Baby at 34 obstetric week of pregnancy. The most detailed pregnancy calendar by week. Unpleasant pregnancy symptoms

34 weeks pregnant. The growth of the fetus is on average 43-44 cm, weight 2.2 kg. The baby becomes very cramped in the uterus, and motor activity decreases. It is time for the mother to discuss with the doctor the method of delivery: a natural birth or a cesarean section.

What month?

The 34th obstetric week is the 32nd from conception. To find out how many months it is, divide the number of weeks by four. It will turn out to be eight with the remainder. This means that the ninth lunar month of pregnancy is in progress. ()

Fetal development

At 34 weeks pregnant, your baby is almost ready for its own birth. This is provided that he does not lag behind in his development due to toxicosis or poor health of the mother.

The time when the fetus could roll freely in the uterus is long gone. Now the fetus is rather tossing and turning in the mother's belly. General physical activity decreases. Thrusts are often painful, especially if they hit under the ribs.

Now in the body of the fetus, processes continue, which have been going on for several weeks:

  • thickening of the layer of subcutaneous fat continues;
  • the skin gradually straightens, loses its deep red color (the skin will finally turn white a few weeks after the birth of the baby);
  • the original fluff on the body disappears;
  • the layer of lubricant on the skin increases slightly (this substance facilitates the passage of the birth canal);
  • bones are strengthened, mineralized due to calcium, which comes from mom's food;
  • the endocrine system actively produces hormones.

What is the future child doing? Mostly asleep. And also - he moves his limbs, sucks his finger, grabs and releases the umbilical cord, even hiccups. All movements are reflex, unconscious, they are "commanded" by the brain.

What is the norm for fetal weight at 34 weeks? In fact, it doesn't exist. In the third trimester, the parameters of each baby under the mother's heart are markedly different.

How is the fetus located?

Many babies have already settled down safely with their heads down - this is the best presentation for childbirth. If the doctor determines that the fetus is in the correct position, be sure to wear a bandage. It will support your heavier belly and prevent your baby from rolling over again.

The opposite is true if the cephalic presentation of the fetus has not yet been established. Then you do not need to wear a bandage. Since there is very little time left before childbirth, it is time to take some measures.

Swimming is recognized as an excellent way to normalize the position of the fetus. Just don't swim in open water, at least not alone. You can have a cramp in the water, which is dangerous. Get aqua aerobics for pregnant women or simply visit the pool for your own pleasure and for the benefit of your baby. Can't swim? Just buy a special board. In the pool, keep where you can reach the bottom with your feet.

What does the expectant mother feel?

Many women at this time admit that they are already tired of being pregnant. If you feel the same way, don't consider yourself a bad mom. The third trimester is the most difficult. Even if you had it early on, you could at least move easily and did not know the discomfort during sleep.

Now it's getting harder and harder to move. It's not just about walking or climbing stairs. It may even be difficult for you to lie down and get up. It is difficult to put on shoes with fasteners (after all, it is impossible to bend over). In order not to think about constant difficulties, find yourself as many activities as possible. Just no physical and emotional stress!

Many of the sensations are familiar from previous weeks:

Note to moms!

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  • heartburn;
  • dyspnea;
  • constipation;
  • itchy skin, especially on the abdomen;
  • pain in the wrists;
  • periodic edema;
  • constant urge to urinate;
  • legs are prone to cramps and varicose veins.

All these sensations are individual. You may never feel anything like this in the entire third trimester. But if you find your case on the list, read about ways to alleviate unpleasant conditions in our recommendations at the end of the article ↓↓↓.

It is now very important to control your weight. From the beginning of pregnancy, weight gain can be 8-12 kg.

Photos tummies

Premature birth

An uncomplicated pregnancy is considered fully term at 38 weeks. But if for some reason the birth takes place now, the child will be almost fully formed. He may still need help in the neonatal intensive care unit. But some babies are already quite capable of breathing and sucking, and these are the main, vital skills of babies.

When is a caesarean section necessary?

If you have not previously discussed your method of delivery with your doctor, do so this week. Some women consider surgery the best way to give birth to children, others really want to give birth themselves. There are many indications for a caesarean section. Some of them require surgery to be scheduled. This means that a woman simply cannot give birth naturally.

The main indications for a cesarean section are:

  • incorrect position of the fetus (legs down, across the uterus, diagonally);
  • placenta previa (at the very exit to the birth canal);
  • narrow pelvis of a woman in labor;
  • the woman has already had two births through surgery;
  • large fruit (weighing closer to five kilograms);
  • pregnancy with twins or triplets.

Some indications are absolute, that is, they involve only an operation. Sometimes the doctor decides on a variety of indicators - to let the woman give birth herself or to carry out the operation.

Doctor's visit calendar

Most likely, you regularly attend the antenatal clinic and get your tests done on time. This is necessary in order not to miss the possible complications of your pregnancy. Follow all the appointments of doctors, and if you have doubts and questions, be sure to ask them.

This week, you may be scheduled for an ultrasound scan - for special indications or if you missed a routine examination. Plus fetal CTG if necessary.

If you often have problems with your teeth and gums, make an appointment with your dentist. In the first time after the birth of a child, it will be quite difficult to visit this doctor.

Ultrasound: baby smiles

Pain and discharge

In late pregnancy, she rarely feels complete comfort: at times the lower abdomen pulls, sometimes the uterus tenses, the back and lower back often ache, as if after unusual physical labor. All these sensations are variants of the norm.

If something hurts badly, even unbearably, you need a doctor immediately.

Watch out for vaginal discharge. The most unfavorable ones are in the form of water or bloody. Most often, they indicate premature birth. If a mucous lump the size of a walnut comes out of the vagina, it is most likely a mucous plug that closes the birth canal and falls out shortly before the onset of labor or the drainage of water. Yellow, cheesy, foul-smelling discharge is a sign of inflammation.

Your breasts are probably excreting colostrum. It may drip or drip slightly. Use bra pads.

Abdominal prolapse, pain and swelling

  1. Follow your usual diet, do not let yourself deviate from your usual routine.
  2. Your baby needs calcium, so drink milk or eat fermented milk products.
  3. If you feel heartburn, cook jelly, porridge more often.
  4. If you haven't had a bowel movement for more than a day, eat prunes or dried apricots.
  5. Move so that shortness of breath does not occur. If breathing is still disturbed, it is better to stand or sit for a while until you feel better.
  6. Physical activity is a must. Walk in the park, swim, do yoga. Just do not drive yourself to extreme fatigue.
  7. The skin on the abdomen can itch a lot when stretched. Use special ones to soften the skin and make it more elastic.
  8. With edema on the legs, contrasting douches will help, this will strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood circulation.
  9. Compression socks will help your legs with varicose veins.
  10. Consider choosing a maternity hospital or a contracted birth with a specific doctor.
  11. With good health, a calm sex life is only beneficial, especially emotionally. Contraindications: threat of premature birth, expected twins or triplets, low placentation.
  12. Going out of the house? Even if this is a trip to the nearest store, take all the documents with you: passport, medical policy, exchange card, birth certificate.
  13. Do Kegel exercises from time to time, especially if you sneeze and / or cough small amounts of urine.
  14. Be considerate of your child's father. Now he may feel anxiety about what lies ahead for both of you. Some fathers fear that they will not be able to care for a fragile and tender newborn. Many suppress their sexual desires for fear of harming you and the fetus. It is important to see and resolve all these experiences in time.
  15. Any travel - only in case of special need. Air travel is especially dangerous for pregnant women. The pressure drop often provokes preterm labor.
  16. Try to please, pamper yourself (not with food) whenever possible. Read your favorite books, watch good films, chat with your best friends.
  17. If you can't get enough sleep at night, set aside time to sleep during the day. Your norm is nine hours of good rest.

It is important to prepare carefully for the upcoming birth. 34 weeks gestation is a great time to put things in order and calmly wait for the birth of your baby. lose weight by 20 kilograms, and, finally, get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope you find this information useful!

At the 34th week, the fetal body weight is 2235 plus or minus 263 g, and on average it fluctuates around 2200 g. The fetal body length at the 34th week can fluctuate within 43.6 plus or minus 1.7 cm, but on average most often it is 44 - 45 cm.

At this time, the baby's individual facial features are finally formed, which will be unique to him and will distinguish him even from siblings, despite the general similarity of their type. The auricles expand, increase in size, although at this time they are still very small.

The accumulation of adipose tissue continues, which will participate in maintaining a constant body temperature of the baby after childbirth. Adipose tissue is found all over the body, even on the cheeks, which gives the baby's cheeks their characteristic round appearance. In addition, bones grow and harden, and muscles are strengthened through constant training (pushing, kicking, and other movements).

Lanugo (vellus hair) disappears from the baby's skin and the layer of cheese-like grease becomes thinner. At the 34th week, the skin itself is smoothed, its wrinkling disappears, and the color becomes pale pink. In addition, starting from the 34th week, the entire surface of the fetus's body acquires sensitivity. Now the baby can feel the touch on any part of his skin.

The hair on the head thickens and takes on a genetically predetermined color.

The testicles descend completely into the scrotum.

The synthesis of surfactant in the lungs continues. It will keep the alveoli open, preventing them from collapsing during inhalation and exhalation.

The child is sensitive to any sensations experienced by the mother. So, scientists have recorded that during orgasm in the mother in the fetus at the 34th week, the heart rate changes. That is, the baby literally experiences a pleasant moment with his mother.

The child is already actively preparing for extrauterine life. He often sucks his thumb, exercising his muscles for the upcoming sucking of his mother's breast or nipples on a bottle of formula. Also, the fetus constantly swallows amniotic fluid, which is digested in the stomach and intestines, which provides training and debugging of the work of all organs of the digestive tract. From digested sugars, desquamated cells of the intestinal mucosa and bile, meconium is formed - the original feces. Swallowing amniotic fluid also provides training for the kidneys - they excrete up to 500 ml of urine per day. This urine is excreted into the amniotic fluid, but the child does not suffer from this state of affairs, since the waters are completely renewed every two hours. That is, the baby is not forced to be in his own urine.

In most cases, at 34 weeks, the baby has already taken its final position in the uterus, in which it will remain until delivery. But in some cases, the position of the fetus in the uterus at the 34th week is not final - it can still turn over, for this the baby has 6 - 8 weeks.

Ideally, the fetus should take a position along the length of the uterus upside down. In this case, the baby will be born optimally - head first. If the fetus is located along the length of the uterus, but with its bottom down, then it will be born with its legs forward. This position is also normal, but not ideal, because if the baby does not turn over, then he will have to be born with his feet forward, and this option of childbirth is more difficult and more dangerous than head first.

In addition, sometimes the baby is located across the uterus or obliquely. In this case, before giving birth, he must necessarily turn upside down or upside down. If, until the very birth, the fetus continues to occupy a transverse or oblique position, then the doctors will be forced to perform a cesarean section (from such an arrangement, the baby cannot be born on its own).

Stirring fetus

The baby occupies all the free space of the uterus, and therefore his movements at the 34th week are limited. Basically, they are in the nature of jolts, jabs, pops, movements and rests with various parts of the body against the walls of the uterus. The child no longer rolls over and cannot freely perform any movements due to the limited free space.

His thrusts and movements became strong and well-felt by the mother, but at the same time they are smoother, more accurate and slower than they were before. Due to the fact that the baby's muscles have become stronger, the mother feels well his movements. Sometimes fetal movements bring pain and discomfort when it resists or pushes various organs with force. Most often, a woman feels pain and discomfort in the area of ​​the ribs, stomach, liver and intestines, since it is in these areas of the body that the baby kicks with the greatest frequency. In addition, the child periodically can rest against the front wall of the uterus with various parts of the body that are imprinted on the stomach, and then the mother and others can see the imprint of the leg, arm, butt or head.

However, along with calm, measured movements, the baby can still make sharp movements, which bring pain and severe discomfort to the mother. Such abrupt movements are usually a response to any stimuli coming from the outside, since the baby already sees, hears, smells and feels the state of the mother perfectly. Accordingly, sharp active shocks of a baby are usually caused by the influence of some external irritating factor, for example, too bright light, unpleasant smell, loud sounds, as well as fear, stress, excitement or other strong emotions experienced by a woman.

Sometimes the baby begins to actively and abruptly move for no apparent external reason.As a rule, this is due to hypoxia (oxygen deficiency). The fetus, making active movements, tries to increase the amount of blood flowing to the organs per unit of time and, thereby, eliminate hypoxia. In this case, you need to do breathing exercises or just breathe fresh air for 10 - 15 minutes.

In addition, the fetus almost always begins to move actively after the mother has eaten. This is because after a meal, the concentration of glucose in the blood increases, and the baby uses it for his games.

Naturally, the intensity of perturbations and the strength of the shocks are not the same during the day. In some periods, the baby moves weakly and little, while in others, on the contrary, it moves actively. The heterogeneity of the intensity of movements is explained simply - the baby has a sleep and wakefulness regime. Accordingly, while he sleeps, he moves a little, and when he is awake, he moves more.

Many generations of women have noticed that the child moves more intensively when the expectant mother is resting - lying quietly or sitting. And when a woman moves, walks, gets up or sits down alternately - the baby, on the contrary, moves a little and weakly. This feature is due to a simple factor: when a woman moves, her stomach sways, which creates a motion sickness effect for the baby. Therefore, while the mother is active, that is, she moves, walks, does some work, the fetus sleeps and moves a little. And when a woman is resting, the effect of motion sickness disappears, the baby wakes up and begins to actively move and play.

In addition to the usual movements described above, women may feel rhythmic tremors inside the abdomen from time to time. Such flinches are caused by hiccups in the fetus. You should not be afraid of them, since hiccups are not dangerous and pass quickly.

A woman should feel fetal movements every day. It is not worthwhile to specially count their number every hour, since the baby does not move the same way at different hours for the reasons described above. But you can count the movements during the day - on average, there should be at least 10 in 12 hours.

If there are no movements within 12 hours, then you need to urgently be hospitalized in the maternity hospital.

Ultrasound and analyzes

Thirty-fourth week is the last seven days for your third trimester screening. The third screening is carried out for a period of 32 - 34 weeks, and is a comprehensive examination aimed at identifying malformations in the baby, assessing whether the fetus is growing normally, as well as determining the state of the woman and the readiness of her body for childbirth.

The third screening includes the following examinations:

  • Cardiotocography (CTG);
  • Biochemical screening.
At the same time, of the four studies, only ultrasound is mandatory in the third screening, and all the rest are only additional.

The official recommendation to perform Doppler and CTG only on indications is ignored in most cases. Doctors prescribe these examination methods to almost all women just to make sure once again that everything is in order with the fetus, the pregnancy is proceeding normally and there are no complications. Thus, in most consultations in the CIS countries, as part of the third screening, women undergo ultrasound, Doppler and CTG. But biochemical screening is prescribed only in those cases when the results of the second screening were poor and after them additional invasive diagnostics (amniocentesis with genetic mapping) were not performed.

The most important test of the third screening is ultrasound. Ultrasound is performed to assess the condition and development of the baby and the readiness of the mother's body for childbirth. Also, malformations that could not be diagnosed at an earlier stage of pregnancy (obstruction of the intestines and urinary organs, heart defects) are detected.

In the course of ultrasound, the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, bladder, ureters, urethra, bronchi, lungs, brain, Galen's vein in the cranial cavity, nasolabial triangle, eye sockets, jaw are examined especially carefully for compliance with the norm. In addition, the doctor measures the circumference of the head, chest, abdomen, arms, legs and hips. Based on this, a conclusion is made about the state and compliance of the baby's development with the norm.

Separately, during an ultrasound scan, the doctor assesses the placenta (thickness, structure, degree of maturity, presentation, etc.), the condition of the cervix and walls of the uterus, the consistency of the existing scar on the uterus (if in the past there were operations on the organ), the quality and quantity of amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord, assesses whether there is an umbilical cord entanglement of the baby's neck, etc. It is imperative that the position and presentation of the fetus in the uterus are determined during the ultrasound scan.

The position can be oblique, transverse and longitudinal. Only the longitudinal position is considered correct, in which the fetus is located vertically, with its head / butt resting against the small pelvis and with the other end of the body resting against the bottom of the uterus (the diaphragm). The transverse position of the fetus is characterized by the fact that the baby is positioned horizontally, with his head resting on one side, and his butt on the other. In the oblique position, the picture is almost the same as in the transverse position, with a slight difference: the fetus is not located strictly horizontally, but diagonally. The oblique and transverse position of the fetus is abnormal, and if the baby does not take a longitudinal position before delivery, then the woman will have a cesarean section.

Presentation is assessed only in the longitudinal position of the fetus, since it means which part of the fetus's body is in the small pelvis (at the bottom of the uterus). If the head is at the bottom of the uterus (the baby sits head down), then the presentation is called the head presentation. If the baby sits with his head up, and his butt is in the small pelvis, then the presentation is called gluteal presentation.

After the completion of the ultrasound, the doctor writes a detailed conclusion, which reflects all the parameters assessed. At the very end of the conclusion, the doctor indicates whether the fetus is healthy, whether its development is normal, whether defects have been identified, whether there are complications of pregnancy (for example, early aging of the placenta, the umbilical cord entanglement of the fetus's neck, signs of feto-placental insufficiency).

The second most important study is cardiotocography, which allows you to diagnose oxygen deprivation in the fetus based on its heart rate at rest and during movement.

Doppler ultrasonography is still more often performed according to indications. It allows you to identify pathologies in the fetus and mother caused by circulatory disorders, such as hypoxia, fetal-placental insufficiency, nutritional deficiencies in the fetus, etc.

Women should know that in the normal course of pregnancy, CTG and Doppler ultrasonography may not be done, but if there is a suspicion or presence of certain pathologies, these studies are performed without fail. CTG and Doppler ultrasonography are indicated for execution in the following cases:

  • Suspicion of the umbilical cord entanglement of the fetal neck;
  • Too frequent or infrequent fetal heartbeat;
  • Oblique or transverse position of the fetus in the uterus;
  • Suspected fetal heart or central nervous system malformations;
  • Suspicion or already identified pathology of the placenta (early aging, small thickness, placenta previa);
  • One umbilical artery, not two;
  • Low water or polyhydramnios;
  • Gestosis (manifested by edema, high blood pressure and protein in the urine);
  • Fetal growth retardation according to fetometry data;
  • Diabetes mellitus or hypertension in a pregnant woman;
  • Rh-conflict in women with negative blood Rh factor, identified on the basis of antibody titer.
Finally, biochemical screening is the rarest of all third screening studies. It is performed only if the second screening turned out to be poor, and after it was not done an invasive diagnosis (amniocentesis with genetic mapping). Biochemical screening, like other studies, is designed to detect malformations in the fetus. This study is the determination of the concentration in the blood of four substances - PAPP-A (pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A), hCG (chorionic gonadotropin), NE (unconjugated estriol) and PL (placental lactogen).

Having received a poor biochemical screening result, you do not need to be scared, since it does not mean that the fetus has developmental defects, but only that the risk of having such defects is high. That is why the results of biochemical screening are always analyzed exclusively in conjunction with ultrasound data. And only after the analysis of both ultrasound and biochemical screening indicators, the final conclusion is made about the presence of malformations. Thus, biochemical screening without ultrasound is simply not informative and useless.

Ultrasound, Doppler, CTG and biochemical screening do not have to be done on the same day, they can be spaced apart in time. Moreover, you can choose any dates for ultrasound, Doppler and CTG, since these studies are not related to each other. But the date of blood donation for biochemical screening should be chosen based on ultrasound: biochemical screening is given within 2 - 3 days after the ultrasound.

As for the tests, at the 34th week, as planned, all women need to pass a general blood test and a general urine test. Women with negative blood Rh factor who have not been injected with anti-D immunoglobulin at 28-30 weeks should also take a test for the presence of antibodies to the Rh factor and AB0 proteins (antibody test).

A general urinalysis is extremely important to identify the risk of preeclampsia and to diagnose preeclampsia. The risk of preeclampsia is considered high if there is protein in the urine, and in this case, to reduce it, preventive treatment is prescribed, which consists in taking calcium (1 g per day until the 40th) week and Aspirin (75 - 125 mg per day up to 36 th week). If the presence of protein in the urine is combined with edema, high blood pressure and visual impairment in the form of flashing flies, then the woman has developed gestosis, which should be treated in a maternity hospital.

Also, a general analysis of urine allows you to identify diseases of the urinary organs, the signs of which are the presence of leukocytes, erythrocytes, cylinders, mucus, bacteria and epithelial cells in the urinary sediment.

A complete blood count can detect another complication of pregnancy - anemia.

No other tests are routinely given at week 34. But if a woman did not take the tests on time and underwent examinations, it is quite possible that the doctor will prescribe her a biochemical blood test and a coagulogram at the 34th week, which, in principle, had to be done at the 32nd week of gestation.

A biochemical blood test involves the determination of the concentration of glucose, total protein, protein fractions, bilirubin, urea, creatinine, cholesterol, triglycerides, as well as the activity of AST, ALT and alkaline phosphatase. A coagulogram is needed to assess the work of the blood coagulation system, and involves the determination of the following parameters: assessment of the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), prothrombin index (PTI), international normalized ratio (INR), thrombin time (TB), as well as counting the number of platelets and determining fibrinogen concentration. A coagulogram and a biochemical blood test may include other additional parameters as prescribed by a doctor, which are necessary for a comprehensive assessment of a woman's health status.

A biochemical blood test is necessary for all women to assess the condition and functioning of various internal organs. A coagulogram is done to assess the risk of bleeding, thrombosis and to identify various other pathologies of the blood and blood vessels. If the parameters of the coagulogram or biochemical blood test are outside the normal range, the doctor prescribes additional examinations for a more accurate diagnosis of suspected disorders and diseases.

You do not need to take any other tests at the 34th week, unless a doctor has prescribed them.

Visiting an obstetrician-gynecologist

At the 34th week, it is necessary to visit the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy in a planned manner. You need to take an exchange card with you to the doctor's appointment and the results of all tests and examinations that have been done, but which the gynecologist has not yet seen.

The doctor begins the appointment with a survey, during which he asks questions about the following content:

  • Are there any symptoms and complaints that bother the woman, how often do they appear, what provokes them, how do you manage to stop them?
  • How often does a woman feel the fetus move when she last felt the baby move?
  • Have you had vaginal bleeding?
  • Was there a change in the nature of the discharge, was there something unusual, was there a discharge that caused discomfort, pain, itching, or burning?
  • What is the nature of the vaginal discharge (the doctor is interested in color, smell, quantity, consistency)?
  • Is there a relatively large amount of cloudy, yellowish water with a sweet taste and smell from the vagina (sweetness is determined by the fact that the skin becomes sticky)?
  • Is there a sensation of intermittent wetness in the perineum or wetness of the panties?
  • Are there frequent and persistent headaches?
  • Are there visual impairments such as flashing flies, spots, flashes, transparent spirals in front of the eyes?
  • Is there redness, swelling, burning, or itching in the genital area?
  • Is there any pain or burning sensation when urinating and pain in the lower back?
  • How does the stomach hurt, what is the nature of the pain, when it occurs, how long does it last, from what it passes, etc.?
  • Are there sudden severe swelling of the hands and face?
After completing the survey, the doctor or midwife weighs the woman, measures the blood pressure on both arms and calculates the weight gain.

After that, the doctor proceeds to a general examination. The breast is examined and its condition, readiness for breastfeeding are assessed, seals or signs of mastitis are detected. Also, the skin is examined to identify any rashes, the legs - to identify varicose veins and assess the severity of edema. Finally, the anterior abdominal wall is examined to assess the elasticity of the muscles and to identify muscle fiber divergence and hernias.

The pressure of the uterus on the bladder causes frequent urination, which cannot be controlled. You can only make trips to the toilet a little more infrequent by leaning slightly forward with each urination, which contributes to a more complete emptying of the bladder.

The pressure of the uterus on the stomach provokes frequent bouts of heartburn and belching. Unfortunately, it is impossible to eliminate these phenomena completely, but it is possible to minimize the frequency of their occurrence and severity. To do this, follow simple rules:

  • Eat often, but in small portions;
  • Do not bend over or lie down after eating or drinking;
  • Lie and sleep with a slightly raised head end, placing a pillow under your shoulders and head;
  • Do not eat a lot of sweets at a time, as sweets increase the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
If, nevertheless, heartburn appears, then for its relief it is recommended to take antacids (Maalox, Fosfalugel, Almagel, etc.).

The pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm provokes breathing problems, such as frequent shortness of breath, inability to breathe deeply, attacks of feeling short of breath, etc. To eliminate these unpleasant sensations, you need to do breathing exercises, periodically get on all fours and breathe deeply.

The second large group of unpleasant sensations at the 34th week of pregnancy is due to an increase in the volume of blood and fluid in the tissues, as well as a high metabolic rate and stress on the cardiovascular system. These include the following:

  • Periodic sensation of heat throughout the body;
  • Swelling;
  • Bleeding from the gums and nose.
Of the above sensations, the most noticeable and unpleasant are edema. Normal edema is due to the described reasons, does not indicate pathology and does not require treatment. The main characteristic of normal edema is that it does not progress with time, does not get worse, and there is no rapid swelling of the face and hands. But pathological edema grows very noticeably over time, can be combined with high blood pressure and protein in the urine. In addition, rapid and sharp swelling of the hands and face is considered pathological. If pathological edema appears, an urgent need to consult a doctor.

The pressure of the uterus on the ligaments, bones and tendons, the forward displacement of the center of gravity and the divergence of the pelvic bones to the sides causes pain in the back, lower back, sacrum, coccyx, hips and pelvis, and high physical activity and swelling cause pain in the legs. These symptoms are described in more detail in the section of the article "Pain in the abdomen and other parts of the body."

In addition to pain, at 34 weeks, many women have leg cramps, which can be triggered by a deficiency of calcium, vitamin B 12, low blood glucose levels and severe stress on the legs. During a cramp, you need to strongly pull the foot towards you, holding it in this position until the pain is completely relieved. After that, you need to lightly massage the gastrocnemius muscle. And for the prevention of seizures, it is recommended to take calcium preparations, vitamins of group B and not to allow a heavy load on the legs.

Also, women may suffer from intermittent numbness in the arms and legs. The reasons for this are unknown, but such episodes of numbness are harmless.

Low blood pressure in a woman at the 34th week of pregnancy provokes frequent headaches, dizziness and fainting. In general, headaches and dizziness are frequent sensations of a pregnant woman, and they can be caused by decreased pressure, anemia, hunger or high stress on the vessels of the brain. To minimize headaches and dizziness, it is recommended that you rest in a cool, dark room several times a day.

Severe stretching of the skin on the abdomen provokes the appearance of itching, rashes and stretch marks on the sides, abdomen and thighs. If itching and rashes do not spread to other parts of the body, their intensity does not increase, then they are completely normal, and to stop these unpleasant phenomena, you just need to lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream or vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, almond). But if itching and rashes appear on other parts of the body, then you should consult a doctor, since in such a situation these are pathological symptoms indicating skin or other diseases.

Stretch marks are common pregnancy companions. Unfortunately, preventing their appearance with 100% efficiency will not work, but you can reduce the risk of their appearance by lubricating the skin with either special cosmetics, or nourishing cream, or vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, almond, etc.).


If blood is released from the vagina in any quantity, of any shade and consistency, then this is considered bleeding. Theoretically, bleeding can be harmless, due to banal erosion of the cervix, vaginal hematoma, uterine myoma, irritation or injury to genital tissues during sexual contact or gynecological examination. Usually, such a harmless bleeding does not last long, little blood is released, and it always occurs after penetration into the vagina.

However, in late pregnancy, dangerous bleeding is more common, which is always a sign of complications. Such complications can lead to loss of pregnancy, death of the mother or fetus. Given this fact, any bleeding at 34 weeks should be considered dangerous, since the onset of dangerous bleeding can be disguised as harmless. And in such a situation, the loss of time can be fatal. Therefore, when blood from the vagina appears on the 34th week, you should always call an ambulance and be hospitalized in a maternity hospital.

After calling an ambulance, you need to open the doors, take only your phone, passport, policy and exchange card, lie on the bed and wait for the arrival of the doctors in the supine position. You cannot actively walk around the apartment and collect things - any physical activity leads to increased bleeding. And if the bleeding intensifies, then the woman may faint before the doctors arrive and die without receiving help.

Uterus and abdomen

At the 34th week, the height of the uterine fundus is on average 34 cm, but it can vary from 30 to 35 cm, depending on the individual characteristics of the woman. This height of the fundus means that the uterus is very high and literally props up the diaphragm. During this period, it is very difficult for a woman physically - a protruding and very high belly does not make it possible to walk normally, she has to move carefully and smoothly so as not to fall. But relief will soon come - from the 37th week, the head or butt of the fetus will begin to descend into the small pelvis, as a result of which the bottom of the uterus will also drop slightly down to about the borders of the 32nd week.

The uterus is preparing for the upcoming birth. This is expressed in the fact that the woman feels her periodic, irregular and not too long contractions, called Braxton Hicks training contractions. It is best to wait out these training contractions while lying on the left side.

In some women, already at the 34th week, a sensation of strong pressure in the lower abdomen may appear, which is caused by the lowering of the head or butt of the fetus into the small pelvis. The baby presses against the pelvic bones, presses on them, which causes a corresponding sensation.

The belly at 34 weeks is high and protrudes very strongly. It's hard to wear in the literal sense of the word. In addition, it significantly affects the ability to maintain balance - such a strongly protruding belly forces a woman to move smoothly and accurately, otherwise she risks falling. The abdominal circumference at 34 weeks is 87 - 92 cm. The skin on the abdomen, thighs and sides can itch, itch and become covered with rashes, and stretch marks can also form on it. The strip in the middle of the abdomen has become very wide and divides it into two equal halves, and the navel is stretched and flat.

Pain in the abdomen and other parts of the body

Changes in the body of a pregnant woman, pressure of the uterus on organs and high physical activity lead to the appearance of physiological, normal pain in various parts of the body. Consider such pains that are normal for pregnancy and their difference from similar pathological pains that are signs of illness or trouble.

Of course, a pregnant woman can experience abdominal pain, which normally can be of two kinds. The first type of normal abdominal pain is training contractions. They have a pulling-aching character, are felt in the lower abdomen, appear sporadically, do not last long, pass on their own, do not intensify over time, resemble those during menstruation. The second type of normal abdominal pain is due to the tension of the ligaments that hold the uterus - pain is felt in the form of light stretching on the sides of the abdomen or strong stabbing short-term lumbago when making sudden movements. Any normal pain should not intensify over time, go away on its own and be, as it were, on the periphery of consciousness, not forcing a woman to focus on them, but allowing her to go about her usual business.

However, a woman may also develop pathological abdominal pains that arise for various reasons. Most often, pathological abdominal pains are associated with digestive disorders. However, they are accompanied by other symptoms of dyspepsia, such as flatulence, bloating, constipation, etc. Such pains against the background of indigestion are not dangerous and are easily distinguishable from other pain sensations, since they are well known to a woman.

Less often, pathological abdominal pains are caused by serious illnesses or complications that can lead to the loss of pregnancy, death of the mother and fetus. And it is these pains that are dangerous, and when they appear, you must immediately call an ambulance. It is quite simple to distinguish such dangerous abdominal pains - they grow over time, are localized in any part of the abdomen, have a pulling-aching, cutting or sharp cramping character and are combined with back pain, fever, vaginal discharge of blood or a large amount of turbid water or a sharp deterioration in well-being.

In addition to abdominal pains, normally a woman at 34 weeks may feel pain in the hypochondrium and ribs, caused by the baby's pushes in these parts of the body. These pains are sudden, sharp, short, violent and very painful tremors that pass quickly.

Pathological pains in the hypochondrium can also be felt by a woman, but they continue for a long time, do not go away on their own, have an aching character, are often combined with belching, bitter and nausea, and almost always indicate the presence of liver or gallbladder diseases. If you suspect pathological pain in the hypochondrium, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

The divergence of the pelvic bones to the sides, which occurs to increase the lumen of the birth canal so that it is easier for the baby to be born, causes normal pain in the pelvic bones, hips, pubis and perineum, as well as discomfort when walking. Such pains decrease or disappear after resting on your side or standing on all fours. But if pubic pain becomes severe, does not go away or does not decrease after rest and is combined with a "duck gait", then it is pathological, since it reflects inflammation of the pubic articulation - symphysitis. If signs of symphysitis occur, you should consult a doctor.

A high load on bones, muscles and joints, sprains of ligaments and tendons, pressure of the uterus on the tissues and displacement of the center of gravity forward due to the protruding abdomen causes in all women normal pains of varying intensity in the back, lower back, sacrum, coccyx, pelvic bones, hips and legs. Such pains are felt more or less often, intensify after exertion, decrease or disappear after rest, appear and disappear during the day completely independently. It is in the ability to decrease after rest that the main difference between normal pain in the back, lower back, sacrum, coccyx, pelvic bones, hips and legs from pathological pains in the same parts of the body lies. To minimize these normal pains, stress on the skeleton should be minimized. To do this, it is necessary to wear a bandage, not to wear high heels, not to sit on stools without a back, not to lift weights, not to walk or stand for a long time, etc.

As already mentioned, lower back pain can be pathological, but in this case they are provoked by diseases of the urinary organs, combined with pain during urination and / or with increased body temperature. Sacral pain is also pathological if a woman has developed sciatica (pinching of the sciatic nerve). But they, in contrast to normal ones, are sharp, strong, do not subside, literally hardly tolerated and give in the leg.

The amount of fluid supplied to the body should not exceed 1.5 liters per day, taking into account the water contained in soups, second courses, etc. It is recommended to drink natural drinks (fruit drinks, compotes, juices). You can drink and eat any time you want, but it is advisable to limit yourself to small portions.

Some women experience a paradoxical alcohol craving, like alcoholics. These cravings are due to a lack of protein in the body, not the need for alcohol. To eliminate paradoxical and painful cravings, you need to include in the diet more protein foods, such as meat, fish, cheese, nuts, etc. When the protein deficiency is replenished, the cravings for alcohol will pass.

Approved medicines

All drugs, according to FDA classification, are divided into five groups (A, B, C, D and X), depending on their effect on the fetus. This means that you can use drugs of those groups that do not have a negative effect on the fetus.

Drugs of groups A and B are safe for the fetus at the 34th week, which can be used without fears and restrictions. Group C drugs can be dangerous to the fetus, but this danger is theoretical, it is not confirmed either by practical experience with the use of drugs, or by the results of clinical trials in humans (which, for obvious reasons, are not carried out). And theoretically, such a danger for drugs of group C stands out on the basis of the fact that for them a negative effect on the fetus was revealed in experiments on animals. But animals are not people, and the results of experiments on them cannot be transferred to humans. Based on these facts, drugs of group C are allowed for use at the 34th week of gestation if the woman's condition is severe and treatment cannot be dispensed with.

Group D drugs have a negative effect on the fetus, which is precisely confirmed by clinical observations. Therefore, drugs in this group are allowed for use at the 34th week of pregnancy only if the woman is in danger of death.

Group X drugs are never used in the 34th week of pregnancy - they cause fetal death.

Below we provide a list of the most commonly used drugs in everyday life, belonging to groups A and B, which can be taken at 34 weeks of gestation:

  • Antipyretic drugs (from elevated body temperature) - it is allowed to take drugs containing paracetamol (Akamol-Teva, Daleron, Ifimol, Calpol, Panadol, Lupocet, etc.) or acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin, Acetylsalicylic acid) as an active substance. In the past, acetylsalicylic acid has been banned for use in the third trimester, but recent trials have shown its safety.
  • (for treatment - it is allowed to take in tablets or inject parenterally drugs from the group
  • Antiviral drugs (against influenza and ARVI) - it is allowed to take drugs containing oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza) as an active substance. It is these drugs that are recommended by WHO for pregnant women, but they belong to group C, therefore, they are allowed to be taken only under the supervision and with the permission of a doctor.
  • Decongestants (to reduce edema of various localization) - it is allowed to drink pharmacy renal tea and magnesium preparations (Magne B6, Magnerot, etc.).

Childbirth at 34 weeks

If for some reason a woman gives birth to a baby at 34 weeks, then the baby will already be classified as prematurely born, and not premature. This means that the baby is already fully formed and ready for extrauterine life, he does not have to be nursed like a premature baby, he just needs a little more careful care and more care and attention from loved ones. Although for some time after giving birth, the baby will be placed in an incubator, since there is still too little fat on his body to maintain body temperature.
A.K. Nasedkina Specialist in research on biomedical problems.

Doctors determine the onset of pregnancy by the first day of the last menstrual period and calculate its duration by obstetric weeks. The real age of the baby on the calendar is 12-16 days behind, coinciding with the date of ovulation, which occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle.

In one obstetric week, seven days, 4 weeks form the obstetric or lunar month.

34 weeks pregnant- the eighth and a half obstetric month or the middle of the third trimester of pregnancy. By this time, all the organs of the fetus are formed, it just continues to gain weight and prepare for birth. Babies born at 34 weeks gestation have a very high chance of survival, although such births are considered premature.

Fetal development

A healthy baby at 34 obstetric week has body length 42-46 centimeters, weight is about 2000-2500 grams... The appearance of the baby changes, he becomes like an adult. The vellus hair, called lanugo, gradually disappears from the skin of the fetus. Up to this point, they covered the auricles, shoulders, back of the child, protecting him from the effects of amniotic fluid.

The skin of the child acquires a pale pinkish color, it begins to smoothen more and more. The size of the fat layer increases, which will protect the baby from the cold after birth. In some children, at this stage of pregnancy, hair begins to grow vigorously on the head. Often, by the middle of the third trimester, the baby's nails reach the edge of the toe.

34 weeks of gestation refers to a period characterized by a decrease in the layer of primordial lubrication of the fetus. Its physiological role is to protect the baby from amniotic fluid and to facilitate the baby's passage through the birth canal. By the middle of the third trimester there is an increased development of the fetal nervous system... In the brain, new centers of neurons are formed, connections between the cortical and subcortical structures.

The thirty-fourth week of pregnancy is considered the peak of the development of the urinary system. The child begins to actively swallow amniotic fluid, which enters his bloodstream. The kidneys of the baby actively filter fluid in the body, preserving all the necessary proteins, carbohydrates and ions. The urinary system of the unborn child can process about 500 milliliters of fluid per day.

At this stage of pregnancy, the baby has many unconditioned reflexes that are necessary for life outside the womb. He actively sucks his thumb, which corresponds to the movements necessary to feed breast milk. The child is very sensitive to bright light, loud sounds, mother's experiences. 34 weeks of gestation is the time to consolidate the grasping reflex.

The cardiovascular system continues to develop, new arteries, veins and capillaries grow. The average heart rate for this period is 140 beats per minute. Fetal heartbeats at 34 weeks gestation can be easily listened to using a phonendoscope.

At this gestational period, the endocrine system of the unborn child is being improved. Its endocrine glands actively produce glucocorticosteroids, insulin, thyroxine and other hormones. By this time the fetus begins to synthesize substances that cause the onset of lactation in the expectant mother.

The intestines of the unborn child are actively functioning, producing their own enzymes, hydrochloric acid and bile. The amniotic fluid enters it, in which proteins, carbohydrates, skin particles and other impurities are dissolved. In the gastrointestinal tract, these substances are digested with the formation of meconium - the original feces. Normally, it should not come out of the anus until birth.

Childbirth at 34 weeks of gestation is premature, but the child is not called premature, but prematurely born. By this time, in the structural units of the baby's lungs - acini, a surfactant begins to be produced. This substance prevents the collapse of lung tissue when breathing in atmospheric air. That is why a child born at 34 weeks gestation does not need mechanical ventilation (artificial lung ventilation).

Attention! The appearance of unusual vaginal discharge, rupture of amniotic fluid, the onset of systematic contractions are the reason for immediate medical attention.

A baby at 34 weeks has periods of wakefulness and sleep. The child may stop moving for several hours, which is normal. Usually, the biorhythms of the fetus coincide with the regime of the day of the expectant mother.

At 34 weeks pregnant fetal movements become less active... The child increases in size every day, there is little room for movement around him. With rare exceptions, the baby can no longer turn in the uterine cavity, his movements become less active. The fetus can move its limbs and twist its head.

Almost all babies by 34 weeks of gestation occupy a certain position in which they will be born. Physiological longitudinal position - when the axis of the fetus coincides with the axis of the uterus. In this position, the child can take two types of position - head and pelvic.

With a head presentation, the baby is located in the uterine cavity with its feet up. This position of the child is the most physiological, it occurs in 97% of cases. Sometimes the fetus can be located with the buttocks downwards - this is called the pelvic presentation. In this case, natural childbirth is difficult, but possible if managed by a competent doctor.

In rare cases, the fetus can take the wrong position in the uterus - oblique (when the child is at an oblique angle to the longitudinal axis of the uterus) and transverse (when the child is at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the uterus). With both types of baby's position, natural childbirth is impossible, doctors are forced to resort to a cesarean section.

Video guide to 34 weeks pregnant:

Woman's well-being

By the 34th week of pregnancy, a woman has been on maternity leave for a whole month. If the expectant mother is carrying twins, she left work 14 days earlier.

By the middle of the third trimester, a woman is gaining about 10-12 kilograms., exceeding this figure significantly increases the load on the spine. The expectant mother should carefully monitor her weight, weighing herself at least once a week. If in 7 days the weight gain is 300 grams or more, there is cause for concern, since such an increase indicates the development of severe edema.

The belly of the expectant mother has long been impossible to hide under loose clothing, its girth at the navel reaches 85-95 centimeters. The uterus is also growing vigorously, the height of its bottom at 34 weeks of gestation is about 32-35 centimeters. The amount of amniotic fluid at this point is 1 liter.

By 34 weeks of gestation, the expectant mother may have harbingers of childbirth. The most important of them is. For the first time, they appear a little earlier - at 24-30 obstetric weeks, they appear as pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, sometimes during them, the woman's lower back aches.

By the middle of the third trimester, false contractions appear more and more often. Their function is to prepare the woman's body for the upcoming birth. The expectant mother should distinguish between true and false contractions, which differ in the following parameters:

1. False contractions are characterized as unpleasant and pulling sensations above the bosom and in the back, with true labor, a woman has pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

2. True contractions have a certain cycle - they last several tens of seconds, then there is a pause for several minutes. Over time, the duration of the contractions increases, and the interval between them decreases. False contractions do not have a clear frequency.

3. True contractions cannot be suspended at home. False labor is stopped by a change of position, taking antispasmodics, taking a hot bath, walking in the fresh air, etc.

A fairly common companion of the last weeks of pregnancy is swelling in the lower extremities. Fluid retention in the body is associated with an increase in the load on the kidneys due to their compression by the uterus and an increase in the amount of circulating blood. Normally, the legs swell only in the evening in the area of ​​the feet and ankles. After a night's rest, the pastiness of the lower extremities should disappear.

Due to the increased size of the uterus, it becomes difficult for a woman to walk and work, she should rest as much as possible. At 34 weeks, a slight increase in breathing and heart rate is possible due to difficulty in lung function. The expectant mother may be worried about insomnia as it becomes difficult for her to find a comfortable position. The large uterus presses on neighboring organs, including the vena cava, so a woman should sleep on her left side. For convenience, she is advised to purchase a special pillow for pregnant women.

Discharge at 34 weeks of gestation should be transparent or whitish in color. Normally, their number is small, there is no smell. Due to the softening of the cervix, mucus can appear in the vaginal discharge - another harbinger of childbirth.

Complications and risks

The above features of the course of pregnancy are a variant of the norm and should not bother a woman. Immediate specialist assistance is required in the event of the following pathologies:

1. The beginning of labor.

True contractions are characterized by cyclicality, pain, they are not stopped by drugs and a change in position. The onset of labor is also indicated by such precursors as the outpouring or leakage of amniotic fluid.

2. Premature detachment of the normally located placenta.

Pathology manifests itself as cramping pains in the lower abdomen and red or brown discharge. Usually, premature placental abruption occurs after physical or emotional stress.

3. Infection of the genitals.

Some of them are asymptomatic and can only be detected by tests. Among the obvious symptoms of inflammation, the most common are yellow, gray, green vaginal discharge with a changed consistency and an unpleasant odor. Also, with infections of the genital organs, a woman may be disturbed by itching in the perineum, pain during intercourse and going to the toilet.

4. Arterial hypertension of pregnant women.

The middle of the second trimester is the time when gestosis often develops. It is characterized by the appearance of protein in the urine, arterial hypertension above 140 to 90, edema on the legs, upper limbs, face. Gestosis can manifest itself as fluid stagnation on the feet and ankles in the morning.

5. Placenta previa.

This pathology can be asymptomatic for a long time, but by the middle of the third trimester it often manifests itself as unexpected bleeding from the genital tract, not accompanied by pain.


In the middle of the third trimester, the expectant mother should visit the doctor every 2 weeks. On examination, the doctor determines the height of the fundus of the uterus, measures the abdominal circumference and blood pressure, listens to the fetal heartbeat. Also, once every 2 weeks, a woman should take a general urine test, which will help to identify preeclampsia and.

By the end of pregnancy, the woman undergoes a third screening, which includes an ultrasound scan. Ultrasound helps to assess the structure of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid, the approximate weight of the fetus. Also, the examination shows the presentation of the fetus, which determines further tactics in childbirth. By the 30th week of pregnancy, a woman should have an exchange card in her hands, with which she will be admitted to the obstetric hospital.

According to indications in the middle of the third trimester, some women are prescribed an ultrasound scan with a Doppler probe. It helps assess the blood supply to the placenta. Also, some expectant mothers undergo cardiotocography at this time. This research method is intended for monitoring the baby's health, detecting hypoxia - a lack of oxygen.

Preparing for childbirth

The middle of the third trimester is the home stretch of pregnancy. Soon, a woman is waiting for childbirth, for the facilitation of which special preparation is required. The expectant mother is advised to master the techniques of breathing exercises, they will help avoid tears of the perineum and cervix, as well as severe pain during contractions and attempts.

Kegel exercises are a good prevention of rupture. They include slow and fast squeezing, unclenching, and contraction of the vaginal walls. Performing these exercises regularly will help to quickly restore the birth canal to its former shape. To increase their effectiveness, you can use special hard balls.

By this date, the expectant mother should prepare baby accessories - a crib, a changing table, diapers, a set of clothes, toys, etc. It is also recommended for a woman to collect a first-aid kit for a newborn in advance, which includes hygiene products, antiseptics, and emergency medications. The mother-to-be should not forget about herself, collecting things for a trip to the maternity ward.

This is the moment from which your baby is already viable without medical support. By the end of this week, his lungs are quite capable of breathing on their own. If we talk about 34 weeks of pregnancy, how many months it is according to the usual calendar, it corresponds to the end of the eighth month of pregnancy, and if we talk about which month it is according to the lunar calendar, this is the middle of the ninth lunar month (a normal pregnancy lasts 10 lunar months or 280 days).
Feel: Your feelings at 34 weeks of pregnancy can be characterized as fatigue, lack of sleep and already becoming more and more impatient expectation of childbirth. If a couple of months ago childbirth instilled fear in you, now the desire to hasten the end of pregnancy has destroyed this horror. This is not to say that you are not afraid, rather, you have resigned yourself to the inevitable and even find positive aspects in this, very soon the child will be in your arms. And those women who have completed the full course of preparation for childbirth, most likely, do not worry at all. You now fully understand why pregnancy is called a burden. Your tummy rises 32 - 36 cm above the bosom and protrudes forward, now only special clothes for pregnant women are suitable for you, which you have to fasten with extreme buttons, if they are provided for by the design. Breathing is hard, shortness of breath is normal. Your movements are now unusually smooth, you walk slowly, lie down and stand up carefully. Getting out of bed now, most likely, is only from a position on your side. If you used to do this because the gynecologist recommended it, now you simply won't be able to just pick up and sit down, your grown tummy won't give it. Still, the lifestyle in the last weeks of pregnancy can remain active. For example, a pool will only benefit and relieve tired muscles, and a fitball will relieve back pain. And even sex at 34 weeks of gestation is still only pleasure. Many women find it quite flamboyant at this time, although the limitation in the choice of postures can already get bored.
State: The 34th week of pregnancy is in its own way a great time, if only because now only a blind person will not notice your pregnancy, and therefore others are babysitting you and taking care of you in every possible way. After the birth of a child for the first time, you may even be somewhat offended by those close to you that now the newborn gets the maximum attention, and not you (usually this is experienced after the first birth, and this is one of the reasons for postpartum depression). At 34 weeks of gestation, the body weight of the expectant mother can exceed 11-12 kg, and from this week weight gain may slow down, moreover, on the eve of childbirth, you may even lose some weight by removing excess fluid from the body. Now you are starting to really worry that the baby will be too big and you will not be able to give birth to it on your own. This fear is justified, and although nature still protects a woman to one degree or another, giving her such a child as she can give birth, improper nutrition can upset this balance. By the 34th week of pregnancy, a pregnant woman's nutrition should already be somewhat limited by easily digestible carbohydrates and fats, you and your baby do not need this, eat right.
Child: The pregnancy calendar at 34 weeks for the child opens the page from which he is already relatively ready for childbirth. Of course, it is better for him to spend at least 3 more weeks in your stomach, but in general, he is fully formed and is just waiting for the hour of birth. At 34 weeks of gestation, fetal movements become even more rare. You don't have to worry about this, because the only reason for this is because there is not enough space for it. Most likely, a child at 34 weeks of gestation is also already pretty tired of the tightness and darkness of the uterus. The weight of the child is now more than 2 kg, and the size of the fetus is about 42 cm. Already, the differences in weight are becoming more serious, by birth, the weight of babies from different pregnancies can be very different. The fetus at 34 weeks of gestation is actually ready for childbirth, it is fully ripe, usually by the end of the week, even the baby's lungs are ready for spontaneous breathing. For you, this means that in case of early birth, you and your baby will most likely be at home by 7-10 days. By this time, the baby has already decided on the presentation, only in rare cases the children are not lying correctly, however, if you have 34 weeks of pregnancy, breech presentation of the fetus, this is not a reason to despair, he still has time to turn around, only 3 out of 100 children remain in breech presentation until childbirth. Do special exercises to rotate the fetus. At 34 weeks gestation, the development of the fetus is at the stage when it is simply gaining weight. His skin is smoothed out and becomes more and more light, lanugo, fluff, remained on the shoulders and upper back, on the ears, and on the head there is already real hair. It is interesting that the color of your child's hair and eyes may not be what you expect now; after the birth, a brunette may become blond and vice versa.
Tummy: Increasingly, a pregnant woman can notice Braxton-Higgs contractions. These contractions are painless and irregular, accompanied by a feeling that the abdomen is stiff. The belly has risen 32-36 cm above the bosom, but in some it seems huge, while in others it is not visible almost until delivery. If you have 34 weeks of pregnancy, a small belly may not speak of some kind of pathology. If the gynecologist does not find deviations in the measurements, then everything is really normal, you just have such a physique, the pelvis is wide enough so that the uterus can not deviate excessively anteriorly for a long time, and this creates the illusion of a small tummy.
Dangers: At 34 weeks of gestation, delivery, which can be called early rather than premature, is the main danger. How do they start? As a rule, childbirth during this period proceeds as usual. Contractions of the uterus become regular, turning into contractions. At first it may seem that the stomach is just periodically pulling, but it soon becomes clear that it really hurts. The pain covers the lower back and lower abdomen, builds up and then releases. In movement, it is felt less, at rest it does not pass, like training contractions. Interestingly, it is not uncommon for many to have nausea, vomiting and even diarrhea as a prelude to the onset of childbirth, as a rule, their appetite disappears completely. Another characteristic feature of an event is discharge. At 34 weeks of gestation, discharge and normally may increase somewhat, but the presence of mucus, streaks of blood is a clear sign of the cork coming off before childbirth. If the water recedes, consider that labor has begun, hurry to the hospital. It is not worth worrying about what is happening if a woman gave birth at 34 weeks of pregnancy, fetal hypoxia, birth injuries are excluded - everything will be fine.
Complaints and problems: The uterus at 34 weeks gestation is actively preparing for childbirth, and many women experience a little discomfort due to training contractions. They can be felt as the tone of the uterus, which disappears as soon as you lie down and relax, and which arises in a wave and disappears by itself. These contractions are not painful or even interfere with your homework, and they are not regular. Nausea at 34 weeks of gestation overcomes every second, and no surprise. The huge uterus completely fills the abdominal cavity, squeezing all organs. The stomach cannot empty itself normally, therefore it is nauseous. Another serious problem of 34 weeks of pregnancy, edema, is not as harmless as it seems. The cause of edema can be both problems with veins in the legs and late toxicosis, so they always require attention. And many expectant mothers at 34 weeks of pregnancy have a very painful back. This pain is constant, aching, constricting the lower back. Its cause is the fatigue of your muscles, if only there were no spinal diseases before. Back pain can also be caused by kidney disease, which is why you need to consult your doctor. The usual muscle pains are perfectly relieved by therapeutic exercises and wearing a bandage for pregnant women. A cold at 34 weeks gestation is more dangerous than an earlier pregnancy. The reason is that the child can become infected after childbirth, and you need to enter into childbirth completely healthy and full of strength, the last month of pregnancy is the time when it is categorically contraindicated to get sick, take care of yourself from colds.

The 34th week of pregnancy is characterized primarily by the fact that there is not much time left before the birth. Like any other seven-day period of pregnancy, the 34th week has its own characteristics. They relate to a woman's well-being and sensations, physiological characteristics and some rules that should be followed at this time.

Now let's dwell on this in more detail.

How does a baby develop

Every week the baby's body undergoes changes. By the 34th week, the baby's lungs are formed, and the pupils acquire the ability to respond to changes in light. During this period, the activity of the baby decreases, since the fetus becomes cramped in the woman's reproductive organ.

The endocrine system of the child is actively working, it provokes lactation in the mother. Being in the mother's womb during this period, the baby has a habit of sucking a finger. There is also a need to provide the mother's body with calcium, since the child actively needs it. The lack of an element leads to disturbances in the processes in the bone tissue. An excess of the substance will also not have a positive effect on the baby.

Other physiological characteristics are listed below.

  • The baby's skin becomes pinkish and smoother.
  • Most babies will begin to grow hair at this time.
  • The crumbs' cheeks are rounded.
  • The child weighs just over two kilograms (2100-2400 g).
  • Growth ranges from 40-45 cm.
  • The baby's eyes are blue at this time. A possible color change will occur later.
  • If you are expecting a boy, the testicles of the fetus descend into the scrotum during this period.
  • The baby is positioned with the head down to allow easier passage through the birth canal.
  • The amount of vellus hair on the body is significantly reduced.
  • Head diameter approx. 84 mm.
  • The layer of virgin lubricant thickens.

Attentive attitude during this period is required for the movement of the child. Excessive or insufficient activity can signal the presence of a violation. In this case, a pathology called fetoplacental insufficiency becomes a threat.

Changes in a woman's body

The body is being actively prepared for childbirth.

  • The elevation of the upper point of the uterus above the navel is fourteen centimeters.
  • The elevation above the pubic symphysis has reached 34 centimeters.
  • The length of the uterus ranges from 30-32 cm.
  • The weight of the uterus is ten times that of the average woman who is not pregnant.
  • The volume of amniotic fluid reaches a liter.
  • The breasts continue to grow in size.
  • Endorphins and enkephalins enter the woman's body (they are synthesized in the fetus during this period). Thus, the mood of the pregnant woman is normalized.

Symptoms of 34 weeks of pregnancy

Symptoms at 34 weeks gestation include:

  • increased back pain;
  • an increase in the duration and soreness of Brexton-Hicks contractions;
  • decreased fetal activity in the womb;
  • lack of appetite;
  • possible discharge from the nipples of a light yellow hue;
  • heartburn;
  • slight feeling of numbness in the legs and abdomen.


At the 34th week, the following features are characteristic of the discharge:

  • sour smell;
  • moderate amount;
  • light milky color.

Sleep disturbances

It is not uncommon for pregnant women to experience sleep problems. This usually happens towards the end of the pregnancy.

In order to smooth out an unpleasant symptom, you can:

  • try to sleep in a different position;
  • choose the most comfortable pillow;
  • choose a comfortable position for the pillow;
  • do not eat at night.

Sensations at 34 weeks of gestation

  • Due to the size of the uterus, it becomes more difficult for a woman to breathe deeply. During such a breath, she feels pain and discomfort under the ribs.
  • The number of times a woman needs to empty her bladder, especially at night, increases.
  • Numbness in the legs is often observed.
  • Fetal mobility is reduced, but its movements become more palpable and sometimes painful. They are often seen while lying down.
  • and the stomach become more intense. The woman's belly grows and the center of gravity shifts accordingly. The body prepares for the upcoming birth, physiological changes occur in it, which relate to the softening of the ligaments and joints.

Analyzes and examinations

If there are plans for childbirth with the participation of the child's father, then he also needs to undergo some research. Among them, first of all:

  • fluorography.

34 weeks is considered the deadline for the third mandatory ultrasound examination.


This type of research is a very important step for monitoring and detecting violations in a timely manner. An ultrasound study on 34 non-women refers to the determination of this kind of pathologies that are noticeable only at long periods of pregnancy. The doctor takes measurements of the child, on the basis of which he gives information about the estimated weight. The correspondence of the stage of development of the child to the period of pregnancy at which the woman is located is also checked. The analysis of various organs and systems is carried out. By this time, most of them have already been formed.

Various parameters of the uterus and amniotic fluid are assessed. This information is very important for a better understanding of the upcoming birth and determining in what way they will occur, that is, the possibility of natural delivery is assessed.

The placenta is considered another important object of research. At the 34th week, its thickness reaches 34 millimeters. The maturity of the placenta is first or second. If there is a reason for suspecting a pathology such as placental insufficiency, then the woman is shown to undergo a Doppler study.

Presentation is also an important subject for study. It can be of several types:

  • pelvic;
  • head;
  • oblique;
  • transverse.

Oblique and transverse views are the reason for a cesarean section, since this type of fetal position does not favor natural delivery. The situation is different in the case of the child's pelvic or head position. The cephalic presentation is most favorable for carrying out childbirth in a natural way. In determining the pelvic, the woman is given a choice. Doctors usually advise the surgical method, but a successful natural delivery is very possible.

Doppler study

Doppler ultrasonography is used to study the movement of blood through the vessels of the uterus and the umbilical artery. Thus, this method is designed to assess whether the baby is getting enough nutrition and oxygen. The suspicion of an umbilical cord entanglement is also an undeniable basis for this type of research.

Other examinations and analyzes

The woman will also have to undergo the following procedures and tests:

  • weighing;
  • blood pressure measurement;
  • Analysis of urine.

Possible dangers of 34 weeks of pregnancy

There are a number of factors that, under certain conditions and characteristics of the body, provoke disturbances in the child or mother.

  • There is an increase in the risk of developing a baby if his mother does not have enough vitamin D.
  • It is also necessary to monitor the level of calcium, it should not be allowed to wash out from the walls of blood vessels. This kind of deficiency can provoke the appearance of varicose veins in a pregnant woman or cause an exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
  • Weight is an important parameter and needs to be controlled. Overweight leads to postpartum obesity, which has an extremely negative impact on the psychological state of a woman.
  • To prevent the formation of edema, monitor your body weight. Weight at 34 weeks of gestation exceeds the original by 11-12 kilograms. If you find that you are overweight, consult your doctor and choose an appropriate diet with him.
  • The increased tone of the uterus also poses a threat to the baby.
  • Oblique and transverse presentation of the fetus serve as the basis for childbirth using a cesarean section. Breech presentation also sometimes acts as an excuse to avoid giving birth naturally.
  • It is also dangerous when it closes (or partially closes) the pharynx of the uterus.


Normally, a woman should have a homogeneous milk discharge in moderate amounts, not accompanied by itching or other uncharacteristic symptoms. In any other case, an urgent consultation with a doctor is required, the identification of pathology and its treatment.

  • If they appear from the genitals, accompanied by itching, the woman develops.
  • There is a danger of bacterial colpitis. Purulent discharge speaks of this pathology.
  • Watery discharge is characteristic of premature rupture of amniotic fluid.
  • Abundant spotting is considered dangerous at 34 weeks. If such a pathology is found, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.
  • Slight vaginal bleeding is often a sign of premature birth. However, with accompanying pain, they can indicate placental abruption. Damage to the uteroplacental vessels was recognized as the cause of the violation. Between the wall of a woman's reproductive organ and the placenta, there is a gradual accumulation of blood, and, as a result, the formation of a hematoma. With its growth, the placenta exfoliates more and more, all this has an extremely negative effect on the development of the fetus.

If you find any kind of suspicious vaginal discharge, seek medical attention.


Better to wait with lovemaking. At 34 weeks, such actions can negatively affect the child. First of all, sex at 34 weeks of gestation is dangerous because the baby can change the presentation. The birth canal of a woman during this period is extremely vulnerable, they are easily amenable to infection.

There is no strict prohibition on intimacy during this period. It is worthwhile to independently assess the risks, and it is even better to consult with your doctor, who knows about your specific case of the course of pregnancy in all details. It is he who will best tell you how dangerous it is and whether it is dangerous at all in your particular case. And if you decide to have sex at 34 weeks, be careful and avoid putting pressure on your stomach.

Eat properly, and this applies to the entire period of pregnancy. Eat small meals about five to six times a day. Eat more wholesome foods, eat:

  • meat;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • fish;
  • fruits;
  • dairy products.

Drink plenty of pure water, cut out coffee if possible. Sometimes you can drink weak tea.

It happens that during pregnancy, women have a strong desire to eat something (and this does not necessarily turn out to be beneficial or appropriate to proper nutrition). In this case, it is better for a pregnant woman to satisfy her desire, but just not to get carried away. Better to eat a small piece and gradually "wean" yourself from harmful foods.

Exercise stress

Moderate and correct physical activity is always beneficial for a woman during such a period. Do breathing exercises, prenatal exercises, and Kegel exercises.

Bad habits

The use of alcohol, nicotine and even more drugs this week (as well as any other week of pregnancy) is strictly prohibited. Any mother who cares about the health of her child always approaches this rule responsibly.

Taking medicines and vitamins

Everything related to the use of drugs and vitamin complexes requires consultation with a doctor. Pregnancy is a contraindication to a huge number of drugs. As for vitamins, their lack in the body, just like their excess, leads to negative consequences. Therefore, they must be taken solely based on the testimony of a doctor.

Preparing for childbirth

The possibility of premature birth already exists at 34 weeks. So you need to be ready. Pack your bag of supplies and come up with an emergency plan. If you give birth at 34 weeks pregnant, your baby will not be recorded as premature. At this time, he is already sufficiently formed for life. However, he will still be considered prematurely born.