Family as a social group and social institution. The role of the family and family problems in society. Social Institute of Family


In sociology, the institute of the family allocated a special place. In our country, many scientists do this topic.

Family one of the most ancient social institutions. It arose much earlier religion, states, army, education, market.

The role of the family in society is ambiguous and incomparable with any other social institutions, since the strength of its influence on the formation, development and maintenance of social well-being of the person is the most significant.

Therefore, at present, the family theme for science and practice is relevant and significant.

The relevance of the topic of test work is due to the alarming state of the modern Russian family, the complexity of the demographic situation in today's Russia.

The practical significance of the test work is determined by an attempt to reach the consciousness of each person that the pledge of a prosperous society is a happy family that family values \u200b\u200bare destined to live with the rest of them and transmit to future generations.

The purpose of the test work is to reveal the family as a social institution.

To achieve a given goal, the following tasks were made and solved:

.Explore the essence, structure and consider family functions as a social institution and a small group.

2.Disclose the trends of family changes. The main forms of the co-school family.

.Examine the problems of marriage and families in modern Russian society.

Theoretical basis served theories and concepts formed in the works of very well-known sociologists: Kravchenko A.I., Efendiyeva A.G., Volkova Yu.G. other.

1. Essence, structure and functions of the family as a social institution and a small group

Family in sociology is called social association, members of which are associated with the generality of life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance, that is, the family make up people and their relationships.

The family is due to various factors of culture, the method of manufacturing material goods and the nature of the economic system. Each economic formation objectively corresponds to a certain family.

The family is a specific social phenomenon, so it occupies a special place in the social structure of society.

The specificity of the family is as follows:

Family stability as a social institution is provided by the presence of such durable ultrasounds as kinship and marital.

Family presents a universal form of life of society.

The family develops in accordance with common, specific and private general laws. At the same time, the family is a relatively independent social institution, which, reflecting "in miniature, all contradictions of society, is endowed with its own internal contradictions, and, therefore, internal sources of development.

Family as a social institution occupies a subordinate position among major social communities.

Family - historical, dynamic public phenomenon.

The family contributes not only to the formation of a person, but also self-affirmation of a person both inside the family and out of it, stimulates his social, production and creative activity, contributes to the preservation and strengthening of the physical and psychological well-being of members of society, the disclosure of their individuality (it should be recognized that this applies Only to prosperous families).

The social essence of the family is that it is considered as an important subsystem of society, which, being the Social Institute, is interrelated with other social institutions and with society as a whole. At the same time, the family is a source of social affiliation. The family constantly implements a continuous process of transferring experience and traditions from one generation to another.

Family as a social institution This is primarily a specific organization that ensures the physical and social reproduction of new generations in society. First of all, it is precisely for this purpose that, in the process of its evolution, the Code of social norms developed and authorized the system of relationships and interactions that led to the emergence of the most ancient social institution - family and marriage. Consequently, at the level of a small social group, the family can be called any education that potentially capable of developing on certain stages of its development, and the family core can be considered an actual married couple regardless of its legal status.

In this way, family as a small groupthis is a subject of physical and social reproduction of generations. Therefore, the definition of the concept of "family" should reflect the marked signs of the family as a small social group while indicating the institutional nature of this phenomenon. Based on this, the determination of A.G. is most satisfactory. Kharcheva, according to which the Family has a historically specific system of relationships and interactions between spouses, parents and children in a small social group, members of which are associated with marriage or related relations, generality of life and mutual moral liability and the social necessity due to the needs of society in physical and spiritual reproduction. population.

It is important that in the given definition:

the two most important functions of the family, the reproductive and socializing ("physical and spiritual reproduction of the population") are mentioned);

it is noted that the effective implementation of the following functions of these functions is a prerequisite for the successful functioning of the Company itself, which determines its need for the existence of this Social Institute;

the historical conditionality of the family structure is emphasized;

combined and not opposed to each other signs of families as a social institution and as a small social group.

Types of family structures are diverse and formed depending on the nature of married, kinship and parenthood. Thus, the family structure is the composition of the family and the number of its members in the aggregate of their relationship.

Analysis of the family structure makes it possible to answer questions: How are the functions of this family implemented? How many generations is the family? How are the marriage relationship? Who manages the life of the family? Who is the performer? How are duties and roles distributed?

Sociologists share families for parents, i.e., the elderly families, and the clarification, created by adult children who separated from their parents.

By the number of generations that are part of, families are divided into extended (three or more generations) and nuclear (two generations).

Division on another criterion - the presence of parents - gives the types of complete (two parents) and incomplete (one parent) of families.

By the number of children, families differ in three types: childless (no children); One-piece (one child) and large-scale (three and more children).

Leadership criteria differentiates families into three groups: paternleal (male dominance), motenal (women dominance), egalitarian (role equality).

The egalitarian family is considered to be the democratic, control in which is divided between husband and wife, both of them are involved in the adoption of family decisions. This does not cancel the rights of the husband to make fundamental decisions (after joint discussion) in one area, such as economic, and his wife is in another, say, household. Children can also take part in the development of family decisions.

Speaking of family functions, it should be remembered that we are talking about the societal results of the vital activity of millions of families who have common implications and characterize the role of a family as a social institution among other institutions of society.

Under social functions implies the basic needs of society and people who satisfy the family. The most important functions of family and marriage include:

Reproduction of the population. Society cannot exist if there is no adjacent system of replacement of one generation to others. Family is a guaranteed and institutionalized means of replenishing the population with new generations.

Socialization. A new generation coming on a shift to the old one can learn social roles only in the process of socialization. Family - cell of primary socialization. Parents transmit their life experiences, modal installations, instill adopted in this society ("positive") manners, are trained by crafts and theoretical knowledge, lay the foundations of spending oral and written speech, control the actions of children.

Caring and protection. The family provides its custody members, protection, social security. Children need not only in the roof above their heads, food and clothing, but they need and emotional support for the Father and Mother in that period of life, when no other similar protection and support offers them. The family supports those of their members who, for disability, old age or young years, cannot take care of themselves.

Social self-determination. Legalizing the birth of a person means its legal and social definition. Thanks to the family, a person gets the name, name and patronymic, the right to dispose of inheritance and housing. It belongs to the same class, race, ethnicule and religious group, to which the parent family belongs. It also defines the social status of an individual.

In addition to those listed, the most important functions of the family include: organization of life, organization of personal consumption, psychological and logistical support of family members, etc.

The vital activity of the family, directly related to the satisfaction of certain needs of its members, is called family function.

The main, legal function of the family, as follows from the definition of A.G. Harcheva, reproductive, i.e., biological reproduction of the population in the social plan and meeting the need for children - in personal plan.

Along with the main function, the family performs a number of other important social features:

educational - socialization of the younger generation, maintaining the cultural reproduction of society;

regenerative ("renewal") - the transfer of status, property, social status;

household household - maintaining the physical health of members of society, care for children and the elderly family members;

economic - receiving material means of some family members for others, economic support for minor and disabled members of society;

the sphere of primary social control is the moral regulation of the behavior of family members in various spheres of life, as well as the regulation of responsibility and obligations in relations between spouses, parents and children, representatives of the elder and secondary generations;

spiritual communication - the development of the personalities of family members, spiritual mutual enrichment;

sexy-erotic - meeting the sexual needs of spouses, sexual control;

socio-status - providing a certain social status to family members, reproduction of social structure;

leisure - organization of rational leisure, mutual enrichment of interests;

emotional - obtaining psychological protection, emotional support, emotional stabilization of individuals and their psychological therapy;

rereactive ("Restoration") - the function of restoring psychological health, achieving psychological comfort.

Each function plays a certain role in the life of the family and matters both for society and for the personality. The public and individual value of the functions of the modern family is reflected in Table 1.

Table 1

Public and individual value of family functions

The seference of family activity for the Social Reception for Personal ReproductiveBiological Reproduction The Supervision of Children's Department of Children's Association of the Young Generation. Maintaining cultural continuity Supporting the need for parents, contacts with children, their upbringing, self-realization in the children's household support of the physical health of members of society, the care of children's economic and household services by some family members from the other economic economic support for minors and disabled members of the Materials Single Members of the Families from others (in case of disability or in exchange for services) The sphere of the primary social monitoring regulation of the behavior of family members in various spheres of life, as well as responsibilities and obligations in relations between spouses, parents, children, representatives of senior and secondary generation and maintenance of legal and moral sanctions of spiritual communication The personality of the members of the family mutual mutual education of family members. Strengthening the friendly foundations of the marriage social status and status representation of a certain social status to family members reproduction of the social structure of the need for social advocacy and vaganization of rational leisure. Social control in the field of leisurement of the need for a joint leisure, the mutual enrichment of the leisure interests of the Evidence of the Ethimatical Stabilization of Individuals and their psychological therapy of the individuals of psychological protection, emotional support in the family. Satisfying the need for personal happiness and lovesexualsexual headstuffs of sexual needs

The reproductive function of the family is the birth of children, the continuation of the human race. It includes the elements of all other functions, as the family participates not only in quantitative, but also in the qualitative reproduction of the population, which is primarily due to the introduction of a new generation to the scientific and cultural achievements of mankind, with maintaining his health, as well as to prevent As indicated by A.G. Harchev and M.S. Matskovsky "Reproduction in new generations of various kinds of biological anomalies."

If earlier the type of a large family was widely distributed in Russia, then the main part of families have one child, two or do not have children at all. Very few families with three children and more children. The reasons for this are several: the spread of the urban lifestyle, the mass employment of women in the production sector, the growth of people's culture, an increase in needs, a sharp deterioration in the material lifestyle of the majority of the population in the 90s, difficulties with housing conditions.

Together with a decrease in fertility, family structure changes. They mainly consist of two generations: parents and children. Currently, families that combine three or four generations, very little. This is also a historical explanation: they live in large families there and then, where the "small" family (husband, wife and children) is difficult to survive one, without support on numerous relatives. The reduction in the average family size leads to the weakening of family bonds and acts as an objective factor for destabilizing the relative relations.

With the birth of a child, the family begins to perform an educational function, and raised in the family and adults, and children. Especially important is the influence of the family to the younger generation. It is impossible to disagree with the American sociologist J. Bosseard that family relationships include not only the fact that parents transfer to their children and children to each other, but also that children are transmitted to their parents. These "gifts" of children are: in the enrichment of intra-family connections; in expanding the circle of the interests of the family; in emotional satisfaction that continues all his life; In the possibility of returning to the stages of life passed; In a deeper understanding of the vital processes and the "true meaning of life."

The success of the implementation of the educational function depends on the educational potential of the family - a whole complex of conditions and means defining its pedagogical capabilities. Family education is peculiar to primacy, continuity and duration, stability and emotionality.

If the family has several children, natural conditions appear to form a full-fledged family team. This enriches the life of each family member and creates a favorable environment for the successful implementation of the family of educational function.

The impact of the economic function on the relationship in the family team itself may be double: a fair distribution of domestic duties in the family between spouses, senior and younger generations, as a rule, favors the strengthening of marital relations, moral and labor education.

Currently, the family function on the organization of leisure and leisure is noticeably increasing, as free time is one of the most important social values, an indispensable means of restoring the physical and spiritual forces of a person, the full development of the person.

Life of a multifaceted family. In this control work, only its purpose and main functions are briefly considered. But this analysis shows that the family satisfies the diverse individual identity needs and the most important needs of society.

As society affects the family, creating a certain type of it and the family has a considerable effect on the development and lifestyle of society. The family belongs to the acceleration of the economic and social development of society, in the education of the younger generation, in achieving happiness by each person.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the family is one of the fundamental institutions of the Company, which gives it the stability and the ability to replenish the population in each next generation. At the same time, the family performs a small group - the most cohesive and stable cell of society. Throughout life, a person is part of a variety of most different groups, but only the family remains the group that he never leaves.

family Marriage Social Institute

2. Family change trends. The main forms of modern family

Currently there are concerns about the stability of the Institute of Family and Marriage. Scientists are trying to predict what is waiting for a family in the 21st century, whether it will continue in a traditional form or will acquire new forms?

There is no definite answer to these questions.

Within the framework of the scientific controversy, there are two conceptually opposite approaches - the paradigm of the "institutional family crisis" and "progressive" theory.

Among the sociologists of the progressist (A.G. Vishnevsky, A.G. Volkov, S.I. Holod et al.) Changes are considered as processes related to the democratic revolution of public relations.

In contrast to the modernist position, supporters of the crisis approach (A.I. Antonov, V.A. Borisov, V.M. Medkov, A.B. Sinelnikov, etc.) believe that the family is in deep decline, which must be assessed as a value Institutional crisis. "Crisists" build a problem in the category of global civilizational, consider it, with insufficient efforts to resolve capable of making disastrous consequences. Supporters of the crisis paradigm are extremely strict to family definition. Protecting the traditional family and traditional in the family, they insist on misunderstanding to consider equivalent to the full-fledged family and its fragmentation forms. "Crisns" deny expanded family interpretations, believing that this leads to the leveling of the specifics of this social and to "oblivion" of his social essence.

As a tendency, emphasizing the "narrowing" of the facility, the number of families consisting of two people in the past decades of families in the past decades: incomplete, maternal, "empty nests" (spouses whose children left the parent family). In an incomplete family, which arises due to divorce, children raises one of the spouses (usually, mother). The mother (extramarital) family differs from incomplete the fact that the mother did not marry her child's father. Domestic statistics indicate an increase in the "extramarital" fertility: at the beginning of the millennium, every fourth child in Russia appeared in unmarried mom.

Despite the differences in assessing the degree of anxiety of the problem under discussion, none of the authors can dismiss the obvious general features of degradation (or "growth diseases") of family-marriage relations:

fall in the birth rate;

the increase in unregistered marriages;

increase the number of extramarital births;

transformation of the moral foundation of the family;

strengthening contradictions between the person and family;

transformation of the economic function (reduction of the economic role of a man in the family);

strengthening stereotypical problems that impede a solid marriage (lack of housing, worthy of earnings, insufficient social and psychological readiness for marriage, psychological overload of partners);

reducing the effectiveness of interaction between generations in the family.

The range of species, forms and categories of modern family is quite diverse. Different types of families function in different ways in various fields of family relations. They react differently to the impact of diverse factors of modern being. Family typologies are determined by various approaches to the allocation of the subject of study. Modern families differ among themselves on various features (Table # 2).

table 2

Forms of modern family

Signs of the Family Familo Family Family Family, or Infertinal, Family, Single-Timing, Large, Large or Nuclear Full Family, Single, Simple or Nuclear, Complex (Family of Several Generations), Big Family, Mother's Family, Re-Marriage Family; by structures of one marriage pair with children or without children; with one of the parents of spouses and other relatives; with two and more marriage couples with children or without children, with one of the parents of spouses and other relatives or without them; with mother (father) and with children; PO type of primacy into seedeagalitarian and authoritarian families; for family houses, Ukoldy - "Otdusha"; family of children's type; Family type sports team or discussion club; Family putting comfortable comfort, health, order; for the homogeneity of social components and homogeneous homogeneous) and heterogeneous (inhomogeneous) families; Po family experienced, young family, waiting for a child, family of middle and senior adolescence, senior couple; in terms of quality of relationships and the atmosphere in the sevenfold, stable, pedagogically weak, unstable, disorganized; geographical signs, rural, remote (distant North regions); PO type of consumer behaviorbook with "physiological" or "naive-consumer" type of consumption (mainly with food orientation); Families with "intellectual" type of consumption, i.e. with a high level of cost of buying books, magazines, entertainment activities, etc., families with an intermediate type of consumption; Po conditions of the family life wisttering family, "distant" family, "an extramarital family "; Po is the character of leisure or closed; Po social mobility-reactive families, families of medium activity and active families; Po degree of cooperation in joint venture mapping, collectivist and individualistic; Po state of a psychological health-friendly family, a neurotic family, a victimogenic family. Each of the categories of families characterize social and psychological phenomena and processes inherent in her marriage-family relations, including the psychological aspects of objective and practical activities, the circle of communication and its content, features of the emotional contacts of family members, the socio-psychological goals of the family and individual Psychological needs of its members.

The family forms and develop marriage relations as a reflection of diverse and multivariate interpersonal contacts, and in general, the entire value system and expectations of the socio-psychological aspect.

To a large extent, the successful success of future family relations are the motives of marriage.

To date, a variety of forms of marriage-family relations have developed, the most common of which are the following:

Family family relationship based on a fair contract system. Both spouses clearly imagine what they want from marriage, and count on certain material benefits. Cemented and help to solve vital problems themselves the terms of the contract. The emotional attachment, which is difficult to name with love, but which is still in such a union, as a rule, over time increases ("live before love", - by expression I.S. Turgenev). Although, if the family exists only as an economic unit, the feeling of emotional takeoff is completely lost. People encouraging such a marriage have the most powerful practical support from a partner in all practical endeavors - since both the wife and the husband pursue their own economic benefits. In such marriage-family relations, the degree of freedom of each of the spouses is the maximum, and personal involvement is minimal: fulfilled the terms of the contract - Waves to do what you want.

Family family relationships based on a dishonest contract. A man and a woman are trying to extract unilateral benefits from marriage and thus damage to the partner. It is also not necessary to talk about love here, although it is often unilateral in such a version of the marriage relationship (in the name of whose spouse, realizing that it is deceived and exploited, everything suffers).

Foreign family relations forced. One of the spouses somewhat "precipitates" the other, and that or by virtue of certain life circumstances, or from pity, finally agrees to compromise. In such cases, it is also difficult to talk about a deep feeling: even from the side of the "precipitating", ambitiousness is predominant, the desire to possess the object of worship, excitement. When such a marriage finally lies, the "precipitating" begins to consider the spouse with his property. The feeling of freedom, which is necessary in marriage and the family as a whole, is absolutely excluded here. The psychological foundations of the existence of such a family are so deformed that the compromises that the family life requires is impossible.

Family family relationships as a ritual performance of socio-regulatory installations. At a certain age, people come to the conclusion that everything around is married or married and that it is time to create a family. This is a marriage without love and without calculation, but only following certain public stereotypes. In such families, prerequisites for long-term family life are often created. Most often, such marriage-family relationships are randomly decaying and also accidentally disintegrated, without leaving deep traces.

Marriage family relationships consecrated by love. Two people are connected voluntarily because they do not imagine their lives without each other. In marriage for love, the restrictions that spouses take on, are purely voluntary: they are pleased to spend their free time together, with members of their family, like doing something good for each other and for other family members. The marriage-family relationship in this version is the highest degree of association of people, when children are born in love when any of the spouses retain their independence and individuality - with full support for the second. The paradox is that, voluntarily accepting such restrictions ("I am happy if you are happy"), people become more free ... The marriage-family form of such relations is built on trust, at greater respect for man than to generally accepted standards.

3. Problems of marriage and family in modern Russian society

The problems of the modern family are among the most important and relevant. Its significance is determined by the fact that firstly the family is one of the main social institutions of society, the cornerstone of human life, secondly, that this institute is currently experiencing a deep crisis.

Our sociologists, demographers, psychologists, psychiatrics, are increasingly recognized, the main role in the emergence of all sorts of family life problems in our country is playing the reasons for socio-psychological order it, above all, the socio-psychological culture of young spouses, their ability to achieve mutual understanding among themselves.

Analysis of the current situation shows the need for state support for the young primary cell of society. At the same time, it is not about the support of family dependency, we are talking about creating a favorable space for family functioning, conditions for self-realization of its interests. The law is needed "On state support for a young family in the Russian Federation." It should contain existing mechanisms that allow the young family to solve housing, social, financial and other problems independently.

Special attention and delicate approach requires the issue associated with the implementation of the most important function of the family - its reproductive appointment. In the overwhelming majority of the countries, the concern for confusion is introduced into the rank of state policy. Despite an extremely low rack, our state does not stimulate this process. In some regions, children's benefits are canceled, large families are poorly supported, there is no targeted training of young people to family life and conscious parent.

The Russian Federation even on Western standards is characterized by a uniquely low birth rate. In four of the seven most developed countries, a steady natural population increase remains: in the UK - 1.6, France - 3.4, Canada - 4.8, USA- 5.6 per 1000 people. In our country, there is a sustainable depopulation of the population not only because of the low birth rate, but also due to the supermarketability of babies and man in working age. At the same time, it is known that people live in a normal family much longer and work longer.

By 2015, according to forecasts, the number of Russians entering into a able-bodied age will decrease by almost 2 times, and the number of emerging outside the working age will exceed them, too, almost 2 times. How will the youth feed such an army of pensioners?!

According to the forecast of the State Statistics Committee of Russia, the population of the country by 2016 will decrease by 11.6 million people. UN demographic services predict a decrease in the inhabitants of the Russian Federation by the middle of the 21st century to 121 million. With the conservation of this trend, the Russians simply will not be able to keep the territory of Russia. The results of the last census show that there are a lot of foreign citizens in the country, especially in the border areas, and this does not meet the economic and geopolitical interests of Russia.

From the development of the demographic situation in our country depends:

solving key socio-economic problems and the preservation of government capacity that meets modern conditions;

the role that the Russian Federation plays in the consolidation of the CIS countries;

the development of huge territories and a more large-scale involvement in the economic turnover of natural resources and the geographical advantages of the country;

preservation of the territorial integrity of the federation.

The decision of the demographic problem is sent "the concept of demographic policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2015", which basically pains problems and speaks of the need to solve them. But how to correct the situation specifically, it is necessary through the adoption of relevant laws.

The demographic crisis is the threat of national security of Russia. Overcoming this crisis requires a society and the state of the moral elevation of the role of the family in the reproduction of life, the legal regulation of this basic function and to provide it with the material, financial support of the state, the increase in scientific substantiation and realizability in the practice of the latest complex scientific and technical, socio-economic, health, educational programs.

The study of the modern family also confirms that while the frequent natural cataclysms and anomalies strongly require increasingly coaxing and agreed actions of peoples and states, such negative signs of modern civilization contribute to the crisis of "modern" family, such as the acuteness of geopolitical contradictions in the interaction of modern states; Local wars, strengthening terrorism, man-made catastrophes. This is not just in these factors, but in the death of people, their children, fear for their future, damage the integrity of the modern family, in the destruction of the hope of humanity to the humanization of civilization.

The effectiveness of legal regulation of family relations is achieved under conditions: when family legislation relies on the right as the essence of laws - the requirements of man and human society and the state of freedom of creation by all citizens of good, ensuring the safety of life, equality and justice; when the main law of the state - the Constitution comes and protects the basic human rights and citizen; When the Constitution and coming from it, family legislation reflects the specific historical needs of society, families, children in family well-being and the progress of the whole society.

The study of actual aspects of legal regulation of family disputes shows that real family relationships are far beyond the framework of the current family and civil legislation and therefore require constant improvement. In the special attention of society and states need the legal consequences of the dissolution of marriage, the deprivation of parental rights, the issues of guardianship and guardianship and adoption.

The main features of the modern Russian family are presented in Scheme 1.

Scheme 1.

A prerequisite for the recovery of the Russian family is the turn of the state, local authorities to family problems, overcoming the integral, decomposing influence on the family.


Family as a cell of society is an inseparable part of society. And the life of society is characterized by the same spiritual and material processes as the family's life. The higher the culture of the family, therefore, the higher the culture of the whole society. Family is one of the mechanisms of self-organization of society, with the work of which is associated with the approval of a number of universal values. Therefore, the family itself has a value importance and built into public progress. The main functions of the family in a traditional society, in addition to the reproduction of the population, are the economic, household and socio-status-status. The family institution performs very significant functions in society.

A modern young family is experiencing the hardest crisis and has its own characteristic of it, features.

Objectively insufficient level of material and financial security. Today, secondary incomes in young families are 1.5 times less than the country average. At the same time, 69% of young families live below the poverty line.

Objectively increased material and financial need due to the need to arrange family life: Accommodation of housing, organization of life.

Time when spouses are forced to undergo certain levels of socialization: to receive education, profession, workplace.

Necessary psychological adaptation to family life. 18% of young families need psychological counseling.

Olliness of the problems of young families, weak state support often lead to family conflicts that contribute to the decay of the family. 70% of all divorces occur in the first 5 years of living together.

Measures of the state of the modern family show that in the world, and in Russia there is a process of changing the type of family. An unregistered marriage is becoming increasingly widespread. 43% of young people indicate the lack of funds as their main problem; The fear of unemployment to one degree or another is about 70% of young people; The global problem of modern youth is discontent with society in which there is no order, there is no guaranteed future. The Russian legislation does not provide for the mechanism of support for young families, in view of which the only means of maintaining a satisfactory standard of living is the help of parents.

A prerequisite for the recovery of the Russian family is the turn of the state, local authorities to family problems, overcoming the integral, decomposing influence on the family.


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- This is a relatively small association of people based on blood relationship, marriage or adoption, which is associated with the general budget, life and mutual responsibility, and therefore a set of social relations based on biological connections, legal norms, adoption rules (adoption), guardianship, etc. .

Family History - In fact, the history of mankind. The family is one of the most ancient social institutions. Today, in some primitive societies, the family is the only steadily functioning institute (the tribes of Central Africa, Oceania, the peoples of the North). In these societies, order is supported without establishing formal laws, police participation, court; The main authority is the authority of the head of the family.

In each society, there are special forms of family organization, but sociologists celebrate some common signs of family life. Usually two main types of family structure are distinguished:

  • nuclear, consisting of her husband, wives and their children;
  • an expanded family, which includes nuclear along with many relatives - grandmother, grandfather, grandchildren, uncle, aunts, cousins \u200b\u200band cousins. This list can be continued.

It is characterized by the weakening of many related bonds and a clear predominance over the extended.

Marriage forms

According to traditional ideas, the basis of a typical family is marriage Historically conditioned and sanctioned by society the form of relations between a man and a woman. Family either consists of a marriage couple with children or without them, or in the past included such a pair, which then broke down as a result of divorce or widening. In the sociological literature, a family consisting of one parent with children is usually called Incomplete family.

If the society limits the choice of a partner in marriage in that it allows it only outside a certain narrow group, then this phenomenon is called Exogamy. So, to avoid bleed mixing ties, moral and legal norms are forbidden to marry their relatives and cousins. In a number of societies, it is forbidden to choose a partner inside your clan, villages, tribes. Endogamy - This is a limitation in choosing a marriage partner. It can only be chosen only within its group (racial, estate endogamia - when it is prohibited or not approved by the marriage and partner of another race or from the lower layers of society).

Modern Western society knows one major type of civilized form of marriage - Monogamy. Simultaneous marriage of one man with one woman. But in a number of societies is practiced polygamy - The form of marriage, in which there is more than one partner in the marriage. Although rarely, but there are exotic forms of polygamy: Group marriagein which several men and several women are at the same time among themselves in marital relations; polyandryWhen one woman has several husbands. The most common form of a polygamic marriage is polygyny, or polygamy. Supporters of European cultural traditions negatively assess the polygamy, seeing danger in this for the personal development of a woman.

Divorce It became so common in our life that half of Russians who first marry, "doomed" for divorce (sociologists first paid attention to the existence of this problem in the 1970s.). The explanation of this phenomenon is trying to search in the diverse macrostructural changes and the nature of intimate relations.

In some studies, it is noted that during the period of economic recession, the number of divorces decreases, and during the period of economic lifting, on the contrary, increases. Perhaps the reason for this is that the developed industrial society opens up a person a notternative sources of financial stability, official well-being, moral and personal satisfaction.

Any instability at the Institute of Family opposes the sustainable functioning of the Company. Therefore, in almost every society there are certain rules and laws that make a divorce or giving the privileges of one of the parties. So, in some Catholic countries, for example in Italy, traditionally divorce was generally impossible. Only at the end of the XX century. Italian society took a step towards who was mistaken in choosing a partner and would like to terminate the marriage union. In most developed countries, in the event of a divorce, the former spouse must provide its former spouse that the financial situation she had in marriage. In Russia, in such cases, the section of the property takes place, the verdict is made about the payment of alimony; Children tend to remain with the mother.

Social family institutions

In the society of any type with inevitability, families arise and develop. Raised on the basis of specific biological traits of a person, they acquire their social nature by implementing the family of essential social functions. From a biological point of view, only human creatures have no seasons limited in time, during which proximity is possible between male and female creatures, only people have the opportunity to conceive offspring throughout the year. The second biological feature of people is much longer than that of all other creatures, the period of the helplessness of a born baby, which dictates the need to preserve over a long period of concern about it from the feeding of his mother and economic support from the Father.

For millennia, in each society, the care of the mother was to care for the child, the care of the father - the material support of the family and its defense (hunting, heavy peasant labor, war). As a result, a uniform structure arose everywhere: men and women entered into permanent relations, during which the most effective development of offspring was achieved and the necessary economic activity was carried out, based on the separation of floors.

In agricultural production, the family performed the function of the most important production cell, the economic structure, in which material resources were created and accumulated, which predetermined the need to occur such specific institutions as marriage institutions, divorce, inheritance. Through them, material resources were distributed and redistributed, power and privileges were inherited. No society can exist without creating a special mechanism that ensures uninterrupted substitution of some members of society by others. The family as a social institution fulfilled this social function, ensuring the continuity of generations by perceiving the individuals of the social role of the father or mother, and the responsibility associated with such a role.

The child legally born in the family becomes a stable position in society. By inheritance, not only material condition, but also social status, is often preserved belonging to the same ethnic group to which the family belongs to the same class or to the number of followers of the same religion. The origin of a person is a significant factor determining the position of a person in society, its social status. In modern modernized, dynamically developing society, along with such a prescribed (data guaranteed for family origin), more and more opportunities are provided to gain achieving the status achieved, the conquest of the situation in society through the efforts of the person himself. Nevertheless, family identity retains the role of a factor, to a certain extent defining the social status of an individual.

The family is the most important type of primary social groups, providing the socialization of young people during the assimilation of children of public life standards, informing the family members of the family, satisfying the emotional need for joint experiences, in the exchange of feelings and sentiment, preventing psychological impassableness. Also, the family protects against the experience of a sense of isolation, which in extreme manifestations leads to the demoralization of the person, the emergence of destructive manifestations in behavior (aggression and autoagression). It was still statistically shown that lonely, widow or divorced are often susceptible to suicide than married, and married, but not having children, more often than having children. The percentage of suicides is less than a coherent family. About 30% of intentional murders are killing among the family of other members.

If one of the results of the successful functioning of the family is the achievement of a vital for individual and the whole society of the results - the socialization of the individual, which ensures effective prevention of deviations from the requirement of social norms in the overwhelming majority of public life, then the collapse of the family undermines the most foundations of the Company's organization as an ordered social system. .

The value of the family as a primary social group is predetermined not only by the SS special role in the socialization of individuals, but also a special, fundamental role in accumulation, preservation and transmission from generation to generation of the basis of the social structure of society, the basic structure, which in the event of a family saving is experiencing a change in political regimes Institutions. The family acts as an intermediary between the individual and society; It helps an individual to take its place in society, to realize yourself as a member of society, on the one hand, and provides him with protection, protects the sphere of his personal life, helps to preserve his individuality - on the other.

Such is the most important social function of the family. The family is addressed to society, this is a society cell; It socializes the individual. At the same time, the family is addressed to the individual; It protects a strictly individualized sphere of its existence. It is in relations between family members arises empathy - the experience of feelings of other persons (their sufferings, chagrins, etc.) as its own. Family as a security place, sympathy, consolation, mental comfort supports an incentive to active activity. With a collapse of a family as a social institution, that is, a special social structure, the basis of the existence of civilization of this type is lost.

The social institution of the family in Russia in the post-revolutionary period has undergone significant changes. Only at the end of the XVIII - early XIX century. With the development of industrial production, the collapse of the patriarchal family as a dominant institution was designated. The then followed by the post-revolutionary violent industrialization of the country, the forced urbanization of the population was complemented by the extermination of the most productive patriarchal-type families in agriculture ("fists"), deprivation (in the village and in cities) of families of the economic basis in the form of private property. Atheism as part of the state ideology deprived the institution of marriage by his religious component. Approval of the priority of public over the personal, state of funds by a citizen, official ideology over universal moral, ethical, religious values \u200b\u200bhas largely distinguished the content of the initial socialization of the individual within the family.

In modern society, the structure and function of the family also undergo serious changes. An indispensable condition for the development of modernized, industrial, urbanized society is the growing level of social mobility, in such a society there is constantly the need for specific family members to move, move there, which opens up opportunities for work, social promotion. This leads to the breakdown of family connections, obligations towards the SSMS are inferior to the imperative of mobility as a key to achieving material well-being and social success. The unity of the lifestyle of family members is inferior to the emerging variety of their life aspirations, the growing difference in their social situation. Family bonds are weakened or disintegrated.

In the conditions of the urban environment, a family of three levels (older generation, their children and grandchildren) is less stored. In such a patriarchal family that served as the main production unit, a greater number of family members meant and greater productivity. In the industrialized, urban environment, this dependence is sharply weakened; Many family functions (child care, their education, treatment, upbringing) are performed by other social institutions, the socializing family function is complemented in the system of relevant institutions, media, etc. in conditions when the economic, socializing, educational function of the family weakens, There is a tendency to base family bonds on the emotional, spiritual proximity between the spouses and refer to children not as an economic factor of family well-being, the object of socialization, education, but as independent individuals.

In modern society, the key to success becomes not so much the social origin of the individual, which previously determined his fate as his personal achievements and merit. Family ownership less determines the social status of the face. Personal aspirations begin to prevail over family obligations. They predetermine the marriage choice, place of residence and the nature of the individual. The nuclear family arising in the industrial society (husband, wife, child) becomes more vulnerable in the event of an unfavorable development of events (illness, old age, leaving the life, material losses from someone from family members) than the patriarchal family, where all such cases could be compensated for mutual obligations.

Trends in the development of social functions of the family in the conditions of modern Russia will be determined in direct connection with the acquisition of families (and citizens) of social and economic rights (ownership among them), the acquisition of the real material basis of the family, firstly, and socio-cultural, spiritual Family values \u200b\u200bof humanistic character, secondly.

In social science, the family qualify as a small group in which a person implements its needs: in food, a dream, housing, the continuation of the kind, care and support. Family as a social institution is one of the most common and durable. Consider briefly the main features characterizing the family and its functions.


Family is a social group in which relations between participants are based on blood relations or marriage.

There is such a concept as a life cycle of a family, according to which several stages allocate in the development of the family. Imagine them in the form of a table.

Views of families:

  • nuclear (parents and children);
  • multiple family (parents, children, grandparents).

For pre-industrial society, a tradition was characterized to create large, multiple families. In modern society, nuclear families are dominated.

Signs of family as a social institution

  • availability of special roles: husband and wife, mother and father, son, daughter, brother, sister and others;
  • availability of family behavior;
  • marriage as the official form of family creation;
  • the presence of special family values: marriage, raising children related ties and so on.

Family functions as the Social Institute of Society are associated primarily with the satisfaction of the most important social needs.

The value of the family in modern society is great. Highlight a number of trends that are typical for this institution:

  • changes in traditional family roles (for example, a woman is also involved in production, and in political activities on a par with a man);
  • reducing the dependence of the family from laws, traditions, morals and an increase in relations between its members, mutual attachment;
  • an increase in the number of legally unrequited families;
  • family value fall.

In support of the family of the family, the state continues to play a major role.
To the measures that it takes, can be attributed:

  • provision of benefits and additional parental leave;
  • introduction of special benefits for pregnant women and large families;
  • development of family legislation aimed at protecting family, children, encouraging marriage.

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What did we know?

Family is one of the social institutions, within which a person sells special roles: a spouse, parent, child. The family as a form of life organization arose a long time ago and continues to exist now, although her forms and signs are constantly changing. The main function of the family is the realization of people's needs. A close relationship has a family with a marriage institute, as the state as family recognize only those relations that are officially registered in special bodies (registry office). Global changes in society are reflected in family relationships and often generate some problems. For example, currently there is a tendency to fall in the value of the family and an increase in incomplete families. The state is important to preserve the Institute of Family, as it is the most sustainable form (family roles remain a person's life). It provides social support for families, creates favorable conditions for marriage.

It is a primary small social group, the association of people connected by blood relations or wedding bonds, responsibility, uniform household and life, mutual assistance and mutual understanding, spiritual community.

Each of her dick plays a clearly defined role - mother, dad, grandmother, grandfather, son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter. The society of society is a conductor of the norms and rules that are adopted in society. It contributes to the formation of a full-fledged personality of man, brings up spiritual and cultural values, samples of behavior. It gives the younger generation the first ideas about morality and humanism, life purposes.

Family characteristics as a small social group

The initial basis of all unions is the marriage, which lies with two young people on mutual love and sympathy. The traditional view of relations in our country is the union between a man and a woman. Other forms, such as polygamy, multi-sex or same-sex in Russia are prohibited.

Cells are very different. In some, harmony, openness, emotional proximity and trusting relationship, in others - total control, respect and senior residue.

Family, as a form of a small social group, can be several types:

By the number of children

  • Careless - there are few of them, but they still have.
  • One-piece - most often these are residents of large cities that have only one kid.
  • Millate - in which two children. This is the most common option.
  • Large - from three and more chad.

According to the composition

  • Full - in which there is mom, dad and children.
  • Incomplete - there is no one of the parents for various reasons.

To accommodate one or more generations on one living area

  • Nuclear - consisting of parents and children who have not yet achieved more than ages. Two generations that live separately from grandparents. Each young couple seeks to this. To live separately, only with your family, always better - less time is required to "wipes" to each other, minimize the situation when a husband or wife is "between two lights", forced to take someone one way and make a choice in favor of parents or spouse. However, it is not always possible immediately after the wedding to live separately, especially in large cities. Many newlyweds for the first years of their marital life are forced to "visit" from parents, in anticipation of solving their own apartment issues.
  • Extended or complex - those in which several generations immediately live, three or four. This is a common option for the patriarchal family. Such social groups are found both in rural areas and in cities. The situation when grandparents and their grandparents live in one three-bedroom apartment, and their children who also managed to acquire their own wives, husbands and children - no longer. As a rule, in such unions, the older generation takes an active part in the education of grandchildren and great-grandchildren - gives advice and recommendations, leads to additional developing classes to the Palaces of Culture, creativity or educational centers.

By the nature of the distribution of family responsibilities

  • Traditional patriarchal. The main role in it is played by a man. He is the main miner, fully financially ensures the needs of his wife, children, possibly parents. He also accepts all the main decision, consists of controversial situations, solves emerging problems, i.e. takes full responsibility for members of his last name. Woman, as a rule, does not work. Its main responsibility is to be his husband to her husband, daughter-in-law parents and mother. She follows the upbringing and education of children, as well as order in the house. Her opinion when making important decisions is usually not taken into account.
  • Egalitarian or affiliate. The exact opposite of patriarchal. Here, the spouses play equal roles, agree, go on a compromise, jointly solve problems, care about children. Home duties in such cells are usually divided. The husband helps the spouse to wash the dishes, the floors, vacuuming, takes an active part in the daily care of children - can also pay them if they are still too small, move, work out with them or read a fairy tale for the night. Such families are usually more emotionally cohesive. For spouses and children, gentle touch, affectionate words, hugs and kisses for the night and before leaving - the norm. Children, on the example of their parents, more openly express their feelings as tactile and verbally.
  • Transient type - they kind of and not patriarchals, but not yet affiliate. This applies to those unions in which the wife and husband decided to be more democratic, equally divided the duties on the house, but in fact it turns out that the woman still pulls all wear on itself, and the actions of the husband are limited to something alone - for example, Weeping the apartment or washed once a week dishes. Or, on the contrary, the Union decides to become more patriarchal - the husband works, the wife is engaged in the house. But despite this, the spouse continues to actively help the spouse in everything that relates to life and children.

Family Functions as a Small Social Group

They are expressed in its livelihood, which has direct consequences for society.

  • Reproductive, most natural feature. This is one of the main reasons for creating a cell of society - the birth of children and the continuation of a kind.
  • Educational and educational - it is expressed in the formation and formation of the personality of a little man. So children acquire the first knowledge of the world around the world, assimilate the norms and permissible behaviors in society, are involved in cultural and spiritual values.
  • Economic and economic - it is associated with financial support, budget management, income and expenses, the purchase of products, items, furniture, furniture and technology, all that is necessary for a comfortable life. The same function includes the distribution of employment duties on the house between spouses and grown children, according to their age. So, for example, a five-year-old child is already introducing minimal duties - to remove toys, dishes, to fix the bed. Economic support also affects the care of the elderly or patients with relatives, custody of them.
  • Emotional psychological - the family is a reliable stronghold, a quiet harbor. Here you can get support, protection and consolation. The establishment of emotionally close relations between relatives contributes to the development of confidence and care to each other.
  • The spiritual - is associated with the upbringing of the younger generation of cultural, moral and spiritual values. This is a reading of children adult fairy tales, poems and fables, which are told about good and evil, honesty and lies, generosity and greed. From each fairy tale, you need to make a conclusion how to do well, but as bad. Attend all children's puppet and dramatic theaters, philharmonic, watching and concerts. All these actions contribute to the formation of moral and moral landmarks adopted in society, attracts to culture.
  • Recreational - joint leisure and rest. This is the usual everyday evenings spent in the circle of relatives, interesting travels, excursions, hiking, picnics and even fishing. Such events contribute to the cohesion of the genus.
  • Socio-status - transfer to children of their status, nationality, or belonging to any place of residence, in the city or countryside.

Signs of family as a small social group

As a group education, it has several types of signs - primary and secondary.


  • a single goal and activity;
  • personal relationships within the Union formed on the basis of social roles;
  • defined emotional atmosphere;
  • their values \u200b\u200band moral foundations;
  • cohesion - it is expressed in friendly feelings, interpreteers and mutual execution,
  • clear role distribution;
  • control over the behavior of family names in society.


  • Conformity, ability to give or submit to the general opinion.
  • Emotional proximity of relationships, belonging, which are expressed in mutual sympathy, trust, spiritual community.
  • The norms of behavior and value are transmitted from the older generation younger through traditions and customs.

Features of the family as a small social group: what characterizes the cell of society

Family, as a small social group, distinguish the following signs:

  • Height from the inside - performing a reproductive function, it expands. With each new generation, the number of her members increases.
  • Curlyness regarding the joining of adults. Each child has his own mother and dad, grandparents, will not definitely.
  • Each change relating to the individual Society of Society is controlled by society and is recorded by government agencies. On the day of the wedding in the registry office in the official book, a marriage registration record appears, at the birth of children first certificates are issued, and then the certificate, during the dissolution of the marriage, it is also necessary to carry out all legal formalities.
  • Long-term existence. Each union in its development passes a certain natural cycle - the creation, the appearance of the first child, then follow-up children, their upbringing and education, the period of the "empty nest", when adult children themselves marry or get married and leave the father's home. And then ceases to exist when one of the spouses dies.
  • Family, like a small social greenery, unlike others, does not imply the presence of one for all activities. Each member fulfills his duties, they all have different. Parents work, financially provide everyone, follow the order in the house. The main activity for children depends on their age - game or educational. And only on certain days, all relatives can be occupied by something one - joint leisure, for example, or a cleanup.
  • Dynamic features - they are expressed in the norms of behavior, ideals, traditions and customs, which each cell of society forms for itself.
  • The obligation of emotional relations. Parents and children are loving love, tenderness and care. This psychological involvement is total for all surname members.

A distinctive feature of the kind can be the creation of their pedigree, genealogical tree. The work on the design of a family album can perform several tasks at once:

  • Increases each member of the name in this process, joint activity - mom, dad, children, grandparents.
  • It helps strengthen the genus, its cohesion.
  • Forms a valid attitude of the younger generation to the history of their ancestors.

To make a genealogical tree in all the rules and not confused in scientific difficulties, use the service that the Russian House of Rhodeslovia offers in the form of a pedigree book. Its authors developed a unique technique, give detailed recommendations and instructions, guided by which you can easily compile the documentary history of your family.

It gives such a definition of a family:

Familyit is called based on blood relations, marriage or adoption to combine people associated with the generality of life and mutual responsibility for the upbringing of children.

The initial basis of family relationship is marriage.

Marriage- This is a historically changing social form of relations between a woman and a man, through which society organizes and authorizes their sex life and establishes their marital and related rights and obligations.

Family, as a rule, represents a more complex system of relationships than marriage, as it can unite not only spouses, but also their children, as well as other relatives.

The family should be considered not just as a marriage group, but as a social institution, that is, the system of relationships, interactions and relations of individuals that perform the functions of the reproduction of human race and regulating all connections, interaction and relationships based on certain values \u200b\u200band norms subject to extensive social control over the system Positive and negative sanctions.

Family as a social institution passes a number of stages, the sequence of which develops into a family cycle, or family life cycle.

Researchers identify different number of phases of this cycle, but the main among them are the following:

1) family education - the entry into the first marriage;

2) the beginning of childbirth - the birth of the first child;

3) End of childbirth - the birth of the last child:

4) "Empty nest" - marriage and allocation from the family of the last child;

5) Termination of the family's existence is the death of one of the spouses.

At each stage, the family has specific social and economic characteristics.

Family as a social institution arose with the formation of society. The process of the formation and functioning of the family is due to value-regulatory regulators.

Such, for example, leaving, choosing a marriage partner, sexual standards of behavior, the norms that are guided by the wife and husband, parents and children, etc., as well as sanctions for their failure.

In the first stages of the development of societythe relationship between a man and a woman, senior and younger generations was regulated by tribal and generic customs, which were syncretic standards and samples of behavior, based on religious and moral performances.

With the emergence of the state regulation of family life acquired legal nature.Legal registration of marriage has appreciated certain duties not only on spouses, but also to the state authorizing their union. From now on social controland the sanctions carried out not only public opinion, but also state bodies.

Proponents of functionalism analyze the family in terms of its functions or social needswhich it serves. Over the past 200 years, the main changes in family functions are associated with its destruction as a cooperative labor association, as well as with restriction of the possibility of transferring family status from parents to children.

Maindefining family functionas follows from the definitions of the domestic sociologist A.G. Harchev and American researcher N. Smelzera, - reproductivethat is, biological reproduction of the population and meeting the need for children.

Along with this main function, the family performs a number of other social functions:

1. Educational function -socialization of the younger generation, maintaining the cultural reproduction of society. Family is the main agent of socialization in all societies. It is in it that children assimilate the basic knowledge necessary for the performance of the roles of adults.

But industrialization and social change associated with it to some extent deprived the family of this function. The most important trend was the introduction of a system of mass secondary education.

Already at the age of 4 or 5, the children were brought up not only at home, the teacher was deeply influenced. The development of a system of pre-school institutions and voluntary associations for children (for example, scout and summer camps units) increased the number of socialization agents performing this function along with the family.

2. Household functionmeans maintaining the physical health of members of society, care for children and the elderly family members.

In traditional peasant and craft societies, the family carried out many functions to maintain the well-being of people, such as care for patients and elderly family members. But these functions have radically changed during the emergence and development of industrial society. In developed countries of Western Europe and in the United States, doctors and medical institutions have almost completely replaced the family with regard to concerns about people's health, although family members still decide whether there is a need to seek medical care.

Life insurance, unemployment benefits and social security funds reduced the need for a family to fully assist its members in periods of economic difficulties. Similarly, social benefits, hospitals and houses for pensioners eased the burden of elderly care for the family.

In modern Russian society, the level of welfare of the majority of the population is very low, on the other hand, the social sphere is poorly developed, the responsibility for disabled members of society takes upon themselves, as a rule, the family.

3. Economic functionindicates the receipt of material means of some family members for others, economic support from the family of minors and disabled members of society.

Among the huge changes caused by the occurrence of industrial production, there was destruction cooperative production system.

The workers began to work outside the house, and the economic role of the family was reduced only to the spending of money earned by the family's breadwinner. Although the wife sometimes worked, her main responsibility was to raise children. In modern society, we usually work both spouses who have either a joint budget, or everyone has its own individual.

In peasant agriculture and craft production, the family was a joint cooperative labor association. Responsibilities were distributed in accordance with age and gender of family members.

4. Primary social control functionmeans the moral regulation of the behavior of family members in various areas of life, as well as the regulation of responsibility and obligations in relations between spouses, parents and children, representatives of the elder and secondary generations.

5. Function of spiritual communicationencompasses the development of the personality of family members, spiritual mutual enrichment.

6. Socio-status functionmeans providing a certain social status to family members, reproduction of social structure.

In the medieval society there were various customs and laws, more or less automatically fixed the status occupied by families from different layers of society.

Hereditary monarchy is a vivid example of such custom. Aristocrats, owned land and titles, could transmit their high status to children. Among the low-class representatives existed the system of guilds and training crafts - thus, professions could be transmitted from one generation to the next one.

Revolutions occurring in the XIX and XX centuries were carried out with the aim the destruction of class privilegessome groups. Among these privileges was the right to transfer title, status and wealth to the next generation. In some countries, including in Russia, the United States, the inheritance of aristocratic titles is announced outside the law.

Progressive taxes, as well as insurance taxes and, in the event of death, also limit the possibility of preserving wealth and transfer it to inheritance. However, rich high-ranking families still have the advantages, the question of the transfer of wealth and status to children is ever. But this is done rather not on the basis of inheritance, but in the form of training children to obtain such education and such work that provide high status.

Higher Class members have the opportunity to pay for elite education and support "dating", contributing to high status. But these advantages have significantly lost their meaning, becoming less stable and reliable than before.

7. Leisure functionincludes the organization of rational leisure, mutual enrichment of interests.

8. Emotional functionit intends to obtain psychological protection, emotional support, emotional stabilization of individuals and their psychological therapy.

Sociologists comparing the family structure in different societies, allocate several parameters,for which all families can be differentiated to certain varieties, these parameters include: family form, form of marriage, sample distribution of power in the family, choosing a partner choice of residence, as well as the origin and method of inheritance of property.

In modern developed societies prevails monogamy- marriage between one man and one woman. However, there are information about several other forms. Polygamycalled marriage between one and several other individuals. Marriage between one man and several women is called polygenic;marriage between one woman and several men got a name polyandria.Another form is group marriage- between several men and several women.

In most societies, polyging preference is given. George Mordok explored a lot of societies and found that in 145 poliginium existed, Monogamius prevailed and only two were observed by Polyandria. The rest of societies did not comply with any of these categories. Since in most societies, the ratio of men and women is approximately 1: 1, polyging is not widespread even in those societies where it is considered preferable. Otherwise, the number of unmarried men would significantly exceed the number of men with several wives.

Some scientists emphasize the importance economic factorsfor the predominance of a certain form of a family in society.

For example, in Tibet, the land owned by the family is inherited to all sons together. It is not divided into separate sections that are too small to feed the family of each brother. Therefore, the brothers together use this land and have a common wife.

Of course, economic factors only partially explain the originality of certain form forms. Other factors play an important role.

For example, polyging is beneficial for women in societies, where many men die in war. Similarly, among the inhabitants of the Todasov tribe in South India (where the number of women was reduced, since there was a custom to kill the born girls) also practiced the so-called fraternal polyandria (brothers had a common wife).

British colonizers put an end to the practice of deubiotheism, and the number of women among Todasov began to grow rapidly. However, pair marriages did not get distribution among the endings. Instead, brothers who previously had one general wife began to start several common wives. Thus, in the society of such as a rarely observed trend towards a group marriage.

Depending on the structure of related links, simple (nuclear) and complex (advanced) is allocated type of family. Nuclear familyit is a married couple with children who are not married. If some of the children in the family are married, it is formed extended, or complicateda family that includes two or more generations, such as grandfather and grandmother, cousins \u200b\u200band sisters, grandchildren, etc.

Most family systems in which extended families are considered the norm are patriarchal.This term denotes the power of men over other family members.

With matriarchalfamily system the authorities rightly belongs to his wife and mother.

In recent years, there has been a transition from patriarchal to egalitarianfamily system. This is mainly due to an increase in the number of working women in many industrialized countries. With such a system, influence and power are distributed between her husband and his wife almost equally.

Depending on the preferred partnerexogamal and endogamous families are distinguished. Rules regulating marriages outside certain groups, such as families or clans, are rules of exogamy.Along with them exist endogami rules,prescribing marriage inside certain groups. Endogamia was characteristic of the caste system that established in India. The most famous rule of Endogami is prohibition of bloodsay(incest), excluding marriage or sexual relations between persons who are considered close to blood relatives.

In almost all societies, this rule concerns relations between the child and the parent, as well as their brother and sister. In many societies, this applies even to cousins \u200b\u200band sisters and other close relatives. The prohibition of the bloodstream is not universal, despite the widespread. Marriages between brothers and sisters were encouraged in the family of pharaohs in ancient Egypt.

Why is the prohibition of the bloodstream so widespread? This question is the subject of hot disputes. Some researchers suggested that people teach disgust to the heavily. Others believe that people have long been aware of the danger of genetic consequences of incest. Third stressed that the rules prohibiting sexual intercourse between family members who are not spouses reduced the likelihood of jealousy and conflicts.

However, the last argument loses conviction, if we consider that many people are able to share a sexual partner without any jealousy with anyone else. And polyging, which often generates rivalry between the wives, is preserved, despite conflicts. In addition, it was emphasized that the ban of the bloodstream forced to look for a satellite of life outside the groups to which people belonged to.

There are various societies. rules for choosing a residencenewlyweds. Depending on the nature of the choice of residence, sociologists are distinguished by the non-solonic, patriman and matriman types of the family.

patriocal residence,newlywed leaves his family and lives in the family of her husband or nearby his parents. For example, according to the customs of the Irish peasants, a young wife enters the husband's family and turns out to be under the rule of mother-in-law.

In societies where the norm is matrilocal residence,newlyweds should live with the bridesmaid parents or near them.

Unwinding,considered the norm in the West, is rarely found in the rest of the world.

Only in 17 of the 250 societies studied by the Mordokom, the newlyweds moved to a new residence. Patrocal residence has been distributed in societies where poliginal existed, slavery and often wars occurred; Members of these societies usually engaged in hunting and plant harvest. Matrilocal residence was considered the norm in societies where women enjoyed the right of land tenure. Newlocal residence is connected with Monogamy, a tendency to individualism and equal economic situation of men and women.

In family sociology, the problem of determining the pedigree and the nature of the inheritance of property is a special problem. If a person managed to calculate all the people with which he was connected by blood relations (including the ancestors and the most distant relatives), this list would be huge. The rules for determining the pedigree reduce this list and indicate which relatives play an important role in human life. There are three types of systems for determining the pedigree and the rules of the inheritance of property.

The most common is pedigree over the male line.

As considered in the countryside of Ireland, the main related bonds exist between the father, the Son and Grandom. Although the wife to some extent supports relations with his relatives and her child to some extent her genes inherit it, children become members of the husband's family.

In some cases, relationship is determined by the female line.

As be accepted on the Togov Islands, the newlyweds live in the village of her husband, but the property and daily assistance comes along the line of his wife. The property of the mother becomes the property of his daughter, and the main support of the young family has a brother of his wife. Logging family life on the Togov Islands is based on related links on the male and female line.

There is a family-based system based on bilateral pedigree, it is generally accepted in 40 percent of world cultures. In such systems, when determining kinship, blood relatives from the Father and Mother and Mother are equally taken into account.