How much is a children's train ticket. Rules for transportation of children in car and public transport

On the cost of the passage of children in urban and suburban traffic

Article 786 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes the right of the passenger to carry children with them for free or on other preferential terms in the manner prescribed by the transport charter.

Article 21 of the Federal Law of 08.11.2007 No. 259-FZ "Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport" in terms of the passage of children in vehicles carrying out regular passenger transportation in the urban and suburban report, provides the following rights to the passenger:

Each passenger has the right to carry with him any number of children under 7 without providing them with individual sites for seating, but only in cases where children are allowed without providing them with individual sites.

If the carriage of children without providing them with individuals for seating in a particular vehicle is prohibited, then each passenger has the right to carry with them no more than two children not older than 12 years with the provision of individual places to seat for a fee, the size of which cannot be more than 50% From the cost of the passage of an adult passenger.

At the same time, the passenger must have a document confirming the child's age transported with the provision of these advantages.

When considering this issue, it is necessary to pay attention to the following legal aspects.

1. The right of the passenger for a reduced fee or for free to carry children with it is the right of everyone to receive the service established by the law to receive the service to be mandatory with the carrier in the presence of a passenger desire. In this context, it cannot be considered as a benefit that is subject to compulsory reimbursement from the budget.

This is the same legal provision provided in the framework of the transport contract, as, for example, the right to carry the hand-made hand in the amount of no more than one place, length, width and height of which in the amount do not exceed one hundred twenty centimeters, one pair of skis in a case, children's Sledge, baby carriage. But if the right of passengers to transport hand-made bags is not one of the carriers does not dispute, for some reason the contradictions between parents and drivers with drivers constantly arise against children.

The reason for this misunderstanding is obviously the incomplete description of the norm under consideration of the transport charter of all possible situations associated with the passage of children in urban and suburban transport. Indeed, how to be, for example, in cases, if children have been sitting for up to 7 years? Should I take a fee and in what size if children from 7 to 12 years old are driving in the tram? Etc.

According to Article 6 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in cases where civil relations are not resolved by law or agreement of the Parties and there is no custom of business turnover applicable to them, civil law regulating similar relations is applied to such relations, and if it is impossible to use the analogy of the law of law and the obligation of the parties. From the general principles and the meaning of civil law (the analogy of law) and the requirements of good faith, rationality and justice.

In the situation under consideration, the federal legislator established two "reference" points: up to 7 years without places and up to 12 years old.

Apparently, based on the requirements of good faith, rationality and justice should be considered:

1. Children up to 7 years have the right to carry free if they do not occupy individual seats.

2. For the procurement of children under 12 years of age, occupying individual seats, a fee of 50% is charged.

3. For travel (proven) of children from 7 to 12 years old, not occupying separate places, a fee may be charged in a size not exceeding 50%.

4. Children driven without adult accompaniment, do not lose their rights to travel at a lower cost.

5. Each carrier has the right to establish other, more fare for passengers to drive children.

It is advisable to consolidate these principles in the public agreement, subscribed by all carriers carrying out not only intracity, but also suburban transportation.

Daily modern man overcomes considerable distances in ground transport. The state guarantees free travel to children to a certain age. Travel benefits The kids depend on the various aspects associated with your children and the vehicle flight. To enjoy all possible benefits and save, carefully read this article.

How old are free travel for children

Article 786 of the Civil Code confirms the right of each parent for free travel for children in public transport. Detailed information on the rules of transport is indicated in another regulatory document: No. 259-FZ (21 article). Please note that regardless of transport where you want to get a benefit, you need to have a birth certificate with you to confirm the age of the kid.

In public transport

To learn how many years, travel to the metro is free, in the legislation (Resolution No. 259 of the Federal Law) clearly indicated that up to 7 full years. This rule concerns the entire municipal vehicle as urban, so suburban. Remember that in the case of free travel to the subway for children, they do not have the right to their own place, but should sit on your knees. To travel children to the subway, it is necessary to provide an appropriate document confirming the age of the child. By the number of children, the rule of restrictions is not established.

If you need to drive in a transport where you need to sit in a separate place, then another rule comes into force: the provisions of 2 children are allowed to 12 years old, with half the cost of the ticket for each. Pay attention to the directing ticket to the long-distance bus can cost more than 50% of the total cost. This is due to the fact that the discount does not apply to part of the tax fees (it depends on the route and conditions of transportation).

In railway transport

To drive around the railway transport can one child under 5 years old. The baby is not provided with a separate place. Please note if two parents are sent on the journey, two children can go for free. Citizens are possible by age from 5 to 10 years in a separate place, with payment of a preferential children's tariff. The tariff is prescribed separately, depends on the conditions (type of the car: coupe, second-class, sv), directions (travel countries or by country), etc. In general, the discount is up to 65%. For discount design, birth certificate is required.

If children have already gone to school, parents can take advantage of a 50% discount provided by all students in general education institutions (not more than 10 years old). For discounts, you need to take a student certificate. Benefits applies to all types of railway transport (electric trains), running on the territory of the Russian Federation.

On water transport

Article 181 (second paragraph) of the trade navigation code of the Russian Federation states that children under the age of 12 are transported on water transport with a 50% discount (a separate place is not provided). A special rate is provided not only in the country, but also on all foreign directions, but with a smaller percentage of a ticket discount. On long-distance ships, the baby can be provided with a separate place, check more about the company that implements tickets.

In the plane

When flying abroad, regardless of the direction, children should have their own foreign passports (age does not matter). All airlines provide free travel to people to 2 years, but without a separate place. If the babies are transported without parents, the cost of air tickets must be specified independently, it is significantly different.

For a kid by age from 2 to 12 years old is a common discount system. If one child is transported and the place is not allocated separately - free. In the case when children are 2 or more (large families) - each of the kids, not counting the first, is given a separate place, the parent pays only 50% of the cost of the ticket. At the same time, a small citizen receives all the privileges of a full-fledged passenger - can transport up to 20 kg of baggage, it will be quenched if the meal is scheduled during the flight. In the Russian Federation, control over the conditions of the flight of children was recorded in 106 article (paragraph 2) of the Air Code.

Benefits to schoolchildren on the bus

Discount on travel on the bus for schoolchildren is regulated by federal legislation. It is impossible to talk about a specific decline in the price that will act in all regions of the country is impossible. This is due to the fact that each district independently sets the size of benefits. In most cases, they fluctuate in the area of \u200b\u200b50% of the total cost of the ticket.

Please note that a similar discount is provided only to intracity transport (trolleybuses, buses, trams), belonging to the state. To obtain a discount, it is necessary to issue a student ticket (travel), which is valid for one year, after which it needs to be updated. Some regions of the Russian Federation provide large benefits for travel in buses, check directly at regional sites of transport services.

Children's tickets to socially unprotected categories of citizens

To register free travel in the transport of unprotected categories of citizens (a child-orphan child, a disabled child), it is necessary to apply to the social protection authorities. Benefit is valid from the date of execution before the onset of age. Such documents will be needed:

  • certificate confirming disability;
  • passport or birth certificate;
  • document confirming the identity of the parent or guardian.

Discount is provided for all types of transport, except taxis and road transport. Members both urban and private transport (route taxi). Not only socially unprotected, but also 1 accompanying (parents, guardians, social services officers) has the right to free passage. To get a benefit, show the conductor a document confirming the disability and passport of the accompanying.

Discounts on river, air, water and rail transport for children with disabilities are available. If they go to treatment - passing there and back free, but only within the country. In other cases, benefits are established individually - is 50 or less percent. On flights of the international destination, discounts are calculated individually, depending on the carrier company. From 1.10 to 15.05, unprotected categories of citizens can take advantage of a 50% discount running around the country, the rest of the time - only once (it means the route there and back).


Devora loves to travel on buses. What you can not say about their parents. What to choose the places to take on the road how to dress - questions mass, but about that another time. Today we suggest to talk about the financial and legal aspects of the passage of children in long-distance buses.

All the best - children

Minors belong to the socially vulnerable category of the population, their rights are protected by federal laws. What does it mean? In the regions they are obliged to execute, can also expand the list of benefits established by the state, but not to reduce.

According to the current legislation, the following benefits for travel buses are established for children (ADS).

  • Free travel (1 child per 1 adult), if age does not exceed 5 years and, provided that the juvenile passenger does not take a separate place, but sits on his hands at the accompanying person.
  • 50% discount when buying a ticket for children from 5 to 12 years. We are talking about the so-called children's tickets. One adult has the right to simultaneously transport two small passengers who have the appropriate benefit. Each of them is relying a separate place.

Before you ask the carrier, which specific discounts are provided for children.

Please note that the preferential travel of schoolchildren over 12 years is valid only at urban and suburban routes (for the period of the school year). This order does not apply to long-distance buses.

Restrictions of preferential passage

What situations are free travel or discount can cancel?

  • If the age is more laid at least 1 day.
  • If children of reduced age are more than two per adult, starting with the third, pay at full rate.
  • Parents lose the right to carry a preschooler for free if you claim a separate place for it. In this case, 50% is paid.
  • If when buying a ticket is not provided with a document confirming the age of a small passenger.
  • If the trip without a separate place in ADS is prohibited by law.

At the last point we will stop more.

A separate place for the child is the desire of parents or the requirement of the law?

Most of the confusion with children under 5 years old.

On the one hand, the law allows them to travel for free on intercity routes without a separate place. On the other hand, it establishes a list of vehicles that have the right to transport only seating and fastened passenger safety belts. This category includes long-distance buses, and juvenile consumers of services in this case are equal to adults.

Thus, the benefit about the free drive of children in ADS theoretically exists, but in practice it almost never works. And about benefits for children in long-distance trains can be found here.

We speak almost, because if we are talking about a trip to the next city and you have a one-year-old baby, perhaps no complaints about the payment and will not. But if this is a trip for hundreds of kilometers, a children's ticket will have to buy regardless of the age of the child and the desires of the accompanying.

For kids, it will not be superfluous to install a children's chair. Some organizers of bus tours provide such a service or installed adapters. You also have the right to take on the road your children's holding device.

The requirement for the provision of a separate place in the ads from 0 years is not devoid of grounds. When overcome the distance of 300, 500, or even 1,000 km, the trip "knees" turns into torture and for crumbs, and for an adult. Even if it is a baby you don't get out of the hands, you need to put interchangeable things somewhere, diapers, bottles, rattling toys. Do not kneel the same neighbor?

Requirements for accompanying persons

Let's start with the fact that up to 14 years old children in long-distance buses can ride only accompanied by adults.

Not only parents or close relatives can accompany the child, but also any adult person who is not limited in legal capacity.

Requirements for documents

Sitting on a long-distance bus, accompanying persons are obliged to have a package of documents with them.

  • Certificate of birth of a child. It is necessary to determine the age giving the right to preferential passage, as well as establishing kinship with the accompanying.
  • Passport. Marks in the column "Children" are enough to define kinship.
  • Power of attorney, certified notarial, for the accompanying (not parent).

It should be noted that if we are talking about a trip around the country, the power of attorney is not a mandatory norm. But lawyers recommend a document to execute, as it will be difficult for him to prove with the child, especially if you are not relatives or you have different surnames. Passenger up to 14 years old may not even put into ADS, regarding it as a trip without accompaniment.

For tourist tours, providing for visiting other countries, additionally need documents:

  • passport for a child;
  • notarized parental consent (one) on the crossing of the border (original and translation).

In order for the ads to pass to ADS without any problems, take care of the documents for maintaining a minor face in advance. Good luck on the way!

Most of us at least periodically enjoy public transport. Travel in public transport is one of the components of the lives of civil society members. And therefore, it is governed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Everyone knows that the law provides for the right to preferential travel of children. But it turned out that how accurately their duties and rights are formulated, citizens passengers are not very good. Often in transport there are conflicts between passengers with children and conductors or drivers.

In these discussions of the rights and obligations, both parties can interpret the question in different ways, about how many years there is the right to a unpaid trip, whether the unpaid child has the right to sit separately, whether adult can put on his knees of children and not pay for them . Consider that this is written in law: how free travel for young people in public transport in 2017 is being written.

According to article 786 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, regulating the transportation agreement with public transport passengers, each adult passenger enjoyed by transport has the right to unpaid or preferential procurement of children. Types of public transport include urban trolley buses, buses, metro and tram. This article of the Civil Code is mentioned only the presence of the right to benefits when traveling passengers with children.

In more detail, the possibility of benefits when traveling is considering Federal Law No. 259-FZ, approved in November 2007. The 21st article of this law stipulates the right to a unpaid ride in public transport of urban and suburban routes of children under 7 years old.

About the right of free passage of children under seven years old know everything. But parents need to remember that:

  • free travel is carried out without providing a separate sedentary place. This means that a child, traveling in public transport without payment, has no right to take a separate sedentary place. Parents or accompanying children are obliged to keep it on his knees;
  • this concerns one child. The right to unpaid passation extends to one child not over seven years, as follows, accompanied by one adult. If the adult is accompanied by more children under the age of seven years, then the ability to carry a child without providing space can only be used in relation to one. This restriction is associated with the safety of traffic - the child must go sitting;
  • the right to benefit when paying. In the event that the child's trip without providing a separate place in transport is prohibited, parents or accompanying have the right to transport two children under twelve years with the provision of benefits when paying - the location of the passage is set not more than 50% of the established full fare board;
  • supporting documents. The requirement of the conductor or driver to present a document confirming the right of free passage of the child - a birth certificate, lawful. The legality of this requirement notes the same 21 Article FZ of the Charter of Transport. Therefore, it is not worth outraged by the legal requirements of the conductor or the controller - the passenger must have documents confirming the right of a child for free travel. And to teach a child to lie, hiding his age, also incorrectly from an educational point of view;
  • the right not to pay the passage has a child, not a parent. Whoever rode a child who has not reached seven years old, he enjoys the right not to pay for the trip;
  • preschoolers and children under seven years old are different concepts. The right of a free trip is available in children under 7 years old. The fact, they went to school or not yet, does not matter;
  • what does not it over seven years old? Over seven years old, the child becomes even the day after the birthday: he has been seven years old and one day. The deadline when the right is the right to be free of charge - the seventh birthday of the child.

Socially unprotected citizens are disabled, large families, orphans - have the right to additional provision from the state. Benefits for public transport, including urban route taxis, have children from large families - when providing relevant documents. Syroids and disabled children also have a preferential passage. Travel benefits are saved from the date of registration until the achievement of eighteen years for disabled people.

Children who have lost their breadwinners enjoy the right to reduce travel expenses before the onset of age. If they are students, then the use of privileges is extended to 23 years. It also applies to orphans.

Parents know that free travel for certain age children is guaranteed by the state.

However, it often arises confidence in how to prove to control. Some people consider the requirement to prevent documents unlawful. Others are confident that they can take free space for their young child. Other cases of reversing legislation in their own way as parents and carriers are notified.

Let's deal with what acts are the benefits for children on public transport. Who can take advantage of them in 2019.

Legislative framework

The basis for free travel babies is laid in Article 786 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Item 3 it says:

Paragraph 3, Articles 786 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

"3. The passenger has the right in the manner prescribed by the relevant transport charter or code: to transport children for free or on other preferential terms; Carry with you for free manual sting within the limits of established norms; Turn to the transportation of baggage for a fee at the rate. "

Subtleties of understanding of legislation

The right not to pay is associated with the limitations and responsibilities of the parties.

Parents and accompanying persons should be understood as some nuances.

  1. Place a young passenger who has not paid for passage is not provided. This means that adult is obliged to sit on his knees.
  2. One adult can accompany only one child. If two young passengers ride with mom, then they need a separate place. According to the rules, kids are obliged to travel sitting. This means that you should purchase a ticket.
  3. If the vehicle does not provide for the transport of kids without a separate place, then you will have to buy a ticket. Adult has the right to carry two children with him, younger than twelve years. Each ticket will cost 50% of the total cost.
  4. Benefit is provided to a child, not a mom. With whom the baby would travel, he does not pay for the passage.
Children in the subway drive without pay until they reach the seven age. Accompanying adults must. Everyone can carry with them only one young passenger.

Do you need on this issue? And our lawyers will contact you in the near future.

Control and responsible

Disputes and resentments sometimes arise due to the requirements of the conductor to prove the privilege of the baby.

  1. Adults consider them unlawful, since everything is known about the benefit. " However, in this case, they are wrong. Art. 21 of the charter of transport lay on the conductor duty to check the rights of beneficiaries. Consequently, he must make sure that the child is less than seven years old. This is confirmed by the date of birth in the testimony.
  2. A number of issues affects the moment in regulatory acts relating to the age of travelers. So, the phrase "up to seven years" is perceived incorrectly. She literally limits the day of the cancellation of free birthday trips. As soon as the child turns seven, he must acquire a ticket.
  3. In the legislation, nothing is said about schoolchildren and preschoolers. After all, in six years, the baby can attend any educational institution. The benefit behind it is fixed on the principle of age, not an educational institution.
The accompanying persons are obliged to have the original document of the child with them. It should be made on the first requirement of the controlling employee.

Water transport

By the analogy of preferences apply to maritime (river) courts. On the territory of the Russian Federation, kids travel up to seven years without payment.

The condition is limited by the occupation of one planting place with the accompanying adult. In addition, if more than one kids, then they also need to purchase a ticket. The "one adult one is one child" works here too.

There are discounts to the guys to twelve years on long-distance transportation. Their travel will cost 50% of the total cost. At the same time everyone will receive a separate place. You do not need to take it on your knees.

Fringe benefits

Free jourves around the city are fixed for some socially unprotected categories of citizens. They pay the budget.

These include:

  1. Orphans and kids devoid of parental care.
  2. Disabled children.
  3. Pupils of large families.
  4. Young people who have lost their breadwinner.

The first two categories addressed the specialized service to obtain status. They are issued on the hands of a document confirming belonging to a preferential category. For them, the right not to pay for tickets to the subway, buses and so on until the age of majority. If a young man studies in part in the university, it is extended to twenty-three years.

Benefits are legitimate only if the document confirming the category.

Travel by plane without payment

Benefits for kids whom parents take with them in flight are significantly limited by age. So, only the smallest can travel without spending a ticket. These are children who have not turned two years old. Their accompanying must be kept on their hands without taking additional space.

If the kids on an adult account for two or more, then you must purchase a ticket. The kid must sit. The cost of the ticket at the same time is reduced half.

Preferential coupons for flights are installed for young people who have not reached twelve. The size is determined by the carrier.

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