The best gift for a man on February 23. Location: tourist trips. For men who have a telephone, computer, camera

The Day of Defender of the Fatherland is approaching, and Khabarovsk residents break their heads over the question, what to give on February 23? Many people want to avoid typical presents like a razor machine and socks, so the editorial board "Habinfo" picked up the ideas of gifts for strong men and their fighting girlfriends. Do not forget, with this date you need to congratulate many ladies.

What to give for February 23?

February 23 is a day when the Russians and inhabitants of a number of other countries of the post-Soviet space express gratitude to the defenders of the Motherland, ever called for military service. On this day, girls, girls and women congratulate representatives of the strong half of humanity, emphasizing their masculinity, responsibility and courage. Women's military personnel, in turn, signs of attention are provided by friends and colleagues.

If we are talking about gifts for a man, it will be extremely relevant that the site released to the new year's meeting. Representatives of the strong floor themselves told them, what the presentations they can be pleased. By February 23, we also prepared gift ideas for readers: all these things can be found on the shelves of Khabarovsk stores. You can choose something from our list, and may be inspired by ideas and come up with something truly unique.


The choice of accessories is quite large. You can pick up a funny tie, the pilot of the Soviet soldier is one of those selling in souvenir shops, a vest or a communal T-shirt as an attribute of military service. Perhaps you better know the taste of a person who is meant the gift, and you can pick up more relevant to him cufflinks or a butterfly.

If a gift is selected by a military-service woman, this idea can also be adapted: on many girls, the uniform sits perfectly, and the tie - a long time is no longer an exclusive male wardrobe subject.

Items for home

Of course, give a mug at least trite than socks. But you can pick up a design that will make anyone smile. And if the choice falls in favor of the thermocouple or a glass - a gift will be simply indispensable in the workplace, when there can be a clock between brewing tea and the possibility of drinking it. Other goods in household stores are worthy. Close, scissors for pizza or the original lamp of Lavalalapa can become a welcome gift for many.

Themed souvenirs

We thoroughly examined the showcases of souvenir shops found several options that may interest you. First, the serviceful man will be happy to have a statuette of a soldier of a suitable kind of troops. Secondly, we were driving a set of "real men", which, according to legend, should build a house, plant a tree and grow a son. This kit has everything you need. Also interesting souvenir can be a figurine or figure, symbolizing one of the hobbies of the defender or protector: a motorcycle, a sailing frigate and even a compass can be more than ever in the theme. If you are ready to spend only a symbolic amount on a small present, pay attention to the matchboxes with an unusual design.

Edible gifts

And who said that sweets, coffee and other popular presents can be presented only to women? Many men love chocolate no less than girls, but to emphasize their severity, you can simply find 100% bitter. Moreover, edibles can be not only sweets, but also more raw gifts.

First of all, we suggest finding dry. This gift will remind those who served in the past men and women about the time spent in the army, and for fans of hiking and campaigns will become a real chopstick. Attention! The current military such a gift is unlikely to have to taste - it is better to pick something more "civil".

Traditional teas can be replaced with useful rags of Far Eastern herbs in the original packaging. Brewing rosehip, sage and other herbs and berries Your defender will be able to quickly stand the rest of the winter and avoid avitaminosis.


Sometimes even the defender needs to relax and feel like a carefree child. Games for this will suit the most. Perhaps your partner since childhood dreamed of a radio-controlled helicopter or is now thinking about the acquisition of a quadcopter. From the presents, it is easily able to choose Tetris, which will complement the series of nostalgic items that we started in.

Do not forget about board games. The path from a modest guy to the soul of the company can be much shorter, if you skillfully use the "stands". Moreover, such a choice will solve the issue not only that to give, but and what to do on February 23.

We hope our selection of gifts by February 23 was useful for you. On our site there are many interesting materials, help the Khabarovsk citizens save time, for example, on.

You may be thinking about where to spend a holiday evening. This will help the heading, which is updated to the website weekly. For example, on our site there is a detailed review of the institutions where comedians are held and you can feel yourself a guest of a popular TV show. No less interesting space - - built on the principle of the present house: there is everything from the hallway to the bedroom and the kitchen on which you can prepare a dish on your own.

Many men prefer not to spread about their desires. Nevertheless, try to figure out what I would like to get on the 23rd your chosen one? Squake representatives of strong floor will never be! You can find the answer using the ladies' tricks, thanks to the prompts of friends or your own intuition. Remember, good ideas, as a rule, lie on the surface!

Hand male for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland:

  • Shaving accessories.
  • Perfume his favorite brand.
  • Items of wardrobe.
  • Accessories for the car.
  • Fashion gadget.
  • Something from household appliances.
  • Jewelry.
  • Bottle of beloved wine, brandy or whiskey.
  • Tourist trivience.
  • Things that are associated with human passion.
  • Sports goods or subscription to the gym.

To give men appropriate not only material objects. If you fulfill the cherished dream of your favorite defender, he will be cheated at no less! An unforgettable holiday will work if you organize a romantic dinner, cook a couple of corona dishes, cake cake. The most beautiful presents on February 23 include gift certificates. I only need a goodwill to go along with your man in the spa, try Thai massage. Or maybe the extreme gifts are more appropriate for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland? Parachute jump, flight in the aerotube, snowmobile races or quad bikes, slimming descent or snowboard. In short, any of the types of outdoor activities. Fantasize, combine, surprise! No one limits you in choosing.

Best gift for the boy for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland

Give something to sons, nephews, godsmen are nice for any reason. Children so sincerely rejoice in hotels that they involuntarily begin to regret the departed youth. Congratulations on February 23, the boy must receive starting from kindergarten. This is an important part of the upbringing of the future man.

The best gifts to the child will be electronic devices. Get it a smartphone or tablet, laptop or stationary PC. The expensive present requires careful circulation. Be sure to teach this baby! If the technique in the house is already there, then you can replenish the collection of games or cartoons by another disc. Related gifts for children have always been toys. Boldly give a typewriter or a helicopter on a radio control, a set of soldiers, models of military equipment. Excellent option is a developing designer or 3D puzzle. Detail sets have instructions for assembly. Thanks to her, the process will not seem too complicated.

. In the case of it, the instructions can be left in the box. Go with a gift for the nearest slide much more fascinating than to sit behind the newest computer games!

Gyroscuter. The desired gift on February 23. Futive men will have to fill a few bruises before they are withdrawing management skills.

Machine shooting snowballs. Do you like to give original toys? Then this is your choice! While the street is lying on the street, weapon is ready for battle.

Game console. A wonderful gift for a modern child. Having become an adult man, he will take a joystick again. Some games do not fully become obsolete.

Set of racies. One of those gifts that perfectly fit the spirit of the holiday. The mobile phone will not replace, but to organize an exciting game will help.

Set for creativitybut. The man is obliged to own a set of certain skills. It is necessary to develop them from early childhood. Is it time to take a step in this direction?

Choose gifts for husband or beloved man

Long-term relationships threaten to become routine. Defender of the Fatherland Day is a great reason to shake your loved ones. Try to turn on February 23 into one solid holiday. The reaction of the beloved will not make himself wait!

In the morning please the man with an original breakfast. For the preparation of ordinary scrambled eggs, you can use molds in the form of stars, toasting to stylized under the shoulder straps, and can be froneworn by the guy's name. In the evening, suitable clothing will be required. Put the evening dress, shoes on heels. You know perfectly well the tastes of your faithful, so there are no problems with a romantic dinner. Its logical continuation will be a role-playing game using pre-acquired props. An unforgettable holiday for men to organize is not at all difficult if you approach the task creatively. As a gift, it is appropriate to order a T-shirt or a sweatshirt with an inscription, a nominal plate or a thermos, a cool set of underwear. You need to give them from all soul. Then the presents make sense.

. Want your boyfriend to February 23 is the owner of a unique gift? Then rather order it! Work will take time.

Award figurine or diploma. The man is impressed with such gifts. They can be emphasized one of the best qualities of a person. It is like the ability to take care of your loved ones.

Coffee maker for car. Boldly give a man useful things. Unlike souvenirs, they will not be dressed on the shelves.

Massage cape on the seat. It is necessary to give, without thinking. The far road will seem shorter to her husband, and fatigue from the many hours of the handle will be minimal.

Casket for watch. Men like to change not only ties, but also hours. The present is created specifically for their storage. At first glance, it can be seen which chronometer to use today.

Umbrella. We need all representatives of strong sex. If you wish, we can give a model with a unique design. Favorite photos will suit the dome decoration.

Versions of gifts for dads on February 23

A real man knows how to take care of their loved ones. In his house, they do not sparkle the rosettes, the cranes do not flow and there are no disputes regarding the washing of dishes. Nevertheless, at the end of February, all worries at home a woman is better to take over. At the same time find the best gift for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland.

Your men can like their own things made things. Tie the Father Scarf, Hat or Warm Sweater. You can not doubt that he will wear them with great pleasure! It is no less pleasant to give your picture in a frame, an embroidered handkerchief or a pussy, a suspension made by the author's sketch. Or maybe an annual subscription to his favorite magazine for a parent, order a video address? Original solutions have always been appreciated high!

. Why not organize a halter on the nature right on February 23? How much can be celebrated in the apartment. Men clearly do not have to persuade!

Flag with engraving. It is thanks to non-standard design of Dad will give a high grade gift. Supplement to the presentation will be a matter of genuine leather.

Hunting knife or multitool. They say it is not accepted to give such things. And here is not! For an experienced traveler, a hunter or a fisherman there is no more welcome hotel.

Backpack. Without it, no man will go hiking. You can discuss the desired capacity and color gamut in advance. Still, we are talking about a gift that will serve not one year.

Blanket with sleeves. Men often spend free time on the sofa. It is easier to create comfortable conditions to them than to scold infinitely.

Bathrobe. Unassuming gifts please dads no less expensive offering. Impressive man and his embroidered name.

What can be given to the colleagues of men on the occasion of February 23

The team is not accepted to give too expensive gifts. As a rule, on the 23rd we acquire symbolic presents or cool souvenirs. Men like such signs. Their main purpose is to create a festive mood colleagues.

The most common office hotel rooms are mugs, knobs, notebooks diaries and calendars. You can order products with a symbolism of the company, and you can also personify each present. Give it much more interesting! Very often, working colleagues get the same thing for a holiday. This also has a certain meaning. Women are sometimes less than men. To collect an impressive amount by February 23, they simply cannot.

. People rejoice like such gifts because they are not used to worry on accessories. It is appropriate to purchase for all men in the office.

Photo frame. Despite the skeptical attitude towards such presents, they continue to actively give. Ladies see that men are nice to keep memorable pictures on the table.

External battery. Interestingly to give not a standard panibank, but the product of the original form. Say, stylized under the artillery projectile.

Thermostan. It can be decorated with a company logo or the names of men. The subject must be viewed on February 23.

Shaker. Together with the gift, hand out the instructions for the preparation of famous cocktails. In the year there are plenty of holidays that you want to note with colleagues.

Office Golf. It is enough to play with a man one party to understand: he is very happy to give a gift. Collectants also do not mind relaxing in the break.

That you can give the boss on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland

On holidays at the Chef Cabinet always have a lot of people. February 23 - no exception. Male Head willingly takes congratulations and gifts that are carrying an endless stream. So that the present from the subordinates does not remain unnoticed, it is necessary to break her head over his choice.

We advise you to decide in advance what can be taken for your head, which gift will be especially pleased with the future owner. The next step will collect the necessary amount for the purchase. The boss must be purchased by the status present, and it will no longer. Agree, who and when will give a hotel. The Day of Defender suggests a solemn meeting, an unofficial part or a festive corporate party.

. Make a pleasant impression on a man. Your director will give tribute to exquisite gifts.

Table bar. A man will be happy with pleasure. In particular, if there will be a shield with engraving on the gift.

Tie and belt set. The taste of selected gifts is nice to receive not only on February 23. They like men on any day.

Desktop device. It can be chosen based on the profession of men. Some models are affixed by the beauty and quality of the finish. No wonder they ask for decent money.

Fountain pen. Attribute of a successful man. Such are often spoiled by good gifts.

Press papier "Boss". The head can not not refresh this gift. The present is as if indicating who in the owner's office.

10. Antiradar.
11. Annual subscription to the favorite magazine.
12. Photosses for two. (controversy)
13. Laser paintball for the company.
14. The necessary things for a fisherman (in the store you will definitely prompt).
15. Collection of favorite films.
16. Ski tour
17. Evening role-playing games (you are in a suit: nurses, waitresses, etc.).
18. Box with tools.
19. Tickets for a rink.
20. Bouquet of candy.
21. Cover for decoupage rights.
22. His poem in the frame.
23. Helicopter on the remote.
24. Night excursion on the roofs for two.
25. Jumping on Jolly Jumper for two.
26. Gift certificate for Thai massage.
27. Master class of archery.
28. Museum of retro cars for the company.
29. Hiking in the water park.
30. Master class driving a motorcycle.
31. Parachute jump
32. Dive with scuba in the pool for two.
33. Windsurfing.
34. Rafting alloy
35. Paraglider flight.
36. Master class for throwing knives.
37. Flight on a balloon
38. A set of glasses (glass) with its pictures and the inscription.
39. Mafia game with friends.
40. Automotive table.
41. Darts.
42. E-book.
43. Production of clock with a symbolism of a birthday room.
44. Exclusive skewers.
45. Set for wine.
46. \u200b\u200bAutomotive massage cape heated.
47. Screwdriver.
48. Car vacuum cleaner.
49. Original leather belt.
50. Car wash.
51. Airbrush by car.
52. Collector's collection of favorite music.
53. Wheels or discs for the car.
54. Certificate of car wash.
55. Decoration with valuable inscription.
56. Original business card holder.
57. Certificate of attractions.
58. Pneumatic rifle (gun).
59. Scooter.
60. Cufflinks are gold.
61. The game "Monopoly".
62. Leather briefcase.
63. Swiss clock.
64. Machine on P / U.
65. Something from army clothes
66. Knife collection.
67. Flask.
68. Romantic tour for two.
69. Football Tickets
70. Collection of Swiss knife.
71. Briefs, with your own embroidery.
72. Flight by helicopter.
73. Telescope.
74. Mountain bike.
75. Tie.
76. Diary in leather binding.
77. Computer chair.
78. Share rest all day.
79. Leather photo album in strict style.
80. Smoking tube.
81. Hookah.
82. Star, named after him.
83. Portrait of a man.
84. Tie pin.
85. Rubber boat.
86. Computer Priesges.
87. Original piggy bank
88. Gift certificate from sportswear store.
89. Tickets for a concert of the favorite group
90. Brand glasses.
91. Tattoo.
92. Handle to order, at the top of a small folding print (with any inscription).
93. The token on the cervical chain with his name.
94. Flash drive in stylish packaging.
95. Thermos.
96. Case for fishing facilities.
97. Hike in a strip bar.
98. In an intimate store gifts - jokes.
99. Incense, Aromosvechi for Relax.
100. The heart made by your own hands.

And thanks to holidays, and the presents selected from the bottom of the heart, you can fill it with new content, coloring the most bright colors. Thus, it is possible to show your attitude towards a person, your individuality and your attentiveness!

About this and today our story will be today.

How to find out what would like to get a man or a guy on February 23

It is clear to everyone that gifts are different. And what will be good for one, for the other it will not work in any way. And in order not to make a mistake in the choice, you need to sit down and think than living and the representative of a strong sex is fond of.

I have already written a similar article, and in it I told that before writing the article, I conducted a study where I polished all my familiar men, what would they like to get on a festive day. And it turned out that they have simply a huge amount of desires for the possession of things that they would like to have. And they even did not think much, they said right away, what would like to possess.

It should be noted that these things were not some kind of expensive. These were mainly practical things or objects relating to their hobbies.

Therefore, when choosing a present, consider this question. Most likely you know about the hobbies of your loved ones, and you know that they have, and what not. If you do not know, then show curiosity, find a topic for a conversation, in which the man will tell you himself that he pleases, for which he does not feel sorry to spend his time.

Walk with him on his favorite stores and departments, see what he pays attention to which questions asks the seller. At this time, show interest, for which he needs this thing, I would like to buy it. Pay immediately on the price to plan your expenses. Remember, or better write all the ideas with the price. Subsequently, this will help make the right choice.

The more such ideas will be, the better. And so that there were a lot of ideas, you need to be more interested in what is interesting to your men. Then ideas will be so much that you will have no longer thinking about what to buy, but it will be possible to choose from a plenty of preferences.

Also a great idea can be a gift - a memories. There may be a person about something dreamed of childhood, or his youth, and his dream was not realized. You can help him fulfill his dream, and then Aka Surprise will become unforgettable for him for his entire life. Moreover, he will still be grateful to you for your attention to him.

There is an opinion that any gift primarily is a mark of attention. I fully agree with that. From how attentively you were attentive to the desires and preferences of men close to you, such a mark of attention they will receive.

In today's article, I want to help you in choosing. Therefore, for convenience, I will deal with a list of presents on hobbies, according to the degree of relationships and by age. I think this will help you choose the very thing or an object that will be necessary for a man, practical, valuable and memorable.

Planning the purchase of items and things for the holiday

Since on the holiday of February 23, we congratulate not only the defenders of the Fatherland, but also all men of large and small, then the purchase of the presents can be a very costly business budget. And if we do not make the right calculations in advance, it may happen that money for everything we want to buy may not be enough.

Therefore, in order for someone not to be ignored, it is necessary to compile an action plan for their purchase. And the first thing you need to do is write a list of all men you are going to make presents.

Then determine the budget how much you can spend money on this vent. After that, you can make calculations, how much you can allocate money for everyone.

If you are working in a team where it is customary to give small baubles, or things are more prominent, employees, or boss, do not forget to include in the costs and this item. So that then it did not become a surprise for you.

When you have such a list in which at least approximate amounts will be painted, it will be much eased afterwards and the choice and the purchase of what you plan.

In the same plan, skill exemplary shopping ideas for everyone, thinking in advance, whatever you can please your men. This will allow, in the future, when you go to the store, do not buy the first one that fell to your opinion.

When you start buying the presents, try to follow the planned plan. Especially in terms of money. When you buy everything they have planned and put in the budget, it will certainly please you!

When drawing up a plan, follow the fact that it is not necessary that what you want to buy should cost expensive. Plan to buy practical and necessary things for a person, which he will not throw in a "long" box, but will certainly use them. Such things will not only serve the one who you presented them, but they will also remind you of you. And this is already a double gift - and a useful thing, and good memories and feelings!

Well, now I will proceed to the list of presents.

What might like a guy or a man engaged in sports

For people who are interested in tourism:

  • individual set of dishes (bowl, mug, spoon). Now in specialized stores sells very good dishes from special materials. Bowl can be with a closing lid that allows you to leave the food for longer
  • set of shared utensils, or something from a set

  • the thermal service that allows for a long time to leave tea in it hot, simply indispensable for hiking.
  • thermos
  • flask
  • multifunctional tourist knife
  • individual flashlight
  • lantern on hand
  • lED headlamp

  • karemt - Tourist mat that puts under sleeping bag
  • compass. There are also digital compasses, but they are not cheap, the price is about 2800.
  • tent
  • sleeping bag

  • sleeping mattress
  • camping backpack
  • matching boiler
  • folding Tourist Chair
  • gas-burner

Clothing and footwear for tourism exercise includes an extensive list of necessary items. It can be just an ordinary T-shirt and sneakers, as well as specialized waterproof clothing and neoprene shoes, thermal underwear, raincoat, helmet.

For each type of active tourism, there are specialized clothing and shoes. And if you decide to choose something from this category, it is best to visit a sports shop, and consult with the seller - consultant.

For winter sports:

  • if you still decide to get socks a man, then it is desirable that they are sports. Now such specialized socks are almost for all sports. So, for winter sports, those in which the leg will breathe and at the same time they will greatly retain heat. We also need down and woolen socks.
  • termoblary
  • breathable clothes on the fleece

  • sports Hood and Scarf
  • gloves
  • balaclava

Sports equipment can also be purchased:

  • ski sticks
  • skates
  • club
  • snowboard

It costs it is certainly more expensive, but for a gift is quite suitable.

For summer sports:

  • again socks, this time for running, for cycling, for roller. The cost is only 300 rubles, but it is always the desired and necessary thing that will be worthy and adequately appreciated.
  • sunglasses sunscreen, glasses with interchangeable lenses for cyclists, cost from 500 rubles. All will not be superfluous, especially since sold in a case and even without any packaging have a beautiful view.
  • goggles
  • bicycle computer, for a cyclist thing indispensable and very necessary, and you can buy it in just 400 rubles
  • also cyclists can need headlights, rear lamp, new beep, bag, special bicycle flask and flier holder
  • bicycle repair kit

  • for roller, you always need protection and helmet
  • casque Need for other sports
  • sport towel. Now there are special towels from microfiber, which absolutely do not absorb moisture, they just shake water from a person, while remaining completely dry. Such a towel will be happy swimmer, or athlete who makes heavy loads. They can also remove sweat from the face or body.
  • there are also special bandages on the head that do not give sweat to drain on the eyes, dressings on the wrist, which is comfortable to look like sweat from the face.
  • clock with pulse measurement function, for active engagement engagement or sports sports

  • football, volleyball and soccer ball, set of tennis balls or badminton balls
  • tennis Racket, or Badminton Racket
  • sports bag
  • pedometer

All the same clothing is both T-shirts, baseball caps, shorts, clothes for fitness, sweatshirts and so on. All this can be bought completely inexpensive and it will definitely not lie somewhere unclaimed.

For hunters and fishermen

For many men, both young and mature age - this is the most present hobby. And of course, a man will never remain indifferent to the subject of this sphere. What you can give to people who are fond of such a thing. The answer is simple - of course, everything is associated with this area of \u200b\u200bclasses. So, for fisherman it can be:

  • spinning
  • spinning coil
  • bag fisherman
  • blank or wobbler

  • like or hooks
  • box for balancing
  • special kits for fisherman
  • bad bag

  • icessur for winter fishing
  • lamp
  • thermos
  • thermocroup
  • subscribe to the fisherman magazine
  • gift book for fishing

For a hunter, you may need:

  • case, Case or Weapon Case

  • patrontash, peat, belt
  • hunting backpack bag
  • care set of weapons
  • compass, barometer

  • signal devices, such as a hunter signal, which includes a rocket launcher (price 200 -300 rubles) and a set of missiles (400 rubles)
  • hunting knife
  • lamp
  • binoculars

  • snowshoes
  • masking means, this is the paint for disguise (500 rubles), spray the neutralizer of the smell of man (500 rubles)
  • subscribe to the hunter log
  • gift Edition on Hunting

For those and others, also a good gift will be specialized clothing, such as camouflage clothing, mosquito hat, raincoat. If there is an opportunity more expensive gift, then it can be:

  • radio stations, for example, advise buying famous Oci Toki (Walkie Talkie), price from 1500 rubles

  • GPS navigators

Well, it does not hurt any other

  • self-defense gas sprinkler (price 600 rubles)

For lovers of outdoor activities

Many people now have summer cottages, and also often go to the nature of picnics and rest. For them, you can also choose many excellent items and things.

  • mangal

  • grill grill
  • stands for kebab
  • apron for frying barbecue

  • bag - Refrigerator
  • "Mahalval" (I do not know how to call it right) to ignite fire
  • hammock
  • conditioner for relaxing in nature

  • picnic kit, which includes plates, cutlery, glasses, napkins
  • wine set, including a corkscrew, a violel, thermometer, glasses sets

  • set for badminton
  • sets of board games
  • set for Pokcker
  • slingshot
  • crossbow
  • onions and arrows for entertainment

If a man loves to go to the forest on the mushrooms, then he can be purchased:

  • basket for mushrooms
  • raincoat
  • "Happy" Panama, to which all mushrooms that are in the forest will be collected

If a man loves to melted on rivers:

  • special shoes for walking on stones and water
  • panama
  • baseballcop
  • mosquito net hat

  • termoblary
  • raincoat
  • machete (300 r) and a cover for him (350 p), the company "Tramontino" Brazil, indispensable for parking, where you need to remove excess grass or bush branches
  • tourist Top Plan in Cove
  • neoprene shorts, socks, gloves
  • gas burner with piezo - ignition for burning a fire

  • drinking water flask
  • stainless steel thermos
  • waterproof Purse For Documents, Money and Mobile Phone
  • power Bank, to recharge the phone with a lithium ion battery

  • tableware for the campaign - bowlers, or dishes for individual use
  • thermocroup

For motorists

Many men currently have a car, and always carefully relate to everything that is connected with it. They love their car, many people can do after them. Something to repair, improve, start and polish with a cloth and a clean surface. And of course they love to fill it with all sorts of necessary things. And such, in fact, quite a lot.

These are things that allow the cleanliness of the cabin and the car itself. And things are vital in the far road, as well as things and objects that make it possible to feel in the car most comfortable.

  • car Pillows - Headrests (from 700 rubles)
  • covers for seats (from 1500 rubles)
  • handling Auto - Massager (from 850 rubles)

  • starting portable lithium ion battery (from 2000 rubles)
  • brush for cleaning the car from snow (from 250 rubles)
  • anti-slip rug for mobile phone (from 150 rubles)
  • hydraulic jack (from 550 rubles)
  • a table with mounting on the steering wheel (from 1000 rubles), it can be conveniently seated in a long road, or traveling; or work on the computer)

  • warning floor mats (from 200 rubles per set)
  • electric pump for pumping wheels (from 1000 rubles)
  • car thermometer (from 150 rubles)
  • car radio (from 850 rubles)
  • video recorder (from 1200)
  • heated seats (from 1000 rubles)
  • cigarette lighter splitter with USB charger port, for charging the phone (from 150 rubles)

  • fragrance for the cabin (from 200 rubles)
  • hygiene products for salon - sprays, rags, napkins, brushes
  • car tester, to check the fuses and integrity of the network (from 150 rubles)
  • headlamp lamp (from 250 rubles)
  • foldable blade (from 300 rubles)
  • road set of tools (from 2000 rubles)
  • thermal service for motorist (from 500 rubles)
  • rearview mirror with clock

And you can also please him with such a surprise, from which every man will simply be delighted:

  • car service certificate

This is what an impressive list has already turned out. But that's not all. Not all areas are still covered. Let's move on!

For men who have a telephone, computer, camera

That is, almost for men of all ages and categories, since everyone has all the above items.

If they do not have these things, then they should think about this topic.

The price of their purchase is certainly not small, but if there is such a need, but the main opportunity, then someone will be happy! If they have all this already, then for all this there is just a lot of things and gadgets that are always needed.

  • phone memory card
  • an external battery for a telephone with a lithium-ion battery is the type of electrical battery used as a source of energy. Indispensable in travel for charging phone. Price from 400 rubles and above.
  • new Phone Case
  • bluetooth Selfie Button - Can be able to control the camera smartphone or tablet (from 400 rubles)
  • self-stick can also be interesting for someone interesting, costs from 400 rubles
  • original flash drive. Good now what no, and you can find flash drives with typical male clearance

  • headphones with a microphone (from 600 rubles)
  • headphones on zippers that never confused
  • wireless mouse (from 400 rubles)
  • mouse pad
  • keyboard (from 400 rubles), Game Keyboard (from 1000 rubles)

  • screen cleaning agents (spray, rag)
  • lED flash (from 700 rubles)
  • laptop bag or backpack

  • mP3 player (from 500 rubles)
  • e-book - it is not suiced, of course, but someone dreams about her, and you can buy it
  • tablet, now there are pretty inexpensive samples

Now every year the newest samples of accessories for phones and computers appear. All new items do not even know. Therefore, if you wish to make a gift from this sphere, feel free to go to a specialized store, and actively communicate with the seller - consultant. He will definitely tell you about all new products, will announce the price and help you choose the item you need!

Gifts - Impressions and Certificates

Recently, so-called presents - impressions have been very popular. That is, it is not material things, but those impressions causing those or other positive emotions. Or they can be called them - men's entertainment. They can be approximately such:

  • hike on the game in bowling
  • master - class on the game of billiards

  • paintball game
  • tickets for a concert of the beloved rock band or a favorite artist
  • film tickets, theater
  • cinema tickets for closed show
  • sports Competition Ticket
  • air balloon
  • skydiving
  • horse row
  • karting
  • shooting in dash
  • onion shooting lesson

  • subscription in Fitnesszal
  • subscription to the pool
  • subscription to the gym
  • subscription to the dance hall
  • subscription to Massage Cabinet
  • subscription to Master - Class of Creative Personality
  • romantic gift from his beloved girl (dance, song)

Other ideas of gifts

The article is already quite extensive, and we have not yet considered that we can give my husband, the boss, the child ... Therefore, in this chapter I only call ideas, and I think that you can easily fill them with content.

  • clothes (T-shirts, sweatshirts, shirts, ties ...)
  • shoes (all that you want, besides, maybe slippers ..., my husband would not understand). Well, or if slippers, then such ...

  • accessories (cufflinks, tie holder ...)
  • purse, Keyboard, Business card holder, Clutch, Bag, Briefcase ...
  • gloves
  • scarf, Kushne
  • headdress
  • books
  • discs with music
  • discs with films
  • subscribe to a favorite magazine
  • board games

  • sets for creativity (for artist, sculptor, sharp ...), that is, by interests
  • objects for collectors (if a man collects anything, such as brands, coins or badges, then it will not be better than a gift for him if you can get the exhibacy for him in his collection)

Also men can refress:

  • tools (just do not buy it very cheap if a man master is on all hands, he will not appreciate the cheapest tool, and certainly will not work for them)

  • items for giving, that is, everything related to both relaxation and work in the country)

It's hard to find a man who would not like to go to the bath. And for such men has its own category of gifts:

  • bath towel
  • bath set (hat, sidushka, mittens)

  • bathrobe or velcro cape
  • slippers
  • urokalka
  • handmade soap
  • bryezoy or oak broom (my mom often gives him my husband)
  • massage bamboo broom

You can also think about the original presents, for example:

  • bouquet of dried fish with beer barrel

  • rogat
  • pipe pipe
  • water gun
  • game darts

Or romantic:

  • rare Coffee Vortices or Coffee
  • aromatic candles or incense
  • disk with meditative music
  • amulet

And now let's look at those ideas of gifts that are particularly specific, as it is the signs of attention for her husband, Pope, colleagues at work and chief. And although all the above ideas you can also take into account and consider them, yet at these points we will also stop our attention.

What can please her husband on day on February 23

When you choose a sign of attention by February 23 for your husband, then read this chapter, and those sections where you can find ideas of presents on hobbies. Then ideas will become much more, and the choice will be much easier.

In my opinion, most importantly on this day is to create a sense of the holiday. Wake up with a good mood and with a smile, and with a kiss to congratulate her husband with a holiday. To tell him that he is the most important defender in his home, your support, a strong shoulder. With that you, as behind a stone wall, and nothing is scary with him!

It will be great if on this day you prepare some creative breakfast in the spirit of the holiday. It can be a common dish, but in the "Image". For example, sandwiches in the form of general shoulders, or in some kind of original feed.

Porridge, posted on a plate in the form of a number 23. Pancakes with red caviar, filed in the form of a star. Or something that will come to your mind.

During breakfast, you can please the spouse to give and once again tell him the pleasant kind words of congratulations. It is also nice to come up with words and about the presented thing so that they certainly were "with meaning." Such a gift becomes usually the most valuable, even if it is not expensive at all!

For lunch and for dinner, too, you can also "close" and feed your husband, such as "hiking porridge" or. Bake a festive cake with an appropriate holiday symbolism.

Or prepare some interesting salad. Let it be the usual standard dish, but called half a holiday, it will be so.

Try to maintain this feeling of the holiday all day, do not roll in everyday life, it is in our life and so enough!

Well, now gifts! In addition to the already proposed, there are such ideas:

  • a gift made by your own hands (sew something, tie something, draw, etc. ...) Remember that the creative creativity in the preparation of breakfast, lunch and dinner is also an additional mark of attention)

  • nominal or memorable. It can be like a T-shirt with a name, or a memorable place and a jewelry with a name or inscription. Not necessarily expensive, you can do everything beautiful and well economically.
  • the status, which your husband never buy yourself is a good pen, leather purse, clock, cufflinks, clip for money, stand under the phone.

  • a gift from childhood. If her husband had a dream in his childhood, but it remains impracticable, then you can fulfill it. What kind of childhood can be dreams of a boy? Folding knife, flashlight, slingshot, crossbow, weapons ... travel, adventure, secrets ... Learn this on occasion, think about what you can come up. And you make your husband the most happy!
  • if your husband smokes, it will certainly be happy to cigar, a knife for cigars, or hookah, a stylish beautiful ashtray, an unusual beautiful lighter. You can also prevent him with a tube, a pussy with a good tobacco. Of course, smoking is to harm health ... But the more impede it, the harder with these to fight. Therefore, sometimes you can agree with the bad habit of my husband.

  • the same applies to alcohol. It is only worth knowing that the usual bottle of vodka will not suit, if you give, then the dear, elite drink. And if not, it's not worth it for it!
  • you can present a shaving machine
  • or other necessary shaving accessories
  • often, men lose their keys, and it can please the key chain, which can easily find them. The man will be delighted with him.
  • toilet water
  • beautiful underwear, or underwear with interesting drawings or funny inscriptions.
  • original and funny items and things

In fact, you can still draw a lot of things. But I think that everyone needs to leave a place for independence. And therefore, we turn to other categories.

How to please dad on February 23

When we were very small, we gave dad children's drawings with tanks, running men with a weapon, with red stars, made appliques from paper with numbers 23. Then we became older, and tried to also do anything with your own hands - and it could be Knitted scarf, or mittens, or knitted jumper.

Dad has always been glad everything that he received, and always took it with special thanks and pride for his child.

  • it can still be a gift made by hand. One more mittens or jumper for dad will never be superfluous.
  • it may be a drawing. If a little girl or a boy congratulates, then the child's picture is quite suitable. If your children are already drawing such drawings, you can present the dad friendly cartoon, which is now easy to order on the Internet for relatively inexpensive money (the drawing in the black and white version costs from 500 rubles). It is clear that such a drawing can be done in military topics.

  • you can order for dad recorded disk with his favorite music
  • interesting book
  • subscription for a favorite magazine
  • radio congratulations
  • t-shirt with the inscription "favorite dad" or "Our Generalissimus", or come up with a spectacular inscription
  • case for glasses
  • mug with inscription

  • souvenir weapons
  • the original photo frame in which to insert his favorite photo. You can also make such a photo frame yourself

  • photo album for army photos
  • star bath cap
  • set of "Soldiers"

  • warm Telnyash
  • impression (from the above)
  • cinema tickets or theater for two
  • anything related to his passion
  • chair - Rocking

You can also consider all those subjects, things and ideas that were proposed above. Especially if there is a hobby to dad.

Which present can please the boss

When choosing a present to his boss, it is important to stick to the golden middle. An unnecessarily expensive thing or thing can put the boss in an awkward position and may look like a certain bribe or ziphalism. The boss may incorrectly understand it and interpret. For such courage, you can lose work.

Too cheap attention sign is also not suitable. The cheap and the more tasteless option is better to immediately throw out of thoughts, otherwise the boss may find it for disrespectful to his person.

So where to find it, this golden middle.

Well, firstly, it is necessary to decide whether it is customary to give anything to the boss in the place where you work. And how it is customary to do. Either this is a collective mark of Vivania, which most often happens, or an individual, which happens less often, or all the congratulations are limited only to good words!

And if you still do it accepted, let's look at some ideas for this. If you choose it for the boss, then it should be a status item. Either this is the desired thing or accessory for work, or this is a matter of luxury.

  • dear elite alcohol (brandy, whiskey, rum ...)

  • set of cigars
  • good hand
  • dear handsome diary
  • office set for desktop

  • leather purse
  • quality visitor

All this is an absolutely win-win option in the selection of options. This is a standard set, which is usually given in such cases. Well, maybe some similar neutral things I have not yet included in this list.

If there are friendly and informal relationships with the authorities, then you can present in accordance with this mood. That is, any original and funny little things will be encountered. Or any hobby items.

By the way, the chief can also congratulate his subordinates with the holiday.

  • award - always was, there is and will be perfectly accepted
  • corporate evening
  • gramot

What to give colleagues to work

Let's first understand who such colleagues for work. If you work in one enterprise, or in one office, then you are colleagues or colleagues. If you are business colleagues, such as you are business partners. What should be given in that, and in another case.

In case you are business partners, it is appropriate to consider things with symbols, or your company's logo. Gifts can be different.

  • notebook
  • a pen
  • diary
  • the calendar
  • cup
  • lighter
  • greeting card

If you are colleagues, then options for choosing are already another character and directly depend on the amount of money you can spend. As a rule, they are collective. All women of the department, office, enterprises ... "reset" and cover the table and congratulate men as they think.

In these cases, all colleagues often become owners of identical things. Otherwise, if they are different and the more non-equal, employees can be offended, and the mood can be spoiled. What could it be:

  • alcohol
  • chocolate with numbers 23
  • personal chocolate candies with employee names
  • beer circles
  • conventional Mugs With Festive Symbols
  • original flask

  • t-shirts with drawdrid or inscriptions
  • lighters with festive symbolism

It is clear that these are just some ideas. But on the basis of them you can come up with everything else.

What would you like to get kids and boys in school

What to give for a holiday to children? Of course, toys, computer or telephone gadgets, certificates in youth shops of clothing and computer equipment, impressions, things related to the hobby, and hobbies ... In principle, almost everything I have already written in lines above.

This is related to big children. If children are small, then all ideas are described very detailed. Guided by it you can easily pick up a thing for boys and young men from birth to 16 - 17 years. Go on the link, and you can easily pick it up in different price categories.

What should not be given to men for a holiday

Not everyone was conceived on the topic, which should not be given to men on February 23. Many act intuitively, and unnecessary items do not buy. But it is still better to know for sure.

1. It should be especially avoided by such banal things like socks, deodorant and shaving foam. Such things will immediately show that you reacted to the holiday formally. And they definitely do not please the person you make the present. Moreover, if you are doing from year to year.

2. Do not be presented to too expensive things. First, it obliges a person to subsequently make the same expensive answer. But not everyone has money.

This can be done in the family of the arrangement when the husband and his wife decided to comply with each other. After all, after February 23, it will come very soon on March 8th.

3. Do not prevent colleagues, your boyfriend, with whom you only meet underwear, socks, hygiene and deodorants. It may not be understood correctly and offend him.

Give intimate things can only husband with his wife.

4. Do not be presented to the guy with which you meet soft toys, candies, chocolate, alcohol and tobacco.

5. Do not make gifts with a hint. So, for example, if a man does not like to engage in building or repair work, do not sue the corresponding tool. Allegedly, there will be a tool, and make repairs like a nice.

6. No need to purchase tickets for the pop concert, or concert of symphonic music, if a man does not like, and this genre can not tolerate.

It should always be remembered that a gift is first of all attention sign. Therefore, sometimes sufficiently kind words and good mood in order to arrange a holiday. And you can buy an excellent present, but managers to quarrel on this day with your man. And believe me, whatever valuable thing in such a situation thing, a man with such a scenario will not use it!

Therefore, remember that first of all it should be your good mood, your goodwill and desire to make a real holiday for those you love! It is a chance to show yourself and show men who surround you that they are the real defenders with a strong shoulder and durable rear. With which even in the fire, even in the water, not scary!

I wish you all success in choosing a gift. I hope that the article will help you in this. If you have your original ideas of the presents on February 23, then share them in the comments. Let people know and choose only the most necessary and best of them for their men!

Men with the coming holiday!

The holiday, which all Russia celebrates on February 23, is known to everyone from the small years - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland.

We congratulate the brave veterans who committed an incredible feat, fathers and husbands, who, with honor and dignity, were military service, as well as friends or their beloved - those who still have to give duty homeland.

Who would we not congratulate, all of us are united and general concern - what to give? Gift selection is always a difficult task. That is why we decided to help you a little and make up the top of the most popular and interesting gifts to the approaching holiday. We hope he will help you, pleasant reading!

Choosing a similar gift, be sure to take into account the interests and inclinations of the man. After all, not everyone craves to visit a symphony concert or listen to Rock Opera. And you can also give ordinary fishing, probably almost every man will love to break out of everyday muddy, sit down with a fishing rod, enjoys silence. This pleasure can last one day, and you can organize fishing for a whole week.

And if you can afford to organize for your favorite journey, it is better if it is "for two." After all, this is an excellent opportunity to visit your favorite places, to visit new and a little longer!

9. Perfume

It is known that the fragrance is an individual business. Strong half of humanity has long realized that a pleasant smell of a key to success not only in communicating with women, but also in business. A good perfume was always considered a good gift, but it is very important to fulfill several conditions, because all the tastes and perception are different. How not to make a mistake with the choice?

So, the perfume should be a well-known brand, it will be a guarantee of quality, originality and smell resistance. Further, it is important to take into account the taste preferences believed if they are known to you, it is better not to risk, but take the same or fragrance from the same group. Another choice can help the character of a man who is the fragrance, but it can only serve as a hint for you. You can stop your choice on the most popular and trendy flavors. Sometimes the aromas will help make a gift to the most pressing men.

8. For adults ...

Not everyone to solve such a surprise, but since you have decided, remember that this is a delicate matter. If you have previously used anything like, you first select something "light" - game "Flirt", erotic cubes, a frank photo session ... You can buy fluffy handcuffs, sexy underwear, any erotic trifles, and maybe a gift card of an erotic shop, And already there, together you can choose, what both have to taste. It will revive your attitude, and may also light up new spots in your relationship.

Pleis and surprise your loved ones! Immerse yourself in the world temptation!

7. Drinks

Such a gift will always find application. A alcoholic drink is perfectly suitable as a friendly or office present. Alcohol should be expensive and high-quality, and, of course, is suitable.

Usually, the strong half gives strong drinks: whiskey, rum, cognac, vodka. If a young man prefers light drinks can be presented with wine or liquor. Wine can be supplemented with wine accessories: Wine glasses, Corkscrew, if you decide to give champagne, you can enable a special glass of the "flute".

And, of course, the alcohol must be beautifully arranged. It can be a wooden box for wine, cognac tubes, can be issued in a gift basket or in a flower arrangement, you can order a decor on an individual sketch or make the original engraving with congratulations on the glass. And then your gift will be irresistible!

6. Gift for Hobbies

Many men have a hobby, so to deliver him joy on a festive day, there is nothing better if you present him a gift associated with his passion. But it is important to remember that it should be a high quality thing. If your chosen is an avid fisherman, then give him a spin, chair, thermos, a knife, for those who are interested in photography you can give the CFR, a set of spare batteries, tripods, hunters are a good binoculars, a tent, a casing for a gun, a thermopoy. In general, any of these trifles should make his hobby more comfortable. If your young man is fond of sports, then it can be elements of a sports form - helmet, knee pads, etc. or sports nutrition and gear. In general, the choice of gifts to passionate people is very rich, the main thing is to know what your man is interested in. And he will definitely appreciate it!

5. Household appliances, electronics, toys

Despite the fact that your chosen is quite an adult man, in the soul, many remain children. Surprisingly, many will greatly please a gift machine or helicopter with radio control. Not only are they playing with a hobby, there are a crowd around them the crowd of such "adult children." Few people will buy himself, and get it very cute and nice to get it as a gift. After all, some models are exact copies of these and their advantage will appreciate those who are interested in technician. And no one canceled the spirit of rivalry - few who boasts the same gift for February 23.

You can give a phone, a camera, a coffee maker so that every morning it starts with a delicious coffee aroma, many men will appreciate the electric shaver. Please note how hard flooring household appliances in supermarkets loves, so try to guess his desire.

4. Auto accessories

If your man is a motorist, then the gift will be easy to choose! After all, watching how he carefully and gently cares for his car, sometimes they unwittingly think, and whom he loves harder? Therefore, going for a gift in the auto shop, think what is missing in the cabin so that your chosen one is more pleasant and more comfortable on the way. Come up with something interesting and the same time is useful.

The price range is large here, a gift for your favorite motorist can be purchased from the amount of less than a thousand rubles and indefinitely.

For example, a moisture mat will be a wonderful inexpensive gift, it absorbs moisture well and dust, it will help keep the interior clean and avoid corrosion of the bottom of the car. For men who spend a lot of time behind the wheel, a heated car service will be relevant, which works from the cigarette lighter. The air in our cities is very far from perfect, so you can purchase an air ionizer. It also works from the cigarette lighter and will make the air in the car's cabin, will destroy allergens and bacteria.

If your budget allows you to consider accessories more expensive. As a gift, you can buy a defrost keychain, seat covers, a video recorder, a car and even mini-washing.

By choosing one of these gifts, you will greatly please your defender, because this gift will be not only pleasant, but also useful.

3. Adventure, impression

Give your man bright and unforgettable impressions! Today it is very fashionable to give certificates for adventures or impressions, master classes. Choosing such a gift it is important to remember that not everyone is extreme lovers, so it will be better if your certificate leaves the right to choose. After all, everyone has their ideas about the adventures and stunning impressions.

Therefore, if you do not really know your chosen one, be careful with the choice. And for those who want to tickle their nerves, you can offer a parachute jump, diving with scuba, climbing, rings on buggy or quad bike, control of a yacht or aircraft. These extreme classes will give strong and new emotions. Lovers of extraordinary sessions can offer different master classes: playing drums, archery from crossbow or onion, pottery craft, riding and much more. What if, after one lesson, your young man will open a real talent?

2. Gadgets or IT Accessories

Practical all men love the technique, which means all the associated "goods". Of course, you can give the newest smartphone or laptop, but this is a fairly expensive gift and not everyone for his pocket. But modern devices will probably pay your man .. Unusual gadgets and devices can become an original gift, and here your taste and fantasy to help you. So, your chosen one can catch up to the taste of good headphones (to replace ordinary "plugs"), flash memory or external drive, an unusual keyboard, a smartphone, a tablet or laptop cover, a cooling table, a new paid application for his smartphone, licensed Games, etc.

1. Accessories

This is one of the most faithful and win-win options, even if you have to choose something to your taste and color. One of the easiest options will be a tie, but in order to choose it to choose it, you must look at what shirts and costumes wears your guy. Scarf, gloves, hat will be an excellent gift, but be sure to consider your man's preferences. If he prefers a sporty style, it's hardly a hat, even if even from the most expensive material. A strap made of high-quality leather, with a negrosk buckle easily fit into any wardrobe. Purse will be a useful and stylish gift, especially if you combine with a portfolio or shoes. Cufflinks, of course, the thing is not for every day, but this is an element of style and prestige, so even if they are used not often, but they will be useful in particularly solemn moments. And, of course, remember that in rainy weather your beloved is useful, a stylish and beautiful umbrella. There are a huge set of cute little things, who will like and use your defender.

And also, think over your gift in advance, then he will bring more joy and pleasure to your chosen one. Do not buy them "on the run"!