing with exhalation air.
22 The Swan Princess (Drawing with the palm of your hand) To teach to draw with the palm of your hand, mix paints. Develop artistic and creative abilities, develop imagination and a sense of composition.
23 Flowers for Thumbelina. (Drawing with stamps) Clarify the knowledge of children about garden flowers. Develop tactile sensation skills in children. To consolidate the skills and abilities obtained in the previous GCD to draw with the help of seals - stamps (potatoes, onions) and various objects (plastic fork, cotton swab and foam ball).
24 Fabulous fish. (Pointillism) Learn to draw the body of a fish and scales with dots.
Learn to press on a cotton swab, leaving a round imprint.
Develop children's knowledge about the external signs of fish.
Cultivate interest in visual arts.
25 Tulips. (Fork and finger drawing) Development of children's creativity.
Development of creative imagination, thinking. Fostering interest in creativity in general and in non-traditional types of creativity. Improve the ability to compositionally arrange details on a sheet of paper.
26 Branch of mimosa. (Plasticine, pointillism) Improve the ability to use cotton swabs and plasticine to create an image; develop creativity, interest in visual activities.
27 Snowdrops. (Monotype) Continue to improve the drawing technique - monotype.
28 Bouquet of lilacs. (Drawing with crumpled paper) Reinforce knowledge of genre features of still life and landscape. To learn to convey the characteristic features of lilac flowers, using the technique of applying paint in several layers (each next layer is lighter than the previous one. To develop color perception and a sense of composition, aesthetic perception of the natural world and works of fine art.
To cultivate the skills of adequate self-assessment of their activities.

Spring 29. (Imprint, prints of leaves) Give an idea of ​​the task at hand and its implementation independently; develop the creativity of children through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques; educate an aesthetic attitude to nature and its image; develop imagination, a sense of composition, cause children to enjoy the activity done.
Continue to improve painting techniques: print, leaf prints.
30 Sunset (Painting on a wet leaf) Create conditions for free experimentation with watercolors. Learn to depict the sky using the color-streaming method "on wet". Develop a sense of color, shape, composition. Foster a desire to admire natural phenomena.

31 Colorful butterflies (Pointillism) To develop the ability to independently choose the color range of paints corresponding to a joyful mood. Develop color perception, improve fine motor skills of fingers and hands. To develop children's creativity - a sense of color, the ability to come up with a pattern.
To bring up in children the desire to bring the work begun to the end, to bring joy to children from their works drawn in an unconventional way.
32 Outer space (Drawing on a wet sheet, splashing) Expand the horizons, knowledge of children about space; reinforce the skills of creating a background by painting "raw", pouring color into color (using watercolor); teach to depict the starry sky, its appearance in an airless
space by spraying (using gouache). Strengthen the skills of working with gouache and watercolors; teach to think over the composition and content of the picture; encourage independence and creativity.
33 Forget-me-nots (Drawing on a wet sheet) Develop fine motor skills of hands, eyes, visual perception, imagination, creativity. To expand the idea of ​​children about field plants, about nature protection. Build a sense of responsibility.
34 Kidney Hive (Imprint) Continue to educate children about the use of non-traditional painting techniques. Continue to improve the ability to work with gouache. Strengthen the ability to create a decorative pattern. Cultivate neatness when doing work. To consolidate knowledge in the ability to correctly determine the geometric shape, its color, size, group shapes by size and color.

35 Teddy bear (Jab with a hard, semi-dry brush, parol) Encourage children to convey in the drawing the image of a toy familiar from childhood; to consolidate the ability to depict the shape of parts, their relative size, location, color.
Continue to learn to draw large, arrange the image in accordance with the size of the sheet.
Develop the creative imagination of children, create conditions for the development of creative abilities.
36 Final diagnosis
Final exhibition of drawings for the year

Literature used by the teacher:

1. Development of fine motor skills in children from 4 to 5 years old through non-traditional drawing techniques. - M.: Education, 2012.
2. G.N. Davydova Non-traditional drawing technique in kindergarten (part 1.2) - M .: Skriptoriy, 2007.
3. The magazine "Preschool education". 2010 - 2015.

Download Additional educational general developmental program of artistic orientation for children 5-6 years old

Program of work with gifted children in preschool educational institutions in the senior group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 44" Rodnichok "

Mug program

unconventional painting techniques


for children of senior and preparatory to school age.

Avdeeva Anna Mikhailovna

Voronezh 2015

The one who paints gets more in one hour than the one who only looks for nine hours.

I. Disterweg

Explanatory note.

Preschool age is the foundation of the general development of the child, the starting period of all high human principles. It is at this age that the foundations of the comprehensive, harmonious development of the child are laid. Fine art is a specific children's activity aimed at the aesthetic mastering of the world through fine art, the most accessible form of a child's cognition of the world. The ability to be creative is a distinctive feature of a person, thanks to which he can live in unity with nature, create without harming, multiply without destroying. Psychologists and educators have come to the conclusion that the early development of the ability to create, already in preschool childhood, is the key to future success.

Drawing is one of the most important means of understanding the world and developing knowledge of aesthetic education, as it is associated with the independent practical and creative activities of the child. In the process of drawing, the child improves observation and aesthetic perception, artistic taste and creativity. While drawing, the child forms and develops certain abilities in himself: visual assessment of the form, orientation in space, a sense of color. Special skills and abilities are also developed: eye-hand coordination, hand control.

Drawing with unusual materials, original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. Non-traditional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals new possibilities of using objects that are well known to them as art materials, and surprises with its unpredictability.

Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques

    Helps relieve children's fears;

    Develops self-confidence;

    Develops spatial thinking;

    Teaches children to freely express their ideas;

    Encourages children to creative searches and solutions;

    Teaches children to work with a variety of materials;

    Develops a sense of composition, rhythm, color, color perception; a sense of texture and volume;

    Develops fine motor skills of the hands;

    Develops creativity, imagination and flight of fantasy.

    While working, children get aesthetic pleasure.

This program is not a component of the basic program of the preschool educational institution, it is a variable link in the curriculum.

The course contains lessons. The classes of the circle are held once a week in the afternoon. The duration of the lesson is 25 - 30 minutes.


To develop children's creativity, by means of non-traditional drawing.



expand children's ideas about non-traditional ways of drawing.

to acquaint children with various types of visual activities,

variety of art materials and techniques for working with



develop artistic taste, spatial imagination,

creativity and fantasy, observation and imagination, associative

thinking and curiosity, a desire to experiment.


cultivate accuracy, hard work and a desire to achieve success

by their own labor; to form an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality.

Types and techniques of non-traditional drawing:

    foam rubber stamp;

    drawing on crumpled paper;

    candle and watercolor;

    leaf prints;

    hand drawings;

    magic ropes;



    jab with a hard brush;





    drawing on wet paper;

    drawing together on a long strip of paper;

    drawing with a secret in three pairs of hands;

    cork printing;

    drawing with cotton swabs;

    drawing with soap bubbles;

    drawing with semolina.

Each of these methods is a little game. Their use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more direct, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression. In addition, this work contributes to the development of coordination of movements, attention, memory, imagination, fantasy. Children have unlimited opportunities to express their thoughts, feelings, experiences, mood in drawings. The use of various techniques contributes to the development of the ability to see images in combinations of color spots and lines and to design them into recognizable images. A variety of drawing methods give rise to original ideas in children, develop speech, fantasy and imagination, arouse the desire to come up with new compositions, develop the ability of children to act with various materials: stones, ropes, wax crayons, candles, etc.

Thematic plan

Senior group

Lesson topic


Number of lessons

Software content



Water color

Mastering the colors

A vase for flowers

Printing (seals, stencil)

Autumn leaves

Leaf printing


Myfavorite tree in autumn

Blotography with a straw finger painting

To acquaint children with a new drawing technique - blotography with a straw. Develop imagination.

Mushrooms in a basket

Hand drawings

Expand children's knowledge of mushrooms; learn to draw mushrooms using the palm of your hand

It's raining


A jab with a hard, semi-dry brush.

Introduce the technique of "jabbing with a hard, semi-dry brush".



Unusual dishes

Cork print, eraser seals, stencil print, “familiar shape - new image

Exercise in combining different techniques; develop a sense of composition, color, imaginative ideas about objects

Teddy bear

Painting with a foam sponge

To help children master a new way of image - drawing with a foam rubber sponge, which allows the most vividly convey the depicted object, the characteristic texture of its appearance, continue to draw large, arrange the image in accordance with the size of the sheet. To educate the child's artistic taste.

First snow

Drawing with cotton swabs



Frost patterns

Candle + watercolor

Elegant herringbone

Father Frost

Gouache + salt


Musical drawing


Develop a sense of color through music and painting. Stimulate children's creativity to improvise with a color spot.

Winter tunes


Introduce a new way of depicting snow - "splashes". Enrich speech with aesthetic terms.

Dymkovo toy (horse)

Imprint with seals

To consolidate the ability to decorate a simple figurine with a Dymkovo pattern. Develop the ability to convey the color of the pattern


The sky at sunset

Landscape monotype

Decorate the mitten

Tie for dad


Card for mom

Stencil printing


Drawing on a wet background

Help children create an expressive image. Fostering emotional responsiveness. Develop imagination, observation.

Semyonov nesting dolls

Imprint with seals

Introduce Semyonov nesting dolls. Develop color perception


Cosmic fantasy

Colored scratchboard

Spring bouquet

Pointillism. Drawing with cotton swabs

Improve the skills of children in the drawing technique - with cotton swabs; develop fine motor skills of hands, speech; develop the ability to use paints correctly, develop a sense of color, develop an interest in nature, create a good mood


Subject monotype

Teach children to observe symmetry, draw on one half of the sheet, then fold. Develop imagination, colors.

Cheerful little men

Magic ropes


Fireworks on Victory Day



Lilac bouquet

Wet painting

Summer has come too

Drawing together

Preparatory group

Lesson topic


Number of lessons

Software content


Diagnostics (free experimentation with materials)


Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with the materials necessary to work in non-traditional visual techniques


Blotography with a straw

To acquaint with a new way of drawing - by blowing paint through a tube, to master a new way of spontaneous drawing.

Autumn leaves

Leaf printing

To acquaint with a new type of graphic technique - "plant printing". Develop feelings of composition, color perception

A vase for flowers

Printing (seals, stencil) "familiar form - new image"

Reinforce your ability to draw simple patterns using the "old shape - new content" technique to draw the shape of a vase. Develop a sense of composition.


Autumn landscapes

Raw drawing

Learn to reflect the features of the depicted object using various non-traditional visual techniques. Develop a sense of composition, improve the ability to work in different techniques.

Variegated cats

Drawing with cotton swabs

To consolidate the ability to convey the flavor of Dymkovo patterns. Learn to combine various previously mastered elements in new combinations. Develop a sense of composition, color perception.

Leaf fall


Introduce the embossing technique. Learn to trace patterns of leaves of a simple form, emboss on them.

It's raining

Wax crayons and watercolors.

Learn to use wax crayons and paints (combine). Strengthen the ability to build the composition of the picture.


Autumn on the palette of paints bred


To acquaint children with the sequence of performing a monotype; develop a sense of color, and composition, creative imagination.

In the underwater world

Drawing with a palm, wax crayons, watercolor

Improve skills in non-traditional visual techniques (wax crayons + watercolors, palm prints). Learn to turn handprints into fish and jellyfish, draw various algae. Develop imagination, a sense of composition.

Young lady

Continue acquaintance with Gorodets painting. Consolidate knowledge about the characteristic elements of the composition.

The sky at sunset

Landscape monotype

To consolidate the ability to fold a sheet in half, draw a landscape on one side, and get its reflection in the lake on the other. Wipe half of the sheet with a sponge.



Blotography, "familiar form - new image"

Continue to acquaint with the non-traditional artistic technique of blotting. To consolidate the ability to work in the "old form - new content" technique. Develop imagination

Winter patterns


To acquaint with the unconventional visual technique of black and white scratching. Exercise in the use of such means of expression as line, stroke.

Frosty patterns on the window

Candle + watercolor

Learn to create patterns using a candle and watercolor. Expand and diversify the imagery by using different decorative elements. Develop a sense of form and composition.

Father Frost

Gouache + salt

To teach a new technique of image design: sprinkling with salt on wet paint to create a three-dimensional image.


The kingdom of the mistress of winter

Printing, blotography

To consolidate the ability to reflect in the drawing the impressions received while observing the winter nature; use a cold range of colors to convey winter flavor; develop children's creativity, artistic taste, fantasy, spatial imagination.

Stained-glass windows for windows in the hut Zimushka-Zima

Stained glass

To form an interest in winter nature, to help to see its beauty, to acquaint with the words stained glass window and its technique. Learn to mix on a paint palette.

Winter night

Splatter, blotography

Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with the materials necessary for the image of snowflakes, stars, trees in non-traditional ways of drawing; develop the creativity of children

Fabulous heat - bird

Separate smear

Introduce children to a new drawing technique - separate brushstroke

Develop color perception

Foster aesthetic senses


Unusual cars

Cork and seal print, black marker + watercolor, “familiar shape - new image»

Exercise in combining different techniques; develop a sense of composition, rhythm, creativity, imagination.

The city sleeps

Strips of cardboard

Learn to draw with strips of cardboard, use samples; compose a plot; to consolidate the ability to draw paint on cardboard and depict objects.

Tie for dad

Cork imprint, eraser seals, stencil printing, "familiar shape - new image."

To consolidate the ability to decorate a tie with a simple pattern, using large and small elements

Pattern on a plate - Gorodets painting "Dishes"

A poke with a semi-dry hard brush

Learn to create the image of an owl using the poke and charcoal technique


Card for mom

Stencil printing

Learn to decorate a card for mom with flowers. Strengthen the ability to use familiar techniques.

Shawl for grandmother


Learn to draw a simple floral ornament based on the Pavlo Posad shawls. Develop a sense of rhythm, color perception

Still life

Wax crayons + watercolor

Continue learning how to make up a still life to determine the shape, size, color and location of various parts. Exercise in carefully shading with crayons to create a consonant tone using watercolors

Let's hurry to help spring (teamwork)

Signet imprint (potatoes, corks)

Improve the skills and abilities of children in the technique of stamping with seals (potatoes, corks); develop imagination, a sense of composition, rhythm; to educate an aesthetic attitude to nature.


Cosmic fantasy

Colored scratchboard

To acquaint with the basic techniques of performing the scratching technique; to study the technology of drawing using the scratchboard technique.

Cherry blossoms


To consolidate the ability to think over the arrangement of the picture on the sheet. Improve the ability to use the poke method to increase the expressiveness of the drawing.

I paint the sea


Arouse interest in creating the image of the sea in various ways of non-traditional techniques. Create conditions for experimenting with different art materials and tools.

Cheerful little men

Magic ropes

Introduce children to a new drawing method using colored strings. Convey the silhouette of a man in motion


What color is spring


Using the unconventional painting technique "monotype" - to generalize and expand the artistic experience of children in working with watercolors, draw on raw paper, mixing paints

Multicolored butterflies


Develop a strong interest in visual arts. Form the ability to independently choose the color scheme of paints, develop color perception

Lilac bouquet

Wet painting

To continue to acquaint with the technique "wet", to teach to convey in the drawing the characteristic features of spring flowers. Develop aesthetic perception.

Summer has come too

Drawing together

To teach to convey your feeling by visual means. Develop creativity.

Junior group

Lesson topic


Number of lessons

Software content


Diagnostics (free experimentation with materials)


Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with materials

Water color

Mastering the colors

Receive different shades of red. Name items that have the same color. Develop imagination, observation

"My favorite rain"

Finger painting

To acquaint with the non-traditional visual technique of drawing with fingers. Show techniques for obtaining points and short lines. Learn to draw rain from clouds, conveying its character (small droplets, heavy rain), using a point and a line as a means of expression.

"Funny fly agaric"

(1 lesson)

Finger painting

Continue introducing non-traditional figurative finger painting techniques. Learn to apply rhythmically points to the entire surface of the paper.


"Funny fly agaric"

(2 lesson)

Finger painting

Learn to draw grass with your fingers. Learn to decorate work with dry leaves, instill gluing skills (creating an elementary collage)

Mushrooms in a basket

Hand drawing

Introduce the technique of palm printing.

"Yellow leaves are flying."

Drawing with palms.

Continue introducing the palm-printing technique. Learn to apply paint quickly and make prints - leaflets. Develop color perception.

"Autumn tree" (collective work).

Drawing with palms.

Learn quickly, apply paint on the palm of your hand and make prints. Develop color perception.


"Here is a hedgehog - no head, no legs ..."

Crumpled paper print, Finger painting

Introduce a new way of drawing. Learn to draw animals using the crumpled paper impression method. Finish the details of the image of a hedgehog with your finger

"Birds peck berries."

Drawing with fingers.

Learn to draw twigs, decorate using finger painting techniques. (Making berries of various sizes and colors). Strengthen your drawing skills. Develop a sense of composition.

"A sweater for friends."

Drawing with the palm and fingers.

Continue to introduce the technique of drawing with fingers and palm; develop initiative, consolidate knowledge of colors; teach

make up an elementary pattern.

First snow

Drawing with cotton swabs

To teach children how to draw with a foam stick (using the "poke" method); develop the ability to position the drawing all over the sheet; to acquaint children with the new cotton wool material.




To acquaint with the non-traditional artistic technique of blotting.

"Ryabinka" (1st lesson)

Finger painting

Learn to draw berries (with fingers) and leaves (by wetting) on ​​a branch. Fix these drawing techniques. Develop color perception, a sense of composition.

"Ryabinka" (2nd lesson)

Paper rolling


Introduce a new technique - paper rolling. Learn carefully, stick twigs on the image. Develop a sense of composition.

Elegant herringbone

Drawing with fingers, impression with foam rubber


Strengthen the ability to portray Christmas tree decorations.



Drawing with a hard brush


Exercise in the image of objects of a rounded shape and carefully paint over them with a poke with a hard brush. Learn to repeat the image, filling the entire sheet space.

"It's cold for the little Christmas tree in winter."

Finger painting


Strengthen the ability to draw with your fingers. Learn to apply prints over the entire surface of the sheet (snowflakes, snowballs). Learn to draw a Christmas tree.

"Fluffy kittens play on the carpet" (collective work)

Drawing with the sticking technique


Continue acquaintance with the technique of poking with a semi-dry hard brush (imitation of animal hair). Gluing figures of kittens on a tinted sheet of Whatman paper (carpet).


"Jolly Snowman"

Drawing with fingers.


Learn to paint with your finger along the contour. Develop a sense of composition.

Decorate the mitten

Working with familiar techniques


Use familiar techniques on your own. Cultivate emotional responsiveness. Develop hand coordination.

Tie for dad

Finger drawing, poking.


To consolidate the ability to decorate a tie with a simple pattern, using large and small elements


Candle + watercolor


Introduce the new technique of candle painting. Learn to apply a drawing on the entire surface of the sheet, then paint over the sheet with watercolors in one or more colors.


Beautiful napkin for mom

Drawing with fingers.


Strengthen the ability to draw with your fingers. Develop compositional skills, color perception, aesthetic feelings.

Let's hurry to help spring (teamwork)

Signet imprint (potatoes, corks)


Improve the skills and abilities of children in the technique of stamping with seals (potatoes, corks); develop imagination, a sense of composition, rhythm; to educate an aesthetic attitude to nature, through the image of flowers

"Elegant nesting dolls"

Imprint with seals


To consolidate the ability to decorate objects that are simple in shape, applying the drawing as evenly as possible on the entire surface of the paper. Exercise in the printing technique. Develop a sense of rhythm, composition.

"Jolly Octopus".

Drawing with palms.


Continue to learn to use the palm as a pictorial means to paint it with paint and make a print. Strengthen the ability to complement the image with details.


"Mimosa branch"

Rolling napkins


Exercise in rolling balls from napkins. Develop a sense of composition. Reinforce sticking skills. To consolidate knowledge and ideas about color (yellow), shape (round), size (small), quantity (many), quality (fluffy) of an object; to form the skills of the application technique.

"Air balloons, obedient to the breeze ..."



Arouse interest in the combination of different materials: paint balloons with a brush, and the strings for them - with cotton swabs.

"Cockerel-golden comb" (collective work)

paper plastic technique


Exercise in crumpling and rolling into balls of strips from paper napkins (paper plastic technique). Continue to shape applique skills (sticking paper balls on the tail silhouette).


Drawing with cotton fingers, tamponing


To consolidate the ability to draw with cotton swabs and seals. Develop a sense of rhythm and form.


Fireworks on Victory Day



Introduce children to a new technique - spraying. Learn to distribute colored splashes on the sheet. Develop a sense of composition.


A jab with a hard semi-dry brush + semolina


Continue to acquaint children with the method of poking with a hard, semi-dry brush, exercise in working with semolina, develop fine skills


drawing with wax crayons


Learn the technique of working with graphic materials, develop a sense of rhythm

"Beautiful flowers for a bee" (collective work).



Continue learning to draw with your palm and finger on a piece of paper, consolidate your knowledge of red and green, and develop your creative imagination.

Requirements for the level of training of pupils

Children of the first year of study can:

- name and use methods of non-traditional drawing;

- smoothly and rhythmically depict shaping lines;

- use color to create different images;

- with the help of a teacher, create individual artistic images,

using various drawing techniques and tools known to him


- express your attitude to the world around you through drawing;

- give a motivated assessment of the results of their activities with

with the help of a teacher.

Material and technical support

1 . Teaching aids: audi, video equipment, laptop.

2 . Visual material

    Album "Artists and their illustrations";

    Album "Draw with us".

3 .Equipment:

  • Paper of various sizes and colors.

    Water jars.

    Round and flat brushes in different sizes.



    Cotton swabs.

    Wax pencils.


List of used literature

    Akunenok T.S. The use of non-traditional drawing techniques in preschool educational institutions // Preschool education. - 2010. - No. 18

    Davydova G.N. Unconventional drawing techniques Part 1.- M.: Scriptorium Publishing House 2003,2013.

    Davydova G.N. Unconventional drawing techniques Part 2.- M.: Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", 2013.

    Kazakova R.G. Drawing with preschool children: non-traditional techniques, planning, class notes. - M., 2007

    Komarova T.S. Visual activity: Teaching children technical skills and abilities. // Preschool education, 1991, №2.

    Lykova I.A.Picture activity in kindergarten. - Moscow. 2007.

    Lebedeva E.N. Using non-traditional techniques [Electronic resource]:

    Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Planning, class notes: A guide for educators and interested parents.-SPb .: KARO, 2010.

    Tskvitaria T.A. Unconventional drawing techniques. Integrated classes in preschool educational institutions. - M .: TC Sphere, 2011.

    Shvaiko G.S. Classes in fine arts in kindergarten.- Moscow. 2003.

Natalia Skripina
The program of the circle on non-traditional drawing techniques "Experiment" in the preparatory group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, d / s "Firefly"

Mug program« Experimenter»

on non-traditional drawing techniques in the preparatory group

Completed by the educator

Natalia Vladimirovna

R. Sharanga village

Nizhny Novgorod region.


“They will help children to feel free, help them to be liberated, to see and convey on paper what is much more difficult to do in the usual ways. And most importantly, unconventional painting techniques give the child the opportunity to wonder and enjoy the world. "

M. Shklyarova

In the modern world, children are more and more fascinated by information technology - computers, tablets, cell phones, etc., which develops into a decrease in interest in surrounding, blurring the lines between good and evil, beautiful and ugly. Adults are faced with the question of how to show children the beauty and uniqueness of the world, nature. First of all, the artistic and aesthetic direction in development comes to our aid. Painting is one of the most important means of understanding the world and the development of aesthetic perception, since it is associated with the independent practical and creative activity of the child.

Education drawing in preschool age involves the solution of three interrelated tasks:

First, it is necessary to awaken in children an emotional responsiveness to to the outside world, native nature, to the events of our life;

Secondly, to form their visual skills and abilities.

Thirdly, the development of the creative potential of the younger generation.


1. Introduce children to different unconventional techniques visual activity, a variety of artistic materials and methods of working with them.

2. Encourage children to desire experiment using in their work non-traditional painting techniques.

3. To develop in children artistic taste, fantasy, ingenuity, spatial imagination, creative thinking, attention, a steady interest in artistic activities.

4. To form in children the skills and abilities necessary to create creative works.

5. To bring up in children the accuracy, hard work and desire to achieve success by their own labor and creative self-realization.

Circle held once a week in the afternoon. The duration of the lessons is 30 minutes.


From simple to complex.

The connection of knowledge, skills with life, with practice.



Systematic knowledge.

Comprehensiveness, harmony in the content of knowledge, abilities, skills.

Taking into account age and individual characteristics.

Terms of implementation programs: 2014-2015


No. Theme of the lesson Purpose

1. "Autumn forest" Introduce the technique of printing with leaves. Raise an artistic taste in a child

2. "Autumn has come to visit us" Expand the range of materials that children can use in drawing... Show methods to use in the drawing different painting techniques- applying a brush (mosaic strokes, using cotton swabs to depict tree leaves.

3. "Autumn butterfly" Introduce children to technique"Monotopy"... Develop an understanding of the variety of colors and shades, relying on

on the real coloring of objects. Learn to paint a butterfly using a specific range of colors.

4. "Sparrows on the branches" Continue to develop a positive attitude towards the process drawing, as well as to the results of productive activities: drawing hands by applying them to a sheet of paper; drawing head by printing a cover (diameter - 3-4 cm, picking up paint from the pallet, and eyes with the tip of a brush. Promote the desire to find the similarity of a drawing with a bird, to rejoice at the collective result obtained.

1. "Migratory birds" Develop imagination when choosing content and methods of presentation.

2. "Reflection in a puddle" Promote the child's desire to convey the mood in the drawing with the help of expressive means painting: colors, lines, compositions, painting techniques; develop imagination, creativity, emotional and aesthetic attitude to the images of nature.

3. "Branched trees" Introduce new material: charcoal pencil and ways drawing them; develop aesthetic perception, creativity in the use of visual materials in the drawing.

4. "Winter tree" To develop the ability to perceive the artistic image of nature based on the integration of three types of arts;

Final exhibition

1. "Snowflakes" Show ways of depicting nature on paper; introduce cold shades of blue and blue (dark blue, light blue, purple); develop a long smooth exhalation.

2. "Person" Introduce children to a new non-traditional drawing technique - with a string, to teach to lay out the rope exactly according to the model, to acquaint with the structure of a person, to determine all parts of the body.

3. "Snowmen" Help to see images of snowmen in handprints, to form the ability to make additions to achieve greater expressiveness of the created image.

4. "Elegant Christmas tree" To foster an aesthetic perception of nature; exercise in drawing with pieces of foam rubber, v finger painting; learn to apply a drawing evenly over the entire surface of the sheet; develop color perception.

1. "Magic clouds" To learn to understand the variety of means of expressiveness of the means of arts, to give their own interpretation of the perceived artistic image.

2. "Owl" To educate the aesthetic perception of animals through their depiction in various artistic technicians, exercise in expressive transfer of texture, color, character of the animal.

1. "Turtles" To foster an aesthetic perception of nature, develop observation, ability

notice the characteristic features of the animals depicted and convey them by means

2. "Penguins on ice floes" Introduce children to penguins and their habitat, expand knowledge about the outside world, provide an opportunity for draw penguins with a stencil.

3. "Magic blots" To acquaint with such a way of image as "Blotography", show its expressive features; teach add details of objects, obtained in the course of a spontaneous image, to give them completeness and resemblance to real images.

4. "White beauty birch" To form the ability to independently identify and interpret artistic means of creating an image of nature; develop ideas about the artistic image of nature, integrated by means of painting, music and literature; master a new drawing technique, develop creativity in working with visual materials.

Final exhibition

1. "Birthday cake" Show usability unconventional materials(pasta) to create a drawing, develop imagination.

2. "Spring Sun" Introduce the art genre - landscape; show features drawing using colored sand

3. "Firebird" When depicting the feathers of the firebird, exercise children to use in drawing reception of color contrast.

4. "Magic pencil" Introduce this in an unconventional way of drawing - karakulegrafiya, practice in the image of the missing details of the object, transforming the details into a single whole. To consolidate the skill of drawing lines in compliance with the contour drawn objects.

1. Introduce a new painting technique - spraying.

Form skill

build a picture composition, think over its content, plan work.

2. "Flying saucers and aliens from space" Promote the urge to mix different colors (blue, blue, purple, black) right on a piece of paper. Strengthen the ability to print on a stencil. Consider options for the image of a rocket, flying saucers.

3. "Ship at sea" Painting"Raw"... Continue teaching children to tint a sheet of paper.

4. "Branch with the first leaves" Deepen knowledge of the seasons, clarify the signs of spring; to cultivate love for the native land.

1. Final exhibition


1. Nikitina A. V. Planning, class notes. A guide for educators and interested parents. - SPb .: KARO, 2010.

2. Tskvitaria T.A. Unconventional painting techniques... Integrated classes in preschool educational institutions. - M .: TC Sphere, 2011.

3. Davydova G.N. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten... Part 1. - M .: "Scriptorium Publishing House 2003", 2007.

4. The colored world. // Non-traditional art techniques // 6/2008.