Scenario seven rainbow colors. Scenario of the holiday colors for senior preschoolers "Flower Rainbow. Preparation and necessary props

To music, children enter the music hall, where Dunno meets and lead. Children sit on chairs. Fanfare sounds, attracting the attention of children.

Leading. Dear children! How beautiful that we all gathered here today. And we are not accidental. Today the ball will take place here - the feast of the paints.

Dunno. And what is the ball-holiday of the paints? I have never been on such a holiday. And what do they do on it? In paints play? Or maybe draw?

Leading. No, Dunno, we will not draw today, and all the guys have studied the colors of the rainbow in a very detailed week and today they want to tell us today. But the Queen of the Ball must be on the ball and today we have invited the queen of paints today. Guys, meet her, she has already come to us.

Under solemn music includes queen of paints.

Queen of paints.

If everything was the same in the world,

It would be angry and did not please it.

To see the world is used to people whitewashed, yellow, blue, red ...

Let everything around us be amazing and different!

Queen of paints. Hello guys-girls and boys! You, of course, everyone learned everyone, the queen of the ball, the queen of paints.

And as a gift, I brought you a picture, an unusual picture, a rainbow that you need to decorate.

Queen of paints. The rainbow is arranged like a porch pie:

Red layer, orange, yellow and green,

Blue and blue next to purple ...

Seven colors at rainbow - you need to know about it!

Gnombic in a red cap.

In the garden as a fire, a red tomato flashed.

Following him, the example of taking, became red and dawn.

The color of his rainbow was given and carnation, and peony.

Red - he is at the beginning: the very first one.

Performed "Fire Dance" (A. Khaturnyan "Dance with sabers").

Leading. Now guess the riddle.

It puts on this crumb

Dress red into polka dots.

And flying deftly

This is God's ... (cow.)

Dance "Ladybug" (Tsavorova "Dance Rhythm" disk number 3).

Leading. Now we can paint the red stripes on the rainbow.

Music is heard and the shapoklyak is included.

Shapoklyak Here you go! They scored, dug. Who are you? And what are you so multicolored? Blue, yellow, red ...

Leading. The guys are so beautiful, because they have a holiday today - the ball of the paints! A paints in the world a lot ...

Shapoklyak And who called you here? I am, here the most important and no one invited, go and do not interfere with me to command here. And then I'll make you all right now and you will be all white as it is a rocker! (Shows the picture of the rainbow). Ha ha ha!

Leading. This is not a rocker - it is a rainbow! And it should be color.

Shapoklyak What kind of?

Leading. Color!

Shapoklyak What is so color? As I want, this will be a rainbow. I am here Home!

Queen of paints. Who is here "Home"? Who commands here?

Shapoklyak Oh oh oh! Think what kind of strict! Guys, and who is it?

Children. Queen of paints.

Shapoklyak (refers to children). And what, all of her obey?

Shapoklyak Let's check it out!

The game is held - the dance on the show of the queen of paints "If you are cheerful, then do with us ...". Shapoklyak confuses children, showing other movements.

Leading. Well, okay, played and enough! We are still a rainbow to decorate! What is the next color?

Queen of paints. But guess.

Every orange is full,

Fun with him even clown,

He is everywhere on his face

And on the protein in the wheel.

Children. Orange.

Dunno. And I want to make the guys orange riddles. Listen carefully.

  1. Look, no vegetable:

    Such orange and long!

    Look-ka, downloads how deftly

    Hare ripe ... Carrot!

  1. Suddenly summer passed

    All foliage disguise.

    In the rays of the sun, golden

    And beautiful autumn ... leaf.

  1. The most new year fruit

    Eat it - the case of seconds

    Mom brings them from the market -

    Small ... Mandarins!

  1. Fluffy beast, small,

    Then he is gray, then with red,

    Nuts rang out finely:

    Look, it ... Squirrel!

  1. Look, soon, kids:

    Floated with something branches!

    We pour them to them quietly -

    And see ... Sea buckthorn!

  1. Cute little animal

    From the legs redhead and to the top,

    What cunning eyes,

    She lives in the forest she - ... Fox!

  1. Fabulous vegetable such

    But Cinderella he did not bring home.

    At midnight, she suddenly sneezed:

    There was a carriage - it became ... Pumpkin!

Gnome in an orange cap. Hear? The orange song is in a hurry.

The song "Orange Song" Muses K. Pevzner Words A. Arkanova.

Leading. Yes, orange really need our rainbow, correctly I say, queen of paints?

Queen of paints. Yes, the next color in the rainbow is orange! Let's add an orange strip in our rainbow.

Leading. We continue the holiday. Meet the following paint.

Gnombic in the yellow cap.

Yellow grass ball

Fun rolling.

They say on white light

He was born yesterday.

I am glad to sun and warm

Like any child

Midges, crumbs, worm ...

After all, the baby is ... Chicken.

(R. Aldonin.)

Leading. Look at what yellow chickens came to us.

Performed song "Chickens" Muses A. Filippenko.

Dunno. And now I will make a riddle.

Form he looks like a ball

Was sometime he was hot.

Jumped off the table on the floor

And the grandmother went away.

He has a ruddy side

Did you find out? ... (Kolobok.)

Performed "Dance of Kolobkov" (T. Morozova "Kolobok").

Leading. Now you can add yellow color in the rainbow.

Queen of paints. Yes, yellow color - it warm, gentle, carries light and joy. Without him, the rainbow can not do!

Leading. Listen to the riddle.

In the summer in a swamp you will find it

Green cuckoo. Who is it? ... (frog.)

Gnomic in a green cap.

Rain as if from the eared!

A frogs hid in a puddle:

"Here we wait a little,

So as not to mock in the rain ... "

Performed "Dance Flags".

Shapoklyak Yes, I love green color. And the fence on which you can write something, and the crocodile gene is green. And let me paint the green stripe in the rainbow.

Kk Good, draw. Guys and what vegetables do you know a green color?

Parsley, cabbage, cucumber, peas, salad, zucchini, dill, dill.

Baby boy in blue.

Gang up blue train

And trailers quickly behavior

And merry boys. Girls

In the blue skyline he is carried away.

The song "Blue Car" Muses V.Sainsky is fulfilled.

Dunno. And I have a blue-colored hat - it means a blue strip in the rainbow I have to draw.

Queen of paints. Okay. And I still make puzzles guys.

If you do it

Draw what you want!

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is it? .. (Pencil.)

Squeeze in a narrow house

Multicolored kids.

Just get to the will -

Clean the pure field.

Where there was emptiness

You look, - Beauty!

(Colour pencils.)

If you give her work -

In vain worked a pencil. (Rubber.)

White pebbles melted.

On the board traces left. (A piece of chalk.)

Your pigtail without feas

She looked in the paint,

Then painted pigtail

In the album leads on page. (Tassel.)

Multicolored sisters bored without a water.

Uncle Long and thin wears water beard.

And sister with him

Draw a house and smoke. (Paints.)

Baby boy in blue cap.

In the blue sea island

Way to the island of distale

And the flower grows on it -

Blue-blue Vasileuk.

The dance "Sea" is performed.

The game "Paints is confused" (in the picture).

Leading. Tomatoes are blue?

Children. Not!

Dunno. And green carrots?

Children. Not!

Queen of paints. And the cucumbers are red?

Children. Not!

Leading. And what color cucumbers?

Children. Green!

Dunno. And what tomatoes?

Children. Red!

Queen of paints. What happens blue?

Children. FROST.

Boy in blue cap.

In the sun is happy in the morning -

Glows, sparkles. ...

Silver Octa,

Like tinsel.

Evening blue - blue.

The dance "Blue, Blue Inay" is performed

Leading. Here is also a blue strip will add to our rainbow.

Boy in purple cap.

Violet clouds hard

Rain sheds on the meadows and fields

He passed. And suddenly the violets were twisted with fun,

As smiles Earth.

This rainbow sent us hello -

Your seventh, purple bouquet.

Performed "Dance with violets" P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz".

And at ten years and seven, and five

All people love to draw

And everyone freely draws

All that interests him

Everything is of interest:

Farmable, close forest,

Colors, cars, fairy tales, dances ...

All draw - there were paints,

Yes a sheet of paper on the table,

Yes World in the family and on earth!

The overall dance of the "Big Horovod", Music A. Haight Words E. Zhigalkina.

Holiday motto: "Children should live in the world of beauty, games, music, fairy tales, drawing, fantasy, creativity"

Purpose: Creating a favorable climate, pre-holiday sentiment in the children's team, the development of fantasy, artistic taste, sense of responsibility.

Equipment: Gate of hoops, linked with multi-colored ribbons

Preliminary preparation: learning of poems, songs ("blue" and "yellow" Songs M.L. Lazarev, "shines the sun in the morning"), games about different colors ("carousel", "Gather in color", "confusion"), drawing drawings and Production of crafts. Each group represented its color: 5th group - red, 7th - yellow, 1st - blue.

Children dressed in color of their group, one by one enter the gateway to the hall.

Here is a colored gate, always miss you.
I will ring the gate, we skip once.
Colored gates, we skip two!
And for the third time we will miss you!

Hello, All: Guys, Adults, Our Guests! Good mood to you all! Kindness and luck! We are glad to see you all at the holiday "Rainbow (Color) Mood." Both children and adults came to color outfits!

Live in the world Yellow children
And next to them, children are blue.
And, of course, children are red.
All children are different!
Moms and dads too
They do not like.
Here in which country
Today I was lucky to be to you and me.
The country is not simple,
Not usual, but color.

Host: Each group today represents its color. And this is noticeable by clothes of children and adults. See what color the guys number 5 chose? For sure - red. You word.

The story of the teacher (accompanied by a presentation): In Russia, they have long loved red. "Red" - was synonymous with "beautiful." The red one was called (most importantly, it was near the window) porch in the house, an elegant Russian Sarafan was also red, "Krasn Girl" said about a beautiful girl. Many Russian fairy tales, which speak of a red maiden, which means a beautiful, stateless, pleasant girl. Red well done - strong, bold, removal of a young man.

The main square of Moscow is called red.

Red-color has shades (similar colors): scarf, crimson, pink, burgundy, crimson, cherry.

Red is used not only for beauty and good mood.

Red color is used as a warning of danger, to attract attention. If necessary, you need to warn you, write red "Attention". He can also tell us a lot and even help. For example, a red light burns on the traffic light, what does he speak to us? (Movement Prohibition). Right. And when we collect mushrooms and celebrate a beautiful mushroom with a red hat with white spots, you can collect it? And why? (This is an amicer. He is poisonous). Right. And if we collect berries, then we will tear green or red? (Red, green - not ripe). That's right, guys.

Host: Guys, I know that children 5 groups learned the poem about red. Let's listen. (Children read verse by A. Markova)

What color is so beautiful
Shines with a bright light?
Guess - that's red!
He is familiar to all the guys.

Red ripe raspberry
Attracts on the bushes.
Early autumn Ryabina
Blushed All in the forests.

Red lures red
Poppers field bouquet.

Redand fire flames
He is dangerous, no dispute!
Very asking in Lukoshko
FROM red Hat Amanita.

From the garden to us in the window
Watching reda tomato.
Pretty pepper behind the bushes.
Continue to continue ....

Host: And now I suggest you to play the vigra "call the items of red". Remember and name what is red. Children call: tomato, apple, strawberry, watermelon, currants, poppy, rose, fire truck, etc.)

Host: Wonderful red color of joy, beauty, good mood. But I suggest you go to visit another color. And we will go to the carousel.


We acted to the carousel (running on the spot)
All managed? Did you sat down? (Larma's palm, peering in the distance)
Flew? Filty! (hands on the sides, like the aircraft)
And for the thirty lands suffered us carousel (handwheel, show how far we flew away)
But the earth is called back (with the hands of Masha, as if we invite someone)
Although cute in blue (gesture "class"),
After the cosmos, it is nice to bother on the grass!

Host: Guys, what did we call blue? (This is the sky) to visit what kind of color did we get? We'll see.

(Children perform a dance with ribbons under the record "Blue Songs" M. Lazareva)

Host: What color are we visiting? That's right, in blue. Guys from group 1 represent blue color. Boys will help tell you a "blue fairy tale" for you.

(The teacher reads a fairy tale, and the children on the magnetic board exhibit pictures on the text)

In the blue country lived - there was a small princess. And the name of her princess si. Everything in this country was blue: both at home, and trees, and even the food was blue. In the morning, the blue birds flew to the house and the princess si would be won by their singing. The princess wake up and fed blue birds with blue grains. Si was a good girl. And the princess is a blue garden. Very loved si walking in its blue garden. There were blue flowers on the flowers in the flowers, with the trees hung the blue plums, the bunches of the blue grapes. Little Princess Si took the blue watering can and watered her blue garden.

- Remember, what was the name of a small princess?

- What color was her palace?

- What was blue in this kingdom?

Right. Thank you guys, for an interesting fairy tale.

Host: Are you still not tired? And you can dance, sitting on the chair.

Dance "JIV"

Host: Well done! Listen, about what color my riddle?

He is in the egg and chick,
In the oil, which lies in Masllenka,
In every spill spikelet
In the sun, cheese and sand.

Indeed, this is a mystery about yellow color.

Yellow - the color of the fun, the bright sun.

Present on our holiday yellow color guys from group number 7.

Guys, tell us a poem about yellow color.

(Poem A. Mindaeva "for some reason in spring ...")

For some reason in spring
Very much yellow.
Bloom on Kochet
Very yellow flowers.
Very brightly
The sun shines yellow.
At night you can see
Very yellow moon.
Very yellow chickens
Very yellow ducklings
Very yellow dresser.
Maybe this is a yellow holiday?

There is still a wonderful song about this sunny color. Wrong?

(Children perform the song "Yellow Color" M. Lazareva)

One, two, three, four, five
We will play again!

The game is called "Let's Some Color"

(Game "Let's Some Color". And greet music, children move around the hall. As soon as the music stops, the children are going to the subgroups around the cap of their colors. The game is carried out 2-3 times. The caps are quietly changed in places.)

Host: Let's play in the "confusion". I will call you an object and its color. If the subject of this color exists - claps your hands: Blue apple, redhead fox, blue cucumber, blue eggplant, etc.

Host: What are you all attentive! Well done! And our holiday comes to an end. Thanks to all the guys and parents that they prepared such wonderful costumes on our holiday, drew such beautiful drawings and made such interesting crafts. What is your mood? Excellent!

Color country,
Big country,
Sun palms
Sogret she.
But they warm the country
Much warm
Smiles and laughter
Multicolored children!

And what holiday without a fun song? We will sing "Sunny joyful song"


The holiday ends with a common photo.

Scenario of the informative holiday "Flower Rainbow"


Flowers - life itself. They accompany a person from birth to death.

Flowers - a symbol of love and memories.

About how the flowers came to Earth, in the people that they say ...

Ivan-Tsarevich would be returned from Baba Yaga. I drove to a big river, butthere is no bridge. She waved three times with a handkerchief on the right side - he hung over the Word of the River, he moved on her to another bank.

He waved two times in the other side - the rainbow became a thin-sleeper bridge. Baba Yaga rushed behind Ivan-Tsarevich, after this bridge, I got to the middle, and he take and bloom.

Rainbow scattered on both sides of the river on small fragments - flowers. Some flowers were kind - from the traces of Ivan Tsarevich ...

And others, evil and poisonous - it is where Baba Yaga goes.

In the sky rainbow arc
Slept to the meadow.
In the field of the sun plays.
It was revived all around
And flowers in dew shine
Quiet, affectionate fire.

Listen to girls.

1. We make flowers from flowers,
Picking up a flower behind a flower
And fragrant fresh summer
Together with us comes to our house.

2. You are proud of the Krasoya Outline,
Light sunny day
Our guests from the school garden,
Our parks and squares flowers.

3. In September you are on the streets in school
First-graders are chinno carry
Put in vases on the table of nose,
As a gift of friends protect.

4 . We have long considered you friends,
Children of our gardens and fields.

We will care for you,
So that you grow up on the flower beds.

Today we will travel to the world of colors. Make a few stops. And our first stop will be at the station: "Flower holiday."Each stop has its color is the colors of the rainbow. We are expecting 7 stops, which means 7 colors of the rainbow. On your desks lie multicolored flowers. We glue them to our rainbow. (Picture 1)First stop and first color ... red.

The holiday in honor of the colors is carried out in different countries.

The ancient Greeks and the Romans coped the feast of Georgin and lilies, the French - the holiday of Roses and Lrangeis, the Japanese - the holiday of chrysanthemums and peonies.

Slavs, too, was one day in a year, when real and mythical flowers became a reason for dances, songs and fun jokes, mysterious search in the Dark Forest. It was the famous holiday of Ivan Kupala. He was held in the midst of summer, July 6th. The Symbol of the Kupaal Night was the fern - "Perunov Firemen", as they called him in Russia, who personified the lightning god. According to the beliefs of Slavs, the flower of fern bloomed in this mysterious night. Folk fantasy represented him with gold or red, unusually bright and mumbling. Who found it, could become invisible, could easily find all the locks and doors. However, to see the flowering plant was very difficult. Leshel, devils - every unclean power of the enemy's wetland was driven by "Firemanwoman", pushing on people all sorts of troubles, like the one that Gogol was described in were "Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala", told by a rural deacon. Grabbing the flower, you need to rush out of the enchanted place. If a person overwhelms fear, and he turns back, the magic firefly mig disappears from the hands.

Here we met with the holidays of flowers. If you like to listen about the holidays dedicated to the colors, take red flowers and glue them to the rainbow.

And how many poems are written about colors, and to get acquainted with some of them, we will stay at the station:

"Poetic".Listen to first-graders.

(Georgin. Mac. Vasileuk. Carnation. Rose. Bindweed. Snowdrop. Dandelion. Bell.


If you liked the poems about the colors, then you are sticking orange flowers.


Flowers accompany us all their life: they meet at birth, console in old age, please at the wedding, names and festivities, come to memorable dates. Both at home and at work, in the spring and in the bubble cold, hot summer and autumn - the flowers are necessary, life becomes poorer without their beauty. Flowers open in front of a person the opportunity to know the wonderful, feel the completeness of life. Proximity to flowers, contemplating by their unique, perfect and fine beauty softens the soul and reveals the best faces of a human character. "Who loves flowers, he can not be evil." So read the Hungarian proverb.

How many legends are associated with them. And that is why our third stop is called "Legends about colors."Let's listen to students of grade 4.

1st student: Legend of daffodil.

In ancient Greek legend, a handsome young young man Narcissus brutally rejected the love of the nymphs. The nymph from the hopeless passion was withered and turned into an echo, but before his death said a curse: "Let Narcissus reciprocate the one whom he will love."

In a hot noon, the fattening young Narcissus bent down to drink from the stream and saw his reflection in his light jets. Never had ever met Narcissus such beauty and therefore lost peace. Every morning he came to the stream, immersed his hands into the water to take away

who saw, but everything was in vain. Narcissus stopped eating, drinking, sleep, because he could not move away from the stream, and melted almost in his eyes until disappeared without a trace. And on the ground, where it was seen the last time, the fragrant white flower of cold beauty grew up. Since then, the mythical goddesses of the Retribution of Furia decorated their heads with wreaths from Narcissus.

2nd student: Legend of gladiolus
There is a beautiful legend about the strong love of a prince and a beautiful girl. He once lived on the land of the prince and called His IOLUS. In his kingdom, the people lived in contentment and joy, because IOLUS was a good and fair ruler. Only the young prince often saddled from the fact that he could not find a beloved in his kingdom, although he traveled him out of end to the end. And then IOLUS went to the MAGA to find out where his love lives. He told him that in the neighboring kingdom, in the dungeon, the evil wizard, the beautiful girl named the name he was going to take into his wife. And she will rather die, than marrying the old, evil wizard.

On the same day, IOLUS went in search of her beloved. He came to the castle of an evil wizard with a request to teach him magic and was accepted. But for this, the prince was supposed to serve an evil wizard and make order in his castle. One day, when the evil wizard was not in the castle, IOLUS opened the door of the cherished room saw in her the girl of unprecedented beauty. They looked at each other and immediately fell in love. Holding hands, they ran away from the castle. Glad and IOLUS were already far away when they are completely evining an evil wizard. And he turned them into a flower, which placed in his garden. A long flower stem resembles a slender Iolus, and beautiful tender buds are glad. Later, people called the Gladiolus flower, in honor of the strong love of two hearts, the dead, but not wished to part.

3rd student: Legend of forget-me-not

The traveler remained in a foreign country and became fabulous rich and noble. And the mother waited for him for a long time and, desperate, asked the passion of the Huslar to attribute the son of a bunch of forget-me-not. The Husar came to someone else's country, saw the Son, drowning in luxury, and asked permission to sing him. And he sang his son with a lullaby, which mother sang him, and passed the bunch of forget-me-not. And the son remembered everything, he came to the dying mother, because forget-me-not - the flower of constancy and loyalty.

4th student: Legend of carnations

Ancient Greek myth tells about the origin of the carnation. One day the goddess of Diana's hunting (Artemis), returning very irritated after an unsuccessful hunt, met with a beautiful shepherd, having fun at his swirling a cheerful song. Out of herself, she reproaches the poor cowgirl in the fact that he dispersed his heart to game and threatened to kill him. Shepherd is justified, it swings that he is not to blame for anything and begs her about mercy. But the goddess, I do not remember myself from rage, pounces on him and pulls his eyes from him. Here only she comes to himself and comprehends the whole horror of perfect atrocities. Then, to perpetuate these, so complaints about her eyes, she throws them onto the path, and at the same moment two red cloves grow out of them, which reminiscent of the color that is innocently spilled blood.

5th student: Legend of Snowdrop

Ancient legend says: when Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise, it was snowing, and Eva frozen. Then a few snowflakes, wanting to console her, turned into flowers. Seeing them, Eva had fun, she had hope for the best times. Hence the symbol of the Snowdrop - Hope.

And the Russian legend argues that one day the old woman with his satellites of frost and the wind decided not to let the spring on the ground. But the bold snowdrop straightened, straightened the petals and asked for the protection of the sun. The sun noticed a snowdrop, warmed up the land and opened the road in spring.

Scene "Snowdrop".

The music of P. I. Tchaikovsky "April" ("Seasons") sounds

Tired Wolves Winter, Cold, Luta. He trampled his paw, hit the tail, creaked his teeth:

Look, winter, away!

Bear woke up. Got out of the burgogs, rubbed her eyes, the lape of winter threatened:

Leave the Fair - to a post, winter, as long as I was not angry!

And the winter knows himself with the snow, the winds are risening.

Suddenly came out because of the clouds sun. Looks at the clearing in the forest appeared from under the snow gentle white flower. Little such and barely audible voice sings with a thin voice:

Sunny Clear, Gray, Gray! And you are winter, go away!

No wolf, nor bear winter was afraid. And heard - sings the snowdrop, saw his white petals - challenged the wind in the bag of the wind and snowfall, blizzard daubs and rushed there. What was frightened winter? Yes, because the snowdrop is the first spring henger.

It was interesting to listen to the legends about the colors. If "yes", then you must stick yellow flowers.


Chamomile, radiating light,
On the sunshine like
Hurry up everywhere for us after ...

That is so surprising about the chamomile M. Dudin.

Like white stars among the motley disintegration - this bloom chamomile. Large, smaller, petals are white and laid neatly, tight, and in the middle of the sun. Bees fly from it, and the flowers swing, as if welcoming you.

On the chamomile jokingly, fate: "Loves - does not love!" We also offer you to experience the fate on our chamomile, the riddles are written on each petal, you need to guess them.

4 Station "Riddles"

1. The name of which flower is a confectionery product? (Iris)

2. There is an oak, full of croup, the roof is covered. (Poppy)

3. It is blooming yellow flower, after color blown away.

What is this flower? (Dandelion)

4.The still baby

Blue day

What is her name: (forget-free)

Right, friends.

5. Wipe the middle and rays go around

Can it be a picture? Sun in the sky blue.

No Sun on a piece of paper -

In the meadow guys, flower -: (chamomile)

Although I'm not a beast, I do not bird,
But I will defend!
Growing claws -
Only trones are my flowers! (rose flower)

The riddles guess, and glue the next-green flower.


There is nothing on earth more beautiful and tender flowers. Set flowers - meaning to express your sincere feelings of love, reverence, respect. Flowers good mediators between people. They help to make our relationship more heartfelt, trusting. Our journey is suitable for the station "Art".

Task first-graders, paint the pattern in the desired color and call the flower. (Figure 2)

And the audience will spend the game "Find Flower".

Check first-graders. Well done! Take blue flowers and glit to the rainbow.

Host: Guys, you are all very inquisitive, so we can not stop at the station:

6. "Cognitive"

Interesting about colors:

1. Normal our carnation does not tolerate noise. If you put it next to the radio - it will start. And also that not all sorts of flowers can stand in one vase. Lily of the valley can not be placed with other flowers, it highlights poisonous substances into the water.

2. The biggest flower is the rafeling of the ornold, growing in the forests of Sumatra. The flower has 1 m in diameter and weighs 10 kg.

3. The world's shortest colors in the Amazonian lotus. His gentle yellow flowers bloom at dawn, but after half an hour already faded.

4. The longest time - 80 days - lives orchid flower.



1. Name annual flower plants.

Astra, left, carnation, verbena, poppy, cosmy, calendula, nasturtium, fragrant peas.

2. Name perennial colors.

Flox, Peony, Georgin, Gladiolus, Lupine, Akvilia, Dolphinium, Gaylardia.

3. Flowers lilac in spring or summer?

In the spring. Summer is considered since the scene of lilac.

5. Name medicinal plants.

Lily Shel., Pattern, Calendula.

6 Scrubbing shrub colors argue about the beginning of summer. What is it called?


7. The name of which flower is associated with the ringing?


Successfully passed this stop and glit blue flowers.

7 station. "Flower auction". Who knows the name of the colors on the letter "r". Viewers are preparing to call flowers starting to the letter "L".

This stop was purple. We glue purple flowers.

Leading:The ancients argued that the roots of the good go to nature - she is the first priority of beauty!

Look at our picture.

What did we do? (Rainbow made up of different colors)

"The fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hint in it," says the people. It is right. Our rainbow blossomed into the meadows, fields and turned out beautiful flowers that always make us.

Flowers - Always a holiday for a person, with them comes to us joy.
And we must be preserved, guarding and protecting them. We hope that the heat droplets to the colors will take in your heart.

Olga Kozlova.
Scenario of the holiday colors for senior preschoolers "Flower Rainbow"

Color holiday scenario for senior preschoolers

"Flower Rainbow"

purpose: Creating a benevolent environment through the development of interest in colors.


Summarize kids about different colors;

Develop speech, memory, attention, imagination, curiosity, creative abilities;

Educate colors, the desire to take care of nature, through the expressive reading of the poems.

Holiday move

Children under music enter the hall (1)

Leading. Now holiday! Holiday of light

Sun and heat holiday!

Because the guests are summer

It came to us again in the morning!

Children perform a song about summer. (2)

Summer is the most wonderful and beautiful time. Only in the summer so many paints. The whole world becomes multicolored. And what helps the world to become so beautiful? (children's responses) Yes, in summer a lot flowers.

And what flowers you know?

And where we can meet flowers?

And what colors are flowers?

I will make you guys

An interesting riddle.

Multicolored arc

Above the earth hung

As if someone churbed

From the sky rocker. (Appears on the screen rainbow)

Leading. It is impossible to present the summer without rainbow, but rainbow No rain and the sun does not happen. Listen to this miracle of nature Children will tell poems.

Summer rain is leisurely

Soap village, forest and meadow,

Bright, pure and beautiful

It all became around.

And when from gray tuckers

Rain pushing stopped -

The sun appeared,

Paints, brushes pulled.

And painted quickly, bright

Blue skies -

Shine miracle arch,

Seven-color beauty!

In this rainbow mixed

In order of seven flowers -

Those who met

In plants I. flowers.

The wind phonogram sounds, disappears rainbow

Leading. Strong wind carried our radugu. Guys we need to return radugu. Tell me where we look colors for rainbow(children's responses). We will go to visit the summer fairy, she has a lot flowers on big clearingshe will help us return radugu.

Song music sounds "Fucking fun together" (3, children perform a rhythmic exercise.

Children meets fairy. (4)

Fairy. Hello children! I am Fairy flowers.

Leading. Hello, dear fairy. We came to you for help, the wind was carried out radugu. And you have so much in the garden flowers!

Fairy. Yes, I have a lot in the garden flowers.

I am a fairy wizard,

I will help you rainbow in the sky to return.

Flower Moom magic in the garden grew,

On the rainbow is similar to color.

Only friendly and cheerful guys will be able to cope with the tasks and return radugu.

Fairy takes out Flower-semicetics.

Fairy. I flower rotated, petal deployed,

Where we are red color found, petal show.

Long, thin skelter,

From above scarlet light.

Not a plant and lighthouse

It is bright red ... (Poppy)

On the slide red poppy.

Child in a hat "Poppy" Reads a poem.

Proud poppy bloomed in the valley

Scarlet drops on the plain

Petals caresses the wind. .

What is beautiful in the world?

And about this beautiful flower will tell us ___

Mac - one of the brightest flowers in the worldattracting a lot of attention. (slide) Poppy has a durable straight stem. (slide) The leaves of the roots are larger than on the stem. (slide) A bouton is formed on the stem from which it develops flower with delicate fragrant petals. (slide) Unfortunately, flowers Mak is not long - from one day - up to 3 days. Flowers poppy in June - July.

Fairy. I flower rotated, petal deployed,

Where we are orange color found, petal show.

Color orange - bright color.

Walking to the fire it is hot

And cheerful orange

From exotic valleys.

And, of course, flowers

Under name (marigold).

flowers marigot.

Child in a hat "calendula" Reads a poem.



What strange flowers

Under the name of the marigold?

So similar to the chamomile -

All in orange shirts.

And this is therapeutic flower will tell us ___

Calendula grows on flowerbed. (slide) She has a root, leaves, stem, flower.

(slide) Straight straight, green. Leaves are oblong, green. (slide) Orange flowers.

(slide) Nailing is used to heal wounds, bruises, burns, with angina, with a cold, during a cold.

Fairy. Guys call where you can still meet orange color?

(Children's responses)

Song "Orange Sky"

Fairy. I flower rotated, petal deployed,

Where we are yellow color found, petal show.

The field as if in yellow waves.

It grows here flower ...

Turns deft

He is behind the sun head.

Orange appear on the slide flowers Sunflower.


I - Sunflower Golden!

Know children all me.

Because my outfit is yellow

I grew up under the sun.

And this field flower will tell us ___

(slide) Sunflowers always turn their heads to the Sun, even when the sun hid behind the tuchs. (slide) That is why the sunflower is considered the most cheerful and sun-bred plant, which symbolizes joy and happiness.

Fairy. We need to help bees to transfer nectar.

The game: "Collect pollen". Children stand in two teams. At the signal of the lead one by one participant, they run to a table with a spoon in her hand, take a spoon on one yellow ball and run back, fold balls in a bucket. The team of the first fighter with the task wins.

Fairy. I flower rotated, petal deployed,

Where we are green color found, petal show.

Summer color of nature:

Leaves and stems.

Green grass, forest, meadow appear on the slide.

We have already found him, because it is on all our colors.

Fairy. I flower rotated, petal deployed,

Where we are blue color found, petal show.

He met with you on the edge.

Called him very ringing Dali

But only to ring it will be able to hardly.

The slide appears the bell.

A child in a cap reads a poem.


Blue bell

Play you with me,

Call me in my bell

Modest meadow flower!

And about this musical flower will tell us ___

Bells bloom and please us with their beautyStarting from late spring ending in deep summer. They are not whimsical and can grow everywhere - in the meadows, forest glades, on the side of roads.

Children playing on bells and triangle music V. Gavrilina "Capricchio"

Fairy. I flower rotated, petal deployed,

Where do we blue color found, petal show.

Everyone, I think, finds out

If the field hits

This shiny flower,

A well-known …

Blue cornflows appear on the slide

Ah, handsome Vasileuk,

Proud field flower!

With blue carved crown,

Like the king, but there is no throne there!

Flower It is a basket consisting of many small flowek Pierce - blue colors. Vasilki grow well in the meadows, with whom the grass, and the hay, resulting out from this grass, comes on animal feed. A hay containing cornflowers is very nutritious and like cows-butternants.

Vasilki pleased with bees, After all, Vasilek is a honey plant. From nectar this flower It turns out delicious cornflower honey, which has a characteristic light yellow color.

The game "Who will quickly find flower»

Fairy. I flower rotated, petal deployed,

Where do we purple color found, petal show.

Among smelling herb

Can be met you -

Helps "Spirit Fay"

Cathered sage.

Here in the garden sage grows,

Quietly song he sings

I am therapeutic, not simple,

You, baby, friends with me,

When the neck hurts

And when the bronchitis threatens,

If coughing is pushing,

I always, I'm everywhere

I will help your misfortune ...

Sage - useful, therapeutic plant,

Fragrant and beautiful color.

They will breed tea, and you will enjoy.

Infusion extends life for many years.

Fairy. And you know that there are magic flowers?

If you find fern flowerYou can find a treasure.

Dandelions wake up and go to bed with a sun.

When the rain approachs, the nogot closes their whites, clover is eaten, flowers Malva collapsed and disable.

And on the bushes of lilac students and students are looking for flowers with five petalsTo make a desire.

And what is your desire? Meniate him soon!

Beautiful music sounds, the slide appears again rainbow.

We walked around the sage

I was looking for a rainbow.

Well, look together,

What happened?


Around the arc,

You, friend, do not yaw

AND colors all call!

Children call everything colors of rainbow.

Leading. That's how we helped the Fairy Return radugu.

Only rainbow we have difficult, but flower. But we guys know that in vain to tear flowers can not.

If I'm Torv flower,

If you are robble flower,

If everyone: and me and you

If we are sorrows flowers,

Empty all glasses

And there will be no beauty!

We must love nature, take care and guard it.

Goodbye, good fairy, and we need to go home.

Fairy. That is the moment of farewell - and I want you to tell:

Everyone needs to love nature,

AND flowers save everything!

Song « Rainbow» Sl. Tanya Stern, music. Alexander Ovseik

All children and guests are arbitrary dance under this song.

Scenario of the holiday "Rainbow Day" (senior and preparatory group)

Purpose: Creating an atmosphere of joyful mood during joint musical and gaming actions. Tasks: clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bthe rainbow, as a natural phenomenon; fasten the knowledge of the colors of the rainbow; develop attention; The ability to act across the signal: to bring up emotional responsiveness.

Preliminary work: lawn, fired from the hose.

Acting faces: Summer, Rain, Koschey Colorless, Rainbow.

Venue: Summer playground.

Attributes: rope, two raincoats, two umbrellas, two hats, two chairs, multicolored cards corresponding to the colors of the rainbow.

Holiday traffic.

Children are located on the summer ground. Give summer.


Hello guys!

I am woven from heat,

I carry warmly with

I warm the river,

"BUY!" - I invite.

And love it

You all me. I…




Of course, I am a summer! And we have a holiday with you today. And what - you are guessing yourself now. See, it has been raining, and after the rain always happens?




Yes, guys, we have a holiday today - the day of the rainbow! And she will definitely look at us.

Rain runs up.


Help good people! Check out!


Hello, rain! Calm down, say hello to the guys and explain to us - what's the matter?


Hello guys!

Hot sun shy

Melted sultry earth.

At night clutched cloud,

Waited for rain fields.

We are glad, we are glad to all blasting,

And spikes and flowers,

What funny rains

Clearly pour from height.

Rain noisy and cool,

Song, full of miracles!

At dawn breathes greedily

Very moisture forest!

I'm a rain! I like traveling very much. Today I watched your flowerbeds and lawns, so that flowers and herbs grew beautiful and bright. But without my girlfriend, the rainbow is impossible. She kidnapped with a colorless blasphemy. And gave me tasks. While I do not fulfill them, he will not return a rainbow to me. Help me please!


Let's help guys?


Yes! Let's help!

Rain: The first task of the blasphemy is colorless - you need to list all the colors of the rainbow.

Children list. It turns out a colorless. In his hands, he has seven multicolored cards of the corresponding rainbow colors.

Koschey colorless:

Yeah, color you know! Then here are the tasks for each color! The first color is red. And such a task is - Guess my riddles! And then maybe you are so small and silly, that you should not mess with you!

What dawns in the sky

And the warmth of all warms?

(The sun)

Ran along the track

Silver thread legs.


In the sky zipper sparkles,

Thunder in risks loses,

Burns to the land of vine

Begins ...


Through the river - jump in the scough -

Rotted the bridge.

Freed shores

Seven-color arc.


What are you smart! Okay, here's the following - "orange" task.

The rainbow loves to jump through the skill, and the rope in the air looks like a rainbow. The task will be such - you need to make as much jumps as possible, jumping: on two legs, on one leg. Or maybe someone from you knows how to cross or back?

Children come out, compete.

Koschey colorless:

Oh, what clever friends in the rain and rainbow! The following task will be more difficult. Here you are "yellow" task: I have a lot of fairy tale in the dungeon. Want to release them for freedom?



Koschey colorless:

Then answer my questions and fairy tales will be released.

How the phrase ends: "Soon the fairy tale is affected, but not soon ...

1. The case is done

2. Soup is brewed,

3. The book is written.

Who left the grandparents?

1. Pinocchio,

2. Kolobok,

3. Fox.

Who turned the brother Ivanushka after drank water from the smiling?

1. in a bear,

2. in elephant,

3. In the goat.

What did Emele drove from the fairy tale "by whining kettling"?

1. on the stove,

2. on sleigh,

3. By car.

Who helped grandfather pull the repkah?

1. elephant,

2. Mouse,

3. Pig.

What happened to the Snow Maiden?

1. ran away

2. Married,

3. melted.

Yes, you are not only smart, but also real connoisseurs of fairy tales! I will have to release them to freedom.

Here you have the following task - "green." See what kind of deft you want, yes shumbly! Wow! The rain went!


You, Koshchei, look, shining the sun, there is no one rain!

Koschey colorless:

It's so called my task so called - "I went to the rain!"

The terms of the task are: you need to divide into two commands. Look at the finish line, there are details on the chairs. According to my team, the first participants run to the finish line, wear raincoats and hats, open umbrellas and say loudly: "The rain went!". Then they gently remove raincoats, hats, closed umbrellas and return to the start line, passing the relay to other team members. The team is defeated, the members of which are faster and correctly completed the task.

Well done you and clever and nimble!

The next task is "blue": let's see what you carefully! I will call various parts of the body and show it. You must repeat after me. No one will be confused you!

Attention! An ear! (lists parts of the body).

What are you attentive! Okay, there is another task for you - "Blue". I want to check which you are competent! Letters alphabet know everything?



Koschey colorless:

Name me a lot - a lot of words on the letter "A".

Children call.

And now the letter "R":

Children call.

Well done! We upset me with your knowledge! You will probably give you a rainbow to give! Well, okay, here's the last task - guess where I hid the rainbow:

Putting dad kepku